The Mjowt ES 01. v '1‘ IO A:ND% % ”% of the Parliamenthand Counfeliof. the Army, for the taking away of j A "Q * L Kings fwd Lords. ‘ A Thc Eight b.ctWcche a Patric emf Colonel! Rich his Horié, and the Ea.rI.c of Middlefbx, Lord Carrc, and Colonell Spmfitr. % \Nith further Charge of his Excellencie the Lord ‘Paiffax, A % and thc Caunccli of Warm agaixafi the main: fiicklcxs ' gmongit the cxcludcd Mcmbcrs. % % I/Lg. Font: Prudential! me«n;Sir Wrli mm L_emz'.r,Ma flcr Sminfin, C01; gm-lnand Maficr Grégne: Fourc: Afiertors; Maflcr Pryu, Mafia: 'WnlL4’r, ¢Ma£’%cr Edward Step/Jen; , and Mafia‘ (jaww .r Tivc Middle; mm, Sir Robert Harly, Colontlf Harley, Qg1on¢11 »;y,‘)[,‘,m, Smwda Mafia: Lee, and Maficr %W£n.-elrzr: Tha other Five ( Mm DECLARATION . {aring up the Fearlorné-bop: -,~ ) Sir William Waller; Sir jebn C/at... mvrtb ‘mifiiry Cop/6'}. % ‘ % M W The Court Marfhalfappointcci for_thc Tryall of the % ~ King; with an Order and Dcclarauon from the A % V _ CQWIIITV-‘ % ¢Ti4g¢t);'7: 7' 3’:-it/3 -~43 tiwe Go pi: of the Proclamation, fin‘ tire ‘V ' % " 70%]! ofhtfit King. ~ - j,Ma1.o’r‘Gencra1121JaflEj, Major (=‘:cnc,ra11Bra:zm,4and Cam... nu:-...— Printed in the Year: , 1549. U r ‘ ‘V30’ ,J " *' ' ‘. "' ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ "r v" ‘ "4 I 2, ' Y . , _ 2' at; E A M’ I ,. V _ ' r “'r _ I -—-Iv‘ 4 a-annual!!!’-'H|1" ,4_ ‘, - ' -V.,‘~-A w I ‘ u I. ‘ ‘. I V. l‘\:‘.\ wvw V I t ‘ ‘ ’\‘_y‘ 3.“. .' I /V ‘ ., “ftp. ‘ .. . _. M ‘ , V V 4 ~ % was :e. A '.' . ., ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , “ _ 1 . n. . y M ' " -“dz: V 3% J" : 4»cIaration «of the PA R L [AME N Vdanc1Counce1t""of_rhc Am3.+_ A A ‘N . , thcPcop§e (undcrGQd) are thc ‘ 3" gizgallof all jut} Pom-r.A < V hay dye; Declare, I blcd in Parlxamcnr, bging bhofcn by;:;a‘nd V repr:fcwtingArhe ptt<;>p!c,ha;vc: thcfimzézam 4 I Apowcr rhids Nam-A - % ‘3%&ATi5na_:«,3;b4:[geyc;:is Engvflcd , or dc£:1ared;for I§aaw by ch; Hmgré of Commons in P.ar1i‘zmcm% A%fl'emb1cd%,% _hzzh _ the foztcof Law, and ailpbcpcaplc of rhi:Natiox~1arc¢os~ cludca thereby, aktheugh thcconfcnxt wamlconcnrrcucc of }h¢m» onht: Houfc pf Petra, bcjnot hadnbgrcm‘. Refo1uti%bn,and&% e-4 Tim the Commc:&nsAof' England, Affiytm-V % At ‘$56, White» !1Vca2wil’g::’favci:n i:: Frfirvlkzy-;/frat: , WAthc.'rt§':A hype 1% A nhcd xquzrrcil bcmcem: fame Trqo%p.<;-rs 4oFCmlcmicl1Afigcéve-x, Za ti d « Ibsnc Lords, and Parli:cmAemt.mcn 3 the ,%dcc1fi9n::A.=is= Sg;n¢;Troap;¢rsT4"&andix§g at‘ wrheiwWhizc%gh%oxt& gatcin Friday... .V4,/M-erA 4, IWhC1'¢: thscy quarmred Barbe: mf ¢?!4fidd/aflx, f LW1 C4?f?‘¢sC0"3.DD¢.11 -5'Wf<~"?‘. amid %:f0n1%¢-mhcrss b¢in;:%}i;i~n.thc Af1‘.avgr1;;::i %windgv:cf.e%M22me up, the Earle drew; Q A A With thif the Trempaer dew. me 4Etar:1e gweébaek, the Troo- péifé Ffih€3W€§ him; the ’.Ea-x~eie’~m2¢:ea ja flfzrzzff :1: :him.‘;;he pm. A it by, and czlapsx ifi vvgtfw hm: by that tlme wtwa ether Irw- in same, and. t?:3eEar.2Aes Ccsmpsmyeeganto draw; the P“ . - . Smtldxcrs Felron , eat them femaa?3y , makes them 1:2; {all their Swords, 41nd_ bears tnem to’::h purpofi: : In the mean: time, the Maflet-pf the Tavern fem"!/s m‘eeS5aam4{er:.;H4/I; AA fortno Files cf‘ Mufquercerci to Aemne pa:e!Z:.mIy“; erellxngz AA ' them. that {came Alkoepers had Arzfféd a enmbuflion in ‘his; ‘Hbufe, and beaten and wounded fome Pgr1i1ment~men, ‘ A “defiringe the Foot: :0 give fire fo focme as they ca1_n_eAup 5 at A e the,T;:oopers ; they being ‘chm pr:-pzr’d. acc0rd‘i-ngfm the d_ift¢’%iou£_of the Mafieeof me Hfiufc. eaine; But the A "‘er§ekz’fli5win * fame o€?;*tbee**e‘e Foot, mAade':hem» under-»e P A g ‘fifi.fid‘etfie ‘bufinefle, and then d‘1e'y-rooIre“rbe Trbépers parts, gm kept A}{zdd'l:f:x‘and the reif“ prironm all night, and the flex: day had them ta” 3* Cmmcell of Warre 3-‘ Alas ;":>c&o%r¢ Lnrds . hewefowre and Vfuddaine is your Fall. A The Gene-rail Gounfifll and Officers ef the Army,takingA iinta their c0n{idera~rion 1.116 via1¢nt'Wricings- of Mafler Piyrz,- ‘and the ache: Iqaprxfoficd Memberr, men-tiéned in A the Title A: Alf) t_hatA Sir Willthki Wal/an Sir falm Clatiwr. 25;-, Major General! 1114]]!-I _, Maia: General) 3[5’ra'w‘m-, and’ A VCop*l:‘y4, being fire!-uded by themfelvesgas r§1e‘maiaeAPi11aArs\ A4 ,the Sam;/fr Infcrefl, who were the prime Infiigmm of A A the Iatejwarrfe , have drawn: up, andprefented t0e_thc"""A e A Home of Cemmeonefialiar the Parliament) this foiléwirgge X Efiatgc, afid fmwfifihmeflfi, they are ready tamtke‘AA A‘;g;¢ad“ag1inI%them.« e V A e V % A‘ ~ \‘ _Ié~ A %% (3 )V 1; Hm: t/nay endeawotircd to firing tire K532! A #1" #.1ba»%£m"x owe Tv4mv!i.,%fW’°0w 5»ztz>3f45"°#, '0f;.5cmrititH’¢ *’;’¢‘K5”£""*"-A " % J N 7"E:¢; they ezealegwom-:d~ta prm££~ ?I’.7¢‘__!3‘1t".“?’.v'£’?5Ivf?t"1.p£A’dI5‘bl.‘-’d Méméea-:fi~am Vjfizflxce, and W355 them to raj]: an new Warn, ' :4 L‘ 4;;'mz‘”;‘frin;gf, 1-*‘7'5?3g‘s4 and? ~I2:gAg:}zg ngniafl «t /at Dfrmie max] % 1;;¢7§,a~;;¢;zdae&,:md at-Mr OjEfii'erxandV.‘S0u/ciie?'J , m1‘m2d vzéaut "":L{;;.n.§E;.nJ‘ in and J-uly,A1647. and t/Beremprofufledlj mgr:/'.. ' ‘ jpendmg dad :im5eza/gag the twa. bxndred féiaff/Zflfid N pamsdf, or ‘ ¢/"9: g;»~,g_«,-,,gtc:,{$.*’- p.:pt and _t¢ge % %D:fi‘rnfl'z}m.r, gawfid ramlled in téaf; /1{;i: rzé:r1V,. ,;;v.1.‘;a1§n§t"/ave: flénfirfiiézd . a.1:e¢a§‘..;gg«ziZr.i£ cf Tr.mfiv:z,Iar"%%‘%J.§?{gV/21%Crgmé;L;—;mdf¢}° V%té:% {_§zEme % (r"W~?‘L'g«¢?'d¢ t17¢j}h.Wer6 fi:d%%);mf 6&9 age:-fgllcdw E73: ai¢u[Z:*,Mg¢:i3d mead: t-ncflpaél: A .% % V f *7? 7“ 754? ‘~¢;’J?’~'=JA%~5¢'W,?‘*‘~€1A1m1é1?’i*A5”"’A:-I’9f’ 1‘*.A7’?€”’*'5F.'*%“V.4?5"-"”-'é%’~'. 5} v:‘k:&?»zz‘i}7fzg the ‘L"ard%_ 15.29;, Caw;tis¢z2¢d%:I5¢r;5 qizai Pggring % ,tI5e»M}7o2a:ar.‘af the £245-fl pm»: of t/J:;t%A»Ig’i;ag:;’%:2:&2a,% tiii21 rzg5¢re%$t/an % % ‘Par/mmmt /Md t/M flraugqfl fivotiizzg i':ui‘aV¢t‘Ebc band; of Ixmhcquin, 4 N¢zt£?2a- Iriflu mam, an? “ii:/.a.r;2”' /Md ‘fir. '* flérvcd gt,5e«Ifmg r12cra~7;_a::d 1%w15[a%%/2335 flifififfi readied % AA fiend I/M Parliament ,A /mt/I-I lmel} msz :'t“c=d mi:/afl _ $5?’ I E-- . 6:1; , ml zvab rim» (gimd Ormend) :3 again; engagcd for IN 3 T2942‘ 17 their .2»-annex tlné Vote: were recalled 5 fin? up w % éitarcadah-fl3': to 5: was tb the King, t/zcreéj éc'fr.a}:'77g__r*o /9:3‘ ' ad pm-::'a:, Kevangtfioib ta #9:‘ .-dr_mi¢%_:;$,}axd tbbfi Vwgvll. .4 -=;fi“c&’h-di pwpl4" , V wlwa bad “Ritz?” gratzgfttll % accgptgzfigg de;4I4jed t/lair ” *7'afi2/I¢tior:: %ro£?1z'wV.*4amz' die Wt‘l.;¢1qzgczn, _ AT/a?i1§Vo— my azlja , to Twat izvzt/.-1. %t/9:Ki#_g%wr§19q:¢; M Abimfr/f2’ flfiau/oi make? “anal :exempria5g fiagvgy r/zgffibaré rcifandmg Leader; , in tire lazfl‘ flmm&‘k:%%%%@/arrexfi nfl£1{'-- V f q'¢f}iw§v:’ r uu~%l.}pacritw.€!1 “=f/xiting evf pgkzzjr of (63:13? to ’ 6: &,.ir:arjb’;1,%,%Ad:&pl't)6e~.%raj¥%%%*aneJ} was 1?i12:-.g apjifaua;1l,Ca}upafit§bm; 5* « 9 Int: 4221?.’ N‘ 0/vim ‘ tlfitft/3é%'%‘»Kin' i£!dv. &%£f.1;e orkd _ g, g A V‘ A _ A % % _ W 1: ¢;f¢{§:,anJ boxcar, and ms enlargement af/ax: Razzmm. A a A MDc:/§gn:.A $ ‘a ‘ ‘ WWW .«- 4!) , .‘ fl W . ‘ w - ‘V ,_ . 1» - ‘ w .. H M. ‘ n ' ‘H 3‘ A _',“‘. ‘ ” g H 1 C la/‘arr: wzt/9 15¢" ,Ki;w. g‘;_Vp2g £'ifip01§fé1¢_VV;.rg;g2jfw::’,izargg lggflvéj '.?‘¢"m1§? 5} ‘risk: Kate: f_l¢$}i#£Ij-gif tidgr/94' Airgtergfl-» cf /Jim ‘E54473 p:a’}‘t‘ic mt; t'19i £*:i'r h9$'7?.¥§Vé; ét‘é3}:5”;Ii P64%W:%Awi2s %?a=Wr W: wvtfivr ag¢ivfi.% Egzem 22ze!l«afl%&e%dA%.¢V Ar» At/ac" qf,fm;lzg7:;c§wr, «:23-V” 32:12 tfiafe A tbkt ,flm;l‘dé ‘bppofir:/mr if 53 ” 7’;.?¥1tf?k5U)?'fiIl.?~flU£9 Ag. D;%e/§:gwe{¢t:%%A;3‘$%e were “cradt&_@r*anfi-rm méii r%«3"‘,"i:&_g7‘»e‘??%= /d1;g‘§'.€'}§’ R §fi71fftf£'§ci%”¢*J'; t-:2 Wt} «fecal; W-abet A faakggafitiafizx fmé as <;:.a~m Qg:;¢r"r'aZZ ,;:"‘ag' §:~.ar_a7s ztberfiifl tb: gmmay ml Acazmtenaéacg of%r:s4éPA£zrZiazm%:z:f4;;jz'c ..ed.:¢‘%t/:o_fitV£¢-,itaggt/éenwitb“ I/9.‘: -Ki22g~3A V M", (. ‘.1: a ;;:e*zéé1§£#{Zs71"f*5.¢ 44c€FPTM5"¢ prrreube c%fPea:¢.J5' mm in, and than to /2572: adjaxgcrnazi Lt/9:7” “at” long time, ta t/5: exclufiéozz of all RAe53é"Hi&-9;" £¥p£;”;&f.V:‘2¢:ibii5.::7“ Wdrrr. % Thigjisi :o1Vwé%ca ohtfthéfé Rdofé 05> »V4F‘£e§h~i*0%i1%*,V*;:.a1ncl*%A fog thé‘fit1i‘ct«O;”C0tfi€ t:he*1?¢”eiVfQ1urinsq;e?fi I””§’fI%ivawé£;efi't mbréf fi’xé“d;*a£;d ‘*-u"*t»rit3L”=L"<‘:1~;;3 W‘e ’e:i:~ i;*é*i&»re%**'§n&; forked to A%?‘rec%mé%% 7fuc’h~ whd‘* ?,fm?ri%nér** cmp*e*ae:~hm meats, and naWA_Crimina11 Pra&ifc;s ,.we4te:**::f&"1:1‘r”1t11** Obnoicious to jtifticeg, and to %(‘c”c”:1‘ude thofegvuho T 7 inA%AA?:heirAI)i{c%Q1g1:jf§sM;gx::d Carriagc; had difcovered therhfclves to favouf th%cii§”"Defi¢gnc. they were either Inch againft whom we {hall fiiortu ly produce néw matter ,?‘c>‘f nodeflk: Crime than whereof formerfy theywere impeachedi or elfe .fuch,rwho fiand unitcdwith them in Counfels, as VcQ%nfinem»ent5 and againfiwhammvc are preparing, 4 afnd %fl1ail manly g‘iveVm§atrer of ‘particu-mt Tm- peachment : Forthe other, they {hall hencc::f0rt‘h& j forbeare no pgtoceedin the exclufion of any mpcon our owm ]udgemcnt,,A and .fha1%1_4 xjcfegrre it to their Jjadgemenc judgémeflt and KnoxgvIcdge,who have diffcntcd from ' em,to“confiderw1m;Mmbe~rs havc i"io%Od xslearc, gffia=Vv"v"l1o[;;av::;V"hccn nototioufly guilfltic. A VC9uatkapPAoxnt€d 1“0r%the1‘rya“ of *h€*Km8*x have note‘ fiJiIj?"fifii{}1ed,accdr:§ing ‘to%‘Vthcir In£’:ruéjtions from the Officcrs of the Armiegwand the A%Id‘ermcn of thcA.C«i‘tie%‘”no4minated to the Paxfliagncnt (all to m%a“ke?dp gdne A.Co.urtw) L.:;fdr th%e»TryaI1w" of thc_Ki%ng, are warnedV»%'to ‘provide t«hcmfelv§$., fax? the p<:~rf'Qr-L ma;nc e of"thcir*'gre3.7i‘. Tasks. “ The Coujrt hath had 1 V fix]! tnécting, and V have dehlared thcmfelves. thus, by [ a scrim as Arm-.4 ~ % That whereas’ they are authorized 55% an A55?‘ of the Y fimfe of Canummr, to Trig CHARLES 1S TUAR ; :,he}~_ aye‘ ;a%1uett,_,z}; _}2~rp[cmtion _$hzI3”£0.F55 and dig re-A,-5 qui;-5.53 than lgavg %1;4§§ Cbdrgc lgttnfi lam , P0 aroggg an} ‘in: cm day to gin; Paintéd Chamber 4#7VV¢{t;V minfter.