‘ii’ 333 gg V DISCOVERED: E93 E93 E; COMMONWEALTH; A To the Supreme Authority of Englazéd, the its fit ht »@ j 779:? /Econa’ Tazrt t E N G ITAND S New.-—~Cl1a1.n€st ¢a°E“’9~"@ ‘Li 5%? .‘.’:. » i I ' ‘ H .2» an « ‘:34 :._-:*~ v , ‘ V -. ,._ , l .n\ . W I «U . In . Or a fad Reprefentation of the uncertain ‘ V and dangerous condition of the DIRI-ECfI‘ED ’ ~ Reprefentors ‘ofthe People in Parliament ailiémbledl By feverall wel~aHE&ed perfons inhabiting , the City ofLcmdan, Wq/fminffarl, the Borough of Soatbwurk, Hamélm, and places adjacent, A prefenters and approvers of the late .4 large Petiti A of the Ele th of A A A ~ Sept er.64. V‘ V ilffi dclirecl to fubfcriho it, a ring in their Siubfcrip-— ' rt M - . tr, I O *5‘- 0 :1 a 3 -1. M V _.’ 1 €% ‘. tiol. otheP;mf§ttt»c1‘sand Approversofthc ~ V % A rcfauzl Petxtiontof the I I of7Sept. at gt}; tLmza;;,Prii¢ed inthe Year, 154.9 s’§2€§€$§?§§?§§‘??§?&?@5i??$§3‘§§*5§§?%’%?V£?Si7§?5i’ $@@%é%@?@%@e%%?@%k@%@@§~‘mE2 All peirfons who are affenting to this Reprefiemtatiom ncl b . i V ‘\ To the Supreme Aut11orityof _ A E G3’,/2*u,*uu_, the Regrefenters ufthc: . People, in Pa1'liamentAflemb1ed_, e T%'qE , ad 5Prefe111:at1on 0ft/aeuncertgzin and dangerouy Condizi~ " on of t/woe Cc_2mmon—wealt/é¢ : B} 1/56 A P1~e[e’nte7‘;anr1flppr0ver: of t/56 %LzzrgePetition_. oftbe VII. of " % V 1 September, 1643. A fexlr: mimics and approching dangers oifthe Nation, your fmal A . regard to our late £?:r:ious Apprelxexafimxs, would have kept us . A u Iiicntg but the milery, danger, and bondage threatned is F) gre.:u;immix*1e11r,a11d appa1~cut,rh:xtwhilPc we have breath, and are not violently re1’cra.ined,we cannot bur.uufpez2k,a11dueAve11 cry aloud, until you hear us, or God be pleafed othervsmies to relieveus. 7% « N01} ihould you in reafl-an be x.vi:h~held"frun1 eonfivdcringevvhat we prefem: you withal , through any Rr:.~u1gene{s tlmt eppeareth therein 3 For what: was more incredible, than that 3 Parliatgnciut truPred by the peopleto deliver the1fuTfro1m4all4e kinds? §OfVop”p§re{{i§-A on, and who made 16 liberal effufiouof clficir B1uud%,%. zirilcl, their efiates (upon preteufic ofirloingthereof) (houlVd,.;jfet% {'0 fE:'»é:3i1H 4 aechey were in power, oppreifis with the E-14‘f‘I‘§8, kind ofcsppfeflie-nus,» whifchiyetewas t1'1~1C in the times of ’ H olZ2;: éu1d srapzezm Faétiou, and ewhu, (as the King and Bifhops had dime: before) 1ab0L1I§d£0X_, % anfirmy toebaeckand perpetuate £heu1%tl'vf3r%in. 5 j A ?‘Nbr ‘wfere 0uurPeti,tiQI1s thenp1feIEx1ted(wfil1erei11wejfiflly’Ccitii-5 A A glaeiucdu of tholé .oppreflions;; arid uforee-—W21m€du.uteuI1em Afdfu t~hc. 'd5ah:- 7 ffi V, A; A V A [ ; f:(§'*._.3 A w A Q get. A IF ourhcfarts wefe not over»-chéu'ged with the fenle ofthe p1-e~ A hint! tmt tttsttvivtltiiétttciihg, the t‘>t'<:vai}htingpo§«":’§er igtifthrh AAtfmy,C tt1!c§°ii: Witohatti hiiilifpfdiiilfi 1\1.tWz0t:»ity [of theE~i-tt1{E3ai1d4V0tAtd at A A I A fir"! 33C17$’i”§;‘i,’Z?t‘1‘i‘C,fi?;7:‘£?I‘t'Z j’nev:?rtht‘h:1it=,ttirfhmittad t0*ii::A apti Voteithcrieg, , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ t —‘| " on . ‘ H gmti thtzt ctmtmry" tt>_th‘t:t tn1t'n:»t'tAtiavmte zietmis or I.‘i}E3.«f‘*xgI3.‘«’E1'(,‘ri'S, sand '\ th'}evR_ermiti rmtc t:ft’re Atmggrz and thttt £‘.r3‘.-€‘O;ti“:,«é i“iE‘itr‘{i-*1t‘§i:3:{3f ‘th'is” tiI.CirCOi1}Lm.&i0i1 ‘iz‘-‘«"'-73.‘:‘~ thtpzaiiittg 0.1’ an Ortiizrante fur Tyizhes, ‘tipontrtbAb1<«: clamnaagts ,*which the c-ztrr-zpt Cicrgy hadtt prtiErr- ted (in the ab!E:nc¢ of the Speaker} to Pei/harm Parliament 5% and ‘the butningof Mr Biddlervfiooit, by the Cttmmt>:1AI-iangn1a'nv; vahdirriprifianing his per{E>n ancithat notwithfilixtdizig their vgletiousAMarchthr0‘ugh Lonc-ion, thi? prerogative Pirii7oners in the A ?Tmvtr,Nt'W-— gatt‘_,a1';dt-.tIi”t: whtzt-t,Wt-re _utAterIy1tcg‘iei‘fféa1‘S(JfWhat know to be the plum ‘wrflzifézwof c>tbr:rTyrauts (J11d_tl&}GICfOr€ dmjbred would be ¢x::rcifc;:l .'by thole)z1am::ly,thé garifcming great '1'oWns,the1jeby to keep chi’: ' pelople,las% well in poverty, as in contipmal aw and li1bje6t_i«m. A l A A Vlfhicla zaclvifqtlimzgla allexutecl mm by lthTe% Agitat0rs,w as yet mm A ljefi*.<‘dllbyltl1l€ grand O::tzce1':, and 2: MW lieglment railed, :0 the: A Xlminglclilfmiflecl ‘.’%’itl1 rCprocht?s,a_ncl ms AE lI'lOtp'C1‘l‘i‘1i’L't€(l ti“! oblhvelhovv tlmy were A .31: wxchzzl. furltlxer charge of the Cm*sm;2ln~Wealtl:1 .;,t:l1t Propofers thenmfclvlcs fl iUflt01'$lZh’l.‘ufi' out, mm A: which time all?) its very tcrlaarkulgale with how much heigllf: C~fState:thc‘y «.;:bF:'rv€—:lr.‘:1el*§CingatlHazmpton Court, vificing him Athemfi-":lves,ancl peimiting thouifimcls oi?" people clayly to vific him, V A to laifs his ha11d,;-.u1cl to be lmcfraled by 11im,%whereby his party in thv:-'2 l City,ancl cvtry wheregwerc: exceeclingllymimatedghis Ag<:ntslb<:-- glilrng as familiar? at the heacfi-q'L1a:*ce1's,as alttl1e%C0urcl.'1”l1el1 on av lixcl... (l€1‘l,.Wh;c1‘l the Houfe complyt'd11ot with their pL1rpnf3:s;» ii‘! iiuhafi ~ — it was to be put-gccl, and thereupon they publifh a large Remon-~ flrance, Aug. 18. fiullcd with publike realms, to flmwthe jui’cx1elsL V anclneceifity thereof: b11tlt11eI-Iouléagaitw conaplyilmggllroxzgh tbs figbtofftheir Remonfcrance, thoughlno, whlit%lc:_l1a11gc_cldy,iVn 1rej;lj:»c;& ofizs C01‘I'Upti0I'.l58C they fincling,ifitWc1:e purg¢d5iEAWOu_1€§ x1;ot:be: for their clefign; they make imtlzing of their ilbrxner r%Ac:l§aIL2r;iz)z1,bL1t pontvinuc itlin its corrupt concl‘itio11_.,a11cl fit with them thcmfgfélves. Th:-3n they fall to work again aboutlthellKi1ig,a11dfe11c:l»tl'ae pron pofitions QfV.New-—o.affle to him,; which they llcmws galld WW6 215- H greed he lhoulszl not ii"g;1 ; in thc%m?eaz1Atim%le,,; thfiyfy wmugllt the King by deep p1*omi»‘l"es,zmcl hopes of ‘ref3laL1ratio11, aslthat l1cincli;- nec;lmlucl1 to coLlnt»;:‘z-znxaccr thfii Army, gave out words irltlmcil: fa» vour, aln:;l;1nl';is anfvvcr to tha Hpufa, prefer’dlithcir Propolills, lfoxelthe Parliaments Propol’itio_ns5 in lieu thcreofithc lgr;:a:;.lp_11c»sl. of the Army themfctlvelsg. etldfiavoured thcrfivivall of al‘Tr¢la@¥»§n:1 fame ‘of‘t1mcm‘,n1 “the Houlé, ; were very violent againll=mptliq13sglf A _l11f0 momflddrefiglalnld explielfeditlwaathp fe11fcoEth¢~»f\l?mYlthat ‘ ‘ 2 fil;l1rwthe,rAddrcfifl1oul:d be: made, and that except’. thfiy would nuke Addrefiés (6) ‘ '£daf€flE"S:0?;5éli1i)’i:I1ér‘11$l.1fi.fif¢‘i5O the I6: :A7;*%ftn5z,i1j& faivcaut of}: '1‘reVacy,a%:1df;>me c0n-%- fi:~ic:i1tirgi;xs, but Wxmakvpempié, &1'aw11 to {screw}! their clefign, A - WIEI1 aPe:itio11‘ £701"a%Periuna1_f%IT:eat5r,whichw they had ready at Mthfi I-ioufe dare.’ % V % ' % _ . Q = M “Tl§1e¢{<: firange and myfleriousj proceed~§ngs,occafio11’d :1 ne*-.v fiice %0Ft?zi11g;":inLtl2e Army; "lfI131'lS7 of Atzinf: Officer%s being m1acAbd~ifiaP«:Li there;1t,&”wi1c:ie Regiments chafing new Agesnts to‘1og?,»%k;;Fge%x {ha pubiikaz, as féa“érii1g_t§u.in we-:re ‘ruxfzing 11<:ad;.I:mg into M21 _m0fi’d;m... Agercus <:‘oa1diticm 7:] «The fm.'»great£%r m1mbL’r of me (}i"Itice‘rs=, wou3$.i %%jn0t%by%;;m"7 rrmems iméimé‘ to hear of tbs: Armias corzipliance with the I‘i~i=ng,ami":Z.jf A gezjts findimg..;+1l:f?};>1"m<-:1" nf1zgageme%11t<¢, p1'o’mi-% f§§s,j axgmi gin cia1~;1::ie=%;1s b1‘c»kt‘11,zmd uite1m- Arx:?«:.e1?3< *vv‘e“3%%§~':h in diargger of-Luficr C1ifi~0§L1‘EiD1']_.;p'r0dLiC€ an Agreement of t£}J€ Peopélfigwpdrz g7*om=zz'ir of -Cémmorz 'R2;gbt,for Mfiitifig ofzzll ‘Irm- pr-ejz¢dam1;;eap/e Army,-ms the great Ofhccers ve1'y%nmci1%opp%Q{é in Va wl1ii<:,as%11:1vi11g1‘E:c u‘p’a1:1otJ1<.~’:r Inrerefi : but (icing the fame take A 1}vit1i:tl1<;i»«%A,rrfny,pr0fh£$t1:2o;¢gk at Apreferzt their jm!ge'7"7zewt.r caz».¢!d% ’j‘i’.7'é1!.“fl9*;]“.o'.*:?" 0/oft ‘wfiiiit/5 %£t’izw'7~*to_.o’zz.‘L‘ forizyyet Vt/any wo¢1Ald'fle?Jer“‘appoj}A‘it.. e ' raupo11 the Mwholc frame at the defign 2z1Jl:¢ers,a»miF the maAz:re1's%in “pirojeéiidxm with t?hern;. Wire how %toVd%i1'~i;1gage’ themfdves, and be rid 0ftI1eKin:g,and howlikewite t'0di'&30l1f11tE:I.13*nCB and keep un- gg:1~er‘t11e difceming paVr%t7yin:tl1e Arn1y". In drd'er to the firfi, they %ca‘& about haw to get: the King inmfrhe If-Is: %0FW‘¢igkt ,_, ‘where thfiy high: bothseafierkcep others from him 5 and rhii‘ mm. eriMtVi1'ely *p0iTe{'s him thcmfelvésg, and that he .mig”h%t wi:l1?willix1g11€1ss _b€ Ahurried thither, they work? upon his fear 5 fi1gg‘c-: {’ci11g‘to%h1m,% that ' there: was an %i1"1te’n%fi011 in fome%Vio.le,11t ¢per(Bnsi to _mm*der hi?m,%and. perfinade him “to leave. er!;ers‘1w;£se brougifxt :i:wn::g1x\foiici>;“c~ti. * thér¢4u:am by ‘a P€‘tit*io11~fi:omd%iv&*'rs%‘Well~a§T;* éfed*pjer10%ns:) ¢ but s:r.x-+- fice;~d4thereo£,£mhacVperfideom Fcr?vicaa,£i:c5;-'*adv;mzedhimAm this. T£W°***?m*¢1TiV*?f 3?f?E?7f’E'?f??”:%’ .‘3ma§?’E1€=?**‘°45I"%"?1?i9Ab¥*5"¥J"ér'W""">' A ‘V”1“‘*‘A% ‘ I A I A M ( 7%) A I'©‘ZAA3iiTi.11g the law of’ ":11 is Apoiiacy, which the-iiGen. Officefs had laid in him,he{ui’fe1'ed the de{erv€:‘d reward of a perfidious traytor. \ 'A’.713Aci tiioughtiit: General Oi‘iiC6t‘SAe11CiiI1eCi him to this revolt theniiizives, as weliby their Example, as_by c0L1ntena11cing him in A ‘the hginziing thcreqfs ;mdthQugi1 for the farnehc incurred the Aezsztrcme c?.:{"pI<:a{i11'e: dfhisi Fa't:her,i and I,{indrc:di, yet are A b::sthA his i13azihex';uid Kindred Abytha 0ii‘icie1's tlicmfelvcs and their Affogiu ates.a{’vp::1-fl»id WiEi1.Ci“§fi~i&(9t§ as iftaixited with guilt and cguntammie - ~nati0=n¥ ti1i€:*i’€0i'i.i M A 1%huA5:diid gfihey i~;ii‘Ai..t\.W,'(_:i.i3Aii1‘CiS with due ficanifii fraf11i_rig iaN;u-in fox tl1ei‘ri7which~iiof'ai1 others moi“: diPcafiCFuA1l;;otl1Ae People, and . w2ds,t11%:refox‘e mofiilikeiiyito begA*y rhzgipv illiirllmélltfii in«A- :diu!i}e:iiif:=:.u1?iy p;:ai;=}§;aigatg:dii t£1&ifgimve$'~¢ and mA1i1*3u;1t<:AcAiAAi3<;ith this Amati; cg» Atih¢EiAA5"iiii;m#de~1‘s of: iis? mi iiiiiiliflu imalftfii 2111- ithifl 5€?sjif)’i and credulous A"pxecapi/eAAtheyiAC0AL1Aidi,mr::€t?Wi1:§:ali.;i i Bl.A1‘i‘:A‘£*iii.i.i*.*~1fc:":tL11fi‘I€:, The King A::hL1s1iemov;:d,th:ty judgeithemfrlves 4 arigeii-mi iiffifllfflto duxal ‘Witil the Agrters fur the Pecwplfi 2 and fa fua:iai;ui1';Iy viiv<:,:ia=:»11cx:h_-:3’ hecmmtin that: Work, Iifillf: 211: me: i'i.I'ii'.. R4111» A dezvmis 1{m:riAWarAe, thczy fllflt a Souldier E0 d<:.i;z,AA::h5 {bi }").1I_1;i"iii.iI.K1ii1Vg the A A “‘€tiCi5:i:)iAtli‘1iC'En»gz1g?:n‘i¢:f1-‘it at Nmvs~~imar1;<:t, Aaxgm tAa;:n~ iAu1z:~€.AingupoA11 the Afig1‘C€J‘1’H"3l‘1t fiijvr tijifi Pei tpie : 1.l11W’mTEi‘siIy Aabuiiéd Mz”1j01'Skg_Att._g. aiMc:rnibe‘:: :5} this; H A*TT>L1ii?, fii'11thim up :1 prifomjr, iam aC¢:.mL;jdAA gm A"and Col;Rair2'5£2o;~omgk_?i’:»1“iappcari11gii11 balialfflf the %;:1i3.%§;;»r cAA«:‘::1‘1.i,:1ii7xAtA;;,,.ii and therevxfithall iém: C«?::i.Ae/@ res, iMajor; i6'05aii.?ii€I3; ‘ “many others afiter tiieni prifimcrs to Wimiior ,<‘AAAw'ize;AAAa; mi: i;;.’3;4:j1:i%A¢s,, “ tzdges, and jut-it.-As, the 0fiicc1*s=A did ‘what ‘they ~s;xr;;;“»uiAd ‘iagiailifi A tht3‘ti1,iE11te1‘3ciI2g fame me death ,,j0th€1‘S A:oii_difg1~aceAf'u1lW4 pi,A;iAi;i,1‘11¢“A ~ ments, refiraininigiaxid reieafing at pleafiite, and “withasAA I ibirrari11AeiTe ;1siA,¢;vL"1“ was in thcworldg iand:<:A0_u1¢i <11«AJ,jn%ibeALii{w%;1s;ig*d ' A thbugh ‘AM: Sa1tmmo%'ax1ciAAonh’ers ibo1?i«.e=ful~l*i t¢fi;i*wxi011§{A-;1%ga3iivii~A. ‘cruelty ahdixijuflice whereof. 1 A.Hr:r?eup:0rI:i;at tilt; Hgufi~, timy $3319? A A AA wired at ‘onceizhe imprilbnmenfofifive cordial :Cit_iZ€ns, fi>rA;juii£'~ A M 4 ifying a'.m"=* xx‘ .47‘; -'9-:v 4.~“.‘.“ ‘'\‘ '1 4-‘ {fin ‘ ‘ ‘-‘’N. W 35111 '3‘ 7 '1 m ‘ I J! V:'§«.°‘sn’3*‘_,:‘_YV_ : H ». (‘Wu ‘»,."i'.«"§ :1 R :3 {sf~5.&C4- ‘.V* ‘:>=V.7'~"§A.):1‘~—:: EL‘: -3‘ Eflaqkiti .h,-if:-, _I2-It I‘-ya‘ \ t.M.. 2 ‘ W:."?'s:%i=-,9 ».:53’:t§“:<5‘3 uzfé;H<:f1_,f rjmz: wasfi1})it at‘v“{’a;“~:, dwisf-i*21z's%ci1Aizv.i‘d thazm, at-;%z‘-.i”m_:%e:’jt‘i'1s:as:;§2ti~:~:'a*<>f‘L“»m;i011 Agems f°£T31'b£1.i‘tAhci1‘ meetmgs. m~5w;—;%eaLz1-r iv‘ rm}? £11.01! 311: dwy ha-"3 :11.>;11.;i.=:d%a:1%-.3 qufixlifi :11 e ’A‘x'A1‘1‘144'-%':?**t:’<:) %a%¥%2eAi:~?0Wm be11t,it;1':1C:l hai 1';1tifi:dg w:ir%con1:31'vin:r O§?fi~ J 1, 4 O i:f‘;:~1'.“3.~.=A Wi&;“i1 *me%%c;~u¢lm,i% 119011’ Hus L<:veHc:1's,4 {for F3 t‘z1<:4y'.}1avc fiéledh ' aléj vvfir>V}‘::u4*ve z?‘a*xE.«{r1if3;‘1*“t;:'d any firice offiammon Right‘) “and Mad fifillilfl tim:°%%~L11«;‘y c<>%nl;d be i1ot‘nin.g f0 grezzt, rich, and potent, upon a @’i»t::£Z.=;wit§jz the; Ki.ng,and that it would be impzfllible fortharn 5f?é‘Yi1£>12$1’ é3%i:i14e3:7()'ti1‘C1’e:f%r or Souldiér firm tc t;hCm,i11‘cafe offucI'*;1 com-- pofi1z=.c.H.e1'ea.1'p}311 ut.:erIl%fiy‘:ta:§afrL1t‘tr21te his hopes that way,tAhey pre-.-A vaii mix the Ewloufc 1:0‘ ‘fate no mom: Ad.i1'efl1-Es; am.1fo%vanifl1t ‘away’ 2121 thefir gl0ri0L1sfiattery of the Kismg and his Pa*;c%y , and th<:ir11otm'i<:ms cli{HmL11acio:%1 appeared, ab:_.1fing chcfreby cheFait11 %0f%Ehe;;Army, and“1naki1'ag itCl£i‘€1‘.tO_V€1H”‘CmAC€*1‘11i:.}g men, that {uch asCaimuld[o“b1~c%al<7wi=:h W‘o11e~fi>1nte;‘nt “oftlwicicy, and -p‘roIv0‘I-zey th!:mA~%AAfurtherfi% by keeping x:heir"' Lord 91‘/1.=.1}ro1', a1ad%A{bmeA~A‘o‘f4thc-fir‘?.P3;l"de1:m€11injt~he.J.Tower,4 without ad»- mitcing t}1emAfm 21 L¢g.;1liTrya1, tlicxL1gh.i upon Pe;s%it*ions*a11d ear»-“ net} Defires: at Iafi they were xieferred to be tryedéby the Lords, contrary topthe known Law of the Land; but their jL11'ifdi&io;1 heixug difélaimed, after a while they Wtrre rc“lCaFed& Winzhou-:: any. » Tryal at all, their end being aCc0mp1ifl1t,'WhiCh‘WaS the terror of the City, anc1“changin‘g the’ MagiPcratcStl1 e.r<:oi" , {O as ihould bcfl " fixve their dcfignes.‘ V % A A About this timefialfo they begahto 6xe1*ciTc their 1\/Ia“1'fl%1alpt ofthe Army, and%w.diwd%.fe11te1:sce' Mr William ?Tbai'9z_fi2n.toi»dcath at ?White«Ha1l:. LA And *then 1 glib they began td rxiew moddel the Army, and for that end, ( show.-1g.h%the 11ewrai{E;d Rcgimexlt for the:Tower was thought“ no.burthc:n,yet upon gzsxfe... tence ofeafing theaharge ofche Common wea_ith,t he--Li’fe~ Guard “A mufl bedisbanded, becaufc: confiflingof Ldiflzmrning me11,;faizhfi.1ll '?t0Vt‘hei‘rCQu11trya:1dformer pmmifis , %a%nd_many e:fhersV’%o£i%ike “principles ‘wereV%”’pick%t 9 om: .of;every B;ggime11t4;th¢.defig=pAeA being by * luflsand%law1¢ffC Pleafuxcsg. weeding the choifefl 1 and bcf’c=;%réfblv%fed men, A to %makeA“ .th_e‘ Army ‘ wholy mercinary, Ileivirh, arid the Ex«cution¢;s A of4a£<:w‘m¢113 A1!A~* (9) A L *Afl%Wh3¢hAAthoF¢ gomdmén perccivinganflefo1vin:§;ih%e‘%empim«i A A jw ~ ‘no; tq be d;3ba11dr;d_, ac§:0r§31ng,%t0 the: grc;c17nen$cat Iy‘em»maz'/mt, ~ A millxhg c:1)dsV,:herc1u¢1gpmfiW¢fc&ilI1lygaxnicd,,Athey ~ were ~»Jcn- A L f<§r;c<:C1théxfc§1Jn*t‘o by aifiémiali Sflntenctzs o£1mpx.ifonmen I; and ffffléazh %( though the ‘O;fHce:r*s ‘;;;_hAiitiz‘im1s5 vthcy«~A'judge the1n« A f§::lvc$_ 10013‘: 5 w,l§“¢_xc awaits;-xnen%3Are,bpund; and chat%a3l;ObLig,atidnsA arecot}1eAmwT;é;2fitoryWand Cemmpporm_niry I ¢:hat.M‘ev¢:%¢2»g/and hafl }forVr..:covexy ofour Fweea’am~e , was xpexataxifcfonfumed, ~ i1‘1+fuah Azh<:i:.~; uI‘1C¢rVIaiI1€?.s._PtA;1gg€c’ing motions; .a.ndMar%»itra:y~:, irxaz:icynaAl=1 fra¢:;¢edVtngs, whereby afi parzyem béxsaziuez extreaxniyexazjactaxed, as 'I%’(:C)p1c that had been x1‘1A..::cr1y %n‘x::a<:A%1\‘7‘«;i and Cheflfifldhy‘ {hirer pm»- mzka.-.%3nfl Hilde! the mcmt ~rc:é1g,1n=u% %1’re=mac¢;.A,*&c¢:. hereby. the .Ar...A mygthar; haid +bAu‘i‘few$ monvcrxhs ibrzivftare been Lihfl j0y?arxd'hc>peAoFaI‘§ _ form: oi'jRa.:;imna31%PcxopAl:.2.*,%w;w1$ made AAaA%A‘.3}?'* %W01‘Id 5. 3 hifling 7 £1153 ,»Reprcpadrx1"o£jhs: v'ihc>1%¢mNation =¢Lii:1{r;.m;.wch %tha1%fthc)1"c“( i11hopc Moé-" t hat hiflargca grinodv ;PI_'! 7!fl‘1ifi'2$:, and pi‘-mc£‘{'ea1 i 13 At eiir '£rr:VTi"Ec[wr‘# mam) ;,IAho113i'xc11;2t"hi11g mo precious: f‘A:;>1:mer11,.no»rv grudgw them bread, A ,jj3I1d%?weaic: rc:.aAdy‘A:;o Hang: them inall p1a;ccsA%AAw;iaere they came, A x;;;dc:. fled,AI”ovcrty viwficrmaihd, and Ac:IAi1‘c<>Ancénx%s awbmmded ,“ t.i.I1%at: { length hmke: ml; Inch 34 Vfiamc, as An0.»tim‘i‘:* had *1 mzc-;:ArA £2:-c=::r:5 :bcf*I:;>re ; and mo“ dc;u’m:$ was the: pmppcri{‘T11:1 of §i.1c%h horrid dcIufiu1c3,Ar,gcv::1‘attai11to,a1pd*morethrcmmingthc mine of {he Naxizm. than Va%i1>;:Ah¢: ‘=fort~r:cr;fox'ccs and Prrzzta gems of A the: cue,-.4 Amies ; and inich is xighclyto be: imputed to the ur:j:;z£’cparci'ati'1lj%A‘and Apc:x'fid1'0usAdcaIings Apfrhcfc: I‘m:f*11. A A A A _ ,A, V But whcnghay {am what a firangc predicament they had brtmghc thcmfeivcs into, and which they wouicl never belcevc-,Atill it :was £7AO1i11e:A11%f>0fl%A;thtm%%(%no7'rndorcthan now they will J they had befmsc maniflfiémd ;a'gA,rcaA:cxAAobflinacy than now ‘they did a‘ f'c‘ric>us‘ ‘.Re?.... ,pcntanm(WHicE1yctAas rAh*:fequci1provcs:. was but counrcrficit) V ,£lmugh God kmwcrh) W: Werebvgrjoyad to belccvc fit: re- A .Ag5_;!g-_ F Q§3gnow1:,dging, Wiihthc greatcfi expteflicms AoAEforgow, that @365. %CAi.o ) %»Aj»faaeyaaawé1ke@bg:aa»;;;p; z>a1zi:¢¢1< Pfiicipla-r;Th”a"r taAe3zha&beei& % A smbiame in A&1ngsa:_a g211nfl=honeI’t ‘men ; ThaAt**tl1A’e; Anam4*<*:**VoF~lIaiayAArl. tag};/u::é;[og? Azhg mike rep i:o:;tches%,, =~A1hcm1d*gneve:" A «by % mAor e “ha-ardA % amo%ng€c>rhem,,:tharmcv¢t the Nataoh-'heMhappy,+1t~"mut’c be by:Aa "A c ¢ih‘ou2d bcM%p%lca£'ed té) Adclivcx: A I‘ ;%us‘.ou:;,$of'this Sga ofdangaf ,‘ thgt they would %nc~ve: Adivide*Vfrom jufi Princip/£.r,'n0n in.thewIea«£’c dmsauncenzénce b4o*nePr-men as "they have done,.vnor endeavor to Fe: up a parrym , but cafl %AthcmiElves upon an agreement k2ft1a£APcap[a For the filruré: féxzricmenc cf this .:yPW1CBA0fté7.¢.N"dti0fl' : but hoiwand what-performance they have V made, thamwe fhall imzrcatzmay be impm-:%ia4IIty ob15erved¢in the A em;£i1+?ngf’coAry ;% .A~nd‘ForAa fhlfand timely pmofcof rh%¢ir%VRaA;wp/2, 36 Di~-smvcry oftheir difi? m1iatio{n;No foonerI_1adth<:y(%thr;ough GodSV’b3t:*iT1-nn, he ;noAc«ha%ving thereby the command of an Shippcfi. Ao«~1:_ . Officers, he cduld nmher xcfirain their Revoitt‘ ,, ~noAr% pre%{e‘rv:c .:%{%hfim.{"c‘l‘fFrom. being expuifctci at the Scamans p1ea{'ureVo1.1t of that wamployment. A ~ % A “ A ” Then uponhis rétufn,thcm:ling (Ifi§'cer5'vfi%nd§ngr‘him as #inflix'i§% A % dbl: to their ends as: f?3rmcr1y,theypu~t him .L'1p0n'-!~tha«t |dange:rc>us and unhappy S¢r'v’ce bx:/r'orc Pwamfm-A A C notwithfla*:IndinAg$«a*¥’C€5m%- Amander: had bc:eAnAappc§int~e,d thereunto by; thc=:%Comm:tte@« of :1 Anrke) A wjvl1cLl1c£v1?cWcmV wit much *'§_gc1uc§tAancy.and«d,i1hon:cnt,asdw9na ” A A _ A “ V ‘crmgv fijeringafl C4r4fis.%of~’w?; 6",i7’gTD€fig2’?d and*cxPre%fl3ngia‘§ much 50 b%iSFr*Wf» 19:?fi£dVfé§ripM4gi~g&r’iemirfmnw,w/M«Mr V bkfel1A/iim’-{BM thatgwhifihVgivcsAarcatefl C#11fb”¢f£’i¢ffind,/mfia:££«.to A big Fri+cnde;% ,th§:; his Eratbew receives %n*qFus:thera11c¢‘, but rachmr a3i1%di{sori%Lragem tharwy i~n,5*:*»a?1¥ «:=!r1:1% Inhum a¢Ima.% Bwckcrz» ' Eiln tbq NQ*€5»;eE110ugh dm:1ngt;h%¢ «S%¢r%;v?wand, N¢%c¢;Hi:ie¢sdA4 of the lrMz:y,;t1:14V¢:¢ L<:*4*¢/{W414 {I795 they 4r~'=%%<:a11’d J W%¢A;r<:mu::rcnan¢’d,andi ta“kcn%i1'1“t<>;. tfic 43iwfm¢3; ~w!1o_£fi::reup0n%‘V (F0fg::%t¥%§n,g all fqrmcrr af-%iV ft"ii:>ms»a9d d%%rs=f9;::49¢i~f dad hberally ha§zar<1 r;-11¢i¢r:1;iLvcsx.44 Aw‘it~4hou»:Ma fifl“ Mob offrumand. d¢Iq;§an;YEt that Z¥’I«ec4§:/xsriés béinfi; Qvitt, «ajndn the «Armies fi—1bsiu¢ds4th=W: t4¢n¢4w%fr«:.fhA (§iigf3’C¢3¥;;31?3f31I.;inw 9: “A Pi rfl,dizmrf: .$’az4ls:§ie7"5f~Qr a?.’etiti-oxfifing in Athcw a banefisxfifi ..»a’ldZld7IJ*4££*flfCOWm”N7t‘$3¢;allb~,~(-$5 <‘ - their ltzfg 3‘ep%_ehntaWnc¢I,pramz'jMand 1?rc:tg:21p_g:5%*jgg§Z(‘ér 11g§n%c;agf%w;taV‘bop¢)%;beV wen: pruved tl;”ey intended another fife fbei;-af,f"or1(izgwinghnovpdfubdued at! A al:::x'“~ %enemi.w,jtbey;procecd% fWitb_ gmter confidtzme wtowtbeiir former purpafer, efwaking t’M!?*fe1W+*%abfi1«t¢IW4i*§rr 0v¢rii2e ~C'9??¢fi1or2.~r?e41tfia.AW1«>erA8i??~ vberq§'et%Aappdar: one maji7zf9b[ii(::lge,+a7zd}..tbd‘t @459 472 %:m4niyii%oua:and mi-f ‘.. V7 ., *ve‘rfall;Re_[alu2‘ion¢in all Péopé; :1tbs;tM;n:;;§. Q » Vmgrgug MP E 0 1’ LE A’ t§b_én" cémcurréd” ,1»; " PE 11714 $2 nu.-..II ......, ‘ " Eafficfig Eiravgiscié Sepigéméei-‘ nxmaxe: in mi bflgfiz ?£‘a£’= pk‘, Wh%ich’%if"Vmcm:% e§*a*dé*é:d‘%§; iWo~mdA%%e‘ ‘impoffijfiziar them‘ 1 ¥o’gc {ei~ uihmughwitfi their AW¢§‘rke ‘: V»1*iejA1~'etIA;%;;:i(>z¥14 %aga‘1ms% they Cryao11>t “wfek L1n%icm3an%d iV'mpl(3yVth*ci1; Aigcnftsio gap meetings ,‘ ' and 'I‘%;¢;aA1tAicg W fé *1:ha: “?w‘£:£*’e‘%%ri1ibi’c fofivéiéifid 71"£5-‘f7-fl7;$.1 h¢‘;:{’?‘:¢‘a!32i:e.~rsé¢i3$C" c?‘§:3'1"it%1*av:1:;*h ‘ wi”:h£h4é*n*i;L,t9 391:1 7;éz:gré}:§$m34,ss¢;and ;tHat fht_M‘a”tt€1“6fT%$£‘hWT§5 pgL;[;_5nw‘* §fi¢‘$A;E;¢*:q éxfifi of .9gpcamm# ”(’:i9: mg dAefircd%)" ‘huziid 4 W t4he"fii"b£‘ta11cV*c‘%‘ (if that’ 4gr;.mm’:;% were Ibcingno other way% V thenlpythig +yéc*%Idifig»*ih"fl1Vev&?:%;;(3‘Aa m~2m=~. this bufje vvatc:*r14:"ix}?%Vi Pany; E % and co» ktépxherigt quie:,whi1£%zh¢y%»;wcr£t on witfiM{2eczW1r-c‘%t,hcir otAhct"A% Dcfignes as ‘pri1*cfpa% in thcirvpurpni;~::%S,whcr&in quw3fii?o%n&1é:fT<: they ‘ had not had the mama tf)fg0'QC5‘ men, but that it was Vxtriiy be-.v.; Iéejferdw fnA*flm-W 6‘? driv’ii*ig”¢nJ the~ir”€aAwneVD::fi;9§he5 I313? ‘~‘V*s!rc.=:k1r:‘::-'11-% 1}’ g¥:1nd L3or%;:% W A prnflut*711g a“ p.:':;1;Fé6’E M33311 c:a.‘cA?w/wlf;f2"a*¢“ri1e:a:_r q,f”tl1a* A I*e¢sp.»:’¢«;as 131-gt: ¥)0thM"%i1i‘=?gr“1nraV1n%c2dAw1thm121; am’Lbfthctrfsé~Ve5czx‘am駥fiat=y I'i1xidEn7«é£4navibf¢nt C011r{7i:s"IarA¢Iy c'a“4§- §<€.1’I,ncithetin hr5nging“thé Army to t1'ZQ\t‘ CiCy‘ ,breaki4§1g the Hmufe II1pic:ccs_._or reAmQvingtheKi#g@’%}_ fiicfb “a1 gxtraajudxciali‘Procec~i Vdings and C0ufr'of'f],L7fliC{f$a9 had no pA1w:r.‘11nA‘ the uglifé Gbvegrtyu men~r;a;n_d%%% diigczarxy f”bv¢i’c&§t‘htre w»;§pbe“noth111gw%but afnuie ‘m :r‘&=Li—_:.pr«:ewent;:c:~+?srn~4«R;4e;::+ev@r1aEri»:o£.zha’?PeopA1e and :~ha}: t,h+:=1*og~n~* dmgii%n422;rionA,;iarrV4a:fid'%~‘z:;ya44+comnfe11* of’4re‘; was the mamc; tlgxng aimcdwatgzmkji " A “ “ A . The Rcmn"i~i4ng7:licAKiwg, thé:'ta~k'r11g awfirajrrihe Hnu!Z:“dfLords_,,“ 4 tbs Voverawirxg tiie*{*”Ii’5’1t~1I’e ;~Vand%r3:d11cEng iMt§Y%V$rc"> _tha‘g:~pa ffcg that}? is %c-ij:c:Véme[ bu}. *’:h;«_: é"~n”zgt:s’il,,f"~*’L1*1%?cv:gi1fis.=’.;‘51‘V 1*! gfihfi 3 ,<.3€fiV”<=Y¢‘3V V 211’ *5“?-'~ Dfi‘ ms afidficfetmmiié n,s%“<2fapri§5atr= §ofi*nVf=119ff°m¢ W 0*‘ (Ia) A fiiteis :h¢~br”*c&ihg iififtheifr AC‘oar r: (Lf Iwfiim M161‘ Vthtriifw ComnfEll A‘ Vb?‘ V Sm: : T"h:;Vo1ingof't:hc Pmfpla the S§:prm‘me Pamfi, and this AI-1Ac‘>u‘fc; tAhe%.fi{upramcAmlaarrisy :a11t:bcfc Particulars, though may A A fI}*%%4ot*‘%thgarAn1n‘Atar&;’<:r‘ ref gcmd 7_§nds,have beendcfitcd by“ Wclatfefic. A ~P~eop‘“:é 7)h1rc*A"yeft b;cc&:2ri1A.::%.{_%a*s~ rheyhave managed them‘: of iblc: as 'flood%in“n%hve%wé1y%bct%w¢”enthemand the Pom.-r,wca1:h%—?, or com... fi13nd0FthéA‘C?ommon-Wca1th;or$bya6’cual}y%po£Tcfl'ing and‘ in, V?dA4%i%hg them in thcAI'am:. A J A j % - . V “A thdfiglx all this was forcfeen by» us, yet Afo perfwafivc were tbéirinfinuarionsain chews 'ofmany mad and W%e11diIi:3ofc:d Pco. 1?aIeg,%both%ASoi142s;§iers and othcrsgzhat they ham: been” really ca:ri‘cd* awA‘ay with be%i::fe: of them , and reliance upcanrh¢em% ,% and have’ thought they could not bet:v:rimp1c>j,' their time atadj abi1i.ci<:sA; then: A in afT'0rdingthcmA..all fi1~tthcranct: , and afl?iian¢ethac%might%bc% “ So thatthcirA‘on1y%Fe:areSremains upgn our 1)i~f?:0vcries%, to- jprcvcnc which cheyvuie Ineanes , that either we nfight not have not be belecved if we did it. , A A A « A A in ordé1;';t‘o the firiA’c"l, Thcy Prri€tIy amp the Preflh ; A In order to ih%é:Tec%dfid;*AA‘ I'heyb1a£’c%uAs"vvi%th alhthe ScandaIIs,a11d falfe Repmtts fl1‘ei‘r%‘»?\;%« 0: Malice could invent’ againfi u‘s: .-and» fo mrmfiroufly %%AwAickmi havechcy been in e"hi~s paraicu?ar, that they have pry’d in-A mail cm-tf Afiisnmsz made ufc ofail our acquaintance:s,and Friend; ly inmnacies, andin c%onc3'uE”imn, have cmcly produeed fizch f'can..g dfll,!$2,.3%= hav¢*~!V:w:«2:n¢c_ufi«:»mari1y ufcd by F¢;>rn1tr% Statcifman , anfi‘ fiichwhcn fc::m"‘d and examined , Aconcaine: “both contrariety ‘Ems the:jmf?.=:lves, and have not the leaf’: ground of Truth , as com:er- ning, us; A V " ‘ v A By thefe: Arts at: thcy haw faflened in'the:‘ir Péwér ,‘ till tithe!‘ Apbfiacy; mtby the %wc’ig11: ané:1Vi%o¥en cc:v of their many jufi‘ii-~ ces‘ (which in the wickcd courfc they are in‘) mufi cqvetydiay be" ” m1"1ItigIy¢:d3Ii1I thcy beth_:owne d0W11¢fiT0mA£he;r"u1nrpedgttalfc-5 "mIATc” A I A A g A A A —» A .% They‘ havealfeady 3QflthcAAfl1*:&ion2 oFa11APcop!c _; and are 'pncIyfu~.,poried byitheir prcfent firengch; hm: w*h¢n%AAonc*e thofc £004 men that hfiidfihcm up 4 “ml: s>w:r¢¢i,*f<= ~infirmn¢W** B3- Fhcy oppm-um’iVry%cc:Eayopenrhcififrcachcties ,% and I-Iypocrifics, or: V V 'ccsnuiLrcémcnt&to~tht:i:ent1s;an;i lntfchts, eitlner by ramming fuéh: g by oppmfiuinn fi§r=m the encmy, which chcyma y we11%expc3:Goc¥* . A Wi"i1*Araiw%£& agaih[inhemA, as thc%dcFerved Rc<:orr1pcnce”of their vile} CI:-4 ) »t%1cy%arema‘d¢;° comrai-y%to thci:intcmions,“”in;aeivancizig a7 few» 4 P A Ioffy and impczriouix; m;11s~J”d:{:‘gm: ; and how ca ibis for them to” ,AconvcrcArhc1r ‘alriitticx 86 pawerflto bectcr,and4m-mtg Vcou1mo‘nAcmz:-%,¢x5.. prctf in tghcir Former; engagements ‘,. and with (hp mggpgyimy of tbg; A agriczwd peapla, and their own: vfimdtrflandifigl can turnjwfl1 t.fhem4 wicha1l_,thcy 4wi11:hcn lament thatthcy havcfq long» b¢_cn‘__ou;;_ofi A «thcfway, and fat rhcmfcives%wi:_h chcn:.:m.:>fi cour~agc_& refo;x1ti§_mi ”:o fivaatlaair dtflfeflad Comm; frqm thgifearx and c.¢prnjuizy¢itj»novvF . groans under. 'I‘h‘Tey“ may tafk Offrudosmbut whaz~%Vfm=d¢m indeed. % «£373: re, fo long as thcyfiop rhcPrefl'f¢A,whieh is indcgglyand-baéth % been Iéwqcountcd in all fm 2W;t£aus,.%thc mofl cfl"ent§al.»?»parr4 zh cigca eF_.,imp1oyi’1 can ‘dpaffmt Iudu fO!.'7€_xa.'6‘#!i0?1fr che:rci_n' who.4ha_th ~bacn7tw1cc bum: 1n the hand, a wrctchcdfcllow , jthan: Acvcnthc: 131flmp.r and £.t5“r“"“bdm&"-‘yr wquld have £'ham’d to own. Awhar .if5ra ¢,¢-, dam is Atherc 1c:Ft,whcn hone-flfl 8: wart/.2} A*‘a;:vld£cr;V«g«rc fcnVtcncV'd.‘and~ % V cnForc;’d to ryde Ark; /mfg with their Faces rev"crR,-and ibgwr rmrdr” &ra;.¢mov:rr!ae£rAb:adx f¢:rbutI’er1:1on1ng and prcfcntjng %a Letter in jig/fificatian oftlscir Liberty rharcfn :1fth1s%be%not%a1 mzw way“ of V breaking the fpirits ofthc Engdjb, which S:mfi‘Ezrd"and‘Cautcr£ur; ncverdrcampt ofiwt know no diffcrgncc of fixings. AA;/caflc alfo} A oFLi_h-rt} of Co»fo'i¢nc¢r1thC-Vhavc given‘us Ai«nV..;:hc;’C54;;%k ogaa worthy ‘ Jldeméeg-r_ ofiywczaur‘ Houfc; {'0 as wengay well gud-gc what is like to ]foI1ow,~%ifthcir Reign: wntbme. And as fig: .1’:-ace , vkihilfl thi: Lira.- Vp»-mw 0ffi+::~¢r:,of 1:5: Army axe fiaprcam in your Hon/2-,in rhc.CommZ .ofStat¢,afld.811.in all in thcgcn:ra11(;aun[:lz afzhe Army, Wwhan the :"r1mxtial!pan4cr is indeed fvprc-amato Eh: (:7iVvi1%ZAgtbara€£1,w,haAt Ftacc "gzangbc: e4xp:c‘?rcd; wcgprofcffc wcgfcc-no% cauficelli tending no i;t,b_11c hm-eoffinuighty and yaft?fumsoF money 129 bc taxed i1ponthe%I?¢o; gplc per mmfeez:,as if mrr: ware bccomc the emly rr~m’a-; or gsifnhc maple wérabound tdmainmin Army: whether they havegradc OE _ mo ; yea whcthgzx thcy have bread or no. A M‘ .% V % 4 - A‘ Andgas‘ for t./9::pra3",5¢r'1"t] qf zinc Nation; wha:.onc~thing hath %bc:r~1 done ghac rcndcrhfmic 9 Nay,hath anywthingbecndonefince they 1 ~?Wcrc1nApaw:r%? but what increafizch me: rancor, hatred... and rna—« ._licc,which our lam: unmppy di_/fercnctx have begotten amongfi us; ‘ as ifchcy had placed their happincfs and fecurity in the tamia.%:1’i'vi. 4 t/fan of;/2: Ptaplagnothing being Aoflkrcdj byphr.-m,chat hath any fact‘: A .oEm:anai1em.mr m 1:,not.!25ir3g %%of'checrVuEne1Tc or gene;-V4(t%fati:f-#354: ;pcnry,an,d bqggcry. \ an,~-thcmothcr 0f"mtd~ Scipltut}, thaL.m§gh; t:a.kcaway the; private: rememéranoex and: daflméiiam ufpartjcr nothing indeed , bl1c%Wh3-5 «tendcth to implacablg &:,‘;;;;: mg”; .;fg;;ri;,ch¢ mqthc: Of §onfufi:_on~ V '|< . I h-.3. «- Na'y7wh'at*‘*fenc'e q~ft ba” may éurdem oftlaa W2; Mha-‘vc they‘ mam: A V fcficd oF%latc,hazh 1:: not b%cg_n bythcir procurémengcha: thcAw1udgai ‘_ thcirtmztwrvx havgja tho11f'and a yc:cr.a1low’d to" evcry%“one of them above the WdI?1n?*)_fi::.r?WhxA¢h ;WercAcve‘r' %c{%eezI'1s.~:%d= a /mwfir %¢¢5p%:}?r¢1;zion ;'i11.thcvfi1f¢lVes : is chcrcany abridgcm cm of‘ the claargcpt ‘ length of time,1n mini! of caufmarc they—touch’_d with the general! fiflrtbtfl ofTz'u’m_., that canker qf%in%dhffl1_'y andtalfiage ? or with [fiat of V .E.a:£2;a,wliich our of the éamllx labourer: amdpoar peep/e%cn1riche’£ %;l:hc wffmrari“ and 9-31351’-‘l’ C4m’1"'p5l14r: of the ammo» wmf:/9 : or Awh-at have they doncto {m T ma’: firm tjbc,:‘n:¢Jemb1e éurdmafbnjhms-P‘ txécpt the fétting fi*¢{5 ./.2I4ngr)fiym: ,upo11. the: aid fire: okthc People? VVha£ one mmal, thing did they offer unto‘y«:ti1in* their late Pm-A 1i:ian,whic you gave: them ('0 me’: my thank; for P rcrrning their-4h_~..%% fire:_n1od¢fland%de1crcct; when 1t’<5 evxdcnrby the cement; ,* they A" did it (July t07f’ropVthc mouths ofthcir Sap:/Jz'ar.n28L to amaze them 1 . ;into a; p(cafing_dr:am, Whiifi they go on with t%heir%d:fign: offabfo. Jute aam;..am;ac which {houid you inthelcafl oppoihyou would V find: their rnodefiyno more towards you;tbenw*towards your ex.-. Aczudd m..-mm» In the mean time ‘,V wfacra :2: tlwir @h%arge.agm“n# . A tfwfc M:mé?rI 3 4"‘ Wfzrfivdd the] am wba among]? Atbembazzc cwfgrred oificcs flp \y:¢zr4»pm'i;-/:4/:1, the due tmlmc rightly cawji-A-' % dertd : or why t/mg] nat%H..~me%tbt Lar&‘"c*!ai:f_;IxA1Hicc».dhd Lard ¢biaf‘B3..~§ ‘awn jar /an-ping zbgir placmwbfcb were confiarrcd oh thaw? (am! the likg on at/mxrjéy rink Hauflgwben rim/c -Member: flém.-A :5.-m they +1942»: yx-' cl;zdad?»or why find: may am am‘ I/an/is perfivliaw parfim.r%1b.ut,./aa'vg'madaf ‘ % mi can/blame Laf6re4kin%gt/a:fc1£- dcnying Ordinanoefind pm:fiflth:re..:. in?ar it {be ra-dfcm wfilile why the} bum Marking ta ['4] agaixfl tbafcfortt qf}nem,V rfmmwly, 1%-zAau{e% tl;cf=:% are tlzeir mum‘, and their Creature: 04am?» 0?: mm-bad EngIand,t/sat/C~2ttlo,aud yet A-fmxbfucb ixztolln-A61: mm‘ §?cn;W'/mt my !1e“cxp£::7edfr0m fzaclywofficerxg who fieq ue:¢tl‘y manifcfi.‘ *" 3% 11.211‘)? aftzrtba émd of/tn:/a%*Pc£>p3e,&_znd S 01¢/dit" r:.a%.r% arc mofl%u£?ive» _f§r tb&::ammd7q%Frccdori1,pma'c Gfpro/fzerity aftbecamman-~m:alW'_'a,4#d Aagninflvabam tlfagg/adv: natbing cf: ta aéjefl : hr ivbatntn 531,3-pr“Hi¢d* /gag/4&4 moved to pink: a Iamfl but that Qoun‘fcl‘of0[fio:r:rr:1ay j§}'.umV/141:!» an Cnudfiz-1 iuV‘tb:*“Army,m: [lmlagree that the /nzpmgm a1.*u:ho4-»- QVE "?havve‘l%We?i‘~ tdhéwelanfl pl 1: to daéth allfuhhperfofihthdugh"tiht h A Azofgfijhg A;-my, asthcy fhould judge , wetehllldiflutbctsl of tl‘l_t:'Arti1y§. Ccxztainly thclc thmgs canrtot butAlmalnhire:l’cl‘umto you the1rAv«¢ry ‘ A A gfiattégthflif intwahrd PHEPOICS and Intentionsgeptcfcnting vifihly ?b¢forc yetrahd a,llt‘Ahc World "A, "thc mop; ldangerous condition», that cvefiyct this Natio1'1*hath bcenin And it thcrefhe any (gm. 1"cicncc:,towatc:lS G91 or man ta bclfbumd amongfl you, the“ whole tfincwsaand progrcflcotthis our {ad Rcptcl'cmation,f1s Vfo fully kllovvné; 3‘l1L‘1.fi.'dfl1 in nftmmcaxy, that. it is” ilmp-:.;A;{fi‘3lc5 butit thufi workeupon all amonglf yermthat at: not Co~partncrs wzth them I ll aitflhcisz Dtfigfwu at any; not “cntgagcd (asthc Lawy t-ts arc) in‘ form: ~COrruptlIl1te1'.e{‘l".‘ A ’ AA ’ I, A V A A A , ; 4% l ButthoAughAthi$l<;ng betrayed and miferahlc Nation lhould ptcive lo ttnhappygts that there lhmzld not he ox'_1e: thund amonglt. you, E0 owns rhea‘: lmo-wan T:~.wz;,ae.