'“' --r I, ..........—.¢.a—... ———— —- rv ' - . I .1 ,-.v ......___. T116 M E M B E R 1'€C0nCi1€d E0 4 4; i i J The ‘B .21 R 13 E 5 T 5* 1:, 1 V I M O R V ' An Anfvver to a Scandalous P amphlet, ,Inti~t~uIed,” PRYNNE A again“ PRY \Y/herein is a clcarc demonfiration , Thai: itmlliam ‘ Jhfyizzie, Vtta-i Ba1*1‘cIh*17 of Liizcolmes 1m2e,i11I1is‘i Savcrmigne Power afP¢irlz':zmmt.r and K éng-dame}, is of the {amt judgement with , and no Waycs icontra-~ v UM , ii,“ 7‘ W‘ ,'_‘ “ V r v-w.;r‘». ‘ , o ‘-33 1 , X M, 3 ' i ~ ' V ‘ us“ w A . W11 _j___W M , ; .,, .L» H’ M 4 ii’ - » ' 7.». M i "J . >v . -. . -i, . i -_ . L ; 4 o I '4 I"! _ .f I 4 “N!-‘ , , «U I u . c '; 5 A L . . \ =‘—»~—-—-no —**-~—;4—._.‘k___._,..,..,,_¢.?_._,_,-.-—,.._.~.~«.... .. ._ . K W diftoxy to mllimvz Pr) 72226’ I3.{quirC', A Mcmbrr ufthc ‘ * ‘ Hm/‘c ofCammom in his M 2 M 12 N T o_ V { VVI1c*::c%i%11tI1<3 Liiilawfulllleffc of the Proceedings ag‘air1PcJ this King, and altering the pmfent Gavernmcnf is manif*¢g}¢&‘ out 4 ofhis former Writifigs-ahd aililicaviis and caiumnics of this A 122.1 ndalous I~’a:I7:piJ.=’dteei' fully Anf W(‘1~‘-Cd. i By Wi//zlzmwry/2228 Efquirc,‘Bar1‘(:flcr at Law , ilrld :1 /P1677?-/.1’/EV offlre Hm11c(>f Commons. A 4 i " V Tit. 1.12.13. V‘ ‘ V 01%‘ waft/aamfilwx, even &ziPr0p}Jtt*07“t'19tir 0'W7¢£,_fi”£i¢1'; T11: Cristi- gf/F ifiI..!VA2’”ESl iL:Zf’A1‘i’S , c'v5[1émi‘?.r , {lam 13:!/it: : J: wmzéi gzxtrm: wacra are rcim ei them /Igirzr Z , that tb qmajécflmudin tbafczit/9. F It V P} . fiji LONDON Printed‘ Aviizo Dam. 649;, .4. ..--~-»-nm....., .. .,_,._ ,, N V _H_ Am‘ V ‘ 1...‘ V . ' - .. w:¢2»=i»%%%%i»%%4=¢»w2=c>@§=r=§ l M 1m..»»»“"?:”": l ‘ ‘ 3'-mu,‘ c:wv' nu. hwy nfyv ‘;v'‘ - , A“ —,j xx W Yoltbe‘ lRcacler. » » Curtcdus! Réédcr, I 4 Eeting t7>i5‘in0ri2‘iizCg1l7§t}9’aprintedtPampl1letlin’t‘i¥- = ltuiledfryntille‘ ‘gm/21>ryn;ic; Or the azjvter of Wfilliam Pfytllnc, Vtter-Barrefier Lincolncslnncg to a pamphlet, latebz publiflzed by William ’Prynne .4 Member of the Houfe of Cemmons, intituled, *3. b'rcil7Mcmc-“mo rd thqprcfc.nt unparliamentary Iun... to; toutlzilrg _tbeir prejent intention‘: and‘procg%ediw3[sl to @5- pofe and Execute CHARLES‘ S1'vA13.1*—,, (3ml1*hmo;is Houlé, and ‘(mg (Wei: Maj elllie§prg(ént_A§1dlgés?t& '7e;2re-. ll C °‘.‘.L".‘V‘r: W’ . ‘W :39 flrnumd renderr ~ mé an vApof¥a’te‘3d¢id«Turmeecmdte to the «Ming W} at €12e4_99nimon— good, W ‘lV¢1‘tigin°us, wofldflike 72imfélfe‘)”amdltogaihefizhé"colour tlzkxznjgitfl and illcgall preceedingsl (ifpafsible) from my \vriti*ng$, who ever from my Soule czlaominzztecl and declared acgain/f tlaem as Jcfulticall and Treafqnablc ing2ll»g;q)+;§i;;alrj;ir2oft»Commons in. P afrliamcnz ' for fr,£ntingV:~ that tlozév B coke imzitulcd €118 Ereatbetn man ohiflflyalqu 5"e‘3§jeo‘2-_.;. Iobn;Wloit*e ‘; WhtcnccithctArgumenttt {lands thus. . -‘:3. All‘ to 'M‘afl§r7 P5~jnne‘”;jthc%B1"rr;{°c‘cr, ;r1}o1agh hfieo4m1intE‘iflod.';~tHI!r:2t V %m(?,o'u‘r‘tte9f MP_arliifaitr‘1t too be t:~hc:.m0fl Sovfrraigbc 1?0vkanem£t"*a__1~2ea:haxs fi1’(%i$ %gc§:é>1xiég hié J'o3vé:~"a:"g"ne4 flower; gof Pzzrlidmenert g ,3 V A M AV the,C6mmons}1o'u{¢ ;vcrhiel1tef”a1xthdtizcd.» 15¢; tfle veEy1‘itI: éf *-*’rhac~B;oekké~‘,~ mvex3:;rcffeet names mdcitmrtc. ahafopfli/5_t)ParAI£ament.t, OfoTrea(:}:erj ind. Df'jlay7a+l,tf1,o'v{g t_ %V A ttlfei? SarverAig.ue:,l»ot/1 in Doéteine medpmfli e, and of Tregrterofl: A~riva’?"&z 13»g41"2'A}5‘o_fl‘e_’tt0,f2 ..§fIf._t’?6;fii9- A 3 lance” to 1921.: pa-rflm,‘ gaih h#t%btg"nd£ii9 i! %% B%tfl8€iI.'.fl "}1.tQflf5_3_ And tcoimrtting th: Ir%p’tlt2§tt'0tj Mi2l'to * b1Br’cBmjge,‘ofoiaj rqi/fig At/756' A %% ,.% 4| _... , W7“ . . , E %% Amy * Exafl: . filter the.fr4h3e~ofGavernmext,h and efhehli/h the Latte: of V 4 the Land, we /hall need tagiwe it not further tmfwr thin thie. Th”: (15,) hifto raif e aegzlrmj in our jttfi defence, whet: tmother it‘ tm¢r6‘h£ttg.ta-v Wards. at, J‘! L deflre] m audteur lm%ve.t,t he to alter the frame af Giwerntbeht, then itthett ./IR M T rat:/‘ed for‘ that pttr}/vflofe ,’ othernkffe it If for our omte, ind the A lawtt. uecejfivj prefirg-. wttion. . h f " . h h _ And not long after, tI1c*Ltrd: 4K.d‘Cantm¢"mt in their Re: Comsfiion monfiranee _ Novcmb. 2..-. I542} in anfwer to hi:‘e’M4}efliee Dh€lel._ P. 6'95. 696, ration the T26 of May 1642. €'0I_t€6I’fliIlg the £5 tzfirmed h } the t'en"trt'7Jer.r' of thit .dhfWtr,Th.&tt~we tald fhe»A1f1:tt‘g' t I/dttt we might withettt want 'afmadej%]ht4nd2Itttjedepafe him. Did we fit mneh M were mmeethett ward, the flgnéfiettatiane wbemfm prafefl fed, that We did notfttfer it fa much at to enter into hextr thtttghte 9 Did rvefdy, that with duty and the might Jcpofe ' the tffing, hecuttfe wefzid, _We.,ne*vere fitféred‘ it tmeteter into 01;?‘ thought: 5’ A Or dot net thtj rtttherfajit, ‘ that will need} make Prefidentt to he 5 V’ » mle: andpgtternet .9 “Saree when we (3153, That [ante Pre/idente 3vere’fiteh, 4! that the] on ht not to he ride: for tee to follow, we might hj my ingenious Red er,‘ with much more prahahilitj heme - thought te have intended tho_/_E qf. depafing K ingt; then to have fitid _ that with J!!!) emdmodefl] Kittg.r'mt:ght he dt:f]JQ/h'd,h£’C‘dfl_[h We etfir- med that We htzd not thaughtt. I ‘ A And Although the} wanldperfvvade his M4jeflj,hthé; there it little confidence to he placedin our .Madefi} and ehet},}et ttt" God it witnet efuttr thoughtr, fbflmll our 4Et‘t’ax.r wit he ff e to all the world , that to fqfered tfttch ‘things, to «enter into every , the honanrafdttr Reli t’ ion, and of thofe that are maj} aneezlam in it, (fit nmchflmtkent at - “y the Cmtriver: ofthtzt Declaration under . odious mtme:)ewefilh’fttfl”er more framhundfir at1f§S0~yc7_'tI:t"g'n, elm; We hope Gad ttillezterpetfmit the that/lice oftrieked Ceuntellifl; , ta , feet at t0,ahd“fhbflgh the hdppihe; efthie and A411” ittgdamet depe}:-~ ‘ t‘ elethcheiflfupon Gédgyet are athgtazvledge thititdothfhmninly de... A h penelu£m hit 1‘P!4j.; attdthe Kayak’ hhflfdnthet efthat Raatflhattas We htwe eretaftrejo Vtefhall hereaftér %e.?i‘eem no ttzml the _gre4t,rt.ae reproach tort w'le,h#t that we shall dwilltngljge through the an-,»»d gtgdgrgqthg gthggg Zhat gt jfmidhthezrhtlt Kiflgdflmfemflj ktfigy that V ‘ A . W A »v_<"": . ‘ F----«~..... »r~~~,:--»..,»~ \ é .. V, \,_ V ',,T; ‘ V _ V Catttmijiott of ;drrAj,' h hath tlicfe notable Pa{Tages;.But mafi i2¢jw‘5Wfl!,mty?t mtzliciottflj it ” l (P3) '}3dppi}¢e_g?,1a‘?/aicb we came: inlan arlzlcfljrt iamj of A p7‘D‘t/£11336?‘ expat? from an] at/acffotmtain ar St~reamr,_ than tluqfc from whenée mt: t/air nqyfin ofwill cotmfeli once removed from dévam tbeml) we-Ac dauét fiat; hit 434 the AWba1e}fi)¢gdom' [held (2: ’fa:i.rfied ma]? aémradantlj . » “ i A A ’ V * A Therefcarc MT-A Prjnm the Batrefier as well as M. Prjnne the Mem- bcr,.a-ndlboth HOufes¢of‘ Parliament tot), are point ‘blanlie .againli7tk theApr;cfent artaigning. depol-Eng and executing of the King, . con— A dtmning it as a Papijb and lefniticall Pmélife, never owned, but , difclaimcd by every Pratefl;gnt—Parli4m:nt,:tnd by this Parliammt A in two exprelle Dacia?-«tinny, two {olemne Pratejhztiam-,and in the » . ifolemm: League and cavcmm fince ;* all which this Pampbleter tooke, and allented to, as readily as any other Members ; and therefore cannot exeufe himlelfe frornsmolt detqffiablc preftmricati-- on and perjur], in violating thefe his folemne Protcflmiam.L:agu: ‘amd*Camn4nt,Awith“’ his omit of Sapmmmcy mzd_ Allegiance to boot, which he hath oft times taken, the guilt and infamy whereof thult reltupon his V conlcicncc, and eternally cry for vengeance ag gainll him ,, unlcife he lexpiate it byLtimely- fiand.» deep repen- tan ce. A’ Foutthlyg Mr.“ Prjnne tltefiarreller in his Epeifile to the R eadet A lbefort:AhisAfourI:h Part, thus exprefleth himfelfe. For an} am; part 4; I hz”rveAa1l1)fl12E$ beenéann euctlhml be an Iimur. a Etmfcnuet _Df ifiillfifi $1110 $5116! YEW, ( the belt of Gawrmsémt, _Wbile: it il(ge}gs‘witbliniA.tb: bound: whit‘/9 14117 and can/Eivencc have prcfirrilved) flz’ I ll‘ newer-fo~f4r degenerate étliaw tbeAdmjA qf_aIm~.an,a,Law]—l~ er, 4,Sc/caller, «as C/arij2£»'t):,a;s to mifinfotme or Bxtter“‘either, not - yet (onto of any popular wine» glory) ¢o'utt either Parliaments or ‘ ,pcapleto'ghe prejudice of K 1;‘ N G’S Iv s we no N L 171- at ,but carry futh an cqtmll handebetw can them,*asifhall ‘doe rig‘-it to both,ln;'u-we rytoneither,to—preferve,and fupport tthcirxjufi and legallsoivc-9% ‘A raigntyes,ju~tifd~iél:ions,Rightgvvithin’ their proper limits without tyrannicall invafions, — or {editions inctoachmcnts one upontianother, _t I . . This is NII~':.AP7‘]nm' the Barreficrs fence. i ' A A ' I ; «And in the third‘ 1’aArAt* of -Sovereign Ppovycr of Perliamentsmfil 4 Kingdomes .- page 147. he concludes thus- ,Lf:t§ ,~Gpnl:~»anr[& and wswfer €?z=_":+~ «rev! 41! tlwfwte an A".‘.'.?:;.l,‘l"l':W."‘:‘l‘.b we ltwrre» J 'V ’ tj/"P_¢€.:ifl”]«‘..‘ . o(:"4) M 2/jm-£221; 4 oi‘?/ill,m't/gin L:/my (mm Jam-fi cm:rm«eaw,z;, ;\ 0,, oh Wore abate my Ioyull fmcere iweuh rations , to an2,oitIopa1At fl’Ané= I-RE ozfislnm to the pgsztuotce of were baht;-:aim12a‘_,* or A ,5, 5,4“, 3,. wihar.¢fi:a‘t19e] l£2ze;9o}J.ic/a benewr pu,5lif£;ea{,,tacaeer1tem€I?ce nreoenenie- "71 ‘v V rage ea} tzmmZt‘eea:ex, REILELLIOUS .f4E'.£;g;ae,ezm5£2ia:ee;AAE£raptgg W54 fiozrioo, to meeziigy or £'mao11agaeex1zftt!)zi-r‘ §E9fl3J8tfligl”:B* : Méeet ml} but A afee cmzmzz eiefire ta efefifzecb ez fpeeeéhe/¢anaItra6le,fizf3e , relfgiem , fimpeteramll Peace between fling ants -ii=_£+arIian1enr,4: ell rm; Clm’. flhm Entgli,/791Jeezrt.r,?7et/9 cordial!) pm},la:rgfI9r,€s3* endeavour. Ergo M r. Prjmzg the: Men: be r,andA Barrc=ftcr,isA;-ft:lAl onchand thczfztmc man, an afiisrtor of Zlrforz.-are/9)’ and Loyalty , and no wayes hoconcradiaogy £0 himfclfe in any of his writi‘ngs;and God: turf: and mm: muff :31}: 1'1 pon this xn;mr¢'fiee£ Pezmp/aleter , fofihis maliciouspervcrting of his: words,again£}. th<‘.‘iI‘ {cope and pL1rpofe%,*too juflific thee depafing and ma-mhering of the I‘qw~m_£gne Lord [Cling Charlcs , lisllamfull ant nightfall iting; of this Realxue, and of all ‘Ink A M.;_.. jpfiié: Damitgian: find =AC’mmr}rie:. ;.with this addition, that all Prone?- fim; 5;;&,’g~A£z:A me ¢nja_)meAd to mJ<_,e'.- this Oath, as well as tParpi/2:, and E cfpgmialy tevlcry mamgégr of 1'/9? C ammo»: bmfi of Pzzrl. without ‘A «tak.ingwhsr:o:”hc is,eunW1v dxfabled tab: 21 1l4cmécr,Dotipfa1liby rtvldcncc,thatthisAI.gw and A.0aAths1; .t:cl%ttedt;«At;*ta:AxAl})'_A_thc1ugh.pgéi2qc£. “ p»zflI;,to thgr: Pqetlstulutrpations ifi.thi's1?~ta1m..b1:t: .%u,A9th¢l1‘flSllb-L , jeas ufurpaAtions tudcpofc or murtl1t:rttlalclKingrtb .3113’; t1if’urp.¢d"o3: 'pr,_ct<':nclt:AcAlA. g5Al-qt-l1«‘l1_tlty, 0rHlgl1l.C€)AL1"I1Z Ofjuftiterlvhhatfoevcr. A A AA]A3ut that whicAhtc,lcAax;AAsit rmanfwerahly is this;_AThat this very A5} prmides, That «wry Geaztlemmt er P‘?f"’4 .fh?gW dtéctért or any rpm;/bu or perfliz:,wlJich bath 6073. azfjhttfl 5:47‘ am} office fifzfi/46: of ??4P£é5¥eL€.§’f€£’?:?;EFa€C§"J ztésr M59. Watt 93: Offiv: €r,2tC4wr.»r. _,,4 '’‘.7.': A(¥9)‘~ I % fiflgWC0r$P3#] 0fS0lJ£arr,or C':!9*n5[!«,¢"5‘z‘:§r*§f'O;f'*;$’0l;z1A*ft7;3-A¥';:3:9/922‘?! rgga ar‘ pom": walgntdrilj alt; oftgr -,KcaxlflZé34;afi’7"Z.I§é gfgfig-rgign ~ ‘P71-gm-,,. Swim"? - 0‘¢flMt6'A.(* 1:‘ _ ;:o§cfiant% or Pop1(h~,) gfitforg: tbutfl [ae:b;z[l become Méaundbj 0&1; gatgon Vwztl: rwofu-79 fliertjtx 4: .rh4?:ll_ lmflalowed ‘ A oft/9.9 0ffic‘c"*r‘.r»A tbcflrein limitgd to tpsfig t/9{"fém‘: ‘*:3ml —_ ," %1r1Vtit(}_?4Q,_‘1;;? : SflvcféfgnL6rdfhe’K%i%ng$ M3 H1’ '5 AH1;_“‘”m;_4_,- 3+ afiéysu E: c'§”s-'~“5QV’R_v5'h‘ % in the umof twenty p0L1nd§‘Ofc#rWtnt E:eg'li_fb"r}¢a”7:¢j’"ci“l4~tI:$g'$ [égj%.’.~ % A with aanditivn to_tI:w efiactfillowin ,A;1M1[?~5,_.;,A;1;*g[g,,,AA37~y‘e'7'-,',,b'¥,,. A f which cméflifiorkfbllqwetlq-f‘:viz, ‘HT/gm» ¢ wf;,5,,;.~¢,;;_g:]§:,j,¢ 5,,,,,‘,g;,,%,, _,],;;v;_¥ ‘AA % L not at my tim%c%r1verexz.fté“r [7c”¢7_'6“cb?2cilieb{%%r-“a fi,g":p5P;g,9g,,:g,,.; 0)c)Ro~m5;, ‘I“ % 1103 55.21! enter hero‘ %or”bonfl-;:t sapygfaj }j3'f'!:)L}’j3aaif2¥.?§’gf. A53 '£d“f1gi4;ag|g’.i" mbazfuzseh xztagainft figs *:fj;i.t1§gs maAitzw..? Elisa Igséittmnta ;¢;~;=u;;:*¢rgg:;5*.: . 03 WE '35 bifi U1‘ their E/me or E_/}.ate.r,'i£*ical1wm5 or E:’I3z31I-I’i:Ii01i5": éxzr xlmll within convem’ent¢time after Igvzawladg “thereof bad,revml and d*fi‘10fi' *0 “)9 ifiiflflfilliaiefiy W bxefrss mm i%uc£@:!%‘2w..or fame 0f 156' L074! 0f W5 Of fbfiit % Vflaézazmrafie % V W'l’7‘*i‘?J_y ”%.(‘omaI£~* A all rad) p;m1ires,p1am am cantpiracpeag/mt tiger} tbgfizid o£>Izgm.V on 5.»: @374. Which condition being general}, extending to zzigj “Plat ~~, pwz,ct%if9 arcaggfiiimc} wfamjac veryzgainfi £19: I{ié2;g'A,% HI}: aim" M and Samoa’ ffarr ft» {or ”1un_%y»“: af% lgixffaix‘ ‘t/a”eir VEfl}ste~‘ air A aflatqx, (Realm: an Damn»; ; without%anylin1&:a:ti6>n to the‘-Fopé, or oth¢«r'~t’qft*a-ignie 1’rAi%:=:cc, State or Potentax;c,or tr» papifh%RctL1%famts'@nly1; gawd? rcactfi T ing as will to %plots;pra4 efengvghcthcr they mill or not v e A‘ To this Mr. P:ynm'-2 the Member anfvvers. Pixie’ , T hat ;what he A hath written as a Barr;-fler in thefe twcr Pages of his Fzrfl Part, 7 will prove .fa%.ta_1Itoe. this. Pdmpblerrer and his: flama now fitting , if well confidered , and trulymccited. '1 For firit , he there proves -5 T1140‘/Jere, com 5:‘ naePz'trlzf4me:z1“ witlaoxt I/ac Kmg, tw/ao‘ anglwt ta Ive» A4 .alw4}::perfoh4lb'p1_vafEnt,, in or ~:zm1?c~/.vz'.r_% Pkrlzhmenf : ,Wh1cl1 he. hath more fu11y1manife{l:ed_asta Bamfiergin his: Planfiow the Ltordr, p.y.to 13.12)’ many Authorities and R‘ecords... The .45. Commons tn therefore now fitting without the Lerd: and then: Fe/low fl/améerye-~ muncurrcntce , ,and againft‘ t-their Wee; , .ha.ving illegally and <0 Jng as an mtire Pdfliament , without the King , Lords or their > ben9:.P§xlj§_mcnt gt ell , but a.» meet uypar. A mjreron/I}_ condemned the King to -.labfe%'b:2:.Hc¢Je; ,and.a£t-~- 1i47I1.e:2t47y~« I (21 3: A l¢4fl_*§6’h.'t47n;vn fxérwg by 1',» Pym the Bm*raji‘er.r Rcfolution ,.to, vvhrch t‘111S_.§":'c‘7r'i5/e_r rcfcrs. And fo much the rathcr ‘,N ‘bcc:;su{;'c they wxll quite dxffolve this.Pa1;1ian1cnt’, ‘by putting the King to dearly V. For the Pa:-limacnt bclingbut the mags apatlianztntt arm great. ¢I3unccll,and an fiutbozitp not~at1 finteteft, origimllycallcd and auth.orifed to fit by the Kings Writ a1o.ne,which abatcs and expires by his death A; and enables not to confi11twithout,but: o111yim't1;t[)¢% aging ofbu{in.e1Tcsh conE:cr11i11g Egg aging ann {Eta Kingdomc-, as theft: claufés ofthe Vvrit import. (1: arcing 8cc. cum NOS -dc ad-A wifémenro ct cor:-fivz-fxih C’ onfillzj NOS TRI pro g/4:16.'4A{'o“L¢77z ardmlr at urgemzlzn; negorijr N 05', Stratum cfr defenfio22c*mA Reg»; N 0-SITRI AMNGL IKE camermmt .- qmddam PARLIAME N7 ‘VM N05,‘. TRVM .8CC. tmere o7‘dz;m'z2imm' .- Er iézdem voézfcizm Sic. Re gm‘ N0s~7'1e1 COLLOQVIV/14 HA 12152225 &c. Q5409! perfom}[z‘~ tcr.mtcrfit;‘y NOBISCVM 8Cc._/§4p:r D I C ‘T1 S NEG 0 T115 z*r.~1~ Zhmir. Er dd flzciwdwin Act confanrimdzm-1 ht: qmzztamc er-Aiézdcw , dc Commzmi Canfilio diéfi Regm NOS TRI qontegerit ardzzmrz. /E¢p.r'r ,V NE 6‘ OT! IS .r:L’\7'TEDIC'TIS Scc. ThcKing therefore bcix put to d::at}:g,thchI’arli:11nent mufl: of neccffity be hdiilblvcd by it, fincc it can be, no morehisP.n'li.1ment,his CouAm§cll ,.11ornconfc1'rc h w‘ithHIM naboucHIS and A Ki_ngdomcs afiaircs For which the were c:111‘c:d,'md e1e&edhto‘trcA.=1t of as the_Pcop1c_sA Attorneys or ¥'1‘u1E'cncs : the King being both the “fiacan, the begimling, mt: mill fmmbation Bi’ the aparltanrcnt (VVhi:h cannot fubfi{’c without; him,no morcth_en a.n:~ztura11bodywithout an he-ad , or anhou1‘c without afoundationyzs our" Law éaaigy 1*cfo1vc: and fowas nit;-A'MOdu3 cxprcfly adjuldgcd and agreed 1;-H.4.rar. I’/trl.7¢.lAA. x4.H.4.»C,%ook 4.mmd; In/ht. p. 4.6; 8:4. E.“ 44. 444.5. T‘/9L‘!l‘Aé)'Atf’€'d6':Zl‘}.! aft/Je King the Parliamcn * -1% rliamem 1‘: Axpféfaffchdzflblgxéd A, as ahhllothcr Courts heldpnlyfny Wm {Soak l1i9nn_Writ or Commzflan are.‘ ‘ IVcithC1“Wi11 the AP: made thxs Par1n;.4-I“ “I- ' ~" N‘ ‘ n “ ‘ v ". h 4 . 1‘! o& . mm: m the 17..year of rhxs King,--_'To prawn: hlnconvmzmcex wk/21:1: 1Z3rO:nP_“ V my-happen 5}’ rbcflnrime*hly" ddjazrmérzg‘, Pi'o7'og.ai72g or Diflblving often; 1m.;{:. . jthzi pxcfint Pdrlzzzme.-w,Whicl1'gtnarftcd .- 7‘/mt r/m PRESETd§&ioxa of PA‘./IAKLIA EN 727137 aflémlzled [hot]! not 5.: D1'SOLVED',’pro- C*°*“1:§3-5 n h raguédfldjourrzed wrzlefl} it be 57 A51‘ of Parli amen; to 5: pgfld V 4 dcatllfor chcih rcafous;Fir1’t,bcc :.u!"'e thki {cope 8: intc1A1tof:;Q.nthis Aétm 1," fowl/aazt p.:¢rpufi'.~ continue this?-.u7li‘;2n~nucnt in being after thCIJ'K1l1gS {Mas PI?” (nmdc before our latc'Warfcs)«gxr;2s only %t;ohdifa~b1£it:11c King to ad- A A ~ A A jourzmcw. 7 (so joriui prorogmfior ldilfolve this Parl... by any ‘!’roclamarioti or.l1z.y;.ii A6! of his,wi:hout the confitmriof both houfes; as the very ritimpro. logue rind icloie of it_refolire :Bii‘t never. réo C0m‘.ini_1ei:: A fii1lAa_ pgrlig; A - meat in cafe ofrhe Kings di:ath,agamR whichit gnever Aiihtended to; ~ providr:,i'r being :2 legzill 3'fld'SliJiiT)i11C$ A icljiifI'olAut:ilon‘ “off Slit: by the very A 1undamenralL.cor:Liitm;ionof P.zrliarrienr7s,aridthe Common Lawof theflefilmc. r A» Secondly ._ Bscaufei the King,’ is the hci-id afid iprincipali Member 0f‘,tffl~€:S profane ‘P;-lf1l:1£l1t3l'lC;3;t‘ld‘£l‘l€fiffl:'p‘CrfOn"iIl__t‘h;i ing Par}. Be iedeclgired and emafiied BYTHE Kil\lG. ‘Sic; "Vtgheife-A ; fflffiwwhflflhfl ceafeih to be and 15 cut off, the Pmliamegut mutt of ‘ne.‘7 cefliry ceafe robe, V as well as ifAthe‘Lords ajndCommoins hadiall bin" A dead o r? murdered b y the Army-,in which are the«P.irli;iment hid bin 1‘ U T - coded nocwichfhnding this Aéfimirhieh icéfinot make a thing in beiijgg ' which is aflaally d§:f’cr0yed, no more then at idead imlm to be a%liiv;ej,“ Beczmfe it was never rheinteririon of theKih ,ALords1n~dCommoos who were all parties to this a&,to=fe‘r up a new‘kinde'of Parliament without either King or Lords,or the Majority of the Common; V/912:4‘/E I or to veil the Name, power and authority of the Parliament in an eight or ninth ;a' "r of the Commons ilokllh; alone, (aroow) when the M King, Lords {lad relidoe of the Comrrrons werc: cut offzmd forceda, way by tlaeimmieseviolcnce. 3’ A i V 7 H ‘ A Such a thought as this never once entered into their heads; There.’ fort‘: the murrhcring of ._:h6AKing. the laying aficle the Lords houfe , & Iiscluidiog of moi’: of the Commons,’ mull ofneceflity ciiffolve this prcfent Parliament notwirhflanding this Afl, as Mxfier : Prjmre the‘: A ' Aflarrefier, proved long firice,beforc he was a rm-méer, in his Plm, A far the Lardr. pr» .14 _1 5. mi fo much the rather , becaufc ‘without A them, no A61: of Parliament can pofsibly be made this Parliament, to diffolve iAr,wirhin the words or meaning of rbiiz Aéh mm- ;1€”“""‘;1< 7. nionsrhcrefore now fii:ting,b1ving by their la_t¢exorbitan£Aioiprr9.m£~ A "f’* ‘*9-ii dings and cutzjtu-'ig off ch: Kings and Lordotloo i;1fl_Mf.PT]flMc'*thEjli5‘V A 5 refters judgement difolved rbisprcfentIfnrliarrie‘nr_,gi1dhherebyhgg;i;i 4.AE‘AM Jr: [gquently aired all /P4fil5lm¢K1t‘C_9m»1EtCCS in c;;yi»m1d_ Q'.é;1[1.[fEy‘i~ , 1.15., ,, ,_ together withaill OSJIQIDCCS’0fP.£.!fil;§_mf3i1t,‘and all. * 'Camiéniflhn:, a.r.H.7.,,'of the Commi/Itionarr aft/J: i. arm; «iSm!e3 Itdge: ofgh'§:7‘ICingrl' 1- E-s- 6.CTf”{’T’5>1“W€€€4"Pi.”’* IiIwnd:»heG:nes (#3) c wall: A andtallyother Ofiitert ofthé Armies 'C0mmi~fsions liltewife, 'iand_ put the Kingdomeiand Army into‘ a ‘ rniferable iconfufi~ 011 l l _ ' A ‘V Hr; 5: .~.« 9 m.«‘..¢: .. y V -Mafierl Famine A.tl1e'jld'£rn‘.5cr'c0lCG1VC5.'heC9t1ld'thCFi‘3I3ld Know” 1 giv'ethet=n,- no-other .Tirle,lbut': that:,in his zvfmgngrgwhichmayfeags % the prefentlallgeland ploficrity willlhavejnfl: cattle to give them; for themifcriesl they have broiughgand are like to bring upon them , by their Vymparliamentayry and violent proceedings", which he doubts wil end in their own mine. i ‘ A l A A t A A _‘ A A7Set1 .~T¥??l‘1y~~?E35‘"“PP1i°?lFi..°:l}. 9f Ahit Words ‘A i i A it A.3dly‘;,l.’A tlumfelme: ylwithout” caxfé ;, mad that all tiring: ought to be ‘affad inn P A ‘rh’cament”nly£vy‘ i”/agile King! «, Iaordt’ mtda Cammam jaynt lco7m:urre‘:rife}yA 55- only bemrldefy, Tllat ifazt) oft/ac Lords‘ or ~Cammam whenfwzflmanedc, /%f:Zl’vaiZ:f'ul{y aéfljnt t/rem/E12/ei:,tImt t/as re_/2” may ‘ fr hzhdproqceoi ‘without thAe'fm firth ldtztjbeyiltingfiy fillnftnt make W/901* ‘ l But he *t¢*thtrth<=r= not any h 4 A ‘ ‘ff * A~lth’éd‘;y'tl‘ittt”lth>et Lords and Commons could fmalte bin... d—ingI.awes or Ordinances of Parliament without the Kin g: or than me Commons alone could rnake Acts of Parliament without the bordsgus a few of them now they prefitme-50r that the eight or ninth part only of the commons hot-tie fitting under 3. force,when the refi . of the Motnlpers are impril'o:ted,feclnded and driven away thence by the Atmye$”'violence,wciAe a camplmt ~Parl:iaiment, or HoufeA'ofcome ~ mom to vote, order or a& anything (except only to adjourne,and t talire Order toyremove the force ) or thaitywthat they voted or acted ' under a force , was valid aridibixiding totlltheirl fellow MEMBERS 5 or any others: but he exprelfizlly affirmes the contrary : that‘ -‘wbatw l mrzktrotedor mamd. wloilet the Perl, zit under i-4 force -mid fir y1t1u11P:'n:.t;2.p. 86: And tlmt no proceadingJ.o%gbt to 5c in Pmrliaz; mrnt when maj} aft/oat /I/fetizberx are aéfmtr or driven amzyfimm it.’ Pztrt.2.p.7:whic.l1 he groves n1ore1at'gcly,vyh~i1esa. .Bm*'refler;and be Afpre he was a /Mam er 5 In his Lew!/tr: Ltewlled : and /9;: glflezz for they LM/it. l l “ l “ V l iTl1:relorelrl~lics .iP}zmpblerr;' A hatlt much A abdufediig/lat»:/fc;.y A ‘ / ll A _ lphns Specch, A t’ 14‘) H y ‘ giflyx Mr.'"P2jmm*t11Q Barrefler iiithc fir/E p4rtnfl1i§ Sawemigm pmei % 'P:zrl:mnent:,which this Scriéler quotes p. z8.c1tcs and cem- furcs,t eunwarrantablc Praétifevofi King Rytbivardt/ac . zd (fbr which ‘ . he was artzbléd égzzinfl an the flPm*lz'.m:mt -I H. 4..Whc11; hf: ‘Was A * Gnfron dcpofcd *‘) That in the 21._7m.r-e of /9z'.rReigm*, bafindaljy pdckgd at I‘- 3 39; ’ Ihzrlzkzment ,.rtml 5} 62': c.t'tr.rzdord1mzry armed Guard of Che» ‘ M“ 5”" C [lathe zsfrc/mr; ova?-anvcd mm.’ [‘7arc~c’d irta Rc'pmzl*t/:2: A ~Pa?r!i4flza°rzt;r of lo 8:, I I Ri. I1. 2 and to attaixxt and C011d(‘1II1I‘-1C the’ ;D:¢.{e; a/’iG’lo..; 1 6 4 9, pgcsfjfer , E utrfa qfl-I’»z2*1vick',a and Eazrlé of xfrwzzie//‘( 1il'téWif¢ 3 3. ‘~ H4 executed) of Ifzg/2 Trmfirz A‘?:tc1'%wy1uc11 ad;’o;ur;¢mg r/1e~1’4r1i.a- " 8‘ "3 "‘ 771.312!‘ to Slfirewxéztaj, * /ac‘ tircre fixétzllv-it pramrcdi .13 A51‘ tap.z]f}: 5] 4y 5 c'o722m{o;z_¢c:mjE;zt. T/mt t/as pawer qfltbay Pariixziwzat y/km/d rem.:z';ze ». 1 I‘ R_ wflnmc few perfizw , w/J0 FT.ER%y yPM1yRLy1.«4T 5 _ c_ I ;_ DISSOLVED) /Iyaztlai d:=*t'37"mim’ ‘camzin pmtiaw y dé1iwred,,, A611: 1 6. I. H. not tmfwered r/Jeremy. B} c"0[o.‘:¢r u’bera‘af”, I/fie]? Commiftecm 75ry0t'e?.. 4“ C; 3~ dad to at/m‘ tbiizgx generally ram/aing r/9;;*P«zrIi.zment,y¢z:adytJbgzt 5} the N W“1"”‘?=’>‘ Ifingx appaiurmew in net gation of {BB Eats of wt 3@*a:lt'amsnt,y A h' o I a o I ' y \ A ‘W mi am mfcuntnymaztg-arwp mrcmua example uftbe mm matmc. 3 9 4_ Afizd 57 caloztr and ;za'«trl:7o;"z'z‘_v thereof, /ye caztdéd rhe‘Par1mmmtiRa/1.? (irafcon to be .1-lccszffiun oifcenb am scum £0‘ big mall erctzliefit 91359 lefty . rsbcing llineallp, Ifualp am lawfully mm mm foil: igzite flflf t-T38 NGOD 1501231! [If fblfi lli"Bé'ill11£’-. zdxd that h} thg gaadme of Almighty Goal and [fill-lfufl tiglfi of §Dil'{Ct.‘lf , hiss‘ Zllajcfly mm of .;h: Rehlme: and Icingdomex of dsnglmw , émtlanp , jftfiflffi ann l 4 grelanu the mo/i might} and patent lain; : annltbcrcuntahthcnhh min innit ljumbly an?) faithfully fubmit , gun oblige tbemfelbes ‘, NOTE- tlaelr ilaetrs arm panfierities fa; eber, mm! the lair ramp of their “M0005 befpent : Be/Etching hi: Majcfly to acccpt lafthcdme , at hthcfirfl fruit: in that Hzgh C our: A of Parliament, ‘of then: loyalty‘ , am: faitbfto his gpaleltg am: his tnyalprogemz emu pottcrltg fa; \ Bbh8t’.* Amlto Votc and declare High Treaftfbn , to be no? Tregfim; * I.H.~4.c. % and Lynlg and Al/egipmct it fclfc , to be Ifigh Tredfén to I; E.6. ' (contrary to all rules of L%uv,Iz1lliCc, HOIWPCY» R€1l?,i0“ 2 ,RC3f°“v°”.’ ’‘ " .. ‘v a ‘ V 0 , ‘j l I ' . COIITCICQCC and * cxprejfc All‘: of Parlmmmtl) to tcrrlfift ‘M5 W ‘fcarc phoorc ignorant purple from thcir Laralrj andl4’1?£3€l-V--3Wh‘3“~;,1nm.;_ _ as all “wife mm admire, dcride,fcor'ncj fuch pitcifull" eziorbicllnt Bn2_[l:..m,, D3. and Bflghura ; whichwiu afiright nhemfclvcs moftlat llafl, Whfn 7-3.~ ,_ 1 Scclrrq ; s...”..l 14 ‘ '(2:6)‘ ii xeelcra, fceI_e"ri5‘m—it:¢e_,ndu; ‘L'i6€fit1'tI_fif:lerMm' efliqueé _ragéti4 {wife A tmtur; and armed violence be grown out of d‘ate;ias they wilt 7 (no doubt) ere long. And‘then this, Iunfla, will with with allthejir fouls (but over late) they had herkned better to Mr. Prjnéxer timell»yitMei* * tmenta, which will then rife up inijudgementl againfl them‘,q dndjh this Pampblettar , to condemne andleave them withonttherleafi ex—- l cufe. i y - , b Upon thewhole matter then,it will appear to all the world.That Mr. Prjflm’, both as a 34:-reficr and /Memfifl is femper idcm, and ' no changling,turn. mt, or Apofldt: from his rfirfi rrinciples and .Enga‘gemmt:,as -this per.jt1rediPamphcttcr xs;rtto whom he wflhcth more Gm-2, Truth, Hanefiy, and idle Dmv‘£r,. Fa!/band and. H_7.pa- crgfj it; hi: heart; and next Imprefliamgiywhetenn he expeéts he will i anfwer the principal Cbnjialerazriam in his 1|/lrmmtgwith the Decla-i mtianr, Rcmanflrance:,Pratejlmiom',Petitianr, Pramifi: of [rather t Honfir, 4nd the Salem: League and Cotaenanmytherein recited , to which he hath not in this Pamphlet attemptedyrrto return the left flqadow of an .dnfmr,l'uch a worthy Champion hath he lihewed him- felf, and fo unable to encounter his Ant4ganijhMr. Pr] me, either as a115’urrefi:*r or Meméer of the C ammo»: H mfe,Who having written ‘more then any man in defence of the Sovereign: Power of fartin- Wfit -' Md Kingdomr, confidered only as they are right!) ‘ftanjhiurcd i and qualzficdg in thereby engaged’ more then any man , to oppofe the abufcs extrawgarmr, unparliamentarhdifléya/I Praceedrnga, y ofany,who flmall prefume to wreft, abttfe and pervert his Loyal! Or- thodox Writing: contrary tothisfemte and mmnin to ]'l.lfllfit?:;.thC'l7l.‘ A urrwarrantaé/c,id': aJl,"7jvraxmim1i-a'nd Trmflma l:tAt5‘yt'0flh33lhi5t i’ Pdmpblctter ; and owe othereof late have done. n......._ r ,i t»: t POSTsCRIPT. t A 01. P.is cred lbiY*r6pO£t6d,t0 be the Authorof Pzynne 4gm'"n.l_1‘ i yfrjmte, b divers ‘; yet others report,that his Sonne irirlfgaw Mr Abéor {a Metn er)is the Atdthorfind the Cal. only the ftttjpervifer ofittat the prefle -' hewcvcr it is agreed buy all that one ofyi‘i.t.hem is the Author; and the £301.. qwningtt at the preffc,‘I mult“ repute him -e A ll the_1?a_thet ofthi; fputious birth. t 1-1 jgv f,y9.,~