‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘§~;e ; A 'I'£’;11C$f Whicil-1,; (viii) "I’fi'J«;m~*yrzs f]m«:?~;Ej'am, foioéz C7-.;:#*ew, fiofm C’aoI;«¢»:;% ‘,&77ug:FJ j~ %Qyar‘ters%fE:t txpon thrs.-_” feveral _Gatc2s o'f%%t11e% City. Alfoa; 'cjiIi1y ‘ j A«::cm1%nt (bf whatthcsry laid, in tlamrown Defence, mm the Speeches»; ,. 5.4 ,_-..A.~..4. .,.(¢‘;,__,.., .,......;—-av agsnéin‘ o’m—as..¢.-9...‘ N... »«» « ? Of King Clvdriefs judges. cff,_thc: wad of King M(I';32m51'-3.9 the Eirfic;.~._ " Pwxérfj ‘»%ZT’*h«::»2v2*22sf " G9'é:*§.f¢?%¢jy C'l:-532%‘:-'::«?m5 ‘Adri;;wz% .S‘§r0:9p5;I j”°(9[;,§2%f(2_J*zas*.s_‘; I?s‘¢?z;za?z1$f.~¥s.:z€;’E?€%=",? and flmzzefi xlxwll) vwere Aflxzecutedg and %tImix‘ timy ‘miaéict wtexzdihg tr: jufiifie that my-rriri ?an.da‘b0n1ix1abIe Faét; 1 ; Jifj, ; % . W ;t«:,~.?\‘~§ A V " ‘W '_,y.;§*¥:1K?‘%‘~\¢*.» ‘ 7, “ ‘tr /,' ’X"S‘\‘~:,“‘\.‘ “ ‘ y n M n . \ .s xi: %\ ;. W. “ . ‘ ?. " «- 2 TZmCour£”af3’ufiéw 0» * A zrimg ;:~.:,yn% ’AC!f1Q1IK_‘it of the Arraignmcm , and CbAn&emiiatia0fz14 of Twmty Nj1:1c_(;f thaicbzarbarous Trayt0rs,that lC.3L'it A Asggzm-AHmfiA in Asaozcmaixy, m om; x5ao.A % A ‘ E Cemrt being AAH'cmb1e‘d,_ and Siiencs: Cammamded, the Cdmmif‘ A ~ (ion; of Cw-r%*and% Ermine? {was Read, and the Prifoners ca11’d mm: and ‘ AAA};~raig,n’s:1. Th¢Indi€tmcWr1c was as follaws. % bv the Dcvil, did Malicioufly, Treafonably, Azmd Palonimzfiy, contrary fig,» thc*:ir*_'d-uc A*IAA1cgiance,% and bounden Duty, Sit upon, and Q-ondmzm thefit Afmte Smrazraign LoArdAA King Charles 1.5 of everh1efi}:d AML-rnmry ; and alfa did _W,_~,fl me g.athAdf §?.wA.A 1648. “Sign and Seal a Warrantjorhis%_Exc-cation: A‘Wl1cjfim alihg 36.. a;AA_:E;IAA;::*Avi;1g ‘bet.-:An'al1 AArr*:1ign’Ad in tht?:i1‘A f‘eve.ra1'T11fU5a _fh¢ C'0u1‘t»Adj0l11‘fl’d tifl nexpmorning 8wcnaAClwd«:: “At wt in}: time belngfiffexnbicd, Barrsflzn. »A(:?’?eA9<&._e.f, %J'm:g:1:zy) %, Acme», ?0\7m5, Clammi, and Scot, wczm hat tn the Bar; but AAV1:Arp9n%A’f'om*e E:~1:ccr‘;?t.ic5 A.YdmmAAlGreenbil1,‘ Tim. Afiarris, % E%dwurd_Af£%ifaIpb, Gm. 1’%ic}.w:f:ring".A% AA ’£”hen‘A;the*Wimc{fcs;beinAgAcaI]*d., the:Pri{0n¢r faid_asAfea1]tm=s.~ ygflm. Whcn%I%AAwasAAbejforc mu: Lmrdihips ‘1'cfié»:rda3r, «I4 om:-r’d%ibmc~%t1xi’ng' Af‘A‘%%A~AAM%atc»z:i‘aA15%“inrefcmw:m:toAtha Jllrifdiflion of %th“eA—Co11rt‘: %}?aut% mu told me %AjFg3t:f¢1a1jdiA%ng to ?th;e:AA1=Lu1c?, AI fmui3z plead Guilt"yA.,'AAmf not Guilty, and I would be" ::};¢1:d?in place : I defimA,t9jkr1ow, whether it: be new a proper %AfAiC'¢"rt. W%hat%Awas%pron1is?dAymu4‘YA¢fkcrday%, God forbid bx1Atym mould have A « A313EuJtAAI;A1;hinkAyou¥hAad~A;%betAte;:%firfi:Ahcar thé Evidcncg, and, t:hcAn whatjqgu *faY%n1ay‘beful3Ayheard. A A A AA ‘ AA A AA A A A A {T3-[,AA;iff_;w;Ha_rr. canrmt. *=Th<:n‘% tAhAA_e ‘.jEfviAd;¢n“Ce‘;" WEWAAJ AAC3T1’d afithel firfiof wljich i5%5!5§§fi5%A"A%flneAM4rffan, wha dAé:a:1aVr’Td that AAhcCIAfawAAthcAPrifcme;r fit an thAe%27wth§DaAy ‘?Aj%s3fAA!;EAAAm;ir1.thge pm-cnaca 13?ig£2~Cau%r;AAofA;A§ufiicc,%A bcing%A%tEa%t:%Dj.zy Scntcnecwas A fE::’)“a_-1’?v?€2'i§‘ 1a,fgdini’t%t§he:;jAKing%Aj;A%;3nd fawAh%im"Pcjm:1d up Has 'AfA‘f6.nAti'ng Ito $cf:%t¢~ncc. % A Amffi A¢fummittm@A‘AAthaxAA}fat. ith:¢r¢gA ‘:;_%thm*A45as A was bArin:gAiAngA= A A A % xv A d . ‘ A‘ l A"“\ A‘ ‘T: A ‘ I AA ‘,‘-‘\’.\‘s‘V""X‘/\!‘H‘.‘4‘ ‘V’H‘""L“"‘Y‘I“1“"V ;i,A-a~‘A'.‘r!A:A;{‘*J»\.'A‘A““=ivA AA A W‘! A4 Hat :n0t*1iavingA théffcar of (3060 befalrc théir EWS: and being infiigatéed 5 'fi.g;_‘('\E§_fl'§4\,.A«‘1'u£\f\,fI%'fifi=% % ‘. % "iv: 7 with him,% wherherthey deEgn’d” :0 Murder him _or no 19 Ta ; whicfzgxe mfg; foner anfwer’d His _Ma3e1%y,_T£ww we was, r2a,fi4_e_fa ,’wwtWvnA; :£«*=M=*!8 hm fa“ M gygé ye ggmgfd ffl)" :1 —fiJ£bZZ€I’5’ Exfifllfllfi. §11_fl'$(.-ZEV 3 Nib, fl}1'lt.E"V"h(‘3fl.<¢h¢Y wcsre drawing, up the Iinpeacllxnent agaznfc the King, )1? Iaeagd the_.P1;1fonc3t' fay, Let us blm.-ken him}, what we mu, 1’my let us Znwxcfz lamg. next Thing, was proving h1sH_andVtuthc Warrant for Sun1:11on2ng the pret.V¢nd¢ df._ Hfgiwcourrof j9Izfi'"5'.:;3; ~.yh_1ch he dcfir’c:l he mxght Afeei, and xrcry‘ confidently" Owtm it to be him Likgw]fe.{_'he warrant for Exccutwn ; and feud, I ate mofi come ta be d2e:gying%1bz'ngs% rim am my mm fimdgment I bazvcj z{! o:«zc',, {mt \rczrb;cr to Eu:-. ;,m,gmg 1?; fan]; am 1:35;; Here bpth th;:War1f_.§mts w._vcre Read an mpcn Courtgj A 1';1h‘:latter'0f w§aic~:4—h, that for_thc:_B1oody ‘Y.-33:ecut1%:>n,_ 13 as folloxvsf. % 1 “ fit 25:5: Hz;gb—Cé';w1rM_f }"u/fmzw for I'?"3¢d£ZWg “W 75”.W”~’4§"~ Of ChE‘=I‘1fi"5 5t‘~7W3m AA % % % A % emf Englfand, fifizzmagtlzz. _164.8.. , ,A 4“ AHEWQS c;;gW;g_g)%45¢ewarr,V Bung of‘__E;2g_!md, 15, and fianwdethicanvzéfedé 9 Atzaiuted, and Condcmzfd mt I-Irgh~Trea.fI;m, and atigcr Hg}! “ »%C1‘imes; and‘ i"3er:1‘;em2e upon .5‘¢zzm~daj Iafit was prmnolmcfd againfi mm by thzfi ‘ Court to be ptzctm Daath, by fcvcring his Head from his Body; of which;% ‘ Asentence, Evccution yet rcmaina: to be done. 'l“hcfe; am Atmsreforc to “win, ‘and require y'm;ri,' no fee the mid sentence pm in Excgzuniqn, inthc; mpexfi; % '5 Srreez beforc Wafzire-Hull, upon the Morxwr, being: the goth wf frin» bar» " tween ttie Hours of 1,0 and 11, am 5 in ti‘-2:3 Afcernorm uf the {aid Day, ‘ with fun Eifeéi ;% And for F0 doing; This mall be your fufficient: VVarrant,€§’cc;?%% 5‘ To Col Huker‘, (1201. Hum,» and Liexng 5.101; §:b.:3m,f agd cvfjgg fir 320% . % ¢ % zgm’ ‘J 59 2? C¢4rfF,:o» afigm’ ‘Here the Iiingfs Ccmnpil enlarged ugon the Evidence, infiPc%ing~ tzhatwhat; had been prmfd was %Treafon in cm: highefi: Na§11_re, a'nc1%ciemand¢cfl Judg-3; tzncnt accordingly; Tb; which that Prifoner faid, it 1.5 mm gima go ofirer ‘yzgriadtj inzuc wfagy;7 have tbefe Learned Gentlemen afiwd what they will fgy? [Then%1t.% wastold him he n1ightp*I“oceecI‘.. ] % A H % % .% Hmifom ‘ My Lords, A the Matter that hath. been offefd to you, as it was wucIi’é, was notzdéme in 2 Omar. I believe: the Sound of it, hath beenim’ m.0fi%Nac%io‘n%s; I believe‘ the I-Marts of fmm: have fbit ti}; Term1" of Athzm *_“n:fcnce of God; {hat was with his Servants in tlncfc Days, (howcvar%%%i:g:;% feem‘¢tH“g<'fi0dto him to let this T‘u‘z:n to c0«m¢:i on us)_anc1are Wi‘fnC{iTCf.‘331~’f that theta Things were up: ,d«oue inacarner. I }1a'vc_ dc3:fir’ci in thq 1”ighc% cf him], that fcflrchétkz all I-Ic~:-arts‘.-*, Whilflr thissvhatah b'e‘3en{c’U;mc,% .ta,w9.'it gtmdf‘ race-ivc from him c:am£ézam u;:2o21 my Canfl~z'eme2, though I havc:%fot1ghcv_wigzw Tcars%many4tiii1es, andPra'yt:r$, ever and ovmr, tuth'ar:,Goc1,%~ to w11omy%rzr Lordfhipn, iswzzhis 2% Yau%k1%1‘avy.,éwhat MC;‘<:::z1At:e~Fl: ,h2s:§bemm“ M in%%thefi5~I-$aci}uns%fot 1':c1axiy"1'z::%:a;rs,. divérs f thofie ‘i7hi§!w‘§~ {~£r:%up’oan: thm’ Ber’1c;:lr:i*f AA*W¢f¢%43$#&iVfi~**W .4 .A , ‘l A % } 1 % y . «§£'a%ara_{..“Pra§"r‘ MI} H4frffpn‘do ‘g'm't%th1;z;s 3?:i‘~.'flcfl‘ u13*:f:n:Yt'}*:c5:Cr.w:f'z%’; that is ncfifitmufx. bhVc' Bu‘i;1iT6f5;‘ ;Th:3n he provizéteeziccl in his Ii~‘.nth11£i§1’ti%c;k? Rap‘tu1'¢,s, ‘Tim: z:g»5m,£m*7 aw Amkmfabtz %Ca:%fcien¢c%; and infi“ %ir1g,Qi1;_s:ha %_};;{'%ri£;ii%<é iihM-‘:n*ze God, szfm A1.’-hrs: he went enafgainin his forxner mAanAn.er of Vim di£:Aat;§f1g3._{_ hits Trcafons, under pretence of 'O;bedienc».:~:. rm and Authority of ;_PM1ian em: m-7c1%defir%e<:1%7~gjouncil, to argue Afar hixn an that Suzbjecfi. 13ut‘t§*m .}§I.i%1’ig,,’S CQAUHCEI fhew’d‘mm;, that it W215 %z'z'b‘t fax Par}i3m_o;nt 3 fax.‘ that C0r1fifi:€c.1 .w=?:>¢the K113g‘,’sI..ordsan;1¢Commons. *.vher:::s;:a‘th-ey fwc:r‘£:§bu=¢: ane_Br:1nch5 and A 3'=mr1:% the 8th par; of that mini: er 3 He hzgid, h0W‘<43vt3r,the b<)!dn<=:f's to deny what ;1’€'.uad§ m"it7~ (iv? 1h§;'§z“:g% in ‘»..‘:%'i:€3 Exc!1%&<§u&r—€L$h3nibherg .Z;m zw '£3:Lzr>i:cr2‘ lvimr, but .:fiil1fl'u.«;71~; tn hss C0%nfc'1s-ance, and‘t:hc:- ~s“%z;pr€me%Az;tk0r"iry hat aft:-2:11 by. 59 that £he~King,’:s Council Eai:;EIi101d0f his ‘Words, which vAvc.=:1"e rm 1e{?sA%tt'2an Cmnfefis %Hm1%»be'::nfW01i%z1again1%%him,%.f>t hiir; hare?‘ ~‘Car1“ia§g€: :0 His tkxlajefiy on" the ti::c+1~‘m&":t, an£1z3}EfIY1£I1”;L"1€d that the C0L2%r't7.vou1d%pmcced to? gifirc Dirmftion "mills: jury : AI3d_hEWiI1g, alotmng ctife. to 0?rfi%r, bmgwhag had 1w.:¢~;1 ¢3ve;~.m1’dy *m11;e%%%Ev1u'26nce was iurxtfid, and thfl jtzrgrf went: Atoggenlmr at thm Bar, and pre- A imntly%1mAax1i::1c;ui1v bz‘0u&~'hA£:h‘1z"z‘z in Guiitfy. A % ' % ‘ ' V Q72‘ W _ %AA‘1:1‘p%oz2 ~s.vE"x='u‘.:l1,% %inz:nsc1‘iatr:~1y z}2eK.ing,’s °‘C'mmciI movfitl for Iudgtrxeat upcm t%1Tlfif"§s/"'c‘3;*3Z‘<1’V2'%& ,% al3ee1;gin,:;£_ to the Cozm',, that his Dc*:mean<>uAr: at the Bar had b<~:.=r:n.4 .%4fL1c%;;;;%% £I1.m‘:hc:%di«.::1 not e.:%.ef‘s::r:x:‘:2 fin mszmy I,l‘>*ays am wars: 1ike'y to be fpent on that % E %€:fl"u.t:;j1:, 3% mi h;w&z%~.;;j; rztmhznag; to my agzwinfl ‘it, Sentcmze was tlzflfi pafs’d on fi}mnA, and in: Wm‘; aacordizagly Em~c11t».:d t}m:~e::« Days a;f£cr; w':>;g the 13th of at 6-’Jhm“z':~*I‘«gg%-aC;V’r‘qj.s... A A ‘\ A A A A % % I % % ‘ , T1412: next th:u;:_;;::nrw:: cm his Tryal was Adzfizm swoop, who had a new Jury. v%The1?u%w.:w71nL1cht11ei%uncé%E;vic’&m-nca that pmvfii he tat in ‘the pretencied .HigI2 "7%9¢T::»m-x cf-“"'%3*-‘qyfiica t1‘mc%ASe11t%en%c°%d thc~.': Efiiing, flTh::er6z was 1iL:mvil?:;= fame othczr :A{Z‘i1:A;:L1z1'x.1T'kaz*1cc;:;~% ‘nuzxchza mic againfl £1133 P*rifm:m*A, as to his pe»:ffi1‘ting in his Wink- ;§!dA11e{?:», Aarzd :‘:T‘0%t%ra—:;;mnting even :0 t:he%1AaIfi what: hr: had done : To Whi%VC11%he% v-?t§fz2fi?»vm~‘H.: as f'~“:»1Iu%wAs, [:_.5‘c2'z.mf2. ] ‘I "i”ArL1iy,;A*rnAyLords, 1:210’ my Iire<3qi}ing,11%at11 ’*f“7.A;m.«:;t 1363:: in t1::.:mrayAx*>F *1.”hC‘ Laws, and t5Ir*x:.=:r‘c;*?'uxr.;* I have :3 great Di£acivan- Atagc, vs.r11{~:rr:: *.:I'2t3“_ e fuck Learned G¢:;.“x1At1:*rai$%1:%h:: P'arlia%rr;em:\.% I have not had ginac g%f‘A“T tu c‘o:1fid§z::r, becauib far t11<:a~{‘e% 6 W msA I have bc:_en% {hut 1xp?‘%a1c1c;Je*» %Pri~ [%V‘4‘?§“0z*1%i:%%r: 'I11c%1‘efu1"c AIAAI,;’£¢i"i1‘4:‘, if your%AL¢mrcii}1ips%V%A{¢e any weight _in%ic%,;.wAAAt0Jet» A.“=j“”’1*m:‘h+1v¥:3 Tixnai‘ai1<;1"@0fLmC«:-1“EAl?" %’1"%‘“22:’s'"AwaS;Ad€:ny'd% I1’%*mA.” He did th'€nyi"€£‘3AH1 jAgz.s~*A:;:.;»:v?:+¢muace his cr;m;c,“4IA:1j d¢n3ringAAA~:‘1+;.ac AmA:1AAAA pc;rfi1?reci J Lgfififiefl AhiA;nfej1fT};»V -1 We CW.!i1=A}w 2‘mti¢eA, rho’ Inisfit,D¢A%aI*«@rA*'0r;.3“d«W “£.“"‘*._“i:u£‘1‘£'1wI‘%‘t“$““.‘i:“t.l :h eAWiii‘1;[ ";"iJ1:¢n‘jA* <1: em: thcAA%E;vA;dI:¢i2 ‘R U , $50!»: Cmw was i“.fi‘m11e=;wff Tvjfd, mihci» ma anat:h:':?r }:m_s,u :".*«.:"m-.1 1;‘=1v‘1<.%‘;’ae:>zm a gaénii him, 'was%I1is%% fitting in t1¢1r3%pr¢tend%6d .a’EQgh mm, Ema fbr $§gg;n%'z1g%b01,;h the Wam1ntsA%a'Fore1aié; vvh,xc11bexng; r'<::~:«m, zmd thz-:8 Hand _pmv’c}, he i%g72%%.:'%;s;I§jai=,- as follows. Cwrew, [The 'Hnz1_z$-g, that I flame‘: ug:<;m‘i:n:*r<;x1“a:.“ the L;0r<é, and be» %f¢.~,1~e you 31?, { fay i3efc;re th¢=: Lézrsmsl, k»o:*E’«:;m'2 *.=J§*s;3m ?we3m3.fi: an Feared‘, ,anjcL give an Accountm’ this Afiicm, *.=.'.'hic;11 is a wzery g,s."mt‘:?2r1ei*v.,*.:'¢:ig§«;«;;r gm-A; marl whereas it is charged there C for E ihafl mm: trmj.bi»s:.;*: ym: %*»s.=vEV£:7ra rm-*::,;=.=z3r Wm*:1;~:a;$% to t}1%e.I’art'cular.~;3 or as CO the Prawfs, but I flaw §n;;;x:z1%§a>az2iZ3r can&e€°s Mya'.;r; the Trim]; is? and E'r;0i.v farl cw berliew‘: it, and tI~:::r;:.i’“<_;m::s “ta *:;i~::~:t bs:3g;iz11zi:a«§;% es’? what xvasci1:1rgf«:lb3*%t1ae ;Cc>1111c:.:“<3, that 2:: wzzs} Afaamwixg «afar: fmr ‘{2}’-E. £3' 2?i égjjrg -{1}} _Efi¢_?‘__¢," figqgtélleféggg 7400,51 Hjc’ £3?£.'3{ 315$? ‘wifi5 $aZ[(}’é@.5 a"?3Hz:§£w~ 2*om', MaIm:"au:, mad Dc;~w'2i[/9 1Eé’z;*;m, r3~ZC. As .f’u1*th;1t, Han fay in tz‘.:ur3:1?’m-A fence of the Lcirc}, whoira the: SI:‘:arCh(':T of aid .H¢€11"ts, that what I did‘, was in his%fea%r*.;,f and1I%d§”d it in Obgdirzemc E0 M2; H(”7If~* an%c‘i1T?:_i;zI1tem1sVLanv3%;v zmd £4 wil1be§£in% with %t,h21ta%“&nd%C0nf}:'f‘s the That}; (:2? it, E:*:”c; I3rm'1‘1 h<2mc.{ Mam may veg1f.1‘ }§r tfiilefl/¢¢,~l1at‘his Olthfit‘ Defcnce wou1,.‘1 be. H.e:'infified on1]th:‘:*%%E*3“L1- 4PWm€‘[AU%t110f%it‘V%of th<%2ir%wi«;Iutft,¢and went on ix} jufiit"yi%ng himII;1f:,_ “ but the”Com:'t flfOpp’Ci his Impertinent:A%E":£cé,t,«:-t1"ec:°%r, and upheld by max». Sozhat the Cmzrt di1*e&ed the }ur3¢’, who without; frirrin:,g from mm I*1a~c%;2a5 immediatelybrought 11ixnin%GAui%lt3*. ¢ ‘% ~ % AA % " % T/somm; S570! wasmu; fettortluc I32tr, a,n~dI1aving:, ;;1r1:;mm1ehis Excaptiansm the Jury; the Indifimexzt was read, ;twd the: Evidzmce cz{I1’c1‘:, who provfigkhiaf Sittin in the, recended Hip}: Caum Emd like~wii‘c his 5sE‘ theia-Atweze‘ war-. g .3: M ‘ U E?) f2’igb'C"ozu5t fame Dzg}'.r,%%' but mat rztalmiaufly 4:0::tri%*Lv”.f1A::»€;}}3 %13ie ,u& tI':s.:: .j.;€~§?% ramts. The remaining part orAAt1ae1zvammce was my 3’v1."<-we his buafiingczsf thm; Villany, which was by the: Mouth of Sir Tam. 1{{daip.!%», wfm c§.:f:t‘:l:u-’d that h“ heard the P1‘if<:m«er waft-fs himfelf oneof the _'}u(1gc::s to I'M late King, and; that he was fez far frcm repeating of" 1:, that he did defire: when 1:145: ui3f”d,p.j Tc;~mb~5c0%nc%n*1ight be laid overhhim with this 'Xnfcripti<;>n, “*.:"§::i::r.2~1ies T.hoJ.. %S:%::t:3tj?A M-Mm wdjzsdgd to fleaxb the me z;:£n;,r. ‘ This -wzw likesxvife pmfld by ;m:,hm: E91: deuce, :0 be {yoke moretlfzaxa once in the Huxzfra of Commons. Thizs. he %fx:1r“:&+; ‘fly deny’d, % and Awent ::>n[li1~:c::r t:}1cfrs:‘Fc_ to infifl on a Parliéturniéntzzry Pbw§:<1‘f, 2-W’ the !ii th«:.*:A jury, w!;1g>%i‘1j11rm} _%%”diate1y%ret11rn‘?d Ahim Guiicy. % V _ % % % “ % % V % ffobn gangs, and €.£Irc'gary czmem we-re: (“ct tn the: ‘Barf; 311:1 Acflmzem p1‘¢:Ffc; m1 ted a Petiti<">n,%%u1m_n which he was t<:>m,% If ha did. cuaufbiia, his 1>¢::s:iti«%»n%wc>z.1§l¢ be ream Cienzezu. I 4:2,; my Lard. Af‘té:r =.~%h§<;h he: was $2: 1: zafida.-3., %r3nci,Pm cVeedi11gs%cm1tinz1’ct1 ag;3,irzii--3?w2%.:j3.% I-11e%n:%0r1fc2fs”q4, ;'I"£1z;t%%V}:5e~jIz»¢ fizz; tii§'r:rjJ%_rc:1:¢'v2~*Ie5 I“? .. E‘ that%Ev§dence%was c;ai1’c1, and it wars 12rov’d,b.m ;xi1’E3%i%'z}s%H;anci to me: $333}: r3,:1t$;; To» which. bcing,¢askTcii.wl%%1athe had z%u1II~zy,% hit: a1n{”w«:»:r’c:I, [helix E.g:»r_euj 1%11.*we1i.ttla E0 fay; but w11.at: h%as%”bm::*n« i‘.=;1i<;1.%bc*ri7>m,+ in this £I.'.i1{<;~:;, I iisgxmm t;hi%z1g,.%toV-fay.‘tog jtlm I:-‘0hi%n%1:M; I am 'z1y:.n“.~ ‘(in m ;Vj';:;V21;;_i my %1t?e2i.x:1§g, efp¢:c;ial332'~§n ‘§:s,,1a:+ pu%'t%tm,7\17¢:§.t" ugjmzx %1;%k1_%c~;»L(i,»rg‘€,,%%% ;~.m«ri EMS I:‘3{~(,1317g;,7m.;jaIt§.- xx»-;%1.f A Law“: I m%;;1’cVVw%w1‘1alIy& %‘§;_;0§«‘%1"F%3$1€1 7: W0“ %“«S%11é?1‘I¢,J‘~A‘II4”§g.' Wm, c3.%'1r%r:;*é&‘€:a;iA# gazzm ht: W;:;<»'_:‘:1:x11?:i "I%A%%2 @ Then being all fiat to the Bar. and“ask?d what they hadAAt<) fa? why jucig- .' mentffhould not'pa(3.. ” fcroop. [I humbly fubmit to His Majefifiqfs rflcrcyj %Car£m. [Icormnit my Caufc ‘ante: the Lqrd. Scot. I vflaallnnly fa 3:, ‘I do gaftxny %f:1f'upam His Ma}§fiy,% and pray 1‘«1crcy.'”] fumes. I pray His Ma.» AA}&1’gy?3ACiemenc3r,] Clement. [I pray Mercy fmm the ’:{§.img.‘] "macaw the Lord Bamn 1nac?.e*a n1Aofc%E:;cenent Speech to the Prifozmra, and afcezrwards Qafid. Se«n7t"enccf~ 1:ap::«n“t11em.%; % M A A ' ‘ Mégedqy will-» OEé’§c::b.; 33301292 Coulee, Hug!» Perm-:,A Frargafs Hacker, and Dmiial I flxtel"wer;€:b1fougI;t%to g:'AA=":c Bar; and a1} Tet" afidog: but Goo)», of’ wh¢:;m% the %§§.ing’s Eimidence u*p@n’[d thfi Irmiifizmemt up the Effe& following. ‘ .m.7. Gcfn. My Lurds, his. Pg1'f:.md Portion will be s;ii;‘i'erent%Afrra.m thmfe ‘__ ’1‘r}y’d§oefo3,*c h‘r;1:% They fat as judges ta the S:-ntcnmce of thelara King, and * he,*my Lard,‘ fit (id as :2 Wigkcd Infiruznem: Of that Masttcr at thefiar, and %A11ereido:1mA{ubfcyil$e and ‘exhibit an Charge of I—Iigh«ArTre.Azfoz1 ( 21 Scandalous L1. ’ ;bci;%%:gg,ain;f~Tc%our Sow:Arai%gn%) to be read againft him, and made: Iargc:1)ifcour- *{:*sA%%’and Agggajavations Atheheon. (and w<:~uV1dt1k0§.*fuE‘e*r His bzlajefiy Vtq 'fpea1; in ;I-Iisfmefence:%He prefsfid that Judgmcnt migAh,t bgsr given againfl: the King 5, %%%%*;iArfc1“%aif0%did fay, T/Mt H3 mufl vies Md Momzrclgy mizblnim. % %‘%%%%%AI11e%fir1% Evidence CMr.%N‘mlc_y) d-gclafid he 1”.-1w the Prifomrr aflEfi:iAng; at ‘‘‘‘.A5AhA'A3'‘-A’‘I’'.53IA7Ig4 11;) the Chargzfr, which Charge Iwffaid was Exhibitctd 'by;the Y’rifoTz1~ as soil. °1":'r'w. tmthac pre:%enAA:1cd Court; and alfo pmvfli his Hand to bc :9 j ::theACharge, and that he prc(s’d for judgment very’ nfren. A i % Cmke. [5 ix fwid I a'mmzdad.?}5ud_g,meaet of Iris Lifir, Mr. Nutlcsy,‘ I%demzzml flf’;§'A0fi¢»'w1¢6Tl*£f ‘g%z.¢.s3a')z5¢ Ward: judgment againfi Isis Z.z'f'e,J fin: only 1 dzmarzded gfiéir‘ ymfgmmr; % ‘ ‘ % "A %i‘A*"3fg3’u_sIa;. I«‘u~r“thar I czmnat paflibly remcmber, but Judgxnent was d¢manded. AgCv;1’rt; By whom? ' AA ' A “ “ % ‘ JA.3'\7'1ttZ6‘_j’.. By t!1c>: Prifuner apt: the Bar‘. \ VI % Cwzse, I said the) judgmcnt of the Court» not*againfiAA‘§him 5 I meant Jud;-3» fskncrlt for his Apquital. % ‘ ‘ % ‘ ““‘ A % .;;m2u};:.. Did you fiveg.‘ hear him clcfire,-A, that thc*Cha:rge%n1&gh%t be when Aro~{m:m Aw A A A A g ~ A That I have, my Lord, it was ur'g’;d by the: Prifbrncr again& the: ‘ ‘~'I‘hiAr; was we prowd by one Fm"z?n_gdon,% smd%feveraA1% othcr Evigdenccsa, %i?A‘:,ff[*;;:~%~;:£1hi::h ism M1’-%‘ ClAla11f"¢in the mid ChAz;rgc% w.=.zs%r%ead asfollows. _ A AAnd*:hc Md »=f. :f:"a:9ft;3 W ;‘Wotc:i’tatiiti':1g any Qthfer Chtllfgfi afgaijnfl the {'aid C5mv££?g %.$xmvm*z, am! afib, raf Areplying to zinc: ‘finfwers which the Faid \C'1wrks Smwrt ::fi§ a11imake, Am? am Ao!:hex° (C;ha1'gc, t1aat%fh‘a~i1 be {"0 Exhibiffidi 510th f01TAt13€ %%A{a;;€cl‘f’I"&*eafons zmd Crimg-sg an%b:+:zza1f «of the: (‘aid Pwplc of EnAg£m2d,%%im%pca>::l: {1:A»,¥}e%faid'Cbar1eqSmwrz; ‘a ’fyrant,‘%Tra'-ytor: 1"’h1¥C5-~’3’1’€1‘s% ‘and }Wb1iC3< :%Aj_;m;yAA%%.to the C<:‘u-3:1I‘I7r;i3:1—-Weemzh M Englmzd, and prayeth that the f-‘aid C":'.m2fz'w AA-Ermm mayA be put to A:m_:_fwe1~Va1l, 89%. :1 A A %* A 1 “ A A “H-t.AAQnE ;B;:rAdc'n 391123 declarfid, zhat‘<.‘~o1aAeAAE;;;a1nin’d him, in prdcrtcs make: him §;;%gjm%AEviAd;en1ce* againfl the “King, wh':ch7 he" declar"d; ( upnu%%C'au%,§+e?s%aski?:g him it was 111: fa Examikfd him )‘ it % waséin Z/V8_lfv1zi:u:/fer~};7+H, withizz; the, M Conn: sf jufiicc. '%1‘~hc~n%Mr.‘ Burden‘. %i%wa:§ deGr*c:1by* Chit; *'IéLi;1g’£5 Cc>un(:'x1,‘A " ‘.'\'_rfh’c1t¢'it was he was B:s;'amin’d €00 A A A 3 A A A , Bzmiam. ifle Exaxninfli me ancj gave mcsmy 0°.z~th% ~;% Tthere were 8 at 9-05138‘; ' ijé-sAw:%hart%%%bcen in the KAi%ng’s%~A1'%my ix:-1 fo1;mer%Tirfigs%: Cam;A%44xtpeI%§broqgi1r uw3%%Ajn,; % »g0n=im2£nded us ¢;gmt;% I was in Cdm;m11 y,%_Aand‘thi3~GmtIeman%~himf1é1f:}g£1V%¢ A W-;A game I §%3£»cAA%%"as1::?dAm wzm we1§am%AAch¢ fling .in.%A~£h‘AoAn A1AAVfaid;%4wc~h£§:wA C 7 J him in the Field, with his Army.‘ He as1re 1'2: zxsfaul fzxid my Plea. 15 mngch af tI“1:u:n;;:ur¢::, zaga.in1t th"c:% I.:m and‘again{‘t.cg',';;r, I bop: I %ba*z2e%nat :2fl“2*r2dad: and 10.1 have plcaded N01: Gumzy. r:'.'(%‘Vhc;.% ‘Learned Couxxcii have examined fcveral_ Witnaflits againfi may and. I hurr-My ccumzeivc rh¢:rJ nary 16.»a,8.‘to ivc my A matter wilg reii m a very nzzrrow campus :_ That“ I with cvrbejjw JIJ5*’{!3¢I'T0Pm¢?l¢;1,, cmgjielt‘, ‘ L'9;:_-»- grieya and zzyzggine we nearb of the Kzng. S€c:_vrzdly., I'b41t' ja bfzzzgzng about two“ wzclged and imrrial Con‘/j;wirac_y, that Iwitb «gtbcrs d_zd‘a[z:nze c_z 1f’_ower to l\r_z£l %ar}.d% mm.-;£4er tlga Kmg, age. 1 have :2 poor Words m‘ofi‘er for my tel}, qhcrrmrmt 1 do up: zmiwer <:‘vcr;;7 t.h111g+:1;hZttha:th%M been pmticulwiy Ob}e&ad’ I hop‘, 3,-03 w;11%g1v%e:mc leave atccrwzmie to_ offer 1:. Exxifi, Ida‘ humbly pmpound mas, was if in was not mzmzwpcétr to war 1+‘3Tdfi3‘{’,5v t*W_»1 d:4..m:r propmmd, <:(-mfult, a4:iv‘iiI2,_ cont;_iv§:, zztrcgrnpf, or any way plot o1'_c.r-guzmzl the %I«<1%n»'g7_s; I;'3.’1=‘z':l.1‘1~~I hope I czmnoc be round Uuxlty wy:cl:x1_u rim Statute of 25 0? Eeiw. 3. For the _:~z‘a:.lwci, Truth Mr. Nutzey hath ia a great xnczziurc ipokcn to :1 was a_ppox;:m:d on aim moth u1' _'jFa:rz~ A dvicc: concemmg 21 Chzxrgfs, thm: hzavmg, bezcsnupun. the 2.9:}; a_--v1’_x74;ag- clamatijon far I; we 1‘rizzl, and 1190!! tljlt‘ 10th: MY» -5t’Wa DY-~730T’./1t11l<5yM1‘- »4fl'.":» and % ’ wen; appointed and (_)1'd€I'ed to bf: of Councxl to draw up :1 C1mrg<~:%: Herr: I lmvc ch % “ arwifed by Mr.Ie1]?ap, angi pray It my b?=}'Wl»- % j ‘ AV j “ % ‘ ' % Comm] Theydo admxt ym1_wc:rc {u:a.fiagrx’d. _% ' ..:: .H;. ' _ _ _,cao'e. Then i huz1:1:aly;conce;s~e,_that rhztwczmnot %bx*.%fa1g% to by; -Wdcsnxg %naa1:c1oxm1{1%},r, ;i ;3,;v1—% $cdiIy,*~m- w_i:1*§ any vvickg¢d%1mtent;c>x11n ma‘, Wliwhl W5“ reguzred £1114 Fflmffléitlsicd £0 dw 345"? mg only w.1:hxr.1 my Vsphcrtr and 1f._1c2n:u:x1_: as z;_COUI1fc:110r- fhc next %:#h_1r1g, 13 thqis, th%z1thy_L(;gw% Words will not a;nm1n”:: to Trcakgn ; we: *%u1um31;V %iF*Y-ythzlt \fv'M'ds% may -dec-law arx‘%‘VIier'£?m?-{:,% but not a fiayraw‘ : ’1‘ht':1'£: wrm-2 lom<~:%.‘S1:atutc:s hz>rmm'l3.', x 1s.c£m.5.. w1n5:w%Words wxmw; % *1‘;-em;-1, but thcyfare: rczpezsxled by the Hi %M;:zz"i¢: ; that: notl:ingV£l1a.11.‘-beTrcaibn but wl1za.t%;%is; expreiik-zd in 9.5 '3. _This 0bj,ec:;i%on% will Team to tyc,_ max; §‘:Ixt:1<2MW¢re Wards put: inmy Wmting -, m whiul-1 L zmiwrrr, w1'1cri:1c+1' them: be any‘ cc:rm1n‘pz"O<:)_f, fu”‘1l and clear 1;Jrg.ar.3f t;l1a‘t% that its my Hfiilld, to 1;hc:Chzu';g,e, 1 muff 1ezm::0*yoz.x, 2 a1;__;;._ Wamcfiesfay they b&1I££'V&‘1”i5=;§!§f: {my Hand, zmq gl1atis1:kevir,% ’s’v'13iClV1I}¢3£1\F¢3-ta) y'_<’»N’='§ 3'“ W71‘? **PPw”.vmY1-0i‘d} hilt W}331%?~‘», put into W'r1L1ng._, as dam: by axxochm that llmztazor, I_humb1y _qc_;>n,cmve that 1‘ar%any%M.-em. to write Words which i1::}1:l1eirc)w:1%N2u:urc xmw pt %'1‘rcza.1ora2}b1c:,‘ xthcrdoth write: z;hi*u:n‘_byri Cmmrmmd :oFz:nml1sr, by S',‘In::aking them afrrgr another, jmkmgnpcn timm reboux-xd,“*l‘ lzctpw thhtt: “&E:1€”JfvTrx‘?'Ei{2’311, bccaufcz they dgu mm: _diI<:0vc:r .2: -‘I”r:t1t-::cr»u3+ Hem'r.’_'§ ‘ Thus 1:e:‘%wz:i11?jm‘w.,;j:% %n1ai:i:§;;%zz very icmg .=.md%1:::eu'm:d m:i"c:ncc;% .wl1ichxwa.a muy ani?wc:r7d and on*ey.yu3’d\-why -z:%§:xv;~:% King°_§ éiicmncil; and -the Lord Chic%'}3:L1~z“%“Wr IMWA A‘ mmm:ft%hat+nau:z:hs:rmM~ A “ AA A * A 3 3 T ’-v{§_;é,~.j[13o11"t rni'f%a‘%:a ma, my Lord’, '1 mean '£"§*;»%St'a-:3 as ‘kc; e:.>:cui"e'tm.‘ in ti-16: poim; nf i~I§*gh " War ‘ “ ‘ ' ‘ “‘L.?C.Bm_rom. W«:%d<21iver::d Gut: Opinizm Ace? that beficartr, that the acting bv. that colcmr af lthzg-it pretended Amhoritj_r., was £33 §'}.1r‘r“mx11 }E2::;e;,n;3;:;tim1,‘ti1;z..1: ix: wjas zax{Ag§;ra‘u*atia1a o‘r'_t‘m: ji‘3;1‘-hing ; t_}18: v61'yflm¢:etingbv« fhm: ,~».:.n;:Fm:y wa:s'i‘re:1.i%:n, anti in th€1‘x’1t};122,t 'z:;:rc;du«u«:;1-«ear thezrn *~1'ujuI1*fig'**tfi§fl$ "A2 Eiwszwt, mm! at 50.01,. M22: be was not fix to be aa1\‘:i7:g, or .bm.3»*%%Vi:}';2.;Ca&%%'«-*»a=:;a-a°f. a;:pé3irnte::3 for a FaVi’c%Fm:tI1015e:% that: f'i3zi;?=*3z;'L.;:s:z1 as a I>ar}ia2:1ent, §%w*e::3nt €23’ 5/s«=;e;:’m—:.s;:j:'cr to Afinii out fmmé: ccsmgaangsr to Dinc: Wit}1 mas, and }:1avi“ng, %%%*v$mi3~:c‘2c?. 2jg.b2;:v%3.t an%H«.'mr% in 5&1:/1‘ss;i2x,~%‘w~»Ham, and i‘nding mm: of my "Fr‘iendSs to d§m«::.+ with me, Mvent ta that g=}.s1;c:«:3 ;*.a.§‘§;~.‘:1‘»:’:§§i?a..='«v3c=‘- all the »C}1:1rch~§;ardi"u1§%{gf Mus§z;ets% anéé, ;fijkes*ti:pe»11 ti1e%G%1*m1gad,.am1askeri Emma-. Smdiers that Wflffi t11:3re,w1:atW1-48 gm Egufixw ? AA A %'I”}1;=.*§{;*%t;QI%:i% :f::'m %t11%¢yv;é;;re~ gm ;:zr;;1ing.‘; __th;v.: A Pmjliamzzrxt t1;aJ1;%%%%:%werre a Eafz mi A W.*nA':~'»~ §x“¢ac11¢a Amfi,A *?*@3¢,j§<1“” . cam-:_1i;gn", fpsecdy ami capi%ta1~}?’L1z1iIh%mem:. .o ‘ aasaa %: But 1‘21V,rshc:%ir1 his Srarnmn, lfieloveol, z'I M 2;',,:za- ¢’.~.r_;f’1?%,z"/A”.-;a._Z,a»;;a it, > ’1“f‘l7E/7vF$1{t.K‘:_I:§‘§’g.§" zz:6"2:e £2;o;,;2;té %i;a‘ (,§.7:;3irz5, ~&:g.,, 11¢ wgm~ $;: _Mz+; %§;_%r::r£s’ is jufk nmv ,g0ne;up imtotlfze Ptlmitf the curiofitgr frta best; that Mm, §1;:;v%zn,g hearcl memy Smries %of%1:11¢ marine; m Ahis preachmgg, (Cmd kwnuws 51c1.:dmt,d.o1t out of zany" znanner of%c1evoti7ofi) »I cmucmd near tin’: 17‘ul%pif:,w and «:%;~1mr.=: ‘near the Spealwm Pe:xv~,~ sang} AI {‘"3,gy.. a' great _msmy of the;-A I‘xlc3xnbe:1‘s%*t1zerc, %vvl:n§wn%I IL11:;1%$ b_:-‘,*;::1,g:»%1~.A;p::1_!’1:iz3.r1 an:0ngfiL1s,. as%:auf11m1g, gig. ;«x1Jhm1.i1*‘xcVr 0:111; S{ixr1Q_u1f .IeF1:1sH:I.;V?_11:1£’zF:a1:%:i%; 31):: c1*amfied_., Q; .«_mV¢M;H §:r’“i5h‘;iI:;i ”§1ii;:. “§§:;gw§:;$;3“*?3i:‘:’L “;.:2he W01“ -% 0 Wssiwws "3 ~ _ «s . ;. . ‘ex _ ‘ % .. _¢ C11L1L£L1£7E‘;‘a1}%L?na“gi.3t uswa j,g,‘_;;,;;%~_%,(,%,g;, A1‘:-.‘l‘z?«*:‘CeaL‘-J6: t_1_-3:,3.€: jgcau ffl(Z‘;‘ri.11'Cz tmnk, my LQYMS am m':nt_;crn1e%x1, that~it%is 31. .V quemsn, 1 :m+1te.:+i~}:*§,ro%2.1 it as :1 gueihsan; haxic br-ggrx znrifne Gity, %s,r..r};i;:1~1 y1‘W1:,r fiery Wei} CQE'._§T’7!1T'»“{i7L'_tfL‘fi am ;§;§fra:fa£{Ztz: m filaslconja-,1;1£&u;¢ (3f.t§m e, %m‘d %Iprof§:__fs: tJ1§.%0fe~fc::o1:;fhmtzzzens 10: a httlc tradmg, and profit they will ‘hz1v%e%‘~:;”.‘%..."x;:t-'.<.>A*:£' (;§QIn‘tm;2; m tne R§:d.~cmats‘ on the }.1u.ip§:t}~;"gai;+s} %gn1¢;~fi%¢d,; and t1'1iétfI1lE«&mi1?&‘i3:;13§” at 7:_1§;?‘«f§fii"I”1{.'ll'53f£.33LTV1'£i‘Ml9‘Ef&"i§}’3d (£21373 1143) but I do niot1nuc%¥i }iéed= 4”‘ what the R:-1b.~l3iei"ays: 1 hmpa’: Ciayslxe) L1‘:-at 11'1y13rct21ren M mg Cjfirg ‘-Q will b@ wifetv t.?i1-.:~‘ii.ips 05th:: k"’x:*.:;";-ifs do ufe C0 pre:£"m+m Isznowledgx, I%1~g§m~; ‘ been with them tow in thé ‘A{T:3%111’l);1y.;. az1ci_haV'in_g, (73:11 and he:arc.1 w11at%’:ifi1 w; 5” 4 fai;1,% I pmceive they 5-rtmfor crucztying of (£.ii1ri1‘¥: and rt:-leaiing gamma; ‘ %f::aw:, 0 jefus, w'%11at%{hall we donow? With £'uchw1ik:~:Pc1‘ang,e Expmfi3gm5i* m1c1%%(}1?1*ugg,ing uf his Shoulders in the Ptllpit. T . % K;-‘.r.-mmli. E-éimv lung vumthis befure thtf: King was mu1'dered ,2". % % 1 % It was a fi5:w?Day;s b€3fO}."€.‘ the Huufc-: wf «s1'02D me’ ? % V ‘ 7 ‘1’es,‘ Sir, %PE:t£.‘1‘S. 1 did not P2'mL‘iJ» 2tI."wj.»:+atV ' “ F ‘,.:_44 ma? .2.Mf2a:;x iizm“? % V 3.?/mt ifzw. % . _ ‘ Cm;/22*. My Lord, Ilward the: 1“rifom3jx: at the ;}3a_r 1)r€aChi1]gbt?f01‘€ 075?; C7'0mn~Bi and J$;2~.-zdjimng, who was ca 11:-rd ¢Lo%r:i Pmiiderzc of cm: Afligh iilitiiii of ]u1%ic(:§;, ;1ndIhc: tom: his '1‘fc:;t nut: of t1%€::.1’_{2zlm.s;, _in; t11c‘:£b'%Wo::ds, I_;gz;*z¢r%%1a(_‘z'.;;Is with LrI:n2;z'z2s,% a$.‘r'1:.i_)’0M?" .2V,~:’,=.?.:a.9 z';;f}2t'nm.- Qf ;f;»"wz :, timt was pmtjtsft , ‘V ” W _ L M % _% W __ % b}:t1%%u1é+"", we 126%? 1’]~‘“‘‘? ‘W/‘~°fi~"¢ W’1;I¢¢“S was! mwl'u:: ifwlza/u;.;zia.«‘, .17r.m3/Wa ya‘ the Lard, pré Gbdgin 172': .5'.:z%za:«5.‘::«:.:z2j;-I ;% and R) on I For‘ wlmi ? 133:3 hLe%; 1;0gk\% {mo f”ai»:;l Imu{’c Anemia ham With%aAAStary0f ‘a Tviajer, aim :1] Eifhcifp and his Meir! ;* 1% fig/1aupsAman,féAitI1 h&,] E£'i>1gA drunk, %f}.3e'AM.'2zj;9r laid him 11] 11:16‘ .H£’8'.l.r5% the finds I0 A. the AA.:V_1'§zjar w:mmA by 'wImzA flutfiarigy he imprzfimad I111: Sarvmr, the Mézjafs mzfwer war, SUE-9£ra fix an Aflof Afgzrlizzimezzt fin“ ‘ix; AA mud‘ neither the % fizflbop nor his M2214 araAAex- Mxwpml on-t e'2fz't.~.-A And app1ic=:d%it thus, flare :3‘, faith he, at great Dzfczmrfe amt 3jaikAAAiri"t£~é ALAi’70rId,, What? *w‘ill_ye% cut off rl:-Ae1(3'rzg’x Hedi I the Had 0fa’Pr0t5n- Priazce ma.’ Rjezg ? Amrzz to your Biblcs wzdjpuflmil find it tI:ere:,A Wbojbewr flfiddwarzs Blood, 'Igy:twmz_]}Jall /Si; Bland Zvej-bed: Says %ht”:‘,' I wifl A.Am_/tnrar them as rim Mwjor did the A.’/?"3°‘z‘fl7'c7%[>':AA, {Jere ék an AL‘? J God, W75o_/"c:e1J¢-r flaeds‘ ‘mums b1a0d,~E]A :’Jz3s'A5i0od be _/?:c-cl; azrzd [fair zzeirisa-r King Charles, 7203' Prince Charles, Prirzca Rupert, mar Prime ‘M-emric:A zine ffozg/9, 212.»: louver‘ 12’ouj22' is pz-ergedgmzd I/oefitmfa cf Lords §aeWi'é~3ve°s they mfg! dawn fizdde,~.zZy.A This is all that 1 we11%A%Ar¢An1e-mber%A.at% that ;,}qca;rd 17em—’s Prer.m11 upon t1»1is‘%'I‘r:~:»:Ar: in ASt.%3=wmas’s <:11aW¢=.-1,A, Pfwl. A 7r,AA8«,9~. Lear the high pr.~Az.zfi:5- Aqf God be in their £iuA'0utf.'', [ saw! zgm» A»S'*rt%0#¢1AinA_fi:eir" Harzclf, $0 axewrc Vw.;gfm2Jzce upon 1/:18‘ 1:'1emt}3w2,A mad A«_Vpm2z_’[7%%— .up¢_91zAAtba%Pk:opZe5 To l2i72dAAtI.w'r ;EQ'.A:,g.>‘a Ami:/9 m’:u:2'.i225,:A_ zmd AAAA1Al.v.x..=7A,~~ A%Nob41££~%‘miIf3 ' WSA ‘Irma; mVA¢*:':w¢:m‘:: upan 2}.u:’22~z ripe 5"wdgmcntA 2sxrr‘;EzrA_m:,% mlvzls 2’;,vorz.mr 1A:wAv.+: .a%l1% ' a*32k£:a:x, pmij;»_ya the Lord. AndAAAtht*:re1u-:- did fo faintrhe R.c:%d%-c§o::£tS,%AAAA&md 'mprob:'.tc rheipoor-I5Lin%g"‘s Friends: And in the n‘11'ddlt:A4;3rf hisAAScr1nonA %&;mA’0~kA0ccailim14‘t0 p_mdL1:~.:é3 a Text, 14.%18,A19, 2C7.g fl[lArfseA K;z2:gs% cf Nzaxiang, «.=~cmz all we-m lie in glory, wary am? in own Ha.ujAe.A : Bug than A} M m. C}.2xL'.1f3'. iroxilderz u/2518? fi?’c"I 2 '1’.?:vau. flux}: rzat lm jqyned fbfim in M F‘ A".EA-AdMav"«.s%_%[.7.a.vzz‘f z2w_er__£w :~m2em!2r£c£. % Says he; ’i'"r’.f*;rl:%AI did ia2tcwjd}‘iaAAireéi/i‘f;Aand AI m;muiAb.¢fojre zine paor%AIlir’mArcb, {Z711 rI:e%poar W'retc:i.v Amaxzlii ;m.Ar faafgr <5f*cfmrae£; Wm» didAAhc:1n<*:an~r‘ AA A A A A A AAAAAyoAm=1e£rer Bibles, and ycxIu*fAha11 find theVATit1Ac is; b¢e%?3jrzz7zr."A':% “A AAfi.:w;0xzA hAixm he applies AitA to Athe AAAu3d be Crucified t11an%BaraIa!m.r ;, anci here: ha was Aalwplauding tim Sgldiefs, and {aid that Emarzgml was wz:i:%texr1‘vxp0zzt}1c: BridIc.s-M thcair I-~Im‘Tt3S ; and he was”fpea§~:ing of thc Kzng s SOHi('?i“S ;_ %%fa._:t}1 11¢, have. known Eighty tho‘uI';m.d mf Athem, anci%%ncit one: of chem :2 m*ac1oL:s‘1r’e;%1o11. ‘ V %C.‘az:mceZ; Now we expefi the An1'~.~vm:%of the I9'ri£'<1ner at tbs: Bar, thc In» % diftmeg-n:1j*z‘ath been FL:11y_p«mve‘d. _ % . ‘_ ‘ _ AA I':*;e1~¢;~s,% 1% de;/Ere ximt 'Umwefim.zy be ac.-:frrz‘.:"m:'rz’ n~b:::3';v I jpwze af," but Name is‘ 7Cm‘m?1ius Glover. % % « V T henhc calm one Glover be prove he was not out of; Ifnfmrs tlm: Day the ~1§.ing was Beheaded, and afterward wean: on with the: fnllowing Spctcch. V % Perm. ' May it plcaafa yc:nurL0rc1{hips, I ‘will, ggive you an Mcourat of rim ' Ilived 14 Years out of VEng1.md%; whcm ‘I C:um': vm~, therre waswsws, thzmthrs: ‘ Pc%op1%c:wcrr: engageci in; I was not have in the 1)c;{s.{,inr1ing;-(hf it, but wam % ‘KS%trarig%er%tother Carriage cf it. Wl1cz1 I camte ir1c.;,» the%Naciort, I looktéti % C 5 . Q ‘ 5 ‘ %‘ after Thre%c'I"11ings%: One: was, Twit them: might be 12-and 1Ui‘1i—g30n;; rim » ‘ Seéond was, ‘That Learning and Laws might bc%ma%in:airu:d -, the Thirxtiy % Th’i1tphc Pom" 1nig%ht%12e%carr:::.Ifi;r : and I%n*:ufi.confei'é I have {pent nmficof T my zimein tha-ib'I‘%bir1gs, ta) tins and and pu1°pu12:. Themwasfa N<1ai£"e%i%n M allfarts of ~£ome.f ~I&iif<:a:r§n.g-::s%in Nlattcrs of m:*1ioio«n%;;%a;Fcex* it was~feLt1ed,% Iifived in Irezmd. I mud’: pmfefs Fm my own par: iolmnnly, that my Carv- ymage hath bman upon the-Fc:r Hwcis. max‘ Religron, I hewr;*:,*tf1rc:xL1gh%G<3C1."S, 01 Ivlerciew, (‘poke the: Truthsmt thc1?’r%<:.tr::fi:zut Chu1'a:h:$ Uptm this Account [2 might: hzwcza litt1r::hc1p in.I’0int cat’ Ifmcife and Cufloms, and %!;«2r1c<:»x1:~:»."xg%<;:*e4%% mm; in Lem:nk;<>*+. MyLord_,, this is trtw, dust I beingghere in.£i1&Nz‘1ti%i Am, and being (mt: aver upon the tfbyccafix.-ms of the Cc:untr§'%,~:.1x%%1ci n<>‘t~up<:»n; any ‘Defign, br:m:11is,% Ifiry, C I cannot deny mt) that after I <:m11em*e¢r,% %a%n;cl; had‘{'ecr2%r.hr3 Start: of zauwma, in fame ~M%eafi.1re: I did. %1’cix*,%but I9y%Ai’crx:1n‘g;5 Importunities, the rvliuifisers of Lowdon%dc:%e}ue‘r than I. “I amvery fm¥ry‘~=t;<:aI:* hear cf my Carriage towards 7:116: King; itiSn1%yg,1"{mtE1“u0b1e: I» I3c~g%17ar+4 don for my Fofly and Wcaknefi:-;: I thotlght Gacl had at great Controvmfific" with the Nation, and theLc:«rd had been dii‘_p1eaFcdm'1 all Ha.nc1s;,' that:% whiWchLfome Peopzc teak-to,%I did take unm, {went ir:+m%tha,Aa-my.. Ifaw; **a1:‘];t,hi:'beginning, «of it; that Corrlzptibm grew amqng them. I fuppafefl ~ Vns:ix1fV5e‘;;a:an%% lay 1 have, g;g;onc%afidr: frmn any Ortlxocimc "I.“ruth <:2f%1:h "a I..m‘d..% Anw in H 4 C I I. £2 I : diéi flay to fee: Whélc C50cl%1nigI1.t ;«.;m. ¢ I was fen: ttwcr :0 His Ivlajtafiy,‘ thait wat- ¥ A‘. In C m$takq:‘e£f a;1jm_S¢ancl?aAAl%‘ um; xxw, %% and A m the %B%ufin‘e [3, la: m~e:[;bmgJ "L ’§5jfi £2 53 I-trjsa g:;_ as It a"-is 4% 3% “fa T1‘-4? 7% ii» 45 #53 ‘~‘r‘*% “M your ILm'cHhi;1$9 ‘Ea mn%fi&erwhatc:w:Prcjudicesorflevexugc may take up Mans Hc:»1x‘ts,;%therz3 53 €£'C30d that 1ncei:ning% the nnreigghtirzefs of it: I Izaéci mi%t%tz«.:-_t'%I\«1ai§;c2s: nor I\«3.i.§'?.:§'xief‘ in mm Hea1rtagain1’t the 1~§;ing:, up- an t:hi$Ic1%id,ez1.‘g,%£1g£,*fufar, as 2.;sr::ia1g;; imritmd ; 1* went into the Wars, and 3t_he43§r.E fumzd w=:r*g7 fi%1"ange amlikverzsfi kir1%ds%uf' ‘3L’rm'id@nces, as this Day hat}: beeufmu: E can-mm: d:a.ny,é-mt tshacl was aéfive, bmznot to [iirin a way fihat was;m;»z: E-Im1{>u:“'a.b3e. Ichailenga 3. great para of thus: ‘Nations ED ma- Wiffifi 1fl3’:.Catriage amcmzg them;, 1 iT.‘2aE}111afke it g;«<>dic'iix.7crs way;~:, I had iimemttuih refpcék 1:0 His M;:}§:P£y, (;;;«:.-1:;i:%;i:.:%L‘a1;2x~};y* at %:t"i«"é;;=.,£'j"¢.:«r3% that E p#rc>_p%:2>u-rxchid m His Ivlajefizy my Thmzgi:ats% three wa3='s to ,pr'c£?;:~_:s.?%e ixinafeif fwm Danger, which weregcmd as hewas picafecito thizxk, t3:uug,h4%t%11ey did nmfigccefi, v and tha Wmfkciied. A:-3% forrseialice, I had none in me. . It is true, there wasa D"-fhreitnce a*nmnggfEuS, €mA:rr:.jxy zmcl am !—U."my%: I never had 51 em: mm Permy fmxn 0. Grmnw-:’.!, fines I knew thia Image: 1 pmfcfs I im*w11ad '_g‘§&{Zi\E1'1d:5_f1I3°[‘ Honour or Gain, iinca Ifét £«‘omt, 12pw1:%this% Share A: %%I~c1_:a‘1icngrc :a~ny*%P«1m1%c12a: bzflongecl m that Party’, whether they had %r:c5c¢¢t%I*1‘é7fa:11é rc:-— ~% met} fmm mm as my mm Pa.r£:y' ; 1 hawe not pczfecumd a1ayAw:¢:h Malice; 15wT:11011!.y take 01”: Ma1.E¢:f:. % '~ V _ % AL. 6“. B. Your flufinafs is Matter of Paaflf. ~ F'etcz's. ‘lam wzslaizfulsin Law; :62’: rim: 1 offer, is m flmv that I had no Rha- »:~:m %%.Ef€a'e*i:: me. I _iwa<.~:*{o {air from Mtliice, rim: 1 lmzwe at Ccrzi.,v‘E'mzrc, { mrz:9 zhr: ;Wm:£:'ng, framxwe rsf zKwE‘mi77emej? Aficrfavzxin tbcv N;z:irm,‘, to f/smw I had «rm «Mgr ,‘§?jr‘+:e.. % It ,2"; mw2cerr‘?2%i?zg the MaJq11is%ofW<3rce17ter, mzdzw b.g';V Ladiuis Haézd; be~ figmingm-itlqgm/e"%Lfi«$’o»*d5; I do iaarc teftific, thatin a1l;%the Su%fF¢rin_gs:pf my :=*H%m3baz1%&d, Mr. ‘Peter: was myfiimd, ‘£519. 1 I-mus here’ at Seal, ( and than Pm.. cad it )‘t£v_u!.$ rim Earl of No%r‘x.vichgmue me to Aizearp f}:2:+bz's false, for favirzg /sis 'é:7~,n»e,.1:>:%1Ac%fo%r %t%.:xc: _E.{vi1fi 3rr::u Ahcwe ~>::n§aamc$.;% I%%hepe t:h@r£:is~no$i\€1aii<;5:~in% yam Hz:-arc, not upon the Ctmrt nbr j'u-- %%:‘ry',%"VW¢»34x1d they axicupeyn cm: Oaths, you hear aha mam:-r aliécigéd again?! _j ym:~,, pmycmne mthe M.-a%tm:.% % - M; tars. %My~A%La;u:1,, A] mmsmt r6)';2.a:m;5cr tlmm. % C. .'1‘h611~IwiIlremember _y.mj1. A. A H¢;ra,, mylvrd, rm h.e?p.11's~; tfvL::zm;«r§;,% £‘um‘«:‘t', up 156} Mm the whole Clourfc mf * $.fi‘:73a»;‘:r E.vicimxce1_; ‘fbnm: [3&Fff0‘§fW§'3i£Z1f}.h(3 Imcl the (w3ra.cc%to +deny,%~oth«e1's he: did % ,wmt%M%rm:.ch {Hula £0 Ovm :i11%i%g9;,3‘1t beEv“1”‘a'&.2_f:i:: $4..» tfmt tme E’««.:.>1},.% ;G¢n.;1no_jv’df0r a ‘ £},%%w%1;ic113§fter %a%£i%t,rE:2 G¢.a:w€uE:”a%%L§cn by tm jury", wa.s tc:tunx%%’_d C‘3ui-lty, Cvmke and he were pr1‘efcz<;t3y_Smmm:.*’d. % % % ‘ I’ ;,v.’€Mnic:1 »!.m~zc1vwa%s%t13e next Tt‘y”df, a%,ga.§%z1fi wsmn fi§:a §‘§.'m1g’s Coum:iIc>p&r1’d ? m.%«*:: k;ud%ié’c111a%~n%£ a$%%ful?c3xvs. % ‘ % " % 13.;1;auy%ic~%;:»i+:,*a1”evo%1:r‘%Lm:'dfl:xipc=, aims‘: you Gmtlezmxa of the jam A; ; ‘".i7"im 3’*“13;a'fi1 €‘vs:m1*t;m.f%;$,{u,mf£i¢e that was Eraéheci for Tz'yi%ng Lima‘: £z;:c7E§ing,, %i‘3.;1<::‘§_.% 2,?;‘l%%§ its ;1;m+maI%i%cics%. . %'}g“h%cy% had mi; iwsiicicvnt, %tha~ir%Cm;Lng¢l,, %t%ha%ir; (;,:%}"}ap1a1n, %V 312;‘: khei-r~%Gu.a4rd%a%; *£bm»e% ME {lam Ajizdgas. Ahzwe ham a 1ma.dy T1“5?’dg~ 0z1%a3%c2f,@33%€%1f ‘wifiia %tImirA¢h3Pi%ina §5’~“‘;WV3 mm €%13flr%¥S»~~W~.F* tatxla t. A W th-isGen&t1emm3, the’f’;*ifmm mfithenar, wa-sacaptainwef that”B?ack;rGuarBg$ aérc. a1nd”f0Vweca3.11Witn<:fi‘cs%t0%p"rove ‘Eh€:jT1'€8..r()f1 agaizxfi him. (L01. Wfimiéfis one who had been in Cilos-nmjimon with him. de c!ar’d that Crmnw;:*I’i4n apriv;-am Cmnfialt, da1ir’d this Evidence; to wr'1t<:the%War1'ant For Execution of thc*K1:i%g‘,; which he re.éfus’d :, ;_That thr::Pri£'0ner was ¢ prefent at that time, and Afaidi; Cal. Hunks, I am afl.m::«z%’d% bf‘ you, the Ship is wow ¢om‘ing mm f.flzr‘ba:zr, and%n2i£i you (Miss Sail befbre york came :0 Mnckor. Other Witneffes p1*0v’d,%thatt%z*,e” C.<é:n1x"nar1de::l tI'wé£1§«.1a¢1*ci p1ac’du1mn the King, and ordefid the: SohIie.zfs;m cry mu: faar gziujiice am E>ce cm£,r2?’2 and that tha:re_bexng, one Day‘ a; Hubub in tE:_e: Court, 21 Laciy m:ying,~m.1t,is 4 Lye, nos Im1}‘,msr zz gm-rifle?‘ ‘of air: maapla of Ex-z;?,Ei3nc.1:zre for it, Oiivjrzr ¢Crn'mwe3 4": at ,7Qfg;.:e and at Traytar; the Prif§c}ms;r was; calm, and braugmt fumeM13%fquatee:r*s, and ordrr’d his i?<:»1 m.-:;t;~;,5;”41 :I'zat:,tL;g' Priioner demanded the: isimg, um 53% Egg t§".ZL1&’;u»i§,g, ja_r3c1di:1‘;g,L1:;s.;rd h1%m%tm}m% Scafifuici. C91. I-Iurilg, w’.h0"Vv':P1S1§3£€:Wiir.‘: 1.z1fiLs5z":xzn:1r11<§:x w1th..him, (.'§('{§.3¢}} ;”?;i that ha Faw hm rcraci the ‘v‘\«'m;‘;::.mr; fur the 1‘»’{.1a.":g"s3 Exrruzuzfauxi, ag1;1;jh_:%:2; (."2rf03$'zrm;'£ rT£ici wrtte:fmm‘t_hac \N’a1jx;az4;t.;zn %%Df:v;1r=r fur the t3;~;:.cc_:taa:iJI1’d" aim‘ amt:-: ‘WM;-n P1*i1'on.;2r in ’t}:u.=:‘1?mc:*r... A % % Auhe: 1aidin%11is%DeFence, 1.rv21s;, "l"}":a}.tw 1‘1r~::‘Mr'.a5’. _:3>{:‘.dr;.i%»¢:r, :mr.1z.rcl.=s, {adly and l'erioulily confelTs,l I was divers times with ‘ ythofe Perfons callerdfilipé‘.. l l g Vii?-? A;y 3’."£»l04iA?jZl"?:z_-prte. I muft eonfefs my C ‘me, A] heleeela your Lt31‘d.lhip$ymalr:¢lth¢; Cbcfi Irltttxptetation ; I hopefyou will believe I .w‘21s no lCentriver : 1 humbljy 1-my held; hf the Kings Merty at Faveur; 1 came in u pen the Ptoclamation..A ‘ W217. Iieeirlgglaem. I lhalll lay hold of the Dc.-iclzlratilclxzn I pray your L0Art.AAi-_ fl1ipsl,intel'cede far the to the lKing,~l and; burly: Heultmof Paxzliamentt 3:3’; 1116 Mercy cf this Cw.rt.~ After while}; 2:-hey~ were lhvemllly fault“ uiltlll ‘ V ‘ l 7’ '£'Aht‘.. his Body, and his Fsgszijf d'iViC'!»GfCi into Qya:'ta::=*.2:*s, ~m:+.:<:?w2 vs’.-are zsmzumzxe-.:.’i _;;'?““1‘henSir%%Hxrd»-hf} r;mZZ.er,(2ar‘hc> pieadec1GL4;%1tg* the fiEFr4% D é.y, {}1e§.ri§ng"ex- [tra%ordinary¢%Si.gns of Sorrow and%P<:2x:aiz:e%nce, t}":e Lard %C1‘zie¥ E;321r¢;s«:14§poke% 576$ ;?fo1l0W3« A A " A A AA A A M v 4 ‘ A‘? By th¢A-E30? I:1d::2mnEty3, Q? favhim %y30n1y to give 4 ‘ which was than paffedz An-;;;l fa ez1»'i€:cit3"3iS Grew: Sfifiion. V 7 N -$4?ttml.zV*::Iwe mth oi’ C?f£*o:’3as:r.,g ”N3~“37?"?‘»- '?%.N:‘i‘:w'3a:*«*:.>‘:: 9 anri m 655 t?m%C%I0CF: in tha Mornizxgfi ?«.7;é:.% fiéa. ;~;:z»—»~g;;;»2v, cm‘, I‘«ae':}«:2z"~°i’3sa*:e%273r.-":z";:~.E ,!:.:":za-'2-zf;’0:~z', accor-;» ‘ding Tm this Sentmce,‘ was mptzgn E:*:%.rc3.”a‘:*: m.wn fmrn ;\Tc.'ng§£z5 -m é:’”;i§._z}~'Nig»;_f- Croft, where within certain Raiéés 32?»;‘£'«:’1‘3§-' ‘me:-2r%e 37m=:de:,A 2; Gihfitet X»"~.-“as Vandfhe Ha;ng;’d with his 1"~‘ace*}ana:)E:;i:“;§“~.::A €m;.r2mis atirm E$a1nqwtir:gcHm:'f?3 ;:u:: 3., ‘ma, ’(tI1ePéacev;uheraoL1rIzm S{:sv&1":aign 05' .”>f:Itc;-2'm‘§ 1fxA:;'»”%n1o1‘7grvv';:1s ‘3z1::1"ii’"ic;;:=c’:‘&j?«> 'bc~:i"r1g haalf-’-flea-:1‘;,. he W213 cm: L"io'<;ai't4:‘hj;.' tihrs: E3:;:m:iL:siia«z:;»r1c:i:f, }%3“.":;‘i'*~;%“3?"-4 Members out ma‘ befme his Eyes, his ¥3o»w<2is §;:L2s:‘n:s:~d,, his Ha-ad i”r:*m+:ra;3«:“ :~‘:‘1‘"a::>*§'1‘i %g~3%e%wgase%1tpon tm: 1‘-ame .1-1urd.}c: that carsried r'w::. % m:;ig§,:1'3;az;t$:J; ¢% _£t<:.s His E~Ie-21:1 was fit on a %9?*a}:>Ec:~ {,>z1"th+:: twp of the Souti1~fi;”;aft %E%m%ci'Gff f¥§«’»*”s=J/M .f"mi2z]%er-lfail; 1m;>E-:%ing; t£e»»&-"az“cis%%.2:es:;=~aaia.mn. % % V?" ~'7i"he Qlagtbrs orhis Eucigr 1..v2=c:::::~ ins Aiikc znamner%&xp*o£&c1}up£>n fugue Of the: NEi::3,~€3atfc::,~‘. A “ A A‘ V “.%1‘;flI-駫z¢£.a:1;rfi fQ1VipxfJihg being ghc‘: :im3‘th ¢iI2‘f tE3.~?§.%"»-£”'.u;“-:1'*, E‘.:Mb»z)t.'1tt§V‘1t:.° Fame 'E~i‘:‘«::uf-fl gf-\';gM— {;‘mm was carm:~::_i m like m:-.2rm::~:r mzs the i13m*e%l’fzz§¢40f E:.xe::.um.m, where h;1j~= firing fuifaafcci rm %%Eik=ePains, his Qggzartcrs m:%a:x3:%a1io “x*<3‘:ur.m;%::i% firs %£Wz'.:‘%;g;a.=;e%% an ;x1%w”I7am¢=: Hz.1zw:i1<::aiwlnjch carr‘ic3dl'm11. % “ ‘ % % ‘ I:-EM; P~%1aF"j:fty piéafcci tn givcs, ‘up«.:>r1 ‘ixzterccafiiéan “made %b‘y‘ '1xEs%131'§énds, .h”=" Bad}? tn‘) be ‘i:§uric~:d.‘ ' ‘ % ‘ V M‘ AA % as) . QfV0t€}%£35Er, :;2€?twij._iVI”c-{Act's,Wiéré"a}:%J£)11t”thcé: 1"a%x1ie%%§‘~§s.;»%x¢:zf c£zr_'_1ji£-.~c’l cm‘ ‘Vfr:W"af)""§:EL;$r‘fl“§e“s fa tHe f'am.B Place, a:1cI%E::et:utc& in tha:%iax*x1ex~n:mi1er, and thm:Q;L1:2rters retuz*nec1in%1Vi1~:,e2 ;11anm=:r%to$% Vt)¥}fiPt“‘ E_’z;~:_1«::;;': wh*enAce%they <;;m'm~. M. . ”1"1fw:: '_;§ead %t"§'}7;:bgz %%ti;"d’»k was Aiéglt‘ 0 iE‘it3:s~Ge1€eé$.% V % % % % % V % % % % Wc:{‘rze‘{“zi%c:y,%% O;i:1c>}3. M17. am: the £10121‘ 05 9 fin?tW::%1\v*1wrr3$‘in*g;, “T»11“Lw 2'f.&;2méz,f%j%3 .1_$7£;*a~:,, %gnd% ma. ;(3:'_c;_g"j (,,?§j' (Lu-r;«z%.-am w%c:r:3;" h“1:"0z_a :;;ht.:%<:ssi H1,1i*dfivms” ; % V andf" ti 1%u:) 2§1£i_% ,yc)1f1sa%%¢Er1wu”:3;%%r”a%f'tcE:r, Lfv11‘~J1.:ir*é;4.m! .§’a:2‘z:rr;'p 2:a:1t.i Mr.;‘jf_:“c:!wz‘V %:wL-“::vs’ fu;g;’:~:~*!:h{€*Ia* V§n.b%%tiE“.H"L1r=%3 ¥dita.‘we&*r£:ICa1'rie(1 to the fame‘,1‘?§é;%c;:, m'.>.<’§; Am ‘Mama Z*':?J:r:;mh "”'andwere' mturzxed anld =d1f'p0fi:);i of m E':e.§=:ii' mammrr.“ ” ‘ *” ' ‘ “ * % 3 A _ V % n ‘:1 I‘5’€)K€3"¢Z>I1Vt?‘3"‘.‘if_ N’o2;jth;:E:,£i°t“1Ehd.m{5:E V W£ji‘3~rz£?z,i"f‘&i~'.fi'4z_£f;,‘A )( m1” %§hwLe:f~’.: of” Mr.“ ;2'*.z’Izas*w'jk3‘;'~z”s‘,‘J lmfilaiflg I tmv ;w;’rjt}j5;; _‘rj¢;;;%,«¢'¢;,\‘.%.»%% =Af$ ¢ m:1d tha E~§efldv«&?f Mr. ,.Z”’ i':e:~'5 on _Lc:w2:10?1+Br'é:2:g%";‘ % % % ” V'1"l1&':ir~Cfi:ar2:r:rs "m‘3_.*%:‘:.~ €*xp0§'2::‘d an ii§~:c::- r'11air:n€t\1‘L1p0r& the T0ps;%‘0%f*"f0"fid7e cif tlxii A ‘: lwlr. Em’. Harcfiel:-%%%and‘1\1%1*.’.2’;hm.; ,.»:.;»:r.r.::¢',. wean: cm },"=‘":'r"é’.;:1%;i:* ‘the z“:;>i:hV¢:*;f f 0zLi’*a§mzf; % ?%§bf0£1t%th:€ %f3%m%¢ ti%n1£t'4:7>{; tI1t3‘{. §'%’1€?!v33‘£§ii;i5.j§:;‘, «.fi.r::w}m s£3'z":% 011% 3‘:”§l";£‘9L~;£.3€_. :i**'3:e..'?mfa“4,3*£'2c*::::;;‘g¢z£'t? ‘::m‘:§T:£?k#';?£? 2;zi“c1%It11