K°?f;7fi°§'¢4v*i#¢9%%¢9W%4e%%%%%M°¢%auto-aYv‘3v¢io'0Te*»fi’*>1n9?’9?v=M*§:f7{1if¢>T~?‘#*j%*§?M’§5=$§=»I '*a 1 ‘b * [COVC1’C1’.. :3: ? :3: VVHEREIN IS SET FORTH +3; ( to undecexve the Natmn) the remix’ Plots and Stmtqgems of Lievb Col. john Lilhzrzz, M"kVMzzzm Wa1zvy2z,M’° Tho» » may Pr£nce,M".££cI2ard 0-wrtozz, and that partie. And their fcwzrall fedirious wayea and mile: a‘ lung time prafiiféd‘ lay them to dccompfiflb and rfléfi the Namely, Under the pretence and colour of L I- B E K T I E, and to take offthe Burdens and gm- 'zMm:‘e5V0f the People, a moft dangerous and dc» flrufiive defignc is carried on to deprive the Na-. «z= tn Lion of their Religion, Régbtx, .Liéerrzés, Pr*aprietie5, Ag, W Lamas Government 8:6. and to bring a tgtall and 3%‘ "3"";. . 3 . ) . ‘*5’ Qumverfall rume upon the Land. ‘And fo much 15 3%: gavaw-E he re clearel y proved. =;f'** .-,..g,e., {+35 « ¢ 7 Rgm. 16‘. V17, 18. , cg L?!/larke them which ccmje diwijzon: and ofivzcex cmzirarg: to the Adrw tirirze whiz:/ayee X94222 learned, and azmyd them : For xbqy that are §..,§.» W? [Etc/9, /ewe not the Lord C/Jrifi, but their ow:-2;: belly, and by £134.-‘d “ «gs» “L word: am} faire /peecivel deceive mg imrzrt: of #122 {§mp.’p. W 5;: ~§ “*1 “9 Pirft M5?» :3 Compoféd and digeficd by {Game private per... «Ea Ions, well-withers to “the jufi and hmzoumblc pm- L? ceedingmf the Parifiamgmz zmd Cciurzccil <,:~f Szame. ,’§§ "F ‘Pwélifbed éyw4'z¢tbor;it.ie. ;;§'":;4 "*'“' «£3! E LONDON; / fia :g A Printed by cjlrfactt/yew Sim-mom, I 6 4 9.. t 1g"17§“1°¢%¢¢%¢%”I°°1“¢¢°1°%‘1”’**’1""l""l*’°i"*’f°°iWé1°*~i“°i°°i°‘¥“*i°°I°“I>di€=°1°‘i°‘i“‘%***it*f}?f:fij5' ...€% . «'3 ~05 15°?‘i*="§5=Z’$***2**5i5‘i"~i?*°3*‘i°%%‘=*-§."‘*.%*‘%§‘~*'5£Ti>¢JS=E‘i‘;°?°r3f:>«‘2.*>*’.;%*"s‘??I°‘% fificflvfififiefixfimfificfluflfiifi-m‘fl:%flc:%£c¢fi&3fl:&fi:$:&:§:fin& we es -‘ $ %%?fi$$%%?%%%%°?$$?$$§s%*$*$****” Team the we11mae£eemo V ple of this NAT I 0 No Fee... % V S no Notionbotb met witbheore dongerouoeenew \ mien, Md again m/aozeflggreaeer, fiver, and deep»: ,5 er defignee and plot: Above been attempted for . we refine ondodeffrvofifioze afbereof , then ogainfi -53.4. ski; Commwe wealth : jo ( alltbingo “dug; W... % . V I’ fidered) 1/Jere 1?! no people under Heaven meme ‘M: te:e.W" M W" ‘ - -+1. . -« wlzom the Lord both wouc/ofi:zjZ:d'gre,ot_er deliver rancea :And as we tlaamlzfofly obfirw the good/mud of the Lordgo- £223 »oIwo,v,e’fr along gzaiteb m ,fo We arefer/Wadedfivm the feelirzg ex- Pefiezzce offimgner merciee ,1/out be will viewer leave ow Wtili be /.—m.;!b perfiffed goodoI22arl:e,emc¢rvei1ooj“Z,v kegmz In the Lmzei. o e V bag,-pfiywer, we égzom the Almigbtie God mitboeet mem~ or .‘....w-«_ v \ meangj’ fi1fiicimt,t0>c47‘?_'y on bifengvn worlge, 4a1de.toefi’e'£? I/one fqme, mbe%n,%%ar2,,rl bow, ¢I,oiot[[e7ezezoth go0,d1'7'-' fight 3' Neeertbelgé, We take our felm: ol7aunosl,inoe.beelieeeco9 ioebimg and of tender-rrgflme to the Nation, lzotbea forefee the danger, and #0 prosoide All feefizzzoble oofi lawful} ebelpe; timely pr£.W%j50" ”9;”¢€0f: W A , Now meme: among oeberj Artifice: and ecuonéogeeooovrfiw Mzereéy this Generation ofmerz ( going under the meme of Levellers ) lmoe corrupted and deceived the mind: ofopeople, and drawn them to difi ofiefl the prefimt Government, and to make Commotion: and Imrli- barley in the Land. Omma-in andjfieeiall may both been, by [mead- ing jedieiom andjoandolom Bookg: , wherein are many faire pro- A 2 V 3 e temwv A THE P R E PAC E- g“en¢gyl.|gLfLihgr)ie5 f;-ggg1me%, fiefetie, egfy-2:. with much regret, tender»-= A heg%7a1zdfillow~fieling ofehe Opprefjiomeg Burolem,“ and Taxe: of thel" Pee lg, L .e ‘éhis heiezg [Z2 , and a the’ -eg well krzozvne to m, wee have thought it rzeeeflinj (whilfl the Parliament and Gomeeell efSthte are imployetl ( withe the great and weighgy afiaire: of the Nation) to alee femeehiaeg lathe likehrmga of writing, therehy to zmdeeeive the People, hy a true, l plaizge, and full difcoeery eflhe deceit: and falflaoode of thejémen : arzelehae it may mofl eviderzfly appears #0 a0 jeediciezeo and ratio- eeall People, that wjherejhezier in their Paper: and Pamphlet: ,% ehey mofl jhew themfielvee to he lover: oftheir Comma}, and profeflh gree- eefl alefire to have an? thing: wefl /étled, even there under Good words they meerely deceive the fimple , and carry on {a erajterem ee- figne, againfi the peace, freedeme, amrljhfiztie of the Nation. And wee have the more hope that this worfia ewifl doe mugh gaad‘ in the Land, hecazeflz there iuzothing here produced aspen he.-ag~.-Jay, or taken up on a report from other: ( hewjhewr much c0eeld_h'e /holzen Ihév way, and for their proofla it it little elféh) hut all out of eheirh arm: Booker, which are extant, and in mare} mere: haredr, /5-that what conjfiiraeie, fizdition, trea/on, er other" mz'f:hiefe: are here dif- eovered and charged upon them .' tahemfele/e1 are ehrmght in , wen their arm mouth: and hand: ) as wimefleo. ‘ V 1 F or the re]? which :3: to fbZlaw,(aa' we ha71eprauIifedit,ft3) we [hall further the expedition what we care. For the [éareher of all heart: doth know our flank , our figh: and eleepe apprehenfiam, that my ho» nefi "and fimple hearted fhould he led and‘ eezfnared hy [etch ‘perni- eiaeeo men : But eefler fiech, at are thm fingle and fineerg we make no queflion hm hy comparing thing: with ehirzgo, A they will now fee a great deale offedieiomplouireg and 'een];3z'rir2g againfi our Religi. area Lame, Liherltie, aw. which hefiere thtyjfzw not,‘ heeaufe covered with the jjtaeoiow pretmee of jéekieg to [settle the Corlnmorz-wealth upon Ground afpeaoe, fleedem, and jafetie.‘ ‘ 4 The e "mggx-‘ a'dv;mtg~g¢# whcreby ambitious ,*«difc0nw¢ntcd, and {alf- :;%di fiptbe’( if “nbt deV£troy)~chei4prcfent Govvemment. s "-an ' _ 4'1“ 3 . , \ ‘ I ‘ ' ‘ " . ‘ , ' ‘ , : r ‘ ' ' ‘ V V ‘ -. 9 4. ,' " 9. :4.“ -I‘ ‘ ‘ * ‘ Mu ‘ V5‘ ‘ - . ‘ gr J " ’ 43 I I V . ‘ M . ‘ “ Y .~...:. ~,, - .~.- W ' .‘~ n 4- ‘ rm .1 g ‘, ‘ r . ‘ ,, , M. ' 4 , , \ ' \. ~ ,1 ‘ ‘J; , V ‘ V N ‘ -_ ' . . ‘L , . ‘ . . ' *3 * wt an ' ‘ , ‘ “:9 ' *5 F ‘ ‘ ‘ v 2 ijaow. . ;hcreinf— is {ct forth ( to »un-deceive % the Na? tiong‘) the re.-ulpiots and .SVtmtagams*of Lievtv: C01. 3,,;m %Lg1ggrn 3 ;~M“~ Witmm +Walwy2 , M“ Tl;o4mm' . &‘Z«’rim:e, =M‘-micbard Oizman, and‘ that Pattie: A And .Vtheffev.¢ra’ll feditiowhus waycs and ‘wylcs a gong time Apxaéfifed bAy‘t!§§n1,.%‘tA0 Aaccomplfiiflh and eff:-& the fame gs N,am%c1y, undcrthe v4p~rc- gzenfigc and colour oAf¢y~¢?L.4£'!5ert1ie, and to take »«a*j)ffrV%%thc aflwrdem A»AandA 4Grz'e«zmm~eAs of «he C0mxnon~wmaflth, 4 moi’: dc:fh+uA&ivc Vdefigne is carried on, to de- prive the people-of their R..elzgio22,K igbxs, Praprze- Wties,FreedameV, Lan2e:,ga‘z2e~mm,ez2t, 81c. and to »_brjn a totall and univcrfall ruine upon the I'Lan- . Arad Iomuch A»is’%herc Clearly demonflratecl, “ by grtcwafon and Vproofe abundantly. g V rm.» wrirfi Apart; 1 S in vicqs ufi: to clothe nhemfclvea with the ' venues, that under thofc %Liv:zrAi%-as Av ,% mm Wea‘1£h“Treaflm»and Sedition %dcm4 com- " manly prerfcnmtichcm{elvea‘un¢d4er this colour '~ M and éldakcg making:pp.thefPolitic«k pretence Nqgimbirtb-Aright, ce5nmonf5veedameVanalVf2¢fety, as a wcaponof n~ r 1. mo..--- cqnceimd meg, ufc tp makc1'Comm~oti‘ons,and~M¢uAtinics,fiand:~to And X a accefliin“ the: wc::rld%%: fo cfpcvcially in a Gomn :8’-U ' % " Pafamz fieaiau Id l{7'm‘:er:ie, Valthgugb indeed it was tdbwing them from freedom: $0 very 'fl.m:y%.. Sb2%IT4funzte%r fc£kifngfl1_‘e%rui‘niE CfGerma}zie‘, :ind to raifc hirnf?e°lfc and his Canfc;cl‘ér:1%Eé‘8 out of the duff and *afhes%the¢rcof, hid this ‘down "sis ["153-V principle 5:“ Free.Commaner:,;an"2gzuali and jar Gamm?men t, and war} mm as like in rejfieéi 7aflibertie, frm_1ome,% andjbfgtie. And this pleafed the multitude to well, that they fol- lowed him in rebcliion and treafon vagainfi the _State,_“ti1l.:_afI;lafl failifig undsr chehand‘of.]:u{’cicé,Vcame up fee ;nd%%a¢1;xxqvq!;dge % their great Wickcdatm. % We {hall not mentioxianvy tfiing mm?! eutof caur own Stories, but come no the Sewer: afdifimrd and [edition amongfi us. That» the-fe men cramplaim: againfl tyranny, 0pprcflion,flavcry, jjuritl I di&ion of ab: fword, &c. and Mzafl on people in :1“ places ta jryme with 1/aemugaimfi Kalahari,‘ Tlacez/9: 5, Rebel: , fl/jM7‘d£?f£7'J3~ ‘for the Settlement of this Commomwéalrb, upon the fvtarzdatiiml afar: eqml! andjufl Gawernmam. It is well known, and lb much chair“ papaw and mwitizxgs doe dcclarc, Sc: than the work: which we have hem Ea&{::*.n in hand, in to Rczprcfcm; ( in way of A D I S- C 0 V E R Y) to thc¢jT”NaI:ion, What mifchiefc and mifery Aliés .% hid (ad-a dunghiilunderAfi1ow,.%%oMra haoka COVered§_withfa bairji and is daily aficd and cuknningiy carried cm, under a fair: pm» mencc of feeking the publigue good and this wc {hall doc ( by the good band of Gqd afliitizlg us in a tempcrat: and %iobc;r~way”,_V _ £eaving%opprobrioVus_ and bitcgr {pcieches Ace; fuch mengwho has ‘ wing aba?‘d‘caufe?cannototherwife uphold aha fame» A W But before we come to garticu}ars, _we 11141! obferve fame féw general; we Aiféoverert geneiall ‘thingi, ‘as giving mum light to our prefimn mrie. . : 1<.<~.«Pr’udmtiaiI%Hand wifi: Smtifll. and I’ 015351563! have well Oh? fc’rvéd,vtthanAa co’-nfpiracy or 1i:dicio¢nli2c hitching a while like the-7‘C0ckatricé eggs, and ufimalljr before in brcakea forth, ii: dif-A covers it ft.-We by certain fym pm...-fl"1£‘.'S 01' fignes: and chef: ten are noted as moflzscfpccian and t.}Y1"*{a§.{&b7£. 3 I .. Prim-te Gevnvemicfiw. 2:. ‘Ca-Iumfiziaiioflr and wife] a_fpert%iamf. % Gomplaintl. 4.. A prufif [ed b .:m*e d, againfi /zvmemm ’in.mn€=vari:ie. A dzflilze and contempt of ?1tbe:.‘pre[é9st'f Government. .66. ‘T/Jreatningf. 7.. Camradifiiom. V 8. ‘Dijéazzrmt at the change of 4/Mxgiflrater» 9. Putting obflrnflian: to the epcemtianaft/52 Law. 10. Troubling and difquieting the mind: aftlae vulgar /brt. That theft, cvan all ofchcm, are in thofe men, and mi": a little, but as clea%~!y%c0 .b:;: farm, as was Gebuzi’: Lepzjow fie‘ on the forehead, wit: {hm rnaxwifefi in this following Treatifé, and doe defim ghe Rcader to cake gaod. notice: ‘of in 5 for doing fo, he {hall the bqccer know the‘ treaby the fruit. V A A 2. That they may bring chemfclves into the cflcecm and fan voun of thepcuplzythcyLprctcnd and makcan outward thew, as if no mcfi.in'c*h%e%.Land wane [0 tender and {érnfiblcaa they, ofthc hcavie b}ird'ens cf the N axiom, and {cake to haw: the pm- pl: dif- aH3:&e‘d towards the % prc.-(cm: Government and G..wer- nours, by falfe and flanderous infinuations,as if the Parliament might and could cafe them, offfiches, Excifc , Free Qgartcx-,7, and ozher Taxcs and grievances , and will not. But this is no new thing 5 for Abfilom did the like long agoe; *1 Oh that I mm made fudge in the Land .: Eiood Ioulc, how he pictieaficbe peoplur, . . and grieve: to think: that than: an: n0»bt:tccr men in place; and were he (in his Father; throne, the Kingdom: fhcmld ha fed;-d upon the grounds of Common Right, F recdomeg and Sgfctic. But: for anfvver to their chcrous. Faifc ; , fundry times, that there (hall Ii: upon the people no burden which they poflibly can remover: but likewife iris their workc and*dailv {’cud%y, to improvqVa;li‘1awfull wayca and meancs, ,t;o V for?1.~Nom oncly bath the Parliament declared an“ g D: z,.—m‘w2~ fmia irzdagezzdzz /Ma flaw: , 'qz¢.a: pier!-0114', ante» % gum: e:r5z’,.r.qr9 azlztfl_¢n9£M /E‘ % . pro '11)»: 52241255» is: mmpc al.rm- ~ I ‘ dt‘/imxa .~r&'veuz-V czffma, ca/finiiy, ewe» alt’: , .pra- fif*)§«?fi¢' adii , pmfentu flaw ta; flzflidia ej-~ zrfitk’/rm .;;z;im‘;, . canzradifirow ‘ .321‘/133", warm 4 .- tinrgiblts R rm- %g?[r'mtu% immi- % ne'ntz1re.:mvgge- fzzfiowe, nz(2(?4- cud: /egfi enm _ cutiom pa/iris, 6* ttarbzz mm-« tar m.¢lgi.Frid. % Wcndcllin: >« In&iI...Po!.Y.g.. W M P» 494- ‘, % . % 112 $am...u'.4. accufactomwhnch is both falfc and create , ” the utrrmfl of their power, for the feuzlcmcnu and icgizgflicutidn A of this Common-wealth, in fafety, peace} and freedom. A % B2 V A ¢ 2. For ‘Ad iwpafiifle la 2: emimmtow :¥i."»lA. -qz¢%z3r." 171 grail: a;.5J;1f &':z;'-*’a V 3‘ Ifcatéapzgr ma. few alts! pra“ ]K3- g Ms mzmpl£$’- 2' :15‘. L. £7“;-ijé . Rwy % de Mmz‘ dmzwz; 3 In ?3‘mfliz‘ati- by» Iago; .,mm~:. fir,vJzzm% _I..% at g7'§?da!im,./r"£?a— la de M4¢ix;. fie lmzar. '“ Om»: i::r3q-» madam mm rommoda raw P 9; X~”..'~ fifiu ‘d5’ 4''" ‘§;'§If’w'.‘ ’ W as Fé5rAthé% tzhings w~hicB~LnKey?m)mp1aim‘ , amfjtlm :O?ppuf-» Eons .fmd Burdens of the people ; If the .particula_rs be righx:1mr.- l1Wer~¢~¥ »1tJ®d§m§ and the ;wi‘ul}*¢V%m;3re lwchw iJ~ij.t%8‘§‘§=t caranc:B"e d mm :: aéndl iftf »mjm' would: buns»: »¢onfide;E1 in [Aw?t2“asm.%vcmrtiitioiai waeevax-e7, and how xnattgrsvfland-w‘i:th‘f% Item ‘ both acyhomaand*;abma%d, theyvwoulAd1not;%b1ame:d1¢;Parlia- % meucfor . this g‘rie4v:anee,i:m tiirM,;%§s::§_s§.if'a~%mzm fhQ;u1dIbinde anb:hcr,%i“1andj1 andfoocc,» and afmrwwrd*?E»re*a£-1:?» h?iim,btca»ufe< hewd%othinocgoe;. %Who but chef: mm are the chi¢fé*c~fi1*u€F0rs~ of Reformation, and.the*{¢ttle— % 'n=1cm:ofch”e Gommfirr wealth , and by? theirxconfpiracics and ‘ uea“c”§1erous d‘e~figncsI,% increafiz char Gricvances and Burden: of ,th¢+‘pe§0pIc“‘%: a?nd"*Lheg.x'Pcz*ik‘e the Gover?nouw,~.becaufc~ c»he:wo1k -«is not dOI1e.#Ic1Ca;n“ be %prov"_d;. if need be, that tlwLan.dV is put to A - aft hundréd‘: :houfan::f‘%pounds yearIy~ "c‘bax'ga% by? their Amcancagg ’b;ficfea much»?pr*ejudiccA arnvd fufli-rings otwerwaygs: and'therc- for*c‘fbeA4Wee‘ Cofmmiamm of Eriglzmd-‘bowie acmféa in denim": and ‘ % pi-rmmncer a‘ga£§r2[i tf7i5~i F xzfiinn, for oppmfim and armltie* exeraififl" rbeir‘ fwbw brierbren 5% and that Excifd, Sefmenta, Fm:-; 3% Qg:«rt¢’;~,5»8cc.- afi‘¢4’t%h“c* longer cr.>utinucd¢:,; and thingar tending cm A pu‘bIidkgood" F106‘ dm1,br"caufe%ofthc V V _A M A It is V a‘“ n0tabTe* fhifc '§%fbVm“ét%imes iprafié (‘ed bar aw: QM thiefr, " be- ~« « ing“ p§;a“rt’he"d5AwithJ.hueA‘ar*:¢cry, *t,o~ cry os»ur_.,Skap1bmbiefi,.flap%tbe4 tb‘ié;fe’;At!:s¥¥%tzIt~i7¢t§:g tziéam .m“E3ér)dy uJfum"l7y will fbfpea h:€me to be: chew man , whim they hear: him tony» cue «bus. after aW0t‘hM"f. Tficfc?V’men%%%hme liéa‘\rnc%fucha mck; Lord, v5vhat'Va noyflhthty mak¢A“agairifl‘Tyranny, ()p*p=refl‘1on,A Cmeltic, Charging on, mfitré t*hc‘r¢wiLYm3l‘ 5* ftxpp;g:-mg, mt?) doubt,-thacr1:o mam wsh imam gfi1bti1%afi’fH§y‘hAard~ rfia E , tiha: Tyrams, Opprefi T fwurfl, l\;furd4'¢;érs 54.‘, %b0wfocvV¢r ch’: ::;:1'Mh?*‘ is, the Rablwria i%x*cc.>m-‘ &r1iu;dv%by,twh¢mfi:lTyca;; 3| «£21-Jrea‘: M’ The % ’m*verer¢ ”2."Treac’1er0M, to confpire againfi the Supreamidurboritie of England, and to flirre U the Ptflplc, ”At‘adeclare and protefl dgaififi H Pi&u}c of {be fi,,,,,,.; yea, Mto:mVqve* ‘V Souldierrat wgll a»r"at/Jar: to riflz ggainfl 35;; Pm-liam¢'~nt* mm , mfiz many pmflefléd Iraytorx , tbeevex, rabber:,' and‘bifgb~ ways menyand‘ Vm%ap;'irebend‘_;,fiecure, and brimgétbcmj to pica an 4 new Reprejénmtim : And all this,for no other caufe, buts bccaufe fuch things are not don, which at the prefcnc they can-; nec doe , y-ea mot; for fuch burden; and fufirings which by thc'érocc4Vafion and meant: are ncccffarily incrcafcd and ccmti-A Vtzued in the Land. 3 . Whofoevcr fhali pcmfe their Pamph!‘ets,fl1aHfce than they a-lwaycs fpeakc4.h"gh words, and give: out the rcproachfulfi‘ termcs, and v'11cf}cxpx~efl'1ons that ever mouth uttered: Evan aw thcfwinc fparcch nowhis mouah from any filthy and unclean: . thing; {'0 they fp:1renC~ne, whanfocver e:hc:ir»worth, placeior defcirvings be , if .thcy% fland in oppofition to their déefigne: the Couuccll of State, Fag‘ I4.I O A Dec!“-r3 fin. _ on of the free commoners Of Ekgldfld. M they an 13»mm:_.,Nimrad.r, Beaflr, ‘fiearex, Waiver, a pack o/'fawrz-v~«— % £353 and dumbing Iqzavel : ThcPau-'Iiam.em" for fccking to fupprefla their zreacheroua and dangerous plots, are (aid to be P the greatefl Tralytnryfidat ever mm in tbi»: Nation, :4: dead andflinkfrig carlzafllz 5 ¢~f,[;’i~0:4g ggmpmy ofmerz, zreaaberonfly combined together , to /ubdm % ¢bg9Lawe1, libértie, an-dfreedbmej 0fEng%Ia1-ad '.v Greater 'I)mnu‘ fiber; war the King may , er Ibqt cméfl Iyrant Duke D’ Aiua; blourjy Qgggng Mary (in campari/512) my a Saint to tbefi: men ‘L All their Vgtphrderr, Ordinancex, Decl%a:-axiom, and A51, ar that berm/tar g1;gfi;flApafié*; they declare andproteflwagqinfl, do’ not birzding to the people. A " ‘ ’ A It is farm from our purpofc no rendbr will For evifl, or ray‘-~ ling forraylingz to undeccivc the people by 21 pLirxe and mm and we defirc it may be here obferved. ‘< P" Pi€*h:r¢ of" the Counccllg of Statc,‘ fa- cdni Edfition. 19’. 14. I7. 9 A De clawi- on of the fun: C ommon crs \ or E¢;gz~mgd.% A Difizamrie of thcm, is t-hc thing wc tlncly aymc sat. And for this "A L V 1; hath been the com&mon?pra&¥ce%c*»f Fscb mm F: rmcr¥_}*,. wantfng cafomto me R.ayIix:sg:.13 frawa rci mm in iuiv:%s;0§ Lem: Wm}, their cafe faimendewomxr co phce it up with rag»; and‘ pa!"-4 1 Hon : 0>r%VV1ike Cock; feeding upon Agarficka ovzrrcollle Canberra with fm1m%.¢fi‘g¢“g§ breath,‘ not nifkgh {Wang h. o: b»;M’$:,dy.i ~3_ ¢ A[;iwufgh%t4here%have been in a§%Al’iag;ea ietznm: whtmhava rJé-= " dcminion, a"dfPfll?¢ W51} digvrxitm 1.‘ with yet: WeAVt1zayaf‘fi—:ma%»iu ‘ with all =confidence, that Athercjs no who have been forzncrly fofm-amoderare, and fuch exccflive ray-1 % lets agaihfl the bighefi iaufd, Iup;r¢ame“Autl}priric ofa Nation as A j},,:jZir:.?nfii. . L I. Tit. Io. ~ I £’2roi::~mtza22cs dcirm-I 6' :3 me: _ J. mrzrzams. L. V Samar: C. ‘ ’ Tqfes firsgué E [arcs wrz pm- Zmrzt. .. T 1* 'I‘c{};ir a'cpo-- yen: ; 532’ art 6'15! II 22072 pmbzt. Hfejiir cfcrfvct rfcporrete per ; cm‘paé*i: fin- » figm, :23?" 720?; ff jgdxcmm :':z- Aj tc~Ife5‘z¢5. 1- j .Tc}%. 4. dz-/. V i gzai TZ'%;'z‘xzrzr. ; fefi. Am. F. dc Tc/i‘. 7 Nmrem tfli’ Y mm» porerzt fi Wtfaffi flifztjflfo . 5- muaiczpaff 'rm£§gus‘ prom gdftgf}? rianes. ‘i; Tac. Hifmx. ¢ mrm, zraytorxg tbeewexg mmderem, 8:42‘. is W zheic men are. When:pwpI°e:axefince;e," and are indeed agqinfi. 313*: 3}: amy._ an d _()pPifi£fli0Al’} , ’ Lahd 11 or; Common;-righgfreadome, and flak-ci«s*, God is wichtheir mouzh; and givxés thém whau they [;i“:aiHp¢a.3*”"I.el_§:¢: cu»- jtwfgg, Imm: new c;,.;2m’:¢m.. Tac. 1. hiff. '3 f2\(f)n dm-fie am‘ f:z,0s'cIma' dmrimr adjzr-% dzcamJum,' fez‘ impem er qzmu dam mm m-- ,mer-imzc. Cic. pro. pmnc. '3‘ £111.26-’:7:'».;tJ£’!-1‘ V Difcourfcs. Ii. 1. c. 8. $3 Mam'ifi‘flat5« Win .P1g~ 8. don for p5ubI‘Eck%g00d as hath been éxpe<9(cd :i%mx~m='4c'l51:c:?e:Hé:, wthia * cannot beAiu{Hy Chs'i!=%gc’d upon the prcfent Hk::¢[é «Cammnm%: for it is well knowmthc freedom: and pawér, which new they % have, it hath been but a‘linc1e while.in their hands :11-aifihex‘ have 4 they , -. 2. \ . ‘2726 Q!” cowerer. %t1hVVcy&‘becn1ong in that r:apacici¢ as now they arc;t0A";%mat1I,a.g¢-and A fetch: the afllxim of nhc COC$1I?flQl }* W¢31£‘h4: whc2fo:evcVr.4ch*erc%fgJrg ¢ ihall duly cAonfid,er,% the fhormeflé of the mime, p:hcm‘amy plppyfiw t i:}nVs, o4bfiru&ions,$;md %difcouAcag:m[qpts, ,wh1%c%b%&hefi,L%ord _.;_hMa‘z¢h brought them through, and in what: difcmdcr and confufiqn % «thinga lately were, what divifiom in thefiand , a5t)dI£h e many firong parties Aagainfi them 5 and laflly , 4t.hTe many good fihizggs wlfich they have don , he {hall fee >mo1rg caufe%%to blcfli Gm for his goadncffczand mercy~towar.ds us, in prefefling us from chi A {nave and pit, then to murmurs :01‘ ,compla:ine againfi ;men,A;be3—. cauié t;his,%or that, is nut. alfo don. There may bum fflukeither in the Phyfick, or Phyfician, and yet the patient r¢mainelAon%gcdr fi.;k, thenAh%c¢defires to be. A A M '_ ” A A A V A ;~z.% For»the.m:my g.oa;d'?tbing1 w,hiGh they Ipeak: 0F, we %{l1a!_i A A {haw by and by what they are, as yzhe dzfl5l'uir1g~Aaf;t%be Cdaurmzll of State, brea!2j71gVof%tbe Armygzegleéiirzg and laafinglreland,‘ opening % ?#be.PreflE ta" aflfiandalom and fiditianx Libe1:,and:urm'ng ibe~Land into a~mildemeg‘é. « For ochuthings which uuIy;ten“d Am 3;h€ffrc,e- A Adfime andfafczieofAch¢.e;:CVommo:1-jwgalth5,the Parliamem.hAAatih ~75Enox ;1Ft¢1ir1qu-£17284: mm." any one: 0f;flh¢ms:DOI‘ cv;erV%Vwiil~v:{bu,cfd~aiw ‘ends-av0ur%eth., to free‘ aU%me.n% from»a3'l;V bu,I:tlens,%,a,,nd1Qpprefliom, " rand no doubt.(asV.was (aid)the:_Peop1ca%Ealargcmmnafld Com- fort this way}, would bnmuch the -fooner ,»««_w‘.~:1:,cAi:; 11313 fqmhe ,c0r3{pixfacy%andafcdlticzn%0f:i;h.ef¢.:mm. A . A «- fladclayes areVdangc_‘rnua;.fo fo%meVtismr:a7*hafl« m3ake%3 mafia A Fefiim 1832199 waa Axggnflm E nbiem; Great ftonea%are%not-laid J ¢in.:he“bui1diqg,without.fome time ;aVndVgreaVt labpur, ;b§ca,ufi2~ggf their weight, but once placed remaine%wlong. C/Mrlel K?~ng qt’ » Nap!” was'71:{urna:%nede% Curzfiatorw ,, xDvfVl4}'€*V , %b¢caL§1ii:%;~he < ,£{_;.a“gzqdi Ii“ 4.-oppc>rAtun-itie .,w:as;p;fi4: 2 m F'fib5W5.t'hc»1hia1;§j tof.r»KQmel,,V,A«.wasyfo % Vmcalied,%¢becaLufc% be Manwebyg£’myezt!,{AVai1l;op:p0r:4um§icie;wa:ar.:om,c. «i*E'r%@u1 .Gemera1:%,.~w:<-: .poAm:es n0W;’t0::3 mare parLicu»l:ar,: Difmimsie-% FV Till We I-‘aw their MaI?5f€fidtiAén,W& Couii not ;Wc1l; te1.§§fl%Q£ ;h.a‘rd- -§Maaz;]7‘Zflm'-, ‘ mt, gag” 6. r ivy; sgucflé , . what for men in many; chwmgs xhw %W0tJ%3vd?;haV:£. the awc2rid%tbi.nke :hm'2«;m;be. % Tiwej indeed they °Pmfifl§« tb.w41&l2agv .- belmwe there, xk%;«avze;..erer22«;2«Hand mmmipa¥em:%VGM_,% the Amber ,md;pgg. pf-e?iIer«gfa¢“%*&*bi’t2gI in N73 Warm ; dmiel be %1_'.i,ijl'3.I:r1‘ Jfitbgiflx ar;Ar1#%rif¢ was. .1 fiat; when Lftchmifi for ad~va1acage;a.n;fciL:%,zp: {:3 We his The i Ahohverér. his own mme, will notjprofefljs as tnuch, am man: :00? ‘Dew A moflhene: being asked what in fpeech was moi‘: aftzétuali, anthra- md, ”;Uw£v‘I’Iy,Ib)!p0crifie3 and being demanded the {email and third came, gave the flame anfwer. Whcthemhcre be 110$ Igypav cri ze here in their {peach ; Let: chcfc thingafbenotad. " I. is afiierted by them, that 3 Reafiwrz is Gad, and an: of chi; Reajfm camehthe whble Creation. ' A 2. Thehh. immornalicic of the {cube they flatly deny, and fizcfl auhhfuch pcopluhasbalecve th*ef0u3:és irnmortaliaicg v 1 3.. In tha‘.L‘ez2efier.rCreed, there ism: Chrifl , no concepti- on, hirthglife, death, hmiall, refiarrefiion , ar exaftatiim officch a me; 1Nu heaven nor hell, Na Angel, good nor had; No refitrrefiiomvaf A A theflrfh 5 fi9r§t0%_taIze itfo in the letter( they fay) is a dreame ofour Preachen. y A h h ~ h 4.. 1‘ All that weh call the hiflarj; afihe Scripture 25! an idalgfor there h 5: no athherhddam, or Chrifl, Cain or Aha!‘ , Ambm, Iflmc, _7ac0[9, Mo/5:5 Canaanite1,Amaleki;ex, Philiflimr : hut what is jam and fig]: within every man. Hcncc they fay, ‘the puhlick Preacher: have cheated the whale world, hy ielling m of afingle man, called Adam, that filled. m hyeatirzg afinglefruit. By their Principles men mufi leave off, ‘“ all teaching and inflrufiingheach ather‘. h “There is no nfe ofSermom‘ , Sacramenm, or I prayer, °Preacher.r are the curfé, and the fpreaxder: ofthe cmje,fi::md~ ing pond: éfflinking water 5_yea P the zseaiom Preacherl, are no rather than Scrihe.r5hPharifiée:, jzgdax, Traytorx, Witchex, Sarcerm, Decei~ war: : 9 The} andthe pwple jayning together in puhlick warfhip :3: an ahamimtiam‘ Gathering Congregariang Church-fizllowfhip, and all outward fbrmemthi: (fay the Lwellerx is to hetray Chrifl" into the hand: offlefh, a deceit of the Devil] , the Gozferr.-mm: of the Beafl, Amichrifliarz captivitie, marl ti: to he amdef gthe tyrant _., a new harzdagga wrapping mm in chnfufian, the ngyflery of ziniguixie _., and anal}! fa. hir;zder.Chrifi the great Prophet from rifimg. h [In hath formerlyhhbcen held, that ffleligtongandzthc ~m1c:Wor- fhip of God, is much for the fafiatie and pzjofpcricic of a Com- monewhealrh, and men: “ departure from the prafiicc thereof, and falling to hercticafi, atheiflicall, and blafpbcmwsh Wayem hbringah Gutds cufrfie and plagues upon 7:; N-atién : and ixmdcrd thr: Hdatfhcnz thought: [0 cm. h“.mWhenh~Gad* is Jnegleé7ed,h iheh Land in‘ carrefied. 9* .1 if Valerim ‘ Max. /39. g N cw Law of Rigllrcoufimcs, hl"%’~ 54- Truch lifting ‘up his head gbovc foam- 3.15) Pzilg. 1,, *3 Sec Overtfis % .b0okeconccr.. ning this thing. ‘ Nth! Law of righ:couFnc<-,- P~98,99.' m In 5‘ New Law’ )1 35¢-/h 97» Nck-M Law, 8&0: .0. 78. ‘“ New Law, ' peg. II2. “lhfd. p. 1 xga, °Ihzd. 82. 5’Ih.‘a'.I;;. _ V Ig8,r39.14x, 42.. Y 9 Ibid. 115. ‘1hid.hx2 1.1133 ‘Prafpcra cz2z:- % nilmz col;m‘*2- 51¢: dear , ads é wrfiz _.@E?"iI¢'.1-_gh {ih/1:, Liv. lib. 5. r lickgia \ neglam flu am p:‘ofap-_~ # ' fa; trax.'§tfi:m- per min/»:féc.'é2', . ('9' tmhflt. Lipfius Polir. A Co -3,. I>=*g- 4- "Ln mnltzz 72ag-- ‘ leffi dcderumr “ hcfiasrim mt/12‘ ‘ !1£Ifi‘z.¢0/¢'.h h Horat. 1: earreéféd; Into‘ what: pernicious. and db,a~mmbYc crrom zhcfé. % “ man arcfallen, andAdaiIy {ask t70%dr[éAw mthcrsa whatfbcart Witlw H cut bréaking almoafi cam think; %ti~1c:1'¢:?’of «,?"aI'td_‘ f6 \ml1C[Mhc:;1mD;e,, Q. ‘ Agbacaufc Qoed is high¥y.tiifliunour¢dA, ‘ “£0 Wrath, andthc Whmk Nati0n,fm‘ *'I‘§Inni£‘c‘£FatZ~- 0133- P. 7% 3’ l?;_e&~'gi0* ti-. mar def jam‘ (/3: 9143* 5"/7?" A dig: mlr*a)r1i1qzzm infer f: flaw?» t—4rrm.La&an... dC:i‘7a cap. I 2. 7 'l‘=Ip5Iérav3:? ‘me g3-:V9e~:'wr~.£Wt- (4eAE:ac.. Arifi-' 74'-[’FoI.c.U8_: ‘ f Ti}: 3%“; iurmapoui 2&3:-” m1.'ra'i';-~ ,u’3c"'A-_ &ua*m_,~ Arifi; “hell; VA Alczxg " A . .‘:~'1‘Se¢ fem‘? % defence of -Apfllfigiéa % 6~;»¢rt4¢-21% 1* dmifl 2°?-‘~'-§.~."~ A‘ @52- ,diz ine tbirzgt, u mm, they did not u%V(‘e¢jto%:rcac A 1 moin~Stace,,bu:fore- they had concluded‘ what they ':hougih¢%fi¢ A it; «fi;‘1fl;§T8’i bitter things. There is ta Chié ca.Ilc:d Zr.-ixamia India, where; mes. % Whazfoevm thcfi. men pzioféfle. firvica, or rc:ligi?ous~»ducic,M% Aafljé that he bath from them is? omly. fmoake,and~ fiéiy may it be namcd fmoake_.,for in truth their prim‘- ciples are nothingdfc but the fmaabe oftbe ba:tomls.flEpz't.. , 6; That they are Htbeifll and Antifcripmrifii, or little better: Men who ‘regard not Gad;-Vneizhcr the Scripturcs~,..nOr n:ny¢ rqli-M % gion 5; it may be clearly Even: by the Jgmmmt ‘of the ”I»’eoplt,; which thr:y.ca.U;, -1 I/Jeflanda‘rd'a?rd ultimate fégxpe of film?‘ defigne.r.. A'mongfl: all their Projzo/22!: and Article: (which are thirty: an; lcafl cVherc%is not (me 1th ing propofedg for the holding forth; and: furthcranée of God; publick wurfhip ~and":{¢rvice. Now- Wh0'k' I10WCfi now and bnleavcs; ( accept an Achcifl) that “Kali-. gion and tbefeare (9fG0d}lre]erzIe,J tbe jficietie» 4:9‘? men amongrilzema filzzen. It is lbfi {patch of the Philofopher in bi: .P:0li“tigt¢e;r,; Whgn he givech a. rule of Balicic :' 5 Firfl,, there my}? be a can of mofl, mba me. carqfull -taférwcbim éefh. Ne-itbcur. fl1a.}l&%.We fiildé any W*hen: drawn up M by Heathen) Where Rdigiozl was andrhad not the prcheminencc a nd fiirfl pl.'kcc.?; of King Inw, %E-Qfirede, Edward, Ex/aeqiarze, Edmund, Edgar,“ Cm Vof ma::%rers~t.muching« the Com... about Religion. The.-«nce grfawthac cufiome to fay , mr Infiitutio leg;¢mV.-Yaecnlariunu Namfbfinmetb = an =0rd£rfbr-Tempo-. » rail Lumen They-%will* ham: iiklzm taken away :~ in iav well ,, but zimke, while: thcygdoea a. ggiocl work: ci£‘~eafi0g_thn~ pcapls of“ riches, and exceedingly provokcd2»;q may bring hem A ‘means to their Id01a,.fecding their dumb~"gods» with the fmoakc,k{T. A and Vpating _chc mééx th£VmAf€el A iconcerning anemermxfl and omnipafem God 4 ,, ye; th¢y;4; fern him _; A jutt Mamba Hem:haansAd<)~th_e1r: 1dQIs~,gwe bzm ma meat, no worfhipgs %and-cbatimhe bePc%Poiicic. Ear 4~Gad,lazze.: fi¢z:b*:~ ( favingamong chi: genera-u» tion of mm) of 4 model} and: platfarme af~ Gdz;ernm:ent (‘though not Iookc after,‘ “Reade the-A Iivvem hey..- or to proawte the truth. aheywii! doe Tomcthing than (hall deprive them '30? the knnwg. iedga of the truth. And nhfis is apparent 5 Efor they mm mi km it in :be power of tée Parliament £a“im}19fé Mtnrfiers upm any aftbe Rejfieélfiwe Parijbex, but ‘ [bail gs’:/efiw libertzfe ta tbe Parzjbiazzer: sf may Parifla ts cbaafe fuck M themfilve: flmll approve. Herc ( Angwis thcifisg hcrecicks, blafphcmersgfizc. and there is no rcmcdic‘: . , ‘ L I . .3 Jamjigb berba ) is an ‘artificial! devifa to fill all places with Aw A For in safe the pcoplc of fame Parilhes will not choofe any em: ’ so inPcru& them in the knowledge of Cahrifia“ hm; will mchgg choofc to live without Chrifi and‘in{’cru&icm ( as no dcmbc Gmau A ny would doe {o in this cafi: ) or fuppofe they will chobfe one *I:hat'fl1alI infcruaahemin the Turlqer Alcaram, or the fame: Tat?»- "mud, or which}: as bid ( if not worfe) teach them the Leazim 0f‘LeveIier.r;That‘th€re is no {wing Chrifl, no heaven or hell, nu Angel or ’D.=:ViH,n0 rcfurrcfiion ofchc body, and much more tothis pucpofe ( of which we flmli fpcake prefemly ) now {upw- pofl: all this, yet the Mdgiflrace mutt not fiime, though it be in a pubiick way tb4hil1dcl‘<£he {prcading ofany damnabie hcrefics, And chisia oneof the good thing: for whkhthcy complaine againfi the Pgrfiiamcnr, as aw relinqui/5: To gram: men libbrtie A of Gonfciencé is not enough,‘ but the) rmafl not imermaddle 43 all in matter: sffleligiang but leave: things unfurled in the pubiick, that lb the peopie every where may turn: Akheifls _., or become Hercficks. ~ ’ Neichér is this praétice of theirs without ex-ampfe, the Mm»- fler Leveller: did the?‘ flame. Libartiepf %Cagzféiem:e granted them ‘ will not fervc their tumc, bucdelighting in novalxia and mu- ‘tinie, and being ambitious, they mufl: govern and digfpofa of all mhings, and {eat down what: rules and Lawea rhcyiudge fir. What they are for Religion you have: heard ; wee are next to confider how they do: cxpreflé themfzlves concerning Le-z:el~ ling. fWeprofe[fé ( fay they ) that rive never had it in our thought: to level! mam eflate: , it being we uttermqfl of our ayme-, than rise Comma» meal:/9 bereduced tafucba paflé, that every man may with at mmbfecurixie ac‘ may be enjoy bit proprierie. Before wec%corrm to % difcovcr what this Levelling is, wc-.d:firc'iu may bu noted, than gbgfiafaure merz~do’c grant: “the thing lawful! in it fc-lit; for havimg C 2 ‘(ca 4" ixgemzfm id wcrrigéuafis fiomimifms ago 624 mz~b.Z.t' res mwa.-vdg: creafm“ j"r2ti§ -widclmmr, Lifzerrarfi mt- fi:m:tiari£:’ fibi flljfgfnz: impew tr.-21/a=, quiza patéu: at! ow- nimoarfir’ amxmid pm aréirrio M regezzdé, tar» /z.=2m’z'q'. 12": m- tirzm ¢mé:'n2:2r. ’ N;f&,':t~r..«gna~ 75', qua" zzefiriz A ‘ The 1)ifco‘voreri: fen dbwn Whqt they uncierfland byLewlli7¢g_;,h Namely, an oquolw h ling afmom lleflotex, and torleigzg owoy Vflighfarlad Title ilojt every 5 DiiTCO"(:1rfcs, L 3. c. 6. 3“ New Law of % righteoufncs, Pdgaéso 4‘ Owmlz mm- lnz {i="1em 6]]?! T 6* cormozwmz. Tao.“ Munr- zcrs Princfp-. i A‘ Dgclaru ti“- on of the free Commoncrs of Emglahd. 1* The mare Level/or 5' Sxa»-'1dard._ f :g. ‘I 8%. ‘ The ncvhlaw af’ righteonxfi mflc,-19.6 35, 64 mm %hath!to thhotzia own; ‘fheyfoyoto laiiempi 2172 irzdzdoeinglihe fame? 13:? mofi inj:¢rz_ioz1o, unlefléfirhlere dild lpriecedle on ouniherjhlll ofléng ihereunto fiom all and every owe of the people. As if they fhould thy: the thing is good, onely wanting maeanas and power at prefcnlt it mufl be Iefctiil them: be a fitter o‘pporeu.1i:iehto’do‘e it. A V It is one ofl/Mloohiavelo Principle}, than! ‘Shin cl Corgflairooy do-goinfi . the State, the Complotter: thereof not pk thelrmmhelr of three or fcmre. That there is a-Levelling defigne Carrying omdangcrousl to the Common-wealhch, it is too apparc-nt,hand howbeit _., but few are acquainted with theboetome of the works , ycthmahy are, much me of women as well as men :” fomc to dig, Others to Mdreome, fame to raifcofedlition and hurliburfioes in Ci;ie,. Towm, andleountrcy, others to cry oucgagainfc tyrannic,%hand fdrli-v l bertic. And all this is to cfi"c.—&.onc thing, which isl,-an Izhcy fay thcmfclvesfihus. . L . ' A I. They {will 5 have no man to call any thing his ; For it is tyrarz» nie that a mom floould have * my properLm2d 5 particular propfietfe is dezgillzfla, the myfler} of .ZEg}ptian horzdage , a de_/lrqying of the C fea-ll» tion, a lifter up‘ hf the proud éovetom‘ 5 a hringerh in ofihe ‘cm/é agaizie, a mhrtall Mamie to the Spirit, and that which hath hronrghf in all mifery. upon the creature. Here they (hewlwhat their meaning is, when they {ay} Woo «declare andprotefl agaiiz all Irzclofitfe of F annex, Fofrefll, Fields, l Mxareo, He.ztb.;,' lyoodo, Parlu, Chafiax, which have heerz talzerzfrom the poore of thi; Land : W ea are re[olwed to doe our mmofl to rofloate them ogaine for the good and lzmefit ofthe poore. That is, facing no man may chalcnge either hcxufc or land as his own, they will ha ‘ ' ayfli 1g and aflifling each to ozhcraand to 3!?! and every man than A %fl1aIlhli:.;yn with and affifi them in this their» Engagement, E0 zchru-AI’: every one ouch of his proper and“ lawful! poffizfliran, and take the fame for the good and" benefit of themfclvcs. 2. 1! Labourer: andfuch at are called poore people , fihey ought not to wor%:f’hr may Land-lord ,. or for any that i: lifted up azhlove other}. 1H3 that zrorI2\e"; fiyr amther, eitherfmf wage: or to pay his rent,worl{e.r zmrigh:eo;:_fly,- ondflill lift!‘ up the cal}-rfil, azodh} his lahoom hold: the Creaoiorz wider hondagg, and the hmzd of the Lardflaallvhe logoimfl finch-o A at all : for tic‘) doe [0, The Difcroverer. fmh lohoaerefe. Againe, Ehey fay l, iii: “‘ yromzicall oefiarpotioo, Izzeroechmem ofLorel1 of Monnore, :0 la} Fine: and otherl/ervioes upon’ eheir Terzontx. W/here ox hj right they are ea‘ free of themfeloei. e 3. Le?/ellere‘ doe ncttallow, neither Well they have " may hzgy- ing oerjélli2eg,l no Market: or Fairem to he lgepr, nor any Cifoill reading. it 38 to take the Beafl: ilzlorlee : ° ll/hen a more hath need ofmz} Come or Cemle, he is to tal@ the fomefrom the next [lore-looufe he meet: with. * V V A V e V e A ‘ ; l 4.;,Ici.s another doétrine of theirs , comrary to the Law‘ of God, ofNau.1re, and edema, that * no man 2': to he put to death for murder, or any zmrighteom crime whotflwer : nor to he imprzfmed gr punifljed any way .-,om2lyfie'ch are to worlzg and cote‘ their owe bread; and he or that ‘t}h.:zt [hall inflié? my» other pmrflhment upon fellow- creoturex, if an ezrzrighteom oélor in Ihe Creation : for it ie on mightie % dijhononr to our Maker , that one pert of the Creatioxzjhould daflrry another. Ag;-nine 5 P H e that will rule over, z'mprifi2n,opprefle, and lalll hiefellow-creature: under whotfmver pretemze, id or oleflmyrer of «he Creation, and on offer of the eurfi _., and nvollqe: comrory to the rule ofrighteoufeefle. V 5. If their dcfigne hold, they will {'0 Lowell the Nation, than there (hall be no ‘I Corporotiom, Potterm, Charter: throughout the Pu.-alme, in any Citie or Town,‘ as fame to be free , others not : There [hall not be Moyori, Boylfio, Aldermen, Common» gcouneelhmen, nor any Fudge or juflice of Peace left lam0r:gf’c»us.o Theié as the rcllqués of conquefl and tyrant-mic, they will pluelckel up by the roots. A e ‘ W A A fl A 6.. Forum ‘Iarme: and Lawyer: ( whom they tame the 1' Vern min and Caterpiflerx of thix; Commorrweolth : ) Hear: what they fay ;, ‘ W ould it not he at notohle hooeie for the Sonldier: owherzfi) mm my cheating Lawyer: ore together at .the Terms , to oleiee them om, or elfeflripeheir long toild gonme: over their core: : 0 Souldien, you could never doc or hetter piece offerzziee, than to put down all elm: Low- yen, and oh? their Courto, with all Patent: , Gran”, ‘Recorol..v,~z'9-e. and fofiér not one flerme more; and we in the Comomy well: ojji you mm; mime power weocan : [0 that let on acquit our fialexee like men, and he no more jlowm .1 thio were * am cxcellem worlqa z'rzdoed.. % l . , Thus they intend we well. have the ufage wbichoTra.vai1era feund at the hands of Seyron and Proerefleo, famuual Robbers in Alltoieo, i; “A Declarari- on oft}:-c free Commoners; of Eeg/.md. “Light lhin-. liflg in Bfibéo pal?‘-, lop. go ‘ °Ncw Law of righteoufnes, y oeg-4e7- "New law of‘ rightcoufncs, j peg 6o.c'5r.69_'. 7 P The: 't1"L‘l¢A" 1.:-creel.‘/ore Standard; peg. 9 . 9 Light fhi"n-V ing in Bzeelg. V It 3 A D7ecIai‘ac'ig-l on ofthc free Cfimmonersl ‘Of-E»7gla?26l. A "Light fhin- l ing in Bloch, V fllu".2~p. ' * Profperm; l M f¢'l+x efeelmb ’\ am my eerom... ‘U47’. Same. He re. Fur, ., ~ 7*. The trua Lem!/er: Standard.» pug. I 7, 18. The New law of Ri'ght:couf'- ncflé, p. 57. “E: mm m» fcripta dei vcra bu rzzalium er.- raribm fir turbi: Pi fie mzcitatis pm» fditam r apcri ~ %rezrt,:zd now: fat at fiuore: fwo: rzngndi ara- Ics confztgimntfi Entlmfiafnlos dr I'71fp3m.*i0- my flecreras jn fimt. Spagnhcm. 3*‘ Qui fjzcrat iciliil dgfperat nébil. 3' Impas hmi: iizt/2%.-2: f,2r}e.?e- riz odére, mrmz H exlfemzzt , odizr fmzmm ream mzmrre M22334 fllfdéflro ‘ Sfllufit. Rebzxx tkrbatis .rzhze:rc:,¥e?_~ Mr i-manta ram‘/3 fimé. Tacit. hhpl>c:li,,~ beadleflé ‘Tim fitiiaa, who by cutting (hm,-tar ,th¢ tallera and matching our aim Mien‘, broughtall to ;0n‘¢:*cvcn1ength with thchirhedh hf hraifhgh .‘Ieiamw, chef: c-hinge in the eyes cf all hubs: and iudiciwa Ncvermhmicfléha hthcfa «flee» people, are mofi Vila andhdeceflwablea hereticigx doe ufa fevcrafl crafty wfifcshnd wayea that this Qommhon-wealth may be reign zzibahu, wizhww order or foam, even an unfizfhioned maflé or lump. h A h I. By fpreading abroad certain vifiona deciare this aléroad. 2.. Ifiwelflaall neither mks; bye , nor give lyre. 3. Wbafoever labour; the Earth fin‘ any perfim or per/am, that are lift- tei up to mfg 02'/er otberx, and cloth not loake upon bimjgfi as‘ egpgafi to other: in the Creation, tlve band of the Lord flu” be A botirer : I the Lord ”bazvefpo&gn Air, and I will doe it. Now howibcv var in be a righteous thing with God , to puniih the hypocrifie and apoflacic of men by {uch dzelufiona , and to give them over tohlyce, and to their own Iufls , becaufeh they reccived not chm love of the truth 5 NevcrtheIcfl'e,many corrupt and falfe:-hmrted pcoplc are hereby drawn in to helpe forward the confpi‘r;a'ci£ againfl the Scam: neither are the Grand Incendiarie: ignorantg how “ others, ( fcditious as themfclves) have formerly done tha like; by which mcancs their fafiion and creafon hath growne the manger. ‘ ~ 2. That: this Levefiing may go: forward , and {O the “Land ruined: they a.ddml.Té theaafclws for the mofi part to the vain» gar and poorer fort, and to flirrc up fuch men unto mutinie V and (Edition; ohfcrvc what great things are prcfented to thrm: 33, Femzer, F0rre_[?.r, F 1'e!d!_.,'y Hembex, W0’odJ, Paréegy, C/M]éJ, and Comment of azlljnrtr : Towhich is now hzceiy added, the King: Rewermex, Bifbqp, Dearzenr, and Clmzp‘:her:hLandr. All this xhe pamie Iabazmrer [hail have, and» fucih as are become poor: through ‘idle- ncfi}, Furctifhip, rim‘, or what ¢-Ne. It is a Maxim: amongfl the _]c(’uites, and they obférve it: when atheyrchoofe a perhfon cr~pcr- Ions for trcafon, andto make a confpiracie agairxhfl the Com- mcm-Weahh. 3"-‘He tbat bath nothing , feare: not to dag any thing 2 ‘For fuch kinds of men, Yemaie the rich, have "old thingy, and am of a dij/li£‘e%aft/Jeir prejém condition, defixfe to alter all 2/aingl. A, To that}: zhercforchawtheir E.mifl§ri’cs fpccialhly (cm; to raifa aha A and Mvoycca heard in ' h a trance : As among others; I. '7 Works together, eat together, arzfi upon that law the fervant aglainfi the Mailer; the Tenant againfl his Land-~ 30,5 -. che buyer againfl the (seller, the borrower againfi the 1endc:~,.th;eo:poorc againft the rich, and for encouragement Eve- ; g, r all befit on borfebacke. l l _l 94 "magi: was no Other but what the ” Germaoe Le'oeUerA.rdId, am} by publilhhxgr {'0 much , fuch as had little mcanes of their own ,. and all their hope was upon others, molt readily rc- V ' d it. o A _ W _ ccl§:q;!you'h¢areo them: fay, they aipprove Inotllof this Lweflzug, W wfljeflg were didéprec’ede an oflém from do’ the people .:.Herc is I cloaks fo thinnc, thata man may fee thorowic 3 As if thefe men did not know and love Fignrex, though they are ignorant: of ‘other jgaming, and generally hate it. 13 mufi be underflzood re- firi&iv¢lyl,‘that ia the * pooro Commoner; for rich me-n , and hfuch as haw.~Lan‘da, and Efhtco, and claimc a propricczc in tbzngs, thwgy doe Jeclare orzd~prote_fl again]? ;,.fl9r having exerciféd ‘)"‘W7"": H ‘app,-efl3on, andlomeltie upon» their feL’om-loretlaren, and free Commo- m,-,~; gftbis Nation. Now who makes queflion _buc ohis A L, wan affxnt to an equalling ofmcm eflorex, and tokzng army the rzgbt and title that every mm both to wbotlio bx?! own. And than as the Law faith ;Fmxdomm¢o deficieote omnio rmmt..And Eraglandmny d I‘ fay with tlic "jP0¢l -Ir Engldrzdr féarfull faie~z3: come, tbio day! our lofl; ~lW'eo once were Englzfla _., and faire 1125! 114313 W!” 5 Km 'Eng‘l«.1r:dI glory now, her joy and blifla 13! go”; Um‘ Co:¢nrtroy.ru1'rz’d by *lLewller: 3. 011’! Wfdw-‘ In our Difiooey, we {hall now in the next place takalnoticc, what thefe mom Coy ofthemfalvcs, for theirpcacoablenellé, so to reconcile differences, and to healc: all breaches on all films. ‘Wee bleflé God~( fa); tlheyj sour Conflziencex are clearer from adding afilic‘?z’i- an to a_[flz'f'z'ion, bowing ewerl laboured “fivom the be_ginning;of our puli- Iigue dz'flr,.~zé'h'on.r" to compofi: and reconcifel them _., and [laould efioeme It or tbe cronme.ofall our temporal! felicirieg. I/aotyet we ought be znflrw menu in procuring I/aeopeooe and profjzorizie of this Common~we.oltb, the Land of our natiwitie. Bfzfideuheir Agreement is tcmdred as a Rsmoé~ofi:ring,5 and.this.Sctilp_curc efpccially they, all.-xmx: to them- fclvcs, is % quifim om txmimo fbit Pia blimtio. dog- l moti: do com» ' momma: booze» mm quod, pro» mic aurib'I}}' Q9-l onimi: excep- nz’ fair at pro- mi/ma homi- mmz oolt,-wig, an my port.-4 o domz‘,¢’g» omm} 1714:’ iist gliom [oer amt.» * So {hid the Level/er: in Germanic 5“ So do! cgenorl potzflimzm @* A aojem» ow}: /Jomooer fub—- m_zlJ?»rpror?re~: i put. “ Vfimvitflmjma dim : l «"3» mos: lmffabile mm-' PM dardzmice ,« fioimm Tine: : fin‘: mum, do“ iogcrzs gloria Tmczromm, ~ Form ammo fupizer Argos“ tramflalu! 5 imw ooofaz domori domimmrmr in moo. Virgil. V fE'ncx'd. 1.2.‘ l’ An Agroc- rnctnr: of the People. 14.1,. M. Spanlz em; ; the Councell of State, fe- comd. Edition. Ff $32 . dAi31éa for Common Right and Freedom, ‘ Mg. 2.. , '* fhe juggle-ré difizovcrcd, V pig: I0, I10 ¢ (elm: , and apply ie:‘m tbti: orafilicc are the Peace” ; A malégrr. V V A Ifchisbe. [féywhat mea.ncth¢then this bleating of the-flsczp 'im our ears 3 and the lowing of the oxen which we hem ?HOW' comes itlco pm}, vthimeill Countries are full w?;ch‘their oonfpi» l “ ratios, and their worke hath {fill been to makedivifion between pantie and panic, which cannot be denied , for thus ‘wee prove it. 1. T did "more violently preflé andourge the Armie to when they did this way than themfclves :% and aftcr it was done, thdy (hewcd great difcomcnt, that thev were 4 condemned irzltbeir jfilicitow endeawurxfbr purging the Houfia ofthefia cormptflcfemheu that wu- V ted the %King to London, and denounced warrevagainflyou. For their Contradifiion here, we let it pafle ( as but a mote intheir eye) V their treacherousland {editions defigne we (hall onely couch: Firfl, that the: Army may engage, thcy {haw the necaflitzie of the thing, that ‘= M‘. Pellamx j‘m2€z'o hinder, are ufitrpefl ofParlz'ament- power, a faffiazw, sreachrrozcs furzffo, trajtarr, and anemia: 10 their Cozmtrey, and the mtfi‘ repofid in them, by whofe illegall, pretended, and wzhinding ‘vertex, :3 new warrewa: dc ta&o raifivd and leamied in , h the Kiragdame, to the vifihle hazard of the ruins and utter deflrmfiiw V and by collouging with them to nxowjthem to liedllxiofifi,‘ aé~Wee ‘on there : fit to hefézverely punifhed, and no; fit to he contimied any longer M fudge: in aha Kingdoms _., or their mm caujé. ” Hareupon advife them to preflé wigorouflyfbr the total! purging of the Hem/5, and not to let the Parliamem- men goe flee without punflhment (for it would he the greatefl injnflice that could he aifed in the warld) that fh there may be my mxdefar the exzmplmy purzifhizzg of the Lord’ Mayor qf Lmdrm, and all olthei ahliefe Ring-M leadarxg aélon‘ “£72 the late delfierate and areacherom irzgagement. l ‘A ’ This beifig don according to cbehtovsn dcfircgzhey afitezward J V reproach i‘, and terme the very lame thing thefaéfian of 43 tug-. tgram partie of Ofiicerr of the Armie rehe11inglagai.vfl,lihe Pa?/ia- l me«r2t,2£wc-of purpofc £OflaticrV1_h¢ Ma§§g.i3'a.1'.:t$landtC2ivall—§i:rs, {hall fiirre up the people every lwhwcre‘ againfi the Armic, they fay , that C the ffifilorz afa treacherom "p.ar:"ie of o0fl-icerwf the Armie, hath m>ice_ rehelled again}? the Parliament, and hrclzerz them ; to piecel. Now hcreleu is be obferved , that none in the Land‘ « Beigidcs theft Pamphlets ff Le: not fihe cozmom ( faith" he ‘Them, cofverer; fhhfl not call this a 5t!a!:hiawiliahhorA]efiai¢icaII plat, for in too 17 grafli, ondy icmewca how demerau they are 5% aagvhnou caring, whan}:¢hhhe¥ fay 0f»“nfiYa/55’ befw» own tame. 4 “ , V hbufic they haw bum in the Army td raife {chditionh and mutiniehamolngfi she Souldiers, in is well known , neither “J?/&4?3Mg¢; End £0 Carve their hath there becn_a.ny remarkable diftrhafiion or divifion therein, h bm by A. their mqahpcs :: and {urely had non, the hprovidencc hcff fiodhwoghdctfullg §pp¢ag,cd, ghgy had erg: flhia time bI'OkI‘£l’l' and {entered the Army by their fzilfhooda and vile afperfioha : they 4 haveafird by that Principle, flda-he, diwifion and get Dominiam If 3. ftrgamc be divided, it is wcakméd, [and it will not» be navi- gablci when its is cut into many rivers. We could given many law h flames or their mgyccrouaworking “so can the Army into many parcafl, and than confiamly, and in all place: through ch: Land; and Libel: difpetfcd samongft the‘ Soul“-4 diets, fpeaking thus. h A g. h . h A A A §Tba]Te proud hypocritiaafl Ofliaer: that are amangfiyou , that are againfi 7" F mdame, and would due the warlg of the Loyd hyhhal'21e.r,' put them mfihmd ahaofé ‘ in their hroome: "' , and the afzeh may I’; to take damze their great pqy, I/at Lhemfime Myau doe. Agaim, 7 ghSufi7er thia, andfuflér any thing, expheriencejhewex, he that take: am hone an the care, invite: number; and when Sonldier: ihat [hmld he met: in all thingy, fiandflill, andfitfiér their feflaw-‘Semldier: to he thm ahufid by a packof 0flicc¢r,r, nax marmile if their Ofiicem turns fljarantta prefinhe ta dag any thing to any man. And a little after 3 If you he wifir, march am 0u_thofL0fld077, mir undertake for Ireland, or any other jérzvice, 1511 there he fit up a A new Reprefimtatiye gftbe Army; 4 A A . 4 ; M'I'h%c{e are: the men thauwould be Inflrumchta , in procurin A the: peace and profpcrisic of hchia _Odmmon-wealth , and cafi tbemfejlvcs Peace-makarx. Whereas no Malignant clan (haw leffi: good-will to the Land, or do: more trayteroufly to bring ruine- arid mifcry upon it. Neithcr is M” W alwjn bchindw-hV.emd in this worke 5% He likcwife calls upon the Souldiers to mucinieg , for he knowes 1‘ hy concord the tea}! thing: emzreajé ,, by" difiordkhe greatefl come to nothing ,3.» and that: q Kingdome di'aidedom1notfla"d- ) the proud , the bland-thirfiyman D A ' A fma} fjwglcrs difié covcrcdg .~, /rag. I2; "’ That is, a-3 gainfl the Lcéj walling, mew ; timed before. '3‘ This is fpo.‘ ken to the pri-- vate Souldiu cars thatthcy rifc againfl; . their Oflicers. gflrtgljh Soul. diets, Stat»- jd3"-ds Fab 9-» V *1 Concordia mirzimce res » crefrrnzr, difl ‘S Cardin maxima: dilahxmmr. Glofl‘. in Eagf ch: C. 2 l‘. ‘The: bloudy Projcflr, Apag». I 4.. , A ‘F’ Thé Englflg -9 Levelling he mans. 3% Léfiertaezk im- fizzzmzziorzé 21'9" wirzdicias fab- dirarwz Jijagfi W ‘ tyranmlda prafitwi aufzm gm M wayfm. ,3 Emgitfifi new flbaime flamed par1.*,pag.z4. V mThc Pump}: 5, Prerogative, Page“ 4.2 M I Egglflb new flzaime, pug. 9.- Souldicrs % % Standard. V P.”£- 8« % Sozaldierl fbonld m2dergoe,fi»_flavz'fla , [E2 femm or ta mm the Gauntlet, and Err {am} amdngfijou, Tféara natwtfieir" bigb l9¢oke.§*5'4%%¢giwg 11;: mm M glpgifiv cbgirmer, Meir pmmifir or tmrsxg, they bdzze noflmrgtiz witbautA}a:;‘,;%%f gwfig ?a’flI3ere%%:o tbem}¢a}1d»‘t"bgpV " firfféxké mm, zmdyee wszzzse jtmg jar wiilbeflrong my evil}. M A ThVi”s needs ‘nide5&pIknation,*’tis'in pla“in EVngIiIh; Séaldiérfie» bell; Md oa}fnfi'your‘Commander:;% V Reader; Lth'0l15:%mufl”_ kh@§V Aitfiéf fijrfiéedome hé fpeakes thus, find the ~Na:ia?2:fi:fi:ie% : iflfl as Hid‘ '4 thé Germmealfewellerrg I:%hei;rJ Ccainfpiracy went‘”'under“kt_bé%Vieflagg v‘ir1gL W??*€?¢5 4'1‘! "*0 15‘) *J”A“’19’:’=‘3’-’I?‘7‘”,-A7?‘ é‘*f"%”"‘fl» WE" j”“5€ i’W mrmie. ’ A ‘ ‘ % V 3.; Having rai_fcd §m%mini“ei'n ch; i;*he;S0i1t‘W: diera againft their Comandcragehcxr mxcf worke :s,howeoMcon-A4 tinueand encreafe it ,‘ aWnd th1VVs%%%%thcy ’ due by fcverall arVtific;i'all; K. ‘ By commending» ant} dial?) dfiirzg for gmwmmz good, andArefqlved‘?ofiand for mm liber- tie. So that how nrayteroua and dangcr‘ous"fb‘ever their a.ztempra¢«. are, %th::?"y (hall bq ye-c handfqmcly covered over « they are %Cap~V taine Mer:d- all’: Souldieygu, Thus 4 ¢ if a" niaxj ,fyvil1¢%% {hue big eyes, ; and give care to their report forbre%ad%,1hé, Ihaflqhava-a flange 54 for fifla, a Serpent. 2, Their man eris, Awhensany private Scjuldiers are iufliy pfunifhccl For mutmié dim b y”th éViAr o§:cVafion’,w4tmwgeV and infliiw A gate their fellow-‘Souldiersko };aike"revehge;’upoz=.a Emir Cam»-A mandera forit. “I: it r2otTa"fl2ame~Qfay they) fbat ya ££a'fii10m>~ and paimfisl! pan}/I2:-;-» ment, 4!. to ride tbe Waadden bor_/é, whip: fbrfmallpariiculaf aflifnce: : and tlzatyoufbauldfiafirrar in we memztime jaur ‘Uficenr %andC'ammamz’er: to ram Tyrazm, am! ne -«V _% werjmnifia zbemat all for it.“ I: tint}: to? takeiwp Armew, when 5222 mm ¢ Wibeingijaur Ccrmmazzder , ma'y,('ar the Pr’owerb/az’£l7 7) flealearimrfi, and you will hang For what compariforz is there between at private Soxaldierl and an ofiicm %t:¢r.rzing.'~%a Beam, a'WoIfi:_.,d7jr4n£ .9 % ‘ Now can there be a ‘plot more dang"c'_r<5i1s and deflrufiive %: ihen this-wto the. Army‘ and Nation ?%AW.ha"mpm and -proftfi ‘enemy M % A A 1 % A iufiifying~%‘*tHe4 %1?:tAlMit%ioi1s ~ SoUIdiVVer£*;—';% calling them 1 bonefimgd workI{y¢Smldz'e%r.r, the gm men in the mie, mtbe bonefi Nown-fubflantzvex, men ma]? canjéiemiom, and corn ~ Va%pri'ova:.em5’«mZa’ier far loa&ing%vwer% the Iaedgé _ Vafi‘Za«r2cé, M %% , V’ ienmnyecanfiy wo:fe,or~m;m in a wa'y more treyterous? And ghgsg ch¢lComtxw‘n ASduWIdicrs may be we ma,)rc~e~x««~ee{pceratcd and d7efper:itlé,‘e they tell tficmg Mae weir Cbieje Ccmmabder: are ‘’ new fljyrantjg TuekUb"]an£jbrie:,ec’7lmerx ebb: lwalkecby namle: or _pri~.~;ci.. plug eitber cf berzeflie or cmjeience ; fiabmrter: cfLame; and Leg!-erc~ tie: gqfétterx up cf Atbe bigbejl crueltie,v_eillmxgy,flawe2y, that cm be -cfimagiaeecl, wen tyramy at tbe bigbt. 1“Inficleing»cppre_gbr: , e 5 blzmdc gbirfljé.-men.’ ‘Tb: beg; yefiaitl jéeme but Imzacmtr to tbem; Trey: tom Tbeewer, Murderers, * tbejczém, rgf- ref}, and trajb cftbe eartb. 1" ‘*3 A5 Nero‘ when he hurled the Ghlrifliansl to dogs, fleeing the Me- fiives would not touch them, he clad them in Bearcs-skins, to kindle the1 fury of the doggcthae they might take them to be bcefis, andcnou men: 50 doe chefe , to fan the Souldiers (like dogs ) on their Officers, for :6 team and devour them gthey firft cover them 'withBeare~.rl(_z'n.r of their flandrous and falfe tongues: “ e 9412 Erzglifb Sauldierx ( fay they ) ebat bazae rbc leafljfparlg cfirm: love to tbemfizlver, and tbeir Gaumriex fieedome, are bound new or we- yer nausea tbemfilbec again]! tbofc ( markc how whey clad them ifiwilie“ B]eare~l8l.{VinS ) Apaflateg ltbeje jefiaitt and c‘Traytce'.r to the people : Tbajb are zbe” Lwellem‘ indeed : for mbat have tbey not Level- led? Tbere it no trlcfl or confidence war any more to be bad in tbem : far tbey babe broken tbeirfzitb “witb all partiee, &c. A Ncicherbdoe the {editions Souldicrs depart a whit: from what is taughc them : they Wmanimcufly declare, that the lendlof their Cenfpiracy and Infurrefiion it to free tbemjelee: out of tbe band affymnu : all tbeir emlieamur 11¢ ltbe fetling of tbia peore Nation, and tbe reflitmian cf tbeirjbakimg freedcme : tbey are forced( poorc hearts) to deny obedience to fincb tyrcrm1icalle0ficer.rl, wbofe unfiafi}- reble praceedingr, tend manifefil} to tbe cbfl%1u&‘ion of ibeir * Peace, tbs bindemnce: oftbe relief: cflrelamd, tbc iwjlewing cftbeconficmirzg \ Nation- Andlhowfocvcr tbey [ball be lmrdenflrme mm flame placer, and perfc:-2; ficr meat and drinlqrget tbct may be well borne witball, fleeing (by raifing a new warre,an& making a. Commotion in the Land ) the} [cake zbe people! * ea/é, and tbeir freedame from tbcfiz in- talerable burden: lying on Itbeirjboulderf , wbereaf tbey are very fem ' fible. .. 4 4 4 c H Herc Reader, with thy patienqe we (hall make %a little dc;- we 9 ' Q A U D 2 1. Duth '9 A ""5 TEE Pénylcs b’re:1'oge.t'i V6, 1'' 45* 49. ,‘ i'1.’;“l23?:' Cb.::3§5.;, fag, % W1 ht: hunting Uf ’ aha ; Fc-xi, e ~ 4- '? Lfhe cbioudy Prejefl; M::- 1' 5. ‘Peg. :4, e ‘ Peoples ‘ Wflmcrc P45.“ 4'' “The hunting at the Foxes, Mg. 24. l " The unaniv mous Decla- ration of co... lone! Scrooge: and Commit?- fary Iretam e Regimen its at; a Randczvoue amid Screw, My 11.1649. * Pcx eff ecpm dfezzda, fig eject momma letltet Bel/up), Cicero, phi» lip..cI2. "melted an wire rm «pm in bc- ‘ fie rcqelrct P Virgil. xx, 15 The hunting Am» r-_ Agra drfirir J8’ ¢’?i‘«r»'«‘vge’3fl‘;«utz‘,;!1£ tymezzrajoale pg... ratragaediew-e4, » AW‘. £726/elcare A plain’ , Oamzia " ?rt~zz.w.r'Acz liberx £1]? E?‘ com- .1mir2":z:A: exam- lrieenfiem Ljfe‘ primczpfl zeqzxe A at pwzzifiria Ralhmri jhgi, A quiz: 1!!» 6ezzdm*'z‘l ‘ A . “A W “ A and to be free from burdens, when private Souldters run away baud gtmqieazm W.-dmzr, flea.’ ba— «#14 Cir cepitzt ‘ frrt'2ditorwm Ii- bldini fzm"t2e- l éigalia ejfé we- 1 Mt, j:4fiz_'/s’2'mie armtét id omni- hm m'22d2m72- dim: cflé’, qtml ‘emnifi eye day: A xroluerit. A A _*A MLlntZCrL$h gzpme profite- ri coepir, [e di- e @5920 mandala excizzam mm weziflletééer H %meié5PA;4el4i?~ A d1_zIr,A tt¢m,.Ami*h$ ram AA réglifiziai lpoliti;e.A or 2 l’The Peoples ‘ Er erogativeié. P“£'l53a 5‘l's'i I c_ r, 5A.8c of Athe“ Foxes, Apt:g;1BAA-_ A 9:796 ;_ .. i. Doth not: thy mlntlcgive thee; that tllofe -Qtouldieraa, and faLilbmn,Ai0r1erton,::-Eco. are veAry; feofible of therhurdena and grievances of: the people, as, Timer, Ex¢ifé,A Freefiiemerfizc. mmiezlserlng they never felt them _.,,but A( as fillfing l troublecl was- ). flrona the dillracftions and calamities of the time, have had their: maintenance and livelihood , and gotten fomething: whereas‘ before thAey:Awere pooro and had litrtle or nothing» A AA A 2. Afianfi thourrot bflleevethemg that they are deeply Aafiefied ~ with Irehmd: condition, and veorlld willingly further the lrellie-F vlng of it ? fleeing nlotlonely they rcfufe to goo thither t~hem- (elves, but difcourage all others from going what they own, and by their {edition and. rebellion hinder the State in the Iriflar g,Af- l fairrea, or T _ A 1 3. How blind .3133 people as notto fee, thatit it for their ea {e from their Commanders, make a mutinie and Commotion in the Land, for hereby the Countrey and places wherefoever they come, mull needs be impoverllhed andunclon ,A and the A.CAom- mon- wealth pot to more expengo and greater cha:.rge,;lA'or the fcatteringyand fupprelfing of {och Ir2aendiarie.r., A or A 3,. There is nothing falcllzay thefi: men, but what Ydifiwurbelts an deflroyers of States have alwayea fa-id : They have profil- fed aaln the prcfence of Almighty God , that all their enAtlea- voura lhoulclbe, for Religion, freeclome, peace, and prorpmrt-.~ of the people, by removing tyrarmie, opprellion, crueltie, Sec. A yea ‘given out as ifin a fptclall manner they were called of God to fuch a worke, but their hypocrifie and treachery hath been difcovercd, and the Lord laid a fenfible and vlfible judgtrhe-nu upon them for its A or A4 . _ A A r V l A A A: And 3. That thefire whkh they have kindled in the Army may burn: till all beconfutncd, they have now lately found out a notable devife; namely, to keep: away thewatcr whereby it: I might be quenched L: No otherwile then as afbiefie , who meet- 1 inpgte with a travailerl well arnfd , and perceiving himfelfe too weak: for him, would perfwade him, that his w¢apoAns are no- A elawfull, and therefore {houlcl lay them down ; and this he doth .,pu1-pofcly toroib and kill the honefl man. So that": men would pert_'wade the_Armya that fjltlseg-ezlrr mm 239 Marjball Law ;Alvu_t if “A q-2,3 iflmerer. , A W .. A 7‘ 1- ,1 A213 Warre to” many 54 abfoffate murdzr m 2:2 €E_:me;fr 5 cmdatbaf Sam. Svflflldw’ M J“: ffyfrbabge I-flA“,;)e (1;0,my:.gf]ufl‘ice,and accdrdin to the die” am” are Pm” _, oft)” Kingdom; :15 zlaattlve Cazmcello %Wart¢ ;"':" Md0:,‘:;g“gf ,0 ;,,fi,+g juflice, than a thief}: ur robber bath M d at fl0‘*m L é V” . . M H M A ‘ % *~ . _ ~. bbz‘bW;:»}v.A.AA A * f‘ N Burg Tfirafiffifféifisnggztgig ??<:%3uc»for “thifl finds %7’i'°~'*'V Wh‘A“& ‘my H ‘mu The fTedicicm4 andAtrea%fon“Ain cheAArmy, there maybe n:vt;?:t1es,g courfeg or way found 01535 5 {OF ‘I0 30? 1h” breach mill ail he 10f’c,fcattered.~a and d‘fi“3‘Y"~d_L' d A TA A . . H we fhall agaiuepaffe over that A gram: Contradzfiiofz, sAfafly?;;g and “graying - om: whi1ciufiify’iugA, another while a ' :~1 ~ ’ 1' A «A A A . hingforAAadvaVn:age_., and to few: their Hcnndemngmg the fame t A . %- - A % " % A ' heir wn tume. Newberfigsflm worth; cfnc whfle to menzzqn t _ ENMA-fénce, as abfurdmea a_nd chzldxfhjpagagea conccilnangtsiilmexs thing» There is enough (“d by ‘h“m‘{”.!V°§’ eve“ W 6-" Y r k *mo{’c againft Marina!’ L‘””a*W Juflrfie the Arms Pm" by W» or co mn- ‘cee A A - A damn chemf¢[m,, of ignorance, or Amalica got both. For ob-- { e evcr)? Readerthaxz hath fenfcs Theifflmfi and Emfid Ob“ erv , iefiion ‘is: Affbaumi M15” "“§’” '9 be j'“d§ed 5)’ ‘L‘”’” M“"/mu’ 9”‘ ' ‘ W rre : %WZ7erz there £5110 /mrli-bm'1iein:beKing~ 3:p"tz:n;;’;?:;ff:fflédf,¢’declared enemy againfl fbe peace thereof; read}. to fin’ it Wm, fire and fz:vord_., Imtall tbirzAg.r are peaceable arzdquzerc, ‘ )1:/Iar{hall*La.w is not lawful}. 7 ‘ . Elci-I cewe ache!‘ (not as Peti:.[ia principii, but argumentatzo ex an as chgy ufc to fay) the Iawfulneifc of Marflaz.-ll Law by cfgfiiflzimn Grant" For facing they make hurIi~burlicsin the E V " ‘ \ Common-wealth, A and declare chemfe.-Ives enemies unto peace, I A ~ V A " fire and - - ‘. dAMut1ners every where, fcckmg by ~ are Incendlanes an _ [word to ruineall things , of meccflicie then: mufi be Mzr/ball A Law; their {editions afiing is enough to warrancic: and had we no othenapparem cnerniesrbuc .T!agv,‘.; in would fufrficienziy H V A ; V '' Aft S A :; hich doth pmhibic the A $:;ecl:{2_oAll c(i)1rat Site: gait, may be framtzd thus: If Maajball Law atfiametimex, and M the condition ofa Kingdom‘ % % d .: than it 7202 Marfball L zm at any time V 33133;’ ‘i-',,”::;:Z;l:.:;a:;2?;;:z or cézfijfiezzer ibe Afiingdame be : fuch r:a- % 3 r_ _ 4% % Afoning, and 011161173 35 all 9”‘? Befidcs, at ‘ A~~.I.cttccr A A written to the General fmmf Licvt: Col. % fqbiz Liléxm, Mrflicb. OW’?-' rm April 27. I649-% 3 In a “Booke Enrituled; A plea for com- mm Right ,A Vefentcd to Kis Excellen- cy Deccm£2.28. 1648, flag. 5. There’: they approve of the Commit?- fion-Officers and flilmflm/I Law , on-CI dc-{ire fomc-4 thing to be amended. *‘ As no n=1crci* nary So-uHi- ‘W5 9 and YEI3 take pay: rm States Army; year I. an A;-.. H13’; 15%” 5 if V muff have * W I-3rW~MaIfhaL% :2. B-aifi:-d by‘ the I’:zr1ia~ T WEN’, and for thfi ParHa- meflt. Pcr:)~ glcs Preragzh -mm’ f"’g95..7a . 58:59‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ '*‘*N?bf¢ QA?‘ than‘ rh‘¢r*eA isVA..%~1;r5%Ai . esftatugne; which pr6h%iB’itsfl14‘re-‘ %fImzALa“tp -:6 an Am1ia‘A%V*tb‘zi€%f%: 7:1 hath ‘bcef1"'f1i,4 iérvicc and % ycincc ufed it, folong as .the -‘State hath uphcfci -it; and fioadan 29:13- my fiirmazitar. 5 1V:'w;W‘ *’”ir¢=~ Wii fbme, qai jure" fzta.:;m- 3557'-an P7'l?t7l“' [#1 L; flllmi“ new de iiam: irzfefi 7 ‘ “ sfiwgfands new Cbwzzzzemag. 1:‘ The hunting of the Foxes, P-¢£~ 35-. ’ ’ 3‘-The Piflure bfstate: Sc-— . cond Edit. ‘gag. I45 Ejobrz Lzfézxrzz jumper idem. 4 ’” L,iCVrn COL fa. Lilbnrns fpccrh at the end of Eng- '{.”_ tram. and W pearls di/awed ézeaiencé?"*4vt%;g7?t4»je£z§§g‘otta zlgéfi. Ana hora tstAM;wbtmz; M§§iwméi:%V1i¢WEdf'": ‘i2t:éet2?z mgztietfij rmfi zrfiqztzdlze §'ec&b?72xz2"z;tg°A of 5‘ [mid Qzow‘ by their craft bowto torture 2:323 toind ;;12t.0tit amt! tfmex; And the Jr.-{oim doe “1 Mow @- £y;g,fi2r%j?:)%“{ie, pmroji't,%aml aafoagztdge. ‘4The"y doe fiat open é Séhoole or tdcjctgitg io,Lw:hich thtfy teach an arm oflying, n by the "ét7pe'*o+lJareofbemxgogittbazz firfméarg‘ the ‘Rule 5 flaail be free efitberfibm l)vi§i’g7“arViperjurie.%j t v 1% l t . “z 3; It would aeke too much time, to mention an particulars 5 fofiwhem hathnot this party been, and eameflly attempted to tfaife (edition, and to fill all places with uproarcs and Commo- tion. I‘hey ham fought by fa.lfi*:“ fuggcftions and iitandaloua Writingsgtotfct firife zmd; divifion between hitExce!1erzt:y,and the chief: "“' Commander: of the Army, in publiflaitrxg to the world, that ° the General! 235 batik:/atir flqlking borflgand a Cypher : and P one whom that lead hood-wirzalgt to t/Jepiu brink of his own mine and de- flruffiarz : Their furiam, zmjufl, and illeggzllproceedingx, Ainflvedding innocent blond is do): by oerme of ‘bit! zmtbority, which lie: very deepe tape}: Abim, arzdtoiéz camclufimz maycofi bim deafe, yea that bead upon his flaaulderx. A V A 3 What can be i'pok:nmorc fcditioufly, and more difcovcting a maiicioua and malignant fpirit: ? and did not fhe Gwemll wall know their trcachgry, and the confcicntioufneffi: of he Officers, it were enough topmduce a fad cottikqtttnce. The fpoke$s -of .1 whee! mutt be .213! utfitcd into one nave, or it will nemzr Iéerve for motion :. fo%1ongf""a£thereVfit;§a%h a{.:cozd%and harmony , betwixt» the head andot7r1eL1§_:‘p:trol9,"theyfiwholet body tmovet fweetly , fuc- morally, pr-:51 petouflji,Bt3¢t thegv, Being: grieved and vs:-t.t:d%at this, ahave by fa§fhooVt3£énd tfla%t:Ar:%;t‘"t"§or3 who the'y_oC«:.u%Ed, to {t’.P_£z'a{t§ Againe, 3' Maciainoaist Difcourfesa lat Ea. C. 9. “’D_9WAwpc£oi:Io ‘ '»*3 ~.let'3'J‘o; em‘ awmgfw 1423;6- 1;mov,t wept mp: Wayea-.5} at % J‘wep€$. Dip- i!.. t (V “ Cojzts bttzew ficio , qua’ ad normam men» % Hath? »d{¢il;>:. jam; baud tifié perjttrii mu.‘ metzdmrii Wm; cetzfltzdus fit. Abbot: Am:i~ A log. adv. ‘Eu. dzmoqoann. C. 2.. in prim. fol. I L fac. I. 9‘ Oderitzz d/mt metmmt. ° The Pifiure o£thc‘coun‘- cell of State: t ftcond Edit. Wg- I 4. _ t P The Peoplut Prerogative. “ P’*‘£- 5'5» 55- ~ 9 'Pt‘.’?'W[?‘f!]3 ;'n.» V. M’ [an pom: 1‘ ml timtem, .9: . 523 labéi: fit}: iggttczrz corzzfit. Cyyr. Ep'zPr. S5. pt-ope fin. ,. PIC. 16:» 28‘ 12.4. ‘flfzglmdr mivsv 6'/ffilne, pagxa’; ‘ Affiiflafides 9/} in para, f“”:“"‘?S rebzzi» mrbatzk Aala-4 ’ F cre; e’;-4 par cam; trmflimi. _Ta,¢kU$. ; % "‘ ¢glm52itiqfi% :14- liqtm_tV«bmine:, qm p2¢izmtz'm~ degenerer, in & jmblictmz éxi- atiofi,~, nébit /jzei m’/I per%dJm~..% dim“ /9:lb£’72!‘., % LipfI_Polit.I.6. c, 4. P. 266. iFWhVYcs:ait1% you [hall find high. tcrmcs, and traytcrou s in- fi}m.a~ti 65, Ilia- ‘quidem ma efi. “See their Dc- % ezliatarion of 4 the free Com- mcmers of Efigland, t0u--I thing Achcit‘ Enagggcxncnt. M ?‘%tm'r:am Pop: Ram: tmif cir- vicem;*lmb'eret; V C. jsuccemc. . % *Coe£ Ciligul. Impiaz fltfii dials} Imllé we- mm zamz:.~ %O_v%id,.g1ib~. 2.1. %‘ I Elcg. ‘ _ 1 “~,v wdbits ‘V. I ‘ I 1' [‘ . ‘ ’ “T. ‘ ‘ ‘ M» x ; “ M, ‘ ' 5; - 4. “4 vi. 1 '».. ‘ .4‘ ‘mg; W 5% ‘r. "aw " I «L Agaihe, they have[ougbt C:'£iV)‘fif;‘kCd:l:fCOrd §pl:iV¢¢n thc Pafi-%,% A A Iiamem: Aandthe C0u p(:e%1l‘ofVVqVri'%€§;'3Y*~&a fubtialé. 3fl‘d%dang¢roul stratageen. nameiy s,ghat.. ' five fiPP"5"§P» ant’-‘oven- miitee fbéif “Mn ‘i M, §. ¢§6luJe ail Gontro?€*fi¢AIVb¢4twtéefi ?fié%r1mJ%0fli€5b:s; 4§¢ri%72€£W?1 .%.0ficer: “‘Sau1diér7.fe‘ " Who”fo¢\?¢t;%o§_{¢tves«4ififi Lc’hing*;vsieI:I ,. {hal1ApIain[y41a¢5 that theif main 4d¢figg;; h"e,:r;¢,, dwam.o;f¢;i t»h;eA ParIiamenu4an4d Ar-% myeir firifeato the VPr%iudicc of béwtvh aid the. Vwihq14:,A,Na?¢iqqd4.% A kiss. faiid °Ai’ CW5 thin hf "Iii§‘k¢Ac§5htén&£Aion é.m9DE K‘. hisrm.cs.%andkee. f.c&;ei«;;«fo,:A%becau e%.~He1mar%Va mg ficogmxet w;;;u1ci%b%e”rom¢harg7%g’n&[Haniage at; him. This ; fiat: tic apprel-lends w¢1VI‘Venough4A; that ‘.ppa<:%:isa‘1et%ao their clcfignc, it:'%‘Vmu'& be[by 'divifi‘or1s3,;fcdi;ions , and bre;i1;11¢ F3tii:%A"Cota’ntriés; 3,!) " a‘me ére devi5‘=%C0_4 carry on the proidfl, and t0s.prcpare’ Vand ri-9 pen the people for A an in{lHfrE&iQfl, whenfoiver afi oppormnini: ferves; M 4 A % ' V % A %% A Lat’: of all, and which may ferveas a proofe for all chat: is as Pbbliflled by j1.1_Whie, as We doc h§.;ic%rdafleA; evenflc-A ‘. bellibq fl“ pratefied azzdaievcwldxed, aIiid% Whellfjhey have gathered’ ha{nds and are a éonfiderablfi .m~1mb?er,bhe " Genfilemm 11987! fiitiizg » at ".7Vefim522flerfl9ali be”‘app”eI9'endedfor ”tbe%prcfe’m ufiarpatiorzéand fi4r- % prizmll of-the Name, flampe, and amboritie of Parliament, and %|;heyT will take all power apd mIe§ into their jown hands, fand order rim afi"£ire$s of the Common-wealthjas44they. i:hin{d%, zmd trayfim-‘a,Vs d~efigm@- difimzxared, am, {term-£t~%z1'zE~z1&edL‘ peopie me Im1?ger% d*-aceJiv~ed. , £»h‘r0ug%z aha hypw crifiaazxfl deceia of §i1chLmem. A % 4 A A V Twu tmngs. are extant, Em:i%tuIe&~, England: New Chains: difu. ca2arered,' rbefirfiwand jécandpart : A sgifle i%mporaix3~g great‘ opprcfw fion inxpafzsd upon them by the puafent ]i¢pre'ame flumkaritéieof tbzls Nation : bus,W¢hercin‘=uhey f5e=1é!:v or fexffarad arxyfiach. %chi'ng~¢.V as yet they have not fl1¢wed§,A meithar=dot:?a tlziair flziriom apprybenu fiarugorfad %Reprefént%atio7z«mani§‘~’e9c {O mach; Smm chi*ldren* Wm mare and f:i*a7tcb-their Mother in th:uface,Aan*d‘: than cry: cam: as W theyhadr‘ been “beaten or abui7ed{.;. whereas therci4.m0thig%1g %d:m?m ta them, but emery cheyxwrongcd «chair Miéachea; may mange; anti ‘injuriw have they‘ Aoffhrcd uMo~ i~2!~v¢¢ral5i=j merag"hmfi* affterwamd have awed out and~-c0mp»laimedAy‘,% as if r.h«ey%were?—t!m»fi&ffm=cra;4. Wherea%*s ‘V-nothing by ch-e»ot‘hvcrs was» don tV0-9Eh$'fl1_,~>‘ ¢bm a pa»:i~ em paflinig by of ail their info1cnci%es~ and abufea ; a‘«1:dV making areflae brfi anfmrr to injuriom march. 7 good :1*2a::; .NIaximci, much" aglreeabI%e“1:o’%Vwifdfidmcgé th'at’ijwfi deedrr }’ml1,v irlfl71tffl€ntdl[;72“ delivering me from tine wry gate; ofdezztltr, in An; 1640. Andfetfing me flee fmm»tiJe long and hem: fmanny oftbe Bzflvop: and 5'm2-chamber , even cmlmttime when I was .cz-iv zncfi fiient : and many particular refjméfs ftnce rim, and onaflzrge tokenyou fiezzt znefincyg-% Icame, (91:22, _2%naba€cry our of the “snare 493.11. A % not anm¢r thfitVWI§iJI§¢ 5* %Az£t?:armr22m % Etflzm % in illicitir e‘x~ aiufzre. C.D?xit ‘.14’ ‘I259 Whales belly, peg. 2.. - % [ We flxailfpeake firfi, to the part of their New Gbaim .7 0mittin%gnot:hin$tg , fa"virrg4’tIi1ei*r vainc zfe%petivt§0Ws%4,% caiuznniamfiw om, idle; frothy ,. and imspercinent pafifiges. " %Fi%:i9c, t%h‘ey*t*o»m~ plaim: againfl ereéiizzg a Bigbfimrt of‘}'ufiicej'br‘-tryall crimimzfl cmfér. To'w‘hich\Wc anfwcxi. V A ” AA A A ‘)1. Were they notAbenc~%to4‘fc&’iti0n,4 thay would m¢~n‘t7%c3m a thing which by the Parliampnts pc-wtr my [lawfully bedom (and fzhey know in coo)~Aan=d~fur no othcr andgbua cofoocg aw ‘ ‘ +:- aflflfl’ .' _ ‘ J: ; A", ., , ‘ ‘ be £o'vere—r.. ~‘fl ;at‘te.4r ”?Mali‘gn%atr‘xw, and; to Mpm»vok%eA them to Agmmr Mgza‘ 312$ % wyagh 3¥ga.infi%the¢ Parfiament, amd~»Higb Court of fmfliagfl ffli‘ V theirJla‘te'j"uf% proceedéings againfi capital! ofl7m&o»urs. A g. Whereas theyifpaake of perfzfanss? pick; and cbafém at a afimfé palicie to imrqdnce bjwjigcb mémze: all ufixrpmioni. Harem the-ycfiifl cover greatfincharitablenaffi, and exgzrc-me: malice, and wahw g;0mmg~yto“Scr§ptute‘zmd Law‘: 'I’h~~.:§~£*i7?0i‘d of God tea%chwh us when fpeccEiE“é*é§f%,a&‘10nsVdnubtfufl an themtclves, and may be taken e'ithm°%w¢l‘l 0+ri-21, wmare to imurpreu them in the mbefi gpm. 50 f3"it'h‘the“ALaw; “ A doubtfztll afiiian is to lee mlgmirz the %h3,,,¢_»,gpayl;. ° Pigaifie’ ;“Ir? a %idanl7tfi:¢l'l thing, the fairer”i22terpretati- an Abéimidé‘ .5_So~’agaim-. 5P Indoubrx the nabler prefiimpfiamf éreto lrghbéfiii. Btiieitljneih Fu:i1es4a‘r4e never folfciwed Evy Oonfpi-~ immré ag‘!afi‘fiAfl:“ the Gdmrrion-wealth: baton other harid, afiions fig:i2zgf*§t3e=ve”t int themfafvefi very good, (Am was this high «Gama: waf'}.’ iuaj,?ice‘)) a‘t1CTcQrd7iaHy don, {hall bé depraved by maii-A at-,j;o”m gnfigmg‘; ‘wfiég ;1‘Va“fi’ %bw9~»éhd3‘ fgst£4&n:ere:z% wmi intméieefifl, (mjgmg pdfiiiék ‘Vd%:fri»men»a:j wdfild‘ fdwww : ~anMh‘is* hath been A maarea '§'”oi~xidéfEy by 9‘Intci‘fcT“iar‘iés, prdud = hypoc%riees,anaby the £[),3v%§«1’1{1A,a¢}2§o;;@/-‘)‘tbefalfimcufifbr‘maI¢~bate% taught: them. d Béfified it iéweiit M be nbtécyhiow in 3?! tI"r¢ things (‘set forth by this par«tic§:3;ha11fe%is 1i§.t_l_e i'2zic§,!'ai*~9'i:f1VVg fo‘rg“ed* ir"1fi4n‘tm_si?m1s agfin {E thé Par%Z”i:'2ii“éié*r2V?£‘3 t “e Cizfizidell pf“ St%z§3t;e,,& and the Armze, afvs lfjéhcy woulddoe thin and th*§;?A§%f6 Vépptfiffl” t"3'r1é”p"‘ed*p?Ia, 1;v!1éx'e"a"s‘ ‘2"i*0- N thing W33“ évgfiff i't1‘té:n“c§c:d , 1wiEhe‘aj‘ had they any ggvézuhd or caufe%f0rW%w%i3:i%:A asA*wéfi% mi ‘jufl P.m:ic;:~;aI1 men ms a‘x11~z%;;» guifli*5etWmi fiabflaace aw c%ircar»w:ees bw~:@¢n W cefliry éirfl efHéti?‘t§1£i”II%t'o‘ Ea“ »A:Ej‘i‘ng,% x;éi‘i;jzg£?‘t i'i1d*§fT3e‘retif,and fz34n:“ay”be Countre-ya %f'bf:” Eryhll of crir»i“1i%‘a*£’aIlV cziutfisgihéir prmdékdirigv ES‘ 11¢: 3 Be fizinimis confideraribhem min fiafienflahz; fcio El}? ihiég. rag/fir; A ..~- I ‘ E 2 . don or noudoiu C s:3vic:h'oz:%: dangatj‘ af5Vvccca&fion ‘£24. 2; In“'"c:’jt“h'ér 4 2.7 “E E C§'0r.7Ig.7m Den-c. 22. 25, 265127“ . n‘ Dubim in meliorefn ‘paw rem accipiefir dam. AL. ‘cum creditor. de fii2“t%i?.% V % 0&2 the Adzififd be-4» rii:;riiareir“t p‘e1‘ fieri fitter?- pfetdtiomm. L. proxime 0.. ‘elm 4:248 in» tefi._ d_c§l. , P4‘76’7b1?¥’ir57‘£’~*‘P?fv2* fitifiptibiie; “limi- péfr in Lo zrzejito pro acid; V £1‘ ;4r*».3Fy’ 5'33 3*? r.Maf- 9- 3'4» Job I, ma 4 RA¢%‘?é We 103 ‘ 171f€‘2ftgz2"t tjuéir brgiéok (676. SM??- gijfrifii % ‘ flex. 74365473 zilfze ;j‘z_tr’bi4le%"I’1t\'t2,z_A%_'i‘zit.l- gt’-' %'IV‘a‘c“: hififir. " En“glan‘d; new Giiaine, 2.8 " ~9¢4e1'c,Ff'L {the Judge oncly fhoxxid r:’X.%- % mine the wi.t- ‘ neffies , and %thc'rupos1pzo~ % cee-d: whether i%t%~vw-auid mt befforthc:pro- fit and“ care of the people ‘b‘ufi~;mtT<:s foo; % negdzipz ‘ C .-,"c1_l'_1t._Wl p_§.0b&;§ W‘ nsor:e andf 1e4gaI~I“ fry£zf!s—- " ‘ L % ""”";E'§rroi"%%”z7n{j’}l~_’ Imfia“ rim “tui:i.&zr,, % Kfiffurne Le ‘£1145 4?‘ %VimbebczAr’: dc: XEP1 kiwi ‘1 q/Lfdoc; j K %“ 7+ .44) % ‘ €301‘ fella ‘£1171./1-—" r;zm_:jp“er lingzzgé in]?i’umentu%7?7:‘] fj3aTgereni:ff :2-Z mm: Ber¢na“‘ifd; ‘ ‘Pj4{.‘iliMf Vddfi ;£x'?;%}§tfonJenz,‘% f quarfz “;::5zio;;¢ng§ % I, I-"fl:*ZI.'cu5él&ze‘ ‘W?filPe7fi¢»i 7' 4 “bzfcérdikinifl? % a'2'2:ajfii~gz:euéVpeni~‘ t:p;;?renioziEd:&fii Ffilj A%ru¢7¥.§1'«- pcarerreza dc . %‘% Nati£mVfi5.;f'%et;§ ;nfz2r iv;?wigen* A §ium'Vdi%ff¢;‘4c.. pmfcyzlazt; ; ut’ raligi9__u0bi§V.eu».._ .. :zrza.e;€z>ir«:om»~% 53); R twelvefzrom merz,%bAutf othsftiéiié, aim yet equal! and iuf’c§§nA it ’ felh:;._ AAAx4;¢d h:.:;;w¢EmVv¢r’:V4 wggfihgull nogf pca%ku"agair1i’t (W3 way", yen this W1: af"fix'Ame,A Aifiis £0: AbeVf¢rec«ko_ned.amongthe*Vadiaphn% Ahér¢a~ gaimfl the bigI9_C0urt.»4of7nflice.bé A Weighed 5 itwi!l‘V%appVéa%ri: as¢v?.dVcn:,%a3.cheLSimat A?noo‘n%d3;y=,L that bccauié the *Pa’r’lia.tti4gn"t§ mm-erch~<;»ice cf; ablg, iudicfioxm andconfcZenI:ious.n1en,fi and ca.I-5 ledVmanfiy fi1c1v1~.2::;g}«;-t»he%r,Rto4cheicépd chgy might ptbcgfidgjg I,;Aga414lj: ien»parcia§3y§ as of fiiwcericym Qffiudyin the fight bf ,Vt§h¢‘r4¢-’- f%:;~reth¢yfi'peake cv;iHof them_. %AT;hi;igs looked% on” und:?r'”'wa‘tgi'5 howbaic fiAr¢§igh.s¢_.,fm~:;Qth and fairje, yet fianding fo,?Vappe¢are%Aas » if t?1eyWer=1<:r0¢>¥K¢d%s rou%*!.-:4 d*f°rm¢d 5° M59 %!"%W3°*h mcn,;%=laukingAu;§%3jn that a&1:;énn;)fthe P;arl£afner1t,‘AIt" “"9 Caxincéfl %St;gte,;md A.rm)5,_w%ir,.h an‘%!=f1vi&o4usFeye;., they§m;%;1c§»(‘iliwkg%S,p§dé¥i4) %t,h%e%bc%f’c and mof’c Whol¢!bn;£$ things imo pdyfbn‘ .Fd£* %¥g;h"3at rlxeiomgdoch faithfully; upt‘ightfllyL; and fqn, publigk g“0od5’;* the mher,ca !s in hypocrifigty rann.y,.”fcIf- Eekipg, Nhv&"C‘fi,ain}:3;&c.‘ ' 1’ Bug» who is able in fland lzeflgre ezwie .? V V complaint for ce$nr:»r2agVga MmberAof A *5eV,131éu/5Vférd£‘% clariag /3x'4.judgema 7%2t%in a pa;int%0fRElig ibfl. ‘ 7% “A “ ‘J « Jnfm. 1.¢ Here we may fee , that faying. to b¢ mOfl%?”truAé f.4%§ ?MI:k;z'4 eafier t(m~jin&fa:»g_lt , their to giz;e« 4 re.=x[5nf‘ar i%t.t What the’ P,&rIi%3:V;megic%Adid in this thing, ic,was- up-an that ground,‘ and Jldgxime in L‘aw,tha.c 3&5 octmfiorz: ofdijcdrd o#“gb:*al:ogetbe"rtb lie? ¢harl{en«.,azygv, %The,fpz:ech was npich-er ufcfull, .nor fi:afonabIe§ way: cmding 1:05 the. pqblick good}, but di{honou%ra‘bi1c‘cqi%%the% 7 Haufe, {can.dalau%s t0 our»pmfuHir5n,%L%aI}1flReligion , db3"ru&iv¢ to wt:he% pr¢fe%&_W;worke4 of%Refmém.;i’ti‘on, andwmfing dipifiaizx \a%rz;dofénce%J;%% WF:-3~r th:v%Ref:rve in tbe Agreement cancerzriug Kali-1 gig}! If may %..m:-an that,t.h.e _Pari-iq,%m%4:‘m 4hach‘,agrccd ubuany ~~b1~:-Fphembm1t3ad$4h¢vg;ical! d%o%&i'inc4{h;"sIl be pgopApfindc§i’*fin3 defczidegzl in, A the Houfcgwc ‘ know of no fuch thing: neithar4¢%do*é% we%knoxgv~wha;x: Fu:afon that Member had, to {pea-kcthere when he; didg unxifl; ;he%Ho1¢fi;ha c%1 de%qlar.¢d tha~uic~ihouldbe ‘fgde for "AA V A f ] :<=Vcve&*y any zoccafion-find by¢.chi~a mama caufg the S.;ai?£:*s cor izgsrrm: aggainfi % Tlm%j13z§[ceverer.*V We,-Ay. Member to propound in Pfarliamznts points of than :13; m.m_V 3., :1-lag we; define t_t1a&tAa‘llpW§opie¢it1 #11 places; WfWiiif.ta$;e w)t,iC¢.9 w‘h% E331 mg; ;zezxiC£’Ja1ngr!5 and% Awlmt thy, ib_ urdgfx1 agnd _ e;~,p.prefl'10.n is, which tl'1ey..i0.mij¢}l fzglcgkc cf : Became .theE»’aI'-A A, iiamem will n0t%coJnten*ance biafp-hcmy%ar1a:*§ hessezfieg ftzffer fit m bx; j'L§&.-:fi:~;d in the Hoafiz , and taught pu-b§§Ck§§r f2«§72‘%priwi!egio, they cry ,Qut31}mn#3,.]Murdererx, Tb eez.fe;_ : Iild§?¢3(_fi;Ef1£§2:3 i;h ¢ gfifiai and grand bufi:1efi%3Rwii;:iotw andOI4$_h0d0x£~DJ5*r13m :WA“1‘9“A ( as ihey dcfirc and faekc for ) cafl 0H and %utt~::§L‘f%y% re]a&cd..; A third thing which‘ hath brougfiag Ergg1aVn‘dAz22:t0 new Cbaméfg is, the A51 far preffir:g4nf‘Sea- men, direfi/Jr comrmy M the Agreemem ”be0_~ cert. AA ¢ -% " . V % aftfinifi 1. Therein‘ 372:» Lawfir firmeIy.mm’e much ls.-fife an A- g_{'ec[nen[ Q1’ Offvficcxs but rglvérz x/Je peop.~'m' zsmd neceflétie re-v qflfrea may lawjuffy be c;§2~a{2(ged.. ¢hM more licifum in le*g:::, 722:... c.e_[[ita.rfaciil1:citum. Bchdes, nu ma Egacunes wlm:_h shay m€m~» fleaves haw (‘ fume where ) cited 5 it is ¢xpre;fl~y fagd , {hm where nee;/jigifle rég.:tire.{,_ vrnjesjz m4}be.r::.:mpg[/1".a.’ to mms.‘ 1‘I9cr:%zjf::"z2a.r gye so ifiirre. MA I: imfluc, fixch as are ha: and {ex v?c£:ablu, Wixaztizer for Sea Or Land,1‘{h«;>u§d iervc cht? S£at~e¢w:§liz";g,Iy , Mwlt1er:;*bS; that Emil 'm0n~W¢aMTxrx;i2hm be dcfc:"2de»d, and ;;e:aAce pm{er'va;d %: Nuvsm thelafl§:', En: cafe: of "fcfufali , they V m.1yVbe prefi; a21d_cAoz"npg:_§u',4 B.e~aft>n¢;atit3 PL e_li.gion fay ‘as numb , ifx1wc«;?fit3: amfithe pz'e§».;zxr fafety %ofth~e Lmd»ca1lfurn:. Bu: yhis A_fwas4 thc_Pan*l1arx1em;:: c.af’c_., and thcrcafon ofthat_At5?,,nan1eJ_;,r,‘%F.9r the de;fl2nceA~0f2})€*--Keaim-'3, a;gd.fudderz comingioffirangewemie;‘innit. % % Em 3,. Asia other things, {Q this '3 dleir con%f§a5ra%cy and mmafofl a'ga.in.Afi‘I;he Common-wealchgfxiotafqfiy ap-Qgarcs, in feek~‘ Eng gthe dcfiruflion ofdit botjhby Land and Ema {Par }L0mrVf€>::va‘r (as we: faid fthcfafetyfl of thapcople nag ,1?-1"d this 4:21’, xmnhcr wasthcre any othier my or mcanes vifibiy t0 pm~.«em amines}: and fudden dangc'r. N éverckxclcfli, t':1;'ey {};.vca3=:~.r againfi it, cry ow: %New (',_‘{;,i,;g;., flj:.y~.zz;frz)», Barzdzge, Oppre av-:7, 81c. And Why ail this? But tofmakc “the: Sear-men maximum and: &di«::Ai<,>us:, as: they Hhavg3..d0fl the Smlldiérai: b'y‘VfaI-Fhl;>0'd} and traytggcufi ir1fiz‘a:.1;zg.éti.‘0t‘1 mj%bave9%chem Abgieévcsythatuic “Ea indméd pgiprefficnzm and tyraéjny for the Suprzam Ai.'1‘thIority ef the people, no przfil; men magma fin: 19 we f°t,q"9~ omzzia gm ad ‘mmpw fflflflefidfilii 49 ¢-,0nfemMnfl41m‘- 2 flpefianr pm mi» W2‘ procuremma ]»:;.~a~Ei‘m1?n: SW5“ ht-til: dc Biaf-'~ ' phcm. L‘ g. L 7 _ c. “p.142-6'3 %Null4 mm fiz212‘z‘e1lex‘e3fl, qumn non apar- team fifizlm per puli poiTuler,ur-iv" geaztq5«necefit§s‘ m1£trm.'»E’uod .de Rcpub. 1; 4. Herman: Kirchncr.Re- {pub difput 6. fhefi 6. p 87. h I)ec-rem 4. 1 The Peoples Pi“3I‘0g%tive»% pang 8. “ Op:-m milita- ‘WM *a'£*/Mzztxcr gm"4o:7?4a Magi. f'1.'Va»fIaui, Ml par M elefimm l’x’e;"/:w£2l.'w' aw- n£’!u?‘* tram- qzmfirax aim’- IWI. ‘ Fri 1: . Wcr1d:l‘i11: POE?» 7 1ib.2. C. :7. Mg-‘24‘2. » % “$53 15?’ E613.‘ 7.$'t.4.Hm.4,i F3*‘.“2 5. lzaflgcg fr‘ 51 Pflgszau ‘ IA léfiifw‘ ~ ~flxm% ; fidi£§M’»'3;~ % pmlmt ;:; qg¢r_';4»;; am quiefccre miagzfirzzrm of; Wficm; pick: -03- ds»r,1mZ(ifq; le- gtmzfe caerccic repggzalisi mgflwmitmfm 2 4% qmidmz;s*awdm:e im'3'p%it4,\ cam-+ nempm: magi? A fl}*gatw,% veagfiié % cmf'%plrm.Frids Wem%;Ici%lin: Inflit. Pt-slit. 1.. :.c; A T“ ‘A j azilzigfigelzafi (AW '» A" P % 3:» P?’§* 174+ r»5*:“A‘;i- p'ea¥€‘7,p¢g. 3.“ -fémiafifiv swim «#4 9::t’*¥¥4§rz¢i“?a‘fi-" ' * 4 awe»: b":”a2a’1%%§pe- P?=?A1*=¢;A.wg- 3:4‘- , warms ts’:-9. sd?*Ai*%fs?55v-1??‘ ; dé”fi’gr?§p; ”“ V ‘ Cl§v“I-"I3rs19l,‘; V :z~ wAz>,e:-vg; ¢ ;¢3==4.&*% L; [ %fi&zé)tI2e ham; is fcaimdg, rrnafléii‘ sfpgrkm QT“ fiiéf?e5‘:;w to wfiomfeevax aczxws amtxém*ge~&*a*ar*&Amaaf%mi¢4A:hW&%afia itaefiagfiamm %asFagainn% Amms am Oppréflczmrflg ma 9752*!“ t *é¥*i1 2¢3"~%eh«4e*%r&%r~i*g$;I~:*c*atM?Tmwf&HRama: %%W1éatf'&“V%I;~ffi3 Ek ti-Mr” mug. Anéd t%r¢fmp@;i~a‘~~fri1g*h**;i*rn~é zxmauxa be xoma;,,. ti)“ 01%‘ truly f"ait.‘H jflfwaigifiram‘ bath %d2]'&a¢rered4 Ma Cbjnfigfrdcie, %and5fiVe%me: fearfu/2'10 remedy it ,,"fd;il:i1e%a:A%tbe%Ganu % % AV % I % % “ % % M % A 4:. T‘heYV$&“fl3 u25 th;ey*A‘* W4fii”flé§J”é1he5’?4fld4Ld?WWCimifwt dimjé tjké VParl£dme7it4j?“o}irf 9‘71*g§3'*b9I0r4‘!l7:fi'arz: gwzmingg Q A r .(1fi[ri2%.tA, Harv: fife thciar "own ‘w.vTor&§,‘, Tm:m, ,. /m %adiga%UfM¢&ime 1'72 Lave; Nibil quad efi car12“m r%2i§vioz1dm% ii. mum :%°N61biizg Vziibfcla‘ if dgJdinfl‘‘'reaft*72 4:? %lawfIk%l§L Tti whfdi bag a.dd~sd P%44gai»:*fifv“ce MM ivjwy W/fufivv nfié I§iE{Vek;cfi3ife%%, Lice2‘Vz2_if”n%%2ii”;*e}ié‘l3’ewrei» ,13‘em5j?£igiz‘er "‘wo£u‘1%d5f {en ., . WA f<5*ftI‘i$ fe!1e‘i:I*:1wpr4ov§%dg i':s‘“¢¢£a”t1:fV§11jrii'I'%ci¢1”rfiT13”é”t‘It‘so"n Oi?%Lt%i'iLe Azbenidvwg §;r}em;rc;d*A t“hein: 3&1 inz:o:¢t;eucA=—F%oo1%ag% who bei»ngA¢%frrxirr¢a§1 mi? cifiéeak, Iaidhis hmfgd” bu‘ the p}a%cc,w?x”cré he fi“a“d, rtte§W& «gm bfibw and bsing fl‘r§pk3én on4:<’h;:é o;:?h~erctm¢k%, ifiid %d3e%Iikc,flév¢;1' (I%i?g3.g@ézj11y bf Vh?‘:ah*<;f‘8 tcbAdg*:%fei1H' from’?! ffirtficf Jblbfwés. VSMH Idmrs afifl Sii*!§-‘fiodiw t*l'ri=:y“vS:oi31‘f& ’H*ta”Vvc;/cmrm Eieafi fignes theref:J[f are” Afirblfervad by them. New thciy are very ignorant in Sram-M aaimgwho *1}: no: that Books and Papers; containing cal=umrai;atTic1ns and fallhcod agaivtafl Au£%:o,ris%cVie ( un- daxf what: culm‘ gm: «p?mm1ce{0evar, as for lib-ea‘£ic,%r and tohawe aéxcmmd Mhumhns‘ xtamoved )ax:fe fire ,, rzwn» ~wi¥d~:fire in 2; Com» m~wn-weah%h‘,% a :fi0ermc and wh;irI«:-wind indeed, mmugh ifxma pmvmted ) cc: bums and tiiarow down all things : am! 5:0 prove :m‘hfia3:, we mad rtsm igoec fmazchar, chm ai“:«.@ ;.~,;;~mm c:gampE~e, of ghafe F’ unhappy mm. . 4 ;_g , 1 ' ¢ % % ' g;.%.% Mm :mr:h0%A£1«a::va«ab:&%£d; by time P;c:'fnc;§%;,a1'm ;o»§7 Reafon a;nd N.a~ mra, ( ’i§n0«wir.g%%prmzifiz mfiwtm Icfdifl‘-3"i"9 d2:E.n,gs E0.re£E:¢z:n doc M1}: ?If»?:»'I;72“?'t~ 3} h«:.a~:sm alawayas hem %c~aAmfu1E 110 mp g%1c=‘pub1.ifhE.ng; of fi"e&:%'i:»'z.i£:us% b:xnE'pim»cAics and F alfhoads aga'iui‘k the Parliamant,%CawzceIl State, and rhedrmie, "and to [pread ~ them all chm: Gtsumics and Coumreyéovcr, theywould doe. the AScacc¥aflE hurt, and betterfervice. ~ 4 A — A A A A sf. We: fuppofe they will now obiafi no mo}: a,gaffi&§he Parliamuncfor im;::!a)‘ying that ¢Ap.afla¢e§’o:d M (as-:%i:hcy call him) ‘ as am Ex:cmia:1er.zaj.-“mrcb after mzlicemfizd Baal{e~: : fccing 5 them- {elm have don cxecutionupnn him; murderV¢d%%;4hi,m in a;n1Ao& barbarous and%crzm;M mmrm: and tharuirx fl1ew~:':d to the Nativ an What-the Native Z>£rtA:§I~ right is; the'Camm«m~Freedame amd]3fe- VA tie they mlkca of: If ch.-.3: gen powm-%»inr.a;: their hands, to, flab and «-kill whofo:v<:r op*pof»:th them and Why nos? f'e¢:ing(according to their Beiicfe ) there is no Heaven not ban, nmpuniflxmcnt or fuffering after this life, for murder , or any; wickedneflia what» focvcr. And {as much appearcs by that A Act-wéiiicail and ' heliifh Gounfcll fuggefie.-.4 by Walwyn co awomm lying under a {pm and men,ti«aning SIM-3 A ‘ Got/soft ad I. jfl. big gig; {egg in fin. £354: 1' 5. olajiafgr. 33. 53 E Ybe iflijéoverer. zamd heavy mnlp-gation. i 3 That if max at lmfli arid igrzohle thing fin!‘ my me ‘to fiefiwrider fmzb growbleflmguijlavand perplexitie, M amid not met? be ezzdmed, bazwingja eafie cmdffaeedy 4 may afriddcmae out o)’f'z'2, M 113 befiure every man ,« and that it way an banamuble and valiant gbing_.,fl9r a mam inficcb a cafe :0 put new and ta bid’ life, by laying 72ia- ierzt bamdxwpan bimfelfe, lzeingh a farm [barter may ofeafz, than may arber way. i ‘V We hape the 1‘ Reader doth ail along take notice, that there is HOE one thing which they doe take up againfi the Parliament, h as prfitending in to be a new Clmim, opgarefiatzpyranmie, gtc. But in is clearly to be {can , that thereby Come grcaumifchie-fa and trayaemus dcfigne is intended to the Land : There is nothing of V iace more complained of, then this , abouc flopping the Prciicz Bmghpw jufily we have thawed, and [hail omiy adder, that theie men , who by their {editions Writings , and other treacherous wayes, have already made Commotions and hurli-burlica a-- mcmgfi us, and have fought from time to time to dcflroy chin Common--wealth , are fa farrc from being fuffired to doe fo againe, aaithac they oughu to fuffer death for whatthey have don already: and {'0 faith the ‘ Law : yea, and further faith, that Cdizfihiratorx agairzflibe publiakPea¢:e, are to be 1‘ cm 4/imder alive; and the part: oftbeir bodie to be banged up in the mafl noted and fpeciall place: of the Land. And likcyvifc: faith, 3Tramfis gar etiam ab‘ proditarer, perduefiiwm inflar, 4 guovi: impunéy oacidi poflé ; Meaning as juriflx Comment, 32‘ de farfii natorietate can er. ‘ i S. Eutzthc great bufineflc is about: the Gamzcellaf State ;as this they are cxtreamly offended : and no marvaile, forthey " who feel: to have all Lawcz, and old Coum of juftice Lewefled and put down, cannot cakcicwcll, than any mew [hould be e_rjc&ed , efpcciaily {uch a one, as may fee is a main obflaclc and lct‘t:oatheir'”C0nf[5iraCy and Treafon, and a Court which they feare will be (jacbin and Bow ) as two Pillara for the efizablifhmcnt and-flrcngth ofche N anion. V Bun let: us now fee their Reafona, wherefore they would have ‘M175: preferzt Ganmcell of State dilfohzed. ‘ 35 .3 Wafvtryzzx V m.!cs, pag. 12.. N oze,x:h:at the poem woman did as the ywretched mm perfwadgd hegih-angled 4% her ftlfc. h And I?) for the raft; fol- lowing "take notice howwe fl1aI {haw the: “their confini- racy :1-gainii the State in every pa-r ti... cular, one afi. met another.‘ “ ‘Razz: c/2 la/:9 Mdjqitatzk, qui, feditiorzem in Kemp: cfiwtat, exam _bafiVi!2:a:, patmmé reli- gion? amt Reipg boflibus‘ 720.2725-)2 dd! amt aliud quid 1'/15¢ ad Reip.-flamm ea werterm'tmma-‘ litw‘-l.1.1o,1 L laic. I.‘ 5. cod. wtlr..dlt£w/f‘D ' law‘: 'w'd.Dm-A bo:¢d.c.6g.diflI V aliqui per 1. 2 1.4 §- 1'2: 0'? MP @' pafil. 1‘ Freq/w.rzti;;s' Vivi fifiione in parts: emi- nentiaribus 10-- 95’: fufi2endenda:.6'l:tr:d:7zz¢m. 8-Damb0ud.c.62.‘Argum.l. 2g4.de V..S‘.i. 3.§.ult ad 1 com deficar nglands new clmime, gag. 1:. If 1. Baaaufé ~w . 5 3” Pflg. :30 %%e;% Ia?’-.'~ Mr" ans? ,-,cr~¢v1;» N. ya ‘(I »r.‘§.;.,¢:.!.s..11£.$;.L x.“.in. .,__.. ‘ - . 51 fimaaxts rezzm M :z;»zx'i{*‘3;r:11r.r: 33, M an "IN '"v,~{"‘- -gaff-I «:13 «.‘\§:;f’,’?J.l§Ju.A.‘L ‘Cw... é 3'; ;,- zg,-,L;r :5? af 5"z‘m°‘¢:f=‘; Cfldgy’ z1#f“5»..":}-" pcn‘c‘?§v£ tzészme is am meeai foo nmd~ die: %”~'.WK‘h fizch ziiMe‘;gs ;. fig“ if £L§‘3€'jy' $9113 ‘§::«;maf:.<: the I~"*”m'- &:a*.v;2.~?rM,, C:Mm”- mi! of $35256, mac‘! m*;9;rz~é€, 3% E316 Dzurts 8:: M:agi{%mtc-. emf azha: Ngmiom muft Fail zzzncfig be a?§fiM*a:*c& afimrewirirz. 5"” 64.2/zm..292'iat0~ rm“ fF”czt2'zmz dc: :3 ma? :?’22rfi:.w24=: cm»- j33.r.=im*. Qmufi 5. Q62. 1» flu Emfivanms. @E2v2g!:.»a;v'£s5wMm Uymze, pa ‘in “ Ea Becwwjé M 21%-M wmfié mow fiaamaflr May ‘Elm fiefigmg $(;v'§9@gfm, pemme weir Pgvmfiem Mai keeps rfl"Pm!i.«.zmem§ far amzm flzsfm... L H-m;£&hvev@z* afitm WOW; fi"@m:mMmw Em me? u - *1 ‘Y’ n ‘ 0?? .:\, W .\ 3 -r" ~:-Mm ‘‘‘'‘‘r'- 2. fiHew«::;s mm: hm «:rm3::;t 3: mm 2~:".:.;§;mm2 by éma Muwfly mtauyaafiw Bung FM «swam; e.:§i€E:s'g*;7tz‘?e3 bu: ‘w'Ia"‘mrz vJ:?;&h*.m eiappaama :2 ‘W fihgazmrm r . M1 - ..~= ¢ om . cm‘ M A *’ ‘"’. ". bs‘5:;‘f££3‘%?W.‘3 ;;2;Wae:;a av. hem E2 .9 . ‘T »., » -. ( A 1-. ' " " ' 4% w... ~ fif.» "'5. ..». 4? .5” V .~:...'=- 3:. _.: ."“r...;L.6 g‘-.?"'I.)'. 5 Hid WC!” Baxflfi. €L'3MZ"I3 ‘ 6% -.- K 2 u "" <‘ ‘ ' N w. W- 1‘ “‘ “ '1“ 1' : J" Q 3‘ _s 1"“: ., :5 Elm M19 ,_ .,1..“.. {aw ,, .¢. N ‘ . .. “: ‘rm’ ‘- .".‘m any «.:@2#sfl&a::ia”’z«m0m Em mum mm; 130% MME: fifm gwwmmfifiemrfl Er;e'“zet%@nm..Z§ amcé fis:2:"ace§«:fl1?2 an wbjafiizoma WUM hmm mam 2; Fan‘ whm“: mm ms: @mmceE»?ofS¢me 010% in mgefimiwm W whee Fmviémw mama M igrepe o_fi‘Pwr£iwmem9y3 M" M keepe wem G230 TQM mma may migggm: am vmfl mm 9‘ Pmxfizfionefl Mm Homkg rm dz'1§"3»~= fibfiwe mm pkffiffifiklfi floumtfi 0%‘ me flfiflfisceréeg, Eaccbegmm mfl pm dmwm M the }I‘m«*§gg;e$5 jmmcefi ii.\/fmrnrm MM @mwflm%Ee$ fin mm Lafzflfl four C:;*%fi6«~;2fi UISMM mm mm mam hfisnfler M Wepe mm? F.w£i..a‘mem£* from fiimaézzg, rafimm m§.my 2: dim:-2 cfimcwmfiarzcmx be may -we Eeflé awe mo «:2 aim m§ngg herwc fi’EI.z*gg@fi:«eC3 Ewen the mhms can (flow gefpegcfiafly ffwmfi mfflmmw Thms mm. anew «Ema Hwy? dazchm an. mafiécimw Er:-mm 3», K0 magmv cancgmfimm in am wow: pambz:;z?'m~e Etimy kmzmw any Wing; bum away {haw mhemfeiws. &m»fi”pe:;=:.am:éEy aw mm tw mgawi. Ez»::m: fimprobatfie am imvgofifibhae *»;Z*’m.t~i Minn 61% Vi? fib may make: flim {PZ*a.n.rba.mce.=y MM wife mp me {pEzr'££.rs.+*; cm «i;%m pemflca amgaafinzfis miimm ” Emma mm Mm memfmrfi Rmfima. Em: «enough mf mm Wm WM mfi‘ that WELMIM who being cm.14.z£7».*‘v;:'2;:‘2ia«maaa's mm &s»;:ma&om 9 {ma Bmrw Mmwkex on Weir fiomfmead? fax‘ zimflmam pempfem 1'2. wfifhfiy do:-L’ agaimfi Hm fawncefi Q,F5J’m;m3 b.-;~»m_ufe fimg am ‘’ pafléfied wégirgwwer £79 arfiezfi mama? fiijngfé wff M29 Z;5'm"cw wpper» .u. é . ~‘5W- er « var, ~ cw ‘aw w-Ir» M 1: 95 gm §3"m.»r:"vr. - M 7; W »-»“ 4"» w ma -Mp -45" in i~.?.H’.»E‘....*; , in ME 3?. -'A¢'§*4‘‘7‘l1\.:-'-1~4"A‘*=:\u-.H.V:';;~.‘£’~’<5§av kvmcfifia-.&E@ flmiaou-“A5-~ ii)‘; : .% ~~ 7. 2;: . as 7. Ma « .-- mu,“ % 16:3,: ,~.:q. m me: W» . » 7 W 22'?‘ -**.r:~”~ E L1. ° ft. V T/M: mlizfing M Elwgiarid, Q; Sm or Law’, to dz’/fin}? laf 3&9 pw&1ic&utreafz2r@, fin aammand may perfon mlmtfoew &efo;-e 31mm 3 #0 give Mb for visa difizwering aftrutlmo imprifm any that [ball difzlvgv their csmmandag mzdfiacb as: they lballjudge cmmmatiom’. A There is nothing in this which mqlfiraes an anfwer, P for the greater the matters aw which are referred to elm Councellx, in arguczlthe abiliaie‘ and falthlulmflé of that men to be the mm, and} the Parliamem knowlng lb much 3 bath commitmd fuch greaa things to their mm. ll But 1. Were nocihelfe men ignorant uf M axlmea in Law and Ramlbn, they would obfeme , elm °"‘ M whom a iurifdiffimz is g£- zzen , unto it fitcb zbirzgr are rzeae 4-zriéy granted , wifbom which man thing can be don. When 3: mm 28 Oonllzimmd, a judge, ]ull:iCl:~ of Peace, or Mayorfit mull lzm pmfuppofcd, than he ham power giw won him , to officiate and a& lhch thlnga as appcmlm m that funfician or calling. Bus abferve rim embfixrclmzie , and Elupitlltlfl of thefc men 5 they doc not dairy (<1 rmlthmr indeed can t"l2ey)bJm; the Parliammt lawfully may cm& lhch accmcell, onely they finale fault, bccaufe they ham pmwer to aél aim things which pmpcrly belong to fuclw. a Sme. ” 2. Iefmmas zzham ‘ M130 way to efcape the fcourgé ofthcfa V mans tunglxesg E£C33.Ul£KllBlvfl;M.l1il0ld pmflures and foxmwm of the maple. are not mmovced, PMCC, lllbmrtle, lrccdmm e&"cabli{l1- cc! 5 alum Parllianmnt fur film, la mrery Wham mproacltmcl by them. Aglaine,Whv:reMthc Parliamcrm eudeavuumaclm (and low tlmz anal, is this Comzcelz’ of‘Smte ercfiml 20 take: awwy the bx.m:lm:w, opprellions, and milleriw 0“? tlrirs Nmiarz, and ti} {mic Hm Cum»- mm menial/9 «sf Englmd upon Paiuclplm cal R.l;_gl‘lWOl.l lllzalllw 3 {rm-~ dmmra and fzafetlc, szccmdlng 3:0 tlwlir fewrall EX§?i"‘lsL'l§l':E and De» claratlmaa : fem mhlé all?) doth tlm léezxm parrlla l"paal{.e will all them. Thlm flu.-:wes they are men anfllmm: parts, rlm tlw'};l cam lmzldfmmly pm; 21 reps-mach and fcamdall up~0u‘x:l,m Maglflrates, fur dcfmgwell, as ficsr dggaima moshing. Em: Em the mamas llmrr, their hypocrlfie and bafenellla is the imam: obvlcms &IldE19dl."lll':‘“'«’I’;lll am all unbiafleé and impartiallpwple :: fink: F.lVh9C.)3‘ I;mlclll: man molt impudent, would pmzend a defirer, to have lmrclcm remo- . 5'3 l P Wauld it be V a good argue mum to prove: I Mn Lizimm a Coward on tmyzor to the: A rmy,b; can fa he was clwlm Lievr. Col. or mtl1crbccau.l'e l he was clalolen to filth a place it argu as he was thought then valiant, faitlxfull, 8m. ' ”‘ cm" fz.m'fdi- ffia tiara rfl, ez qrwqtze mm» ctfl vi¢’efl~ rm'_/has qmiww ]"I=¢l”4/?r«’io‘iit1 ex- plJx7.~s;a.i 220?: pa... mix. Digeflr. ]ux ifdi «fl. 31' it, I is clan by the lmvrlizzrilwzr is Cmlled firll - 1llwl>l<;rl«land /mu. tffuin, and is“ ‘ rlalmn For Law. SW3; 17: H Cam- L mow wealclx V 0? Ewglvmcl; A 2, cm ~ -tau wzcfi, Irelqnd relieved, cur Fflfiflfifi by Land and Sea well loolm V mam, and provided far, the publick crcafum carefully difpofed V Fm A of}, *a7Tlmw:~.»;c1~l A A tnaaxal mm. l Mu; ‘Ewan. A Fuel, mi wow "-M‘w'*ruz. Ze- 8oPmd° ' ' 1 max;/:24 A 03 t tliaflle patiw Pcndenda ma- Mzttr, Net pi- A gm‘ memo fltfifwfmfl ”‘£I72llfi7§ Ovid. L z._dc Pom. ‘filagna nega- tz-tt magztit ad zutoribm (gm. Ftfieim 1'. I I. l Hcmzirwm nq... turd» 99' ‘W: **’4#5W.~. liege: Ac?“ reip1¢b.'fir- rjmm excudit ir2tvenit.. hPlat..l. 35. de Leg. % "mbzimm #- rilimzem pri- fuaromm cam- ‘ modal: prgfé. madam. Au~th<:nt: res qua? C. Com: dc“ Lcgat. '7‘ Erzgtzzndt ‘ tzeaawlc/5w’ite, pzzg, 8. - Isctzatarts pit» ‘rig; ztrlze exec-’ * dwtgrx amba- 3' hate rgliqui ,. mbis fizcies in- novamr, Cam?- fu/es now’ CM» autzw as pro.- "ploetis 23* inter $5503: Bem.6;zr— am t£‘m'ppet:- The Difco*verer.A cl; and when they all this is Adotytto l"pe:=;lt¢ cvillfof the State, and for no other rcafon , but becaufi: the fame is don as they defirttd‘, or at leafl pretended to. - t t 1 the more appeatq in re.-preaching the Patllamcnt for erc&ing this Cotmcell of State, Let ‘it be confitlcred :1. What fntcellitic ‘(at our prefent condition is)’ there was of fuch a Councc.-IL, 2. 5' The many, great, and wci'ghtyfafl'5t‘iAre't, which cannot pofl-' tfihly bewvcll efiétfied and don, butAit1fi1é:h a way. 3. How can- fcnam and agreeable this thing is to ~thecoz1h£lant ptafiicc ofall t Wt-ll governed Ptcpubliclts,pall,=and prcfent. And 4. noothc-15 but what is agreeable to ‘Ptealbn and “Latw , yea, altogether bottbmtd upon fuch Grounds. And laflly , according to the: PIi!1Ci_pl€8t8Ddl.VI“8Xlfl1¢S {at dawn by_all.iudfiicioutsAand learntd Polititians in the world. Thai}: partlculamwe‘ could enlarge, but it needs not 5, for envic it (Ella can finclé nothing there, A whetebymto oppolc, or tottratfc any CDnl5'l‘adl&lOU, or objcfiion againfl theft: Allettions. A t % But 3. Their objtfiion frames to lie chiefly againfl the‘per- {on 3, that inflame particular Members of the Comzcell -of State, and this is more than liltely,eva;:n certaine ;tand..gi=m us an occa- fion to remember a pretty fable of Demoflbenex, how thekwolvta made a league of peace with the Sheep’, lo that the clogstmight be removcd 5wl3ut3 when the dogs were put away, the (heap were worried. There are in the Parliament, Cmmcell of State, and Ar- mie, Come men" whdm they ptrceiv: are fptciall btrres and lets. to their pernicious delights: theft they would ~willin»glyAhave re... l‘l10Vm:l', to the and thtymight eafily dcvtsut the poor lheep of thi'92Nationt gwtheir fafety,ftecdot_nt, lawet; atad 1?) their Efiatta; become avtprty to them. But let mt fee: who they are ‘that th't'5A Wolvtzs would have reg- moved. “ t "A ' ftfditl-t'3nt2: l‘i‘~:.'1~m,?l;fl1f: to time them thefcg lb hath the Lard al-~ wages nmft: ~;,hv.~;w: Remove hmeintkilfuli and expert in the Law , and them will he no mud to bringin ahfurdicies,no:n fence, foohzriw; For thcfc things of V” ghemfclvas wikl flaw fafi enough,W';d ever-flow the Nation. Againe, that men fhould‘ be excepted againfi, as uncapahla to be members of any Civil! Court, or Camzceli ofSmte, becaufe fldge: of the Law ; it is an obiefiion we are confident , never hefore heard of , or propoundcd by any one-. What may be ob;e&cd . in regard of perfianall uxéfitneffa, is one thing: but a in reference to his profcfliozzs, Qgatewzm, as 2: fudge oftbe Law, and therefore unfit, it is the mczfi iehcelcffc thing that ever was uttered. It is no otherwifi: them to make a xmn unfis: to take the charge ezzfa Ship, or to he appoimagd the Pilate, or Mafier, bccaufe he in a skiifuil aqxdexperienced ‘Sea-«man. A A V 3. Tregfigrerr ofmamjy: And why not? It will ha time enough to give a farsher arzfwmr when we know" the caufe and ground whdrafore fuch are wxcarpted againfi. In-the mean while, we en» trcanthe Reader to obfervc one thing ufuafll wish chefs men, which is an mention many ahisxgh, hm rmtat all to the purpofe fur which they bring them. Onely ammxgfl the 1’ ignorant, . whom they (“make to bmguiie, they Ehinke ich: enough if any thing ha fpcakm , bcch-aufe they w‘:Zlln0r,h or canrwt confidar she. 1 %‘him»pea-timncim,flaihes, and xmoahihgs, which whey finde in their Papcra*». A h h Theirfizurib Eaccerpfiiazz fishagaizsfi fiéfgcmberm of the Bard: Houfe, mdfcmze of Hwmfia af Cammohrzr, forward mm the Treatiemh and declimr-.r ofktiye lafl proceeding, carmeming abs Kfirzg and Larwdh To which we aniwfir» ‘ A » A ' h A V " V I‘. Thai}: 37 doll2zg;%"‘ Homo zeavzzrzaizi 'Lrc’ms I mmzn promp-h rm @~ am’ t:.«.r- baxh faam. Spanhgm. h difput. Anti» anabap:Pr1m. Gen Thefi I8. yqobv K0.H"'22o V ‘ Damm j’m~;f- cor:/Iwlté, c/3 ta» ; rm Oran:/um czwitatix. Cic. T ‘ O}‘aC. N c r lxvpar a raga“ @‘ 3019 Lu) afpu nor’:-A Ex». Adfizlmem oi» wiz.m2,ci1.:Zti£q; V man!/mzit.2z2§” , ‘ vitamq; loam?» _ Mm @~ qzaiew tam Ac?‘ beam, corzdztm frmt /eges‘. Cica L. I dc klcg. b it is a Cam»- nonamongff the Papifis, ‘De judécia fzm2mz‘Po:zz.zfi“- air dg/imtam mm Jim. Gm... tian: decrer; pars 2.. cauf. ‘ I7 Q3_1efl.“4. 93?» 5 quis 8c nCmini.- ._ Iffonue pcoph did not walla; by Fucha blincf rule, they Wfluld fee ,. fztch hmh and; vamitic in thfiff.’ mans.‘ Wrlalngs 3% they‘ wmulai 3 Arejrsfc then; 7 for {hamco %‘l Eisglmds N Jzew Cbai;-:9, flemzd part, " Jimg-. I7. :8- ‘l*lNote, none called more ?;:upon”:hc Par" gltzaivsenr fer};- L {lice agaiufz ltl‘1C':.Ea1'l€’.‘ 05 E [gm bridge, a he ‘Earle of I-10!- § la?2‘cl,tl71c Lord Czpell , than 57; this p3.I'E:l€: , andllaaflced more Pcmngly‘ jfoxj theaccom: plifhmcnlt: ;; and “when it % was don, to v z compile with Vtlne lzviaiig. : mmts, and [Q jirtlliitcer their fplrits , they . _f’.x‘§7,§t was dm 1 I fbr no aslaer lend, [wt to l malge may firr f 3 their 2.5/iovmre j‘ L ‘2)w:lrz.iom sf M Efifiglclfidf mm :7 Chaim famed :p&Il"t3 fJ£Eg.lI7. V * *9‘ We meme jg the; Cav alisrs. 1% ‘*1? the Bu:a~:l¢r,. jt; defirc to fife ill this to the V 7] life, let him V76 .obfi;:rvc zluir J; ?Booke,entiru- ‘Z’/ye :®ij”co'verer, A % fr. Theft: give c:mrmfl£:m l‘l&E‘£§{3lW&l'll‘yl£?§a§ aims: Pmvatb .g “a gm Ibarbyzeed afa gaod memmy.‘ Tlw Parliaments. precluding Wlth ma K“sr.g,ia one thing agalmll Wlllfill aloe}: 4099 pratefl; andyec in tlfla A place due blame Utham fm dseclimng XE: alums the thmg wlalch in -\ thcmfelves is avertue and goodg the very fame in another is a. viceg and a fault : 80 that they are mm in pmfiice": lzlw 3 Ship in able ‘lmlclfi of the Scan, but :‘atl1em'l‘en like Cas:t~wl1eels3 eafily to bit followed by the fouls crafis Qf* centradlfiion, lalllmodg and hypacrlfie. ~ V . 2. They are ltmrc at their old game, tomalze dlvlfion ba- twzen the Parliament, and the Cazmceilof8mte : you have: lmard before, how they have becn’ev:ery where elfe, and fomethingl they mull doclilwwlfi: hem ; for nmhing is snare grievous [0 them, alum to face an accdlfi and union bezween crux: Prulers. A ‘lflfeislhmr elm: filmy regard to play the hypocrites bealore the world, {as my away tlmmcby raife contention. But the truth is 3 mail: wllue and tvayw now are {0 palpably gfoflé, as tlmm in Eula ‘ {stare that any licreafier will be‘“clec-eived by them , qnlelll: in be form of their own lafilmn, ox~*i"ucl1 ell {cake to take advantaga by their tmaclmyl to bring to paflia their own dcfignes. But 3. there are none 0? Elm Lord: Houfig mzltlwr oftlm Hcmfé of C0mm071..f,l.V.l£!mbfll‘$ of me Comm}! of State , which did any filling if?! relation to the ‘Treatie , Gr declirzed Him! lafl proceeding, but doe refi fazlafied in what is don, are rcall, cordiall, and arm to the Land, and clcza unanimoufly with the rail fetcommon good: and zlmgelore tlr.ei.~:t' fcrujpllng formerly of {amt tlalmgsg doth no way dlfabla alum": {mm the prefmt feivlca of char Same; cfpeclally having hater: approved rzmn, lmowne to be fmltlzfullg and of ri_gh~t amcl good P:‘incl.pll;3; Indeed ha& am y been lLez:e£u lerr, refllcfle ‘lard £macher£:us,”and lbwers of fcdlllwl, them had lteen lull cml"-2% of cxcepaian againll them: but bail:-g mam alzcga-=~' M tlmr cf another lplz in, pcaccablw, and «Peace-n*2.3l{g_3rJ , it was ‘well elmy were clwfang for no doubtfihrczugh Gods lfilclllllg an their labour hnucll prcgfit and comfort will lollcmz. M ¢ 3. Thcy;%c3§’ctpz agalnll fuel: 33 were jwdgex in the Sm-. maim- Zmar, arid apprwerx of the lzlozed} and tyramzzicaflfentenaer ijuingfram 3 hence. "'a when Awzfm l/Vs {hewed juft now, am is is d all 0m to cm mama , ‘Ike fDzfcoverer. M. whether there bafomethingl, or nochihg in their Writings: for to a fimplician, a fUPf¢'IfiClOiJ$ andflmllow Reader , there is no difference or diflinfion made : Iémfe or non; fenfc, xeafon or ‘A ' rayling, all is alike. Cam them: be imagined, an exception, more light, irrational}, groundlefls: : For what if a manlhad been a member of the. High Cqmmlfinn Court , or of the Popes Conclave, this could not be any iuit barre 3 whereby he ihould be difablcd from my fumre officze, place, or Employment, if no- thing elfe did appease, and tha peribn othérwfifc in every rcfpe& fitted‘ and qaxalifiaci lbr the wcsrke. A Thug wc have anfwerad their Excepliom, and vindicated the Comzcefl from their Calumniarimm. Om thing yet remaines, which cflncernfm their Books, Emtimlcd, ‘Ike Pifime of rice [cum yell of Stale’. Here is a fie placc 2:0 difézmer the valnitiu and Emily 40$ Er, cfpecially Io farm as: the Crmncell of3m1'e is any ‘way cm'zcer-- med in it. l And here in the firfi place W5 fh.1Hdefir}:2e%zz.m ifit“ be M:% . ft) V reproachphew Army, they can make cheilf tonguds to fay gum cont;r_ary,' nothing then but lmndqggg yea, the wilefl and 1 V. Zmjéfi that w;er%E72glafl’-Amgrzgroaned mzder : not 1~ega‘rding What ypwrifie. chw fhcw bytheir gwife c0ntradi&1’°I1%= 50 WY ‘A may do {on-1Vqmi{chi;fon‘c way or other. % A » A V W V 4 Av 1 2. Thké-re is éi»L tter extant of Lilbmm! 5 ‘wfiemréin +hek.‘%ei~ A prefix}-:th hirnfclf to his Excel/encie thqs : "““Tr2£l} C giw 1778 M ='le_a7Je%ta te/lye}; wit/mztfeszror drear{i,?\lgad,I come, and could/gave got fii iémczzy £0 bawefifiowed mega would b2zvé%Vér2abled me‘ fvéofd *¢”imJ bwdowWeadeve-%ivflive*:4"d exmtiw a»dz?P0?z t,1"?fi?£5?4”3 A A ftreac/Jerawfefiowi, and «grant; atvreflminfiefg ?}J4tf9«zW¢ (I0? 0799.1)’ ,. % ‘ “ AA V ‘G M “ V grraniféd 4-W-31» miffionermnd jhad ccmmancl 82:‘ order fmm then‘: to Va¢f“t, re and {O A: arxd ~ rmefare that vfgjhichjghe _ " Cozmzrelll did. V hVerc3nffv¢as no ' gnorebutwhat~ % any ot;h»e1§ men in the1ike'ca{c: hmgight; 8; opvghm liacmem, %w%i%th-- 9'1-"54 difpflffi can impmvcru and%a.uthopi2ue % WIYA4141‘?In men to apprc- ‘ W hand anc1,cxa~ V mine traytors, and finding % caut'e,V by the ‘(aid delegacgd powerto_cém~ E‘ min: tliemghat ktlzcjy may be rryed arm. wards accord- ing to Law, ._ 3 Ezzglandg new ClJaig2e,' p4g.9. MA Vzncere *c%on-2 % fizetudznem, dw- me,/%? pugmz. V Aug: fupézr “ 5 1 In Lcheir L_e;t- _ tc:r «~t0‘I1is ; xzellcncie, A- pril 27. I 649.‘ *‘]1u_gIc-rs dif- °°V¢‘Fd'% ?:o}havc$d0nAe. _ For the Pazre-A V 15*‘? *~ Céfi .4. ‘ ' , T h .. i -‘.735 :’7i?':t,,3.ke. % t%hei*x“~'p%irt4‘*in conr % ivracic a»- gain ‘the C6- % mo‘n:-(wcjairlga “' _ , % bfrhe C0u1z‘cefiIwl.% 1 A Stat_e. I 7, 9“ "”Epglzzn_c13" new ”'i(3’“7J:£iné,j{?3Cbiiéi 4 1""?rP4g-A ° Arr gmarum % to ‘the Houfe of Lv:)’rds% hrrhé % Title page" he" niiesVV54h:mre1r: A Sfijeilfig 1 Fit will am: Mr: % To[me"?‘ki%ngly% ; the to Him- ) -fe'Yfc;\ :wh‘et:hc’r V f1*¢f¢‘%%*b€‘ ‘F03; ‘ it‘ fro‘mf §’cf.‘vn ‘(SF Leidén' tf‘.g§:_%*_r3 ‘from’ the 1’§W¢;=‘A “_ )7 V % ii;z7zH:"14.w0, ‘“€’754ifi W" ‘i'N“bf«¢ 7T1_ow they fay nota % *Gerie1‘a?'lCaun-% % Nae’! fiof Wqfré, , ‘% "b‘Mm: 4 mééiing “F1‘f&aAt".'%r*=AA“?=!r= ’*Cb*i1tis "7‘h¢Y a9 ;‘.Yr.1« (‘W351 . aA&*AA¢i*rAi‘>*4=!*>#fFvi?II. *v?>:4fi1ir= A ~ *¢:nd*h¢'ACoflP-" . “I? my mtm v! u u ; % pbnid . d~oV‘1é1b 1eH“e fth"wn"gi*v»e; him atTifle?wl1i'ch be h tit a"k‘ic”fi jaj'!'re¢a~dif:e to hi mTFcI:F,r0 ~j'i9l2rz L*ilbur22e;DEF' 5: 1iand,V.wit*ha’ll%j;Vth*erbLm‘ig~liche :!Ladd~ed, ‘ %r;:;V!:y*Perz:im. %0f?o1:VJérzp§fe %AV;m diflurbe we * 3; x if 4 V e -' 3* . «.f$’“¢ ~i\,," ‘V V y r ‘,_ {;*r;§m}iz4"e$ioz‘ev‘ émejif Eta? fiwwbole Nfmian ~« Ijfifaald 1 Abégze? fmwe 2 am moreflfiruple %% ofconjrcience wit?) my awn loazawtb‘ ?defirq)&edI¥9e*&:§, than ?0_ Image deflrqyedfb mmgy weajél: arpoulcatr. A V “ ?I¥ M .%wou1&*£h‘e‘1a“ havé ?gwa~!ag;m;mA¢.,,;en r£vé}i]:} 1.r 21 :1 ‘cl Ipamm, he~3i§iGW2fl® :17 * ‘(Sb ‘;_‘ .: "~‘ ' 4-5 M ‘ ~ :.‘‘;ion” was me"vcr’in the like bon?ag?cf;:% meifhér W ibe vmefl fljrrjgznt. Dimlg e D’Alwa5ar~ blaadiefizgeen M any jé A bad at mri:+Lg,,,;1e,. N * yeafihc 133 Anzmb ~ more Aex.m]ZzbléA~flycvi%4£be}, A ~73z2;2"d float‘ Wm§'ie.*?.?~§VVi*L‘hOu4*t**qt1cfi?5 ‘ihhwd h~Ve%‘+a7ffifi*a5n'£i*e%‘~% mmi V3115 we ea ;gs:a1’i‘»r'a ”‘§§;bzz:’oj°Leide:g&Tfc1e, jWb7aanne;r Keg: ‘Na;-wwé ;¥iliertxfoify:}%u»zgae;,*wY{¢5ev%€. flitigc mzawfim: @fir.5é}7é.}0£7,fz ajWfbéwéw yam:/Zz?em, Kiw affiig/méouflzeflé over the rr~79“;ivi‘e‘r;rve1*‘Ici. * A = * *1 4 i A A A ‘ : 3” M’ AA H {V at 7w h9erv_4 ‘ a re wc%b¥ ’1h*'t W and baféfl % érwzdage wbaagazeaaE;-;g*z:;;7an:e>2Agr2>mz%+zmzer+;a& V@ié%rewe*£h:aV11¢¢d‘A¢ éhem an %I‘ighWV8”‘~CIan, we «ma-:‘hin»Ag Ammv,%vg%haith% j%::a:4¢yVaH«vm, duccdg and fendown,to PFO.V6thefame. admméétingw fi'c€Ua_. Q72 8194 2 ~ lczflzzt “W%ite4 Ham‘ zzvberaafier exprqljiavz} ofmuclg bittergeflgagainfl tfie Tcmg/'ciefi1¢z'bmpart 0ftI:)e'5'vu!Jie9§y End jot/9er‘J:,'%it‘ivw irzfified 'iz1ba)2*(*'a3**1vé me. fim %c)1§ecz‘ib/e%¢%}%2zn;:!&‘ ”ij;ij'mfr2si_2e;d):';i7)2zt zz 5rrVzo_?”i"r)¢?2w_[}¢9k2‘z:,zM%t'ti¢25*e W:i55Ho$>z]e far fire «,p., . « ‘$222 :5’ 2%1’1éai'/dzgfl fmba: LWAV 155352 % M ,% A % N A N Wéfififfirvceeflingfs ’i¢zpa7g;zgyfgiggg% mgtfslae'Civi[1°17l/..%’a‘gzU?2~arvflzwM;gio 5, A my 3,3. f;z~ereaiMfba;:,fb‘f*" ¢wazgmd bwzginfienrjrfibfie Wife " ~b}2;e‘;.* ft“ z;1Lew2/gAwged, 1;iarv‘g;zer:%mi»Jg2‘%be gem; go;“:;;e”z2dage ‘Cant A miilla§a;fu $Ac:len;tl57 Erovcdby lmr~fig«.. Am.‘ A: mail C¢.fa;,ke tlacflv” A A is.,falCe)chc .:Alai:mlgsA~w¢rre lm om«ly:.ln“fi WA" mwAmf‘elm‘:lQl11:Whic % . ) €ldnl1[i!Of3§?all1éGl’A:Will“€hZ¥E “mm cludk‘: the 'aIil_Mefl‘ar;-El lliaféfi éanldazge #94?‘ mem?&c;~ But 3«.f0l1“' reafoming fallmletlin llAby&-2 g1¥ant¢d,that; {flAcfii, u‘hi:w*gls vvcra not OnAcly=Ainfillcd upon, but by the Parlia- m;¢mtl:a:ad bean granted, and afterwardputin ezszecuziansyec 4allAl~ this would not lmve amou med ta tlswf wé1e_fl"m.jvd V bm‘-‘V. dage‘; for the Englifh, fince they were a Ntiong, have«:‘;nlany‘A &i.me§rAgAroa:p1?dunAld5'er a grea tcrlbcbndagge. 3”» me nléetl not fatal" llflwilfllges-rI;1l{"() exafilmfor the trutlim is, theyfe much miracle ii 4.5 I fedA.iLi5on a11dlc2aluln1niat;i011”, as they miln+%d[m*>t whatllabfu mliu A l tics, con;cradi'&i0ns and féllhoods n1ay*ev"ery“ where he ob-V f*ervcd,and noted itacheir words and writings. pi A A A';;Bu:a more (pa; ilcu’l»arily:« helréf ma my lthingsl forecl a nd Falfcl airellhenqvd migethlerzneicher isthere ax1yA on%et«%hin~g!cr"uly rvela-A md bylt'h'Bn1;i."lF0r,I.llt is an aclcula:ion~ groundccll upon a lye, that any thing lhould be fpoken about putting to ale-an:h:axad rid leflk al l‘{3lande1ithat any man fhould fay ,, they amid lung memjyem the Magfiflrate me. A l Wé flimxlll give ‘the ‘Reader bars a}? ‘jail: mcoun«cl Of: the thing tasic lwas. Upon» m any“co:*npl’ainlts A makzleby fume S0ul*c:lAiers;0ffevera1l wrongs done lthemlllin the €é0ulntx»eey“,Ait was propounded, wheeher it were not expelcli-A-' am that Tome courfe might be cl'mlJgl’1t of, for mco prcvlelnt finch mifcarrialges,fpecially facing tAhcyfll.1ad not naealns -to fnlllmwlthe :Law,:maeinhler wulczlllmhiay do its 3» by reafon ‘of C0114 A timuéll dutlimand mAa»Arch~ing fif”0m;i place to place: ’bef%-ides, fitting the Souldier either made fatisfafiziqn, or A was ;pun'ifl71-- ad, if he caf*lcncled”:.]wliy'flmuld not tlw Saumier in fomc like fpeedic way be relieved? Thisuwas the whale %bi1fin%efl“e; vifhiah thseyjjlzw the Prule of mAulripllicm:i0n,cal*l pzi?ting‘ta death. % g X 2. - For {uch which they (‘peak of,‘ nm of tlhelArn1~y", they are c%aA1*efulAl to conceal och whm: was faid,and whyzln brief r.l*mrefor2c cllus : The Qfficers obferving this partie m be con- t~'m,u%ally labouringzby their Adjucatzora to caufc more divi- fionlin the Army, befides tsllae wally folrmcr breaches ' which whey lx‘a.dl7lrxm‘el e, mnccivved it was lnefcefl'a5ri*e%tl1at ("oi mlerpeew bfieaden, vvt: have macle Ta ‘flrlfl enqui- ry about this thing, and it is avawed, that there-Awas nm: l any luck lpfiflih : what mlghr la»: la fecrct xhgay‘ know not :: but openly in the Qouft ltls utterly ‘ denyecla dimroutfc amdiwaylfhouldbm taken; tAhlatlt«he:nfclves, the > Army; and the whole Nation might: mt be nndaneathrou gh l ~ A l 3 A the 44. TbeAAA 5 aware; «the conffpiraeie and (edition of’ a few ~refl;Ieffe and‘ ufnquieeee peop1~e,*Athis;,chey callbo2zdage,ar1d probablie aye chem itéfeems A A no lefle; Forva s~,a:fore eye looks not:without" pain and ;griefAA Aw Qgm mam. on theeSun:_dfO no doubtto” themit isxa ’A* fo1=e,“a5 ’p1ag*ue,aA top-A; aunt odeemt : ment_.,anAhe1lupon each to leak‘ on theACouA‘ncelk of War (we; :£_‘t9’"e‘f‘_;.%3e9a;_ A may edde the Parliament, and i‘1Cou%n_cell .®fStace ) in the- ‘egg’ Tcim dc condxtion of fafecie, peace,and ; honour,A.asAthen/it was, and offic: x 1:. through Geodes mercie iesefofiill. “/1 ~ A A A A A A AV e e % A3. Totxching feizing upon Citizens at theicmeetingésgande ‘ The Englifh <-‘for 4 Lam: Atobawe power in t:’9emfi2Zv.eJe:Ate pm ta death an} perfim not. 5°“1di¢T5 55'’ oft/qe Armyém flmlilaald avg} clifctmrfia with geuldierm almzt their Aowafzka ‘ dard’ ‘Mg’ 5' azzdfbe peaplew Right! and I.»z'17ertie:; To this there needsno. % * New chaine, A fu rther anfwer: :QmeI;ytl1is.WeVfl1al[ “adede,ifethe infolencies: and bold ectve1npts~oEfomeAfpeciall Im?:endi:aries,l1Aad beenlm A t‘in1eAmorelookt:;too, and'fi.1ppr.e'fl,, much mifcrie and mif-.-A claiefiwhieh hathfince fallen out, ;ewo;,1ld A have been prev- vented._ A A AA A A A ‘ ,4IciisetwruetheACommAanders~of”t-heflrmy have not: been 4 without theire fear: for t;'heyA ha,ve',fore«feep this rifing in few» ditieue and nreachemus plats frqmrtinze to.t~Aime;'butA obferve the %notA§b1e“c1*aftfl ofche Lerzwimg part}, .W‘henfoever" theyebe-:-, gan to move in a way to Af'uppr7efl?: fuchthings, they prefemzhr 13-7 put an ‘afperfion and adium upon them, ~ as that: 2122- Army» woztld rule agi, take aI~1p0wer- into their /aandazl, hang up, m2d»pzztAtae dear/2 all jperjbzzx, 8~c¢.;by which ‘devife they wentethe furer eande A A fafier on with thei!‘ Wickedinten1;ions,.tiIli it broke forth. in-e to this flame. A AA V - A, A A ' s A 4.. orlaidding r3onlalier.r«topetition : this alfo is falfe as they- Ij‘§p0r$tAic.e% The Praclamationieextant :*whercin they are not e prohibited, Aonely requiredA Whatfoever they do this way, Ate doit;pe;1cezgbIy, and in:orde1*5¢th‘ac foewhag;{'oes‘)er‘is jun and honorable may be the foonerAobtained, andall tumultegand divifiqns amongfi themfelves the better A avoided» Thus We hA-W6 hfiard their ACI1a.rge, and {em their proof:F0r;'1udge- ment‘ .we,ihal1AA1ea.vcvAthateet0 the difcreet;Read:er. A .4 V _e _ Aneth fir cat-2153 ,0ft*heir5C¢0mpl’ainte is;.that ‘dfitcld :Pm“tia e,eAri.r eliaéme Amazfd in the lvelmlf of the people A7,; have %/and 1l:ez'r”fPetitia2z“: mend Pa,-ta A 5'W2t10/,1/as eqmmqnA Iiangfmmz. Likewifecfor pgzfizzg an ;0rdi«- me» A *3 N:-.wchaine,A_ ‘R firfi pant, p. 7. ‘,3 3247106 A =27, %ijbovéiee~r; ,;¢mAae fm+‘1'itIaem upm trick/e D4W£€I+V V A A A A ; A A A ‘A _ Anfw: It; W0uldfeeAn1 fomething finfange to hear a fuan Ch, Egpge g;-he b:1ggdVof %N¢bo:bAAt1«$p011 %Elz'azI9, wgs [0 far fAr0’rnW ¢,3m;,.;mifi.g me» fa*&,~Aas that he fharpgy rel;ukedA»j+»z{ba;v for xp. Where’fl1a41lAAit‘befolimdgt§1n1efl'eJ=iAnAcAhAefe mezmé Papers‘, that} an‘ a&iAo:-1; never"'d~02ae byAa‘?méAh, nor c,on%fent~edV toy, Ft-1511 net-=“ ver‘che1eH‘é’be*pht upon hié reckoxaings, and Others qulttgci ? For ::hAeA perfonséwhejm they dc; 1* aAcct:A~i<*= _a11Aa.1?¥1ga A !’l3I}1fI_‘1§ A apwevaifingrrb "W*«=A*w%% W ;0fAP¢*:i“*A mam‘ zmd~pebplé57-fU5ch”~és h"a~Vre tlge lazgbgfl A€f3AA5i11A2n;gn=dx Power, afaaiafi oAf70fi‘3eer;r,:~8{c. dlzheyi have not ‘had an h;1‘md»1rA1% mhflhmg, Wh¢r%e%oF they accufe the1_n 5 bu t» as the bu rmng of Rome was by Nero Iayed qt; the Qhr1fi1ems,and thc§G’u2¢{;owder~ PWAUPOH £.he;Ap,,,#fln, by chi; A? ~j'ej£¢_z'teJ»; foA.,and;fo: ;A~cheA.Afame chm th at 4 155 m A:h%3;vg « {he giziltlisflc A cond e;:I1I1Ed, they AVh.ave‘A fpread abroad this~horriAb1eAA~fal[h‘ood : But1‘1mjthe* mezm Atzarxae“ 3.3 not that nA.11e_*ufefi.1ll"i?n reading A’their Pa1pAers&? 3- Nothing ~lée- ~ lgwing, all beédirzg. e have read fome%whcte *3 of allowance %givmw1yiAng, for the good ofthe Commom-Wealth : but the{ev.men;q»fé an_other way"; even ttA:-1erebyto‘deflroy “the- Common-wea!t;h5ifpofliblyétheycans+~_ ‘ A 4 A A A A A A . ‘And hewvfoevbfwe are 2 fure,th at thmgfi ‘0f~‘;th1s%A11ature,A will find little acceptance any where among people W611 35" fe&ed~:,n%evemhcleiTewhofoever {hall pgrufe, and we'll ob» feflvea111’_Ath¢ifi V‘w'r1c~ings%«Qv%er, fl1altfindA11t:tleV elfe §herAem_4., but falfe afperfi”0nsAraif'ed ‘up, wichgutany grou M10!‘ A‘CAO1.0U If Of trucAhA:fd5th‘at:!Awemay mAoreAtru1yfay%th*cn the Vindz,gcatarA,of W¢zlw_y72J*+TJ;f'yIe;r, ¢ T192} }):3ZZl£’?i72cle€?61 too exaflgy le;zrntAA II?/atcbvzhzvelxd m 13,. gg. flare mt_.,7tAo féazzdalizsemzd traduce tbezr a.dve7j2zrze._r,-,for that thougbflzme oftbe dirt be wiped ofiyet part of 22? wzllflzck, wzd they-flmizll befure not altogétI9er‘to loq/E their luabounfs % ~% % » V Arid for proof Ahereofflct—thefe=part1culars (amongijcma--A nyothers the likegwhich might be mentioned) bear w%1tne$_., where the aforefaid prevailing power? Aof the Arm} are charged A '3‘ Note how; Vac; mak¢1.VAdivif1o.nA in {me .Pa,rl'ua-A x11Aen1;i, A_ and.to% have our pr<:- fent GOVCP‘ noura defpifc- able in the eyes of._thc¢ V Nation, t!~iciy« A a1W3Y¢$W3€‘?.”‘3AA‘ fomc particu-A-A A lair men, as if» A the ref’: were: onely their % cmzIm‘e.r, and: had wneithcsf . jud;geme:nt, honefiie ,% or confciencm ‘ NI"/Jz'l credem do, atque omnia c4?uendo., Cic. % Orac.APofi. rev dit.inA%f¢::g=1. A *';Lz'cAere Vim. bono Rcipuhj caufiz,z1:rén:iri.A’ Plato, ‘ The chafitic of Church- % . lnen 5 Pdgq $4 ;' wichitlaeirztollemble bztrt/aezzgj ofcuflome, conferring Ofiicex upon A A per Anézuma éetrqyedzbeir tmfl of Feofizei fa?‘ 1155fb0]7{ afld A1331???‘ gmntw'Land.r, pztrcbdfid tbemféfvem great Efiatem; tbzrfi‘ ‘after: the ' their creatmw am! relativn: domztion*of bmzdrealr and V than/lands‘ % ' mod. V ‘Mn this littlfi then‘: is" e» V % pough A {aid to Vir:cI*§£~*;M*“ Lt‘ %Ge:;Fx)§%€§vr”o271'gt«ve*I1Tf‘ ~l E?!-* 3 sa+:ae;m1§wfi#s am: W agar: > l.aPc : jf='0i*»fx.rp-' 7 p‘:-.‘-2% tl1~em:~I1a;r:l‘ bcé?r3é~t;*tHi‘b’¥é V pcwe ~ A é$ér¢§f§éa‘t?éio*g3iEt? if **is+ ey1;a*ema tl‘w‘e%"thing$' wesrte am-a=%‘ =<~Hia=- % ‘|"O"UInt ‘ A9: A “ gafifl ®f‘é‘i’1V‘f1%é,‘§. Sc Are‘*b3WcI1ei;:‘ %P4*"~“é%"”‘9”’ mg r“t’ifé * am fcivediy m be ‘yét~l922;:;a~A~dejé3'z¢edl_}I flc:ight'£r.i%§.w But fe&i'n“g ‘rt: ws n\b*:¢~-OneIy%’ ddfiagisy a*ma+A Iic‘?~f;e” f’ peafriflwrfwfte If > £3“ for ama- Prarirm : ‘Qm waétfigaiks Mém V m;=ni }7u&ga~:5‘ Lofw at credit is his tcfitimo- mi in marmrs 0? mbioquy EL reprcmch,mn~V% ding to plmj difparagemét of anoshcr? swrgadaf flack Suwldierm amt! ‘ "5 ‘lg ’ '4 25'“; 3' 1 J; ‘ 5‘ . “ “ M d%v*M£W3d f¢f§"* 5.61% efiflxwd it/29 C0mWW* W41?/?§ta gtlqeir mrémm, W?» ¢€IW02¢¢"5»wflé:« ~41rg{9%%éav‘e@aia%rza Wéa «mi rW¢¢%fl:¢a%*ames mitbzm “ V ¢W?;1(»1J6I @f¢5dk1?r¢“§19s£{ 22 C Vd4fig¢raw'~,;%. Wm flgpaazus; we N~'%i07?iVs if: */<:‘3‘§?;:W'*E;?W§0f£?@}@§*14W”It to ~:.ma;I.:e ax: ¢?7?di¥i:mW?' W: ' assctrz all; %::‘fWg@;ci A xaéi %=%§F¥«:rMe1Aa% i.ti,ffniJ$ :¥xA¢~i:%AW:1A%'aa€@ nG“be*edAxhry .tm W231/9 m'«;*1iW?0fzJ* 4?‘ #Ab§irA%ffi3¢en%A 34724 difiafléfiiiqn gefln pgdimfl biv1btbe}!.»mw1ig7@em“ 3 M @00d:W%i:m;wM;axpr£f~ fié.rA%bimfi?éfA i:9»’1Wfi»v%"er' 10; mmd sfiangreen.‘ fTi3e2*ef¥=z'r; my r¢aj5wn;able‘man&wt vmi!J.:‘zMte mvd%:%a'edfl5?s owdfbdt to agriaal Prapam tjpgz, fiom [mg-/9 r¢¢;g€.ygi¢2g7'J and 4cc0*wntJ%%,¢z15,bi¢b We drqwngm 5, gig wen%izzm iwbiméy the ilmiidféf‘ ¢?7§?JTi%e%.g ’.;I~8gl$hifia\*’I‘€B‘1£0n@g£3¢ to vituflicatc 9. mm; “agaih;fl Wham:V‘a?t3c4tsrfé1«£iom hé«.§}5m~ wad %byvredib!¢;pee1?1ea~and s:h;ere“\are% rétixizeflew fbr7’at§efiatia7i,? it w~i11~then Aunwuah, nwore[AholsiVgv0m*1 h'&1“€a«Wh'€FMh¢ a’ccAuI’az;icms armsopcancly frQm»£znc~xI;i;es,Aa:nd Amen m;1of’c%ma1iciou$s¢ fut _alfmEn< 3~«:rMib1e_peop/ea no wimefléqfir aitef?atiom,b:u4t itflflhgfihikfleffifi u M than afl§c&J.Q%n” ,fugg~¢gits Vdfiagg/z§in£i?.%Vml1Q{ej%. whey ‘ % n1'a1ig*me;. _~~ ‘ $, 7 againfi fiws-% WW; ; .7W73'fd$‘ 4 f\n¢n9AVA1¢fl'¢ umrue¢ is the‘ t:.h;ipgA (a A By th. em ampméd)~1 ‘5&W§?3§::.$§‘.3- gtwfigyi A *I‘~hcre are my MM: aaL¢ufaci0ns Qfthks aLaiur¢5b%§/gfié A %;%co~¢erer. ag}ain4i?6 ti1e~C{)u«nc:¢¥l {if ‘Wa”§r, and Commafiders .017 « they iflr-~ y ~54 5 hf ’a1l’W¥hich*WVe ail fpeak i;n§m.1‘r‘:mx:1:fD%d71erie= i and é*z5bo§2V‘t*?Fyeamifl2j ’md‘Engagémirz:Ji»m‘atfl:e at J1/Jfarligetg.‘ ‘Trz'plo‘e % éevafb-7=:§55f¥J tbe *Agi?‘3d-t@7f;,v§~ thkfing cfh“f”¥‘p0¥‘§<€%n10"f?4;A:t¢this time We ?ih*a~ll onely touch oneithing m0re”,W W-high is, that :tih=e=y ‘wou}d”‘havc%t4h*é Paflianaent canfidef%?i?9}%Lv%dangéémm% it is! one and télzejkme pérféfix —tb_ be ca%22Ati7med~ Zmfzgjivz rrbe /aigvlzefi; »Co%mma‘r~iz-dr “of 17?_d"i~l§.§k7yf:pj0r:’§‘éf5 -ef15,eciazlfl7a°L“L‘¥i¢iIgj(2?23; lang, my-d c9f"wz‘lc'?3rIz;}’é¢Z*aze.£, %*~?t*‘79‘c:fé 220359 5%’ have a.W7é~3‘ ‘fm-‘la m-2r;zo2j4iin4;y wberéztflfo rlvey laave”-zz&czzfl%9na“ed tbémféifiréy, wkibla %m «iiaeiorigiyzalf of Regazlitiex and “51}mzr2r2=2'eJ in -t;l9e*?z%mrld.~ ” v Azzfm: 1. How 0ftfifoever%Ain other ghings they €0n%t%radi& t~heVm5i’eVI%ves,yec in ~t*hei7e pa-rt?eu‘1ars %wei%rielve:ri find ch-2:11 «cI:ang>- Zing; .' As, I; in making divifiomand feeking tofet differencfie and,£h»3z;g,.?8{»c..A M ,,.Q % . New f0bconcIt2fic)n,a:'13. to d1eir’%gAiQ §ing ma °ibC«.?fiWi‘n‘g that their camfé aria’ p;-‘irzcipler gelgrozazzal 1]?) t;'.nz.*: ml7e«~‘;2 2-lam “nun 0772,-tnaelfz/e mmts'tl2J_fi7zce, Ilmt (Jmie/X tbeir princip;’e’y 5‘ ‘tiny be/ewe were are new lomzdredy. Howfocsvvcx‘ we t"a.!~:e not this far; ‘ truz‘. 3‘ ft, by whmh t§':x*:y hard {hwy . cnnfiirurion. L(i\’€“€l'S 47 “L1: is well ob‘ remd%A~byA Mr. ;sHen.IDen’,{ tha*t feeing ‘mofl: of :the:R;:gi%men%cs rm‘ ho’:-fa and‘ Mfodrdid "Pc;ri> £35 his Excelui 1'1»? £1.20 7 Tféna ;~razc:*e%'%*ro their re»2'pet‘?£i.we4%Re’- gimems ,2 and Aacccriiing to their J}?’e:irion%s the *.Ccx'ui::ce"ll «Of? ‘Ag“5‘ta'tor‘s was .d§tTOLvcd : »zha.chis “Excel- lancy cannot “ ‘bf: Vcharged wi.r.h1> vioksri- % ‘ “cm c2fLz'ha;1;. ;En~ gag~€:r«3n»t 2 neither Vdmeh .:thc'I'.t‘ rerr-$a5.lin-c any obiégatfiun on his }3;§4ce!- 1t‘:nc'y to have conmmed‘ or r_c:viw::“i any inch Cmmctzl. IVIUChIt‘flE"3"§S in M warranrablein % the Soulcihsry of the Amy to :»fii.xmc: that power to 1h€*- (elves, fécing ‘ they fi2fiEr'ed 3' dH‘m?a:r%oz“: by the farm: pow» T§*..£; dc‘:i‘Ega c:: 114:5’, y ; '7‘ rWhen ‘ érhey % had 1aidfr1ch+:a ~ 2‘, ‘ u ' ~ \ J a 2 x - .; w v w. w fl< «‘ . . mrch, b:ir mbemocher derricc of erthws 3: W fblowe up the A paérkleré qt?Fre {W321-igffilfiz :(;a::mi Eorreérwm “~?¥,Zrr;fl11<>t1a1rci d§giTei.V:_,e;d;' by fuch e‘zz_z“H1mrker.r,rmh0:~hrave carried em 'thera1ofi; danger: rourseand d?‘ePcrL1€cirve‘er defignes agaimfi %thisrgNartiQrV1, than verve; were knowmjand Lunderrerhefizrard eand,rc1o$ai-r c;£ fegtinrg the {CQmVmTon*"W¢el»rki“uptlm gerL1fi%Cl$¢0.%fr rfreed0rme,T~l;ib¢r‘ty, _an,d~fafe;ier.: BL1Er;ereveA""3713e T fi:Or1fident,- Wherefcjeverfi t~.his§., D]: 3'!- C OVE R ER [hafl come, with the rfefi fc>'i;l%owing, that the . number in all pleces will abate, and the ehonefl Amindyed eve», ry wherewiil f'ee¥cheir err;or,7ar1dV mifiakeg .ax1dbIeLTeGod t;h;aet11e fnarew'is,«b170ken, and their fouls like b$ir%a:is are gefc.aped’.e volts, and ecaefi; off their Of1’ficers (Ma%n ‘A8: nor to be paralleid ) that their bu_finefl‘e[begarr to grow to a head, they fen: their Emifiaries andzagirarors to allsparts (as we have good inte}1?gence)pr<~:rending from one Regiment to anorhe’r,thac each Regiment had declared, rharfo by that Artifice they might draw each to declare, To the forces in Wales and the Weft they gave aflhrances that the forces about London would revolt , and to thofe about Lozzdnn, than chofe in Wales andfchewefc would do the fame. jA*'nd to the forces in the North ufed they the like arguments ,,A and nouriflred alfo the diflemper of the forces in the South»; A Declaration of the proceedings of his ExcelIencie, 1mg. 6. ’ ‘A ' e ‘ L7”!5eee'en4.‘d'af the firfi part. A