'1‘ HR 0 N s T RAN Q E‘: A Of many Thoufands of the Fm»-Peopl: of figzflflda Together withw THE RESOLVES? Of the Torgwmm and idppmztizzw of a:héCifi#y cf’ L ‘O N D OVN5 % irfbehaif of ‘TIE-€m%Z'z«'e.s' 9 and thofe Callad PM fine Y M Arrxzinmmt of t1£2::~£r jfij? Rfiqtmelh 179$ t17r£r I’ E T! T I 0‘ N cgf VA Ma) 2&9» 1647“ .414,/W rIJ€%£r %I*"mt”iti‘a1z Wzfiflafify 19.» I6«:§7«» flriai 45'aj>i‘6mz'3w* :1; 1648:» f?”o4g'e2*77€>~ Wt}? 11% Afgfffw mmt of W‘ .I'77*z:’0 5I’fiopfe:= "E N G’ L A N 1.”? i»%x6A,9.- V W I T - Their §0§é';3"1‘imfE§,fi’§3;§‘,€ITi@fl€f'£)f R.¢2d¢.s2m1aiz: A 3 Settiizagg anfi Seaw- ring; the maples Ratzifimalfi and $12!? :9? and Iabertiesm againft all “7Ii‘y1%mtsv ‘W’h€£fl-”0%Vé$!”3. whether in .P:w=s J/7z7s¥fi§é1z?i£t,w'1?‘f?4}‘73 mi mm»z:w‘ af'£‘Wcn «a;m«mss4as A ”;:»i- ww as» ” mm we «as? we so w ace ~i&=kaa,g-$u A»; w w as: ,,.. %Lam:lwz, ?rintedintheYee1‘, 16-49. ‘H , g l l I ‘ , t ‘ ‘V . l ‘ L » A:‘\ . a ‘ \ 3 Y, y _ l \..a l ,‘ .. . u m;' ‘I‘‘ _‘,v.‘.[..'. ‘ if l05'l(ltl15f§"l1¥¢P¥°3Chful1Y:C3“?dNiel ‘L EAL I} E13-gsg IiilT?rbmfe!%Ivr.az1d a‘fli:he‘lFree People of )1‘ v ‘, A K ‘ lu Yl, Orafmuhch as ma nvi Aclrell"es have been made by us the ‘* , » F1‘¢ehPehh(>.ple of Eygglmd, t0.thcl.Supream vi{ible~Autho-- ;ri.ty 0f.tl‘l;*E Na;i0n,andl all have proved Barren and Fruit- lefis, although by us Cordially and Really intended for the firm Setling and Eflablifhment of the Peace, Liberties, and lg; flrec%dbmslof.this Dihflrafieglaand Diftrelffedll Nation : Yetnot- I :’\Wl»th"llZ£lnClll:t1i'hg..lall401111»gOQCl‘.;‘,.:MCaI1ing$ and Intentions . ( bythe :UIurpcdlT}zranny~ oflalTrayr.orousl Party; éunongfl th-hem )‘ have ; nqmnly bclbnhllmiflconfirued-,~h=bu; bgrarldedl withlTr§afon,_o_us5 ‘ ~ ‘x . 2' A 2 ” Schxfmatlcal, __ *1” '4, '" ‘ ; Ir‘Jcl4:i_i’7matlcalgbangemu5, andlthe llke ; and our.deare1"t Friends the Pz~omOt€1‘S fh.€1‘€fQf,f0mem%ofIthem killed, otthers 1'ob,l;’,daancl , the gel‘: imp-rlfoned in71:he“.T01a7cr5 by whic'h «meanseour Dilflkra-t ;vé’rio11sAarem'0r»e and .ff1Q41‘e'encreafed, and"our Btlrldlem Become f0Mlinfupp0rtabIe, that dlfpairing of any other Way ”ofRed"rel§, we are infotrcecl-and gompellted to make ufe of that J1/fe4n.r”N3.~— ture teacheth us for our own prefervation, and for the prefer» vation of this opprell'ed»Country and land of ‘our Nativity; fully Refolving and Protefling againft all thofe Tjmrzt: and ‘Ufwper: now fitting. at 7’I’~§€j»/2'7’/'¢z.}V4cI‘/zl,z?7:,.:~0l?' any eir Af_Zr,Qrdi:¢,4sz.. tea, LDe¢a‘éex, Ordm, 01‘ lP’0tlw 1€?~1lil0be~ (2.. cli'enc'eto!l, Or obfer\%ariCe'd‘*6f Vtdllelfalitle ","till al add évefy our 1 former Petition; :wi—I;h the Agreement (as Free People af Eng- 1.czn?l ) be cluely Conliclered, and fully Granted. In the mean time vweutterly deny the~Payment of all Taxes; Affeffements, Tytlies; or beiiig burdened with Free-—Q;uarter ;_d Refolving ( God Willing ) to fl1al;e,ofE?rtthavtin£upplQrtabl»e and 1m:.Jm/Q pm; about our necks ‘by tl1éUl'urplifig Tyrants and Dellroyersttaf the Laws,Libert1e§,anda Freedoms of ,the;PeQlple, 1Vh>CCh€__‘l.l‘ % 2%;rfa.g- , Cfglyrwel , 1-}l':t0‘n , Hafleréggeln ', ;HlV5t;’/:"‘}"z.:/_‘E";m¢,“ or “any jof,t:l’1bfe nqw ig:CblifibigatiQne ' at Wqflzfiiflfler, 01'dfthole calling‘ tliémfelvelaa lCbz2i¢lEcl.bf Sm : JF'01:méffé?tU‘ff. all doing of Wl1lCl15_ E E {hall Refolve to run all hazzards in Proteélihg the Free:-People [: as muchkas in us liethj from; the” fgrce A and violence of tlie»Sword of theilrlantl our Enemilesl; angl do ”0ur’mn1”o~ft to baring to fpeedydjuflilceiall thofeethat h%ave“aj{lrea~‘l l;dylil.lMurdered and Robbed our Friends,’ whether atAWm~ag¢%¥“2?lur-.t A t » fatr'al,FLoml0}¢, Oxfolrdg orll"e~lfé-,-Where,. V " V1 thataeo-me3ul1tcl) I15; fhalllfnotxlonly all . 1 “Taxes, but havellhis free dVo"tet [after the iDifl’o’l"ution of this Corrupltd Semen] to Chufe and Eleét a’Reprefe2zr.czti72e7in the A €ount3r,for Burrough wherein he liveth,‘ for Setling~tthe* V AEKETE D S andglal R pf the Peo-' plcr gaze upon ‘the ;§erma21em‘c and furelefoumlatlonlof avI’ojm/m" g?‘eeme?7r. ’ ” e l . . ;. ‘ ‘. ,i.. ‘9 M N“ ., ." . . V . ' ‘ "Lil. :7. I- " .3." . ... l . .... l _. A 7%, '»1’.fl1‘sL‘lthl"iL.l~lV:SOul‘.:=ticf1l:o E.ese_we:e11‘as othle; Eft-are fh.e,'5h3d3 fincel got 1 l 'fl};a:.11..§bei1i53;~b1c to ‘[n‘lztk:le«,Sa.'ti_Sfé-l1.:€%'i.0i-E1 r:0~:a1lan<;1 eeverv’lFree C0m- » ; m0nei‘ thalz hath been; €m3*:Wayesl daiiinifiedfilither by IN G ~ or P A R L’ I A M E N T, fince, tlmebeginnilng ;ofT thefe un--na- A zural motlbllesl V ” e tffliétlalllai1dleYenYl:lMén3ber of thiél Prétéhdoé~do lPoax‘1iamenr., 7 lo [linlcafefu ch W‘itnefl’es cannot be foulnvdjj {hall behlpuntoi his A Oath; what Eftagte he, anfuchitimle €'Hj0y€—d~. That all tll'1eLalncls,l Gofods,,.; amll-lle1‘editamenets of the late” _; eIM_§ing,;[in cafe a Free Daaglliamentel deuely_E1leé’ced-3 {hall abolilh ithelliilngly .Qffice ];,fhall.fa;islfie the Publick Debts of the‘ A Kingdom 3, and if not enough, the raft to be made good; by : Way of equal Sublldies,ell"*ti»ll all the Publick Debts bee fully de-=5 fraye.d,aUd a11tfré:.S0uldief‘3%paid- . That every Free Commoner {hall be ‘put into a way',and inw-F aebled .‘kVi.t’l‘l_./Lfcjazrgx for his Natural fubefiflzlanclem and thofe that deny lawml .Labom~ for their Livelyhoocl {hall be forced there- lo «£03, bfp11ni_fl1ed~as idle Vagrants,or;lewd perfons. l l (El. 1 VIII o ngent arjcording to the Popular Agréemenf; _lThataftera5r§glfi *1 , _ ‘ A “very manlfnall e Proteéted m1l'x71s )l1flf'R.lght‘.0fL'zfi» 3.314 Goad: a:gai~;ift all llpretended ‘and law-legs" 1:oW:~r_: ‘wlhalfcf 1% x. A. V that all Law and Cuflom: of this Realm {'l1alllQl3l¢;llll:rlrlilitfeltll'li:li1ul ll fizainls. gzijzfablagma, {Without-any *A;blridlgc:1nc‘ntl’orl;~Abre«e ‘ifiati(5nlixrhlé'tfoe'Velr. - 4 "AX »olJ'»I‘hato_a1lr fclf—f’f¢?r’éfiéeé3wli:‘a£Efbeflréfi5ifiiaélll-laé l;e’dii:nlev,el * 23% ' 5f1§3egE‘fiiré~«Co‘i£r>f%)(l £i3’Ifilé‘h:Y)f =?'tlfe‘%-oN'eighb9‘m.1q:¢5‘§(5dl 5. :51 éfhat l “no OI-fé'rldéi: ?i2s“%hla?tfo‘gév>.ir ll?1‘h@ll ‘be31den“ied“a l~I;5é'lgal ?;:‘w ithe l . féfiffl Seffiéihsflli §f"twér4é~l than 1% "“ 15Ii?i’fiHl!1*e‘1_1;tl ~,~ aeélll~e,ver:~:fuorsh"Try:a>1 or ‘n l(3oa1.aeIi*=m:y;lto b‘éi»AiéquiEt”téc1?';*or (Eo;h-delmnedblil mill *1} ig l;:@f,§§;me W4 7 7 {ha*ll*’ Bé lfiffiléédl : »C~"é.f_jcf jb‘i:ll*f0und $1712‘-1dC‘e‘t:it,o th5ziEt Eliofc ~ tfh«;1tjP4fof‘é6h*tf¥:él wFofigfu1ly,lllffl:a»1»1 *ma*ké l-fafisfééfion W, ‘font ofvotilgorlBl&ate§§r;d:li£nocab'1e;to be imprironedllltwice %t‘he tirn‘éli:hle~lli.nfib@3fif”plértyi*Was. « A * That no Mamgy whéllllloeveyloryReflri€cion ofTraoclel{l1all “bétollératedloorallbwed , buti a ’F:reé‘Ttade; reftored~ll all the Land Oi/elr ':oa*nd5that a‘lll.?l4o7‘2apoliz.er.r*‘{halll‘give =loRepq.f¥2ltiDns to the Common-va?ezd_tb,‘~ and‘;-he lperfor1s;?ch2itlh»avebee;1 damni.» Mfied by them, otifuffer imprifonmen}: accordingly. _, ‘ That rlo~O‘Hic”er whatfoever,~?Chofe1i;ooor‘to be Chofen; Conn A tinizé ihis ?Offi”ce‘ ablove-‘one year at molt, ‘étfiélé? thclnl a new one to ‘ be‘C7hol"en” by‘the’ Glenerallityfofjtohe "people ; every Aonellabove A the A*geo‘oFltWentyl (except Servants;;Beggars, o'1’?*l Criminaries) to have a free voice in th‘el£7£5?io”}¢, ~ai‘a‘cl the major parc:to~car~ ry it by voices or figning ofliands thereto. A _ V o A I'll‘ o ' “ o A L Incflelltlzis C’o72é‘2i¢a:¢~vga2;a"[r¥3~fhall hot‘; orllcannot blelatfo peace A wiltl3om-on’evllHe+ad~?or King to Riéign oivelr-them, that thelnCer- tificaces lhallll ‘bié"foo1*tlrwlth=Pfinltédfixhd”férltihto all lCountries for approval ghergsof : that if Welomufl; have a King, the Crown ,, of '9‘ “"' 0f3‘;E$2 *Z2:i¢aZiffi%1ya’nenuvt:i';tothe rig»hit§,iQWneirg; iqiriif 95 again’ »:$th}.J£t¢,%C3x3x?éi'ntt1ent3:; it may» be = iGm:¢r;1§-dxi as, Exec T Iia«ta‘c5%3=, -ia13ci’:nt¥)t* o'th_eArwi’fe:.i o11*?1::~“Ber1i0ns*;;de~l.ifve;2e.di. ?1I};i».2iCq1iit-4 ,} tediiof iAm"priT0nm‘Ent ia-nd« t:he:;ra:ge~of7 f(317tI:&L:Go_aLv1»:r$*,anci we base? i cdnfii-': a7i_1«9;bfQ”1liiIt’e??ree Reap;le,ii '4 acc;0rd~i'1;1gz W S’o,le'mn§ deepj Bin-5-{ gageirneIt‘1t*s;.i Vow;s,.add‘PfomiIes ~form;er:Ly tnadijcgufito. us. ;,+ia.p.d;i%ii no~.n§im=ei‘b‘”e“éotneia p‘rey.'t‘o m_enci1_1ary~b§ibing Lawy¢:rsi ,-L »Cr:u:_e;14~_ Goa«1e::E}s‘+; tha<-t.“,fd1-: lu‘cre'and:‘g&ingfel1’G6d~, I{in‘g,r_'I?..1=unh, LaW?_,; Gbfp‘ieli,;i]1i1flice-, Mercy, Right, Live9i,..Effates~,;_ and Libertie si ahd7e1§pofeu§‘[: Free People to» Béggéryg Shame, R¢p.roac hi, ;ari’ci’iRs§a'p'ine of the‘ Sword ofiouri fellow iS1’rBjé&s,.iTyrgnt,s;,. Trxytbirsg: andwflfurpie rs A: Lawyéri whilff tie is‘ a;Memb'err‘thereof. A , That ~n’o“"5 qrah WhiatlfOeveriiT’bfe’ impirifotied for his Religion; i bu~r+ ti-hati gvéry ‘onemay be :pbe“diem._to the«MoVra1 and Civi,[__ Laws ofthe Land,» ievheryi one slivxng quietly and Brotherly one; i byanother, notwithfianiding diffe'renpc in juidgemenitsi or A Re-— lig'ion,;‘bui::ib1;,f the Banal: df.Lazre aillimaiy be‘i‘d;raW;1Vto ghe right A k11pw“ledigéiofthe4Truth; and no Compulfion or Perfecution‘ , int?-;‘2&fot»herwife%-to fubvertovriwithédraw any-r~ma;1£norn his Re-'1 lfiyéfliorlfifitha ii Laffiy, For the‘ attainment of all thefe End: ibeforéimeintio-V=~ i né?d*, :vEre‘h2z"ve“«drawn on 1: Swords,I;a nd we Refolvetinqt to put ’ it'hiet#r1'iu p agaifi, till we have obtainediiithpj claingsii befo'1'eifpcciifi¢:A ed“; fibt doubting ofthe‘ Aide and~iAi‘fi~fiancj"'ef,9§aii1;h.onefE._dand;% V We’lI»meanin“g men. And fixrther We Deciairégi 'iI'ha1: .vLvi1ati [hail i have Mbyijoyyning with us , either from the pretended Pariia-V-L rnfjé:4i1t5 or thiéii Apofidtizing’Arrfiy;Twc' 'pI..r0mife -inmthe Name; of Free Com&iimérs:‘t6 fee i made good om? Qff-E-h€'5E iiéatespf gzhofe .t.h‘at procu‘f"’é‘%hy‘fuch Dam"iage,: i V i ii 5 A i V This may ferve as a Mirror for all ChriI'iiai1i1ien’tO look in? ii A to the Re“a1~1ity of our? Ip"t€Iriti0nsi"ax1Ed‘ Riefolut-ions which we * i ~’ i" .~is flhave fmci-that hefe‘afItér« noLawyer be ing3~a?~Mé'mb’eri0fithie*Houfe L1 “ fh*a*1.1“ be fufferedf ; to Ple-ad I as an .8 V) 4 ‘«’.h}ave un'cle‘rtaken to freieoulffelves from Tyranny~,vS'la‘vefY; and» ~ Bangege ;’i.*rhie'chi»1ive m 53?’ the more eafily *facillitat‘e,if we licofna-; fid.ei-lbiatlxvelluavetheI-1‘aml.r,~and the Sfmzgt/a of-Ache King» .do111om ojutiides, t‘ha4t~the-ir pazmeratndforce are likely; to be die:-W nf1iini'{hed¥daily7by Relvolting from .then:i ;. :to.geth'erilWith :h_e,g pexvel=l oflltl-ie Priagcélbeiliigmi now >fuccefl'efuli Over tl1E_;II1j~i1”l;IIr‘i:’.v-r_¢;4- V13???-Bl fltheirl; piéfrfiéliolusli ‘ ciy‘;1‘in:g ':WllI'l1 Qzzeal A. ithial: ilievfhariolus A obloluidy Reb,el,« [Va pro-fell: Papifi] their .b1"C.laCfh'M,Oif; all O3thS,'”"4..j,>i Engaigemeims ,4 and Dec.lara;tions zwitll’ the Kin-g and €King¢d0m 7;; A . ~tl:1'eir ‘¥fiih,gilnig“ ‘by their. -WE£V'lg'3.§_5)9i"Z‘IIl.\"l:.?Vl1t:."\3.7llilZ‘l1»*"l:l’l€:lf Eriethrezg ;;he_ J isélatl gjtheiieere&ing‘WaiTl5rra anodes -Comzcrliiof State, fa rel WOl‘_f€;g , then the-4 ?.tai‘~C‘l1iimL’ber;Councel..Bo3.rd;, orrl-li gih_j(;iQ-;lBI:lil\fli,QQ; 4 B11“:-deh;ng=::11e'fevcml Con iitiészivith ine»xi‘e;a{e* of A "faxes, “ %Seji7s+-.»- ments, Excife, Free~Qu:ueuir llL~iz/er are; as A de”epl§r; arideequa‘lly1il;éngaiged Easithofeil thetg,-{Q ’un“j‘ieufily fu ffer-- _' !edi;’ Vthe1fefol1‘ie?We liPi*0tefiv[as in 7rhe prefence of tlie All~feeing “;Eye,]:tli:3.t rw?e‘£ha11"~Il:ill go cliees:ful"ly forwarcl [.:n0t'Wi%thfl:ar1d-‘ = irxgthofei rnaziy‘ difcottragememzsiwe have lal1',eaz,cl’y receiye‘d]‘ and ztherein~Willl’iSa{c"1fifice.:{ll:l:itheR;eI;1’13.i‘nd'er of » our ?lLiege5~; . and; » A .Ey2.;m, as we have began, we will [ bytlle blefiing of God i i «recover our lgtely loll Liberties, earned at-lb clear a rate, as the prelcious Liv<=:s-o‘fe-«ifoiimany of his ”ClEZi.I“,S{—1ll'llCS ;‘ l revepglee the; ‘blond of —our -iBrethren 5 and A‘ [0 long as. We have breath‘, or 4 V firengtl1,"*to»dVo oulrlutimofl endeavors z;o”’bi*ing all Tyrants or‘ ; '1=;:ay:oli~s ‘fndtwiitlhfianding any Prirvilwige E0 1:he‘Concmry]to \ exaél Tryail, and fhall for ever hereafter, as fomnerly, think it 1 moieilxonor to die like men, then live like fl:1ve’s under any pro» ,te-nded Au”tl1orit’y,Wllmtl’oever.;~< A wez:/;¢'olfl2/ac/pl re§.God. A " 7Tlii§ »i§’;i‘li*elé.dy Signed with 51980164 l1end«s;iV andlmorle to A lnbigiigdid ¢d;.ldiailly ;:fo ins onel~ais':W,ee~ can give notice; lxereof to our. Afiliéled Brethren in alltlie Counties of Eng~ L Y!.rmd and I’VgzVZe.r.4% % ii