pl Clty‘0f LOfldOfl 7 . % A‘ A \‘ y 4;. ‘ ' ~‘ », . #4., ‘ was ‘M ' I \ , ‘ (‘ \6w ‘co? 5%" 'W‘HE 3REINA 4 A A " v‘ I T. .‘ , ‘ ‘ ' ‘ I ‘ u ' " ‘ . ‘ “ ‘ ‘ I ' X; ‘ M . V‘ , V ‘ W‘ - ( - r ‘I “ V V _ ‘ ,.~, “ ‘ ~ ‘ ’ « ‘ ./IV ‘ 1 V,‘/’ You may %f‘cc%that ‘EngVlar1ds Frc~cdmc)me,Whi‘cfi 4 Afhould bathe rcfultof all our Viétories, is Vfinking ‘ deeper under t11cNorman;power», as ap,pcars4by:his;~rcla:ion of A the umrightcous pmccscdmgs of King££0rz4:~Couttagainfi form: A “of the Diggersat George-hill, under colmat of Law; but yet thereby % the caufi: oi? the Diggers is more briVg%m:%ned a11d~a£h:cngtAhene¢d<: fo~t;hat; evc1:yorx%e fivngly may truly ‘y what,hi$£m:c»4%.% % « dome is, and where it lies. _; Wlum tl1cflectlAy;»£vad£c:c%zr¢?in graamand cliildrm {lzxnd in place, ” Tlzisfbewes wefloadfar‘ truth 4nd;2%eace, andfreedm in am dam -5 ) _ A.m1=tme£nrflfin.: we /Ball afpmr afEmgla7m’ wax’: our kgzotber, ‘ . Na Price;/3’: mr Lawyer: mi1d3ft’imt5r[§cc5tIJ:£r flwery ‘wee’! diflrwer. ml. '-|III|\--W" \ ‘ LONDON, V at thc cntl @fP4tll5, 1 4. 9. “ ___ BY ’”/W?» V Pfintc%d for Giles Cal-vert at the Sign of the black I Spread-gfiaglt, 4‘ Ln&on;~ t‘1’eace \ t I‘ ‘_; g 2 , l % M. 17"I‘Ho12'C1'ty't3lf Llotndolrl‘, flém <>h駑«o9f' tl:§;r*'fonslvby frcetl01i1e,lahtl* I dolfrtily A “ llovelthytpeace»; whilelhadlan dtate in thee,It was frect‘to‘off7:rmy’Mittt intothypublikeh'i’revard, ‘.-1i“td'yt.’t all algng I lmye fotmdl fqchas 111 ‘words have profizfllzid the flame caufc, to be €n:':‘mit:s to me: Not alfull yeere -flute, being quiet at my work, my heart was filled with ‘fweet. thc,»ug‘hts, and V‘ ~mtmy things mire ‘revealed to mt: which Itnevtr read in books -, not heard from the l'llOlJfh'0f any l’lcl'h_,and when Iflbeganto fpeakof them, lfome peo- 1:}lt:%e‘l'could not lbcrarmiv word’s,“ and amgotrgft tthofe rcvelaltions this was tonwe, T/oat‘ fiaalleartb 1%!!! 5:: made wcammfiarll Tmzfizry tzfjitxelilaaod to wlaalé mmkind, wit/now 7‘eJ?¢:’t§7' afperjam; and I had a voice within me bad me declare itlall abroad, which‘! did obey, for lldeclartd it by word of mouth whcrcfoeverl A _ mime, then Iwas made to write a llttlfi b0Ol{»C3llL"d, T/:4: new Law ofrigiatemfi . mg-[]&,~a:1d'"ltherétin I decl:tredVit-5 yetmy ~mind waslnutllat rejfttbectaufe nothing ta‘/a~s alétedl,and‘thou,ghts=mn’in me, that words and wlritings ‘weft: rill nos» '¢hing,*andlmt1Pc diefior abétion is the life of all ,ah”dl if thou ‘daft not aft; thou edolt notthirlg.l Within a. little time I wasfmade lobedlietntttlo the word in that hp;-xrticullat like~wifc.; forltoolte my fpade and Went and broke the ground upon Geazgeebi/IN inttsutrey, thereby d»t:t:larin;g fteedome to ‘thtj ‘Cr t‘at1()n,~ and A that th'€“€—alK2'hl'rl1L1ll: be fat free from xntanglemcnts of t Lo1*dstmd Larldlordt, A _ atlndt tl1at:'it‘lflm"l*lbeco"tnetAAalc;omtnxon Ttrca:fury*to allgastit Mwaslfixfl: made and given tdthcz fonnclsl ofbniein: For which dt5ir.tgthe‘Drztgon pl'el"t:ntly clafis la flobd ofwattlcr to drownthemanchalchtéven C’l1aC‘fi‘¢Cd0m ‘that rmwfis de-» ctlartzdfiot tflté Qlcl NotfmtahAPwtetoga£iV‘,1:)_, E§5&?Af3=riAA3tAhOtI gadvancefi freedomgand trecdomzi assG11r1fhn yQ_u,¢;:an~d a;- 5, bondage is Szim n In ypL;., amid“ S‘atAan‘ among V01?‘-,-fliA<35 "gfrcedom ¢c;aAim-Aha c:{’ca‘9lif11ed forEhglzmds4Vp¢aC?@;%7i¥Q%r p§g3V¥;yA0t;A f12zi*¢:hfq11%i,AiAi}?‘ACovenamj:_ ‘ «but i‘t1AChA'4.a‘0'f:iA€AuaS hath rcfpeéfto A‘the%p“1370‘f,A**a5 well as ;’lh€¢1"1ChTg,; forif {bout cVoi’1f;::':t to AAfree.d”om to the -AriAch%i»n rye CiAty,andW givcft f'r.ecgI o4mc:, 7toV Vthég: Free? ,,hQ!d§.“)1'SfAn the CuAuntr¢.:%y, and to Prmfls and Lawyers,andVLords0.FM;1n~nours, M a‘n’d"I%Arfz pgd?pria.:9:s;4an d yet _a11o‘w cfhthz: poor nofreedqme, t»houfartA A;:%h¢p A3 dVecA1;;. hAVyA}?5b;§3fAiAte‘"g3an%d aliA"tAhy Apraye.rS$ Aféfts, and th.:mkAfgivings Varcgand ,WiAlI _ be‘1p1‘0AVi¥.£fd.anifibfiffii1§}3IAtAi(yfféi:M¢tH£i+Lmtd, an%dA AfrAL’A_?A€dQfl'1,€A hm“1Afq:Ifc w§I1Abe,;,&i}§a:é Pomx3:ortii3ti;‘“%vv1iéhAt%i:ifi11ii¥1”;i1t4A‘1Viéd%Vgroziiiingin bbn¢1é1g€- A A .‘ W A A n AA _ ‘ ' ‘ A‘ _A, «.3 4A‘‘’‘‘;’Ar‘«,‘‘A‘ :} 3 . *A 33, ‘A A 1‘ AA A~ A A 4- . A ‘A _‘ ' , -A ‘. A A -,~ A ‘,-, n A A %I;h:A1Av,e %d%cc_1a_;:{ecf;thts‘_:rxiflxio the Army and Parlxament , and now I has,/c A gfcgz1ags‘:d ipffA‘t6j:tIiE§::A‘lik.é&>vfife‘3: AAAA12AhA’£AifAII "n.cif1€VCifAAyO%3514AA%%hAA9¥t .3A1‘5 A W? », AvflAéfl1iy;firéngclj Qf iA’A‘y'Abc”léf£: “Met-;4o Ant AAéx¢nfe;,fb,r now» yfofi hAaére”bAc§£ii53§Il‘ A1A"pgkm figs Beélaurg1%hgve5beyeaA:1;e vIbiccA0ft'hE £.‘)AAr;dA'J>An.:'A{thAAAAiSA wing, therefqre Adoé 1Ai1ieFArc:e~1io1dcfrs Aan;dA1.ords bf Maun"ogAzxAs ‘fack :i<%wc§ppré:flA5:*, l'lA‘A‘lAA{","”iIA1.~’l;_hE: outward, A % 1ihw:lihoodoftheA4wor1d: Bml am in,;p§ade.%% And L?k6,jt.hA@‘1L3Q.fdflf nhac:MmouAr, as theyrfa3?, . A Ti7h¢hnAfe¢inAgVvs>AA!1 W4oAt:11i%%%u5tV%<51";>¢ésk»* Aofm 09 %bVré%n¥g§ht 1 1 ; we: gall: thArgefie;;;1riA;1;A;q;ppée;arrtEx C;;;~.’fiifr;&FVCAQ‘uft day 9;f7Ao»L_;1Ar arreft -,A%_andA %d~c-r‘nan»-AAA eléfid c.5f+%w:he {,C<,.1Lzr;:j»,‘ w]i*x%;-11:‘ 3Wr’1ASa ~%Azaide I%m; on rxCh“sirge, and} toeagive ‘ anffvver. A ;hgjAA11cVg;:j;;tn\a;_»o%ugz,feives But~:he-a,nfw;e;1‘ ‘Of your Court was this, t.ha.i: Wwostj; 3: :1 1- us: x:w;Ahgu:+~:11Ae;AIgcfpafi1?:A~ Was=,.¢u.111e1Te we Vwomd fAe%eA an A AIOV-fflA@}’Ai.*W;x17?t‘§»%5‘2;f0rAzH53?‘«;@1A:;i _c%h<:t?rIA we ,wc,reA to plead %oLzrA,A%ovm‘ 4:aufe,~fp 1-WWAnVof:AAL:;w:sre*;suthmwcwcould truPA¢ V"“‘1AVAth~i9 b1t1fih::cflm:- 4 w:e_.defiM%red acopigzogfitheAAD«é;c;1s:é;Ar~atA%0¥1‘.Aandprofcsred I20 p2wy:'AAfoir ~%it:tA2; A A ; and fA'E,i1{Ly%0%LI d€nicVd,ps,~A1Inv¥¢vfTe we wmld fee aiifinztorney.‘ Eu): in ,r.‘A.on%«+-A %% [l:1%1"L1fion,, 'the;A;R ;:<;prdc:r~oVAf your Co mt: told us, that ca.uxf¢ Wasn0"t cjgcnw g2-_1A.‘:r:,¢A::Al;. “ ; W: ,a[),pem'(id ,tw;p,» CA0 um: da£e5‘afEP£fl‘ this, and defired AtbifuAg_Ax;:h,a:?A ,I),;:rcla1+A% A ‘1*ation, and Pt; 11 yo qgdAAei:_m:%d %us,u:a!g:fltA.i‘: W¢cWi*i%l5ceAaAn;xM:AqV£a$r;Vy gfhj'gArV;:%c§s 7w?oL1s 513:.a4;é§4%%£143A6»f¢t‘2’M:t<:srn:s=s@AafwAr moAxxcy,.Am;xas£4;A:nh¢AmgtVuM’tifie . ¢;ri‘g»‘ A c¢au£e-ywe t“‘<°:» 1d %_t11emA\A%vy¢«r;1dA nAoVgA£}; ;im{1#ciIf‘ee»Tx%s*x::xv:>~;11$V:lA mllfyx bréafi our} N*=rA0n%a11:Cmw.a;m= 5.». .4%WVtawh7% imfit ;;%§3§Ad»\ .pe:Anpi » .h.?**}{V¢:Wk€11“‘i9AYa‘?§KYWE9§h*¢r tMo4A4¢ndtav0i1ré!R%~%€0A#r&méi%4!:3i=?:‘?1n~AA11€i;W¢1Tm A II wA6u;l.d beeAp;9AEeVffwdAATAraytors-Am this ANati¢%%bu:Al«t up0nA;AcVqm;y A%a;nA%cl;¢;eafo:;,:A, you .ought both .toAhaAva5~ !§”¢:Aard1:V%sA fpgiak, a[nd%[ read; m,1Ap Aap fwcpg fl-fo_r;A_w t_h;u:_is no righteous Law -_., wm:-A:ebyA4%A.zc Lgcepya %%Cpri1'nionvMvbm:21Igh;~in%4pc:Ajac:;¢, Wham Q;fl.€‘~,fO;It fl1a;i:l41% be %‘ fuffgrcd no fpeak,Aand not; another, AasVyo;;%d¢g.Lwi§h 7L1;sA,;AAm9 ~Apafi‘.¢ fen». V O tcnce.ahd€x€c}}§ion up9n'_IX;§s,4~bcfo4rc bath tides be bga,;;d ;g AA{P;{ag, . A u-uuvu V%%%&%v~ac"c1:%¢wor&to the =C[x.:y ‘of Londozi, V ‘I :4 fieHénryAT3£cI{¢¥Z?a§é,4VThbm#J Star, arid~A }’3'fi*mrd Ihxs». ; _ A A , % A 2 V H A H"&fi in the ff0'i"éheéac¥Vo»f your Lawn foretells dam‘-L1&$iQm *’i:to%this COmt‘f‘10n~"'W€3;lffi :%forjitde“clares that thelaws that follow A inch refufamare fe1fifhan%déthe,e%viIh,and fz1Il:ofm‘z1rder, protefling all iuthat “get moAneyVmby their I;aw§,,,and crufhingallothers. ' ‘ * A ; ~T.h“e 7w rigfir We x:§3£1¥f:d‘ae:“ an ;f »ther.érfor€~ra imam §03Ufl1t€idwaM6 eto fpaak’ra:'idm£I"Iy, ifpifilead‘ this T ,cau,fe ‘off di g,gtng:w1£h“m.t:, an‘d%;if:'h%ei}1r:w g.jufi:aI1d%4ra;_tiona44‘l ci:Iaj.,that "Lo‘rdsV1o‘f%M3annomrs ha;ve:q,VnheA%Cdmmo%ns.g-Aand;::1m'rhcy ‘h‘aVvea,j11fi: ‘ ebor‘to-p'lcad*4f0r*him,w'ithom:y*thc‘he}p~Of.aragi othéf ;;awy*é‘r. ” A 1;: pmver fmm ‘GVod;u:%V-tof¢;aA*l‘ ‘mtheirt4rig.hAt2A,~~j» &)n‘i:iM1ié%1%s‘1¢;’{ gliesn 5511 A ~m1%1::e as 2;:ga.tii*ifi: in, @3525 emarms;cai:%1?em*u%%*sfix~;1‘3é:zs+;; ~byth£~: LawofiRi%ght¢cgu4»fn%e.fl2:5réhsuz th%:fpO0re{’tsm3al.n hath*aS‘t*mé a ’tfit*Fe «a11d;j:.z{?c%:’r%iw‘ghit to the ;ra*Is«,=fhe ‘rficHe=f’cm+aIn; ahd? that’”uhdAe:n’i;éBfIfy$ Me‘ A % -¢aV’rth%o%12ght to be a common“V'A.trcamryi5M051ivrfl§fhg§40%d7fb%i* g{};;eaeing perfons I final r£q:;2i.tc4ft1"j0A4‘ of *6y;f§; V .1:ha.'a: he Wmfrrld jfiflzific0.w£§f.«t¢aufe::t$fTgfiig‘ “A % % h§é'°C0mmiE) n=s%20ia‘ghafi tow berma m2aV‘i&»:‘; tJhat A it‘ {'9 :"1~fgr3%‘*t:f:;At% “ is i'ef-5 AV1in*g’;~A;:Vtu*d» Parr: bfefbm %;11erI:.qrdA God;A;«m~aghw;Aa;»V;+‘yo ‘rxegrccs hi%naerVg:§Ao»ghe:Vibrmg 1ibét::rJtod=g Fh¢7¢3‘F5~Eh“ ‘W %**?* ‘sinmnhth Wi‘%f¢1Afw14%th thé ~:;fm‘;i"t§” ‘-11%;’? h‘gs?%%?%l%abg~TA~(he r ei'ro$m;y f re ely.,]« «W11: ho u?”1:¥ e%wri1 ng % ggan y’LanVd=1"brd, A gm-t‘9’ &»%a;nVy;pz—:rfo no? hit ‘0w~z}‘?ki‘r1-da: < A V » th’19“f7O & : . ._ - ; (;%'vu%%r~t~Ti9‘:§,LEh;.g«tL) ms contfé rigtx‘ V ?vai:**’»k€>iA;‘4"t1~ieA IA ;, ?wtit“ing ig%f‘o}{;"‘n§*g*”; T ) 1“[ in is men:¢:om4 f A s o:6éfl‘¢,d~Wa‘rra.n: ox;wér¢'At’c{Iaou’IL¢;Vb«‘;=*” Teivcd; éa;a:re*A%%was%xecoaai¢a&amt:emm%; ?:m; ;»+om~“;:;an;%{reefzpgm ~a:o’z%1;;i%‘A3%1+s‘*‘vE>z:',4o¢xf jw[ou1(d+'n7ot“ 4.:eA1I figthe %:au}i”m=§i1»ie%Vt'1_<—4 he * a>iu:e*I’c¢&f ; and V Lwliiiiflagcrs\3yb"§1i*5R§€i§Ofa€:f‘\ <::q;1d as fché 4:?m%t'i%A:£i:%AC%o¥ti”r~: W’é’a’§f§pé4rciig, fthathizrcaufewasn’o§[Vent1;cd. _ A : “$eéron”d1y, {ave %ap,pesaVredA:z5»~w ‘of.t3Is=¢D¢c1arati0r}»and Pfflfeféd Yet: dénVi¢9!%ii*‘s‘~7%:fft1iVS ‘is r§B 1f1.trary' to Mequxaty A an reziio n_f, 1s*’t»%h~:‘ i1#tfdfaWt;§[o%t3” fyoutj: vvgsr A .ar:¢,or£h*ouId4br:bu11t tnpon,«A1f§r4‘i3LiA’ wpuld have 'England‘4to be V*‘:;#;t(3' m=iij mo xi~w“ca.«Ijth,% an dfhLndi§1:.p«§r ~ « % Thirdly._%,%“we defiteid to p%%I'ead' oug::awfi#‘caaI&,1anayb:iVz1é;;iA;“é&’1m,%%%»B:;%c? ‘ ztoId;L1s We mua-an-an A::u;;m.~iy.:i:(;%irpz:,akA£¢5rV;is;ox_¢1s in¢Ajam bMriI=1€s;34S;51r:‘2£dwm{;ofi:Infi;iimé.c:u on, thc gzgswii .Eh"3.p«QfmC_~fl4:4.gflf3 Charm fol, 51. 52. 53.%The‘ fl4ir7j&r'mf_;xfl£cc..‘A A-B‘:rt?*¢;1W%a;u;;x;cn ~*r-nay;féeywmré;xifei;chc’f afhamecf her afraid; an im- fi?iLfie“t;1%;;ei:i ‘T£1;%I:t;”Ef§,3i;%¥a:3'3§'§=}1"'Ci:AéLr»re{’éEdffo%r,.neith6%-M20 refLffe:%:oanfwcr to itzim aA%righAt%é%bn§§W7aZ f?Vi,«,t11éI*éforie, we hai:e’here de1iv’e:red.this upin wt,riting., at_1f%<:1j7W 613 *‘I;";€f:§,3.L‘T\%? thou.gix§:he ~Ki.i'11.g1§"j.? §¢ ‘ -Goh1%fi§b§ffi§Wealth.§$i§% f0-t113fi:;Pf¢£9%gative Laws %cannot.bc-in” fo rC ¢,., gzflnm ‘ ‘ a . fihat I“v}v‘eV have f&.‘;%1*&;ii% afllad 5:ijg:iivni’t“’:h0fé[t1*wee. %m4~en;,%%A;:»Aofza:11:$ Mr; vD?£*’2iEg?Ei‘thw"€*r3 gout-xa: We fi1oL11é;’tA%re«>fpa£Te g‘”gx3;inflz»a,1wy~,,% if Vvve :f¥3qu1‘ci: ?‘§?%C)i“*g‘[?;;w{;:f’é7iL-wug¥&t:to‘~hie2cmTf+mr1§;w§:ah;mheAV;K;im.g--W A A % A n "ti7fc?.*$f£2'rT»*5,r‘t§gcr‘3a1l 1’i{‘:‘.f;'V."CE1‘f‘fii<3._§"‘fii”‘iv,, otE1_dr’vvi'fe=%‘i:$ca>ning'ot“ prv0pt=:r~ly be - V vi °éfi4ef~6fr”eA?wie%';é:fi1~fieFez-et;Im&iof’diggijnxg ta:;9%bn«t%h:aa: hiH;«t.qV‘m.a1a:*emh%e ~ A‘.“" ‘ V,» mfii .« %?:3z4%Gbd; «be»Aa~~c<3rn;nc1Ao;11’tt»1*eéfL':Vr;§v of W»1aveiab%7éaa*44;¢ Who‘1c!mainkind £22 all §ié?bsé9¢1¥ssa4%%@¥.ss§9@§ *réfM;9fAgmgas2:: e7”%@§:*§§§?=’fi“’t ““y§m % :1‘ ;} ly ofi"1c€,L .;mdtheL;1;‘1d*'A9f Engxana Anpw ought to be a¥g*~éeIfa1}«é1,‘andm. A M‘ I Vct3tfirfi*0Vh%:réa.fu$rvi&3;P»iéfi,5b.§£;éafiI6 fife eattf£12xVWa§~i&‘i«ii byzkiwmighw A H I_‘a€E0‘t?’d Eng tVi0*‘t11e*%V’\_7&:)Vr&<.c;af7GndW(mg'hic;i1%AAisf I‘0Ve)I»h6~»’pI;i1fE»;La;N,"{£5§‘figf?i€~' ~~ou1Tneflc, ought to be ,T;ord or élandlord Vmrfer‘ %%AarLAm:h7er,%.but who}: man--i f-kind was mad’: .é:qua1l A,.* ~and~ knit *in;t o%one’ b§ s fine» fpinitéc>£.10:W~=%a:%}A% A »which~ £fi..€l?rriflu«LiI1’:&)."0.’Li Vthcq hope.Qf$gl3oAr3z,c;v‘en.V;a1l% the‘memAbj&r5:Q’5_mg‘ns '*b0Ady',“.1‘£2.“Jkid}C{i1e:Ali‘£.t1CaWVOt1d,~?8Q!E§ VA :;_a,%x~i1§é3g12Aim:t~o%:{equafm:y “of: lowt,e,tApA4A:prrp:—A~AA {GIVEthfl:Wh0‘15€'hOdy.;2‘?_A. §_ Aw ~= fiam fince th ' ffll*:0f;.mfifl am-e:£: +ii1ibyfA::1}:e”x?ijfi“ng'uii of covcto1xfne»£'T€AA the ~h€asrt«@»£ mAamAk§AAr§ Tm ww%hi«.:;h AS:c«rQ§n?V£ éihfi - cAoA:}Af»4:nAted) and fxtcztcmt1aen<;eV;fm~a;rm;t¢:in<1:Awas;=ca1v.Icd%A?-dazm;:AV~=¢§£QA,c%Afl¢:hAiAsv¢g—-f vikniomfi1e{fc»~m~aAk%e,sA Amagrmnd 1:>Ac€.a ”ifFoppdgc df frce_ci%oi11c» iAr;;theA,' $f¢A?* , A t101‘r,A 9Ln“d% by this‘Actvmtoi1‘SA”p9%w¢1';enc;branchof=mankindh§gan r;oA1V;1Af£»* A A u%pAh§mM{&lf ab,oAve%TanothVer,éasAAC’;#inA lifthd w.p.;hAi:n£eif,vanAd “kAiL11N hAi:5 A5r0-— ££'hL6fx%,fié¢*lA : A and{o%onci:Abran%c,I1A-did -M11 a»I1<§§uA%V‘{‘E:.=:£~.%1 :ax3y afy tl;c¢€J:or;1f'or5t3,«A '5” W Offhfi earth {Wm aIlG~N.t-fltir-$aS1i£:."‘iS An-:1-w:thc elderb:r0tb€tAV1iV¢53“1 x «I cowintlall th‘CA_.& A . ‘”and....d1ec¢ivef;s, rulfeti the Namsnsa and for thepre:fe~n~;§;;h¢»41Me1f1cc,d do’: A M A ”oAb‘rér%fi’é2%Vm«tVhe.Aa;fc%o£4zbheA;co§umoq«¢ AA"V"{+£tI:1AA¢iA1:asV’%:.1A3.=%Ax1damVf@1I€nA;;rA?‘0: §m‘;n:_kAfl;}:A ing: 115361, toV~th1s:V§~f»Y*4 d§yg« A jufiificthcéfi Eanhc»rs:rvickcdneiT¢.Aéby holding fafAfaAt,t1%4t A ForAAvvhat; are :_tI1~thcALd vvs'of the Nations, in this corrrgpt .cov1L*:z_:wA«3;c;:s G'overn§ment,lifri11g up one branch of gddzzm ‘mV%anAAk%ifldA 3b0V€$no_t;h;;, the ConqAuqror; abowflthc AAA%conqu€r€:dA4I, nhAdAf¢%At'h?¢ah@v%¢% P.9i¥€ffi%- A bow-::hAem; thamre ¢Ifa’y vAvharA, are%»;:h¢5r“,A»AAAbi2t Pf mwier ” and thcft,;yea~=enmityj‘igfelf,wagainfi phé_La~vv-Aof righx:goufneffq:~,, V. Y‘ (» nu Md Fo a1lI{ing1y¢powcr,:? V(7in’one er (many mam bapds) raign§ngAv§y% ri§{t‘._'4 A £{word,* giving Ache; M‘: of the cgrzh 'tz;3‘{‘omc ofmanlanci (called by 5712 am his‘ Gqntry) and denying the free u_1e gf I_.-he Earth :04 o_tbe_§s,ca}1cd4 the: yA:2~ux}ls.3tEr: A AA:,bfogh¢r3;A orA2¢ommma pt.-_op1c ,Mm.:“noV'0therbn1t arm }1"'I€dAhL1p3‘[)QVfl ..»:5’>¢e;’~,%-, if-;e.Py¢;ogativ¢ Lawems 5€[»¥‘.t1'.:§‘»‘&I‘5"‘,,_f‘(')!1"I‘.!16;’fi-’y’"at‘€’:thcflreflgtb pflcovetoui-1A «gaffe and~bondageAin‘?A"thc crpatmni , A Vhfung up one‘, and caf%:szgg%AAd b¢5W¢2riV% % -Aa’”g¢ iAi1;;1x1é’A;fiArI1 p1aws:¢%thcrt:by “fctAAAfxecg$jAA.VA S§W%:I2‘dbmmd: an*aiA%%t:Aes%thacA the A Kingglaidupon us :Thcrcthrc.t;b"sA'Eygmdm&rnW on:;y=§2v¢rA?A$1ffi6i§h%:f}A§ A-ias of Lords o£AMAaAnnmsA ovcr the Crgm moza Apcdp1¢;;a»andA;fi:sn bé._.“:.A?=f0rc¢d :%%M_t¢A‘hifl._ Lggwyggg to plead than caufias for :he‘xmAA WHéh”_Afht‘y Wsfiblc to ;.A.p1¢adA «:hcmfrJvcs.* , ought to be taken away vmh nth: K1ng1y;&A’fl%“é*~;‘ Abe. ‘it ‘AA? Vcau{'c7the';Y are thc fircngth bflh‘ A‘mi¢“F pm‘°g"iV5iA¢hfiom. W A A Aficcondiyq wc%ju{’rifie Lourw .di1Agg1_n.gmpon gangs’: hA1*I_1 to make: ‘th?é*’E§i"I‘l:h a and.APtrigbmfllytta‘-""Aca£7&:muB%-.‘;:hh¢;iE%ng-1?"?“Q$my:¢"b"‘;‘-“‘:aw swing a? 4 burdchfwéi ‘(mad A I *mmmm%A‘TmafuryA,% b:c%auAfe%4railxk"mrmnJ:mf pwplc AhAaveAAAlcnr* AAamt%anééAAA?‘bP€£urfc gmamd;undcr.;Ath A ?i¢§mh0£EfxomvAwAhommoney and biood was%‘A?é”é mr,A A Mought A:obrainA%frccdomAA%in“the: Land to thcmfclves and Poflerirfi‘? the. A Law ofcmn:Ara&Ab::wccn ParliamkcAmandA?PeopIc. AA A A A , i%ABAuVtAa1Ii'&mzt;Asgpnor asAwel‘I.m:i4ch,,ATcnantvas my gs Landlord, havepaid . Taxes, 13r¢¢..qumcr, Exc1fc,AorAadvcn%mrcd thc;rAl1vcs , to eafl out that AA.A1;5ng1AyoA1fi¢¢.AAA4 A A A A A A ThcrAcfm:c,aIlA {om ofpwplc naught to have frccdom‘ 1n the Land of this ;*thcinA nativit4y,AwiAchAou: rcfpcflingprrfons A, now thcK.ing1y omce is cafi; Aour,Aby their joynt2,fli1’rance. A And thof: ghatdoe imprifrm. opprcflk and make away thv.-.AA l*ivc1ihomd ofjchofa that :15: qp to Atakc~PoffcAfl"wn of this purchafcd frc:domc,arc~Tgaitox} £9 thisBNat1on, and Enemies torighre- onA{nc1Tc:A pufqefie A: And "of phi:“hum-berAare=:AhoIéAV men that have a'rref’:cd,a_r that ma ' ‘ A A arreftzhebiggcrfia,19.173}flndcavwr an advance vfrecdczmg rhcrcforc Ifiy all _ {m:;g'augh:zo have thcu- freedom. _ A 7’ “ » V I A And that in regard they have not only joynad p¢fl'ons»and fmxfqs %toge:bc.:, M but in rcga‘rd1ikewif::, they tc>ok*che:%Nar1on,aAl1 £'3ovcna:gr, with jfipynr; con... fen~rAroge;hcr,_~which chcPar1iam:én1:da.dAmakc. ofwhnm Am %‘Dmé.cthaMc v c:mf::d us to bet, and every am: that %had,;;,mk-‘gin _ir,,. fhould ;~;'aiIi€T’: zAh0177':;:AAA%:%thM had taken ;iAr,».whi!Ac they wcgc: in%p¢r-- %£uiI;=:zh*crcoF, Aaflsin :‘hc13xt%hA,A$rc:iclv3 oftheNm;iona2l CovenanrA T A ” nosfvV;_¢Mr Wrake that was our: that..,madc;chis Covenaht , ~T"and(¢;hc ;jS?u%rr¢y:%M1n1t%crsi x:!r;acAmok ix: withgr_caczc}aIAgrffingffang, whfichA-1%was ; cye;i'w1tnci{'Mo and. fha;II Abra“: ':thc1§:ihypocr1fie't‘hcrtin ,h£|_V€: {ESE upa A :I.:cM1A£/c:rA‘A%at Czwéwm onBApurpoicA%ta§ix1vc off chcxggers to %fQr1%:1w‘AAt%hc- ~pcrA1“xx,i:,o£‘t1heir §;;§mzenanVc are+:hc§maAi”c vehement; tobrcak ”‘CAovenainmand -~moA%;mn::‘zex% Athcm t7h‘T"a%g w-Quid keep’ ifi nciihcreaitring into peace thcmfelvcs, nor”* ii%f"r‘cringit Mm A-tha£Aa;:&¢mrz1ig,imV4xm enter. 1. g ABM, an ‘xjwcgard A A ii;§iig;HEOn.G:ar :%w %:%hc:¢V§y to‘ take 1 P®%oH}:fi3on‘o'f=Atha:%%.%frm::dbm:£: m.%.m~sm rm:c""t5”v""é”i‘E7Ta OF cfiwvA%hands%of; the. 3 Kinglyw0%Hiae§:V3nd¢4 thcmby cu?méavnur‘RAefb:Ama:ion incur pi-ma andcal- ling aazcm rdmg tn. the Word u‘f€5odA {”wV;i1ich7is ‘I. ova: ‘:) And whilc "wt: 3I;1' A- p:;;imuxnd.of, this uurCmrcnan:, we e;s:pecSHao::§z AAParl‘i:;«;,m::nt th;a:_.A made the \ ~ Covcnam,and:AthuQflficermfth at (3uuni:.,1:a’?u:d men: MinifimAAA, and Lords V ag Mannaxs th;mf.{gIv—~e::s~A,'4 Wand yugfpcxaially ’"13V2%~;ialg~V, tnalfifl us hcurciu, :- AA gainfi ail [ME fl1_al3AAwnppMa: us; In t_b1sd*:mg:m¢ »_of'migkin‘g Earth A ammmcm Trtraipury ;ramd»:r:ot:m:bta!:Au's,*impr1ion.;us,m rakcwawayour - mcflms Mo; livcs, unltfffc cbeyrwill wAil£7nflybmalg(L‘e:v¢nant with Gad, and man . :9» plcafc ‘them own eovccw-sv@AAtrow4ard hcmzt , and zhcrk:by.M% dcclarm: u ‘ fliemfclves £0 be :he%wmV1%u£VmAcAvi1sfl;% A 4: é A 1 Therflore, in £hiflEcW C dne;.d2gj_upon4 tharflill“, we. d%o»nm: rhcfim by take - away othcr mam riglf1cs;.,nci$thcrA=do .w'eA:Adaman’dA of this tT%:oun;%,% qr ff'r<:: m zthc ‘Pariiamem, what. is thcixs and not aura %2’%'Bm: we demand our =oiwnuto%be fer ¢ xm-;A:o usV4and them mun. mi" rm. :Tufn¢fl'elbe out Iudge; the-mflcrc we lmplelycm lwlllda nothing ralhly, but l}:riaL:llyl¢«mzli&g§‘. ldcr uf this canfelbcfolle you prmzecd ma cxccuczmaupaln us. l _ l l Ynufay Gm! will blafl; our:wml-I, and yam: lily, ycm are in the right, wind we arlelin l:~l.w.: wrmgz ~Nln.w" rif yam ‘be Chrillians, as ymu fay yma am; Thcnxlm: youlacft love mus, l as: war dam to ymu ;; and let: bozh {ides waitc with patience on the hold , t0T¢'¢'Wllb he blcslfels ; but if ymn loppofe by—AA violence; aizrcfius, 1"u'«:lgr:,: condcmu and lcscecuzeuve, and yet wlll 3 notllfuffi: us to {pale far but tizlvcs, but you will force ,a1“s co gm» mmzcylmg our lEncmics m {peak for us,furcly Jyou camlmhéflly yoL1r=;qaufcA islrighcgbur: hcrcby you‘l»jluflifielour cmxfg.-‘Ito 1:): ti ymu am: éha»lPc!r~Fecucors of a lsavilnlg meek {piritcd people; and for dc¢lar¢ that the Gad you fay tlm: A will blatl us, is lcovccoufmzflc, whom yawn i fiervc by lyovmz pcrffecuting powcr. c:'az:etzaz7z:l mglat rm; awermml: ratiaunllficbtfirr an ltimcg Al ¥ V 318! mmwml fight mu}? cavgqraar aamwn: m1?gol2r,and;:4t£m’: tbcl l‘i§fl' M“ lmim-',. ‘H”lIaaIlm1:wZs'r§gbteaw:,iu/Wizaldgaad,firlvanlkfafin lértbe rtlalal, A sf l T l , ‘ ' Ifutlwbafi mm 6} tlaleflajhly mil; daclargsbimfi-lfafiole. _ 7. Wcllgllals lame ‘writing was d¢'li«m¢df ixnmqthcir Court, butrhcy calflfiir away and wmuldlimt rc1cllc,»andA:aAllll wllrml b::~caml'cI would mt: Fc:c%Vrm At». A curney; and nhan the: mm: Cant: dazy fnllowiIIg,b¢fori:::hcm WM any crlyall A of‘ellm:' caulk , far thexvc was new: fuf-fired m lineal: bu: tljcPéai.z1tlPfc, they pafl’t=:da~l‘udg&meVnr, atid af:cr:2:lha.t av: llc”*;m:cu::i«L»n.A A w A V A Now lhc1r"Iezry- was lnnal<:l¢:‘A of ndll Frflewhalders amzlg fuel: as llmd flroxgglyfiur ‘aha Nmlrxwln pmwcr ": Anal tlmugh our} diglgitxgtzpmn than barren Cmtirnanllmmtlm define azhc Common g”-zmd , wt lzlzles uty b:»'ix1g:lsA in édamagcsof can pmands a. mm _, and the charrgcs olklwe l3laiz~m(?é'ciinl:hcirl ll Cour:c,: wcmyllnilam—{l*ia1llwg«; and 1 pcnygand this pafling ofllw Exucunlmx upon 113. 7 was their fiwmtnzze amplmc l B 2 A ‘ And Sl M ‘ (3) . . %fi %A..t1dzdayesafi;cir( forirzx thistaibchay cantnd a”caufeTpccd1lyA :11 their Ctmrt but when the [Am.urncy wand Lawycrsa get: mnncythcy keepacauf: dgpmdirag {even yczarcs, to the utter rm om is :hcL‘aw,.A*and Lawyers) 1 fay 1 A CW1‘. the execution, and they pm: Henry Ba‘£‘k:**/3“.ffi" ii“ Prim”: but after three dajgrcs, Mr&‘Dm&e relmfgd him again, Evvkarflwfv mgr knqwimg of krill the releafecamc; They {wk %af"w.x 4179; mxsmr so 1m1pr1fon”hls~~body, whogis a paste: man not worth ten pounds.‘ C duimgof” that parties, fo unrighxg... _ . two dayes afher they fem: to écxcm f V Then they cam%:privam1yby”da3; to Qa-rrazrd 5‘Vin/3481:}! hbufe, and dmvc away foure CQWES; I r1ot“::u.ih be: To goochwhy wiAil1they~mjt;%% i"uiTer%usdt0 (peak, ‘Aand "let rea- A‘f0r2’and equity, ::hc‘*fom3dation of'%Vr§gVht¢om:.Law*es,judgm thcmand us; Bu: i’rran’gersmad¢ réfhiic of" thofc cO‘%:”‘V1'5a‘3Ud drove them ai’cray%=iou: of the‘ BaiIi{¥cs t2an~ds,% {Q their 4r%hcAB”ai2it¥e-.sAA lofl ihem; but before the V*BaiIifl’cs~ had lo%fi”the7%Cow§%:s, I hearing of it wen 1: to them and {hid here is my bziydy, take me that! Artifiécgme to*‘~i"it:5caktoLho{i:%'I\(gnxman:A VA xhathavc Home our 1and‘t'r"ffih¢Y 31"'~’~’mn€ °fmin3';3“d u. aftcfir fome.rime.. they h%d~9°thingiagain1% myxbody, it was my gggds 'the%gv%rg;ecogavgigfttjfifi {and I yak; myigoofdg, For the Cowcs are ac: Lm%iz;e;. ,a,ngj,{,_f'c) I;wgnt« awayanddlefc r.h.emu bfimg qu-mt m my heart-, andwfillgdwithvcoiiifort wiminmy (elf, that the King ofrightcflufngflh wt:m1d€a%u~fe this ‘La work an: the advancing AofhisownQiauifézrwhich ipgc... % fer éboveéfi~a*teoflivclyhood, A ; . , . V A A saying within my hcattasgl wentalon§,that If I could not get meat to%eat,1wOa1d feed upodbread, milk? :mT‘checfc ; and #if"’:th‘cy%ta%kc the Cixwcs, «shat; Icanbpcwfcedon -cl-1is,’ot h%eVreBy makca b;m' becwcm me: and41rhiAm thatowm: the Coma, then 11:: feed upon mead mad beam, till thffl King (sf rigfzteeufneifc cileanup ,my§innoccncy~_,%»%~and4 xzha juificva ofhib ownAcAauil: ; : andif this bmakenfrom Vma; for Iflmflifliaimlflg his Caulk,’ I16 fland 1’cii1iandFée what he wilI%d;oe~w’ith me, Far as yet: I know her. A Saying1i!mmox1h%wv:afl:h, that is lco bc a :fr:c:.:- land far theljlibm: ty:,an,d1iv::lyv- ( Yet Wyllmmhzhmlzonqucrours Army begins 4 to gazherinwhhéad agaihd gndjhc ‘old Narmam Prl_e3:ogativc% Law is hth c place of A thcrir ,rahd¢*;z'l%'nu$ ': ltfmlrl A tlmugh Lhmchicflcaptain Clmrlaxhellgmc, aye: , his A CQIODCZIS5 which ayxsc; Lord;-lqlf Mlannours, lhislflouncallomis and lDivincs lwhlichflwggmux Lawydxsj ‘an,d1" ‘Pjlmlls, %hislinf'£:xiour ofliccrs and&puldicrs,llwi xiehl arc. the Flrcgzl-mldlla::rls,l A g:;;llords,l all whaeh did flea’! away ouxrll~Laud.{rom us whah r,hcy¢kilIcd and murdmd ‘ouzlFah.:hers in that 1‘LW’”"”?F%Wqd€fl .-A Andllltlhc lBla:illifl?emmt archflélvcs to thcsr covemus lufis axzdalhhaté %1g:,:.lx:zx&anr bawlxlnghlwggme;2;;aga:;nl’c our digging for filepdcsmxe, art; tht‘: 1_"h?$p£J€kb@yfI§aHd lLhc%;hlm,mu%ngi£iQnl flux: xhat1ollowl:h¢Narman€«3amp. _ \ l l_ ' fl “TE1‘_e‘{.€.IaIe.a,’I}:‘ Pmving to get intp a hodylagamc, that theymaylferulpa ncw Nb7?é>.mn flaverlch aver us ; and the placc: of'_ their lramilrsz wuls , 1? rate‘ gati-vc power 13 ffcnm:-Ad gAlrcadyh,@Xho4g?g¢, wlxth; Luneofcommlunlcanon. .l'7”vI)-I a& made by 2 piece ofthc lPlafl1;.+.mcut to maintam the o ld~ awcsl :5 lwhh:h% if Onccthis Campbfi(011ifi¢Q%:?i~!§‘w;hi$*7.ifi1"“T5537-hr lirwil1.7§oi“c:manyl~a hffighgg’ iI'Jg__hCil1'[, amd‘;"b'flK.~d‘gl‘nc“\d l‘piri::heforc it be taken. ' O _And,th;’s Camp larelgot imo lb numemus all body althady, lthal: they have appoin: ed their Smzlcrs :0 drive away the Cowes which wax; my 1hh1ively,hood,l ahdfom¢.afthemhh they would fell In make emohcyl of‘ to pay» zhc Ax:lurnr.:y,l (hlaler, and Lawyerslthmg fec;s,5'for.denyimg the: diggers mu: %pxiVillcdg¢;toplcad our owncaufe ,; for "a5‘,V‘\'1,Ai’£‘:g‘,1;$_¢A,:lear1y fimn tlsanxfllwchbcl lfuflhrcdhaofimak we flaalillzatxer tollpieccs allhzheold Lawcsl. and PIKQVC the maihcaligers of chem hypocrites and Traitoursm mhislC;Iom‘nm:ln wealzh of lfingl.-mrd,andl thgn [ht Atturneys and Lawyer:lTradcg<3::s dow_n,a:nhd Lords oflmxmcaursmuhfl be reckoned equall toldther men.MAndl thi5COVCtOnsJ, ficfifmd blood cannot endure. And“ olxhcrhof the Cows wet: to he ‘lcillcdfltcti vifi hallchc Camp,that iAs,Vtov l AftedllxhofielNarm;m.caW:l Star 8.: 1\7:d.'%»tItta1x,b0th Frechmlders, ac; whats the {napfaek boy es,hand zlmmunitima drahs tlzzax helped to drivclaway the Cows that they might hr: enifiouragecl by a lbtliy full offioln gooc:ls.xo$l1?iick the ale-4 ~ fer to the butimflh l aznothcr time. Or enema price of thefe “C:~¢,»wcs were ltohpayhforliihe lack and Tobacczol whiah the Narmam .(fl'1¢¢fg of Knights , ’€afcm1cmcn, and pinch FrccholdcrsMlldid fpcud~at (hr; Whincxgionlac Cabbam, when when they met the 34. of Aug»/$1649, to ad-éifé together what colurf: thty flaoufd take to fuhduerhc diggersh; for {1y1’hry,iFthe caufe of aha dig. gets (Maid, we {hall lofi-allhhourhonour and citltsmnd we that have had‘ the gllmyof thccanh {ha}! be ofno mmc ii¢cwu*n:thcx1 rhofisflaves our fcrha vants and yonger brothers that have bccn'fi<:otflooIsA to ushand ourFa- thers ever fixicefthc N0‘*'mm¢ William our hclovcd Gcnetall took this” land (nmby lovc) but hyha flmarp fivord, the power which wéhihnd: ‘and théaughwc c»wh‘Chrif’t byhname, yet we M11 notdo has he did to five‘:-h nemics, but by mu" {'word we Willh-d€fll‘Oy%Ql1.X“tEUé;‘mi€s,. and do we not de- ficrvc the prim qfihhmc ofchc1d:ggc.=:.s awe to} pay us for this cur good fi~:r:... vice?‘ An&d%hdhdc%mt Ourhrevfifctid Mizxiflcrih mill us that William the Con- qm.-rffbur, fmdthhe fuccecdingiiingswete fifmds armminted 2 Add «dc» gnht theyfixy‘ §:ha;t c>u1"inc1Murcsvvhich were gm: by that mt~1rdc.rEzng fword and givcnmv William chc Cothjiqhucrofiur go! our Fmhfls, and‘ fr: fucccfi'ivIyhh_frci>m “therh;théhhl&‘nd“i’$7 oukrinhm,'i‘t:xn¢¢,and that j»i;T‘,-mgih gav: it 11$, and (B1114 chc:f'c~ jbwk§*:n f&1Ihw;s,:g1fiH’ hcggarly to new takehurh wights from t|s,an‘d%havcrhe hu{: %of«hthhhhc1a{nd“é‘quaIl wixhh us? T % up do thcf&W_Narman Gchclen-mu comfort thcivr h'cart&‘,ha‘r1d1”npp0r§ thcmfclves with % bmkmh rccdg %whhcfif‘hthéy ‘mqtc V wgmzhcr ii: th‘r:.'ir C-Iou;n%f?:1s. “ Ah * But my you Norman@¢ncI¢men;%'l’Ethhx1i§§L$puthiti hiihkhhwisrd amtmgflhyou; doth ah.-A: mUfdt!"¢1'M$“ fwvrd A make i any to be Ghdhsh haknhhinccdh 1" S‘urhc:7ly, I¢r,;s Chrifi was cal1cdhGbds*amnbim[t¢d not hccaufi: ha‘ ccmquc:-5 had with a Sword of iron‘, but hcéau$E”hi§ac“éWriquherédhl>Jy lDV¢',,‘aI]d_ ch: fpi. rit: of pazicncca thcrefora your financial!‘wamdtj‘@0cis‘annointcd, as; A Andrhcn the Earth was net! hmadc" no he the £'u4:‘¢.§¢efl3v‘e' inhtm-‘mac of :‘ hchildxmofmurdercts, chachadchcflrongcfl arm‘ of':»f1:+{h,h ind I:hc’b:fl:§ f.wam,% that can treat! ochcmunder {hat with hahold brafén Forehcadundcr Colman‘ Vofrhc: 1,aw@rju14ic¢ as the Narmdu pawn: docs_.;But it was midé For A a.ll”by thcLaw ofrightdcufhtffc, and he gives the wholc Earth cohhBh‘*d‘of',lt.:2vc§ A zvvham Ihhflervc, did not can the catch. ytouxinhctitanccfimuztingout uthV¢,r;s.A,; hutgaive chicficmh to bi a,'commonhhttc1furi'c%to whalemankind”(wAhq,ist1i¢:§ ‘Lord. efit);wi:h_ou:xe‘1"pcétAofpgrfonz, 1 A A T 4 « M A h ‘V " U2) % ’ AA TAr'wi:r powmr cafiovefls the King of'f5§}Wceufncfl§é, the I.ordGod%A'L I Iflifigiiity tf.t12:%fi\7‘a-TE’-rjtg thti whofc Cteaman in‘peace,that is the: Seed rAba..t breaks "¢;z.gVc3m:-u{§2c{7I;e t!:eA::é ScVr¢gent~s?.fm;d 3 ha is the 1‘eflor3mg"power,i that is, now‘ A A 1*:i‘~;¢ng upxa i:h;1;%,;g*,¢ jail k:h'mgs"in:o his awn nature; he Aw?” be yam Iudgg, » For vienga:u:;e 351155 ; apdfl for any vvrcizteg you haAve?donci13c7,a$$V%%1 can tell yea Aof,Ay¢t Ixhavegiven all matters ofjudgmcnt and Vengance into his hazfmhand I am f’ure\hcwilI dod‘tight,A and‘wdifc‘ovcr~him th » V A % A “r; is the cAruc% Trcfpafl’:r,that:akci#:awa%y my fightgfffim Amfi.‘ ‘ A V ” yhndmkc notica afnh,is4,youLVoVrc!s_of Mzmnorjs’, azad%VNd§jmanGemry, " % V “ though ycu fl.-1ouA.Idk&ll myibmiy or Ram: me in prif'on,% y¢c”“;,know if ;1«,‘,;; Athfl; mcare%you fisfivc, the more croublciytm h¢ar:sA£1m1 bicfilled fitith; “ %;%hiid4f d0c‘ the worfi ycu can to hindgr publick Afrfcedom; yea &A1&AlI” cgmg f”I:Jfi'-1‘é!i1's in the lmrt-ndA 5; I m:am:*yo&u% fiiall loll-yau‘rA K1'hgd§m gf daxkncgifr. %cEu‘:augB I M3: my li1*‘¢1ihciO3‘i ht“ pear Cawcs :hz’tisAVmy'AAliVin4g, L umlflzould be imprifamd ;%ygu*hav%c‘bebn3§old this 1; Montfxi agoélghgg yeuflmbuld lofi: grcaund by fir1mf1g,. and wxllynunot talk! warning , 7wm youjnccds fhamg your falvcs, :9 let the poor: Diggers taI§e& away your Kh.,gdom¢fggm‘&4»yau? fm-gly, the powcrtfzac ‘inn chem Hvill takerkg rule ‘aim gofitzrn ‘%cnt%*‘A fb§w§n*%~xw,and _g1vcAA1At a prop]: that will m;k¢ bctterufi afic; A % % " Alas !. ycmpaor biind eafiitli njoixlt; you flrivc to take away Im-l%i...; V hcod_.,A ané the Iibairtywpf (Iii; fibdfiweak flan}: my body of flcfhg ‘which is my hgufé I’dwc1%1~*1$n* for a I:1*me;%butVI flrnreto cut’: down your king- “e!mn% of darknA"efl"e; anew opgn I;-Icll gates, and tea break the Devils band; A A ,Afu,,d¢; ,Aw1-1;-rcwith % ycau are {ltd , that you my Enemies ‘may ]iv¢f”jn ‘A . ‘Pg3¢;¢, A ‘am! thac’A is 411 the harm I would have you to} have. Thucfcare you Lard: 131' Manama; Y§’U“F1‘cc—holdérs, “you Norman: , C1ergy,opprcfi7mg Ticbmuagtrs an and Wu 6»? the PIt1iamen:% mengthac A __\h3.VC.7Pflfl.id_f&fiZ and loofirz with chis“poorwNItionv, for what: is pa{'tA:1ctjit A A A 4‘ egaef %A*hcrc:afi:é:r advance _fiiAq:cdmn and liberty: imd“ fvluck up bondage ; a$nd* % finne no more .byLord1=ng it over your %Lords>mdA‘ Mafiérs, that fat you upon thofEParIiamcm: Scntsficfl Warfc thingt btf'a”UyouA than ycchmch. A A Burro return againtomr gildgm advice, that Accurncyvof’ Kiggflam: A ACourt, and cheproccedmg ofthac Courtwxnh ch: Cowes _; yam heaije how A A they ‘did judge, cnndgmn and execute %Wm¢%, no: fuffiring me as fiygak; 1:15 %.cVhough:ho£i- four Cowes wcrc refcued out ofchcir hand’; by;flx;uAg¢;-5, A_ not by mt ; and {'0 by their owtzhivr,‘ they flnould have lot)ked‘%afi:s~:r%:Ah'c " Refituergyct contrary to that awn Law, they came again: to ¥'P'i?gfla¢7![t’)'.t glwclljnga forcizight af'tE:r%, and drove away fizvgn Cowa-as and a Bullin the night "time, fame of the C-awe‘; bcing Ncighb0Aur’s that had hired paflui'c;~ pA;1dy¢c%thc dzmagcwhich their Norman Iury, and ‘thsir cavctbus bg... Ca)“ ~{'ot't‘edAiT‘gncsmat* mturheyflilr ‘§ilder, bad1uc!wgcd ‘xne to ‘;pay\f Fqr an Tre{i;afi°e% in diggitjgupon that barrm ~Gmge‘s Hill, was bat ¢l;év:m“‘btvnc;_ A :m;dpo'm~ Cmwcs ifl kmrp them in the winter, chgzy am Iikem ,b;w?poorc$r Fax ‘fax wan: wf‘;r€ayA ; For befora the Vrcpnrmfczsur diggiugwas44mu¢4h kmzawn,‘ I ‘%bmug&liVz%:¢hr:颢 Agzméx Ofgtxe £“i”¢:%‘of' at W«‘€:fiax3n:;1;;4, 4whg‘.m»;$wi1l%n¢;c here na%me:‘bccm£&e“1Aiknuw the cmmcezl mfmtharéffi‘53d¢i33A¥??.*£5i5i‘5Y“¢ faffto meg wrwiw2A%thc timecamew~MuW,Ibr0Ugm monvwPWJ‘»irm14Ai‘f¢F94r¢Ahnmd; but he}an§‘<¢yer€d mml fi10?UM"“m5%h3V¢%i‘a b%i1*3f<-fid 3:? 33¢*?V35”1§5§7F??5%Vi§:,w?:>¢f6ix;éimy 7 fzutczz mag Wm brecm.zfi:~his PéMifl1P;ic:£‘t, mditifim my %e;:m::; tkumlmy rm malt ha~w::£¢:& ‘JP “~.I-*‘*"’&‘”‘3-“%3.."-C95’I9QmfMfa¢l%%t*W*€&é2%;3~“ w pmzmh dawn the Dégger?s,%Mve bid thc: people Mather E0 buyhéibr 17:21! with am burs, :3 beat us, ixtzagwifmn um um’ bmxziifla us ; and the::mby/r:1wypmv,¢ m‘m:z:mi"é:ives~z'o be mcimjbcsa of aha Beafl :ha¢c‘had tw0horns,3iAkm%iL:mzE3, am gust like:; a, Dmgcm, & fa they fulfill thaz.Sircript;am in 2%m;*;%¢,&-,,; 6, Mw7.t,n:'a mm mxzggxfir My mzdjell, jlwe Isa that lam! the markaf tbs! B[§c;cjé. ()£; eA1{‘e‘ii'mm§yfl may «Mi: on purgaofe NJ quicken me m our%Awo;k5” a‘nfc?ico dfivc az‘_~‘.M:’.£“1» Phm aha Cwmmons withallfmrm‘ as my be. T A A" E 4 E um wtlkmugh the Cowegswcren.paor,w.y¢;»s they cm: %mo::,$ fa théskinsc win but pay the M.urvyck:*s and Atmrncy; Gifdfl h_is‘Fcé:%sJa;nd%che%flefl1 rJoif¢ed%zhe& f?:apfack!r»m3;c§,ei§i1srm «eat and nmk*cVn1erryWizh, Vprmem to fiéli to ifrmkn Mgnnneey .afl m pay ::h0ietM%1: drive%a~.3s:ay Vthc"C0wcs for fthm§§;4;¢g ms chargm zfimy have bmcnm, in,*t!?1;1sA I3 wccks‘fir1v1#ng tca}a§:ac gthc Diggcyg Qff thaixr v§:o_;r§§= Eu: aha bones; w11Ifm'v%c thp BAan;hf*f”s Em piLck,b¢,cauF¢%chm% ;;_¢$f;mA V %w:.111m’V%%bm:%h%%.M4.mmed c§.1icverAy in Afiealimg attmhs.-:3.‘ mansA&cm teI14, a§V:adV'§;h'¢ig# A, " ‘M2. _ A A 1' crefpaficverv arm agamflchc famfieémaynain <3p%*n1ngv aI1rVheG3A¥£§ raw? 3" 55¢ 3F°iu9d»,w hcré W554/34%‘! dwelsd mud 1c;u:&1-imgs aflfi ccmrncm Ca:-h ’lf.c:}.1_;intOVt:h¢ I‘Eafiding;mbAaxIVy,at3d othcx _cotz33:?&whiqh‘~%%ahc fight owner Fwi-E:-Q fmk fa‘:isfacSi'ionf'or.; » A “ ” A A ‘ ~ * A 30«§h%%*”fM‘%31¥Y°F5hié%N?5FmanCamP again“ V W D3§»gw's«3dé'§i;Ja'éWf; %”t§1’attihc;y‘w_§;m3dvnOtt0uIy*: drive [avivay Na1l_;~:Ahe; Qowes M1_:ap?c:>rH;h§: ggrnpmd ,b:m p*jéy‘1;%,thc cjam soomtxd any hm they lfmd?44dm2¢‘% this ;%mifahicf 424533; 3.y2§fff:%,§g. the ¢2i9h:i' .Né'm*z~an fna pFaVck%%bcycs wmt hallnvqijng and i”i1oo:%ngA,:§2si€‘ {hay Wc~rc4'ditihL£il5g;3&?a VVTii£:f0‘t‘3 ANS fm%glad,th::y a.%rém% d%wn'zii2;{§iéf%%t%o {Em ;53gg&";‘rs,4:%m«a: 4tl§rey might hinder cimwsatk c;AFfx e¢»dfim3:%.% M o r,“ W: “‘ ‘ w r A1V:i"7dWhvhy%%% are chcy {'e> furm1z«S us»: 2 hsm bcVcmfc m*cjefi$dm3?:;§,zrF::y fff:ir%%* TyVcht-$=,t hair 1?: 3. may ::;;'::.7 6Fmsj,‘n’hc§ sf ;;M?:i'ggus,}“ a #51 11311 :53 azgfxtz aizci “Ti”? fiarkrw{7T“*,AWhera~by"ci1cy gag; n'm;1g5y.undck mules ;::fLaw; and w 'pj1%a'nt flue.-: plcfmt \V fijmc: zircess offm:c§um,%i%n xhz: ma-am 'of*£h;:.%: <:w:f':d z.1.£‘~.u%Idiet$ %wh¢m ,isi&.hc: .pricI::_ of y«:>u%:. him-J CHI ‘‘ “n‘dA CL¢%:%lm;;£;j;cg1p::a,%ygumarenkem mm, m be beam 4 tW,M‘?;1‘m zvwm a ntff11n£'béFt1i¥:f¢fii1’tt5 Nfay%Wh?y3x':c.i§cu R), and fl1;;§IVli‘“:aV¢ no mmcdy,u£1~:-- A Eéffez _yoVu1wi11F¢;:Ai Lawyctfifan mmy ). to plead Fur you, whz::n_y;ou axzc 23;‘: m3 w~ichrmare%pea.c=:—and4;;qui¢:%n¢»fl5c%. ; p fifimf-' WA”P3¥5i?¥,§’1”)Ii‘:y1zr;0W V 11%: 3 Qtiric7adAf?:§V¢3’£1«%»*=@i¢€aW; i%h¥;;y&,:sig%;g%r<;se.1>*‘:‘{cl-f";:md% flwez :h:an,ghargc%,V Mjzd » 4 AnflyQufl,zm‘14 1’;»,I’“g‘%fg:An+cE*:§%rs,a%nei%prof?:fi'ar5ofzh¢City =:>tA~LémdM,and_ycAmv- Zgggac%Owffi§;§¢.r§ MdA1SQuidie:ryoflcbe A:-:%my.s %Wh:r“c'%are all yctir Vi5’tm;ic's » ovcr*e\bgCAvai%icA::s;%AA:h,:at%My%.ot: made: {ucha blame in wt: Land, in givzsrtg God (th ‘at; s%,.3m.1,a#sxdTw¢h§waIxyamAb:-ggc:d4in" yam Fafiffig dayeAs,az1d gfxmrifizsg E 2: ~g , arc; «ea W‘??? PA7xi¢1f(:>§gAM:ia.A:4i4$v¢% Léxwx {%\mdA?4 %whac fm:dmm”mcéxx:: did ymz give t}'s:a}_‘1§s:£ for? A ;;gxtVh3;§: you had kilI%£d; him than ri{;h.:pon4%y<§ a.r.1y,mx %sna5r,g%g:c up,[ 3.;41ti';{ Thfaddlcto xmeufibu others; 0 sham Ci:y,thnuHypoari::ica!i City; th_-tin A b“2i?ndFc>!d.drfl0wfig.~ Engiaszd, th at flcezpfl and {:1 otflzin che~badV5V%§%f‘%cgwe%.; I ‘ffune;$1;s;jz1%:o tbrz; Mm‘ Mimi‘ again ,and mxzfi mr: Loki > mifneflcé%av§ak¢;%‘aVwake,Mche Ezmemécs is upon my back, h‘e[irrcad3i¢A 4z0 fc:ai¢% M the wa1is”fan‘d cntcr Puff. Hiun, and W315 thou mm: (wok but? A : Dms not the 1} .t«:::amc$ Mbcmdagc run Aimh-cV fame river th:IaVt4it: did,\?%'a.n&iA‘% with a. bigge; {imam rf N=JNrmanpowm‘; for yg—zuVawz%kcn%not be- ‘times,-flrxe flcmd uflzhzr N';;yrmat1AE?rcrag;;ivc ‘power, w1zlAAdrown yc:uV an’? hm,~’s riaofg riv_gz:'s~-cvpmcsiintq the %nm‘ nc fhfcam, fincc :;_h1:+ florm fi;1«§,anjd . izhc wamrsozf fuz yjtixcs vary high, baukgd in by Laws; and ‘while you are- malkirzgfand*diFp1{ti%za4gV%a!zo;2:A words,-thc N‘m*manA Asouldierscariz iécrctly w@§ki¢ng¢§m9ng<3%3 §é¢irro.r!s? ’“§?i“5 ==@d¥§w1!!sa¥e awa:#r;% ff‘ ‘ '5 V ‘V21: 5 V. aw’ V, . , ‘ 2.‘ ~ ~ ‘‘ =r A»: ‘:‘,:, Vfl_:.\“;,- ,W, “ . ‘awn %I;(m§gi::::s.fl ¢nfI=¢m.¢n,mnd4l‘3r¢mho!d¢wI1&t:-t{at it} can: mam arch: w§1;im_,L mg ml We Eemkcfic «c5f‘a*1I ym.mv1&arxesA¢by °a fi1b”tHi')2c3:3 0Fifm.§AeIa>t?éi Ifa‘Awcs;A‘Aw with we {ward in the field cnuld tmt~:—doAag:ainfi:%yau : wd wheh yCs’u;have7lofl that fmti‘dom,whie:h. you bmficd wfuhqf yfpu will 1ea$vcVAroy~ou: p0fi¢i;ity,. than Wm %mm%Mgivc thank“? Wu -ghac vag pumd In vm.rds,mr theychat ‘i*a.~yA¢;Im{cir1~ aV&~iorii,;w$ni£ing tmyrip up yam- hivgas by P0lli=Q*yyWh3H*KhfifiW0§dA £.mmlai: rm W .% 4 % 1m11%:Acheq:A;h4:;g1E% ;1gf£#,a'&, .rh?bum~ii$:+1aww%aArerafllFA iAri1tm:«<:;-1,:fnc£f¢;%~.,r:cih¢§cit¥%W:iA AAim¢ébub;t%1c.;:gr¢a‘aai?l4,a1Lc;viI*rfo: Vphnt Izhcmis th¢“7%%1&V.§¢Ai3¢rt1154 kw WAfl,‘Whi€h-YW4&€WE?fiAght4-aiAfli%rg4 ;grcatA~P%ri“h~ écs of light and Adaxkncs, bondagmmd‘ f're%:;¢;lWc3m*, tlh. a tAda&s“£1€E%;é If! fiflflifi gram‘ contwvcrfics A‘ of A char‘ trir:1:1A;<;!'-:'7I’kVi»ei?:”%arc:;_t,!1_e&:;,mma‘chfat;£iitAinthfisba3fi‘n¢‘:;§k:imcis, rm wickgfid was c<>urice;s;s;A+%b4cza» ynI;i~!—'@i$b¢ fa;cx::;vi@A:;:sémd%ru;riqus%mgaaAnAa us, ind fhé:‘:‘§‘g¢h%5¢35?“$ Cifififi-§;.th.aL§' back mnd&munncJi§ us.Jt:n.£Iovc~%y«E2xrAAuurve"fi“émiE1%;* Aad do Wei I‘lm.:f'¢ec~£‘h mt; Cjcéal,.;¢?mm#g%*?é‘mjhAd %¢>47mdl¢ck gan’d4:i1A1*'Ath¢1‘7a%l¢°f fifth”: 5it‘x%‘at3E=’~' mnsgI.or_d“s,%%2nlighAts3,Gc>n;I=éAmefl;I.dLW*y¢jr*$ ui£1fF«¢s,i*’%ri;::Afi¥_.;AA#:4nd EH thé Nmfizdré Th fuck b’oy;:9;;~at1d*ammgxnicicrnwAam¢ziA‘co rhé old NjmhwmwCamp’ do a‘I1ccsmbii1gVtm gather irsirhc tart ¢éfur*13*g*?,*¢A;<2*3%fury.mdrAivcth4wp%rmrc%d53gcrsA«:~fl‘fmm ah,cAAir~mrkV, that Ish¢?%M£fi% Wfiiflimmmfifiity: md.€1‘cc&’1mmc whtzchis hémihmay new bc%%k?n*ov§v%n%i*w Aem'ch.~ Thus have dc:-flu p1gWirxIyAwi%4c~h yrm al¥,a:nAc§‘ I havci tibhflazcermd Ihfrliaufincntj A»r"my,City,tmrf Cnuntt=cyg,buVt-havcAAd¢c1m‘cd in %Vt.hAis,‘md tuber writings the mate light: Vofthm ttmhrévtalbd to mc:“by «mt: ward mfthc Ldrd: and I {}1a‘1lAxics4w wait.» {:9 930% M5‘ birxdji mdo’ h.i..«: own wmk xin,%whm: ;AArimg:,a,nd by what iufirizxncntshe plea- fe,s;%Amd .1 £3:e’nhc%poarc1amuf%%A;fit»{?c% bk: Apiatked mgmmnd hanmtxmd in ghize? woxk,forAtb:.-y begin to receiver-.;h:e ward ofrighucau~fm:iTe,but' ch.-.« richgcuerdlly arc}.-ncmics cottufi Ex¥ecdomc.~ .. AA‘ AA V ~ % * A N V [V A " M ' V 5?" 12¢-“work offigging gag.t~ angand §fa}v':~:»:at fin‘ a”refl‘_{$“ T&¢~5G‘vWc: wtrcgagzc, #1T'¢Af€¥6j¥ f?3’Td,7-fifidift «trail at rag, A 4 ' 1% 6fi‘¥,If N9;;m;am;r *3“ paw,“ wW‘&W§v]?W; fir *£Wre§' W‘E¥w%mgm;;% fl"a7”p£¢wd mm‘ ¢amfZ?‘r~;’ fa?“ H:IWm'l:¢1 Wfiafl dw tkw mm, I 1:: Cmhham a:w!‘ae,iiAt¢!e jflmmiy «saw difggigxgzharegoa-5 wall A % , 4 ~.&r*:d;*= m‘Zfas¢rf;;°ie3dx May faiftmym fave,” M g:af"r:!ggy.%wwrm1fimr mm 7 ' Théiw ymu Genklamemthat wm ha%.v%e*%m"**l;.aww z%VuIvww>r~ 3wwm1;;b:u%t?~3#@au!? Pxfié 9.; .fiv¢\Y£?m¢i}1_r1flfl% baa aiificafilésfimzvgfir2d.rabmvz::"umfiM:««a%*§éA%wg=%i{3%gE@i%firaa£iws in 1-Rm fiandg A4 but if yam {&.y,m:;,your w21m~a1 m'.£§=.abj¢:>é’t« m m;~a:%m:%:: gifii %M¢mmd4 :;~fcr¢% yfijg m33,*’¢a fmé {hm priviiq gafiut warm kmwmd ci id c«mmnm=mATa&ad%Aem¢7caia7t&i %n”.,%V£‘«tmje;a5bi~e gawk; upim Fbfiay md gamdms not war wilirhgsrcmhmw L~mw?dmy¢u‘.mm*h¢;eby mighmlé aim Ngrmm; camqmflk Q A _ V A ‘ “i ; 1‘% "VV I. in A 2» V % A W ,M*w: Dmlzeg WU ME a‘.;~Pmiiamwt‘mam §Va%n?@fw‘éa*a nmflwe flag-‘ginning M We qgmmfi A bc$£**v’v:&cn Kifig %2»wa11w*‘;md'=:3r¢tfr£ Hzm.;i%?gA3f%h%is t¥11‘ei»@§ fii“‘:’a;¢i5ic9d”*§ Mai-9 P;ké§:VoJga; a.ivm,AmcE%ywu». wma%smvgar§