i ; ’ A R § !‘_*_,_'V::,;‘/’,;~.‘;;5.;::f:}L}.3; -:4 2. - '9. 3; B’. Parlianem of Eng/arid, 5”‘ $3 % ‘ T A Q‘ V V ‘L , ‘ . fl. , V‘ , ‘ . ’ V . " ~_ V ‘ “V. ‘ ‘ V: hV‘~H>““ J’. U _\ Ma—..‘ 3}, .3’, . wan" ' * u E 9%? ‘£9 ‘ M 1!». ~ L Eritituled, V +%‘$'~‘% ad Deciamtimw éy~t{2a 1K’"ing5 _fi £'t¥’j.€.fl.}'#, Ta If-z';¢ SM-% “ % jegfivaf we .l&"z'mgdms af S_c0ti"2md3 Engiazixd % 4;;d@¢¢1r¢13Mnd.%¢Prim‘tca52z: EdIf1bH1‘g>‘~h;a 1630.. V «s g... 4;. \ % Whercnnto. is am‘§€1’£€d, A W» cop 113:5 of TLETTE .~,-Ma‘ Vvhich vvera foui1d%2Zn thcf Lord Lazzdawz:ACabinen. V ; % “ I % fD;«§c? Vizmfris, 20 S:£y!cm.1650.% A -by the Parha1nent.,'1‘hat tins a./M may Vandiiettembc fmrthxmh pflmfid and ptxblxihcd. * % _ , . , rm » ~%‘,‘%.‘~'§ V % _ - A HAe;:2:Svaéeiificlwzc.Pzzrizmzmtz; § ‘ H rW% Lemma Printed by Edward Hmfémcrd and 7am ;wc:2,p;~m» V *€*?:’s‘~ie1?’;4“*,:= 53¢ Vie; ’i:$* %§$’~:§ %:§ % V gm” m=r4 ?«xa?e22:aa-W Lam 4‘ % 5% 3;’ .4 {E To the King of Sc 0 T 1. A ND, }E_fl..,g_ % s txers t0theFg,:*1Liarnent of Englasfiad, A163“<:.} A E‘: 5" ygfigggpgfxi. > . . »g;;-3 l"l.éT 95 ('31); 9% 9% ‘:3! ,e~.l’:9;, lo‘ hhdi do hirer (gala-, c.‘l'es offal Eta mlni 02.1 min i*\l:r‘D_ _ 1- M 0 Qllé l5 l@l®l’é.3l'§ .l’§§l§ §l$;§l’§ ill‘? i.‘ii§§l’-éi9l’§:v.l§ §‘l§i§l’§ 53$ §.~‘iC2‘3.l% thefeyears lafipafledg «~ini»tli1eir own Defence, to preferve rhemfelves from the alinofl: Efcabliillfel. A wellelmfown unto the V-Vorld, what lI‘1E£i‘I£‘:‘f of i CG-Iltfilfli the Parlfiament of E«}¢g[4m1 hath had., ‘ Tyranny, which, .tl1roL1gl1 :1 long traél of Time, haul A beeneobtiuding itfelf, as well over the Coiifciences-:3 as the Laws and Civil Liberties of the People in £.~»2gZxme',iIreZa;eir! and Sgorlmzirla Defigziizig :2nd‘Pr;:m filling the Ezetremiizy of all Evils upon thele ll‘-’«lf’e'L'lC“J’l”lii3z'3, rather then to ifufiierit {elf to be {loppedin its coinliz-,, or dil?.zp.pointed of its end. : Elle wlmt fignified the‘ firll Troubles mifed in Sfloflazml by the late l{l2lg.3 anal (tliat liiiiliizg) then‘t"he cherilllingu, Llpl10lCllf3,g ai1d«con-» tli1Lll11g3lTOtl1Cl&lll;, the E-Iorricl and Bloody Rebellion i—:*i1re[zzm2?, byitl1e;l%u11el1.:=inel; aml after, ll, the h~i'i1<>ig—~ ing of an Llimatural War into the Bowels of this.‘ Nation, managed and improved to the utmofi by 1.15-1.-I‘l§ and the Popillu, .Prelai:ical and Prophane Party acl—-—. herix to hii1"l’tl1e1'eins’ ‘Which Evils have been writjout in fuch deep Ch:n*ae’cers of Blood,‘ been attended with ll.lCi}COnl‘U111ptlOn of "l‘re:ifiii'e, and almoll Devafla- ltioo of leveml Countries in .the three Nations , that they Vy’lll.'nOt {uddeely be wom out of the~Peoples Senfe, muchlelis of theirMemory. Y€tg,€V’iCfl(lLI«rlfl“' thefe firll TI’OL1bl 3 Adviceeeyto ehe Qlex*gy%,.exvh0~I1ave a p1‘0m.ife,Tehat tjheir Qouncelsz fhalibe heard bef0xe- any other whatfoeever) and otherpizmfible Inducements to poffefs hhnfelf of ” ehe C1'ovm CF E;4«g;Zd;2a'5 ‘And heaving Obtained that Eower, vmh the Defi‘rL1é7ti0n of :111the'f"zz~it~hful gmd eruly go:{lyPa41‘ty, tha.t}1ave deemed. thexI1fel~veehs he‘ zehis prefent Govermnent, He maythen be more abf'0~ ELztein."E~yra21ny3 th€n«€‘«."C‘I‘_. Prince in E*z¢gZz¢ml xv-352. and ' derive the fame in SbiCC'Gfi~1.0ni.»t0 hisPofterity, u an rchefcorehof Coxzqhefe, .E1CqL111‘C‘~d‘L‘O*him bygtiae he_1pof the Swr_c.; W}10i€ good»-will to E,;2g[ma.{—.(hfortel1ee Caufe 01: God astthe wcmld have-us believe hath been and A 3 Y fii11iSfL1Ch,3.Sv’C0 hold itffit to innpefe upon us the Yoke of thCi1':L.—,H‘LlYp.'§LfiOnS“b0thr'i.fl Churcihj and S'tate.,,,.e2md have not fcrupled CG: :Mt€i1'3§3t th.e.a;tt_aining of the fa1"11e, either by. Subrilty or by Eoxéece ; By both which Means they nevwer t110u,gh;ez:11ein-fehxeseimib: fair 3. -W:-13.? unto. their End3:,as21Qw they Iaavceec:1fi»At11e1nfe«1xze$h i;jn_:9,, by their 1atcv‘fAgree_11.1;m.t ‘V-'v‘1'Lth;~,‘th€i1‘ Nihéw I«:i”ng‘ 51:; ‘and this Dec1arat.i0n they have? name him putfo1't%!1; » which ‘ “we final} Anfvver in,-th*;?dif%,.in¢7t Paxzzgraphs ofeitjn m'de11as.thcy1ie.o. e ~ e A «I5 jv1¢zj.e[?;§' tzdcimg ifl, carzfidemiezaixz, t«l3»Zf~'??i€$?£lf?,flZ 4* Dz’//jaézzfzztiara Dmm Proefiezeflce, éyxvbzjcrbhi/ye hczzb éecisz rVeca-z2hered«a.ut of the flgare afr. ;E«'.:»tz+Z Cagifiefil ;; mm’ ;§r..evi22gaz?M2i;¢e’d efo fie/Z P6?”//1v£lfl,0i2z£Ai76fl! cozafidmce A z~l;.g Lg}IzZ[ljI af bx-25 Pea}? 25%: Scotlazidm, 'r17é&N9“‘avl;o77e A ;«’1,%f;?r’_£7a7I}t/?.'7hf6§’»_0«1-F eziwtiehg flood 5:21;, 22 ;s’.,ffi‘¢172c€ 5 ;z,2ga;To~fTr*iw‘1?tgg‘n/3’4f€~ ¢;9‘_;’.-%‘.;>'2‘:.” is too 1£'&.:tY€“‘ It feemsthat we Kingof Smu!.¢-mm’ c3,;1_fr cf MeirC4z?f€,rv”ja;wV£;¢ m¢.eCo=c>e;¢zt;¢f}&zvz’t£~ i.;t,3am¢,m:cz{/Z‘ I§‘igr;¢fel}’4mi »’mdIz2tez~eflsiz;2%a[Zyawn A%i%%>%C?a;2’;~ m2c!VV;i:2»;<:Vl!V:4m.¢£ers Civil, ta fallen» the Advaéceaf A é.a3i"Pa2*Zi»m~2eyz..t, zz;2a’jZw»"9r«&d‘Mj75aazz‘.a’éemtmfleciéy t£;em§ A .1¢4®f@ SwtZ42w£54&%anVd i7:$0A0d% at%%a'édi&;mc£from them zardi At.§1<:11“%ACa1a§fe, and « xvvasunconvmced or th€%.rzgh:cm.=s{nc€s at 22:, a;3dvé1d 4 cx7i1CoL1n{?:.~1, w§;1i1€£‘chc entertained any d£0ubts"ordif~ n0rjo{yz1¢w%in%one Covenant with tizem, nor cafi: Eaimw f% %%fc1f andhViS%In7‘tercfisA vaholly upon God -.3, cmdin afl %Vzjr1%Vatt€2:s ;Civi1A f"o110wtVhe advice Qf his 'Pas:1i_amcnt«,: andinail mzms EC;C1‘€”fié1fi§.£§{, the Ga:mL‘:ra1AAfi'm1e the Ganlazxifiioners 13, 1 He D1fpe11{;1tio"ns of Divine Provicimce are indesd L. as: any timev%V%::::%;21!3zrecoveVrv:<%i0§;t% of “tin-: fn2£rc of evil : A’ Whién th§s44is done by the vieienc-2 of an abfalutc Necaffity, "z:is. feldom rcai or iafiingj anti % vthcrz the Mercyin iris but little tothc Peépie, who thereof: V. ,W'c cm n0rdc ny A EJWV ' “‘~3.,, ‘ 1% gm f§a2'mcf:;' €wA2,§m’.“eis3as:EwE3;j%as"§1§mfe1f.;have;A{’m%g..; ad Pg: QM; $E“3:?;§*L<2fa‘:, t§3:*az:g§34 %c§2e%zr1srA§:i§‘u41 Di*c%t}1c4endV,V§?v%hich ‘ ;mz1is,.:~v12, .to?< %vir,V'" Thaw emnmng WE thm,:% A A V and day c-h‘a4ng¢ the Enflcrusmnts, but nan is1bcfore;/ jvand ~{ha11 *fm=€d1€.&‘ 17: and A " pJAi:hcr€.fore; .%ycmg Ki_§7i.¢2:_iS V"fit.m 3 W ~m:rg=_-y, tiaerempon e"1:‘w* m"::.-3,: m was if tHeref0fewe%%mL1f% be @§:wsa7$3<<§§ if WE Atmmzé mi: emf; K 153% J ‘schisf Nm:it:>%n from faiiixzg urzdm: A the '€';’3€:.:i£afi2S th€1‘€0f.+~ % H % AA ‘ ‘ , {gt 2‘ .””"E"HéMg1é fi,a":2v22e:y' efly M 5; :.W2‘4 24/Z 0,222 5556 0%? iv M-.. Mr 2?hem:e2;~amrLy 0;” 5%’ Raw! F4/£‘»@€r3 mm’ hrzxxm %2:"m 8/3i#s:au«z;%'zI.+;,zz 2:255 pwjfbyz 9]‘ £55“ .Zs&’aM.~:*;~ 3 yw 5.39%: by a’x;j;’.§w-3 to IE6 weeply /9z¢?;“«aé?5£5! c2?.3z5I.«] 1;’./;/"3fi2'é}‘eE’&! ix?» Sgmritén? ¢~:=.»v~'~A4.«;»**%;G'"a;.'.«i’,, éemzzfe af /9255 Paar,-éwsrrs »'§eaz.r;’w9.i;¢g' ta, Mzdfe/Jonzirzg erzvzii Caw2f%:!s.,az;;zd Em appafitzfm z“a2f«b::' mark ofRc}‘7arzav;»~;z2“::‘m', " mm’ 2-0 :55 Sy§e;¢';%2;3£ Leaguwe wan! Ca«v.em;¢t., £332 mm-{72.s?:i*.«5;: jfi i’r5‘1m:6‘f,7 of t/aaéaioaici of % z“,«€w Lam’: Paapie /mark éem /Rm” M z“vkéfe%5;'éy2gdm25 ; Md far Me I'a’aZat:afy of /EH3 JJo!;§z*;~*’, 2.‘1j;~eA2‘ala*r4:io;2 wéwreofim ,2“/be I(z'm{5 Aflmfa , M .a's.t mm V I ‘ ‘ ‘ V ‘ .j . L‘ . ‘ A martawvofgr=e;wflzamMzwg to all time’ Pr*az‘ef}zzm‘%C£v:::m‘}.;?.~_c Mpm 1‘/'46 Cwldwfz fliad‘ ealéeiia l5§z£r4 Q,‘7l'Z'.+.zjc?fi‘_§' fiaafgéw‘ m*m.zm.¢zte éskfarmaer Carriage: dam’ fiéoyzsfi m fz}V!!am—- z’;:2g0f 2‘/ma zzaiméce, Md walking £92 hire am}: mf t/?Ia9fem:r,A¢’.7w Mcappwfize M Ma: Cmiemzm Md tat.-13-e2vari:A of Gm’, A azm!:mig/;2$exAbzsfa M: a[elczyz'2«zg“tawgi=va fim3rfiz.i*".i‘mm M AV2%?BV]'a:.r2{L‘%% 22z3cVe ;i:ry$ D£fi:9"£’.‘>‘, af we fl;”.irfa mmi gdarwa V yf ;';¢,;c«.‘r.fi;:§_21:;;*‘:‘, flram $32!? ea'!m:a2fiar2%, tam! Q-;)>'%»::g zffifild g;=~:,:,-:‘!A j(3"wsfi"2f£l:,rJ?¢za'xaayfip;/§$£y?¢iWdfr§m 55:? ;}?y~¢ezyz;g~e mf~;',m;_;- A prammwzgs 42] 4 A;_$’eazWw.c agazaxfl /m Itmrczf Fuzmérer 5 .a;=:v,,«;i A 2'32 srqfereizice 2%: Refigéayz 4z;»;2dt16e’4;¢cém;% Gawcmv2me;w‘ €;‘YéJ!;" w :%1"/M ~4T%;'é°:~?*2”,_g?'a*i»"W'.!»% iezf E§*¥z,§':€:A2*2%c{., I M am 2’9z'c}& M: ;b.~.~;+:;% we : ¢m~ B2. 3% “% tfé a’o1vit§VG’0d3 V£edazti3 i;zzge;2%:é'azg/ly.4c:é'm'ivZedge&.z!Z M; I V “ awigfifisj az2:J~z;[Zt£v3V;€y2:%of/22% F4$éi8?51q0?£f§,.§r4q/fiflg par ‘ 022342251 lzqéirzg fair mercy 4.32:2! reca:2;*2cilz':z;%2?m2 :%asv*~@.a¢gl; M6 Ham’ of «7:z$’fw‘.C‘i5"?‘i/?7.;‘ % 39:41:21? :a’sw§2 2‘??? smfizmt x§d:.é’m2fi1s*5;€‘é§=zz£~2a2gs*‘e;z¢ezzga’e* é;;l72i%5 P345933 M £253 5’ Tifvazze af Gzk‘:.m? wzljgis ée!;;zV;:fJ_2v£m=: fag j.%"w.a»?Mz’;£ 959525» 4 % fii'i?~'@2'/z«’ M Ma? I/VW‘§' wf ‘gflsifg £5 as aw Tc;"2"'.z?:4¢swy%¢ af l9,Wg-fi{]f6;.*;§,mg3 psziiesyce M241 22j:zewy~ a.s=M;—’.':e Lard: art; a;«m.?1aya1ryA¢¢pma Meir; -5 faAa’m,32% gag /3Ia21z*:e,zmoa’j?;az.z5z’.tzzfee3 it . as we of tlregmzteff tomm af 2‘/932'?’ law: .:z;2dzzjj‘e¢‘?z'c2;¢ to him zzmdto £72’: Gorvermmizt , TM: t£?8y"23?iIJ com°z'22zz}e ~ iéafwzyer med Szqb;aZicazti0z¢ta*G’a:! farézfma %‘I7m't the WL:mr!$ wéa /fared mdprefe7v%ed%éim:to t»’:vz'.s;i.ciz:gi:,;?mz“~ wétéfimdifig of M1 M: 022272 g:¢z“lz‘z}'2ef»*, m.»:zf,:ée}:zz?j,7.e.4ce?% %zt{1 in me; fmafl’ % A meafu1ut of the mouth of the Sch, there hsth,in_the fig:‘h~tsof tI1csvh01eW'orid, been brought fortfi%fuchA‘a _h2ifi:ifi.CatiO*n of]theSentcnce psficd and 4 Butas to the smanersof Declaring this his Repen- tance,7that is to fay, with the Qgsmlificatiorrs ”thserein~ vaflovéred of; Whe1’eby, under theprctcncc of sadutifizi Sonfic may {fill retain in Memory his Fathers Az?dA Mvéfe Ceitzxemiéifits, A awmf e;mMAt1 A A Aa5£'s3,3°a tzézz Oath} A 6'a5;¢’¢m‘z.z?7 Peo,£>4leA,g rgspaw zz;v2jw",AWmiM“ Agg? *I;2tesgt.rf;m mi c;«mez1 Defigfl, for dttztifizing A,l}‘,:;AA5 wA,fi V.EM’5;} gm, ‘few xfif*1W¢:w«3M/.m/62¢.-efiwi[JApermit:, 2'22 m %tr.,vm».'a Md’ jirwzawcity cf bzkbmrt,-A Ami At/SW”/M ~ firmly ReflzLZrved3 M Ar;-’9e Lam/5 flz~"'Ae.v2gtb, to 451"’/}erez‘»9eM- A A M, arm’ t@*p”ra;"ec.we M A Mef ; m‘wofl af 1255 pomw, all we EM: rlweof, zlsakzis Smtioigaim’ Ca[1i;¢g, Mazlly, saw-—; A fimtly fl:I:(u?*£‘?a}{;f3’i1?{:L2A3”C?X"jA’AAA€A,¥[[t&e»$’zyj'0?!’ 17:3 Zzfia; %Iye am’e,s«*~;m % A‘ 2a2l.a‘Afz'::h,AA/,aa4 c;f1eww.2ff.z in we firfif pZzzcAe%P2*afeJCswzw;gzJ Declare, V . /5M1J€’wi!1»9zz~veAm%a Ezéemiesj Mi’ i‘}JA€Ei¢€?$5{zA‘€5A0f zfbqe % A A 0'IJ£’?3.4i$tA am A tibia“ K28 will have‘ my Priezzdg é.::z¢t “ the Friemdso AweCo*z2 emzza¢'t,~.d;¢¢°!t£ve’refare3:z5Al2c%p1atAz9 ~ _,aIez‘.e_[fV~d;adAA~A~aMbAr 7Pa9pAery._,% Séwerflition M4tm1AAVAIa'vl¢tt»ry~, A j4”J?.e2‘;“br:?;3;¢téa;¢A,»1tApm4;zpr;ete22ce%AAof Ix’2?.w!y I.¢2zAeé*efi?,Aor % . 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Proplaazmemeflc , flfid 2+"efalm:::a2A.9t1 M V z‘z2!em§te»:%, -am-..:~;5 z%flAAt?‘W awzy of tlwfem maz;ypzmVof Im rs} e_,/fixes D5» AA N;;;J;;W;eflyA My M 9;‘ ».t,9;e'$zg/fine az;wZVEgmi$y 19;?‘ M t;6eAI5i'.é2zAAAa!5‘f2mz4%![¢_,g{;£A A H A’ ’”5F?%i%W‘:A%5%"3'0‘9PP9f"45i’%’f“W’?A"A’TW», ~*W' 1‘ 9“ W~‘’''‘>‘’*”‘'W ~ % tffie EV;a¢t‘eyr7za;;iggg4At%r9 erwf;t0'A.t$»’§rwe-“yt: Mam, mzz M/.2: «g '1 A». efww W W "”**“’*""~"’@9J"'<5”f*6'°’ 5 A % /,,;;g.z§em%;9;ae» af 2%/cafe iiwm:-gs%Aav£:ia»;€2 £v;zz!a¢om<§/Eazzml " %& A } Cdlamitiexifiz 2/Ste e A?é.rM;cia;2z:5&‘i»44:¢dT’% A fit?" fmwz Eflaéii/Fziizkgk of % *?W?¢€» W531 Pravef W fv1@55v2fv”5€«%+ ' A A é3ia4 % %7'0=zJo}éef mafia 112%r%zzt.§v%‘4-M§v“W wzéaiy 1i”2'&azg jof %kmg5,;4 A A 4/? im*dy..%%*~ »é‘e*Ki7:zg; /7:52!/, gzlzam/qggef/;‘emz¢*;{7ez3¢* A zmalzzzgfffiayzzl.5s¢é2j€c"3‘x3AVm€’@fermI"ed¢9ii;2s; GV£¢zmef.€éz?» at rigéz‘ 25.5% of _f§';§zlJf0§*.1¢’»;/3*5'3£Z2«*_;’£’fe??’1:" , J Emma» Gm’ 3 &Givi22g um::<> God tE3c%tZ3§;:*s§;_zs *:~§.mfcA2m: {Z#m:Es.5, W an4d;mt0 Cejf3.1*Afz:11<:t§;1i.s:ags that az*é‘Ge{23.»rs mi .»w»w ‘V%LCfélrvetZ2, mt fa: l.cw£%m? 7roI¢s:2z°eM;:2mej é3».?2y??3‘1§?»§ "‘1m:e% V V. 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L."~ews;, and that 4whécI14fl"1©L11c{ bet %°;_%th.eAc4hief :ma;:§&0neiy% 1*Fz:*rmdy agaiziifiaii their eviis, %4 %W0u1d by V :‘§2£s*111A¢;ms ~b¢cOme , thfi; .gre;%t::fi caufé and :1m"h01*0fthr:::mV-: T“~10r, wauld tVE1is.a%rV 3%} be m¢nd_€d%% Q: the C1m2fexv3*1ici1 is putin, T}1atinAth0§‘e A fhi§~3gSj:§YV%31i.Ch ’cc,>m:€m Rslxgaéan , he will p1‘cf€1*::hc Couififels of theVM§nifi:m‘s ofthc Gofpeiébeforc ail AA % qmncc bcifom ’E héPy&fii:?i13€ntit %{c;>I1?I;,F0r weh»;1vc1caz*n-- 6:1 by eXpe1‘iéx1ce,T‘§1:itr,ghc1‘e is I1a1'C§IV any Debzmi had A ir3»P2zr1iar;1ent,%bL2t t%x;**:+%fixbjefit-I11at§:%e:*%Fof it, 1 in f‘01‘m€i .‘ fe 'fl”{‘E orother, may be b4;r%aAu§§E1t Lxmicr the c0~m:crm11m: \ A .&¢?‘%-%QfR’;C1:§g$iQfl5 andubyréta%hat%2m;m3,all thfi‘ Lmvs .l§Ti:1.1.fll—b€’3' heciargsswaxiapmoveormaappmve «of V , J€vh€§fl;4[}A p:*a&1ce fo*i‘nc§n fifieazt with%ith& FLind:.mental. ‘Pz:1m*?1icdges :.m«:i4F%10cL[$ tb.at%4.i%t ._%3‘efi¢z’%.*~e<,“l~%%.by= AQHA AH&1*t02'S%0fEng§é{h -§3i‘¢£,€£{O11i”§‘;.ji€??fl1.d %»»=1:emvm— any xvifi;»kV A%:t€i'1“:ép‘t8 hwe%b~s$€x1Vwmad~emw » A 1?0[1*i10A*£4€A*i3J5 E 3 Defigm (as t<1a+;om{7m*;%% &§i£:12ze been iicewiw I”i%ia;a%E1z1}ifiJ:1}7d‘s bem1Vc:s:p3.0c3c:d zmdg % %%I31gV%i%Iy iswwat» L:1*i{di6?ci‘ever» , ?2:n%d {0 by undemyabia; came «~ A (‘>5 VVti':is% P4ar\§ian1€nt) %%4ti*mP ;12r1ia%memsf #.A+l2aVe‘%« A4 » » 5%%;efm:ed’Vijt;.%.and%%f1*ec1:;:€s1t1y ad;3migeci%M*it H3311 ‘ T«1?fi3{0%3.5 hiking mi it, Aas%%th;2.t Whi<.':§1« hxtfmi m::es 3; $L1prema;::y .1 changed {in AA a:~fi*wo b:mQ;a oiFfa"cdA dembtz, t11cefl%.é?cLAa£% great %dcfim %thc %I§%s:§,g;¢>f%%&‘carar A A ~ A 4‘AE1a. thVt0~A rec » (go) his P'e0WAf1". t0dAifg§e&n~i*e4fucE“z FavVorsA: Bugin th<~:Amean J 'vetE1at4w%}iA¢:i1%i1.c; preteAnds:ur§:tOa’inthe wG;ovm:%n~ment of .E7zg.ZAA2mw', AnA4cknow1edgemént.A of A Atimfi Wa1nufl0¢bfcrv_cj, whoV;itisAthatA1i1aizC1~‘:m>’~’V3€dg'«‘i“) A mm%b~een“by OHAEA-AA§:1thQIA3§»t»Aj?Ar *mmdA Er2i“c *a*;*§1%V in" icity 4 have ’Vbee%11—%‘%mz{guid«edb4yt}1em3 *cV0%;1€:tV0Vt§:¢::r" 0w"nand* A 46ACd4un%tr3cys x*ui.n?eV,‘%VVfeA:%};mre§Wgjntheyfiexiv 7:}? 'aI1,V 4 1 % fo¢%:%% %“‘J*cv1afr::mc‘%4e%% %4At0watd%Si%”i'Aahém. A W/*}wfc1%:;=*pr::f¢«ea"atVativ%evWe a4:*e)%i%n%tIz%a%t %b::%h;*$:1f ,astc> finch A A fitfurt1';e1% t0*Ic%weclarc§‘ % fines Emjr«m§6%%%¢W«Aaf?W;“M @<33‘> ¢ % % —”'flc"?i?ng°:ifl tfirdt Ilatiwlfi" 230 ram‘ Mely keep Fézl‘ framtée Gmremmem of than“ R’z';¢gdom 5); fmrce 0}‘ I” a;_xf7m%5, Mt zzlfo lflvve mow 1.a»«w;!m’ 2‘/7:3 Kizzrgdom 0]“ ".5coz1and3~1v)9a »é1zz«7).e defemmzf éezvtgr tki;ag.< mt weir .f:‘°A:W1!5., ezmd dgdiflfi” WWW t/Evy /».'mw aw ]Mj2i' z]v_,emrrcZ%; H 25: <;714'aZj efiiy ;n:'az‘/8 tléezvefpre cfcfime and 6'x1;?6o’3‘3 T/mt V%a[[}éVé5go%0d»S.-wé»jeé?5 2'32 England, w/mp are mm’ refaiwz %tz2%=ée% fiziiéfézi to G 0:3’ mm’ £‘a,Agiwz'r £é;'ing, acmrdmg to 3/56 ‘C‘orvezezz24t,?wz’flt' lay éra£a’z5pamV% fzzc/9 M3 apportz»;¢z'ty, mm? . 'zzfe2~?>{1;«0:%,ir r4:t;%9_j3 em/'e4*rum*5 -M pomove.t;ée Covmumz; «:z~;=:2:i:zz”!' the arm’: tiéerwfs mm’z‘o recover a;2cZre- ej/faélzfli I/53 Amzkm Gwemmem‘ of tine‘ R'i;2ga/am of Eng1;z:1d “(z¢m’e:r m;’o.ic.«€r, for many Gerzemtmasa it a"éd_flox¢rz?,!72 in pezzcc-r afidflefily :12‘ /Jame, azfid in 1€e:12vnrrazti~a;2 azbraazd) am.’ 1’riwiZedge5+of we P¢zrZzl~m2€z¢t, 4ma’N4tz‘-vc V.a.:,m.v? yfzzfl A%Liéerty ofi/:26 People .- H235 c.;7E»fz2:jr:‘fl'y zlaflresfa nflin-re iszémfelf, Tlivzt fiber? dmfb remdm 27:42 tbefé fa ;wm‘;?2 .cm.2- V fidevmeof témir Dzwy ‘fa Relzgian, their I(i;2g .~;z.M C-um!» zrey,%«mm’fl9 mm¢_yf1b:zé~kZe5 oftévc mvzcéemt Emgii41"h W1 may w»9écb‘%,/Mned [£9 e;wz'22e,zzz'*1+;/iav their News ¢_,»~1;s;~°.r;efl¢9zr.¢,3 m‘ W?/{pm tbemm to 553}/fir £2556???/§?[‘Z,’z?_s“ f::w" 1'/R’ é,w:*.«.z;i:°—- 7‘ mg t/ye Take of t/mfg rémraa‘ 0pprc§f3'é0;a.9 fi«'0;w off 2h%cz’w* ”*Nm{’5 .- S541/_lm6’fl93 af Cwj7c;:ic’m;e mzzd Homm fit %.RVe’l.s:'—-» * gion, Liéerties aim’ ¢.'3~’w2rLIw‘;a':«;¢2ce;e2z<* aztfa Km» 4 Rate, n:«: ' 220$ mtééer ta rmdergo army x?2.»zL'{:.:z;»"d, {7@f.7,m2 May &..e«.M:.2r£.c% a’£—‘ A privedof fb€7%~.P 1*’!/’j:’§:’z:m}‘¢.«s[Z gm£2'*mW mwzw;2<;«M zz;«2‘*;v Dmtb more tolemél tivew Mlirue z5:2fer‘%vz?£*';*.a;!e m'1zm'2.eé}* ‘wldyff ml mi/Z ;7*0.»f.Z’0fl‘<3:~’2';‘«,z élazme tiyafi’ nah dame «.Mre:mptA zzatbmg far t}’2e;5¢f§«2!«~v2»55 .«m..<1foV zr.$ez'r CM!- zzirem in fagomfiz Vcrmfeg %~/33492.’; am E.r-zigezat E’ W73em- _ as if May gamer the;av¢flrz.’v es) z5r2é§f«r:}W’ mmwagafi ..z;:=zz'.t.'7e9%0relM€ eezdermkimg fer tz5e‘Larel,% am-elfer Mai "C‘COi1»‘lfiElii‘t'fU€ hngliihmcn tobe’ msom awaléenmci ~ than evc:i*, tcrwatch cigainfi 9; and refiii ta iii: iziii man: {"0 pC’1‘mC10uS and deep laid a‘ sfign,ivvhei*cby at mic biiow tO'Cm Qii and diizippoint 12117 t“i’1at; h"a'.°th been fOU.£f,i'1t'f0I in many years togctiimgi imti iiibjific‘ ‘thiami- ‘feivies*‘*io*fc_ilieipower of 3. Porraign Natioii, agasiziii iw‘iiom G0ciimt”h .b€'if31"Xpi€2ii(3{i‘-i’OgiV€ Iiio ‘.VO~flCi€~Ii'Lii :1 Tefii‘monyVb},7 the 1'atefignai Vi«ii;o1'y near 33131325/£V9i£iTz€ -iiiiid of September, One thoufzind fix hundrcdv and ‘ A A E 2 fii't}?§ N6’) ,_up10‘nSo1emn Appeals made by Both? parties rm fllmighty God: And as it fl1aH'AbeAour‘parts to«oti~*1is nogoodmeans that God hath putinm our hands; m §n‘ev'ez1zanyAIn£'urrecS%iQns O1‘ Dflurbanccs of th¢.pub~€ iiquc P€3s.C€ and Safety, by Whafi‘. hand foevcrca1'ryed. on ;, f0wc“do‘11o1cI it our duty further to Declare, That-% ’ 'whofoever4 {hall be found“ (in purfuance ofwthis De»-A £c1£1mt%i0%n of Cizzerlx Sm-zzr:»‘“Vt“he Scots King) p1‘0moting;w ache Interefi of him the {aid Clmrls Stztmrtafl or any "Way engaging ii1.»th€*p7i‘Of€CLEtiOn~ ofthe Wicked Dcfigns thereTin4c0nt:ain_ed , Thcyfhall be proceeded againfk with much Aznorefeverity thAen%De1inquems.% in th<=: for: n1e:~W*a1*s5' aswo the judgcmcntw of Parliamerit {balk Eye thought IXICCE. . ' A ‘ ' E'*27£;*2:«.§*L‘c«é'e17,'Cleri-6'. P4rlz7¢zm€.=m'.. % Inca 72.‘/as di'3j5»'rte‘e’a of {Mask /I:;afn»er,%. téere name in 3§.¢2:z,.a.7 N25; V 1 Capiex offmr Letterx,‘ written from the Earl of Loudoung @19zm£e!..7o,rof_ Scotland, ta the Iv:.’7z'»~2g of Scary, W/pick were ralgragw E321z’19€fazid_L’19m»zcel!or:ACME-ifieef among zlye f;mt!.mf the Swts, mi ‘ 3/99 lat: -mieimmfle dsfiwt of rlyéir %.r!w7¢_)' me flag’ Fifileir of DLm-»~ but : ‘By '%n='/aic‘/7“ fiififirzaéle P%ifa*w‘de:»2ce, zz _f.wi';’m:'r r{{.'/'£'azW*j'- 2'3" made,afWbkztwMfi{fi‘z1:ies.'~2r{}' ewidwz“ éefire tam’! dz;/Ecrnimg merzg fiat}; by’ the Scot: sozztimuing Defigpvz m 5;»:-vmfe England, Md We s>zat.ri:iz¢anprewerzted 2*/amz; am! af t!2.m25z'ffe2;*2é1£;.=_g: fim*;mZ£zry of’ their King: Repezezfmzce, fly mm}: erg} c?a':cxp [3] them, z>z;wz .3393‘ .e;m"'z . é2¢g(Mtl7£:y..m/151.‘) tbzlr D:~c1.¢.rr.;z*Ee2z, azsmf Voézrxdrd upon t.I'az:=z':>~ Eredwlam. riwlzitudw, %az:a1]iw:!fz}wec£:’2}%z*f5;é'.~':? ‘Z7»2rt]~ lam» for I-1% _ _- fi7}3e;g_%}yerct5:jr ’t£,¢r 5-v£gfe;¢y?' ’t"'»wi.x.f c1r‘J£W7z«9] Z“Z’Té??2¢ 5% £6?“- minis, 5222.4? e.xzartM!fro.¢:~; féi.:::¢2 wzitfio ./Mimzz‘0r_}' 2'77¢parMmit.5e:%, zma? ‘Wei!’ démamfimtex the little fmzfe of C 0246! ewe er .Ho~:¢a-r z':«2¢% that Efiizg, the 6[E.$:££"7"o1f€fi:a’z?fl)‘ «sf bis .«’.vope.r that-pr¢rJ?¢es /aiy aim’ ./2}’ fim’:’9 A :v:zM..w; flfld it may FM?!/9€2'”£‘e£’. M7 mvm’, wlam“ Ezycqrii arm 59 ms» . C37“) .;;,£g}g;Zf"3j«em zyé;;z;.;’E’@zi£@A22¢%iz¢ my Pf¢é1iq&z’£’ T%;z:q,Z?16?£o;2r,$‘¢ f‘;§a,z5;m z~*if£ei’2r'%A £7-ggt jlfizggficfr of State dare make fa ée[,;{ ,w'tl2 Vbiy I{z°¢ggg /4fr3_’j’;7r7E;»~9 M to azlterit 10 What he tboz¢_g£;t% waazlai 133; zfer »ferm:~* as twrgr 5, ram’ e>]j”‘I;'2=** i‘/am: tc2.%t/965?‘ Pazrliammt av: I/J_a=z'r I<}.fi‘g‘;,'f§’itr€2—. zzt.e'z2z=;r ~cw.z zzlrimg“ .{7:?.»W imit, riznal%t!m.r in 4./éufineflr af grmtgw cmcemmmt : The a'z§;’Z'o - wry sf tIaefr:‘jMg!z'ng.r mayée Méfzzlfor tlaofe wire have éeem%impo_,"m°’ J upon 5}?!/at Zzoldmfiof’ t/aefe Is¢_/fmmwzrx, ‘M20 w.iz*z52 ';'/it 24-@2915} or ms»- %.3,m=re;ace In truth, are ‘t3:'o;-2Ho.ée éo[»,2”]1Wt'b £i:v%£;2g t/:5u.;£ %m;r.y_%-ma.» dme ro their eml.. ._. V A V A i M ‘ --—-"-'pu.uur—uuuaufl.«..-v-an-~—.¢-an-.-up Die Vemrix, 20 Se t‘emI5";~*. 16 "Ca, 7 3 Tfie Copy of a Letter from% the L“ox‘dw Lagdom Vm ::h e 1‘~‘Ling;0€:°- Sca.~*[¢:m-2’, dated“ 94 fzztlii, A16 50, andtha Copies of A three océm: V Lcztcrs, all f<.>unAd in the Lard Lozm"az¢;¢J»C21'€Z%i11{?£, %were.aI§ this day Read.’ V Rderediiw t.5w Pczrfz'azm.~:=m", Tlgwzz.‘ %tbe“_fl:r.i-d_foz¢r Lerters .136 at? prim'c''a7 % z*I'f?€~"/.->33"I'£”3’ arm’ 6 I/J8 D'&.'igczmz‘z5m, aavitéé rlye Cz"rcz>'./V ~ W j’?c1M£“y.r7,;2/74552 92:35! ”§'3c’/—’:2£*?“x*3’_Z'/5.1£’_;f=2:‘7‘?¢'>.£‘ 1a”m?r£fiM.!;m? 5~~ c/fwd if 2'5‘ ?£f&7'7"?d ta» j£»2'r~. Scoua rag-»Q°_r.vzrc=» mfrz» 2/»'_mm ;‘«:-*i722i“:d rz£‘c'0;*afis7<‘gL_7}'. j A Efixaifi atmimmd yam" Mafiffiy ; anci {11a1lH10t"§7z‘€:fi1m€%E0 tr0L':b%dy:~Onr 1%-icnz Scobéll, Cleric. Pariiamcnti. -_4 4......-. ‘ L’?-£r;?'g./21 Gratin M5 50*v£rm:g”fiz,‘ V % _ J 1 - Lbeit them be noman rcj<:»_yces¢mnref0ry0L1r1‘v1;1§e=ffiesfaFer Arrived in this 1{§ingd:5je£‘i‘ A’ .-1:330» A a5!?¢6H.?:’¢??ta-’é[£ .S'er'2mmr, ‘ ‘ .A_ AA ¢ A A A ’ A A LounAoAuAN., E.fl§:{0l"f€d ',Axf Capjpf may Lemr m=A:z:!:a: % A * A I:'z':Azg.v Majq/’fy,’ 9}ul1x, I650. %U74'afz’*~gr'.rzAc£o:M So?-veraign, A “ A A ' He Marquefs of ./1’rgJ;v[e and the Earl B.zlcZeuvg}.2,have comma» A nieated to me your Maje{’cie‘s Anfwe“rto th2::APaper,”’wfiit”h was prefemed%by him and 0:heArs coyour AMaje{’ty,in Name ofyom: 1?’.u£iamenAAtA and their Committee-, concemin g the Removal of 1 fame of your Servants and others from your Court and‘ Rayali Pcrfonz «And confideringthat fame parts of your A'ni'wer is fi~w:hA as would not be Sa%tisfadrreaped%; its f€f0iV.’%E‘id, frzrrthis and other Reafons, That this Army fhaii n"3ar'rh our rm rf~;rc: fir-Eds nearer thc%Ene'my, and ( ifthrgr’ force us 1:0 .:fighr) in? {Brads Pczrength to iv»e~them Baittei; or (if they {hem not prrrrfire us) fame Eager» prife wi»IlbeL1ndr:rtarkrn, to makea .diver{i0rr to give the Enemy work in Esag1mszd,rrathrer‘ti1arr co»nfi.'.~rnc Us with 3 lingrring 'W"ar, and make the feat of it in rSco_ti.az:~2;c/. In order to vviairilr, your Ma- Jfierfirsrrhiafinring hi.r:herryou.r Declaration is £70 nec.efiE-1~ry, asrhe drew Afizry of it wilt retard and oL»fi1~u&.ar2y Expedériorr rinro Eflgfrrsrrrdg and timfi is ‘(O precious, as the Mrs of 0~ppm.rrurrr§r§,r can faardiy evrr berreeooveredz So praying God to briefs your Ma_§c£%yr, and {'0 di- 1'e&your Counresis, and the a.é?r.i(;:r2s of your Armrrs, are may {rrve rreoiifatvr his honor, 3: may r.r£mre y era r Majcsfiy raw }’0z;1:" Rrrirgh r. md., Si-r,% Er isrthe d.c:{%irL°. and jrzdgememrr rur“ ma-mygr '!"}aar Sir 5‘. L. fi<'r»Ou3d be Li-fur: Cc-rrrerrrf 101’ the Foot,‘ bu: wasrnor tihorzghr exp:-‘3- dim: tr» do «it rprcfkznriy , to flu-..m Ei«')i“3tre{fiues Stézrkvéar, is firch, airs he is wiilirjrg :9 give his befl affifiancc ira ordering rhe A-rrrry, and m 3635 A his pa.rr»ir1ardary:0”fBatter§:’1§%r2&.rrrrurIyr,.5£r, he is :1 prrfirn fa» m::urE'r ~ ponder in thrr: Bailancé of rirghtkecms ) valor and Experience in War, that yorrr M.ajcfty rwourd %gri*vr:i*zim zrfifi mcouragerrrenr, and lay your Con1.mrandsrup.on r§arr1r,r:r;0 rrrzmrn prrz‘-»~ ifrrnsriyrowthc Army, and not Irsawre rt, A J ~ r A End0rf‘3d,A Esra/lfiofrrnylertrer ta tire .E‘fin;;f,r%z.zgrm,%\%r 0.; ’¢ V an A_ ‘ A S I R, W ‘ f V’ A Here hath been fo» mxhrh {aw by rthefe who are here, _ and thozfe 4 were fern: m the Corrrmicreerof Efiate:s,a«rrd from the C'0fll+ miffioners of the Gr.=:nera%lr AFFr:mbly,.to rrzovaeyour NIa:%jei’ry to emit that Declaration for fatisfaflion of the V Church arzxd. Ifirare, rand auf‘ rfuchin aflyour Kingdoms as defire Religion and yorrrrmrajcflsicr Thmner to be efiablrririh’d, a,rc»@rdirrng to the Co'verna«m: , as cm add: Iittlerto; prrfwarder y0.urrMaje£%ySyetrif yam: Ix-iajefiyr illaafl‘ ‘udgrmerar, the irorrfrqucnrcer» willfollow upon your granting or rrfufal, your Majcfly will not deny it. ‘ If your Majrfiy; grant and emit; this»: Declaration, ryom» fa«tisfi¢. \ 1 v A;. “ An -‘ . Q % A;waa2sfieA¢c%ae¢€?»W=h» %%aeStave» ri«éArmyA,J% andau~;«aa:rgmmA ;AA::5§g;e£i*s%; VTheyAa2~l AciAe:~z':»:urA,to.AMafl Farr 3w:1:,‘ and theAAafm:yA isAVAf§:V1v§g3dyVi g;i,T:;< A V %V~l;§fi2ey be ‘mt Engaged in prefent Afimel) ma mAa%‘réh%I%i12AtAcs4 m‘g!m;£AaA;gd ; £¢a;{2zwd, and ail whim is <:i_caw:s them ,to thez1mnaéf°c %V”7¢:1m.i?%v€'ac,:%f‘éficb the£r§'.ives fmt cszrr)/Ai»%‘3gAA~t3~r1* the \7V0rkAA0fR¢fe‘rmg“A§ig;§3A [AA A 2 A4 famzrl» x'ai%§3«3.‘%@rAimg 5,:-man: }.'Vi;3.j£:*£*?:§;*mA §{0:Irf%AR.ighAtfAa1w‘l Cm W’n,A4D’AA17Az’5"?2"€v,3{[:}a5A¢A51! 7 ffizfid ‘z:E§.%3s«:z_.,AAAIi;‘? ~it?caA«:A‘*:txe.:2be‘..i= any in £'::gg*!amd who dare vapp4c:;r’ for Rafi; A A A A V fay. zheir‘0w11 §..i§..I‘i%ii"rII§€€;, «qr t‘°qr:y0m; ¢M3j¢g;}ge5 1nt¢r¢[t?—thW V A W111f1mc{m,5¢*.:0p;>0ri:u1'221:y i*<3»s.“xi.”. AYOLM‘ IN/i';aj'€£’cy iermmv oblégeé ‘ V b_g.rtheA Ozmh of (jam;-imam with God and your Pcopkyto proém*?o,??m%A % A A j£hc%3Endrss (if the '£I{)V€i13;mt in your Royal Smtion and Placa, to Athé; A AA ’:s3;tn”r0§Af of your Pawwcrj. rflmd yom:MaAje{’cy byithe Treaty with this [T Kingdam, and ingude Reafon, is hand to followthe Counf.-31A and ; :A<;MCE of 310113." Pau*!iament and Church, and of thcfe vvho%%areA;?w A V AA them zautimrmd 5 and {Exam this: ‘Wh§Ch¢§S.' €&ffifi'1AHyAd6fil“{fd byqjibezh, asAme%ceH:a.ry=~;for%that good ;O.f RAc:11gis_)n md Chit Cm'c:m.mt, A2tndMAcz‘i§g g:s:‘ging of Athke Church and Kingdom to hazard their Lives and E» A IA AA A A A fiates fior=caArryirigA0n y:6<:-ma?%Ma§ef%iesAimtarei}, with the Interfift of D A jflzsiiwion, your Majefiy fiiozzid n0c..s;ieny,butVco11dia<§I%y.andfpesecliiy A . %.%c0nd€fi:“€nd {:0 in» A ' » V % . M; % % _ '7 A Ayour Majcrfly, afE€?1‘{0 ‘3'3‘rfl5fig iUM:'€atAy zmd fi.w%;hA oficrs, from A tthAé+¥{3l*iu.rch, the State and the Arm y, {hail refufe to fatisAfi¢ E1"1EiA;«(iAo‘;A4:‘§-.\A I ifim,‘ AaxaAdA.Aclear'%yA0z:r ReiblL1Ations,%%Ay«;mr% Majefty Awiil grieve thjair , 5pirAi:§%, co0IAthefiMr A&’h¢'%ions,A and Weakenxthezir I-lands AAnd_ iificg 2 A A " gyOLirMajePry refL1fflth t0AAAd0..AW‘hat :5 mA:3c<:‘fl2zArj;~' £03: the goad 0? _ A li“gAionTAfind G0f&s;AIAA3‘1?%‘atc:*AAz*os*é1°c,A,‘tht”:‘AA5rwi§A1¢V2<:>«;5§<::0ithe‘fafeAtyan~%%gfi0d of“ A “ Religibn, and £0 %th€zr0w~nA*%Sa*F»&£y, and£tmit%a% DieC1araAAti0n,‘AAA=A1%h0WA W-iIlingtAhey are to hazard their lives far ;,n:;mr }«1ajcfi"ies.In%xerefi, if W A A yehadb7een for F.c:Ahgmn ; but At}-ms AAb%r2.*2M%zt;g,_“g,:AAA dt:s3y'ed;;, A:he:y.%wi§Ai¢A¢fepa«» A AA gm-ta:;he:prel%x;vati¢:z1 of .R<:1igi0nAfmm_Aiy0s,u' Intm-§:{Ai°, andi¢1foAA%V=ito the,Safet\y%0;fti11s%%I{1ngdom‘;_ :mdA ,xfA there be sL%%dz;€mj;;:nc¢%han%d;%~fe:~% ' Aparationupcbn thQfa:+g‘r0Lz»mds,th€t?éfw%.%!1Am:ver,inh:amanea@pear~ A A ance,be“ f::ch~ as conjunflion,an-zixyumgr Emn:‘xies4(who wi_Hgran;A anymhing which%m,aj,r dtflroy }ra1xrVMajt:?cy) will winathcir end$~.AA;fia§“ A A A Affindolrfeé, %C9;gy% bf my Lwr.AerA to 19267:“ z’$~m’;.;r_jq/E’]»,%, Mipahw ‘ A? A W 13wf»zWivr¢wAA4Abi3mM 65¢ Aamaz. . ‘A j"5F A. INAf[,,,AS» A »