V €)fitiOI1Sth€I‘C 1- adefifor { an his beh a.if5‘inw}1ichVPmp0fitionsW hifi cu ‘ " ‘fiT¢é}iL.,‘.,.‘..-"‘: ”" V"‘w~‘-: — ~ M 9% -3 ;§~ *l.:;~* ' ~ A we A The King of$cotla2zd”s Negotiatiwns at CROW 3‘ for A.fsifh:‘ace avgaiwnfi the Ca?9zw:o2z;'Walt'i2 of 1 Ezzfizrzci, ia:1u%c*ertam@2*o;20fitia22.s‘ them meme for, and on hisbchalfgin which @;v'op(2J/Ztions his aflefiian zs«:.n& difgofition m ?o[2eriei*s A‘ 3;fl7crtcd.M I7”ubiifl1c&tQ facisfie as.m9.ni%¢ as are notw7iE1§ngmVAb4cc flaccivcdg N d A 1 W Charis tirefééamd C 45 t£myA/fylelaim Mm m nciblc King of great Britain. T/bare mm W’=‘”v4” Mam gfvm /W ;t*€?»é”)'«€£5?7?‘€f;0; =49»rm;d..* ~Si;;4c'c’ Mai‘ jfzm-¢_J 1 h«zveArem’v¢°;l4tAsw9 (“Q0265 afflze flame P1"o-po{{it§.. A 0135 fi’0m' Pa1'%i53 é'éei;¢gt/vrrc Pm'm‘ed iaawi dzflr;5éyzted flfimflizg. Mg? Clzzjgie of Frzanccé to flzr M5922 sip m mgzrg gym amtrzéwtzom of ./Womfy far »é;:22=¢.» Ami ifivggemg «mm ggfié ”{"?"‘>'€ 5W’0VW’a’,% Wt'>ow:R:0:c*, we ~!‘w‘fi2 mzmwy M0» V1“W10.fi’173 Difigalccatc Cm11—<;1iLes rvf h*@§.aAz"::d C nééw 27 W7.e3£’:7 U) was .{é2¢t M Rome éy Ormond) was Zmly Paris 5% his remm /mm Rome , and dial azww-A ziwfe Propofitions mm giver: imp the Pope, Ami that they were refirredza 4 Cangregation afCar-=- dilnaisa 1' have 55593 alfo i2:y‘Ew*med fl/am 4 «mmfe [we lamd“ aw Qflmlie, ‘iiflmt M Irjfla Pricfl, mbafe Mme is Dalia, wlJo:«‘s z:a;~2fi’f/"W M we gzgeen of Pc:a::.*tL1gal, is wow at Esme éy zine Cwmmfid 0f’ the Mug 0}‘ Scotland 2 tlmt }j?eAcamé,éy the mie of Pmnce, axed [me were with we” King afSc0tiand’sMMatlm~ 3 and received Her direc7z'~ :W75A5~ 1/24¢ izee imt Rome, Md grelfet/9 a.m’» pzsmfirwami zzzw we fzzid Pzmpofltiom verie lmtl_y;Tbaz*_ the Pope and Ca.rd‘ina’is éegzfifto take the [mm érzm firiazas cargfla./eratéé w¢,zz;_2J that 212?; exfiiefied {2}m‘t/5i74g wzlf’.-T I255 az'mzapm~s flew; H;wi;mgreccérv’d tlzz%féVZ2ztcr, M25! f;3'¢V2?£‘r}er adver- ’ A , ;,:p ‘ % ‘ %‘ $0 aha??? Mgnie am’ m we fi45dzring$t/§is- Common-wca1th, to‘Tyranni’e, and M ;ofM5.t,z'rz graifiitzydeg far thg 7222422’: qf rem::g;~z'«z2, nu! " ¥‘alfé_fr:.ttle P0‘p€rw”:,It may téos,«5(jgb.t fit. tide w«5H:>le[ko:zZdV“ ‘£66 Rtprifited, 2-9. we ézaaft/9at4Va1Z'72'¢»e7z 77~zz’g}/3: 559 :m*d£°cei« med. Afid hbat wvm z‘/oak who b‘weg'z'rz.§;eazV zip zt/Eawsaqfe/,’?z,"5 to éee fmpoféal wparz: { £2”ytl2;ztfc§rt4 af mm win-W par/‘E2e%4rz %Imerc/lgvfé/!*at‘/a@i*;¢;:m5.f?" drifffizsffirve af we ;vé:9]zZe’%s jmfl Md 22amralVlzbe{rtié'V) may A , 2a:;ly4x2¢é1eg2:’d~ PM‘ps«zg1azztar% ‘ Mix .King af Scotiimdis like tr) E558 a>f%e;?;* rc:sbyteri- an Relzgion; bis beam Mes’;/xg zmflorizae, A am’ }7is:princi- V‘ W17 }2ap»:sfi~omti)%e;¢ce— V% % It wouidécww g'r;e.:zt 4 wrong mi zmie 13544199‘, to Mini: Vr A A t‘ p ‘A ‘_ '*~f§¥z¥farr:é3d 02%‘ J . - em: fram the Popzfla pzzrtze, fir’ mrg.weremea£ af me a£{[éé~v.¢tiofl5 to we made upw a ¢ mzm‘é‘,;‘?“’«’ .: (33 ” etsuzttetg that fa timely te2z’.r:!t’,ecttb its mm mm 50131525 he Raw med tettcietttte. Y"/hejy Wm 332;5[[}16’$56t?a’€t7€ci"U’6ir, eieféte eateither fiftife efier 1/€7t‘?z"‘ tttet, or the Znhet" hf w.t2ruz'é2‘.:'tw. Hha}§t§~;t:2s "W€e‘h t.n..tbhi’h what I havef fomtime had in m rhtthds, and hztve hitherto orbem to éfititat .3 exfpegting it fltottiti firfthave" been made puhiieh in Fmete. 't‘”he whoie mztttet ofhaét £t:tn&’s thus : I received ftottt Fmttc'e, by at Gentlentan new- Ey com from Imlzt, at ‘Written copie in Italtzzrzy of Ptepofitions madeto thepope, on the behalf of the mug of Great Btfitmt, as the Propofitionsfiyle E'!iH'1:_,th:‘C Ptopofitions beeitzg of 3. i~‘ttz-Inge nature, and fueh asargued him to bee an abfohxte Papife; ME-‘ttendevoted to bee futtltetinformed of them, and Writ into Fmm'e again about them, and had this ,Anfwer,That the thmg was commonly fpaken of at Rome, that the fame Propofitiflns had beenldelhreted A ‘tothe Pope, and were by him refefd to {om Card?» mtl.t,!:O cottfidet of them : That they were originally in Lafitte, and that there was in Paris fmn fpeech among the P‘opifh=.partie,to have them Ptinted in Frtecbg hoping’ by that meanis to puhhfhit the more ’ ‘ 1“ genetahy, andthereby to dtttxtr all the POpifl1 pztttie “: tosefpoizfhts M uzttrei, and make great Subventions .. and Supplies to hiumupon the IntetePc of the G4:/M» hale Rom‘ 9 Reiigizm. Btttthe .@‘£€€i‘t-%hi~S Mather hteating of it, and judging that itwouldh bee vetie um- A feafohheiable to pubhfhzanie filth ththtg, during the he Tsteatie, left it mould Alatum the Scotsaand: difctw er A 3, lthim» 5 4!) him hefote hee hrtct getten poffefiieh of-".S‘mtZm.r.:’, which it W*3StH€1‘CtO‘ttWt}f€1 hee fhguid do upon ante terms witatetzet : And that it would bee extremely mifcluievetts to him etthat time, to have atttettoif made 0fith1Fr.mce, wmttght with the Lz'cz4letztCz'—-- r.w'£ to have it fuppteft, and to keep itftom heeing puhlick. ‘While I VVLTS exfpeéting weekly, when I fltould teceiv i: thence in Print, among other inter- cepted Lettters, there came to my hand 21 Letter Writett from Paris, without 3 name fub.‘?:1'ib’d, but feeming to bee a Prieft, and hO1dit‘?.g zt conttant cor- ”tefpottttencie» with the Prie-(ts here. ~'fl1eLettet was ditecftedto one '1'/;retm'tzte Cmmel, ahtet whom hstving enquired, I learn that hee is 8. Prieft, by hexttttfition .It;' 2, but horn in Spam -5 and in-this L<’:tEC'E. at cepie ef the fame Ptopofitions tn Lame, which his Lettet ~d€firt’4S"hh‘775§'t?0m5 ~ » t ' -u an .. ., . ‘ an, I t. . t to melt Q5” ¥ theethought fit, and efpecittliy to the Gentleman here that was newly com ttmn Remy. This fecond; mpie coming thus to hand, by waie ofintetceptioty from that tpa1'i.'i€_3 may givefittisfitétion of the truth of the thing, and that it is he p1€CE.' ofthet Intelligettce that is tminteined ttmong them,bywhi-eh his defigns are cttttiehd on with the Popith pertiefl thought fit :0 eottceztl itno longer, ix1t,ex1"pe<‘}c:ttion of itin Ptiint froth Ffdfififg but to puhlifh it with this hNatt:ttive, how it came to hand; and have Prhtted both the 4 Italian and Lamina coflpi-e, and put it alto into Ezagrzlijlv, V f0?"fl1:CiCf21.USf&(SfiOfl whe undetfiand netthet of the A etherilanguages. By this yeti fee heehath learnfl A ttemhisfiathetsfipittie tofayg Stfiflfijflfmfi Peter E < 3 )_ His nmitczwhrsd Grandfi1thfirfw;as wont to fay, after his A ofiacie from the Reformed Religion $20 Popcriq. Tézzzrzfiye Crawl 0fFx'a11cc was mm}; little, 2'2‘ were mt wrtk 4 Mpzfiror W0. Perhaps the: King of Swtlmzci e~30a:~}1 hat much abhorfroxn it: though hcc puhhckly hegiz1’s ceznhh <>zh.e1' fidqhy fwa11owinghahCo'vem22t or;two3wh§c::h if his Father could have (ion, hee might hem: Landon us all. But the King of Swtlzmd .h:3d noothcr,h vmsie to get piEmL‘fi3Ofl'3 and therefore though the Crown of Scotlaml he veric: little worth; yea hits": who hadmnc, thought}: worth a couplh of Cara-emmts, efpccially when he-e can with as little‘ Sample break them, as+~hee took them, when thefc his Pmpofitiztmsat Rome have procured thc beggfl Supplies, and {uch Affifiance as may enable him to pmhfis What hce is»: and the Smtsh’fli3;1hl¢n0t need to ask us what that is; fomofthe chiefefl: amohgthcm- have confc*fs’d I though not under Ccmfiteor) That they wcrc fL1fiiC§.€nt1y’; fazisfizrd that has was a ¢R..4jz.?,§Zt‘, "?ro;59 ztiom°~'I ...‘( ‘ .1, . hr-"1"“\j‘1 ' 9 A ' 25 1‘ ‘vfldfk V‘ ‘ I \ JV "‘ '15 rvtt. -r‘M"- . S ' ' _ . :‘ ‘ ‘ 4- ' : ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . M'r'."-s~.a"~“ . w _ .a >_ ‘, . ‘. {.3-, t‘ ‘ , I h ‘d_,~ §_‘_ “ ‘Rf ‘ 3”, .__.3‘».'V " ‘rm ' - - *' . 'v v 1% “ ‘ 4"" 5 I V ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , 1 0 . I ‘~ . V. ' ' ‘is . “ ,.,_,_,_ . ‘ W x ., it’. '-, _ ." ‘ ._ , ‘ '_,g‘.‘ “_ ‘‘‘‘r_‘ ‘:1 ‘ u-—~‘ H .. ' L, \ ‘ , - - ... ' ; ' , _ ‘ ‘ ‘ —J; :f.‘§:.a__,/ g. V ‘ “ yhvfi ' ‘ I M. . I ‘K ‘* M“. 1,’ ‘vfiaygf .\ 1‘. y , v;,,,“ ,,_:I,{£. ,...‘«v '..‘.-«~‘w-cg‘:-....—...“‘r' ., _ Wm « .4»: - - - ~ - “ . " "““‘ “ '1 ‘ . ' * ." ~ 7!°¢'@]9c)fz°ti07zi e’ m0ti*vi]J7‘e]§ntzztz' 551411? % nmzemio X. £90m. cf/14' am. nellf gzzrmojcmm, 1650* EC/arzflo (yin name di Cario 2,. invittgfrinzo riellaz gram BretAg11a,Francia,(5° % Eatiffinm Padre , ii vprefente Oratore can on AA ‘gni humilta dimofira alla Santita voftraa " she Ia caufa 6 motive principaie di quel “ ‘ Regicidio (dopo ill create mondo non mai piu udito) comm Carlo 1. Padre dc} pre- detto Carlo 2. da fimi Ribelli e crzldeliflim mi filbditi bmrbarameme commefiie , furono 1-e gracie, fw- vori e concelfiozmig ban {pegs 8: in &ivcrfi mod}: conferite afla Cattofica Religione , ed afuaifautori , nei Regni dti I;~f2gf3z'lt_ew'r‘czv8{ Ilaemizz ,, 8C cio efiér veto , fi ravoglie per qua-H03 die H gpzmdetto C re’ rlo prime diede aumriata ai Mar» chef%: de 0mmzu’o i, f%.'COfldOfld€I1tQ,diCh[iFtO.g ?FL.€<7f§&i~t;e qw fungflgfgg T13! icxéfari, anco insvita di fuloi Padireg M ii mQg’c;m ;I:m&Em%.;*1«g» dinato vex.'foj Ia fade Catmlica, inAcan§'e.rfxxita:vdfi gzfhe, fegu.» itande, le pedate pateme 3 %nO1I,i‘03:0%~‘C«1"Ha1H1@I1t¢ ravflm-=- -mancI3o,ma ancfie efp.re{fam;an»te%¢; m§d_i_zfa0,a;1 1V§a3firg%hei'e %0;;-» : wia:zd5:A:vité Re Jdel’ Eberazia,%n:ant§§:p%a‘: ~5’sra-i,ve£-1f0*J; qugzr VIf§;§- “£45,, :chepr¢3cuva{Te~*in%o%gni*"£nV10mdfi1?€$fld€f4% .c0~nt€11§1:~¢’ f0tiii?- -« fatai i CattoIici% mnfederati éique1;E’xgg:na ,. ;cy01;cede‘_,z3d;go;;« ii libemz di Relifione , rivovcfianciq a1c‘:meA1eggi% petiali, ~~%»gi%af'%:VV7c0miw% di;q{1e‘Hi,;pLib1:icat¢,, e %%fi_rga.%1me"m;¢ 15¢ Qifiéuirli ip re:-re,’%4paiI*eflioni, 8cja1g%ri1d~otninii*§ sf9Vx;Afc.agic;g:e di queile Ifiggi gh%ifiammtéf%CQnfifQ§§?v §t3%_3%1§*?%9’~I%'d«i¥3i; 1;: Wdetto Mamfiéfié"€f1%guVend0Ac0M7mfioritaaa 6 30313 Adfiili «mi VVpr¢detTtiiReg‘i5: cio e G2zr1o‘A I. 6 my 'c;onch1fe% e§:fia1b;i1i Ia {3} page corn ii dmi;.doiifedevat¢i ; ii eke fatto ii fieftto Re uni» t21n7%m1£ec0nA. gfli C«a~tt0%Iici: .@ lui f0gg€tti5% mc¢f7{e‘“; irraecoracia fiabi~igu4erraAa1* AParIiamei11tc>4Inglefé: es para da quefii fpia etatVi‘tyran$n%i non memo ‘in fadabil meme vim deiiderato ifi fatigue di quefio Re, che def, di Iui padre.-a Parimente il medefimo Oratore can ogni humiim em» fpcinealla Beatitudine vofhra, come i cietti. inhumani Re» gicidi nefandamente%ufurp2;ndofi ogni ‘autarim nelli Do» mini} fopranominaite del Re, cmdeliflimamente perfcgur itano, fiAneI1iIrzgF:ilterr4,‘c0n1 nell’ Ibemia, weficrminaxflo tutti, e «:23 fchedun Catt0Iica._.,con efig1ii_.,carceri,torn2ent.‘i$ cmnfiibatioxxie di mtte Ie fofianrefic in fixmcon crudelifsime morti. N e Ha tefiimonio Ia mifiara-biliffima firage C ronmelw £4124. nelPc’{'pugna%tione di due Citm, Ciae Pomzzma, e Nesfordia, e d’ altriluoghi, quandotutti Ii; Catwlici dii qua} fi vogfiaveta eféfl"o refiaronoefiinti. Nerfaviano am- @he fade quefli che uitimamente fi form arrichici edin» ~ graffétine11aI22gF2i£zerm, con la mvina e morte di ranti- ’l- % ~ V ‘ ‘ ‘ % "'50; %%%%%%%%%% "‘§ Dafie quaii ‘ccfé mate é dallifiecreti Parlamentariipcme mm dai guirammtojdel Cmwentiane, 0 patto {come di- mngfe quei erfidi) ml fm_Dio‘, ii mcca Ia mzmoj ed e pzu mhiaro ch’ 01% the qzxefii Regiicidi pm Che mai inhuma-» mi,;ee;*eén0d$i mica :as*£%in*guerve‘ % ik Catmlici , ed %.';1ffa.t:%mr ea» fifirparein futmi’ m2i‘v_erfa? ii fanto "Home de-Ha? fade Cat-w mlfim mem.re« glmianfiafi 5 ii ventmo Che quanta prima éfbggiegati-W4efl§ ‘d0mii2ii,fG.I.i’0 per affalire ed inffifiar Ea Ftfaizcim gylpéi 33 ?G*eré:m2ia ,”Iiq,uindi 1’ %1%talfa, .e finalmeme ‘fi§f%m*erwt”m"ta% Exefépagj :'ep”rim’end~o% ifie ae Monarchig, Emmi da 1;m:ma‘nm Aiafirifig e :m«“a£ detw (Rs: Carla 2. pemhe pafié f0i’zenere%i1pefo %d‘ei1s:e gumsa comm troii detti R»4ib€I~1i didia, e Chiaefa. flmm. 2 .Che commandi a tutm ii cicm beneficacad€il' m ziverfqfi ci qua! fi fizz grado,dignita1,{iat0 econditione, che canfirfim bmiiba. ii t€I‘Z~O_, avero ii quartz) &e%E0m fmtci, entratezpram vemi, Med emalaxznezzti, per la detta guerra, come Lxzxiverm {ale «.2 Catcolica, con ordinare, Che dam comzribucione fii esbozzfie ogneiei mafia mrerfia came alla {Farm-ta wiira pui parcra efpedicme. 1‘ ' Che per Ii fusoi Numcii Apafialici apprcflb tutti i‘ ‘ 4% %Principi,%%’Republiahe, e fiati Cattoiici operi in nzodcg, the H prcdetti Potcntafi iiano armmiti nefle viiliew dfi %Gic:-fu C1u*iPco3 perchefi difpomgano a compmzre pace uni» verfaiemfoccorrerc llflitamemze il demo Re Carlo *2. non ricoimific-ndo; dctfi Rcgiuidi maniac Rttpkfialica 3 0 Smmg, me tampoco con quefli havenda alcum trafica 0 mm mercm. 4.. Che per Ii predetti Nuncii5 cmro per alcra ftrada fia- ano in tempo avifati tutti, e ciaféhedtzn Manama h;’Ew vropa, accio ii rendino fenfibgili in negortio di tamta impagm mama, ne1qt.1a3e,<:.>1treiIpregiuditio conmitme deliafkdag 33 tram. gmio fli proprio ca particolar izxterefie , nxentre i nzedefimi ayranni, inimici mortali di ogni Monarchiag confmnaefzerq Pcefiig e con parole 6 con fcritti manifem fiamemefi dichiaramo, e& anche aquefio fine nella Germ mmia, Francia, Spagm, Pokmia e& anzi nelli dominii $30 é.%:e;% Turks hazmo en." efietto eccitati foflevamenti make pericolofi, ed eccitati, ii confervano e fomentana, e per mamtenerli, fommlnifirano ad ogni memento Earw ghiifinmg fpefe. , « % AA 5. Che vofira Santita foltto pena fli {Eommunica dain- cormrfiégfa faétog ingiongs; e mmmandi a tutti , e cia-~ A ~ 5 2 fchedun 6-mfi fchefiuin (3a?tto1Ai*a7a3trche me mm, m: alum di efli dimttamente m indirettamenteg per mam 0 per terra,ardifca {Tamra alli prefletti tyrapni, ma tam. pow gli affifia 0 favarifca. cofi cfoiZ=:g1io”o agmm di qual £1 vaglia fortea me foam qua} {=3 %fiap~rec%eao. ' A vSa?nti1T1n10%PadMre, gliavennatirimédiifonodaapp1i_car-e fia ten1po,¢cpn 1-i quali la fedeCatto1ica, gia efpofla aAnm;- nifeflo pefiicolo, Ii preferva. L’ infinite nmfnero dc Cattow ' licivien liberati defile fauci Vdella defirllttiune. Si refiaura Ealvlonarchiag e quell’ Tinvittiflimo Re della {Gran Bretagzm ‘Viewreftituico.in‘integr%o: Le quali cofe tutte can encomiiv’. xdi lode efiitlcamnno fino allefielle IaSantita vofira, Ia qua} Die.) omnipotence maffimo per moki axmi con fervi felice. L’ Oratore , Occorrendo; fiffngirixz wra zradotm efporra piu copiofamente "aw 0W’!£W5~‘?’ awoce le fopradettc pm» [A N pefizionige mazivi. ,.,.....«..-u-.»—.»....‘ " al , . ‘viva! "F .. 1"’5';%’§;‘1*7Z".!;i~'§ f.. :‘Q”L:§;I:a¥‘ " ‘\ ''‘-‘l+a‘'~:-umau. Tropo/iziozzex fig“ e9W'otz°w pm <9“ ex parte % Caroli J/Eczzncii i.vwz'Ef;i/Emzz’ Kegis" magma Britsumiaa, Franciee, €37‘ Hibernifi , Irmocemm 4 m. . .; 5 V"I‘».'+fl*" A :i. , _ _. V _, T .. cw VA W. -‘H x . . \ ,_ ..~ ‘_ _ ‘ =“ “ W-‘%'*"~"f»~"-‘~"‘*'~%=-% . » . .» ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ "9’ Tamifiri fl/faxmzafi flzzzza fzgéiiei gim/Eéitzztze 16 30. Em” séme Pater? Prazfens Omar cum onmi i1um1§1itateoficnd‘m: S<.2mé’titati mat‘.-; qubdillius RegicidiiinV%Caraiz4m primum prazdifli Carafi fecundi Pattern :31 fuig mbeliibus 8: crudciibus fab» ditis tyrannicéperpetramcujus fimilc ab Orbs con... dim inauditum inter ipfas quidem Bmrbzms , new dum Civiles nationes) Cauifa pri~ncipa§i$ Ea Occm fio fuerunt, gratias: , favores 8: mncefifiwncs fmpem mxmcro 8: diverfimodé Rcligioni Cathoiicsa ejixfqg, a'H‘crt01'ibus 82: cultoribusfi tumin Amglix, mm. m Hiéernmflcgnisa Hujus mi veritas ex so cm1‘?c;«1r, quéd pmdifims wraiw primus Marchiomi de 02'» h wand divcrfis flommiifionibus autarimmn feccrit Es fiabi-» €12) fiabiiicndi 8: mrficfendi mnditiones wmneg pro fide Catholicé fatis fcctams cum fmderazis p::*&d§.‘&§. ‘ regni fijéerwm Catmiécisw Prmzerea pmfatus Can» rolm pmmusa timcms né fixétus Owrmmdzlws, quia. baa» reticus ,, prxdiéfis cmfoedv.-rat.§sAin omnibus non fa.» V tisfaciat, Marchioncm dc Wamffer virum vcré Ca» thcflicum cum Commfifiwnc magis amplé‘, in Hiéer» geim dcsfiinavit , W in qua Commifsiorie .praadi€tus Marchia dewamtfler piicmriam habuif aumrizatem ‘cum -fixpradiffiris confmderatis Paccm con<:‘Euden&i, ac c0:11diriomesomn‘imadé fatisEa&:>1'§as ipfis conca- dcndifi, mmqu0ac17[Libertatemfidei,qu;1m an”? alias injurizfis ipfis iflatas CO§1C€’ET1€T1f§.§§.; quad praedifius Marchéo dc Wmeffer abfoluté Pace “faétfi. abundc compleviu Infupsr quéd prmdicims Carola: primus in ipfa. Az2g_'!z'.;§,, .Cathoii<:os._, mlmirum di6mm%‘Mar-= chigoncn dc 11*/'omg/Zeraflrtfiwwm Afl2t92¢ Equirem Au- -- “way ra€uri‘£;’E”if””rf§“p1uribus ams‘U7amo1css uo xerci- -Vitui p~1‘33f‘€cerit, Civitatcs, Caf%ra,Fortaiitia mzmizifli- ma (Popuh clamor: in mntrarzum non obfiante) ipfis gubemanda tradiderit; Regicidii fané inipfum mm%;1di£§Ai%aon‘%1cve Motivuma Umde confiat deniq; quéd, iicét diéius Cdrvlws non mortuus Cazholicusg pm Catholicis famen mortuus {in Burma ( Beatifsimc Pater) IdemA0rafor humil- iimé repmfenzat, qubd modernus Rex Camlzas {Les etundm, préediffiiprimi, ac fuorumRegnorum £11115 8: indubitatus Hares, cui amen: Regna jurc debm-4 wt’, jtuxta mud Chrififi ,_, %A}Zm’;%;’z'te germ fiuzt:Caej2m'5 Eaffzri, ~ac1hucviv€nt%e patrcfuo, inclixaaitiwncs er- ¢ gga fi&c~m‘Ca:110Eia:am, bums 8:: veré xaatwcaiesvifus ” cfi (12) we habcrm iuxfta fui patris vefiigiis inhasvs:e§1s,% VA Marchioni dis 0rm0mi,Proregi, in Hiéemmm pmfi-4 cifccntifl non foliixm commendavcrit, venkm firicfic-é & exprefsé in mandatis przeceperity confoederatis Héberzziw Catholicis quoad omnia {atisfa<:ere,«quippe libcmrn eis Religionis ext.-rcizium concedere , leges poenales contra cos latas abrogargtcrras, prxdia, poifefsidn-es, aliiaque Dominia ipfis,aliqu3.ndo, vel 5,1110% tempom, vidi€tarum‘1egum,injufié ablata, tam Laifcis quim Ecclcfiafiicis omnia reftitucre : quibus Mandatis idem Marchim obtemperans, cum difiis confoedcratis , nomine 8.: Auroritate prsedwtorum duorum. Regum,Carolz' fail. primi 8: fecundiyacem iniit 8: firmitcr conclufir. Ex cujus Pads conclufi-» ene dicftus modernus Rex, unitim cum fuorum Dom miniorum Catholiciss fomra Parlamentarios Am glia regicidas hello in‘-cconciiiabiii fefe involvit ; cujus fanguinem proprerea difii crudeles Tyranni non facile; ac patris infatilzbiliter fitiunt. AA Exponit ulzcfiixs fuppficiter idem Ogmtor San&i- tatituaeg qubd dicffi inhtzmmi Regicidae, in Domfis niis praementionati Rcgis om mm Autoritiatem mefa- xié fibi ufurpantes , omnes 6.: fingu10s‘*Catho1icas mxmin Amglia, tum in”H;iéerm'a, partirn Exilio mulu xando, arrm Carceribus definendo ‘,‘pmim Sup- ¢p1iciisf.a$igend.c~ , fpartim denigque cmdeii{‘si%méi Mort: aflficicndo: (confifcatis prifis omnibus emmm ~%o~nis & terris ) faeviflimé peicfequu-ntur ,A rem mi» vferriméi %Cr'a%2xwe[!iamz”4:%c1ade in Mexpugnatiiane dua- h,_Aruxr1""Acivi”m_tu“ms Ponténée A. & Wexférdm» , a11i.:3minv.;_1{”uros3 &<;:i%nde Gcrmmimmlraliam,to» zétmqaze Emapam p::*rV;=afim'o=s, Rages & Monarchas d@p‘r>cfi'12rc:s3 quas’ dc:-nemimrienes odiV0:fiV{sim:is ha-4 bent 85 n”:ir:2bi1A‘iter ab?h0:*rem‘y atque adesé fizmxmrié Eoquenda mm aliud E :1 voris E1-sbexut qL:z§.mD_L1o; nim mfitgmp AAAA fieTi,gmfi%,__€ T , .. _ mmés M0n:%rc11i2e Exfiin . % .. % ~ ', étmnmnr Qribus iniquis 35 machirmianibus, quanfioquidexn fpc-rs L2Ha~n0n+eX« fiiE€‘I:‘§t:, quéd amt 1'1iCW R€X aim Pateripfiuszmqiiam aficmtianttxrg ‘MQYEC &jExilio‘:1fl‘ic.iL1ntL1r,5 & Rebeiw has aufu iiefmo §a~m %:)up<:“rA [fife ,.Re2¢gpz§£2!z‘m72 aw» Fenanga t , . . ‘ . _. . L A Lo§§arrcm§urz3V §git‘l,u”‘:' §21§"e*rm;21*:i§ous ;Ahu3ufm{0:di Rfibfiliium % W m03im§;fli;bfls ;hi»;C %0;ramr LéV *%Sv:m6titati mm E1354 fiéqucntés Pmpofi«ti1ones %hu\mi1liané pm-‘— pomar. ’ [ i % “ * *1. Qu%5$d,%San&itas fiua fuprafliéio Carola fecLmd o A. 62;: pr0P1Ti0z Th€»fatir9 Apbectxniw‘ I u xivn 11aa%m;ddnfid em bi- ~J§e&ma :36 Beiii C.V <>:z:m‘a. ‘id-{ié:t0;SI; fii,’ Ecdefiae,“ 8:’: Momra %.;C‘_hi w ;*cbe13::'-?s&f' u?ceratat;i011i mrrcf p0nafsnt‘c_.m,% annua. mu * fuppedzwco 3. ug fifisfi in ‘L1: fézcfiat & mgat wmm Ciesrum berxeficiai man, peruniverfum Orbemg cuiufcunque dignitatig, gradfisj, £’::1tf1s.:,_v*eELccmditionis , ad co mribuencium in tertia val quartfi parts ortmiuxn {uorum fmiafiuum, Tedituuni , provcntuum ac cmoiumentomm dicfto ‘Echo ;tanquam Unixrerfali & Cathdlicm Szdiéia. I Cmnmbutio {ingulis tremcfiribus, vel pmut Sanc‘?ci- taxi Tux magis expediens videbitur, folva.mr.‘AVV 3. Qgbfi per {hos Apoficolicos Nrmcios apud _omnes Principes, Rel‘pub1icas,& Catholicos Stat‘-15$ mflantiffimé agafi, ut przediéii Principcs, Refpubl£« caa, 82‘ Status, in vifceribus Chrifii, ad.moneanmr St iflducantur ad univerfalem Pacem inemldam & wfifiiudendam, diéiéque Regi unitim fubveniant, diéiéfque Regicidas Tyrannos pro Republica am: Statu ncquaquam agnofcant, nec ullum cum eifdcm C0n1mercium habeanf, aut teneant. 4. 11:: per praediéfos Nuncios, am: alié‘. Vi§.,omnes 8: finguli totius Euro As’ Monarchae t:empcfiivéad- maneantur ficri fenfibfles in has Cauffa, in qua; pree- ter Fidéidetrimentum, de eorum proprio agiturim terc-2fl‘e, utpote prxdi&1'I'yrann1 m omnem Momma- chiam conjurati Hofies, ut ipfi vcrbo 8: Scripto pa»- Eim afferunt, ad quem finem in Germaseia, Hiffméfi, Galiizi, Paimifi, 8: imo‘ in ipfis Magni 7‘mmc Domi-~ niis Infurrefiiones fads periculofas de F3610 fufcitz'i~ rum, fufcitatas fovem:,& ad cas fovcndas impenfas fubnninifcranti, ad quzts largé contribuunt. 5. Dr Sanétiras ma fub poena Excommunicaftionis ipfo fafio incurrendae, mandet: 8: prxcipiat univerfis 8: fingulis Catholicis, ut ipfi 36 comm aliquis , di-~ rcfié vcl indircéié, terrével Amati armatus non infer-«— viac " 1'6‘ 3 “€$§at.,m€%ffi1%i0 amauéaiiio afiiifiat, «§A%uvm., fovmtfi" mt ~a1i”@-qquocfunqucfpr2etextLz ipfig aifiundzs fi‘?1bvc1'2i:2.a;. V "SA:am&iiT1m€ ¥Pm:€r»! ifffa 1‘€m e.(§ia tam pfifiz-vj~é ’i‘uns§*'. a -iicandA3z uibus fidss Ciati1A01iica »immim=:mi 0 ~ . , 3 fv ‘, ‘ . . penculo jam €f°X~p01_1t&1,C0_i1f€fY&7~i‘:*£“§,i1‘; Cat1*:,ohcVmnn1rn~ ‘finlimsV nfum*r:vms (ix:-{%:mi~ A%Leri;pi;1t11.r Momrchza ream-s41~e:ur;% 85 in r?i6%i«{§§m11s‘;n‘ez.g»maa T5r§t.z1.ni1§,9c R{i"§§ Afuo jt11‘i"re{7zita3m.1r: *Q3§a2 cammizz iii: ivCm§um '1:-azudibms Afiaxifiritacem ‘;a:::311<1.«er’i?‘ca*-cnt4»%~§» quzarn :Dc'.us Opazanuza A ‘Maxims Md ii‘m:iT1£'11e:‘°' £0 naffervtt inmlumssm. ‘ % *Pa'mp0fit%i~0wi1@s ‘£?.«fir;_ Vi1*3c*I1évé%:-&s;4 éé: ’M%0t.iv.i,:,1 afi “ 0cc'£*fim j@p4ofi*u’3%a~vb%.:, ®rawx~%depon€t figs V'h2::3. ‘W?vC£“:%«.V% A ‘ c "‘\-vuutrnv-4"-"Am-su..nA’a.:v~l'-wS.J»u:»I>‘c‘ma....j ‘-w‘UWV: ‘M ' M ‘ ""‘l:- “M V ‘ V\7"“L ' '4: mm ?”z«*0Zb0/Qtéasrzs mzci zwativey, vfbr, dmlon} A we Behalf 0}’ Charis tlaeflcorzd, the 72203 z‘2’212m-«M: ggzgle %[{i;;_g ”of Great Britain, France, and re.. ‘mend? prejerzted to ‘Pope1nn0C¢ntwtke;Tenz'F2, 4:522 tiaeyear o;fL]ub;1e mi 50. V” Mafl blefled Jim’/Erer! W E: pre{?en:wOmtorfwith all huzmilaie filezvedv. > , .% t0yv0L1riH01in<;“£?«;, Thagimhe pr§_m::ip="a3 Cami" and*0ce-;= cafion cf flmt regiciVdetyramnicaHy pm'p~:.::trated;% » upomzhe 'pmri“0z1 05 czmz; the firfl, Fat‘her%0f%t‘ha.t: '31:; ‘E aziari C.7f2m*!.£ =:h.~~:::*§I=:c%;211CE9 by his P;_e*:!:>ds aid cmfil Subgefls ( tilt: M15 *»pvh&*reoE ‘W928 xzewex‘ hs:*;«m:3: us?‘ {mum the E:~e:;-,_:{iz:n“*r.ix21;g,7 of the Wmld, mat; cmelgz rt-_ graces, {sways and Cm:wVzc.=:E§:0z13, {'0 often am;r%% so waaies r~_:«;v:mm:§2.d my the Cath~%:;-V’;?;»<:?3a' E~‘*w1Z"=..;:§.0m €§'%~i>‘ :?.:«:.r=;*s and §h7’r«;>%§7:£iU3x"s t?'1@:*&a.rE} m th:2*fi§§;ia*a5g«J§3§11s%b.0t§*; "gin‘7"E22g;# zmdi L’;*e‘Ewzd "fl‘7i%*a*rrutEj1 3:“i~':3‘i”‘ ~?'G§: ;a;:*a"g‘,‘V>~.€v3:?.I‘«3‘w“’~?3‘i;V'-;-¢’~ ii? "§:..»:~rl.»r the“ 52% gave ;‘3‘a’=&.m:*.:5j {<3 §% . " -~' ‘A A -V W; " “ . ; 3... 17.. 3]. , "..M. §‘....".1”r’"! ~ 0;«;.-mm! bwgi-.»3vs,*=m”§ G-~:;z'a**z::m¢i"*:‘zr;wz:;.,V ,3:-at the ea-ai;;l;11Ez1f Io.=:;:*:i*7<:«-f7“»:Imev am ~iZ3sL>z'2=c§.§tiw:%$::vs w}tI"1< €329 «‘CJ0n2,§:2x§eram:~: ml» -‘s - ‘ ‘__ V“ V-. ‘ , my p ‘ «Na a 0 .,_«";. :‘ E%%ci:9 0% ::he E§:n;:,z:%$:E:az*21 0% 1”’;ve*Zz:72;z,z"5 04:‘ fiufhcxent £m.1&*1tae is ,3. F A I - ‘ Q _ , 1 ‘ ‘ " " an I‘ ‘ “ .. fl1e?%{Zz-:t3'w7i1c%%i~i:*“.2m?t1.~ %.E3ur~z%3e2‘m3o'i‘€%%a thfi M151} _Cf7W:f5~;‘ W3‘: ‘fgga_r§ma' tzméij thie¥T%§E'%ia:3! %.0*rmm2'd (‘bméimfg‘"an"Hés:"ec_iri7k} fiN_~;g,g.,},d g1.._jM_.§gw13{'ge% “they: wczmedesrates In all tmzngs 1::-{~..~. 3‘ (Q ' 3 ;*~- {*1} Le" ‘G :5; ,3 if. 1”’; ‘ -v. T V. n I (:8) {eat hither the Mérquefb of Worcefter, a rnah. truly and wholly Catholique, with a more ample Comnaifiiong in T which Commiflion the {aid Matquefs of Wotcefier had full Autoritzie of concluding a Peace with the {aid Cozlfederate tflithtiliques, and 0f giving them COnditiOnS” altogether‘ fateisfafiorie, as We}! as contcernhig Libertie of" Religion 3 as alfo as to other injuries that had been don unto them, which the {aid Marqeuefla of Worcefler making with them an abfolute peace, did abundantly fulfil. “ V urther, this appeareth in thAee the {aid Cbzzrlsthe heft, even The E22g1d;:d‘i*t {chi did by Ccmmiflbns {et the Qathom I-iques, nameiy, the {aid Marquefs of Wotcefler, Sir Arlisur Afbmz, and manie others, {aver his Armies; and made them Governors (if Cities, Ca{t}es,and firong Holds, notwith- {tending the clamdt of the Peopleagainitit, andwhich was mat a flight motive of the regicide committed upon him, whereby it a?£ppf3.X‘S 3 that although the fafidliing» Charla the fitfi died not 3 Catholique, yet he: died for V Again, (mod hlefled Father I ) the fame Otatotitzgahhtt humbly repreflentfs, That the prefiznt King Cheri: fen tend, the true and undoubted Heir of the forefaid Charl: the firfi, and ofail his Kingdoms (to whom the {aid King- doms'be1eng of right, according to that of Chem, Give V to Caffla?‘ the tbirzg: tlmz‘ are ('¢efa'r’s _., While his Father yet liw ved, was known to have good and true Natural inclinativ ens to the Catholique Faith, foilowingjwhich, and going on in his Fathers Reps, did not onely recommend it to the Marqucfs of Ormand, but gave it him in exprefé Command to fatisfie in all things the C011fede1*ate Catholiques in Ireland: namely, That hee fimould grant: them the free Ext!“ tife oftheir R eligion 5 That has fhouldt abrogate the penal Ehaws made againft them 5. and that hee fhould reflore to the {aid Catholiquez-gwhether Laicks or E cclefiafiicks_.,theie Lands, Efiates, Poffefiions , or what other Rights did-. at Vatnie time heltmg unto them, and by the {aid Lawshad been unjufliy taken away; in obedience to which Chm-= ' mands» l(I9§ mandsg the {aid Marqneié in the Name, and by the Auto... ritie of the {aid two Kings, namely , Charis the firfl an& the fecond, hee made andlconcluded a firm Peace wichche . fiid Confederate Catholiques 5 bythe oonclufion ofwhich Peace, the {aid prefient King and all his Dominionsg. hath. involved hinxfelfwith the Catholiques in an irreconcila- able War againfi: the Parlamentarian Regicidesh of England? wholé blood thereforeethe {aid cruel Tyrants infatiably thirfl after, as they dfid after his F‘:o:hers. l " % 3 L The {aid Oratorfixcther offers to your Hol.inefé,lThac the inhumane Regicldes do wickedly nfurp to themii-;-lvs in the Dominions aforementioned: all the Autoricic of the King, do mofi cruelly perfl‘-:c:.1te\all “the Catholiqnes both in Englzmol and in Ireland , partly by condemning them tolbanilhment,pa.rt1y by thmfiing themiirzto Prim fons, and otherwife corporally punifhing tflhennande lailly, by putting them t;o,deat.h, a witnelh of the truth hereof, is that great {laughter meadow by lCromwel, in the taking of the two Citieslot”DrogiJc'da and FV£‘.:=efordg and other places, Where allbthe :C3,1;hol§.;q:.xes ‘WJi£l10¢;:W;dllZ:x*iti1l.;1atloon of ei- ther Sex on: AgelWe1'ellaLzg;h%tered';, witnefshiereohfalfolthe raging perlecution and death of Catholiqueél”iz1 England; by all which, and by their Parlamentarian Decrees, them- felvs, and their Covenant with God (as they call it ) hit is evident even beyond the clearnefs of the light of the {hi--. ning Sun, That thefe Tyrannical Regicicles do ultimately intend and put: forth all their power for the utter hdelhru-. &ion of all Catholiques, and to exlhkpate by the roots, and Wholly to extingguiflu the Cathollque Faith thronghw out the world, openly nfléreing and boafiing with great glorie,h that thefi:-: things beeing once iinilhed in thole Do». minions, they will then invade F rcmce, and after that run through Gerrm.v2ie,Italie, and all Europe, throwing down Kingsand Monarchs, whole verie Titles are rnoll odious and abhorrent unto them 3 briefly, they have no other thing in their Votes then thefe two, namely, The exfiirpa-~ tion of the Catholique Religion, and the defirufiion of C 3 Monarchie 5; {$93 gea: Tim m;*i>;%.«.«’i-<:A§.~?1.w"»*iv*;‘*:.=c':’*”€:ir;«:.‘s.; B.’efi:=3:s%,* ‘rim Grater ifsxzefi Ezu_mbE_§::‘o~:fi"ex’s :6 .;g.?5~mzr %§4§01me2i§3 the {bHQxving%Prmt~:g?[:% V A " L: I E '§?%E(1a'§t‘%}?*€::u’z* ’$%§0§§3§aé:f§ % %§t9:fld%Li11ak€ an ati3?1§i1§'31‘% izzppiig an i V r ,(j‘:,p{fg<‘f,; (;:E5nm*a~ov;;x 7"3Fre&'fi1rie i1“nt0‘the wfaéifi Cfimrlr“ «the {Eco 11$: 63? c«3:.3%Eé«3:“&.b3i€ fufimseif 3‘:*1«:)41m§rg,.A ‘fmable m this ma;imein~’ Etmg t‘i1e‘\}V:z%¢aV'*‘aga;i1-=2{%-tfiiwzie -Bgcbeis agamnfi Gad; the~Church,* ' % : 1 » \ ' 2*. ‘ Thl§é*:* y}"&3%1“L ‘£?4'}i'*Lf;‘:*V.lM_V‘(53;£iL1‘i"“"§3‘i‘&"CG51‘I“3p~¥*'.§:"£f{7YE WE tile ‘bfiflfifi-we sed1A iiérgie 2:3 t§1i3“i?i.?€}§“?§~%.i§¥ w’h?atfeéve:%r igzxkitie, D‘egre&,; .°§tate, 01‘ CW3 :"3.*i§ki:';:%1 fi?:»~i=:3v‘e:»:3, to contribute‘ the Athirrdw 01' the: §'0%&1r£{‘E§% pm Cvf ail}? a§1«:«:.’u* }9‘m”£ts,1 R»ef'}ts_., ‘Prsvemues, or Emmi E”u.men£S‘%£9" A as beeimg E§nive$a3¢f:;J am illavzziaoea §'i3<::k. :T.‘:l.’?‘A;."I":’i;’(;i‘~(’"'L‘§“§:§:f’V5%Z§;‘;§’5s‘.f i‘z§‘§.«.A‘§~{3«(321m*.%fib‘t.*é€3;fQE'§? Tsifiiie ‘B%§§‘3i3§ii53§$?€r§e f?3x9eefAt§x011‘*et1“1's$ *dr;0theJrWi%£%:% as ifeem ‘rnofi: wipaciiezat to‘ H0?i:3e§7s.y ~ . * _' ‘gig Thegt by ycmr Ap"O§§(}UC£i NLz11ci%o:»sg~y0m* H*U§En+:f3 mZ::m1d% % msia; i,z;*~%V‘§ antiy e'n¢d%e*v<3 mfith. ail {?*f,r;;ix%1s::é=s;s';Vi;,5#‘% E0:-snéesy $4; Em} §sfc§:}:*i*:°?A¢ta«té'4s::,;: r:’zr£?:2s?tA- tAI§wsVe%.{~mEi €6.85; 53*: zm 'Sm?tie"s, may B56 ?[&*{&1'53{§'¥3‘§.§£EEii*::4§‘L§‘§’: fliate; ?E§it$9c£fi:wT:s mi‘ ”}”%=::"é'i*§s m11A:§mi=,%»:.2s4;;2;:r.“w .k;'§}“§}fii7Em‘3d§.3%" aim ;anciiA«VTyLz*gs:f:?as‘A :§?bm.- §.‘m::ma - wi%§m"'1»tfE1 " <:n:* 8 agate '34: %11imi°*’é.‘z*:«t:::r %Is',%a*a?ic¥%(§;,i f<3g*1 ::.*;Ac:2‘:m';i'2>;»*::§?i:é..2 VVL M V % * A ‘“" "W. I ” ‘ " Q:§,,j "Kim: B3,?’ t?i"w 1*» ~:;*mc §b'ES_., @%1~V‘%amlir3* @ti“:e;r xzémieig 2&3} iiimbii am ref: t'f"§(e“'%§:/‘i1‘0$:1 .~"3:m:~%T:.. sf in :5: 2%:§¥§"mfc:§e*§ iJ7£*£“Z.§h§:5£% €fK‘3*55_ _Aitam£”;.§jvvi1m*er:irzri9\ béififl 3 N ha? f<;39i‘efa’:.é§ T‘§;*rar§«it§‘% :?é7s.a?cé«x'iz %%k:x}«»?.13fi?es % E0 2:», 1 ~. ; ‘- C3ElC*i‘“FE"E§3»fi. f 33%“ .7§'iL'm*o;w mm; bee. t_§:m:sf%y :+a;;;.‘§:- £21} to ayfl R/'.‘ic:naa*»z:~;E1ive 3 as they mhwmfeivs do epeniy afl7£=:z'*t, bagath by ward and Wrlmnggfg and ago that and, both in Ger- mme, Spairz, F:~'maz~c*e, Paiozzia, 6%. And in the verie Domini-« ons of the gym: Turk, they have raiiied da.ngeroL1s i1'}fil1‘—'- reéiiansg beefing mifed, they foment them; and to than purpcsfe they fuppiie the charge and make I:%.rg«;2 contributi- 011.3 to It. 5. Thai: your Holinefé would command, under pain of excommunication, ipfo faéfio, alland fingular Catholicks, that neither they nor anie of them, d‘ire&1y nor indire€t1y, by Land orby Sea, do few them in Arms, or affifi them by anie Counfehor help to favor or filpplie them anieyiwaie tmder whatfoeéver pretext. Holy Father! the premiféd remedies are timely tobee applied, by which the Catholick Faith now expeaféd to excrenxe and imminent haz;1rd,ma'1c~: bee coniérvedg an infi-- nite xmmber of Catholicks may bee preférved from defau- fiiong I‘:/Konarchia magic bee eflab-Iiihed ;and the moi’: invin- dble Kizyag 035 G‘:‘6’c2i' Brimiiz reiizoredf to his Rights : All which things will b:?;1ryC:~u1‘ E‘.-Iolineafi to heaven With their prai{7és, whom God ioxm; ccmfisrv in fafctie 8cc.. The Propofitioms and Motives abovefai-d (if Occazficm bee)ti1e €.3m=:o.*: will largeiy fat fmch mg; vow» PROPO»-«A PR »=_ .T~, fix 5 I T 1 LES MOTIFS PRiE$.’ENT«E_Z A N 0.57!’ RE SPLENT LE P;M’_E Kn~nocem: du mm: .5 »er11%c€%tI:¢ .}21n+I1i§CV Sainm gdfc Eubilé L65.o.%i Par 161 Reverend Pere J5 MIA Rom u Carmelita Hybernois. 5521 famemade Clzmrlesfecond de la VGrancf’: _'°?3re~g %_ tagne, Eifyberiwie. ‘ F P-our fan cflabl-ifl‘emcnt 43¢ confiaruation &€ 19; Religion CathQ1igu¢,Apo£%o3ique, 78: Ro-- ° Vmainfi ¢n»f¢s_fEfiatS»: A ébpie extraiffe J? fmoriginal, cbllatfionée. A P ARI S2136 RE S-S A31 N C T P E‘R*fET ‘E prefent b1faA1te%ur em principale Sc occafion dc Ce‘ Rigicide tyranniquew 1&7‘-at meat commie. en la performs dc Clharks 1. Bare fie ‘ AV 'Chm°1esAII’. parfesVrcbc11?es8c<:;‘ue1SSub1c&s,,8;;_dont% d‘ «m¢fcz11blab1e,.norx.? pas mefme<éntre“1es barbawés, non plus time para 7 D my ‘Lo " or-nu-.J3*su ' route humilité defire dc vows‘ monfirer, que la caufe M E1?<.=:p*uis le cm%menc@m~cnt‘ciu?m0x;d¢ .,’ on n’a Qifiy .fgr1y,géntcn,du pazict ’ ('24.? my§€E1'!atiOY1$CilZi1'E‘S‘§ wont xzflé aum:-.=. queies gmces.. f:meL2rs£‘at: pcrixaifiioxas qw on a foutmrt 8:’ en diuerfes fagons cdncedéés 8: ofiroyéés, %,t:a.in%t:1u1’{oyaunxe d’ Aug1ctcr1‘equ’c-n cell.-sy d Hybc”rnie., n%on%_fc:~i21ement"a laficflgion Canholique , Apofioliqtxe 8: Romaine, rxzaivs 2%. ft 3 Confirmatcurs Si Proteftetlrs. % ‘ La;v§*:rE.té dequoy me prouiént ti’ autre motifl (1l.l"5l.C21-Lift‘ qua Iétiit C1f1ax*lesVI.,‘ au1‘oit-dome’: plain pquufoirj 8c%a1:tho1‘itc-par d»iiur.-rfc5s Com» mifi~§‘t5ns‘au Marquis ‘D’:Ozf‘mor.~.d , CFafgfitrzllifv3C _;;CCOmp1ilTtOL1t€S.lC'S a:Gi§d¥i~t~i‘011~s’%’cerrailzws“$5”£1ii{i’§%ag<%-u‘fc:°sf5bi;:r Iafoy Catholique aucc his Confcdercz Cat§1oIiquc_§,V}dug§itwRQy;gx1zne d’_,Hybemic.% Da-vantage: ~icditflAcharlcsjls. b1‘aigx1,’éifi= q§uc Icdit Ormd;nd :21 c'1uf:’:qu’il cfioic heretiqtze , 11'’ 61:1’: pas pieiuacnaent fatAisf2iit ausditsconfcdcrrrz , d<-':- ‘ puta 1:: Marquis dc: \7cér«:efi:<:r, ho1nmevrayem'ent Catholic; 12¢, au<.c vnc? con1nn'fi41on1 plus ampie ., pour allcrr en Hybernre , Dans laqut.-Ile JConm':ifl’ion. Iedit Iviarquis devocérccsficr eufl: plaine 8: abfolmé aushr:- A rité,°”de Vfairé &_¢or'1"cIurcIa pzzix au<:clc=:fdits %Confede.rc~:L%, 8: dcleur Aconczcrder Ea ziccordc*r_‘I'<:s Conditions jtoralemc-"nt fétisAfafi‘oir<.=s qu’ on Ec_ur auoir , faiii C:*_<,*>~ 5’ enallarat en Hybernic-;, dc fatisfhire, gem tmtr-t 8I~p221‘:t0U.r ans? Confeéi:*;:a;g¢; Catholiques ,. comrne dc leur p,cr.m<:t:r;a 8: leurl%d0nner'1;iiiberté'; 1’ excrcice dc Wlcur «Religion ., dc easier musics E%¢%ii;:§5;d;: moxjz: pi:b1icz% corit:re:cL1§~: , de faire rc:fii‘merVt}ant~ aux La"£grues~~‘q;u"%;a_ux £.§tI%efi_3fii‘qLz¢%5T,VV.%les Tcrrcs-,~ v~Maifons .8z‘1e7sHc-u ma-“gee qh17‘Qh%1w’%Ié¢i‘\ 21 E V1} unemem: 'ofi.::7:L afar Iezfquc-Is mandenxens 1:-L» 4: ' ~ ~ A M V‘ cm.%... £2 3) CW ‘Marquis obtcmperant zmeo Ecfdits Coofeocrez 8: cie-I" mzchorirsfs dz;*3d”.:s dam: R0§r:a.,i7ga‘:oir Charlcs L8: Charles H. negotia 8: cf 11:! ad hcurotzfcmcot Ea poiiza ‘gsar in: moyco éo laqueiic pm: is Roy <:cnioin- tomcat auec fies Caro-oiéqucs fee Subjcts , a c.-otrcpris U‘n¢ gticrrejn. °‘mooci1iabic contra: 1:;-s Parlcamemtairoe, qui n’ ontpas nxoimdt def- feio dc: faire on Ia. perfoorxo do fils , co qu-* 115 out fair en la pewforme -do Pore. - Dc: plushfa Sainfltoté remarquera er.-cores , Qge? ccés infa"mcs abo- ' mioabics Regicid<:su.i'Larp;ms iniufteznent & s’atcribuansto1~1roi‘a;;~,- zhoriré Royaie, perfecoazc-nt aoec tOu':(:s lc:-s cmautez imaginable-3 sows it‘:-3 pauurtts Catholiqucs ram en 17 Hybmjnie qu‘. co 1’ Anglecm-e, Baoz1i:'foncEe3vns, iottenr Ice autres‘d3nsIcs Cachors, 8: law: font foxzffrér come forte do tourmoms‘; Et apres auoir confifqt:é8c enua. hyl-€s’bions de}*—1ufieurs*aurres., Ies font mourir crucllenoxem. Té-‘ omooin::ios.Vofirang.esmrnagos qu’ a fait‘Ie'G<:nem1 Cromouelle dang tozmrs ice Viiios qu"i1-.:zpr'u”es, 8: for to_utdarw cellos de‘Ponrarc:, ‘Vsnzfordie 8: autros licmsz ., 01‘: ii fair pafiésr par 1:: fi1d<=:1’cfpé:.=., fans exccptiora d’a2a_ge my f:=::~:e.., tous lea Catholiq ucs qui Ce font orouuez. o .Tofmoins encorecem: qui foufircnt prefenrcment clans 1:25 Home 8; dansles chaifnesmadit Royaume d’ Angletcrrc, oh la perfecution _oom:1'e los Catl1o1iq#;xcs‘<;1T‘r~p_iuS gmndc: 8:";plL1s‘crL1el}e qu’ c1le.n.“aia- mais .of’cé egillc-1:rs.?_i‘C;§:quifait aifezcognoifirfi, o;qL;ve1’intcx1tion do Les Regicidos 8: Tyrans.Pa1‘Ion:onmires auec Ia pafie &.C0nu¢;-ntion 5.12.1’ ils, oncauec Icur Dicu , qu’ils appellant , n‘ eff autre que do do»- faire cjn fin tous les Carholiques , D’ efieiondre 8: d’ aneantir par routes Ies parties du monde, la Fey 8: Religion Catholique, no fai— {ant point do difficulté do publier tout hau-r, Q3’ apres qu’ ils auront aiihmxrez les afiixires du dcdans dole-urs Eftats, ils fr: jetteront fur leurg voifins , puis sfempareront do 1’ Allemagnc, de1’Ira1ie 8: do route l’—Europe., 8c.depofi&:deront tous les Roysééc Ales Monarquosq qui leur ions {'1 odieu:-c 8: qu"i1s. abhorrent fl merueilleufement. "Er: cn vn mot, ils n’on%t tien fifz cocur que cos deux chofes,S§auoirrl’ane- antifiiezxxent do la Religion Carholique 8: la ruine do route Ia."M0nar- chic : Er comme Ie feu Roy,& Cl1ar1cs”fccond fon Fils, out tousjours témoigoé do 1’ horreur pour vn tel deffeimvoiia pour quoy ils om fair mourjor le premier 8: lament le fecrond comma vn exi-Ié ~, 8: par vne llardiefib 8: audace route pleine do mefchanccté , fe difent desja Republique. » o o Pour empefcher‘ dome Ies c-ffszts funcfies do {i horriblcs 8c in- fcrngles .entreprif¢%s, ie prefent Orareur monfirc Sc offrc humblc~ manna ‘Vofirc Sainteté, Iés fuiuanres propofitions.. ‘ V 5 259 I; " “ J%?;.cnniez:'en-2en»t, Qgg.’ 5.1 p12ai{c=%:.‘aA.vr31”h’Te SainA&eré%foam:x*:%ir1201352 Lee. was audit Ch-axles fccomd, dc voftrc: pmpre Trelor, " Wntr fomme confide-zrable d°argent, Ex capable d’entr<2-- % " " rem‘ la» g,;:_,l€'_‘1"1‘~t".* co11trclesfmfd.1ts% mnenaxs L’“h.g‘=.ifeSc dc Zia Mmnmchie. V 11. % % En?‘ fa:-«.:cmd 1i«m’,M Qgze Vvofirfi Sainrflteté ‘obiige E0113.’ he CI'ergéf-- 1’ Vniarers 1” e:m'¢ci«:zE1 iadite gucrre 6“ chacun Efscncficier cl: '~1fiseiq:.1e eftat, qualité 8: condition qu’iI foit , baiI1:a1‘1td£:f0n rc- mmu; Les obligctmt en ozujm, Exporter , on faire porter cequi fe} itéisilera ., entre ies mains dc pjmfonnes commifcs it Ia rcccptc defdits '1"L‘5:L‘Ti".¥.:’»(3K..S!'Ei.C‘ tx:ois. en t1‘ois mois 3:011 conmze vofirc‘Sa.in.8:ecé le iugem: apropos. 13!; En troifiéme. Iéen, ‘1’ iI'p1a~ife 3 Wvofiire Sainfimé‘ efcrire 21:35:: Nonces 8.: Leg-fits qn’ elk: a aupres dcs Princes, Reptabliquea. 8c ’dr:s autms Efiats Ca..th0Iiquc's., cit: I65 follicirc-if an Nam dc.- E 8 us“ CH R IS T ._,_ “E1 121 Pail»: generals, 8»: (1117 Us ioignemt !cu£s%.£or%c¢s~ m.wdjQnn¢gr%= f¢c.£>u?c5f%;_f§1.—.'¢.fa:.]Ma.j,efié. %.LB;1:i:_mn{x‘i%q-uc, .8: me re-P - mgn:o1fl=en%%t ces Trai{¥res Reg'rcic'ies nypo1rr.RepuhI§q%tre, xuypouiw q1.1eI%quc amre Em: que ce fair , my :1’. auoirny dc fzzirc zzucune zzili-5 amcc auec cufx. ~ En quatriéme Yi%e’u.., Q3:-=_-svofire Saiamftefé face adamrzir. 15$?‘ rés..Lcga,tS., o:u%V.a%11~tremen2;:, toms has Princes 8: MAo~na:rqm=:s dc. i’I1Etm>pc', Comma Vacs Traificrcs 8: cnnemis dc: fa 1‘vIonarchie., om: foufleué prcfque dams mus lea Royaumes, dies Fafiicms. ties danvgercufcs, rd‘€S trou~b1cs%% 8: des reunites. q,u"ils entree- tiennem 8: foam-ncex;1t% é 1-2-nuts} proprcs dcibcaus dams tamzczh’ Europe, \‘ fmefines in-1Tq,ucs F]!-v77lf§}.§': L? ’ Empire deg T was. A A V; % En cinquiénxe Iicug «(Lie vofire S—ai3’1&été face. dé:fenfe‘%s Wfixi“. mine d’ exMcomrm1n1;cat1on , ipféfizéio , atoms CarhoLiqT;Ics dc quel- qua fige cond"i_ri.b:1 qu”‘i1is%%,puifi"enr c-Ptre, dc poptex lcs armes.» ;@ov~z.n lcidxrs Regxcxdcsz dc ‘Im2.r.donncr mean fc:-cows, fo'u:di,~~ " - ' ‘ refiemcnx.-: €247} rcfizemlexut on in<:fifc‘5€€t11Ci1t’, fur user 8: fur term, ibis par =ifi<.‘;a'I-» fail, argent on autrcment, pour quelque prcrcxtc 8: occafiom que ce fozr. % ‘ »- ,2 A 1 NT PE RE: , -H <2-‘fl reqlzis qu.-3: cc {air an plufiofi qu » on applique ces remedes qui ‘pennant conferuer 1’Eg1i_fe ‘ du danger ézninent 01‘: die cfi: expoféc", Déliurcr vn nombm ' % infiny dc: CathoIVi<.;u;:cs dc: 1’ efclauage ., Sc refiablir Ia, Manna‘:-«~ ‘Chic , 8: nzetsrefi lcdit Charles {€COl'«1d CI-an-s%»I*a13Cai7{1£-Hion dag fa Coazmnnc : Ex cela tifi1a~n'r““, i1.v.~1’3' apointdenaci~on=au%monde ., xijui ncwbeniflé par: fcs. Ioiizmges vofire Sainéicrté, 8: me pri-ele Ciel fi’a§;o:1fert1»aeion» ., auec autant de 26:16 qu-:2 f:7.v.irceI‘uy 8: fexvxtoutewféa % 'viiE?.qué .e1'fi en t0u.t«::I1Lm1ilité°, It E. V Rn» C; ifomerning % es n ” " V .@ F s * §r’£*wi?.rw ":»»:r‘E"[e*Pri:7ce ! 12541:/fared fight ‘aftlw diwine % _ grace F ~0mfmM/J MW-great Bifitam bat/J :11» \“ * H ~ rvaits; laem % fmitftacl =m»I/Irma: , and #2 mm of g=rmt—avart!2.,/aavizxg fil/edézlya m:e*ma*a’ 3/ac at/'96:‘ :wrld1wz‘z/2 the glorie" (If /yer renown; S/me dot/2 Alfiwverie oftmclmm we thong/atsoftize /izolzlexxipoflolical Clmir tome cmfide» Mrzfmof lrcr prAz'[2’5. And jzzdeed we C/mrcb mm but flaw 2«’22w/9er_z'%nf.~}:r1cie.’, w/2en_-Mzizg I(z'n;g of Kmgs did 6/mfi her for /1:36. z7z»2:9eritzzm:e' 2, am"! fie afic&ion4!ely, t/mt We be... 1iw.t/ye Roman Eagles ./Jzwe /Ezzrdiy ozttwpafled the Bzm-=~ Aam" of zinc cm Beficlcs rim mzmie of Iver IC~i;¢g5,mfl2r ww- fiegl i;¢&t.IJe4 /E'n9wlea’gV-af‘ #9? {me fi2’£rz2zzt_:‘w2,‘ have = prefira» Vmi t/‘ye mCr«f>fs évefirrc 2/as reial Scepter; and the dz~{z}iplz‘¢ae ayffleklzgian ézefare carvetaufrljaefi 5 leaving Aexampls afépietée nu» T §"2’6{ w/mt wzm 2?/36 zwmpmzi Primes /mvve tgzkm ta attmz M the ew2'!¢gfll?.mg lifimgdam. Be—*I.520t’d t/73 ates a’ ;3'm='z2%e7:z 0 Vwezl, %t.5:e%;m(c" éwzifie [C123 5 0 K I A % 3 Englzmd, nz/:2a%aa;95:efm7;e~Eng1;1n,d N F.01ne a:;qmpa;2£~ ml xvi:/7 Ax/gel: , did mm to bwszor and dc’! bmzzzge no we Lam’ of Lam’: ,, mad ta t/ye Prime of we Apafifies 272 Me Apoflolicazl dmir 2, 2%ez'r afiians and their exam:pZsV5 éae- %"‘£2ag as yams mice: of GM , [peaking and ex/éériiwg yew :9 follbav I/.'vccomf~of the [was of tbofe ttiuz}/jafi} Em» pire yw [ball we alazfe attain. Is it yofiz'é»ZeVt/3.4:: you me fitfer Kim: 2155‘ Heretic/Es §20:;V[d £r0l:2'¢;.éemfi2r%Vimpiom , mad condemn %t/Bgfé xv/5am mée F2zi:;éi7qf' t»~‘.»’:e7% c*£'zzr”cI9 z£¢fl:'fie’.s to reign in we /aezzrwns Wit/9 jefiw C/gzriff, and :€m~fz2e wmmzzm! and dam-rétie over 54:’! P9*.é5i’1C.1z1vzz«£'2’ti£’5 zzzadi Empire: of rise earth .5’ Behold km? zkey temier yam the bgirzd af tlammly /qappie inlyeritame, to‘Acor2dz;é?.ya2z 422d..f0?Md_?07’55 59”" 0f we ;l74;tI£f0536‘k A 1~‘Ni?7g>3 ml wlxoidefirx-2tobring"youback agéiininto the { V V (ax? ‘fir:-.1sM":‘ cs? aimflmia ‘C?i"11*:mc1“3 .. "c'*L£’>vt25%’.~‘*!.>=:".<;9§"\:«2P,:.”x‘:2f>:3.’7’ 1¢sJ::2.?» J;.ff3?'.§Jz?£*zi3z1.:2z9.Z5' flg}3;!r 22 g‘ri2z“2::v25 £3119 ‘GM! :9)’ M méme fir gwm §’£zZwtio:n', :a rid do 'ih‘etc‘ho11t=>tAo you ‘thffl Arms of time Jfipofloli*ca1**Cha1'itie, to imbmce youwiah all chri- fliah axaréfiiong vveya "yaw tz*%w.tmzre Mr c2’cfim:Z 5.0.3, ma ]°7:r£’iviflg‘ yaw the bappie Luge 0}‘ 22%;: A’mga’a72¢Vaf£.mzrve:r2. flfid ixrrleeal gym c‘~:z;:a:wr gz"z»c _g*m/star o*oyzfa!¢ztéo;4 ta 4/! we peuple of t;’:;=z:’%.:*/m'.~“Iz‘.é.c:;s:z Fflzzr»e5,% z‘!2e.;~v21op:4t the Priizwa wf the vfpefiles £23 "p0fl?:jS’£oy,2 vf yawzr my//? M5715 If/Yawn’, aw»/mfé zwtmtie /JLzz‘l,—= éem lield [mg 2'2: z/ye I(;mga’o772 Briraira , fér L323 a’cfl.wce :q,7‘Ie’i;/2ga'o7;r2s , mzdfer :1 dzvirze Qraclag @1126 ‘S.*~.7M.s;‘h wiiie2'z{i1yar1'iw'e, and th‘atwvi:h0ut% difi'cu~1ti#ci , if yam open your hea1'm0 the Lord thzlét Ec'noc1<’s,vpon w'hic11 dep«::nd’s al*4-the happines-Vofthaft Kiflgdoxn. It is fiery: tin’: om». great a/mritie I/mt awediem § rrfl» I/JP pmifcs aft/ae Rw'.¢l.AName-, am’ that w/12617 mzz£‘e75 "24;*zfefi#«e.,.L¢l2zé:tA«4r§:¢2%z¢mid a"um»%..“vcz2.z'~al AA v%A%%Eat/zgxhmixgkt éaeejfy lea’ ' wit/,2 5/ye hafiaés afDe/iwrers am! 139/t’arer5 of the mzcimt “*‘m.‘¢!pnt€?‘mal Re[z‘géo?2'ofgrrmt Britaim ‘T;b£5§zl§ it z2n:e\/Jagzhe A ‘fir, *z“r‘# 2% V mike “ Aéaazz’m :4 0' [Goal in cw/519“ e hm; are z‘/sic 3 E 3 ;%ear2;«ofz<*mgs; 21Z%i2&"12§‘?,;.i0-'&’21‘i{fl:‘c"At}J'z‘};3€ peapkaf the Earth 7IL&Vfa‘Wé".réE*z) be:z‘£ifig,%f9‘m*é‘0m"r:w:e will 4lw2zz'e5 /aiéajr¢ 2vz't}3 4!; A ‘wrpamzmvrcmler you gvaciam zzmIfi5wom*.able; Ifi the éfiterim talée notice 53: tbcfé -L ez‘t«er.s‘ of tafvc cm afemr cm» %~.m’¢z'c, .%,i§>g§3icJ;v £5 ‘woyéze "M/J€M}5£i9~ to pmcurcyozzr k.rz19pims”'.;, A ‘m‘¢d%it“n7z'Zl rr;-emrg¢z'ems ta‘/%z1)e%wrizte*nAt/7‘?m 5, if z';%reA i9'e21;Zf7¢g‘t3ftfize7‘?zfiV2'r'%ézzt the Zegzfiifpzzr/e of the carkalick A 3F*ztsft,5z?2zwt)’aé heart Vcgf/6 gmzt. 21 Prime, wlnvm wee :17z'fl2.w»‘ £563 j?[1€d»Wif5"!0";§' «:‘o22t2";2zmzce ofjoz'e, ‘4;¢kdfiau7%‘{/Yaingjn ’ flrglorée af’ 2211 tzzzmes. % 4 Given at in the%?PaI‘aCe of“S. *1%'tértheV2-O.of ’ * ..@ri£,1Q6;;.;.[3;Ai.z"1”‘At~I1e third ycaxtofour Pogcdom, . 1% 1’ 173 .-=%"¢:»i.£ % .-@: 9% .5 z, :11?» “m 43%» m ‘ .= ., * A $3 ~"‘%**”‘?.‘:'*‘3 3: £i‘:’?:2»ti§?®m Q? a:.;}‘j;_1s .:~‘.‘?§_‘a régfi Kg?» :fiezf;a~*:~§3:2 $3 ¢a.=,.;,\.‘a 5.» $35,. «.55 4" '13,: 0;» 0:5 as; £3; £13» :13? tip ('55 a'ff5 ‘,§”2/*;iw2z,"a? 0]‘ Vs;7’a}@s i’m=‘c2z}"rzg mce@i», Wiriais Letter‘? mczaife this fl*i10zmz_g zfzgffivert, avfxiyiz zmsnfier P2551 #76451 in [2m¢t. Oi} Holie Fatbcri 1 received tl1e&ifi3atchf‘1*oIn yeur Holineffs with great coxxtent, and with that “ refpeflc which the picnic andVca.re wherewith % your Ho1ine{§kwerite’s;.-doth require. It was“ an n:1I14{"p€%1ka;b1ep1«iI‘~i7u~z*c to macro read%theVge1m*o11s‘exploits of the Kings my Pred»r2.cefl'ors, to whofe um-nzorie, pofieri-~ miehach not given thofiz praii'é‘sRnd’EIOgics 0% hqxaor, as were due to them: I do Mica that your H01iiie {§‘i1at‘11fe-t A weir £'K€lmp§€*s be~foreV my gies, mtbe end that I nzight imitate zbem mall’ my m:‘Tz‘iomr, for 1'22 truth they have e;>cpgfed their zffatw and Iivgs for the exalzaziwz g>fV2bei:olz‘c chair 5‘ And the ¢coura%ge wxch winch they have aifaulted {he enemies‘%A*w0f ‘the C.»§r0?s, of jefus “Ghri£%_.,£2ath not been Kefk tbezz the care am’ % vi}2o:4g12twI.‘ici5‘I’ have ,, to the %e2zdAtb:z~t% the peace cam! iiztel/{genre rwbici) bath bitl.‘ez to bee2z1:::*m2tz'7zgz‘;z Cbrifierzdom, might «bee bozmd ~ T with the bond of a true concord : for like as the common Ems» nuie ofpeace, wazzétheth alwaies to put hatred and diffezxtiom. hatweerz the‘VCi1ri{’cian%Princes, fa Ibeliev that the giorie of God reqt‘1.ire”s that wee fh0u?1*d*~‘ihc§eavor m~unVirte th£—13.1; \ And 1 do not eflteentz it a greater 110110: to bee d€{C€i'1d€& fionafogreat Prixaces,» tiserz to iznitate them in the meal aftfieizw ierie. In w:’.:z'cb it help’: mes verie much to have Izgzowzztbe mirzd amdw will of o14rr1’)rfcei?a11ored Lord and Fa1°ber,,::72d the boiie irzterz-« n'o2.z.rof I211;c*a{bolic1e§;1M’aj,cf%ie to gjrve at bappée concurrence to laudable :2 defign .9 F02: 1t griev’s him extremely to fee the gzreat evxl that grm/v‘“s from the divificm of Oh rifiian Prim as, which the wifdom of yaur Hoiinefs forefaw, when it judged s.:heAD/Eaxrriage which 510% plcafed :20 defign,.betWcen> 3‘:-‘ :3 mi.“ N ‘ “ - ' ‘ " «'~ E ‘ ‘ £23 arid AAiam wish c4hac%haa&14:&w«§me ":fl;P¥“ th%et‘rL1e% E%?m’1igii0n%4w*itE1 myieh 4:; If a"dmyfe1fa7m% 5wwmmTaz“i*?A4wmivw u ggqwdfa *. 7t[ji§5 %2}er‘z7:gél c£?rt¢2i%7:t53 C TJ§’1 ‘€-312. i;4+§;,wm x§ev,§3rVf£ yd ,.,,.‘ ‘ 6 ‘ ‘ “ ‘ w, ‘ u~_ , , ,_,;,,M-;~ gs: ‘ ‘~ g afifirotuatcto €¢“i1%13‘?ft43‘iiY°*¥a,’i 1nthW0:"1¢*_,aS ‘ A [«;4,f%¥f%f70f8» , pIiincf“s~to {:;srl%i§:.$gyt§1=i;1t 1ham:b~3en*a1v$%a-i~gsa’44fve~; A *~- '1j*i’e §'ht‘i:"1ifl? 1"1“ ficazxragixxg N~0%Ve1V:4ia-is,VQ‘r to bee 43. pV%ara§$::n Ac»? fi\2:.ni%e AFétfiion”fag;:aii1€¥fthe$ C:n_h;olic¢k ‘ A;p0€3c‘o1‘iC1{ Rdnaa \ . ‘ ‘ V%I{e1ig.§iG23~ : But o%n‘..the.%c0hl:zjarie %I%h~;ave £b;vL1gwhta1l0Cc'a;Ll‘ié;_ %% ‘ V; .0113 to :t‘a§ke atvaiaw t,h’é5%%fi1fp4iti<;: njth} at n1ViVg!'i A %z:c§,§::V%& i‘1rp0n; and maul wilxwaplaie my reifior :heci.m¢Atocam,com:-g»; ““”;;bL1x:omF-.e3igitmfa*ndn%one*Fa'i.th5 1'.~'ee’iVz1g%th;u: A it A4 \3i<-EV in ojnc zz%r €3%f3rf[t} }L1.V:t!'tg"1I‘€fC.¥ilV€d4.i5‘imyféhfifb . 5 Amnojthitig "that I“ have in the z.x.”?_«;)‘r1’r.i, ElE“.rd'£Z£‘-:v(!‘;_'§.i"f‘#;':.E‘:3§” ,. bi’ c1i‘iIéi*)?‘ri'i1*Tx%:V0%a;li,%t%E¢s,mt:-2:”: Atcfi Ath;e"l1VazaVrd4iz1Amy eAi?;;aia".e :;m%«. 3.. 3.. a‘. liffcfa Fora ‘thfit1"g° it-ieafing £1335 GodIf?’.¢«;'» ‘Mn .r-_.“jfi'.W#;;_£"w:~ W-""“‘5»:"'x“‘“‘,,.y’-"v:IV‘,:|'~V: 5-",.1‘,\" :,r‘f.‘' : Wm‘ H _.% ‘r;,”;'1.m¢"",; A A')w,..p‘ « -4 afv" '6 I’ ""'"’ ‘ “M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘(W 7%‘ w‘'v''‘ ,, r-‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ < ,1» ‘ ‘- Y .c527"“‘:3';*" é ‘V.’ J, M V ‘ W‘ ‘ ..« r‘ ‘ ‘co .9‘/‘ .m-"'”"‘ 4/ " % ' H ‘ Mr‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ . ‘ 4 ‘ “ H M V -M...“ ._._ ..,........ ‘g;_--:-__‘:/ _ ‘ _ ...._., .m..;x....... M, . ‘ .4‘ A‘ V cf: Wtbe“ jiernzifliéjzz»VwI)icrI)%yam AbmAA plaza * qznzd that I pm2‘e*God %tog;ive)'4oz¢ at :’;‘e:tZ~£b, ff¢1i¢zeI!wa:’~€* mans s ~ra * ;.»;.':‘3’ V ,/‘qr? W , <1 .,,., : , r» ‘ .. , .-2? ‘:.f‘.»- V ‘S: ‘ ‘ ‘ M fiffi; ‘ , ‘_,. M ‘ ‘ N .. ‘.5? ‘ . ‘Q, ~‘ I , , . w _. " M" “"1, .~ . .-" ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘, ,4 m. V ‘ ‘,'- . "“ ‘ I: .;‘”n#2 M‘ &:‘...w"Uw ‘d&47'.|«",,,f.-xi‘. ‘ g ,;:.‘.’Q ~3KV5f.7"_;‘£'l.mi,,»«; “ ‘ .‘ ‘ ‘ _ >',A “ _ ‘ ‘ “ ‘N , A N ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘,4 , ‘