Tim Lord. Gm. wl's M 0 F V M % The Proceedings of the Engliflm Army ¢4 Fin %Sc:o%1‘LAND, 7"’ % And“ a A V _ " E A ‘m ‘ ‘um U1 ,, ‘ ‘ 3» 4" M; . , , » ‘ ‘- " . . ~ ,‘ M . “ “ -"' ‘ _ .., Q” ‘ “W ‘ ‘ m‘ 3 . ‘ M ‘ t'( , ‘ MI‘ “ 5‘, RAW‘ ; “ ‘- , . .‘ ‘ , ‘ I ‘ .‘ Q v,»fl‘;, ‘_ V 4. » r, « ‘ .v “ . -v 3‘ . ‘.‘ 1.1"‘ ‘V “ ‘ ‘ “c. 3‘ ‘“ ‘ . 1“; - , " ‘ 3 , \ ‘,5 H7’ ‘ ‘I.- ‘ ‘ r “ _ :"‘o""=2. -T. :A’”'.' u n €I1 €I‘£ll Touching theDif~owningthcir;. ~ ~ 4 ‘ w‘ 94 - “ ‘ g ‘ _ , » . u k ‘ - "' n 4 ,3 I‘ I ‘ ‘ A“ _‘ _ _ I '3‘ »\ ‘ "‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ my I ’ . ‘ , ' " ‘ m’ '. v . A : aw: w, ‘ .» ¢ ‘ ~ r I’ "I " I ‘ A? t 4 5: ‘ i¢ ‘ I In ’ ~ ‘ , ‘ x . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ his IN” 1 E 9. E s T. Tub/i//aed by wutbmy % Landwz,Ptintcd by Emmi Hmmd any A ters to the Parliament “ (0 1‘ I ' ‘V A .~v~.~r~_wm1n ,..m~ -v-varcvvw have l n wieeeemtrrtte t~».4ts»iawea~mte«t §§%eg.ea«‘~’£<:_.‘,. *$%*%fi§~~~are - S’ I all . ‘ Uefday L/Iegzzjf I 3. the Army advanced from Lil»! wfileborozzgér to the Weft {idea of Edinéwrg/7, and fo in fight of the City for V two or three miles together, but had not f «much as a falute froni the Caftle of Edinburgh or Ealket/9,‘ where thefinemy had a Garifon, not oppo- fition from the -Enemy, or any tparty of them made any attempt upon the ‘RC'I'€0l"Ot~l1C1‘Wlf€: The Enemy -alfo had another Garhfon at 1ted;54l,txvo miles from Edirrézrrrglr, which they kept, who firedat our Mem, yet there being notrabove Twenty men in it, it was not ‘heldiconfiderable to takerit in. The great bulinefs be- ing to engage the Enemy in the -Field», a convenient and advantageons place was next to be confnlted of; and the Army being drawn up upon Pmclzmd Hills, it was held fit to Encamp the Army‘ there,‘ which pwa-s accordingly done, and their Tents pitched, many of them in view offidinézrrg/aCity and C aflrle that nightm from whence We received not any Alarm. T This day the Intelligence from Edinéurgb was, That the Scotifh Army was now put to a greater flraight then ever, to fee us come behincle them, which \ hindred their Supplies from Fife; fo that their Al- lowance is apeny Loaf for two men for Twentyfour hours, which was held fo little, and fo unlilt-el to hold out, that many of their Soldiers ranaway from rthem a: yet many of it the Horfe had new Lanccs made i ii i i la a " r ‘them W} tl1C111z_VVlti1t\V0*.flIrOl) I-‘e-gépponpeach ficlc, befides the ” Pil£e'ai: the enehthht in cafe the one flioulcl "break, they might do €XC:Cl.1tl01‘l Wltll the other. " A The people on that fide Edinimrgb were all fled with their Barns, Guids and Geer, being pier{'vva‘dcd~ yetl1eirG'ra.ndees, That the Army would cleflroy in ‘all by ,Fi1*e andsword, they ran axvay as fat as Qgaeemr Ferry: Two Troops of I-Iorfe, and about Seven hun- dred Highland:-list, which were coming for their reelief, were fem to by a Pofi to go» back to Sten’z'ng.h' » When ur men fired the Pent-bufhes, they told the p~eo~pl'e they were firing of Houfes. Our Ships all this match attended the_Army with Provifions, but the Pafies were too dangerous for the Army to tnaxeh "near the Sea. _ _ Wehdncfday odrtgmfl 114. int~h~.e~ morning betimes therecarne aTrumlpeiter from LtlCl:1tL€“ll7l3l1E, General A Sir p pzzwd Le/Zey , with the Letter and Declaration in»- i cloled Fr0mhIth5.lWh1:ith;ma.s mcllto fo many of tlte '5“ Col.Gi&- Q} Camera. Ah.CoP*€r*€€lT7iCCl.aii1:l7l.7il€.?'él;fl§7 mete de;lud¢d.hy wflfiicerms c“ou~ldepbeigotto+gethlet<, 3 and in the prefenm of the Eneztniesi Tram-patter; anhdehaifter ifomet ClC‘l1a‘EC*, the inclofed Anfwer was returned. thierleuntos; 4 _ e A I3_.1.it.J:ha£ things migltthappeareto lookhnmore to‘ward~s an Accommodation, there; wasia great .CO‘Yn*iFIl&llhCl‘ChE of the Enhtnpies, :5 who, feat for the Captalne of the -~GL1za;:l‘l(.l that COlfllfl’lEi.Hd‘C(fltl‘1€iP§1.l‘tyOf Home that were ;m°&tr€fltil1«t'Cit}7, and an fectxriwof ha fiteeretum, «Nil-i6LIlt€n&nlt 0if«Ma'j0r General Laméarrs Regimgentfi «who was: then: one the lGnmzd* , wentl tor; hirn, hwirh jwhonh he h&€l§hI1)l,,l€i1 cltlifcourft, cohcetningl1;heMgtonhds,. of ltheprefclnt. Ei1é;£,*%a:ge~mcmt .&g2l:‘;l1"li£lZ thhmh ; by which Mihf i nil ."._.;\ 9‘, L MaligiglnanrS,4‘l*fpecious Pretences; and? that "tlie. mere— latoneft and rgodly i party dk-icl begin to think of talcingg another courfe :2‘ He declared , That they " were not ina capacity to fight us, but to keep in their Trenches, A and trufl: to the proteéizion of the Almighty. This way of Rcconcilement being til10lllgl'll2 tll1€nl belt iifI'ue?of all the hardfhips; and labors of this Army, togain 3: Conquefi: without blood, or taking anwayi the lives of men». Some more freedom was taken by til16oQlfiC“€1‘S, to confer with thofe of the Enemy they fottncl to be A ingenious and Religious«; bywhieh they percei,veci,; Ti13jttl1~C1T K1I'1:ghav1ngreft1fed to Sign on ’Declaratiort1i; of his Renouncing and Declaring; againft the Mifsr'cia;1;’:~li tinge of his Father, and his Repentance of allthe Blood that was lllfid in his Fathers time, by his Fathers. or his own lvleans, and to refolve, to adltetefito the Caufe of God, the Kirk and Cow-:nantl:oTl1eys fliitcl‘ ‘t'l10ugh‘i°S of relinrquilliing him, I andjto ailétitipdztfzrnoe ther Accompt. It is obiisrvable, Tltnt‘nponi' thnefelay when our Army drew offfitom Edzfné/trg/9, at theirfirfl; coming beforeit, when their King would have come forth to have c:harg’d in perfong the Lord General L_ctu_et¢t0lditl1im, That, if he did it, hzexzvoulclliay dozwn. hisCOmmiflion. V ' Thurfday Augnfi 15. This clay by reafon. of the: want of Provilions, ottrArmy went back to Mtafilc»-i Wkoztgb,xvl1e1‘e the Ships. were ready~ with provifions of Bread and Cheefe, which was taken in. The lalt‘; A night the Enemy made no Sally at all, not in all this says Webb: sns>r-nrniadcti.anyother onslx the pafling of form: of our men by DaleeM;*rt-thley,.dil-- eharged two Drakes... At our. marching backdbyr l .E in- m ‘ Edifiéurgh, the Enemy received :1 greoa;et.A1a§fia"; and removed their Guns from the further fide of Lamb to this fide:L1et1tenant General Leyley {em a party with ‘two greatiGuns to fecure a Pafs towards the Queens ” Ferry. A Thisday" (being the firii day of "the Paulin- rnents fitting) the Prince fhould have been Crowned, but in regard of his refufing to Sign the Declaration * before mentioned, it was fufpended. . ’ Friday Azrgzzfl L6. The Forty five thoufand pounds being come for the pay of the Army, ‘both I-Iorfe and Foot Mufiet"d that day, provifions were then deliver-~ ed out for fix or feven days, in order to a further .marc:h." h ' A ~ A A A from t7aeC4mp in V ‘ ' Mufcleborough- A Fiields, Aug.1»6. A 1650- lily "(‘l§*)§ {wily LORD‘, «of this Kingdom, and Defited by the Commif-4 I Am C ornmanclecl by the Committee of Eflatese fioners of the General Affembly, to fend un- A V to your Excellency-this inclofed Declaration, as that ll which containeth the" {late of the Quatrel; wherein we are refolvecl, by the Lords afliftance, to fight your Army , VVl1ClT the Lord {hall be pleafed to call us ll theteunto-. And as‘ you have profeffed youwill not A conceal any of our Papers, I do defire, That this Declaration may be made known to all the Of-‘fice1*sl 0fyOu1‘A1‘11'ly5 and fo Ivreftg, Tow Excellency’: muff /az.I.m5'[e' A A W Serrwmt, Ekgaclztm, I3 .«4?!g«I650.— A ‘ A Dutvxp .LESLEY.‘. For PM Excellency the Lord A A General Cromwel. em; "‘sY7efi-kirk, the 1; day ofA.ugmll:, ztt¢£e§o,% Heeomrreisime of the seem; udflemhly eorefieler» 1_l‘}lg'., That there may he jtt_{t‘W:grereJeet’ ref fllémhllfig, fem the K L/‘Maj efliees refitfihg to fieehfirrihe heed fmitlthe Decllzrtttime tejjcereel mete him hy the Cemmite tee eflE.‘€late:f,ee ~:emle=Cerr2mifl:ie;e.er5 t of the tCz’e;zeml femhly, eoncerhmg ferrheer eeermege, ../Mel :I€e;t01w"" tiem for:the~ ftttttre, m refereeeeelto the Cztttfe o, lG'ael:, egmleyhe Ezeemzw and. Preteen’: thereof; Death there. j‘ore»DeelMe,rTh~fltrtl9t5K1?‘/WW4 Ifihgdam do not new year e fpottf e any Malignant Perty,rarw6“)‘ztztrrel er Irzterefl, hett that they fight meerly upon thezr farmer Grormds .m¢elhrPri2et1iple5,re;eel in eelefmcet of the Catt] e efGedet;eelof the Ifingelom, 1%‘ they have done thefe T nrelrue yelp’! pafl .-A And therefore eetheyelo dzfilaim all the firratml grtiltef the ef /713' Hortjiz-;, fa they will eat row-nhz'm,nor hes Intere , otherwife then with 4 fither- elzfrmtion to G eel, and a far he he owns and profeeztte: the Cemfe of Gen’, and dtfeleims his and hie Father: ~oppoft_‘tz'an.to thle Tzfork of ‘God; we! to the Cowehztft, eznel lekemzfe 4! t‘_ it’ erterme: t lereef : Arte! then‘ they well wzth eorrvenzeht jpeed, rake m eonfielermen the Paper: lately fent tmta them from Oliver Cromwel, and windieete themfelves from all the fztlflmoels con» tained thereih, - e /jzeeielly in thof e things, wherein the the quarrel hetwixt tee and that party, is mzf-fretted, lee zf we onmeel the late ."K£”g5 preceeeliflge, and were re- felv ed to prefeeztte errdmeizzteirr H135 preferrt Maj eflie: A V A Irzterefi, Intéfefi; 5(faf§VV'.:v3"igd\withoz:t Aclwbwle V%t)?IfbV tbé fimaf H11: Haufi cmclfdrmer ways, ml ¢tr3fi4é’i!1q» to God: peaple in Mt}: Kin dams. A . 1;” ' ."u- ,.__._._n..._-.. 4.1‘ '” A.-U. ~1'wnrw.‘ z:‘1'.‘w ram: ‘27''_!'‘ :7...» “ W‘ “ rs ‘ —\ . H.‘ (‘=7 ~"-"' “ v -8‘ “ “ ‘:49 Y” “‘ " H’? '"'?.F ‘H12’ 1:, RT V ; ;,%Hw«Ga'm5sittevr Efl¢zir£:s;:4l2mizéi % A ' ed4.»D¢wlarm‘im of At:I;?¢:.:r Comm} %:im;tlmGeneml£ Aflembm mam: thejfiafiingaf the quarrel; Marta» tha Armyyinta D;w~:LAappLrWe; t/1a:gfZ17m:,;‘ 4mi=:‘/me/mil] cmcumhewm _* A ‘ A’ ¢ A A Henderfbng en zfimfscmfidvm A ( to V ’*.SiiIilii,R:‘ Received yours of the~thirtee-nth inftant, with the IPaper ydu mentioned therein in-elofed , whichl * eiaiufed to be read in the prefence of fomany Oflii- cers as could well be gotten together , to which your Trtimpet eanwitnefs-, wereturnlyo-upthis‘Anfwer;by l . whichl hope in the Lord it will appear, That we con- tinue the fame iwefhave.lprofeitfiour {elves to the honellipeople in Scotland, wiilnng to them as to our - oW7”n‘7‘ei'ouIs5r iiit. being}.‘no=§Ipa“rt=oif our 'bL1fi~nefs to hiendier any ‘~.'0flt»hfm~,_f1‘Om~ worfliipping" God] inthait way they are *falitlilesfiecl in their 'Con~ft1ences‘ by the ~W'otd of A God..t.hey*ought(though V diifferenti from us) i but {hall therein be ready to perform what obliga"tion»liesr upon us by the Covenant 5 but that under the pretence of the Covenatnitgmi1iialv: again by them feton foot; againfi which, how yous will be able in the way you are in._,.i.to‘feciire us Ol"y01.ll" felves, is (forafmuch asicone.etns_oui* fe1v.es)_ out dutyf: to look aftcn. i If g)’ A IE‘ thv fia5t4e%ofi“y%§ut%qua*rrehe r£hrm;§~up01i*Mt¥siah:§;.am yauffay! ya :;r¢efU1m tm ht’:’Oi1l?T.2 Ammya uiriwislth «o‘p“p[Mt1miuyt* tg; d«m:hat;&.. etfmw*hat:A%meAans::o1m:;a:lmd¢u .Hcs1')‘cs“ fr.’ * And ourrhopcbc m‘t%ir;*thac2’Iior&; Wfl*ljH6"il:1i A us . %comm’mshmtiuh §V’®tif..:a11:d&?O*WrffElV6S!lt0‘.:i1iI1