2% L/45% D> Upon theirwfarch into A V fiat ILA fHis Excelhéncy the Lord General Crom-wfi fish»... i VViC1i,ar1df:Zi5 Cozmcel of Officers. _ « ‘a?u¢z-an ]o:iRusHwbR'1'H Sect’ i i ‘a.-:‘ ’ %‘D ie Vmem, I9 ?:4lz'ia 1630. % Rlifolved by the Parliament, That this Declaration be :74 forthwith printed and publilhed. fig i i Hm: Scoéie/1, C/mic‘. Parliament)‘. Loiwdon ,, Printed by Héflandi fokn Field,‘ f A Printers to ithe Parliament of Ezzglmzd. A _I A 19. 1650.4 ?~ I On M5" ‘H N‘! $%%%%%%%%@%%%%%%% % M ‘S C O TLA N I) i signed infl2e»Na.me5 and 6} the Appointment % i ” o 4P“"§-1.“‘" ‘I H, u”. . .~‘v.* ‘V “ V_ “ .‘ ‘ ‘ :5‘ .. , ‘., u,‘ ,1‘ ‘ 6‘ 4, \ : . l M ,, ' WI , V‘ ‘ A a" ‘ . ' - . s t W: - P , l ‘ l ‘V 0 ‘ V ‘ V I , *' ‘ a‘ ' n r : , W .- s;-‘ l. 1 l “‘ ‘ . , .» v .v 4 will . . . ‘ l ,- ‘ " W“ v" V ' H. ~ ‘- ' >1“, ‘‘ ' o aw‘ H , m _, -cl , -l ‘.4 m . . 1‘ M’ M iv , " ‘- ' . \ ‘*‘-’g_, N V 1 -, ,‘ um "A V‘n ~‘ ‘ l " ,., , W 3»-¢_ um; “ l f l l . . V l . ; .,. eclararmoltlhe mmy of Eng, ll laz:m7,upo*nth.eir 'M&VCl1 into e Vt/9e Pelee cy.‘ . ' L % Sem‘/m2d;%. ‘ T0411 t/?wznzrelt§7.inte, m2dTazrm/eerlsell A g El the"Army of Eztglzmd, db from A A -$77 thcebdttom , of our JI-‘~Iearts wifh like .-ft’ LV ."_ g,g7."-"“-’-‘-3 , K I .. l u y A ;._ -e Memyland T rm‘b,lLzgézt and Ltécrty j ;:wi?thlourefclves,l .ftom~God tour 193-- A ther, and our Lord Jefus Chrifit. l 4 " ’ _, Although we have not caufe te 15%’-’\%\ doubt, tgbut tl»1atftl1e Declaration of te “Parliament of the Commontwealth of eEzzg1»ma’,- hearing date the 26 of 37urze,1:l6slo.: and llptlblilhed, "t6 V manifefl: to the ~Wor1d the Juftice and T eceflity A-of fizndlng their Army inta ”S6'(7$’ldWd5 maylfatisfie all imt-«ll» partial and unintcrefied men in all the Nations round about us (the matters of Fad}: therein conltained ebeing true, and the Conclufionst made from thence, and the Rcfoltttidns thereupolntaken, agreeable tolthe”Pri“nc.ié ples of Religion, Nature .,and* Nations) and therefore it mayefeetmll to fome,lif notttimpropet, yet fuperfluous, A for us their Aryto fay anyemore * Yetlhtzlwever, out 2 5‘/eE?iinScorlaned~ E "and feparation of' yo“u"% f"rdm i*ef’c, as ivh”d"fhr6i1g‘h « the cunniffurg pra6’:ifeVs of fame wicked and*.c§cfi“gninig ’i("4“3 y “ of’ our tenderncfi .sowardsm;you, whom wclopkupoxft ; as our Brethren, H and our d¢fire% to Vma1<:C«;a+{»As£1if?:Ainéfi0n~ n- mcn, “bya ed by partiCu1ar&Intczreftsr, or fOf:Wanti)Af‘2‘ .true'and right.Informamon,wand Reprefcntgmon:4of«.thc great and wonderfu1.ATranfa&1ons wroughtamon-gft ‘us , and brought to pa‘{‘sA by the 1nC€1‘fin,_9;er.of out A God, may poflibiy be fcandzfljzed A at fomc late a&ions4 in England, and thereby be involved in that common V Caugfe, fo Vrnu%ch from H&4a‘z%en_de%c1a_r,§d,:.1gain1‘r_,,!§y " A ‘blafiing 311} perfons and pa3rti=ejs Athat‘§?:»AanyVtime,V m A the-‘lcaff, under what.pretencé:.or%d;fgu"ife focvei: cn— gaged %there1n_., and {O With them cg bvccomcpartake1's M of their Mifcrk:-5.. A M A :6 A.WeA have thcrcforethbught t"‘ov‘f'p‘e:iIc”op1c; iior rx:utfi;edwic*h theirrmgbcrties, ‘c ya‘: ‘ rithat rtrimeqiiircry fo_rwardl"7 to give up} ‘"the Peoples: A Rrig*hts,‘arnd obftrruéhvhratcrmight f2£vethem,atid‘ al-- ,/ ‘ ways aptrenoughwe to joyn with KingIyL‘IhterePc aga-imfli% A the [Peoples rLiberties* r,r whereof werwsifh ycm have not mzefad c$“i.ri. 4way s AA c3eftru—-' é}:.ivfe.coeRWe1igion; and Liberty 5% youVec»oumenanceda:nd A V A ea;.fV_eeP4af1[%4ié1nent,’ fand"c'zi11ed a, new ::one; A ’ex;c:1udingwhom you tho-ug%htAfiwf;_¥T‘ ail 4 wa's¥done by Vc‘ft}1¢e3flde%aufb0ritYff0i?1fh€eeC<3i‘nmi-t~. ‘tee of Efiates then fitting?é1LweeE;{e;béwjgr[a3A Wbieeh indeed was 310 C0rminit-tec cifkrou :erpee.rom>1a11tecs> (the? breach Whereof you fo often charge upon"':uS)e. Vbeingé Confiittleted-rof -fuch perfons, as by A6’; of ‘theforegoe ing ParIjam'¢nte, had not legal right to fit or7a1*eee A A reckonit npee breach, but * aAA Re1igiQL»1se’Ahk€¢Pin%AA. of thg f Eovenant ahccordmg to the’ e'qu1tyV thereof 5 when ouret eI*?a:rliamheneht forARelihgionAaned Liberties falceg andche Ifintei+eMft‘A‘ofeeeAtheA .People 9 edid remove the King and Kihghflaiph: As alfo We afTefrtO”Lxr {elves Keepersof t/5237 ” »Ca'z2hemmt,Ah when theAc0mpetition hath been'betweee"n* the forth and fubfiance, if. we have 2ilt’eredA fo1nee.fo1'tn's of the"G’overnmenhtinpart, for the fubfiance flake. A 4 A As for the Presbyterial, or any other, form of C._hurch~ ovei*11ment,;heeh they ar,e not by ‘ I116 C0hVénantAhh1ht_O bi‘: A - 7 impofed by-ehforcee; yet: We do5":1nd\are may :07: V imbrace fo*much”asdoth o1*fl1a11 be nmde appear to usgq to beeéweconding‘ to the‘Wo1'dhof God; AAre~we to be» dealhtwirlurdase En“~emies,. bhecaufe‘ we come not to y0‘ur;; I ways.’ I,s»a;11‘ Religion wrapt up ‘inthat,0r eahny on%ehFo1'me"e' ‘ he A och that nat=r1e;.. or thihng; give the diflcwence between V thofe that are the Members ofCl1rih{f‘, andthofethate areneotc‘ VVc*1think*‘r;0t fo. «We fay, .F3ithWVO1‘1.fii?1:zn;%%Aif:“’ rA‘@d LA fcstrxzx: his i;0wn“%:~%j meAanrs=, +‘whiEl1_A.'is%AlA Won.'7A%p%owc:fu11'yj'»A 4 A 4?fcfi5c€t tm171*3r ptezit: had, ,' witI1oiuc.; aii rm}:%.H11fia¢gy1ncd%é4;¢a W }§1;«.,gA d1i%V"Acz«:g ag&m7gt%AtI1cA.; AA:.1Ath‘mcAa.m 0ngf’cy<'m,». and of£:rVo>.ivn _ C0L1nAttyr:3Aen,¢in heapiAr3gJ&Ca1u1nnics t1p E4ngl4fld,undcrA r!xeA%fam€ Prc~i%s=4n§¢l=' B;¢I-if n0-» f0%00¢F1i3d I1i01?= %%»p.crfons4 z‘i€0i5 thc %PbW¢?‘%"%LifiF<é?‘. t"béi1‘OW“113~IidvssA%:1511!-*i—t11cyflwokofl‘"tfie I\?flfni{h:f5.;;.o 4J:bY'i till‘¢ami%n‘gs,dV¢ai:fifi8V4f0Vxn¢cof:th€m.f0Iquit the c<2uhtr:% [ and %ingm€ra1V, difcouraging the excxwe cf‘ r%1¢VG4 Véffiménf EhC*.17€,4 C1¢C"1711Afi4ng’ plainly by thC.ira&iOyns,:4ti1;tt it '\va$¢.burWa. devi%céA%tOV»%dr%axv on vthé Royglévlnte :gi‘:g A :horc%v¢ryAperronsthatmm um ' [Md , _L1"nd_er pretence of the f uhdér:1io£€Prere‘n¢¢s. irnmediaiely i”0yhcd%Wif1i~0W”I W 0%%N¢41> Maud tfihofe bloody 111111 $R*€be1s L.12>0Mhe Kingly Intcrcfl. ‘ ItWi.l1[nOt, be .unfit}tVb minds you a1fo,,. MWtheN©¢111tY%8nd%4:f0Arnc09flitM1n1fi€;%$0f§‘Wf l~:>.<2¢d; P1'caqhing, andcryingtg) a X73-faVr agai:nI’£.Efl¢pj A Vovenzéiht ., *Adid%;th;:rcby "1i*Y %th€A ff0undati0n to W Duh? Hmilfoflf 4£;¢3~“F.if*g A wmtnaridofr1aar,A:my, hoovcr xxtzznzavriugweIn mv I§‘7*‘&1‘1i43F**? ‘P:Q:3’9’¢T §1,H3‘ff1‘if¢fi35§% A3133 by iihé” V?i‘?1Vi1*i??3é’«%,¢ efa1;gn%anrs»,jtI1rufl4 3:111 thatyou izduld Call t1"ieg.o§'>d u A p‘a1rty,"»c§ut of ’}I3oxi?CwWrw AL1f%.11?O.tMi'rVy;,A A hiwzx1Fé1f'*g,€t4ri;1,gi ,t¢I1§4<3 <>i1i%ii1%at1doFVt*1fi? M0 TE %'£14?¢%¥$ anfl‘-’3V~ifié’~%l l1;isABrfmh%¢I‘”‘=*%n%Li$ bthfl "Kirnircd iI1V;><>W6%1‘itISta!/~W!v= '1?hus%Lxpomhc fa:“ne‘gi*oLmd andp;—c‘tence, to carry rffxe Kvingiy Intercjfi A, h&a\-we ydu béren“ %twi:ce"dbcACi1{Crti€So, which divine VProvidenCeVehat}1e thorough the expeme of f0” ttiuehl. A tblood anfdt1*eaft1te given us’, andotltofewahtnongfiyeti V ‘ have extgaged, they will if theyucan wrePt from us, ,11r1leie"s~‘eit muff be takenfor gran’ted,That the Parliament ’ of teEnglM2:deoL1gl1tc0 ‘fit {till be%fi1e41'€*C%€¢f5Chr char1g€4Ss3nd rh¢;L1fiCC€fT€SJ that * h"av~c;§prdciucVeTd’*thcm;‘ ,nc§t*was~rheiir;>rk of ~thi?i4pO*1iCy or ifii‘¢ngtA¥41 of man}bvr%as%4fh€;.¢Ifiifi¢hf wings 0f’%Ath%¢. P’1*ovid¢nce%anAd} Power of G0dA,t“O% b’1j1ng*for;:h% A his good wan andp1C‘f1~fure*,“cori7cernifig the things vvhich heham dc:t%éi%miné'd‘in thcworld. A Ajndxve are confidcnt,tha%t‘ as; hfle‘L%h2tth ‘h ith61'CQ glprioufly _ap°p;ea1*cd; Afo he Willfiillg A ‘_\3sri%VtjnMe1"sV;1:c5 the rig%hte<5u1'x‘1:“:fs,0f' this VCaufe, in% mi of the and ram:1Jgsof 11$ his poor C1‘eatures.And we do mofi h'u1nAbiVyAi1npIdI"‘cV 1 ‘divine ‘M ajt*o“{gii7c_V aAm¢1'c§ft11tcflix11onym7l1etl§et V ‘divers jmen:.1.m‘0ngfi “you haflve notprge %_ , A 'ceed'edfromvrotldlyjnrcrcfis, t0gcthe1' \x*irhthc’1‘ah~ A t:”of’andv"bitrerfnefsLof 'th_ C;i.V1‘ ts, _~who we fear4 A isnvy ‘at Inflcruniexrats, dhave« refuied toAac1 % xvlxéwvtctrufi 5 Ah:ivt: 7d<:'fi1‘cd %( thoL1ghj‘1r1‘g}1c fmidftl Of; "fnaniFo1d%xxze.{akncfl’cs) tofifollow him in iintegyity”, _ V‘fIEhr‘ovgh~ d'iffiCL11t9 'p;1t%%I1s,yh:%.Ving nothing bL1tdanger‘a_xjd A ‘thine appé2t1'4ifig'tc5'tf1iéf13:-£11, ;~ to V ¢nc0V111*%ag£%jwu§;,.TVW V 4£'wing; :2-xofa ixgmal &nf:21ni~fe{’:ations‘ of }‘T:§i=,<32**c.=*iciik:2: w it‘; fhoic high 36355 of %I1isP‘r0vidénce, and the AV AN4an1€,?1<«21%%h€*.§<3i35§ b.€fC>I“c-5w‘é' fh0L11d not*v~‘fo1%1%«:)W.%VA%’ ~ [ An:i this ‘wecan fu~a*4‘t%1“€'r%%ad%d e,V”l7hai: nothingis fof'pr§?éA A §&ia~111&ina1:1t wétliin" iis mzgo 7ou1*’dutj7 to .53 mt] 3 f ndr fa i A V betray V (Is) . betray :1 ?ca.t1I'e, tciyvhich hehath; fi:)_1nu'cI1 xvitnefi'e?d ) as A thelove §Weh.€:.ve towards thofe that featAG.od there, A whotAAmayp0ffibly_ fufiet through. their ownj tnimtltes, at out tiF us, when we come to meet our hnetmes tn. the fiteide ; - tfthrougiz 4 the pexverfnefs of anytin Authority with you, God 1113111 pleztfe to or-dertthe decifion ofthis C0I1tr0Ve1‘fiAe’h by the ” A ‘ Sxt»'c.:mzi, t=vhi-ch Wefromout hearts, beieech tehe“-Letdto e even) %_;md togtvetyouththel11