( ' " ‘ . ' ‘ :1‘ 1 ‘ ‘I-a , ' I, ‘ ‘ ‘\\:F'‘‘ ‘ ‘ »_} “‘ w“ " ‘ V "'6 ' "w ‘ ,: , ' ‘ A‘-=. ., ' "~» . A é 3:;:.~ ‘ 4 ' ‘= W“ ‘ :.‘~. W ' .““~' ' ‘ ,‘ ‘ . ; ‘/m,;~‘ ‘l ‘J ‘ ‘ ‘\I an '9 v ‘ ‘ _;' "IN ‘ ‘ K,“ I‘ I x , ‘., ‘ . ‘,1 a - ‘ u ‘ . '“ with ‘ “*4. L. ‘. 1 & r ‘ "1 I ‘I W1“. :51“ “I . , , ‘=. , 11, ' ."‘.“‘ ‘MNN N ,=.§£w ““‘\_: “‘H.‘v..‘ .. .2." ‘ -w. , . " “ \ , ‘ .. H .‘...‘.. ..e . ... G H‘ I‘; ‘ W W ‘ V I * ‘ ~ 4- .‘ ‘ .- V ‘ ‘N A. ‘mv «. , ~ A , E E2 E E3; fifiii’ Q £33m; (9. mm ‘ “ g ' ‘M ,-_“"v mu { .."”.§'-,\ I\“:‘1’v?"‘rM ' " ";'.:5' 3 ' “ ‘:,r ‘J: 1 , ‘. a,-m A 3 Vm §[,£44 ?}§’eZ(~z%7ifl7e;r;z4?"4i’/?4*"t39z'tf'£i£t .nfa¢fi‘2ar§%M gmréf A “y,.‘:‘P ? V: A:I.icex14f¢<§1 Vacfébxgling to U1?sd*é’3»1;T;»%¢ afldentcxed A H ap:,S'tMzaz2e?’$ % M _......_ —...- ‘ ‘ w—---nu-uuunl : 41, 0 ND 0N : ' W N Am ~;>x~3M%;.gy Mm c2ozm;%%+ana are ébewm at am A flmchar in Co"('J¢e~}-fill, andmat the Black S}2Ve({;cI{j; W A ‘ fiaglagat the Weft and mf ; V VA : f I 6 J I gym to fmixfie %fcyzg,;z;;og;.g ‘f;2;‘#£re£4wfé2l;é§;jZ%§° af ThePub1iihe1*tb the Radar; uswcadgr, r/la:nding% tbaer/ai3r:Z:1'.« 5'pi-v ‘ .‘,“/V ‘J I v:k‘\;; ‘ ‘ ‘ 7\ J" ‘ ‘ix, -5; J,» ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , _ gxicgfér ‘ M,’ ‘ ‘ w ' u on of wbom mt aftI*a“e v%«0/fire 9/aammem» amzfélfl-mdr1,by ?kek4néé:3n: (sf the [aid fllderv mm pre-vemedit/eemetwé, wefle*zfng of *z't5“ém 3%; i*%wvéiWn‘rafb‘»c@miiI? at fibougbt geodfor the #556/(’5e9§;z.e§ .39-rg} /91? 3itM;2.enedbj+1Wr. Lilburna, 56 en£:t9)lIderm.:m Tic.hburnfl:efpeeaLy‘4jeEZi;« at J0 gbe pulvlzke «view ; *'—:“k “‘”' fiscxupulm W4-W! revfiiwfitikfimfiw it» make h¢1"c.f0rc Lie-ur.% ,C»o1.A L "L «3 ‘U N H W;ENG4kfGE2Ix11~:7f,. B3 A J &§%;V-£~r14V:?§w&§iEing "1a.F1~eemVai1 of 'Lo;m’az¢ éfébdut ‘refine ' * ' m ' ‘V % Q] * A’ H A % . ‘V ~ 4 on of wh1ch( 121111 can get 0%11cmo4rc_cQ1g~A ,‘”f0,n and 11fi0m¢,may intitlmnddemmixlatcme A A_.%%§y{?3‘1f€$ fliamdifl @1161 having f£>rffOm@TFim&<3 : Refolvcdg “upon Fryo!az)I1afla0f1atc%t0liveV 9Wflh111~thC%C1tAy,;p i11‘0rd;er t(j)‘*whi'tfh§ 4 Ij.rc*e1A1-2 : fly. 1y. cm-3iTc:ffi« vczlientfor my family») ‘+153 xbflth “in theEyebf Laws‘ Rea... A ;:E11%Ixihi1biAranci1aV that VVa1jd; *whcte, and f2;)r~VVw:i1jch 3:: ‘prei§&:§%Vr;t5y40u%are pa1*ticuIarIy Alde,1‘man 5* and 1}2t‘v“i1;gi%¢:'%a,r‘1%:. €119 and d%1?ank, 31161105 "Cd 111 my ncw. llabifitatxgm, I was A upon Fwyday mornixzg Llafiz‘ by yo11"rpg’b1iLBeadIé, wake Ileclas an % 111h&bita,I1t Of your W ardg \‘ t0 "e at Blrrwwzais 'H’al‘l~Vi‘n Ckrifts Church atthc Ward-more 5 “ affeétxon of diverflér ¢¢¢¢ Inhabit:mts5 I was put i1*1%An(~)minati-~ ;Q11fO1‘ the year enfiung to be one oftheir Cgimman Comr- A fell and when the q~L1(:'Pcion was ‘put fbr mt: according ,to your Cuftome, I Withdraw; 3-.i't:erW.arri:s*.0f’f?I1ms was%A pm 2111 nlannet’ of‘di—iputc 34 w{1erAcupox1 accordxng A1;o4§ the you tendered me 1‘:heVNvmvEVr2gagemezzt“iAn thefe words, 1 Vy%3*:d1ag“Dec14ve x«i&2@dg1f0m'zfc,tl94t 1 WM Lée trim ai¢¢lf[2mIaj2;[l ta g the M- %me CW2;-¢:az¢~1ze*e»ili"£v«4¢2fEngland, A M rive [me mm e;/hzéZz77.i‘: eel,mitiaant%aKiflg0VAH¢i4feqf"L0W¥$e A “ A “ A ‘_ " Ydu111a,yIp1ea1c to ”retne111ber% thgtj‘I t0I&yi§u_.,I hcofi;1dA%eg}- .{il and Ere;-ztly fubféribe i't‘3 p1.‘OV§d€.d, in regard I had for. me _‘ yd been V,Vv¢ryA fcrupulous-,~ 1:1 ta1z:mg‘ax1y Lfzég-agemVen,ts at V fall_"*1%z1:a.de“ by‘theP4:diame1gt, A an had formerly very much “mp%p10fed . their Eizgaggaimenzg anti Covemzgtsg; % a11d*{V4 chegefore "to avoid that fcandalithatmxghz redoundto myV reputa.tion, y fi~—gh.§.i1g*zl2e pfefeflit zg,zgeme;z;,‘ Without < declaring A be- 1 ‘fare ailthe people there prefent,th€4lt/9 I undcrf’cafx1d all thefgoodfxr V1egaH1?eop1e offifizglaiédto bcmeant- PmdVthisIdoVcon~ <:tiW3A the rathérgbécéuiké t1re%%£é2gagem%ei2s' " A .%C3€@12Lrsédt3i¢I‘i1.tC>_5*-3f7f1~'3' Sove:aign%?or ti‘uePounrainVo£ émaééirs havevoted V fiafivér $1-%0figfiIP€n; and to than byG0c2’3AiYi1’t*% 34 _ ancc 1d=m11Abc tr u‘e%a«ne£gf2z1rhfu1d1 Or: fecondb/_,By rhccomm _ Vmm“gg:zp;;gZ;~}g;QfE#g lxqzzgfl _§1_n§1_e}'_ft§;{11d cffiéxiti-all [and damemalx datnental G0vc;~rnme~11t*e3fE;2g/ma; as it is ;2a.w effaéZzfZ;w;~§ A A which I Acbncefivwe A prixigsipzilyf to .c0xxI§ P: in N3A.7pa1'ticLé1iars, % T he ;fiAriA’c riof \.Avhich isa_n11ua.Ha%ndAAAfuA<:cc£1fiveAM Pzz2riz'zz_y*iz»;=:i;2zf.+;, which is the Peoples effenrial right to iknjoyg asjs, decI2.uér:d“ by 3 .A {E-ve1‘al1A%A€t%s% ofPm"/zkzmmtn now in Afqrce and unm; A ;§ea.J:ed,=z2z'::'».4;. Eliz.%cbzz1o, 14. am! c5!.*EZz',z .6'}i7&E'£j'i’).IQ. Both‘ ffsyh.§ch% are ‘confirmedby rheA6fc o the I 6.QfthC lateI{z'i¢gJrA A V Jmr1f:u1ed4;, an AA t/Je;2;¢¢'7Jezzti;g_gNALof"g?22ca2zve;¢ie2zces3lm1;;A,A 36125323 .53; me long iizfermzflfqm a_fP;i7*1%zA?99¢i2t3A; WhichA é¥:s _a._re Pcrmxgly back: to’jbe,the Peoples Aundubitabk: Right, by A feverafl P4zrliamei2t.Declamtia225 : as ‘particularly the Pm‘- liaménts grandand firflé Remaizffwzme ofthé I 5. 0fDecem_é; 1 6 4.» I. 1part.éo.o‘/e declergmg. I 7. and there declared ,Of 1 me 2 .0fNa*Uemé.I64.z .A ; ;mrt.éoo/(v a’eclzmp4g. 702 .709, A See alfow thg 4;part.‘Cool°5 izzffit‘. fol. .9 ., 114:2. . publifhed A by the *1>mvlmm‘ez2t.5 yea [and m the Charge aga1x1IttheA1at«: A *Ki;2g~,inthe‘;fi’r&A bianch thercofi the {aid frequent and flic- A Fceffivge Parlxamentsis ownedand declared to be the foung ‘darion of_thc (.30vernI:r1ent;0fthiSN§1ti0n , and ‘fall the A peop1esAL§berm_es,the vxcglatxon of whxch is agravated to v,-12¢ A King aga1nfth1m,by h1s%‘pr0fecuterA¢M1j.}alm Cap/93 in his cafeftated pag.;7.. I I . I 4.17. I 8.2 o.An;d alfo by the Praia»- dem of the H Court offufiicea in his Rafi Speech agairgnft the Kjngithe 2‘7.0f.7w.1648..%pag.1 1. “ And in the very”‘AAAAA AA A beg*i_nning of both the Aéis AofTreafom, upoxa whichl my . {elf was lately Arra1gnedywh.ic11bcarskriatethe ,2: 4.. of May % and the 177.; OfA”}'z:ljIA 6A-‘§«8‘Dthe fubfiance of all foreegoixzg is Aconfimiedg, fbr itisrhere dc‘c1ared§thatthc pcsopie {hall for the future be governed by its !own%1?aepz¢z{fe;2m:2~ves, for Nam AV tioz1a1A1mmérinws.i11CounfeI3chofm and intrufted by tlicm A A fo1~thar ].7“L11fp0i(‘5 fothat: annua11%& fficccflixzc Parliamezzzsr AA orMEe_;mf[‘ema%tzwes 13 fulIy‘owna3dA5 21:nd*ec1ared to be £136 primeyor chief flQundatiOnA,0f the <§OVe4rn1j;1edntQf rhis¢Nfia~ zioa15uVnVtQ which by. thcitrexgggth of _:»’_{-;*~ :.xzig:h_:na%:; and €(1uit&b1éAA T2;'ya,1 L Ab C°31’~'31A‘13Cd in ‘this: JcAIJ...h2. .0f.adg im (lftxxzavw; and t‘}x<;f£%eVz:ita;££m,—af’ zfiiggkt abqzia of which, AAAa.17e r:AvAeAry.A br'4n;:1a‘whj.c11_;,A icig fully and };:=c«:m;ie- cularl y dec1_»ared,¢’that w§he'ia'e~:memxp{g;@d, Axhgmga, a11g:}t.h_¢ px*1i111e c-:1’ mc1a11 .amdp1°1nc1;paM fo.undatLQms of t—11cAAcmW--A of" ithis Nmzioxi 5 Wilicii gam1ammes%¢.%& \Q.§"L1£l’t.OKr‘§|T¢S"4 A ~¢h;¢y& (;her~é)%Ca11:thuE.% badges c)L1I'i:\VPfTh7-fiecflfllarfi-.a. Jchié b€I_?1»ACA%Afi»At% 0f A Am.‘ ciuéfi Q: Naf»n2m«flVaVery3 and Afpentmumpf¢xhc»Ai%1=4b1o2Qd3A A".toAAI:ai1v(=: covmfc-nmd by the 1:r2a§tA.A C‘b4z+t{er Aeoffhra :L:i~b€jI'tiC»S A &ra*f%iEgzglaz~m2’,:&11dV0th€r :<:*32iC1»£ihtwL’;§VS7A€$ which Ahave con.xinue%,d I ’+AigA»@;11 fQ~1*:mter#cha1agx3sA, and ;be:ixmg% A ‘c: 3cé.,gu.ac;;l§ _ gaze ~:chI‘e 3u&,h=c+e,.‘:aAnd xequaaykmf any Aothcrai ;L,a-was the M Wor1d,aend cheyrhfirfi fbmd many Avr+gun*mnrs, t0V~4%i1lu:fi~ ri9A.te*4t%he~muitablenefli;-,w jAi.1.fim3fI'e and cx§i1eneygQ4t'»thcm, and “Kalb chm-cfowl‘cm.r§1lVy A D»<:Acl:;17r5:, thaAr,A1‘c:.a_1H1y4%aiid~;in g_.A0d AA ‘A"Iear“ihe’£°c they ~wil1AVnmAintV:aine, reAiAerve5kee.p[‘and Auwplaolci the %i'éid%fi1.11dan1x2nt;3.ll Aroi-L34; "1isN mommy cQnccr1niAzag A the Apmfe-VrvatienV0f thelivfiszpmpgrtiés «$£%Libcr;At.ic3-s of {ht} A P?CQpIE‘5Wi@thi1114thi11g5$ znfiidfn:t5aAp4pc1:uaini‘ng andVAVbcl~0n‘g- AA j A %~‘3.Ang% thereuntofg as Atm-y4arscAla1d dAowV1}«1I1{that exce%faid =ec4ma»;u~;%m fb*fA‘%-fhe 4176f +M.arai‘lJ; A" :1 (6 4 . are flthT.‘1S 5 ¢4%%:1:c*rar2¢amw V£”;£%;¢‘g¢Jmz'»é1c&ed4 byche A p’1c¥~wht)I:1’%rhAey‘“reprefi3nt, aénéiéh them 5a“mh®—»% ri’zv::>.d*%VfQr“the bommon godz; an the iamciy‘ Da4c!b%rafi£%0‘1?, “fl %pafm2M'7.t}1mcy»%&4have thvsfiz I7Iit?=1’m%,§5;i4g:f A " Hiram, and €)rdw;:~fi1'£g“ t};k:,»G"0v»er11~t1*ien: of 5113154 c‘amm:cm~ A Vmdlkb “arzxtl ‘AAm*;1tre%r%s :ii1ww;6t‘cEei"Ai fhi31*€ui1to "With xdrfhirzll ‘r % V theyw:-Am~int:ru%£t¢d~?a;::@ 1‘antho»rized Ab thé C0xi;femI %ofa;41J:‘%‘ ; “People ” thefcof 5 whafléi % Rej}%efe;*a;ab£we:%V~by' A ‘aref; {O that hcmfis% a Clemc0nfc“{fi®:£:vo~f»ciw0thmgs, A % Fink, That: xhémfelves arqnot theqommazz-%wen1rbin- A * ¢#1@%E%gagem¢&£%:am€d« ‘Sc:Tcomd:Iy,'i“i?2zit thfiy are snot “ fugprcam 5 but figbardinate, f“A%beis1g%atn10fi; but "f1*u{h’:@s5 A who by vergruc-7 rh<~:rcof, can ~righcffi11"y gnakc rm AEA N G A G _13 ./ME if for A 1119 m gtakca Vabibmlmzly abut ompiy cond:mona1VEy,V be true to them as few as théey are true tzm;-h«::1r tfmfig the main A ends .1‘ of which are jb@fbx*e in their own. _Wm*ds% dccl a1'ed3 and? »thm*cf?c:§r€: LE took mm file Emg.<.gga“meiz£ many fa-‘nfe as mp-= %yr®he11d1L:1g mam 2;b,{?;m€%o_t:o be Vmeant by:h1e.C‘ammo2'z~=w ; zgvealtiy th¢:m:i:1A%z1am»:d. AndA%£o muchat pre%f:i:r for the firfiz parmfir» , H 1 A » . Lamy; AS for that pamt without 3, I<./5:2 or H%ou:fe;0f4 —Loz~ds', for my Vparti fay G-%ovcm:11emit {'31 is from