in gs: he K fl V H, lmd, Prirxtzcr to t K A . :_ja‘1_.... «J Y % T S S g A E T I A O F T H E 3 ‘W .\flnL M. H H. Printed b A Ema 7 S%%%1\/iajeflycakixigi c0zaf:dc:*atVi0An th£itAI1f1C1'~ A cifi.1l difpcnfation ofdiw viinc providcncc,hVbyiW‘h he h:~Lth been rcc0Ve1*cd outoffthc fnarc ofcvxl coL1A11£‘é1l,andh*avingat.... a - ’ '.,u I‘ L -4» ‘A ;. -v % .‘:"‘:.:'~"v‘ ‘ " "1 "' _.a .. .» ‘ ‘ rt", , “ I ,9. av »-. . w‘ '-".4 an" ‘ “ V‘ Afifaw w. h‘ ‘ . a 3' ~ In f V s raincd I-Oflf/ll“ perfw afion ‘N: v V‘; K . “ 1 .‘ 11.. . .. L _.. .".'-«"7, .-‘. A V"‘ T1"! 1.‘ ~l”1 “__.‘n..].4.,u.n-i mm. AI: «damn. (‘.n1nJnJn. manna. »u'uu.*d.l.n an.' Alva. gain. 1.... AAA. A_,.._,A.,1,, ,;,,,,.m_4.. confidence ofthc loie ‘ too }o1'1gf‘7ttoo& Fait %‘3‘fii§3fi§c¢:;,& ofthe 1*igh1:coufi1esL ’ g{t§::ei.1*: 63.12%-fe,A: as.”-"%.1t“"0.§<>y"'~='.:.“1 M in ~ on e A t}1ezn,9;11s.3 to c9;s,£3c,hg?1::*i.f€1Fa11~;’i 111t:e1*e*if3c:i;v/*‘§z10;’:E3z ‘11§po:1GbaL a11& A#i‘%i§ ‘al§%’ x13atters ‘Ci37iitfo%4* {DEE ow the a‘Hvic‘e cafhis Parlia1I1em,as1dfL1chasflm§i 6:: in... trufied by them in all 11jA:att*c1fsJ~_: cc? efiafi is}: the‘ ad v*iefc%*oFthe "7’em:~raE.l% Aflc11”1*§:>I§fcficétiieir C om... I1'1i“fE§1:Ol1€1‘S3.€’.§I1CZ1"b(t*iflgffiynfibhfiOfhis duty tofiaod, & defimus to ap p1‘QV%¢11 in1f:lf to? the con fcicnc”e.s of all his goat} fub}eé‘fs,«a“ndto figp the momfns of his and -thfii 1* cnemiesflan dt1+£1cIucers,~ doth itlréfiz... w.1¢eg1‘c§,t0 &1;1%_isJ;f01“r1‘}e1~ de p0rt111€nt$, and 3,53 t€?'hiS1fpW &,foEi1ti$91a»”S; for the1fi1tu1*e,“‘cclareas foHO%:;j1?s%, Q’ 4 TT10ug11“h"17S R4 ajefly M; dz.1tifu 1 S0ri“i3Ve%b‘b}«i» g¢fi’vt*ExOi1AoL1%1“ the rrxexnmfy» Ofh R0 *F'a;*thc;t‘, 31‘: %d:?h*2ivcéiVn ei?1inA1atin the per fC)fifi* " 1iis1NE ‘0‘th:*§r‘, 3? ~*}ir¢*t1*dtw3.14:‘411ce dame mt be &c<:p1_ 3hL1mbled[ amiza E.»- ”311“1*i1;0‘.‘c7;:cz+*.§3jL’i%:i=n~“fpirit*~b@ f0%1*WWcdG‘ achb <:am,*u Q€1§]1fS'4Fat11¢i7S "'"1"1”€:”®;i?}Q11’ing» mu wiowing civil ca§.u?m,iE1s, and i s « i'1@p“p;0fK4i0£1 mo 3 -W0 wk %o9R¢£‘o%1+;~;-1 atj.o:ja%t1dtoft§16t ¢z”S*§¢%k¢:7m::a§ (.9 o*w*:mant“;Wb*yv;v*;r}‘3:.Ai :1": £0 a%m1c4:;?1 ‘ "I! 4 ; bi Z35 tht": 1 ords 15’ is pi c3}~?2«‘.:>MV §.i1 E33: 2 d j11;gd01n:& s.,L%$af1C{ f<::~¢ H16 ‘ d 0 (re ms iig-"" ‘l"'%"‘i .«“.3.. ‘\ ‘ (3) M9th<:r th=*T91€r%iti0i11%Whfimof in the Ki“? Iibufe; it;Wa$74f*i‘ri a‘tt6f“6Fg1"eat‘wy%%‘ umb1ing:~t-"d‘7a1f aae ro coulfd butba high%pf0']v%a‘céit*§"3;3h a;g.a:‘ ,%wh0% ff::d0us% God, w7;ifitin g:1:1‘é oFah¢‘fsz:%i pomhci C}i‘lil&1f'fifg: 1r“311d :.flfi3e{thisM.3fi::&y mi‘ghte‘§<:tem.,1%at hLi%SfQfi11e”1§ C::*a“‘1*ia%ge a.;d«:% mus M1z1A:f©MdWi:1g' of % the advicae and Walking "iA:1:ti1§é:wvay%r“ ofihbfe w}’1% i are oppofitie totheC0ve212mt; “armd ‘to the% Vvorkfl of God, am’ 4dT .111ig11t$eXcufi2“his dc:ha.'¢%_ i11gt0g»:;ive;;fatis¢- . ; facfticm t_0‘thejufi* <3: ne€‘e{§'e11‘y:co1np"%an¢}%,%an*d b % \ the fihéange a11diVnfole§"it 1:$1"Oce<~:din<;rs ’*o}‘3e*é3:2:1riie§V V agair1f’rlA1isRo.ya1 F'.:i,t}1e1*,andi:1re cre:1€”é‘kto%f€1«ia.. sgioxfx and tha .*.:;%4rxciTJ';/z}!5(:w:§?;*{fl. £’3a.:1*t§. £:?;C3%:§1A’V 2I}.L1é:* 5 ‘, ‘ ‘ , 4 1“ r ‘ Wu ‘ . ‘ . \ A ‘ . ‘ a ‘ u I ‘ . . M‘. Th1‘0z§c o£Gracc onhis beha—IFVvI1e1111eA1h:a»c):iin oppafitxon to the *vvor1;I:1'1_% A 115 a s§ a }mi?c4i%at1Wf;‘éi:!%14¢~€1 3% 4%: KW? €1y1i~1*¢.wwAl1a;fcg Q11 . F d 0CLOfiE#i_b 11 A A M j ;<;:sfTm ;:€?1:;.T3:Ei‘jf17:3i“é?:ICf£:*i;T"y3.7?¢.§‘»£:}; pow1”‘1 421* p1jct<=:iz:s v::Z:;r.:":: m in ga-:1*» i»*”W ;g;;njqtc xx V 111:;-th Qfllis ipL1};3i€C‘§[¢5if:1g§;zf:1A;;QAv§ $ 1"‘ "-,.*"'¢,r"-‘N,-V nuV¢;:v&si;«~J T a.11C}‘Cx3"‘»”ca1;;z1t afidwvc2:~}< ‘r '1o‘’"¢'''-‘' 4:‘ ‘b, j ‘ Atlmmegr Ve:a1+m1ty%;§gaz 111% H16 C aufe“ & people oFG0d; ahdto4cyn§afe,%t'o }31*::<fi::1*1*c th*c%,i2*1t¢1*ePc Voi-‘A %1n2m4 my the in tereijt 0§’Ggd,%W°“hé1t11~bee1a oné czfthfts, tmtlgs thfi;1At»11:u:hcafimmd msmy troubles qaEmni%ties “A1.j‘11;t1‘1ei=i"e ‘K§1'1gdOi11s , '21!f7?1d béiiig 1*:i§i.;9I 6:43? ijn1*§°”.:§ will W fO%f11tf“fi"o1n eA{’tabli{h‘ii1%t%11%e Ki?11g§' “ff h7I'O1?W»J " ¢tVhé.t %i%i¢4VVi*fliprdVy £373.11 idol ;of*"?§fe9;%Io1;sfiétA""‘t@ ..P=1*'o xréke " :”Lfi‘it‘~i5 "\;*s“1‘.‘-Eiih h‘7fz'1§5z‘;‘;\}V }10i%s§f§££?11’g a.%Awc”Madfld&0E Lam rm 61+: 1‘ n ma:%a1~m122.:emgJnVAt:%1a- n:b%eVt%rre1a.. V \rm‘2ts5%a11‘d mo{3:Loy“alSu§::ie'é1:s,Vx1,*h@‘fl»3'W‘eAhim‘8»: 3.3:: his g1*eaf11<:'.HE in fégénc line f >fi.19”b o%rcii:~i%aci- % cémléutlto. God,giv i_;1 g itinto 03 ‘the thAix:gs £11 at ‘a‘?1*e gods, V and :unto4 C}:fl1r'thet11ifigsthat are Ca?/grey, A s1~drefoIV4éthnOt to ‘1%c>V~e f, é”or*”¢c0 uétimn 2:115:26 afiy, %W1i0%.h;g;¥Ve fo%%1mIe, CoiMc;eV:*1C@%’ and piety, to 'féI‘lo‘W his i1itr*e~{’t*sAw*itb‘ :-.1 pIf'@i'L'I?;;hCf}C to the Cjofp EH 1, , w, » K , \ “ hot Lipmax as‘ as Ha,tteric,and*driving of ¢ fel*Fd‘€figi1@,;fifid»er awpratemfa bI7mai11t%aini1ige‘ya all Au’t}i%o%rit"yr”’"*and~‘mgrém%néf{c;% A -i‘i;1gi:l*omc 71-;";zyc35»&z/i;w1aich« hexlzoflolcs V U..Hi}s Nlafcrty‘ latritig cwfvinced confcieneva, éfthe excecding grmt fih fulneilb and ui1Ia.wfi1L- 4 " VA A I ;_ci12itTre2atie axzd 13-6 adc madc Witlithc. bio» Jyflvi/bIicbc‘Is,;vl1o u~e§Zfie1~ouahy {had thé blood A hhhéfhhfo i11a:;;y’oF fllié Fait11fL1H andLoy21H SL1hieéIEsin Iré/and, and of allmvitug uznto them the hbertyof A the]P0piIh Religion; forthc which he Eioth {1“'QI11“ h3;?.%hfi'§’h&11f‘ChCh':3iVnih1”C;‘ to 3.3:: d«;i~c=:pE‘y‘h’Lu11h.§edhehoif:the’: A Lord 3 ;¢{'3‘.;a».Ih":&(_.‘!h1i‘:§<:,i‘(:‘V~‘£h7Jl.ft:‘~ c011fid€1‘e:‘%:1g hhmtv many’ ~b1"e':?E1Ch€Si'Za.‘;%.“’>.’€ hheen upon their part, Doth Dc»-4 c§a,1"e7 th~‘:1‘i_ fa1m;.* to he Voyd, And that his l\/Iha»'h iefiyis" ahfohred the:-:iefi*om5 hhc:*mgt1*111yfor1*.)‘r that he 1hou.lcH'1aVe fought untO[O',L1tflaVVfi1H help for 1‘"e[’cor1z“;sg ofhmlte his Throne, ancl h1‘€.{O1ViI1gfOf1‘h€ tih111«f: to come ,1*ath<::1'* tochtabflzh \afl:1hid‘ti01itl"1eni"iz1. h “I. As his Majefiy did in the late T1*eafy A with his peoplein chis1a:i11gdo1n,ag1"eet0 recall 6: h é.nhiJ%ll ;allC ommmiléions agairxfi; any ofhis Subg- ieé}s,Wh 5:) did adhere tOTthC CoVe11ha11t,a11dhM0»h hhnhéxchicafl hGc>h*§7e1*1"1n1 6‘ nt id may Ofl‘l1.S»1{,il1gC1OII1f,'*S5 h{oh‘ci0htl1I'irfing and; ::7,_1pp1*€{§i1§g 0.? tholci Vvho hac:I.ufi_1rped thé g;;,d..Q_ %;é:’211‘§1€13t, mic} net 0uIyVb;:m*c: ifim ;h*'om his =-ighgbutaifo erzercxfé a.:1%-a.3*bit1"a1"“y' p0W e affi ‘W3 I.@Li11~,~f.T1 ;hi;r‘.~.' !I4§"’.11p04*f*i“*t%1§c:%fe:L‘i*x1&grQL1.x3dsx..d atfh I1e:‘€i3¢A)”? ~%rVet.é3t allCo~m11fii?fs»ibns givcn:<:.>vaL1y::fuc11 pm!-»» ,. fO11‘i"1‘:5.’»;3-CO1“,}Cfiiviflg£15“{L1C”l."3 perfmms w’£,»H fo 111_uc¢h %2:'e%n&:~n~ it smod «U1 deer H smdi n b.<=:* tw=:i;Art him hi‘s:%‘fz§1‘I?jeét%S, and the *f:t‘iirf: gand ~prc f:é1“vir1g~*a ~%fi~&1~1nepea%cein 1:11 efss %Kir1gdo2"m. ,tl1,at xh" will i1bt~*grMLi»e:1geno:r7%1jepi;11eathis:B»/1;;:1j;::*,i‘t1¢;%fsm1*t‘f;>lLa; % t§0ns4[2md p1“ @AC‘éediw11 gs 11:6.‘ 1“r€‘i‘»n , 11": um: 11 L‘l'€{s%nA % (IHfCOl1tC_I'1t a»&Aa11y44ti1iA»1‘1g in 21 ci1dvidc:d,.vVay%Lwx— »th“&7*aii31i§;% ‘M mjwv %t1A*L1"Ab‘§+c4s 3 as fpeciaitly ?I'1mme poi14A‘t‘131%a,1s to giveefat.iSFac’%ion to the Juft and ne. ceflewy :defir*es‘o{hi_s ~g0ocifubie6tsT in England V mud fielmzd‘ gand ii1’t()fiI{;{e1j..' t11e1*eof,;ftheHoufes ‘ A ofPa1'li9.me11t oFEngZdmI' fitting 5111 freedoms e {hall ithie11k..;fit tOp1*Cf5i11t u%ntdo I1 L11‘1A,4 the propo.-— fitions ofpeaeeee ag1*eed jupen both King» domese, he , will 11otAom1yacco1*d tevthe fame, N V and fuck altexeaeions thereanent as the&Houfe‘s Bf ePa1~1ia.z11e;1tin r~ega1':dof t1%1e€011Pci%étuti®11ec*>1" af“7:;1i1*esA”,e a11d th ti: good ofhis ajeflive ax-1%.dhkis .e‘%[§i11gdo111ee%S fl1a1jL1dge.11ec;eUary,but do wh at ,eis%fL1M1"thee1" ezlecefliarie 3 F01"? P1"<’.i>feeC A1,1§i%z*1g ‘céqds \ ~01Cthe‘Seole1n11League andeJCVen2mt, efpeci» « ally ixmthofe«thingsvvhiech ecc;:n.cemetheRefor.» a””tioh”,f‘th€C liuffih EngIand.inDO éiriue jwrfhi, edeifciphne, and 4 x_;.nent isthat ‘ Imt (I1) - A M 111:» ormlv t11edire<5‘c<;41*\f oFWor[hip; thaw Cm~*1..;. fefsmn of arch at1clCatcch1fine butalfo the % propofititms a*I‘1d% dircfiory R51?’ C11th“cI1AG0a% _",’Vt°;mnA1et1t accorded .upon by the Synod %of A .' Divines at W'eflmz'nfler 1naY»b€Vf€t1ed,a11Ad that ‘the Church of England may énj@yt11efi1¢l1lM17»- bert; W 211=xfl FrVeedovn1Mofaflflfléinblies and powb } A cro Kirk ccnfurcs ,_%a%ncl efall the. VordinanCf:AL€ of %W;c/fig/z%;1c¢mmg':¢%¢¢11eAwe gm 1. 4 OWE Word.%,%, and ch at w}1atfQé+i?%éJi~ is c%onmm%.. dad by the o£H%eaxren,may“%beamgemxy % A1ad“~;¢;hateve;hcre¢¢ro;~a1mhbeentxlerug, gef’¢i01?S 0“"0m€;W>%111tn;to% rcndw %1ii’AsM.ajcfiy* jcal0us*of11isPér1ia%n¢nt»%a11d %7ofV“thé%;fciiv%e;iirs ofGod fletasxue “1m11aec%1m;a,umid 5;?» lpmdhewil hcar1;ent¢:1-1arc0u1areI,s::ac1 my %%A%1ow adv;cc%in%choret1q;nsma.:c~once;sn: th mg ‘gao and irI<;:Sd dam a1ro“t3%%e,.. elmhiS%firm1?ef0i1iti0n t0A%i11aI11iég¢ *=1ic3%-~W 01‘ t11=A~KiI1gd0mofErigiéwdfigév“ %%¢¢heTadvic¢fhi s%Pammien:,;colafifiiaagfwiaxzzv AB; A Amgfifg; .. a-g,h1ife Of’ LO1“C1§.S; an E3 “Q1531”: ‘ "H0; iu ofiffianja M the Gorpei» an ”;“3"ow:‘.rfl‘1 af4%fé)ever;, 11Ac?§tI‘1 at all ti) ¢;%V01“Hf%fl1 fee audhow preclctxsj flat: en- *b*lo4c5%a:.‘§“';¢ xfljils fig%m, n*17c>11sVAt[h s::Lrc,‘ m§d*i*1i"th0fr: ;:'i314rL%V’iwg§3 %h;Mc“%i~;i*1c§‘:‘;1*5i‘1' % eiigion 1:0 A pr:-zf‘e1*1*e ‘tM%hAe*c0‘L1x“i‘i%§s 0%‘f“*tih1r.=: M~i—- V %40%’“L1.:*i‘“ e*is . h mad Go*v“%e:~nn*xm_%;Xtz%%*«11'1 V ‘ n * W’ 4 . '1€3.nS5as l1%ex~.ot"i1*4efieem #6113“ ferV1t%e% ofjtiwoie xv"!-1»firAM1?c%%%ezaga;gefiAink the o v‘én*a,ri*t’,‘é1.i‘b iiéwe I :11 S %%%:1md:f, to he emtgwfit (56621 %%?¢5~:*;mfa#:~y”:o V‘ ., . M *‘ ~hlm3$01S11€”§VI§31n9’1X1I"C??;“é1!“f5j Q§“‘~t§‘1e“A1 j,vmo X: I U w.+V;%”p« M3*% ;Vv%W";F f% mp”gj‘”wq;”§g$*{ V '?f¢“}wmg~» “j’}1avc%.b%:i*‘en ”‘i"f1V0"1‘~m;d 13:‘: fhzsiélawra Cfa‘n‘~§;i1%¢ovc1» %fiIfl‘E,;w ”fi:fiy §w“g;K*;*¢%;r;*‘;fl ‘vwfiwrwwfiww ,~f»»k%%%wa% ;ans 1 11 {mil ;.—wa1:1t‘t~ R.eTxig1o‘r1‘m1 dGQx<"e‘1‘*n«- ' 4 j*mme 3§’;iiTa%'a[:fi Aiéft Efa1vl%’1*‘vfio3z::«.-;‘"p‘i?i1L"1 g z ” ’ - ‘ .'””~ "1"" ~» ‘:“~ *' -M V‘ W” "”“ W»~M.~ .r_,. w « . . ..- ~ _ .13; ,;Roy’aL; £1I;1€1i',5 iU“VlC C fbeeh ¢i1vic*f*“o‘.:3m~uét5c=“r‘s gf t*h:«._=«: we arm: fair; 4 ma“t%i0 11";.¢ai1.C1‘.Ci‘ii¢ 7.1Al‘.‘?h(Tf§:l;1%1"‘%;SW Ufflx "e’“*¢{1 :1i“fge’O m 5 (‘he (_;ic:i%~‘k},®t<,-"iii upon thée 1*igI1%tA11zmd& 3113; ii ‘ a; I , “ W-.‘v«" '1 tQ;~‘: h1a3§'CL sthc b:e.nefi.t fcgf _t;1:nsf Aéizlay c¥qvvne% ‘ 1 M? N n~ » J‘ ‘V “ -1‘ " 3" ' ‘ W‘ ““ 7" “J ‘ "“‘ “fl ‘ ‘ A I . ‘I ‘ W V ‘..’-G Q 1% Iwvas. &*g;fitH$fiy!;fl¢ 1111-t“ thsz Wad ml §»%f”:l1¢z1+: - ' V M A ~ '* V r . M: . 1" ; A 3 ;; v, M5 3 of :4 ,7 ‘g ; ,; _»' H k L N; kw; 1awVfL3a%1l*S6';i%§§f1?‘i2'if~gi1..‘, . ‘A M hfii ?(%‘c§:1V111iiattéeM of Efiates ¢ of 1116 C’L0%1fr1e,%:;md Qc3111®nt afilillgsinthat Landad%0n0$ V@éfl¥f ;, 4‘ {H3111 *1 wk ' ‘ ‘ I "" ‘ w. . ‘ «v,;. ‘ ‘ €;@w':'fFr‘- “ E" r 3: :5 ‘Mn?!’ fl, 0’ I 1. ‘A 1.‘ ‘ Wu" “ ‘lgfi ‘Q ‘Mr 4 I4) * 4thatK1ng&om % by force W ‘of Arms%,i but A alfo‘ Baxre 11QW‘i11vade4d%: the K»iA11gdot:1of’ Scot/mid, j who have 4 defervcd better th1i1vgs% at that hands, and‘ againfi WhO1Tl t1“3€Y 1;1ave#11oiu{f quWarrel:,£ His M aie{“cy;dotl1 'tl1e1"efo1"edcfnfc andexpeék thait:-aU his g0odSL1b‘icéts i11Eng.... land, who »are’a11d1"ef0iVé tube fmtlxfulltp God,and to their Killg accofdixlg to th:§:'CIO.» * vena11tA’, Wimay bald upo11+fL1ch é;noppdi~;% «funity, %‘ai1d ufc-:l their ucmoft efidéav0uz*sto% % P[Qm9\r€;'tI1C _ Covemmt émd :11} thcE11ds, them of, “ a‘nAd t01*eC0Vc1* a11dA1"c4»e{‘ca33li§h the Ancient 4GoAi,rcr11%rhér1%t of th eKi11gdom%of M 4 England under Whic1ifi)r many Gencratia Vans “it did M flouriih in Paace and Plant A 21:5 . bane” ,%a"nd4 in? xjcputation al51‘oa'd4 ) ‘and pria vilcdgc 3 of thc%P}arliat1*1¢nt;% ‘and Nativcandw 4. inf’: libcrtyof thc Pcople. His N1ai%cPcy%~deA$i ai:¢s$¢¢am,11~Te Imnfelf c1mr ‘there doth 1-u:.% 1i1fain* in thefcfo*1nuchrcb11fid¢nCeoftheir %%%ducyco~R¢1igio"n, their KingA;mdL;CAungrey;% at‘1d_f0‘ 1na r1y’fpark1cs ‘of the 4’anc1M¢1%1t‘*E¢ng,lz/79 valour " eVJalo~L1r ,% which fhined 120 ‘e%mine11t1)[;I1eip n'o«b}e%a1;CCfiors,as% wviil put them oL1*beRi»rre% themfelves F01; breaking Mtheyolce ef bthoflei menso»pprefsio11sfi*eo171offt1e1ei1~ necks. Shall, men ofconfcienece and honour Yet ReIigi{)n,.’ Libelties and G.0Vern1nent$ct F0 low alféitfi.‘ as not rather to Lmdergoe any haza1~d,beFore‘ theyebe thusdeprived ofthem fl’ will Wneot % ;eene‘r0us men count anyd.cath more toleerfi; blfe’ then to” live in fervitude all cheirdayes if .' 1 a,nedewe1fll not pofhrityeblarne etheofe who dare ‘ A aettqflipt nchingfor themfelveé, azud fer timir ‘. Children,‘ in [0 good a caufe, ind fuch an exigezxtf VVhereas 1? they gather the1n.- feVl§Ves ,4 and take courage ,A putting vo11Va1'e;-..V folL1;eei»o%n anfwe rable to fa nobhe ar1d¢ _/’ueCt%a;1f1A§~e enterprife , they%e{ Gz)"d, a1itI g:9Jnt11en1felVestl1ee 1°eputatio11 ofpious rneen, VVO1“thYA.Pat1’?iOtS, and lojrall Subjeé“cs,e and- becafled -izeluerepairers of the breach ,.,by eth~¢.; zm»a e£¢«i?.fa,i%3e3Yy 1% {JET {§oi%»t1i¢£iéfé1Vés%aA beleed?‘ paffiémnte and fuflcfifidieklgS¢e11€1?3«£i@;I1$; a,ndTrIeme¢v« :‘ rings (:6 fingfrom God upon Io jufiz and ho.nourabIew 1i‘ii*c1‘¢rtékir§g"“f~0%r thé _ Lord and f‘0r1‘~1is%c2*1u%i"’e,% fb1r[tbeir% awn liberties, tht‘i1““natiVe King ahdcountry,‘ and tlueunvaluable good and 11 .f,-ippi%11efTc ofihe 0 fieritfy. Vhat ever Vhath H frnzrerly ‘been his I\/Iajeifies gii1iltinéf{“e bee fore God ,%7and the%badA% fucceife tlmt thefe" ha§vc::%l1ad who owned his affairs, w%I1if1¥£’che— {toodin oppofitioh :30 A ché work ofGod,':.y¢¢ thcfiate of t}1%%eL1t1cfli0m%bei1"1g now aI:€red,f and his l\/lajefly haV1"ng4obt'ait1e~d xnercyut iAbef‘ori§‘Godsficie , ~and% to prefcrre CJ”©cjIVs~%i11_....,W térrelflt befoA1*e¢ h1s'%'0Vv*n “he ‘‘'hopes «$tl1fat#%t:»he‘ Lord Willi be gracious. and countcmancc his o“V:vn4“CaufeAA,A% i11the” haxidsof Weak»~”a11dAfin» f‘1”1lAli11:firL1r”n‘eri"és againft all e:1emie:; w11atf0e.;»_ vier. Ti""g1.’S;““ £3311 that ca11bcfaid by11isMa« je“fl'"“y at pféfeh t to thc:4fe% in 4Em7land and ]re.-—%" 1 .. .,_5 JK 1gn$4atiru¢1: a difi rice: mud as chcyflaall acquit thetnfewlv es an t his firm: i11thc aétivc d*ifcha;~g¢*oF:1ueir neccflary duties , fofhall fbé a’Cc’eptécf bcfc>.r_cGod~» , endeared :01 his % his Majefiy , nd (th7e)ir n~ames hadin reg. membrane: throughout the VVorld. Qfiven at our Court at Dumfermline the/bcteerzt/9 41(1) offlugufly 1650. <2/ind in the /econd years ofour ‘R§_eigm.}