1 «g LORD _GEI\I1-:..RAAI_..,, 5 Dated the Oneband twentieth day of gfiubg A * AA Speaker of thc Parliament of the Common» A V wealth of EN ca L A N n. A . Va ‘I{J"u“"‘H“ .mw&. _%I’‘ M. 1% Shcwing the great Mercies bf Almighty God in the % laté Succefs given to the Parliaments Forces in A gr %g scoTLAND% W \ & fifi *% 4% i ‘ % Fr£da],t11€ 25 of §‘.z¢l]._I63I. ‘ . Ralerea’ 5} we Parliament, ST/mt tin}: Letter 53 fi9r't/073752‘/:2 ‘ Pri2zteda7¢6l‘Z’zm91ij/Bed. % ‘ % V V W. “ ‘ V % % Qgmw . % . . . . fir; ~“ Hen: Scobell, CI€f1C.P:1I’h3;mGnt!. A ‘ % * £% 1 Ii! 1. i A gain I '16 ' nemy E 1€l”€a. « % «mm -* "’ Vy %. lfimw %)fimwMWmflw m}ww%WWVffiflW;%“w ALT’ 3“ Landm, Printed by ‘foim Fi;=1al,“Prit1terto the Parliament ‘ 5 A of Ewglafifid. 1 5 5 1. A ~ Vegagaw «%fi%%%w%%w%www%w. Right Honorab1cAWiliim7z Lmzaaz Eff; ‘ J94 <2) amam2akaMaTe$ea1e5Eea‘e;?§afeafi’ea1%fi?a1éaMé9fiaY4‘$ oFi*id‘4y' the zsof My. 1651.. o1= R OM ” THE E AT E 111 aced t~hcOne and} twentieth of 37uly,_ I651 A °gwas"this day"Read; wig‘. A A .1=0 R THE ' A Right Honorable Wifliam Lentbal E{' 5‘ ‘Speaker of the Parliament of the A ComAmon-wo.calth of England. aw ~ ifter our waitingo upon the i~~_%” A Lord , and not ;kno~winmgL 3 iv’ha«t»c”ourfe totakc («foriné * _ deed ‘wcrknow nothing but * "H hf“ ‘‘ % WhastiiGad P;lLC3.MrCoth to ot.c7*a;~Ch« A V ‘ "‘ ‘ ku;x)o ‘hiisgrcatmorccy, we Wcm dircficd to {End a. Party to get “us a 2 A * Lamd.in.g A 'la.75 A A . M M A his Ferti k —ha%veV;L“: d m. A ~ ng *rcd.FWo7br %‘1aTn.c1%€d z3..%Lh,€L. A V the V%,4ink to §t.»1,:.L1'C ~v 11>» : U V K» -v», 34‘ "~ W‘ 1 “ _ ‘ w‘ 3 1‘ CW‘ ' __,._ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ \ ‘ 4* _ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ " I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ « ‘. Q I .‘ ‘ .. v ‘ . » ,‘ ‘ 595- ‘V 2“i# ‘ "."‘;q2« ‘ H ‘A ‘ * - J‘ 1 ‘W ""‘ ‘iw ~ ~ " A W J-1,37% » v w A 1; 3% 5; Q] A1 W « 1“ ‘ a, «rpm 0 >' ‘ "- ' I W“ I M “‘~ 5‘ ';—‘~ I. " ‘ L1 F; ; éf *hav~i? ‘ vy‘,_' :y,£o Q, ‘ \ ‘ ‘ “ J‘ I ; pleafid i2.%‘th2«tMCo~un1¢”¢1,$ fingaA4“e€§t?éx“i2v.ay For % :‘ ‘ . ¢ . tfi‘ P%1aC§§;‘% M PEO*‘W:ii%¢Y 1* ' ‘ 1 W 2“"'~ i» . ‘AM 1 m,_ W4‘ ‘ 3; ‘ M “ I ‘ 1 G54 uh: thgrc (who &fC mama, 9”f,‘°y * M L” , , ‘ , ~ ‘ r» ‘W " . > ‘ ‘ ‘ mm? W 9? ' I, A\ ’"‘ i M 0 ,,‘ ‘ ‘: ’ 2; . 1'1 " ‘ “ , a ‘ ."J 4'; ; W: n ‘ta ., came 5. “v-~*~-“L It-uwvxn-at 1-!-vo-I‘ m VA-wwuu _,. Jwzm‘ ‘ ‘ W...» “........,_. % in Fifé W/e&¢w%igh4 A cmy £9» 1!‘ ‘ 2:» ‘ c w 4 , ‘ . \ A ‘ Vo:ear1?ieefio‘2.Ac1OfiTC?h£trge, anjAAin;theh.eor;dh1wtb.I~ A .°lfy»Routed_ Vtihcf Eniemy, Have. taken about 1 “Forty Q; {thou rahna, h‘ee A‘:fay mote ;‘ ; have caken~‘Sir 10522 T%r:m5nh *(their ; Major Geo era! , who cohm-4+ tainly ok now " A A This is an7‘fi11nfpe.akahl mandedl in A chief‘) . e.Aand other Colonels and :Aconfi:derabI“c Offi Cc: S fkilled gzmd A Athakeehhih and A ~abootAFAive;Aoar SixhuiExd13edAAePrAifioners.«:e The e A Enemy is Arehmow: ed from thceir Ground with their whole Army; but A.Awhether Awe Leer-;; A n A «the "Lord ewei1A}'ffo1leowzit 1inti1_¢hehathhp er» ffecflcd Peace a;nc!T;ruth ,: h We* can; truly flay,” we were gone as far as we could our Cohuhnfelond Aétion, and we did fay one to another , We knew not wlmt mode. " Wherefore it ‘is Sealed upon: our Hearts, Thatthis as all the refs, is from the LoVrdshgoodnel§,aod notfrom man- I hope ithecomethmeAt‘o pray, That we may wa1khumb1yaAandfe1F-. d'ényinLgly_ before the Lord; and helievingly‘ alfo, That you whom we Ierve( as,thc;) eAuthori~tyover us) may dothe WorkweAcoo1~’ mistficd to you. :WiEh 11P1‘ight9€f%a11dFaith~ V ;f“1m‘5»”» cg Mercy,;e; I trufl.-A Iv ‘ ‘ ‘\ mu 2">:”‘»,;g .\ ' As, ,“ eh A\‘(‘ W '4" 4 ' ¢ mt ”%‘%» w ‘r I 119. #- th§s,[,is wrth af as a1{*“» verton, Colonel%=73”ani4el; Colizmel L "M- YBL ash‘ an‘°?h¢T things, 0 °f";yQ ur taku ~ 4 nlAne11O/Qiey, ¢(.«o1n-Eel V7e]i,%Co1onel¢%Lz:dboit, Colone 1.SyI2er,_ and%?th: rel’: qf: z1i§.ffi¢¢r.sM%.wi A (”r8%)V K Axiriaay; the 25% July,‘ mgr; ’ 0f‘*%ACc7)éz;n2i£}2icatianJ,543i A4523 1? day .99? ¢%C6ngre£4~ $ mn:s@iai:I:in% tke 1 wy¢%%‘of W: é'ekbr*’ $211.: 'M0?m%Zi1j1, do MMJ24 We g2:%é4tV4fiz.*¢ée*%$ girvmii %tf~9“?.72%”e '??4i‘li,«m£z:ti~% PW34Ain5C0%t19~%nd; as. aim W Enegw Mw*e, mt: the 24 ward: ” M 1-‘ “‘. up 5?’ tbe”«=A;°,§W.5é “of flmzt, and inz[§”lE3re‘3W:é »*v%&m2:z2:mc2é% ‘af iiG?oa’s~% npcm tI2e@roceedings' of the Forcwof t/213 Common- mam; there, mad, [2e:'rf25fmg of bis 4am: Work A » ta his I“’raz?jE%.; R " fort/2w§tI5 ‘Prin;edand”.PL¢l>li[I9ecl 3.And that the bar Major o{At}9e Ciwty of London, and the S/ye-- % 7'51 5 0 Q/liddlefex and Surrisy re/pgfiir-ugly, do. L‘ ‘Q , tdké”é%zré‘%"4:lm timely nmtice laereaf ée cgirven to the [e«--; rveral Mnifler: acwriiwzgly. ~ 1 Han: Scab:-ll, “Cleric. Par1iam»&m:‘i. FINIS." ’Rdei*e«i'l:j7tlae m?»zzamm, T724: “ t/$5: ‘Order ae