1‘ ~a~'é1 Beacon Flamein i % THEE WITH A «ya 59:4 :.7\Qz’ 8: ‘3:. A 4 ,;. {gfig i £,=..¥» {,5 -:2 1 3?f«=st *§5’“3i‘5:xt“5 ' O F The Firing M the: B E A c 0 w, -3% V “ BY W33’ 05 3; AN 1 MA DVE RSIO N & ~ llpan the Bow: enciculed “gig 7736 3 E /1 C 0 MS Qterzc/am’, Stlbfcribcd by Co¥.Ml°rfd'c,2, &c.% AV is {P I f 9 % ‘$‘‘¢k‘‘%¥‘£»‘”¢?‘2?‘4é%x‘$‘é~‘‘:?‘=‘*€«? *3» ?. MA A Printedby L151 ¢.M'll ‘, d P b1‘{_h d .:§S11BSCRI’§JE4§S1o?f:;'1 an “I 6 by %% %mw at an fire,163z. % e mm: 9?? %wwwwww%www%w%%w%%%w%w%$ §aMem»mW»M‘$%mmmM%» 3 hmhhhmhhhhhtmhm tt$%mtthtttthth To the R EA D ER. 25! ftzid Revel. 18. we of Babyions ttmtm-tic M Y-_ _ S T ER ‘'1'. It hath ham mt ardihtzry tttfhm with ' ” Antichrfi, when he httth hear: tmtthle to do his War/(it: - '1 hit (mm appetmmtt , to put an t: Difgtzzi/E=. To ‘tbtlt’ M t I endtht Romifh Emifftzrttt htwe/mam! timet tame inta the Reformed Chttrchex, under pretmte of htittg tam/erred, fame them ailing the part: of Arminians (to: in the Law-Cotmtr.sj'ct) to the almnfl mint hath aft/mt Chttrth twa.’ State : Some of other 5037!, according tn their itt§?mb'Zioh:,tt2tttl my their Dtfign ret7ttirttl,tht2t they might Width the Breathe: , mt fivmwt the diftttfes of iPtott:fi‘tzm£‘ Churches, likg Sanballat mad /9225‘ Camplitet, the] ptcttwl to jqytt ht the BmIldiatg,th.«tt the] may more tffe&’uttl{y hinder it. A _ Nor hath thzlt Dtfigta hem Wmttittgttmottg 7/£4, ttt ah‘ toohtoo evident from thtirfmat-flaps. The] have hrottght thfihgs to this .194! 1]}, that Antithrifl it exalted 6] railiatgttpon him; While the Mme it fpcifltt ttgmimfl, Mt thtthing hxtgg’d; diver: Pepi/h “0p~i7¢iW¢3 htihg ttltwzdj tmhrtwed hj thoflr that Wottltl he called Prottflttmnr. ./1.!‘ 4 tlgzjftt/l Ghmtfier #3‘ wilting t0._1flft" ah‘.PfiI’737P‘»' at Chtfflt, thttt ht mayhh Tfi'1«'&z}° rt ‘Qtgeeh. And in this Defign We helimrt mam] move ottt ‘cf the fithw pliotty of their hearts, Like :1Bird that hafleth to the matte? and knowsuvnot rhatitis for his life: In Which 7‘dis7l.;\7!7£’ p/tzce fame of thoflt with whom We have to do. It it not longfihce,tz ‘Baa/<;_\’tn~.1?At‘ha:ir imwiny welfaré. But what is all this "’toA Atfiye‘ASubI‘r;AriBers, A or Atb Vizfic Presbyterian Party 2* as for 1.15 We kAncwn¢ Prcsbyyféifim yiliéu: ‘ha;Vh_urcd’any fuchla11guage~t0 6!: Ofthc Parliament-A A A A M A T022? Hmozzr: £z;zve’l.?dtel] 53:25 Al/Wm’d with the ihaifé of Pd» (lL1enChJ_A 3;;/7; 3aok§"5 Blafphemawzaagr, &c. and bad we bawdy éhdfiefrsz . y no more é2z¢t]z¢clafm'r,Gra;jfeWit/aazztwaz SMIQ, &znd't/:éAAPlbAAtJ‘ bin» t:a2¢j}z:7¢t amflera Jwim;-amwe [Md held Aoflr peace, A A ‘M A A A. A. A A A A »We eafily belicveytlfat hadyou héard and fczn no Amégg fzhen Flflmfig zhe*noifé‘of fuchVBovo'ks,y0u WoulAd have been no more offéndéfl - ‘at? it then you“ are withthe fair Graf'feA~ of Summer; hm: the Ma-- giflratcs Sword drawn you”: to fuppreffc them you carmotenduré M to heat of, that’s the Shaké in the bottom than 1'0 niuch Afcéireéy on. A ‘ ~ A Y Wa cmmat é»ttV€in‘fxzit1afulmfl'E ttlljazsr Honour: the Plot 13.: to %¢nchj amufgjoa with the mzfle af P aper] nndfilafp/aemy, and fig the intérim “A to /firing At/Mir Mirzex to élow #19 your Selma‘, 2‘/at Comical and ‘ Amy,&c. A A A A A‘ Thisyoyu fay and we deny, arid none is the wife.-r by cichcr, ie4x- y}r[,;,,,,_“ cap: to perceyive how skilfuyly you are in plo‘ttin’g mcér fifiiongyour proofs aretwo,‘m'z:. M A ' A A ” I.‘ For they hope fat for the day to fimz the Siamjd wt of year Quench; A . /mndx, 2. For mm jam‘ Hon%aAm*:”imagine tlmtfmk Liceaafergrwlso ‘ « write fm/2 yLangmzg.e méazxc-fpzid‘ will ever y jor4r‘yHo:mvrx Im-AA ApriAmatur ta my tam, [wt of me We m1c‘le*am ml tiaafimiélq 5 “hit”. ~ y y PWe appeal to your fclvcs, Whether tlicfffbe clear demAoAnflAra- Flame; t“ions«t0 prove the Plot; you pAretei1dt0e1i{coAverP As for M.Ca+ A lam} wé liclccve he might chaflenge all his ill-willcrs to name one PiOpifl1,~.Blrifphe"mous Or Treafomblc B0AokAthat«ever was Liter)..- ‘ A fed bAyhirn5 and othersycan ray of him that he huh ALicenfedA as A A Attjany excellent Books for his time, as .-any that ever inthis Na--‘ 1 tronWereimp!y?oyedifityhatytrufl. A V 7i '21#d‘A for’ t1aeA5’tattiom%r: fzzéfcriéing to t/aagfléacon, (1: all t/aofl:-' Cklfflfhi’ y ” goldeh C/aaAi7*a*é?er.r.of Zen! and Hvlincjféfivcll any more um; pm» Prexlrflerjfj ‘ A ‘ A By your ownatknowledgétnent they fpAAe1las7mucI1@ And do Flame. A ti I1eygoIdeAhCharac‘E%érs of Zeal and Holyinefl”eA fpell Presbytery? 13§0W‘vifelI fate’ yA'o1;rA bearts,you. have fetid more in pAA”raAife‘ of Pref-y AB 9 y bytery _Q¢1ench. .... «~~ Qench. fiemeg. ~ b‘?-Cl'lCh3 Fllemeai l V ~ 4. ' A The new Flaming? bytericlfhcuwout‘ modeltie would permitus." l And blelled be it God that Presbyterie Zeal and Holineflsyare ‘acknowledged at leaf} to accord evenby our adverfaries therofelves. WA _ ~ i I if: le§et&_.tIae fele of Popifb éaelqelt/oer greete/ll part of the trade of feme of them ? and p. I 3. who did Intel] quarrel! with one ef their y ’ defer fame oft/qeir Preelvjterietg Beaks. . lflwfo :_ No, it’ not; norarePop‘i(l1books in 'Englifh {old by any of them, except very rarely to a learned piouefriend whom they know to be found in the faith, and able tohandle the {make with»- out being llungzwhich manner of felling may very well ftand with ‘ etzealousdefire that fuch books might neverbe publiflied. And this being true, is anfwer enough about theexchange men- tioned. y ~ Wlrzotetrai ,.e=lfi: §"z‘roMg1j reported to }5d'U6"e£ fnéter in Rome it or. l i This charge cannot reafonably be faflnedlon any of the Sub.- l feribers except one, whole Tradeindeed is partly beyond themseas, i A but yet fo fatre from having any Faétour at Rome, that neither he i not his Predeceffours before him in the place and Trade that he is in,ever had any dealings in any part of Itazéyy: Nor is there any need of ‘fendiyngttoyReme~f01‘~ Popifh Englifh Bomolts of i i which the Beacon gives warning, for they are toomnumerous here y it home. i 4 A i A a _ Hot/9 not the me]? tree”/‘omtdle deck that ever wee printed egniegfil the State, hem certainly dong/at let the flaop offeme of them, even fierce to/obey‘ fireel the Beacon to the Parliament .? They know no fuch thing; And that any fuch boolcwas fo ~ fold by any of the Subfcribers, or by any for or under them, with . their knowledge or content, they are ready and willing to deny i upon oath before your and their betters, if called; do you prove i the contrary if you can. A 130 mt I/aef: 21/Iereeimrie: heave, t/oeztetfizire ettrrezet fer finder dial A fimtet and Writing: in matter: of Gael eemtroverfall, ingeget/a-more V/Iymbemnr to write, them: [tap and fltfling to the Spirit of God and were? i » To make you more charitable then to jedgeeus Mercenaries,“ e . we leave you to the fanétifyingy Spirit of God to work in you the» V gtateof Qharityg and are forty you have foegood an opinion of " ICls0l£llI€K".5 neiglaéexer Bach-fa»/lemyéeeezttfe-i heovoteld not exchange the Holy Court A at "Me .Beam;a Flaming} V A y 5 Wlydolaterh and Blafpbemers (whofe Arguments aremattcndediwherc they are predominantnvill I-Ialtertand Faggot) as to éxpeét from them any [ober Difputes and Writings.:Noiman that is_but‘ltnearlA« ly verfed in hilItory,.and hath but competent intellcftuals, would , expeét fucb things from the hands of Papifis; Witnefs but one paffage ( which Mr. Squire relatesin thofe Sermons , "wherein he fZ7eA11tz'cK1rz_'fl05 « proves the Pope to be Antichrilhamong many other fad inflanw pane; . ces) of the Duke of eAl—z/la, who profefled ptiblickly that he kil-i led by torment I 8000 of the Prtotefltants in fix yeers fpace, For the y very caufciof Religion. And yet religious raga» (one of "that tribe, that mull be admitted to diipute) complained thathe had made the Netherlands worfe by {hewing them toomnch - mercy. And for yourlaying before us the confideration of the increafe of books by fuch writings and difputes, to abate out zeal againft popifh and blafphemousbooks; letuys tell you,that we fo little regard increafe of Trade by fnch loathfome ware, as that we were quickncd up for fear of that temptationto pray againfi the publifhing and increafe thereof, And whereas you call the {topping and fuppre-fling of popifh and blafphemous hooka,a {topping and flifling of the Spirit of God : We wifh from our hearts you would (according to the word of God, and fudge-g ; merit of all the Churchesthat are come out of Baéjlon, and the praétice of the Army, that have fometimes feverely punifhed Blalphemers) confidcr , the punifhing of men for their evil deeds, and afloppingthe coutfelof Idolatry and«tBlafphemy, the proper work of the Magilltatc. Andante book; of Hercfie, Taper], ‘Z3414/pew], if alarm 55 equal! Qzgench.‘ plilrerzj of engaging», 866. ii i i We need no other confutation but the fence and experience of Flame; Wtltefe late yeets wherein this equall liberty hath been ufed. 0 do not our eyes fee how firangely Errouts of all forts and fizesthave ‘ V prevailed with the multitude; partly through thejuit judgement in of God upon thofethat receive znotthe truth in the love of it :l partly through the craftinefs and hypocrifie of deceivers, and V‘ » partly througbthe naturall aptnefa 5 people to imbrace novel- ties, earnalldoélrines, and will-wot ip P And though God will . keep laaii «mm, yet there isla nelce1Tity”j‘in«arcfppe6’c of they weal of a olchriflianlstatc to keep theatnultitnde to the true ptolfeflioyn, by . whole fulfrageagonncelsare form"'d, and bywhpoipc ljcrengththey $3 3 ‘Might’! Quench: A A.F/mm. A pp isit not B l Q A A Beam Flaming; l A A A "Ma*.°gifii'aéeml‘é‘sl3Aotberwifeweifhallqgtklll BE govern“d BYAE: lpticlhriiuan, popifl1,am:lbilafhemousAl A y A A havclbrughl:To0ut‘AHogs~=1:o a wfaire market I And tilough in A A wereblafphemy to deny the power andA efficacy ofAChr1fl in his A ‘WAord‘andlrdoinance9slto conquer» the greatefi of his adverfarieo, ~ l l yet it mull befzffirmed alfo from Scripture and experience, that he ’overc0mésaAt1d~rulesl::y the ufe of mt-anal, and particularlyiby his ble£fi1zi’gAupon thePower»and Strength of MAen,vas his inflruments A “ *l1anAd*ir1lofficcpundicr him. How otherwife did God give to Ifiml; itheLaAncl of Cmmmz, ortolanyflhriflian State deliverance from Romifh Errours, Slrperfiilzionl, Id0latry_._ond thraldome? And how other‘wiAfe then by'lI1is‘t~Wo-edged {Word did he pull down Prelacy in thefoblations, orwill he pull down Antiichrili? will it not be A [by imzenfing the Kings of the ezmla againll: that W bore, and can» A Afiogi them toA}mteAbemmdA bum "hair with fire .9 By your Doétriné” you fhould have let the Cavaliers alone ( who fought for their A opinions and way of worlhip, as well asiany thing ell?-:.)l Do you «think Jcfus ‘Chrifi was not as able to meet rim in the field , and A iquellthem without your help, as ten phoufand Popes and pDe-g A vile? your Doéirinel is brave Doétrinc; to jullific our late War; If them: éelcqmzll lifiertjyilofimgagingo ii A A A Asvhoulid we have no better chiampions than you to difpute with Popifis and Blafphemers upon an equall liberty ; by your minycing A til1AeirAelrrolu:rs and crimes in your lace plea for their more then to- pwleration, we have caufe to bclecvetlmt no more good will éomcf A of in, then did of the glreawe Difputlation at Milo/icy in“ job» of A Lejdem‘ reign; which who will may made” in Slgydcm: I-liifory, A or‘tAh~elA¢:;traAt you man, when‘ you ‘pray, page 7; 1imggio.fl Th~atlGod? would ffirliulpl able Writers againl{l~all l'orts»ofpPiapm‘Ae.r, which upon the title-AoFi your boopkh'avi~n‘glpainte**d‘ vwilthl“th'e"*A piféioreo of tyranny and cruelty, l youloaffirpm to be‘ woffe thenall l : A omemayesor Doéitinc and wor1hip,ljayillg, arm wfvizrb no. ” A tlsingpimorfle. Btrtleousllask whichpof you am.-vet cotwifll agiltrateo; and than we l % Tim ?Ed4¢'M :P'1mz'mg'.“ * A A M¢g}b32te4rian4Gowv¢i;rnAme?nt4 a,~im’d»at an England by cIme*Ago.dky4mcn%%, A A £h~crO5,4tQ have any%tyVra;nnicaA1A orV;hereAAt%iAca£ pxti=nc:i:p1cs*init?%IAtsAcafilyAAWi:d 5% Dz’ A affirmfd, bustgwlzen or %b%yAWhA0rn wa$Vitcvidmc.’d ouwf t:heAprc:~%A-1-heA'{{m;€,”;; c;e»cadiI‘Pg8A or Writipgs oef fiche AA1fe%m;bFyA ofbivincs, or the Pctiuions; of the Govemq Q1: ,BQQksAof. aA~ny Pmbytery of this N a;cifan%,AA$ or; eompapy of mm mm of the‘- E(§,’!1:1“§Z=I?Tt25£b}7t2€§*Pi$..1l~ "‘ And £0 make youfa aAfli1aAAmcd:fc1r-A all your °£ bitfamfnefs aainft the pKfi”3"fiy“te.fiiaAn5;H,: as never coW&1ewyourfacesAA The p,m,;m5, V A mo%re~uAn£il1AA3%QuhaVe done .pen::meeAat1;ea{t: in a; p~riAntedAfhéetof a1A{femb1y of A re«:rac$’ca.:x:ion,A We do here for the g!AoAry» of God, and Acomfm af Londqm Vin» the Church, chAalie_ngAe any of you :0 {haw and declare» atxy one difa”g°” ff fundaAm£n:a1l:ex%ro.uAr eith.e.4r in Dowfirime or Worflnip, that haAAch been held feiitzli or ownAed:A by any Prcsb}7teriAe; on campzmie *0? and [ea 5; 3,2, 1?re%&1:iyt;e:riaArxs~in my paartof th%s¢NaVti0n,mr -fa rru-1c:“h as by anie tyrannicalbor A qmincntfingiePr¢s:b:Ay+teAAriAanAA_; *i‘hA=.iAsMCrown lmth Gad fetnponlllbe: hfiwtical P1'in". A A head of éhacPartie.. To him be praife. for;evAez:i,nAA the Church>es.A be in A Amm; A . A . ' A A A A ' % Tm,dcmzit:w£2lzam¢tA dmmemm (:1: ramwmA£vm£, Mt/.mt*an& uf their cmench.‘ Lard:%./Ecmidpmclaim timt c'2l;zj]9./aemam: crack SftuApA.0r miméi clerusxt Brita!-mi%g:us, T/as amazement: rim tma-rAld* :3: the c1ergaeafBriAc~ A tam. ’ ~ ’ A m < 3 A {We believe it to be true and no-crack or AblAafphemie._,fo bencficem: 1: [meg A hathw that L OR I) been to. this Iflamd ., who afcended up on ‘ high to Agixje gAi.fts* unto men, asAt:hat¢grcat: hath been the nurn.- % has of his MiniAfiers,AAEmbaIfac&aurs (21 e. Paflmrs and Teachers) and (to his praife we may [peak in) we think through his pl*e%fa-A fing upon their% IabAo»urs,Athcre are not m‘oreAglorEfied SaintsA in bra.- ven, caIled~thit:hcrfincc;Chrifls Afcenfion, out of any (0 little‘ fpot of ground .imzheA wnholhe world, as out of great Britain, andi no quefiion the gmatnumbAer oEAour*MsiAniflcrs~, foA%leaAAmAed, *pirmsi and fuccxeffeful, mauAgreAAady~our fecond, whli‘ch-beginstthus: r " t “ "l h Qucn§h_* li'lThei Hiimhleefnfarmdtnion "of dieters Oficerx bf the hArm4] incl «othmt Welt’-4-ezfllfied Pet-fmi‘ to ithelPm-limzhfient and Cammemfavmlth lendicanceffiingfiafidalom Preshjtérim Bo=éIQ9L 1 l 7% “ ° hi ~) A_z:;,,,,,e_;ii Whether the gutbpnrsofhthisfiokcouldbe'Ofiicersiof ftrmicgj 4 Tbazmzirazr 1vl4ming;’ 9 i ~ ‘Armie or well-afl°e&ed we have examined alreadie ; we flrallcnot ‘ ‘rnedrdle with the Subfcribers of it,~fn ppofing Col. Pm'ale,l’ and7l‘the i tell of thesouldiersrnighlt by forne fudden {urprize be drawn! in to; daft, ' concerning which they had done well to have inform’d l usgrm we might the better have vindicated-them.‘ But concer- ining the Information it felt; whofe ever It is, we rnufif truly fay, Gentlemen, it comes too late; molt of the Books you’ melntion . having been inforrn"_d egainflby bothers long ago,& edi-veers perfonsy . l punifhed though wrthrgreat tendernelfe for them, and now (up- on our letting the Beacon a fire) you would rob thofe of the cre- u dit of the work, who it feems were better: lovers of the prefent Government theniyour felt/esrthe Boolréin your Catalogue“ long agb difeovcred,and for which many have been in trouble,we {hall note whenwexcorne to them in order. And that confidered,it may be without any uncharitablenes ad 1'udged,that had it notbeen to lhew yourheat againfi Presbyterie(occalioned as you pretend by our Beaconfircd, thoughiin that we fpeak not a word for Presby- i tery;,nor againfi Independency,or any Se-«Ft or O“pinion,but Pnper] ’ and B/afiikémj) the Parliament had not been troubled with this your humble Information, though proceeding (as you lily) from conviéiion of duty, which we can hardly believe; for bad con- i _vi‘é’cion of duty put you uponthis addrefie, you ,,w,oerld'"have equally complained of t-hofe bitter Boo,ks»'«that'”'“have been made ii andipublifhedby others (againli tliefitate) who have declared ; both in Prefleand Pulpit as much Violence and Virulencie a.- A \ » [gainft the preieynt Government ,~ and the chief men in it,a‘s ever A j A ‘ It: ramzifhian aft ‘TDMJ t/mt pm: in omtto thrived/mméle Addreffe. ’ Quentin To move the Parliament to betray‘theirTrufl, forfwearthem*— I"/time. felves, “provolm-eGodjy to wr;ath,gr‘ieireythe hcairrtnof the generali-— yl”ti‘eliof Godsfdearefl feirvants, rejoycetheyhearts of Papifls, lBla.»,- l_fph‘emers,*i yea‘ theilnfernall Spirits (“if "ever ’ they rejoyce at any thing) can beno humble Addrelie, but a‘ grand Prefum- option. 7 l i ‘ i A r e iWeh4zIe1:mdnfnd experience of the Platrmml De/fgnr of a;'Prrf§- Quench. la_yyre7imrPmrrj,“ rfiiecin/Zy mam néimtv the Cizy”Lolndony,lwha Q i * knvenaranéb /{e21vt¢t”00rrq/;12o1¢‘cx'e:¢c_j.i.m'r/at‘t/safe of Scfltllahfdlig-[wt er!/is lcontriéured imrnejrfwndwy other encouragement: to their fieveml In» A i.eur_{z'on.r. l or oy * Name Fa’m:ae: (kench; Emma Qgénch. Fhmfi nation caf eitesb»yterli'e,lvvlete~aA “ml % A Nalnfe the tri:"en,ltiand,.tfay no mm theti you know; at yoti? A "womldlnot b==e:j'udg“e»d by the; Lord for falfe wimefli=ng,ancl ll‘:-t“ zfzse‘ m:a:at:z:z,.;»2*2z”g‘; thofe pctfons, -if any flwllla ~e, anfwet for tlhemfelvw. A But whew ltlhetltlbtc‘ true or falfe.il:s" notfiitng tfojthe Bcaicloln, ottfxe surmw V fC1fl¥‘b¢fSl0'f it, mdtl.1eili'lwlw”e fay of allilyolulr charges. A A A “ Afiirming tkatltbe Armjwm ;z*PapiJ% Arm] azmitfzzl1lafP"apz:{z’Lt V mgd: §‘efz¢£m‘, ‘ mi that M 1' Pete rs mad other: livers ?cfz¢z'tem.l ThatWe.Cl01IOF;&f~firm. Only thus much we Izzzvctto fay, That l‘ though;w_e_d.0~nl0t alifelrt that, yletlthatthcrel are Jefuites in the A Nation. that fo ment our d ifitrences, we tl1ink‘no wife tmansl will ale» mic. )2. Lctllthel Tract be: yudgetl byl_thle'l fruits, andllefuites by V ffiefuititaloperationstt 1‘. Icfuitest have allwaiet ma?d~e?i‘t tltel*ilr'dc-5 fign to rulm: the Proteflalrrtt Mmilftetie, as ‘a learned Jman lately obfetvedlat Pauly, that Adam Gonmm a» "]efuli=te in hisl Politlcks _ lazies thaztlclcxwnl as one way to liitinglnl the Popiflial R€l:lgl0n& A l2«.]c-- fuimslablout to throw clown Pro-:t_efla:nt U‘lWllV€1ffi[l‘E5. They res» t t me‘m,ber‘weIlh0W theylwetel tormentedlwith the Un»ivctrfilt*ie~ of ~If’irteln6tr,ga*a:t téhlel Rc.fo»tlmat"ilo«n in Germany, from wlhelnlce loam?- A Jed Amen wc:re9clifpetftd into all parts, who confounded the Popilh A " partial and Religion in the fevetal Provinces». They remember lmw out learned men have fl'Qt1-'1 ti-mietor time untavellldl‘ their cit-1-4 lchavntmcnts". 3. Jefuiteslllalbwurtobrling tl1c”Protefla~nt Reliiglilon into difgrace by the confufionsl,A~ dlfottlers , blwfp‘bletm»its , and hch relics of Ptotlcl’czmts,« all which are abetted by a genclralTo—I“cralti~" on, and therefore theylabout to hinder any fettlclment in the Church. Now this is all we [ha]?! fay to apply it, W/in-rrewzir the Cup :1: -foztzwl , let him ée‘ talqmn And wherever theft: lldlea: ‘ figns tare‘ agita;tecl,‘l.wc‘may well fay, 1.; mat the mad afyoné all lthzist R A l Andrlmtf/Mia: Lpgy-peopla mm lama cw: of5pi»~;r,4ndd;ddg/,1;mfe ltl}J*£1l7‘VllG1:]“tJ5.l l A V A A By this Call of Spirit’ do you mean inward Hlollncffe, or cxtraé-' ordi_nat'iclGifts P» Ifthe former, Shicw us: from Scripture, iflylotil tan, that the Habits of Grace. without the Defignation ‘or ()rd’i%- tfufficient Ca;lll“tllo'tl the Publick ldi‘fp.cnfii1gfof Gods Word which very odly the _.25tcnol2e»r.c call difpqnfinlg their Gifts : If the lalscr, »$heW us the mzm,if you -can, A among all the La-y-t-Preachers (at _ your felveé call them) in England; that can {peak Tongues and Languages Thegfleacazz Flaming.‘ 1:: _ ~ » " A Languages th ey nevcrylta rnedr, wAo.rlt Myraales, anal th‘eWnwAéfixall feriaufly confider Emmy whence y they come, but untilll tjlmnawc l wewilh you had forbom nance af ]c*rlhslC'htri{l. A knowt who {wt 1’. ham. ; ; rWiAth¢mr aha Farmal Hfimane Ordinahces ofPre:é~jrer],vaére ‘IA’-Alau Qqench.‘ - A ‘ Pfiefi: ita diflgzrzfl. ‘ 1 ‘ at l t t F by this you mean Ordrinatiort of lMinifl:etAsAhy% a Preshytetie, Flame. thus ralhlyfto let flit-at fo clear an Ordi- A I Tina’: party We appafizoiaz/Z ¢zloagAt.htA= p;oraa—ag; .afAParzza; Qgemh.‘ were againfi them and otrl1er*yStt€taries not yet hatchta Not lb neither : fgrwho than all along adhered tocthe Parlla. F2'amla.t menyt,wheln the Poptfh,‘ Prelatzcal, Socmzan and Arminian partie yArm’r.t/a)zttl.7efi,=fz7x Sraéfbrilzaw are of the/.amr.Triée,Wi/1.alfi¢ mt»;-4 Q‘-W-nChA~A AA rai_fefll]appea1f,M 6)’ tbafivqaent Di/cozarfmfoéj tbt=ir_fer.ra'ag the Bm- V a can cmfire. Here the great charge againfl the ABo:okAl'ellcrS=,,A is, That they .Flrr9rreg.A A meenemi-as to the State; and whyis it E! Becaufc t.hcy_arePref- ’ byterians ; furely thatrcann0t"be atljuclged a Crimelbyytholetl1at~ account P9pe,rieAand Blafphemie none. If we are miftakan, than l we believe Zlfaclaiavii pafles ithé fentenycc, andlis no Presbyterian this year: No, Its becautfe they fired the Beacon; at“ firong rea- fon"’tls,r that does as clearly proveyus the Parliaments enemies, as yyroqrquenchinghth¢LBtacon proves you then: Friends. Biutathc yabetterto clifcern the Rrcngth of‘ your Argument, let us put it in- V to form, andtwthcntrtamxne rty;rYou argttc thus : . Thom rat,-ban rain-: form the Parliament and Commonwealth of taagzmz hf the Vi- ‘gilancicof Roma and Hell (the two greattlt enemies £0 wary ChriftianAComm0nwcalth) to introduce their D06trlnt*.,Warfhi p andrGoverr1mt2nt, andipraythe, Parlzanatmt todrawfotth the A gm: SwordA0f' Gotmrttment thatisin their hands (hm. thtkilf: hang; _burn or banitfh any man for his Opinion) but to guard the A A 7 truth and torrepelrall the yAfl'aultsa of Romilh and hlalplrremcxrasy at aclvertfairles made by Booksror otlren aflcrtma, are antrmies to the Patliarttt?t1t.t , 38-at the Sztéflriéers of the Emtforz km:~'a 2’)-i.fafo?“W¢t°t;.'l, &~c." Tlaerefora they’ are anemia; tn the Start’. We. grant ‘c‘!‘A‘vtrA‘¢AAfl’yEtyG0;‘;’A y that we have l‘0.lnf01‘E11€(l_tl1eaP£1I‘ll£ll'mi‘nt; huttlenie your .fi«r:fajw,y which if Aryan amaltexnot good, landt at the fametimaprows a lllarre to be anyOwl, your Corzclufion has to tl1elgtoaund,A;aady¢3u may 3?. A 11¢ A Tide‘ Beimnt filming? " V I as4%4t1‘u’iy:fay{§ tfieri aft enemies; b“-ewcaufe they Iarefiicrids wé *pE;;:y1 you .i:ocon%fide;r what pare fiuffflcws from your prictmdéd 7AVrg'u. mam, fuppofingit throng, «pigs; You make «Lbs P£§l‘1.i3mE.'flt', Po-A» perieand Bl%afphe%mie‘At:_o hm atfn ch an agreement, that for any to- A feel: ytheVSuppreflion% of oneuof them; makes them en-cmies%to the 4 ;o~=Eht“r ;‘ and whrefher t h'*.'? Pobe or t*he:PAar1%ia4m~cn: be mofl %b':ehlol;-7 fihiéhch; emmeé ' dingunto you for fuch Do&r~i’n*e, we I'eave~you to them ‘\£O“~d‘ew V termine. Butif the Pariiament and Armie flmuld :( though bm: ‘A by filebc5c9)-appe1r to be (if ymir minde "%(which God forbid, and we beleeve not) and caufe all the Organs and Bels in Rome, and ' A allthe Romifix 'Chu£i1:=he“s% to ’m%akeA M’e:lodi»c, yEt‘”W:l': for ovir;pa;r%:s, % andVA‘manyw:ho ufaud‘s more, would p.ray Godjm give%th'e,m Re... 'pcn:ance, fm" fru‘fl:ra%ting the~ex.pVeE’:ati=oAnsVo‘f thofe, who *i‘:h~:x:‘h;e% A fimpli-city cf «their hearts advcntured *t”h~seir ‘Li‘bem:i‘es , ~Eflates,f Lives, A.A4l$I,'. wicbland 1;nde;jt11em5fornothimgfogmu CM‘fh.,3.;5N to ‘ham the true Reformed Religion (then in great danger) =feltled in PuAri:tiie, “and fe‘ncAcd' againfi Popsifh amd A%:b*lafp"hcmoL1s P.o111lu-- tions.¢ * ” A ’ ‘Far «tI9}sjW' m A:mg~sa1§ama%nderstz»z Va Smta, mddcléglat in mm.» thing mare time in Perfecmémz of tmcler Confiienaex Z} Fz#'reaz7nd% Sword. % » ‘ It is worth obferving, how rn~uc‘h thefe men flreinrilz thfe notion; ‘of Aatendcr confcicncc, ‘ chattit may 'be[appIicd to J«dola*ters=ga”ndV Blafplzemasrs. It is ffrangze that‘God‘fl1ou1d;‘t pro tfzep ~R£f0Vwcd,"-H9591 will ée’ e.afz'{yp ,;I;1;r.¢mm tow’: Flap}?/,6". Hem"%t1aeyp/;2z"n “Ehgii % , "mm’ ‘fi*a22laM’,/apézzep zzwcoevfcpizle %‘}"qw¢=r m mmftevmf of ReZigiom,4 a%I’rie.réj{t€7f‘i¢z:¢ C/4472: fi*o2’41ddopWe¢7(é#t /c‘-tit /mam/Ema mw meme that may éa;pc?amm.¢:n£-4' c;ata,i;¢jLf7m pémzm’e,¢ 85¢. I/V/mt Woaxlmrtkzk éc */Eflk tbazaaz »¢z%S}Mn4ifé wlmqm:/Ftiaiafip ) p V pp p p p i A Let the Reader wdge 1]0Wit£'lE1€ this is by 7‘ confidering our own Words by yO(1rT‘f&lV€‘step£a[¢d, Ahzdéf _éj ”fp3¢é'!ic~I'{ Am/Jaritj flaqy [75 zsaflgept to tfkeflpgfarmedflelzgiom." “Hcrepis a A cocfrcive& Powe_r in‘ AA A ppmapmarsof Religion, whichjwe: from Scripture owpnpgq be in they p Magiflrate, A ‘and which hathbeen exercifed bypall thus/lagifkrapcespp p " “ ' p“ A " W p r I %ftha~tI‘”“ T/he BemmhFl4‘wimg3 3 A h 1 5* » A that ever were in1:h:ewo:x:1~dhA:oxhhis day, u‘nIae{§they werehhbyhe dea'th): or otherwifeh h%ind~re;d.. And it ies.hmeoAftfamou~fly known; by hall that know‘;hehHifiorieAof the times, that there were neven A any h plcarezrs for an Tdl”e"x'£I:£'i€5fl of al:leRe1i:giom,h but they were grccuzf perfecu.tors‘dfh the wnnrary hmiadhcd, if they once got: inter 2 ‘we fad‘d‘lie. ThAAc,Hi?fl0r*ie‘ 05 the Arrzmzx is fan-wuss,» who once: Atlmzz. V wetzei enemies: to ahlhl“ perfec-zutihonhh when A they were u:nderhth“e; A hatehesgbmt whenehtheyegonpawerintothehir.hha_nxfs,.wcre more ‘ hitter perfecutors than the Heathen Emperours. The Domztr:fi;c. were great Patrons of a Ta;rliaments,h change the‘GoAvern- meimof this Comm*0nwealth,diwfchhharge the peopleof .0bedience to tlsiehxxhl‘/l‘;ag”ifi:rhat;es,.‘omtheymppmefs;Pmpi£l1:Aand;Hcxetieall.eBooks A fall which come under the hotion of Religion) Athey arena bee-~ A terthc_nha Spanieflfinqpiefitian.” We hefecchaour dear Couhhn:‘rhey- A men that fubfctibed The Beacon qmmvhed (whoever were theAu-Aj hthoursvof is)‘ to:~chon{iderhhwhh.-at: brave D”o&Anine thiseis; and whe- jrheerthey aereimote of another m:inde.=,§ as; we; are perfwaded they are, whatever they may fay in a paffion. Ah . A A $5132‘ flaej lggnow tlaa P4hrx5iwment.e mm’; Armin lmvzze a ten declared qlench 7 againflfm:/1 prac:edir:g.r,to wit, (aeswe fu:ppofe~ your meaning ~ A theehhfupprefling Po.pi{h and.He1:etica~1:Books. 4 A A 1 » TheParhihamene hahth.oftenh.dechla1:,ehd. ta; maintain thhcv;1?.m»teefl;ant Flflwg; V. “R¢1i‘gi0n13 in ophpeaficibnh.co Popcsriwe; mad; that: they neivcnintend'cd " -to l’etlo04etAhc"geM«et1Reines of ,Di?fci:p1ine;, fare memehtoh fol‘low.r the jmagitmions ownfhcir own hhearts,“ and eivenie man do that; A which was right in Ahiszowneeyes, A commie Id0lamy«,d:efpiefcGods - ” * A A L‘ j 3' A Qrdinagcw Qgench. . Flame. . Qlench. A Flame; Quench. Flames €2gcnch. I_7l.:tme. ' ll Qgcnchgl flatfit. 16%. l i ; A 7f£ei'B ea”co7z ;zm°ng;‘ A 10r”dinances,i Blai£°phernei*God,.Chril’t,i"‘ and ScriAptfiric3 \ ’ ‘ The wmpon}l,qffiz/iing and prayer antiwar: awzilnérle and 3/am t/an/E.iofforce.‘ ‘ it i l i ' o ‘ ‘ ‘ an it For lelfet matters in Religion, thatearc notfo ,clcar, falling andptaying is. the benefit i But: for Idolatric, Superflition,Hetefie,i . and Blafphernie; .A.Tbefe witholutcontroverfie God would have ‘: « the Magi£lrateAexerci‘fe his authoritieinlifupprefling, as manifefi‘ ~ A evilsrthat flzrike at thefoundation, Dem:.;3.6,8,9,11. Zgzc/2.13; Ramlg; A M A A i A» A. 4 i Haw fimpie are t/fiefe Sfldfariéers to imazgine that the tmt/9, of o C’/orifi: /90!]; Religion: nee_d: t/aefazpport of lhnrsiménailflrmx t_afnj?.lzi,§q in I it That C hrifl can fupport his Church, .Ttuth,and Worlhi p,w,itl%1-i-« out the Miniflerie of men or Magiflrate, is true 2 But that he hath not appointed the Magiflrate to punifh evil doers,and encourage falfe; as hath been alreadie proved. i’ W‘ % - A xflml /yaw dzflrzazflfw/Z Amie t/aefi: mw'af Gad: iPra'v£Jwce l.’ l A t : It’s no diflrull of Gods Providence, for men to doltheir dutie,‘ w. thofe*thatl’do well, and that in~Arefetene:e to both the Tables,i-s ‘ and ufethe means that God hathipreftribed ;‘ifit: wer‘e,Hthc - charge would lie againfl all war whatfoeiver, jail or unjufi, and all Courts of Judicature; yea, againfl the Mitgiflrates cutting off the rottcnefl Branches in the Common» wealth, for the: good of the wh_oleBodic : and indeed againfl all Govemmlcint whatfoeivcr. ‘ A For is not God able to avenge hisi people, make up’the{ir»lofl‘cs, ‘prefervea State if he would, without thehelp of any Govern-A mentat‘allP H ‘w A _ i V 1 And doubtful! ofnur ow:¢%_/i‘re2::gtk,— toi‘imgt‘gi;2a tkaztilany Pap!’/3"cmz . _/Ejilpr write more than we can mafwer. A _ ‘ . % 7‘ i to ~ % A I 9 To do whatlGod:requires,is no argument of our doubtingeiv A thfil‘ of the gogoclnefs of our caufe, or our abilitie itoienfweti gain~fa.ycrs. A« A . _ . AA A l i“ i fli Pf’edefire1_iotA/aingignéarelt/can that the-jtmtfd all Adiflentérk jémldpra-i pamzzdr/Mir daztétx he-an C/alriflima mzj.U,. i , t I » ‘ l You are vc5rieA tender of Papills, Idolaters , Heretique9,l_ando Blafphemers {With ‘none elleicheflmcon meddles) thefegnre but Diffentets with you: We wifh yourtcharitiewere a.‘Scripture-g- charity. Do youA"thinl£”l‘uch'asitheytiwillimeet inddthet love of Chrift for éetz-er infirmiiian? Orthat thofe blafphernfers that dcnie; . the"loMel'its and Diwfinitielof Chrifl,A will meet the Orthodoxiin lthc}: loveof Chrifig What Qtolleties are thefe .1. A he T59’: Tbwmazt Flaming.’ :7 fargt:AtIm aztAAtlaeAéegi;axig¢A_grA of July Inf}, 4Al’A’£t‘z'tlzmf why ,m- ‘AQutn<;’h§.AA A ’ fimed m Al.‘/at Parliament, éj Wm} x/any/{ml whit’-wl§fi3e&a=o{ perfims, one A A A .Br.¢!r2$cl1.2t‘/aereaf¢Wl'21‘,AAl7"/ddtt the prafi might he «ppm tn all. A A A A jAAAAWhatiAf we had remembredthat%Petltim1‘ whl h moved fart ‘fol Flamgfi A A witckcd a thing as the gratifying the verie Klngdoma oAfdaArlpmmzm'epf mhegzl Qgéncfio,‘ ogainfl P¢zpi_/hr mm} papif1a‘.£7oa,Q:r, At/oe éarm todifggwi/e_o z‘/acir d.r.flgf;7e4‘,_ J whfom their moglice mzdflivlem is again/}A the welmjfefigd, whom they; jfile I ndependgents and Seéhuies. A A ho A “ A‘ A A A $011 cannot forhear being bitter and cenforiousA; our .=:;e;zlowith_};~;,zW.‘t you is but an ;zppc'¢.2r.m2A6e of Mal, and E0 difgt¢:fi thcir dCfignCs_; and 7' their rmoliceand fl/«:*ci1iSA againft the well-affeéiedh ;A Is t%his~AAChhri~fli~A’ '-anly done; read»: our Bmcomfired, do we give you any bccafion ofthefe expmrflions, and do We fo much as name Ihndepcndchnocy or So&ary;in ah the hook PA Your Catalogue-of books we {laid before 4 is fuch, that the moi’: of them were complained of formerly, and‘ one or other punifhfd for them, 'vi2;- The "Hz:/far} of Ir)dep,end6nc],. ““MAr.hWm.’@7f, the fuppofed«Authour;, died prifoner in the Tower». we Plmfar Nan»-flzriéerx, cAompha,ined Of, and a Bookfeller impxiu o A '1 fonhfrd for it. ‘ The fame was done for Band: and Bamzdx. Mr.Laoe.r.Ao “Sermons,” the Epifllc wh*er“'eof you fay hangs a flag of defianceg _ A charg’d‘ upon Mr-.Cazlam}.,9. notorious untruth ; as at the begin-— ; ning is proved. Mamzw Tafiiumfifhgkkn Tefiizm , with 4 Nmwz-A-A A tizm of the mjflcrie ofASmte, long ofinfle c“omp“f‘ained of," and-Ithc fup. pofedAuthour many months imprifoned forthcm; with others. Andofor all nhefe books, they are unjufily charg"d upon us or chew B,reshy.teriaoA "party; l*ct)t:heAAuthours anfwer formem, if they A A 3.; A A we- A 32 :L_ A TEelBe£¢ez‘o?¢ Fiamingj havenot‘ alreafilel Eclo weidealfo with you oranfif others ? do W? I efhairge the Armie or Inclependeney wichipopiih, with Mr.SPrig’s 4 A A Mr.Hoé.c’s, or the rabble of Reuters boiolm? A i“ l’ » Hench. Tlaefe book; we flnmld mt imz/~e' mantiomwl, Mt rbrawgh arnc-caflg W ‘ A l of qucifcking t/aeufire of t/azis Beacon. V o b A i % l l Flame; i Which does itnoimore, then if you fhould throw oylejnm the fire,A_bu»t does make good what: we chiefly intended by. .3116 L firing our Beacon ; to Wit, the neceflftj of the Parliament: regula- ting the exarévitmacj of the Prefi; as the one-ly way to prevemgthe A publifhing of fuch books as tend to the clifhomom: of God and A diflurbance of the State. l Ar A A V(Lqen.;h_‘ A Ana.’ of what mart nkmgerom can/Eqmwcel /24¢/9 how are gag}; my A other flirt: of éaakg w/omrfoevzxer, we [mm to all tVId£—16'U£‘?‘.f_m‘0_ffk€3J”. Country to judge. pgflmg; Popifh and blafphemous books are of more dangerous ceonl'e-"-J A ll quence (no§”in the leaft to juflifie treafonable ones) by how much A hm. the more (god is provoked by them. ' _ A A A " _Q!:lenc 3 A I/Va /mm 1:)’ hope the Parliament wit’! not re rain mi ' fjzirit fiwm the liéclrzjy ofpro_fifi}'mg, Mar /5112: #Pfi:A7e Pref; Pfjrififg god!) perfom lmzzimg dzwrcgazrd tar/as /comm” midpwzce of the I’¢zlrh- lzlzmmtmwl I/9:3,: Commomwmlt/9. W l ‘ % J he ‘ plmm, V For your lafl hope, or wifh, or prayer, we will but mend it 3 % little, audio conclude with an Amen,‘ win. We humbly ha 5 that the Parliament will not reftrain any peaceabl P a Prophet, from the liberty of prophecying, nor {hut u p the Prefi: from any godly perfons while they wrizegadlily, having due regard to the honour and peace of the Parliament and this Com:-non»-A ‘ wealth. Away, A A‘ EINIS. e fpiritz, that 2;: A