a’—§_~—. C - (3011 NC EL of OF I? ME B; S; Shewing the Grounds arid Re%afons/ _._u._... . . .. ' ’ up . f ' -A “ , . ‘ V‘ ' - '1 ‘ .1“; I '6 0!‘, ' . ‘éw "A M ' . ' M ‘J .' ; :21 “ ‘fly . ‘V J '‘‘.‘W"‘* ‘ op 4 ‘In 0 R D A G E N ER A L L v 1 ' ANDPMS for 4 the diflolution of the late Pz1RLIAME N T. LoNboN A printed by H-e,,L Hm, and TIM. Brewfle}, Pri:itcrscotheAArrr~1y,an'd am“, bg {old at the fign/‘of Sir j‘abw01d-cafiles in P]e~Carn~f7'_, H % ‘ii and'at the thrce Bibles at the Wefiend of €l’:wAlr I6 5 3 - 1 ‘ . I Inna-a-a—-q—.u«v-r W' ‘, ‘ eiwgyzvaoa.»:a4s¢-wéexaqzcmzowozeezossa«:a«~g_azg‘«:a;:»4sa:~q:r“wa}¢ 1-4. V 33% ~: w=~:»g=waa:eezme:~4=s:«¢ze»w~w¢«es=¢=ee=w=;:"$taw~owe w~=1*-%«.~z.«r%»A _A%.;:%cldm1i0n oféhe LAM Generazmt f ' Iii: C30un¢:e‘lIc5;* zcers, A ‘ '-Af” IIr%intentibn is: ;»:ny%‘gi{7e 32.51% ac;-~*~ " comptat thistiz‘1*m, :_:;:f~*” ;,gr011nds»%~«A . which firfl? moves? 3;; e::* :;. 3:16 12?“ K * a1*me3$an*d engage om: Eiw;#::A :;m':i 331% — that Wa%sdcarunt0 “SE in Cfi'E.H3"§.”§'- «nor to mind in vihis Declaration the V&1'i€lE!S%C3eifp€i.“1-‘~ “ A famous through which -dzvme Prov tdence hm kde‘? 1155. or fine-%‘Awitr1<:fS the L0i‘dha;!:hb0r115, mf*=d»the»r: , many figrxall tefiimgnies of accepfancfi which he" . hath given,,% to the fincerdendeavours of his u.n«-~ Wcerthy fervants, whilft the were cent-efling With‘ the many and great difficultles, as well in the wars, as other tranfafiionsin the three Nationsg, being-' neceffitatedfifor the deferlceofithe fi1me‘caufe they - Afirifaifertedg tohave reedurfe unto extraordinary" afiidns, the famebein evident byiformer Decla-w tionspubliflaed onithat: ehalf; ~ A A A 4Afteri't hafi pleafedi God not!" oneI‘yito r%edfuce.* Ireland and gwisvfl-' imSco»tIzz4=zd but (0 marveloufly A ‘ to appearfor‘hise~peop1e at~'Warce/iegthat rhofe N 3- tions were reduced to a gram: degree of peace, and “ Englmrdzto perfeét q..uiet, 8:-thereby theVPar1i-mmnt=% had opportunityAto-give1:he p~eop1€:t?'1eA harvefi: of“ ” al1~thcir~labe tar, blood and treafifie, and to f'ettIe.,a 4&«l1;ing§,% w4l1ere'qnto%they, were afbliged {bytheir du- :. duelibcrtylmth inmference to civil and'_fpi-ri;tua1"%?. ..‘2T*.fJ t=tYt,&.~*fhéi{ihgag¢r}1¢ntS: attalfo the greatand won-% A »dex.fu1t:.ttth;n‘g§;,whglch. Godthathtitwmtaughtt f4PO.r“'=".'~ tab-em; \ ‘ - itwatst matter of gr~i‘€fL foitfiie giocd? andLwe1iI faffeéted oftlie Land, totobfétve“ the little pro-grefi whichwpas ereinywh thercupon4at§pfi*‘"e.d. tjg tfit‘: Army , expeéH11gt‘redi*cf.s€by th‘ei'r: means, not?-9 withfiandihg,whi-th;.thet7Armty:min g‘unwi1lx’ng to A meddle with the civjilAI1thority in mattersfo pro. '‘ perly appertzumng to 1:, It was agreed 3 that big 1 Esxcellencyg an:d:Oifieers oft.he:~A:ryj; Members of Parliatmcntfimould be~defitedt*;tt)?~tuia(W'e t the P,arl~i%ament,topro.ceedt. vigproufly in refbr;m‘it‘ig At what Was‘:amifli:.in-:Govsr=erhentgand to4»V.~tt«}:_e«?f’ét#=tV1titla;gT;;,, of.the~Co.mrxi~on~weaiuh:um :1” fotundiat§tb3::r;;m;fiw7 fliceandgrightfioufneffeug. whichhavingt*.dm1e5 V W6: }io.ped tthatttrhe“Pa:Ilitam;en.t; w0u1d~:feafemta:b1ytht;w.a % anfwered our expeétatiem findfin ; (mt: our grief”)de1~ayes«thcI€*i.n ,w wczranewed our A dtefirtts ‘ flfl‘ihl1m-'b1«C7«B.€t:1t1.Ofl'itQ»?7Kh§III3t wh1ch*vwa.s«:prefent:et:l;: in _,gug%n§?t*la£t5; an d; .a~}thutu%g1it1ie?3at:* nixm: a V n ifyinggtthetitr gQo.d;:acce:.ptan‘t:e thérecfgg rcturn'cdt‘tt1»1a’s:g thanks, an d?refe'rredtt£tht:pa1:ttitc11.L:trfs;t.tt}1¢-rent; to gag, Clommtlttefibufezpttt yam nomenfideratzdfet fe£t.wé1-stw:pr»oduce.d;t. nJC9‘I':"aI’lyaflIC~h': prgrefié<*:1itxatifess; :1 5 tmigrht »1m pl yr thcxtrareahxntt Cantlies to i=tat*com=p;13£h; what was petmon ed fczrglixztz on-jthmwntmmygphetwt mare ,a;ndt:1ncxre appmredt:amdtm,gfit:tham;~t, a;maver- fion*totttthcv:things thtem“fei-v.e*stt~,..,wiilfatrfiuteh; B.iz'c~tt2z't:-1-ftt nefifeiand.0p"p0fittion~~t0y«th'e apeopleeoffl d;.; ' 3171°_'h fgirit afiinggim:h;emtéwhichégrexvzfo::p1:‘e:tta:Ient.,théz ti: !h0f€~*“pE*rf0n$u0f7? I-Itonotm;anilntcgttttlty afmangiftlt thitemf: a, w».1:ioth:4d‘~,: e:I2I1‘§nEz‘:I.-tiiY appaaredt: for 4‘ G‘b‘C§§: A t and”. the t Pi1b;}~iqu=at; go@"d‘,nvb’othtttt A bafot-e; A a A ‘t}irou:ghgut;' t.hist’§_ warm , twemwt 4 _. re«ntd“ereAdt4l of» I10; ,meA‘Afur,;11erMe%y.fe1in eParl1amenc, then by emeet¢ jug Witht a fcoxfirupt pa‘rety.etoe gi‘veA theme cduntew *4 nangzeqgo V«c:«.1rr»yM on their endzs,‘ * and‘Aforeeffe&ihg*"% the dnefiwrew : they " hadof: perpetuating themfelves ‘the _Sup%rez1rre1;;Governmenn For which’ pin’-r~ fiofe, 4 the flfaid Party ~1ongeoppofed.,V hand fre- ' A_que_r1t:1Ly; _g{.e;cgIagreg;l‘¢eAhemfe1ves agaiinflhavinga new“ Re13x,e;§nga{.s;:;'q7e§:At1d;;'Whe‘ne=they faxvthemfelvés‘ A V A eseneCe1I.‘:ta_tE«_,d_«to eetakee%'tha:t, Bill into coAnfideration,; " A ]i:h'ci"yjto% make ufe of it “to recruite the ;HQqf¢;V§fi§bgPg€1‘fOI1S*Qflthefamfi Spirit and tern» “ - pefy .fAchegeby, go perpetuafitee » their A own Ffittingg rm’ i.1,;W41i;en%tion,3 deivefs of the aflivefle amdne xhema gI1anifef’c:, labourmg to eperfwade o— IhefSwie.coV‘a%econfent therein: Andtheebetter" to‘ éfiwttfiiseem: diver? Petitionspreparing from fe—% veral“ Qp11g_1tge§ fI"12ih@ econtmfuance ;~0f:.thiS “Par-5-: liaxnenc were enecouragged if not 7fe1:~ % on foot by R ’ma1;;ye.<;‘o‘7%§ttiem. ~ A A ‘ , ‘ I A .-For Qbwvxatinge of AthefefteviIs“ee‘,§;e%»*‘ifie A;27Oflicers%7 bf the }‘;;1r§1;1_:1y;;.o;13taix1ed«gfeyerale xi-1eet;ings=, with wfqnde ‘A Ve1}fgrliame;1t,;» tfwo _con%fider what ifit-r $ii18m:m¢?4¥»15;?:fl§ remedymightebe applied we Pre- ’the.4fame,;; «flute fuch‘ endeavours pgoving“ a_1to”gethe1f —i;1ge¢_fFec?cu21k1i1e, M it ;b~e,cam'e mofie evi- éifint Lg ythe WArmy,i;asL they2d;01;Ib:t not it a1f0”1S:‘t0f A $11’. eeéqalidqepiqgege sa ,4 rfihat“ ‘this. Par1iamenat,’* tfMfi0U;g§§Eh¢;9Q15WPFiQil:e”®f:'{0m©5“ rthef e~jea1oufi.e of. v eb_t;he'ns.,, the noneeattfifldancexewee ’:21“nede e negligence of; 11133? 9 v 11.ever,;anfivWer .thofee*‘ ends whéchw ‘ God , fmg P§Qp;€‘.3;:_,_%;afld eflstzbe =who1e 4‘Namon *e:§:4g A VB A WV A ‘ H (6) A V geéted fmmA them}: A=BuA "that c1a.is%4cauI‘cAwhicr: ” tht ¢Lm*c11%ha;t'h.fo g=rcaetAlyV1‘ b1efI'cd,%and..Vbor¢V A wicncfs £01,. Amufl; necd‘s languifh under Athci1 ¢ha;ndsA,. and . by«?d‘cgrccs be ,whQ11y;‘1Qf{,‘A and that lim, ‘lib.;¢rtiCS’ and c»om£or1;s pf’ his Pc¢P1¢“ dc~1.AiX;::l1‘¢A:d liantcl); I:lgeir%En¢:n1::i“cs4hand5-, A V icl fadilywsnd I fidefed the h0n¢%f’cf People o£%:1§i:u13z;;§§.?, as well as by the “Army, and %“wifd‘dm and dircé?cio;n.A_being fought: from me Lord 5 int;-em; ed: mfibc :22» fury .i'n4cu«mbem1AI'npon =15, Awho.hadA fccn. much % of chic iipqwcr ‘,3l1d’Y P‘.l"CfC"[lCC *¢’f God goi'nAg along: with usA , A % ed c‘o5fidgr§;A A famc“§AA more \ cffcétual means 507 fecurc. thcLCafuf which :~:h.cA good People of rh~.isAComAmpnwea1; 1 had‘ bmn _fo}:lA”o?ng $cm+g?a«gncd4g 5: and w. %V%¢fia_bm’, rig htcoufncfi Azaind Acace :a11«c;I‘¢‘ A Nati*¢fig.§ A A wAndA;__%, after’ muchf dcb~a{rc7i::I wa~5V :j¢udgAcdAan£_; %‘3A¢‘T31‘YV and agmd ‘ “P08 3 that % the AS11Prcam Au: «As itymnuld be» bymc P%arIi‘a~mAcntq&devq1Vvcd upon known Perform 5 men EbAéving“”»¢;G9%aj4; ‘aha - ia~pprm.cd A1:m.cc'gvicyA<",~ Van?& u5he~%'»Gov¢rnfi1Aér§i*A‘o'f' the Comm‘on«wcaAI'th4 T cdmmit%eedA’ urfifo %A"éh¢m ~"”Afor a mimic, as; the ‘m/ofi hopcé1‘full%w; way iegA¥4¢nc¢u; rage and cAoum:cnAai1cc r¢% Bafis A wilchoult hazard L. tms g4I0r-1§ous.»4GaVu{eL_5 b AA ~ ” to it tokcep up Armies forth: defence of’ the fame. I And being {til tticfolvcd to ufc alllmzt-ans poffiblc to i avoid plesgtraordinary ;coutl“'es,i we t prevailed with about A twenty Members of Parliamrctnt to give . us aeConfercncc , withpwhom wefre~ely and ‘plainly debated the neccflityt and j uflnelfs of our Propo- fals onthat behalf "~,-_ And did evideneeiethattehoie, andynol: the Aéfuindcr their confideration, would molt probably bring forth fomething anfiwerazblc to that VVork,the Foundation whereof God‘:himt- {elf hath laid , and is nowcarrying in the; World. ° V w on 1 A _ e I The wh.ichnotwithfiandii=:g, i found no aeccep- same, but ini’t*ea~d thereof , it wasoffered, that thetway was tO:COIfl_tl!1l1Ctfii,ll this prefent Par» t liament, as beeing that from which we mightrca- .”fonab1yexpc&all«goodetl1i~ngs.. ~l¥~might lhavcllllbcch lfaid‘, izthladlf been-lolur :defirc1= to jufigfic our {¢lvcsa‘fp‘h¢i¢!4l7 «. fi-mg lozhlers, and raking into the mifllgovcrn-l’ mam; of lAlf3.lIS’; but we {hall conclude withlthis, I That as we have been lcacl by‘nccc9ilitj/alnd*‘ Proili-I dclnlcc,il. to acftl as wc have done, even beyond ahd‘ abfovcw ourllown thoughts and dcfires :ll’o we fha1l,land‘ d, in that of-thisgrcaz Wlorkl*which A, is bchinde, putouf ft‘-:lvcs~w«hc>1lyupo1ilclhc:'Lo.rd" A fora blcffing,-, profcIIi=ng,wcl~-look not to flafid oné A daylwithoutlhlis fupport; muchIcl's‘to~»bringtoA‘ V pafs anyof the things mcn‘cio*nl¢d~l‘lalnd defired, without his ailiftance, and therefore do lfo-A lcmnly defirc and cxpcét, that all men ,A as thcy would not provokcthe Lord to their own dafiruétion, £hou1d~ wait? forvfiich iffixcl . M as hcufliallbring lforch 5‘ andhlro follow their” V _ bufincfs With .pc~accablcfp1~r1ts 3 7 whcrern we; lpromifc them Promotion by his affiffanczcyl ‘ And for chofc who profcfs their fcarand Love to” thc“Namc of God that fccing in _ .a great mcafurc, for‘chcir~falccs~,l and for righ- lo tcoufncfsl falcc, wc l'lElVC:*I3k€l1 our Lives in our’ hands to do chcfc thlngzsw rheyfivv-ould be in-~ A M‘ A ,5; i~'fl7x’m?£r. A (I0)nV 4 titan! iwitib ithe Lordv day and ‘night nionrtourr be- “ halfs , _ thatiwe may obtain grace from him, A and fee-mg V we have made Io oftenmentioneof his; Namecthat we may rnot idoethetlcaflz «idifhonour thereunto: which ind-ee would be our confufion,“ andca‘ fiain to the wholcrpro- V feflion of Godlinefs. or f " ~ A V A A Wee bcfeech themnalfo to liveinail nhurnility 5? AA tnecknefs, righteoufnefs and love out towards: an- d other, and towards all men,%% that to they ma V in put tofilencc theignorance of the fooliih, who falfly accufe »them; and to know, that the late great and glorious difpenfatiions wherein n the Lord hath To. wonderfully appeared in bringing forth theft: things by thetravel {and in blood of his Childremought to obligethemfo to i walk in the wifdomiand love of Chrift, ash nm"ayi icaufc others to honour their holy pm. ~ ifeffion. rbecaufc they _fees(%3hrifl-to be.inun,-m I of at truth. We do further purpofe btefore it he long, ~ more pa-rticularlny toflnew the grounds ‘.O'£ «our Proceedings, and the Reafonsv of ti~hisi:.n;:I;atci A" great Aétion and Change ,, which“ in trihigtr we have but hinted at. A A ~ 4 V K And i‘WeidoAIafilydeclare -;.’T.hataiIJudge§,; A Sheriffs,“ Juflices of thenPcace,‘i Mamyrsege Ba.ylifi=‘s, ‘C0mmil;tCC$ and Coxrnmifiioncrsiye and all other Civil Officers iandf ‘Publick Mi-9 nifie;-5 (11) niflers wh-asfocver, within this Commonl wealth , ‘or any parts thereof, dio proceed in 1 their refpeftivc Places and .OfiCC$; and all Perfons whatfoever are to give obedience to ehcim as fullyas when the Parliament was fit- Signed’ in the name and byche appoint!-3 ment of his Excellency tl1e:L01td Ge- neral , and his Councel ofccrs. ‘,'¢"§2.‘f§;'fi‘é;;; VVM. Mmu scam. % I1N1&