«A revent Niif’ca1-£65.. THE L§rdiGenera1cé2{oMWeL *5 S A 4 A Dclivcred in the Coun%ci1é—-Chamber, ¢% Upon the 4...OffI/ll}, I653. ' To theperfons then aflémbled _, and intruflzcd with the Supreme Au» thority of the Nation. A‘ % % % .w| % % In-—n-—..—— This is a true Copies A Publiihed for Inflwmation , a11d”"t‘ ———..--—;-.. ‘nu! ‘ ‘no. Trintedihtlaeyeer 1554.. J 4!. ~4 The LordGenera1% % CR 0 L1_, % His Speech , At the ounce}.-«Chamber 3 4” 1% 6 5 3. G€1V‘TL£‘2I I ‘indceddfizc may fag , without bc0“mmending om‘ .-£f€1ves_, ‘E-dmean’mdyfe*1 and thofe Gerztlmzen tbat me A ibeen engaged in the Military aifiirs , that upon but remrnb we came,fi_1I'1y bent in our hearts 8: fiboughts, mfdggm and ufe all fair and Jlabwfull means we could,‘ mhave had the Nation ‘to map the fmit ofakl that blood and trélafure that had been expended, in this caufe, andwwc have bad many dt-fires, and thirfiings, in our fpirits, to findcbu-t Wayes and means , where» A in we might any wayes, be infirumentalal , to help it forward A, V and wc ?¢crc’vcry tender, for a long time, {:3 much as to Petbitxonfill Augxyfi‘ la‘fiL',or‘therc;:bouts.3, wt mVewfi'ered to Pctinc-n , but Tome ofourdthenb: ‘ db ‘Members, and others, having good acquaintance ;and relatidon to divers members of *"t’be: Parliaments we did from time totimb follicitc ,‘ that which we -thoughflifthere had been no body to prompt zhcma 4 no body to call upon thetn ) A would have been lified ton , out of ingenuity and integrity in them that had ' , opportunity to have anfwercd our expeffcatdionsg and and truly when We {aw nothing would be done, wt didns we thought according to our duty , rcmindc A -them by a Petition 3 which Petition , I fuppofc ~ the mofkof you have {cm which we delivered, either injuly or‘ Aug-ufl Rafi, what cffefi: that had is likcwifc I ‘very ‘w¢"11known3ddI the truth is, we hadno rcdtburn at all , that the fatisfaéfion for u!,w:1s but a fcvvd Words '-giwn usithe bdfinicflé petitioned for, 1noPcof1;hem, A (we Wcrctold) were under co-nfideration5\And A ' thpfc that wcrc nor, had very littlt: or no cdnfidcra- ‘ dtionbatall. , B Finding f A A (J) ‘§*§n&*§ng ahcpeoplae dfifatiszficd, in 6vm'y“‘corn%er thc:%NwatiA0n%,.4at1d bringinghome to ourdoores the‘ name pe:*fm+'zm;nce: of thcfa thingsd-3 that 1135} ijfiflxg», mqyznifcdg ané were: ofdaze m be; p€}‘f0§‘_n1€_§3 Vxw did: thinfia our {clams c0n£s.rn&d3«. we incic;a~er.gat:zx*c%:ci aabfi-~ came honrrfi mm , A 3:0 kmpzzp thm*@gwz:ymtiua1 mfhm L nefi mm in fine '%"Cbfld 5 ami the‘1*%b_r@A V"-§«"@ haci diwraa. time:-5, izaéeaxrauraci tQ%<:»bm§n a meeting, vaéah é§%%”€:rsé M#e‘mbers 22:? Farliam-vmtg and :tru3y' ‘vs.*+.*;: ~::}%e:.’i bag-~ gin t h 3% ti}? 3:‘ fwf‘;55%z;.iae:*%}%%2a:*{"r,mac} in %&hwi%3::. ~gme¢tix2§i'2;sdi§d im 31}. -f’:a.i“th§i1§";xm£§7c:: andfir1»::'x::r%mg3E:4Aa:ri%4::~c§'a 'C§?¢£§.}’.‘a£,ti'lat ‘ihfiy’ would L#>r&%2r:%21c‘§fu§i0f t'hé*:;?ar ciuty m €f?:~s:;;:2d and mmigé; .3fld ofthe &%fch;m*g£ oftherir trufi: m éifitéd mad mam :: {believer :;h<::~fi:VVGentlcmen that ar‘e"ammy 0:E‘1:h¢m: here .3 C313 mil, that We had atthe1mfimnVo1*tw¢1v¢.- ‘ ‘meetings , » 11u;=:£°c_ hmnbly be’gg113g and Abc:%{c;iech«in tfhemgthat of their owna1ccords,they would do?thcs E3‘ ‘ % good things, that had been pr'omifed,tha!: fa it might: appeae:*;zhe:;y did not do‘thr:m,by any fuggafiion frgm: the Army , but of their own ingenuity ,V__ {p t:¢f1der‘ Aware wc?to p1~e%fcrve them In the reputation End .0, pinion ofthé pcoglc, m the uttcrmofi. And having had, many oftzhoic meetings middceIaring,pIain1y% that th¢ifii1e5Wmu1u1.d n‘m;:.hf@*arV $9553“ Kepréfentative ,» *bei1‘3~:;*efit my» ATx;1)m*.‘A.‘ gfvemfi efre‘:ths::n1,%, f%KXit:h0ut!"p150C€€*C’iing «.vi:h _.Cmc ilinfi c0n£id€rab‘iy in it they that ceuid Tiflft »i*11<;h1%r¢ ~ “m”he':ar (if it§ the:n5w when Awezr‘ caV1m¢'4t4ar2 mar c‘1<)fi*;* Corafie zi0ns,thm iaxaft? «e:::.r:..d«oFAfMp1;Q.traflzin '$‘j;f;.,%,§»"2.ti‘§J did m%1€.~?$ as‘«much*prc:%pofim+ous«%1:2rvfi:. [::‘3’£%-l(‘:EjIfl hamdyazzd J mninto that extireznityg ' A anfd; %fiz2c1ix.:sg;; 'a:%3a;2: this f;:*>jr":;.s:, A? M %.‘was not accordirsfg to God 5311:} rh::%F£; fliéadt“ W 3104 We figgiifit 1 fi?& thcfeg. that they. mgkoncd V the meflif’ trm*1r :j}i;c2aVr1:s3ax1vd thatAAWe*f0unT%dV t~hc.%int*cmfk %ofa7*'34;1iV*s?’T {pm pit Ways gmwn would wen V.aImofi in every thi,r3gg0% t0t&h€.g1‘Oun<;1, . Ghéapfi andi%Vnot%1a.id to heartaand ifwc came to Acomt-~ pcttition of. thlngsfithe caufe even amengcthemfclvcsg this did addemom 4c€mfidcrati0nAto u‘s,m@that.wL¢%th£r®v was .;1.'ét1{y’ incumbent up$nus,, and tm1’§:~; 1?" {peak it in thc. prefenm 05+-z fume: =t:ha%t areé here, tb'at-ware; %at%thec1ofc ¢onfu%1tat10n~s«( Iémay {ayj as »bcfomw theLord ,_, the: thinkmgrmf .3I1 ’9k*&‘ of—v1o1mce~~was to 7113 worfe thzmany Eugagemcntthat cjv-e1*A%wc ware: in gusts _ and wmfe ,t(I¥.f us» than wthc u.cr’m3«{’c" Hazard nf. our’ lives that-=> cmnld ban, for “U'.l'1)'W‘iniflg _ were we, fa tender were we, {on 'defir0usv~Wem~ “W63,” if. it Were; ‘poffiblc , .t%13£1t; A thcfc: me}; A ' h.ax.»*@- might” (Ir) firave quit; their places Awith honuri And truly‘, this I am the longcrnpon, becaufe ithath becznw in om: hearts and confcicnces, our %]ufiification,. a;ndwhath4mver yet been imparted thorow m theN'a- . tion, and» we had rather‘ begin with you mdo“it_.,% thmatodhave. done it before, and do think in«--“-;. dwd ,. that thfifc At‘ranfa.&.i011s*A be name proper fan averballcommunication», than to have put it into writing; Idoubrwhcfocver had putit on, wwld have been t-emptedto have dipt his pans in zm~ A gar and Wrath, but%a1‘:fa'1rs% being at this po£’cura3,% that we faw plaizafy and evidently in=f0mcVCriu- callthings, that thr: Caufe of the people of God was a» defpifed thing truly then we did believe‘ that thehands of othcr mm, muft be the hands *t‘h%ja~tA~mu& be trtfiflzed with $23,, and then We thought» -highm,timcfo1* us, tolook about us, 1 and to be fen£ib1é%of7%0urduty. If I fhould taka upyour: t:ime,,m tell you, What infran.-tea ‘NE have to {a« t;isfi¢, our judgements and ~C0r1fCi€11C€S~‘, that tlycfe" WcVr¢g%»1n4‘0fi: Vvaiin V.ima~gi1~mtions%,.and things that; A were p4etition4ed .fo1“', ‘ but that fell Wit‘h'in I Athc: cxom-~ paffe of our cefmin knowhzdgcg‘ . and fenmg fl1‘u1d;” 1'; %rcpeat» thezfe thing>;s to you.I mould dd that whic_h»I%4W0u1d avoid ,, to»:raI~2'e "into. thefe i§3}i1‘?gS' t_.;o0 much-3,; finely tlaizisgif zmy‘ bociy iiwcre “in ciomw petition, for any place 0fT~1"£::U and fin.*ail’%TrL1f’£, haw ‘hard and d“.ifi‘Eca=1~:h;-ga flung it warm to get av- A :n.y«,‘ (22) nyf t‘hiMngt*o 'b<;-. c;mficd., ~with0x1tnm1k§%kng pairtimfi 4 wimautt+hings4ind=md, unworthy 0f 3 P:.WhaH1¢n4t- And when things mufi: be carried ft» in a fiuprgam Atzrhoriaya indécd I think, it is not as itought tea be: but ‘*whr:~n it carm-Ato may Triaizls , in that Caffi 0f'1???'Al¢r, which Imufk Canfeflé, for my Aown pam I fetmyr Lfeif upon, ifi mama “in‘foru1 what ~difcoum!enancc N-that buiinefih of the poms p-maple of Gad, thcrc hazi, who had watichings over ~csers 1, I thiA:21kA’it ~wa.s“:z1si pae'rf"eé‘%.‘ =I$iWou’ld~% this ..l1aa:i_ Ah-awn all 4 thc%iz1ftanc:c“és 5 ifbdt *fin‘ding}»%“Wh‘ich w::.1y+t‘h¢:ir fplmts Mwmtg, and finding%%th:i*f lgmad W%11S[ m‘:v;er_ 33 Urxtenacied V ‘IO M J%t}1?e; pibople 031 and 5 f (1? mcan when I fay" {0} Vthm:4,‘largc% c<311ifp1'5;*mh4j6*h¢5i {ion of t:hem,u11der::the fexverali farms 0f gczéd-LA” linefié: in .;;this Nationg when I faxzv that ten. demcflc was forgottexl, to them ail (though it was A %very very ‘ta'ue,, Atfmt by §h;e’ir hands and mean 9;. “through the bifiifing wffiud, thcfy f;a“£e_ Wham they dfid) and afi'r:a.yw:5, nut to {peak ‘sit bmfiixzglgr, had been infirm» menmiégr browgghfia m aha: §:fi7m3 rim;-y were bmught to by the hanfis emf thufa pame crwmnzms, arm thmught thins: eviiiarezqzzimig M3 wax: imtfiay them; vmm at thm uttwex‘1n@fip§4£Qh 0?? Eififeymatimrzmg zwahaugh I»CDL‘&1d“ £l*:y'%, that 0;.1sthV§ng;, rm? 2‘~::‘gu.§.:%§.'§0i’1 sf rim Law Vfomuch gzrmgmcd m'z=::§er in tfiizm pe;:>fim*e it Haw is 3115 gzhere was many wu1'ds figsvmiiwxa far it, We know many; mbneths tflgfitthfirrg Wa:»3m*;v"’:.‘ %:'§ nm mwnghg £0 pafié cm W11‘ Om“ wigrcfi eCz'&§§€d? ¥nCufl¢1bm11Ccsa: I ffiy, fixxding that ithis Awas thfi: fpizimszd mxnplexion 0fth<*msthat:[ % though th=e{"E=: wex&%ef“:m}{s, fm‘w}“%2%c~°hz2o man‘ ihcmld _ have%da4md to Iift hisl'mnd, fimpiy far their fau}ts,1 an<:1fai}i_ngs, wvhm yetwefiaw their imenciment was to pc':1*p€:*£L1atc thszuzfclves :, am? mm ofthis fp'i1"it fl 1* A fomehad it from A thc:im~WnA nmush:-:,__. Afmmthcir own» dc:-figns, whcs comic! not endure ta hum‘ 0fbc.7mgAdif~ V ,fo§x*ed;i:hé3 ‘uvasfaza high bre:;achaf"fmi‘t , ifthey had big aPar?iament,nc'mr v§03&t€d;fi$t§:3g as fregané a‘s.%‘ c}ear»a%£Aever any fixtin Ewgl.m::'5y'et ifrheywouid goV about £0 pe1'pem:.1tc them f€1ves,, we di& think this to be {'0 high za bmaczh 0fTmf‘r3 as gmatercauldnot be; and we~did not go bym gueffe in this; and to be mm: of V doubt: En it, we Adidk (having that% cmifcrencc among our felves, whereofwe gave aceompt )We did defire am: more the night bcsfwrc ‘ the diffolmfmn $ and it had becn%in 0u1*defires’,fmne cwoor three dzzyes be-»~ ‘fete, that mm xrmght {peak wuh form: mfthe principal A gerfens .0f.the H01: [63 that W: might With emzzty o-1° ‘ _ H m... ‘ V . E533. (:41 t ”Pen”.out;hcarstt-0 them, to the anti we migmtbceithet convintccd of the gmundoftheir princi plats, and inn tientitins, “to the cod of the Nation 5 or ifwc couié not be convince ,th&y would hcare out oiferfl or er.at— pedient to prevent this mtifcheifg and indeed Awe couid not prevail for two er three daiyes , till the i night before the diflbiution 5 there is a touch ofthiss in that our Dcchu'ation..t5 wehad often defitcd it,at that time, .-WE attained; tihere were above twenty of them who ware mcmbcts not ofthe It-ah confidetat1- ong for intercfi and ability, with W.h0mt...W€ defired-i to ciifcoutfe thofethings, 8: had d‘if'coutfe'-witih thcmgfic it pleafcd the Genitlemeu~iOfficers of the Army toido. fire me to ofihr their fence Jtothem , and indcred it-.t was flmttiy carried thus, Wc toid them, tthat thc«ma-.- 4 fon of our dcfire to Wait upon them i,, was that Awe might know from them what fccurityfiay in the way of their proceedings, (0 haiiily with their Reprc§cn- Vttatix3ve_, wherein they had made a few qualifications ~w:c Ihould have fucih a return, we {aid little tothat. t V ' ~ A But 4 (fuch as they were ) and how the whole bufincfih ihould be executed, We have no accompt of, at1d’we dcjfired them they would be-:p1cafcd,andi we thought we had an-in.terePc -in our1i~ves,.eftat¢s9 and families, as well as the worfl:—«pecaple cfthe Nation , find that we might behold, to ask fatisfaé’ti.on in thats and if they did proccéd in honefi wayt-:s,as might be Rife to the Nation , we mighti acquidfe therein : when we pref’: them to give fatisfaftion in this,th¢ anfwcr was made, thatt h.0thin;gcouldi be good to thetNati_cm,but the caritiztuan Ce ofthi-sPar1iam«ent,w@ wondred that“ A Bntfeeing they would not give us that which might fatisfie us,that their way was honelhand ilaife, they would giveus leaveto make our Ohjeflcionss-* We did tellthem, A that wee though—t that way they were going in would _ bee impreética hle, we Could not tell them how it would bee bmughtlto palife, to fend out an A8: of Parliament ‘into the Country, to have qualifications inaniz‘-'16’: to he the Rules of Eleétomand Eleéled, and not to know telao fhonldexeeute this; A .xDe{'1red to know whether the next Parliament were not like to confill of all Trrséyiers 3 Whether thofe Qualifications would hinder them PT or Newters? and though it been our defire to value and e- {teem of that judgement, only they having been as wee A know, having deferted this caufe and Interelt, upon the Kingsaccount; and upon that clofure between them and the Neighbour Nation, wecldothink wee mult profelie wee had as good have delivered up our Caufe into the hands of anyas intofithe hands of interelfed ‘and byaiied A mentgi for it is: onelthirlglto live friendly and brotherly,’ on to bear withnand love a perfon of another judgement in Religion , another thing to have any fo far fez: into the M {addlenponthataceount,t as that it Ihould heein them,‘ to haveiiall the tell: of their Brethren at mercy 5 Having had this dtfcourfe, maltingthefe Objefiiongof bringing ‘ « 'inNeuters,or {uch aswlhould impofe upon their Brethren, A or luchxashad given tefiimony to F the Kings party, A and iohifeéting to the danger of it, in drawing the 'concot-rule A ofall people, to armign every individuall perfon, which 4 indeed did fall obviufly in, andrhe iffue would certain-; i » ly have been, theputting itinto the hands of men thati 1 ‘lhad -littleialfefiionito this caule . The anfwer again was * made,a.mdiic was confefled bylfome, thatthele ohjeéli-3: A ons did lye 5 But laniwer was made by a very eminent een_l_‘on;. atthe fame time as: before, that nothing would _f'~!?«{¢ l f.'.L,‘y'L-p-saw~r~v—-w-v ,-no-~ % (:6) me the Nanfen,bur the ’continuadnce ofghis Eazliamem, 1-_’fiAis7béin@g 10, we ‘humblye propoied an expedeiewnt ef ours,’ which was indeed, to defi re {hat the G03/emmeent being in that cofidition it WaS,a1§d thingse being under foe much e in fenife abroad, and fo likely to come to confufion in A every refpea, it it went on, 10 Wee defiffid they woulcf: devolve the unit oyer to perfans of honor% and integrity, that were well knowmmen Weliw affecfied to Religiongand the A Imterefi of the Nation, which we told tle‘-1em,and was ccmfcifefd, had been no new thing when thefe Nations had been under‘ the like hurly burly and difirabieea5’¢i0I1s; Weeet01d;£h€IIi:atl1atethat. wéeeeee V offered‘ as%anee'xpewdien&:t,e begacliifi Wée thought better, xhéh that far %*wh i*ch:$ no reaione W was, or thougehcee.woulda be7givén; “wee defiyed them; to layethfi £hing;*Ieri0ufly; mlheajrt, they told us, they would take econefieederation oft.he£fii' [thingsetill thewxmornin-g, that ethey “would flefep . in %o£1 them, and! think that therexwasfcarce any day, A thatvthere far above soorega or 5 3. Atthe partingtwo on}-:%ethre%e4 of theehief ones, the verychiefefi ofthem,di&» te7li;as,#Veftha»ce they would indeavour the Iufpetxding the A e P§9§¢¢di_n£s 0§:*’5?€;j1?‘€Pf€f@¥1t3¥§Y€ath€!1?X—‘ flay; till ma“ had afurtherconfetence,a11.d We did acquiefcggéhd hsd hope ifour expedient wéuld takeup a Roving debate, . the next daywee fhould have tome fueh iHue“iof our debate, ‘ as would i havegiven 2 fatisfaétihn to all; they went a- yvay late at night, and the next mtmaing wee confidetirrg {HOW to Ordfir {hat Whith wee had to Ofier to them, when they weretto mfiéti in the Evening; word was hreughi: theyhwere ptoceeding with a Repreientativgwiith an the eagerneffe they couidgwee did not beieeve petferas effuch q.uya1iyty-iigomuldsdoe it; afefcond and 21 third Meffenger toid I;1fs,= th*e.yh:1d,_a1II;10i’t finifhed i-:5 and had h'ro"t1gh“t "it to that iifue withathat hat’: that had never he7eI1“h7ef0te, Ieav -; ring” out the things that did néceffatiiy relate to due qua- lifications, as wee have heardi fince, tef01\%ed.ito‘ima‘k*e if a paper Bill, not to ingtoffe itgthattihey might make the quicker dxipatch of it; thus to‘ have th‘rovv“nh"iaiI the lii‘ber~ tiesof the Nation into the hands that never . bled“ for it; uponthis Account--,— wee th01}r_ghtiiit'iout duty not to fut- fer it, and upon this thefloufe was diflbived; y“ A This weerteliyou, ._Ch3”t‘y'Oi1"Ifiay: Io know,“ that What hath been done in the d‘iiYoiution of this Pariiamengwas" as neceffaty to he done, as the preferv atiohnof thiscaufe; and thatmegehflity that led usto A doe that, hath brought ugfto this _iHue,i ofexerciifingssan“ extraordinary way and cputfegoiidtaw your feliveys together upon this ac“co‘mp”t’,i‘ that iyouiyare men who know they Lord, 4 and have made“ obfetvatiions ofhis mairvellousidifpenfations, and maybe trufted with this caiuie.iIt temaiinsgfoti I {hall mot ae... quaintvyoufurthe: withithaty that relates to your takingj upon you this gteait *bil!‘fine£Tei,;i that being COl1t‘ai1?!'€;d*»iI1“h:h this paper: in my, hand; which I doe "0f‘fer“ pr“e{em:.:~ ly to you, to reachhavimg done that which" wee“ thdughf ti) have done upon this [ground of «ueceifity, wfiiiiieh we. k.ndw“wasini“§t feigned neceflityi hut tseal, mi '"itttiae"5j to theendi the Goyergment might not bee gt ailoiie, thfi “ C 2 . end V (:8) l | end weemight manifeflz to the world, the finglenelle of 4 out ‘ll€"31‘tS, and integrity; who did tnofe things notto gralp after the power our felves,to keep It in a military hand, no not foraclay, as far as.Gocl enables as with flrengt-h and ability, to put It into the hands that might be called from feverallpat-ts of the Nationgthis neceflity Ifay,ancl we hope may fay, for otuj fel.ves,this integrity of laboring to clivefi the Sword of the power and authority in the civill adminifiratxon og it, hath been that that hath moved us: to conclude of “this ' comic, and having done that, wee-rthink we cannot with‘ the dilcharge ofour confciences but offer fomewhat un- to you, as I laid beforefor’ our own exonerationa ithav- ing been the prafiice of othersiwho have voluntarilyand it . out of lenle of duty cliveflecl themfelves, and divolvecl the Government into the hands ofothers, it having been the praétice, where fueh things have been done,” and Very conlonant tonzeaion, together withthe autho-l" tity,to lay a charge, in fuch a way, as wee hope wee do,, and to prelle to the duty, which wee have a word or two» tonofier to you.'I'mIy God hath called you to tjh-isworlc,-A by (It thinlqas wondetfull providences as ever paftupon thC._l0hS».0f men in ion lhort a time, and» truly »”thinl:i,tak~ 4 mg ti-}‘ye4“a_rgHmenE.S'0f necleffity, for the Ifiovenmaeint mu“fi* not falla, takelthe appearances of the will of Godinthlis ? thing,Iam[ure you would have be‘en»loath icvlhoulde have been religned into the hands ofwicked men,land A’ enemies; I am lure, God would not have it 1034» it c""mesl*' ' therefore toyou by wayof neceflity, git combs to “you” 1 by the Way of thewile Providence of God, though‘ through wealehands, -and therefore I rhinlgit coming through our hands, though iueh as wee ante, it may not be taken ill, if wee other to you lome thing at to the dil-3 eharge efth1at.trufl:: is incumhentupon- yougand a*l- though ow though 1 feem to fpeakthac which maye have the face of’ a charge,it is a,» ve1.:y’e humble one, and he that meansto be a fervant to you, who are called to the exercife of they fupremeau"thori;ty,hto défcharge thaht,which he conceives A isyhis duty, in his own 8:: his feflowshnamegto you I hope ‘ who hwilletakeh it in good part, and truly I flaail not holfi you long in thaghecaufel hopeit is Writer} in your hearts, ~ to approve yourfelves tohGod only, this Scripture I‘ flnali’ A re£Iiemb‘er* to you,which hath heenh mucheupon my {pis- 1-it, hHa[Eah 171-and Io fuerfle, Tet “ fzadah rule?/9 Audit/a geai,“ A and is faitbfullamaiag the Saints, it is {aid before, Eplam: im did compafle God aéémth with lies, and {free} with deceéfiy‘ how God hath been compaifed about with fiifiings, ‘anci “ Th"amLkf~gi"vings,~ and other exercifes, and tranfaaionsflty thinlrweeehave an to lament,-, whytrhuly you areecélledf‘ by God, to rule with him, andfor him,and- you atéhcale A led to he faithfuU,with the Saints, who have been fotne; ye wharinflrumentall to your callahe that ruleth over men; ( the Scripture" faith ) hee mtiflz bee j;uH:,ru1-ing in t‘hE““ fearof God.» V A - A ~ A ‘ And truly it is better to pray for you than to coun{'e1E"’ you ih thagthat you may exercife the judgment ofxnercyg and truthgl fay it is better for you to do it:,th‘an to adv*ife you to aske wiidome from heaven for you,.which E arm-;. confident many thoufands of Saints do this day,and have‘ do-ne,an‘d wifllldo, through the“perm‘ifl'fon of God ‘and his" ' affifia-nCC9t0_~'“adV‘if€yO11;.0Ij€1ytIUly I thought of a Scyfpn — cure1ikeyvifethat~fee.ms to he a but a Scriptureeof ycommorgf appljcafion to every hmaheas-a Chrifiian, wherein he-‘ee’ei§ counielledeto ask wifdome, Andhe is told what"ise'that W?7ifdom*e that is from above_.,it— is pure, peaceable,gexit*1e, ‘ ” Eafy tohe int-yreated, full of good fruits, wvithout-paeyrtialigiy ty,withouthypoetiiy; and my thoughts ran thuseupon - n this, that the executing of the~j~udgm~ent of truth,’ for thee‘ €20 ‘*9Es “the judgementthat you mufi*have_\Ni{dom figgm. . above for, and that is pure,that wt"_lI teach you tohexeetatettt V“ “the judgement of truth, and then tf . God give you hearts A to bee %eaefié fO“heei11tteated, to bee peaee_ab.le fpiritsgto bee full ofgooo fruits, hearing good ituits to the Nari.‘ on, to men a'smein._, to the people of God,%. V to an in their 1eV€173.IvR31:i0nS, this wifdom WEI teach you to execute the tfiudgement ofMeteyat«1d Truth ;, eodl have little, more to {ayto this, I {hall rather heodmy ptayergs for youha ttebgtthehalf (as I {aid before) and Lknow many others do, alfo. Truly the judgement of,Truth will teach you to A bee tjufi towards an Unbeleevet astowaros a ¢BeIeeVer;“ :ang15e,icisour duty to doio. Ic.ont£.e;fl”e1tIhoveoften it-4« ‘ foolifhly, ifl would miicsarry, I would rathert do zttoa 0 Beleeyer than tom llobeleever , perhaps it is a Paradox; hutelet us take heed of doing it to either, exereifing inju- fiiceso Eithfifgif God fill our hearts with Foch a. fpirit as th M0fi$.[_, ai1d"-’_»,Fa;:“g kmad..’? he whiethth WaS'.nt'®n!y at lpirit for the eitgeleeversamong the people of God, but for the whole pe0pIe,hee would have dyed for them, and iovfaggl to his” flounttymexavaccotding to the flefh,he could have dyed tor them,tru1y« this%wilAheIp.us to execute the judgement »=0fT,tuth and Me.tcy_a1foV.V ‘ ‘o ’ fecond Wthit~2gets,j to oyouhwould bee ~witthethe.Saix1ts, aiid I hopefihatever others may t%hi1il&, to V Qtight to bee to 115311 matter of rejoycing, that as one] operion our Saviour was togched with our infirmiti_es,that her: m.ight.bee Pittifuii , Idothink ;thistAflémbiY.trh'u$tt called; is very A muehmtttouchedet withthe common in fi_r:mi- A tyoof; the Saints, and I hopetha.twi1I teach you topittys tothe£st,h that to Saints of one fort may not beetvtour into-r ~ rettg” hgxttthat wee may hav_e refpeet u1~1to~all thoughoftjvggt editfetédt§;;jttdgement‘s~5% And Ididfemem toipeak any-« h th‘=W~I1‘z?a that mighttfeetn to r§=fle~€t upon ethvfe ~01‘ t the .‘1"’Wf“-t éyterizm vv orhe;re}a%ter God fh7a11%‘4”a 'pp1yV‘it tb you %: I/air peofle ( iaaith lice) I I§3’:1”£»’€‘f3??2?£:1’f0r fe.{f3z£m§ zibéymmigbt [hem fair:/9 ‘vm2f:3.It¢iS 2. n1‘€mOfab“l¢ p%[a;1”ce38;£ Il1ope‘j110t%unfif1yapply¢dsGo!:i appiy it.toiea§:}%1()f you"r hearrs“.I {b_aI1%Fxiot deicimt upon%th”e we rds ,th~&»yLare%p1':1in,“ 44 yotlxare as1;Zke'che forming of Godas evcr'peop1¢were,A' % if my man fhould ask you one byone, and%{h0u1‘d‘tender a Bookto yogi) you woiJ14dA*d£tteFtdfwear,% tihétfi wcithér ‘w di%ré8cIy nor ind1‘1‘eé’c1y dia ‘yO13»{eekftA0 some ~:hif{fhf€jf‘ 5% yofi: h4a ve‘bteen”paffivein c0mmi1ag”hither, i:1'béimg-‘called hi-% Lthgaigafindthacis an améve weird, '1’/9z2r*‘Peop!e I Imtveufixa-~ A %é2ed.,7Con‘f1d”er the circum(9zances,by vvhichyou‘ are ca1lcd% tQ.géth¢r, Vthrqugh what%diffi<:u1%ti”es,% V through #wha;~«,fiti~ V vimgs, ~through Wwhaii bldofld” you are comgj hithfeif N%ei- % then you nor I,nOr no mznlivxngthree n1onthéag0,Iaad a‘thoughtto~ haveieenfuch accompany, taking upon the::n,or rather beingAca1«led toithe fupreann authority, %and.therfore4know‘your are called. A- 4% ” A %% A A Ind“e“ed%I thinlgas it may be truly raid, that neverA%wasA aiupream a;1th0rity,_ Vconiifiing of To numems aBody’ asyqu are, Which I tmleeve are above 140, were even in the fupream authority, under futha Nat§§5n5iI§ fgch a.+w'a7y bf owning ofGOd;J and beingowned Vhimgand thérefore I fay alfo, %nevet"é.’ people *7fo1fm edV44i%for fuch 35 T fiandimg with thoié that have bébgncfalled by the fufiragcg pm-pbfe‘*( fo called) if ii; *xvere time 1:07’ compare your no ’ ymfthe “people, W110 can to (24) V V A 4 how foon God may fit the Peopkifor Iiuchéfithing, who _.W01J1ddefi1‘eany thing ‘moréin xheiiiwoflcbibuc that ii; might hoe foe I would allthey Lords people were prophets, I would they were ‘fit to be calledfindhfit to call, audit is the zlonging of our hoarts to ice themonce own the interefl of]efusiChriI’s, andigive me leave to fay, if Iiknow any yt‘hi11g: in the world, what is therelike to win the people to the 13:3; reftand love of God? naywvhat a duty will lye upon you tohavc your comierfaytion inch, as that they may love you,that they may fee; you lay out your time andyfpirizs for thlem? Is not this thei_mo{’ciy1ikelyway itobring thcmy to th(‘,i1‘Lib€1‘ti€S ? and do youynot byithis put it upon God toifind the time ayndiitho feafon for it ‘.> by poiwryimg forth his Spirit, at leafi by convincing th«em,that as men fearing God have fouglitthem out of their ithraldome, éndyboiadage, under the Legal} gpowcr, wfo mien fearimgy God rjulye thretny ?in;,they fear A of God-,ahd yi:tiake:Jc»a-re ito7a‘d.mi.A nifizergood “unto themgbupthis is fomodigrcffion, (1 fay) own your ca“. ‘501? iindecd it is yimarveflous, and it is of God, and it hath beén iuflproieéferiiy. i‘un"‘t”hQugh‘t2byi‘ you ai=1<;h¢1s= fahd fhatihafh bee_n.th'e Way God héthydealcig Wit.vh.U‘$.3;11a1011g,;§C0 keep oth1ng~$iyfron1ioureyes, rth-at A iwha1:_We,e«have aflced, who have’ {sen inothing»behforei~us,~,= which alfo is zrwitnefio iniifome imeafure toy our »jnteg,;;-y tyg ( Iifayi) you are Oélled with~_a 5high«Gn1l»_»., ”and*whyy: fhould wee bee afraid”to'igy,,or thin?;<;,i thatlthis waymay bee the‘doo5rt.0 uifhcr in-thingsithat Gioidyhiath apnomiietd: » ainElprop;héfiCd‘of,y) ia.xai;i,_toi iyetithe hvcarrtsoiehiszpeopie to Wait? fOr,ag1d3 eiipefit‘ .9 i- ‘W€ye kynowwho «they are that- {hall with théiiLambiagaii.ifiihisifinemies , «<17 1‘1Wflaa1i1aybe: a;ipeo"y'p°Ie,yyy A cél1y1.§=.>Zii,F: