M The Affliéicd Mark Out-Cry ;againf’c the 4 A AA Injuflicc ai1dOPpreflifpn cxercifcd upmni A An Epifilc of J H N” L I L B U R-N , Gent; Prifoner iza“Newga%te, Augufi I9. 165/3. to M;-.m&,, AA Mmzfleraucnxm—o:mmh_znLandau, V “I A‘ 4 Honoured 3‘z'r 3 A ~ \ % A M w A . ‘1 Houghw Icannot fay I am‘as.:qu;aintcd with you , yet I haw l heardfa much-'wm*ch oifiyom, and of your JI€I)d€rntHt‘:' and V‘ ml for thchmnnurAofthe Lord Jchof-“vah, my Lang and 1},-nfi... ble irxjoyed lo: and ptartiewm, that I am imboldncd ta prefisncycm with a few limAes,by way of com lain: efthac find and Vunjufl dealing that I find fromthofc that wcml be répufejd Ghrifiian and xighcegzuus Judg- :a,tha1; n«.:»w4 would take away my Me upon a moafi unjufi A8: ofPar... ,‘fia.mc‘nt, grc;mndcd9t1pun zhejummfl notorious Lye in the mrld ;V and‘ AA in which I am ma mom c<;mccmcd'1n Lamm‘ Tmth,ther:x {her child the, M¢the:%a womb 2 for 1:13 an A& for thcf exccutimn ofa. judgmcm: at} in .PmfIz‘am%ent aga.ix 1flone I:ieu.CoI.]obn Lilbum the 15 ofjanuary 1 65 L for high Crimes and Mxfdemeanors; but then: was never any finch judgment either the faid I 5 day of fan. I 651.9: any day bcforb, r or fincc pm againfi me in Parliament in the leaf! %; “% mad ghcrcfgpein Law and V6» ity,I cannot be any more mace-ruled :0 be the Wniaan mew .% figngdis~1that um-ighcgous Aémhcn A thechfld in the Mather: wq:)xi:gk;; _And1hat there never was any fuch _]cmlgmc:m: pat! in Pwliamerttai- A gainflmrgl give theft PWAFOH5 f01‘i'~'- % " A L I1§’*;j A % _ Fi: H, them: was mgr.-vesr any Charge, Indifimem, or Infarr;;atia_;_»;<4ifir.~;;A%4;[;¢.* lcafi filed 0rpri:f7erx"¢din%Pari1ament aggainfi _1_'n¢,I;bat «Mr I was fummm mad unto in the leafl: to an fwerg; (newt: did chc Parliamnt mil me. by any‘ dug pmcefa~IM Law in the leafigfmmuch an to %hc:a.r any Cbw*ge,Im«~' _ fl)rmdtion,cn~ Indi£?ment,read againfi me; nm' m:Aw:r% fa amch as a’al1cd% A ma :6 the ir Bm:',co _dcn1and”dfme What If tzcmfid fay for my flclf ;; why flicy Ihould not pat”: Judgment agauirgfifrnc 2 Neither was I?cv¢r$%i‘3 h; f-‘IKE. my ;1f¢mu;.“awcd for mat appcaring : So that! $0 %again.wich c¢*m A fidymce aver it before God, andall his VP¢0191¢_-. that 1% an*x4no mom in 1] LaW,Reafon_;,T’ruth,or Vericy,co:-accrued in that A&,‘”"upQn which I % ml iftdi,:?r&d fox: Amy%1i’¢: chm thmhild in1J%”‘¥? M®?2¥‘€¥$'~~WQmb‘ N Ather’ aimr 1=n:.m OfhQn;l_»%ur,‘ confcieemfie, ‘Gr icc$fii1fi<§m;1hbnefi_y,3 the 1eu;ft*rzrwundv.iLn lm1v§A0 7*éj‘¥.'>7: thit IaVV~m% W IIW:?i¢ in that M for“ ex»:§u“:i~:~~4ag of a Judgtzia nrpafi ~i§2,'¢1'=:~I'i{fnzrz».+ Li:;u.C0l.féfa7~z Lil_!’wrz,}’dm%%» 'I3. I 651 . for high Crizm:s*m'id% fiiaai x11~:m+1urs. And yet, u mg; {fig T1*y%4V-fl fob my a.i£hoi1;;;h%th¢’: 43-id? "Vl'1.dg‘"%§f3,1"iI‘ bx: z.h_;:,: fi::%u{a4?d;;ti,on%of % _ the‘ £Aa‘.°£,:and th%:%'f§3unda;imi z._)"i" 12h"-“"‘Ii"'£d‘i%.%: 414:‘ §"?”»:‘%or1:1,i5 the i%Mhig;he:Ec injuflice ttimt can b;:‘:tmu1ti t:%udc5 ofche 1at« %VP”¢z:%~1?am;ants~ (V;WVl%1 ‘D-..x:l;ara-1‘7iun3§;~w to hp;-we Atfiét-A I ought to fee andhear xhiz: hid judéz Men: : Andfiwhazn in the firfl pIa<;e%I begun with Grads xfight,-*_:.u:=.V az1.i jufidmling with Adan; and: gllthough God “was abfolutefuprea n1 ac-avtr him, yet: . he w;m1id%<% cf§>car up ;th%e[*j?‘ufiicevofhig wayozs evento Man and" therefore gave:“Amzm%}a; N g>1ain41awAco WaIkfbV,Gen.2:. ’“Ar1gd‘jwhm_ ,4a'am%:%%mai mm a+:dT. =b?rc;5k'en it,a%IthuAfu%gh Gad kfiew Well enough htfh pd ib drum 3 *yet.ha H abhlarredtbdeal unjuifly with him , and cmndemn hint: ~WiLi=iO1~1§ A \_fi1n1mqn%in1g*‘%him co 73.:-1fWc%r% for himfiflf ;. and cheré§'ore% haze figs A ga;,Afdam%47bhere ctf*f'W?..cittw%.? -as znuc?'1 as if he F1 ad A1}? (.1, Cmz: ~ fiéf‘tb*- and up far tby'felf', exrzdnrtfrver to! tbe‘ Bil! 3f» Irzdzé?m:"nr aggéiréfi ‘i‘b 7€‘1*€'3* j5r%egtl{2§_;g Mepzgre m*z£{un%défiled Me t?’:r_y Szmeéwzign L n9,/2' m/zdh “.Ki§vzg5dzzd/fiea..:;_%-tide» utimr_a§}' that ‘!‘z’9m carzfi 'zas;§by"tb*;9u* J%%uM§}'%%:mt‘ be mrzdmzneiir _fi9i~‘i*E:y~7*I{“é£réllzon €I:g€AZ1;i-:-.€.‘fl‘%77-’l€.,?":3}’ eizdeared ; ordatzzd‘v’~»;«$"?ctfier.~‘ A A “ ' I ""- % ‘ ‘ B‘!.1§ Si_x*,w£=;_1l<~;1 was minus: 2,Zp¢akixag,fii‘,psL:p‘C0l.j*'obn Basgizfiezxd/Ehg; prw4fe%ncr~Li¢%uce_na*mc of the Tuwer 0f L«ma'o:zz”“~ whA ;, as he is 5; f®iI.§d‘i€F9 In as ‘1fr1u~re fi beg ]VudgeVit};dIeg“”;a}l (3®l‘JFjX9?jf(a)I" a mans l%3;rl=,cVhm :3. £-3m:;.,i V4 ; {fir a Bu[£2h}2r* is b”o.=:7*a j]1iry{mifa»n fear a mafia life 5» .;:nd4 he ‘Ci'°5~7e3i:; fliitfifio" m(’:x.f%C&fi;‘in’i%z1a;né: 1rxj¢+[~1é:7ie::§§cCI“1t:}ij*1 vain bablingg, farwbatflbizveii § ;hr:)~ta ci’¢£]1¥ritb% t b_éIa"w% ofGpd.% ta. we Judge indeed 1 and a fi::“_ i % t”i'C:%Is.:*;%i1§5 fuiticg ‘firgd rh%agji‘Pcra¢j£)3“ mux'd'cr the ir'xr.1%}j,..a%= “ f£he'v;g&rL§§,£3»1€ d A: 7: €h’¢-* chiéfefl of the MW»: % rMbtsiéjik§%%:;»fr'E‘n}gl;:ttzg’ fin? §_2"I3rj‘r;y“'ih% i+'59thatj»% the fotlndation 5‘ «ref r V 0ifE'i1g1ai’fid,: isbdikflfitifithe%pur€%1aW%0f,G€3éi%; ‘i And 13543 M- % % % ‘L % ’ ‘ W % ‘ ‘A ' % the the” xadotafilc and a€nc1e”n*tIaw~$bo0k callm The DWbr92‘m‘arza’V €”twder1‘t_,chaA}7_~ 2.pag.4. The mw ofGod wr law of}?:.c—:af@n in Evrittcli irl tAhAdjméart%AAoAfA Ive.-ix y mm,reachizpg him’: what is to be: done, %a.n‘d{ What‘; 33 to beA%%flz:ed 5» inc{¢betamiA7efA it i.f3}.x7x‘itt€ri 311 the heart, chexjefare (ihith hA:;:A)$ ‘ix; mzly um: # bat put away : no, % ii; is m3ver%?cI1angea_bI*e ms: idf‘ix;erfitj'7 pI~xce,n0 ‘tA‘i’me.AnAd tlaerefmce againfi :E»1Ais% Law,Prefi-ription,Stamtez, net Cflfiomy, may not prcmzl : ‘Ahd 1Far:y be brou;.;hf$Min5 agaimfl it, ‘ they be rm: KPrefcriytiozzs,S’tcmzz‘e5,Ii0r Cufiomr, but thingsvoid‘an;:i againflc §tzflAiAce.% A~And& he {"aiA:;h this law of God; or Reafon, Aingzravéxi in the heart of man,teach'¢;th tfaextpood it ta 5:? lovedflnd evil 2'; M55 fl:;.”6’(I 5 am), that thm flmlt do taj~cmotl2erA, that than n-azdTAAa’§¥AcrAnotf:e:~ uld do to rinse; énd £haiéAmAvAei‘ may dc?) nothing agaiinfi% Truth 5 and that 3. mm mtifi live peaceably, with othrsw gchat juflice fhould be done to every man; andmalfo that ‘wrong is not to be dczme to .*myman; V ' A A A ‘ A A % In which O”pin~ion , that gxfeac and excellent Oracle oAFthcAIa;W Engl1*e: fl‘.AiIe3A the: trike and fmzdgmzerztzzl law of l1Ar2g!(trld,t/3.9: perfeiiimz af Itezgfém. A % A But; abuvc my dual Ccn11n‘1cn.datiot13is th;atA17carnce!,x*a;ion::J5 IaWbo- %fiiu%us,and exceilent pir:c«:~r,o:*% Iaw~book,enticu1cd, 4 Right: aftbe I{iz2gV-A dam; (),;,Cufl-mzs ofmr Azzceffors, prince d in I;wxAa’an by Richard %X¥;ifbap, - “$49. and con1moniyAca1Ied Mr SaAa’lerAthe.T;own Glycrli of. Lazzdmnk, Apewr the (3 ;§f2?zzg.rs oftfba Afmirzgfs 'm:~r’;”:it'/Z: am? mqff !%:mwzz*i22g. and ;PLezn'Abn ch-crcf0AAm:A: ‘chm: pmpm* :1?1e;:::;m we UffT-iS1iba?I”‘t3¢*; for, M i Works, who is mow :1 Pa; liament man, an d member Qfthc: Gounod offizacc .2 %W1f:o{«': rare expratTzons4in that exccllentg u'fe!u¥,aAnd p%Frp*fi «f_ m.b1c+b@0k,efpeciaIly in the fi~fl?p.:1Art mg. 91: . and the 2‘-'1 part,p&g.6Q,AA‘% é3,68,74, 1: 23,: 1:9,: 60,1 613164-31 68 ,17o_.,175 %.1A76,i77,% 178,; 1795;, 180, 1 81,, 1 84.; I 85,1 8 6.1 88.are W09 thy to b:~> written and pggir-1tc':d4irif litters of Gmld 5 iE;t:sxm*' s¢.=fAA W11ich,aIthmLmgg!fi Tinrw? at prrclém is exceed}:-“ ing p.m:-cim%%:;;%%i? r.«tji>‘z“~w.=.*_.d',“ E f F1 .211 t.hi11I(iL%v£3ry pa mfi*:a:Vbl=52 m:iAdAx:1f'r:f‘x;‘:I hem to finiért; xmd I:-he'+=fir «mt: »:“aH*z'i:s irE%c:r.§~.-ad :_,i%'v,‘*z:r.‘:.’,1%g:A>.;:1;::‘..%63~ when: h A faith, fI27.~erc: and t!’9¢3‘1'é*»;'7Ze?h~' , _jAAA£A;‘t;’i".?"3£’1‘}7J to 1» m»:? z;£m:yr wzficla may mafl ap %$%%V%%I¢;w r.wm;,%?1;z}c'n*tfxéASph.§;.-~g:: Q11 r.w.~:2:mr.as n~n‘g and: {are Tra» vcl ofom: Stat:e,I Ilwulcl alfo clcfirc and pray fc1r%one‘Nero,rather thea ~ one hundrEd,or one million lg, f<_;>4r,of Evilsfihisis m;9thing,fox"l I Tpeallfzf of Tyrants : ldld ever hat: a Mulc'icu.dc,.as~mLucha as a Magnitude; Fcjr if I mufi ht forcc"d RM to live um dcr a ditfialeafingg Tyr.an~nie,I= chufi: it, h and obeyit, atxtlamhplbafed wi::;h it inlom«:Tyr:;1nt ranhferj xheni many; But again, I f'ay,"’I donor bclicvc 5th.; and Fhoge I“nc£.d hno:;lfearit;;, % pf,orizs1 an Englifbfarlidmczzt and year; again I fay, they are, at leafiefi A ihiuk they are, but: men .3. s andmen 111 formcr times might crre; and ” therefore once aga.in,anld yet again_.,I haw and bcg,and humbly pray A ‘ A they “naav be jufi and mercilfixl in Ma 11 and very tendcr,Icafi their little; A d,,::) opprctfl} LIc*‘('?;;..:;,, mim falve it up;by"“¢fa3rinzAt<> the PKOOI3‘ We A'0’4%Ag=%A~%d» «m:I’::&*3 59%’! t‘~itJv‘A.Wé :%a“réaf*=dtI5fiW Wdfl 155 *7?“ 5’?b.3Id:& ‘W3. WW ‘¢d'=?i*lr£z'7z,d>£ war; the EM’ 5 they lo?)e?d4t@ bejztfl, _% arm’ to do jf,:4}-}l_«.~%A%7 1:)A{,A}3& our Law comden-Am azA1yn;f;m Wie,h1*:amAAA he::a_r41_};gg , em: dam S;1zWm.;.A1ons"'At0 §I3Ia@3gmAemt IE1<3peAitnwervviI3;. % _ A “ ‘%"% AA Aj A" A A A*gz%catm:%n 0k"aAg€wA3:'r;{;.’ ‘Bdrfiwi. %m€nt,%cm1d‘.3r1A:mdta d:::.«:a.iA:,w§aa;i1~::>ut‘hegriz=15g,ox'% :€¥u%:mrx1ph“s.A Bu; th%%c%rcl..is§:& B1,. .01‘ a. Vmij. <;‘2‘.%Gb3i'a?_’i%Q%£‘iA 45;} ;1:';a‘W Ii“%'.'E% Aimn it A i:g%e,;(;d% tcr*s,as an {’c;aiu, nd a%f1'1ausA3?1a;* cm the Pdf1?mm€fzAt_Ro1?EA:? yet5zs%Aajuflj11d*gL ’ me11tAunwé1i1r;A1 that {'6 ‘e*;A:cA;Ve:.i3Af£fhr;;if. %a,:;ii)th'cfrAA be All: .5 can- demned 5 mc5,€A~"ze pg: E. d5b§AV2 H222: ;I%zW,%Aw$AiiiC¢:: «;»:c,m:s.2 have made- for ¢m%§AA1 : 5. Ti-?.is fi%~e:*.%%za%;Aai‘tv5A; to" be ‘,';Tz§2'.,['..¥'.*ViZV1i§3_I1€i%['“I.“%T_?;Zac;rT l;;~j;;:> aj7Natu%re; and ‘;d0ub§;?Ei-*-".3 timfins oi Sradom bW:1“'£3 am1Adtbriot1.s%ts3 God 1nA.‘Hmven, as any uur cm A b.;.: Am m .m_m;~1m A;»:e?zt;%V.ax1!d 3/c‘t”?ieA‘§wt.)1-1Id,¢lI1Ad%Vdidgo A ~~d0WzAA;1 tag» htar,z3I‘MvM’E3a'%,.:1a*f¢d';3z“@cv;-:c:dA°in1‘ a jaAA.a%d‘ECi£{l% x2W 3’ flak‘ w‘0‘u'Id h: A e:oWna-kwfain orV¢x‘=fc;n1%t<24%fb:t?wr§: §1~j:¢F1_gd <::;§:e%;%§,A?6Li“’Vbfiifi“jzétfiiéeig. in - V himm Elor m £111 A H M15 hilt '13:)” t.0AA‘A5~Ar he {fill uidA_., Aami wiI1Ap_w:‘Iiis “A:-:»&i~z;2'z*iAsA«A.»A2x3 ma11s}L_1dgmez1tA:_;s , WW6 {hall Azmgms §uIly«e21e&:r1hers;Aai£.‘.tz*r_ A M ‘A % A M V A . V ' brwfigght {cm r§:2Ae;,:ia1t:e:rx é;‘ui’*1 s;"i;*gW%t‘11%A,ai:A év1V’p¢A ci‘alij,=;t:ha%An$VfJi'3'urL “Léwyer: firm; ' An*dAbe the mat.t‘c1f0fFa&1':4e‘ver fo“AnomriQm; ;fi7yet*%% :h ._=m.may be fame plcaghat no man mm fibre» féz-e, or m;1gnAt tQ’‘fQf§4iflKdg;g, % bgfif ’ 1Tj;®r@n.h¢ heareth; Fémr al’1.n=1em7m;ay Aplead necetfity f0rCeupo[m therm‘ fa_1;vc.g5%(asi%wel%1 mt righ:«:,an:£( MW) fax“ zmy rhim: t%heyi’Vd£§V‘aw1n1ifl7t‘:. ‘A ” A4 k ~ An.d;fc>r thiwmd mtfier P;;='aV§o:émA5 the mw%dath'iu4ppofeaII thehtaj bej1e1fi,0r excnlfable, till they be iegaily heaydJ;~;d adjgdggd, :. Thiéf V diffarrcnce there is b::tWe<=:1aAth<~:~ ]t1Jg€?S9;at‘zd the Lznvemake1'3;-“f0r,théfi.=:W A A A (they fayA)dg;2 fuppofi’: 2;}! nmn ct;-'1 b*ee:viéA; bm mefzjdgw (h;qu.1dfi;P‘m% % p@fi=.Aa11;rnen to be gm~;d,ri11 t:ha:y% be pgovedto Em e§,»i1A-. The Charge and Accmazima by x:EzA.eA_Al~A.zw g9fNmm~e ggugght to be ?c1~e%c%r;, A diflin&,andpa1*t%i€uIar% (With r:ime'a1.»1d ;%:1a.c.‘;=,:,';<%~‘ Votlm‘ E§a*cuA.A%.%;{'cam €11}: the pansy acct-Jfed cannmdxfciuarge hin‘2AAi2:*lf. *‘LZ;;1iv«L%”ri‘a?$ do HOE 0: A prcflE', c_>r opprefle at a1l.Gt:n_r:mls do not pmfl a.’<1_, e;:;r%:a2fe a‘t1ey are . y.apt;toopp~zrcfl?=-% A A A The Witneffi‘: afldfh" ‘"Evi<-1cnce nmfialfobe {?:».c1<:‘ex* ,, i:h.2tA thofw. condemn , rarhc; s,h~.»n t%b:c]ucI~ge%;_ who firrcth Ccaumcd Elm‘ party Accufcd : Tbatjé babe nor npprefliad by,or agaiizfi law. A A V: A find b; I- mics Athe Judge: (ifl:mOfi1'C&.@.f€8,“.aI1d in £12101}: lmi o*¢*1%ijFe.i;1AA-{? ’ Scotland) ther¢‘:i3 (Zou12cc3alVI.ojwcd by law, which %m..a.7y%,, mud 0ugtjt.Vt0‘» A be’;hyca%rd*A*inA;p$aVri1~i:m1arc; oflawgmn what; e*Ver%;x1ray%bc}Li1fily d:{put;;b1w,.-. -'-lfisTrfCaf0n*%i$’by $x:a.'AmLe;:.‘ To th“at7cafa.1l‘Crirmis,“%bv exnpirufe Aftéof .P.a%7‘%liamerzt.r"itwanght to have no Ta yaigbut clear andplain ;aceorgmin‘g%%: t”Q.th€?”cdurfl“::%and‘Cufl'0m of'thc_camnzm-‘lam % _ _ A A VH1;fmch;Cafés7chAereftire fihou1%d;Lm judges ( bathin%A£awazzdCar1fifi~g' " ezzce) fit_.,‘a,n.d be in flmd Offlouncel to ti:-w>party44; and this‘ they QWQ: us every fubjafiz , ¢r.h:a.»Vugh they had a fpecial 0b1is,.;*tion cu» t‘%heA,Ki2zg.;Ai’ W‘h.o,: ‘._t:o,Alfis%; owrrfiighms (’’and therefore to hi‘s~Wmmg,a) A was ;ar1%I‘m A f4;z2t'.in»Lmra2;, :.j;nd%1t:o exprcfIydeclared4Ain the old Mi’r“mu:‘.% AB fiidxs either Bggaks; Hm; Pwlitilge Capacity never; fbur. his Perflm mg: in Name A‘; or % fum;AeyA£g'&:,‘dfu id l:xw.A: fiver it maybe, achild, or a w0nu n5A mi: ab“: 1I_:0?r % Xk,xf1(,>&W tmalaffwes ; and therefore alwayes “braidvb,y la%wA?a;lfgg..x1. moist-h%E‘af#%A4"‘ figm;ii“;Comm*l‘afilt;m[.A£nd {'0 mightizny ri‘i”727z”x%1 elk (Qfo'}_d)it- u:er:;w;.'::;3: fcmrxA?x[:M”Ate:r wt.demurs,befm*e:A]udgmenc A; or tor Fr~af~:n:.ng% M 1.4 I % 1% ..-p.. V pearl ( A by; Writ offirrorg pr fgme octxer% way A)‘ &mn1_a;;; 3, m;;j~f{.gA:.;.a¢xa§I:; wbm:1§;t':ev¢%r.f .=. a A: A 4Bz;.;m:ms1r Iaff Kin? prefcfli-d him£?:l'ft%o knowm thefIa{wesV* {Q ‘chm:3w§:v17mx11c€.h‘*1E1‘::¢:Judge5,}€§md%‘3évt'h&fs,« t10Yd%Vthctfi“1%3‘v*::s i~‘%;§§§.~%-A V cggfcd. ;h;fmm,; 3«t‘ihguAfor mm grias Aiclifi:"they *W0u1d%,.<:s*r: ibuuiw v 3,-=[%w%~‘; haivevdoilfiyilli};his;.l5might i"pcak&?:0op1ain1y"5%hL1cI.mayV*be gaudogjffiii A _ "fcis alibxhe law aftbiykirzgdome, ané! of Nature ,g ‘5l'bctt dftbaugb tfieré” % ‘fie mCmm.¢ez afligried gyct my «my, in a gaad mamzegmwve the Cam taf keep. A M the P§1T1[)I fi‘bmiRjuflice,ar tlge C‘au~rtfi-omJ;:'rm¢r 5as,St¢rzfa“d, 4and_chc4 thirda A % piajrt oflnflitntes, C..ep.._2.fol. 63 & rm. and an Inch Cafes 1: may bcgr" V Acxcufedg arndnot Cmfured for rafh Zeal) % if {'01-no deg A‘ or &1a}‘1n;p..( A pear, where, or when, it may be thought; they be notcallcd, A " ” 4 ¢ Neither» can the who1e~Parliczmerzt' afEr1gldm:I,’A I {i:}3;‘3oi’»‘e,- makwifnyn A; an to condemn wicbour lawful Accmfers , or lawfifl. wwxtncfies»; ' which byAexpréfl7:AAc?f:'af Pctrliamenf is rnofi flefpeciglly pm_v?dedin % Chi? ofTreaf0n.g,iBV King Edward the fixth, and QL_1j:€!5X< M:jtrz'e:. Reign}; and Trya1ofTreafon moi’: cxprcfly tyed to the Courfeuand Cu&¢;_>me_‘ «the Gammon-law. %NaAv% _,, infull Parlietmerzt of Henry the EighA:hic , was dccla#";+:;kd, ‘Ibczt as taint affreafon, in, or by Parliament. Wen‘ of}2oAmamj ‘ 1 fbrcc arfirerzgtb, tbgnit wast, or”ougbtA“ta be-,byA the Cgifimun . 5% 9,. than V“ gwd mzdflrang, agltfadtlfiy Parliament. A A " Nogrcan the whole Parliament , I think ._, by thflavz} oflvamre, and right Keajén , make any children, Idem, .ora1l Amber: Awha:£‘ocv:+r to % be {'0 much asAccu{i:rs,or Wicneflés : Tim, I fly, not Indifitms, Trym', '0? 7fldg5’_5- . % AA A V ‘A ‘A "A A By expgfeflk A6}: offParIiamenf, in,Pbilz'p and Mézry, Edxvardthh fixth, H A HeAn;3.A V H£rz.:4. Hm. I» for to him doth thfi‘ Mirraur,amd hisA%Iax*Ve£_‘ l:3;a~d?1s,% as coja. clécrfih V'if"t."=l»"*"0u-lntaix-1 otAo.,1r [mar pwcefl‘: 3 wwzas fi‘1€‘W9;d'btf-0138.) Naneflmfl iigfer far T reafim,.o«- other Crime,but I Y A 4ccufi%r:,andlawfula%%Wim; as, before tb5fE,tI:mt bylaw might receive L».;diéi- mént: :” A Wihi;ch‘,with a I Inque/is, are to Hi: tmde by lieanefl, lawful}, ablemen;Neigb&ar:Afa the Fafi‘. A A , A AndA_'zn pag. 179. he faigh, I-1» {b9uIiV£imifiend‘&bz3rVtim:¢,Atafiem z‘ttarlve% the great lair af tlaeffirzgdam, Mwell1m;%aj Nqmre, that mrze maybe ]uJ_gc.s A A an2iPartle%'i:1tbaii;sw7z. Csmjé. ~ Which rmy er_cl0x1gb: found,%P»2«AA!x.ia.pa, 4 to be the rcafén mt Athc chm: Efiamz, and very A much ofour Gammz9n4« A law :: Wh‘ichisLpun&ua%l& nughinnr mart, then. in providing for 3. deer diflinfizion of 4ccufer:,FVitrzeflmf, Indi&er£,13;yerr;amd ffudgex, A*e-A 2 fpecialljin Dam of Trz2a£If:n,w5h_icia upon diver» mutioianpfthzyflamn mg: in yPmA*Iiament,havc % been fa oi urn, c:na&«.:d,%md dcc!a.‘rcrd‘,A crubew only‘ A tryablc bythchcnurfc and cuflome ofthe Common-I-1_w, and no othcr» % wlfi. A Nay, in Wfm‘1idI71,AE‘12!,5t fHf‘.,A a:id%Pa=1idme}zt~menthcr¢ was; and for A ought I found, alwaycs,and rhe like courié obiérwd. Fm ., V in cafi ofa Pcer,thc Cufipmofthc in to pmce¢dby 1 fpeeial Gioam--» lilillioz1llltc;aa;ne,as Lord St§«mva§?Ed,arid A12 otléxcrpat Ieafl, for a jjlxry “ it Tryersbefidcs Accfufé:*.r_,..and wicnefllsl and‘, a formal imzliflsment, Asgy tl~1clVHoAuf'e4,fPW'AEe1‘3. V % ‘ . \ % ’ A . lltlaGha~.rgieA;come‘from t.l1e*Houfe efflolmmms , they are as I'm ~ lad an .fi«Qn'; Record tqflecordg car, allfisillegalifitbs oncrly : frfiéiarsgbblilmg more tlmri rfzl {Worn men5Tru‘ll:ees to the whole Ifingw Adam, émd 1@igbbar.s to t/azrfatéhor party,..or bptll to Whlch,alf'0 tlaere 7:311:-;x7[Vtbc alegal profit‘ by lawful Witz1Ac£lcs,% m elfé the Charge, will l A1~1ot7'ls;A:'llf*fi set. And in pag.181l A lxe fZ:.iz;h,'17aat for arzytlaing cl-nine fibrlcratc!,.T‘?lb;ope,ltbey j.c:'a :31aI~l‘uJ!‘7€?l»toL:fal{¢ rumam: and hepofré WA ( thoL;'g,h"from their own menus A lbxmg tgaT.befi£j)7i-3ie;.ztfl9r,0r eqz¢ival'lA7zt raga la-gal Izzdiéfmcrzt, an Oath; fee‘- z°‘rzg_A rl3erzéfa‘arc~e‘i:, ar_com I2e,arzy Cafia-fa fiétariom,A but it :naylAlI2& pleaded mztla Z>y.:fomewlmt raj law50rAA nczcefjity. A A l l AA 3 A A A H , And although IQ-10'l.lldyl.A-?l6Zl.'Cl1€ Cenzmom to be the Mailers of gfrxe lagitz‘, Ain“r::a‘l{it1git; yet. theyi": p'l'c,al‘ecll to allow O£l”~1€‘:’.‘I'S to be A}”Lidg”es by theirllawes ; flanld if Ll1eyre~:.1ll«'umctlfis’ azllb‘, ye; itf ma5,« lac mare ealie to '1'::2dgel®f1"Csn1el:1wl,1l1en oflany fail 5 at leafi it .may be cloachccl, fbfas a curious Search, ‘or Irzqxwfl, may be 1‘cquifite to lay it alter and nalieei. A .3 A A '1 l l Nlsicher can lfi elbow it maybe ncceilT1ryAAto proceed againfi any by forcc,loriIlegalpi'c:cefis,wl1er1i1:lis {'0 ézlilie, aslwell asjuf’t,7 ‘to go rightly,as to dO*rigl1t. A » A A % " A A A A A Forlwho can imagine a cafe fo dark or intricate, but it may be contrivcd for , that particular men may be Accufers , and others V Witneflézsfwith a. clear and reall.Adiflin&ionbctavccn Izzldi€z‘m's,‘, Try. A may da Wl1la.t:is§t1ll5I fpeak‘ of was; but mm-1 are lmefij, 77a‘5mll:o1:1ght V A ~; A *~ 23 ll in M5, AA and fudge: ? m jfl (if all in Cafes ngterious and evident A; for in fixuzhthcre may bellcflé fear of the Jurles Verdi& , againfi A_Evi.. dencemr ofthe judges Sentence agaimfl the Verdifi. * A » And in pag. 1 84. he faith,I will not,I cannot fay the Commons ll ofEnglarid cannot qhufmr confiitute their judgcs ye: df Axhis again ere_AlQn:g¥.) But this IAfay_.,ox: believe, their Délegates ouAgl1Ttm be ixcécding c;uric>ua (l had alm‘ofi‘f:1idAevxc¢cding lAfcru"pulous),l in making judges, and bounding them to law and jullicc , both in way,as wrllas and. l A A ~ A ~ * A ~ 4 AA1A;m_ufi again rep‘ea,tliAc ,, that_ it may :,A not {heml€‘n0Aug+l?1“t0lfEttlE __]'uV'dvges julfllarild will‘, «and lgO‘.'7.)d“?5 Avnorf‘ :@m:lyl.tol proirlialé :th‘latA£h:y » W in czxféi G1‘ft?Lél?1céan{??¢I*~1éz=ice to haw; their W35? :7 theihl‘ RUE; A5nc1% sqm;-c,by which they mufc proceed to be prefcribed in their Pat-A: tez1cs,or Cpmmxiflions, that they may do juflly 1:00: ai3’V€11 Whafiasf juf-LEO Iinfé it ffcemeth cob: rea‘fbn,QI' thC.A1flW 0fN1CUd?¢ A1111€6AAl‘I1€I1,:.. V that the fuprea111~Coz.~nit fhauld fps l;imit%aA1WI1f€£i0rs% Afthat it may riot; be 1Vcftjat I';mge ta th4eir1’1;{’c or pleafure, £0 <30:-Manna Ur fins tenc‘e,% without %Heari-Ar: g, Accufatio;r:1, Witncma A01‘ Without fuck; pmACefl’eand_ Trya11,as fha'l1.be cheer and pI:,inA,% and_fQAprefC:ibed‘=._ in t:he;P-.:1t:tcncVor C<§>mmiHiQ~n.. ' A % V Hit be met fo done amAd;expré7{fi:d, RHQW flotwbat fl§;{5§eaI"éan:. be,Abm from t;'zu.c G~-mart bAcf0re4 iudgmfimt 5 foitwhat VA~ppc&1o' What. VVric ef Ermurg for what Pica Aca.nv«.a~% mar:..framc upon their jzndga merit, ‘who hajvc no Rule , no way_ofproce:.fir?2 prefizribcd 5 andpfo carrmot ejr:e,.traza fgrc¥ffé,or t::s:*cee;c:1%tI%1;:ir Conamiflion. N 0, not if % they A Chould WiAt!1Aom£A;r all~A~iI;;:ga:l_ fizccufation, P f*”é)of;or Witncflié ,con A damn onefltobc fli.c<:dand;fi5ycd with Cx.qz~JifiCcATOrtL1rc8, They, arc _]ud.ge-sJun1%imitfi%cd in way ofp.rocAcflI: A, infinite and purely arm A bicmry. N.o,1:heyA are mcn,and:%i'%aAAth%ey mu{7f-~be rational andjn&;~ which v&'as"Aprefuppo{?:ei byhthem that grave fa vafla pom/'er.‘_ - »AT‘bA6ym:ay bejufl%.iAndcad,amd:foVthAcyA.[hk.9uId ; buxzyet no£hahk_, fQ%r_ c%hi_sgt:o'Atl:1,cir Commifl5;c>nA ,f if" it d0r,h%nAa®t “bound :~:n& limit: omr theirway amdgmanner ofprocafligax it &.l'V:ith1$hfi:i'-r gum; and objtét, A or their ¢_ndA;'%hAichm*a%3 the won; e:>fE~zzgliflJP»a,rliament.c,who were fo '§ufl iand wi :11::~n1féIvesA ,, t'bA.=zt Macy dm {Essa :9r.f€_‘ar it» mig(;tA ge pg_/];b1e‘f;wAA tb¢i_r G.9rnmit1l’:.ee.5 to be bat}: mzjuf£':£z»~1da;fby‘trary, if rlgiey were not ‘ex-.. Ii_mz'1_‘ed?af7:z![:Commifliazzg; ‘NA«;fme were tinorc curizauflgrdrawn % 3:11Cf'.Pfiint.£d:.Out byour Arxcef’tmr»:, then Ath:o§f'e»ofefpeci¢~x10_;er%arad * .izj,ermi}zer;A b~:c:aufe:t_he Caflas w~er.:~.~ rm: cmely heyxmwi , [0 they Q;uAghic~AtoA"b%e, but; fuch as forfcanae c’§‘£~traordu1nar«ycaufc emergent f¢:mcdAAA;toAi%b§~as it were exwajttz11c,1al, and A fuch at; cAcmI«dV¢:n:qt%&ay A csjam mand1:he%Ki_ngs B-,:mch,, or azayothe: Court fhoulel be new fli- and abidenche A 1:1f'ua1 procéfirgof i‘h£~~A‘1{£tI¢d)‘mQurt‘h ofj~41Afl?i<»:e* yet» ofxzhécfc A;a1faAd=id our Fathers takc.’%AmOF£~~e%fpwial care thflyj-H1i;.:';ht be A. 7% way: as wall as end, arm-cl'tt%~1 ;1At they might mint bmoohighwin juificegfar it {cams that they had sfifa harmed a-.u%i‘Vua_I %i'ay%ing ofthe :£’A$;AnVticnusAA,‘fig,:::u»21%Az”r2r efi:.iujuxid;-~fo% that inIdiLvers cyfthe. 5’daean =ia~'Wf.‘iJ_-,W¢ .4 % fiméIehig§h‘i&1?&ice are be as+n“1iuchAforbiddezmsinjiu-A" fii¢e«1;a”méI~:IA§l1@u1dtrembile mi in Jan” =anVi%1I%0‘men5 —t;;)“hmrauéhoAAi;:~icy led ‘"i:.”& The Bench of Big?» juflicee; 5Jx'1rxjui;:1s:L-'., the Higher men go ‘tap the worfeeor feat Ieafieiec ewes ePr:emed by our Aneeft are ; their cem- rfiant limitation was in every fiieh (lam-1:x;7z1‘J”1i an 5 etbm Aarzd time you fbaflproceed 5 but {H11 aécardzng to the Laws and Cuffonzs ofErzg~% .1and,fi:cu7zclum leegem,e’9~A cmfuetudiriem Angliaagand no“othei~wifc ; “th V is,a;s F‘ertejZ"Me well faith, Tanfbal be pitiful irzjufiice, and more merciful A A A we: allrtbe7world,befide; tbi: Kingdam; And ifmch a limitation were not ex game this was enou h to rave the Coznmiffiom un;e7ufl ‘ J. S P “J ‘ and illegalgxsvhich is {'0 well knawn to all Lawyer3_.,that Ineednpt seize NWB. ox:vre.he% Regiflere G'9mmi_;]iazv25e*; or SemgseCafe%ia Djerg, pr 1'0 1 many Elder Gates in Ed2z~.3.Hen.4,.and.a1rmof’c allfiings Reigns. We 7% W”Ne.y,inKi:dgeIezme5,an1ong {hf} great debates ofunitimg.S’cotZarzd, tofinglandgwhen It V.-ms driven up 11) eclofe, that infiead of,acco:_d- ing tothe LawandrGL}fioAnA:xeAofE{zgfi:zrzd , it nfigh‘t be aecordmg ta: ¢1\AAA¢.aw.and cufiem 0% Brztmzez ,, 11: was ref.~;1vccl by all the judges‘, that therecaxafld nen;»beA ch!-at Ixgtle cmnge ; but at" one ward that “dOt;h f'ol11ni;tifuch Comziizflions ._, but by ccmfent of Pczr"li¢-zmenmf Aboth kingdomzgand In dlvers Parliament; ofEa’. 1. Ed. 3. and Hen‘. .4.«there WereAmany Stetulces made to Iimlc allCon1mrlAhrms of0)'eAr and Termirzerfigs that theyVxnu1§"cex1ever be gr;2:nted,but beforefiarx-d to mac ofthe judges ofthe Benet-1,ea_x.~ ofthe grand Eire; nm—* thofe to be nan1edby7parr.ies,£3ueA by the Court 3 and With this ufi-ixal rem» «&.ie>n,aecordiz1g to the know:-2 caufe of the Scatuteof Weflmizzfier, ~ in the 2d FLeig1'=1o~§Ec!Aw.the firfl; L e A A A Andthe Lord Caok_ in the 4 part ofhis infiimtes, chapt: High €eurtafPerliazmepztfoIio%3 9,4 ( which book by twcr {pedal Orders 05 ‘houfe of'Commons in their purefl purity ; is publifhed to the f'pe- A flial View caf the Nation) Aexprefly faith ': Tbcitby arder of Law at man ” ccmnot be atteizzted afbigb Treafén , 'mzle}]'a the ofence be in Law Abigb i.Trea]5n, be anfeebt nat( faeith he to beeati7airz’tedl>y general we rdspf bgghe fitreczflarz by autbmvity eafAPearli.emer;»t ( M‘ ‘/ometingé be Ab been ufed’ )~eZ5ut the A high treqfén ought to fie ejfaecgal/y exprefled 5 3 {rein that the Caurfof Par» Jiament :2: the bigbefl mzd7mov;? bvnaurabla%Coizrt*a‘ juflz'c%e,,and ought ( as {hath been {said ) ta givee example to inferiour Cmarts. ; ’ n A V Aendethc Lore! cqatgn the lafl recited chap, fhewetli thaecEmpA{Em A and ndleyeecwoepvivy Oounfelloubs to Henry the 7th "wcre,in<‘.=1i8ced A gas a couple of Trzitesrs, flir acfiirzg wifbeutejurikes coentr‘ rytaJfij_e“f2zndaA~ mental Law aftbe land, although they ‘had MACE ofParLzam?nt, “made fulfamlfieePfllixmerzt,’ by Iiirzgs, Lards, a2zd[Camf12oz15, w~ Z785? i‘~5’€’¥5’3j0WA in when they did. . * _ ‘ And yet for all this, and twenty times mozfevrhatiii1aW%I‘3mf4A ably;-% to fly for my RIF, Whcrefo*:c I 00.-Sh?» “A01”-‘CA0 bf: pafi 'uApOIfi.».ad “z ¢ 'jAudgéd,or co.r.1denmrA:d Wihhfiu-C due proccfié fifof Law 5 and hkdring A Crimea arcicularly and diPa.iu&iyV laid unto ‘Amy charge, Atmift I 13% A overs-ru Wed in all manner of} aw than I. can all; dge for my felf, Aeindeavourad to be h.1nged.b:c.1u=fi: I am 1'0 honcfi‘ ard jufi that; A my adverfarics nA.einh:~.r have, can, nor dare, lay any crime in Law» um my.c.harge.. 7% ¢ , V : | % ’ A‘ A * v % A Bug inthe fccand p1”a‘ce,.a1€a§;1To”t1:g,!a {he great fvverd rmsn ofE3ng- land be tin: pr.-.ai‘cm: Lords :.:ndR_u.1ez~s ofEng1and, and mygrarxn diefl and priincipallfif pr-ofecutors% at this time : And%a1choL1g§a {ea A A rural oftheir Decfaracions againfic &_h.ir qzzctizdczm Liords and Mafi- ‘trAs1h~:PV4r1iamenc, tiny appeal to ‘$111 men ._, wb.9tI:~AcrAit be ]I4fim' A %-Arollerableg tbatcmy priviledgge ezf Pczr_li.2merzt f/’;vaulAci (contrary to tA}2e%Lrma if Nature) mwkg EZf—‘;?i'£m5 adyerjizryjztge in F255 arm cczzzfizcznd conc'emmem; ,,.£&nd«thcrcf'ore they declare, they cczmzat any lorzgerfigjfir r.’2eAfim2e ._, bA:4.£ $71,151 tabgfpmeffyeedy and efi":.'é?14:tl caurfemi-uereby to %refi~«az'rz qtlaen-z( vi2s._[€?- -wergzl PczrZiame2zr:Amey2zA4)A4% fm-m being t!m“rAAA¢i1z*rz, ours, and the Kiyzgdanzes % % Iudge5,in.tbofe things 'mbereirz%tbey have made tbsrmj?alwa51>arrie5. A A A % And yet csntrary Izothe exprcffc Lam «ofEng,l.1nd, the Lem? afN,z~-V m=‘e,.and;.heir own forefaid Declarations , the great%Sw@rd mm, pre;/E711 cb2'efe5‘7. adz2e2f£zrz'e.rA , ~h:.1ve confiicuted,.one ofmy grandefi Aar-1dA;»na1iAciou11jfi enemies that? I—havein thewo rIcl,, 'vi2';;A Mr. yAtr.or- _ M my Gtneral Brideaux to be cine ofmy principallcfiA.Iudges,and that A2;.11b in Luis‘ own can cernmmr, Azzdflaat Inez}: /791,1 Ham mczfigeappedry M ' Firfl he waszin Offober, 1~649% A at Gui!d4hai1A my shit-zfefr mofi bloody and Cm£=1AVP;fQfizcut9r withoutLaW 0%11FLea;fcm ~t_0»take: away V M xny%1ife_;, and was {'0 maliciousvand, unizafizin ‘hi3“pre‘ft:cut~ibn ofrne, as thatfhe did.:+.vo%wedIy aggin §.1';_1d Aagain%inopenGm1rt aver that A A%ther*é‘»‘W‘2i:§ 'a%‘Statuté‘m iad&Ain Qgeen Marie: days,” that did exprc fly A ;e4keA away. and abc1ifl1 thofe twe Statues ofEd;aaard the fixthg, A-2:229. Ed. 6. ‘I 2=.aAnd.5Aand_6, Ed.A6... Chap. 11.. .1;hg;I: I~infifb:dV updn%tb%Afave ‘ n%13*1ife;’by;a%S t4h0fi:' x‘.hat.re.qg:2ircMtwo.«p§14ai;1 and evidexm witm:fi£.=a to prmrefeim-y Af.2.é’c%jof twafan againfi"any,mfanAthatarg charged them-.e~ fwizh; Andjifimlslat pAartiC.u-“14arf.[~ I had not undexfiood the Lawlras . A A ‘A A A M A " A A * A Ywcllv AmI1:ashimfe1FA,A he hadtaken away my Iife_wi:;h‘aconfidcntlig .%‘and%£Al£huod-- V 1 A’ AA _ ’ ¢ _% % A A AA A . AA % A A 2 d1y,§1c producedtWo.:e>fhisA %f'ewrvanx:s% Mr.%.Nutleigb and E ghyard lictdrzey, %_:and% Nntleigb (AWEIO the Other day at the Seffians%toak two uoi”the% ffrang,¢fi.contradiL‘ffi21Ag~0a%;I*;é~7that ever I haard%$ fnomdm moazhqofa nun in n:y1iife,A)% And He {wore tzhat Hie waswith the A % Attorney General in his chambex', when he fee me=giveto»%%h?%3Ma..A A ff-;'EI“‘T1A£_£1vI,?:.1.'§.fZt!.3.£'I1t‘:y‘ General this %fp¢¢ifica1 bc>ok_.,, izxtiiztzlcd, ,4 Pre‘pg,,..' YP1§¢l€_flfl£1' Cry £3jt.€1‘ JA,‘I C'~I,1L1l" he‘ (fid.01_z_rn_ is, 'f&"‘§.Tch he) and cafiledihimfelftha %At1:h0: oflit, , fave oxaely thy; "err zgazfs Qfthe Printer. M a Thzrameraid EdAmmz‘Rad;gey,*buA: béihg ba:hd¢nmaed%5y+ meyiheth‘er ta thcAMwAorciSAthere was not thisaddizion, fiwizzg r£ye;»?% A ,1~?j.Ar,;i%zz:_§*r: errafltczes which are many ,.. and they both deznicd thcAzn*;%* ‘a1... giiough FTd;?ZCi5IV'€_fl the th”enAL:i¢w;e;1anL the '1‘0AW._g_.,-DV who flue afllethfi while bVetw_ixcMrAAP:*idea:m:Aand5n3y¢iElfifwo1-te Lhcfl: were A the xvo%rds,vi:z.,laere is}: £!00l{'FDI.?ic‘b is mfr_1e,a:1a1bTipl:.I's';>i:’! awrz_,ti:e err.«zm?;%;. aftlqe Printer excepted,s3z.’,;z'_cla are many. V A And bs:.fides I did not fZae ci::her of aha fcarefaicl. fervants0f4t{*1e% , A%%£%tQrneyA G-cncralin the xw~oc$r1:2,.Aa1tI«1ou I Oftc‘:n Io3kc.d.di1;gem_A _ A Iy about me, andwerc 1c the lafi“ tAh1ng that ever I wereto faya; am not able to fayth:-re was [0 much Aasone perfon in the room at: A that éime,befidés,thc Attorny Gen.Prideau.x~,CQ1.W?fi, than Lim. ofthc Tower,and may felf. A V A A -fGmeralAPx“idcaux, before the Lam’ bbief”Bar0zMi?Vi1d, }Aa2zd'Barane%%Th@1.P at the open Exchequer Bar ,% preferred and Cdujéd in ape}: Cfaurt to béread Aagairzff me, me ar mare mafi f:zl_{E;>,forfmorzz, arzd.perjm~gd afiqdwms Awbich Again about a%te1‘mor two befm'¢_IAl€fi2.England,_A z‘]:¢_,{c'zz‘¢l A£tg}*fly\ A V z‘rz.tlaefi¢bj.?a;;;e aftbem did declareg, ‘I/Am Mum intbe beczdfizcb aA dayxwr E the Rizzglaja , W a r?ofagreat Rablzle afpeoytc Vcmd.A et tlmn t A /1 d A __, A A boutfgmjborc bm4Afl°5,A W az2dfletAtbem onto itvirzizzy ami _{§,,P:i,,._,0;::n&é . fifflxomg AAEH;-Jzr the Aread.in%g ofwhich, IAAt0Id%th4eLQ4:fd chigfgdrcn A mid, A that I mmsmazaéd’ and cazzfawzded ,, that a mazzflaat pretended ta» — ‘ ‘have my thing e:2f7c¢pmzm2rzA boneffy, dur/I be./fa gfmpudent and audacioufly wpic; I ~W"1’9d’7f+'5 ‘~‘«?=”’i1‘:‘7‘€~"7~'«3§'.?""~"’ 1%? W-Wt» W» aW?*ivz.alv1efamsandperjured aahbs Aifnto a Caxzrt, .15 It/1Tr.A Pfldemieg. that day bad dang agezinfl meg; wbén 'i;:;.A;p;, A’? mérz corzfiigwzce and knowledge in ope}: Court Mid Aiken appeam 5 that « lzgd, Am canrmiry ta his own particular lgnm~lédge andAcanfiri¢zz%cA;e ,, with his VV .&a.‘ton2y_.~ V (5 _¢g:eame}r%AvAe-y well £’\!‘1€?£32’.!.}Dz‘éf for «fa many Adt?j?£‘5efcm:§tiae dd} ¥Anerzi'im;e&i1¢ A i‘!3ef;z?d orztbgtbdt the !am¢fé5—were pulled dawzz, and uparz that very day the g5’? ~;;m5Adma, amlfor fa zmzrzy days after, I mt; cazz5"'fqAntly day by day ~witIa;- A em §};:e;—z:n’2jig;~z at the Parliammt daars; or cz Pafli¢fi?9?2f.GI'ommitte5with ms PArideaz;x11im%fc1£_, ainagmaging I-mid‘ fl.€§.§0li1AtiI1”g}that very again ‘ofniy Ai-1:r.—:>r}%ef?: c:1V2ams;o+:V;1~.~: If} <=2_f' Ax'<711ac;f1And there'F<)re am Vto‘}a% I r.i1e_}'Lzs-iges, Tbaztzf Mr. Attomey Gezzerczl dzd derzytlm , ;vp(azc(g1,,W V A canfiid ‘rzt in his. awn: :'2gzA.%wl:Adge be lfialeiw to be true; I lam’ mmeflixc erzazggfs A cart}:-:1: Bar fa prove efuery circur2:f%azAzce ofit, and t/serefare byizzg I Am; pom. A fimztly in Z_.orz;lr)rzmzcl IIZef§wi2zfiafr ézotfia befqretfaeclgiy tfse~Vfaf?wM"c;3m§~n2t. tea’, a;;.«;;' :«fpaA’.z the very day it wgzs" aE?ed,z2r1dfi>.m;my“ dggzysa rerit -'}9»”oi¢$.—g[¢;;;;,;f) gt -,m,~%;m?,9J,97;b[efar 23.21:". P;~icl:A:+.ux biz: oatr'.a5,to FJJ?2’Zf2-)£3.’¢ti}*Z_‘)»'flJ:!(1'G'F3?Bfffutbfiz A '%bem,u7zlefiZ* be com”dprave~AA, that A I laud fittfb <1 éar1)'tb1tcoulc1bea¢§Wefi- ‘ minfker, mzdin tba1fleofAxholm, F abcmt 7 m 8 fcore miles fi-om \«V¢-Pg- n"zimfl<:Ar, at one azzd tbefilf-fmne fi1ameziEA‘ofVt£;z2A??_czIV1;?_}'e?t tfsaxeglj aI2.mtAA;‘tb:3.r very Iyzzfirzajfe loe:r~mz5,szc amarz A ‘gist eczflfy tI98Il‘j€'9:[Vfi§'iL7iEnTl;y [bamed and " brcmdedfar Aa lyiAr1g%czrfidfaZ]ém:z.r1;ye%t% after thin‘ n>.b.:rz I,wM ready ta lemma A % A Eng;1arxd,,w.u be the prizzcigvcxl man, that caufird to .§»ep%referre‘d*irz Paulina- men: agctirzfi me .+;z?b.7ut tbit very bHfi!£«:'flé ef the I fig :2)‘ Axhol rm, :4 mofina- A toviom and fc1‘lfe~u:zjufia.u-Ad ljirzg PeAtitiorz , M upon tlae%uAtm:r«fi hazard my Eif1a;wwIm71corneirzta% England, I da iA.»2gage 3:9 malgeitfiwidentlyap. pear. A A A A A A A A V ' A ‘A A And “Jet more than all thigthis very Atmrney Geneml Pricieaux was am: of the mofl violet: 1:, and furious, and unjufi i’ric;}.:1e rs%%:;[h;z.:; %T Sr Arthur Hg:/Zerig had in the whale Parliament aga.'%‘ErA1i’c Iofias ‘Pri -__ ?mate,mentioA_m:d in the A&"L1lp’Q1'l‘W‘hiCh IAamir1di£’ced gand weak the AV _ % ?chiefA&Vm~i‘Ainmifleacling A“aAnd”mii"g11id'ing the Hmzfe againfl: the VA Aélight ofTAruth,and;«pIain ‘Evidcncgto paflé: their Votcsagainfi Pris mates honei’: a?ndjr—1{’cVbuf&ne{IE; and as by conamon fa mejbut neat” A -o?h::m*vi{‘e it is faid, aAnd;te>% paflé cert?-.in VGEES agaitmfi me ,A flupem which tfippre-tendA£d A&AupAo'x:1,w hich the Indi€tme11t a;.r,%aan1?: rm:Ais% f0uAndeéiA% ; W *.,a~riLd4 yct”?mi%M‘ %,hé new c'c3mVc%t0 be‘a“v”i01ent]udg"e u‘;?a%0n my l%i§E,t?d%take in ‘a.-way upon an unjufl: A&,aI~1d unjufl proceedings ‘ mad: in a great meafr;u*c‘%byAhimfelf A; for which he rather deiérves‘ A 1ikeAEmpjc32-2 :md‘Dx«tdIey) cobe‘ hanggd as a 'I"raytor,fo:.' fubverti-ng V alfthe Foundations Q&:Aa;I'1A (Ah: fu1idAam¢]nt;.;?Ia“ws of Englamd, 1 3nd 1 ¢the;Vre~AbyV cLttt¥ii‘1g ;im. p1iAécefsA§‘:1s much ak in" his:11i3es3allA cue bv:w;dAs5afid Ar .:;im,;:1rx"d%ligi;1ArnentsAofhiamane fepciety in :heVEzag1i-fhfjfiagiem, and thereby (:s)- V ~ - thereby Teavinglna man nowin England any thing elfe,For thefe-- A cutity ofhis life,libet*ty,and p;foperty,then abfolute WilI,lull,alnd=»t=~ tgnbotinded pleafu-re; then in the leaft ta be jttflifieel in hit F0 do-- ‘ ing : batyet this is net all. F or e{iclcs,Ato render him tmcapahle to be at liberty, tqextcttte any oflice in the leafl; ntuchflcfl": to be ; nty _lt1<;~‘tge,ta1* any mans elfe, he is a legally and formally impeach- A td Traytor in the Upper Bench upon Record , befere the Lord l chief Juiliee ~Ral];,by T/9~9mM~E1fli3t Efquire; which faiel Efqzaire, as his own mouth hath infbrmed_.,hath en tend into great .bc<§n.ds be»- fore the {aid Lord lclaief I ufllce Rolls, to profecute the {aid Charge 7 of High Treafan againfl the {aid Prideazzx; unto which, the {aid Elfliet doth avtaw the (aid Pridecmx dare not appear , ‘but flanés late; A abfollttte contemptAlat»1d defitrctce of the law 5 t for which the {aid Efquire,bein.g a legal man ofEr2glazzd, hath already (as beavers to mejalqaofi bmught him to an Otxtlary : in all which confideratia 011331 appeal to your cot-«xfcizznce and it-xdgmen t,and all rational ma il3)g_C’l1LlO_t;1S men that fltalle read thia Eplflle,Whether in laW,tqt1ity, . or confclextce , the {aid Attenrney General Prideazlx be not altoge—- that unfit in arty kind to be my Iudge 5 and hethcr all the premi- fis ferioully confidered_., they he matcl.eer, palpable , and Aevitdent * demonfirations, that the Lmd General C Wh<.>m ttpem ve2~y~~gr;:aod l grounclshl ltwk upon to be my grand and ptincl.pal pI‘£>f€Cutt2.=r and e thixfler aftermy itttaoetrxtt bl0Ud)_l}f1tl1 nothihgif in C3i‘l;‘?l'-”:C,4'lZiVV,OfA']’EI -: flsice,tt:» lay ttnto my chart-;e~ 5 -but 01-lC'l._”}7 etttatmors to talce awaywmjr lifeby iVlll,fO1‘C€,3:?OWt'T,amZl palpable injufllce; for a cleliveranee ‘ from Whl.Cl1,l’fI‘1'(.>flf’€.3;1‘n€“ll:ily .::tt‘td«tth:‘£a£‘til§" define your publiqste and ‘ private prayers to the I.(1).t‘Cl.ltt:l1OVt1l‘x ,, my afliarecl amd«etnelm-tbted t A F-t0ckof‘Salvation, and tlte tttmofl of all jufl, rigghteout, an Ll law»-A ful means that ltet iI1.y0l.1l‘,’ pa:‘W’J’t:t‘:_-', fur wlu.t:l't_., l,Awith my poor af- ~ t A fl_gi&ed wife and babes, ,W1{1l'1 all the ltoneftltmgle-heartecl people of - Englar1d,,fltal.l b€~‘I}'ll.1Cl31lI1g$ag€dlLIl1t0 you : ft) with my. uhfeigned i l_t>lve,atadlhearty tfefpcét prefented to. you ,1" I”€flC,«i" Tsaursfaitlvfulljl in tbeje andefeltlable bands Alifammlmyrfére badflyaffliéfiafls t 0f Wzzlozz cmd.; cammmzian-tin tbe,Lerd at . yeatfiml-r ejayacing, eaytivitltyt Iefm c;'J.vrift‘_., );in_Ner;‘gatee, their 20 A A A A A A h e Atlgtl %l,1.6;53.a A A A e A Iohrl Lilbumt