exjned far §1i§ad §% iiefit 3 by 3 f~ait1’fL1§ and true well-wifhex to the Fundamental Laws, Libcrties, and Freedmns of the ancient «free peofleofjj Publick v1c.- and y aed and learé ~ gr attiue Bar {high 3 That he having hearzi mi _ cm med m che%indi}§cmc;at11ow read unto 111331?-£3.11 the Bar; fogs: 0 he faith, T ha: it appeareth by the A8: of Parliament of j1z;:2.3®.%1* ° TIL upon the 15' of}*}z2§;.eza'r3/ 165$ 9. judgement was givfixss; in Padgamcnt agax oné Lieu; :1 is by him it . mic V asby the faxrxc appears, for wlfr: gfifhments wcre promulgated againfc him, memioned izn‘ Lilmm gxow prifoncr at the Barfaith, Tim 7* arms 7 he the new prifener"ax:J;11c 8311‘, b at he the now §ri{°an"er at the Ij,;%arL1§ 3 free hm 1:, rs ‘gcd, Ind i€ted3 and con. “ii ‘her ‘ L I .3: tutti 3 being :1 CQ :3 % faizh, sham; Tam T? $3 Buttfi iégié fskn 5 @.§.fol7;z Lgiibmzz in the A61: named? for high Cr} c aind Mifiienxeaé ‘ “ ’ as and Othmf’ We I2) i enclmcaning of the Cfarliament, being ‘:3. body polirick , but by ‘Vote of Parliament” he faith it is now irn_poll"1“ble5 if the Speaker himfelf, and__all the _lI'l¢llV_ldual mytmiel V hers of tlielfaid Parlienaentlhould upon their oaxt7h,si be pro;tlucegl- at.tl1e;B,at 5 _Ny¢yE,;: is impoilible by all their oaths, in Law to‘ prove theljhlm Lilbzmeinowprifozierttittt the Bar, to be that _Lieut.Col. falm Lill_m'r'n,.,tl1:tt the {aid Parliament in thefaid Aft oft hanilhtnent meant 5 beta tifeby the Law of Parliament there is no other w‘fay1in.a11§, dubious cafes to render the fenfe of Parlimnent , but by the foltmn Vote of the Parli'am.ent fitting as a Parliamengand paffing it thereupon as a body politick, i And the prifoner at the Bar further faith , Neither was there any Judgemcm; gi- . ‘wen in Parlim-tent egatinitiltim the now prilhner at the Bar , for high Crimes and; Mifdemeanouts mentioned in the faid A€t,upon the laid fifteenth ofjan. 1 6 5 gvoms; and Refolves being not in the leaf’: any] udgerntnts inLaw,hut at moi’: only prepare- ltivcs, to more ferious,folemn,a'nd judicious things that are to Follow them 5 for what i at molt are they, or can they in.Law be called or filled? can they in any fenie be Pci-. led ‘juclgeihents «? No, its itnpofliible zbecaufe they are no luch thlizegsllin thtmftlves 5» for Ixefolve to go to fuch a place, on lhch a day 3 and it may be within an hour af- ' term! refolve to the contrary 5 is this a judgement 9 No :. Vtrrzrrzmzp the Dutch Ad-A max refolved in: the lafi Sea-fight , or the left fen-fight before that , to beat; the l I-Ilnglilfh Navy, bnztiilwhen he came throttghly to try it, he waenot “able to .do,it ,1 was.—.. ‘therefore his refolvclii :0. Judgement, or the aft of beattngxhe Englifh Plclct. ever the more done jbecaufc herefolttad it ? No : and therefore fohiz Lillmm i Gent. the now. i prifoner at the Bar faith again, That a Refolve at mollt is but a preparative to the- doing or perfefting of at more folemn aft: as for inlianee , a vicious man refolves to lye with his neighbours wife_,is that an aft therefore ever the more done,becaufe he refolvet it ? No: for it may boy for all his refolve he willmnever be able to accomplilh. . it, or do the aft while-s he breaths. Ageingthe Lord himfelt in Razed. 32.. refolved to ‘ dcflroy and root out the children of Ifnttl for tnakingythem a‘ golden Calf, andrwor.-—., flnipping lI,ya'h€§1..M0fi.’5 was in the Mountain, yet that rcfolve never came to 3 Judge» went, not never was executed. Agatha , Droid in the feconi of Samuel and the fe- ventcenth, rafoltted to build God a houfe, yet God’-wouldnot let it be done by him. (becaufe hclwas :1 man of blood) but it was done by his fora Solomon: was that ;_-¢... folve therefore a Judgement; or ever the l more ttgbe pftecnted fo, becaufe David re-an i by folved it? no,‘ not in the lta{°t.g ‘:r i ' 7 And the prifoner-at the Berlhttlierll'elthl,l:that.,it islln Law, .Equity_, or B;ee-fon.im«_- pofl'ibl—e, that a Judgement in anyrlegal Court of ‘flfiglalflél lhould be pafi againfi a. i free-born Englifhman, and that mtutdaylyforth coming , and never to hear, i ,reatl,. not feermyof the proceedings ianteceding the faid Judgement : and never fummon—- ‘red by*any.legal proceflhs to any lleg:1l«ptocecdings5'nolr called to any legal Bar what-v V foeverg anthdemandetl (accordin-g to Lawjwhttt he could fay forhimfelf , why l Judgement flhould vnothe pail agelnfi him. i iNeitl1ertli[tl the prifoner ”fn.l1n1.ilE/m-pg «. new etfthe Ber, leverllin allyhrlsilife time, «by kneeling at the Bar of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England latelyfitting at Weflminflrr , ever acknowleclgcthat t the laid Parliament in Law ever-had in hell theirlife times; any the leaf’: jutifdiétiont. in thelworld, to fentence him in any ltinde , orto fine , impri-{on or htnilh him, or any ether frce—horniEngl§5&t.m.atn of £72_glaml,i though never fa mean (that are none; lief their members oriimmcrdiatciioflicets) for any ‘crimes whatfoever; which is not VI “by Law in the leafi within their*power,u;>on~any pretcncelwhatfoever: As folmllit-l emcee pt-ifoner at the Bat hathfully and undcnyably provc;d“b+y Law in his Plea... A iftigon“ fl_£ix9§Hfll70N cqrppu) befoxe thc,laI¢1udg¢_s of the Ki,ngs; Bench; wit;-1 ledge ‘ image Elton and Iudgt R‘l;lLi‘;, uyon the eighth of M 15,! 6’4,8.~a§ in tilt printedl-iI.aw«? ~ Argument Emitultd ‘1‘bgLattvsfmm'al, It 13 fully to" be read, in pug... 8,-9, I'c:,I I. All crimes whatfoevet being for him, otxely anti foltlylto be hoard, _d€tt€1‘1flI11€€l, and judged at the Common Law and nowhett:tl1e,~all treafont being only to be trlycd at the commun law, by G. jury of twelvc legal men of the neighbourhood, as CK}-?‘i“t.llyi , appcattth by the Statute of IHc2z.4.. timpgto. and the I of Mm)" clazzpdl. 2-i of Met»- 7} chap. I0. and fo are all miidttncanours or lJi'£iflCl1CSOf P632156, though Ii‘. bttln afi- ftonting, beating , or wounding (whiohm is much V more thtzn by papers difgracing) A any Parliamentmanfiot thatstxptcfly to be tryccl by the Kings (or-now asit iscalltd 7 upper) bench, as clearly appears by the fifth foi”H.m.4..tb£p.6. and the it t_. 9fHt7z.«6 .t}m. '-xix. Yea althougha Shttitfby law is to pay almndttd pound to the Kitjg,ot now as they are called, To the Keepers of the Liberties of England ,_ :_il11d't0llEil'lC1“ awytcts 3mprlf0nm€nE,€’37”c. without Bailc or Mtincptifgiot every falic return of a lsnight of the {hire that he’ mal-:es,yr:t by l:tw,tht: Home of Commons in former, txmie,wcrc.not in the ltafi; robe Judges in this very hufincfs , lo iimntdiatjtly containing tl‘1Cml£.lV¢S§ H but it {hall be cxamiricd and tryeci before the Juiiices of Aflizcs in the Scgflioms oftht Afizc;-,as appeateth by the 3. afHm.i6. cbap.7i. and 2.3.. H:z:.6.c~ba;.15.Y,ca the Pf-lI'.l'ii‘.» men: are not to punifh tltofc-that will not pay them thtiriwagtsifot their fervict: done in Parliamclmbut the re£ufcts arc to -bc puniihcci bythe legal adtninificts oftht: law‘ in the ordinary (,1 comes of]u~fticc,as appears by the 23. of Hut. 6. .tbap.n. Yea. the law ofE‘nglmd, which is tight teafon , or as Sir Edwmgi CM'1{t"fi'll€S'lt , (in his ftcotm part InfEitutcs,falia _I 719.) the abfolute pcrfeélion ofreaion 5 and whi_ch,as he faith, is the furcfi; fanétuatryh than: a man can take , and the 1°_tto1igtftfc>z=ttei§; to ptotcfi tht iweakefiiofall; and thcrcforc it is called the be-ft birthright the Stibjcéts hath , for thergby his goods, lands, wife.-,A childtcin, his body, lifc,»honot1r, gmd cftimatiofi art: prom-éted from injury and wrong, for (faith he) to every one of us, there comes a greater inhetitnn cc by the law then by our parents , it being the Judges guide in all caufés that come before: thorn, in tin‘: wayes of K1‘lgl»’1t”ll.1l‘tiCt2', which never yet mii-L ‘guided any man that ccttainlykntw them, and truly followed thcm, 2. part. of the Lords Cults InEtitutes,fol.g6 ,6 ,g,97,§z6 .and the 4. ynrtfivlin 4t ..yea and the law-book of£d.'6.fblia 36. with the arguments in the: Law in the} Court oil Kings Btnch , upon the Writ of Htbem Catpus in the; caftsiof Sir fvbm 1£lz»at,~S~ir Thomas Dmie1,&‘c.pag. II. in Mitbrztlfizzmtctmo, in the third of the late King Charles, cttlls the good old ftmdamental Laws of England, the great inhtritanct: of every fub}t& ,‘ andthe in-» hex-itance of i3?1l‘iC1.'itanC¢s; without the injoymtnts of which inheritance,“/c have no inheritance atlall. it And therefore the {hid Oracle of the Law,ofE7zgland, the Lotti“ coolg, doth bitterly cry out of the uncxptcfliblt mifchicfthat accrues, to the whblt bflw’ -tly ofthc pcoylofoiffiuglmd, when any fmidamental ma ximcs of their good old fun-l-i d:‘1Amenta1Laws zttoinvaded or lflC»1'O£1Cl‘i(3(l upon, either: by Parliament, on any other power whatfoever, as appears in his 1 pmilniititutes fall; 2.9, 46, 48,s1,74,,1a§,zo4, I79:=wia49,s‘t,29,t33534,540-=md 3%-partfiv/-208. & 4‘PartfaL4']JI9611973198-an& tilt! prefm to the 4. part of the Lord (‘calm Roportswvhcte he faith the Laws of Eng» Jtmd confiftof thrtc parts,thc Common Laws,Cufl:omes,antl.__A~&s of Parliament; for anyifitndatntntal point of the ancient Common Laws and cufioms of thoilitalm .it it a maxim: in policy,and a tryal by cxpcritnce, that _ the altemtiion of any of thcmis motc: Adan trous : for that which hath bcenmfinedand—pe:fc&cd by all the wiftjft men in former fupccflion of ag¢s,am:l provcdwaxid approved by continual txpttitttto to bc good and profitable for tl1¢CQ111m?{.tW.caltl1, czmnotiwithotit gitat hazing V it , ~ - i im;,,t' anal dange1fht‘c“> be altered AL 01: cluangccl : fee allb Elmt old La&vFb.0.Qk3§313:& '1‘lae mm»: of fisfliceg page 239- I. l " M 4 A A l find wluich law,a.;i. the amhor of tl1r::lan‘cic.:nt ‘aad cxcE:llcntl~l’a~.vhoolk ,_,l Called the Daffior and Stmlemr, chap. 4.. 8. is groxlhdcd L1po'n fix f0undatio_n-.;-or balls, rz,r.,iz,i the law of reafon. Sé:coMnclly,,the_Law of God. 3.. ylponl divers’ general cuffomes of mm,,mmVur3_1;;;y, 4, O‘n,di_.vcrs pirlncipfials tlmz cnllgzd r-naxirxnzs. 5. Onhdivmss par:;icularcuf’com<:s. 6. On clwers Statutes mad:-: by the: Kings and the Comnmn. wuncelof the Nation; all which glo :a..bhor' arbi1:r:u~'inc.lEs in. the law.—procecdin“gs,% cfpeczially in criminal cafes‘,-,' and lc:lpccx._all.y_1t. abhors the arbitrary uncertain. waybof prance edzngs in Parliasaents,the rul_c:s of whlcht_'wits, or‘ not being th-rec quarters aflecp, pals fuch an Ari’: of 1131'-llatllfnt-agfllllfi _fal+r2 l.i7§’g'51r?‘?is: ath much road the Law , and very well tirrderfiarids ‘ the Fundamental Liberties of Eflglflfld, and bath ha 221 rdoufl y adv-cnmred lrizt lift: at l thoufand times, for the inviolable prefervingof tl1em)becat:lefucl1ma A&l'of713arli- am‘ent"astheforefaid Aft of Parliama':t1t,is in the firft pla be an Aft of Parliamtrit a-- A gainfi common right, common equity , and cc-minor: realm 5 and therefore is void 2 and hall in Law , andpqught not to be executed, as appeara by tliefe f'ollowin r author ritice, ~'z2i'«(;! partofDr. I3a7zk2tZm’is iifafe, fol.I I 8. mad the 8'-of l?rlw.3i.fo.7:i2,30,33; -cjeflizvit. 32.8: 27 H.G. Arzmiry 41. and 11 Elia. Dyer,;r13¢. and->1 part L‘o07r’s lnlltittrtes, lib.a. Chap._I I. 3€5l-3-09./Q0l-T“4,0- Md 4E¢«’w-4- 12». and I z‘£a"2a’.4«..I 8; and IH'.‘7.I"'.!..,I3‘.. ' and Plowaf. Com.fol.369. and Judge j"r7z1gi7z.r learned works in the Law , priz'iteci”l"or I f. Giles, I648. _ but partieular1y,hy his Difcourfe of'=LiongiParliamenrs, p. 1 go, 140. i andifecalfo Mr. I/Z"L‘l’?.’]7!2Jl£.‘7S notable boolt of the 16 t-;»f'j‘~'mr.c A1649; rolled, ...».1 L( gal Virznlicatian afiitbc ,Libr‘rzies of‘En‘g'land zzgairzfl illegal iwxe-5, p. I r ,1 2 ,1: 3 . €79“6‘;i ‘Eur .apei- eiallyifee a book irttituled The"Lcg.41 Fandame7z.f;alLibrit"tied5 of England w,-t;ir.wr! ,» “it;/— fertad, and '£J;7gd~iCd£c5l, printed and reprinted in the year 1649 a page 5.-4,55:,;¢;:5 _":5.7i yea an Ail of Parliament that a ;:ian.fl1all be it-lcl gt: iirrhis own cafe, is :1. ‘v'(jvit;.l1'3;fi. in law, as appears in Hzrbberts Cafe,fgl.1zo. and by the: 3 partiof Coaig’: Repoi't‘s, inDr.r:arz~ r l . i r bairfa V ‘ . * it (6) A llamis Cafe, and by the prefent Armies own Book of Dec1arations,P-$3 $':$%ai4:il'9;«é*o@ 61 ,53,,1 31,141 ,1 42,143,! 44.. yea, faith that learned Oracle of the Law of England Sir Edw. Coulbin the 4;part of his lnllitutes, fbl..3 30.. Wbel-'eRmjan celzfetl:r,tberc tbemw it gceafizlz : fbr,fE'ei7zg Reafazwés the ow life and fjvirit aflbe Law izfi»lf,rbe Llm—gioe'r 1'4 not lo be €(2lc’.’£’7?Z£‘6l,'“l‘a rcjjfiebif llrntt wbicb bulb no mtjazz, 11!’!/.’0!3lgl7lllJc.rf‘£j;~t72€7'l7l_llj’ of the wards, in: the fi'/flfiglst, yr lzfrcrzlye le-rm‘, feem alberwife. And faith the laid learned Author, in his firfl: part 1nfl;itutes,fal.1.q.o. All Cnsffam: and Pr.e]"c'riptiom;.A4flx of Par1idme72t,£..awr and fxdgements, Alba: be «gait.-/E Reafare, we will and hell in tbemfelws. And faith the Armies Sollicitor-Generalgfalm Caok,in the late Kings Café {laml,p.z 3 . T be: by the law of England, any A& or Agreement again/l the Laws of God and Nrmm, is at meet mlllily: far as: :1 mm; ball; no lmml in making the Lamas of God agztl N azure, no more bulb be power to warm or E1507 lbem. And he cites the Earl of Leicefier’sacljudg¢d Cafe for a proofr Ariel in page to he alfo faithgthat all the Judges in Elzgllmll cannot make one Cafe to _ he Law that is not Reafon , nohmore then they can prove an hair to be white that iii hlack _: which if they ihoulgl fo declare or adjudge , it is :1 meet nullity : fir Law (faith he) mull be Relzfoiz adjudged. And therefore faithhe, page 8. That 793422 or male llazzl males by lull, am! not by law, H or are creanzres bloat were never of Gods making , mm bf G»al$lS approbation, buryhzk permi/];‘wz : and tbaugb fuck mean be filial to be gods are eczrtb, ‘ti; in 129 other [wife that the devil is called the god of Ibis world. And excellent to this very purpofe is that ancient Law-hook called The Dabfor and student , who in his l%:co_1ad Clmpter,pag,4. exprefly. fayth, ./Igaizz/l the law of Nature ( which he calls the Law of Reafon)rPreji:7'iptza7z5 Stizmte, or Crlflams may notprewzil %: and if any be brought in again/E it], tbs; be 210 Prefcripzioils, Sltzllslel, nor Cu/toms, but things void, and again]? jg.- jlice. And what this law of Nature or Reafon is, he excellently {hcweth in the latter % end of the fourth page, and the beginning of the fifth: and therefore in peg. 7. he exprefiy faith, Tbtztlraoheoerygoad Law is reqrlired tbefiaproperlies , viz. Tim: it belmnefi‘, riglar: wife, pa/fible in ilfelf; and lzfle‘l‘_2fbe mflom of tbe cazmlry 5 cozzvenielzt for the place flmal lime, :I2ece[]a7y,p'rofiI?¢1M«:‘: and dlfa mzmife/l that it be not captiatb: by any clarlg fmlcizcs, nor mix: with ally ;al‘i‘vzzle wmllli, but all made fartbe common good : for (faith 11¢-:)'e'veyy mam law mall be csizfimmt la the Ltzw of God, 0llJ£"I"WiJ'€ they are not rigblcotls 2207' obliga- :_f~e;-jy. All which Judgements or Cafes in Law, in the equitabletrnd rational part of them A, ?are_ fully conlirmeel by that commonly reputed able Lawyer Serjeant folm Bhlédlljlalzw, late Lord Pr-efidetit of the high Court of Iuflice againlt King Cbzzrlesgwho in hislarge S peach to him , and againfi:l1im,printed in the fecond Edition of his T ry-i tel, andsfol-:1 by Peter Cale, Francis Tylorz, and fabn Playfiml, 1650. from p.5'2.. to 7o. Anclramongft other paflii ges inJp.5j5.l1c~hath this : That the and of having Kings ar any other lGOUel‘?10ll7‘S, it is farlbe calming of fzlliice ; that is the end. NawiSir,(faitl1 he) aifflfaibe the Kilzg will go Eolltm’/'}' to that end, or any other Gavemazmsvill go camrmy to the tmlpf I911: Gavmzflaerzt, be muff l1HdEl'ifl'fl7?d that be is but am aflictt in tmfl , 612151 190 yr lbty % mgbz: l odi/Irluzrge tlml mi{%,aa2ol%tlcr2yb are lautalge mite for the zmimzzdotrrfiole ml p;mj(lZament faffucb rm bfffmding Golumzmr. And in p.5'g. he tells the King , That :25 the Law 23.: bit fzlperiozlr, fa elf: he tells him r_beire is fbzmtbing lblzllis filperiaw re the Law , and that is % l giizdeecl the lpezmzl or arltlaar of tbeLaw, and rib“ as tbeptoplgiof England : fir? Sz"r,mr they _ are rlmfe that in tile fir/if (lmoflaer Cbzlmrits have dome) did £15714/ll’ M.Zl3€l3i2félZJl’.S' this farm inf Government, ct-erzfarlfllllicefaigt, rlmtjzaflice might be fldlllllilfi/'€d— , tlacxtycate might‘ lrl1£3}77'£/.E'I”IJE£i : fa 2‘bi1llS‘/57‘ (fai_ththe to the King) tlsepwple gave Llrx-pm‘ to G'0'£J£’?’7lI?ll7'.$‘_.,-l.rl’l7- rardirzgja whirl: they flJ0l‘l[(1lg0"£J8l’?2 : And if ll of}: Lew: fbozllll bate prawn! imonoenicet or pl*ej'zldz'cial to the Pill?/ll‘fi£‘3 the P£"0fll‘ lilllllw a poms"? is lbem, mid 1/if erect! to tlemfelrzma to allow tbcm as llatyfball fee wife. A ‘ » A A A. II. A $eco11"’“* Secondly, fitoh anlldc of’ Parliament as the aforeiiiid Aft of Baniihment , is not b oncly againfi common right, common equity, and common realbn 3 but““it is abfo- lutely deftruftive to the very ends of the peoples Trufi conferred upon the Parlia-A menr,and foltheihigheit of treaions that can he committed. And that iris deftru&ive~ to the ends of the ipeopleslfruit, clearly appears by the Statutes of 4 Edw.3; cap.u,;. and A16 Ed*m3.§o. which exprefly faith, that :1 Parliament at letzff f/ml! be lmldm once s- my yeergand that for the maintenance of the peoples I.tm¢;d22d Liberties, and the 'rea'rcfi’l of divers mifclsiefs and grievances that daily happen. And futa ble to thefe things are the ends contained in the Writs that fummon them,and the intentions of thofe that chufe ‘” the Members and lend them. And fumble to this, is the end of the Parliaments fit- ting, as the prefent General and his Armyin many of their remarkable Declarations l “have fully declared, againfi: the late 1 I Members and their accomplicesgyea and for... eed.i.thelt'1te Parliament to raze out of their books and Recordsmany wicked and un-— juft things ,as they judged them to be, after the Parliament had folemnly paft tl‘1e':m,_ as Votes, Orders, Judgements, and Aéts , yea and endeavoured very eatneftlyvto hang divers of thoft as Traytors that had executed them, as particularly Alderman: Aolams,Altlermatt Langbam,Alderman Bm2cc,with the Lord Maior Sitfolm Gtz_y're,antl divers others. But the greatefi grievances and mifchieis in the world are by the an iotefaid mifchievous and unjufi Banifhing Aft efhzabllfhcd, ratified, and confirmed :. for by it :1 Amen-is condemned to loft: his liberty and efiate , and the comforts of this life, and that without an the leaf’: crime cotnmitted,ot accufation e:thibited,ot legal Procefles iflhed out, to; umnon the party to make any defence in the world, -or‘ ever calling; or permitting him to fpealt one word for himfeli 5 which is an A6’: or procee- ding againfc the light and law of Nature, Reafon, the Law of God, againil the law of Honour, Confcienee, and common Honefiy ; yea, '3. dealting, wotfe with the party,_; then ever thecruel Jews did with Chrift , or them the bloody butchers Bilhop Gard» mer and Eomzer did with the rofiegl Martyrs iri Queen _M:try’s‘tiays , who always l-L1l‘l“€¥ red them to have due proeefles of Law, and to know and fee their atct1fers— , and to have free liberty to {peak for thetttfelves ; and never condemned I:l1Cm,l)L1t for ttanil grefling a kl‘-lown and declared law in being. Yea, alfo dealing worfe with the arty? then ever the bloody Gunpowder-Trttytors were dealt with by King fewer, w o al.- ways allowed them fair tryals in latv, from the beginning to the end, at the Bar of Iuiliceior theirlives. Yea, it is :1 worfe dealing with the party,‘ then ever the Fate l:i:trr1elnt~themfe1ves dealt with the bloodiefi and rnofl ntaflhcring Traytors that ever» were in Arms aigainfiithexn to cut their throats. Yea, the forementioned tafiicc oi’ the forefaid molt ill: a] and tintightcous A8: of Btmifhment, is an At’: an proceed-i it-igs in the highefi fugverfion of the Pundamentali Law and Liberty ofifinglandi that can he invented or imagined; "and by confequence, if it may without the higheflrtroflw fence, or foloecifin.inL:tw be fupgofed, that his Excellencie the I;ord Gen. ctamm!_,. Mttjor—Gen. Hm'_fa1e,..and the re-it of the~M'cmber_s of the late Supreme Authority of rhePatlIajment of the Commonwealth offiezglmd fitting at Weflmghaldlany real finger’ in it, or were afitorstoffit , theytnay and ought all of" thorn, Wltllalltilllfi tell tmdtert them, their have executed any patrol‘ the aforefaid unjuft , injurious, illegal error Parliament, to beyapprehe-nded ,. indifted, and proceeded againfi at the C0n1m0fi*" ‘Law, as Traytors,and fubvetters of the FundamentallL:1ws,Liberties, and Preedemts-~ ‘of the freecborn people of England at ‘aS'}tl‘1'atlcarnC£l'm2n'i31 the Lawsiof firzgltzmi, Sit Edwtzrd Caalg, in the fecbtéfdg, thirdg and fourth Parts of lhls=ilfiffitu:Es (all three of t which are 1>u‘hli{hed”by twollfpielcial Otdersof thelste Houfe of Commons , in amnes- W-.41.. f01‘gQGd._}_-'3WS)_' doth declare “and grove was dealt {with byiEmPfhx..and DH?- V e i J tgi-Ni W) 333 33 1395 cafes thcn the fore-recited unjuft at“: of Baniflnnent , and of_ which rev 61%?» punifhmentsptholi: Arbitraryand difczregtionary ]udges,'ui~§.T7'ifilidt2,F:¢ltb7'a}?’:B¢”{?¢i4Pa . i A C~’*77?:H91fg,E#?'g6;3nd LOC'lgf0I*2,lnRiE}M?'(l the feconds time fufficiently taiied of 5 as alto theirarhitrary Accottaplices, the them Lordlvlayor of. Lo7zcz'a7e.,i Sir Simon Bmlgy, Sir 75,3113“??? E/lmilflma Sir falarz SaZz3i'bzrty' , Sir Tkozréas T7'r“t3;E‘5;@&§j®L§'L’13 LN” Lar‘.§enz€d?3as:nmmh&iL placewekaavmhfemdg hisfimsutcaf%¥~P2t?w W53 h9*~W »§f€§§g.L£L'.?€3=&5 Tmzd&hew::&jL§he;jufi%ia¢on§zcmimcegthemofg m£Lh$‘%mLd t11atmhe%LLLkJ«5¢ Lfli_m3;MLL L ; mriex hgzmtmf%L%bmttm3§?tEdin Taxéw} cm: LLLFTM’ %L1%:1%ameLm %§”:mé that ;s@thCLL‘LLji’Li$ miglit ; L i1£faLr m 1} stnaé: @fLL thL{>:i}e mm L{i£¥L1{7'?L~fL€£’¥€Lf§3EL§W§]V$2LLf§fi§ %E?££L£§:§;,@i%€@?§W5;i%’? L L * % L LLiLL§afifi5£i2:t3%Lsarwa :;xszi$§L p:w:«¢?@%»re;cm*3mt as, Lthn;L1?fe Ljt%1a£tLf%LoLll<3w%:h£f§:L %§cLm:{{tp$LL:%m3y §é£3L£‘=!L- L_Ltj§ieJ }i7am::i{dL?.;§%m§tiuLz1LLthatLtheyha;ci,wEmLf@ maamhe ;:h§L:LL:¢iA5~IL*b<:éLE:§éE&$d:a§ LcQL§§1L;:mx1L}mwLL;§w§‘§<}f@f§,§:;;iifiLmt5mgL;5m;::;:Lt;{;LL;bg;LLLgmd)Lm§a.g}Qg3L§?:§&€é'$£m£§;§C§,:mL§LL$$LL Lgraisakm, fit): :ub§«&cs:::ng;:&m £:.'§gnd§.;m<:L§§taL}jg1Law§vs_ m:;d§Léf*}§;§13ge:?megL eff; m2;gf§ma5;Lv‘i‘;§; atjLfrmi§§ha;byL L T L L L LL % jLLL}]5L1:§r;L¢fL§i,;LLLLL ‘§%‘hi§iwhcLLCQ:32guLé;fi%Q§ the:LLR@m.a$a§L§§ §;£fi%§@;2:%§ §m§L2,z£=L;§L,i‘sof§' A¥m:a;zzr§, €}Lm4$?3gfi}Li?‘?sL¢LL*:~:“’LL7€%x§:‘L L %b%1L%§:;a:LLm;:€} %L@L§L }t1i1§c%5;LK§i‘€{n*dLtLLr} mi LELvn,giLE(h;LL me mseLLLf;3:1gL§m§§rt:;*;:}3Ll L lib€1L§§€S§nL§;}: 1x9.L:fl_1L{$ LLE3F3L‘§Li¢L WLLL LL LL L L L _ L LLL&§mé;%§M:LL:h€.%ni%;nEmLhammsQfLtL1'xt:£§.~g%l7:1:;%eLs$:Lbimdg E:*:enpmf¢:::%vL¢%&§La§stheLcijamffifi G5 LL T LL ¢t1*xe£r}} %w&£s3am& as icmccsi their élaijcfcffi fiL:nda:n‘1[£Lm:a X r:L=gh:sL;%ef wmr;g1§:1§a{ai§ Lxwg am L®%P0i1itiav«n m Eh€i§Ci1aLMe-5"‘*?f1§?3fiLL£‘%W‘f¢€;3£%LWfvP*‘*3‘E3iiW«f$5«K§¥~Wm’%‘M }%§‘§’f>?dLSL0§LLL%LL1$;‘3L:???*W§QiL fiifiég 13%’ Gil tL§L1€:LLl‘L3L1‘Xd(W13€%mh€ pl€LxitiL§Lu1]iy Fé1§wLs§:11${‘§ im E§%gL§§fl§~ LL} L : L L ; W§§$Ef$L€LV€j¥3L3i3§¥gifitg €LG3Li?“ ja;ny &€‘.;;3‘L§xLm§ LwhatLfb¢Vc:3L1n}LaLnyLLflmirffiLWhaLLtffi€}V¢§§LL%bLY 3iI5'1}’ L L L‘WW€fLL€LL}§ 3?-LL5a&h©LF:€Y wh:%tfOLWé.rL,{ zwamcd mzhy ju:~;es;::a&%*dmpmcefs¥aflm~agis 1b.§§'m¥w.fli;§::&&,mpr@Lfl%yL fai:h;Ly:€::L§3g:g§Lg3fi aha m>x~ci€Li§t &‘£un&3m€nz%a}3LL}:;i§i% Si _§?;L: tbcfLL_€£€é¢i =giLm*eM;immgan ;a9£Em'i§m1‘::ntLLg3;mL&£’3 f‘Lai:h hag f aha: ifs W61! fit fi£¥€Li1'LS 950? L5L“fiLW»¥a L #336? 327 Leaf Pl«:aLceL withgaut gm}? fimi§:;gLEo:%{ 5 pre3Lf?;:Lnr:mmt Libéy the L_?V?'£i§‘L;L& £3? mLcLLiLi?ic;L L LL % % L‘.mém}Lx:p®fi a M $§eiQfGrfi§L3tiOfi for timfiingg befmc Ehgm amé€:fhwi&§s2ve§‘k§1LLPz>a%*fi~ » erVmaauc%a®r§:y d§{?s5§£1:io3:s,,%zo mriam id*e:ar§%xsEmLMEL 9fiLL€m€}c:sa§nd% €am;«L% _ ,L !3€L?13P‘§s%c’_»xA:cx'1"'za£‘1x:__Vc_g_&¢_;1% an *1] '~*;:::_:.~%"l%. ‘And ‘Uh¢;‘CQ‘;1&”h1lfi.(JlW'l, atce'r~vt%h¢$.,§n:;hca%r2ng and ox-=4; 3m1nihg%ché;caufe9.\w4;,s%, no cmxfider, cbn.‘7u1t§ and I:-hen to give flL‘ifiE‘%c-niéc‘. And xaim.-. Nitsfhmtffi thfit ltarngtd t1':fli!L §~,1_?1v,,,t}’_1r§: law of .C:‘::hc>cV!gv.':z3g':1I1;f_t‘.-. zhs: h,¢f'.b<*.s and Pluaxiicgcs of Chrlfig DQ.f_baxsr lap Md t*..s:=,m] 1.21331. befifi’?7:-it bmr Mn aaxd lg;-air what b: rIin¢?2?;30hI1‘$!'»51-V»x$:nd‘9!3:th%F€%f?u$-the Eathen Raxéinaaé’-m€1'n~¢z:'t~-ha Eudea, that had Y‘ 3339:}; ofghszr gvaidc:_’;_‘f§gt§'f%%3§:v:r1‘&;;}_%_‘vfsI";cfizltwhfi Jiighnimxd Law or Nazufi, Inthc: béhafli of ;;?;'211dE~,g;; 233% hi; 1;>£ci;::;,g1_;;{k:~z;c:%m3,s:s,%. .1: _i: mat the; manger oftiic K9.v:am':c dcliwr my .,’“]r4E1’i’~¢§,'V;I_}2,W4;l‘ }25e"wbi€1é}acc5sj‘~dJg2g:z;a’tb: Acc3f'E'r§ f2'tcé'?taf4c -~, and but/c%'Yicé3uj% up Zflififiavcffa4*"%'b;pg]E‘x9"m?1C¢r§{’g§#§mg §Vifi1=7?%-14id,#gainfi%bm,Px&s 1"3‘‘‘. :6, And faith righthgn ;m. 1‘§"~Ptfmfs-3:3y}3o;%wr%ig_;,~§13t%%~O;;§9n‘;3€s$of3God‘infiiillblyby the 5 pint “of God, 5! Mr: tbme % ;£m“‘Lnq%;{u-w,,_ tfiére ta mgé-7-6421, ;§e.32 a‘trazz@regI:n,%Ro‘xn. 4. x 5. Bus; faith chin: judicious anti % l1I%car1§’§:§fd Lawyer‘ ;%§i,x,,Eid£:{22T?d%€apIg:«in. the Wthifd partof his Infiilutesy fol?! 3-5. ;,zak>a4am4mm-.,= tbs; cr%m¢1+§i.naAwa;-ked Judge of hell: A E%i:fi:51Ahq,;;99n}Q;};§1;§ ggefoxc ht‘: hears. l7ké’“thc‘7l:t cc;§a;rl13amcnt)* be: dark glhqm. g1g,g:2g1cn7‘;g3i5;”1_w;,ga3"“hq,.géinpcls the party a~ccu‘1’cd ‘hftortutkta coma-jfiju: butgafgh fi1¢%§%:fat; _ “'A4:ii?ghc«y God5"pracccd~{ for after that the- pcrfim is. L ? f-152t**1I‘‘G;‘£i,fh::.'c;3}§";‘§h'c cnizéinuimcés, anal‘ than judges or ccnd emfilé. I 1;-&.%_; ; "I21; Eu: 31*: % 5:513 fofirth part Infizctttcs, '-hcprocceds and gocggh on , and j fiith im'V.h%is_1aft“forem re‘... rit_ed flalzingf As ‘evil was the proccedkfgs in‘"%‘Parli“:ini‘1e1ra£;-‘wigxflfsc-Jccoand oE~H. nry the 6.’, j;Hi1i?'rx:bg;,r f9.'aga?1;R Sir faién M miner,“ the third fcn‘_bFE4_dmui4k'cI% thcs; fccosid Ea» 1c 65 3. ,('de_fEendcd fi%om»_1m1:.-I Duke of Clarcnc-‘e~;) who was Indifitéd of 113g;l1 trcafozyv gTFoArcc:rta2nc words, which Indifiment (without my arraignment or pl»-adi’ng3 bclrig T A flit:-ggjh feigned :9 %b§cm1Qa ch; g§;1i:_o;_ ;d1éVMoxti;ug;;s, ignd wichan” being iniuficiem: (1,) iT. §'§:"“§§?a‘i'1c2t:;ny',4:'”’:£f“$_:"hiy;'th£_,.-fame-t...Bf}'2{?§9,fC_th , was cétifirmcd‘ by"at1thotity‘ie3f iiattiiitnettt’ :t“a.tttit‘thr:i.=1id Sir. ] aim being brglught into the Patliamtnt , without a_t*raigin'ment an Vaititwcrgjittdggement in Parliament was given‘ agaitxfi him upon the faid lndifimen ‘*7’ .that hmheuid be carried to the Tower of Livbntmn, and dxttwn thtaugh the ‘City t I*xbt4;fr;,tnd_ there,hanged,‘dtawn and quartete ti, iii; heed tqbe kit on L.aIJ2a'7o2z-brz'dgt’ his taut quartets on the four gates of London , as by the Record of Patiiamettt ape itpearetho And therefore-e, i1l.th¢:11C}£t_f0l_i¢p bcingfaléo 39., he faith,‘ that whereas by otdct ofLaw, atman cannotflbe attainted of high trcalgn , tmflefs the ofltnce be in law; high treaion -,-_ he ought-Q0: to be attaineti by igenetai words of high treafong ray darn». it pf P:zr!x.:m.snt (as itptzsfiitime hath been u1ecl‘)‘_hut ‘the luiglt treafota btzght‘ tq be fpccialiy exprclfed, feeing that the (Clout: of P3r’fi'flfl1€nt,i$3.thc higheit and met honmabl.-..Cpurt of )uPtice; and Qjt1ght(as hath been 1aid_)m_ give examples to in-2 ficrior Com-ts. And futthet-,to, thew that Pat-iiattterttt ('w1tie11~ih"ti1eit' tight conftittt~ vtiematc the heft cqnfetvatots of gutifiiawseand liberties) are étmtteous things (mfhem they walk by their otsm rtil1s)andfotI-ake their tttte“'a-ncionly guid‘c,:,t:1fse=fiundamcntzgil alewis of EngLam,r1)_ ‘What need there any more infczmces thettdimny of the Armies own Deelarattons, in xevetalof which «mad their fte.qt_.1ent_kd:fcourfes they have declared. thcfhte Parliament 2. tt,a.tetaus Parliantent, btealters of their trufi, andhimhroyh cits oFthe_Nation1n bloody warsfitnd fttbverters of the peoples -liberties and free: domes ;. yea, and in the ctmciufioni, the Lord Gettctal Omswaltlttmfelf, and Majot Gen. Htzrrfwz‘ , with tht.:it‘own hands have’-pulled them outby the eats, amcipiuekt gthtémup by the verytfootsa, as final breakers of their tru£‘t ; and as a pack of A the vilefl: kmwes .amel villah-tea that ¢V€r';b1'cathCd‘ In £2ag.’xzrzrI «, a~ithough they wet: fenced In, -and .a\bu“u.t..thy-“an At‘: or Parliament tttadhe;-htefotc the watt, by} "King, L'C1“dS5 and Comttmns, an the 1‘¢‘:'v"'i;.f§h‘.(t'L‘t|t1‘l.0f the I‘a3gn<: of th3.':~.l3t€ K-it g (being in the yeet 164.!) that they Q1“-vl,1‘1~.‘1_,_nit.i9lZ be diflhltvfed, but by their ciwtt -;’frc'e_ and voluntary confenzs. .A,ttd,_;t11'o, fince they changed’ the Ku‘x_gd0lnC»»ix1t0 :1 Commcmwealth, ’by two fevetal A&shot Parlitti1‘te,gtc.o‘:'tt'xc-?t.,4.. of Miz}i,*ét,tS+j9 and th‘e:,t1. of’ fttlj 1649. In which it is etpreily l_1_}:1dC high trealtm, for any 1;-.n;51t;tft.hit1att, o::,meh-,tby‘wtiéingg printing, 4'.->1‘ worth; €§§?‘C1zlfii}g, or by’ endea.v0__ut;in‘g to raifi: of” 19:11 up ('01‘t2'1C:tO _dif3- folve the late P;tt_i1an1.xtt, or their Cc)u1,‘1cel0f' State, without. their tivvn tonfefxtfisg cf,-1‘ to {av that the fhgd late Pat-;i't.:-; m-~ rt: 0:‘ ti1eir%C<-itmeei of State isit‘yttmt1?caIh,‘ui‘i"ti:¥- pet! ,or unlawldul, as by the fztiti-Afts of" _;]_7-‘2teli«i?Attt‘.t..tt»c;‘i":t with t'%e:f'e“1"e_ttcfe th<:‘rL“u:1to Being: had, utcw: :\i’»:7“h‘£:i?*gC doth appete (wh‘-.chA€ts are ptinttd in the had’: Raft afthe trial; or at-t-a1gtttntnt‘ot‘the ptifzmer at the Bar, at _(5zti!cJ‘t~Ic.t:Jl%,Q%Ei.1 6 4_t;5pt1g 86 ,87 88*v‘8{t:. the fitfi; of w11;¢h.,A&3, wk; .[h;;_1:,‘-.0f_“:d.'}¢ N14,.‘ of May,jt6:49. thus foi11owt:th'*Vet« A-Jbattim. e "V i " i M V i i t ‘ h ttHen»attItePartikmtnt hath tbomytd etbe;;¢be”’Ki‘n£f7y in f [;p;'e;7lsii&; L 3;» it tg,.;;r3z&f~d by efhit 97¢ 22;? P gsv-Iéatitrggit ., *“fzzn~t’t ivy .f;l=:r= Au; h9:{:ty " 4 m.e£=inttheDaminians and T"'er°rizo2-itstzhcmmp!r~lo.rzg3‘zzg -, and !mztht¢?%;[pil déclttrvtl, thgt‘ opléii {ball t*!'ar«etlot'{it;n*{e: team 2; d teby 2ti3f‘%*s"‘izir.z?f‘R%ci;2'r‘;cfatnfllfiéztt :0? neqsieonixl mtatiztgcs km:-atlixt 1,? c!tq,:272. and tube ‘1’.§of‘e"§,Y» W792 "fez" 'f«2;1t 713:‘ 5417' " 9 ‘ W1? 5 if?’ 35*“ that Gawi):v'r::r1mu4;;.;«: the -mg! ‘aica:;1ma2?~m;.Iti7iand it ~ St.zr‘«, emélkotti V l$itz£i'C’il§t5,{t"]_0’v* . ,3‘£‘£aia2zg,i Tbatrtbe ftidfitwtzzcr/ztm z25*ei;iy:‘aza7zzc:z.’3tié[{m1ct!5~ar;unl wftd *, an that the ‘Co: -3 r ... .4 C E =9) ‘ 1 ' A $, V3035 573 Pr1’f31:‘_¢1M.‘?I_! flJ?_‘5'”3.b-Ifd mic not we .s‘z41.'re.¢2;2' _A;z;i¥ oz-ij’ of tin} NzfJ.5a;¢3_ er. fliali glam‘. ('9m'zz'v..~, 9" mdm-z orfé fizz‘ up , or raifé fme aga.§’71.['t flue pvcfc-72$ goue'm:.«mzz , 9 “far z'{3e__; fiabvcrflon or zzlic-‘m:’a7z of tbs‘ jr»m:.-, and fl?;1I[L‘f-[tii'C.-{I50 fame by any ogm dew, “I-i.»a'1,zIvfz¢l-“def 2366, ML]: 'r.zz.;.‘;..i, [4217 d (be nflfilj and fa?'c:es',7zb"1'~ ’Im-'*le2' tm: ca.«zm.';¢d offfhogga-:33 Lam Eéixrtax, ml an ax p‘/..j= 21.: 22 cm mzms, fly er1’1.%.zct',.‘o cbgminu.-.» thcfame, wmc‘k~‘;md_c'r uéoi z./'.u,.2.‘ 0.. bhe'lfl1iIumtn5di 2/. an; of pr: 1; rv ug- Eb:>"jw'{l-tzjf.'cL‘:a’ I, ,,%._.l of I/on Na ,m'-:1}:-p, .-zummzd fury .. 31 ,’¢fm';h:.z E1zaft._dl_y,‘g¢ autgu if ((0 /7. d,t.-;.-at "If. :3: p.;ro.~;,2, 0.. ‘I9; mg m ogjxm, 5oz4ldzu,ov' 1n-n.bp. of J»: ,.[—,,_y, ‘lbw’! ',/0 , !0rl~‘/H-".«€, 04 m ..,.zw:$I—',‘.o-/2}’ up any /1.» =12] in I!» {did Aim] . 0- L/‘iz.M1.": aw (27,; ’.S‘a1£la‘m'5o- 0/ficevs fiom #Z7.lr 1:545-.'z'«:nc'; 10 tbc'zr]uy'm0.'¢ 0396,75; 0. fiom Jan pm] at G—sz)cr‘nm 222 I25 afar. _fcIz'r£»;'. }p...:.}_]; xfl procu/e,r‘nvit¢ , and, or ..]]Z/t an} [0 mxgm. . .o~ _ff«.‘ng «,3 "to fhvad.” England 9/ ~_.|.1‘Ll..nq : a. (hall ad?*c'r¢- .0 a71_)f0..ccJ‘2‘a;}¢¢:t»)v:be Ln mi".-‘5 of the Pa7rl‘z..:;fl 324. o/_e272ma~ris_3Fealt-' ,9 If pm o/"the L263.) af‘England: or if any p-ego]; ffmll" cramitevf z.t(.tb.:_sG-'/‘ez;_t S: 22! of Enyand (for the mm b‘ mg) uiwi and appainlecz. 4; km osjry «pf «‘f'7;za_lz’z<*4‘;‘2z';.:2*-, Tm: I19: 71 e1/Lay .l4Cb oflcnce and ofl" mus]/2.111 be we n,g;e'¢ir2;.'d§-:na-d? clkz :1- «ed.fj/‘tnE"'rI’i.r}.'.a:'i%*) afzhés Pmlznmz 22: ,0 be bz'g»a-tax-afar: -, Anti eve:y:{;__¢rbpée','oa:,jball jfifiér -pmrzi‘-. of dulf/4, am’ an/[0 f9rf.z't 14/1 0 the Igtpers of the £~.:be7j.af‘E11glan-d.,,g am? fumrlgg all ofthel ommangv.-al:Ia, all a22cijizz;znla_r ma afldtbezr lands,‘ mm us, Add blew-ditaL mam, goo‘! s ai251"Cl7att.«.l.\‘, M in Cflfc qf }2'ig*!9--rrc4,:7§9n;'pa;h la». 71 u/..d by .192 Laws and Sta-' mics of am land .9 be fgrfeit a;::!l¢,{t.E__’.1’r0uid_;d.alié7k}ys, tba: naip-"fomj}Jall.ba mdiftcd and zxrraigmd /In any of ME afi;71é7c's I7Iff.£’72t,'0)rz;'tl:ifi1 th.//5 Afit; _/itch 0;"f..It'dc7's.[hs1[l bg -émiified or p': 9fcc1fledfui' the fizfinajnéézbén y_rw aflm Hog 0§§'(t__L-is comragttedg ’ I " "1’)ic" Lu'n.a_e,"14 Mail, 1649.« , . , Ordgrcd by the Paxliamgazfia That tIm}zZ7 In [0 /bwmy printed and pub/:f79r‘d‘;' I ‘ ‘T ’ " T Hen. Scobcl; Cleric. Pmllamcnti. londLong-Ifxészzed Edw.Hu-s_band 52'?" John F1e1d,P7ii2tcrs go :be P421. ofEngland.x6~4-9 And the {aid fabzz Lslbuag, floyv sprifoncr at the BAP: for furcl'1cx;,I-‘l.<_;a,{'aitb,t11at for fixppofed violating thoié two lafixtorc-mcntic ncd Aafis of?I’axl1:xmcnt , and‘t}aat but for {pppofcd words, and fog nhcfu ppofcd con1p1}ing__,writmg,a'nd caufcd to ‘be p__; imed Argunnchis, foun_d_cd and" 7gT€>undcd upon-the known and dcclamd iundg_1m¢ntal'la‘wsL of E_n'g;l.' 2‘2d5 rcgeived1p;in_:Z.ples of Rt-:af‘on,‘an.d the Armics-ovvn:p1'.,nI:-€d,and. publ {bed Dcclarat2ons,lic'-the faidfol/n LilIm.«n,now prifi:-sicr at the -b_ar,was arm I-gmd and 7n- diflcd as a Tr:i"ytor’fo"r his We at Gu*ld—bz§Il l 0§za’ogz,.§n Oéiabn 164.9. and ' Lh-at pun.- cCz*azn:aé2l : which Tryal was with that violence and fury,’-that the {aid prifoncr at thc ‘rciJ*'a'7z of‘ the marzzfal;-z dr{t.'4z‘f.ram ‘Wlz‘i’).II8‘ikfi-;:0)}!3izgUrzW€a/Lb,.. mi 'zizz..»:v.:J..'. gm ,p1;-wt”; ,5 f ,m cipall y by the inffgaiuinn and’ means of his ExceHefi‘ci_c.'thc prcimr Lord General“ IBg:;§yasAabfolu;cly acnycd the declared bfincfit of the known laws of Exglami , viii-K, .% ,. %_ ~ .. % % Eek A A A ( I 2) A €71-"~.‘e“"l*u.‘ lp.‘ of C‘r:unl?*l lcamcfd tn the T.:alv. , mxu. a Eople ofhlza Cha:°ga° al‘:cll1‘1Cll3i‘l1'(°Z‘ll’»9 m;.*c7n mu. riot o.n;c'¢;, but f__1x'a:1cLd to tlil. Loni .‘_{l-isJl'l‘.I.i.‘I ,tlo.%a:g,:_a=r1o min in balgnal tl'm1<.: A. Cl:-tl:3)t::l'b, as the. 3- ;m;'a%j.= mun 1”a.l)‘ 4;:-ll=% cl, .s.1zq,a. oz, _L..gzIz2£:&;2},H4712'z?»6r1,::%nd ( gill)‘ .-”,8ac. wlucln :1l*£&-,»w:z.~. gra;1~:o cd to thin.’ pa i1o;;c1ll;;%r-llliax“ :1: l;.3”:s1i§g_l"1lt(ll:¢y Low, wlxigxa ho was ?1.;L.n..'r2'l‘. 0.‘/a .:“,;.x.a ;n1;..-§,r1« d by July’ Hzazl1%$_,8o::.. to: lalsol l‘cl“;:sMa tIayto$Sp£ that the mid iv‘ 2; -L It’-M... nova pl m,-..*.1u at nu ‘bu :j,vcc;I1'3l1-€l€i!‘3!1§2; tlju. fcvcral p‘<:n:=lm:é.‘~ dmlarfid to be ¢.;I.;c to my pm ion or pcrlons wlh.auom*c-1', tlgalp by force o1”othcxwi1e.l- flutuld butficnldcax ow to ulilplvctthc lane l*‘a.l;.'1'11un-.~o1 then" (,.(.‘uI'lCt1Uf State , ‘he hmnno..:..lo.¢hcx m R<.a,1oi‘1 orl‘Law ll: or ':appr~cl ma-.wllLch way his ExCcl§cz1cyL‘l1:: laid.‘ Lord Ge.nc::.1.;',m2zw.l,arg<:l' Major» G::nu_;z.1 Ha,‘.,brz, it they cononuc and pr.-r.;. fevcrcas they have bo.«§;u;;,:o _tX<':Cutt‘ thc mm Lmjull “no .n}u’.i< us A8: ¢,f1'>a‘xli::Vm‘cntl Milan mg (7.15 jam Lzllflyzz prilcnctjat tl1e_l_~zaox;3§.ul11ch lb «..t;t:'ol7 th_x_ 1‘mofl: wickcclfi ‘andl unjtzfi that war the, l’axli:;am‘n_: .m~c.hz:.r l';«r;csma;dco , and oi the higlltfi and met’: noel IUl“:4,Ul» nfis of rhci; hrcachot trufi t‘har"¢:vc:r they omm tad: as .5 baton; l“l.l.lly”pIO-#:' we-::;') can 111 the leaill, either bemrc Cm;d«ox"m:;n, alclulx x_hcm?c;lvcs of being g;~z;‘l1y of 'thcll;flgl;cfi of rrca‘lLn:».,_b‘ml-z h'y*-z§:l;c lCt.t"i‘\. sand cquicy ofilu; two lilfi fo1'<;~‘mtn'tiox'§c&l Laws lat-. ly~ma'd<: in "part by -u.-.c;mfL,ll~'¢s, bzxr.';px‘3rz Spell) ‘by rlaocir infiziga tiongzn folfci-f hlydlllblving the law Paxl:::n:m*«, ag,aIn1"r1l1e11 om Au,-lu-nra'ry~wllls and cqnlhnlts. " V W Thcrcfora ,7o1':.72I.z'l£“-urn, the now ~pri1«-ncrm the bar,for tu .tht‘I plea laith, That-31:’ is-mo1'ljtl'fl*, cqlxitablcg and rcalonablc, to'in(‘l.’fi*, ar1'a}g.n, cmdc am, and execute wtllfl lforflaid dc,«;larcd‘13;ulizznu-nv:~*‘Ixr.jum, 6l[‘:"U‘z"'l LUam*z:ml E quire, Ca ptaln-Gcnc1al,, and Mr. Tl emu. Hm‘z{’9?t,.oC'.lsmn1<;h1y called ll-l«:s)c.:1‘-'(3clncx.'3l Hm'z_,=m , ohchfore the pgi-_» 'lfc,nc*r-21t»&tl1t:lllll'72?:t1'l:?€‘:f1dl'§§“l.Cd, a1"r.a;g_ncd,crln-dx nmcd, ar:d_€xL"§u:ccl_.,lor ll:>c’in5gl:3 ppm- fcd Parliztrnmrlclon , e;;p¢_~C,a}1Y cnnfidcrzng tlltlf t1'zon’«g~.cfl1onsis‘o :4 la‘&%lcon}fl1i;uhcd after the dcclaxaéng-,::lpr§mL:ng,;!-ndv divulging of a vlfi bit: and plain Lawsand ‘L; t”l1{‘”‘pT3.'i.$:‘ lone:-.3: rl1c«--Bark--fupp=ofedlmime is for a raft dune bcfmc chew Wm Lzéw in be-ing,asT= l in fca1‘r:h2x1*g Into thclbottom -of the “whollé illegal proc<*cd:ngs‘ agafnfi him will cvix d.n;_-Ivy appear. 2.‘ The priloncr at the bar’s txhanfgr cfllon, a(mc:fl,l’$l but a llJPPOfCd'— or :1 p.al-Randal of oral‘: Mtmbcx of F£l1'V.l:8l‘l1f.‘,I'l!.',.‘?;l"{. fair A7':lm'r‘-*'H.r‘fl~v'ig,~?n"w1‘xiCh‘:m lmofi he was hm: of Counlll for Mr. Primate, upon 2 1’cri:icmary Appflfilq.Wh§€l'1"'P1}'i~4¥. mate, as the open Bar of the Paz‘l$amc‘nt_., Fr«::c~d falriz lillrutmc the now:--px'iFo13cr at the. 133;-. from dxawhng his {aid Petition at which the Parlfamcm took th’e-iofffficc, and at whofc Bar he avr>,wed*ly la yd the draw‘ng; oflir upon: another 5 and you the prifcnezz. at the.Bar mull be thmuglit worthy to be: banilhcd, and 1to~l:h::.d by'“S-ix‘ /l'rz’Ioz4'r H;zq!c=¥ w'g‘of all his cflatc , lthat at the molt was but an accpflhry to-~a lbandal, and Prémzte the principal, that owned the I”c*t?rion for his , and juflified‘ the printing of it his own order, hath no {uch yunlfhmcnr ac all~Emfl;6ccd, upon h.'m,'~no nor yecV11lis‘A“Cou~nfE:l ' that he avowed drewl it. But the crlmw=of_o..—ul1c lzml 0!,?m'«' Cramwcl Lord Gcncmlg; and Major-Gen. I-Iaxifoat, In for:{holy4dv~llol"v;ng;.Ll1c l’mll*i:2men:, is not cncly a 1}:z«n- dalzing of one Mamba r of Pa*r'lfz~ lmnrg but of all the: Members thc:z‘e:of,‘:as a pack of Rogues, and rm ytc)1‘.s [0 rher thcy were Y:I‘>t~:- lffigdo and int} .» why wcrc: they that made them pluclct up bly~.:h€=~ roots, and -d§flolv'é=d without their free confcnts, and that by their hircdlizrvants,-tham_ l1ad~~i3o p.ow£'~1' either in Law or from thopeoplc for to do,‘ and upon whom‘c~ur of-thcl opt:-o_pllc's'mri~n€ys they have befiowcd many zhoufimd pounds gratuities ?=v-If tl‘)‘(t}’lWE’1'§: V ‘lwiclsizd End unjult , why islthc bafcll; and vil~c£tl ot thcm_cndc;wourc.d-to be f¢XCCt;;1_tc-9; V - ‘ »ul;;aojag .,.1 % "714 - . ggpon. p;'_§[bn_¢1' at the Bar for fuppofcd :t1c1..n‘y‘, and that prixuéipélly by :~Ize.%iuc~a»x1s j9t"thb1é, that com by the letter and equity of the {aid Parliaments Lam, are guazjzy 29f highcfl; ofzreafons, in‘dilib1ving.:hc_;%a;1iamcm by turcs. ofAm‘ns,withom. thcrnfiwm tie: conlcnrs -, and who have bccghaad yet arc,m<: on} y 8; prlnqpsl proi‘ccu£0Ps~of\n~1 C ' we przloncfatthcs Ga: for _l_1is1lf¢“,'tou_g;:tu:t}ing into ms: L.na at’ his Na1iviz,}(_‘(aga_:nft "¢hcFundamcn_:al Law; 8;, _L.Lb:rtics,whic'h u1'a11 21.5 days he naver cg1_1amZ_ucd the jcafi ' ¢‘ran;grciT1k)n):1.f;;x as fwas xorccd, by rc:n_on of Sir Aw-_m Haz_l¢g‘ig.’o.-1.43,»bb.ng‘;.h;m uf’, all11isc.Itai:é,'ta;_5iiirc,,;s xmqachs togc.cljx_cr , ‘co b')rrow_‘.;ll :1ugan:a_ney L'gaL..buughc=-him ' Eircad,a{z.i ifler hg: had commntd at_>ou':;a year 8: a half m con‘Q;a.nc danggr of his life, ' qfb-.}1:;g;x11Lar.1c_r-.d b':y.)_ni :11: 5cas,by the ham is or ch; madpr rancmg,C:’1‘va1icr:.,b'y‘ cu';1j1.ng arcificé and dcfigncs of the p::nfi0n.d Agents ot7..1_9mc 0!’ ch: principallufk “'0f.tho1‘é thin: Hunt in Pa.‘li;;,;n:;1c.{tu fic.1 l1i5£3nmi1hm:nC, ycnin%,wh;_c,h_ At} that they j .‘ xnjecend co b.1x};a1]_1‘ pn,-.:'LicuV..C,u,l. fem L.zl,z'2(m_z_by , there is no grime" of Lgw at all in Vléaw layd. an-co zhg: f4)'_d. L';¢u{:.C9.l_.,_fq';-n L{.’z;lbtJrn’s chgn gs general» h¢§pg.,;nQ__cr§mcs law! 95: fignlfic nothing, as iully aippcars by thc Lotd C00:-'{’8‘ {ccond part at “his-In. ‘.(t.;;u;g5,,’ fa“/,,’.5;v.‘ 3, ,3 1 ;,5 1 3,5 9;>,5;,;%zF,,§'x_1,6 16. and thjrd pa:c,fol_.1 z,15.,_I4; ..-and fourch ' 1e%1:t.fc"»39..3"33;,334.~)/ 4>;aPP¢aijé.&°x W A?" it 111*» Whi°“+=*!?*>_W"4é"*"°110W“h- 3 ‘Ag; fog ghg ¢:’;§;cu;i_qm of M ,9, Lu dg 9m¢n: gixgcn in Pax1;ajgc:1;a‘g§§i3fl ~Lie.ut. CoE.; f 0 H» L}. 1- 2.1% N, E« Waéréaflflfi -the fiflcftfltb of I.ang1a,.1j_}'.n,. in t,be._yeel_:Gf0x*.~ Li/d ("Due-,:!:go:u 7:23;‘! (is: .~»'-._. 1 _ ,,,m1ye’d.] ozr,]‘udg:m.__‘m mu g:v.‘n,_gzz Parham an egg]! the /a. at Lze(4;.:; q!,jol1_m I,_.i1bur«n,'fo'z‘ high; arm. -3 med M;/‘d. gu_uzaur:’h_y. bin, ;a»umnLt'.d .-re--lat Eng. Ia a_fal,/2, ‘mali- ; tie.-mtrtd /ca2ad..'tlom.P‘étztz0n 11,2:c£'o1V9r‘cprg[:.n£¢:{b;o Hi): §ao!zaa’.;nt/~.b;doz[n;- Jonah Pr;§ua’:c _nfLondon Leather-fir er, ml-!:~_y f;y_-‘/21.14-.9 y;"o§gg_xngc‘ A .--(shun : e at ct_;,g ‘ , .221 1_e ‘ j,‘_.{g't.m‘ ,,¢;},g,f~‘~,,’,‘_-.g;; g,,g_;‘,. cl; I.1,'g:.z,4;c'lrttb : Be tbereftra Eluffed J} .392-, pr [mt .1_o_,gv,[,m.;;;;:, auigliby §I2,5qz;_ y g.E,.,b%:{»;.-5 ‘,_ Tbazxhz-Fm; of three 1%!‘-on,/rand pounds am/0-‘ [ed-1;;/a);tbefa.:d ;o11x1,_L).l;p;(z1r,_:)1_:( 1,-'wxu of ]c¢_na;§onmar;t)mecrzl.thf, 2} she fizclgcmelzzf nfo :- aid {ball 12.; fa‘-'~.;.mnml .w.,.;__ _3r.. u.'=_;Pm£v.§o ~L.8=.1’f,_0l t’u..-*0 t e c‘0a2ngogmatr2a6(0r»- ’ £i1zg,?y. [..Aazd b}r1tfuf£h::a' an/El»-1, Tu; 1:11: /am of cm; '.'-aufaui pounds m:pa,"cd I.) '11: [454 ]I:¢{§_.fi.-¥_~J1b,:Q4'fh;'fd!d 1o=-an. L._lbu_rn, tg be pail tg pm":-s Ruflcl, Ed«..wirfl-3w_, wimigm M.I,1;‘m, um Arthur tiquifo, 22 ch; fézd 71.4 i{e;em.flf a¢.n:d, that is MI): =0 Mb qr ,,,€:;,;f,';,;,3 :;»;p;_«;i'/.',_‘-_d,'u';’;‘-<1I1_,‘»‘][.0’ er dausg-"3, flaa?t'bef¢1~'tbwitb paid accowiingly : ,—:-mi - .;;,,, ;;,e,]a;d%3z,Ar:hu ‘ H.-._Lz1v.:m.g,j '3I}._1‘:\ Ru }cI,F.dw.Wiaflow,W1ll.:im Molm, and Air."- ‘thu-Y Sq“-,_b3 ;bé,'.,-_gF3;_ L7,, 4 ,- 4,;.,/1 ,z:_i%,-;;,~n;(=}',a o's,f§1Jlli9a*U..:i;bc [alga remrdy and p, cm a/Aug: 1,; L”, 7-_¢5;';p,- lj iii 51;} [mi John Lilbu-.n,his H cir:,Exert;"a>‘s,.4e{m‘n£(ira.ros*s anzl ”z1fl39'n-;-.va'f0" 5'55 it‘ 91./4,--)A’,PF ¢*"cjf1id Tc‘{}I;é't‘zv4.-_)u:a¢r fa rivet Io abem by lb: fwd 7ur_1gm.r_zj, ,5; the (aidrn-{)7 étivif .~2¢m.v Had been nu ' by !'e=u:mt R Oguv-(;ln€c’3in she 1-mix, of 4 Sta- ""m_fllP[e-Mkmm[~.dg_.d ,,»,';_g r(,.;?; ;’weml.l_yf,y '51:? [and John Lxlbuffl izfon the faxd 1 5 day wtganul. Y 155;, and r’1_ci.’ H-cwz,I‘e%<,::afica by the autbarzlry afo» e{Z1id, zb.¢tfhe_{a/'d john L;1bgm'fl,.».z1 wiibzn mp my my , J0 ’ve scam» d 929% the W! fifteenth dd)’ 9f January . -16.5 r. aflartouca/' Englan-4. Scoilflndx AI'9'\5-11:714. ~¥”~‘“"«“~’ 1fl4"d5- _7"”"’? ~’.‘»’-"5‘*52°7'99””-‘ % ,,,,,,,, ,;,m.,,f_ Am; 3,; cm the {aid jam. Lilhu!‘t.I,dt ‘my a Pzzr .4f'ter Hr ex.{>i:rvm'o24,of tbv FM /(172952!) dd)” to 5'9 dtcauzztecf as 4]}; vfazd, {hall (2. f_p.'1.7l.’1'_A_0' {ball be ruma-nrnz _m:_hm Eng- hnd Scoti’«~nr§ IY‘t'|«'lfl'i) 97‘ within 5171} of the Iflancis, 'I‘er'r‘2«atv‘iN,0/ D0m5fi.i¢735=fl’I£’Y.’0’c‘:b3' « ‘ -- aid ighnL=.1s.m 11 {M1 hem! is Imwy ~«rliuiz°d W "re, W H1111 ‘I ‘ ax «Wm» .W,';;,,;¢g IA,‘/V.;;:$fir_ .af_'Cl='rzi;e. And if-is lafl_l_y_ naélyd by We .»1t¢.’l9ori.ty afkcfard, Tr’: V141’ ‘£17161 r‘ . V 2 ..._ . ’ 4' _ .;. I I ' In . , or ,1 +2210 .1114. Si tb’ ex zratorzuu tbc fa d,gzpc4» dz! %WIlI‘%Mf » go, ju_,m zuzipc I9?“ v V’ fl 9 P t A ,3’ .3" A$‘_W9 E.it':2£é;?,,f"'l7d’IfBo‘:zr,;*af‘ raa:“¢alVzfi):*fa1ibl-Iolwrx Lilbum, be ii:‘E‘ngfa¢nd5‘$%cwiflw,4.bi land, m 4:72) 0}‘ 11:: T1: mrwies,-. 1fl:2rxcés,4‘«%o5= Dominion: tln‘mof,~ [M11 be lm‘eby%aa=j¢zx3g¢-'d%% aéw’-»-» aefléuy af 19¢-£'a.»1;y.z:_fzc'r the.fa¢'i.#‘— Am-ad j'1’m"ge.t, _7flfl“1¢;$,‘M£20}‘J‘,’Bifltfl3, sberrjfs, ukd“ M other @5170: r.»,,:za well Mxliirmy M I;‘~z*z‘.rz'l",% £92‘ tmyw 'rc~-flnvéiim places ,; ‘4fl'B_‘ hereby W; 1% *bzf¢2édmg;1nd4'afi{t:zg m zappremndmg tier Md ]cah~nLi1bu'm;% V A ‘ 165x. Qrdcx V‘~ '.»-E’-' hi5 oumnands; and mmby not rncly E0 mal-we: fl.xv£::s ( 1! he p}ca1g)jmf_aM‘%hxs bwm ‘ ‘ iva-'tc Fog: 1231-? crs,.“ifi "%ubjVc%&i‘h-g then; to Try; is for %,tihc:iz' "lIv¢‘s.‘ b}‘{_:_;ljv'I'i‘i"'1t:t'x‘}"°—7<’:5r&i3‘fiiI:;*:i3' ‘ ry Dixa.-iplmc in (Emits M pm 5, ' whc»n al1V:h:: Cw:-cs*of,;ufi1ce“io;-‘aamin-iming chi?‘ v.%I.:zw am: or <;1:1g’ht"'t20 be: open, winch is cx=prz...'fl’y againfi‘ t‘3l1’(.t"I’ctitio‘h%' 9f "l%{:‘gl‘1t'?, and % dwctc-larcd Cfld\W7hCIC'f0H.£ the Wm were engaged‘ in againfi the Mt’: Kirig 3 Burn 111;: 0*!‘ ' uh»: free pcophz.-of Englairiawthat ha-vs: fmjgrst a~s’hcza1rily ‘§131&H%l*ikhfial1y fizzy" th%c‘pz*‘c:£?.~r.~%..% vatmn or" their L7bé:rt%%ics and Frctdxzmkva§i*1Imfcli*’°§"who have al%c_:1¢_fl‘*y'%%t‘h7¢rcb§' two of the chxcféfi: of tI‘2ei_r fuf1id:a%n=x«é;nu;2l “x*~"?g’h:s "mudFrt¥:dé:ms,“'*u?(."“ % F1; (1,. to have Taxes hat)"/ii upon’ them bMy""t¥1e Ucmcr3=j‘;“'w2g:h tl1Tc’advi&5”é5’F"’“hE§ wary OFfice:rs., hall of'%w’}1orgn_ 3.’:-m@fla1'c 'd‘1c‘ %p‘»;:o‘pifiés hiricd ap'd\%§p5';2j‘fl$fé1vhhfs"5 t'fi5i*i% lull the Weailrli and I%w1‘c:%ca tis‘=-‘Lima: would d¢efl1*%o'y%'§11“ci$r 'I.‘.%'c:::i+et,'§. Which‘ Zshtst m1c:l'1 % contrary to the: e:xpreFs%ue1xuu%r of that 'm0fl7 exccIIcn%tA'Lm fay’ fl1E"I':ité: £’ar1iai1enr,3:Ei* % mhcirrcm:1rk:_=.*bJ1c De'chrati“or;{‘of Mawfbb §7*;tl48." é'aI?Eis "b’f[:h&‘ Petxtxcmof ~ which ex pr<:1E-1'y" {'31 yth, ‘That ml Taxis, .4_yd5', UT Canz'1;zl*z2zi@fl§ %'i:fi1i.¢tc~“1:u,’r ,‘ f/:rm‘.‘! Y1) a;q“pr%r+% for‘; W ;W.m2s, 9? any w4wlwri.'y wlrrat/oezm*,'. £_v e_la;rr1 :§54“‘fe*z'3y:l am): the p-wits, but-by e'e':m!‘-'.-’-j"f mm »:~a.2z;/Z22: c:f“t1oez'r rim/§~2¢‘Drptw*ie,s“ Jar T2 uflbé$'iflPavjléam' art .¢[f' mwed fir I-iMt’JZ’3!d5 ;St{.*'E::“ % am: the Lord Cooks 4 part hxffictitkrfi, chap. High c'a:>¢‘r5% of P'ar‘Iéum_m‘r,fm’: “I % bymhe S»ta‘t1:te1nad-c-:§_m" the late Pax'li%:;1;b.1'c*i'1f§"*in the 17 yccr (b:2ng‘ar:I2:rz‘a ‘A 1M6‘ King, intitu}1ced,_M»%;;*Iéf far‘yd¢A'claa‘igtg* unlawful and mid the late p'«V_’¢!7$‘e‘£‘i13*‘§2.fiiWIi’73‘3""-“ 5.2%.’ 534?? fi2&9‘4:»'y;o§'.1’~‘f‘7}fhC-'Tédfi¢mEf1"!t of :11": judges inthat tuft: is déclfirca ’ andagainfi the? _"gh: of PropriCt§¢s,‘a1tfinué,h their judgcémeVm'fis"w't1‘c ,qrp.~ti‘nti§*di x21§bn;___ m11c!c.plN‘:?fi blitz‘ ’=Q’.xe fiions, -r.«'i-{.5--% TIM: wlmt I52: gut? and ]afin*j+ V "1 W5 K5'7:’1f~’F3' ?‘*fXW?7‘3 _% inane: raw :1, zwa‘ the whale I{2ii2:a'amiu%iu%dangz»r"; z'1aet!::a'_;t'1:“r‘:'"1<' jug‘:fiiight'by:’s«'EI arm: tffigf .,,,.‘ Great Seal of mz_;5lna:c{-"ar11:we¢rtd%-ax? tba%S‘u1z]}'f¢!éF:bi5 K§i,¢gd'm_ at #485‘? rh‘fl'gr& " m!mWMb%rWW3' 51% with am?-.3‘ Vwmlzsfiiw wwwnims “a¥d’;fv7fwfiW W’? V - M A % j ‘ “ A A ‘mt zbeJ.&1(§fr;g_{laaufiI tlilaék fit,f0?t})e-.-defi:-K58 e2z_z:£ftzfi’gmsra!' of tf:ie1%-1g§ngtIamf5*ax2'2‘fmtlr ‘pt rifwienfi danger ‘-2? mm, Whether by wlwrtbe lxjmg Wgbrf cqmptl zbeu;-‘alng .«5mlrmf,, m .tat]t-, of ircfnjail at {Hi f{'¢1flfl7iflc (3. Azad wlaettqct that the King (who was men. at tat mots: ltgal Ma g,~i1h'atc~ than the Lord G€X1¢ra_l~[’tl0I72':5§'*£ll110Wli‘$) were not the jlalt judge 501197 oftloe a’a72ger,‘=2znd wlxm and lqflm the fame it to be p'z'efve.:vzt_crl-anci welded. According‘ to which g1'0l1l1d=3" ancl tcalom, all the Julhces o.£~thc laid-C-;0l.Il'tS_“0f tKingsBencl<1, and Common plazas,- and the laid Banana ol.%=th¢.tExcla<;qucr ,- haviiig been formerly lcomultcd w';th«.by his Mnjafiies command; hid fctthcit hands to an tzxtmjudxclal Opinion cxprcllcd t0'th€' ram; purpofc, T.h:tt%l1c..rn,lght: and yet mltwithflancling all this, thti:s.tlecrtet‘l‘an~él‘d~cl- jttdgctl byall the: ]u.dgcs,~ all luclx Slmp»writcs andlall proceedings tllctcupcsn are by l§.ing, I..c»1‘..d~s9= and Commons, ln full,vlcgal, and tree Parliament , dcclatccl that they wcrclandvatclcontrary and againfi tht: Laws and Statutfis of this R<:al»nt5.an'd tl1cl“'*c-” t:§tion"hof-Right made in the third year ofthc Relgnof his Majtfiyx-ha; :;l'xc.3'1 was‘ find it is tlx¢;»t¢’futthcr declared and c31:ut‘tc:’d by the Authority atore»la=:-»d,t That allzmd eve- ty thc;pattlcula_ts prayed or,Hde11tcd_1n the (aid, Petition of R:gl1t§*fh:1llfl’()l11' hence- l;O1‘{hvl)ClPL_«1\'i in exccution accprdinglyl ,- ‘Aat~1d~.lha.l‘l lac: firmly and f’cri5Uy.holcl‘cn and obfctvcd, as in the fame Petition they are_V_pr.9:ytd- and cxprclltd g“And that alltghct il-"aid ]udgemcnts and Procccelings a»b<;»ut the laxd SbTp money be _v.a'c:n;cd and cancel“ l led} One of the make-rs of which Law was the laid Olziwr t'mmmZ,*t‘now Lord Gt:«= : metal; t atul allb on¢gol"lthttltnpeaclucrs of the faid Ship«n1<:31cy-judges of high-tI'€Ia~== ‘. f<_m,Vlfor 3._r.b,l'Cf$»1?]" fukvcttlers of tl1c_ fit‘; pcoylc of Englanalsttéundamcntal,Laws, Li» , lzvérties, ~-tmcl, ‘Proprieties. l ' Sccofidly, the General,with?..vl1omlt>f Bis Offitété by;-this V‘\«:.l"l--.l‘fl1c"iS*§i'fJl.¢3:l{Ccl I10 joym l-with laim, ‘hath not oncly by their late forcible dliliolving of thc: late l-‘arliamcm, all- fumed tl1cxvhotlc:%Cw_xl power of thc_ Natxon mto his 0\‘\'I'l lmnais; byrmtans of “which alrctulv, by his Dtclaration with the advice of his %Ofl’1c'ct. 5, of the 9 fum-‘ I633. ht.‘ hath zltbitlrarilly layd a Tang: of Sittfcorc thtnufantl potmds pct .n1«’."gn[h upon the fret: pimple of £t2gl:md;..by‘which all their pmpticties arc etmfbundcd and dcfiroycd. For, by the’ famcflulc that he lays Sixfctwelttliotxftmldt pounds Tax avmcmth upon the Pac- plct, he may (when he plenfcth) lfaly fix'lMilllons% amt.-nth uputz them , and lb ad mfiw » as.{.+rgm3 and llllgfofx into hisown coffctsaml hands, atad 11330 lficcxrsl, not cncly all the ptopl-cs treafurc, but alfttheir wlioltglands and tflatts,“ as fof. pin did the {iav.il'l'a E-, gyptians» unto.P£r:mzth,;Gen;.t7;~ ’l‘:>m: that which is worfc, he: hath notom.-ly thcreby cg¢at¢d.a prcvfidtnt tq déllroy all _thcir.pmpriet1cs,bL1t his clulfing the pmplc: Legillam '?tQ.f$ or Laws.-make:-15,. (' .tlw.u‘gl1 it’s PCff1'bl€ltl'lf€,t!l‘»..lH may Pl out in their afticwns (ht: .~jttf’cc:{’c nicn,-in thctflation ) and denying thofr: that never forfeited their Llbcrtlfis in il‘x'¢‘.r lives, ma“ at inhc:ttt1t‘%:1x1cl‘ natural right, he hath created ”a prcficlcnt to defiroy? tliclr l.;lws,.lZ.ibctrtlcs,‘1and~:Llves:, and abfolutcly fubjcft thftm ‘to his will and mercy : wlxicll crime:-s'pt!t‘togcthcr,arc in the eye of the Law the highcfi lftczilbn that cvct I ll.%rqa.d-any tmnfgrcllbrll-£11 the Nation aha rgcd with, ever fincc: it became at Politick 50- , ~- cl¢tytt_or7Natir»n, and an at-El; that the high-cfl of-7 thrc:ctTy.tants or Ct"-f1quCr0r5.,~€‘:ithflL‘ A m}d'cr' tlic Romants, Saxntts; Danes, or Nomtans, dutfl mvcr a.ttcmpt'm put inlcxa mgtatlntm :‘ By means of whlchghtz hath give-n away the jail: and l‘tnn<"fi' Caulk: bdiwlxli l ’l-aha-llfiing amd Parliament , and done as much as in him lxtth to nmkc: all tholcz: mm‘-» ‘ al'ct¢'rs that have fince the b“tg'nn2ng ofthc late Civil war’tnglaged ".31 the Parliammt-_ quarrel .a,qai11fl.tl1e late lilng, his aftions 21§éV§d€fl2ly 2;. the fun dlcclwrhwg it was not ths‘; lsraft far the fccL1_rit1g‘oF tl1c;§€oplc§ ittcmztchcd -upon Lébcrtxes and Fz‘ecdm*n_s, a'l1%,l;u:7 hclhgidlliis accctliplices took up Arms againfl the I(;.x:g ft»? ', but. to pull‘ him out at; la1st'l‘hroncA,llay hIm,a~nd clividc his imheritarfcc ggatongfc him and ljtis 2‘QC0l1_1§’*llC€§5 and then to {crap his lull, will, and pleafurc ;as the peop*«_lesi fl:andi1:giL:iws,i By which "a1aparenit,l‘and‘inV%the faceofthcll’i1‘n‘avow'i::tl prafitices»;-of his,” % he hath all otter the Chriflian world brought more {corn and contempt upon the zealous ptofcfljon of Gods and godlinc{§=,— and all the prctcnces. of lttugling for Liberty andnt1=:c~cd.~nn, then anyoneiman that ever I read of in all the}-lillories of the world that ever tngr eyes wcré fixed upon: yea, and inthc doing of. the forcmcnrioncd tlll1“&gS‘3l'.-ml’! given in the. lace of thefun the abfol-ute and perfect-lye to him»-felt, ands all his many prin, - V ted Declarations, both as he is to be confidcrcd as at ParlLatntnt—nmn, or as an Office cer in ‘Arms.’ And firfr, confrd or him as a~Parliamcnt-man, howmany O4atl1s,Covc-- nants, Protcflations, andlfingagcosents, hath he formerly taltcn_,to tnaintain the cm - damcntal Laws? and Liberties otthe people of Emglrrzrzd 3 and alto, after he had m-,.. ltd the Parliament to be purged over and over, again anti again, and left none to fit; there, but thofc that then" pleafed his tooth, and» by their a-uthoritytakeni away this Kings life ,’ :i1n‘cl»lalt€:1"E‘cl the form of Government nominally intoa Comrnonwcaltlt or free State, did notlhe and his faxd friends or Counccllors immediately afterthag publilh a folemn Declaration of Pain‘. 9. 1648. in theft very words verbatim. l i *4 MA Declaration of the‘Parliamcnt of Ezzglmzd, for maintaining the Fllmdfimcntafl, . . . . Laws of this Nation. ‘ i i % o - » He Parliament of Englmzzi now ali'cmblc:d doth dcclatc,'l'hat they are fully trefolu-A vcd tomaintain, and mail and will uphold, prefcrt'e, andl:€t':pthC' ftxnilamcntal Laws of this Nation, for and concerning the prefervation ofthe liv cs, propelrties,allncll liberties of the people, with all things incident thereunto,witl1 the alterations touclts-W lag Kings and .1-loule of Lords already rcfolvccl in this prefent Parliament _.,’ for the good of the people, anclwhat ihall be furthernccczllary foritho” perfecting thereof 5 and do require and expect that all judges, Julizices, Sheriffs, and all ~Officcrs’and nifiers of Juflice for tl1Citl£1'l€‘l3BJaI1g, do adnniniftcr jufiice, and doiproceed‘ in theirgrct-‘a fpeftive places and Officesaccordingly : which refolution,withthr:ircafonslthcreofg; {hall bc ltcreafteripublillted in a larger Declaration t'oucl":ittgtlfit: Panic‘. 1 And it is l1ercby'ordered*and a ppolntedgtliat this Decla ration {hall be forthwithprocl‘aitned in M1”'£{I'I7BZ'Z$/l£’7'vl‘l£1ll, 4 anti at the Old ‘Exchange -2 and ‘the Judges in their rel‘pe¢'tive Courts at FV.«:[Zmi7z/fer, andat the lirll ll-itting thereof, are to cattle this Declaration to it % be publiltely read. - And the Sl1e1'ifYsinltheir feveralConnricsa1'e to :cat_'1l'e*this Dc:-% claration to be likewifepubl2(l«1cd.~i to 4. % V % % i. ii;.x!~ ls; f it iD,ie'V%cncris,i9 z:emmy.r,» 1648. ‘ 7 i. it V i U«'drre.cl by the (f'olnw2a?zr:zzj].32ztalalcal~-in‘ Parlz'i2y72.mt,"1T1?mt this Décll-mztiazz’ bé ‘fisrz‘b'n*itb‘priic3~ ‘ tied and publzfhed 5 and tblit tl9€i.M'c’mb£’£v'S of this Hmftlidowlalge cm to tbcjuizlf i l‘Z1‘eclrzmtio2¢.iazto 1.“l.n3.fc"vem’lflhuntieswitbilallflzccdl ' ” “ A l i ll ' i i ., .Lam[a2z,cPrinted.by Edward I_-Imbzzmfls. l H.Scobcl, Cleri.Parl. D.‘ Com. : iwhich laidillcolairatioin was backed alffo Withi a large «Sc? pithy onegtlxc _1 7,, o§M61"r‘€b,'. t.a4.s.i which cxpr-.<:licth the grounds and iireafons of*tl1eir"latc% proycecdingsgandfctling lEht:.‘pI‘t:l't’-111; Government in way of a -Frccistatc”. . '~Yaridf§>rbpfictics of ralle t11c;j5€Qpl_e cf }£MazgJ_:zndV, by rh¢1r:*_r§la1fo1fr1_4re%Vwrrl_1jsr‘_ an bplcafures,%%:£i1c{rto' deal wdrfci and more arbitrarily with the hdhncfi, 111113-1 b}tfl1?1t$“th~‘—’_¥¢- raf, then any Conq’uer'or that. %ev¢:rw“enc'1a‘:ro‘re cherri_did,:r1thou gh thern1e1v¢§.,agarra£’c the lztté Krng,‘ ‘ha-'vr;=: in The Kings Cafe fitted, 1:. 2,2; by“j’o%I:7z CaoIg%their%_own Arrtrrrrrfi/* 1G::nr~:ral pub1rL:c1y declared, '1‘;’;rn1t('o»rqur°_,/If 1).: :1 Title or G 0-vcrnrrrcrar fit to be c':.m‘czJ/cal ‘$as;2a22gji‘%Br:r:zr’;r rm-,i 2; 'aZz;=er.s', (21.4: mt émb: Z;:'ajz"‘ Zzmozzg rzmz. And for“any%torav€1‘uS“m£223,;- mies many 2r‘ndr,¢‘r1m1'kab‘le Dréclaracionsg bur: Air 3s,17r1;11 an avermc1}r,r1«renr~wluich _there can be none-': more prcgnanr and friritful in Tr-e:;*.'on rhcn it", as Mr. Jr)’ 22 Pym In his 1;-arncd and rarionalprintcd Argur11cnt,byt11: fpccirrl Order of lhf: Home or ‘(;'cr11- s mons,t1_1e 29 of .,ér'p7‘z?Z 1644. agzrinfc thfiz Ii.ar1_«:>i S!g‘a,{Fb'*':!, avers. % And’ turthrcr , in % pag.6.' faith, The:-re ‘;1_r_%c'te..vv Nguzians-ix; the world 1113.: have- I-mg bccri cc_nquerr:d ; jrrrrxd no dough brrcrlirc Coirquerour rnay give v\fl‘1:_Lt Laws he ylézajt: :9 rrhoie that arc: ¢onq“¢,~¢d 3'. but ‘if ghc Ilrgcaédingpa as and, Agrremcmr%s do no: hmrt and 1'cfir:1inc f? tbét right}, vibat' p£:o_p1.<:” cam bcr!c<_:u.r<: 2 Ijjjg/,fi,1y-:51 hail; bccm coxzqrrercd ,_"a:nd rI‘rz[r'.s‘ Tkrath been cor2.qucr::d 3 “and by t11%3s.r‘<;A-.'.%1f<'2nw'r_.l.2 b: in Ii.EL1:2b(ittC1‘ cal: th«;n"I7'c’r'r:;2:r;::’: % if the Kbng" "by the right ef :1 €L3(":r;q&1L'1'<,:rLzr'g)ivc Lawcs to. his people , {hall not tiic } people byrhc fmre uzafon bc;’rci‘7corcd% to the right of nhr; Con<1wi:1‘€fi;. to ‘recover 5 r_hei.r l1b%ert%y‘iFthcy ‘c:m?T wha; cyar-‘1 be" more lrurrtull, rrmrc pcrnrcioutgto both; then ‘pfilcfh propégfirionsfas theft; w}1rcl1r'11L1I’t'r1e:d:. bg rnpfi EI'L1ClY'3'VCrTCC{,'§ h:'wc:r%11o<:nd ‘S aof bloodyihéd‘ and rm-%.rrdC'I';. 31'1d‘i11'1th‘<:$mi11:r2c:. bc-fidcsrhar tongue can exwefs , or Wheart canima Ynés? 1-?:.x:1d it is ’i'mpo{fibIe that ever the honcfi pccplc oi Erzglmd Kfhouldintrufi as iralf-'<:)n1’:113‘3IJ.f'L11‘L:rl'1<:y4 have done). the Gr.-zncral rawnd hrs Ofiéccrs gjwich the cbfcody, and prcir: rvarion of their 1ivcs,%1ib::rtir:sr, fi'ecdcms,md prciprictics, with any the 1c:;{ti:1r<:r:%ti!;>n,rj1g1:rr whim they had fubdrrcd their common cnemiesflhcy ‘iffiouldrrihbduc r11e2.r%fi.rn2i:rrr1‘:r1t;1$1 laws and rights (tor the prcfervacion of which , the fionly conrcfc with the cpnrmérn c-‘:nc*’r1";'y was bcgun) and ‘tb¢'.:‘1j1 givk: thcm"rj‘aJ1aw flow‘ing rgfromtheir L1.13;C¢,1'C£1l1‘1 dficzrcrionary wiils and p1c:afi.u'crs. %Surc lam, that righreotrs dep rive thofs:.r.hat: fiaycd with the ftrrffofrrn c'qu:1lfl1:1 rc in thtz‘ Ccr-nqrrcfr, even with Eithofr. that went out to fight, I Saw. 30.21, 22, :23», 24, 2. 5. 620. Ahdj‘rig11rcot1s%arrd juf’r'Abmbczm, out of h1s%%‘;r§Fe&ioh to his brot1=§c:r"I or ,'vcnturcd hi_srr1-i%fi:j‘by.f"orc "of jf;Arims, to redeem h§r"r1_. from 111;; c.:1p_r,&vir.yr , rand with him.-1 1-edcmrrer;r lthc preofplg of .the Kingrjf sajom, and r}:rc_irV‘ ggc‘>"d.s,; r_rFt.<:'r’ they me <:5_vr{:rr11r'iow"ri_%in pitch: barrel‘ : afizer r:§"v{zh‘:cI1 vfafmnt ar1d’fricnd1y,,f<:r vice, the; King of ,.S'-aaiaw im:rc:u':¢d’of x2'b'r‘alr_.m'??2, to give hIm:heAp:*rfons,_:3nd to mke the gcocls to 1111115211‘: rmro wlwich the rrghrkzous man an- fwers (alE1'rough“rI'1c' Vliing of So:-:7 mwas an alien and fi;ran‘ge1j*::o h3l.T1'fiDd nl1his,and 4~%_}§Ilvth‘ar hc‘¢}1ad rf.=.'1;r‘c'1"1“"\*s;rrrs byjqur p_r;¢f:'nt Clrrifiiazm Soulrdiér's Marfhal-l.*1w good I have "liffiup my hrtn‘d_"to 211:: Lord (as the prcférrr‘ Gcrxeralharh ofrcn dc.:.n::, I;£rr1d%Toleria1f11j{«p_rot€£’cc%dand fi{I_orn,.%,to%'n‘ia%ke this Natlmri--frxzc and h::§ppy), the m"o£3: r;jhTigi“1 God, Vrhc ppffcflbr of hc’:u37c:i.an—d”carrlr, that I willrrot take fronr :1 thread cfvcn _~?__;t<:» 2. Ih'oa;‘13rchct‘,A ark} r__h;rt I W1”. not 1:1-1-.:c: arry rhir1hg,~that% is t}rl~n<':, lei’; £11014 {horrid - rryfifi l"ay,“I'havc rrmdc: .,'»s(.i2;-'.:zb.cz‘;;z rich. .And«.~honr:i‘r and Uodly ( not in word and fnew, [fjbur in rc;a1 Vfirbfiantiarl L'aL‘ ‘.7ior1s) Nelm:=azz'.4.1J, w11crrr.11e%cryes of the poo:-rjrews and‘:heir %%;;w1~:cs rm-‘e jrMc‘ryr g3rcéa§;1q,y‘1‘¢afrar1 of she -{word ma violcrrcc. or t1‘r’c:ir"::gdvz:’rfa.r3é:{s,and __ §‘r§*1c gjrEn‘d‘r1jrg' o%pprj§£Hfbn §§fthc}1‘NOBl‘€SaI1d ,rcé’t n1cr':,;]u.Pc 1w’cl9j{:*:2';%iazI97%'xr}as v%c1'}jangry jigs/‘11<3%r1‘A h¢r11c;rrfc3. r1:cpr5¢r}g¢~op1:scry, and rc%L1:E¢d%t1}¢"Nr3b.1cs Q:in%t1%'Rgt.1%I"€rs§7 f c>”1"1:hc:*1r‘ r.§;%i§‘r3%p-}‘5‘ifcfliori,and far :1” grcar :.1rfl7:'rnbIy°-agi1in{t' them 3 and faidunrcir thcrr-r,Ir“is not go<”::d% j__jthatyou dogoughr yprr not to walkin I-:hC fear of our God, Abecaufe» of the regrdaclx ‘gfjof the heazzhen our enemies?'andmadcrt1:u:m rc£¥or<;r_1_;or the poor peogle their rmas, VEneyard'z,thc:ir Oli;veyards,andr I:1a<: ir lrour%fc?_s,z@*¢.r1aat% they had.t?akcn,_rby ufiiry, r [gird to be arconq-uc_%re'd Nation’ , is no: onc1y."rcr:p".1'cfly againft thcr rcnour of rf.h'e' Ara. % Wand jufii D;e42r'£"caI‘lss 11101}: Fons of-' Bclirzl, and wickcd men, that wm:1ld go a3:-«J11: 1'0 A ;g ;:z%rr1%cIrr gpgrcflion {remt};£crrir,"1n%r11¢d:zycf rllcixf Qiraités ranckglamirjt ; far was ‘ "thitt juflrand right»'ehiti9~i»i't1l;;in‘ it-he d‘ay§*ofi theirgiwatfatcfirhd lliotitonteifi with theit ‘ enemies for.thei1r‘»li-bertiesandvfre'ed7omes5 from going frown pootand 1;1*1e:;incond1- i 1 gtiewfl,-V..t0.:bf2»WprEl’1i7i1l8ny thoufahds‘ a ym.-~i amonge them , undo to exercife more then iptincely jurifdiéiioniiand Lordihip over them by his will and pleafures in- robhing them otall theiriiancient, native, fundamental rights and freedomeg, that he did the quite contrary : for, faith h~e,whcn the time came,l was appointed to ‘be their iG<>vernour in the ilahd hfvfmlaib, from the‘ mo year to the:i3 2.3 “year of'~.A"rz‘2z-.ia:ti-a*- west the King 5. that 1s,twe1yv‘e years’-“I and my Bretln-cn om-ire not eat the bread Ofitiiifl Govemogts 5% but the foxfmer Governomfis time: had been before mtrgwete icihar§_;e’:E hie i unto the people, and lmdttaltexz of them bread andwine’; befide$fo1*lty Shekels of silver; yea even their Fervants bare ruleiover the people-, but (0 did not Lheycaufe ofithfe fear of God 3‘ yea alibi continued in the work oF'thisg‘Wct-ll 3% neither bought we any land, and all my férvants were gathered theithcr unto "the Work. Moreover, there were astvmy Ta. ble I3’o of the ]ewesyan‘d -Rulers” 5 beiides thofe that came untoiu.s‘lfro1ni":m1ongi the ~l1€at‘-llenmtlmit areahoutuia :" yet for all this itequired not I tthebtead oftvhe iGi0vt~‘i1eat1rjwbecttufe [116 ho11da.‘;g;e was heavy Lzipe-n’: "the people his brethren and ee-ufntry-A-1-nen 3 u and therefore in the cleaflncfs;V0f"hi&;l1c:art,:1nci the integrity of his foul. he cryesioutg "Think upon me my God for §_§ood,e’ now without their fitting iagain And thrttjeinfiiiecial and : extraordinary afis oi’ Pabt1iarxalenti=(=~:ts 't.1’:I€\ aForefé.id“A£i:‘ ‘of Bariifliimentyis ) » there ought in Iawto iebeiplain, €'V3d¢m:;.and. fixll words, (efgecia My when it doth concetn* 1ife)'to~iden1enfirate1t aWnd.:ex;--i pref?» who {hall finally" got the {aid Aft: in execution. And that this is LaW',,.tiJf: fame Parliament that imadde the forefaid Aét of Baniihmentdoth efeveraly A-Ere Knee fully iiiufiifie this‘ the*pri{'oner at the Bar’s averment of fcveralof their yA<9cs ofPar1iain€nt3i‘* as ipartieularly that of Angie. i6'5o.imitu1ed, A72 AH‘ to prolaibit ell» z.'ommet‘t.eietzd‘traf’- fight Izezwem Eng1a,nd”&nd.t$cothnd;~, and eizjeyn. the depertwe the Scqzsrwj of; tlairj % C0Wi@a?117n7c’:€l2b.. £115: Preamble or b~:gi;1n3x3g~of “Vvhichathc mifC11ii3'V0u5 ndéfignqs 05 the *sco:iflmac1on %arc%dcc1a::c*:d, ahdtheir com)p€1‘l;ng oF%E7:g”la:zci"t<3L.mTa1;c war L:z,pQnf; them. In the body of which AEt”it'is'd€:c1ared "(for the taking o%fr',+ as,:he Aft fa‘it'H, all p£gc‘:en%ce of ignorance) afid”e"na&cd} Tbat"zz[l~+md e'z/£73} p[rjan4a2_f pcrfanxwériain this Cémzmazzwcalzb Qof England) or the Domizflians tI<2e'rcrof,A that ‘llsmllfrram and ;dfi€7“ 2‘I9e.5.,0f Aggntfi I641. ufi,-bald, er maiiztain my z*a;'2"c>flas«7zde,72rfy or _z‘2ztéliz'gc*7‘zc¢ wzwf ;'z:;fz_y1q%hp?c;7'j_§v2z.%%;2r%$% f2€;73j'0’7”Z3 of the S'6‘0£z'flJi9i'£I15Z.£J‘i*7,‘$CC.:0.9” tz./J z‘zI2cr,;:r, i.[i?,cw2z£c°72a22cc,orfgzgtottmge tf!ae%j‘zz,zal Sqa-; r:é{19 ml2a;¢gar 472} atberpei'j'0?¢ or _per cm .¢za’{9erz772g, to them , Z-72 Z-loczrfwar agaznfl z/‘as: Pczrlza. mg;-zvt and Coiizmeiézwezzltb%0f:Engla;1d 3 orfball go or fcizcl, air czézzfbro be f eizt e%r"'cq12fé2g yfgli aézfirg we22,momy3,lm;fi3,;zrms,; m;:%mz4z3itéon,,_ar other fiarnzrpm of W, pl¢zte,ga_a:is,ar m;wjc_b_2zgz-;_ :2lz'._{é,m*I a;l_m _/izpply ,wImtfa:~vcr, M.-fa SCoVt1an_d;9r t{?2_}f_}702‘t.S' or jzlvczkccs tiacfc of; 3%‘? 41! dm1;c--; vvwW9P¢’fwaja»‘.1>erflm5fir o,fi*2W2.§» w1t1mur1Lirch1iC€nfi= as is F‘é‘+W’—3¥?. n“"I‘1y:‘Q€I‘1.ti0‘\‘nC'&)“‘ fbzzfl be ;z:l]itdg'c (£ Trgzyzofs 259119125 comm azznwalzb, and {Z2411 mzdcrga ajlfitlae p;zi22;s,pc2zaZ- \ r’ :ie:3a22df,bzfi2zf2?z;re5,4; 2.2z%&;2fl-1_of/3igb«z;f;2zjBn.%lAfi,d§éi1chbugfh ti3¢\5¢5>E$ Wfiffi atprcfénc as g1f'c'ate_n<;r_r_1 ies to thcvPé‘r'liamént, zis t11”"I’:ir"1;cbu1d%imagin’e anyp¢;f1ons.2;::1aé‘wm-Jga; couldube, anddzlnc ofiinccs aforcmentigned of any of them againfitlns nauon‘ as cri--% . niihcjus, am" the tirm: aé; ézrbicraryga timf: a‘ tune of waxfjas could be imégi-med; 'yr.j.c‘t',h¢ }.1’ar1iamcn%t w%ou1dbe fo juEc;este%n4to _£h‘;mVg%:rs and ;i%1icns,ang1%pcqp1c%dt a for-%-A ra_ign' nation ,as not rc>1‘c:.1v‘c %%'t1*1c1i1 2;1?l;$3t5rar)'r for their tr"fanw1'g1jéf1'ions‘, _§~.’x;“o.‘b't:, pu%x;ifl1c%d b‘y_wL1_o:I'1;$~vcrcf;%$}v1¢a%fcd 5rFc%_Icé 55 in3~bu{e.ingu1pIc and“j)1ain1»vo.rds.‘fixeth up-«-;: on the perfpns that are to dd 3: o1';cxg:cu:<: it .5’ thmgéforc Ehjé: A€tiex'%prefliy.f2iith,’ %’1"£2e fitme oflénc Es [ball A113 nag/z4i7ed'e]’;.27';}d;’_,;%% jzsdgpd, and "dcZ‘};'f.;*7Z‘zii?&i Eygtige §:¢:v;'7:g1%?z'flE'eé/f%z_(:%:rf.sj -far the. {pig/9% Cagmt offas/lice, Intel} e(izz5lz «{/9v£=d", in f:¢cI‘a m.-%27z2:%;cf(' 4224 fexzgzmr 1a).*_1:1e'r qfiééacfes 2:1-A. e'e :mjr refermd tam): paxver mm C_0g,2zz'~zzzzr:: of that Court we :9. be.%lac{;m£7ggzzdpictcrarzincd; And in thc._fccc.;fid par: . bf the A 5%,: 1c._;';na7kers of}: come yo. dcc1'arc it trcgafonfor any pcrfon or perifiis of thé,.SMcotl£h“hautiori(without1'u‘c1i._§Iipé11f;:LS'iStht:rcin mcnpioncid) to‘ be %f'(>Li1%_z;$c?1%f%§iVy.;ji(Mi3t[h1r3$1t11e Linés of Cdmm tlnicatiofif a{E¢F ,4/"itzg7.io.I53 I, And 3:} the: ghird P1333? tIA1<:%‘f;z_%idV .31: 1ii'gh}crea f'on%%t"or Anny‘ pcifon or gcrfons . ‘of. f1}§.§m5Cdtm} 11’:w i'<:in) _(wi;I1oLit’%%1ic‘enfc as is%thc:re.in’m%c§1tioncd_)A go gay within the % li- m1;_;$ of thc “(‘3Aqn~;;11onw-%c::1c1';‘ after; Sept.-I . 1 651. ‘ .Yc:_ch¢“ P1-ifo;-ac: gag: ch; ._b,ar , as he iaith before, cloth now avow, tghat zhg. faid..Pa1:l. th;1’:;‘a:§~1;1“c1c_t_l~1e»1’a%id A&M,Wyv@Lg_1;ci bu; 170 W men we ~4fimr2ge4rs:and a1AicAns‘,and :Pc%oP1¢:%<2fra forrnignAA94ti9%r3a %:.s1m°f;: mauve A =h¢mAarbitr-14ryJ%For thfeir ¥’1‘3nTgr¢ifi%o13§:;1:0I:b<§%%Pt1ni5h¢d.byavflfiomyvmfimPi&¢AaT¢d,;£1rvfiWtosir V hbildfiri pht 3 bu:in;a;a1p1;4;.;;;<:1 p1aJi_nFyiv_ord's”fi;,§ct’11 ugqn“ z;11.«cfpjc}:”fc2.ns%cY1:1: jzgrc {Ci}-_" do it,iQr'“é};3c§Lzt¢:, fit _a_nqdr_‘h§fcf'or’§; chc A& again (:3-gprcfly ,fa.i;h:,1 Ti?/'é:?Z% the,hf4i;*r39f=,A&$ r11¢mfe1w:"cs «:1: 5:11»morcjfi211y.iiP£5¢a;rraA%unrc1;v?h:ic11 €*1€%=Pr3fo’n¢Eb4:% :.t.£I1c=%b1rfo.;j I.1'mr¢:fafcty rcFcWrrc;h.h,ix1;%fc1f. : A. V n .. . :.f3:.nd 1%?1?c1§?,:11¢.%prifon¢:z‘ at t.13c; ha.r»forAAAfi¥$fihé%1% Pica rank. ?1"13i1f~¥$éurieC%01;félm113%-.:%' brzm indnfied %ingt§1<:%1VE1id I1‘_l