Concemimg% the LE C T I O N or W’ by The» Newcmb. near Ema» Cafllexn ‘Tbmneflreet, 41% a; upon {omey «"lateVA difcourfes whicli ” , ‘ % th_iggs—Aféla:ing no the prefent cita- .A blii’hmcnt‘in ourGovernrnent, and A A of that queftion of Hereditary or ,»_ " %Ele~&ive fuacefiionfidid then ti'ot;g{ ° ' " A ;b»l§': you with the reiation of my ‘O- rcafons and 4a»tgument¢~as did? then ‘occur, for the efiabliihg .;~V_3,oAuV may pIeaf¢‘%V to fetnembcr; ’A’tha;t ’ paffcd bc;/WeeAn us‘ concerning form: .4 ‘ pinionk therein, and give you fuch A mentazf “both: And which .might: fcrvc by way of anfwer A fl ta %.thofc ordinary objeflions made to the concra.1:y,which in maiidpus. Pamphicts or othcrwife were vulgarly fpread’ :4-A , A gzzad, %b:oAth t«9’dftfa*ff¢& %thVe%Ie“, Atwbreed apdifiaflze A aahd;Ajeai'1>lie them> §g,g;1d'LVcg;;; co;;:inué“‘themin‘withut them. Whereas he that ' qo11£i,c.§ex5sMv;~t11a.t% his’ é1ie€iiiotfz1ficomes%& from, W and is made by the u Peofilfi. Will! prAobahly;as:in;gratitude andkindners to V ch em,¢ .; M a , r . thefe and;Afuch f1ikeAd'fcburfes and?‘at‘:g4umer1ts n 1 “ :he5Ia»:£1bi;iéa;us heads of ’~Afome%¢p%erfofis (difaffe&‘edto%gthééw prefent Gevemmcnt,or:indeed.to4 anyLGovernme£1tJar% a’1I)r have _of, Mt: , fought, not only‘ to %4eftrange. :the%%fr;1ihde. off% ' both ParIiamen%tmyMQand Attmy 0x1_e.tOWard$4a;Vn0the1‘,d but +'toL:;, fpxfeadanjtmiverfail.A%Aj€g1loufieeV4andA difguft‘Vaga%infi lrimw ‘£113:-t.\f:.1 is new om: lgitsgbgzj, P%é%wér% Th3;t%fQ§:as%»und¢r;%%4 'jt;h[e Aiss=odiiim§m1d*%‘% f11f;‘5iti7<:)rfi1} thfitarbitrélry %GOV€1‘ntn¢r4mWhicfimaytbé a&ed.= by om; p.e;:'f0}:J, tllemfa-1ves.Amay,% more,and1n%grea;, % } N t§I*.¢I.1I1)1I1'i,i9e_1f3,‘1%J0tI1 %3:¥. Committees and el:fWhére,‘%by V €Titu.é“‘Ofl M titlfi and countenance ‘of a Parlamermfiilretai1:f%; 4% V :6 VzLn,;%vu~n1i%mited powéi;V%%tVo%; i}:AtVtl?e%%A a:nd% di'fpE>fe~ofi4 thevL§%b§E§ies4Aandwfoirczmes of others% as?"they?%vfl1aI1 feawgodd; A * 4% ’ aI:§§“ga2g4gI1%vw «'f?Qf":_«V’.'the' prefent theremay not %be»~‘VVfc%)~muchV.r fia¥:of a1ui’t confideratién of Eh? appr0‘- % v¢d~m9de;ra:1o:1VandJrdxfciplincof» the’A‘:~whpleeArmy [h¢f'“. ¥'i%<¢ ¢0nfiden4tlyVifay nczafiory makein~A% ~ 17tance: ~ -fiam:e in“) yet;ccnfidéning}:h*:am%;asym9rt9£1§.in%ifhe&;4:;pg;t‘icfi3 V(3i[c0nmissga£::ce%;pur§iQf饧rhmughc TV :they¢%:m Q »m:~to;*1:«1rae fl1ock.:ofaAbAattaii,wthea::csAmmon ;« r _ % I w:cawhe,_b A ‘u é%thin~é % ('6) lax:mc§11bers5iM%aa:Ki:‘haw;?%thaEIiflreafcemhc vhopfiflf Em: f:.;tl1e }§3j1.frna“¥‘~“7]?Hd17.k{'.y‘\ w-pom; ;TQfi€f’.3IIiZbiC‘i0flflT:3:§§€1_ ém-9 1-afiice%¢amd gmifiudeagi M ~ .. ‘ ; Eh. Ins fia;t‘:er:§% . 22:: j T :4‘ ‘Pi have:hecnVa&.%iW¥"have e::;Bm:.*;fas;{i:;c[ ;iséa7ppa1'=‘e‘n:t:7t thatcti$mi;iéiéi:?i*:hithrflh mherssg :f;;,;;Aamb:37gfl5 th-emvit -. AA ’ jmf i A A‘ A ”’“3 f§ ‘then £01156 :Athofighc:wb1m;":t 1 A %;ahc;§+:Jeadc;and Cmargdc_1~is y A ‘W '4 7 '3 , Q _wé,‘m W . ‘ ,» *1, « 1" ‘ 53 W; ; \ sh; :« o w'.:. ,7 _ ' ‘’;.»:J:*? . V1‘ y and ,1‘ ’%fiJa:1dr.’ex§eept?e{;;d“: » dam A M .%fiYL'g 6 W A file‘ 5 V € ,i‘:W€§ fhéuldw4 ~f;h,a§r¢:"*'V umf A = * ' fun? Axnqwiwana d V *we»:%th»¢1r};.Apr:f « ‘‘«..‘Q N , c ‘ mi‘ _ . M __, V ::1';hse scrf0§i%n9=w~:[in ;4A:Ap0efl7iQfi,::i3a3mdM ‘ al:£o::1.iz1L ;n%%tl:vm: gojd%V:;V~ai1d% tranq1_1aixt3f‘&0£ 7 A ” V 101: e having ;m;o1£ fia11‘h:be’fehn*eminent and forward in this whole daangerihotrauhhesh \ gait enter«pri£e;hwas not; thereupon, proportio*nab»1y inhgrcapefi: whsarefoxthc‘ if they think it h "reafonable that-,4 Izhofe hates»; rhonours p which » byhhsmeansh, hand as: in E-ex:;1:1{rdAg$fh “:'thLe»irV7.h publiquehimhployment are come into their a " ] im~lil«ze:‘mé}nnerhhas:h they did to others hhefare, they mm}, ‘uh! now remain mhereditary to their pofiericy, ‘ l§%§}O;l1h:fhC‘faméxlfie.»0f,'.CqUity;d§2F€fmiI51€‘that >‘th‘e>1l&ke“'iS£ molt j,ufi2ly;hdue$hto thc:Prate&0r 6:: hssffamxly a1fo.'If anyaf them by h“hhmea:nshhof his own milhitaryh and pubhck imployment,” » j have wenchrrafeidcfia:e=hhor«degree fo far as to he bro ugh: . t0h.rhejrafikc. and :ci:;1¢;e>f Efq—a1h*eh,wilIh he he «contenht than fl;Q‘Eh152hI1gV”hD§afihi‘Sgfhflzllvdfifcwfnd-«£01115-{OM12 P Or if hhc have 3 '1 ‘ " *baéh§@0nte?hmehgexercihfehhand henjoy al this hut«durinhg«* li£eh@nc1~y,~\md Jthefl fuffehr éb0E11"th€ «acquired care and: A ~h~ hhh~hdhfi!ip:hno§refit ;at‘4£h”E;é¢i£Qafeh»~ofVvuhe hT¢nants,or :cho;~fe hawrerwwh ‘V awnvfm;mérhh=h V A ' TemncgmmdMabcdi;énce,h»fl1duld now. vrtak-eh A _‘ them 2 .t0— ¢§ifp..o{e;:a£§Iigy: h . : mfg . h:ua1hy;ehaxa@1fx¥is&l%e»di{h'e»ssiashhfimifhh\1egywpn.+tIiei:z » I. A phr£s5h.jliachéhot:1ohhfl”neéhnéd E<‘fl1i€S~G‘0gI?1W,dh§i@f3‘=3A‘§hll52’€h0 arather %e*~"f_tt'1'¢%l? hblew wfimce» heha:~’%€ommanwe:i1%tb§n«for: * h B using» unwhhhir. and» A emtheof ‘ ’ A .hhhmIa¢s.h; ai¢r:his.h¢b~1ht;hii1§hixiwftv perfbns ‘(halt have ibeen molt - e iminlentlly faithful and a.,<‘:'tive A ,.AabQVe»others_iin‘che fupport Qifilt and-ithem, flxouldll my goed iequicybe ieffaredfiin ~ tlj1of;e_Aplsices* arid powers iwhichlii are of greatefi craft ‘and ~benefit. I-“or if':th~isiApl4ea~bhc: no tegoodfiheire” A V are examples and "pirefidentsienaw-~t0bE fftchediomz of fared’ reign parts fbotheforl levelling of Gentry and Nobility, and hallo to ma-lceylthem m0rtae1'with~the parent, and todepend -one the arbitrary difpofal? of Qsliezs; i-Buwt if they wou1dlnot,AA for their parts, have it well taken to haV€?a1C€K‘aEi'0fl5 pure apohfelyledevifed and fetvé>in‘foml: ;to‘ltaI:;e’iefrom them ‘smdithieirs what theyhaéi (0 highly defetved, foilcadthey (not but judge it as hard and unequal ufage’itmva“rds' bthers. For, did» any? of them 1eyer‘heAarAor read A that the ?Sovera“igntiyrof this?! lace-i wasiever éle&—ivei?7‘l%lIflnof,', doe itheyilindeedi—thwink'nha1:éthi§§ ii ‘ man that now-‘haéthit, is,for his part, fo lmuch théworfl aim: imoftundeferving ofanv irhar ever-h.Y.e§l‘ru1.ed5A l slar he exemplary e infamy ethd difgrace, 1 A broughtA; the prejudiceqfhislpolfierity. I would’ derrmnd ofr:lny5?plf‘*the‘lrn4 chain %:A;@f~ch1ldren”; Wag l A not *the.IAwhof 8:; Of *theirA?‘l1f()u‘fe Aggie »g:;e-at rhcfi-lei rive itE(1)£il:I'l1A§‘_li’ndei‘t‘dkiI}g Did they not heiforehand iknojw, that ifchegz hhdilbeemi theiinfamv and ~1ofsaccom- i ll '9 epdn}ging'1"AfaitoTrs and “‘TreafonA%(eVer17imPuted.«to:J;hgeWeaker light-oniehleir then thémllelves? : fhérefolrefince éltliéfekt”lieim’*ehlildi'éi1ll ll efpeciallyi of fuch asihavlei b'eeinr-‘eminent [h;iaVelrun“th,ei5iri {hares in? the hazard oftha: fharnel and lofs which did attend: A the fnccefs, _Aat1d. Athe¢1gtAeatAc%f’c [ {hare ‘A tob in A the“ perpfiltfliltyl theifeofi; ~~ éfhey «cannotiétherefore ~butlcohclude,xshat, ‘r 1:h{ci11lown;lbut:A the rarcjei of think almthat dttie? wove lthem», mufi;bylgo6dtight,~cIai:ne to efihtéd andferledimalei fuchiéi herecfitary O’ffices as AAtheirifatI1e1fA floodfeifediv of, in ’rexvai*d” or acknowledgment of their: pa;flAfervicAe.i l Tghcrercan behoii‘ A A man {Q :AwgaAkA of judgment »or‘lex~per_icnce,: -but may T ec0n¢.éive”th? A A ‘m;ntempt"ahdi*j5unii ihfliaed dlmthe. l iekwould *hAa{Avfiel:l? mdré I high 4 1 1 1’rorrAFiar”then ofany other, care he had lfieenifovcrcpme : ’ . , " A ' ‘Nor -v 1.4}, . ,A «kl or 4: fi117rA~?elyA ca;n5ia;nyAbc f0tdeV~O1d of reafon é>r“‘c0nfcienCe,. as it A inwt tol‘clétetti1i~neAithat by good confeqtiezéce they _d'oe there: : t’cén¥..~ 1 this fuppoiffiht-10lnA5of i.d,ue?1mto>alll Ba§tn1lics., and gconfin *up0n7defer¥Veilial{:0‘tobe continued in thc highcfi iprefermem ' *tlsn1tlrdoth ~be1o»ngl@toi that CoAmn71oanwealt“h iwhQf¢% caufe they ‘ mtaiiitwined-,]AAan:d$ Aforiwhofc fafety théylwett put it into firth ' A A ‘ " ’ A»f;iiBucl;%mircolmle y;et;njearer~ to themin their Propofals for A” . Equality: Dothey think fitindee_d, thatevery perfonancl every engagecl in 7th’it5 ’ C‘3.U1lE,A % fhonldenjoylan arith- A meticzrl ttpropAo‘rtiofr0flpower "and advantage with that of A A their fuplerioirsiybothiin elefiingand being ele&ed2 2 Why, then muft they pot>rcl~_tAA’Cottager and Mcchaniclt of allcomc A iinlwiththcirl equal voice tollchoofe, ii anclalfo with his equal itutnifor being kloAlr.ord¢rl0ffinch, ind f0A‘l5Yii%1lnli’A¢'l1Zfict ‘cut at ‘N»2lt1bniAiAntoiA twéiiii gqualitiesg dAneAl fhgf‘ A A fhall bfeigguallytand; altogether uncapable of “having Avoice " iefltiiialllthfitit fitfi «lvencured landfilfleld thatl A the A ii s " . ~both“t‘h4e Eleétorsi andvfi. AAA t inlitchwovernrqent, atI1dAthe~orhei-of “being icon}... ) l , i “ _ . i V an4At:qi1allycapztble of b0thf( as in till elective M0,? l nairchiesiisiptattifed );t_h;en1 by the ‘if9§mg> rule ‘of jiufA’cie¢llthaAc ’ AA:~»:Ejh€«37 obfewe _aAiclifl:aiy:¢,%i:iand l ~ w L V l A profit, - b¢19Wfromha‘- ~ A i »fome~placet".of' ‘4i§c0‘mm3Ud0:r‘ V A .v V ‘ ‘ Q ‘M 9M A t:1¥:£’ ‘ "V. ‘M . V ‘V . A d ‘ “ Qf all. Amy: .§mlud¢ A } kagain Whi¢h is hi8h€?*~ Bor%itII}fi%r welibt pxgfumcd,:hatA hclfis as ngzch abovt: {hell} ofthe lug _ 0‘fcq:ia1ity, as they agaxn an: above $593: that art If look £5? mmples and Palm’! twb onexy places Where‘ there is’aAfove#1'aign Magifixjate dc — A fwd with» any ¢9%mPetent 90W¢r)aW€ firldthat Gerwérv: V ‘ mm fic21fcAci.y4%madc%Ajany th0ic£bu%: out of zhtin four %gtea: L P}%ami1i:s 0%‘ Br4r4cnm.%5wevi4. Bavaria. xaasfiria, mu 4 . V m2tking‘%cha%iceg3f nhofc V §sLt*‘orE » mt, rch ._ ,'t, L. n v Kw % R%}léz2#é1,¥%:h¢i»r[St ;»,J_ ‘ wry ‘ L; L "...(r=r ‘ We-.#v“‘_.w $”é7».:‘-4£» : V A 2 [1 mm 0 A A we Ar - A 11 m » V : “‘7'{x'Pk fr» -'~ ,1 '-J" ‘ "’~’{ W *5‘ "" ‘L L’ ' . ‘___ “«'Hr:" IV M,» M . b ‘ Q g , : - M1‘. ‘in ' ~ fin‘ . v .- - ‘ - ~ ‘ A .‘ I ‘ « ‘L ‘ k ‘ .1» “.. firm -ir 35 r .1 A; De di4%‘znEng1a»d;fo che‘Fran¢I;4:a%n A . ,. . I?E%w§,lmk ab: M w. «I at * ’ V A i _ V \ > '.' , " _ “ 1' mi!‘ V‘ . 4 V ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Q . , ‘ 4 I .,.v-":1 f F “.x ‘ ‘ > Can. - :‘ « ,‘ . ‘ ‘ ' _‘ ' v - ‘ " " V ‘T W i q { ‘ at sh. %%fi1h.;e% . qnqfi ax; 4 Md % ~ 7 - % I-' 'V Eh .; W -su ‘ if ‘W“‘9wmf‘-rs “ ‘W!’ F H,‘ W "_‘ ’;.H;;~‘,'r<’._W mg \ ‘ " " 7 ‘ M , , 3'" w , "v g .‘ -r ‘ »_ ‘ ' - ~ , M__ > ‘ . ‘ ‘ . . ‘ » r 1; E q. 9 HP; :‘¥*(fi:) ' fimmfi mine nnarmore of I ‘ . ..m’*'.« + G W“ ' ‘ " « - a, \:‘ “ ‘ ‘ . . .é, ,. I ‘ cg, V thaw‘ .. ' ,. ~ ' . Bus: 4 ‘5 », 5 ‘W i - .? . - ~ neh=% A um ta 1 _ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ . 5 “ ‘ . vv ~ “Y ‘ ,‘ . ’ ' r ' ' . s .v E ‘ ‘ 5 .‘ ( ' ' " I ’ - ‘V * ‘ ‘sf M .l “V ‘ -. ¢ * ‘ ' V “ "' “ ‘ L2 C LViti1Aei'r fa P{AcoVhAqfi?ering APjrin<:c ~: at which“ tAiriie\iti7is not"t0L 59“ fuppo{ed,th%ax&théNobleséor Senators%wouId ii: thc#iVt'%Jp1'._Ifi%‘1Y “Afln§% tQ,anpLher, V.Aibe.conte?ntjA to Lfubmic «:09-the %conflan: Regis- “m¢nf:Vdf“iany%thi4rd pbrfon» arizdfqmily yamongft AAtb{e-mfe‘lWc‘$ ; {din Grfeet«e:%;:{.hcy% fetf up A :'th;e1rComm0nweal1;hs5 AAWhAeinV the AHqmz~1iaf¢e,%VA;A%‘(x:hatrac:cI~o£ Kmgs, am0n*g.{’c 1‘: that der- nh air faniousA»%Warri0r'%aA%nd Adefende1>.,1rJ2rc:1¢Ié’:) hi ghly 4pi=o4bab1e that:.;tTh7e rearufidaiihéreo becameA¢,ex%ti£icAt.%%%?Ai fochécy di:dA:?i.i1 Germany aindP“aAZmé‘¢3{,;V men I fai}ér...j o£ %7‘zI1’7e:E§.jinA:esi; of %C1mrléma¢3m%$ afi;d_%‘AL£phw. v . e1fe,(asg} :,wherc~;*he:5whd1c %p*éop1eA~ thags difcontqnt,;and«4in*féc1u(i0nQnfr :ttiaeir%1<éin*gs; . ecdcns €im11‘%po«wcr. orghad 1:; fa atbeen§£h%tt%fVflfi&AAthat‘t‘fiagdA;11nder av ~I>;c,e~n ~%vi&o7rim=;4A:;§A‘ind tIf11*ér‘cwp on vfca-ted °Ath‘er‘iAa“ fi=.~%-lv?‘c“«§ antd-V;fatr’1iIiés~iq ?‘t;he_; ho.nd~r*s7. paifcffionsj 1°:>F7 %the*?:'x4dVVEx=+fe % w°u1¢*c=rta7m1Y>wAi%* hA0fi_°*??‘“Ad.8¥“§iE1%d°»hW hlm a A . , 3 8:11» %*tb4trwhiIc%;e%beén Jrizpemtoréeitain the :sFic1d.‘= A‘ndjA‘4 if A 106% M5V0“0urA téwbdirs Q; c*VL~éw~'Cau»tri‘2:~»(a4 PAe’ofpI‘e~ bt‘ha‘e Agratéfiillfi Ms [ yéé ‘A? ’ Wjfi%’nde::?&t»A A h % ,i‘dm4a8&inii:AtheirAiVM* a A???’ A ‘ A #9 41% A ‘ ‘ 'zW;_fl“‘~, ‘;,f,-fw ‘ ‘pi,’ ':~ “ens A J. “ ~ 7” ' W ' f~3;m -»;:r‘‘~1,' ' _ -» a nhrzveny Io “ntrfi peace .hR p ~ , _,.a - . *afce1rw%Vam§tr1ais¢;érsgy%arikinfaréiflgn S?tbr%3锧;’""?to5* a.v<:r%rea:<1p,;mVnyA*7ParMnazgxit:*tl'im%t?jjjjnofifa AV mam 9n.A~t?1#.?-poficrity; A A AA sIp6fl' J A A A A A A rirs V4y”.o:beye«d-»im:heix;%sufmthoma“ mpetcncjcxample v ; afvingin £Amay% prA9vé‘Ath3e% [A gland; % D‘id~i%§ofi aeuztaf amxforaighScary?axictfihcewgnoone;+fmbf%rp¢dp1é A21”?, ‘I L ' 1‘ 3”Jf* _ 1:im c~ irihabitifigoripoifcflinigthis Land, did ¢vef in any V %yag¢ag:cem;p:AA. no*‘%mak§7V&%;hi§A overnmmr e1@c%&i%v%e3;4 fi3“c‘h‘ la; W ‘%th.i‘ng t;0 bie~ at~thistii5x_1e attempt«cd,:and cowardsA{u¢h an Que“ I thgt: Ah21Al'.h‘f[1U?°PflftiC1}1&t‘..fO"W€n‘.dEf€I'§fEd%;*"-Win-feéiflfa. thing as M &*1§regxAT;IV%%hav%e faid%% f0: mm:.h”;i:o«W+you«“(*Sir: I théa%£&‘¢n€raVI%,,% tfiaférveas‘%aI1*Ax;£-J£»{ewénta% againff A GS ofmch 5w ou1gt?hav=e me btlxéve ‘that’;'he‘* % p wexs land :{e:c1ememA‘o£h:m an:d~]‘hxs«fam1iy~¥]vwtald 7pi'oveVan 'unfeVr1in‘gfof;;h I fl1aImo w ;OrI’:“ thzt: Vc<:m:ra;ry%%*defire“£A%% yaw ' . to thjisAéVomV:‘*petfo'xi 7 f1_i$}7j 1d,, th{ja;;m£ifi n“%:?ecefi7*a%ryA and ‘i.ikcIyéA” ::fe£usiri<€sj+a%1f0A ’t:hat, frqms’ the :gpVmt1c%*;liandA.% prxncipalw en--~ ga:gem&Tm.%;%;i E egg: E A A A A %ventu{red%,, was , co4.he;# A of{V%%%atll m.. § h.e;'eifina1te:3;dy wfo ‘far % ca, _jbIc:%;;Qf ’re<,.=nci1emm1t%%amL%Ergivcn¢fs;4%they‘:r1ay wen AA‘ % ” “ ; % , % % A % :p&Ai»in%tent*:andé ‘ ;_ an%cveryVoine¢:Aof .rhe1t%*‘ ‘ - 4 V léprcfcrmefits‘ ;g;c§9dAi%w1l1s,A fqrt‘as: r;0:t: Vto:m‘a*ke%L¥Lgnv::thé,. Ieafi‘ a41tcra.g;on aymongff :Tthcm;%.w1;houc %nece»fl'ary% zind: ‘fnfi c,aufe.; IV ’ WhérNeas¥%=%apthe1E% Mp©x{o4nr;M% I‘; famiiym that may hereaftcr b.e: 44 V cléfied, ,,?a’nfci it? rx:ayb€=mnr1?ary ?IhEi‘1"i i,I1§€I‘~6fl3‘7‘ %tid%%¢1ikin%g,,% g[m,efnmedi.%co A ax» % n A AA 2 A » 4 ?ei?‘fihra1:g;wrha% ‘ ¢ ‘ >’-, ‘ A L M J ticaionmll. asare not mmsnbersof;he~~~Arrny,:‘Ami;then. T « V f°?¢‘¥?f%‘°m¢ %E°%b¢" as If 2 % Ie’t3ap&_ivc~%%~Ji‘ix;;—§ir¢é% ‘I "V with I V¢5dianerIE4AApar:y~i *’F-an MW ieafit icA'Bc ‘ % an Oh? ta be takc2iV~ji1itT§é) ~favorV.thcre:,%%%andA tbr M , V themfro11i%%V%Athtir.Vownw§Q::ncm!A: A I A. A \£w«er* dinfe; inrguf ,: A when:by4°& A A‘ A ;tii: i.Wh0l: theA prefent 7% ‘ % wider 3 A ,p1*.étence : V: bf ‘ the A «bi-T fiber -Eanimmra » O‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ M r ' ‘V ‘if X C ‘A; fl A. zdoxf ¢i:w ké Vifemixxcntfbrcach of'A%trmtA have finch. high digi1ity‘ai?}dJr€W3fé“ A Agrémifed anfl fétleé: upon ~iii1fx1JaAnd_Ahis,« ~ as may ;by;fa1~ mafia- xérviail VxhaMtA mWa;enia:nyAAAAAtix1é*%‘rwhichhbzmw .ho1d‘£t-Ii V ’ -~W!1itA%l17¢:a7n:’11“e%\»rcrbeftared froitri him this rié of thie»-fam.;%é jqngu ~ 9 gent w “ fihcmfci‘.ves$, and? that is;here% f A * J.:;y V inch’ .«.A:A~“p1ac¢;,?%:hoV a:r.Arhc heighzalreadygardw I ~.r,e:1;,no:1a&@can@»n=ec¢i vatmblrc to A O thatj I A “V6031 in men iofdin~iity4 " mi: vht’pu8lique3good, and Afofr Adi thefi Q 0 Li 3! whoma&1 , ? mmuxp»t;& :6 0 £ . V % '" ~: . % H % w ms» A ‘—m‘w.W§fi“ A % éf”A%ISmB,~.: A 4A4 A A maruh-ka%m14%k: * V ‘ 335% *9-A A“Ai'ajd;. A ;. foréglchéiigfi i~éhI1_fIo‘r:_ {&;%r:efl_%Ga<:i‘m:g1iAt%aenth' naémry? “ A ’ A ' ‘ M “Al“‘..‘n»"!;” W“ 1' A Aw elm in it Q‘ V 4‘ I_ ,, ‘V H “ . . W » -v » appointment and infiittft1on,_ a1’ld 'f pvelinicall pk-‘afiiffi am? . hagmkwlinw‘ accommadation; yet :9 fuppofe that any thing, fubm_itrcd3 to Ache managery and accxdents» of humane _fi:aA1l~ry, can .be** thereupon found mherwife nhenliable to adverfé aeqidcnts,, “beyondthccure of any .morfa§l contrivancc, wil1(as {aid} argue a.n%?amb:;mous Aarrogarncxz Ln the propofer, A AanAdA aifo If credilkous folly ixftbe rcnceivcr. A Befides, whenl find: God V . batch punifhingand threatnisug to Apunifh: people’ by fendAing* Princes: asxey dficrvc , AwAhA»at4 doth; this inventiqnuf E.Af*:&:io%n butlook,I1ke 21% conmvancé tga defeat the decrees of Heaven of A nhofc ways of pun«i£hment,;M4 by Awa ‘ Cihikie orffannvil Priucg AB. §lndVwfifltd%)ethéy ‘dcAfc~rve,~ than take .chi«s;cour{A?e mh¢r of Gods pravt-demzé, or in prAcvcmxonafi lshm own pumihmemn. buM0°§1ndc 8 remedy“ mmmhe difemfq,.§an¢ li&bm?wé w£tai«t%’1A.’AAcwiijls,;A tu~A gvoii1AcAom$ingcntAorms"?lFor,lé§ us ‘fi1ppofe o~ur' felveis evm. A A imAthcAAvworfiV of nhiefe Chanfifffig emhier mm under an evils! Ia. cAh1s1V : '”.hei’r,~’ and: ma flwll he:r=Aeix1-fimde in wimjh ~wAhich?%;:is%wEi%eR§iw. . Eflm¥L'J ,i€ a beAldgftA ed ezwAmn4 ¢7;mAAis“L?itz1¢p»¢rf¢é‘tlvy:AA4iem~sm %rmmc9ndi:im; ‘mlm : wh 0: £6 Azelcfiedsrzoz A;Awu;A1‘e hwsAAA%f%ead5;aé his: Prm A tefion am gumdim. 1 Am, chisI:a:pp;arant~ad~mntage[ iss A%:th}¢n 3 uiinakiy floundv, Ehatybeingzdcmc by me Faaahem whe A i«mrefirA is:'rd.i¢?«goo efikdlle £hm;Aaaé’5r Aothergiin. A 8; $‘ " _ , u ' ‘ < " ‘mm; nnbyaflizd _ .Ah1ighA N % :1 “N I . b At A w n*ea¢ih3§e,A' W . . A ‘ I - % V AA Mnam A &dAAAt”0Z~AamWJ% A fieifoa ; A fifl»¢5i*f*1;ieii,,AAbaeAA%§1a¢£% * 1 V‘ s A A _ ¢wt}l;.a§AnWmatéAxmfp¢%fl5~,AA%bd~ 1 A A VA VA _ ‘A A A, AA M ‘A . . 5 Aa%awxcked;aSommaymdb¢A A (~M)k % axWcé%éy€%to‘chboAre che,::1dAfi'vertuquéw:;anA¢V‘%fit’~per«4 f<;sn*o::t%:of¥q?:-igyv ~faimiI“yw?:‘% It ‘might hereunto. figrfr’ anfWcr¢¥d.A Lthafiri cafe;Vot5app;n-ant“ unfimeg V%ir”i?=thefl Ycidexj, tbe:.Fathe,r% %"¢L:azi Afiétcer judge thereof‘ thenoihéffi Au) Wi%11%~d0U3ii€1€f3 V ” Kin,gdom«m% ftime‘o~thw%1bn mVm~‘c—fit§% ¢.<5r elfei ,%poifit%*fi1ch’aS*»5f 4utorsand«%G uides~orv7er?:hi1n5I:hat Ixisifingdonm % ~ A and Fan1i1y(.:hir;gs?te;be?-g{u_ppofed4of u1ore%€V‘5’*13Ce"“Lt‘3 him- then ahy »elfe:) -max not7?;1)%tev:hazAardcd b3I~any:.‘of his ViC€30I’ . » j AA-iadifcrecio'i71*§Aimdthete+a£e?‘Vn0t%u%anti»ng4% %pr¢:?fi?denrs 7.‘ offfthis ‘ 4 % ’EBut:,5’ = tfiamhisxourfe~~of:E1fle&ion,is hereby A 1“ V f mad‘: a:con1¥amswayAgof-pvev~entiJon% of a:l1A:thOfcVmifcbiefi x§:hatAmay%.cbme;from7Ei1ehaxidsrofevilaGbvernors;-;is a"beg4 W V_ A "_ 1ng".=Of*?thC«~qlI€fli0II, UApOI1{th€f6 hke'fiippMofit1ons.As ‘ ‘ fixzfi, §I'L1‘atAeaé‘h% per£bhhafhéhis%abilities,A*%AincIinaAtions5 and ‘;moral§habits% fo "apparent, «as; not» to endanger,?thofe that are V ’toAj-makeaufe%of him, ~thrqugh'*diflimuiatiQn.V%Mlfhenext is; A A th'at‘all and”deai:hAAdorie*6ftheElefiotswfi m%akeita Vfr¢ea%nd* r .% é dilizrekfl: choict-s% )% are not LVonly cndued ,= witzh %.a n“infaI1ibiiicy V ’ A 7 fOr}7the% diliiovety }b4fgotid7;vAV‘ahd% °bad'inr the gené’r31,:%‘%but*alf6 I V can%d§fiinguifh*andLc:hgf¢t Mm fu»p«remeA augbofinya A J apd ‘ f Pe<%A~1e °fi§iINobi1it¥.s Awdf: %3urin34 tAh¢ tifi‘;-“é..y.n,h§;3.“‘-1,‘ §h:%"”m9r§ pV9p1Aa;* r5ar€.[€iid bear fwvay, ‘fpmef «in A4A&har%’Itac¢, t13,e,l>A¢1;t€t A A%toiv1gmAia;cc:gj‘[?;eu1,;felvesand’ obtain tficir: lcé°cii>n,,, {:24 A andA.q;1glity,;.[and Agau .4 . ‘ %$‘€V=rY is the»%aWF>~flé‘ diffmi ‘ 4* AssAward%inclinaLibn$7andfatgli;s54 {[0 ftqmw_.% % % 11351;: f ‘ % &1>i1f1’émb1e;rVs1;arr"be~% A _1 4 W Fm: n¢~:vhaeczn%(Tz»e+sm~nke) Q A V ~&%u1ga:~froric%choofingacwrdi%n¥g cdmeiekneiéiand~%ro£mers GE V5id¢dA5V;§“ :;.ni0r.1$ §‘~::es%tobe ireé a » ‘ \ A ' 4V1. °€V44%*fiisW4honcuf=A:‘Frerrx% ” to“ it % f’ Airit are r”éad*37mfi c<5Vrr:clé1de',% ‘that he“ governs all .’ goyernmel 1eaaV;A:wheneas¢%gneE1e&orsVAagam;,L%beingdz.» ~ R :42‘ "93 i’¢~lW§% we: as f@1f°AV;;L P¥0vEflT3fi”“the Tm?"0‘f3<1ifl7iffi11izwi0‘n$Ahah& 1; $;PWay?s:‘a,ccom~pat3~y &cmeranq:1a¢p4 i_An?‘tl1 e5% rameperfou. Anm A .v .. g’ oblxged no accept qf e;¢y:y%‘~:che'fifihV oneVrhaf%?A‘né1tFrcr*:fx)1% ‘ W we%1ook% m‘ . = ,3 ‘hf: V * itéf, m J AP©'l1fiiCk5.<~% "Ye‘E frefllhrnf “1’f§ée:?t‘rr V & A I56 W V A fircaref I?3>3Iid €‘XI?¢3‘a;,.fi"'ora*,j%%~ fhein an (3% C9 .9! “ flme 10:? rh1s}.ia* V yihac<1&%:wa%m¢&%» him’; biittiifiad hé V % p;ea£ed£m:A%cc; v " '.*qw.'~"‘u’.. «-~‘-V ~’v---*-nf efifdfka é"¢o‘:it"ifr\iaIIf¢jcéu':‘ifty anti q1fié‘t';“*% &firifi§&‘é*fi§*E@f4‘ fireigri, Mtfiere \A’*é1*’e’3*°€t afhéfe gi)k:%dV# Ié1‘W§?i made ~:1:e:;;n1%,r1aew fie-41’ my §1Arinée~f‘be~fidfes F r=?Ahiay $:m‘I<5z a;a;sMAo?u£«,e>¢vHa n A NW; % Chroxiiclgs, 0r:1r;‘§;€ x it WEE ha Vfigunti tffaii x fliét Ai.%?%¢%ii%1*¢ ??*"‘4i3’é’5 TAO? i3**?ii?V§4‘“i*e71*%JCW: 1ix%£?g§%,‘hsf~;x«~& an Vtffféir*§gr§§‘*$?"!:$’*‘?r";*fiAIzr3‘1:i‘x‘IT'fS ‘§"%%:%“»iv€d*',to th‘e’m“ mat’: fafiffiffiff 1 AV % i ma %advi‘ferdtxs;,cha”:** eheVnio%£t%~%h:gh God aiid Vdii‘p ‘ ,. , ‘ ‘ “‘"‘{!p., , ‘ M -x ‘ , “W, *7 ) fEfoniI*d**no .53 ‘ ~¢_-mu ”_ H ‘I ‘V “ r " .v'2. g ',‘ ;‘ 15 A 4”» 0 Co~ W53 .‘ V "Ti: fié? % {%ccafi&fiax:y A of; dgféfis V ~%&make -._H . .35.’ ‘maze ’“ Mégifiraciealfo. W.i?‘h°“‘e?““¢i‘“3‘.i”‘° ofetivilwai" ‘";lhI‘Ol1gh ‘thé:abdlciftiéh'(if 4 of kgown é¢}{&§;,e [1'and.'Ti?~‘ ftilljebe but at thie fame lnzaléd forAVgo4odml§ or fufiicie%heieiae«e¥e- t4he’ee?c”hoicebfeandther; e V VV%Veef:“ap ‘ Val‘; from difcourfeeeeanflargiimentto matter oi-" * V *¢xperienceeee"=at1deV p'ra&ice, A in this quefiion of vtheeb€nefit‘%o%£ V .>E1eL‘?tion,% Wei thingsm faV11eout quige *enntmry1eV * A their imaginatiqn promifes and" than; upon eexatni;..% # I ofAf'oreign %&ories,’andVfcomparm che%“ver:ues.eemd V gboede overnment of } fuel] as jhavetuled in &p1aces»e}e&.ivé;~%4 virith I ee«»vmue=s and Vgoé‘d‘{ri1le of Afuehe as reigned in placeée % héredietary Wefhém; find beoplehappieté > ecVonVd;iciV6n junderTthe me: then “under‘che”Vfir£f.» For whgrci A Wepick out any Vinflahce for a fucCeAflio%nV‘“oE‘Ptiné:es;e: V 135% fi°‘°1’5°ei?11YWiCk¢d»e andin {O Eréat afmmbéreg 51$ W35 mi ’ 1 the lifter the ‘sourdigry andsenate wow "“t.lfiv1‘ere} take fipovne themtb make‘ that~Govem4m’en‘te1§<3fiYc,;' ' A am n¢gIe&:hg;.mo;¢ fgiigeeétj line of fi1eceflionV A and tha\e:~' he-V V VV H , ?"ei‘V71&fbriousChicfnainVVCaam~~;?V eethinke we of Czzli-+-Q 1 u it) t%he.e~ifli1eVe ofitheir brawl V in lifcmidtfili¢-e Amewhcnwe haw 2 *zhéf?reeeeGeov¢rnor byelefiioii, on their A V 1aye:h%egrea:e&~ par: of-eth'<>fcen1oi1e% b1:9ody4p"erfec1iti-see m‘adc“againfi which ttiilie ofCqhfl4;gt£fl¢4VfA ‘ .‘ : hr:-cdi:a:yefu:cc¢flidn, =an5di Oififiwhat m’Ebr£5inrrea1%fe:VVand I!¢EteI-Vcfjflyjf‘Or-“inté1’mifii0ngeVVSoeafieand nfaal A V dirfimuelaxiongorcc bri ”‘ co prevailiinth‘iseeki;:d;A *5 A V fuch ~I3rFiqcefs be'mjVhigh1yeinu1mou§::rw ‘ In aaryllIAAamfnr¢t A-will not) thoatA«cfef¢rve*s t;g.ib©¢p~utAei%hen:iA , rheifirit torfgnosntd rate. A Brin¢é$i.rovid+:nt %iwndéfiri¢us Iawinig Tgrt} % ~»on s, élffdx ” ; fuc11w?prepa‘rati0nS andl5egifi%nifigSa$fé;re -Vpa*-‘mt ho *bav¢~h=r€0f ~a1f0.4V%§h#n a=%firfiVb€ %c°‘fi€=W¢ W ‘Of ~ 95-»~:~V!at¢1¥Viwm¢nt19ne<14;W1: ‘ ” " ‘”‘r‘r ‘ rtxéxword. ¢r~Vchajmge A%;b ffmakc: in imworla, st; a;-ly 1?, mac bf far f c1_1J4;e;»;;4;* for :hevgreaiétV%Vman;.% 3. M #2 xw '. 1 V ‘M » ~ 1‘ w’“i_,,¢ ‘ ”&or,1%ia;s.may ficrve forcompfcatmg and A fie - ~(§a)Y7 f '\”‘,fi£{5»=”é";:‘?;’c't:tf’fj1'5(Zf‘I‘l'YE.,,37Atfifl:!§‘7,- t!_;0{thr:é g:%a«1ao=nc;r éf IV\1.‘%2;'it‘:1*z”i;*+‘;;%. “ % lie‘ became th€«~¢m0fl‘? fiewncd *Pr‘i3ncie' bf any%A‘béFerAe*%%‘o'ffi‘ ‘ ; * _ % ” ,% V Vwxere iV:7?is«ob;'e&;ed,* Sir,itF1*at hereditary Foivéraiégntyv n"enders_M »i%i‘neF’i43r:ed4 . to agéts 0f' ty9rarmy» and 0App2t‘e‘ffi—-*‘ G,-ls’; becaufe hey is not infearf tobe caHe%d% to» atc0m;pé.%‘: ‘ "It" A may be anfwer-‘ed,th:at ; he that fears to be called to a*cco*mpt;. % wm be yfo muchthe moge provoked to defiroiyi and" of); prcfs thoféf thlaté he tjhmks will be~mot“cin»1’cru4mentaf tfiétin;-* Tyr2inra»ieVb€eiAng%ww nothing effe but ‘%;S*”overa*ign Arevet1*ge*** A upon fi.zcha‘s%m'ayor have op1po%fcd‘ancfvcto”ffed‘:he*m%;% 2inAfe” igawacgé B‘eing‘cérllé§f edV«:g¢;*¢oé;a Eaflew ji’ thier%efore A%fi4nd% ’Fyran~nm;o. moi’: far A J _ M wing: to»4<éhVvéV4A Apéoizf» E,VfienV%Afuth, as v‘aVI_j€: ‘ hereditary ; foffjg "1;I‘1"&t:‘¢ A , :33? a?d'niitt4ance bf; “zip” 1‘:?r1é%>'t“ dfffi ' L % wj A*fI%a3z; Jb€‘ar*£’ : €r33»%%th%%¥¢%tM§AA =‘?*ng(1F¢w‘i%41L ‘4kvfii‘ifi?¢rccW~ 1%1f0%fin*1XT€onvefi1»efl¢5‘Wfigch féi1iowsd**VEtefl¢tw:% $9 orgufllw . 4 they}; ’ being kind or gratgefui :6 fuck w¢re‘hnot"»0f _ ; V Pgigc ‘ ; § .; i % % thch ncxi(119903.itfi3t%t5¢iP3rtYVV%€h6fi$fifiiillbi not A joynhi _ 'clc&iom3§.hc xévifl VA bc askefi wfiere fthefecieétioa5:etcri'efert¢c! we peopxem genem1,ro%V¢as induceham coxindners am ~'ackn6wl¢dgment towards them, 3.-ndj n”otV$ fiilff Arefcrrcd 4 tog I rgme few €::rta1nE1e:§+{hail1be:aken4om: cane rolljof kindnefs, may well%[ ori the other fide be concluded, that Elvc&ior1dod1 prompg; A .. . and favorir¢S%th3ti ha-ire helper! him In ‘is fovcraigw ean;.concinue6Vhim fiilfn piower:,; egxeaaua derpare ‘ A all thereflf; I So that gqual jufiice/‘bcingno%t to Abé;Vexp§&cd'V £rom%Aham Lin 4 45% be cardtfs €h%= 8°0Vd%0fth¢iiE¢°'P1= in 8¢nera!.A a_mndL to tarry fo patgtial a ‘rcfpeéf towards fforng few f'riedncis~:% hijs» publiquc admini{’tr_at_ior;s, it i were‘, mflch A» for: a4&Princ¢ Athinkh01t1s%his4Powcr frorI14%md%% to M m A « » L ”5€g4“- % % 54i"!W1¢”‘b§£ifi9i“S.< :Th3?311Aih¢3F;3€S9eFW1¥$We“; iiiffititiéttions efamliitious and facfitous h;eads, :%c1opd¢d under ; A%th’€Tpé¢iousIhéWs0f publi W‘-Vi8°°4afid“iu31ifi1*icfle§H>¥¢4 %;tba%t iVnftLeald of }$V0iid?fl¢%@.&&( f?l~¥¥&;}$l3éE ‘ 4 19 bfm? °¥:A%i¥¢?fi;fi¢%MR? that is ID %=X£c1’1t¢ ; *!h¢»$%A ofa Iudga and élocwr bimrhat “(M ‘ n v Iyupon, %what%W141 thcyjanfwer to fo ‘ ¢Y mofire A ‘ a£din%af1d fidtng 338$‘ 3 A ism» T BY $9‘-11? [A ‘I 9éace¢[9zdTc‘ ‘ V bu:*were Afubje§€c*'aoAshe he g“fignL —%~co&!d= be V fpérmamted m d:@e%V‘%whV&tAVéwawigé ‘e3r*cs,< mtbe a fl:at*eOf ~An'arc:hy; %wh‘er¢:here§1is ‘ r ’ 1: . % % w‘€fic«ers‘4co {emit dime‘ ; anti wiiem, siaiiuly, there-is 4a?1?£an&a hAigh Cm:zttvV‘*orCourn~céi1“é.bbve’1‘% 25:11:. Sai shat ?th'¢ L?rit=i¥s%‘aind"BWites;-am‘ “°”‘¢h€r ove1iirafy% Jnw: aw: mviing al1”o“th"e‘ir‘S'Ta1‘aheriVm“Qr- great ‘ Gouriceli 5 % ‘I a W4 mawd:mg44 fig am A ‘ i =npo*n W me the pafs V A ‘4cy¢s; _ %A;1dV%thr9”bEfél‘fi>4%‘fh6m “ * * f " judgwrmi» ta bé*fdcterrn1rred~=¢i:z:v»@‘é::rcs, iv rte’:- % V fsl,‘ gvéw? ‘:asuhde‘r:A}theft‘%Wfeparatq%%vfiii'br1&tt6n§; AA % %ntiled%% ini:r1m~%bighet.V%0ourr%*ei%hef mice» A .wcrébbVth‘fud+gés”amdpérties’tfieréin; % eh efefbre; ~ %Vuéedange'~r4 wiaaaxaperran ' 1, ca! ‘ V. 3“ ‘c [g i ’ J T WEWWH’ ‘W ..,u..‘m‘ 17"“ W. M, . Cw4fl‘wan%&cspjen p%nn;ipaiities *— (1 A ‘ . Wank N’: .1:,~e,«caI;.f¢~th%:5Ifi:f€~Ekl5i%iV:¢) whamav iufflv 1:p jbei :fch§ evmc Qffidcll Vtlmlgs in this Nation 1:; 4‘whcrs* rj1AoAw, fl more then em manL:fifl¥%ds from ¢V@rYVdman fo %n1u~cliA V diVid5d ,m9é‘?°% %f {their party? fbr ifwgfiqde ‘fncfh pack- ‘ ihfiand fiding for c“le&i on of.Par1amént rngrg qr thglikg, W at fciifs %-may we lookfoxy ,at‘;%the% choice o.f%A.a%%Rr%o1é&dre Qumf L%which4.mnxe&4nd idifiwlté. ifiweofc f0 v J,?Qf?Y§¥g»fIhQr; — %4 'wa.":h%Y}‘%y¢).t”;5;4 . % was wind=zonr4fclvewithfiur999n;W%:a5a4; bwof P A that the prcfém Atmy 4har“»th£rein, .c9n1*entdt00»d0tr 61176 refi rrmbn f§h9fen?«mnfi~bimfclfbeof ma ‘ ‘a 'L~ .4‘ % A 9.ioyrii:or%unias/érfzialI~conféi'it;, %wi11icnoc4 Vcnce come pafi 40v¢§%i4)~that9*M° Qfiifiarnflwifldmwers V%fh311;enatfi? J ‘t7~Wfl113i,:»P‘°¥9’¥?d~F°1@F§t5% R5Aaadrrev¢n3¢~’ tcwards zfl fsaritwm ¢n«9arfiewtcl;a]* #1 9:.‘ I V ¢5¢£%¢%§a"m¢ My D2 %' “an.” % A O * » , if , é . _ w .4 T .chgrgt3g a5;;$d:;§:9§h¢2l3;;»!Aovg,11;~;=wmgmd]:h1mi{chief;4 ( =¥%§:;rKi§zgs~a; W%3,%¥%K§f¢ ._e. at 4: «"2? §' as I‘! 93 m B E 4 2 F‘! QT‘ Q, _ ‘ V B . 1 Roland, §%;D:max@, . A makxng.% Vvedgas;,the1r%Emwrm:Abr~Ki;ngii~s lei§‘V‘*powerfi.1t{, T;A%n~cI V Vbflbfiqflfi A + % Y A» v 1» 9» ‘-4 f - A egfiinptrga E ‘ gr 4 . A «wbith%iV%yec makesitheiricaféLgnorehard;nsstharfin;e%th%eyfiar“é ‘ A ~fi1’pfpor:€’C3f»*their own:aE®r5ds%¢whVat'theyr2fha¢l*%thiinkfi?fit§% ” ‘ VaIfC>;;4tow the p*po”rt«V of: we fifire’ and Kinglom“: v4upon’”‘ Vail” W viAess»A :»h~ey%;¢are thereby::x1nreaf ‘,1_ _ V_ A M M A \ *'+ae_éfident is the Kingdom of 'P0[afld: mfcen %kgeep1; from Giriifl War a1£'q : and alfo by keeping clofe to? one famiiyez which V \ _.C€emf:1Ot_ afford many»once, wwhereby At;o‘mz1;ke agliehturbance about Elefim. %e13ef«igl;es,A A .t11je Germ.m;E“mpikre is %% .,al»1'o ;K‘ep_t in fomee-agreemeente by that nefpeét +_thercin§g"isven my the eP4p2‘zl1‘Swea. ;Eor:ethe“P~oj2e having, qbymuch firqgl‘ing *- ‘[5QIi‘cie, pfiljléddowfn the power ofthfiofe Emperors, and 4byhi5‘§0lden B11li‘fetl‘ed~it»as"enowe it is (ehavgingeehakf e thee fi1€&0r$fli"lIkept up fiufh 3+ ,POWere and ;rcve4 »1*ent_ia19. go94»sahssdwburfmeht- :pgermn~mmimae:zlaismgmamefe. ~,d(J;F$|a 73% may win raz1Aaer;AA¢n¢ourage$ A that? Eas,may f¢meAaAhmkg¢ the 'pOW6l’.A ¥h¢%p¢rf99fiV Abr?i:b4¢d .for;. hi4s:cht£37é1?§3€${2;a*%n‘forcaannotfinjn-- ‘in as A: Atfiey hctng Abut} fcw; and-VAbegarx1yg;m9i*»;%dgivAéam “pmgc5mipnAAim~.A " the1rA own panxclfiats, ‘towards; ;pmbi,z;x:k ~lm7ri:s,. maMyi,be,fiit-3; fpeéted Atxefs _cat§efu1.A of wharf‘ [is dong the;-¢in4;_,4 a;nd.may; Aaxfqse ha;v¢%;£h€ir go0d£AAWi}I‘puirchaf¢d" by palm thcrmf. the new W eeflity 0f+cot;up~1ia;n»ce withAthc greamnes that-'nhOl)phimAiiE@. ~ a;nd' do fu ' “t ”fus=exh«aIL1:ftt*h*éApuE1ickft:ock;; %- fo ,}a1foAV caAre~ and ghught fpr .%pref¢rvat:i%on, and main-‘4 tgtxance r0;f hxs ownAfam1ky4A:aAnd other d::6:pwc*ndents, mu'&mufe* . himro i.mPloy% £ha¢tA*¢%i’;udy ’¢nE{j€aV0flf Whiqh lhouldh be- . ‘. out A‘ .any%§_acc‘% A ‘ %“ %ws;4t1;ii1ik~of 4put,t'img‘ ’e~~el:conAAanAd?ipu A AA A. ~ A not ;foAeafiA1'y pumhafcd we might A%y1et- abacfivie ch izggtgnti Am AM ,%_ ‘.‘1 >‘ to -t‘ake;?%fr0:m;’ ii*1$.fl.n;hQ*::Q=Q3n %ri:51ay4be fa: we‘ would &in=Am1:e %f2m‘ni@eq_fQr our Afimg to as» A pd .g;Aa.Amh¢r~A;A ~isn- mui¥1*ABc4 A.fwwqfed rm WMM: {ac rfdh a';hre Aaint6nancc;.,p£A pi*v,_’ mg 1,” difcds; :enL‘a'fi1€ff»d311S°fE50 W arm 5“ $9 ‘ é ; é M,‘ 1 V, eluded%;%ii%4.W1i~I‘3I9t1 .‘k3¢9 %%9rf¢‘fW s"'*5s» h;a$ré:?%d50fi"é%? §§.i”é% V ' L Jim ‘W ,. 4. M ‘ . . \“ ‘.' ';'k~.“"V:(LJ* ,. =1: * m “ ' '~ ~ “ \ « ‘W M ‘;.-'° V1 327.’? 7*"i‘”‘ "' A. A‘§°'!~ 15 . 3% 3 ' 5 ‘ . , =.*;~-,‘ , .»,M -. '. w . “,v.»;;a5,,;-, q, ,, » a:g''‘g *‘a :4, “~-(«;: ‘,,:1.\’»:§:l mil but tO7Obf€17V¢f#Wé?éf§ % =o£‘AcTe"fc&é%%ft if ‘g ~ « V. .. ’::%.-<”:;»+'~é;V ."‘“¢‘~:.=:“~ £37, *2; Vzé ‘: 7.. 3; ‘ *§‘“;.,“~<‘~“'.Z”v v1ace%eof%a;uthorttAwas“?r‘h5*.:thevJ§w“bfi 1,6011 of fll‘”’l:v’§’t%l¥rl.:gs':. , ‘few’ W i~ ‘;§..',. _:.~‘ 2 . n fwd mdffetrlmentoffl1efe”N%itA o’r”§o;IE % ;~ a ia w¢re%.bur»:vVt0 nnfc.trIc¢ usfiy tfiatfc§tiém¢nt...V “,3. . ,w.,,¢,; ‘ .4 ; ,',~ _g , “Fr. ..“\ y~ ;, :13: R > “ 5 ‘ W1‘ fir ‘ V, , _ fidefitwafiip‘is:!¥fdn£1YA¢nélin¢dft"0VVthatoAn1y:%rzf:hf‘ we _. ‘ lohgahd fofiappilir wumzcg An¢@4wh:chJuponwuiivtonfgrence ¢ chat darpag V -4 v ~ ~ A é M % A % % . A 7 J ¢ 1 ‘ ~ x ‘T & 2 u. '0 '“ l\ ‘ V M w‘: .~' "a n “ "‘ r ‘ *2 I Av ” N A . M “ W; ;=,;‘” ,; j_’ R 5"‘ 5 ‘ y’ "‘- H.‘-:w~»a+*_;l:e r« " r 3 ~ “ w‘. m» " ‘H . ” “ f « 4 A 1 W . cc fijom P533-3 vm , s. :. “ M r_ ‘ . , I 1: rxzmand A , M V: ’“ V‘ M T ' "“‘ M ‘ \ k ‘ ' “ ‘- ‘ ‘ 2‘ » , 1 4" =1 «‘ .; ,9, .¢.2~:,au»»«”w.«i*“',“"9ee«’ ‘ ,,u* #711 1‘ “ ‘w. ‘W-"£1 V t u 5‘ » “ ' ~« ‘ fr: me “Em‘as re V m afc we 9 M U ‘T " M '= v.: f; W W‘""T”“’ ‘ ’“ "W3 * fin "M ‘V ; sh‘ _-Okfvhf "€“ .5‘ M lg; V... . ,, ;a' « . '1' J‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1‘ um" .2 5 L ‘‘’f- ‘ " ' I 7 ‘-«"’¢“~?‘“~'.' ‘ ""3 ‘* CP1‘l,’1t1Cef%C' “" ‘ » ‘ v ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ '. ' >1‘ 3 ‘ ‘ V7 h ‘ ‘ ‘ * 4' it n MW». :1; A" 2 V‘; 1 ii‘ ,' , 3 ,- Y: ,; “ , ‘ ' « * " 1"” b V ‘M.‘‘‘". c». W‘ -L.‘'‘ ' '... . ‘ wt » 4 . - " V3‘ . 5? / ' L y '4 5?‘ “ :?e¢1s?5¢:«¢éh4::us ax'1c1%:t1idfé»oth¢r% Rlaéss 3 ' “ :r°t¢&9r his ~ ; 5133* L f ~ in ;1nd+fo» t§c :1 thé a varife % 5‘ ¢ norfieiéil ¢ ti 41tb¢mfé1v¢§4%%fl1411 A‘fhinR¢ 4"f";caf€ ttic1\.%rm.,Y;¢A’fuch as"ma¥A% "in btinsé 7 afl.w¢iaYv~afid€alA1mnfideracion of#ddvant%8?=$ Wthémfeim; A A A A A Pfocbédffo‘ ¢fe&i9n.'9%¢aT1ih§ a ‘Far-34 % W “‘I‘1W';§‘g1B9f* the «» x .y‘ " “ > 2, is n fl: aj‘“~3 ” a‘ {‘ n"';1‘ H ‘ ‘ g? ’ 1‘ ‘ . “ ~ 1% e ‘ W ‘ \ ‘ V" ‘ ,‘/‘.”N‘ » , f; 2 ? 15 Au.“ mote om ix: 3‘ ‘ §K;_;‘__‘ V WW ‘ \ dfiing/Y tr, % A ‘ 9!’ v'>M:»,,M: ,-1 1‘ ‘ vt * v v’ J: M M N pm NW wflfi“ ‘NM Ix“, . 4} H Hg 5 ;<. ‘ “ IV.» 1 ‘yzuwi :‘ M‘~«-‘V? 117}, 4% H. ‘ . ‘ ~ pm .¢"“‘-W! I gh‘ V’ ,” w J Wm era, V 2' ‘l‘ ¢., V 71’ W V “4‘v‘mh*out Fear‘ of A ‘ ‘ , - “F 3;‘: .i‘; L A 5?»? §i.:”58¢‘¥“ “Y¢zafi“’ ‘-/4» ” %%¢fl V (¢fl3 ghfiflg (5) change, to ill (as‘»N’e{{{2_o*:te,l1a.\£»iil'0.r,:.i‘,y¢31’SJW35'»‘thE bcfl;ati'al'ter. wards the worllr of at1y.)?tis.he_fi t.o«imakeifutc of th:ic’cert'ain benefit ofpful?liC4<~ iPea¢eesbYikcc9ingtfclofc to one fmilzvland by aellowing ’{uflic‘ienc’y, of ,povt);er,,_ then,.aincreafe ..the..difenfg by more ‘remedies of elefiion of 'p‘erl'ons\,j 3I}1dn:m..l.tatiofi of his power; _ g _ W i Sir ,« there was ;a time {mdeled when Monarchy and‘T rannie,Parlamen£se andLiber.ty were thought to be thejfame; but the experience of Our. COfldlClQI3;t{1fld¢r that long,.'lon‘ 74,» long, Parliament, a andthat little once fince; hathj re,&ifyect, our judgements , and brought us to look 0fl}th§C'; Texeas, Canonical, and on’ him as (1 wife man that yfaidsifqn wig:-, figdncfx of 4 Lama’ mm} are the Pfixces itIJ6’i}’€'0f;' by: a mare}, of _ rounder/binding tb:]z‘>xite"‘tl:e}'eof pr*c_/2=ryed’,T_ [’rio-0,. ,i,28."2,'.’ We do aclm.o,wledge>that in 1't/96-‘a Mflltithtlel of Ce‘a;mc:Iz’o2:3- there isfafcq, aProv.1 sly“. 14., but look for no fuchtatnatitere from a mizltitudeiof sCont1‘()slers. So th3t}Vox popivli being: new I/ox Des, we hope you will , in lyollr debates of Goa vernment, A:/(fir the oldpdtk: , where, is the good aw], i -and, walk therein , that we may find: re]? for our /Fm/.1. far. 6. 1,6.- In this Sir , we {hall not contend with you for names, but » things. If you will have our Soveraign Magiflrate to he atalled Prote&or,we like it well : it is an Oflijce we want,and. do therefore defire he may have that power lefthini as will a enable him to _perform it .- fuffer him to wear a fword,.Sir,.f or elfe he can neither protethls not ‘himfelf. , And»;ifagain,; you willhave our former great Councel called bythe I eient-name of A Parliament, we pray you alfo, that the thing, maybe again reduced: ' and made agrceableito the name ; let, them have freedom to fpeak their minds, but not ;;',Io’djo‘ them. No more of that Sir. Forit is ayoalt-~which ofiff Fathers never ltnew of , nor are we able to bear.And there; fore as you and the ref’: do now reprcfenc,nsi,_- and HEICIO make known our grievances,we do defire that youlwonld take notice of this as a great one. For yoi1,~ma;y;:te& alInreg_l that, were this Nation poled , ~ not one ‘in twenty htltWonld_ defire their old Govexnmentézagaiin. Bu: gfiuearitzrr:is~rn@w:t:ime5 r'to;defir¢‘:ft§metiiing$’for: na p afidiréfiffaifié‘ 3?’ 05 V P3fl”¢idr§’idif¢7bitirf¢S¥‘5 iiandé v’ifa§”iiiot to “End fault with anythpingé already §i9nca,.- or tQ:iflfliB¢}’“ yeurwhatatodoe.-_ No-, 551;, fas_;? fhould be alfo {aid on the other fide; that Io’ you? might bcagain brought to {omen even poize inai.yo,ur judgments, before you come to determination 4 é A therefote, a§, they would;.« havehadtthe World ‘bcliev¢»t:hata:you:had not TCif' this great affair. \-gh xv fpefied the peoples welfare, if “you had fetled the? Protecftor and his Iflhe; foo have I endeavoured to}; make it appear, that you cannot doe the‘N~ation7; abetteticourtefieothen by fo'“d'oi‘ng.i The coming from one {o difintereifcd as I am tohim and hi_s_MfamiIyAV anyhrelation, will the foone r, a hope; ‘and acceptanceas a word {poken ‘m fcafonezi *4 Nay }.a-'1’ ?‘NflVyf3"1¥¢f§ ‘ASix:._; Mr: ficéitirtcfic and A % . 14§.V;.cncau%d1 '1 »\ of dam 1 W % 3 -‘. "W ’ fir ‘ ‘ 3 ‘ ' 2 W.‘ ,4 ' ‘ I “ ‘M ‘ ‘mm ,, V 855