57”“ m A ,n m n‘ . ' A ‘XV! cw,‘ W«»_=% 2 ’ I “ L" ‘ ‘ /C*~/$.;..- .«»~:~%_;€x W ~*“ -1 M fir‘ fl ‘ “ I “I” A % ,1: V ’ E€§;A."+*;-‘2‘"ms3 40¢» 9.- ..m3:‘;;.A miéms » -*'?."‘—r?@"' ‘%J§‘A"§‘=’¢A‘§'F’ ~°3"-$4 Pflilaifi $5‘3‘A/U . ..u , A ‘ _‘ ‘ " . ‘ ‘ 1 A , ' ‘ ‘ .4. ' ‘ X ' ‘ "U ‘ w\ - ‘ A» ‘\ AA ' ' ‘ Am‘ ‘ |. ‘ V ‘ A . z ,. 3‘ . A. V A ‘ N ' V x A V ,‘ “ ‘ ‘n V ‘ Hv V ‘ ‘ A r\ ‘IV ,» ‘ h . A Y . -A A . H . A ‘A w ~ , 0 x A. A’ A‘ A ‘ion-»‘ . W V . :a.I*lim§1ez1t,A ViAnthePain"tec1 M‘ « I W _» ex» aiomaéai %Q:11&‘!11Vba17,%A&t vVv:hc2*i Qfilmciklfi 4 ‘U1©011%M.0%1aci;—.1y §’7z&€W!¢Apfy Aza. ”I‘A6:3f4, 52% 4.“’J''? 1; A A H y-¢::t’:»‘J'L_v.:':'A,, §,x0‘u:a:1»@ hefe gg :;jhg»3 grwgg ggf A l?.2:s-/zzr¢m:::~z4~,,A (.by _370AL1x*.Svp'eakerA, 'Wh0%m A as ' '11 ,4 e A a~.«.i""" ' " “ A Q: 1'‘ . W A *2" 2 ’ ’..".n:: ':.-'~«, A “wwM‘ '~ A *mW@@W;$*faW%w339~t®AiACYrfiwtAnic>:1‘s AV mT’i?' t&iiAéAAi%:4 * A “ A :4». kg 4- or!‘ '''''‘'’‘x a,;')'7fi H“ “<*';jg-V"-, “ if ‘M, 4; qr . \ A A A ‘A ' 4 A A eA r.:=..A.eA,AA A Am w,J yourm§e%s, whxch .:Aa«.a.lA.£.}.A %1:.IM1 gt 13‘;-x“?,'..b=Ai»E1A§'%‘;.. 3, 4 ’tAA<§;A 1* L xnm ’rnA:thisA?f~;;mm5 ; Wm IL”! %"Wa§;th my felf) thehopes gnd the Mmppineigof A3 (th0U;‘~§.?:%4 4. . ' 3. I,‘ ‘P. y ‘_Afi 2:35‘ A;«a~:w ‘\ ,7 .\|". ‘ \ ‘W. I '* M . ‘ _ a, ‘ ‘ ‘ A WI? H 1 I [CW4 ( though not cxf the gréatePc,dyet a. wry gremand) thrabeflcfieople in tha‘: World. 5% andtrulydfl zmci um Afeigned1y'4I¢£hm1ght {O25 as 21. Pmplfi Ahighe and ‘tThI¢*¢1'c@e1*ei?cpx*¢fefiioh%ia1i1:.f§§';Ag ~Ao)5f the gr+eatéI’c;g1ory,£:c»wit» Re1%i%i©¢nA.a a%"@PeoP1% :Ihat haveibeei1;li駢VAo:herA~ Nations, fe1n‘eti”1nes44‘uDa V &%4;f‘f3Vngs"th§1t af?gfi<3fffG1o1§§i and f0m¢%tiné€sAdk*>Wn,» in cm h4oi10ur*%vin rh€wor;A1'cii~, A but yet never {"0 low, but we might Anmeafizre with other Nations», and amP€w0}t>1e that havs: :.1I’cm11p upon themfirom God, God h:3.ving(as it were) 4 ‘fiuyililled all AO111:;,%4VA%fc>rmeA§i§ %G1‘ry. 31id’HQIfigur,' "A %Ato5jgNm:§onyg,i%z1 an p.%3%d&;&£¢, iVi7tk1inith;€fr§;1&1o,4é; x~2”:f%y.€Q%;‘s1g§fi” Aft) that We knew oI1g%‘:~*4~fi11o§h¢:j;' at“ i1fio1n§:;???Va11d~«q.r€.f«well known abroad. ‘ " ” A . _An»_«~(ifs Ibéé jnoAtve1‘y% xnuchvmifiaffin) Wewegfe; ”2u*riv€d (as I} ;ézV:1dtru1%y, as Ibelieve, ihany others did Wthink) at averyfafe. Port, % where we might fit down, a,ndc%onten1p1ate the difpeniamons of Gad) and Our mercies , and n1ight«.kn0w.4Our A rnercles not to have been like to thofe of theAAntiem:s$y A who did make out their Peace and A Pr0fperityV, as Vthey thought 3 by their own EI1dE’3.V0ilI'S;,'WhO' i’ could notfay We , That a110urs were 1&1; A dqwmtw¢11sJfmmA4Godhimrehi,whofe Awearances ‘a11d%I}?rQvidencesamo4ngit. Us are 4no :¢’tc;I;;"e"c,>ux;.. A imatched by any Story. Truly this was Our %condi.m”.on,W 4 and Iknow [no-~ thing elfe we 411-ad to A do, {”ahvcAas. Ifr»w;1%*xvasAc0II1¥ A 1 ma*ndedA,AAin thatimoftimceflent Pfxxfim AM «%A«z;rz:.:2:‘%M;a’ 2 Pfa1.78%.%y.4.,5,_6,,7. 2"/Eye Wzngxwbia/a ms l:a2xe?‘laemi ~ wrwf ::22dA*¢mvm'i* rigrtzzal mar Farbm ”bm)e¢ z‘oldm,[»we will mm lfiidc tlmmflwm their C37/aildmm ,2 flaewiflg to 4t/22'? Gamm ¢ mz;iazaVAté a=asm{dW T raifia';a~%A 4j%°Lm14M&4/vzW¢mA4t1a, '$~ Ea. ;. wvfiflafwrfz; ~:w0rk5*=23:£zé£I2': M/9:.¢t:/0 %‘*;v.c;z‘2.*‘TiA~4V¢$'e A V ¢;flzz%éVZ.,z:fl:~mM2a Vi2"e:[fz'2¢m.2y% «"92 jacobmzwl appoifiteci gz ,L=zia%x» ml {fa A A616. /76.» %¢ammmded‘aw Fat/zers Lt/542$‘? may W3‘ /€?¢0w72ta1'l2eir4A Cbila’ren., t/Mt% we mzemzg£:t‘kA;¢aw‘At/a£mg' Aerzzem/:weV f thefe .ti1~’1'1¢i‘S;; and of tragifiufcions, 11; will be faid(it:Wil1 A ‘fpokex1a1'cVtrue..; no: he denyed) but that thefe things thatl have: This A Tmlmt was put intoyourhands, and {hall recur to t%hat=which4Ifa.id‘21t4theV firft, 4 I came With% % very.Vgreat joy,and contentment, andcomfort, the \ A firft t1%me%AAI<1net yo;1;1.n~t1?1is Place .: ButAwe:and&thefe Oratour, which I did r1ev~e1* affeéf, %I1I'A dm :‘Anor~-I Natinsgare%, f9r%~%4#the.prefi:nt,: Aunderw fomedifiw P01flU’I1A@nt. f : I..Aha .%puI.‘p0fed4to have~A"pl@Lid I hQp€«fi1a11yI doubt nut b31t«up0nA;eafie fuppofixiw A A01?A$» 4AWhi@h» I¢'ax§:1%perfwad%ede4x§ez:y4<:me am1;;g;;y3;a 1 :W1H»4granemva upon hoymvaés xhaféa; A1 A 1::a§aa"&*3mWt N W amy4i~mpes~ ,... V iA~A*4‘;M£uflratiM _ a ‘A % \ “ A aititétg , $.21 .\ii;l?gtf*zz:z»£;?}2‘;?‘ m:I%,t;:: -;1,13:=A.% cgzjbv 3';9u§g- .;j,§.. V;.%AI11gh;;A% left 11-‘5i;11(3:t %Awi;::g;;.1._“:~E~:qa% wt 7 “tgg5;e;§:71«?%e_?V..éa;Af§.7'c::;4M : i:Ezz'!1Lt;;;:,;-. ii1:1111_1i 2s,:?%4aA~“~I~’, :;1i'zy. q§+i“‘Ano~f;7&zTe Aer; ;*~§:;g:iAé2g&2‘Z:iz;y~ %®~I»1§E% Hf that .Di;,3C:risjfic'd C0::eq'i£‘ia2fi2V"V¢VV€‘fi1 A_»a;1Ai~«~A:hen !* fir‘ ~A7v- "’ _'a‘‘_. f'_’ ,_"M ”w>‘§:‘$‘|u.: 7'-"',~«,‘ J«z'r _~‘- ‘ 111uL‘J<1~1iE.-3,7’ Oi? W ;.Ati';-:a?ri:11v1i"e4;%b3r t;hZ:"z; 1&?z,t:c«agrrxiri.r;.z:5Tz_.-.zitiz1 "D 7 FéfsA Zia-::=Lf 4 e:m;;¢ 1£h-~%Ah’€? !:i3££%)£e$:iA‘Ay¢g1£;hiQf13¢€£*%T;.s~iébWhi~:;‘«h}?¢fk V: W31*E s.4VA ahVb~*wa;s, .:ad:a‘@;':1you1' <:>w-MA De;.~:’mnma.;;z 3” co;21fRc”a:*:;1~m.«=VA A51Tmffi,I(i5Cn’I3fl;i3&:1iiv:}§.E“E;7fé‘}‘§tilixcéfmfi tAi1;;'x;t%iVfE:4*:pedie%1at,AWimzwe:-« :;b3:V%j;rg3;u: 1-mi? (_.§.E§.10¥Z£ gm 3‘1£’iF}:;Eh’,;i» M Lizzie #.:hecA¢k Aa11A9th%é;* A A A .:.\0=1?xp1?EV;l£;t§;t“§Z 1: agfmz ? .12 ~»h:zve~ 1='=rra‘At§e ;.£hi;g:2»; f%:3;i’;§01'& ia,s.«%h;1p.p3r~ ,.i % am~«~c0rz+1d%V’ih;w@¥been3, A if % exrary fixiizg bud fi*n0och1y¢run on~f1*@§;f14 AA «W A ~ ~ ~ \ _ K : «And zindfqrzis. .:(;;ym1.: x;xzi1l;«gixz1e« rn«eA1iIbez*é:3;rA¢c5Af«A 13%).? < A “ " ..a§V[4g~Ba A A .« flaftmtsf M ALAfihe;,“ ; fhm.r~e ~Way"A‘Ai’®i‘V=*v*é Q g A W ( 1-4’ V M ;S’%*o'p:;a¥1*x3t A ~ be1wnAgH,q M A yuihmv iIfif‘?,m&&~$w$f& ‘I ' A MWwlenngirocwamgmwagwfev itlmfif Afih .. L A ‘agigy:j[£*§i¢~I2xtw' ~ ' . 1 v yvv L» ‘ ,‘..; ¢ : ' ‘ ‘ ymwmw % m 1 I M -;,'.'” m;.~‘.u ‘ ‘ M. - ‘ ‘ ‘ ''‘‘t‘ -‘/p» ‘ 1: “ , . “ i “ “ w ’y ‘ “' “ 1‘ ‘ “ ~ u.. W, C‘! '1 2 -. A ; - , x. ‘ *." ed fine-2 ' % m « V ’ ; W " intqjthe Hmfi=.I u§M§>:1‘as:Vaik4*i e %—.xsa:agnizW§%;.»?4vfih Hm?2zdrwz2zu:a~¢:::4..oa¢:%dLnaimg pz: J. “ ‘ ‘ -h« ‘ a , y r ‘ ‘ ‘ . " :'§fi?3f‘*I rt‘ A faatmnw,-,. [ W M M HY . _ 4, . «- ‘ ": a ~ ,3 W“ ‘ <5 a- " M 2 “. ‘a J v 5‘. \ ‘ 9 L ’ m, fly Q n.‘ ‘W ' ‘ N» ' "‘ a ‘ ‘ . ' ~ A ‘ " ‘ « "‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ \ ‘ M +1 r» .» .5 -. ‘ _ r.€::f@%w‘** ." " "‘ M ‘ V , v‘ *y ‘ “ “ '' ‘,‘,,‘:“ W“, n H ,:M";‘, " «'2 r' ‘.:,~ ‘I “.n‘ ‘ WXm=t«her' , , ( ‘ Q ‘ _ , M ‘,4, 3 3‘ ‘ M 5 3 . M ‘ '*~'.. * ‘ 5: . " ‘ya ‘ ‘ far~e4&w::Vb3€%+thfim» ‘W mhgmf A A zj11~;4 toN&%th1nk A%':z:ha1;~~E7sv;as~%-atmy M V‘ 1,, 311?‘ g€¢1 1liééa~9zv¢é*z¢éd[mi xarll }A¢c1*Ief6* ‘E5 V AouVth;@: ;¢uesiaAAAA 4 A ~e»< f”ZW?’“€5‘ 1 V0 ‘ A ‘. w W‘ A .4 M Sag’ Sa ety of thoie that you rVep:ref¢11te“c?,tQwhmi , .‘ ,‘ aw “:’,*?’:,: ;: V.__ L5; +.. . - AAc.whatMfi7age;a~haveIAdifl:ux:bed,youvo1hard; Ink Arid ‘:ciid»tt"ink to%AVb”e 1'f1$*~V»bufii1efs,V rather~t0A , : thae» }ifl_"u,e, ,ja”11d wh;1t4%G0d would ;produVce vV;3go4u,VAAV;;%:h:1n_+L1nf¢afdnab1y4 to; 1intermedc:i}e::vwith.V V $y'«:;>u,j A4.;[§ut.4aS }f3%iVdVbé'f”Qre: A have b¢fenAMcari4ng' far? I Q yggb andfgr A the P;éfl;§;.ce and Qgiethf the ‘ Nations , " VA 4 Arxd it} feadeth mMe[ “ to 1e1: fyou know {'0 mcwhat V A tmt I ”f€‘='£f»a.= fearfwill be through f0meii.nterpreta.-- mast ~”€é;Pé2:L%ei§nd’;§emlém§aW§,, iii ?act.><)f* A a;nd%fZ’rz:t/aib¢_ning_ brought togecheraR2;,;;€iMaaf}2$ ';md;‘A ~ _mw Ieif-i2z%$earsb étbgvsaby AAremnci1;n*g¢&h1ehonea:_ People of \ A A A _ V ¢Diat?tcmpers1:hata.:re amofngfi us, 4(which had been efe yN:5Ltions, A § and _£emm.g ~t‘heA wofi11IV V M gi"ori0x1sp;:hi11gs, .and1wort:hy Df C5W}V(1Wié3:t0..hf1V€;.L% propcs;:{e;dV%): Wem’:A;A angd’.[* Ne»tit1ax,% ;Bi*i2zér3 VA and T/2am:=fl, M A h;aV e "tbrz}z9‘z3;¢?.1nde1‘ ‘y40ui‘jIJ.-mkaw, A 7 difl‘€tt1emfflt%%aLnd % j divifion, f A difcontent and difl-fatisfaafiiong tiogethéi‘ “ with real dangefs to the wh:;>1e,has been mom " tipfie »w:ithi;1 1;héf_e*fiaaeMmerb: yourfiitdngg ,A thaAn:Tin fomerenff befbreg... V L % ” ~~ 5, A 1 ” ¢ V % . Foundations. have been aifo%-laidfor we futumv renewing the Troubles of Achefe%'Nations4bya11 they ‘( .33’;-ziaivzizis of it 4bm¢zd¢#ami 'ta£’*&vo:ai7tzr5 fiom-hef: Wwtds tmrfllafpa t,12_£%rmtzlml:j mmanflrmawsareé of jt3afl_ be; 5*"1;he§~ Enemies of the Péace.A thefe4Nati0ns abroad and. ‘ home. , f,.;Ttkie-A difcéntenfed é1a¥h¢%Y‘h7av£ takenihe 0P9ortu11it"ie$from your-fimfiv sfrbxnethe- fiupéfi they %“AAi:=wfiich4%1%44Rrhnéafie tonie¢t11r*¢%they H A take; up, 5coflbIud%E,w»«thatA. A A H Mt? VkthE1’Ef()I4‘{€ A A A :mrir%23y*2;".%$4 *' " w ‘ ' " ' _ M V ‘ M '. . . \ " 1‘ , \ ‘ M H ‘ ‘ “ H “ ' . I ‘M ' ‘ II V “7‘2 0 ‘a.. \ 1 “ . ,, H “ V A “ ‘ _ .. H v ‘ ‘ _ - I “ ‘ \ - .- 1- '4 « ‘ ‘ ‘ , , I ‘ r . ‘ - , . ‘. ‘ o :y, '< n ‘ “ ‘ ‘ . . . J, . ‘ . ‘ ‘ . 4' .. ‘.5’ “ . J 3 A ‘ In “*3 ziuagcrf en%%cheir;%eha1f>«nh_ey hadanycafion%:n:~. ‘ I ~e»d‘.£ r4this,a;nd ffom w‘henc;eithey%ha.ci~ it, jI€1‘ift% %no”t4teA%rr£ake% my ‘mutiny Qt burl will; fay , ,, %A ‘thiVs,, IAth’inkAAhef 3hadj;hem~no¢tAfmm me; VIM "am fizra ‘the! ::had flats rom whe.nt:e1:heyA=hadit.is;not%my A mefsnow todifcourfe, ]%buAx t):1atAt=1:1ey had, iisA;oib1- A %AVviousmVeverymansfenfe. * % ~ A ,; ; A Apx.epara1:1ons=;t‘hey ‘have me to exeme in Q \ feafon_ as -thcxught 4 _;fi£ to ‘ make 3 thqig =0p~prcuAn;ivyVfr«®m5, I,k!i0W‘-(¥10I:‘iiS4ATr1€fl know .‘ nhi;ngsib%A (ion? éture ibtjn’) by'certainAde1non£§rable .1mow1e ?g7,“‘t .AIat‘ they have been (for fomie }tim::: 4:pi1fi:)~.furnifl1ing the1=nfe1vesA with «Arm: , nothing d®ubtimgsbmt4¢thattwufhu1dAha«V¢aw~yforit; . xnd.m:1yA%m11ev1ng,% Athapt: mvhatfhxaver rheirformer A P ldiwmms ware, they »fl10u1dhave.mmwdn’e ‘f6rAA4t emby .*a;t1d_from our Aovm «vifom, thm A ”\Kr?ere«~ab1@tod0f@§themfe1ves.A do nor, andfll dc» 'fire,tAc€> mi1derfi@od4 1'0, than in an I have no fay of fwbj'eé’c,_ ,AvymW1¢~wflIMcakg 111:5 »that‘«*I\havekm refervaag-V, tiwniint my mimde Am‘ mingle tmfigs At of Gtwfi‘ and V Ste/Z>ir%azWiA€¥iA*chmgs 054%» Abw:-the lam A mg;areA aft 1='m&, things?f‘”evld~ent‘dmw:j§m...iA A 'I?he:f°e&WgAeds, A"Bri;¢rJAir5xd¢ATl{drfltS @hey‘t$aveA%beén:~ P¥?Péfi!1%sAanA‘h4v¢ br}*=oCéz2£fa;.‘ V:hean¢IearchingAEye bafore nx.emio.n~ ad will finds out‘ Aulm; a%ndr¢%&v~i11:§udgAhirin, as Iletheit; régarfdeéhaf mat xhe; : orks;;o£Gm;:h¢+ Tflperati 7% %% .!;%Of% A h“ 3 hands, f 1' A ‘. A mid; 113312 ' :\ up;* that becaufe he’ pan difpuim-. tVé11;u;$,;V1jI§ V knew notwheréthe :“Cmwf¢% begun.,,.~L ;;n<>r4~w&1er3;e%:;irVi5sV according 2;1;I1*d‘Sfil,b1I1itS Alldt m 1:1{1éjV‘:dppear;zm*e5 Go“d_.:.4jx1; feé * A %»é:>zf1ds;:,%a:h refoxe ; h”:iAVlift;s up T his11ee1La.a?infi-G;9}c15 a+nd.1h%0Ckcth¢at%a11hisvprovidences,rI3:I1'gihi“g~3‘5WeA 4 abfenvanions made up m>t¢;WithQA112' 4 mfw, £~h;e%; S6ri22tures5e»butbY4the quic[k:xix1g’%&;%xeac irigic:¢‘,Ai .andV~~he wi11makehimfe1f4 a,ndh¢%%3Vi11 make; bimfelf .kn0x3§rn by the Judgme.nts which heexecutetfig = 3 «:19 Wi€::iI1.1Qt* chinkha d0€S>bY’fl1€§A%ii?f3D§§*i¥ 61ence$d4M¢%9fA¢Am¢r§cy%V ar:d:m1£iudnef$#% which hehath Vfefix: ~ his PeoP1ea‘yand%~fordrheir3ufi Liberties;~*V wbomiwfg l?1?€5.%¢' them“ 1: .Dowth%;he ndt bi’; je.1t§:'::y x1s>s%:th¢r¢b%Y4;a1#foffiénfl. £iVi1?3&1€i?:3£3€?€?€:f0f;tth€“%>&_gfiwgimm; f9: Mrwrla; ‘oflhciir i;x43%»%~»o£ A —Is1-\'ff':.\\xl:17".(y)‘,t' tbi$hh= hhfairh hh:,hL%¢.¢’éure.ghhh ?A'and)‘”'~‘..as»‘ clearh %fpé;%ikhing' , any thing <5ur,dai'kh,,r‘€afon leftwgo hthé 4 «C-t‘er :Qf theé~h S¢frzpture:h;*'h¢ah {coiled} from [them IW~€- _ ‘M'‘ 41 ‘ , $,%hSByxh1shh‘z2o:cehhaS God fpoken Jireryh loud on Fhébfl-v;f A hi.-{itch h ofhhié P¢0fi1¢»h.byJw?gi»2§h théir Enemieshinw War; refizormg them: aliéerty to’Wbr{hipt,v;%ith I thhe‘hf'i:ee“dom of 1A their A Caxflrimces 3 r andh ff€.Cd(_fi}II1'.ifl“ xhei1*hhE_[fzzm and ‘Péffilmhwhcnhthey do fo;And~-thué T ~hh2Wefound*the C511!/W God shy héh¢fWWihh%0fh V Go‘d,“xés7hichh;1reh;theh Tgflimazajof :God, :up[of17WhiCh g‘g.‘;1gwhofoevegfl2/its {hall fufferj %{hipwrmack.J* ” ii" 4 ; But n;a’som» am , ancum Mincah, ir;1ma.h nyiin (‘til-:‘E hhh;ork~1,hi conceminghhthe Iflterfi hiofh, ghafe Ah thawthhhziveh :1 £1 I2¢terzfl.ihnAa‘:bechtc§r A odd 5 A It h ’is~;Myh' A Aloft, 5 huthdO;hh7opewe~fl1ah Glory, that’I4know a~ Camlfie, which yet wefhave gnét; 4 A _ . ltakehaligtle pleafuréh rah-V-h them tohi~10{6 our hLt_~.'ue.s5 than Idfq. ~B’u;~ :yo1,; hwihll ~~ A cxcufehhhhhthihs long dihgrcflioflo A 4‘ Ifafifhhfintokybug whilflyoh have hbihnh theh of th€&_LTraflf4€?i0fi5a‘ha‘ hP‘WJathat.C4w4leer Farzy, A (Ihcbu17d§wifl1'hfom€‘*0f nhemhhadhhh thrill?" hens 'haV7€;h§E&fd¢Wh313hI‘f3Y)t‘he ”,,C4‘1’?4Zleer mtyhave bin deflgwifig gz1ndAp(eM*i?¢g tohput this ;hN4ti0#h in blood ; h ”aga}.Ln With“’a"W1’[U_ef3V"5“but.” becaufehl am coxmfidfem; ‘ there: are! hnonve of that Sorxzhercr, thfirfiff-Of¢_tAefiifif@.A A A A A A . 1 It:vhath!1wc¢;Iwetz;nioAAn1:y this 3 but asina “A for .q?Zemifi‘v,> A1Zh6AA~§1l'£I!'1~0e1A1I«*~~fiX€IfhA1nA,0l’1@ ‘AAAPar"At~I“Apvfl.‘AA g§i'+?vei«t f’oop,e5— Mwill gachermeg Vt~t;1a?t~~p1a<:e,i:t?:ct the:»ha;--» zardingof -’thAe5WhQ1A@ y a;nd1;tA1s mm.m1dyt0AAAA:Afo, flew M A~n2sy:wain.that%4~%‘P£rfwzAon whonvfo.¢v¢rA :msbefws.»%¢ V 1 «%.S;o-»VA%‘>’fik—ewifelA ~_morer%AiL W tA:a«41:.eAA.-at-4‘ *CAA1AAA'tAZ.’cAA€I'.Ai:IEfl*33A;AAA~Q‘%.‘aM1f‘€‘S;..AA% b£?%J4V4%aggravaeio;1Aaof jmheir " and~ was~4“:that whidt aéwict «aft-~» L the " A ‘A’-‘x. (I3 9 A ,1e»gmwAidgAanAdT'eneafing of thofe A1)?/ltmpmg %aA:s”%" much as fWou1AdA have% been irxth%;e i bady‘, if :r,ime1yAV Aremed3r[A*were ;AAn=m::A app1yed.% .: 1 Andind eedw A ghingjgwereeomeato that pafs Qimirefpeéfl: ofwhichi flaa:l1 giv%e-eymuv 3~P3rt,icu1ar .ac<.jc:um)» Vdmcm. _ ;Pby?z%ci‘zz# ..»A if the Great flkyfmlw not {kept £114., A ecamxld havewred thAe4 Dzflmpzzr. I 1 Sha1lILlaythis%upQn yAmurAAccompt,% Armayowm A -mm fi1reI?ca.niay] it upon 6 accomz1mtA,mha;t if not fiepéc A4di{ieafe hafl+.beemA.&%tta1%m1d d'eihmStiv=e and what 45.5 all 't-his~.:‘ Ikruly i Aétnufl efedsw Cay55 a company of mm , iike xBf¢"xym”$” and4TIaarms A,;VAAAg¢z¢ndxvorfeg if worfe canabe ;. Anfrw-A 11i3th§rC0TrtAtf1”"é§fl Athmfe A1*e~fnenA:irz&med«A m ~ANyo3uA have been :,A and are, endeavouring purus L’1:1tr:)A Blpod, and ~AAAC‘mfzgfiou , A.mo:r¢A dweiperateé and angar0d*s1:Amnf::«A;Mw1:hm Ewg1zmd%ever* yet ' V ” A A And AIAA4mufi:fay,asAwhen azdem comm:mAdAed km‘ A Son to fa1l‘A‘upAonze§£m and za1mma,m1d flay charm they thought:it.1nmezmb1e cc» dgr bythe band ~of a :AM;w,1»A than aofa"4ASrrip1ia¢g r," %w:hAich ;:~i:g.Aj A c‘0nt‘en%mncux 2 .m;A.A the; MM mm. . fi¢/1;s-My {o is i-cffomA'e £3.ti'$f;1fi“ci0nA,’iffr4¢;sm ‘itAha.t‘ as b€f0I‘~‘3 2 *171th€rAta1g:en,i:,%4%%Athan that you ¢ha‘vé;~ M i:”1%<:i11<1AAAAl)[;:lzzie5;;. %fi:om h‘<}pe's %V,.%that 4.nhiS. .%pga%1:1i“a.A * _a¢1minifiredAAa y’4Ca‘ufe urito them for.iw%1"o_i“é,{»§3ig;g,= A AG:%om2’a’.r Were, there hav‘é%beeA11 the Efi%o7s,AnAdA:hus% 9Ij§haVé% laidAAthefe,thingsAbAefQfe you 5 * ‘and concerned. . _ others Avsiillb"e ‘eafiljr abléio judge ”TAh0’:W Afgm you are“ ‘ M V %_ A _ -“£“e‘t.t1e Yfr..oxflv’Ed‘?fi10bZe*t‘£»3’b ;fh'::LI1g?e; VI*'ate.sia.;1d;R%e [olrz2es of yours; yvi1ich"A $1“ Ahfépefl did :1bufe;_Ay0Au%.A Thus y0uA fee, A what :;r.‘he , ,;AA11d4%%%Wh:u:‘have thefe mehdone? Mthejr héwfe‘% .a1-=- A A fQ1a.b7ourVerd%.A tci L perx.iert: A Where :chey; :cm11A£1;,;::;;:gnd;A:Aas% V tgheycbuld, the m€4mf7$gipflQpIE;VGf th”€%Niation,» I theyhave"1ab‘Tou41*%edA&tAo engage fame in 1;he~VA~ Army; ”;,%Mrt£r, M andto brim 4i11t0%;A‘4 vhé ;:i1iz;0:nvew£it2nii£[”s“%i A A ‘ A A A What A and I doubt, that dot only they,but fomAk>thersa:1foiA%% vezfy we: “known :02’ 451.14 ,hav”ehe%1vp€;d in %thi§“7w0:kof : debauching%and d1v1d1ngAAA:hezlrmy;they3 hams, eyi \ 3 11~aW;. ’iI::fWdu1d;bAe_A1Qath; t:o1I1;y- ,% Mao, %x:2bex;*,%::ian.f§i44l1;mz3: A In211ch\A1?£iore1érath (:0; {E1 7 , theyfwere any4vo£AyAouripvs},11.m ‘V A Hfimomlzer 5 bf11t I can ay, - E%7¢%dc’ zz?'u0r;s A in: the Army ,1m;;o a_ Dzgflgmper, :an’dVto;. Feied%:tfha€A$ A %V5z1:¥1.iCh~17S,.. thé:WOrfiAl1‘umour L 1:116 A %Ai’§hi1f1LW3:S.rIV<1t.a;¢Vm3Jl€%I’iIig&11111Ti?»wy%et;>rvAw;4V»tf}fT¢5':7é A t:,0o1i;% thair advanta.ge4 from‘ delay ;;od£AA;~;hfe‘ 2: .S;'2z'?; *Z miflfifavj and the »Pr4éi‘z::e5 4~«before4AmemmnAed a:1:_1d%: of ‘ mi, _ , H , ‘M’ A 9’ ‘ V « V _ ‘ “ fl #4 . %WhAami4 A’Vz1V4_,«‘3-gze A A mm-r,AA1‘az:x;ai e”cca*fioning; gand neceffitatixigA‘AAthe%greateflzw part thereof ~1?n4 Scotland to mzurh into England, _1eaVVir1g flue: remaindV%er thereof A to have ~th¢,i.rA % T/Moat: Aimt Alfh re, and%4kind1i?ng j7?ftheArePc A a AAPMA AAAA~irV1V AAAoAur4 aéafimzs, wefé‘ E61” t¢*“V"A‘ec{adVaAncA%A ,e&f ‘hérfe, f Aét theAVV0r1dV»jucI%gA~:? A AA A ‘This I%A‘t'e11youa1fo, thatwthe corréflibndéucj held WithAArh¢Int€r€W th+W%A¢l1¢er#s bi; ahat VPMIY 5‘ A‘f:a11ed&~i»Le¢;e!le;~:,Vi and who ‘ca ?tA1?x%e1nfe1v,‘¢s ‘(:1’i}mi:hafl~wealtk$4mén ~ whdfe mcAzmz~zom werc I flamed to that purpofe _.,A andxfeadyg to be} ;2»élz]IA2}:a{ a.nthe%?cime cf»? the”i1“+Comm0n~1*ifing, A Vwhefeof ‘” m%AA;+%;ren“edA, "ar1dforwhix:;h~ We hmthe z:a2aA¢#«:.&AAzA=; V! themfelves nowAinA¢u&a%dyA%?;A ?i[w’ho% cfl<:iAi*rA,¢=:’I§ alfb theyV~bui1 titheirAhopes upon me a£Tura1ic¢”AAAtfléAA A V had Aof= the Pgdliammts not ~a“greein4g;AA Smlemmt; A fm1z:dd»AAn0ur4 V ; ethe1‘theféhum®u.1*s have not I1Ol1A1TI‘.fl'1m€"Cl“\.t_‘1fiI.€;I7I1f» Aifiamgbs, AiAs"AtheA fubjeuit of p*réA.: Andmufiifay xcagaing. A'rha‘m:ha: 4wfii¢hJAA 4 hemcheir %adva;mge, Achmil :meAnW&m¢e , c Wax f;”a”37:j hath ‘,~ ‘ » ‘ m. ‘ ‘ M M ;x:..J ” ham the Iofs of%xha&am~;apmm2;iex, Gv0434hé1ih Pmtxta )m}11r4b3nd$s fr !i1dT5&€’dAt»11ei£ V %‘%*vQ111¢i :¥:m‘ve M ,‘. 'fi“ Jr‘ ‘ M .» m 1,. . IV _‘. “V! v ‘V an w ' ‘ ‘M ;.'*....,, ‘ ‘ 4 th¢VA%1?A69fPl¢g% {W G0 V‘ Ehaeigmfie f¢Ifi$>I1%x;>4f »Athe44P~eop1¢,w f0x‘maIwy % 'o4ne»§t11$»:4 4 .;x- “ 1 a L - I 4 :*I411..ei<:e«’Wa$ :43 :=: A % «mi hem eriercitédnemti .1t?j wme, needfulthzuzIfhouldgtell Ai‘t«Ag;a—;aA ‘5 A its ~ %% " W . ‘ ,‘ ‘ ‘ “ m ‘ . “ A “ ,. r, ‘ ‘ é flfiW1d.T%’c>u%t;rL'“A has ‘"ui 1-:3{0,uA in ;thi4sL §{?1aaeA',% aaxad ‘tharéfd1‘c *Bvi.;l£~~ W .r . mt .' S ‘ 1573 » f?§’¢37 €' A 1n1b¢VI7:*§3?%ra1 ” A M wh%ac%yowm~e daing.)ifiyronxmdgm Amman W tfl;\\:fi;m?if06n::'Q£”ffl'@C&I1nfi\h %'17s:>V; * a;tefu_ch:;‘gm" A A /5:179"? for th£t;t"eap‘1“ % A u“ 3 m,“ - Mé A M Kim A ,g:wm- %% 4 phat ymnmt VOW‘:/a;oclaxA‘ g f€ffin3gtGafllim~:.. ' 3 ‘ - .‘ ‘ . M‘ J‘ ' i x .~mA~2n;z;gzwcwnm;Vm’7ad1y:%A 1Mmi‘[£éw3' Au? §m}“?»;ex;“giWm wfl¢.fliMrty. tV;«Gwd£yV’.#ae7b0f'A4differe1iic M }udg:6xfi1emsA;.,:%%Amem»4A~o?f:“thaA i”ame«:i;% ;iAaith%A»w;it&h~ A zmfleriy E:‘2g:1gmd,%V% as own the 1zade;2e;2dw¢:%:AAare aAnd~ ;mc£er%the%.Form%of Baptifw,Awho* Wfowzd? ~th’é men; Ain%4V{wme:;:1efl;%J A I,a;t@r$b(”vT{2Zy*‘V46y» *msz?)§6’Vi;¢ tlJe;’6la 4 of Clam’/5 ,. 1‘x1en‘prc>feffing~the fear A-} flrax1ge‘i~it;b€ ~inothmg‘ ; fa=nIsfyAAth4e1m4A 1* =i11Ti¥1*éfs " theytcanputthieirngcr non their B,rat»9;~em*?%Carz*(% j?aaia2wé.c., ‘t0Api11ch§thIE1n:*1th€1“e;;‘ &o5Athis;} A was thc CAom:eft7W»e hadAwitl1t‘he Cémamm An’-—-4 ~Wrwry%‘..4%fm«Kmggizm Vwmriot the A bmught u: f Vwffxiei ;A::4¥*iti¢iriw:;l1sb"y way; in ‘ 42%,; mlielyf n1ay;V4parh;apf§1 iibe‘ 9 c:{i:i*’f«'e;1¢e4411I‘t gdqmncy * » % (18 DJ ;;;i4obca;;;in.:ha; L»i&myA£romA:heA4the . Wg;wp;.¢;»,.; 1:0, all.«$pe:ie.r;":A~of§A Eratéflmmt , >» A ” (god; aggprdi 13T0:4;E1?ta€ir «mi: :*:z'gfit Aandtsvcomfiiemfexf :.B?’£.'xftd ‘,7, were c‘;r;wa4n tVAxvb <:iA%urA::AV«13;r;%rl2}~e22foxfmk g’mzgén5$%;5A.§L&,gaAgl%d; 1Aixz¢:.xiI1AA~_gE.:aw[mgzA t.:, f‘ - zvl*a7;»a*m'%e » A A yawrla m*fe»d», ‘.afldf made the £.7.fmf4E2f the“AN4zio22. . hc;>fechat;%_3;s2c:rew[o§u;z:1 j2z%"z‘lzA#Fzziz:}}, howvpftjper ~ it fQr%4th¢I133Am;1;abaun £orVfiLiberty;A:AA W??? K %I;lV1.«?~»*=wtA:»%;7?x1§f1ti fl11l,1d.~n;i:zt4.4be% trampled W+4Aupon,4*VAfo1:?A tihfilr ~hac1:aI1QjtA§heyAlab0ured but la-ee:~a A 13136161? Ljthé 9€2?€iA’%’5%!r0f ;“1-fierfemti am. ,2 =Aan;dA~w3;s A‘i1:3 fit:.. fiqr ;he1n tgofit; llponmfiherfis isiit.AingeI}uous:»Vw A fir :5: What =*A€m€‘i':~ 3, .1:h.:m “for«Ath0feA who ; were Qpp1:efl~=‘6 d by: the Bzflags, [ 1”-Q, b€co1ne~theg;-eatefl Oppreflbrx them:-— M fe1‘.V’es,_fo foon%% as;¢% theirY0Ak€.WfiSIT€m0V€d5£' I7céu1d=:VA wiflx that they whoAcaL1l‘fbr Liézermtnow :::{:“a1fi:5 had z7gqa;;anugcA_t1« Qf *u;hat;Sjoiri;t3_c thfix . A ;t=mVhQ: f§é1i«,‘1?5tj%-:ev11¢Vw£Eds ::%AA::7oizf2'z¢p;;2tgvadmafléfi A ¢c':i«zz:;r'-Q‘V2»1;zg;gf£ra¢AekAA»:Aoug;htA%V tot. mam: Awithw 4 ‘§‘?@1é4—: iAf‘:t¥1A€fe; hot: 15 V"‘ :,;;e3;:, %e1:e*~‘i1:1«.: for; 4. am Pérfiwfi’, ,;E«Z}z_f]:»;§>m¢ér:*;%fuCh V }Q1je§l(;hSc§[_iti02¢, jthefiy: Gazetezatzavm?:Rzz.élc?m' VE*wflA#;S" pe.~et*1~Ii:A A ~~;bn4fcien~c&5a~ ’yEti4: sAJs0%17;di<1%1tAg::,.,%f;;:* bUiE“””CGflP4A A phem-K :mm:rub3e&s.o£the agz/zrateyswora, ¢v/magi}: ?9{It‘t0.,l«'6ztf"iti5¢%!4i}7;~ A W ‘K:;A.:.+hfl4‘:Difi'iylifle':0f the Amywas4fuich;Athat4é nm .I:”A‘Af‘uHTe1'ed'. w re2¢;j4i72 mLere;.j A %d<1akemm1=ceAhewasgrailty oft-fuch i ; *;g5AA; Aas%t«hefe: ,A;md~nhere£o1%é hovvflmppy would ¢ li«¢m_VA?have an'ci:Yc>ugA:;ndd me Lord“ hzzd“. 1je4d:yd'3i1cicoiii:it§ as ‘t11.€f<:,are,..and£0 have21.2%:-oz»;;iz%e,:z¢zm~c;l*fuchipray; V &1,ce$sA as.t;he..othcr, and~1e—fc men .1 ,_dzfizumé[e téz‘;ag:‘* free to Atheirown ’Comfcie;m'.s*,~v which »was we11@p1fo-‘A V=1dedIf1‘.Aby theG'.0v1aIm~Mrn A an?d~*’L1berty";‘1eft V ‘£02 Wovideagfitixait whaté w;;s~»apparEfit15f*éVi1;‘i “ A ;Iud~ge. xrou , eflhethexf ~camt;%flimgV f0*Vr? e~1%xi*r~1gsj ‘ C 11121:: zwem provided forby this GOVWRN 11r.*g_th.§41a‘e:en. Profitzzérle €Xpenee='0f ti1nei?*tbr‘th¢ goo~c‘I <=>4tA‘A=Ath¢:Af«‘:§*%1\.I:a1ti:j<:>n(s:’ yA&:jme.ajr1sA whereof ;.A you may fee .aym1«rhave~.;whoHy. elapfed your time, aZnddoi1e~ ’%jufl'44notahin<*.. A v - A .I‘ffl¢:’3:2'5w'V"£:i:‘,tfg$A/g&flgfi5g1amd' at isms um A A4 ,,.A'!’I\'X7V.fl1__)\fiA3:y this toyo11LiI:b%eh2c1f of the long 4I’4r—~" tWl’i*fi:3e€’f1i'5‘ th;a.I: hadfuchan Expedimix: ~ 2194 this G0-;i AA Ax«VA:aA;Am::u;4AAAA:sm N1: 4 b%em propc>fed« to them , ‘and thmrwcould h;aw@::A fr-2ex1:4th.eC:1mfew, of ‘God thus pro; A V~;id75» “£i1"3fwC[“h2%di§7 ‘d€b§1t€S% %bE'@f?1’ L imi1‘e ;gmu1:1ds.? Wy” ‘\w'r&m:xh~ the J)¢"fi‘i;:-z¢lti%es migh1;‘ g hzxvcheen c1“ee1*ed;,:'4A and mm AreaAfon'~ of‘thewh01cA ”° izaf‘m.c‘éj:, »cir¢:1izxtf’L=anc*es of T.imeAr%4dnd 1% «AAmm‘pe.r /j¢>&’4zz:m2 %th¢“V~‘l&;.”4[l ‘f at ‘ In ; A dmAm1m;%%»ve11% "%'e7s?17"&i1txlM;+ %i(Vfa§;i1?4W*e1t<4 %thAiey% A A Va:4k1~ughxAA.to 1m"€&:A:he1r*§SW7tV‘$ ~‘}rA:”th1nk'v‘1m &[€:o%“r’i—5%h‘ ~ fcie;t;m; 4 C011 a4‘_J'r;_fi“Tt;be fiiarmer that! you have dS*n”e»‘—*Aand%no£‘iW¢» f T W 1:71am xx¢:z1§:giv¢114AV0c¢:.t%¢fi%9n%terlezme tha wgpzg» 1g:¢_1:fu.a~uce 5 Qff‘. r the, G0w2R:1z M f r; a*I1‘d W*irh»1thisS»w3;fl¢ma having &i:¢igh4V*;a1144d,4%£Q¢£1fi AV - ii %d*V*C!i1TW%?m0U 4 3 A ‘ ‘mu 4\ «'4 ‘K a h " \ « »,»_ H. ‘< G6fi%E‘ir;~M.EVN i5}Wherein I da.reWafl"er;A%Qpherefi iissj b¢~%fl.0tm1£~1nfor1n.ed, %Very% many of y0L1zCa*mei%up1‘%“ % % And wh,V%ruch an »meg;;,;; a};;j4141!i:% d¢Lz'befm:0 the Pewc ofGAod maid gzzhe fifiufl R,zfi;:?of44%A4PeopIa 1,I1 .th€&.y rovidwed Atrw: ~ ' ”ButAth¥is no-t;beflitig~A%tE}%é At-irtwie zagwhapfaevgr ;gQ}2.1E)(3.lIt'C0 fuggeflc m V we: % 4 A I M \ Cam7Mfl+wed;1fl:,*A %&c.;.pub:1iil‘1€.‘d %Vmyfe1f1A A defim not Armkeep, 3%! 1.9wfl%fi£Vthan%%: IdmaY dPf¢5¢W€wV J ‘ ‘ A . APWW‘ :~ad‘¥;v.W11££0n%ed)4 am4¢9n~t%‘havc$4iusi%e*drhi11gSAt0%b¢; “ A. M u \- f ta,‘ ; nAh,m.]AzxdicA1@i15sii? A: rA.1:;muca£AtA::~1?£~g;;3A1@A;g~ . wont“AA$31123:"Na1:i»mmsy~A;A«=xk.%h38"T = A 16”‘ “ , . ‘W1, I . V‘ V‘ I W; ‘ . no h:zW;cQvi£ms’?ec& m m vvtm Apamamiiazss V my Qerromwlayr, .;of;;which :I.A1meve1*:~A TyEt:4 7 a;Ai, A A A fr111,?4y§0u-r&~ at if yinft@3.dit:herTeAoAf yAb¢ur% 1;iAmAeAAA- ,b¢§EJc.,§,fFf€n.t}i1l1‘VA§%?:§fii??g Amp fi=rmwhnt%i3ii?: «mdr¢6<:’=—A»% itanda, A thawomka A r5Ii1.g £r0Aunds pf 2zj*&A:T :A2.e;m~elA1A h:idratAlaaA1*beie%n A ed char; to»give,th£5.Peop1cr'.S2zr*rlmiemAg : A thu$,Ai£AsAm:11.AVyAQurVLabx::»L1;:sh.::vAeAAAino aArrmed%4AAtd;a;A my}; :::4«t47:,.A,A;a.4;11;,;, A 71 . AA A ‘AA A’ A * A A A ThisAjG0vem:11«mAnAA ca1led:Ay<;>u“~hirt‘hEJ:;the‘ ‘CA0r1A{i§iw A 1t;1f1£iY€)nA Whfi1.'Ofb'€iI1g' f®1if1:1-itfid, }Ifi.s3g21e A471.Wrli4mar;g;A a11~dAAthisw4.14s nhaught r3;10fl‘AA%igwea+A~ big ;; wv‘;;:he‘‘ (};e;,mgz¢1A44L‘iefxA1¥§s:Ac=;'A1w:Ak§é %V%:Ae%h;a¢n.A:a% Nation, i‘At.AW2{S?A 14‘to‘fallw int0,a*;;;%1&e,£7«~ % A f&d"P¢&fl€,a:h"0W"63£fi41yarid certain1y;»Awil1?t%heirc: ° ° A thm than where wi11%£the dangerbe m ¢haVe i-Tthe M3litiw ’thusftateds” wmuxfxnmumcay5+1me::e%mou1a be adi-fi— p?rpkQx1i\i£&1"§r~Mt:o Ah3;v"e3= b?eAe‘21t1 iinfiire A to~ithe~,g c>d%%f~’AAth%»is§ Nation :2’ V’jwi;fl fay‘ 5&6 f9rv~My,1e1f,4%m1d;to.sthagt 14ha:V+e:;xny" vuG*éV¢9Vft§e2¢&‘£§ A thm1fa&11cIiVi . _ ccnféntmmt i‘;Tr1AV:i’i:.,*44~A::a;x*MI~V‘m;4x~%*:%e y A’ * “ V€¢ir£e~hm§e, ” H «xmut ‘»a14:e1'ation5 of the good of Wlafclmi %c.Qmzi ifiéd, 75 A ; A “ A ‘fit. 64 *1 _ A r?’efa.¢ge*:,mfiil%Ivat4a*?i§fidW V “ I1 ~“ % 0‘ . .. W "' *«1;m;x;mix1d+:*V+%xxovcx%A[>hm&§fV%a§r¢éai;o A c A WW §mhqLuA% ca 4#&epa%ia%‘L4n*VVA 134 1 ‘ Or V ‘}I1".1f’~“~feff10Li1f’cratit§i1*s A [ ;i;t J©;eA44Ax'io:: foliyin VMe:f;%t<9*41i1°céh? to A ,‘m ‘A’ p w H ‘ . my ‘ H .-9:‘ ,,.‘$‘m‘ I 9%, “ q A W. ': ‘ . ~“‘ ! '1‘ 2,43,. H ‘~;,r:4.«,Mr “ WA “ ‘.. H V: A _3’ ‘. ‘ A ‘H’, V}. mfi-‘,,, ‘ ‘ 9- ‘ V‘ 1*» 4:£.,...u3 W §m»,..:‘ .L..~»A »»~ W»-r~~«‘% MW~»~-' 4’ *».’mL7~ % % ‘ ‘ ' V v» , V -“~*‘»»".'k vijr3a+:a11*§thi$$% » *f‘‘o.t.: dd:I;'f1ave‘%t6*fifraké—= G41’}.%€é3‘#r€£:L;‘A hm: you this, Thaczas A cghisf A%%G',a*ucxnmE)Jt7 i11:th[e.?'fiA»m¥pIicity of A hea;n;%,1:; £1i1;da_s bfiforc :4o%d,'A4 ; mdstm ,d0.:«the;..,~part;:c3f an ;co%bc:m:e:z¢%:hc :1ncAexe&».wh&ca; w k W , ‘ . “ .( A digme A hidAe§fi'am1«L1$»~%l?‘ 4a-s.:mAV 1PA¢eace Setjtleié‘? % A if A Prwaleméwi rh Iyééhg» ‘.‘. .2, .- win ‘... mégitfi;Sqjicavn«f&y,l§daan:nidparticu~1m+4Ince1¢eI%;.A ”.§";5%fV“%1r¢*§~"; . f§F€¢;vt‘0&dme%4 :on.e:._; j ¢onechings"Ié;fpe”ak; as thw§:Aad;v&¢f¢F%%4’ s A ed what E-.wc%aW%4% j§.a121jceE:1}iit Won“Ffl&h4§pe&iibnsAasbtttf hxlfor£hesGb7rdu6i‘%and4.DAelitmtr; " «W ~ % W . A i~“é"[7 czaf zhis 1“-?eop41e;i,é AndA.A»cénfid¢ring that «promife : Ifaigzifi 7_ ’ {Sod w9u1d»gid)"e.ARa!ez&4a&221111:;fiz:;(fV, Aiffadgax’ fgéfiéegjpfidng V 51 did,n0tkni9.w,%:i t%‘1'l¢’:IL?."‘b‘AGC‘).Ad;'~".% might begin 5. A and Etihoughmz; _prefant &_wi;AthA :1» mos: ‘ » 2.l1I 1WO1‘ChYPf?f0fl ;» yet as to ct}: fwture, it ‘might; béaftettxhdsi 3-fld %1"#‘Athought‘%Athis tmigh t iherinin. 1A8ms‘£p,ea~ki~ngJ “ags_;.,:‘AA{t?:)é; %;§l3uflgemwét7 A “ A A gaivn£It.4»uiaekifl§g:it¢Hexvditdry lhzw.=:*xxAien* chofiari: AT “fin: thciriawe rmssadsv and ;.to ::I‘mt_}1,‘ and Vfilfufiiiie andmot t;o“have“it Hereditary, for asit is m V Amt;-:«*% _ ,-fig/IcyM%NW}zo,knpwe:gl1?;.%Aw12:tber 19¢: may; &eg::z4aAAA Fool; ~c§)n§e}imV11penAx;hat account, 'he¢a:ufe .a:he*G’amr A er» ~',;i"‘1V1AAA<1'v>F$1 ’%‘~3R«%4 5? Axi:-;n‘0:1,*,;A:fA,=, ewen¢V4z A‘be¢xf*m%A l‘ A .121£2£t;iSmad¢ amxttrimvny. A A 7 Ema :wefi,.;as;beix A AA declamwith 1590 *much A J N _ A A own.;Gam:ammmt,» A kind; has §A1.%z'¢:'e..-wit may%~i:1ave* «Ln your tart: ,9 ;A kncswm; A and,VoF?%4zhe good people .;m6%the Nation ;,;;!‘bAu‘t'fi.ow.».-M4 I gcver it be, , « :1; ; ha;,'v;e4 ~.coxjn.fc>171:A“.i;n4 _chis“‘my*trm:Ahau&5if A 3-;p1ai11€fS. ~% % A 4 . tq1a¢u4‘my4thoug+htsA, iwhfch %£iu- ’ fly éhavc .dea1ared :toyouintbe¢1Fear A Gb”d,% air". _-knowing he wi-l1not,b.e%’mocked,and in .nhé‘firengLh_ of God, A as knowing and rejoicing kept‘ in mY?7P€akingaA€TCiaUY*%%Wh6n1‘downot%-fdrm or) fname things without the1compafs=ofA :1mgri:y%; AA %[ andHon:fl},<~lthat4~my own 1c‘anfm'em~e‘give§ mAeAAAtwr: VA ¥9i°i¢¢~% A f6 L] ta whacJ44iI%dfegy,za+ndthenmwhat ray A .2 A -A-.-Nciw ,%,(»~15i1z) , A % £7 :E<;?a;s:s2§7@1zc1: rt.WQ::~; ;m. ; ffitllélvxr , Imufl:‘Vprofefs%iu4 the~.nam&0f :heVfame]%L%ord,«%and % vthere Ca11f€‘,;:.t’ I 1 have thus fpokm Vt,Q;=4youv and i.th0V5ugh; have told you; .cha:~,1~ fity ,I'h‘€f time,* with % we ariJe:T:;»(:co,7zd % % ‘ W, s;, A look :np0,n; « ~ could mrqugh‘ the.g”racie ;Go<;£5 deg *M:0wI fpéakA~Wiuh4mafiV%ra—w A A A :i4%Vyou,;¢r%a$ havi11A‘g%.i:;.1m0ng..you many? % A % Arfons5.,%%V;.¢tVha1;I»&c<:x.uid1.a.y dow7n;Lmy .,hf,‘e: Indigvxdau.-e« A . as: A ‘from hzixzmég an; unk: or u:n+‘C*hri{haAn% hearntowards V inyqurpa1ftig:ti1ar,Aé:apaciti&s;-% ‘ A A :iI;:A{*%h;m%eAAA ;:thaAt4;Ainde~&d? ms Vaxnofb imvc;1~inben..n uChagD¢zy:1S this, A cafiing-9up;123114%%CAonfiderati*o.ns. » A = "’C0flf€fS5"3;S. told ,yA0%u} that I dldi. th1HkX.ac4 Tde,7V.%y%%?I:?CO%tIfu1t¢€1 W%héLtn'1ight& 13¢" My... ;Dm‘y .inA« % ~ ,m4[1y AVV%.thi%s;;}VNatison2 hath:%fzgj”::'re;l~Aextre1ne1y in A Ihmefpefis memix1éed,;_V;as*alfo‘in the%...A12zfizppaimw r nh~eir VExt}wé?atio22.$4%A%%- that $zgflzz~e» thauA A A ;theiI1.«b§}7:y0%11f’ aifittiflg. I:hL,1_S 1_O{I1g and A % whathaveyou brought f0.1:th3:’ A dikhior, nd'r4:4cani1o§:.ztppre§1f’ef1d: wh£.ti;S; I" * wouklbje loathVnoca11rzz« gmzVa= 0rd)bmA ”me1fe~%i$§5 fQmethir;g 3,‘ .‘T;h31E.-. T 1 A , .4 I ‘diid 1? ‘myfeiii, EQ xrx¢eaAwiL11dA,1>séf and.Aaition4 will , nm:(%as“itLi$ fi‘£1AiIfg.f:110u1d:rElQt)bfl‘dtt[M4’6d.;With A,preA-=-. - ’N¢éc'W’tgs‘ main11a;[t:gr4¢at me: fs, d0;f:rfi1fi;.x1g. ef. money, V and were it not 44that I can make:*{4AfGI%ifiA€t ‘ ‘ 1):» Dilemmfg uI1mnIWh¢ichItc1‘ef©IVeIfdmé?thing‘§IeII0fi«~ Cqflfizmvey*j¥z4dgem.e}¢z‘;v "arid II;4»2?fc§.‘z1g22:§.#I5 I-‘fhdiii-(III finck at zhc.~:w‘Y Pfofpfifi of7~1:ny‘fEn«s:ountersr:;% fome of) themaregeneral, forme are mor‘e4fpeciaI, I fi1ppofing.I"£his cwfi», 01* this 3 Ibe I_ ried_,,,on‘, -either itiswof ‘Goal ,. or of Mm; "(if A it Ibev of Man, I would I had never touched it w1:h*aII~I fingerm hadnot hada hopéfixed inMe that this» %caz4feIII.I»az1d.thisBzafimfsiswof God; I would mae A ny%y<:ars , ago have:=runIfrom it; 5 III? fit" beIof’ am’, he will bea1:‘.itVup. VIf «i_t~be‘ ofMm,itIwi.11 tumbI¢5'« as “every. Vthmg that hath->beer1= of Imam‘; fince the I I World began, hathfidone. And what. ar;e‘Ia11Iour‘— Hi/form , mIditiv»s.~ofaétions in mar times, A but I God‘ manfxfefting h1mfe__1f thaw: he; ha;h]}J4kei¢amI1dfi~m2l2Zed zioawa , and tramp[Ed‘;z;pa%';. I A%Ieve:fyAtIhinI I;Vthat%he.hath nqt ]7_Zzt-7’»’2~‘é’6{“.’.»:21,II€II"€tS-‘.thi$'; is,«foIFIthe3441;-¢«wife;+rfIf d‘/dealwithitg-~ If I Ilf. I:h;isI be of'““hurn”aneI ‘St:1rué‘cure I,I rand~.invem:ion5Q. am: it be Id Plottingandycmtrimmcef t¢:bfi_ri11g-,. t£hiI1gs%_tQIthi*S fige, and that~;th€y;=,:a;rem0tIth€a£*i7rtb;.:: 0f A Praz2id'e7zge, 1:hen theyIwi11. t~u1nb1éL.? “‘; B111; .I:t'he:; Lord takC“’\ pleafufle in £I;¢gl4fldé,I vj=3.Iil=Ii*3 xizifléldm» Us geqdy I he 1'5 3b1€I=tpAIbea;mus» I1p.5;:;; =~Le;; »;.t{I:1~e?II -cu1ti;esIIbe v.ghatfoeV:er they..;IWiL1a;-ézWe:.{hal1Iin~IhisI* St.r_eAn‘gthIAbe"ab1e.to ancounter with them. And I I 'b1efS.’GOdLh’§IV€ been inure:-d to D'z’]jFE~a::zlries:,c3c‘.I ver? found‘ ~GQdfdi/iflgéwfhéll I n»m:h1Im; l‘a.ugh.and% fing inmyheart Iwhen I ifpeak3.bE.;thefe4 IthinIgs1:0.yQuI,I~ ~r;e1f€Whe1"e,‘I 7And ‘thoIugh'*’f®m?éI.I 11*1ay;I;hiI1-kitiisfinhardthing ‘wighout ParZémema— \ Awtéyxirmr r%%ife»;mI?¢y~¢“P¢m%4thi4$~N4t?é#Aa«¢YetA¢LA?IA zhame ano:1aerArgumentcoth€ g00<1P89P1¢ of tw- A .Na:io_n.,, if tt1eyr=w;>u1éIA,b:je4fa.f'€',_Aaf1d%}iave»%no.bem:er’ . %.Prim=Az'ple* wtxether they _p15€f€X‘ 1 haV,i1igQftheir% A‘ % _.:m:// ’though it'b_e%.%c1;1eir De;¥1z*ué3?I:m';»‘ ra$hert_han ‘T ‘m1As>1y% with;4 4thiiigS ,0»? fl€C%€%f13’tY%Th=1£$Wi11Aexcu.=57e4 - megbut ‘ 1;,£11o%g.;1“d%% wrQ%ngLmy na;%£i:vé:Count4ry.;;o. {age pofe» Ehis; A AA * ‘ ' Fowr lookat the;PedpEe~~4 of *t4h%ei?éw iNatio;g§v 3 V A 4,,-tt'1€" blefling of ‘the A fLord;, VVand‘,thf¢y;a;:e a .~R(€QP1[‘el.hv fblefléd by Vfiod. “They -h§a?v“e*A[be¢s1%%4f@,4L:‘md :’thefl ‘V1115? {<75 by 11€==‘~1-*9!‘%0fiith3t'§7”"?”¢'M1W34»% 7»Vhi<:iZC :-hath been, and is a%mQgflwgA them 3. thc)fe1*4:gcner;1t'edM .Qnesin the Lands pf f¢V5f3ri11;_Iudg§fIte%ntsz. who area” all the ;F1oc;l:: o;fChri;fij.; and ,L3mbj$ Qf“Ch1‘ifi, -though :p..exhaP3% uh-dfir m’&I1Yl1m7t;.¢1y‘A g,afiions%,W4 aw : rambles éf Spirit; whereby fth¢Y85iV¢ dii*ci%1i€%trr‘o% ‘themfelves and «others 3 yet thfey are , not; Io; £0; .~G:od«“, as « to_L'ls, he 15 a God Qt o:h;erpac1encc_,., V :md;-‘he will v;3wI_1*’th€ 1eaft%Qf ,t1jw1V1‘1A:l:1i_"r1 thg his%Pvé.o:1v1e;»% ,=-md me P301315 being 3;. G ;;t;l1;ey4Vwi11.nqt.be fo angI”'.Y.-.b{17t}” :Prefér; t_‘heirA7£1fe.t;y to thpir Tp:1flionéy an%dA%.nt2A¢air”&n¢al.1 fe,cj:urIi.»:._ W ‘to forfix-as ***:wvheI:.‘i1€C.eflity calls f@r%fupP1iesa.:hL2¢i~% ;_zhey,:notw«_e11 been .%acq3_;1,:1inted Wi.1:h this pr'in;;ipJ,e,;, 1‘'. ‘LL ;:v;‘. '. 3;, ~7I?h1s‘wefe«fi)méthing;", A C1 7nd cd; but. V . I 7Wk1&§s i;E%TiS §l?0* makcaV.;:hec»effiii¢s‘;:%A Whattfoeiter ‘%£heeJ1idgementsV’w on * %th;emWgfits% ofmen I -faytlfgxsgg not QnlyitO«thié5: A§ffe=mb¥iy~: 5:; A i1T3 l!t*t€I[:'th€%Wor1’fd5-than thatmah liveth-not; fth:1‘£"‘>”‘ cancome maandéchargemewthatl haveuin thefe%: 4 « A % ¢.¥e§fl thacrfear »G%bd‘:,?A,n7%1aS“‘*fi0d“ h{ith*fl’{id_.,;a.. glory» IL‘n>ifl= not ~g’Vi¢;tt tmta anotfzer; Let men take? gf Vand A 3dVif€d_ ,1.» hawthey %cafl% 4his».~ ”R;€f&*01l;1;£1QI1S%I;, .V.§t]1:;jfi‘...%thmgs;0ff&(‘§0dA.w,VaIfd has wvoré-f 46 thiI1>g§j[fi?fim%£)n£—I?criOcf:tO“ anot;h‘e1‘~°, V 1%%fagy, }th’ey4?¢a11»th€i"nixéc~eAfIitie!~ of mans cre;itl:i'on,~.% fer» byfoa c1oing;5..theyA dd*'viIifieA and 1c:ii::n!thc.; Araid,%,neAwznw.gzm %m-m;bar rm. God did to Herod _;whei1 %flnMe%%%xvas~; app1a;L19&ed5,; and did no: acknowledge GOD; And A P=roi7idem;e»sw _kjnV0we;A:h " fwlfiat. he? M ivill "dd ‘- -Wit-h»? (A~m¢r"w Aenfi chéyfhall A % ‘ A 4 V fins. 5; j; and a Vfdet1‘a§t=?? ffOm% his;e Glbryga whe:£1'*'- jhéwér" pat 4 be cu , ,2; fuddenw 7 fxrmit: ?AWe ‘ 1crvfings.of.th: .:hough.1umm§ae$ a gpaflions fr ‘?rt:0‘ LaCkn0%vV‘T;edrge%?% Mt? ."%e.«iT%ne:~V‘ c;ez::ies 1:0 ;i:mpa:fin‘g,%. when been Q :»ia4ae&%:+%.xhey4: " X V -$""“‘ "J ,,‘,-."“'. N ’: ~1se=vBmh.;-_ A N . rag" '52” ‘ “Q M Ma kmm>v:»~:, ¢ " * W v. ’ ‘ ‘-4’! “ ‘. m. ' ‘ . > ‘ . 5 _ 5 =. v « = :3, sag . ‘ ‘V l t_. ‘.-..-1 v, R. V ‘ mu; — » ?~lfl/* . at . 1‘ :- {,3 A ;ntjudge%% %jauA~4; Q%bé'?fr.Q:n -*efl,:d“r [£eiAgned4: rIc::téfTfzty*§T.‘ia11ml:>y* :i;N7&:x1e'13i?:oi‘ride;;img éjxd earnefamfs £p3el?ak"f03:%QQd,r?andI;jfig fw t‘e‘11 F _ % _, % A V A k 'arxdff~fivn&“wfiene4*mheyfix’ at :te‘1;g’w51edA4 neceifivtfy; “t1%*aa*if2;c?t*i%::3s11%s: nha;t#%h:;me ‘%%%,j;%%¥:§&§:n5V‘%é§4An“d:x3f ‘<24 A Godx%hath:jmadeA:mefaL R«é3z2aliwia;v2;f§“ ‘ ’¥':'¢fi1fld‘T"f€fV”@; fi0i'"?iy@»1.1”11‘s tb*he§;r5i[41f %;muA%%%‘:vv0u1d1%ifievA ve Vsthe%%;\grem:?%;; A ~’ -i I. V § Axxzniewhg1:ai:»(}mi‘~*E?x;1tI: zmy*?Wmkx@*‘;1:%x;”a£A(%;§rwnAZ?ga9<.?‘€fwV oh ” ‘ % In‘ % fi)1fl¢}tr’f;“v$h@‘,£-Va . I‘ f ‘ , “ ‘ V > R; , k * M 3, .,» ‘ ' M, ~ za- . Aa k ‘ ’ -H A ‘ ‘ zagceefr f esvmrch *e -»,eW»"an’d ‘ibis =p1ot *h‘at‘:*fi be it eeebouitw; -And ‘a1seheyefay% Lin other ‘mInt1‘i¢es;eThee-1‘: a1fe+‘fi*ve 0-rfiix cunning ‘men in faeglwd that have .rl:i//, they do allfthefethings: gh e;ewba3;1: efilafli/aemy*!i*‘sthi5 1! becau”fe men that m ««ivi:‘£eez‘te'Ged in the werld, ‘and walk jnot *with him, A ;r*a:'nd knowneot ewhar it i5*to pray, or "beZie=ve2.,""¥a,nd ee=eet~oee=repe=i»zzAe «returns from God, and to be fjzeken " *«ttntb%bythe»”Spir§t_F ef “ _Go'd., ewho %fbe4I£*.r ewithmite ‘:2 written eWd‘ra1 Afofrizetimes, yet according m it: “God e~viz£, God 7921f/Jfié/:‘E’r1‘?J”i2‘ce, wu5’m“iez«%4w1elaewfltfbir. Theqfe emen ”12h’a“t live g%ee~em-,ae-~e A. upon 1: A eumepfimx 2na‘smwp]imm,ih*cir Mas A» R ‘ e-make, ~t‘heir we ecergnl ”W‘ot- e fla~ip,‘ho*maetee1&{f*they ‘be [hangers to ‘Gad, anii ” d vdnde ice /jririzw/IA ‘fliflfti:j«’&£i0‘ti:e,- A ’ E And 1’) And bficaufe theyfay and’ bclzieve thus, ‘I;mu:fiwc d0 fi55:o64¢V%.we%in tE1isL4md have beam Qtherwifc in9c%1‘u&ed, cver; by 7the..Wm1 , and Wa‘rlz:, at-‘zd ”;‘$p:rizof”G%od’. ' A f “ T o_ fayjthat V Veg; ring f»'01‘thti1%€tf<éV things, wI1VeI'Vn%w[‘ Gadwdcith them,” A jud£g¢ you"if God will bea~rch§$. . I%\?3sVzi4{h thzuwcvery fober heart, tbo.ughfhe hath ; ‘had;tempt9.tions~* upon him. of def::;r;i¢ngAA;;JthisA CA 1»lSA g of God, ye: may take heed ahmvhfi ~ p1*c5vokes, anzlfl flail: mtbt/ac‘ lmmdsr of Vz_1:ré4li%«v¢‘r7g, A G04 by fuchfilafphemics as%thefca.according:to¢« the: 10th Of the’%Hé5I:eni5,41f'we fin“ wilfzllyafzer 134; we lzwve. ‘received the knowle:l‘___ze»q;‘ the MitrzkVf£r5«: mre rema2mWna}marefacrificc far fin (11: wasfpo-V ken to, the ]ews,xthat having profgfléd Chalk- apofiatizedwfrom him) whatthenfl IlOthiAng«bl1I; \ as fé;4rfi¢l[;fi:Ili;gg 1 into the Imam’: A of {be Living GM,‘ ~ “ 4 4 Theythat flmllattribute-to% this or t:ha._: perfon V! the _contrivancesand produétion of thofe mighty” v zhmgs V GodhathiW1‘OL1ghE”jifl~,tI1€_: midfi%%ofy;ps, and 4tI1€}?hz1Ve not been the vreVD1m.ions_ of 4 L%CI1rifi‘""lii%m%fe§fl4 upan. ’wh0fc3 S/youldc;r.vthe or Ifi’1~:%2z N M E. NT isA1ay'€d -.. thfiyz fpeakw=againfi GM,andtheyfa114Au¢nd¢AtL»11ishfind Withnuc a4M¢~ + dia:d1fst11at1s,ifweA dm;yVAthe »5'i’*"7’r"’« 0fJ¢fus Chrlfi %%’£‘he‘;§?lv?’yoVf a"I‘I]“.,.lk]'f“!i'5V.. Worksmthe*W¥4¢+A%%by%Which % 1at2.MlesA Kingdomes,AVand»%d~o:1a admévwrs a‘ndi$ V ziie,z§o4ofhisi&xeng;h5 pro.;¢o1ow;e~*«th§A Media--3 f5¢4%¢3T¢.;f0r%A you;A+§4L1¢€. ii 4 W¥*‘:Y9h»Aé‘Q $91‘ 5 EA ‘1 ‘EX 2. Q w>fé>t;§n~A&1"?$a#$§Vs?e:$;{M-1a:war¢2y,AQ9ds p1ieo.es,,A . pigccs, Tie AIeav,euthee«$to+4 AfaII~%1in.t::> Gods %haTi1c§45;4,k;:% _ thou deniefi 4 my Soveraigncyf A and - Power%A4%"4 com mitted to, I~Ii1e,,;VIi’1e; not in t:erced.e_[ n;orx&j%mediatc forifxee, thou; fallcfiintothe h1ndAsA4%ofV~rhea:living; A G0d.w:= ;:T.l1ercifo1je wba%t-Vfocver A you 4may, j»udgexVV4'* men&’ffp1*,‘% and fay, Thisman is cunning, and po V 1icick,andfubti1e,cake heed, again I%*fay,%§how you j31,d%ge;Qf his; rcwoizwiianx, ~ as %:the praduffs’ of :mm: %ilT1VCI1Ci@fl5~ M 1 199;; I 37_fII'l3Y~.-~b3\.‘ thougbt $ :9 4 Npre i's%A‘tcJ$%o A m iich .u’p%:{ Byr the 1%: (;)£ff(§JD1e7*iRT if1:he~*= A*rm9«wh'o are : now in ‘G:aflady,“ Awas dgfigwedrgto vt~heAm ashzauld, ‘through. difcqntaems» fr» /xafizankt of-* money, that being in Baqgafig. %C'oun.t;r»ey,,~ near: Thir;t~y.x weeks bp ‘. A and upon » other fpe«cip11s;_ pretenceg to Amarch for Ezaglamz’ out; ofisz Sétjaildfld-Q» aadr in difcoflte-III to fijI@V: thcia: General! jclierelz, a faichfuI1Vand*Ahonafi:%A maen,_ thaw f;'anm:her» might: head;4 tabs, A:rmy~,4 all nhiisjmpportunity take%nW f1‘om.4;ay0urdVe1ays, wxhe;thm's will: this ba :1 things» of; feigned netefiity Whatvco-uld it fignifie vbutr» tha:c:: the Army are in: dzfi'o22te71tr already , and» Wm’! male: r»hc%m% liw tarpon; flaamgr, .wee.»’11imake Ihfima; cafir 0% their: Gmmmamf:< and’ Dflvipliwgfl‘ Vvhat» be»fa%§d;4to ,:hisA:?= I lifl nm»to~unfadd1a my (elf, and put the fau1c**u~pon:~othm=sm~ backs»; ‘ \;Aahenhem iii? hm: far» aha good mfflmgland mhileflz men have beeem talking. 0f mhisg thing Qmj others, andfi pmtending» lilzw-ty»~, am. 3»; many: gad Wm-dag whether ité hath» be7«@n- as .fl1oulcl%2% hamé” Vbeenvct I? am: confiiientfl yew aag1n~@t* téhinléeé inhas, mm Maxianj willséngotr t:hi.nléA f.i And» ifi? mm “wvovftrflmuld ha maa Iifknow non, What.;~nha~ Carmfbamega, cm chm Lim'ali2jBm'~mm»~mayr th‘i:fl‘k~*§ or oghaw Counties , Ii beiievw t~ Will” all! t~h@Y" am~%nw4 fafm A tomtaw JfMpevm:..»o£;cmng~ fr nh@:gmw@:1:%miewanci%:“ ’ 11 egg) A not have been of th3t~ cla?n‘1age’,,4 * that the riot A proVidin;g agriinfc Free ‘Qmzrterhath%rutf1 the” Na-:-A tron upon. A;n,d2 if in4bezmylimggaq%Nwal%k abroad m the Fields, or to take‘ a 5?aurhey,4 J%yet*n:= is not my %Wifd°m€74 '¢<9::d<1erf04 wb¢*namxHw«fi 13* 0” fire. * V A believe 4 it may nqt hzwe‘ 7 thg % A£1meVrefe:..;gme;-gg wmh all is; "rmfi wmi» fibmeé: 7 %Vthat:; 15 unlmown: to;xnae=,«, yflzallv 1:emz;a%n1t' God; N I; ha4ve4 troubled? you with at 1ongwAS1e=eea;vI:, and %ccmc;1.u%deA With; that , that think“ {elf A beam in 12mwo% G%od:% and the People thefe' N‘aI:ioI'isr, to their ‘/Zzjfeiy am;1“gaa‘d“i‘n every réfpcét, I thinfkicmya dumo te1Lybu; That: it: is»; aim: for t~l*1e+5 pmfii {of thezfs Nsatiovnsa, for Gqmmmand Pz:lv‘l:éckA gqélk, for You... to tmntinua 7‘ A here any longer; and tlaerefotfic I do D/é:AcA1a1:e A un~r‘oA you, THAT I A Do DA1A‘;S'.5”D%LI/7E‘ TIIISM PARLIA17/IENT. (3,5) V'Mw:cVlay 5*°**«Febr.I 2654; A A _ 4 A: the Councill at kffkitelzafl. waxed, mane perfonorpezfmzsxmw %A 1, jbever” peflzme ‘(at t/aeir perils) on f:z»2z y pretence. 't22bat[0e“a2er3 toprint rot reprint, cViti:er» H in part or M7012,‘ Hi’; Hzglénefi A Speech . wk rim? Tarliament‘ the Waimed A .Clmml2er ,A at mt/:>eir%4 A : j @g'fl0lutz'on on Monday the 2:.z»..’f‘V‘% Jan-ua4ryA 1 6 54. other than Henry Hi1ls’Pr£rzterdtoHia> Hgbmfi : and fin’? '9? W’ WW am? appo.2nt»z;zt/mt Mmzfi W: ]‘eH'op,. Clerk Oftbe \ ¢Cozmcill; V A