1 0 ‘ W J % A. K \ R E BE_ L L I ON. ..RderedZ»y his Hzgbnefl and 't1:eCa:mvil, :zC"1?If1‘gth&:‘R@2iId1*1’S§5ftl1eirAp1ffij.l: ceedingfi fbr feéuring the Peace of tI1é& A £2mmorf~wea1th,xiiponV‘occafionofthé late A %V§1“nFur1*.eé’¢i0nAia&1dRebellxon; V; .9. dvecifiox1rof:;t1jnofe’C0I:iI:effs, which the A V j;3m_1l»éxfl"¢é‘ted Pa 1 a fazne EteVr;iV£v.hadpIeafed% Godmo give f0'ClearA jé Nation fog i+d5had;d%wi~ch *fthe.«1am; ifigj, «4¢»and%44Vhis’ tAho;1'eA whe‘ af’te1*': him efp@ui‘€d”*£h‘_a£ «&LIntcre&=;"«VandA%“engaged“upon the 3 A;§s_;.pan:§r,m.cq; (6) A fame botcomg That thfe%AdverIZ2ries were whoI— lyvanquifht ;,. ; andAb9th—:their %Perfons,and Vfifiates through the graczousdirpenfazions cf God fubj;e.. ¢i¢dt<>the”powerc>%f~thoi"é Whomthey had défign~ Cd ta fiflflwci, and ruVine , wais hoped, that A I%ha{c&vifib;I¢A hand of'*God,A whichcappemted againfc them in the upon ‘all occafions. , f would V ;;have had fuitable i1npr;e£I1O%ns, and been f ui1fi£:ie%nt ‘£5? C,S."175Z}n§:f¢. f th1e%V¢rronrof% their % »~§_gw;rgagfcd}Vtherri;§%co@fer§Vi@ , Mth -fiéwofe Prime 5 :Vi:1c’f‘entio%t11"rx?éfs _at1xdw“Vpi*§p%f1‘a‘netiéi’s_,A"~Whif&h E . Heads, and Lead¢r%s%of that party had long én+- deaveured :0 debmch the Nation With. and fo obligfid not gnciy to livepeacfiably under 4 that power which..th_ey were fo. eminently by the :Providence of .{G@d~V»br0ughtA l1lld6r1‘,,* but ‘laying a. A ..fide the remembrance of former differences ,‘ no N .end%eavou£ «wait _{qvc;ral ’capac,_:iti;,es, «the cafry. 1?. ~-ging on, "nVtam1ri"g! the P.ea”t:e,4* AAAé;‘ndAV good Qf V'ihe.{Wbi91cp Fmially they fl10u1dAfeean end of A their %troub=1%e‘s.,& andjythemfielves put intowfuch A %:.co¥1dieti,on., tha4tAlthey%AA:mi“gh:no:béIy;1b1e.tofu— »w~;tur¢: x;;e¥‘zL¢VI;g‘¢¢ W1haxAV4,32sms, pafc, butmight be ffeeborhiq§beirweitg;esV;.ai1dA».p:1:fo%ns%equa1ly with other men. : ::~And the1'efqre as ll‘. was moi’: evi«- ‘s<§_@!1E:3fW¢1%by Lheirhgigng aupint-and anfimt to; i%11%;i1g(;g1;1Q£iA:_ion% om: mm and m A-A. d;,%§1?,a; na1a;1;§;,;d» it Lad to“ "A M «:0 *1%..Ax%.;11’7eiz:: A A andlarge” LA” yments: £0 mainmfin asV1«4%,%e:n&je§ta_* pimceful . ~31‘) That rheriginaMt1”nention« of thofc who had then. the~Conr;1I1flé’t.of%V Affairs; »mw A nbpto extirpatethVefe%A%meng ;wieHrdefigi1w° of* A po1TefI‘mg% their» Efiatés and «I¥dr:urles, bfltat. A dnely to defend» their Liberties, and after‘ to deé-A A privc themdfthofer Armswherewith “they: de‘fi_gn.—-. m edto enflavc=themfeIves,= agridrhewliale Nauon, V leaving‘. them m that; condit1*onA=’afte7r7Vtheywéxie. A evercome, as thjc:ymight:~ live‘ irwtheir t’ormer%:% qualities,‘ cnjoyingi-theirA Ewflcates, ’a3t2ci»%eqt71:tlVI3~r7K:)‘—* te¢’tion?w1th+th0fe; whom they had‘A**endea"vouréa~ % to’dc;Ih-oy%%; (Apmceéding%ve1y;extraordina’ry,., if _Vc(5mpa1fed~ with that «whVich%«4%0théf* Nationsif Virim all Ages; hav.eAAendurcd~~ afterlike difa«ppdifit;w$ mam by>Civi1l Wa~r£?,;_LwhcA*A?l1aver‘ p1*ingiy1e5 tihatr fettlem en1:~A%*“after“i‘{"tich“? Aons»is< obtained and’ wa;=%ti+>m¥ fuétIly%the¢:%4%»‘ S%”04afm*‘Artr¢«bart~eI A “,?@ral:51e ‘W53 Gd'i:; flep¢’z’r3Wr*,« 7 * 1 b1ing.xhc»v§1y incj.Iinabi6n's"=* ofij-thofev’ iii": tfhiéié of- Pggge Wllwfwafilem hmmAA bbmh*’»“¢dang:;eL~ ‘ ‘ “ . film w’! I G» %3 Of1§f€:£*:3ndA"ACOnfiFca¢iw;V. h»aviri‘g‘a' V933? ’ J nifsequmccs*imthw1ike¢@af6§vD~i”Wé« fay, :§s¢4%t}ie clcar Inteirtibxismff =th:e**l3!a1*1iaiaE1Aé1n‘Efj$"‘ Paantvyi we;re“%%di£s,avea-esd,$V~4andanmni£ew Wrheir” BEWW L x thfiéfiawion i1%1"f7c>1”rrFIerrAg5鑧§i’l‘@%'f’9**%.«-~. % 5gWiEfiv§fieir 3% TVwit;“ 1h%5Yd«A%défig?» efi”noc~xfi:in:;~uinagz%.mm téform”a;:i@i¥t§»,».. Worvzjficrg A ’th3f X ,;:~f:€c1mefit:tfl‘b*¢ . left; might»;foti1é;gi:p11i1tl"Awo«i%' . a11dAof=A4%da‘n5%’r4 mi f 3 I rm confider!£ble*:4 ifinemy =was"A :'Icffl; Aftlfd-iA. ms thggc0.nditi%ori of fIr:fLia;2&l:,;f¢7i? :1 ” £h;ings:» 1 Jee.fci;;y%B;2;g1gWl - g,And4Scotl4m“4‘ ,whi¢¥1;‘i;kfi:i~1ib.¢n%;rh‘; AA ‘ifivx: v V‘ 3 v» ‘ 0%: .:tl1fe«fa’%j;r11Ae%i'1‘cauld; %1fé§;£Cé$hi’Eizi*éé A ”fi1:ga1[_L, no%1f0pesII%of :a§~y. change: jéifliiiré ?’di~; 1f#<3W; opportun1cies.~to:aV ‘ ‘e‘t“’t t‘he:ikr o1d“’<.zaufe 2;,‘ Sim had W: through the c0n:tinuedV &AffifiartcVc;4» “ ?:1nd4 “ 1?rfi1f¢nceM V.ofGod, n0Af¢%g1"0u%‘nd to; any * =i;?t§e1I1pts;:A from: “them ‘I,,% ~t h7at~ Lrmgh‘t% ~b%‘1xg“é ~‘l11§j,4¥€0%?‘ :;,1'1y% bafey and ,,unwO1'thy'Comp1L:m C6‘; with themg, I B1‘1;(I1€9~VOI.11"ST %We’t‘e : uAif‘ed.?%0n% A t’*hiS‘;“ fide " A ffmfldavtiblis Cfficompofing:'the &%f}7ititS; sirxclfini-L“ brawn andadivided pee pI¢,=T%"éth1jou"g<§1 y A§heren;W?~$ A ‘aillwd IO Q 4% t::owt1aia»m;,i :,a:¢;g11W¢;:%;;?x:m1»hdA4:he;4Makersr thereof AVhav;c anyxw as orArgufi1¢eiItS “rd” ; T. V ~fuch* }3roaé§édA?ifi~rf1‘4v thej r-3‘ 6 ‘U may a11'£€¢d§q_f A cUfi'é‘E€£1QTe %repax2¢:iox:4;,,7%L I 1 A V ’ A ‘V and <9) Wand of “putting Whzu:%4 was paI?c§%nfto C3b!j.ivic:m, m.ezms' whereof the hearts of the Nation unhixpm A4 pily divided, : ght ’c”;1§4eatfuL1%ly a11daFf’é*6tim1%:1te1y’ % rriee-tAin1nu*tual‘Intere£’c«, ‘cm which might: fbllow Peace, ASett1ement,V and Reformatioxy Vand can»- fequentiy Ehfl "Ta.x-es%4A , and Burdens which have "beqn long continued; A might be fafely taken off] tha *PeopIe,¢ AV A A A upun hefe graundé alfdg was that fa grim: refpeéfc was ‘had to this fort 0«f”%'1?nenintheSett1e« ** Nation, fl menu: of the prefem: Government , wheméby they V were adrnittedf after three .. Parliaments to“ A . be Acleéied to fitin th¢ Supream Couflc.i1softhe It is true indeed‘, ¢fomeoppcfition was made to that lenity which was ufed towards this Party, ' imdwmpfe cfpecialfly to the A6’c of Oblivion, *ma.~«= A Any beingof this perfwafion , That it wouldnoi: work thofe good effecfiis as were detigned and; wifhed, but on V the c0n:«rary,. thatall this indul-4 ‘gencevvould beabufed, and opportunitiesgivem thereby of raifing new troubles‘ _., m i the endan. gating of the Caufg We had fo 1ongAcontetided for»; wherein yet the Parlialtient it {elf were ofa. different IudgVe1nfen t” iro}m% the m" , M concmring it ianpdlffi,b1ed,j ;ch::1tA tVhc%re, flao%uld%” be danyfor:Adqfm<~m {Q d‘evbid?0f7 Ingenwuixy and VC*zzn.d¢»r; or fo7reéb1~ Q ted"-in their way, VWRE. i1;e1th;fl%E.%‘tI1e‘$V dxfpenmtxzgxms V 0fGod, norkindn¢Ts,of1n€n.,could work: up-» oAntfiem %¢;However;i: W115 thdughx, Thm: in cafe z1;eyi%were "mmakeial, and «fhapit fl":uz>u14d rofa-11 WP o.w> eineraec, and upen experiences. thatrhofe.w~ho Were" A by the “1highty,":1"rrd out‘-fh‘echt hand ofthew ,L@rd brought into atonditiohfl to ask favour , "'*tO V folicit A for the blottingout the r}éfi1embrancee%of%1aaI?3'Aa; é1ieons,eeea.14d to be ‘rePci0iréd“ :och"ee:co;nmeon A riviw ledges of the «Nation, whiech they ehéd jpffly f 01:4 feited , fllould Y¢E_d€fPi_f€»“ -‘=13’-1&3 5i‘?‘5“‘”Wh¢*fl it was‘ofl"efed,+8c:7e"et"a1n their enfrhty after thate they A had been forcegde ,fr0II1*eth€iY Arms, §It"wOu"1d then A h‘a.v*.e this‘:eVfFeé‘°c‘at leafig the Ieéving eoffuth with» V out excuf°é,"e' in whacfeeverwayé of fevefk f the Stem? ; 1ou1d4n€c€ffitat€dLto ;51*0ceedAw*ith4 them \ in,fereeeproviding ‘fix; arid fecu1*i11”g’"thePeace of the "Nation; Whe‘nee”wayA19 bf ” t‘er‘1t?ei'fi_e {'s"‘”w"eJre b 7 them 1*end1‘ewd 1n~Eff€«5i11;t1 110% tho? e 'e11:dS5e And We A ea 3.ekxlewledg,qn4efse[th€e Ci1i‘1‘4'i3":?4 pfioewards‘ fl:I1Ae11*z :fi3é1?d'b‘E€fl%%ffiChaS iseib&ef¢1‘e" e::p1‘eft Wécould newt w1thCO1nf01jt;anedS‘££t1s£'1é’c10n to OeLi1:_%efe1ves, have urea the C0urfe_f; We now ‘A fee weme” azibli. "ged to takeegainfl thefieffoijs amji eIt;.u;eAs of fwfiwit 1?a1"t5*s for eeefecufing the lives 2" e libem-“S z1nd‘j:wccnnf‘oret? (55 all :e;t§1~3 we11¢afif‘¢¥;£ted people }of _t"h,efeti§z'ee Nations.4 % Buteite h”%1V1flgPl€afedeee God _ xn his “ezzoizidencee taethéznbwhe foe tocrdeerethingsa that th,¢1*e.‘wYa§$?:k??}¢t M161‘ T £0158‘: 56313336» ‘and modératmne‘ u;f§ede fiflWhrfi:S'£hEm‘bd Me‘ .« hopes giveneethat the? :'”~“mig he"Aen§eey;,echeeir[ % freiedozne, arid hziVe‘equa1p1f0'peé%*iOn invtheiif eper. A foen?sand*eeVE{’c;1ces wxth the refi of the eN{15tion; bmfi they ml:g%t:\c1'Rlm@t;flS,theknvrxfigvtal."£@%fi1d‘.‘aS\dLIe;l1n;‘. eaW¢’5eafl4"“G0ni%"iteuemeseof me. Land? <:(t1’I ) V A I V t.and, asewen asafiyperfonwhatfoever who ma be‘eno£.othis‘"fide; bTh}ere{:ai11 be no other Con- fhfuc§?tiO,,fl madetgof th:eMAéhngs of thattParty,~t, t~to ”thedifi;ut*bahce*of ethetpublique Peace, oat1d%4 to the fubverfion of the Government, but that theyate implacable i11£hei;1' malice, A {stud revenge, arid hnee vet tobéh dfa‘;?Vfl from their adhering to that A cut:-1 fed iI1,terd’t,~ which hathebeefl the occafion of the fl1eddihgo~t't fo much ‘ihnocenht b1ood,;A and aim ofl: of the }:”i[in3"‘a-H-d. deittuétiohn of thefe Lands. And therefore ‘ Wedo not now only find Our {elf fa- tis.fied; T but obliged in eiutfi both towards God, and ethisglfiiation, to proceed upon other grounds A than forttherly, A with thofe who {hall deferve thié Gharaétetf; andl th"eAtbbArtic1es ofAWar, Aét of A A Oblivion, and other favours tendered, yea gram-x‘ Iedto thefe men, hate for far A from lying ‘ in Our way, otAbAegetting fcruples in Ourmind, con- cethihg the fame , Thattcnwhands hteiAfttength~ neti from. thence to‘ this work, and many doubts ‘removed thereby, which otherwifexvouldt have flue}: with Us, as We have before exp1"ePt.?% 4 Itwi11n,Ot.bedenyed,t Thatas xve1_1‘*the Artie t desohf War, as the flavour, andAgtaceg’1*antedfby the A6}: of, 10b1ivi.on, conmined Aittthem a Reci-4 pt'ocati-ong, As there did ta. rea1,benefitandadi7:m- = tags; accrueto thehGx'a11tees;fo ce1‘5min1ytw;1sVthe1fe atgoodintended,e:h.ahdedefign*ed.wb?’f“'bifh*¢1n to tho 'St2tte5j if the Setate dothot attain thetixi‘ “ end A, nei-9 theroughtthe other to :ttcot;1p1iflitheirst.ttInh fuch A tAsé1sasthef6‘%ha1fe, either both ewe bouhd,-t0rboth7 A B 2 A A are age at ;§;jVbAgftya A in cheffme dconalicion , as if 130, fm;Ai1 tl}ig‘3gS h;2.:.=1{ bAeenAAA€ie>m or :.cStc~:...i ;, 'ce1~c:.zm}y A nQ:xeh4ax%eflg;f;r1ad, %to Articles‘ of ,v:;~;1+,AAA that rare] not*‘Xicong;;§i;%:i0ILiiA 5» 101’ ;_ “’h“i‘T1A*= +cho£'e% wE“10AA‘Vréceived thoihAr§ici§:srei0AA1véd cm bre;1k_Athe cnndmonsg ..¢heyh;1&z:go: then the c<3n.iE:.11tof thofe who gave xhemi Whb did evexfl allow 5fi1chArticIes%toEne— * 1;x_1?i;%e%s,H,=gs¥::nvi~ght affifi zhernxto EEXECIIEE‘ their%malir;’?e,' A anc3revez1geAcr If no 'E;x.:ve:zch‘of'faithvcanfi-%¢wma~%ke 3% _ f6i*f¢i§111‘eAof:Artic1e§, I:hAe*c0m;iiti011 ofthofé Who} H xgeceivge Chfiwm LIES AA better th:m,::—:f hxm that gxves therxiz, becauA{ei:h¢V‘J;fubmits ’him<{e1f to Vfurprizeg A %2ifte1{ k;1e:Aha%th%¢ eI1dAu:r¢dd Ache hazard 3.I1%d~€X»P€~I3C:'E‘ of? &A>§><‘3;%I1VWzi1:; ‘ ~ VA’ u Aneedsbe %~in“eantAas»«ztnAAObA1igation upon At?r1e“Ene- I11: Aapfflper means to take away* £11: En-A ci'1“ivi0n, 4 \n1A1£i~Afl{t%& »(r3> edh with obedience on their part, afid" pro'du"ce"'f*a 9 real change in their prihciples and intereft , as to athecommon caufethis great Contefl had been a:—- y bout,“ for otherwi{e‘this A<§?t Cannotebe confide -w he redas obligatory totyhofewho gave it»: And in « this ecafefforbearance from .outwardar5°cxonowi11 not avail, nor intitle to the benefit of thepa.rdon, “ J if yyettherebe xnalitie and revenge in the hem , faixfrdrfugh ‘ah1eeen*ing.eand_;adhering to the old inte—~ i*e£9c, that noeth.myeg1s wantlnge for the dxfcovery ‘thereof, bum fiytting; op ortuniytyy; for as fuch mencanenotin jufficeaen Ingenuity, claim the A benefiteof :mAtS’c of “F21V"0L1Yf~frOII) that Shupream A Magxfimte, to whom they h'know~themf'e1ves« to A be Enemies, foyneyithereeies that Magifirate bound in euftice before God OrMer1f0 give it to them, if e hath reafonyygtoyhelievefrom 1:he»com-fe A of A T theeire'eConvyerfat1ons th:m;h’ey are fuch, and that their Imzemions tovmds the Govermnerit, under‘ which they live, V are the fame when they were inopeenA1~msea:gain{tic, and is at Liberty to car»- ry himfelf 4 towards thendz as if no Yuma had been; A L Nay, Hemay proceed againfl: them wiynh . greater Seventy, in as muchzlsehe hath um the lefty means to rec~1a1m~ othem; ewxeeliout fruit, and yknowes by experience , Thglt nauckxing*bu»]cy§che‘e S'w.opdWi1e1,1*eflraien them fi*Qrr1blood, v.io--he Ience. ~”h* A yThen_ihf thiSbetheCe1fehheE«f#Jeen Use.n.d the ‘ rszte Kings ePa1‘tyyy,_ h to Wit, Thzzt they yhztve new fiO§Ifly e1nanif7ei’ced it to thec:oni"cie;1eoesyye ofell mer1~ y_ Ehifiifi ;; (I4) ,.x%h;1t”theydo not one1ym;éecainA their oid principles %a31£i,%f’ci}i;adAi1éas:;e[ tQ_thE1Y fQ1‘111Et' in"terAefl: in Vdire6?: 0.90 fximn m :t..hc ..G0V€¥flm¢I1? Efiiibmhed 2 but A havebeenali al-.c~>ng 11a£{1biflg4%.f}EW4 di'fi'”fb3§C§SA4, am} emciea,.v0-wring aAsjw.e11 by iecret: zmd&b_1“oody V Afifaflinagions, fa-gs :b,yopez1 fgbrccz-,to introd%uc§e.1:h'e one, axyd m-*€rchrow%awMndfubvfift 35153‘-?Ih€ 1‘3A h .I.Vt 2«Fiil%m0t%;be zh3oug11t,»f%range .I-W0“ ‘MY .A¢C01.1m: w*h;a.;AfoeverL, th:1tATW;ed1d§ate1y {ecure fo many A o’f;::he1n%en of that Izaterefi, ‘a1t_hQ¢ugh they were 1‘13Dj;t V'ifib1y in 4~upon.the late Infi1rrc:;S3c1o;1‘:-5 mt that Wehave laid 3- blifdfin 1190“ £01116 of their,E{h3.t%es,_, beyond what; is impofed A upon this 1'69: of jzhe ANation 2 ‘” towards N we deffaying 1% 9f \ that Charge which they are the occafion Toff; with {cane ~C>the£‘ things whicla We% have found V neceffary in this tin1emof.DangaerVto diz:£'"63:4{:of1-J A Imyfbe of ufeto 1_m'k¢ ¢Pi1b1iq11e%-% Ce1‘ning~«th~exn,f0f t11€P€3C€» and Safiiiiy Of Qthe ;;.%-«»N0w to evincethiVs,%.%%thou.gh%AAtl1e Walks of ‘”Con,Cpiratprs, - whoare a fly and fecret Genera;i- on %o£A=men,A are aver1nA;h:e%V;.mfk4,r%and fithe, mea-A fi1reof~'a116:their%Feet Gm110tb¢ exafitly 4tak@iiAai1d compared, yet manyof thfilf Steps3,h.:1V1ng been d1fcovercdth1'o;1ghthe% goodnefs of ail-~fi=:er~ ing God,; We flilafl feat; dqwxlfgckl %part%%th:;1*eVof21%s AA W./Ve4fl1a.II n0t%particu1:irIy111ent1 A J A hzlnd, and V€;1_‘y' fecretC%Qz1;t%r:mnces: Which . théy “ had, , A and 111;.1de ' fonue Trial _ of ._., A whamby "xbeyv V ._}v0u1£i have iVz;fe_nfib1y4 ; w«;:g,u i dleinfelvezes i;;12;:,c;_ A an fame t11}dex'~?1 (Is) that; power, whichthey wereneotkable Atodo by open force”; But that Way not taking ,they then A betook themfelves to Counfel-seof mifing a new A Wair1:eeiAe ziind Adefignixxg :1 A égeneral eI‘nfu1:re&.io:n throughoutthe Nation. V Audio ripen t':hofeARe'fC>1uti0ns, fome p»erfons§. ‘ Wete fe;ntf1'0m heiice to CIWZ; ~Sm«,zrt,wvith Lew A terse ofmzczeredxc, a‘nd;Leae“‘co11fidexfab1eeeSu1n, 03: e Mo; ney (t'hVebetter%tO gainebelie-E). to give hxm MTL1--‘ erance, That¢thAe reafesns-’-wily the N‘0bi}ityemd~ Gentry, and buA1k¥of the Kimgdome of England, Wh~ich,(- they faie1‘)ewe1*eeeAfipifcopale, andfofehie. A A for11'1er pa1*ty; did‘ ndmsife -with him upon h1rS1£tt(:.‘»e ~ marchfrom ‘scotfaxad, exv‘:.1s,e becaufe he was behe- A vede to have gone “upon” grounds c‘..i{2.1g1*ee;1b1e bOthftOth€11‘8.ffA6£‘3:1O1f1S~3.nCIII.‘1E€1‘f3P£S,V21I1d alfo to thefgoiad of eecheNsu:ion , andeeincon_fi1fien: with‘ A the .’1n£ie€fl_tACOnfiitL1tiOI1S both of Church and State; but that if he would return to his former A principles, toewic, To cafi himfe1{:' totally upon ‘ his eO1dVP-art-y~,they would vemzpre both their lives 1 andefomfu;esf"orhis Reecxverygm A " 1 ‘ hisbeing rieceivede wiphe great ateceptzmee ,A Q and theeAdefiegn refoiev€;dupon«, the‘ nnnnageznene A eethei‘eof was“ to be :3A.AsefO1l0Wfith_~:e>e y‘ A»:'C0u11ci1¢ was eechofen Of‘ 9. efe1e@n~’;nembe1f,e f t;a‘11_ed by thenameeof as Sezdedfinbt, who‘ were: few the m=0Pc partto reefideeim anclrabout eLo.mioA:¢ ,.e and to} keep andmziintain orre fpondencies "With thofe of ~thei_r»eeP.'m.y.Bjey0nVe1 Sea, :1ndew1th1.n t~hefr fievéralpams o£setheNa»:ip;1,e.%and ;ecommtunieate.« thee- 4 :6“; +~_;*i*l1l&”llE°"lTlfltfl;ll"‘A~flVlCe9: Counffilsa 01‘<-W mil R€~ Awh’ic:l1 were Aclnefly defigmid byfihfiffll this W4 folultlonsl ml‘ emch‘ othef, which VW~‘3 I fl‘?C€fl&?llYA 5017 A fmzn un:le1*caki11g.A11dltllw‘?WW?tl‘¥»i"Aé‘35;11bifi;%§Sé \ v H A £ine{'sl:_' % A I A_v_ A x. Toprepare and engaga every lndxvxduall » , .; manlofl ~ theirllownparty; lwhfihfi-Gl €i~ChA¢;fl?A¢f3IA1ll_ Athe forrner ‘Wars, 01‘ Md blcféfl ;57i3i3€l‘* dflhflfiaflilnlvmfllifi was likely by 1*ea.ibn ofhls alliance, l;>A1tVeA€:mg,l- .ot:A A difcontents,to_eng3g€ T-l1€f1lfl3Wh0ll>»;€1ngA engaged. were to brmg all liheir ¥TEn&EtS} aunél. thoifi W’h0l W depended upon tAhem, mcl §i1iO«tO ;18Y..,D€figflS far A Athepoflérfling of Gartfllbns and Stmnghollds, A i ‘A in To raife :1 confiderable Bgmk ol*Iv_Ioney to be employed forlbuyin%0f~AfI‘I1S,d€ffay111gVWihfir A.expem:esAinc1cle11: to I‘ e manag.emem;:0f‘ iIi1CAh a A_»bufinefs,:2.nd furthe maA1.11ce»nance -of Forces,as oc- cafion flw-ulld be=_.& f01:Althi§ 011€l7hUflCl1"€d. ’¥h0Hfé1n€ll " Apgunds “was p;ropo1-m.d‘ed for Englawzd alone 3 _ lbea ;Afides what was m be had in WW’! 2, for thamifing » whereof; privy‘ Seals l.lwer¢; ‘£97 E Af€1l3_t‘-‘:30 :f¢3Z.€f3C1 ,pe1'fonsinEzzglm«zcz’.l ll A_A AA A * _~ .‘ _ . A 3. lDur:ing 1:he‘;Ca1*ry1lng on of tlus affmr, Cbazrls Srzmrtl was [0 be. ma.intzl11mi,lla1n_d therefore A21 C®‘n”,i‘ .;.i’cam: ContributionofAlm0n€y was to be cnclea.¢ A vourecl from fuchof‘ hxsftiiendls aswere ableailnd ;.l chislmer was folxv~ellAlp1+o3£’eci1ted by tl‘1lOlTEA;’ cgits lwhich were imployaed therein , that l;,eh:a..t l lhacl; many thoizfarid pounds a year A.pa¥_idl"h1ilfl;1. frdm A xhencie for theft three Ay€a1‘SlPftfi-¢.lA'Th€:Wv'0 other ab things were Am be p«ag;r37€d.0‘I1,l$.nél m~an:ig€d~ C57)‘ g thefaidfea1eodKnot~, and fuch~ Ageutst as went between him and his. Friends here; A eBut.uase previous he +eum:o.‘, anizi to make; , their Workthe more e'afie_., uu-iutetrrutpted, and the Defign they had’ thus engagtedin, the to morefure in thehYexe?cutiou Ovhich‘ they could not in: 1'ea.- {out but oapptehendh to h;tve~tma»ny difficL1h:ieS iuitt,_; whilefiz the Nationtwas in perfecft peaee ,oh and for mu‘th"hinch‘med to:hfett1emVent;,u and refi: ,_ as: bheingt; wearyheof ¢theoformertCommotions.4, ‘reheat ‘WhOfQr' fiver fliouldhegin new.-ttrouhlesupoen any preterm A ces‘whatfoeVer,t rwouidtbet iookt upon asa Com» mon:Ene1hy, and might poiliblyvfinde the gene--t A hraltity of the Nzttiorr fojfar _fi‘om j-oiningfwith them, that they might :tfec:1a1:e1;hte“contrztry way, As alféwhileft the Army was inain united "po—- A 4 flute, arhiuuder itsu.ancieut ConducSt._,‘it WC>u1d_ behdifficultfor them to t1:*i{‘e,‘. iwithou*t being fup.-~ V A ‘ prefi, before theytfhould be ‘ableto imbody in 3.“ ny fuch confiderable number as» might give tCOl1Ii-_ tenance, and p1*oteé°:ion~~ttotfuch atstfl1ou1dnjoio themfelves with them) They ctoruc-Luded fome A thinggs tou“beefYec€ted,t as A precedi%nugeto,. or at leaft contemprary with, f the general Infiarreéiian, [ One was thfe aflaflinat1on of particular A per- ‘ e fo‘ns, thereby to begethgreat tcohnfufions», Aaocil g Com:efts5 and gtve opp0rtu“nityufQra;11theKmtgs A EartytOrife;here owes one Fitz wzzmesA owem: A front hence «to the late V Kings. ‘ieldheft font, upon this account, th€1h13.t[P4M‘.5'5_h and had a fummet of " .:;t11to11aey.gw_e:1htmtopgsomote th£1t,atE?€1'npt5but “ he V (hi8*)h heandafobzz Giemrd? aftervvards joined in thatde-A V fi;gnh"‘thte [particulars whereof have been he3:eto- A J A fore . puhlifhedg whereto VVE fliall onely adde whens firicejmore fully come to Oiutknowledge, % (to make it tmgtnifefc that it was note the heady,“ and rafllrefolution o~ftGé:dwlehimfe1f‘, but that A it Wasa part of’ the Defign laid by thepretendedh 'King,,tandhof thofe whohave the Condugftof A 4 his Afi"airs)Thalteeehhhe himfelf fpake to both Fine. ; gfiemesh,‘ aVnd—'Gemm’ concerning it, aenddimd not Monelyappmve thereof, hebeutedeclared that hélooe‘ ked upori1ttaseamofl:neceflZ1ry, if not the oneljr ‘V A means to fat allwhishother ‘Defigrms one in0ti0n3It’s true , h’e* refuhfeid ‘tcjh efpeak‘ with” Major Hm- [baw 5% ‘ who wente‘ totP4r2': abhohute the faxne ti111e-3% or a little before 5 hconcetrni~ngeew theedefigt1,’Atthand V c0nfer1‘ed with APtince Rupert concerning’ it , ibyt means% of ; oneeVhc;boc/aly aeeejirmc/:'2—hn1an‘;, the Prinhche" hcomtiiuhicatetde it to C/M7’,13 ¥ Smart, 3 Whd approved of the ur1derta‘ki;ng,_and refolved to A fpeakwith ‘him “etherein; H but advertifement co- ming from Eflgland tint the mean ; time that ; Hezzfljmwas Tent 7fi*oi'n" thhence _ and employed to A = Peri: toabufe mam there, he; refufedafterwards ‘\ to Teehirn , but~:=1'e1yedt0nA game 5 and Fitm he games, ftoe whom hegave p.recifedire6tiOns,thac I they ;{11o-uldenothtvmlakeh their attempt Ei11':3ni_hi5 1 ' friends“A.tWere ieahdyin Ezeglaml. A There Wasahlfd one Bofwél,» A and alfo one Pm-ce , agdt feverel ‘ ther epertfonstixnployedat other timeétfowrthofe .é§.1"iH°..e.f.’{i11:ttti:t)ns%, afldhh?.hC1J1'aidth¢ .p1ace_3 and ma; (I9) ne1~ of execution 5 land the means‘ whei'eby to 5 V attempt it; all the particulars whereof Would .b_e %eeltoo_mle.rge to fet_;Cl0WIh1,_ as ir"Wo1,1lcl the vfever-at A V gracious .,Provideuces of God in the diiapporrarg q;ingo}frhen1.llij j l * A A ” other part of their defigrlixkras, tovvorlr upon the feverall difcontented humours which Itheyrobferved robe lfiirring inthe Nation, im--’ 4 Wploying e fitting lgnilrurnenrs, who ‘might; “ from | a true oblfervation of their fpirits, andlpArinciples_, fall ‘ in with all emarmer of clifcontented parties: find by proper‘mediumslheigjhten, jandr blow up ‘A ‘ their difcontients , andprovoke irhernrto aRup-—-’ tureg; laying this forrltheiri rMaxim 5 Divide 6‘? l \ z'mpem=~;, the more parties or they could ~m2Lke,, the _ ' greater Confufions they co—u;ld'bring forth, the Meafier would their worlrl be 1" or therefore: fomethey fetup, who mightabufe one fort of r men, and draw them into difcontentsupon pre-—»»; fences of Libertie , and the rights ofrhe free--’ born People of E22gilm2”d,l which they fuppofed A were infringed by keepingup an Army , and *'l)yl1_j1fO1‘Cll'lgTaX§SffOmIl1€lI1, and by not real» ling a free and equal Roprefentative , chofen by» all the People 5 andeupon this fubjeéh therewzis fcéirce a day but fome Pamphlet or othercame rmforrh in lPrint,A called Dec1erarions,penned, prin» A tecl ,i:~md 'publi.fl1ed by t11e=Kir1gs ‘party, fomc lowhereof are nowinprifon,rwhoiappeared not in it themfelves, but imployed other Inftrumentsgl Arid they found_j~73a/azrll/Vilolmza, and fonjie others; i r A oi i ~-‘o‘fAfhe71ii:e" principles, »moIt fitting IAnI’crumems Tor managing «that pgit, dfi Acryi'11g~~fo;,‘ALibberty,as A iiizhofe who mig1n;Adoi: (as they iimagined) 'Wi"IIi'1f A A Aout A~the"1e”aA»fi fufpition hf Abeing*thoxigbt.btoc'or;-A refpond therein with the old Enemy, or. oAf¥ha-A =vingintem:ions;topromote his_Caufe and Inte- 7 in-reft,A ; }A»ndibAAtherefore~th‘efe~werei to*ca”~rry on a dc» i AA”fign,i whicbAfl1ou1di»in oLm:ward appearance be dif» A A i’ferent;from the other, (althoughin truth it came ;from the nfame root, :and“A“WaS diféififid t0iifhe"f31I1€ A end’) ; and tobthis bpurpofe they ‘had Aconfinuail imeeniingsi with ~*fuc‘h as they judged to be Alike?! V ‘Athemfelvesgand ofAtheAfame'min‘dWithAtheIIl;An»d. ‘though they ~themfelvesA had ibturnedi their backs «upon ;th”a.t profeffion of CAh1Aifl 3I1Cifth€GOfP€‘17~ which itheyA1nihad once made , and were becoime ‘A Tioofe in their ~f:onVerfaAtiio»n ,. and Arheiflical i in» M «theirkprinitiplebs ; Ayetxheyi found Ameans, by rea- fon of their havjngibeen engaged on Ath1s,part,. tor» infinuate into, commimibcate with 3 and ci“e<:jp1y in- Wfluer1c;e~’fom~e~pa~rticular¢iperfonAs; otherwife (as We hope) iwe11iminded5A1indefign againfi1:heAGovern ~ A meat ,5-piartly npan Apretencies of Liberty , 2md”' partly upon %fu!ppofi~tiorr> of thaving Aa rnorepur_e;- ndminifl-ra.tion of things 5 Lipon Whiich fubj'e6t 1iikewiFe1nan5< P:.zper3whe1*ei Abprinreccl and difperfed-A the-éifirme nti-me,¢AA2if1dAmaniy onhfirs Wsereiiiniip1'e~ , AA A%parat1nn. AA A A And_?W2zd,m2z had“ broughthis part: to fuch A ‘m&tufity,fbathewzlmzedvery iitt1eA,ii but the open; L dr:-:e1ar1ngAbhunf@1f:niiArmsi, Aihaving in efFe6t“A fini-A ~ A‘ " ’ A” flmecii A A fhed t_hejDec’1a1*ationwhiehAwas -‘ti: .eb‘e_;pu151ifl1te2:WI A I upontthat ©cca.£10n,Aas aptpAeats by~thettec1aratid11t~ » itfelfi, but it~p1eafedGod to.Aprevent itby Aht"sfud- demand ugexpeétedAapprtehenfiongvvitht his De- c1at;ttio‘n*befo1feAfhim, jut’; as he was Aditftatingto hist“Ser~Vanet theConc1u{ion‘thereof_5 atxrd =the‘A ~timAe e A th:§.tth€ fl1ou1d"ha'V3e declared t~himfel£;,did Eully an» ' WhAichfe11t<>ut"buta few daiese~after.' \“ A A A ” Another thing which the %§EnemC had tflaid A as {wet the rifing tAdefigned by the Royal “Patty , R neceffatyt at Aileiaflz to keepAC ompzmy yvith? their in-#1 tended "Infutreétion, was,‘ that partof theAtmyAin Aszxotlméaz’ mould have A mutined , furprizede their A Generals, thrown oiF"theirOffice1*s, and t1‘1a11ch~ e ec1>u~p t0‘7 eliomloit under the ACommAanAd of ‘Major ‘Gteneml 0wrta~n~(Wh0Wasdefigt1ed~fo1' thait tputz A pofe) leaviilg the reftf pf the Army there, 2 alread y “under great»: _difcot1.r ,;,ement,~by teafon of their latehatd fettrice, and for want ofrpay,A ‘to be de--M voured by the Scots, an;c*1 alfo Fértseea nd eG¢zrrzfl2m A lately ereéted at the Vaficharge of thisCeomm 011-» . Wealtthatobe poffefi: by ethem:_ theret ei”'nAg no pof-~ xfibilityeleftoft‘fending“Athemtimely and fe:tfo11:t~ ble fi1pplievs,~infi1r:h”timets40f trouble as mutt ‘ ne- 7 eeffartlytenfue fucth Aaéttngs 3 And fzhofe who were; 4 ttmtadeufe of, tobrtng thisrto p:.1fs, were the Le»; A vellers, and alfo Afome~otherts, AAwtho”diAd not (a~3wc— hope) inAter1‘d Atofervedteinzterefiz gf :C/W15 Sah- A mt. A ‘But iAt‘isc1e;n‘,.ethatt*they*vve[1*einfluencedand “tdrivenOnby them, ‘tbeirtg made to b'€:11€V__E.‘ by- we ’Emifl"arites of the pretended King (‘Wok/esein: Sheepseclothtng) I'.hat £h.:.{t parnof thefiufméy Adei A fie"tnec1t ii gnedfor the Revolgwouldw under the Conduét atorefaida do much for thietélatrjritiga A on their but--“ ‘finefs, notforefeeing,thatthe Army being thus A A divided and éngagedagainit it {elf _.,It may be, A evenazo blood, would becomeia prey to the Ene- my and .yieldn’p this glotiousacauffia and the good i people of this;Latnd,into. their hands. T hefe were fomeeofthofellvlethoads which Out Enemies made i hie ofto prepa1'etheir_way to their gt*ai1diDefign;, . others they had of-lelferitnoiifients whic.h‘_We {hall not fpendeogfiratimein rehearnfingsAA nor fha11AWe i in efxptefs terms lay to thetrcharge the {Warming S of t-h’ol,'e jefnitswhtch arenow’croak1ng‘amongft A 11s,tuming themfelvesinto 3..11For1ns and ihapes, -to deceive, and feduce men from the truth,accor -4-5 . ding as they” find the bents, 1nc11nati'1onsand4pr1n’;y vciplesof men to be... A A A A 4 ' » A It is not ionelycomnaonli%iiobfetvaed,,i but there ~ remains withlils fomewhat inproof , that jefuits have been found at-nongft fome dlfcontentecl :~ Parties of this Nation.,who ;at.e ob@rved to quar-— S rel,‘ alldfallpll-E with every form ofadminifira- in non either in theChurch0t State .e, whether thefe i ” Emifflariesof the Church aof game are come hi- ther bywC”t>unsf€1‘ from ClzarlsstuamWWew1ll.not “ now examine; i'1‘l1-isis certain,as the continual A —r5?tions amongfius. troubles , andiunfettlement occafioned by his Party here; opens the door for the entrAancein of thofeunclean Spirits, So his Agents makéeufe of S them to advance onepartiof his lworki, to vvit,the e fomentting, aind’imainta~i-nin»gTof Patties .,A and ‘fate A Ana “ things, Cd fomeof theirgfgenis <22 > A And that they might the better know What di- . %re6Ho11sA%to gi_Ave , and whatmAea-nsAtheywe1‘e an A ufe from timeto time foxf influencihg the afore- ' {aid parties, and arrivingattheir eIx1ds, thefe £231- lowing In,g_t1'ué’cionswere given, amongft other yThey wereAtoinAfm*1ntAhemfe1ves, A A — A A v I .A What the prgfefit Strmgt/J of A2/ae ;.<1rmy rénr A A Eng1Aand,SAcotlan A I%1‘€1Aan%d 2;" f:‘ A 6}! 22?/vbm 6am- ‘mamledé avbobarue the c/aief Jnterqfl £2; ‘#96222, “;zmz’% Aliaw they aim’ their 0fl}'z:£r.r are 4’/j‘I?c%a’:’ % 2; Wlazzt 4reAt-~za’*Ie principal » Gzmdifbixs, cfpccia//y 1?art5*3ha2v manned, agm’ ofivlmt S trezagt/9,;z:4a’ whip/3 izreth’ wfié/3 to 56.z4i*2$€d,6it%»’m 5) ‘Poms. or Treatfi . +_ T/Wzzt A we rrfmt V.$'t2.¢ie;gA;gt1./72 “ z;rAA'Azzt Sea, azizd AA bo1vAi;¢tended to efiztledfzar t/aefzmarec‘ A A = A V4; W/mt t/av ~can/z‘zz7¢t4Rerur:;~2Az.;e5 , V;2m~l tozaflmt A cxpemdex qf f/;7A€ Com77¢o7¢~i27£a[t}3 zzrerf from ¢ mm/yA AAAt/:A7éAAA.’AAA am: exceeds we atim" 5.’ and t“/be expemgés éée greater; A A éy11?]J.’Zf’77¢6’.cZA7’Z5 tbeawcrplw fifuppfyedf’ ; 5, VV/Jill?“ z3“tbe Comditiom nf Thzdé, 1v/Jct'ber$¢a2zwZ2 démyed «EA and w/mt C072fi’qm%zm5 rm mzzydrdmf ~ V *5.'1AAW/£lL’i}J€r we Protefior be 4-éfé/’z;tc £12 /41;:/twang» ' % er, orf0m°d'Amc'amp[y wit/i otfiers: A*;’ . Ari:/70 2:176 /9213 AébzAe‘~ V A A A A Friend: ¢_2_;£”mz72ie5A7, zzmz/who /bzzvg 2:2.‘ prcfmt 4tlé.e"gA7AA'6W;«?]? pawcr 272 England 2’ /102vz‘b6Ape01p[e amlj Armyfhzmz’ ¢zfl'c’o"2'e5[ to r/in k2cwGa*;2m¢79éez:t,:22'a,v2zi pgrfiw oftllvefirateéfbrf V AA ‘ A 2'/7?’z9.iefLc4der5‘:’% ~ A A A A (f 24) A HWIMI A1?,€tbeA_12r:3fe’3¢AAthDefig;¢5;hhrm thffim Ainteo Confidemble ‘Bodies. By the perfonsetheyeehad engaged 5 they reckoned uperi A Eightthoufand in the North, andnot fewer out» of the WeB:~.;, and thenutnberexvvhichefhould rife in thefeparts when theuArmy fhould have left it, exceed both. The Garifonsandfirong places ‘ intended firfttoe furprize and 7fei2:e feupone, A were 'LFeetf~mut/2 A; A .r1,m.».»m:/7,; Turk, eflall, “Nani- eeaflle,‘eTin:/IeetbickeffergSlzrewsbury, Tarmomlv, . J,yn and eBa[fcm;, as alfo to poflefiz themfelvees of 4 erhe111co£,sz_y.~ The Forces intheweft were to havee been eCom'm$anded by .theDo£l1cr llTl%lfcouragel~ -ments they have mctwithin thislthciér grand Um-A dertakingl; they would lmve been weary of any A *»fulrtlh‘e1'«Attemptstof thislcind, and have forfalgm ”=that«Caufe and Intcrcfl , which lhath brought-fo many oflthlem to mine: But Io littlehaththcfc things wrought upon them, that fame of them, A when they ran away from th¢if~R€nd€ZV0l1Z, did A iir.witl1”allre{'0luci0n to take a better ‘ opportunity, H Atluisl lafil Stzmlmmu xvhc-nthel—Govcrn1nenr, in confidence ofthe prcl... { Went fucccfs , fholuld. be fccure and lcfiawarc of them; and they areal: ::l1i5 veryclay at v;vox1kup-- l vlonlotlhlcr Defigns,bo::hl1cre andinscotlgmdjand ‘ ’ lard endc2_Wouriugl'tlOl procurc»SL1pplics of Men ~ :mcl‘Moncy from Forreign States’, to begin new '<*=1‘mub1¢sll A anfidl ,.RcbcIlions amongft us 5‘ fomc Agents being fem:fr0_m llzclncclfm:lllthatplulrpgfc 1 l ‘a WW: flmlll not neecl to make any Application l l lof whatlharhblcenAl11id , it is plainto cvcry lémcl’ ;thatis not lblincledwidth p1-eju~dice,l That thefi: ‘arc rclllcfslll" in thclir” llDlcfignsll,l aflnd ‘arc lthc l ’A=c:zufcsl~'lo?f_all Our Troqblcand runfsttlcment, lamdxvi11leav‘e rwlflene ~un‘~turmd , aw xcmzlllcr vain —:.mdfruliltllzcfs», all that Blood wihziclzz ~fpll"r jtc>‘i:rc£l:wt:>’l:e Libcrtilfis thc‘ll1;9;§¢s Well laflth beelnl . havc “bf alVlOurAADang’ewr.§ A * havdconccivedfcefxig’this poorNatianfctféd L A and reformed T, from that Spi1‘.it~}Of Prc5Iphan‘c%nc‘fs % vkmich %cz1c¢rc%mcnAVd,41«c¢p:1p;3ndc4eumcnan¢e»an4 %ndv:hew> . . A give ”Lip‘tficCi1uféf“fO1:Ong4C011-tcndtd1‘Q17,”:.md the LiV”e$%, 9 Liberties and Comforts of "%a1A1;7‘éhc‘ wen. A <;;ont%cm-Vptiof:1I1‘Ic;aw% a+iidAAA A LifhOfi%fy"€g:;%"4V foré thus, argued ,_., A ‘That’ ‘unle‘fsA #fiF=°¢:*edthrcc%v¢Nari0ns imc rheir%%%hand%s, oWf‘»-;leavcV t~h%ém"; efipéjféd‘iwto%"’itAh3:1%r é‘oAm:1:nual« At-5» rcmprrsg. [the Peace and cbmmo?n4%‘GoAnccArnmerits mftlgtis Com monwcalth 5 fnuflrbe otherwife fem» rc?d‘ rmd Aprovided ,f0r_,~th:1cn at*p1oF,AAi n A c’iti1es4¢‘ pm; cou1dby;:n;0 mAeansA ducourage :heAm~frfe ,A;A }who; ma upon any :+cV%com«pAc;A Awhatfoevewr adheredA to; :zndAownAed thisAC:a.ufe. AA A A This‘b€it}g,thénA'tI. CafeA,W 6 have inourmm fijjudgemenf fuch clA‘e,arA_AA4Aand convincing ‘ Grounds, juftlfle 30111”p1fOjC_C§diflgAS;Wi4Eb thofe Amen: whzich cou“1dfi:afce1ybeAexpeé'“ced in cdfes,0f fccftet Tx~Aca;« {bnsand Confpixacxes ; a bzue Correfponden;cyA A wheAreinsA, 11:mhAAbe¢‘\ j‘ alxvays accounted A Capi~ta1: A A I)dA if the Supre3:fflQ,:M,;éAgi£tx*ace Wefeiin%Ntk:1eA?fe A AA ivéS':“Emye_d’@lP"'®fi?,-..,§3he;‘ c;:rc’1i%n.ufyAuIes ,A andAh';1%;§AAnot a Libenzywt 3 A:AP1m"-efid. upon Illuftmrions 0? R€ai’0n~.A A V againfiAA»4;hofe Vwho Am; comirnualiy £fixfpc&‘ed,A there WAc§31A1dAA‘bemvarA3Atin?g»';,:inAfiichAaAt%StAme AtAAAh€InmnS Of Amcilxi~A$a»feA.eyrs mA~iAe*sAfrmraAAA we ‘mi:2txAievAé:us MAefigf¥~t0AA1**?A0th€r,A% ‘V56 A A Yx A .A. %€V€F‘AhU1f§AA§“hC113# vfzé ’ AAAA ._ «A A , A A,,A Befides ,A _ t}iflrt:'A:I?atty véExeAa%s¢ A H A 4AA%AA:Q;1fp*iracie§ nAeve.1~*AAAlm*p‘re~.w ‘\ A_ w:Q§;¢d,AnQr%xv4pu1Lj ;;;t:_hc~ P1'e<:1pit:ati0:as. of A;En“c—- A €,s;"x}4ocenit,;2s :;hey_ m*ou1d~A;3gs3v%;h?1:v?€ itb%e1ieved4Atkn¢y»AA “ A Wi€r¢;= Vencughhafh been A done by t«4!:ei:"*E'”’eH6ws- in I g 3 A common 4 CaU:l'e% (which %% Vlia1'd'1y:f:3{;y of them k“9W~.h0W W di{0W.*1AaVAA%Whi?h th€Y4A3OWl;% arrdof A W.h1¢11th€YA 3.10’? ‘30 d“T3iW$%.VFh¢‘W4h‘C>1€5P3fiy4nudes; Q4 ¢i1iIflVéS1::~1*fp’it1on,:1tid ;h:eAcon%fcqn¢ncés th‘€%15;§bf 2’-‘:11 ; that: af€‘peéceab1y—nfi§inded in the %N%ationAA3§¢ -{e:diy% IQ fay,‘ Thefe are the men ofwhomxveggo i‘_I1 dI3Vfl.'r Ager,%andcer:a1n1yicis both jufi and nVe%ce%fl£ary,% that a1IV4:morc of Whom the ‘Peo~p1eh3§7€ 1~eafo:1 £33 1~;.e afraid %(noc,©né1y as theirAprofe£5t Enemicsg; but4":31fiJ W numerous) fhould pay £0138 ecuring the State :1» A gainfithiit Danger which they are-the A A-uthoxs&o%%f.,%w = A nd former times:t1iaveAhe1dthis way of A Pro; Ceedifig iufi and Y¢3R3113b1€,.5 05 Which W<-“A ‘—“i"L11‘%A*% give many pregnant I4n fiances%, ~as_dn*Ve1l in” thxs& A;1sA%i1n- . l pthez: Natians ,« form of which were .dQnie$in;~t1a: memory offevéra1*4perftmnw 1iving’:!.LV:AfAI1d i1A1i¢~~*A reafon "why Spatesmay proceed in this¢Vr;1:mer,A ,xs;,_ j becaufcw that which is intc ndegi to b€EXen1.p%1a1f}“,T fotthe terrifyxng men-A fron"1fu«:h Artcmpts for the future, will not Qther ways bepropor¢4ci0n:b1e my the_d:2ngex' of thqpafi 0£fe.:5c,e ,, Va«n:I%fQV%th€3j4w13U‘0‘~A4 liquc P0“'€1‘LCan.fieverbe fectire ,“%VTv¢1105"€V¢5i1F¢F??? ; Athe%Pc:0p1cs,% 4bun,wi11be always Aexpofedwtoxhe ; fame Iniaichiéff andhamtcis. ; f" Msrrdublerollstobesfiillrubbin}%;+uWi=§1€»‘.- old so:e,di£ob1ig;ng *rhofe%whom hope<3.z:V:a:e W1 P3tiM€:nC€‘mi3hfi: 4 Affiéflvmfw W W 6. W? *’%’ithA%C0Amf0rtflPPw1t<>%Go¢ andAdi11‘€ «€150 t0th¢1i’ A 0\?i*n ,.*(Ajh’fCien»C‘{uS\4 vvhether~thisA4$%VaY 0fApx*0c¢éfiwiAfi%§ ;o V%%*‘~*i"=*itAiieAm,AAvhathA%:be%én themi“%0f0%3fiVC5°*€€» <48) tfifithat fc3zx¢*gAht%:m;occ.;‘{i<31ifof-.5 01;‘ whéther ,% ““"‘”htrar5r'J%to Out ewnincllliatibns, f and A the confiant colslrfe of Our4CLarriage" t;:'rw :xrds4 them ‘ ' (which hath beenfto ob¢1ige:them'~by kinamgfs to ;forfake‘t1)eirfb%rmer Principles , which Godhath yfo often , and Co mtinennly bcjm Witi1fCf§ zgjaihttj M We; have% .,not been -ccmfifr:xi%:1cd %«an& i %nemceffim;ted rhC 1'elIflCO , and without the d0Enwg_xv}1ercQf ,A ‘W; «fihould have been A wancmg to Our D a1:yAcoGod ’ and thefe-Nations; :Th;at Charaxffcr of Differencebetween fand the reflfif the Pe;cs"p1e,; which is uow_put; Aupgm ;th‘c::_ n;1% is occ‘afion‘ed by themfe¥vesA; um byus; A The-re'is4,nothin_g ‘they have morc_ind:u '1ri@ufly 1 11-4» A bored in, chef“ this, Tokeep che"% ' €"lVE5( ”eP3l'3CCC1¥§ ; “ anddiflzinguiflu fromthe we1l~a‘fl’e&ed“oFthiS’ Na-2 rion T<5AWhich find t*‘!'5fY have kevt their convew {anion apart, as’ iftheywould avoid; the very b¢g‘n~;_ mugs of union", have bred and educated their ’Chi1d17€“ bythe $f¢qu,e1ired and ejjeé3:<‘.f'.;df Ckrgy, “ Na’:-xd% very ~ much Confined"the;rM.1rriages‘a"fidAAA‘li; V liances within theirow_nw Party, as%ifc_f1cy kIhC“3.f1tC0,m A email} their Qxarrcl , and prcxvcnt the mcanys to rage A A concitc ‘P;oftc1'ity 3% ‘whic h, with the A great pain§ Athéytakc uponztll occafions‘ “((5 1 efl"cn,“ %Aanc1fnp~" PM3 the Eflcemancf H0n0r0fA,¢h2=‘Eng1ifli N+=~~ A W tion,in allthcir A€¥;ons~ an.dA%VAUwdcxt%akings abroad, A £1rivingVwitha1to rr;‘:a-Ike-: ‘ns% “diflinguifh their Imercfi frdfiw “g’i.vcs gv*49nfndV¢.%t0iud%gc thatthcy fiP;1F%?"t‘éd ‘tbemfrmsV fram thcB“<>—~ V ofthc‘ “t%Eii:‘t¢’fi>¢r?: leave to” 3'11 4 mankind: (39%) A mwlflfidfi £«01:udgc, W:hcthc%r%Wc ought not to be timC1Y_ jz a‘l1ous4 Wrhm: Scpa‘ratiO:rd, %.andr.to prczéccd T0‘ agmft thcm ,AAa.s they may be amhecharge mif -rhmfc A Rcmedi/csA svhicb Aarc req'u'gcd_ ag~a.ixm: the ' ADangcs1‘s~.1h4c;-yj%have bred“. ~ * ‘ % V l‘ But if there be yet any %perfon?thar bathbeen of that Party, who will be cxze-mpted.f1'omrthE~s% Conn; federacy'._,and theinconvcniencesedepending»thc:e-r~ upcm, that czmfay in truth ,I mhath changedhis Inzerefh, was wholly free from the aforcfiaid De- fign, and can flmv by good works preceding the; late Infurrté?;i0z;,y aAd.ifc1aimcr of his former courfi: andw convcrfation ,% ( the furefi Charafiers in this» cafe, of a perfon fatisficd with the troublcfof the time pafi, and meaning forthe Future to xiv: qui—~, etly) upon making'it appear, he {hall bedcah: with“ accordmg to h-1s.inrcjgrity;fi ifany ofthat Par» % ty , being yer fenfiib1e¢of&th:: Error of their way, . {ha11chan_ee and forfake their fomI‘%er»-;InAccrcfi%, and}- give real4‘Demonfirations thcreofi, »We {hall "much more eflf€ems:..of their &Reformati0n;, Vthgndefire Atheir, harm or prejudice. In the mean )time,~ \ do affi1re0urffeIvcs,that the_ good Vandwcll~afi’e&~ar; cdof» theLand , fonwhofe fake ,,W"é have chiefly V pu,b1ifl1edf‘th~efe thiz‘:gs,. ttiizr they may knownuhe Groundson,which Wve do; proceed towards (their Preférvation 5 %.,A,w1;l1 rccewc EncouragemVen~t= hérc fix by[,andw}oywi1:hLLbveand ’Uni:yamongfi them»-4 A felvcs,” t»heF'ru its and A Effetfisé of V that c~ommfonp terefl thty-Havelong pur~fi1c.d ., and not Cum féstrxhcmfclims to be d%iyLded% by any arcificcs ‘“Nh~flt"" 5 % f<1c§4*cr,;§., (46) fimer,%Ai1:;cc5Parcies and A Faéi:ionsW&one% agziinflf the gm§g;+‘,;,A Vvyhe:*eoft4h¢ Enemy % hath tnadegzjea; Ad»- x?;zr1::2aeAsf4%,¢% ;k*cep Us frommhag Se:c1emen:%f;andA«M Rcformaticyn which "every gcT)_0»'3 ¢Ari1:zr”1 1on”g4s‘f0r, V and 4z§~z.e v&:V:nrA wfueire.-40$ doch gfeady pre>vokethefl Lizard a;.;1?hfiAUs. I x