REPRESET A Gonciqrhing €55 13‘° PA R L I E N T: % Ifithcyeara I6 5 4* _,T.__...—--~( %$$ 3% I Printed%1iii%t11eY¢ar:;. .\ 1655; ; %eeeeeee%eeeeeee> n V Ebatellié the work work A that can limit‘ with thefe times ; " D wherein ‘its the general bilfinelfe of man to add fewel to; ;h%.«_i_l fire; ¥Y:et :, if it he rightly Moderated 5 - it is the MoAth”er” QF Truth, lGriahd’imot-her of Peace and *Nu~rfel ofan ‘Al-IoAn[oAu%ae table name ; all which now wrappedup thefe pref:-Ant di’{’retn-1” l pets , ;it»beco'rnes.irevery Honeit man to clear them forthto right unde-rfiandirlg”, without paflion , pride-4, orby refpeéts. Nor is it the leaflof the Calamities that do‘ Aopprefl'eingenu.. tons mindes ,« that oyerand belides the particular [candals Mandi imputcs.,*Cafl upon. pr-ivateperfons A; l event thofe that A profefsl the ifearleioif God, fuppofe themfelveeat ‘liberty; without touch of confcience, to ifpeakle‘vi_ll of the whole Bo--W dry of glue peoplejin Conflitulted Parliament, 1: ifjit were Rees-_A' i g‘4rdle_{]}A~ of Religion , opprefituctto tender Con/Bianca: , Aaméiri-A 011,}?! to i-léring all inter Bandage, V and romaine lClm".l‘z".t Kingdom", All which they ground upon this principle ,i That " its_ found-j cd upon¢.rhAe peoples Eleériion; and they for the ttlbfll part; naught, the Parliament ixlulf needs be futable. ; V Jtfs a £hrewd'Argument ( I confeife) if God be left out dfitheii Cafe‘: for then ., , «ffamg Hamini Lupm , mart will ‘be Aawplfe to trn2l,At1.;:A But f’rts withmthe cqrqpaffe of ordinary Providence _l obfcrvahle, thatin all places and Countriegwherecommone Ci- j:vili;tytiblearet;hirule,l there is a confléant provifion or Lewes, and adminiliratign of them maintained, in order to the continuancci A of civil Government :‘ Much more where God lpitcheth his .Nam¢ toidwell, and hath promifed broth Laws and Couinfels, ffuch;aAs;tn;A1y beimit4 % Egrgzsfi and 4m4he+%waa manna} mcdgélc A cm V Ii“fhouId ‘ infifi It;mg;€r:4IiV¢ir;1ipof1,-,did;1;@»9:mnlider themlfi mha=4*thef¢.mcn may%mr9u@m’:£1¢RmimlarrAeIati;o:istharzlmyT an in A ~che;y; may prgcéhd; rowadvancé%~Mag4i&rac,£% iwhen they arein%pewer,o-r‘ ddpretend thereto; and I eak of ‘ reggxlatinflg Mimfh-y,: fand the an;r1..ParIiamentss. ( bécaufé ‘hey are fi;k.t-: fiill mbfi 3110”? 95¢?! F995; and regufaeeflxem A : or“ Vth ey cannot prevgil I0 fag, ~:the;n *to bring them into publickl ‘ flighfi or: ci-“i%,1{W:g?1,_sa$tV<:w_;%.. §h;rpfc:~l%v¥¢s"LVay% Aremaiiné; highelt ;e*-3; % What parxamagyAmmb1ies%%n4a;cmgflygm with imhis%kinde,is am: my 4waArk £9 tfcmembcr, 'no1-jto ‘examine: That which has next 1311!: fenffl of.thcife» runes, is the lafl of an Whifibhfith had larg@:a4pmim4~o;f Izlmkinde of éntertagififi A m’m;as anypftherefl;1f%nogmm:e.;V.waVnd~%Iam 'cAemin, rnorea chem i£sdu;r;.;.J E0: the cl;e¢ringV,.%A (being¢in:.con£tienc¢ bD1;1i1dVt%hcr1:toA;as to vindicate _trutb:).~ I %fhal%l a lime lrookback to flfihe c9I1dition% wherein affairs flood atztheir firfl Summons. . ' A Afger that nglmd had fiafiad t:1m%4GqV:rnm¢ntbyParliaem; {gt %fomje4yemws ; in itgqmx name; after in: the name ofuhe 1§F¢.persi.qfMthc%Lihe%r;i¢§0E Enzglzmd; that a¢ri‘_;a%ljIVTit:le ( a«s%it %h_g:h lggcgx ca1Igd)Vbe¢4f¢‘;g;c zhgccmvernmenu arrived at its ma-~ zuriwty, became di£m,i?¢%ful1;1* mzhcr (as I conceiveflaeeaufe pro»;-.. mifed much, ghcn perfczrmmkizrlc ;{ and“ fa (to make way fo_r another Power) was1a»i§1 afixge; aIbcit~it might have {mm xnjrxgreyfgfe forthe pcouplem gxpqfi under; Vnhat'"fl1ado‘w7in.t?efl*, A tmtilla Amme C;9mP1€4EfQrmdfGmrerr1mmt whereupon ‘they. _m§gh;.{ett1‘c,tfl1Q1J;lVAd appear 3;; ‘rathei‘ then so adxwntmmyhroAu ha. thickfand thilijh tofmde out if Term incognirdin theconc Ila" 1 But it Was%aA%h‘idMis0‘m- Became eoneerned and madee:1_pable49£%s1 ‘Name, -into which yet heowas riot‘ baptifed, till iafter t,h;-eeiloy; four dayes, ‘afpa per (fince known bythe namelofTheh_(§.'v9V¢!§l* gmemz) is hnoughtto“ tbamm-ll(as the matter fl1ewes)Vtgthepi from the C'amp,”tlhlen{fz=om otlafez; ;Moum;, framedfox th’ellg9V£.rne- men: _o?F~tl¥‘r~ele‘, N‘alti;1s it; ozie ; ,i,xiord‘er to the Soglgljier,‘ htathgjg ‘ehehthe People: fiat” (whaltevéerlthe ptherh N atiojm 1154) £21? A land was alreadyofleffed ofltnown Lewes? by jonggcgprohgtiqg, My ,;fei»ture,eCohq~uef%, “as otherWif¢.hj f .T"hiisfpaper‘; that lloyhl ,(:mhat heemigh‘c“be thciohélyfliié) Seethe Tflbmift E0 “%°V€*'WY leana:*ro~:he boecomes that Qzmby arc¢- 1*“-» f mm! b¢FWfF.n lfimand fmralllperfonls of Interefi flhdfiideliv «(as La fardllmhli C.ommon..weal.:h, and Olficets of theAi'mya‘ B2 tax; A ‘g. ind by their dcfire and _advi_ce. A And «thus is the Title < to»:-he f %Govcrnr‘m=:nt farm-ed ; and_ t%hen’cefor_t11 isthis 0:2: become mi- f med, ‘P R0 1” EC fr 0 '1: " and endowgd With‘ ‘an Authority Tneircc formerly lm 0W»n‘e.' % And“ (to giMrt;this_g'armez1t clofr; unto him) he vo}1untécrily," andrx 4'z5#n'da2_2zfi~, did bind himfeAlf"e,Lby% Oanh A to] govern: accordingly; which’ by :any,iDitc&'ion in that” %PapeAr o fGi0_vexnmenthAe nejmr ;wa‘sen'gagVedy toginfifi upon _. This’ Oath »was taken in; a ~pI!blic~k %A:p1accAk in n'{qfiminfl£r-'- 7‘ H4Il%,in the pfeféhce i:>fi%aAll that were ;theI1j prefentw; ; 4n,onc,of AAthem‘:a1l‘ gainfayinggwhoever _t”hey.& w¢]:ré that gave the Ptauditc. T V_WitneII'es,\ndquefii,on theré wgre, more, jtAhc*n% enough,pf the 'fnbm’iflion” ofthofe than prefentto phis one, as 1:o%the’“€chiefT Per- fbni in power 3within théfe ghrée Nations. Bu: dpthgthis bind the: V “whole” ?bodVy‘of the Bcoplc 2? Dbubtlefs I,1ot:;; go: is;th“e mind-of uhisme VraA:as5Aed:neraw1:h: J; A We are minded of his Rééeptionfinto Loan» in: folemm: %"V‘Pé%ffiAva!; The Lord Comi{wfi*oners‘of%tAhe Grea1:S,ea1 andfjuclége,-é {7;=:;sA% and fjuitices of the’ ILand'accdepting~-~Power fijom‘ him fbr%-Adx-A VA miniflring of_Juf’cic%e.A [Divers pa_p_crs (tcfiifyin»g Recognition F %11isPower) from fcveral Cities and Corpox:Ma\ti_p;nsA,~ar1dAfrom the {Grand ]u’r'y¢1'nV Tail:/biire.” And laflly, all thephrgc Nations,AE-2 Ieaions and Rcturnes of Members to [‘erve% ingParliament,“ino;- » b,¢dW_iChC’CWtO%hiS VV1‘it§,L afld the fitting” in,P3[]iam ¢n[ vi~dencero11ow1ngtzieramé. . ipurfuanpé of'th”at’PQwer,and” blggI'c,,4.a¢fi'¢_&y=pfA.Gods prof M .Herc'senough and moafg :th en enough ~ t"o:N tfiell all] £ he;t;hrc:é NacioTns;, that VthAeyA.,,d%o\, acknowledge. him to 4havc the 2 Chief Power ; j 7 but I no%::Vone % Vfyllableg in s all % this ; doth; found“ =m3'A ’"'w’hit““0f fuhm4ifiion to%th¢ ~;G0‘F€fn«men€§r the Reccptiv pm flofthe Profitefiofi is on; 4‘ thing, andjof thpGovernmetrc a-A nether.» For though .i;_b~e%rr«ufe,that thwc; Government ewaswrcad‘ publicklyatthe timcWo%f Ii1i e% takixig ofthe Oath; ; A Afandrdoubc-lgfs A % many h¢'i€i‘”t¢1 tb¢%4fa,fi1‘c,and.hndérfi09d asmI1“chf%the:eofas“ is to ‘be _*underfi6,od it «an: readngg,wi;hout_further «illuminationfrom- that fpirit that ’nfI‘ade“~it ;“ yet‘ th;ein;p%rc{¢n¢_:e, arthat time? was not; A reqgired toy afient or diifentk in I;f1%ci%be_f1Aal£.9f,tlie peéple ofT*threc A V > ari()ns,umto I;he%‘Govctfm1nVcn:%then read; but to adde:4to.A¢::he4; pggblickfoltmnity with their prefence. % r Wadi?» leis =9"-.,'£t!§§s_*_!é§%9~!s£9£¥!99§wééfsseé A ‘ j the the *feveralCountr.1cs andvlaces feveral Jreafonys were ilnlfilpr 1‘ofal,;_noneknew;the certainty. ‘ Thole of themy that_Aeundery«;- afi_ood,:the w0rd,lPWt£{&‘or,:y Wfillhoped hié Power eWa§_l to; pro- L teét them in their ancicnt,Liberyties" and Lewes‘ (as the Keeper ers of the Liberties had formerly done) and thofeealted for no more. . Andlofthofe that lonked into the Government; gforne A wondred,:meant lothersluppofed themlt‘obe1Prop0+ It falls to be confidered by the Parliarnent :._ lsome (obferving the ~ vernment it felt; it feemet Oath) fearedthat the whole as itywas, was to be impofed ripe on the People. A but othersupon tbelfamehvground inferr‘edy”ltl:e contrary, lbecauferhythe Government the rPrOte&0rs Legif1a- t-ive—Power was limitedand direfied; But as tbuching the~I,Gd- A h to bernade neither by Proteétor, Council, nor: Parliament , but by an nnltnown‘LaW-sgivyer: alnel there being not one claufe therein that cnaéteth or declareth the yfame; by the very Oath is th€Pr0tc13:O1_‘b0und"rlot tolim-4 A pofe the fame, but by the-Peopllchs rconfent; nor';are“theybound . thereunder‘; imlelfe the fame be lconcylndedy, by ltheirllileprefen -5 tativc tn Parlnament. It may feeme therefore that A thel_fameisjyy but anagreement; between: Pcrfons pnknowne, Fandl the” Generallrol’ the Army ; _'0I: elfe blctweenee the Gen‘erdjl‘h of the lAr_mythat wasyand t~helPr0t§&0:t? that was to the, what: Powers he ihouldufe to governyhy: and"beingthat the fame was engaged unto by Oath, the lame (it {term}? "was ”perfe&~ .a”’p‘leated thereby, or otherwifej ( which‘Ihhcz'1nnot,cony-~’“ h ceivc-infuch Profeffion) the Oathlwas rafh and vain. * T/airdlj, As touchingElc&ion, and fitting of Members in,» A P«arliamen.t+,by~vertue ofwritsof Summons from the Protefior, it cannot bedenycd, but%W1tneyfi'e thereby ts gwen to the pm; H er of the Protleétor to fummon ‘Pyarlyiamenmj, whichhave beene» done by g‘ men .,; t thatneveyrtheleflfe lhadnnof Supreme 1>ower.~ tenor-claimed any. , A _ M by , A “ Lafily,»The b«lefl'edtefi'e&s that are mentinncd, yqne{l‘ionle'fs'x;8p.p.2,z.r, tare Bleflingtof infinite Goodnefle, andlample ~ 'I‘eltim‘onie$ of A A,the Protcétors Government; and his En;-l A l deavors as.armeanes under God arcfto bearknowledgedof all‘ true: Englifh men with anhlonourabhle tefpefi”; but that’. they «are~ Btfeéts ofthe, Forme of Government, fo‘ [earnefily contendedfl fer. is 1” ouafary "wide froyrnall.lqiyelnityalncl, Reafon, as A nottlzring; ‘ tram; (6) .'.- .. mhbeAm6te‘%é ‘Poffpr'qfpericy may betide in. an Aévif my; gm; A ye:AnoAeff%e& theme A", ’~no~notfo muchas adverfity of a good? AA way (which may be-bccafiotyed thereby.) ;But bu-tween the Form ofgfiovernment and the Bleffings mentngned, Ather~eisA no ‘Rcjlat%ioxj,[ no norfo much=as”betweeAn* the Sub 1c& and Adiunét, and tl1‘er,efore:here is not mllchfiti »~tha_t’AWi$fl€fl'¢ £9 Lfonfirm} the excellency of the form of;GovAerAn4m'e*nt, or Gods approba; Argon thereof as is pretended. ‘And it: may feem that the Protcflors wasneitllwcr yétfo ,_ gpmh fully fatisficd; fgméwhat is glanced upqn by the wordfltipm mg, % lationt % Conce:';nmg which he faith, if/341;!’ 19.42‘/a ¢ firm Mdanaflan we part", and tkatfull} accepted, '?tfiz:§ft¢r£’{}'¢ .2 %retm~sn_ ought M be .~ A andthercupon urgeth,that the co11currenceAofth: Parliaa mént oug h: to be : o A the Government, *0» 6!]: 713194: 40:29 tlmt: fiipylatianfignifie 2 A And hereunto I ihali aAnrwer, That it fignifiesw nAhthin.g A.-. Vat, r"1oI’cipula:ion at £11 till both parties Aagreéyg the % Lawyers will A 1-bear witncife to that : and if the AParAliament *Arcfu;fe agrecmginxgg without reafon, the blame mufi have AlightedAupox1Athe‘m; A God not permitting A "he %matter :ocome%:o the trial,xm_Afuch img ~ ‘ pure can bechargedhpon them. A’ Q **"But7'A feems that theParl1ament was miflaken in mbdfing 3'-5P~P-5'With the?VG\overnment,TlaeJ /Zza.-aid kmvelaff} that .4«: t]ae}f0#nd it; L and%%Aae:a1g; t/Jemjelmx to ‘prqévidc Ramcd}.u‘%azinfl gigiewames. A 7 r Ifthcywere mifiaken, they were;*l:%dA 6r¢A>iA;Jt.o by.Ath'c. ”LoAArd4 Pr0te&ors own %wm~ds, in his firfi4VSp1e¢cAhA‘1ii'ixidingtAh:m o£‘i:,4AA and commcrxdiflg it fro thém A (as Wfl5"‘C0flC&i'Vf$iU 1‘-0% ‘gain the Parliamentsf approbation therégfi, ~whic‘hAmuA1;1 hm ’b:e‘cnA d¢g_gA,;4_ Ex%p1icite‘1yAorlmplicitely, aAndAAA§ei~nherway cwld not Ab: undAeA;;.. taken without taking the ovfiemmem into comfidcratidn on debate. And whent%he‘H0ufeAw%as aHcmblaeduponM?$lnday, the firfi Motion being ; againfl: the Bpok in print 5 A the fecop, AA Vtha‘-t fpaketo%avoid“debAateA uponfihc Book, 1Aim0VA¢d.1TiAThAAaAt 41'} Committee might benaméd to ‘frame Propo%feilsto%[b4.-Ac ; made ‘V%Ach¢ ‘Proteaor. But Athnt was waved a1robydiv¢rsAe;ninen;, perfons orsgare tbat*~futceed¢d immediately A each af4m‘erAoche_1-; A an 'of’tAbem4 §A1)fifiinVg;‘thatit may be doubted, wh£thcrV_alIA the Mcmb ptefem: were l_1p'ono nfc ~~f0‘otAA*; v A: ,;(a§’0thet__s faid) 0}: one foundation; *and.rher;npon4a A cv§ * ‘_“’". .5 r. “ Affifiéfif £13 V9:A:w0at:’k what my gcmflsi, byJ1fiatcmg t15;MW@W1§day,Md :pa:r!t ,.o€.th: nigh: 0, frm the fmf}mer Arm’: of xhc day of 1,; =AIV%+~dH.r§,% v§im;m¢_~;f,e:mer%V v:~fo1:miA0n @§D¢fiaM m@;§:v;m;may gsmAgh¢s,re¢onb1;4ng 95 ;,D5: bg'?‘3tf§3-§-..;3§§ “:3 gm §}3H‘3u&h"t*”fCi§fi7I e ‘I713-Vt the :AAWa%u~F4a‘[119W Q£j@Q'd‘iVe?r£i’Q-#355 %£t10ugh‘:%m3-my ;wmp%q::am ,9Q;c«€4fi‘;0fls Awmg offcfi¢d. »A:»tAl¢m¢g1h%cVhe Bill was fi- A Ld,and tAh«$=R13;€¥’¥~i0£1 50%!‘ the paufliaig%thc.fa«me,a«nd far A A;.fs!1§iA1;% §h:$ rb:»='V%;E’—.;:@tz@c°§"ora,9M:A!ap@:m..tha:~mia'e Q9?» ;rga§9,n_,o£ :maga,yg pr0fi.§‘iz.€@é5 !mx‘ez‘p}9;;;1'iz4:1g;%A,;Miitittamrinuaeé A ifgg gar tigglf.d%yi§\;f;Pal9§::1:£j1’iTt7§;3§ .zafiV£;AAm 6mthsgwasifindedfimd won athynda-y a;§'m:.(§h:% L9»;:d§ m {amt beimg =accom‘gma9_ %g;fi4}on was rcflewmi. agam, and vszh at» A1:he;pmvifoe«s wre / fvmmc _Lordf.Pnn4:::éta<5r w ce.~l;;«.§A awygms imrésdémlydexéwradma am $speak«‘c:r; ; Noiiv whefber the Lord Pro.te&or,Aor who eljfe krmw W,mm£nzan;czea¢a‘aa;haaAfi¢%3mmexIw;~:~ and .%W*Z9 ihfiy iwfib;£?£4ca:a£§‘0m"§¢ifVI:£l1£s d»cl%a;3r.. :0 A A ’ AA ” A A‘ A Aférond Aggr.a¥M~i@n‘§s,~%nha¢:nh%isV4gIe:14a~}z waé A4a§c§bampaé- 3 mg. <37 i?:m;*l::e§;&:sD.,;r.:4,LA1M Alejmm mtwhpzn. jwr W2/8 éeen damg ;% I do not [gnaw wlzet/yer Jo»; fb4*a.m:A¢:¢g;s£ag- A ‘ - ., « I V - W. ‘ ‘ b M, _‘ “' % M _’“§7f, t?¢9§rA9fl€£A"l:f"a§‘Pl*frx¢m‘g&quw;;§1ya7mk:m;:'tm'r;:1$ Evzve T ’*i:????:,4”%€1.74@fl;t A71»‘0. # 41N<.”,0%%7,5; ’ tjffi/9’«t‘kémm**A ]fgm1t,;1:fiz_ra5lj,i¢:~%3£7(at1k 44; % % - % % % " g, V % 7‘ ,9, mi, but 4;y.; fimbxw ~< if Sfiféilfgfi 3 V ~~;;otas;r4m t mo Jade ~fi?i£1”§&flS,. 1f! f»@m'5 Afigumagar mm&k§refmvq_&k@nsi%;:2m:em mkm M%m;:;::.i*v"n%\A:é,;;%the -eimgomflxmg o+fGVamfons,;a%nd:%r4educmg t’£1;e::~%¢C?;a:n3n» m :1./2 €fjWfet;- ‘ ied*b;~n%umb%m¢.:; efi=dé;s,%%,Aone~frmma Cmmittc£%hé“;Va4_heV§%.Mxgfkc H0ufe,;7b;y aShub1-%G0m**mitt¢e cAon%;c€mingR.z:;~:1igi«:i‘n;% A It is to be h0pfisd~therefo ejwhenhis»1+1\§ghx:wi§fchath tak“e n ¢ amid cU?nfidemtionher:o;P, he win we impu%: ¢::% it ayfo ‘great a V fault e%+1fi?haHQufe,uha’the:b:a;éhn0l;Ahfi’ard_an;:efi*o:m Aip ;fi,l1T[hi5time“°' % H H V #3‘ Burro t:aketh~eawsords‘?as fpolmi»B3mne~vtha:, wcmldhe glad 3 m have heard‘ from the Hi)~ufem1ore¢% bfhjezi _., and at ficoncer- ~ neth thcflighting (if him heréirr ;,I? (hall refer the; further an... {wet to that charge of refufing conference,» to avoid %4:¢pdjmms tautologies. % A A , ::In* the eim piacg; tflekneéw A :’pmprotee;d~s; tatbcmatter of Neiwesmhficlt ia fls':c=i:t‘ ed: as a%“hi&tAe1tfivu%£T0»§flyes:P§r}iamegJ;§ fitting ;_; amd;%cher§u_gfi=on concliudeesfiin*genera1,» Dif]"ertlem{nr_, D£zrifim,Di_fcant mi“, Difflztisfnctiax, together with rm! dam- gé‘r.r% fczi t‘fi%£*%'V1a1MJcr1£‘,% :/nkrit/11?; éécvmaxe ’;m%l£ipl_y’jed“?tvit/ainqtlruzfq " Mommhk :@firam:fitt,§ng,Vt71vmjn3§éaw.:%.é2efio%:’. ,, . A _.; A V I:i;is%.%%’fiigh~n*¢‘%IT£:mn§¢Imrge:0E the? fialaé, utA%a€A¢his pen is not fo adventurous. He mme,$ of} br_a;v¢1yw‘ig1w;au< ima- ptffabion,’ That fi¢m~:~ fiillf be; ¢’bra1;glJ« fame % interpretation aA11£itrlaA ma jufll} pm upéx rise Flimwliameisr Em: than ; bee A vnm:e1stm:“l:2mxm, {mm fa}; yap! IJa;wA¢*;%%;*c1qa>;«g;/13,353!“ mm: nan» 71meda.% Ls 1% tmcsrrcfiomca A new "§ r0fi1_b_13@§ V *amy~; Npwwgfi the:-Pa*rl{a ,:bu%I;.¢m§i-1:; leave as at clgafigc dimfiiyt upon», the cnemi&s~;ha£,h«e“fpeakfi 03$; 3 ¢;% ” Awauralfroigg you 4-11 tfl/:13 timi‘f‘,% I haw mt’; ” razed Ttlmt ‘)'f'«?fl£' ;5t /l ” ‘(mew-;%%AA \ or my qWm.9pxn%1on, I he}.1Tew: y:A,~1j:%;m~ we of them, do ‘ 131$ V (Ar 2 ) A as touching I:l‘ie* re fi?c&»'ioMn;that the P*aIrIiamen”I: ? admi- nifired , Aoccafion theréef for1%wa pt AV‘q*f~fett1e%m%ent‘,%A Vwhiéb p::gv.8;‘ $2252/9% gafie 2*onjecm're~ gtbe _mem‘ié:i¢?mi;‘g"?Jt ‘ts:/{'67 u‘p% aid“ Ataézclude. ' Avltjrnway welllbe fa=id,»‘ I?ho~pewZt:ho~i1t ofi7ence%,f«th‘a: it~wa“s jeafie for; the ‘Lord Protector, knowinglais%%%owne Refolw-A§,A to *A»mnr1uae~: " »But%tha‘;I:f‘*th'”e ene.¢rniestn'oyc2 knowing the 4136» *b%até~softhqii?ar1iamen‘tVBe.fbrehand‘; ‘&cml dfleafi%%1‘y.=determinc 4 fthefefrbmSfo"%frarfie’th¢irwéfignes;4 appcfaré nm:[:;xo* ordina. 7ry~ underfia-nd‘in“g4.; For Parliafnentsihavéév%er”alt:er§:d their {Deb-ates upon‘ oecaGons,2 ahbetter groundsthcéreby are‘ mergent (as becomes wifemen to dO5._) anda. the‘r‘ef'b1re I may wc11lay,this difputeiya _ZVi9f}2w4“»a1i4:_lfivt jarafcaufa for divers ‘ efignes may :c~o§ncur in dn¢“‘?téime,; A and»»yc‘t *each_, *ofthcm% in- Aehdanic upon _otgh'er'7*§ Whes gr‘on*ndrs. ..;mja’y§ bee“ ~revem«; :h_ong_h7difaffc€tion may b%e«the%gene11a‘1 ‘wcaufc of**all. A And 'Nxhercfo’re% thisk ‘kindsof a«rgi.1?in6g“ is ” fo ‘fart ‘Adiflann A from righ I: xgaféniii ;‘,A,IjM that ic« .¢{avome;;A% tAa,then»»oVfthe ow: miféafe 166 ;d‘of etifi1ing*:r. miftry T to this” ‘Né.ti%on% gwzhen this,‘ that‘ t7hAei*ré(;ux‘e*%w%fl?1o%u1d be acc0u=m:edA their ifiifcéfie. ‘Tl'1t'Eé’g"t6:;~ind9; *atfe*.4b11e*dge"d4sVdfi:1reeiwemies ¢incoura‘ge- A =-mt+n"t‘1in”th5eir7undertakings. I Rmélidwégngx delizfin V ~2L-.T%/9_eir néiflvtling the Go?zJern'i7?1mt 4¢«t}:§].foumfit;%% 3 . {Pam-* , phltt; itlvlfflaing .Vote.r. % ‘ V4 % ,A&séto theD:l ygvesdfotofcmi menAri6ncd,th;Ae{e; can-be‘ nq grougd gfthe %e&nem%i«:csofA iwicic gum-.a. ,AA % I Aitl:1% Athfis %Aid.dn¢AA in five MMoAnthsJ.:* (AI fay, A in may.bAc7C1hariAA:aiily AA Judged that the Fe: am: not effefis of Delayes. , A A A A ‘ A%TheA\fecoAnd_ caufcw ;of.AAthi;s§E&"afic,coggjtA«,"cqre, is:/as rH¢pe: P” g_ i;f,rl2eVe;ze7ni:A:, thézxf tlae%Pa,rliAaAAr_}¢e7zt; %2A‘2oA’At‘A_f%eAAttle£, A 17/A/air/jw “AA ' hgpcs ;⁡3¢rwa$t;d§ A AareAAcalI"e$f* z5vei¢fPiurrs»A % r 11338AWhi€hm*1fis»W9IdsTa.t¢Afiv Isezpedvgfi/flier:/»ew:;:bz»; “ 2» 1:3‘ fiwéiti/qrwrog A * ««,:!W0W the Members c1:é;jI>*a‘r1igmgn4;,‘ ?fto _whaAt pwgrpof¢Vare :tie’re words added asf'in”crf:afing t 1mjht:%av;nweffeV%of"the‘ cp¢arge%~?*’A 1:5 (aid; ” 1fhey%«qe“zg we 1>m~2*a;z»m2 was aAs.racog,qa¢%edaauw§e::j.Membew, *err”pmv?*‘ot1‘s dfxmbl411¢hgAfis“t"fi¢TW% M01’ Wrfvmber" of the P.a;rli£atnehft“; gitsw Iéffe M In a‘;:°er?i*a”fI*%\'%t“o;fh*cm*;* *a'ndtf1ie rm. *‘i1itAentiog1Va11$t;V ThéxéA?sdm%é>€“9A*46ftbi‘is‘Iiix1sf€.[.§h9g%:@bm‘¢s”yett;ioreAnightd» the #%2“22Mt%#;vr,%«r =*>z7f4§9f‘. ‘?9i>‘#?¢i%¢.£‘/V1‘J5¢37'4 rfi¢.C‘iz*j* Arfz‘:L.andwa,@AA‘#o Mtgz_Ps:»§z';:z‘.£$ afixda A~d&~re]fl’.r tojbitgfii rE'?1e3§”/i':¢g" ?‘d;'¢}!'l q7W VW:'::'*“ A ‘z"1;w‘yqu” em ;.mfl"cd“.? Ag1dIw‘h‘at if, fl§¢“&,LQr" M%;Pro§a&Ef§‘)r fig, nbt abfe-to fnéké it .ap"péa%r'"?“ 'W~ha:_“ifhe"%be m;1fi-inforfmcAd 9 T Wlm M :fi?}ifi*§fl‘E2;”*b“ug j%??€=§%'; m¥i‘;P1*€??: age T §A1mwIaiir% ,‘ 80 sthéuéL3idA ~V«" * ~ «A w§ wV+~‘t «av +VV.« wu;« ¢ -Vém f m ~A'%wfl‘}A w,:‘“§ j~$m 3‘”,“;V2A£;V 3L5 ,?§ ‘Pxjatetfiqr, chetfi; %¢fent,¢ apd¢@v*arhe:pr1%I€ Cmirncelg and divers rtrawm%s%c»s*cA+eriykindeofrnrezefl-”Wfiorh+en~in;par=ignrar*4A cfiofcr/Em: %w7e‘rfe,’ ca1fnOt%%fay B.t.j‘1‘L rm>r&:% tY1eh'dn¢**'may1’,w€lT A ” j A “ '*1'¢m¢mf?:“ ‘Argothfir ch%g;— ge, 1s§:he%%4z>;e£¥*mIai§*»,:; v,%'Jt»6%»V2é*m; c;o2sgea..:~ “ 1‘ _”ay, :19: A;Am>re‘ azsvzjr 4fj m% A w;g«n.¢mA4 Tfthfjr %Vw:tr§i 11q;n§“(3fi“ tfier, betaufc i%:sAmoc%chm-ged xipoxi ‘them, their they didvfiz a§_v;i€¢§‘£fiqd«mmml%;v vaz1¢1::f3e,¢m~1ae%r;xweM'it?¢e«« it ;had mm 4b}€f3£’1:. l;w%m@fit¢4@§§red upnns i:aMe§_3~i;t~}g ATM: V(irs.:;faM) ;i%s:%i %. AVt?a.«wcaf{e;«flx0r§A ~;h@;péA@p3§- 8»}:ay_4 tlnereyv:ReaAdcr;m1l4s1m — A m:,w9r¢ mrwwgk 9: :A%*%E?©r,m;h%e§: .:\'nmr£1Vdcd, I,‘h£§,,Eh?.B.€Qw “AA {£53 % % . ,~A r¢:w1§mb%,I’1%ga$ §Hw;t:;he,¢:nd;nf Npvfimbgrw am pf am ismr:mat«swV»m@deWv no %;:tt1:§aI:;amaIr . t,ha£[} the iPMr%? ;\/.#:mf“s ,,W$1i!ic4::aai;a;ci;%dVi(+_{2-3 band Ache »S0;111Vdé§Fs, _aneI»%%ca1:z»s4 ;{ P@¥1k:;;t$@‘15€f;bA?;¢ ' ;t::>t;i:&ra¢§;%"V.V«1~:ia»¢.k: ;:a gazt4xz§m: %p~hgd % A A !m,rg¢;. fixle t~h;¢.’{a«;m§5’££~d@e;pm7‘; V minétd 11$ :aaa4mof 4;i%_:gle»& Sfitgirzmrem it ceis .‘:\m;s"“ :Z'12ar¢A A wma; §’;,aA~zm2*>+2mae:t .,Mfl?fl?bw qf2!u~LI%an;z1¢. %Ifcm 4A+:§'o-A i72¢,rb&f’J£0JMFEqz$,A%49f ti;a@Z%4?~v;§”pl4w.%%4A M,a$s§f%§iiI1.sE[; (qiugfiipnas gr“ I . P.a;§.. mfib gm 3§i‘qVmmmcm witizthcirz m~£.~T¢fl_fi on fi7£mt,1lxn% - Govqmmzmfi ;hT@ch;;hé,‘m£aw1g-<~imints;‘ 4 {fime;::asp;d:;¢i»§hm »wge:a;¢a~iv.:w; ira:v:m3@r gVom.;-:umzaafA;7:r ewnsem ggmrr zzhe A 1 pgawj .e1tlm?%;Lancz:pmIf::11'e,~i:;.t,b:e~paIIe£i‘adfl by it AA'I*hAe:g» V§g:¢gv¢*A]va1tcgdy,¢; flnm1$bza‘g %*lmeV~h4a£di nhraVi;rAA~Lams;; called 30-—». mg; dfyyrwémtyezv 5Lmgm,,:%;;%;:tqe:h; ;th:e,fn:{ poefiimxg . wf méy $3 a;ra9n¢pt mp: fovHma1%.3z», my no 'Cfl=;fi‘ p1~mm . for chair which they undfifmnéhmzz, lefié: Acafi; ;%£:1:::1Tz;r@:- 9: %.Secm1dt«y%-5,. . % Anm‘ mm‘:, 11 thaAt:1:h.isA Govcrm:mAent% is an Lthc: 4 4i£K§{fi0m9f£h$~m,pJc%z For lm,wAca;n a‘ny;pow1Tes’3i<>n* be of. ma; ;G¥@r,mm1@ah:sf¢cing enhci wry fi'mP10fiflg.§-11€\f¢0f W‘it1~.1m;z;t -. mznf¢;i:~o£%:h e:Ba~ri'qgcaumr gd;;eP£L*p§t&£bewGovernmtm*£ ’aMi;;:fs1mdamAemta‘i imbipl%e%th axepafi in~;%A%0‘»zm#d4-a»P4 M 1 Jigzmam E ho.wVAcan:Ai1: .‘:%l‘|‘b, cV? iimthegpuo ffefiiofmflf the2:p€0.pIx3,~ 1 am ir.1».ttr£7it%. pqw¢n,b}1’;._thcytvaV£9‘b¢~mmerpomed..of ip? ~1~W¥~ '1 (:6) it reallyigiood. i N¢..A verthéleffé, be itas itiis; His L0zdlhip"faich, that the _(§’o~ver;m2e:etii/mt/9% been exercifid near; fifi“cenAlZl{¢n;t/9:i.$ The - Government fthen hathrather’ been in the polfefixon of the Protccfiior, lthgn thqpeople; ‘buti howlong i"liitsl5faid«’ Aneierfifte~e'ti$ Months, ;% land’ that is ,ncAair'? pwo ’M0nths 'befm-g the fame wasii‘Abiorneli and br¢§ught‘.~fotth‘l : » it A was Al th-creifm-el an A&or while‘ it was in thicifdam‘, A‘ before it was made; and‘ . had the like influence in the notlionfwith i=ti-nth‘: proAdu.&i‘-“ on : Butwleti the prefcription for fifteezi %Mon’thsibe,allow-f V ed A, it might be upo=n¢a foArriib?le entry, ~No_*,f jtbg;-*7?e¢p[el A1a7i»!lAz'nglj i wceiwa’ it faith A::i_tbc*“ P.1:~oitej&rA;+i ale~l‘i‘Aougb more that wifh himifwellil, wdo Spicy-himii and hi; eniemiies rejoycit tof fee how he is abufed with flattery and mil"-information and? many believethat he Adcceivesi himfelf; For it cannot be ima-7 ginedthat the peoplieare willing with whactheyundbetfianid not, and in the jrenre iwher'e‘of:nwotl7oinly i"tlh:eiiPairliamdnt, but i A thcA“privie:Counci1Axsoulfdiiioit agree;amongfli*tla»cmf£llvc§c A: 'rne thirdiéxcell4e:xicyi {c'rf“t%bli5 Govt-rn'tncnt is, Tkatfrognigi all Llzwrzmd iuflice :3 daflriéuted. No {ugh maiticerf; that can-‘> A not be the fountain of all Law and Jllfllcbifl tllefe Nations, A A that is neicb&eriii’Rule,;hirivitv {elf hathiaénypowerw; aim and Iuflice dififlbuted neirerihelicfla A WTl1e fourth cxcellenicy is, that its owneJé]~Gadi A which may alceradiojrii:i?itaken quiI:c':iaW~a‘yA, Wand ylegti l A~fl":r“tiOn, that muflAiAclothe this hum4an“‘¢ Law by confequgiicc = with‘ a Divine ‘rig/9t‘. How comesiihe no k%n;oAwA~:hi:is Ownerfhsiplfi? A iilts mid, asAfiring.z/4e’¢5:flv.en_fiztioi2~0f/iéi Pro2zid¢nceAafie=riiti%nieZi2é A D year: W.¢r.‘i i Itilileemsithen; alliGodgfdi:fp¢nfati§)hs«ofprtwisé A derice aftAcr:Aitweilve yecrs wdr,idioiheért‘wicner$i0fG~ods owning i whamfuevcr iscomij: to pals : but the Scrir«-A A mg/]'ed*‘toAéy me People._ Bunk they :ha\j]fe& dohc;not-hiAng%th"at can * J,wimefs~th1s AGov¢rnm*em: Junior GMood5ch§rir 0- AAbedien%ce Visgddxae to the AP0wc1é that is fupr,eme;ho;1fii’¢%:t1«g withA theirILiAbert}.és Am: the formof, Govcr'nmeht’?bcAA;_*ne‘w for oiéd, 7a,}1isoi1é'a&s‘A%%tAomtfiat~. A _ A % A ‘ A . ' A V r 4! Allw,h%ithertohavewbeAen butskirmi£hes,nowcomestlie main - Bod.y.t0-thfi ;p‘ufh 0f:Athe~pike.ATm_ might ((fait»h he) lamgé mozde P3337. }vrazrijiwfor_/égling tfaingx in matter;~ofReZigion,¢:%Wzm!d up-5 A A % A/acid aAwl gqmtenanaq 4 god1}JI»Iinifir~y and ]et.g£*v:i;z Mam I} wt%o%god{j' inmhof dzfgrent judgmmtx, 0f t,96‘fl1m€7f?Iit'_/:1’_n?i;b (~t/96229,,-mi-t/76 Independent: argaml tlaq[e4tnder«{tbe_%, form %.qf;Baj7-«A» ti[mf,W/9oare%fonnd intlaefaitig,‘ i, %B'ut#ot/Jim ixwdomgtdwdrd 7 Atlaem; Abnt#bere‘zkAAa:flrmage%%itcI:r“Aupon~=>=pirim'.%; ¢zzafl.>ing‘ AA A will fatty}-fie them, xmlccf’ theycan Vpm" t19aE‘irA A A finger flpah ?¢t;/acz'}rér%etIyr5=vz:%confcienae to pinch _ them , t}2(cr‘éW:~ MA ;Wkat grater Pa rm AA%?la_ypocrifieA,%A tlamfar thof?:tAt{a.zt'1a=ere appreflzwilwy tl:%eBif7:op.r,A ta g’ 7 Véecawagraatcyfoppzjejjlwtlmmf A“ ,: »A:grievous charge‘ __a;; ponGod %,knAowsV whom ;Abut %;fti‘chA: t.hey*Aare as“were ~1m.di:ir; the pcrfecution “by Bifhops, which;m,ay' beAAAAmcant% Aofall fpe- ci§:4s» of ProI:efis,nt_s,oArj any of themgatild AAfucAh:as %call. for; Liber-$‘%% A A ty now -.2 andAcerafain1yt%hc wParliamenstV Irgufiz 'nec3dsbe% dan- geroufly infefieds Wi£h~-thefirkind-of mcnuig or cliE,Q{ajorfrzm_ 1?. law: ,2 What. %doA1;h%4l:ah%efe cAondAuAc¢+‘to t:he’breakAiAng* up;”of¢the_ _IJagr«1i;ar:1§c;1t , which i:Ais:; ,1:b,9ma«tmr_noWAin ;pur!'Aui:. ‘ In this ,(;hMarge:th:¢.M£thodA %At:oA“ mew «wlw; AtAhe33.;fl1cru1d Or A 2.4WhaMt cheydid not-3-What tVhc‘yAdid..A x¢$, jzniu«»e% pméidedfor % ;;pp,a1dizzgmdA;ca¢unrtnAancing4+.z;% gwléy Ukfinifimr. “ 6- A ' 554:.’ V % A @235 ‘.j?”4lg3W€!?V5= U V fiixfi, .9A55ic0u9hwf@g«!g%ph0‘lAé%ng3a{P& ¢w;n$fim%mr1nAg’a;«g®d1v T; ,, ~or(,i¢.r.'» Aa§:afore£aid,wh1ch~ he%Afaw;~I1r,t:hA§eA P;aAx”l1@;meAnAtA. %V%msde¢3i:s srue.Anh=yIg3h¢.h9Y¢499¢ ’iu%”Afo much’ (18) l ; wh’im€elf1b0nldl"l=ilk’e we! of, and not due ltfittlé Among and‘ farmmzl have eactendedfihe Go%vern«men1t will tell »a»s,vm:nlbe=a.6 and w7lArticllcs;r andllhow far his good; lilting will extend to or beyond the Gmfemment, the daily lpraétllle will lalro f(hé7wl;l * r 4 " A ' ' l A A A;-Slaaalmaflyl, Its faildl, That flwfiinflbdtb Marx done: it “{ecms»l” &herelF0r¢l,l he hath lad nonorice of whathat§1i-‘b‘e¢nlldone; r l lmflelfciif hy tha‘t,‘wor.dtDcm, hr intemxletpb Perféfied, iclwill llyellatlmsllnwm ~dzo‘ol1',, llthoiughllt it not {I90 allow the Parliament any longer‘timel?t“hlen the juflfilve wcmthst pere- l.t«'m::::lV what mks in doing". ‘ButV its uiigaed, m~lTi:lat ;t$bl=re' in am» the. =;zf.'me;‘z—a jérdxge irvk; lmatfifmg ;nvé‘i!1fiaziJ:fie ??bem,ll vmlejfrl tbiairfiagrr ‘upon their‘érwiwawslltonftiemclfar zja piwrrclb tbare. ll me “the!-"e macmhat delay! thus >nncharita“blyl?l Hath Pmzliia;m~=vc«nimdox:1:e mhis ?Ifm2,liits t =Chlr~ifi:ian like 4 ldme ~w2ca*£t it :i:int;hl>¢«ir way,wbe.n xi: mncermfas mblem Inotllf it ~chm~gédllu;enlul¢ Pmilliamem as thair 'paso’p“erlll‘fa‘a~1’llt,‘i't is: aeb .1 gdlluvely ldlfihyflay; mhfinxthcrell‘ wfas :ma3z“2b:':we*m* av‘-f}tEi‘f"1T.W-hlfl i:;ioufem¢ndin'g'l,cmbw&dgt»he 1' mm;ii.blm»im9f»amh@dm<*Indcpm---A lwdamrs,~ormlh*g«Ufe urMaa—r« thee Bmpetifmlfim kllveykalre ca*«l»lle4d)=:l lbeiflg *mMenw*life’ri:lh®dox,orlsw flo“p.f%;_2?h4‘e‘rm qfirm thf ¢llill«>~lcr;.t:i%e- l¢tmlwim*ues,I:s n@‘tld»an«i®d,butl Eghamhlcrle ¥walsDejba*t~e!; Imam awsfin Qrdéwb dale pumfhmtmt wfwne Malia-,w1ao~'l -»Iz,£skomIlmit&di®y mmxmmmanc lfaducinglmo Herceical «“o,¥p1lnlurxlr,aoi1tra1%y to ithellbleifedl Trinity, ll wane» I?~=lu~nlda2~-j ~»mma~ilmc;”a~l§s,lasl;lby his jnw lBo9*@?'ks” laltkmowléldgedlhyhim’ doélh ap, spar. A T.h*m"':cl were Mm1ionls~a?l‘l{o *made agnlm”fi"' mew ,e4l€rj9urfl,_ «"21: ea. Lin wrfb cmwenilcm‘ for cam I%~afl§i»wmenl~tAl ‘be maub$kd:l‘mercwin'hmlifuch fa wflmul-‘c-hf , m’{fl7e,_ and “fmfl timse.t§1’&TndliF‘tl'twl'efbe¥t1=le~~pilncl?ic5‘l é%“@%m»plaimdll~’ l «l l~marphamaes,ba: aé5he;lfa~wl%c llbelmgll:bamem%coumlci1,ma~l ‘5 w.h.ich the PaVrliam¢;1t mulfldli£I'olvlc;,Godlsl wilflbcldlone‘; l__% nib-.. l ‘WlEtlthélEI%5'5as;‘G®’4ltbE¢fc-7 A A * » A mu e1Mrliammt,,lllgivellmec lje+awé:>m we eanflllfiflfi vlufl mm‘: ptifof’effi6!$£@hWt*.Willi;t?@ke‘llibifirtgz tfop A withourexamhaalcialxalmf~é‘hcl«tv° lvrhnmfalvesgmenwélagicol t*fhe”§wmwg*,,nm£ jawnlc l oglla _ _¢ 4 A ” dalba'e1l0mg aAr»l:iamexlrt;amd:rl“1isl {all Parliamjeng. hhyhtbfi lam 1 mcogwimlon; myzm: than;mm&»r , mdlthlcdtoo Nations 9.‘? l&at1n=;nal,l lmdlllllnmwdlll hgimclar lalwh t6J5nglmd,m:-lfingland allarm A gimaslaw Lhembth harm); A of the all; lgivc? a law A toxlall ? am-.:r:heif libwrtélues’lof~c*haAel7eCo;unmri~mA przffirvcd l.*’l€1?*€fil‘l?,i;U~,d yam, I ‘B97 ‘thcAAlz:.fAhm:lt:llc &alCo1'mcilcma&im1tled~ by tl.hc,]Prot@—- Aéhor hm‘ lame lcaglll rm J .1 pom‘? Agmgdggmmiln¢¢¢—;lqsualific«a;p§gghloflall, ,c‘o~r:wn-yMembers-or»Memhet‘M u‘ Y Elf Parllamclnt;withoutV whiVch,fuchl age notcAgpab].et'o fins llM:§,m,; bersAAlofParl1ament. Am notlthele tru{’ce:es¢1:ho:n to thePr.otc&orl and his Councilfgtorl arefthey truflelnas fifit 0; me people, on; whdm l lth ere libmiesin cafe di_ffer‘ef‘r1lcel.c§)r1cernilng‘prerogative maybe {safely r‘t:r:‘u{l*edl 2 1r"§.pg& all” ‘doubt cha»tl‘AE;égl,z%eal was . n¢v§¢r\{o- M incumbred in theipelleéiilohs, nor wolulclA~»che7ILaw fuffer4i‘t;lit~lbeing% ; »cmmry% to all Treafonfib chatlhcxifilby nhc Piroteétorli ,f lfor therime beixig, V75 Ihould A b'lé‘;e_.-na bled to j frame ‘a1?arliam‘en:lllfuzable Ac.oA.:h;.,- A own end§, %b’eAthl’ej7 i’1’ev*er';f0 un1jAufl«ifiable.« A * ll 3} Bythc 24?Arl:i_cle,i’fx;nol?Bils fl1alllbejadniil£t,ed%L=t4()lab r they contain any lthiilgjcontrmy tol%~Athre mat"terS containedgin that GovcrnmeAntl;lwitlmut~ t11f:Lordl ~Plr0t§:4&oIrsl ccmfelntg 4 So as all the tnla tters i“nfmh‘a‘-‘ Govélinmlentlare of fuck? p‘:crf'c€tTion,l asltbleyi mufi WA A bindé;S'amp:r;and‘ fimper. No Lzwlmi1‘(t*c;rofs tha1::lWi?tlhloufi..;-the llProt;eé.%oArs«con_fenl£ ;f5.So aslhe being made tljgjudg, uo%LA3w_¢an l lpafswnthout hxs clogmfance; not thenalfo, unlefis the Protcflor '1 flxfall declare, that: they are riot contrary to the Imatters contaixiedl A win the: Govemmcnc and thlpsl becomech hclAfworn.not;to lpags l rhofe jufi dLawsqM»sxVullgAw ¢15£€?it.WlhiChthtpiéoplefliall chure. l > ; A4 lAlstouching the A15/itiaandF.orcgs;th[ey.ateAin the intervals ” of‘Parliament:—wllollly atlthe order 0l_fl‘\tbe*=:PrOt€(=9:~Or and Counlcél, A wholllare thetbirthiblfcach’othtfrrlby‘Eleétilon; landAchcfe'lha‘ve7the A » power ofpmzr and ‘}’i'azc”e*T.\%7ith0ur.Alirllitatiorj :7 Andfo they have l A the power of making flaws for lW_ar:aAndlReace and thus every l A mans ‘pe-rfon 1a~ndAeI’cat_e,l as tolwalr 'ahd lllpqace;-lis out of 4 the‘lpo.wer ofitlhbfiedlple. l 5 The Proteétot: arid the Gounccl have powef tcimake I,;awe§; 1 for raifing ofmoneAy;till_%the next Parliament, ‘(and to make Laws for: the p”cace andl,wclfar~e% of theft Natiolngtil thelPla;rlliamentfll1a11 I take furthér ordeml fo aslrif no» P.arliament"*beca.lledA 5“ or if: cal.» l ledlyet no 317611! of thlcPrOfé‘&0r be to“ anyA&,A,uz,1der colour-that Athcy are againfcthe matters in th{eA~G qvernmenrgthen is th'iSjl.p0W€1‘l A 0u;firetch‘cdfz’r2e dial; and fdA,inlficad.oAEVallperpctuallllfieprefgnlwy ‘ l ltizvegwe have a Proltefllor with‘ a» perpetual Legiflativle powler;l A l V A The charge of maintaining. 3oo‘o*o7rn»~:cn% im,pfofedupenll:ah¢ .J péoplc forever, withoutthel pcopleslconfcnt. alnd4Tth%e;Am,am¢lr0§ A :raiAfin,g~:o£A{Amoneytfolr them fixed unaltera;b1y;( witblout th¢fi Prote- ‘ _ ‘ &ors_c0nfént) and {Q the people have a‘ great k-indlflC“fi‘€A?'7d0n€ to . thermthey ha~veJthi: burthen laid upon thei‘rfho11~ldlersagain.fl tbheifi 'lwilmnd.nott0beremoved.;il;h§_§j1j9§§él;prpl§:a{es. l 4 7.,‘A5i alllmrens hearts A_l;ylnziAAt;ur,e lAt‘er_1Ac_l only caevin,‘a:~wa1wynacuraxll con-‘ 9 A 4At:%fi£";lie Ordinanlces be notlnailltain-; ed in honour, add if the Dofirlnel be A ln.otll_kef)tll free f'rAornllmixtu%rej‘A ‘V Wit-h hexefies and blaf phemygtg t‘l1_cf:’onl‘yAClallr1l 'andA‘ru;-away ‘Of ‘CW4-“'_ll‘ . {lroyling the veryA ChArAillianil:y omlere Natioxis, under.cnMlou‘r*of"a ‘.lfeqy1encAe iffuel tl1erl¢frotn,th V (21l‘)"l As:~ou»chr1ng+mz;g; 01‘ withoutl.Ordina:nccs, iffthfy Willel l2~llAl“Y m‘“l“1“Ylmal*?‘3il°39 AhoA.l<;l forltlnand publilh any heXret%iv%call opinionlthaithe {halpli€atAl:§,l M ll? tlhéy call \ChriltiaAn Libertyl_ A13-I1Atl%é»t thel“co¢,x1ll;itutedlfrar;1eQfthis A l(ZAommon"l- wealth be co nfidercd as,ics<.corlfifi.iAn*gAA fol’ ~a‘lcofmP3¥‘Y 05 lAa’mA:l_ fgduce others intoA;.the farnA¢,and be tolerated theteingan ChrifiiaAn§,an»d i4t_lwi A be e:vli%clex_1: Anna: :b*e'lexcell‘encyA theréofcainnot be melintainAcld;unllAefs Ch&ril’ciani£ybe alfo‘ma:i'mairlcld.l {Wing I.‘awA toA;,:hls, -kind of liberty of conlclence, fWAl‘1en ‘lini-é~ ~ qulty AisAl:ht1sframe'dby a’Law,.Gad’he!p,lfar mkslzmsimot. A ll 4 Itslfaid, thatw it Woxzld éékzxzgé friendlimz/}firlrl5e Parliament id 1>;,,g_mA.,A%. /24¢/Ac convincleagl I923‘ Hl{gb_ncfif_ aj‘"_,t/ae““ér;f*o1F:t£7.é;m':«¢. l In lthatl he ms A1101? l rgonvinced by the--5Parlia‘ment, the groulnldldmlull relluponiwanc fof V A lfriendsAl apd faithful Counccllors ,Alfomle vollfwh Qmjf no; all of arm: Adid wlcllAknqw, that the wl'lo_l;e produlfilldfalll thePa'rliam¢ntsl-R;é‘»llA- A F cite; wet;-. Steady »,:oA‘prAAef‘e_pt fitolhis 1-lighlnel‘fl'c,~irl' colder to atlnutuq A all canfcrenpc ; or it was in lhlimfelfichac llked rm: any ‘fuch courfe; _ nor would indureillthalt the fz1mél.fl'1o;uldl?Abe %p;jel"en}ted as 3% Bill lplfq A fed by the H.0l_1fC,l1.Cfi»lZ‘l1Er¢_fl1()l;lldlb€3 Re-cdfdlin .the_‘ Hollfe there-y '()llf',A:1AndhfotVherc a ‘Pa~rliament Gnvernément’ counterfa-AA M cjng thevfoxfm er GVoAverplment; ;, hete"A‘slAAthe boivelis Qlilthellmattlegr :’ 2 He lhdldslforph fegmjng iwillingnegfs f to" 'bélconvincAcdl,blu1:' is alrgeadyA%, refolvedl Mo: to waivc Lhlclfioyernment the Officcrs of AtheA,Al*my‘ W l with thy: 'h::$1pA of fomelotgherg with ;hlArtl felfihathl Aagreedl upon, and A — l Himfelf hath fwoarnfir becaufe 1:}. a ld»iA{hgnourabl»el :hAinA1gl »for.thle%m I ‘toheimpoled upon‘, [and noi:lll.mpdfe7uApon tAh“epeople_L; Flm:‘itsA’ A laid furAther,‘_ Em» _[fe»adt1a‘ai*eof (VizL.thc?lG€WeE‘nmerlt);ymr r£lme.AlPag.u,.~,. baa évéezjffrent linfetfling up fizmnsr/mt éM+ i¢par4Aa2zotkeri[lA6A}2tta72¢ tbe"2¢"tl9z£f fizzndx, .l:l_9Afltl00}{-l"lik§’:1(3.)f1:}1g‘g7;0It?16I'.fOfd Qgarrcfll. A 80 that this is E Ebellforc lthat llhath M” led ixiwardlv all rhisll lwhiIel.ll and never V 'b.rall_elforithtill1,Aafc§:::lfivelgmanths ripéfiirigg 7llTlJe””peoplesGolvern- mlem mlillbottomel la‘fi.ew,7fAorthlc 01dAl.onc;“fl17alll ilfervé no lori- gar. Th¢ll‘1i1€fli0fl:th€n.i5, What this Borralme ls.>llmcbel=he fB,a_:£9me fe1:ldown~in’thcfiovernmentl it isone anda Pmigzmem, Am‘ C22) ,ifh'%i%s_ Flighmfé W3 em noticc bf is P"a~i-{lament \ A beforc it bfMordetly”d’e1ivercd‘to hitri‘ %frbmi the Par’1fa4men:%,f as 11”: mn tfa%ken1‘1oAti'¢e‘ that the Bottom is difl'eres+m: frém ‘VthJat‘wVhich £115 Government "fiandsupon, he wi*1‘*l find in it mat fiffifwhaxt is upon thé famegamm. AA Bu.t7if”thc Bottom beifomewhat not {ct dowm; in the Govmfiment, Ifnppofei~t4wil1]Aprcw:l'ike~:be notion of NM C;iz1f4‘% pr-a cm/5. ,,And 'f1t he Oath taken by his Highzsefs my big 4 teI[tcd% upOi1,this' b0ttom}wi!l be this, The majm? part gr ,, .<;r.>‘,,,. 1;“. % r)7efii(.w/:?i£bW¢i: nafleprejimtativé ofthe Peaple }dft‘6'7' Adijlblmipgqf 2 1/aeir_¢.2f_[]‘embl}, do e“?/erybne apart% f wbflrtriéve Afz. I r.=37:’mwenft fR.,-.%.% figzmtion what ‘Powcfir: and Am‘h or£tieaT% their fi%ver.z/Z}; /a‘a’d,,’% m4rtaWpn%a.w/Jo a’otb impofr Ad Government up”; the Qgeaple, % w/sic/9% Awax framed andférouglat to by perfim: mflaqvotwt to t¥J¢% penple, d7zd”5y“ /aim‘ fwornmo. Now if this manner of the Or4ig':nal of this Go? vcmm%cn»t,and impofing thereof be the Bamm, and -that the upeo;-j gle (hall haveno xjzhcrflovernmen-t but ‘thus AfA1:am'-cd’and% ~im~po. A fed,wi;t‘hou:tbeitjknowlcdg and confcm: firfi M h~a%dA, % I % fuppofe the wcjfld will judg that this Bottanjz”isfnot wor*rhV%the qmzrre/ling for :% feeingits we11xnown that the People 0 F_.Eng1x:md were %formgrty a A fi~ecpeople,and ever had their Votgs in the making of their" own Lawegand its hoped have notasyet: Aloft their freedom. ' A But it is intimjdtEd,that,t'h[¢1‘€ can N: no hurt in the Peoplesfnb-9 mittirlg to‘ this bdttony ; Far the ‘Irauffee: 5_]‘ex‘PE7t'£*71C‘c_fi71“ d' dnJ‘ mil ina;¢_jp4rt: (of thgfiovcrnmem)rcflrrgd 1:} the cameraman: to’ the cpnfideration of the PrpttA2[?"o%r 4n&W1f_’urlia%ment,dou£t1eflE tlyzit the’ Pmttéior for tire tim: firing, xvii’! not 2tgrcfa% to altcr, 'it:p4:§'z‘ 1‘fl«¢a!g'iar mztian; This is the mm‘ of many morc words,, and com-ming it %Pa;".w”2.1,22. (cofpc;“akplain1y)‘ it was fpafi imagination,t;ilVl now‘ by %exp4eri’encc' . _i-E is ; found too tr%uc;'Fbac a G¢netalof_the Army,rai~{c%d,commiffi-* ona%te+dandAin§trAufled’ By thePc.op1€; alro pmfefling ’Re‘fi;gicnJ .beyond"thc Wor“cii%n‘arVy% {omit ofVProfefl'ors,ha‘vix3g %o_n%1y”byiCo»mmiffi>. ‘ A A omit bake Militatfy Power beyond all orhermen,fl1ou1_dVAundcrt,aLkc _ a fupnem4c Power and“ Auxhprdity in Matters Civil*l“:as‘ as M311;-V A » zary, t akeA'%away the‘ Be ] 1~¢s‘Libettics, am1a1dvcnturcHwa4AQt_m]1.'reI4 A% withthg Pe‘ople,t'arhcrG:genlecthcm enjby their ‘owng: I fay it- galkin ,thisfwas -beygogad; i;rn‘.1g‘i';1_a“ti=on, _a:1:Id. ‘by this firfi ‘ 31$ bit’ "C0r1i¢&W-‘d W!1étf'0ti1f€APf40t=*WW3“ 0?: may 40» .F*‘°“!:hh6%W icA,mJay~bepa;1tAc1icMPro;e&'orsimagi%nacieon,tha:% they Awmdeny to qgregto 1-emegv AchatVAeviI~A:ha:‘“fba'l1 ‘be’ found. N'cvu'the§eflE-, aw " - %dQub:_lefl'e . -H V .122 awiM1 Am#/M¢r§fvtr;3d ft? I/;?é’m« V.?'12liw%«7/lf»ofi’~<*‘* : ‘ H.»- (2-3) dmahrlezfi the wards mewgll; weigtmeyd when t,h¢§ 8¢fP@k°fl;{0 thfl Mad?! w¢igh:t«b£m W¢1.9§r% am mac: ~wct%e,wri&ten4 why;th‘¢m‘::;‘bi§‘?l:.&fi Pazliiaazmemtmigh§4Mc41t¢r«tl1¢.wii;h.a:,Ai¢s.f'£941nd A in%_ rha%:G1w¢rm:mmt7. Toathis Wardffs willanfwgg 1; gig fltg‘/3; rha no%::wr¢&r:rs:d at: gqo. rad n¢Accffaryas;1¢o:fiinjg gm 3] W: C?4??!@mm%a%§xt4». $0 M fiitfim; A 4 he m%ere,‘,m: x'2lfe.{ :im«Ml;f fihcmld bn zilterghlc, Qi; Q° taw1t1‘¢j¥‘WiV1j.q‘. zlxeyarea £2»§;c§:i1.'ary¢xil. AAAM: E}l1l'..§i8¢ mt:a%l1, nfergzz/:.éV1é*<(~5§1m%4;;(i famed 6,1 Mépmesm Cpmmaea .f¢z;xf¢»% and mfm A9Af‘kPar1%ia5r;4-mi; % %mfino£do_;h:w¢m% b¢:fqr¢%:;m team from sxpcyimgss and thnmfmc Chis P%ar1;ammt mam £ubmi%tto?ir,and;x1Li& x;1q.§ «cream :9 mmgm xkg wit 95 :xpari.can~Ac;¢ ; Ab1»1}EAfi1£m;¢ Par £ia.;r_1_Aen«.ts. may Mm? zlwfi’/f 445.6 #9:» éé W V4;g;p,;;r¢r;as Mb c.A%%fi§h%.; {*0 as :he%Ba;r1:am1.ew.n*;»muit+firfl Abr¢wak n:ha;:Apeo,p1e,s bad, ::1ie’:i¢ thcpm-pic: mufl .cQme~m nlxe P%ro:e&A;5r for Lhigl time b"“E;ng, fpr a, «-.p1a4i%ficr,w-h»0.%%it fV§ra,m1: h.eAimagh$1c;d wikl ,re;fufcAt9 a;gree’tof”al%ter’ 44» V % m3r<:*hi:ang fihaut; rm? 50 b¢~f_Q1‘t%h%': good 9f+:|;11egepp1e. ¢ ; Aét%:/amgé for »t1mgr£4'j+‘6?,rz¢V {/16 V1g,e¢pi%ng up,%A;¢2;gdb4zgig¢g4% jgm_e§- :t71£"!14.i5Z’_.i:t:t§a#" flaamx tlsfimafi %(:!e;rai%f,jz¢ft%%;€f¢lt /Avfwld jée_yc£[c$1;;;1yzzp%fa;tf:tc/3* uzzm wmiais, wlmt wmédéwané¢ ref all ~ His 4prfg=:fen%%tAA f]i_ppf§h¢n%(i.g. Dag _z§,_ ms &c «(gems l§icwksea«g%ain:£t he fg:m¢r1Ay faicd“ ; ai1v.;h;¢;n was A F0; mm p.:‘®p;Ils=, gnd. 13.10 ifltrfiffflf bcfides ; A nd%wA4:hme MViliit’ia:.Vis Amgnpwg ‘lzdgc:d m bqtq :~mt~1©s:Pm:e2»te6$toVx mt Aa f€%a‘bn,a;»nd l1P‘Dflfg;§?0d,.,gr914n.ds= [4 mggm To main;ainV*£h£:£3a1::1Ic tba.£mh¢%crwif9: h;éT¢9m.:li1,;d¢$ Wiwld 1;? T F331:-in 119. Burbs: ;n%ia.37%V*piz¢ai1I§ 31:0 mmA€m'b’3f;.Fh5“ Came Awhich he .; ‘pflilks w»a:s«gain.ed whiks t h'.e,,Ms1i%g]%g ms in‘thcPeop1es ‘flandg, and may gtbry ~nm? 1>.=mmiEi€d*%¢W1t%%h that&MAti>itia‘f9ir ;§beA maintaining *hi~s%hmds,;:m1clA1:x,;i»ir:g :11 at Aatthg %gM{; is :a Keck, #117014 xrlainjg/9 me-yer Vipwrafi-%“y.Bt@t i%>fi,b¢~ Pfiopk haw: t:.h:e% Miiitia What. ‘ nfEh%a£t:Cnuf:7?% His Highncl7i;i:s_:fullf 9[ffz1it_h% Awhi&1§s‘th¢%$Mzlijt=ia isVi%p_ % I 011.‘, £ha1%‘;be¢0mc‘j:ve,fa;1J;;‘VPWha;?_Naihi+gAg.but wvc;i1,th; p¢gp1ggre"g§n_orf; ; A sconwéermd mzglxgen aka cm: %FrQAr@é£wsAAagd Privy‘ f.(%3<>1;1;4r1&.cf‘i,1.~%: §-.m are ax e‘wmrVflmll.?3eynm%b:¢. zfliod is =i%np_c_;rs:ItA¢dA‘iri the work: [To long» «is the Catife is his,and he ‘hathamf 3#‘5*1~m1gf’;.thAc ,p¢oplVc%%iincov::nanc W«WM1im7- B5u;:AfiiIAi%::V»hi'x:;:lg m;¢Vw%4¢£1.dvAwik1 W d%e¢¢iv%:d s fork long *a’s:*£h$ :‘&AitI~1¢1i%£=rM;we V;:po:«£faA;17£a«dAAof §c¢p:¢r,~ ntmw .rxe.ithe%rV Wi11~J‘. mvpflc &on’P%v.aLn1Viam§~n§ ; ag'1c{ 1;h;c mrop i $ ¢N°,id€$m..:be3- «¢zadAfa£:&hnugh Mk‘; ?R»%£eom¢i:nér% ggs;;:le:&,ed:by s;b ¢ gt jt_;h%e %Sg:‘2u=i;-,%: bmn9:= %M.a&srsV«9F~t‘h¢ V PEOW V 3;! in ‘manner as i n-the GA§)ve1A*nmeAn‘t»* ; » Pa£j;._z 2,.’ A Yécvery man mAA§‘ght1Ahave §a~s.mug:hA poweras he m‘ight i‘m‘ploy in cioing; A A foon undone. 1fAthc5Prote&orhathwno: A th¢Mxl1tia,Ah:s Afaid Jae cannot do Atkagoo-d;lae'o2a!g/9¢f3« n;%o,Anor dotheltmxft. goodgthc world xyouxd be (24%): .% ‘A A p¢op1Ae‘:“anAd“,,,,1A,;,‘z%,,,“A,,3,,,,s, frommfipofiéig wlm 1vI.eligia;¢AtIaey yaleafe wprm the confifi-A ence:%ofw7¢1en%. So as thewotefior forthetirAI1e beiAng’fhall be A1AkA:A>1e‘ A A gion,__to diftribute to any AmAannli.berty of A picswhen they pleafmpreach what they A Judg in xnaczers Ao_fRAé1% confcien’*:¢:,t0 SE‘? “"?‘?‘° PM Athi:2}c,andthAinkwA’natth¢§’V_W-¢3flfldAf01'A0the1’55“b¢“Y0fC%0fl{¢i15f1Cé V jtoyfubmic to no o~:dihance%,AnorknoW.nofiodepfflvidfd they WAi1‘A1iV¢ Aqu;euy;3_nd mam” theft :h;eeNationsA1iheArt3_zofconfcience%to_beat % lwgth wa:+hom; C&xurcbAA0A1”%R¢“’E5b“~ A15‘ this “hwy? %I* {Peak wife;rcia;us;judg.y9uVwhat I faY~ ‘ % A‘Th¢f”$fiird goodomxc Prot:étors~h¢14in8 the4Militialis¢Mvi»—A Wihg ?f1é?%f?4P#57[5A4”“””tf79m iwrwg W2 zznxmazzon Tm: isi~AthAePfW=<30rTfor ‘h¢¢~timébfiin%; Amok :oma:n:ain*Ahas dwr£f!:a‘A}gég7i fifld-WCg0V€mm¢I1F§f0“39nfi1t“*" Atiedfl, and no orb er. I-l,em;a‘y Axmpbfe a VG omnmenxz; but !'i1_1¢ *Pa;£ A Butfit“wil|¢not: hin- A 0f¢1?a1-1iamAcnts.“A_ There neecissnotthis trouble!‘ f now. hevthiqks :11 h is V. cUnfc«i.cncge::. Athey % no longer then txH'uch an expediezatas this mrjaawwnmamwer wmne ‘7Eii1*m¢nt;'mu—1'c{‘_not.» T,b,e{’e.A ParV1Ai}am;é11ts«% +\ax1f,c.%id.at_1gerous Beafcs for V £;;gz¢»JVcodd¢a1wirh:¢a»bvond§;%£At;is:h:cy h%ézve4con;1nucd ro” long, hav£+ngchar_1gedVthe%GOVernment To ‘0fi el'.|r'7 Its truc, thjérchavc been A changes t:f%%late,but the end hath been to raife up jthis{e‘xc¢%l- tent mm: of ~Govcrnment *: H and therefore if ‘%mAeh% :an:_d times be ~c0n%£id'ered%and cp_mpaxed4,itwil eafily app; whe1nce"the{e_«ch:-mg; -A%4m; 'm9;z».La,~f4 1;;/;,¢az;z¢2J'r.¢z;”, ,Wg,;,0,,z,z he 4 2:42:23 or-am L .;m~poxt;aa 4; :1» 2199 Power; it 1:: on rlam eerlmd; Tghienwould 1 mg as A ‘crave 41cm {'0 ray his own Aw<:>rds;W%ou.!d;he had made the people. A ‘fa’ hapm- as to let them -know hisgrouzzds; % % \ A ‘_ J 7% ‘.10-‘th"£“nefiXt‘pi4‘a¢€\,I the Pathament is arraxgned i,of;.inexorable« ; _héI§~; Imzd%(ra;:h¢he)1ave{w;/aed%* if /144 5.6??? in ymf/vé?m‘-r ta Pas-23‘: ngzegd t/Mt‘:/?:*rI2¢7¢z1ial bartliéig ~ dcégtexi might have éemm st,;§rfi;a}dJ ¥'v£é?iorifflcb at/9in%~1aa32)e4éeen prbpofiflidnd réjcflg -edVwiz7aflifl”5§%ef: at;1dfl’v%efity, AA , A AA Ax» %% . j 71: feems his? Lordfhip can take no1tic'c offome .pafl7ages withthe mamcr ihfiifl'netflI¢ m.1~dT’{¢VeIi*5YaWith‘°“t :2n£:ir%%3ihgthe~privi1edg* “ grfi[%’Paz?l4ihmé$ntgi4f tvheyf C311 My w&ay,:?m'vake:£m:%his .pu'rpvg fe; anti 1%t%fzi.:is%fiesf%\ine%’li%e hathndt m(”rreA to fay againfl it then he’: _hath; twbis novmchaarged mull be ackn'owl*edged,that fuch'a% thing} was propo"und”ed~ once fome while before.V.*the& Parliament ended, A %«an»d,%a:;a~no;th*er time,_. I think ,c:h c lat’: day but, one Of’th¢i1A'fitting[ Pa4f‘1i94Ir3e1£‘inmsb0tAh4'%timcsuPm1fu11~;Vhnd mamne<% ‘hzgtc’ ¢‘9nc1&ded mane I\’I3¢e}'g%ativ.c;;A%Vamong£f%o,;her a‘§»§fons,‘ch,efc';hq; f61l%owr d1“d%g"i%rm fa7Vtisfé:é1ion4 to” fotnflhcxein, ‘ A , « V ‘ ., ‘A. . .‘ ‘ ‘ w 51 .TI7he iifueof ] Dggbates c _flu?1dTbeA no 0: «er theqfihe fpycnd-*_ ~iing voftimeiandhindring ofdeterminim;gth%c4debaresofthefloufc. which Was%v¢ri1¥;he1i@xeA4% toVb¢*aim¢s1at «bvfvc who Wercw-. as[f¥'e44:i:e¢§'l witht1fe»;.pxk:i%4ri§§c[ingsa, A _A'lth“0»u m_:p” Iiqacicm 1: dbeenAcwLce%ma¢ by gh¢éV} xSax1*i.:£ im¢n:.Vt9%F¢hA°Protéfldr,oine%:conc9rning.:mI%igion, the%0th:%r%4c9n:- A =ce:ming.thI: MLli1:1a ,. ;£herein~.a;tcei1;dance morcxh egnhath bccft‘-1% ufed.4t0Any °«5“!%1?e~‘1¢?0f!£i?MW°¥’WM-t. ~ wk: new V [ __ rrhe vafirxaamenr con %(25)« ldAnAo:jrnhakc fiiolzfx from%wifi}1ouAtjd%oors,til theyffirfi had deAtc1T'minéd thcir own fen fé ~wLithi‘n gnmr did tbAe.y orderly %know_V,4orA could take notice of any difFerenc%e betwcenAthe_ Protefiorjand‘themgforalthough they A %f;ad4hea;d fomeA%ReporAts—concerningitA, Auyct divers of the Privy COuncAil‘p“lainly faidA,thVah%hcy underfiood not«hisALordfl1ips réfqlvs _4.ThcAPxopofais madejn :L17e1-Ioufe or fuch mutual cofnfeerkchce,’ A * w’as%ihadeA byfome M’etn%bers,%bAutAnoAt aswbyyany difr%e&io‘nVAfrom4the x’1eI§ fenfe;confiderin'g A éiword) betidedutheParfiarxient,that fo AmanyA‘particu1ars-from A - W 70 Bag F2“! Q % A ‘[.9:fl' 3:3- "J7"555”?F05?”3"4 A A .A A “ A A Then‘ bc1jikc”hc can _a*U°AW ofal4tcr1ng4Aany4;l}jhg th:I‘:_ i=%=1p.<>Anth§e fou Wifligtufifl A 3‘afi”i43i1;~3o*F*t7lfie;AiGov4 A ”h~fi;A*eh A}véo7p*l»e.?%n‘ -1'0te&or,“nor.'hadAthc"}jIoufe refafon to apprehendit ‘ashis Al-1iAghI'.-% A what anfwerthey formerlyhad, asxo the A matter.concemingReligion. ‘A A A ‘ M * A A A 3 .A’n;AdA1‘a{H‘y‘,a$iAtho " ugh :11‘: HAoAu!'c"had compieatcd -th ei£RefoAl‘vs; yct bci4n#g4thcAmAfelv€,s fa:isficd,t%hey‘had no cauf#e%fi'rfi to coin plain, A mar’ délire mutual cAo;;Afcx‘-¢nce,tilAlM exceptions werctakcn to what was done afterdue~prefent1ng»oft'he’ fame to theAPro%te&or%. And therefore I know not what hndden fate (xf I mayadventuye fuch” time”AAtO*ti*mefhdx1ldAbe revealgd t o7 the‘AL.fPro1:¢&9_g,wh%qprajedfra AG'bd'_f9‘rV at Hajj?» g Att}i07I'AAtAb£% P aVrliangent;% zdadid“ t/dirt/git” t9 /315: fife:-;= i fine]: tofl-cf tfié mmofl i[fI1¢,di7d what God 1=_r3'afl1d‘«p7*0di4c°e;‘ by the P»4'r~A lmmé‘nt;5»at/Erer than fi.nfinfom6ly to intermcddleAwitbA't1:(£*m ; And yet that for ‘want of izr£ormationAin -the main. Vpointof 311,: he AA fhould ‘V %diIIo!'vcAthc 1>_arliam¢n;~‘ juit whAen‘Ath¢_work was in the..birt_:h. and A ' tnoltfito fiayonje hour longer to fee the 1fi11~eI,whatA God would” pro’-A? V‘ ”cIuce.*BAut {co i.rfc%‘hiAs %LoArd{hips own words) Aifvi; he mm; it: well ‘Aaz{r%Tl:z!2Aam1.r have notAAA4rriwd to am} mntrtriéj If all. Its much A bccttt his Highnefs {hmild take up this Ciovemmcm: where hc'e_ finds ‘it, M then thA‘eVParliAamenk fl1ouldragrc*e¢ it him. A A AA % w “ 1 A A By w’ayof)'ufii~fying‘" cfefire of %mu;1;al*c9nfercx1c’eop acordialf dcb,at¢,heA Afurthct faith ;That bejnzornld A new: mm/2' to4 ¢»;. A npvfi c}:j1i3z'zi£%ian,2zlt7aa‘ng7o becowld mt kdfve agreed ifa tl‘::”mk_in’g 5;" rimzm izilaiéb %iz‘flandv.r W,-,*Avi2~;t%l‘ae dccrpgatim Aam_1qon]:;_tt“‘ bf penplé-u % V A % % % A n§~aAtiAon :‘ {of as now it {earns his Negatives A4 A % Awvill; arlowm-'%: . ch s,nA‘ge,L hfi¢ i as caufg bcA;cha:atA1’cn‘§th thefouh-f iris the%a¢<=¢&I>taA=i°n at“ Aconfrht 0Aftb¢:% A uaintcdwiththfitircarialmpqriit If it ’r re AaAeAs1AcAAA«t‘o1S‘i5sFe* ifiaiqnfiérm ‘ ‘*1 :%"We7€I1é“za’:si3J' ’ A ” ” “ ” h h 2-33- (23) V! 4mmfir¢¢%~quweru9¢nvth¢9i+ofJaniinAtb’isrhr6*¢* mV°nthVs~payaraa~ ghm in%.f9rmar n«ims,;,4£1s Mn9t€3fi1Y@‘Wi9!fi0.0d 3 unleffe fame ~ dq{«igr1Mf‘;w¢15e;%to'm#¢;'nde;;* A thfe.1j5arl:iamexit pdioiils if lib the ‘pebpIc;}aud”.’as~~ rm the %gvx;cvan‘arneares-of’ Qwéekes» td"th;éw f7‘oIc‘1iers_(I,thir1l$,) :_1q‘¢¢ phcoplemayjweilfay its no; t%heirSde5fauIt5 £hey.“f'e€l¢ '£hat_tbey; .h_§,ve~paid.& t:heir Aife£fcm¢nts. Jifthffl fo‘l¢i1e§1'sb‘.e‘a&l;’e_%pic fin %arr’eair‘es» A no. be-;’a£::coun;ta?;b1edfgrmhat. V If then fi1ch..a~l1.a& w&as;%pre+ 1 pared rfrot .onei , titlve yhevreof was ‘mam i?t‘37t:1i':”d "tbs the PI cite-g %( chwik-that,Viu?%4feemes could mention and mifréport" nth er V m:at;t:¢r5 to be imputzed to A 21 ‘4rovidenccM, and therfiin the mnwré t¢i’t ABM thisflw b4 d€¢#%i%in1s7 faidf th%ai,%diver‘s in%%t13¢*AH~9u!é:;he4a'rd% that -%Pr9t€<‘*:0%' knew thcrégofs and ex- Ae;_gp:t“e_g! gagainfiwnhe;{m2p1ne1feA.o£;hc.% fumme, of .(x@‘o%o1;: V pert; mm.-» fem. E07 fuch .ar&f‘!1;acl_ AbAeVei1_f made,-L tIief7PVarIiani‘ent’AdidA !0Wafd§%AEhei£}»la”tt:cr wirne-T of £md%Vafte,r%§hc,a.fl'cfl5e%menE M was agreed-‘¢r.)V el:M.iQ€lTflan;d by go%a&dAinf0rmM_=.ft0n %( as :they%m.ncei-If ma Emife and fliufiomegs and. t:orher - ;;zt2ti?fi:,s ivas Tufficiént révcfiue to defray the chqpgt (ff tfififqrces fjc{a,_ ;%%£u*ch =a:s n¢cé£1’ény J»%*¢cotdin¢g:ta fiheA‘Goy~ern?%3 mient Aandéf if th:ey%' féor;tinAl1%¢€|% (lie. afTé1T¢:ti1e%f1V”f:;f[<5;‘% 1.ong1e«x -mime: thenV%A%fo‘n the: uhreze mmnahs of -%mr4r},.« 1?'eéu.raay,]anc1; .Z1a{ar:c:‘1b.; mAfiarnt‘;% tafha piieb%iA¢k% not «the %fo1§.iers. i[An;d célieréfoxe the; Iitié?“ ofafnzcst quarter doth %:=¢:otv.}get%5ap 9.112 j 1, ., g ; fi A , A.; :;th:rd CAharge,» %andVW0srA all. 37W t5: 7?«t%-1 xlimiieazt“ }!zdt{J‘sp#I*r‘pqfc§y, pat tlaim ex.treim'zj jz¢pqn% flit ’1'§\(_2¢tV£qn.” AIA muft%f*ay%asg,formea:layV , t:hye_. ?a;étwas¢% ready, I bclieveV%it was known A |‘ Parmmenz be; ; ~ ti&azNm:i¢ivn~VVaiuto:aew.f§mmi¢&§ fo to hm w¥1:1.v:mcrj nhnwgh$A vhrV..fma1I1$fTé9f 4 tihzsfuil? ma», or“ %nh.aa;it; was? delay pImfcan‘mg‘w»§oa ¢AVAPrqt;nAte~r?’Aid , Q % % , 35% % “ : ‘I V {adv Au , mi _ ,c;:&_fim;1:;1;g:;n§ss; %%l§rs=— vnan¢Ai¢9fafl»-~ In aMwuwmrmF..1 darenosnmi rsake‘r0d¢t¢r- »q=£mr‘ %€%;m,& in ¢ g«;;mrrAi1§ eiéNm't?dni?,A»;~Vdm M mm d bej%_c:n;,A I b«f;~:Li;§ve fog-,,t1i%e pagztrjemtj Vof m._,.‘ G‘ ‘” “H3 ‘ though (as the Proteétor A faith) iwicpleafureiwhlen his honlfcplis on fire ; yet tic ; he may l expect to the fenfe of the Parliame- to dertake, mllflh leffe ‘C3101-‘,lf itpmny appear before him, that he will feri A ptinciple of One and a Parliament refpefi the Government One ma zwtmm : W l perpetual maintaining of flzinding Forces, and a Captain Gene» i rail inorder to maintaining ofonc and nPm»li.ame;«ir, A ( t as it is; A lpropounded the pGoverniment to be i a l-landing Rule) it’s iabfolutclv fence ,“ .»whi: (29) peaceably andreliigieuflylafi"e6i¢fi,‘o \. and Fe: unworthy of liich imputation ; Only there was A greet cafe tglien how to preferve A minlepitihfi P539055 Qfiiihififi‘ flllilii flimfltg 5,; ~n_o1f;1e‘ that then P;arl.iain1ent l l it felfcafiildri Wat 1C‘~bW~3£s idtflbl . ‘, _t ,_know thpelpetttcnllatpmeimbetsi,and helceve pmopli ofpnhemftoiiptbig the peopljcslihetties ( a,s,iet_;wasofnlppoiiidtherepwaelleigneatmufe) and ittwiasl fuppO;if¢‘di It Ia; tiempog A might have led it way‘ E03311 labAl.Ollll{€§l.‘C}"¢vC_E_tlOI1h0.f'Chi: To me.’ For n .man will pnotpi take his if he fhall cteifollve upon p _hou§’e in -fucih pexigen.-. fepe;hz}s»h0lul'e pbiurnt down before Chis itimcoffufpenfionpbeopveripali, _, i V i ll ‘" la‘ tietnipot‘ary= lnfpenfion of his care for is liberty pretty‘ V impending in Of that care ~~ Page H _ pol {hall conclnde all with twoifithintlgsghpl theone af reqnefih tooth: l .reaCl’er,' thatthisReprefentation,fmtnedtin aifhort and plainc l manner: for all lcapacitiies , nt , which no" finlgle“ member may guns do-thtleifire tohl1,piI*01;d itl:W*1WD0iur‘andltgood olpinion ofParlia:- lmeotspamong the people of thefe N ntionsiiasi much at he can. t The other gm humble petition to his Hlghncfs the Lord Ptfote-4 oufly confide: the nature of the Government yet further , , with the mcanes or other I may fay with fomeyconfidence, eopleinthefe Nations, will touch but as tothe particulars chicreinicontawincd that the general fort of the p deflruflive thlerenento, ppuinlefs the‘ part ofa Magnn Clam»m,or* has Irpclould, may be accepted not as l the meanefi ofthem all ; but at of one that , comparing the fizfiz ~ forces can beoi-d‘ered as at the firfi ptliékiy were,m‘;e. Both the Corn-i meander in chiefc, -and the army alweies under the order of the Parliament. Pot no Body naggregate foontt brecdsiconfufion then an Ar"rnie..whete the eCommanclerl com monly is without rule , 20!? ~ c.flnbliifl1ed Law. And if inch Contel’t,¢xp cl ct £l_.l1‘€4dywlV3I‘ll‘ eh , Whéa as the Commanders oi’. the Army hlold, forth the rluleiofconfcb N V _p0’th*e‘KGQV Wh¢fl;9°i’ M .7‘ ‘ :’_rt1>mWillf‘liC:*tn be pie x.peéie