* W A » .r ~ ~ mag moi; W gm "”$Wc7:rzfidrefl’l» ivedwup0z¢A o+cc¢y§?ar;roftbeA1ate publiquemdjéajbnw % able Call in Hzwziliaztioaza 2'12 prderta [am 4126! nhia AM mzwrzgfl Me 5ahefl4pm'ty, * Mid witbgz dqfire ti? become Aim. ~ ‘$3 mm 5‘ a % ~;A¢WmH€4 ms; : « aw V» J x. % \ I A,;,'‘ArL ‘ . “ ‘ ‘ ‘ " W ‘s’ “ ‘FR ‘|‘‘\‘ ‘n ‘Am A, " ‘Y\\~;‘J: 7 V’/‘w-z,:i;A'v’;AF.‘.!‘,*'°“‘T;3~;,‘.,f&§;:;“ in E; 1‘i1tICfl:iOflaA propQund€di8g %What: poflibia ? wnfidercd) A A’ of reconciling "zmd uniting" the difl?.*ntiug AA ‘judgments of honcfl men within the three M ' A Nations ,% who Hill pretend C0 agrcc in the T t’pir¥it¢,M%jt1{i%%iMcjc,;:mdiAreafoz1 0f the: lame good A,ca,ufl=:; aml ;aregthe}mcans ?wA% ‘cffc8c9tl1is.? 1% A A Yj1Aé:fr;:. M [fit be %ta:ken for gran tcd; (aVs1ofi%’the%A Magifirzttes part, fmznthe %gr1ozAmds ixmvinixmg the peoplcof Es2+ArA£Z«z%r:c£ % and W.czle: to“ a folemn dayof F aflixag and HuAmi!i.1t~ion, mgynm;defpaifired%of)utIiat%aI1 the: di:;T?3ntit1g~;{‘ pa1*ti¢3sA A %ag[rce% M11 in the fp‘i~ri't:A and A%rcAaf;m;gA AAA, wk gm < c%aufé%,~~;tlwfrcfollxtion f'&cmse' % f ‘ifi,%%f%and imam»: e'n%d‘c;1r%¢d “ to cine anbther ,~“ yitii%c”ir‘ %t~‘i6i.':Is ”a‘r‘id greatAexp‘eniicnces;%'asA weI1“of*:heir awn h<::artsé -as thcir fe1IbW»B*rethrcns%- f=tme‘%‘AfliIl im. and VAwhi:ch4 is,%"4%tfl12g 5;-,-f ; h ‘ , 4,; . - 0- a1I%A%the ad*ai¢’7s Afiheir flifé. % éihéyfhavc had :D,éclaracionsA com-.n, Aand 4*Appe‘aIs:‘%’to God. VvV"fignifie- anything) asaV[m:-quifite to attawin-*thVis,;F dijd 5‘: VV\jgrca1;chccrfu%Inéflé and"LT1nax1‘imity o1;:A»:th¢m~4f5g'.1Tvg5%V by 1 this V ?1md’V%%‘%adde‘d‘4 A »p’i‘1bIiqL1c A ijl-1"tA«.=.{re[{~5’, Afi&ft~flé’}j5ri"xrA”21te’ ‘AMP: and‘ A A» A”?thc? AAthc'nAightAandA%f;eédome which was a1r"1d;i:s due A Wh1ciA:b°AdY 0* Acouquarour , whAcs*"%by? force, cw A’x:'*‘mes- Adippr’e£§;‘d,1 % 3 A A A of and c%onfc~xcnce,‘ and harem intrude Into the proper? ..~ , »s»_ V a . ;,fice of Chrifl, Afijncé we: as: a1Ivto£ta;14d*%LLipefh¢rethc judg. mc11t»féat of % «h a»: GUI! { v finely are‘ capahig of beix3g.&d% . 3vv”i4’fl1%ccrtainry, to be in" the right: in the i , By vercue,1;han%Vof this=Sjppreme Law, ‘(E-aled A and céng 7 %1‘iflC ‘ifil -.1E‘I'*V‘iCe ‘ .%a1fi1d{ W6rfl11ip?% at fiend) itiw»thLa%cJ~»a}l V ¢L.Mag*ii’cmTatcss arc: to_ fear and forbcar ‘:int‘erm'edI;i3ng”"" A»g”iving rulty A Gr i‘mpcfimg~ matrcrs.%J;AThey‘are A IOn,% asordaineda étrb 43. Ms kmtd A V % ?g@ 5 WhiIfi£Vxh&¥f'4appmwzc‘% athemfrclvves '”thé“7dg. M of A thaw M gem A A in the fight, of V ,, H _% , ' 'r ‘ . ‘.1; ac» ‘ ¢ ¢'‘‘‘ " ‘ ‘ “ ~>_ f H.» . “ _w.~O* aha ti*give% an afccoL1;;j1aofLhimfeItE:,;y4in afimamm be- . V%:vm 0 M £ra8tice, cm: % V icgxmd %d%ca;IingsA the thiflflfi AL 4 f ;.,V fox‘ the saga wh mare? man A>aPP9intcd% an d F=wP-4 ~ T‘ ge Ii%m'itsg.V 2311: is noé fife not wairamablc f A he who i4ss~~f5:i7ghen:4;chez& the. A A A M‘ o 1?u1'5;%fld ocC>"‘t=:aor‘¢:£?i,pcop1c.is__' gi'vcn*, to "have thepcr-» ibrought into the exértioié of? So reme Auchorityover“ % t:_hem,4%V'arxdoon~x;hcir bcl1aIE;lnan*cI%if oéfidcs‘, was a ‘further A A be wGku.ow_/1edg¢dA by ftihc vo-4 lixma;;y,;a&*o~A»of the ruling Power ,‘ véfiénA onrce brought. ‘ , ,.... into ‘a ca aticy of aéiing lbgiflativeloy 5 that herein fhey aresboun up, “:mdohjudgc‘it l:fiCi_I"'dl1ty{OtO‘be (both in: Infiitutor of Magifhvacy, andoinmg. forcnceoto oBodyVby;4 ’ 7 this, great; blcfling wi1I'-%Ercrc*bYy : §h§zm:wc"£}1alI have onocaufe tofearc, A % mi atsg. alwhich till A ‘fé bc up béhyotzhco AV ' Beldaimic, wi:il”¢:» apt: to re1iew'a;riw ofprout “out A afrefifI1V55A7UI1‘£!¢r form: and that‘.--Eiiis re1”craint\ ‘ A *“**of55i’37ovided’ for; % so‘ 1c*nj1ay be orda- »B méanes‘ a ,g%rcat foarto of the orwnré oexcrcifé“ “ ‘mm ' ' oTyra;nn.y and bondage will b; p]uVeked'VA F or refine“clo% appoarancc, A by late gyearsoo experience? ; olmve ‘ taught, For % finwqp‘;;‘the fa1loi)f;the% Bifhops aha A A oj‘oo,o£1me.&%ofpirit.is-~ aptpo anifc.»inethéo“’ne3u; f9!‘-C-_‘0f ‘ «A 1 % 87:» coming A Presbytcriésg >c N d1%ac«ga11.getetheEary ofthe Magif’crate,‘yathdyf1‘éFt”€’!mWé3 130, t;he_ keeping and I‘«l11i'I1g".th'C'COI1fCi€UCC of the Gdiier-é nors. y.Aylt:hougPi thisyfpirit*and prafiice hath bee-‘nall a1ongyyy;yy.yyyAged by the yfaithfie adherents to this Caufege ;15'”a.mé§fi$C>re oppreifiom yyyyyandw-einIufi‘erab]ye y6kerof7V ban-A-2' ~ \. dage, ‘:oi’cunr1ghteoufly kept up over. theconzicieflcesyy A of the people ;'andm tfiey have; in the genera1,edi'-.-; fii.11guifhed ' vhemfelvés *,ayn,d“bseenye madeyy ' A warcfinefé to afljfiyy and ‘‘ they ;;%;bl"iee‘ee” esueeeevefifffive A bflthey NAatiqne,a.;Tofr‘;*te : e preiérvinyg thejuif _ % 1 A rted and w~icnefly"¢d”% .ljfilt1gE in the true Pt§1tingot“th~is:Caufe ,accordi11gyy*toyythe4 two branchesgéamereeofalrehciyfpoken etc: They have lbcw bl‘ yyyywhatwaspropertoy ¢a¢I14y'in 4 his oe ; 4 ;y~*‘%’mcere1y< AV ” aiiefied xcficd YIAZAOAA Cgcklfiai CI‘.€3‘FA°d ‘ill ~th¢.m Wain‘-'«[A14f3:A good P,arrA;:4s bavinghcn A Afiming-tun ta Ath-isAday,pnbl1qUely a1gdcOm»mon1y7A owlvedgéds by Way ofdiifinfiioli '_=11a11Nw- tars; clofi: and »~op"¢nj*:Encm,i6s A A'FrienAds % .4 dwc; Agé;-"Ap(jflatf35, “s'1;A‘h¢Afé,A. ...thAc Amaintainihgof A ér.a:::Inc9rPVora"tion~and Society by themfclvcsa. “thi.scaAE1fé, hzwé l)A$rAA.;,AA_tHc Emmy , A iii AAdefcnCe A .aI1Ad, . ~1L:pportA:hereo£ , ,A~agai;3§a a.1lA: »op«pq£iti<;~:1¢.whatever, aé ‘I110-f€AIf;at,Aby» ,thre g1=owing;«1‘ighVtA.pfAthgfé times, have ’ been taught A fidmfQfchV.i1;,t1ueir4 cxpcmcnces, to look - ‘ H ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,a\A)E,;**‘- W ,Mv~~ W 4’ ‘ wk « w ‘ A AabovcA‘=%A:andA:% %t%t4:;A%,«f<:A>Arr13Ae,and =outAwa.Ard -Cir-as .atheyAAfI1aAalI,then bcaxxn W ‘ ‘ ‘ '* mCAu§3fia'AnTCeAFA of gav¢x*nmcrat, iraJ%t<~>.At1wA inward ;r<=ai?>r3 .Ai2dA%Af15irit thcrwf; hcr<=ir1 :V011c1y to fixVVandt<=rmir1aitr=» {to f1:I*xeAw;!Ié:a.\Ar?'1Ang ad A AA A aceg % A V A AA;AScAc6nAdIA,a«sAto»-tbecapzmity wAh;crcin tihefit pcrf5fis_,A% fthIA.,1sT; uali ed, ,hiAv¢A afied, .11; luxth bAAecnAvcryvafiable, i¢“&tog1'¢at whgangcs : ~f9rnetiniesimi me form‘c.A ,,a;i~d¥fom A V AA A .c5i‘}§Jfé1cTon1e, yAAiAFcAV;cL‘AA M A rLiIAeAAAiAAOAf fcrnacr ‘Lawes and cm Cfitifiioxi A A é (if grnexit, as to b.écJe.af1y and fully Ajuftifiéd ‘by them, any tAhcnAA the Law ofAASucccAfl"eA and .~ConqueP: ‘ did d ~ t the i11wVaMrd warrax1c or I .:l 3, .%th%eir,4 afficlngs. % ; A A TAhAAeAutniof’t Aanél lafi.A1~cIcrxrA;-A:*iAthcrcfo1'Ac v§ih?icl1AtI1ey ham: ‘_Al;’ad,in cafe: aA:lI%CAtherAfaiIcd, hgbecn ztlmwir military A A “*2inding AAr1AotonAlyLfiri&1y ta..ke.An for Athc” A H; 1EfinAA{&,; wherein the ‘whA0IA,AA % ‘ Aflff. ~tiOA11flan%cI%%cc5And%L*1% A o:vjd*eAA A3 1z(t€§%%IAZ]£lc21jI1!f?€j'1V¢2S m th& ébcfi¢0rd€rth¢YCa11.»§f0¢rthe “ »4~;¢§¢;gi1c¢A@AndA.%f?ife.~ the Wh%0Ak-A»!?AAV»§\$¥10t%1gl10ranat A Wl1cj11c)11ce.~¢.m~ ' % I aémb 11' M A Hy‘: ‘A’ A‘ ‘ V %'9dVi*€‘d”iL1‘.4tW5fW**TMWWY P9&”"4e 5 jteomm%éwA3:¢nAfi2mt-Afhaflfi Abe” 4’bfii%d~:réquifit%eAAAA ‘A A "' " e’ ‘.Li'Afl§;1fi§Cé ~of GovéArh7fnA¢ntAA A1'sA~contain>ed i1r1Aé1¢rt“1:1€=‘I?"1TA°tA6€’fi’°11 W1w‘¢°fi * faféty 4thAat maybe“ ifiaizl tai11AA§:d%v th‘e“;~eby},~%t11;:y% can cpn 124:»-1~AAve; an d ~ d¢tepnii1;ie,A ~ 1;H§§‘AiAhficfi*AAf§:ibIE; AAabfo1u s and *2 &;;x§1%n_1:aA"Aei*§Athje1% %%?x~=’L?11e cAnfigh tAA of; :1 Su... M W ~ ‘W ' " T f.. H ~ A W A,‘ ‘. ‘ ...._fl _ AA ‘ AA‘ A ._AA 7‘ .‘ ;.~ AA ‘ _~ A Ii] 3.; 5, ‘ .A ‘ , g ..._ ,5 crsgthcfword isto be_cqmeArhofc entmely fab; w1;:hm1t the ?lc.af’c%caufi=: of A an A jfiafogi fie} ‘(fir L111 "‘ ~ A AA - ,. . 4 at «w -. 4 ‘ . Ag §‘a\- ‘'‘H M‘ 1”] gm fig %15e;A:~ePc oftotfhgby1:h'1sAmL1tua1 agftiem of fetch .T<3'CC§mbin¢A AA A A A AA A A A , A “’ ~~' ~gAA*A‘ "W/1" ‘ ‘A. AW ‘Aw ‘W’ 2' w“ “"”' ‘M ‘Av I A AAMW ‘ A if? *Au£nt~thVc w1f§d9iI3€.0f Wh0Af' "‘°‘fiMm '7? d rtub£2=rvi:nc4; % «ms A A ’ M A V, d%AP“€!9P1¢ w?*<11’I<‘=%- A%:og¢theAc in n%A,%:evenAA%in~AA%tha%t wherein bc~’-AA-A-AA V. ‘L: 1,; “ q‘;S",“r¢:".q"_W‘v‘kV x M W AaAAuf'c*”p"‘ or 311‘? gmnco 4 A Ear» afiim0fitY5’¢m”13fi°fla% 5éflb“fi¢a,°r’th‘13e’*¢AA# I5cAAAaboIi: W A d 2md;rerr;ov¢d. AA, AA . A AA A A A Atiy, Ai:hAe%y~ 3fA“3\A I fifirrefifci-bIAe,’aBfo1A:iw;%AA W FVwh%a*s*$¢m+e&t&se* VwF.o1e”*4BgAa¢yAos the go Ad people»? tha tthe? MiIitia.ry% in"te1~ef’C; dhd cap"aE:*i*uy‘ ml th AAA11cc$cflIty;,§It C136; H3275‘ A whro1AerParA’éy4A ‘%;éig!iAt‘Aa ' pizcg “Ai:sAAcoAE§“ ffity fA%¢0nti’m1iing"Ae”vér 0n¢¢ W1Ih9AAd1I9%rA4 A‘ma.mAta%1n<3d&bythen1, for‘ the pro V ’c % £011 A are; % ”Tt:5‘F hem) tl1atherjeinA» th % 81%; A A A A ei 3‘ ’’;é%*'':z;f * k 2;? AM” A.’7A.»‘ ‘W’ :gWty»“* 1%‘ I'll Pr¢f%!1tAA A m #' ralfled w“ W A A A A n W3 .50‘ ~% * IA" ftixg A Agditxg when ’3of{t1Acc the flanding Armymitfl tzhéin “%i’A a Ad%ividc:'ds -i%nte.fie{’c:_£rom the *rePc’; of t g %:@$5?§"%fHoneft men", %th3Aey withhbldfronx tlxémfélkrefi «ccntribwt»ionS V%ifl=J4a11wv1um:ax V w@heérF!‘1~ i-‘A f’r=atik:csA,.%AA by.the4*”’dfl‘e&io1as 9 '°bYA1 ‘I13 PEFTOHS aixd purfizs of thetgood party, 12:0 the ’ weakning tAI1ttI11F" ‘v%¢rn§);r,sw all e-alfo *find,‘tAhat byfi-itting ax1Ad;keeping A A ;»ré1§ves%thereby,.as td any vig¢rousfi;1pgortAfi~om them fin‘ . [ the ‘times oAfmc%>£’c¢emiiiem: danget:%(whcreof;hA%:' 1‘a;tVwc:¢% ‘had es‘ that Wil1V~Iwti*fiIW3?%%be our of the Abgginning A tm1ibIe§,% againfiathc ‘S cots, a11d«~w.7w;"’i’A11a‘mgn~ 4 «net; thefieim dcférted by a,1I.the good party’ in Engldfidj ‘.1 ' A» km 0):: ti%]IA Vbqggoo t1iey«;»a:.11 than fiml-« x ~‘< 1.’: n “,,j!r=~r‘ ‘ ‘ an ‘ .,y ‘ ‘, ti1:a>g\.w;:h~e*f {Elves fth tlwur‘ cIl0w~ad ermvts t(T3”“t'hr.: ‘ Caufé5ug1der the rule and aqthcmity oftlgcir own Sn; prernp udlcature, tl1eyAfg' %1ofZ'~: nt their * ower or S0... A 'V@I‘ai3gnt 5% A wt , Z ‘I? s:; ‘ ‘ b b¢“c@m21ng~ Q, :2»; % ‘W % » ~ % % % _ ‘h V «»»* ” gkefr‘ rr,xem cm keep wt» 333‘ A 4% 3 ‘v" “ V A c» AASove1*a:igi1“€jf*g,A%% as ori~g:nmy~ ¢ "jfefated %in_ thé%m{éIves‘5Aand% part WAiAAt'h*=Ai~AAt‘: 011137 bums by A'f'dEAp'LlCatiéh and rcpreféntationr of t1;:;emi‘cLvcsA , when}: ‘u. . I :15 %brouh=t¢1p»t ‘ . \ “ ‘;~;£w 1%. M .L ‘wfl. i/"gm V ” “ ""i* Vthemielves to.1:ha_tpurp orderlyflif V o fie at? A %B_Ayi mutua'I and happ§rAAAtranfitAion% 'n1a3;w’BcA A 52:1-Péaél A “ithey uniteiLthemfi:1vcsVin%thV % ~ >V %% ~ to QQIIQMIA p§'0vidcncV V fem I and¢AmqL%1u;;xa@f1¢$?0f brfingin ‘made fbCtWf:»Ct1 the party of Ho131s%fl%~’yrpe;mAin t‘hci~* Three ‘Na “insAv1rtua1ly1n_‘ Arms,‘ and thcmfé ii {snow in / %com%ro12ga:ea, %%¢f®a§e?al»1i;t~he% §1Ax1r;‘f A A A W :AAA“IyifhErcir1 lw AA Lord? as A AAF*:jWeA%his Willi; A‘AisA1:o’%‘A’pafTc.‘ M firgngx as itwill 1 1f“o« “ ;attcrnpts&‘ of “the com a late €m;1e% Qivi 01‘t,'PO1"i£:lqL16 V ay 0% exercifs, * by ’b\ei1*1g Aofthe Army5‘l1o~wAflxd-dcfily A A 011*] A B42 « Vwlxith i°*?AA=— ¢%1‘¢mi¢s% rhenwwr @0th.€1flfi*1V:€35 %an;d by Aa*tAry»'ing Ch«"»AA¢0nclufiAon s: to AA A ]A3,rimitivcfimpl4iCicy, hunaility-aA.nd Atruf’c,fl in to th e; w%e1farc and fafety Qfxxhc. Whok body J: «the onIy?AA"AAA A iA“fiifyA3b1=e. mdfl:adv»anc~agAiods~ poflrurcand CA? A3A"~ I % *~cityAthacthc‘goodparty at=pre{‘ent;can~find thcmt'c1E1cs~ A A A AAiAA“:A .iA“%V9FdCr tp th¢AA obtaining _tAhat;,tArue freedom% they," hAav%»«twghAt rm, A A mien}: thereof‘ u A82 v A Cn2)4 A _A Ar‘ "‘*m?*! fha*1A1 not nécd+ to fcwwhar H arc@@1eAA;rdoin%oppVofiu:io:xtam-eunco. °f?AAAA 3 H 13%‘ "A-‘A 1;: Welwe 3114* 0H}tW5rd%faf€cyA of the whole bociy: timgame Ofthe common enetrA1y,tpAche utter ruim; and.dc~fir%u;&1onf, A not onA1y;%oAf %At_%Alu: type f A ;r_ccd0m% aimed» “F “*9 °9ntA€nd€di V % fora 2W*;%‘?émi%ncnt promoters ‘thereof. A » A A A A ThAe~Army Aconfidered A asitisin the handsfaf lion at’: and: wife "Gen era15,.an%d%%{obecrA AA_,_fait7hfuVI OffiAG<:rA$ Ax}: gmbodied. wichtherefl-of»,the[A party v of honcfl A; and%-fifiloufing {fill the fa Trnercaufe, andJa&:'mA:% AA A’ P0f17=fi*Ing~ of it? A \ A gon th¢.tr11eBafisammmw§ hath A V Af A That A Awhc1*éiAAiiA%?tEcAAAAAAAoA mic! i}es,AA and wmacaures great thou;ght8A Of hea rt: amoxxfiéthfe hon cfi pafly, 3. A A A A A A %% frgclA§?AAA e::?.p%x”hjoAtT'in Cflpi4CiKy.;13SyflC\ A ‘Ahavéjthe commmdofchcA ,Arms,A;dc) not” repa“r5:V~ aq_ A A‘vcrn‘Ame%h *«aTsr' bcfl Snfwer M the ends"hcldALVfor:aAA;A;AAAAjAAAAA'i:1 A C-his % _ ddbewichhekiast;!1eyAare,pr%tl1"1*oug.h defign AV ;%%fl*i<‘5i1lV¢d comAcAac lat’: robe tictteriy denied AAA%t‘he%%€x3‘:r- A of this‘A?thcirI’uight, -upon. preten they are‘ A “ V A ndecd: Ahath fomieVL=%trt1t!1Jin ts, if thofe th at are n0j;JVAiI1 POWCI3. Aillld A A ll V Aw. ~A1cA"ifi-. tiiings %requifiteAtAhereL1nto,as ‘Jthey m_ay,an likefaich-A- ful Guar.d~‘ianst;Ao the Common wealth, acl~Lt1ictcdAto be in its nfon up I % \ "Butif the brifl ‘ing dfytruéfreédcnl iAt1tAbAeAxcrciAf¢ A 1 amongflrmen A AAAAAAABfifi...e§?AWhyAAn}AayA 1 Aas A now at V , a.n;,dA%AAi.ngroITe%dby Aa parmonly, A to the 1621-» A-% ?vifiAg%‘”éHeArcfi?fi“i1?iic qgyfiavhp in all rcafon and ‘ti , yea, fo refined a. party Aofmen, bewitIA1-4* poffible gwhy haththis been concealed all this while? A A A h blood waVsrpi1Ac, arid} A treafure fpéAfiA£ and Nociona.%L. A » A A A M A V ilzinot {ufliae to AAAA‘have been thus A long:; AAom,th¢ W11 ole ‘ Abody, A at: to ' itAsA~ being broughtby 7 th*7;g~rn“:VVAintA9AAexer4p{ife. lafin? furely the longer iAt_iAsA~AWithheld, the flrongcr jealoufies do i‘ncrcafcA5 that it is intended to flicc; ht eco be eqgmlly a 9 A «F . 1-” ‘ A ?:’%t%a1r§Cl»beneEc of cheAé4AAAE5”AcAix1cff,~ forAAg§'AAi}1uch asxhe. w_ar~wAas managed at the expAcn%ce_g fopthefaféty of- wh'ol¢)in An condition”; its 3 cxppfedg . on .\w wumd: not in may Afenfe :Am%:IaA*AH*§’°~ fiIfi:verAfuch -an tcous, unkind; decgmixl . ‘dea1ing%With brcchnen A l7‘f;%A!V,;_-'vbAaPpE5‘r,“,»\V although it» A~migh: connm%ue%%abovc the re-a:«+;1:‘o£ quefiion from hum A fhouldl Amic-iudicamremtcan W7-<= Cl-lAAil1kA.‘.“**&9zAa;:%»«&AAA’AAPAARAm..b«AA;1eA~ it A e§d¢A)a.e+= A tfr1is%was Ajudgi real and1pra&icabl‘c,.A not A,_Imaginajry,. AA ‘ &AcqAbe;Aimpofcd upon, as AiAf'Athcy”had bgfn- cefmpe Aand»Ago Tufi pu"nifhed«€by the A1i%mmediatée th€A+Righta%1sAA:Ju%dge of~th‘eA Whfllfi World, when hgy : Om of his$Vp1aJce to %dcm~ig"%ht to the _A;Aopprefl'ed M if1 ~Afi€A3d»'Ofiaviflllfi _A gmomocing the} eA1i;fare,4,A: i¢Aljf-inte$re>fi and 7‘YV4‘Y£l‘( am cymmn good an_{dJw pm“ A private gfaincihould Wevid=entIy appear" to be ?c~heA things A we! have ~».aVimedg;: all %a1ongA.A;A ifA+tb:0f: very Tyimnni-+ f V M Acal p,rin”&:iples‘A and Antichrifiian Areliqucsg *%which%%AAV A A “by us hath punifhedinourpredeceflers,mMdA»:a”Zi~r; }fpring* ug afrefh and ‘fhew%fthem4feTvAes lod"g"€d$ ’ * a1f0“an%d~reta‘ined in our bofomesa rend;-ing us of thflil number ofthofe izhat have V-forgotthcjy werepurged ‘ A A A 1 fuch mo; wa cove. tom 0‘ w%ithhA01dAfrom from their blfd film .1 hath defign ed to the curfe Aafhis%ven%-FA geance : *1faIl"thofe_greatadAvanAt'ages ofifcrving the Lords will‘.and5 dcfign Ai&nAproCu4ring‘A“ andndvancing “big A peoples true welfarej;@.nd% outward %fafety,if whiéh CaS,;? A the fruitof his ’BicHingA.1-.-npQnV our Arm.ies)A mi-A .racu1oufly£aWlA.1en into Adur hands 3,} 3a.fl:a%1‘l at laamé; Awrefled‘ and mif-‘impr%VovAefw=to ‘fihek%#en,r5ach4ing%;A and jgreatnihg AffeI*vc_s»:% cfcga thin gs ?~‘flI’bU]d A A é:AvA.Ag r A1; , A be foundamoAhgfids'(which1:hc ‘Lord,.inA n3AeArcy ~bid) [halI w‘eI1‘€dW‘GOr1V‘OOrV4{{Ar.flny further for "the" 3 9-A V th%c~li$gAfito the VVé3rd §md*Spiri_t A W ~{[%hh~eld tile curreamm A?» Am‘ our A ConAfcien ces fhgjl A ‘o*”nAforna1ty Vth‘efc iIAWom3AdA% h0IdA V therewith ; T whichfinj‘oj7¢.7. became a “._Acmjfc to thccamp, an»c?lA_ Lord A fiom %being. any more amongfi ‘ chcmga A A did A Aaé’rion*4% o Art I.-my AAA{At14nV”0rE then mAhef¢%%A?A1:tWo.;; A things, Firfi, he aved and kept. from dcfiruéfion the... sg0od1"A*y Baby lonifli garnment, wAhichwa~s A-de$"roted4 by thercunto. qSec< )ndly, he brcjughc not/;i:1%7tl1:<':1f;;: an d gain Qfthc Conqugfi irwo the jA%,LAords A ‘ .fii: A “AxAewuflyA ww.m«a«béuuA to» c9g=1vem:A £6 him) " OWE M ($13) prpppier do l:§iis,~iS%%%tO%mke7of gr. A A « ‘ft 4%: 3A’“‘*d"5*-5fi@V%é4%fl‘7mH ‘Md difl'€m!?J_€d 8 % gpitgjz It am£,'a‘$§?i{}.Ih'€if*fi5Wfl flufll ”7Th’I;s the'ian~ger* AAf?the Lord mkindlfl ag igfi Ifrae}, %:indmad:ctw9.un4%1e%r0fi€uM=%@¢ J memies» ‘[’but‘thei17:'heartfimu31%?-d €{s?’3? And < chu§ vfarr Lg;u_'d ijs c0n~c¢rn€,V if«fi_1”c7rh> an; exiil as‘ti1isVfl1.a7I1 lye hid in“theWmid%fi‘of us; to return to what‘ we Were% ‘uponbefore. A ‘ t:in1gi%parts$‘f*tti?“ej y of honc(¥men,;”f is npt fo “and: offmih fmaIV1confeq;;uence%, as fomelwouldi make it. "Fisin effeét, the main and whole ofthe the caufe lgall frefi H The is inqlléfiioh amongwthe diflérfi "U t-A C1? 3' fatisfafiion to the body, which is rcqjuificcunm a. L mug and _ hflldilggthe £ub1iq.uefafe‘t:y and welfafel A ;durabIeia1idAfo1idfecclcmentffhia"is%thav; which makes A all;*foqy;;;Q8c'f- f&:;a»te;J;hV§ gives the rig-lac b % an ce n:ecefiT?i”“V'T7” ” A Kn y and fubj‘e&i'Von,% in the exercife of all righlzcous %Govern4-;» Q1ent.; applying thcufc ofthcfwordgo ithfi prbmo-M A Pofltiofi l1“t0?mY‘"“” ‘7 V \ 4 andlmparcial admix1ifl%3*2Wi6€’ r/c r"énCe‘ i1*nto“c%ach,% - it doth wiclial ‘ ma'intain the wholejbady in { _¢1§I1gh:fm1l Aharnlmjxy‘, A welfaré ‘ fig ‘W: ‘Vptople tha t have 1 derived? Wumtom their Cl"ncV!BP%wC11n;nor«7*?ii@st%ffi”_t td5‘b«é%f?%e3£%’p”"$é*Wéfl*.Acvcr will “ f:venad%§gn2iny“isadmmedéga A 3 A maths %catrl?Fg5Wj M y“t:h‘em Ba @’R“:«€Pr”*e§'{¢€fl*’*FhtiV€S, a~sthe- Wu 3 ‘ V, 4 , any<%hw ;i:edii %i:x:pfi%equ%a1mndi‘z§\partEih1 tfic‘ efl’c;é°(inVg Lhsmofi P” ,yv%P’iicbii%V§‘W:s7s:A ff-W1 was Md % so do,*‘%iA:am giro % A or? u ‘4gdow~ " %ir*1"nfame4only,$a dmherfore can never givcthat peace” f % “rence and if*”fiecd Eh ‘in ‘c‘>~-- ; * é M at ‘ 2. 1 A . ‘ “ that % %';Wherefitt;ere;is;~ith%¢n:a AAr'ightcou.sfj“a‘ntl~%goJ0i1g) mgxiogabfGovcrpment»¢%th€€9¢(is%% firfi an °’Td‘F1v. Va;n“ shjaknd . than on A the‘ % next 0 an mrtunit;y“Can14;ay %IdA%onAAthAc fwordaf and ft), by A " A Aneccffity, A A uondage upon AAflgeVwho1eABody,%A in cAo’njf:pc1.1ing all the ;p3rtS5AA Ttzhough 44 Aneygi; fo mguch ‘again-flcj the true pub1ique%inter¢fi,A mo {erve%%%_%a.nd/obey, asAAtH[cir ‘yfoveraign rule and fupmeafn A Authori§yA:A,;.tb&e%% Arbicra-ry will and A“jndg,cmentA0f thofe _, ,.athnVc;Abr%‘n;gZAm1AeA ‘Aby the; ‘power of the Afwo-rd, A in Athe righcsonly (if A :1. yarn: that fa.-t'supA it: “in preference before: 01‘ at lcafl in compcticion :wi:t1a gr_hAe welfare of the whole; A M ‘A A A A A A aand %right*conflitution ofA.Goym'.nA ‘ being “:uined,the difputes afbrout the form would notlpxfovc lo dificuIt,n9rAfind fuch oppoficiomasto keep A upthe A About of conxtcution andidifunioxa, wim much ‘danger AA to“ wgfqundativon of A alias the sfbfiéraigncy bealcknbwlwedged toArAefideAAb“rigina11yA -in A the whole body of adherents to this Ca11fc‘(WAh0fc V ghgnv whateis ;obq:ained byr fmc¢c{sAof Ach AA.arins,‘?md V ~ wqfnce hereof, a fupfca ~mmr.il and inher¢nI:,rigAht Vthercunto is of a fa.r alm- eir V A , , *?§ ;%wS;cdAAa‘brogattg:d cve b C fdf if 1;hatAwcreA '1; A Ag Wnpgn é... {ct ugund Judlcatl-1 re lag: IA Orderly confiitutéd ,as namrally agrifing afid rcmlting ‘ ‘ hcfree choice anq mnfenc 0‘? ‘mg Awmsie Body, from_amonAg them{elAv.es, asfiefbaof I: hCirA bum‘, of the {In .1 lie ibe bythi; means? couldbe ropounded . %afccrwa*rA3fii 8A7§?AVA ‘*3 “M A A .4 / Q‘ A 4 A V Wou1;dV Anucmc, were »om§e ‘hm A Affritandi mu@m§,:h%tbemfe1ves, A A admin’ ration that A ‘ I18) ’ W0D1f1$~*%7a»;m flm1dmAg* Go11nc1loF..Stafc 1:'et:Ic‘d im:re£¢re»nne1;o .t*l1;é. fafecyt ofrim1Commohwéalt1i,and»Af A thae?:jm,ain;ta;i;ningsi1a c:*”ercQurAfé rand? coAt?rA:i‘rnA¢ttE£;;re :‘rw1.th Fora-A f % _ Aj1i1di5:czttL1ne5?A %utfof“ ?tHe%Afa§11e fux1daAn1“cia:%ta%l mfleitutxon ;vs:1tI1.'thcn1f=:Iv¢s, would %th1Asf be;%.;A:*d=ifiiA;£ccd* }.?_ Aadmitt1qgA§thq1naf>rc;Iers 1 were; Vb*1Tn".d*1ng, _. 111 the: nL;gpva1;,5:A T, N m: S4u1mm5¢ «:Natio:m:1 Afl’¢:mbA1i*éss* f1i’AVAA°.%"A1YAAA-%1sAcw»- ¢ the ‘vaca;mscyA:of¢A7an off: wfiitIAw§::hy“‘A=de§%tEt$~‘* oz} jdt;h érwif-2: G0 E § ‘E? 2 A“ A ?bes%%A-Afisnpfzlicd Abythc voté of the majors partnf A%th%enifelvcAs5s%,:%? Nay uwcziuld Vthedre. be my ,:jui‘c .exc*eption A A A _ ag:;;eae_ (as Aanother fiartof thc‘fu+nvdam%nfa%l cAc:AfA1*1fli3tL:it :A%@aAOv€rfi‘%fij‘éAn AtciiAA% rp.3.i1%e+ tha t A Tibrézrizafxl 4 of SAov‘ér2i.ignty «which”c_l1i:ef1yiI‘$Q3e&s Axhcé €X€C'L1~£§0fi of At!-' e —La;wc 3, in ,3 *daifl*imS’c QfliCA.AC‘fbUIT13Zh"3f0f Wthéc;l%egifl¢ativé (and . .5; A: L, , A Aryct A .Aondinate>t0* and:;tg;A:;.Athe:LéwAés»}*?Eap.abI@wA‘t% AA «~al1Lawcs ant! Orders (:th*1a:tva;§1*.e_ bi?iic1Ai¢1ia;gag A at*Ath~a$iWwi41l%% rd tare? A ?AwI1e‘nt %%uf6%t0AAAth$Ae well-bein*g~of~M@g_iflr;€éfcizigflnde .“IV%’A‘l-’(11iS1‘.i_.§.?3j1*':£:£0X.IS bottomeughat AA A .he;;emx:uA{%cd 'i11£“tiic°,~«i%.hg&n._dsof:izmc’ {’;A1=1g1‘é% n,:M‘?:rneV¢d A A :%reqL;1rc*«,i%:%~~%Qr“iriT ax,£{r*ea’tcr %nnmb::r;5A as the JC;9fiiAfliA11'fiVE. . tcs} l1I‘Id3;.“I:‘ ;;e;1*;11s€‘: Afl:A§u;*1£?fi®i»AAVef1*;fig:ht ‘ (SE A A %.pA0W€fA[}1QL11t:l,Ithinkfi”t*% ;A%dnd fo%r‘fth~e‘:\gfieatbrflrcngth A and %h0noufA?£ ti’n3;1e ; th at ‘*th%cA%a“‘:xeautic5Ir;A pf %imhié;.o':t'L thbixi Vitafi %ifobe“éAiicnCjcAi4A%i;hc.rem§A*;A A tto;‘uw;AA 4 W »d*r£&=w A W A AI@sA?.‘Sovc;g-aignt§zV% wh ~ ~4*2ep~1:e1TeinAt%anin@»e4Aw Q1 ‘ amawVWLeg1“muivc;%*mwcr; 9::1A~:§:pt: §AQnti_fll$§:fl'af M , 7 Q K» A A4 3 a chié VA A Athiési % fiéitcti ‘A AEm*jA3ri11"con:fifl*e1j1cy with $14; Affee Stake '4 «»1ti1:t«§7,A,%?Iivf if; V 1,véV1I‘cb%nfiderec1, would; it» hot ra-Vther»v;;;fiAfid? offé: .- AA’f3¥I¥‘P%AéA5p1€§A§:f0veraignty i%n,:I*f A are: tlmze N;1ti‘:1é eirof. _ glé Perform or %a7lsAmhé%»e @;;AXp€fi i‘CiI1:C€A oAA§ admim *dii1’g'a1i fhould _ A _4 VA (th0LIgl1.‘t‘he- ?adh%e”r*mtAs to this C3~uf¢Aa'”110t‘0nAIy"?£*5;1§h@AiA1‘AA A {atit‘A)“11% ‘th ércof-_. “and hercbyA_10f‘c 4:116 *cavu.[,é% in AV upholding ahdrAinamta1n11igAAit.» AA ' A vi"(A1;efi£ée?AéF%%*: “W A gL1idm3c&A‘>‘¢£“g1Ad préiéxicc wi,chAAA *them”_.,‘ .1 v§ifiA&1*dfiz$é?AAA“md »“l1g3:fuci’é§>AA bf A AAA» Igxaw: a11%AA®f>‘pdArtL11;‘Ait§7‘AefnAir1‘¢ A %aM§yesArefid E‘-."A"i«YI’.1AAA»»‘0A“T1°.'."f{‘.‘AAAA(.A5AI'IAA€AA =v¢,¢ ipczm-wand mi) A A f %AcnyA_AuntqAAAAA%whIc ax diy as :hcIh;.1pVpy% f7ruitA of {Eichi a t:-- clam? GWWA1 an%dArm'yA “ AA M 01' dhave A7“AA3?W<“Y dfilight to bc amoxygfir A » 1: . for'mci;me4sOfcHe(?cin*g ~‘it~wi’i1 [11o;1;%% prciw: fo difzl ficulz “as; ;Qct1;eAu1;£{ri§é1géfthAgt ihaévé ban ‘brdu gfliboufin Ai*3®”11Vccrnd:1. A ofitc xv*<§llA?aMn‘c:I% dL1“éIy*~V:pr&p2é‘rcc14”Iicretxzito {by a work #f3ff7f'5*If3d%e11iaI and Wfél-if-1£ibAafcIu%ent ,‘ {fit . home by %thc’fpii*i“t? jfpfi A %th[e: Lo;'<1j’LI";i5 7n A At:h<:AAir conAfAciAenCc:s; Y\ Whigghg if lAA1OW_ {$011. {hall ha-;o1at~wz:Ia ??a*d‘fcer “Eng * Aide dfthét work tvdhich God hath Vbeeu A A A A A A doing amongfl us izhethree Ay‘éars% Ia%flgT...p%a ,l1'avebc en his ain1c,t:0:;bri11g7 his“péQpIe%A¢i11tofucha fmngé as this is- i ‘F m' ;1%,,~ come What his pe®pIeAAW01_1I,c1.Bc*~i:1 thcirilatfer cridgl and A What Work ‘t1}cy wquldm 1mkeA of-It ,4 F Icfito Afifwifiedomc :md POIitick:~ LconXtri‘v:mces._ And?“ %G0d»ha‘th had th;-: filetgtpzrrtk fonzen‘ ,_ andthmfi goofdA n2"e"x1* too; ihfivé h?~ag:!~ he“ amve and bufle pmflf and A have "like % thf:"r!%}IEIVv¢s ’;1;1ac'§e a." Igriedtg" 7 ’ % %1i*c§iif¢,% L %%w1'1i41¥3*:? itA,:h%:z:I1 beena wand on’eIyafi*d*‘1*%11o‘ moré*:,,A“? A A Knot * Adone n1"ucI;1 I1ur,;t as yet 5 difatgrcemmit 0 {mtg wh?icI;iV‘ §$_Ln‘ot.3 Iidr ough ' 3 %Iikcf:A %t!’ir.=:;T~ih€>tfitf“"o?f3£1~3.*V%i awmig %*%tjL. I-10311? A A A but thcfcare Azmd jefalou-3’ fie 1; 5 hafl*i*A% 1:h*£3".TWh0Ic‘ Bqdy Au; i frmma and vh6%iia;>tto'fa1I%’ izrt0%gr€at%VcW;ms «difordeny .r V V M if there ‘be tbu§s4 "AdiAflE-11% t1ntedm?T th; 1¢:fi§3%f cbm'idér2rb_IAé,%5 }§::C:1u1?:;tj7 fifiIutiidfirva\pa€i$cnWf’rlcnce)4“wh9’”5 % “ A _ J‘ ~1§v;0u’Id féeria chiefly m R A *clg 3" faid”? 3 ms‘! rh A *3‘ W A ; e7llthemlé1ves~fau]Acy. kilo? 7'lKiI‘lC;=Vbf A Aa ~ 2-?}pmch A Pbettcrl thlcfi Vswhlilclia nevcrxmks glxteou neff: of‘»God. ti Efpc- cihlly l{7lI"!"'{Z§i‘4.?‘l7l'*l’fitll“§‘llTi:1Zll1‘l;)€‘CQf&-'d()lI1C~ amongfll us , ‘n?zaly¢.pp;) .. babll fill zikré: "e:§.*?; lxndvé 3 Athell=”¢fl“ec?c vol temp tajtlonf than ftl1’~"? Pi‘0?ii‘!*?‘° A .2 - of 1:en115tai:im”1;fiA‘fiS A~V<5‘li’37 'C0A}11’mQfA1 imtlidcm to men V i;11lpow:t>*l ‘ l:3cAi:to be ov<:r-- ‘t,?LMket‘iAli11;*2;n’d 'tl1e:*e:ilpoz1l? }h‘a,ve_l A it? Vfcalal bin; . F’ any l'1‘:‘}zill3iGllDllS lllldaAfi§jIie= 5 7 fand "til51lS for: A IIOEl_ll)T.§“"fl1OVE£‘l»;G‘QdA{h,a.l.l. help lmerl zmi tfllilt 1-Elma V .. llimlornillna ‘aprfw film; l:~:l xvill‘ nb I6il“gE”l*l’l““”;l“”“%"llfin.‘lfizswelwmll l ‘P“—‘3kA -a-gal 1'1» a d ffivxrzts andhems of llomzzll 1n;:11 3, andlzrs *lm wor a.Anz::=:. At wlficlxl be}%;"o‘*ne“ a8civé4zmcl powazrfizl 'i11l::§u: A all “ % -*1(243 aims 13t*0Vi.dc~nd’cs,Wvh€n 3% by: Land, or ;rfimain¢ 5!? V wunfel , lbfifi¢S”‘4f%at ‘homeforf the ppbli? 11¢ talk: anal %heaw%7V%h % .as;:=flocI<¢or§~1m1y.meLn \ 5 M as firufalcm ~i-nv her 1‘ Glenn: .4‘? prayeryioféhijsfypgzops Ac; e Vthtfm M Fcafis, will yet fir Ibis .b:fimquir:dl*of1>} the Hou]c’ Ufj¢}l,faitb the Laid, to (lot it fir t£u,=.in ; ~th¢yM,,.~ihall know that? I5 fhc Lord their %God7 Am with them,ahd% thatthcyA:%arc%%%1gypcq V "%‘.Tahd that ye -my Vflock%AArhe%iflock*.;of my pa-. A ** fiurc, are men that have fhewed your A ;_fl:lv‘e§ Wgak fiflflll mC11:o3-111d lam ‘YW1’ G0d%thatA%¢dec1am?1 A ~fi=:1£'an all—w‘ifc‘a-nd pow~At erful God, faith the A Lord Goad.» A ~39 q3331 A M % . P‘¢a"‘~‘-"2 ‘ ' ‘ ’ H 1; ‘ u ‘ : r r, v~ V ‘ "' 1*» ‘M ‘ " ‘ “ ‘ . : / ~~ . _ _ ‘ 1.! 3,» 3 '\ : ')' M M V. ‘ ‘ ‘H. ‘ ‘ ‘ N ‘V ‘ Q t crxpt. “ A quickfy perceive that tbqfe ‘hazy’ thing: are *% prmcipally aimed ntirz it by the Ant/Jér. % to qnjzveriaz that which i.rc;alled for 6} tbq/F:Az'ti power , when tbcy piibliquely prafifléw % A they dgj?rc notbirzg more than canvifiion and to’ find out the hidden }>ro*z2ocati‘o}z: wbicb -€1.f?l7€1' have % of A yetmaj jbriizgfortbtbc Lord agaixfi tbefe N4-~ V tiaw: ,?z'n”tb; may ‘wbicby at] prgfent“ they art “ M %Séco‘1:dly, '1‘ 0 rembveiant ‘of tb9emixdr~aAndfi7i- Vritwofi “tbwerIV-V}’pnqfl Purfie, tlmtflill agree” in the re2tfozz_‘ V and of 119: goflgi caufe 5 "411 V 4 t;bingflof‘ *4 yriware Name aizdfilflfb Concern (1/ac ” A fenderzcj wbereofferve: but to ‘fame-nt artdflrengu % » mhenamratb and di-ui/iom amortgfl them) and in gwbirb (if witbfinceririe em- bm'€4% A | fimavivh aw0#£fit/wwaévt 4% of V¢wfWvi"a . ,;,;,s,,,,*b,,,;~e;,,;'4~~ , = order to t/5i.r;.,-{fine Am‘/.v.§or hath not been mil- fipericjal.af§t’Ji:iDfi§1?1fif.I50n melt A A to at before them‘ that common and ” A arzzaj betvbemcauerof mt ml} procuring V W1) A _ %lirzg "?‘ lU“*W%f¥»%’.”f?I#:W"”%’1d tbmeymke. “ ‘V AA 4; e neer 4corej¢:6?a%re’a%r%ebeV care 3 of that , eevlvereirze e;,é;».:: I75"-veaml dzflénting g;;_1~g,;(,,s;e_, l2etterfat2f-'- M ”f;2:';?:}.«3}z 2;-zeVet to€_qet/9613*2zgei‘e;i_e;gi*eee1432222 4 flzfe and ’7ejg.lJt€0m'190tVt@77¢8, then to remaine at tiredifzfiuzee e A the} z1.r;e,.,to the apparerztml-vantage oftbe cm~e2or;- A rm’? ;. W eeereae/vine I rein?» ef téeeefiéee eeede;zezé1! giif me? ef I56} 7 ” 1;/vcqézi eecferiee tbateeeeéei ‘om t/fizzy; float! be Fééifleieg t0"cem¢ee7’e.et/5 te one 4ImtI5er; in./We 5 n ‘ we eaedifveeéiiéeee f€1J°