I) J i ,1’ W “ '. ‘ ef(M l ur er. ,;_ fifniém /rribendi deter lid-ertm; ipaiIIt't3.}'f'zz»~“ ' calm , (wa;s.the fayin A of *3c.aligcr? : )l '43.” Anditherefore, when I hrlt fell uponthis Paper, I was wifhing to my felf, that ['6- Pen than miI1C~5 that thee1‘ju{lnefsofl‘th*e Caufe, might not have fi1fi7ered under the 1 A ‘ 1 “' ' ‘'','‘‘I« 4% . I" '. ' ' . 4',‘ ' '1 l l 1'/' IN N . ‘ r:‘_ _ rm $1 3 /‘ n.',‘v‘ ;,g 3, _v . ; r~*v4. ‘ I l ‘wt. = ~ A 2 « /t:,,r.»‘.l 4»:-. l 4 '9,‘,.:»' I A C ' ' /lift . wealme of the Defender: Butwhenl few the wifer fort gating one ulporl another, émdtlte rerc greedily fwal ing it, either becaufe they underllood it not, or believed the others might; I i thought it my duty to evince to the World, that every man was not of the Authors opinitny and that :1 general filence had not begotten a general confent. And this wasthe true caufe of this A prefent Writing ;, wherein 1f the World {hall be pleafed to believe me,‘ I ask no more: If“ otherwife, I feel: notltingbut the emantia do pationeof Trutli-, and therefore if it be an Error, it is one “on r good a Subjeél, as the anfivering To danger. » ‘ ‘ous an Error, had lighted upon fome better ” the right hand; and may the better deferve pardon, not imi...} tation. it To fay nothing or theffitle, ( which is no more than the hDeca~ logue tythed, or one Commandment thrufl: clearly out of doors) Ifhall begin with the Author, whom we find bound up under‘ the name of Wiliiam AI/lm; but I believe he is not the lirll whotha::h A fathered a child "lZl‘1£1I§ is none of his own‘; and therefore I guellion whether it be not as ltard to mfpeét him, as difficult to nd him out? 13'oir(Abelides that by the thread it looks. not asiifit fhould be home..l'pur1)e there are manyv czrcumllances might induce the to t‘ it maybe Ali,en—born,e if ‘I could for the preli:-nt‘ithinil< upon anyEnglifl1»rnan abroad, whofibating theSubj'ec5l:)lwere able to beget fuel: another ze Butwhoever A hebe, the Extmnplie is more tltejn the ‘olden; and therefore I thought good to diftufi his,Argu- memo, ;and beftow fome ink upon the T¢tter_.,*that itfpread no farther. A e , V V ‘ A W _Az Thc E:r.,"5a}t’1‘2..; I 3. ’ 12.; .F@?.' I.- ‘ 4: :6. ‘ But to d 25 TIieVnext%thing c0nfiderablefare' V of the Gqntleman is verymerry, and % pe11ation;n05'VgoodSI.gbj4e€c willdeny .:;2jfijimACb$1¢22tr_7,(f01‘::f(5 indeed h§;i5,)%.yet'Very(i11tiful1y’ .' L ~ V ante diam} }mtrizs: i:$:ic].»:z£:+it.,_Az':¢ M239: :2 I % He would Wfairifhave him goge, that hemight come cam A A _ the V%rebeiIious;‘% .A A Aw , % %-+wHxééve»1;jam IRci1?M pmlaj/am I Tériizé V 6031? %vW3'?6?it=Cdr0T% ~-~---~- % ;Lafi1y,,A Alzgimpiieé aS».ifA. Iié, hzid déférved ,_xxre1It AAo£V%_h’is Cotzntry; A A and‘ yAetfmet1;inAkshe# might ha,VeA;reri1ex;1j1br%eg§,.th%e(fame C4pire1iMa0f Row 3% {Y€t‘119€>I1 %rfi0Vifl8 ai*<=d’iti0n,4. and f€ekingt0V gen the peopleto 11is« fiaftifina A he was,..With0utaI1¥%regazfdilad£0 V g00C1i_d€;fer .V P‘1Itcl3°C}h€aC§10ngff3n;: tI1§.Cd(f'ap£:¢[,A Kvhidi to %f@Ar;nAcr»AA1QnQr%A1eA1g o Va iantl 7 :25 ene% Inaword ._h'e%en..; A deavou1*s to’ place :1 Religion tge Aéf‘, and'W0111d%%Vbje¢::hought“V h.i;;mi'e1f to be gm Angel,‘ ifit befor nmthingelfe bu; ‘trO1‘lAb§i.%ri"g zzhe‘, WaI€I.‘S. 3? his Egifilés A3 A in the firfi Where. A gxves his ~Highn¢FS%%;g;n .ap..‘4.A Ahxm : He calls him A . . 4 L Vbvhis inheri~%“4V Q'¥aYS".,‘v1—ththeiw0ifd 1’ather,Afi5 .»wmm WithrI2ecre~T du1it¥%¢ net that 11¢ might! mm. my thing; . hut%33-rengrheflA%t»h€A Confxm-acie,%% for%’f~ the ‘Iex:A A A A ;fec%Qnd:,%Ato %gViVAAe@ the?:»1i10re7 c1*edit4%to his mL1tinou%s:perfWa§;%%4%k % V L > L4 ,1:" ,‘ fain_b€ thought 1:9 ha»v€:.%b.€:3n a» S0’1dier,a.nd%wbeliieveg» A Aflxere Way tA0i¢beAde¢1nedthC% C£z%e%% of the Age, un1eghe%dA&r§M A p1ainEng1ifi‘sAis efcend J50 his B0Ok,”;Athan Which? I have not znet with A A Ath:ing%morefa11aCi0AuflyCwpofeda 0r"n10re era-ftily Aputtogethker vw_herei.n, A cfédidiz L/af¢}m?}¢;fgri, popula 714tfp1;$2.-é£r£A'f,AAV’%j:Aj A tlxerweforew (like Manrla) 11.6% WOUIC1 fain rfilifli EWTYA ma 115 tafifig VA 2rndAbecon'Ie a11%t11i1iaS Vto a11%:nen,%t11atv he may gain.f*o1m:—;F<>r4 _ whi1{lAAh¢ a1*guesA:coi1fident1y, ;am,~»:.m, ex :%cam-e MA, zmd"'asw % fa,Aithof%f1;ch%% anotherf, .#N;mzxgm vveremf, gm-o%m»'eAd#z=;m-sgzgqmi é 473 .5.-AgMA«z,+ka.,,a.»,;:m:.:, he iinfinuates %%iz1t0 every f3.&ion,A, and interéfh »;f»e,¢;<_et.1y ftieaisir1toV Athe éafie4APe®p1e§Whofegears am more_ RI1eJtQ3:iq1;€, tAheniL0gick,4%kA %and[%fQ(A)n€r driven, by fi3:AeAAW0fdsj4 Jeggg perfwéifion xvhexmefi it c01nesto«pafi3, thatth%‘ey are czheated iathxhjé @Glo*i'si.n fl¢ad0ft11¢%%Te:Kt» Aamd guiled with the fpeci0u{rI¢f:_%“ A A . A of the bait, to fwaltlow the hook 3 which theyfeldom chfcover._,§,til-1, V l they};-ometo repentoflhotv diligorge, withoutfithe'iveryientrailes A oftlfome; of them,vihereit~lomt'l1 tlalten,fafle;fi:i A A eiefieéitedlz And» therefore (_ as vapours go no liilglter then the micldle Region, Aancl. from thencefallilwdown agatxt upon the earth) the g1*eateltir.lil‘lu—- V. ence it is like to have, nmlt be upon ( the '2mc=r:.;\tF ) the multitude,,_ A '*“'\and"t1]ef.e he ufethas the Mo»nke.y did the Cats paw, to fcrape the nultseout of the tire; and ltavitug put them inethe head thatmthey are the Geefe that muft p1'leferve tll1e.Cap1_t(ll , he perfinadeg them to i put their fhoulders to that, wliicltluimfelf ltrtowstto be too hot to V aerm 17' e touch with his linger. In aword, hewants neither fallacies to at--_ ' mufe, nor maltceto exafpemte them, fo that I may as trulv fay of ‘this Pamphlet what Hmmmma as mjultly {aid of .Littlt:’t:-2'7 .S‘ml- *i°‘”’”’.'’’7’’J.‘ , g , . . . . . _ , .,,- . u_ _V 3’ l _ H , jcm'lrz!zI2m‘,. Mm: wdmtmr; zzz zcflo 7 Zzérat mm .m;:zla.tm, @"-ffllfimfitflfidt fimfw ,4,/‘_,l tic-‘tiwduml In theuneztt place he falls tzponthebu{inefi:»of'l.S‘Imierramév,. ztndll iwoulcll fain know, xvl1etl1er(£f' rlamr /Md éeen mg» /mr/.4 Pint) it (iv term the 1§€pitih.itesoMri¢ Speaker gave it, via. of El _ A t _ AA _ A toody, Wick- ecl._,c§»¢. CO1'ltCE*i”I1lIIg;‘\7Vh1Cl1, bectmfel I {hell have an oeealiot1t_ot‘_ ‘ fpeakto it irleifs l,31‘0P€‘1‘Pl?C€, Iflmllone-hr fay thus muc:hCto itat prefentg Thaztit will found little otltetwife' to any perlbn of ho-l-v .nel‘ty,Vo;‘ honour, it being 8. COL11‘f€.‘€1g£lll1llSall1’;.lO1’lOlllf':,‘Rt?llgl* W§,T1l(’J'l1.,," *gion,. Society’ “ gamma ty, L Laws ‘of “Nations, and the very I yOfP0l1Cy~, Laiilgr, An aét fo batbazrougjamtl ferine, thatweteit not that it would he avery t1'eproach to the age, that thermlatteri Earn. 3.15‘. ' ‘Higbnafr be 4 Tynan: or not ?(JVi1iCh'l1€ is pleafed to fay will 59" V mm) 2, If /136:2, 'Wl:et‘/jeriit he lmsrrfvtfi.’ tavkil! 557% 3 T3. [fit mould beonce difputed, or called 1in“lque£tion,l it couldfneverl be defended : And fo I leave it * to tliatiliicenfutewhich St, gm“ giveth of the wifdom of this World, "Wbic/a (faith he mt framiaézowt, /vxzt 2'4 earth/rid fim/ma/, ta:2aIai:;~22.i1z’//3. ‘ 2 But to draw into a Mleiifeii Circle7( or asihimfeltf faith ~fenfi:‘mm” fi,'ri0I«xflj; A *hisQt1ePtions“eare Three.’ f 1. iwlmlmt bid ) I defemdetb be lawfnlt’, Whether in}: 11%‘ to prove more profiuafilegi oeitmxzitam V I-, Q_'_'efl:. to hdttdled.‘ to the Ce=mmoma3eaZ:la 3’ In the handling of a1l\vhilch,ttl1ati;,I may A not lfeem to balk axiy thing by ‘filencel, oral cloud any thing " words, I {hall take them in.ord'er as he hath laid them ; And begin with the firii, which,if ithe no CQ€i:iCiOn (as he would have it) ' it needsino Anfwer: But becaufehe makes ufe of that feeming A negation onely to affirm the Pcronger, I {hall coniider his divifiont .a of a Tyrant, viz. fie: Titfl1e,ié' t€'.eg:4c-itz'a;, wherein, I hope I" That. his ~;H ghnefs is not '.Z:'yr:n_mm', fine Timzo. Ihall evince A ‘to ther. * ; i the Worlcl; That His Highlneié. is within nei-« As to the fitit -, he faith, That ;zfli'1’ower .02/er at ommamsaeav/t/a, i; derived’ eitlserfrcm the azppoirztrnent of Goahtmfi t/as canfmt of the e 'Pe‘aple t/oemfilvzgiex : Whiich I grant him, with this reiiriC°ti0n,‘Tl1at where thepower of God doth not intei*po’fel ( as it willbe hard‘ at him to prove that it hath done at any time, fince the Common-‘ A A wealth of the Jews) the cuftom of the Country is the ruletto go, a by; and tlierefore the thing that we are to enqture into willbe, whether. his Highneié hath a fuflicient power‘ coa’amitAtiedtftolhim accotdizigto the Laws andaConftitutionsof this Na_"ti0t1‘? xvhich, A he have.;,-it will not matter what cuftomslthee Hebrews had a-‘ A ;.mong{t them, lbutalfufliciently prove our purpofe, that he is no Tyrant in Title. And theirjefotetfor Janfwet. to his Exainplesof Sam}: and David! being chofen by God, and confirmed by the people; we mull: know, thatthe Jews-had an immediate ~rex{elta~i A tion ‘of the will of tGodtby his Pi'ophetls5li4ewhich in thol7e~tiemes,'i 1% We-:fhalli rarelyeifind, that they gaiVn—faici,i efpecially in thiings oi”? 't~l‘liS‘1_'1a£l_1rfe -, and cozi_feq'ue1-itlyjthe meeting, of the people at _ }2:t_»f:~._, and Ht‘£’f07i_llt05‘ Cb?-:fi.ryg3«A‘tiI€‘1‘ll as heecalls it) was hut an of at or lcdmpliance, teltlxatwill of .God,wel1ich he l1ad_ A pre~declzu:edAA ” 4 hi; dpmphe: llsgmmza Aforifit flaould be otherWxfe5 the ,ele&ion ’f;*omsAGo.d would have fignified little, unlefs ivt: {hould have A pleafed the Vpe0:p},e :91;-we confirmed them afterwards. 4 Befides, let: him makeo:fitwl1athelcan, I do not conceive that the Law givene Lethe Hebrews ( -aslt is properly Law ), ls obliging to other ANa-- A %,;i=€>n.s; for no La\xr%~binds any to whomeit was notgiven, and fee A . ' faith Gram Andthat it waseiven to them» the Law it 1‘ If f’§’;£‘¥- fpleaké; agsmucligl AHem:‘0 l[/Mal, .A,I‘N1d.tOACh€fl:1% folely, Will ap-e fig}, ‘ g pear not: onely by -the feeondverfe oflthe fame Chapter, L7'I'aeAID‘élm. ;;,_ Lg}raiAemr~'qadm4da 4 Cavénmzt wit/9 24:,_c§-c but by ])m;.4-7, A land P/a1*x47.2¢o. where Mafia: and the P/elmifl, tellg them they ~ewe1-be the onely people ‘in the "world, to Whom Goa peculiarly gave his Laws. And that the jewsethernfelvese didltake it T), will be manifefti11tl1is, that the Pfflfélitflil Pozftae, of whomwe read in 3% _4,”_ ' me licmrrlll Commandment, was % nm: cincumcifed., neistherdidhe ,;;.;I...¢,;, .. mnform himfelf to the M0faica.1Rites;, onelyhe was tied toethe ‘ ebfervance ofthofe Commandments, which were given (fay they ) l we Adam‘ and Noigllafi; vzgig, toe abfialn frgm Idols, and Blopdgévcl A md yetgheywere fueh perfons als.lwed 1n the he9.rI:0f their‘.Com~ ; meinwealth amongfilthem QlfthiS-:;fO1rtl were, Cfamelim, 1457.10» mhe Worflvfppixg Gygclgg l1;f.landA thofelof whom we mad ";deL‘3.’2A;5.TIaere were dwéllbig at fem/pzlem fewer, (£Z:*af:e; 3»uAc:!;I3;:-'¥:) men tlmt feared (fad af every Nsztirm mmler Heaven.“ And this will A appear farther St.-‘Pam/, W110 faith, IT /2.1; /act/Mr is c£r»:{:sm~ 7 ¢-,;@,£lAl,;,,-4 delztome-» the w1ao1e‘Lm; to xvhich, ifa.ngo,;1e\vl1owas . lal3tmt§nger,%Adid fubmit himfelf, he not onely there“ y gained the " ei: ht =of;ea}Native ._,A A but was in oppolfition to the forxner, called A Prr9fi’l_7TW_‘lFA£8d¢riA‘,» fizgcf ?flfl{tia:, in regard he was obligedto the “ whale .MQ‘faicAalLPzEdag0gy3 theotluer not. . Again, we are bound M Gmf V Mzenoe part; oflthefleblrew Law, as it4i$%properlylLa.A\v5 becaufeall 2.x}: e. 7 I A lohligatieng exceptzby?theLa\xIofNamre, comes fimm the_\villlof l fletlm: Law-.giyler: Bu: tha1:eiA: was t‘l1lewill0f God that otheeslbefides A A ltlletllfmelizxel; fhouldbe holden by tl1alI:lI.a\v,, we have not the leaft . e A .i_m:imAation. A Frners=of the Great ‘Seal, the Judges,Lord1»4ayor,‘ and Aldermen of .1;.o:~:flan, Sotlldiefgr, and other perfons of qua- lity, aptieblicldy a.fW.0rn;tat0e£thE hid Government in PVtflm§:vfla:'*He]l,_.“ bée.“1?<;»rerhe faeeeaf athae. people: Andafot having brought his,High-7 ne*fs:tineoa,I1ei»sChair, _I.’.‘fhaiHt3a‘V€_11im there, and ’coaniider,wbhether t thee people have given their confent and approbation to thistGo— vernment of his Higtbnefin, wherein I think it willabe an eafie- matter tottprove the Aaffirmatywe, 1tI}.ei~S'. to thxs purpofe , _fir{-‘t, The mofi: confiderable Ofthhee people, the Ofiicersand Souldiers of .EMglaznd,, Scotlggzd afldattffflflfld ( wbomel call moft confider»abie,,... intaraegard, the experience of all 'times~.hathmade it evident‘, that fuch perfons, have always c—a-retried no final] Ptrokeiinthedifpofal of the Chief M_agifiracy,efpeciaily,_, where it hath been Eleétivee; and mat Suceeflive) and I;heeref'0mree I fav, e\,tvitnefs«firPc, their *con’fent,;, A «wthricbe not onelyclear -enough at tliis day, by their {tibmietting to him“,‘but aslvasaft1rthe1* evidentgat that time, by their Rbemonftrancea and Subfex-itptio*ns. Secondlyyvitzuefsallthee judgesof the Land,“ ivhoeonceiving theretwes ¢aedtitflb,a1utionoaf Government’, fl:-rupleti to ;a&__, E111-E1316}; bad re’cte2Nede new Comrmflions from .1113 Hxgbneié, byvertuea ofwhiclytlieyhave (finte aéfed. Witnef§‘tbirdly,‘That. pubI1ir:.k‘ and magnificent 4.EnEer~Eeiin~men:t, of tb’e‘~City 0f“~L0~2ea/air; A »d1fe‘i;congra‘tu1atory Man:ife{‘co’se tof the City 3, and County ‘of A &to§;a;;gI¢,_I/I/jig/e_4zz§z,,l?I/czoz:i':‘?t'9.tz1<;,, m¢n_@r,_ _ Tyre; and divers 0therCitiesa aandBurro11ghs-, the gbeneraiap-e A pmbation of fotmaqy Grandejuries, at‘ their publickfxflizes, in the ‘name f themfelM,es,aand -CO_1‘]I1CI‘i€S3 their returns of thanks to : his;Hi‘ghnefs, that he was be“pIeafed to acceptthe 'GoLvernrnente; and fotLem.naaPr,otePcat1ons, of then‘ defence of bun, m the c’lefence~~ aiiflit ._Add to thisa, the'huIfnble ePetiti01;1beof divers Cities,'ar1d Towns Aincorpborate, as Szzlijétary, C‘,olcIJzfle;r," Lym R9155; Z1/Im}-Ie._ and Others, whereby they a- A edefiredf“ - 4 09%) T ’ gdefigeda *I1is‘§_—Iighnef.; xxiotild Be%pieiifed ~t0VVrerIe“W théh; VCharf%ei'§; whichhath Been’ according1yV"4d1;md:, Eh;-ti: -fub;‘£1£Hi€31:§:t o€ %hi$&AHighn~_ef§V‘ % for callingtwoPar1iamems, fince hrs Haghnefs acceptmg <5f.thc %>~Governrnem:5 the§;X€1€<‘f’tiQ1is by~v%ertue of thofe Writs, and“Re4 A tum; of therng, andlaflly, t11ea&ua1%fit:i:1gof tI1eiffefir"’eralmem~ » BefgCthtf‘R691’-.€{9flt3;E1V€Sbfthfi people)ar1d xnaVk1ng:;Law5%t%i@- ggther with%%his% HiglznefsgbQt;h.wl1icI1,A*i:1oI£x1dhot (fof muc!i”asVin % A common .fpéech) b\e%ca11ed APa.r1ii1m¢Mez1t‘Ls , n_O Qthe-rxvifc; %t“hén¢sis % they ownedthfiat poxveg whxchgave them bemgg, and nothiing;-‘of Wghgch gould have been done by hisHig11nefs, ifthe fupremacy ha?! % A bili in him“-, for, Q;¢4ic:;:;;;§§;z1cé}j§e:it.t2sl£",,£'[£ mg :15 Mix? : I11 all%Wh%icfi «infiances, %Iha.ve* pL1rpofe3ly4 a void‘ed%eV"c«.ty t: aihg thati‘“1high§,V Yd much as loolglike a paffive, <)rAimép,licité &%fi1bmi1Ti0%n’;M% (it be7iAng~0Lh%e. A of the Objttfcions wliich our Ayut”h0r% pretends to aniiwr, Iiow 1a;;.qe1y,and falA1a,cioufl%yheI1at11 done it, I fubmit it to f()bf31f men ’ aifl$fi)c){»have one1y%pitched upon fuch, a.s~are in themfelves exprc~{’s;, % ar1da‘&z1z:.1,-, and filth, a$InotAamo11nt~to;but are,explicitAaé1s of A fagc;14Aaimobe¢1ience= Sothé1t Imay not%improp‘erly%apply of M;értiaZ,At0 ourfpreffint purpofe, Vex oii'axerfzzf&/”amr$ papmlomm J «zmmmm mm.» Fifthly, To fay nothing of the recog~nitiovhoF thep1*efent Government1m.der his Hig%hneI%, made in the Parliaw % men: léfl; before this; There is an 218: of this prefem: Parliamerfi: (hmvever tlie Gentleman is pleafed 120 call a free E1ed.°cion, «:1! ;"m¢zFZo) difanullingAtheTit1e, amnd Line ofV’the%*late King, as alfo ojne $0. % ther*, whe1'ei:1 they declare tlmtthe profperity and Afafety of theft ; Nations, dependeth ( under God) upon the fecurity and prefer“ vationof his I-Iighnefi pex.-{on : I might add, the offer oi-”t:he Crown, andRega1Di§nir.ies., made him in this Parliament, but I ufeit »oné-Iy as an inerence, to fl1exv,Lthat’theyare fo farfro1n%‘difmvn~ 7 ing wha”t11e hath alre-ady,A that: they % w<5uItfhavcgiven1%1im movrm V % 1 As alfo that other or % this Parliamefit, xx?Iiereby~tI1e~y defire, that his _ I-1igI1nefs: will be pleafed, by; and under the11a1ne o.FL0rd P*rote&or ‘of the Commonwea.Fth#ofE:¢ Ieznd,.S'c0t!:z12a17%and%Iré‘Iszm’, andthe" Dominions, em-.,tLo‘ho};d2rnd% exercifh the "of C.hieFMMagi« éPcrat¢oF thefé Nations,.@‘v¢.%_ and hisJ"I—IiWghnefs’s%publi(1uE4Ii19mIment in purfuancc of it’;j_%bm"becaufe it happened. fincge 1:hisPamph1et came out“, %1{ha11% onely 1;1feV1t as an argument, that requires‘% our ~ .2; ' :6bc“di%~ .power was tonne A1 A %he’ighA.t of: mien, pofed tottllethietn time, to come : So. then, tadeénitting ‘the hi;g‘h’eff: A AA A 'n:tt11tePVeop1e,A_tI1ey have bythefe A¢‘ttsV%dix(ei‘red% themfelvesi of that power, tV%it11out"ar_1y Apart fof éthat right retains ‘7mA;1h.hotrt‘ referved to t11em!t3éh1ves- 5;”) =e«3é‘.édi¢11Cefor the retat1ons.&V€11&V€ 4 tQ;1e;pa1*ty hAA_ath been; prevAa1er1tto day,§_anotther~to marrow, a third .the;~neXt,t; Wh'i1£t the? P003: State lay Vveitrine in her bi'o0d;.and ex-+ omgntee guidance ofany fourhth, who were abie to beat the,.othe;A: three Nothing co fifidering how theyrem ethefir comcyn, mot_her,, and’ that whoeverhhad the better ofit, the A A tCommon,Wea1.th muff need5s.bee»ath1ofer :— I fay th(e1?ef'0re it was pm; ‘ 'ot,.urrL;t11AaAr_1ec_1s,t\=sr11iAcl1:», ' Snmz¢AAite:, Jethon of‘ 0 7 ‘T. P £7‘! A‘ Aw ,3. ' “ fig’ .= 3‘ A 85-?V$‘-‘em R‘. H53.'.’!..1.% Dtfijure heiii <2’-,7'v..'. e H 1ib.'It- “C-74%-1;. Mha.tt__.A1e2._z_Ao 3°”-“£”.F.: t~ - A W’h.%il£t_;hee,was eVen_,.€he11thVflyi vidently do1ie,ofttheePeop1e;J,;$ to difpofeve,ofth“at ppwet; out oftheir .At9Vtheittpxvn ht1ftA:: AAn‘d~ Ath"aAtjfuC’11- thirggshavegebeen done AAin,1i1g¢A tmannert” by others%h,~~Weh hizve the hexamplest of th€;A'“F.-zZi»’b£””;t the and tI1et9Cémir?;$;tmiazza: to the People of Rama .: Th"e.l--.Afub.. A AA the I_g1tte1;,_Adf.w'1:iic‘ht>WehhaveAtin.ethiseforth. tQ°a‘p:¢Alzm"att .““‘g’pP.fl’g;‘y’”’fm‘\q§z£:;fi?fljF'z%*§f3’,*‘Z1&gr0'r:')?»4/clfiéra deem. di2»i>«»«<;, "m¢zxAé‘°g{;z¢e otmnia; h in .h k1iti,:~}a:‘m, tdedz'mm 4 TAheA Pheagief of e[‘amp.»zmL; ethe?.Citey, atpiza,A0ur Laxids, the Temp1est0fffQtt1r‘e G.oAds,e al1,c{i‘vi.ne andvhumahe.-[things, we yield. into your hands,‘ ()A*«‘yeCt)11Aftript Fathe«rs.,;eBe_fides, ,/Aitis heft agreeable to the hu... mar 05 this »NatiOn,A;_)V1 atu_ra11y_,ha,teh,megtlier,tohe governed by M A A ’ ority,,tt11*a,t,xvagmihsttheir ]7’e1AAl<;“i\v+ V 1'€f‘Uf»‘3.C13£;i"tf1.ti"1‘5t?1:ty ffere A , b"t1E"L1nCh‘§i‘1h the mem: Aofét Single .]pe_rf011-, tholdingit not 0n1yfconvenier1,t, Pt rat§.,_c>n:tI,l Lactcording §tQ. eTam'2m, mwm tt1Ampe-rivicarfmn” h 5552'»; aridir1'anoLh¢11jplace;,flfftezér z‘n:emAfl}.“«:m$aem A emferyi. ;I.afHy,,, l_'_:e..~A~i,,s~ in hp0ffE3m011, which isfiasi g,ogAc1.eahT~it1east:ax;y. oft t,h€*Romar1 Emperoirsgf “qr mofi: 0£~O11&’"0'~WI1_ K1i;A1A1gs*had tqtheir AEmpii*e_~-,h And Grarim te11s\‘1’1sV,Ae A private,man 0t1gl1tbyn‘o.,mea*ns to t.ta1teAt upon himfelf to judfge, hut -‘f01'tQW the gofieflion 2 So did,,MChrifl'5(_jQ mmanding T ribute to, be gqid to A(.‘¢fazfr,* be.:;a1;;fe,;_the;tenjxqney;bare};his.,.Image , 4.3. becaufe:*vtheA";\%.z;ae;ih poifefljoh the ,,E1np,ire= :- 01.1 mote then one, A.ore to ,ft3:.’;‘e.‘;A2Al. pri A fiubjecfts-3 and Athete2iA'()re,; lA.;.ke1tth,e CAapped.oc:'azn.r, _A whAi.;ghAtwaso dV.t:}:V*en1, _:.»u7fitm.1ng thVeyfcd*un0t lwe been two «WW4 teem‘ pg t<&=].7:._.eAtt mmzd we rm}, A A A 11g,froh'1 thee~RQutiA;1.t Plqm.~fal2'a) gitjgeettétot Athe;tCitye_of,Jl4}r£1,en¢; ,Tl1att’,they fhfoilld feannothing, btt1>:tef;1bmi§,.ethcrnfe1V€$h' t§0..h,.0b¢y. Cwfar ,.«rhe C0I1€1U@f013~:1.:t“JSO" A ‘ A - -A A V‘ ,tAhenaA A Neither‘AAAwast this«w'1thout the _1f_' we c0rtfidet* the many changes and ctircum“ A fuffered‘ Wxthin théfe ten 1:19: y-ears, Wh€1‘€.'iIg h all tthjetwhile they h.€1.dit,_thh,€y feIdQmufed;e.but , And the fame advizcedidf A pcit‘) then, Wltetlxet we Iofhlt upon the confent ‘of the"”P‘eopl‘e, fo5rf=’hi'3 ’*=l.w're i being in pofleflioln yoiftheiysupreme Magifltjaycie, (whi‘chK,l faith Em *8’ famam, takes away all defetts whatever,',and~l;~Was if'O"l1’€‘l-dlhbiyv KK allfthe Judges in the EXchequer—Cl1aimbeir,inthe can of ‘Hen;-;. )he I H. 7. . hathTitleenon’gh to require our obeclience,alnd'fi1bmi=fl7i“on to;«~him.IK VI Beliclesg, the Laxvs of this Land i*equireK it, albeit he had no o’ther~- "Title then tlIe.i.ibare Poffellion : For, whereever *the“Law fpeaks K of ~_NZfl,}e .S'e."g;‘ai0zf y/e gt is to be underliood of a King dcfaaa, alndenoteak» '7',firc*:5t4.iri, o’fKa" King t‘€g}1&nC,, anKd?+noti*of$ia King in name K only. :»-Andfo we findeity taken, IK.,&-22. of Pb£jiP‘andefl(1JérQ', where; amigo, I an Aéhwasmade, That the <:o_mpa;fiing the death of King P/::'l£‘p; ' dtiiing his marriage with the Queen, K fhould be Trea-fond-, as well? knowing, that he was but aiKing in name only, and not in offiee,.. h and to not Within 25 .3 So thefitatttte of (for“ind.empni; :zH.;.mi~ fying-KKfi1ch as lfhould take “part with ltlie’ King l1athiheenKi‘ex;ie:. yntpolnndedfio beunderftoodlofa King i11p‘0f{'eiffion5 For ifzhere-; W A be‘ a’ King regnant in poffefiion, although he be K: x do f,;;a;¢.5,~an¢1;«.I’%*'i'-7" nag,/gj,g‘,yg, yet he is 5'52'r la Rg withinthe purview of this Statute. ‘ And that we may fee thiswas no new thing __,y taken up to feijve the iprefentitoccafion; we‘ may eafily»»'Kfind thati it ha=d.beenK fof0- 1~ _1.!f@.!_0f Cjrm ? Cfrarimi calls it an honelt craft, if hi it be devifed ‘ A apgainfk an iEnemy:, and faith, It matters not , whether aifnan et . 011?. Of the power of his Enemy, byforce or fraud: and to t at pur_p0fe_ quotes St.Ckryfof}i«m , who faith, Thofe Generals are molt it ‘praife-worthy, who have gotten the Vifiory by Stratagem : And ‘St Ag.-gu/i‘im=, who declares, that whenia jult War isundertaken ii; _is nddifference‘ in point of right , whether one fight with open force, or lye in wait. ‘But becaufe fome may objeét to me, that the Father faith it mufi be a juft War: if you will take what is a jult G W >‘ C Om; Of ALI.'b}i) int iS £111.13 3“ frzfintm efl5eflflh1,q:rihm_Me£emzri~ tum, @‘ pm armor, qaiéua m zzntarmza fpe1'.efl..A 'l"hat War is 'juf1j_&(= . that a man cannot avoid, and thofe Arms pious, where 3 man ham no other hope but in them. And therefore let no man think he is ‘ ‘.3 ‘V ' "" ‘ , " "1-- i~.A.’‘.o “. gbllgfiid tfo fight with his Enemy in mood and figure, A or‘ that it ,5 3 .1‘;-(ea o On;))1‘_,ZtOflr1k€. him anywhgifibut upon his »Bm_~k1eA1-A A _0 471 ‘Wartime qrm m 0 e r€gI4irat? was anold ‘faying ; and \V_1t'h'0.I1AE.a large command of ‘both, I thinl€..aiPrineieil l V ultay [keep hisDominions fo long, till another who hath gmorewit . t en iimfell’, take them from him: }or,it will be aneafie matter .. "'Mt‘3‘_;F1£1‘€/!$.~£0 fatiiisfiethetpeople, with whom, asfaith A.S'Aemr.a -**""""""&he»i,'.. in mg tar 5:115 excites noatuzufle, andthe depth of their enqnii‘y,iis noit‘P3et-fww» 4 howfbnt, who, had the better of it. Haw. ( the firft Anceltort l name) among the Bead-roll of the Kings Enemies. The tale oi’ .35‘ the late Line, for whole caufe I beleeve this Pamphlet was prine cipally intended) will tell us how lawful it is, if not, acrediblel Author will inform us, he madea higher ufe of it, when to give the more credit to his Efpials abroad, he made his Religion, a Pan-— L._B.mm_’s dat to his interell, and tiled to have them curled at Paul! (by which was, \ That as many confpiracies were thereby revealed, for the fame and fufpition of th-em, kept ( no doubt) many from being attempted. M l o ‘ Then again, he fa¥lhl1,, A Tyrantenctvveri goat/9 Witbom lnl: G1¢.:zm’,v nor 122;: Higlmefx wilt‘/90.14.-t an guards: '- , Which, how L1fual'lt“=l5'” for the meaneft General, needs no example. ‘ But if he had given aAr,/,, PW us all that Arzflotle had, faid» concerning it, hcmight have tolclus ,,s_ ‘W H. A his di~fference,.lbetwixt a Kingand a Tyrant, in that the Hrft is" guarded by his own’ Snbje&s,;, theother by Straiigoits : And which of thefe two hisHigltinelhrefembles, I leave it. to his very enemies, (nay the Author-»him_f?:lf.) to~jndge.. i l l Again,,,( faith he) 7¥1J€]”‘1.7‘.UFO??}B7I._/z?"'t19\£'”,P£0P[€‘g" that they may ,‘wms‘t- the power, if rilsegrd [Jews the will tn attempt any thing ngninfl , them .: Which, that it is infeparably incident to all new States, no nnvdetftandinigmaii candeny, when he {hall conlider, that the . the Peeplie, who are always inclinable to change, in hopes of a better, not meeting with what theyexpefted (in regard of the at Neceflities that attend «as new ~~State .) arev.ltill«prone. to tryg further. , i i A * ., Again, (faith he) T/any mnkemmr to -divert, and btfieit/on people 3,. 1 But, that thisis no more then what hath been prafiifed by our own Kings, will cafily appear in our Stories (as lame as-they are.) it And,truly,_ were our ~Wars at this time the fame ,. “(Wl1i'E’h. the Gentleman. doth not prove fo much as by circttinllance, or any thing elfe, belides his own word) yet tlieywinay be j1.1,l)fiHCd,lI,0 t:l‘tandl.with a great deal of reafon: "F01‘,'__, foreign wars are thefinlt of at C0mrnonwealth,l,l aihl arelthe ,fame to the bodypolitique, ,, thatlleeches are; to the body i1‘1g’:LtL'l:t‘£~ll- -, who, belicles that they carry v ofiia deal..~of-'.tnela.ncholy, black blood, are by ea:periienc,e,found' v to ch:awofi7 thecaufes of thofe,‘vapo.rs, which, if they were let alone, _W011ldinf£PC the head» at Eamt-3 .~ and iflflflu 5. made the famfe» “ C. i A no ‘ one ofit: The latter of which a table, War, 5 broad, they ha _ A l . tombultion. Neither can any fobe have had. as honorable an .£‘..ei;:; wherem, we have let the world, 7 , lLi1OW, wehave been able,‘ at thefarne time, to grapple Wlthioulf; . need not fo much as naminlg. An \ the Scene hath been his “owns Chamber) tneerly defenfive, and (I6) , at what time -the Nobility had fat; the Commons againlt the Bifhops, by the perfwafion of Tlmm Ammlel Archbifho p of €mzte:«‘£rmr_y (who had put him in head of his Title to France) he diverte which ended in. the Conquell: of that Kingdom: whereas, ifthecy had been cherifhed at home, and not vented ta» Enemies, and defend our Allies. The examplgsflttare obvious, and d therefore,wl1ereas he mltanceth the war with Spain, it xjvillteafily applearlto be a war (however thruilc upon usby that Na‘;tioin,t Whole houndlelisnambition thilnksl he hath too littleelbow-s-room, ttll he can wrttea Na pin; aim, suponthe o n L. Bqcgm. ""5 i 3 grown to ru C'm*l/9.l;t/IE,’ then under Rrmtj, after that under Sm-.1e.e=m, Garlm, and ne, as he hathdone the contrary upon the othier of Hercules Pillars: And therefore, rnetltinks ldain, That i le, yetof antient time ferved many Ages, firflf under . others fhould of late yearstake to tlternfelves that fpirit, as to dream of, a Monarchy in the Weft, yaccordxngyto that hold Devife, Video ..S‘ale=m Orimtem in Occidenre , only becaufe they have ravifh- edfome Mines, and ‘Gold, from a wild, and unarmed people, who *' had tlelfstllrton then themfelves: But I believe, they have met with ‘« hath been to find them out, the next to beat them. another kind of people ‘in the Eaglijb, whofe firft work hitherto t Laflly, for that partof his Highnefs Speech, which the Gentle... man is pleafed to call his Comment tyupontufriflotle, I have met -Detjm-e 1 W P41‘. cw‘. with the like of /l4..A»ntm¢inm,,WhO would not touch theflpublliique « rnoniesnvilthout advtce of the Senate , t Dion.l. 6. quoted bytarmm .,lt.I. c.rzp.67. ‘i l" i t I might with eafe run through the-ref’: of his Charafter, but as I faid before, they do not campetera faif, and therefore in this “_"pli:lCC I {hall make good, That if there beany little thingsin this 1 tl‘Government of his Hilghnefs, that by itnplicationa may beldraxvn within anytpart of has Chara&er,, ( for direetlyl there are none that they are no .otl1er, then what either the ptefent condition of t .. the d thofe”1'llhutnors into anhono. t engaged this Nation inlittlelefs then a general: a r man fay, but that our Wars. we {hould a little dill ' the Nation of Spain ( whiclt however of late it hath, (173 the state will heft hear, or what molt wife, Princes, and C'o111mort‘-if wealthsltave upon like necefiitles of State done, and may,w,_ell‘ T jttliifie the doing of. And here, we muft notloolt upon aCity," or state that is corrupted, with the fame eyes, as we wouldupon thofe i fionrifhing ones ofold, which we have read of, becaufe the Times I men read of‘, are commonly better thenthe Times men live in, and the duties better taught, then praétifed: And to this purpofe tfaitlrihe Lord Bacon) They contend too far, who would impofe the igaws of Antient feverity upon diflblute Times : And that our‘ Times have been fitch, I believe theeqtteltion may be favecl : And therefore as So/022 faid concerning his Citizens, ‘That he had given Plot» 50:. i them the belt Laws they were capable of-, So we innit fatisfie our felves with fuch Adminiltrations‘ asptwe have for the prefentt, as Well knowing ,jthat the fudtden throwing off, even of the worlt things, i*s‘i.dlan,get0us, and Advifes that way, are fafelier heard, them‘ A followedwt Which error Ciczerq notes_in Caro the Second, whenlza. q»yz.:,., tvritittgitoillits friend Q/'§{Z"mf1'C'fi!.J',., he fzuth, C are optimui‘ fcmit, fed ribjc‘éttt£3éterz2’trm Reipkb. t Laqraimr eigim tazrrqmmz in Repué». *7*?atotm'.rt, mm Nzgrgfdxzm rs fmfieflameli. In ilii€fIlZ1tI1I1C1",.tW€t‘fI1l1:PC not farg1‘1e* “ 4372?: ,,c.n,aflz'ra‘ra7’, ad lcanflitimn,d;zm,linl as much as the l‘orn1erF.,i~s fikli, reeled, and the latter, trying allways in ordterito:tl1at end; Someitjhingsptnas be not only jtiltifiable, but laudable as the cafe may happen, W ich at other times, are fo far fromparcloin, that they do not deferve ex_eufe.’iWho wouldnot think that man be- t yojnd the powersaof Helleborr, that {honld throw his goods over-“ bhard inua Calm P and=yet,i1a.a {term ‘there is nothing more ufual}. < Thevcafe is the fatne here: ‘There are (faith he) rdxfefg ma_oiArmi. .1 on foot :. Io an~fw“er which, there are Enemies abroad, and Difiontents at ithoime: And asit cannot beexpeéted, aelorlg as theticaufe remains, the €ifCi&ifl'1011id]b'€ taken ,‘away, or N that the Accellory fhould lead, sbutiifollow its Principal-, to neither caniiizr rationally be thought, that our Taxes fhoultlcea lie, or or Armies be 1 disbanded,,:t’as long as tlt‘”§re*,atei13nemies,ior Difcontents to be feared», who, though theymayi feemto fleep for? the pref:-n-t, ’tis but as AP-fizzy reports of the Lyon,‘ with his‘ eyes open: And there.« foiea man Inuit notthink an Enemy deftroyed s as foon as, he is beaten, or rooted ohtgbeeaufe heis not able‘ to iteepthe field .-,4 but ply‘ him wi-thpwarm clothes, and if he be notlablettolcoimeltoylon, £n.llow him..~.And.fo did Ccefczr, who thinking it not enonglito " A V D :2 ” have» n K I8 ) ”h2we beaten ‘I’ompj:a.t in'}J:i£'}"/.flZ[1g'£1,"f0l‘l0lVSi,film into Egypi, and his jifons into ._9p.»zin, to make that Vi&or~y leenre, which otherwife had, ‘_been"but doubtfull; find the finne do all wife Princes (_ or lhch as intend to be fafe‘) dealing with thofe before (as boys do with Adders)neVer think them dellroyed,though Cut in pieces, or liiffici. -. fently fe-cure of them, as long as they threaten fo much as with their ..,tailg;, left ( what Naturalifis report of the one, provetruein the " other) that thofe divided pieces crawl together again, and thole Tbrands,but fuperficially quench’d,breal< forth into at greater Flame :3 l Now how this fhould be done without men, ‘and'monies, I under» _ {land not. So then, if we have Armies, and Taxes, ‘they are but ifome of tho-fe natural effefts wltich Wars bring along with them, it which being once removed,the other will foon ceafe ofthemfelvess till when, ‘?rel'ervation is to be preferred before benefit, inasmuch as tl1of'e;C.ounfels which tend to the former, feem to be attended ,, with neceflity , whereas thofe deliberations that tend to the latter, fr feem only accompanied with perfwafion : And it is even gain, and I no lofs, where at the foot of the account, there remains the ptir-{_ ;chafeofl'afety._ A l \ V‘ l l V _ "~ But becaufe men are bell taught by Examples, and a fober in, -ql__1l_1‘yl1’1lZOtiI‘{1€S pal}, is the belt way to be fatished witlusytheitttimeifin . prefent-, I {hall give fotnef few inllances, wherein this Neceflity 3' ‘hath been the guide not only of particular mens aétions, but elven , A ,,,M_ ,2 of wholestates. ”Twas this made {la/Jar break the facred Tteafilry A i flafizre. (notwithllcanding the oppolition of Mcrtellm the Tribune) to‘ take the monies there Pcored up,’for the fervice of the War J: And D41/ii ~ « 1 Sam» 9 '3 to eat the Shew-bread, which was not lawfnll to any, but the High... t ' Brielts only. “Tish this hath madethe Kings of Frmm, and Spain, b’ do often raife, and pull down their Coin, according to the fulnels, orsemptinefs of their Coffers : ’Tisthis hath made, not only them, i i but our foirmer Kings to embafe our monies: Frederick the Second, when“ he‘ brefieged /74/i/lam, Pcampt Leather for currant, And they sr¢‘e'?1I>.1}"”" Ho1{aznders( Anna 1 574;)make monies of Pafiebord. In a word, A 7:’ If a manflnolflld ask Why Dido laid‘ Irnpolitions upon her Subjects, \ 4° and keptfo many Soldiers o;n.f_oo.t, VirgiZWlllar_1f\V€I‘fOr hetf, A l i,Re7.r 4{fll‘T4," t’fi*lRegrnfnowims me tnlin mg-Imt ;Jf9l1iri, Ag“ latfifine: cgafiode Mari. ‘And I therefore having admitted him to be i f.l.Ch ;, AI cometjo prove (19)? o’ the fame purpofe i A A i Princep: C gm}: belle minafitr A A I-1»;/M) milirihml urdex pnemzmir, (*5 arming and another; t i Laiily, there is a Role in our own Laws, ,Qaad¢aii:i: foniibe on or this otvnrlife, a tnanmay killanother that affaullts him, or would rob hirh. 1 might ad-drnore, but Ithink thefe fuflicietnt-, andjthere- H fore conclude, That if, not onlypalrticuilar rAnen‘A,lAeivAeniwhole States, havethought Neceflity of State ‘a pfufficient warrant for the doing of things altogether; unlawful in thernfelves-,,if our own Laws give a difpenfation inlike cafes, and that to private perfons too», Itwere hard me-afure to detnythei fainqprpaivviledge to Princes, to whom% according to .re>2m,e i iaz»i,AJ2‘aA.ci¥ Rtgi A1im‘,:, and who have the ‘greater reafon to be hedge and gfeneeclabout with rfuch prerogatives, by how much the more they lie themore open, and expofed to Ptorms. In aword, to be for nice and rigid in this point, were to invert the Fable ofefl/op, To catch Swallows‘ in Cobwebs, and fuffer the little Fly to break thronghwith the liritflw‘3 an* ll N £*6‘Efl?f43_fi2‘Citt/1‘Ci!flm, @' imiatcit prio£1rgizz‘m,quo§¥ firi «MMA»-. Soto break prifon, is felony-, but not, if thepri “L fire. So the wilful killing ofa man is murder-, but for prefervation tr; 117,2. Pfoiv. 607,30‘ 4 E6. 13. 26AAiii 33. H er. F arr.’ spider: which, if it be not to be imagined, we can nognlore deny,‘ f but that fuch Afétions of-his}-iignefé i (which the Gentlefiiian isfl L pleafed to call Tyranny) being no other then Aétions in order to fafety and prefervation, l are rfo much the more juiiifiable, by ,2 how much the more the general fafety is to be preferred before a particular good, and the Common caufe before a private intere{At. A And fo ‘I leave l’1i5-‘i”iI'fl'.A(El§i.iZiOIl to fiich fatisfa&ionA, 'as7youhavc met .with before: And hope that according tom}; promife IAAA have proved his Hi Government, A o A it The next Q_1_1e{’tion is, What/arr /air Htgbn ghnelic, to be no Tyrant , either in Title, or eflr data Tjnmt, be may lmsvfulgy be «drflrqyrd .? Wherein,ad‘rnitting all that the Gentle.» a drama. man hath laid down to be true (asit is not) yet I fay, A Sttbjeét V i cannot lay Violent hands upon his Prince "( although a Tyrant) and be held guiltleii :. And here I think it will not ‘be expeéted that I fhould again prove his Highneih to be a lawful Prince, accordin to the Laws and Confiitutions of ‘thispiNationA,a ; having one itbefore intheo, 7,; 8 ‘5 .9“ ,;1>ages.« Andi v the ) A the unlawfulnefs’ of def’croying% .nr3Li.1V1ing him,"Vthfo11gh he e‘ithAe1i° A had, or fhould abufié that power” into a%Tfyrdann=y: And to .tf11gi;s pfurpofe having % 1.; »_ ‘Vb ‘eh ‘fome:I1ing tgof his general *ma.t:te1*.-‘. % ’@K‘afnir§e \Vheth€r. Vthzex AuthoriAties, and Exampies, which he hathibrought 1:9 prove gzhis‘ %Ir;.L %&i%c e of“th:§, Pr;ir?niti“ve ‘Chrifizians. }5;V4g~gtinI£.t1*ge4La\v§,flc:§f 3—Nat.1ons:.‘ Y 95' L s*A"5’"ga"'ri1’1f1t~tI*1e ‘paxmcuiar L‘aws0f' this“ Land. v. v 4; I ‘givehne account of the evil fate that hath attended pe1*f0ns,%~ as ‘hm/e;?h%ad1;heir hands in the b1o*od»of their V %P1_:inces,‘aV’1thiough 'I ‘y1~ants. J H . A " ; *4 A % A,,f:,'c;w "F0“r[th"e “ TLfee1ns‘he:h"at1a ‘not; Acaflz-*£i1I;jhisiVe%nom,$at14-:i1{t*iF* hiéageaémwl he;flhave,4w*hei11i?cksitVup5;2xg;a,1n?::,%’1?or;AheLfpéndsfa? fide or two to th:”ej~ 9 ““~‘=5“’»’»' ~~ fame‘pi:rrpofe asVhe_ .hath~d i@ne»»snhe‘1fix .f0rme1‘, only with this <:1,if‘.:.% feréncefihat hé»_ha“th% w1~eR'é%d all App1ic,atien=in the former, but in thvis%h»e%wImg_tl?1gVivenus.n§>1r1e7at a11;:*o%nly rum on,“ as if all were A granted,‘_»,%;trid‘%likMe4Mr. in his Efipime before his ¢Lwim—Z9m,‘ wouldhave the1Vpeg1pie!:He1%1eve, he »».1s1a perfon loves his own humorgj ai1;d’t;h ink%sjaji1f11e%faitilfris A*1fr1_Ii:h. %) And ther£:fore,4VH_becaufe in Iny ~fo1~.. m€f‘di‘~f‘£"3_®f‘l1T§f€:.,TI:7h“£W€ ifufi5i‘C1Ver;«1:1y&a1‘«aAfiveer«ed has pomt of Tyranny} 1 mall Vin§h_i~sAfp1ajc;¢% medc‘:l1z=: only ‘xvith%AA11%isAnev.v matter.” ASfirfi‘.,,thz3.I: o£Gm'm gm, wlnerc he-;wo111dMhave:h1%1n fay,_Tlaa,t wlaermli A A % ';zr£’»_[l;z'tIe,f, H1_"r :15 n~o__raCz'z;y, am at _gmx Family .~ A7ra.d.*‘ianotfl1%erk0uz ”z‘"‘;g;_2T§%~. (:;a‘S“'l71;<‘.?*~ M40 .=~1:1«j~'/lil'€'E C-ow [231/yard, t'zgWj Maw ;,;;;7"[;.g.; ow}: %.'_M'.azg2'flr:.:>.r E6" it/Vlajz-flatia rec: A omnzis homo m,ile;.,A Conceening which I {hall ufe the Words of Greg rim Iipon the fame place :, where. the queltion being, Inwhat cafes zegjunwc atflnvader imay he_expell.ed§ by force; hefaith, That if an lnvaderh ~ " ‘l=‘°‘?'74! h;y‘an«unjufi war,‘ hath feiffid On;the; Goivernment; not hath there fol.lowed_ any agreement, or faith given him, but his poffeffiontis lgeptby force, in thisscafe ( faith he-) the right of War feems to. r€main":,hButhhecaufe,there-isnothing or this in our cafe, for as§I haveifheiwn before, this Highnffs hath receiyedi a fufiicient Tefti-.i % mony from th€Peopiliea or their eorxfentm iallcl, his firft Commiffion‘ wiasaenough to jtlllifiei him fibin being an Invader, I think this needs no further Anfwjer. I have but twotllings more, and I fhall fall tohis iExamigles.h The firltt is the Valerian Law, that made” it.lawf"ul,, for any man,’ to lgill him ,.th?at,atook upon him the Magifiracie, _iwithout».theacoxnmandoftthe, People: To which, It fay the fame‘ Whichhldicl; formerly choncherning the Laws 0t"the, Helwewr, thatit was apartieular I.a\v proper to the COIi’l’|l'l'lOlTl-; . W33-lth of Rcxmfi, and qalhchutilated for that Meridian only, But he-.-, 1 caufe this..Anfivert will not fatisfie every man,:I {hall refer him that; %P--7:5‘. tisferupled at,niit;t0«wha{t I rliaivefaidiabeforie concerning the Con-fence Qf the Peeglé, then which, a this wt>rd~- Cpmmandi Hgnilies (in this) place") little more, if hdt. the fame_:.i Butas if the people of fnglméd had thought, fome fuel} thingi.1nig.htb%e0hje€ted to them. hfcreafter, W they did by their freq}-lent, application-sA to him, make it, :"1ppear,._tl1at what in them,laytAheyxV£.11t about to command him.~,; andlfo corifeqlieritly llisiflighneilhis »t10t,withiinitli"is Law.‘ But now. " i hetallgsof theLayvs.of.Ram, IcanttellahimitwiotlT£¥£l3;0U1dhaV€. ngadlelfine Work with fuch‘.d0‘&rihe: lIhefirfl; was the Law Horataia, r5T1ial.,q1‘¥&ti.'1_‘?i£tg%!g1z35‘f?/(filial e/,£Zdiliém,fudz'tiéw :mmerit,. qjm capxaa " " ~ J « ‘“’ % < V V l M ~ ' i %'qui:)_A <23) iavuifaiciézam eflo ii where, by few‘ fizcfilriz aapxii; they iiitendeda perfoii excommunicatefd from the fociet of Amen, and fu'ch,Jas having his headvowed to the Gods, mg the flain by any man, without being liable to Judgrrient for it, qimiiam an-,~i'ma dig; 415:. Egg “.4”: were amplim lmrmmi icammercii mm : And in this fenfe”, who- V 179 ever brake this Law, was called Home /zziw. Wherein it is oh. iervablewthat the Law doth not fay, whoever fhallkill the Magi. liratefhall die therefore; but if he fhalloffe-r them never fo little violence, 4.4!. [i naczaerir; if he {hall but hurtione ofthem,&c. A The next is the Law made in the Confulihip of C. ?z:[i'm~C‘ie/‘i273, c§¢,pg§g,gf y whereby it was ordained,that fuch as were condemned of'Treafon, p or railing uprores inthe Commonwealth , fl‘lO1llCi‘b€.‘ banifhed. A But as I faid, theywere Romaniawsi, and fo Ileave thAem. The A Afecond is his iual'ter—-Argiiment, drawn out of the 2; P]7i[:&'Py0t.6‘k_,A wherein C‘z‘.r.~e.~m doth more then favour the parricide of Ciefizr : l A But every man that remembers the {iory will be a ready to lay, So Plutjn can " brave an Orator, might have been eloquent at a cheaper rate, then * A the lofs of his head, ‘(for fo much indeed it colt him) no great lign of approbation: And when liefllhall confider how fuddenly the people revenged his death, damnfd up the Court wherein he was A flaignu, Cflf1'4n'$;1'J¢v#qh3oi eceifiu eff ahruiw placzfit, (faith .$';m:am'm) A Jdnfqiie Marita ‘I’d3':MCta'zi!m iiaminairi, ac neunquam ea die .S’emi- y mi ageremr‘, and withall beliowed upon him the honor of an s_zieim.i»i 7 Apatbeofii-, or enrollment amongll: the Gods-, the queliion will be W Gefi i‘ foon out of doors,_ whether he were a '1‘yrant,A or whether the people approved his murder : Belides, we muff allow mum ,to fpeak like an Orator, efpecially agaiiilt Cazfiir, Whofe name. (faith Florm) Was afo cryed up for eloquence andfpirit, being i thought to have been his equal therein, at leaft his fecond; and upon this {core there was greatemulation between them, witnefii uthat book of his entituled i/I;2tz‘..C‘.«.zro,l wherein he did afpire to the P 1”“ ”' '-viétory of Wit, asvi&0ry of War, undertaking therein a confliet r Ciejéire. . with the greateft Champion of the Pen,§‘z'cera the Orator. I might add thatother of his I): Am:/agia, which was was nothing but a ‘Grammatical Philofophy, wheirein hedid labour, to make at/ax ad‘ .,,1m',r,¢m5 to become "yon: aid Iicimm, andto reducepcullzom of fpeech, lZ0,4COI1gl.‘11ll2y offpeechg, andasalfo divers others which Ad,,_,y,‘_c_y you may réadira ._?zie_toniia_i and others. But _C'icero hiinfelf hath not fpolsen.£o ill of him in this place,as he hath Wellof him in anmher, - D A A when A L,Ba:o2i’i' i ~54;3yra 105 l A dffproet .09-his Ex- a4y3ple_Vs, Tm: J.§. «.16.; .Dt;j;m:AA ' kt-‘qijr s 153;, cu; H V Ex.:Q,'2.“I 2,5; A 5 A(‘2 A Atlwlfen Apleadih for M¢:?ce£’m, anczl%defit'ing Czfltr to call to minde ,hj:owA much he 'xad:clefervecl of t;.ARa<;me,A althoughhe was unfottttna-te in lighting upon Athef wrong fade, he Af&ith_tl'l115,,l.=’W:'mem‘0 feje, ma..- 'mmto : Dali immarmlts E lcjlzéid ‘dixtfrimt; @t'_,. “R€met“ttb‘etf3, O Cwjm, L retnethber Oxye timmottalfloclsl why doll bid (Jae;’;w remember, who nevertfotgot any tl1it1gA but iAnjuriA_es A? And lb I pafs this, with jthat cenlhrc-;.Ax%zhich ?’m)emz{*_gives ofhi1nfOr.,WritingthlS feconclj t.AP,.hilipp»iclt : ‘0.fbrtzm}ztz2m, r:§~<“e:‘. e ‘ ‘ >4 7 Antoni glazdias pej}?t'co:4temmee5e‘t A Omziie dixijfet -, Kidmdmpotmam made,‘ ‘ A ” flwam ta c'omi5i£m8"61£*Ui22.:z ‘7’I9i;’ippz'm fétmd, @'c.W V Ina word, both-this famous Ortttot, and our Gentleman, liftheyt ;AhaAd not forgot .y~'5[:,p%A migl1t.ltaAvelearn*tl toA.be wifer, as tementw Ming; the Welf hadhtis skin pluclfd over l1is.eats,,tfo1:but putting; l his lleadtxvithinwthte Lyons den. A;fubmi=flion.-A) I AleonceiveAAA to be T nothing to his pu1'pofe,l4¢tl10ugh he brought tb fit his mO‘clelA.l.‘ The firlt is that of .Mz¢rAim Sm z»o£,t’J at- A tempt againlt Porfim.¢z; will Lappetu: by hasown wortls (Ho/Ha; /an/lam tom’ know the fiery tutti’: eA0nfefsit) he could not attenipt this life as 4 being a Tyrant, but a.11A0penEnemy; of .5’:«e*l2fL".a, at the baEC€10f'C?"€fl¢?).W4. Andto this putpofe, G’;-mm makes this excellent differtencet Abetween murtheterst whotviolate ~ fl their faith, ;eithet elxpreI§,0rAtaciteA;, as Subjetéts toward :a Kluge, Soldiers towaxfd their General, See. and between thofe 0f‘Nature,:m.d ‘Nations, l1n:2;y.tkill one a-rtotther €i‘~Vz:"1‘t“_l,";‘.?l."l“1s.‘.‘r¢;? 5' And filth was Per/em, to Sczevalzt tn Firm, 1 V c~ I L V 44 The next is that of M’o/e.:’s killing the rfigyptéeh ; concerning, ; ~ ._ Which, he l-aith letter} €r;glijb:mA»m r’94zz*/9 iSofl_r1;5.9,£§'/:7 «ml! at Mofes ;b,,m’1 l ” " ' 4 A A ltd IbI1Vth€.I1€X.t‘P13,C§e‘I come to confideraltis Examples, which (with hath dealt with Athetnt "as ‘I>trocm/Est; did with his gu.ells, Afonte he » ltretches, others he euts fhortetg, if by any means they n1e.y,btetAAt . whicl1,g that it isfnethixtg to the purpofewi, _ A % % dare zrolztij Being % an En€l”I—‘l‘y'.’,II1W01T§.l(il19.VC:‘fla1n an Enemy : And hemg lb (as all wlm A and COI1fcZ‘qt1_€I1tly', xxrzts but. e an a.t°t:0f tingle vaAl.0r,e alstthevwords themfelves Anecellarilty imply A3 mus.“ and novother, thenwhat [came infithe /Macfalhtex. didtxpon an . l Elephant larger then the tell,’ fuppoztmgl tl1eAK1ng -had beentupon A. him», ‘ “Or the tw?oARA_oma11‘ Soldiers, that venturetl to,» cut tluelleotde s that are not bountlwith any faith, who being opgenlfinemiesa by the I.Ei‘lV§ A lgofliwiinc. and truly I am of (a5)r___ ; his 0_pln1OHi; fioi“ tlojitne it a'pp‘ear'a; that neither had any: For ifwe eoniitler the Text, we ihallfind that _Mof:=.s had fo little warrant to ittrhilie his aclt, (that we read 13,3 hid [aim in the _/trawl; anti the people werefo farafrom. allowing, 01- approving it, that the firit time he hears ofit, ’tis by way of ex... tprobrationi Wilt tiarnz. flay rm: 4: Ham didflaihe Egyptian .9 S0 tl1'a‘t:o % the aft was altogether nnwarraritable , and no more to be drawn into preiiclent, then the lpoiling the Egyp-tinny, to juftifie Plunden _ g ‘ A ‘ . The next is that of Sampfm ,, and the Phiilifiinext In which _ 4 whole ljCOl“y.} thoughwe {hall an in two places, thatthe Pkizlffliiflftfi. .- ‘had dominion over them, I conceive it cannot be tinderfiood other. wife, then of their prevailing over them~, For, that.[/Ewe! had given them anyfaith, or fo mttch as promife of fiibjettion, cloth may appear, but rather the contrary, for then'ii'elves give v.5'emg/an Jadixéagg the appellation of Enemy 5 Snwp/hm mar enema/riCfi*c. And this might he the reafon, why, although they had overrun the Ifme/im, they Iufferetl no Smiths to live amongit them, becanfehaving received no faitli from them, they were afraid of thole excurlions, which i tltroughont the fiery we {hall find forne or other of the Ifimzélitex ever and anon making. And fi‘om~». hence I think I may fafely fay, » the Ifiéviliffiiiem and Samp/ox2i.were open Enemies, and eonlequently all aéis of killing, and fpoiling, were lawful between them. But this example will receive a ftronger anlwer, which is a particular epromife that God made to Mnnoah (the mother of Snmpfin) that Jud:e3.g§{ :3 A ..:£11'l‘ar command of God in the cafe; He wt-.»;r[g1g£»y;e her pt /En, rm 7/E023/d &Ljqin.to' deliver Jfmel we of ripe handiofrhe F;.Ji[ifli7Z€J. And to this pttrpofe we (hall find, that the Spirit of Godmovedhim, v.23. of the flame Chap. 80 v. 19. of the nextCI1ap;Tloefpirir oft/ea Lord came npm loim So Cl"1.Ij".V..I4.. A -—--- Mme migktifi npcm b:'a“n, 5-fiver. and divers other places of the like nature; Andfo I think this Anfwer Ihfficient, I. That they .¢ were open Enemies. :2... i If theyhacl not ‘ been Io, there was an ima mediate infpiration from God to that pnarpofe, and confequently, not the atteof aprivate man , as the Gentleman would have t The nexriis that of Samznlr doing fgiflicé #17022 the 7:yr.,¢m_t Agag, I r (for fo thesis pleafed to call it.) To which Izanfwer,Tl1at beiiidC:‘srtl1ati as I an lair °bef'ore,, that they were open Enemies, here wasa partia A And tlierefore I flmll talifi the ‘-{tony '7 fl’ ‘A D l A A A k (I 26) Peer inrpieces, and fee,wlaat'Analof ,,Pr¢gnt purpofe. ---- When the chil? no-27.8. \Vat§‘¥_fSai_cQhfifl4flfl"a1a_ and /1/Ieriém/9,, Almalecle; came out and‘ fought l lagainllt them, 1 whereby to obllrudi their paflhge intothe promifecl ' y there is between it; and the i ten of Ifmel murmured atthe i landg And this we may read more fully in tlvéiflfileft/,r where God‘ ,1..3am 15.2 fa;-ith-, I revzéeméer w/mt etflmnlec/Q did to I/mel. lsiawlae laid wait for Jaimie the we vcévc. a And therefore God commanded Sam/3 to ale. {troy him-utterly"-, that ashe had been the fir/2 of zv,a~;m, ( 4 ,1; hlum-24.20 who had. wax-reel againft I/me!) fo to fulfill the prophetic of 35;. j Mam, E125 la:-mar and f/2ot¢ld‘f lie, t/amt/ae perif/a7for_ ever, NOW ..§’."?é'\€'7N'lh7'o V M L f The next thing I meet with, is an Anfwere of fome Ohjefiionst - The flrft ofwlnch 15, A That ‘thcfl: Examples, am’ af A men'i:sf,:}z‘rea' £3 G-'02’; and t/aer£ffa?reAr[ary lflfléilfl rm/Z, mzrl newt/sofitézy ;‘E2r“’t:’m'r~h aflians, V A wbAich‘1E¥é ammo: pretend to. ‘ To which he ffa’1"nest11is~ Anfivhet-;lh I. God commanded I/aefl’ Fh19i7¢gI,«A Wye .».z figettelagv rare lmxrfzlk ’ '2.:T/mt none of the perfon.r"r1jem]e[m.r 4tVed£ed arr} other caziifl? for . W/94: they did:/am t/on jwflice of the 4535012: rkemfelvestt madrimzg/5» they were .é:¢t~t/or afisof private perfiam, jet I/9£:'_‘y‘ are 'jf’J?';fitgb/E éj V rjgmaggmfizgntcaz/J which 4/! men have, "to do all azc:7‘io:=LAAr'cgfjzz/E£*ceete!/m.t IW'6‘t§'fi:2 their power, frérz/am At/ac ordinazj camffis’ rgf jz¢fiice‘fiz£[j{. kT%O.WhiChh V I Anfiverfi A thatbecaufe God commanded thefe thmgs xrnmedxately A A to them._, Ltis no fufiicientwarrant for us tohdo the fame. t.Goc[ > 5‘ t t . . . . . commanded flbra/mm to facrxhce hxs Son ]_/,m~~, and yet 11213 not wartanttuentutagla, for any Ent/awfi; to do the fitme, ttlpon tpretence A o~f7ah1ikerevelatxon.' So,God commfetndedtAthe”Prophet totake to him»awif'eof Whoredoms, c:im.xvI1ic:11 ‘hed'id_(]"?)r a.AAAA;?gnto r/be Hefimju fwople, Cfiw. ) yetl conceivehit no excufe, to ;'ui.‘tiHe any matnsherrora for falling into that ditch , only beczmfe the Prophet was com--t manded into it. I might. add divers mo1~e,hut I think this'taPce fi.u’:fi-» eientzt :2“ As to the fecond, beczmfe he brings no new matter to Awprovveit, but the fame Examples wI1i=cI1 It hgtveluzmdledbefore, I flxalltreferyouthacktto them, oneivaddihg't11is,«that ?:?/mthourgh zI£ings9.g!’ ,, hewere a Captain of the 1—10i‘t,"yet'I1e made no infurreftion againfl; Almé, untill the had at pofitive COIT11I12l*I1d.frOm God, andtatnointedetr % Ixingtto that pt1rpofe.h A A A V ~ A _ ‘hehnext ()bt.€'(°E.’.l0l"1tIIZM._171€'1T13.h.E3S-»i§£,tThat the not bppqfingttbe" gammmmt, but fl£ém;’i2’2‘z'.?1éf t~a¥A/315$ Higlynq/} £»:z\m,A “zlm manic“ can-‘ t fehegszc. Towhith he gives this Anfiver; T/mt h it: cannot be pref»:- mm’, 524:; the fizme /mt/o‘e9z'a:?.it Am in all zxfnrpatiomvv/aatwer WT0 which I anfiver,twA.e mu-{Emaket it tdifferextce, htetweénh an implicitq, and.tacite c0x1hfem75 Qf 4‘v11icl1"-ki‘n‘d,° is this the Gemtleman fpteakst of A win t'I1iLs'tpI21ce: and an aiftiial coni'ex1‘th, of which I have fpA‘c>ker1»f0r-{ 1ner1y,page 8. Andttheicefore as to the firfi, t it cannot be Aexpectedm hut thatthe peqple will follow their .bufineAfs.hwl1oev‘ev1: fitta*tHe11nm-A as I" 0) g; as beingnot able to live ‘Without it, and} if they can live witho'nt ‘Wbeing opprell, .3 tis as much as they let him take the Go- vernment, that wil'l,or can: but as to the feconcl when the people, ;befides the doing thofe common things ( before ) {hall according to the cufiom oftheir Country,( the office of the chief Magillra~ cy being vacant and empty }fet up any man, whom by a general confent, they {hall declare their ‘Ru-.lei~,and invelt him with thofe r enf1gn’s of Majeillcyl, peculiar onely to filth an Office, and Perfon; ~ (all which and more the People of E?3g[&£fid have given his l—11gh-- ” nefs) Ifayinfuch acafel the confent is actual, and the people have bound themfelves up, to yeeltl him fubjection, and defence. «And therefore as to his:exane1ples of" E"~.*»[7:_{fiz$;‘.'...§‘ N:'rr-’ and the 1f- melitm-*un.Cler Eglm-.=-, the IZWO fotiner were never fo much as tliought .t»o’b_e Tyrants in Title : I-"or, be'f:Ecles‘tl1at hothof them were or the _=zf;,:. _3m_ blood of faliw ge/‘gar, and adopted [1e;’mf,.«, they were after the ‘"5415-‘Z’? death of the Emperors their pr-edecelfors, declared the fame them-l Nerarze. The un- lawfuln .nt,:fs, elm‘. .felves,by the Senate and the Army 3 but for that of the 1;r's2~aze/zm under E izlan, iewas no other, then a conltrained fubljerftion, _to one that had over-run ‘them, and therefore could not but be expected i_ from a conquered people, with whofe intereft it flood, to be quiet ~ at any rate : But that the Jfmdirer gave any faith, or actual : confent to Eglon, thereiis not the leafi: light that way, throughout: the whole ftory 3 and fo his own examples do not agree amonglt themlelves. Laftly, to clofe this fecond point, I cannotbut ob’-~ Jferve, how often the Gentleman hath given /Mm.“/via-zwl, the nick: names Of his Hig/anefi /Ipoffle, E *zmnge1ij?,, and Prjafiice 0f “Pier; ;l where it will more probably appear, that he hath made him his .own Vazdeymecumlfilld is better read in him then in the Bible :. for if his quotations of the one,had bin no better to his purpofe then the other, I might have fafely tranfcribed them to my margent, and they would have "fierved as much to prove, my Part of the queftion, as theyhave done his. And info I come to the third Point I propofed to myfelf, wherein I fhalllprolvefthe unlawfulnefs of the Aét; as i. being a thingabhorred, even of Heathens. V2. Againfi the pofiti-ve Rules of Scripture, and ‘eztamplesitherein. 3 .p The example of pri... mitive Chrillians. 4. The Laivvseof =Na‘tions.- 5. The Lawes of thislantl. l l t For the ~firl’t, "If there were “nomore in it then the very diffho- nourablenels and treachery of the action .( as to fpill the blood i of (Writ of Wgr11,",‘1niPea’Ce, by poifon: or alrfr9rn.a<‘?c:inge it; that they h&Vérefi1fedit:-, .7Wh¢1‘1 ofiered And Phil?R1¢PQ1it¢1”5t,i°fA'fuCh afiimls . have feldom named E1ieim’,iWfltihQu£?fomeistigmafiion brand of ,infamy- V Examples in this l»;i{nd_ tyerl1ai{e,d‘iyers.,i. .M£d£cum mm;/e Rafi? P/ajrrlyicyapnit ‘ \ _ f,‘ N‘ _. .~ ,_ . , , nit‘ ,;,;fi‘};-gnygmgg tC’gmz4a‘i,a?f€:77?”jz",t,,cz7?c._ui(:fa1th, [arm Whenthe fiamanr it ', ‘ I81 jzriadewaray a~IgainftK§ng i,Pjj,rir/am, his Phyfitian made an offer to A infamy to Darim: Ye undertake ( faith he) iimpious Wars, and 1. 4. ic;m'm,..to p,o,i;fon~:11im,ifor a »funf:1,of money, »but(fo deteftable were . figchy aéts o,f'jtreachery,iand_cowardice, to a Roman fpirit,that) he f’~:,‘I1tl1i1T1aW21_y~{:r§ Soyywhenea Princeof the Carriwould have under: taken tihegdealh+_QE,/4.7'7??1:}1iIM, Tiéerim rejeéted him, equalling himfelf in that.glory with the old Generals, faith T acirm: SQ G’:/zlllm when the Army hadyproclaimed Oibo, andhe in a great cone? Ta, fufion went to appeafe the tumult, he was met by a Souldier, who z.x.2~.7. brandifhing a bloody yfword, cried aloud, he had {lain 0t/J0-, yet A all the reward or thanks he received forit ( though fpolten no ’ doubt out of a goodidefign to quiet the people) was, a compofed l00lx',an(itl1ef€WOrdS,_(Emmi/ito, qua} jufliz .? My Friend, (quoth ’ he”)who bad thee .9 It was this»which A1e.r.am’e;- threw by way of “Q T4c.Ar2, 3. 5 Cztrzima though ye have Arms, ve big! money for the heads of yourene~,- inies. And the fame is that cenfure, which Liv] gives Of ‘Pu-fimi the 121?: King of the /V./acm’an._r, %:em mm juffmn be/mm gmw, T ,2. , Ragga ,,m;ma,g6«¢. A perfon (faith he whom we found to carry on L,l,.,i'm the War, not honourably, andlikealiing, butlprivily, and like a Robber, with all the abhorred Villanies of Butcherings, and 4 ipoyfonings; Neitheti hath the fame Flarm,‘ whom Iquoted be- fore, lelbiting, when Writing theitranfaétions of Spaiiv, and how iV£ri..zzi/am had well nigh over—runit, and affailed the Romans for V fourteen years together, withfire, and fword, till at laft being di-. ~ not the V ietory but bought it. so in their Waxisin A/34., againl’c'iz.9.L, Ptreffed by luabim Maximm, Sewilim Ccepia his Succeffor, to. makethe quicker difpatch of the War , procured him tobe mur.- dered, by which means ( faith 11e)V£a/am; vifioria cfl .e5~c. The f 1”‘ 2' "' vietor was ftained: Neither“isthatbrand,which Vglmlm Maxij. 7 7’ mm arrows upon the fame Pcory, ought iinferior, He deferved, ,1 Mm’ 7- l :./Iri/ianiiczxns, Zltfarcmf i/fqnilim having poifoined the ‘Well-hyead$,,e0 certain Cities, whereby to compel ‘tllfjfil to yeeld, heifaitli thus , :1, AV, rite, ~Qzm rm #t,2mttW,tnr.i am iflfawm fm? 7/~if7«?0,ri;4?».:.; q:gi1>;>;,c.’”§3.””‘ _ A‘ coritra war I casn»tLv4w*1"a‘j§a~~e~i3ti’»'i§:z._e6'r;c: The ‘faft, as“’1ter§penec17tI1e'vi&ory,To it made gfoe again{‘tehe;Lawseeeof the GoVds,a~nd»ecuftom~e of “Am- L (7:_e%ftors,the'l.1+1{’cre* "%o;fthe»Roman Arms; preferved nil At1v1em:ei¥1egiouefly~pure; To = c<\)m»e nearer home, theeemaehomeetane make in aflpartjof theirRe1ig-ion,’ to propagate their Se& by ;he. f_word;~but yet fiilleby honoraeb-lee Wars, never by ‘Villanies and‘ V fecrete gnurthers eNayeupon this ground the Saracen Priencea, of e Rvhomeeethee"_n&me-0f§ derivedge heaving} made“u?fe of fuch~ A Kzi»iE&i%nes,_for4the zgxurtheriengef dieveers;P1=inces in theEafle (by one of whom Amum/2 t.he.firf‘t Was‘ flainwaeued Eduard the firfi Ofnfwgf--i lkmd, w~ov.mfed. -,) was put down, by the eommon conferzt of me Mahometan%‘P~ri=nces. But what fheaelel-we fay if the very Heaetheéns . have~n»otW_oneelyabominated fi1Acha&_ions,.15ut advifed fubmifficm a11d&_We=bed~ieI1.C.€et01 Princese though n~ever~fo~ bad? Fmnakz Regrzm 1§_m:a_l,,12_,; ingex£a,faith Tav'itxm*,VVe mufls bear with the difppfition of Pri'r1ces;_ 14,35-’,M4_ And again,We praythaet we have good, Emperors, but endure I;:H.”z'4_ VA11.d,ag§L1{1,'V,6.Z;gQmedb ‘_/hffirilitatcm 6'5“ camra ntrtgne male, V :t;aee%lmxeg4m, eéravvarmnm dammzmm am, we. we mufi beear (ffaithhe) A ' Witheethe“1uxury andgu/eaeriee»eE’Pe1%inc§;s a:swe"Md0 with barren 3-'eears,;e w_ and thofepcheg ejvi ls of naturfe we cannot he1=p~.- There WELIIV Vices as Tong as m~en~,,but.e§heyr w‘i11_,,noet~ la}f’c alWays,%%a»11d..é1re re*e~0m.- A penfed_W1theh+e mteexyvenexrenee o»fbet_te1-~things 3, and to thzs "purge fee L . n e% M % W ‘52~ia¢am'are:zére crudeliéw, ae~vqz4Z=_,.;e e ‘ ‘“Pa=rE;‘fl_r edzmiaMs-~—-- —-- " e;'gcel1e-ant ¢i_Vs4 that pi? %[[.,md£;m, ‘ . ‘ r “ . ‘ ‘ V N \ ‘ ' » ‘ H . V And4the1=efore~t0 c1:_ofe this 1~f7thy'e~ver~y Headiens have abomma ted7e.; tlizofe barbarous a&%s,e ; 0f df-§'_&1‘03_7‘ing their enemies, by treachery, V and murdei1',%;and;oen;t;11e other; tick.‘ havee.ady1fe,d fuebitneefflion, and e Aobedisenee to—Priences, a’1t};10ugh« head; A how {hale} Lhey me‘ judg; ‘ axgainfi th‘0f¢ L11rif’c~i&nes,- ghat %noet.one1y, hold it lawful» maze- firoythcire em-‘:mies,,_1_3y fi1C11‘b3fC.' ways,.,but egveen tI1eir~righf.fi1l . V Prxnce whom they are bound t0.:dee_fend_.?" In gr \ word", .whatz»v) fie /wjeez, is a Verbiepafirilve, and in1plies,r« V itihatetllis fubjeftion may be f0rcedl;,L Where men: do not give it“ willingly : For as Princes have power, fit» they have right to exer-~» cife that power, nay they do for naturallyldeplend=?0~ne:upon t’oel1er;l . that they are inc0nlilienrrafunder.i A Toeinliance but” in one thing; A and that is the h0l101.ffflH»d_.1'€.{P€&S.,\VCi.giW/8 to Princes*and* lvlagi-xi ftrates, which, though it be a "duty weowethem, yetiliesiin the: giver, not in the receiver: Ancl’.therefore3 I fhould.» think that? Prince did much deferve it, who had no more to fhewyfor it, then: r l the lcourrefie of the people; W110, lil;el,e.Car1*iers' horfesl. rlrolxglrl . they know tlleir roadiwell A enough, ;yee very Olfffifl exapc&~.. to Tiber ‘ remerribred ofit, with tllre fpLl1“._r';EXC€‘ii.f3nCfO thisi..p1I1‘p01'i?i%is"rthat: r eff. no meawn Statifi, who obfervedl, “Illa: all tl1eProph*ets who were ' armed5-;p1*evlailed 3 butthofe that werelotlnlerwife,‘ xvere‘too=*weak,: ‘Wanting afword to;-back their*d0€trine-, and tl1eref0re‘("fait11 l1e)~:A A i u:.bel1ovesia Prince} towberfoli-«provided; thzitwhenrhfe people lxvillr. believe inio l'Qnger., l1<:‘il’oe able to scompell theme iWei ma-ylifziy therrr fameofobedience, 1‘ Render» iLaQtly,__jgvei are commanded;t§> play ‘them T1~ibute.andLifioml:v; RGm‘,g$;,ll_;rl. V 7.}. efiamiler thértfam .€§*§é. <36 ) cz£fl‘7tlm‘: 'i5“dm',* And th~iS7th‘eI*A:p0'filC’ Cflal-lls aamta deb-ts; ., ttolhew, That it isnotllalathiflngloftout own choice, whether we willdo it, ornotg, but an aft that iislincurnbent upon us,and:£avouros . ;..noth1ng lofcourtefie, but of duty. To add but one example for ‘all, t : behold agreater then S}-‘Tomi, our Saviouthimfelf, not only com-'-e V ‘ MatV,2__z. :u__ ‘., 43¢?’- . that cotneth up, and when thou"h:a{”c opened*‘l1islmot1th (’faithV out ‘ Saviour) thou~fhaltl.find la ptecexof m0.mEy.~-,;Taak_et9'm$- glad lgirvet « mate them for me, and for t/nee. From all *whtcl1‘I caotnclude thus méatnds it to be done,l G ‘Eva unto? Cefarl; ~&7'~t:; a butt ‘ that he might hot feem totl7enj?oin‘moreo.toI others,_, at theinvwliat he hadfirltldone timfelf; ff hegivesl us 1115 own example, :M;zt. 17,, where though he knew: himfelf exempted from Tribute, yet left lheelmioght feem to olfend, he bids P‘:-ter"C‘afi hip hooktinto the fee,’ and take up the firlt fifh A That ‘if We are envitolned with "fuch a cloud of witneffes, that tell us there isa duty we owe to Pwrinces ~, if we have the examples of feremiab, and S.*?t%mZ, who €I1]O1n€'Cl prayers for them ;~ of the antient gfewx, that made them -, ofthe Aappme, that eluecltt hirrxfelf .for7bnt fpveaking irreverently to the" Hligl1PtIel‘t 3 of S. Peter.,,‘thatt.? 1 conimandslns to bet'fi1h;e& to "them 3" of the fame Pam’, that en-- joined Tribute to lbepaid them 3 and l_aPtly,o F our Lord and Mafier,‘ who not only commanded it, but did 1t hirnfelfi, and that not to at - good King, but to .TiérerIk3, ( one that came fhort of Nero in no. thing, but that he lived before him, and drew that()tiginal, which the other did but Copy after him:) Certainly by the Pcrongerlt ~teajfon we are forbiddentorebellagaittft them, to’ lay violent hands upon them,or to deltroy thern.Bu.t becaufeExamples(as the Schools ofay) teach as well as tunes, andl think no manfo impudentas to deny, but ohedxencets due to good Kings; I (hall in t‘hitsplacel give fon1eme V" will right them,“ and deliver them, as he did theifraeliiteslfromg ‘Pharaeo-la. Butto proceed, Sam! was? at wiell§"ed‘King,;avnd his ‘- Kingdom rent from his for his dil3o=bed%i' jri~ee,l and yet Samuel gave 1 Sam. :5» him his alccultomedlv~en~er"ationat1d 'attend'2meee.fAeSoW ‘1)‘:ilewiH”, n~oi;;. .3 A4 3:- Wi‘thl’t_anding the Kifnggwm waisv'tir‘ansferre:;l from VSJMZ to him; .1 3% ‘""""“gje «yet he fpared his life twicef, wheh it was in‘ his power toilhave fliziin I 54m- 2654 him 3 and asltlhe Text faith, lf’1l’15’l'li{‘§‘;'§ll1“lICfi’I‘l(E)-lI‘€el‘1lI‘Il for butiertattiiiglofi” ' the skirt ofhis garment: And after.,’_ca;uf§2d the A5nii=lz=lg£:¢~ to be " flainmjlio upon requefigoa-ndiipittgr, had lent his hasndl ( as the“ faid ) 2 Sanmad “to help-‘forward’ that voluintary~"d‘ea*th; Vt iw-hich. he had defigned to i ‘himfelfi that hemigiht niotfalflmtol the%h2mds1o"of itl1ie*l‘*I”’l§”ili”/2“iw.e«. ~ “So Nebucimaammwixisng o¥ifv9Wj]}rz'n, who was fo» violentil a perfe‘-4 -~ “tutor of the ijexvsi, as having \vafiEed~'a~ll Pailgflsneg taken ilerufiulmg fltiinthe King, bL11“‘.t1t thei~'l’lemple it ..-led the pevo-pllellca-ptive into ' 1 ‘‘ kaldmg, where . with bitter terms; abhorretlmtlie di~floya1:ty of Z edeebiarb,“ b ecaufe .19» 1°» he fEV0lt€d”f1‘O‘1h this N e6z:c£?m!xczz.ar.wliofe l—Iom$ager' hind Tribiztl. « tary he was. Fromzall which.rulesandeexamplesitis lmaniieihft; that - there is a duty owing evensito the wotrlt of P1~inces;= and if we-are forbi/ditden;th“elefs',s:we are forbidden the greziter; if we mu-l+’c‘ not ’ “oifendltheim witli: tliefltongue,; ,we~mn{t-A notlofiend4witli the ha~nd. " . ‘Ir:-sword, betehe Prince.whathe‘Will,i; wietought'toobeIy~hifn, it"? for .f10tl‘llI1g, l elfe‘, yet ~becaufes;itt is :sthecomniand*lof- God : 1 Only i. "this difiijn.€tionmaysbe'added, T hat look whatwhoénotr we give to i*ev~il Princes, we do it 1101:-£0 mam but to«God” hiimlielf," in reverence 1 ofswhiehixvas, 2_\I_tm tilvi; / e4t‘1te1zgiqp;, « tohis oridina:mee..:.And this \v21slexclelle_ntly sex.pr_efi,'byl that Emblem‘ l of} the E gyptigzm-, +m‘=a:.. :A,i1’Alsearryi*ng= the Image ofalithefiooddvefs‘ "Ijixt, and the peoples falliingvdown to worfhip it; i the‘ Iiifertipeiion . iThiid1y,> he ereeted his golden lmz1ge_,&c. yet ",'E§,ac‘/aid E‘z,,k_,% i '-Thirtdlyi, Itis‘againl’c;theMExa%npleAof' the 1‘>rimitiJveChri{l:ians,‘ A e .3 isiliikfilyfihderfiooidi" Apoftlleé H mje.aning,i as well eshny ";T€1{¢.,4yEE=eini= a1lr::.El;10rf€ P¢YeféCut«l0flS,%;vhihch attended thleinliancyi of ilfie M,CihLLf[Ch,rll3Cl recornirfe to no 0thier.wveapions,th€f1 t€a1%S,i&ndiiprai’e1‘9, I J I ;J,«anditl1at toohforiiiitheir Emperors, ialthongli Perfec1itors;‘i »0m., ‘g-3 .fl__ 170 Pg. ‘ I i ‘ ‘M ' V Wt,‘ 30_ ,MmI4J‘...li(jfaith .7J€1ft'I*l’;1]1:fl?3“-) -« pro oammiézm im’m'mWi‘oxi£~:é'4hh pl?-rs mini/iri:.r ieomm cjv parefhztiém. W€,4iPra37:(faleEhol1€) for 2i’lr«lo.E1nperors,* for .their:Servant;$,*ian§1 po\V€.rsii;:ir Anjecl gwhat, it was i_t11eyiiiprayed” for, t¢.i.u5ll‘-*5 lI.17‘?=l1i105h_€13TfI?l~€lC7Ei:gt; itaézh i[l!§5i«oA_§pro.Iia“:x.ri 27;; i1W}“ipe»ri;Mm filed’: i,rtz1'2z,é~.z~.“hh >hTli_at God would giveo them a. long life,i it fecure3Empiire; 2, fafe Houfe, Valiant. Armies, 2). faithful«Coou_ncel, “an honefi: People, ‘ ;zt_qt1iet World, and whatever elfe arethe defires of a. nian, oran iEmperoor.o Imprudent‘ 1‘10;<2lO*Lll)‘L: , '1 if notinjpudent were $116 faiflfi ' A Jferrgilimg M lfb€f()11€.;_'Cll€ Emper_ors,; who iolcould not be ifg;no’tfz1nt‘of the tru_th,he«hadfo C“OI1i:1.d.€i‘l1l;loyi‘oCl€Ml.lE’;€oCl totell a lye“; If wefxvere iwil-E ~ ling; (faith. he) toufe open lioliiliity, fhould We Want'ni1mhe1”.é, ~,ando forces? :.We have filled youn*Cities,t» Iflands, C af-l;les,iiTow'ns, Camps,-Pailace, Senate, A all your _ places, but your Temples.’ and if - our; forces were iiunequalehioto yours, W36 might eztlily miake Weir Igiponi iyoufii when We are fo willing to be flain, E if our Religi0n‘cl,i;gl as well allow us to kill, as be killed; Famous no thisidhpurpofe is “e A G2-of c{eju- example of the The/zpme Legion, which confilied of 6666‘iSou1d'i?- f"f,:fI’ff,f"ff:" diers, all Chriflians; ( a reafonable Army) yetwhen M?i'.ximi£5 l mu Ciefar commanded then) to facrifice to falfe G ods, rather then , do it, o,_they;o¢’ft1f_fered themfelves to be decimated, and every‘ tenth man flaih without the leaft relifiztnce: In which, the fpeechfiof Exuprkim the Enfign-bearer, is worthy of our remembrance,’ 0 Emperor faith he) defperation which .is niofc valerotiéiinidané-i .igers,“l1atl1 not armed us againll; thee ;~. Behold, we the/wed weapons in our oligmds, iyetido we not refill, becaufe we had rather die, then * overcome-3 andhperilh Innoicengzsa thenlive Rebels. The fenfe«o’f" A A jwhich,,1naCl€Diazsgfim A./c.:mrm’rz‘¢m4.CQmp,lain.0f Gar/lm t11e_ .1‘Qif,_, fiaued /4.om‘?a.r"'£J:'r0.:, pro Regnfl piece fupplicex, i]16_‘7‘f£'.6‘flltA1'_t3l..‘ fir : In agivorda he thimdefires to be farther fatisfied, in-the o‘bedi+i ence,eand,[ubrni:fl'ioen of_the (Primitive Cliriflians, toeNm, Dani}; rim Trajan, Qddriggn, .S’cra:erz:h:,e/Miaxirzzionim, Deei:44,VizZm';zn,i idairég 13,7», and Dioo1etfi4n,;iunder t11ofeiTen P€f1'l‘€CL_1:£liOI1Sl, let him but read, 'Di1?4He1ewFl: S6at#miR‘r£Jm, he. 2» iwiandrthfirfi h€91‘11a§3’e 1‘¢€l;15»=i1i 151¢1i* _tj_fulfatisfaé‘tion.‘ _ A i A A" 4 ' ” A K _‘M,‘ A lottrthlym Fourthly, is ~againlljthe=very La,ws,oflNations.-, the “ Civil lI—.l-aw faith, ‘Coitjti-ratianer amnirxtn ~ radIi’1itt'bn;Iil.1i'0di.0_f1'_fllf3Ii¢€-,»€‘57‘ .pernii- ncim'j]im¢‘.*t Confpiracies, are of al Treafons, the ifmoft hateful, and lmoft danger'ous:, ‘Andtherefore, the that have written concern- : ing Ambalfadore, fay, That if an Amitialfador, or a man that coma A eth in upon the higheltfafe conduét, doipraélifematter of feditie on in a‘ ‘State, yethe l_‘S to be reinanded : 9 ‘But, if he confpite‘ againfi: the lifejof the ‘Prince by violence, orpoifon, he is: to,'b.efjui’ciced, ,f=2m‘.z adinm «ff i am; priqgalrgio majw- = Becaufeithe deteliablenefi; of the ‘aion, is beyond all priviledge- ( But the I.aW_s of England r , go further,"and fay, the veryraifing ofa rebellion, is enough to ,,,},,.‘,'f’:§, rnakeihim lofe his priviledge-, and fo“ it was held in the Bifhop of 26. Re 2! cafe, Hi]. :3. ‘£lz‘z..) By the fame. I;.awsuofc Nations, 3. Souls.- dier, who hath rel*i.PtedlhislCaptain, xvillingfito chaliifeithiin, ~ if he; Gm,‘ 5“ hathlaid hold on hissrod, is cafhiered : ifhe purpofely brake it, or m. 2 x. laid violent hands upon his Captain, dies-, ‘And from hence, any """“ V ' man may make the Argument,"I‘hat if it be unlawful for a Souldier, l but‘to_reiil‘c his Captain-, how much more unlawful is it for him to l lay"viole‘nt hands upon his Prince, to whom, not lonely himfelf, but his Captain owe the duty offubje&ion,andl defence? ‘And to this purpofe is the fame grotiua very pofitive inianother place, where, Ir!-I-3-c“-at-t though he faith it is lawful,by the Laws of Nature, andNations, to l i kill ‘ones enemy every where, yet {peaking concerning attempts againft the perfons of Princes, ;by murder , or otherwife-,' he calls-it perfidioufnefs-, and faith, That though Cuilom may overe- power i..aws,..n,evertheleiI~: that Cullom,hath Pcaid beneath the right of killing: And concludes, that it is a violation of the Iiaw, not of Nature onely, but of Nations. But to proceed: Although, I cannot properly call the confiitutions of the Church of A of Rome the Laws of Nations, in regard they are of force no where, but where the Faith of Rama is retained ': yet confidering ' howlgreat an influence it bath in Chriflendom(and probably more ‘ then ordinary upon our Author) I fhall, to avoid multiplicity of heads, inliance in oneiori two of them in this;pla'ce,:l Iyfaythen, that the Church of amtthat hath been {'0 often branded by in us Proteflantsi ( if “It may ufe fo new a name, forfo’ l.antirent"a faith) as ifatitotsiiof the Doéifrine of Regicide, yet callagree that, thoughhei 5«,W(,, be a '1" yrant in Regiment. he cannot be refiPted or killed withoiut 3, :1 fentence “precedent. ,Nay,0g/pig thejefuite goes fur”ther,who A i being A arraigned in the time ofli. fame: (in5cat‘/ana’)aud asked the q11el‘ti0.tx r(4a) “q1iéfii¢fi,.t whether *a;:t1~;Iciere.tti Ck Kihng tbéinfgt teXc0mmtmig:a3tedt,_,might ' b@tflaingthough_ttot“fave histhlifet 55*.‘ Would» 11013 fay iEW?L5t’11”1!13-‘Vflih chhfeha the i&0g5st0ftE11¢1f:7Qhl1rCh tW¢rCttd1V1d‘§¢3~b9ut It, and u gmidt . notdt:tetminehdt,h it; A Wherfifitn, it itsttprobable hetfpakei apgréater e"1ft1tth,th'en he@;ntt:ngl.et‘,5to; -,1; tfoi‘ if “W6 {hall I00 k‘_ b\a'C7k',,1'1'p"0‘n‘ the anti; éint. Bifhops,:aud tf(b€f0ore.t11e.y had §0U3€fl "eh? Knack *‘(§hf33’£%’i’§:”,0'f'd’E1z}?tt.ing:in.-vttiliie quatrels:ofh.hPr1nces, and b*§7:ha-h&r;_Id17om ;EWifiv %iT;1;vor.*:gtt..thE“;:¢+”i’pteel~,:: Fan thettoi;1tere£thh~hoof;t the, G-Itair, Eo,get&;her,h found 3 A diéting theii:-_ Ki«r1gdoms)t t\vétfhtt11~fir1d,o‘t f.E'bsih“Vthefi;C btdthtg hancifi to,ju{’tiFietI1at,, Brought up] the devife of’ aep;-tivitng fixchas Wouldnot Pcahd; to;_tthetr fentence, ;rhod¢ xnter. " hag they weretfofar from thi1:ki;hgt1tt17awfuI.ttoptpo/fc.,o.r murder their Emperorsrbethey Vt; Hakgifi.‘ .&m.Kq. lo_'3q C: h 91;; it; 5’ which ifh'et(ha1ltconfef§,h.e {hall fuffer; as »aTra magma. fiygy A 3'fi,s";?».'r an 1 A t fajdj .Ar;httc.1,aw that reflpjfefis 713; King dc fmflb, zthdh not de jurg gives .o What they xvouId,that they: inioynedo phrzwers for them; particu-s V hzufihthorh §’u%z'im7,i.andttAw:fl2zrim,.t;the one an Apofiate, theother ' an: Hétetiotkgindt t1‘ivem.hot11eots t1‘a.y,h Qéégfim, _Bi{hop of Ro;mf,_ix1 an,Epift1eof hishtofh‘ the 1tatte*r,%1’t1leshI’11m_, [‘/emexn,4?;num,;g3'ari0t 5' fiflimfim, ¢;v1'22z‘g"I!tfi#171sii, Déitin terr£5~V£mtrz'nm;h and befeecheth u3r'g on upon this Statute will be double- I. whether his Highnefé be tvitbih the perview of that Statute, beeaufe fpeaketh onely of y a a King. 2, admitting htetbe, whether the declaring and, publifhing thatit is lawful to make himcaway, randthei inciting i the" people to t t dothe fame, be a; fneixent ovet1+tcat‘,ttxfit‘hin tliaieistatute 2* To‘ bo—th = w~hi_ch I anfwer affirrnaoively 5, and thét+efote- iiorx the Exit, however i , the Statute fp.eaksfof.nojire" 1: R0} Gbefides wihat I haveifaid can a t F 2. A i «cerning I Q l ‘eerning this before,’ Ihalladd, ‘llilflt it list not to be takcn‘l’tri&lyl andiliteraliy, as if it intendednothing elfe, but that individual Word llK£§1g-, for then neithertQ!_.1een ;Mm_~y._, nor O\u_een .513}.-.'«l£?«E"l‘;§:'_ lcouldf ltave been \Vi£hi_L1it,*bl.1I.' rnufi: havelhad fome other AC} as King Pbiziprlhad ) A to have made the compafiing their deaths to‘ be Trieafon : hut, by equity, to extend to any other chief Magi. .im.~ fla1n‘Di'on, in hopes of the Government of Syracira/2:, iwasihi*mfelf+ {lain wtiththe fame dagger, by the fame soldiers. ‘ And sflmral, of, whomi I vfpake before, though (A, for as much as several‘ could meet A with he was hardly privy to the confpiracie agiainft iCai€/far, and _; therefore at moi”: could be but aceeffry after the faétg yet had '7” frieaiz at thatlhand thatwrote, and that head that fpoke in idefence Ofihisl ‘ “7‘~"’””“- 111,111-deig, ,s{’croo,l~: mi; and fet over the Itoffmwhere he had. erlays: (4§} .tijnfiified Foiii:iran;Cger_:'tiusfy* an'Errt>r.i. Neither- is hol'y_Wri’t bariren if A J _ _ ieitamplies in this kind. The fervants of /fmon confpired agamfi him 2 Kingm, :a«n‘*d>1flew ‘him, ~antdte‘a11.the“ peo.pi;e of the landiflew: alii them; that ecenfpigréd iagainfi; him; In like]: manner imri tc.on{pirea‘ againfl; x King.r6,« Elala of Ifmel, and flew him, and having reigned feveindays "’ his itead in Tir-Mb, the‘ p”eOaipIe*enCa*mp‘ed againfi: it andmiok it: A But Zimri burnt the:Kingsaluoufqeyandi himfelf it,to efcape a ’ {greatertnifchi'ef‘fortheTreafonhehiada Wroilgrht, for R) the Text ‘ ciallsit; And rather then I? {halhvant any thing that may prove the A prefentipnrypofe, the Gentilemani himfeif wil!5”afford me fomewhat ;' fcisrtas to hisfexample of Arhalinh, it vviilnbire no hardnaatteer7totm‘~ni 23- 4% the pointof ~it upon himfelflin as muchrraas the Text t‘e1ls‘rus;, /1222 had zyliing-I13 V I 4'1?/If/96 Rem] ofrhz /1a_1”vfe ofagffltdzdatt; andtC0nfequ‘Entl.y*it can e no injury to that piace, if ( hefides what I havegfaid‘ before ‘ e A conceyrining it) I~a‘d?dl:thiS5i that it was a judgmentof Gofd, andtah aftbf yretaliation of theyepaeoaplei upenher, for thofe mainyramitrders axfitflaufghters which fhethadsexercifed uponethe pofierity of the‘ Kiengisitofjlmlabg For as Ovid faith, --——N:c;z¢e mam 1iexj.u/liar at/la; 4’ ‘~ ‘ Qittfiiiz “nearly ¢grit£fi”c'e: Arte punfre [nah i V \ Neither have the People been the only EXetcutionerstefi]’uPtiée,; fin thefe cafes; but even pa;rticularePyrinees have thought it a du::tyy ] to them,, andiinttereft to thernfelves, to revethgea the eatthof their“ 1% .72 P_redTece[Yoris.i S0 Al:-xauder theGreat, put them to tcr171e1.hefcieath.», —.Ale::*'-—? had flair; Darim, his Enemy 3: Ccefi:zr,rr_~fuchi as -had at; hand gffjg if at in the blood of Pam} ti I/znxzzm, the”yMurderers- of q:za'£m: su"n.Pi::’ Domitian Epnplaroditm the Libertine ofzvm, beea_nfes~«he-*ha”d but *hieIp‘ed: hi-my “( although inlove )- to difpactch himfelf And»? amz'::?'14, Se-baifua, the Itil41:ers- -of "7’ertimz.a._* his Priedeceflhr; The fame'7d'lid 3‘*¢4?4n- V David-~—i. to the g43vfhiit't/EkitB‘( as before :) A And‘ v_vhen*Ru-laaé and Bajmalz bro‘ug’I3it l1i1‘1.1"thC_'; head of Ijlyéa/aria, he coummandedrfhise a52rm:4,;’. yoinng men, iandthrey »fl;ewa themyand‘ Imng up therirthands ' “ fe‘et,~over the“P‘00‘1 in Hebron.» A Sobairbarouséandiabh>o’rrédfr'an yaét‘ "’* hatih this.0f’ Kiiiing heen;i.;evaen‘in the-' eyes of the~PeopIe~:; ‘and -thing of f0 ill. prefi dent to Princes themfelves,,to fufler‘ fueh peozpie “ L‘ relive, that thoughtthey may hawfecretly approved the A=&i:non,, __ _ as«gai‘ning=a‘ Crown by it,yet they ha‘vewrarely'forgdt ta 'give~the’ 3;; Aétor the diemerit or his-Treafon; But" if rafter ?all“thi3tnent%wil'1* 3% n<'Iit“tarke i\varnin.g,;i_.but {ne'er ytheem1?e1ves' to hernn into da~ngeirs;,by’ every Bhtéfeu ande3I;ncend5iary;.-_ that _1gh‘i-nks Jhe cantnott warfin Icxlis M ‘ M ‘ M e “an 553 1.11ands,tinleE it{he«at a publiquc flame,‘ Irlcannotrtell what I lhould i (46: 1 ;add more; i forewhomc neither Religion nor danger can keepibadt, what can deter ? Yet becaufe fome men are foonerled by interefl: Concerning which, having 111 Anfwer to a made it appear that his Highnefs is normal Tyrant either in Title, A or Regiment; A nefs of the Afiion 3 methinlts I might well fpare the labor of the en either-« ofsthe»_ other two, I’ halien to ihis’ ‘Third Qtielirionlll iwhicltis, s ‘ l ‘ l i l ‘ it A i Whether tin} 461 Of g i am, or noxiam to the Commonwealth S’ i I I and in Anfwer to his Second, provedythe unlawful- examining whether it be expedient to make him away? But be. ycanfe all his Propofitions are grounded upon Suppofitions, nayy even this alfo he begins, If it be larrfzalr zzwlaetiaar it be axpamxxg having difproved the formexgthere remains nothing, but thatl itonfider thelatter: And here, I need not ask the wearied Tera- aveller , whether he would be at rel‘: .~, or the weather-beaten Sea-man,iwhat is theybelleiiflt of a Harbor? Thine cafe is the Common; wealths: ,1-Iow bath {he been toffed to and fro upon the waves of ;Civil ldiflentions 2 how have her fons (like Re11e(caz’riT_\Vin§) lflrugled together within her, to the endangering theirmcommon mother? What breaches hath {he received from the fitry, 0f'Ttl1C one,and the rnadnels of t’ other 9 And now that this leaky*Bottoml rhath rnacleiland, naymore, that that the waters are abated, and t herfelf relied upon the mountains of Peace and Settlement ; That ' her. fons begin to acknowledge each other], and have beaten their a fwords intoiplow-fhares, and their {pears into pruning-hoolxs; ‘what folly were it, nay what inexcufable madnefs, to engage her in new broils~,« and fetthofe fears a. bleeding again, which while th€y,._\VB1‘€ wounds, were always thought (and to found) too ‘great pl thors dofitinetends to little lcfis, but tltehand of God to clofe; And now became our Au- foranyy I would have every Englifh-man examine our own Story, and tell me whetherthis Nation hadlnot hetterhave endured thattoo mafculine fpiritof Kingfifohn. then by that largeeffitfion of ,blood inthe Barons wars, ifubjeéted it lafl: to the interloping of the Pope .2’ Or whether they ihadnot is then by a continued war better plyajd ,*en*l1"n‘cihtas islronfirmed arbymnthjority of ‘Parliament, ; ~ *vd=1o1ag7hipoflihlyitheytzmayiBeigrealter thenehath been ‘*,ul7*1al=, »ayet th"ey»‘ar’e no lother; then what the People,‘ by their ‘Reprefentatives, shaver laidnpon themfelves; and fuch, that thou h the mayabe-a f‘~little trouhillefomafior the vprefent, will in the en proilhce Peace, Vanda Pllenty. “:'_1The * next thing , vlrhiehihe doth ibuttouch t1&pon,~y~isi lifhat» ofiaths, “&c.- How mam_y<0at/2: am we» bra/W, cl“:-i " -To _xiv-hieh ‘( rlrough I never tiookil any myfelf) yet I: may fafelygive t ' this Ainfiver :. That althoughl Oaths are always y ( at leafi oughtto te ) taken in the fenfeof the Gi§v"er,l and not of the Receiver;, yet Gm de M an Oath may ceafe of it fell’, two ways. i. tWhe-re he tOltWl1Qlma ‘>‘“’*‘- ’- 3- or for \Vh0‘fallgQd\’the.f0atth was given,‘ tireh1fet'hititit.ly- 5-,’«.;;«; Where the "“”‘ quality doth ceafe, under which a man hath.fivornepetoya;ny-, as if a a Ma gillcrate ceafe to be a Magiflrate Now ifanymanyhath taken an Oath,wh.ichhc eonceivenhtto btE?;Z)1'”Ol\'.€Ila if he cannot brin it i . an en t goo. (43) uncler one~of'thyefe:l1eladls«,l my advice to hiiuisf thatehe aslk Godlfbf; giv,enel§' for what is pail, ‘and be more wary of fuch? folemn efi. - A gagementsforl theetime to eome..And fo,becaufe_our'Author makes: V no more of it him{3elf,I have no reafon to follow 1t further.The next thing he enquires is,_Wlmt have we of the N oéilitj, chat the name, the Euxury, and the V ice: ? Which I believe our Author fet purpofely: — down, becaufe he would be fure to have fomewhattinhis Pamphlet; that could not be difproved: And therefore Ilhall fay no more to it, the-n..what we have in an-old Ifoet of our own,, who calculates x:heFcime.',fince-when-they firll fel-llln-tl3€lI‘€‘P£€€fl1,. p o Ex qua Nobz'lim5f¢2r.z2i1£.a' caepit .:zmMrt’,_ ‘ ‘ . abillimr cwpalt cam /Ewvzis degenerare: l he v(f)ne51ywi{h that“ they may cli-l?prov.e that Antithefist of the Lord‘ A Bacafn, Nobility feldo-m fprmgsi from V ertue, “Vereue more fel- edom from—Nobil«ity»5 Audio 1 leave Inlthe next place, he faith A” flnyimitgd Pwwr net to be t7‘M_[h*r,z’_ pin the hand; of one .M4n,¢j«c. Which thoughl fhall not oppofe 1:2,. yet Iwould fain; lkznowe wherein thisfunllimitedv power concerns. his.lHigl1nel§",,, or if To, wiherein it CGIh1fillfs:V for, he hathuot. hitherto .prteI:ended.to more-lthen—l t!he7Laws give hxm, and therefore we ‘fl‘lO11ld;beMas A -~charitzi"ble«, as. thofe~ Lqws, who nevereprefiune a _wrong, un- ’°7'1f'l‘2:.-t~~. -£%.7m“z;’.” 3‘: VP :2 20. _ "C.-T1): ?7lefl"s it be; fuflicien:ly~pro:/ed.: And lo I~ca4r1n0totell;"Wl3at it ihould ~ he he drives at ,3" except he thinks an unlimited power to confifl: -in e negative.voice, ‘washout whxch, let: aPr1nces Dom1n10nsbe- lnever fol great, he is but hke the Roman Priapw, : who «thoughl eihe were God oftyhe Gardens,“ could _not keep a. Crow fromllmuting“ upon; his heauc: 01-1 that pie‘ture—wh1ch theDu*:ehfdevifed for one olof our own Kings, ar. (word. by his fide, but locked’ in- With ya p‘acl«-loefk.. Butif this ‘beanot t.hetl_1lng,.lJ11t he is angry that the- Poiwer is plu't~aga-1n.1ntolutl1ehazndsxof one, Tacgpu wxll; tell us,‘ it T ew.am-he ouelyl xvaythat: feutled lRome.Q Neque laliud di/2-gxrduntis 3 Rcipaatir. remealium y qmckm out 4.6% mm r.[egeretz;rp:f' There could‘ A be ,71]C)fi"‘f'Ot1h"er lCI1lf€.'f01.1nd,f0rl1l1€gCllVlllOflSJ_jOf the Commonwealth,» mhenttluat the whole power fhould be put into ehelhands of one: And’ nothing impertinent to ‘this, purpofels 9th at of Agamemnm -in. 2..“E¥0W7‘?.7" pp Ill fl o’.j_,__" l A on A l l mt. -z:l.':g.cr.§‘»'t."I.X«'z ~e~:e2woxa:g;:r;zq1,_ x’ofg_gw@.‘ e.s'a2.,,., :E.;l1él5:'@Dw‘v£7\.‘£l'l;€-. l t l g l - l“'W«7aer»e-lmawj mic ," noygeod-7 =mn- /prihg-7;_ A ~a"£lt1?f?$i.E~0~‘it4t;"Q5’A0'Z’I?‘f*1Y.f}?TC9.“¢1U'd¢%Witrh,th€ bufinefs Ofifindetvmbs andflwughe begmnmg ofh~1stPamph1et._’, he is~oi1e“of‘rthofeof Whérfi 1361-» A4 A ‘ A h A mitim znregres tahd" in Cliriftianknr _T1W‘é \VC*mnf¥;n9t.. do évilttha: good; i(5'1) ;;,;:;42 tomp1atins,ithatwiiI1 never tbeieevethctetis.ai.TreaAf0'r1unlefi“ A th“e*1’.rince he killedi 3.nci3th€1‘t‘i:0re~—_ inqui1't~:s, whezlgerh “3a3treAa1.AP;1a2:A ‘ of Sindercomh, at H1gl2«M€fjC¢, '02?’ of; g’/921.4,] .ri agtzinfl S'i;I1~‘-V ' dercomh 2 yet here his Ptudy hathigot him a. Pcomaclg hefwallowsi it bones and all —, hefings’ him an Epinicion (ifl mayigive that name to profe : ) and would do more For; him then the Pope did for thc~ }‘4‘_cab£m,; or Rmzzac ( ;tI1e‘=AfTaffiinats of “Ham. 3.. and Hm. 4. of Fm_nce)‘Acanonize ma, Trait_or»for a;,Saiint.i. But the Rat isA. difcoveredi A his fqueaking; iWe mat/1 faiith»h€~¥) tfaeiriccnflam-2:} wlyam. ne:'ther1A 3 érilm nor terratrJV¢ofi!dAWa£e‘ éetmj ~t1M£r.f:mimd£.-, yetitis more then; probable that fomeof them ibteganitoi fi1fp€3:I«i‘t , Aor. ‘ei1feAii they Ahad A never phrovideddAhim a pill, to fecufe him aga,inft telling of tales,» ButJI_hop‘e every man wi~11i:takeiexa%mp.1e byhim, 'and;abe1eeve.th:ere+ is awnqtghet way térpreferve a'1'n_aVns memoryi» “then Dgawf, M A TAémpie,ai1d**that there isAAas fhorfltia cut-to; ”HB':»1M:€'n out qfia _ABed~,” Ads; A for,’ either they ;'~'_€'C61V"€.I2hf.‘.ii-1‘ r W A foAiAn;bu:hated the "Frag fr‘Qma_ Gihbet .-,4 for, be th‘e'I‘-reafofin w~hat;.it Wi-1-'l1'\.VeVi1]‘a-J‘-1rar€ly,find; that Traytors have gone toVtheir~ graq/csi.iin‘A,4t- mm ” Tcf¢§‘§’IédI(n}‘;8C£.' "J » A‘ it %' 1’(£A|..7Vk'IZ(. ‘ i *r‘L-1”.‘ A; V ‘ A ' A M ard«u\VI1€1T€ theyhavfie aAttempc3¢Ad;i; the aétion, ior%tnetAwithi*it;fromAthemgthatifet themAion.\vork, moi}: M . m“en}bi;eAit'1Ag of xfntiganzzfls lT1in'd;_‘-W:hiQ‘W70l11:d«fay,h€~iOV€d«:Eh€iTI'C:fl-“" Ray; M M V % A " :50: :1 AnAd.»hetAe, if it beirequgifitcito urge any, “L 5”’ ‘‘’’’‘'' tl}iiAin“ A£u;«c1;;e;1«,c«:;An thy‘ h"‘;tfi:u*fih~{bi‘g¢n’e1;aiA11y"Afl.eCEi.V6d; amongitr ins” .‘¢_1-“A WAhete,i Tarpqiat, ha;VAing betraiedithe Capitol toithge» s;¢b,'m,A 11ppnA conttaéhi to r«,ecei;ve foif~ira«wa~rdd», iwhat tlieycarrieci on t11eAirlefl:A"A.A. hapdgii %( intendiing not doubt their 3 Bracelets H,‘ ){ they both toikcep, ~ their rprornifi;andtwi:ha1«=m: tow f{1ff€«I;-‘P futh: rain exemplary Treafon. ta; Aefcajpe iunMpunifhed,threw« i ifi";‘thefii'f‘ iBiuc klers. t bOO‘t5A “VVaAhiC1‘.'€'fu.‘ -1 wiAthAh'eing iove1;vty=the~fwond,mayvb°elofl: y » At:lr:eef.:ofév¢v”or,do:t.‘t ’5Tb*whInh I%a‘nfWer.;.,t That tadt;1.ittivng~AAtIjHat;AA his 1 Hghnméio enevetmo xivned, or pretended to, A yet even upon flint :,€eAoi*c 7;; {ands rrreoft With‘ :‘th*cf‘i1f interef’cs,t t;ot-be ;quiAet,A ~+ afidvfubmit tQi"3EhcA “G‘0Vetntme=nt::tt Ateeditthetefoml ‘Wflltg1V\€’y0"llth€0i*fliQI§"Qf¢””(9€fl§6‘,d, l1p;(jn the very fajmé gafe o diaper v sWltuee“‘fi’rfé*ennt:é1o7\&r11etoparttteulav inteaxse[’ts,A 1tt“:etmtnt1t~;1 cnmotee break on inya.’ Better tplaéfle a “ II A L