Right 0 »OF THE THEkLORD FIENNES, CommiffioneroftheGr€atSE-4L; ’ 1657.; Being" the firfli day 61: their :1 i1rablC;% ..Mazdeécfa7‘e His $ *+ I-IIG H NESS ’ “%.And Bot11HousEs ofParlia1nent_.,\ A % 0nWvdmfdflyth€ 10*‘ ‘°f}'“W#7’y: }Publzfl7ed éj Hi: Hggbnpfigeczaz cmkémzi i I X A Lmdzm, Printed by Ia?':'m'y’Hi//55 and 53¢/air; Fifi’, t 7+» A ..-....J.‘...... «~- . Printers ta>E~IisHi‘ghx1efs. I637.’ A; “V! fw" Wm ( yaw,» we Lani may we j~G:-rm M14, %fi4ade lrcfere Hi: S rmdfioth %Hovks% Parliamen t,+”%zz PVednefda_y- the 204?. their Szztz2zg. V ---nu. MW Wu ‘;’fi${;,;:fi.*h":;\,“ga, W} _,,.A,};, K,‘ .‘ H _.\ ‘J ~ H I -'2 -;:. x -'5! % I Houfcsofh ; , : J ‘E.-., . W? % 1 and it&is‘afi”gn%a1. “*3“dr"‘€mafk2ib1e Pfovi. 9“%%§i “\\\\. *’%%%”I?hC¢a ~g§3#;i**C§‘*¢1Y.% % 9“ c smcfl ;beR;ge:%Hom;¢ the.Ii_1of’cHonourabIe to His congwepzq, W, W: pot ‘zaeaagéz 1va’awr/2 'f’Wed m%W fl”éd‘al~“r; 3, A y%ea,«3¢fim@) ... ‘E {em aChiéf 4M;zgiftracc _,:Aagain ga1non~gffUs, and; 19; haAth5fl1ewn:,us% a‘ChieEM‘ag;1flratcin»his-= :woHou{¢3»of% P ar1iamTegm:*; % ¢Atxadrrxo:»«moughc**;;o 1 }52 b}.&z'r7z Aandfl Mazzéflelg, *%*that 5 the A Three N%:zr.i‘”<>+ns‘~ mayi"bIéfs,in them, ¢fayingg VG“Od'Vma:I§e »th‘ee%f‘ike~ . r cure ch*e% Peace, the Safety, and the Préofgierityof :¥’§‘e%cbr€¢Nat19;1$ Awe things%r9o»& not F3; thfimfélvfifi"?3*Trie1§7§;“”"”’3l1f inV01“der ye£AAt0 g1'eater j % j , he%wJa,dvahcemées?n: of ingy» %dom€0fChrift amqngfiusaand rh<=‘%4g1oryofGod: V % in" the~;;gqod%‘*"bf**aflj%”133€i1[ Churchcs%fA GOC1 amcmgfi as 4:h.ey~ GOds%;no%ftVVp£c‘ti;5us jewreismandyhisfwChieféPc“ care,;‘%fo‘4% muflt they%"a1fo$‘h91‘d the choifefi"‘pI4ace%V%4in V eS:. A4a.ncfinv.fhé hem?”ofa1I%c:h<>fe%than th%6x2rty.flL“¢i 4 1*-\'*i*3'??fi1€Aafeinthé firft.%P1aces; to thflf goflui%*e;t hat:he u11xeew,Na:ions‘atV :m~p1'eren“nare %ke%L~e4bA~vand % A %P:/I.eV1y .you mrtbiljVA:inVEfl2rat4,“an’d‘ 3“ jE<’WWm-MaYit be Yourgreacbufinefsitop1‘:oV~%V (3-3 iAnA;,Aa~;54p.iA4uAré ( ”GodV% eAgrai.f6d )"P’e4ce,;~”"(%as:A w1ch1ntfhetnfelves*) a. qt11e‘t?pofiure,A a ~pofiure A kickgtowardsfa~Sett1ement.5é p..”er.fe& iAetnle ment and ‘the blef-Teq fruits thAe1‘e%of;AA573z;fliaéamd piety, A Ple22tyandVP'ra[p¢rity,% if yW%eA ta kc carenot ‘:0 abufe 7 the lA:;Vttert“o"the%d&cftru€tiVt>n :of%the former. ;Surel“y A might) with a1l.VehankfuA*1nef§A :6 ‘own Aaild ac- knowledge theouc-goings o”7flG0dAAforg.modunto L13’, hithelftp-, We ought Ito COnfide1- how far», Aflm-1:; Aanéiitmill through < the good’ hand % of Go:d.u‘pon the ende4— A vfiurgof his High‘nAefs%Aa the'AParl;iamen»t (‘ ~b€f01§e Adjournment ywe axed-meadyw advanced in A A A 'Afr:e13y0u»mayp1eafeto fore-{ewe ahd avoidthcé nhiswayand work. A dangerous R-asks» which ‘We may f2A1llAupon in our courfe, which may ‘not onely {top Air; but cut its y fa3ppom~t Us {of ever an-mug ?I‘thenextp tunitie: and AAa’w22t4‘ges youluve at this time in; ’y?oAur‘ A hands,‘ by what aha I Pax‘1i;u11e'n LA. hath ah'ea=- dydone; tfiat you may izngprcve them- % And? l:.1{’cly., A A you -may caftyoua‘ eyies wuponk the Jzficpzlties)We% lieunder, and the imjzedimemm ‘\ lcé, yam-mzA1y confidegthe oppm A whichlie Iridur you» en»deavg)ur ta V reIhoveAthem, A A A A _ 4 ThefechirrgsI?c;in onely {peak t:o,curfor~iIy and Ag¢x”1era1ly,A the full and through. confidera tionaf “4the4m,.wil1V*?h¢the-work“dfAyour manyand fefrious . febatesA~a%nd;Ac0nfu1tations,=~anAd ‘W111 I exercxfé "not: ” A A ’"%4ely yourwifdomc Inkizzfiray/,A'4bu: a.1fo% your f A]E;~‘ait;h:A.% (4) Faith anAd*P“a‘tiehceA, which mayitpf1eai*<1etheLopd to :.11accompany¢wi£h his: prefience a;1d’af1"1f”tazfxce, :,amlA end AtoCroVm with his blelfiflgg and‘ withVfuccefs.A‘ 9 ~ A ' 'Into.what cond1tion%Athé1ateA XV4ar§-.A and Diflraé mans; had brought the Fe Natidns ,"%A1and%whfacaA‘ clmd of Darlemff hadfcovAered& the wboiefacc of A the Gov¢rnAmem;t bfein»°' maid, and ‘ a' manner‘ Wichowucfrrm; %«Aa11 §»mow,*;andthethre?e 4_ 1:~io~hs‘fa*’d1fY%v*felt,%and were vcryfenfible of gthofc % we « » ybut % y¢c*chc4 A A ; \Ao:fsA that pou*erful1 ASp'rz A rm: MQAA “ PWA lbw/47%1vriIIg ~fWz fr ft1§+thcr%“% confujiam % than: might have A enf'uedftherc—- upon : ..But it .pleafc§iAL God, yathzlt Lag/2; fprung am°*igfi ‘#15: find things beAgAan Ms ‘t E317!/7 a‘Am1%r%h»eV4 Water A%we‘rc Vof1eMafs"togqnhcr*5’ _t/Nnwtére A tl?be~ V%~W4ter5 éeizflzlt/_J; t/2-:6 _ dedfrpm tb0fi'4z90';2£.%t/re1-‘irmzzmcm, there was ]A,c:0n;-A-~ A flituzzecl 3. CZ2z'cfMagz]r’mtc and a Parliameflt, the one dafhnét from theVocher,_ tfiac each one "fm its. proper place might the better put forth its 1nfluVe»nCc%;4 Llfefulnefs for thcgood of the Arm; »ApaearedA Athis4*p;£x1iamcn: A(% by their A hum%ble»Pe%:titionand%ALdvice)&no di1?cinguifl1th<; ‘ Pa1‘lia_fnent alfo into“zma"Houfcvq~5 and _ thatAgrAé'zn: A ‘ .'§ A ‘it A W «?s» A» '1 ‘A, M ,1 9 4 A E 2 ya?‘ a § ' .31 5'7 4::-60?’ and Noble Body Aof<'%the Water:%fe;iriAgincQVA Efl A _ M V “ A what ‘nmtv 1*:emmA W*”Eh€ Em’ eirit;lo~f~di-"a‘oz2t£zzt~r A l V _ ll M A V and,‘ M (6) and zwike of A die A prefent difpenfiations of7God_. A A Abccafislé all things a=t;e~ not H plerfegftl an inflant, A fiich as isvto» be Twiflmed thciyiwcre, Aa.ndfu;h'”a’s ,. V 4 pofiibly in Gods dueatime c:heymaylbeA; AA V I» If the Arpxicfent Parliament abthei-r'fir£’cA,meeting A bad Ag‘AiveAnlway A to fut:-h .aA vSpliritAasTthaVt, and A.nA07:£ God affi£’cing themfo tQ%dAo,il~lonVkthAcAcox}trg;-yA put on a Spirit: of Pauence anCl.R‘eAl‘Oll*1AtL:()Il~'AlZ(A)A1*e‘As-A cbifie,;asf;;r'as inghemlaygwhati§vz1s‘amifs;gI;oim}A ;prove what was good, and to make the Abeftof what: God laid before. them, AApYéfling dn to fctA1:l'e‘-A A xmencand perfeéciczan, as God lhou1dopenlthemAafiA~ ,way,l ewuzhout attending either 2231- A l ‘ A m0rIQAfanAy;Ar[0rtialS ;.IlJ‘El7icWV¢rAC" hlofgatkll lglnlds to“ have cmrztged A themgl and diwrml Hf 4 t11€irWorks V 1 “Ya ltheyl A ad gAAilA"T‘A‘-"‘AA‘l"3?:?»§A‘?{“l°hA ,aS'pirit:,as7:hat,:I kndw ‘notAAAAAwhere A A Hbeen by chlsAtime‘,~, AbutnAow bAle?fl‘edl‘bé:’ fl _ AA .kAn‘o wawhzere We lAAarel—;ml’lfolme A mea{flre,’l:1D~ld¥£h_at l A W'e ££1A:’eA in a hopefull walyl;ofAfettlé}a7lé%2g,4;4 A ]2xofpm'tAy AA AA ’ ‘ A c7>.~wo1'=ka j V * A gr 2 . ¢ « »— “f % H"I‘g:b Irene u 9,? e~ "€49~’) . . ‘ .,‘. 3 2 t«M3A.“i A*his%Cm1ntrey acmrdixag to his a.11inTgs ~ And that AW. ¢Ca1%1cannocAbAuc fbewarAraAn%tab1eVwhiChisnsceffary, A and TA-J[1 3:?‘3\ is nece(17ary¥?whichGod by his 131*ovidA Aéc: :foAorders,~th21-Vc:a mufiafi bY~.if, A a;¢t»aw :,1-Mad masaét.-heAfl1ou1dAA not AaAa&%ata1l; isJ»neithe~rA&ar”ee-- A ,ab‘Ie\t0AGods CVommandmem:n<3'rohiS example, A ATA'hus as«toAcheAfub{tanceofGods '?VVAorkfng,bti?t% A V me very» order a‘~nd:m4anner ofA ic»Ahaeh‘ am) ateac*H- “A~W,°*f .mg%inA~it..i NoAdoubt;if haAc%1feemedV gA4Ao®A'c1f%»AAit*.AonAeA‘ meaé A A A J,AeeM=u:~AhaVd¢¢draAwm ‘1‘fes%ion«t¢AaAMW A .:h‘e:reoi",‘ d1dL not ~d1fl1ke < his own wworlk, and t1ht¢0w,i~t~'u~p, tlam; lathe «wrtlr mm mix! A, am! without farmazmd darkzw 5' AAném1£pon flacfare of \tlte«2i¢ep,A but we-mzion to createélight, and ttion Al; %iAcw.as~ Afiill mis Vqilzmtelatthe%WorksA#ofA~the§*4aren0*t m‘AI~ fomf pattAe_rn*:,%\ Q;;as4'3 :a.11 the We%xc%e11encyiA::ha:%ri,s% ~ ' »the Lcmturei % s 1.”. 1.“? "1; _ a: W d0W%%and:%refe}mb%1ance%ofics A ; N” coendea; r3W,%g0Od0ufv4€5f‘ if thé'y%;%maY%A % 7% x 5%draw fort than is e :~urnIng Foundaeeiens, 1 thing it to ‘ is‘; « 1’ 0 far ‘forth~;~ g3sA ; jthere is. §(~9I13 Ii3ic¥di=€fs%VtIiY_.S-peach, %%a5%~%inre- ;;;%,tir‘m»~.g¥,t(:,,A 3740211‘ fe1vc$,w&"for céhac either you your A ’ 1‘¢é1¥ W” Wroit A 4 ‘t h€’f€fli”g—.[ that 14224 éatiomyg or 4u%z:>on‘no cerrainFound@a‘§i1:15: dmr:-% Pérf€5*i¥1g+i?ha‘zs’V %Whi¢hisa1z ‘. 401%) r€9~"Y%Af“?W€111.&ids%(‘VhiCh maY% be €Fi11a115?¢$5A€- A _fi1‘u¢%ivAe :o.ourJ great 3“ gwdend4oLfetr1e~ i .m::m) need no; fay much to tfhem neither. 3 for“ A Ltfiofe' whichtcom:e‘;t %¢‘i:11er4 utopia; cf I kt1 ow,;no: A jwhatVkir1;;l; “of imahgimry cfamz¢2gm3wealtl2:,_Qr. day; dreams of V t;hE1*ec%urnV_Qf I kxxovvnot what; Golden “age with the old Lu_1e -.3, Then" Notzom are rather A bottomed in conceit tfhen in ,reafon,‘an’dLmu,ft A fathef be’ worn o%u;%J,by§Expérience}Lhen'argued A TdpwnbyReafon,%fbrwvhen th€YATCGm€44t0:b<= Put % in Pra&ice.%%%:bey prefently difcovcr tbfiir .Weak- nefs and incotxfiftengy ._.“ and that _thcy- are .al--- together unpraflicable and ixifeazible,‘ or'%<§fVe1‘y ihortdurtmce and concinmmcg, as hath appeared fo oftén, as[ they havebeen afTay.ed,Vor attempted; i;NayVas rVbfpVhe1atter chm-e~ feemeth tobe 7'1‘ ,s:e"£ay, F%T*AA¢1iquid diviééi to the c9z1V§rary»:b¢%% khavmgbeen dconflmm fla+ndiftrong fii”current6[ iJProvid’ences agamfc it, that whofoever haAve&attemé;ted tq 4 flew thélt we ”, have ¢nQt one1yA been7c arried 'viole7ft1y ba’ck'agaiAn, but alfo driven upon Roz: ».c~ V wheyeupon _they have Slaip;;3m'cflle:;t%thcmfelyeg in A the%%at_te~mPr 5 nctfuhlike. tothofe Je;ws‘%whom :'r’°iéZim the Apofiatgin efpight of ?C:hr%ifi, fife : A rebuild the’“jT§:.n§plc% a5t:[; em/§zlVgm,%$uponivitsJold ifl11ing%%f01‘£h;%1fi3‘i;%hi.éd find d€f*‘r<5>’€d I116 1Amn%s =1nd”‘111ade¢ mm defifir froth V 1ndeedlou*1‘ AuthOu4r%(and mat Partyamdfigfi id._0thithé?1ike)béi15g:1 Heat/ma, anda g1‘e:n:Fricnwd_ ‘ +FOu,nda%tio~n3s?, ouf c5f’w11?chB.111s qf%VViM1de--Fire; . FA of 5‘Luliéz22s vw~*0u1d.n<étA ackimw1ed;%g¢;th¢»H@n§¢£ ork-« T ' ork; d*;(~n") s.:(;T¢‘d 2i1m:i¢,%“%1;ut"i‘£npAut2édA ism 2 ~ 'ftrar1g«e Accifletfi, «to I Pertinacy of ;h»e%E1;ement:,h PertiiMz'izz7 Ely}. V gffibvéfltl.6'7"€‘éF£IiWf‘fl1flbW/J‘ f€I‘I‘flit ~oper4arzq:,' bukt yet it V ;madeth%e11§.%defiPc fr0i1n’~Atheir%W%ork (Q. willnot V ;tha=: :I9a1‘=ty amon~gfl; 1.15;, no %em9nfi4rations%o'f ' , «God s:dM%isvfi<5 ~1%’”c*'i*fo"¢i3*,~VVVf'<%*)v’ti‘e"%-9» :f:heVr is he any Rkfi>é‘c%r of firm; ?F?0r-mV foever this S‘p*ifit appéa”1‘etfig % will;tefltifiérhis‘4difp1eafua*e'ag"a~in%£t it, tt{1ou*‘ghf%i‘t Be}.-?: mtjof %fo-deiejs %aDy¢, is th»at”’i Wave fpVokefi~éf*' A A Before; °It7Vrr1ien‘~t§h%&g}?1%*1hétwfe g‘t$dd¢~4rrieh;$.4Wx=15l?5: turn‘ C‘erem?ony* 4intf(;)«*?S:”trb’I’ca"15i"c‘e:,AV» afrifli i‘fiak€- . ‘.Kin[gdom of R‘ 1% fs? no conf‘-H¥.% in*CVirmrfi~.» .fEances,.in%VD.ifcip1ine*s5 in‘ I5orrt1s=,,(ehe‘ug?h*vhfefé: V 9 tfiings »a21Vfo may h%ave.f»fieIr UFG5 as w0t+<éIe*1~>’ find‘ * wncya fotheybe firainecl no A%czitried%beysondt A6 ~ 9 J aa%~as1V1~di1rowe:— f£1y,4 MiAflli%i=iform'i~ty» tfiefe‘ thmgs V‘ 2 U.n ityVamong Brechréh, and efpe%cial1y¢if g’rOW**~4" ' (‘to fuchra height: of Aflitfxdwfity, and fo’Vh1i*g1%i‘ g:1~ee~o£V A~fpe1'ity§ o%fie~fay bu:c%%s2ao:zuwm A flzead of Slyili’o1;e¢'3b;.V= it iha~\17~Be»4 ’acc0u%n*t»ed‘”“ gnome! 1 V A amu»gh:ocu:4hist%hroa%:; thbud 4?9nwe-; 0%? his Bram’ mrengdb Ifanym*erawfl1a1L»‘A"atcgia&aa*a?1l%*=as4 .; A and no c‘I:;~i}£?;z;¢:c,a may WE »*m«“1*f A: 0r‘zii*m¢£e>_ all‘ ‘mV¢vn¢w*%’1)e»vz?ls*th9¢taré‘ou»t wolf?‘ fubfi e» ?a%fVcz'rc le“,¢A%1‘1;1;c11‘;a mm, ~i4and"’aIl*‘mexrT»tfiq‘S§wg! owhfi serpent, 4thacwi11snot%% £a¢4he1%~ruc¢h% ~ A ;ni*oh,_(it‘imayVAbe%b~ut‘AI3~§ncie’s?g4é0 is <>wer‘at]s2vi11, th=eY~~W' us and%t:hem, hath p1.a‘c:éd‘the4 Power in‘ then handsAas %make Bufinefs keep ~ PeaceJ%%amuc’ not nib as w;b%erebyw:oA*4exc1z¢de iflii ?tl1<5 ferhat A via nhot -comeup {<5 it:ji*n af11%wpoims, from “the Privilege: - A whichiAbe16n~g no as ;cbr2/zzm; much M which4be1on%g-4~:%oAmé*m%¢as_Amm_ % Eormato%ch¥ef$~x?zi%»s&, ma,,zx and sm1,%whereuponAAr<5 many Wretc11ed sou1s"‘hgve: made fhipwrackw ‘of Fézit/:1 Aimdv a good’-~CoMnfcience,‘4 4A abandoning Fthemfelves tp z1¥1l7A10ofr1¢fy of nions, Principles, andpraaites, dc,-qmg‘a~ndz»z4. fpbcming the Laid f/1atAtV 5”}0ug»/a;:z¢a5 and the fly 7 ,5Pirit»fhfi£ faWififl€Vd{wfi§4a ,W1‘W?4%:f3f A %pture.c;,0f*%AHewen and Hell, ”at1ci‘of a11:he?Fund4a~ ;fi1enta1s*af,our moft hvo1yFax:h. I n%ee'dLnoit fpegakmore tic?) ft, Tthefe 4 is P Tcaflimonimfn m" ir1 th%cJ dafe, the things 1:=he'thfe1~v7e%s””» fpeaik1oLid4enough tb e1‘Co(2fc'ier2ves, phat they are inttglerzilile. W ‘ A L”*Weenthefetxvq, thaytfiozrk, anVd*this%Q;i.;k % 1 ;;m um “ Vtgwin ‘their’ 6‘ Petitioiiaficz 0 and.c/m/zmzvy itearedj ch;izf’Ci$Vourre§j~ w"hea:éin4 if”tf1ey A fl‘1a11*con- I flam_1yVp¢ffé'VTere; _all good menin City, i%n;Co1in$- % A t'reyginWAr»mwy; A Aahd% qveqywhefe, nay, 'G6d*hir’;n~ résa£iw3111knandéAb§;*tn;eqa ?it.A?A%nd % :ioc4%é:1e1y%inrm-atuters of ;m,»2ig2a%é;dA A a1fo¢in mar cm! ConAcex%ns=a‘nd4A ?%%'?Li6é”rtie:%,% * “\7er%ywrfa*i~1f way Aewaytlraced out unto us bythe Pairliameint, t0fe¢t;-,- ~ tle andfecurei themg both; and Amakle the ~t;hr¢é:e NitienshapPythe1‘eby, if form fihercinilwould but refizfc their .‘0pinio;z: 5. “and ‘‘ bringithemi to; things as God would havewthem, and not lflrive. A to lvring things with 0 much hazard and diffii: uflity; 1:0; thgilfopl-171.0515 like one that being fiorc/Jedi in the xvithftaxiding toonear the Fire, ra.ther thzmflir M an Inch frgrn the pllalce wh ere h«VCf“,hi1ChHl”-C‘_l; ddwh hist faint, calls about for Mafia: and Worlémen to ip%ull_ thefloufie down, that [0 he may {er the C/zwigamey fm-their off from him, A Give me leave to llpeak, A one Word. we imhis familiar 9f Ae¢xPreffion.i diam, and thh fenfe and¢xPerienc'e of A ” every?‘plainA.Countreyman_ A A fiidllem not to [ex we upon the plaizagxaiwzr A The late Wars a 1 dAACionfufilohs had f'oii‘odié_1nd. A * tramgled down the qmit:/¢.inmad,whe1fel)ytlle Hedge. was made to fence ih our La'ws.and iLibertieS;Il'li1tl there is 21 necellicy of fetpiineg4it (i)V£€li.,3.g21__lD- Nowromewmadmi: ofnoonher wwaurto‘ A .thevery fame ald R“/4nt:1nA%nheyemrpy,Felf fame dial .1-mt/:,A0thers run (0 faifitoii the e:.Awrc;;xmi_ioAn Lhcmher, A 4 fide,that‘they will hzive nojneof! theilald .Sctl.g}nlone“% . 9f the old B;,l4”k‘; no Bank at all,)bu: will have their FWKTWUPOH Levelaand ‘IP00; z?14.i+:%.era«4»m’.ei A i f01A';tillk¢Vai middle w4},a.son the onefijdeg not A ich¢iold,edrym7d de«dmk,feu1e 21 firm andA la,fling%fem.»mchetwoLRowes 0ffiI:%h.:zvetaken deep root the B3l7I£',« and be- fore4rhey:be grown together, am! *areAinm1%- vvéaved and plaflhed one" into thejothexgj far eahen % A %I“7he%y;fearitwi}1-be toolantew dog in; the Fame wili begmwn firoixg 1ike4,a irifle rw Lwhkh cane _ noxeafily bebrokem, unlefs they A can »ntwi)¢i«it,!%% A V¢¢fiMVfimwelit again,;4which- after f.3meA time‘ C3 ‘mi’ % I3 2 agntinuancAe;% add the A1nuA:uaia inter‘“‘7“couffes- df Idve and experienceof ‘each othe’r§Aufe[u1n&f.v tome 3.: bcea.fie4fo.r“I:~he1fitodog, A H!” moteher, and to Athfie Ciommonwealth,-A%it will r_1(3t » 'I5t1¢refp%ré %we% muff have. an éye; fie tronely fto' .th€%1W.l(l,'G Earle: 0ftheF01‘efl:~‘thajt. they%~.re2amot up our Eémur%Vz':¢e Thatbtemer grap;5.'% LCC_s._ the; Chief Magi- firateA% and the t;Wo%~L%Ht)uffesof7 Parliament efieem ‘catch _0.thf:l;‘. as boneqf the-it borxégand flt.ffl1 of A their V fleflu ';. Let; them be o£ ¢me%:h éa£t,%&4and like ihe foxjm AA a&nCifiSU1[€.~A0f%a-Vh‘e art,:: A tzi.wgalar is V : FV 1-V: ' V ‘1A ‘ v‘ om »m1Ild,€,Vom' if 0111, ,a22xe7! fp1r1t.th_at “TIIIRY; _ac‘3:A and animate «the ; whole,and%évery.part,14_;md4Abe M201 3 Vintthe whale, _;and~w@ole‘ in" every qp;i1_rt:;, Le: one %-and the; fame grand &1a;z41;'rgun in ar;,1d~ % through twhéln all, % and by ;:1.‘perpet l_1alUC.%ircu1ation }areFc1’v€ t=he;whD1e%~:anAd%er A .%ve-ryp;;rt%%ix1’"perfe6’c«uniéyflwength%and‘vigor.This wconfiitucion ofa Céief Mggijirate. and‘Tnia Houfca " {of 1?4r1i4mg;_2r, is not”. a ?Page.:mt:r.y,V but aVArea,l_Aanc gweI1a1n'¢afu1re&.4i1dvamaagxe go it M T6151, and to ; thjt “.€_nWea1th,; 3.1!)‘-i‘_f'd%. con‘{bnan%~Ac to I‘C’€l;~l7fl‘0fl; A .:i§ 15. the ’ ve:y#4EmNem A and ‘Idam of rea%I'0n;:1t;1%~fe1:f;§ ~Which%reaf0n§nhfam3 difcourfeth by a Med?W2%wAbe;? 4«£Wee§nAVAA.two extmms-6‘ If thmeube wand the«og_1e_ vary from the o%ther;* A how 111311» F they J3: %r §conci1ed _, A if the,ne j be nia Mediumtq‘ Vbrjng _themvto%gethe1'%<.’~ jWThereA one qanngot xprevaail; wmh . on¢,% tW91Amay%*With%a th7ird!‘3 4%WVher~eVo%n¢i~foa<>%tflip- B€iha14i%fid€¢£1” may other hem thcbody-fiiom W falling“. (J9) fkzllinge but if both be A trip: up,1auad:2c*4:a§1,dodwzm * Iliallretaineeit, bifdthe1'e be not a tbirdtodebepmiffQa*th nhe,h'=1nddto_he1p itupegainr.’ If one bejdezfifaultede eoxeillbbnoc theotber be "concerned A infit andrua V ‘to 1:5 defencbe'€, V But if both be attempted and ; ex poFedd‘dt;o ft/iolazgce; xvilledthey not {handddin need. do of a"ee",oP/‘oteedéfarf _ If .fo1nedh;1z:1rdddmuft be frun in A populate Eledhons to preferve the ‘Peoples Frce- dgme: 5 b may ‘there »not A. {me heip, A therein, byjetbe Ebeleéfoimof the Chief ‘D;/Iagiftrfate,‘ than 4 it tuft} not” at ariygd rtime to A its ‘owndo+eprejudijc:eo 2’: If any tlxiedngdoeinconveonient gifhouldd chzmce to" flip . outac anedoor, muff it now pafs two more be--- fore».it~.come abroad to the detrirnent of the Peo- ple Hovv exafif andgof how great refpeéfc and, A‘ authority will “be all yo.ur “ Adv, Laws and dTrefo- A luetiorisa. aS»eai"ce: rliat they have Pafa ‘fedd thded dExda‘ddinin;1tion ‘of d that Great Body which fees; with the eye of th‘eeeThree V Nations 5 o and is eacquairited A yvithj the ‘condition , [and fenfible = of th€.HecefIities~ofdever;y individual «part thereof .3», A bgheyefhall thenfpafs afecond fcrutirgy and be poli/7:—_ ed and A refined by. fix-sh eas‘-‘durjzage1i.£eN fl1a1lde1nak«eo b if; the_i"r_ bufinefs ei1;her4bto»‘de~dfic £hem;dfe1"vese» for, or eexercifed m ch1;ngsott«:ha: n1ture,being a1- . 7 ;foaifio£fedf;‘by{“é.11*dthefiev-erend Jud ges of theLand, “ Vaddndd ;od;h«ere11eirne.dperforis of Ad tfiat Robe, foe oft as mthete flv§111»b%eddoCcafionto reqqire evtheir advice, “and when as~eaftdefgba1lVNthisthey muflzpafs alfo thedjudge A f-meixcandd affent:.c5’f ct1ecbief.M4gi/zra:e,~ who is V e jeplac:ec1_d«ddonev4hig%h ‘dasdideupon a 9 Watclwfrower ., e from » 5v$ihenceheb~’In:=:y;ebehold at once. View Vandfdiféover the theflacé 1», ‘I~<>3 . A A A AA A _:A:he.who1%e A Budy wP'E)1it7qx1“eA4:§n~d;evéry A part *there0f, an‘dAfee- no E A 0:16 IV A Iftenir I.-gt h:.Imd,% but. M alfb ti f'z11** Off" ‘now it%ff;1ndi€th_ inx:el:n:iAcanA£A’t> forzfgign‘ A S£~..1£eS. a{iwe114asAVt0itso-xvn p:;u“ts wzzhm rt {‘e«If;.' 'I%mighte%nl;1rg;e much zmfargzupon A“[h'Ai3.(ub§{.".€}$ % it ifsi mum be forg<:tten that “eactj H0u{7etA.}?z_ku1‘g1 a .m~orAeJAfpecia1c:1reofwhatis 1)1of£prWn;:sc=r for it, and it mofl: proper whileffk tVhcRf=-”preFenta-e five.fthe"Cammamprovidetkfandfirengmentth me fineWsVof Waar, to preiénye the %CommAon~é% wealth fto*n1‘ADc&':u&a"on in‘gro{‘s,%by yublique‘ - force ‘violence wthe” az1JerHau[l?%wi1l*p;-é,‘ flerve It] froxfn Defiru¢&'m4nby :P§e£s31l,L through the A due: admma» ratioiloffifiuflice; in p_p:’effi nAgAp:1m7cu.;. ‘ % 1m'wrong%s and opprefl‘1:;mAs, AA which would Tfoon Break Om: i;ntOopeIjflcz7‘m':,% arhi ‘pubhque rapiwéi, A if;theyVwereno~tpre;yented by the Courts of 3334 1 ? &'%imtu're,wh_ere0f% thehighefl: Aand~lafh'e£"o—1'tis :he1‘e..[ ButHha.11.leaVE‘Wha~t_’!is% omitted in {Ms point to A $ime?an4dr"‘txpgrie72ce, which Aam‘confid‘¥eqt will f ]_ . u>‘5i1y,?an:lA mo: "efefieétually and comm» cangly, the-mhe tongueofany man can fee ’ f0"IA pafs ‘oVnAto. the laffpoimz,~:md'fl1:11l May to uch ‘upon fame difi'1?culti~es Z and impeding —-1 (E A mengzs which weA_xAn3Y 1I1A€et:WAithifl our waAy,£ g And A tbe*‘fii~{t'4t~h%at{{"mnmm;%.-Abe m dIaAfl%g*erAto_ _flz;mA&Ie gwd it .129-we this an/?zJrrr£Mg3A;% foinragreeabléenomc A heradf, AA Letus érifidér, A, A ’a"ufe.it% is am: ‘hi ye1%*°c%fryA remova % thm;j1c%i»%{*4"V Athe Vcdmdition ofiVckre%N;1£f©%fl&»t .f5‘I’A~fi-s» A V ‘ i’c:nr,, as1EAasAbet:t%0re4¢,u and ATit ‘be, it! Ana: M »‘Co;,or as Q; Atba~z‘is Gbds <21) % *wi§l itifl1;§11Abe£‘6%g itis ra”t he1‘ litt1c1efs.yt%henawmi-; r%4cIe,"t4hataf:ér’ 1'0 g _re,3.: fhakings and ’cf5I1fi41fiotis,ic fhoulti fo foon come to that Pcatethat uxs already in; ‘ “And if we wet} “and wife1ywcQnfidcr’h¢w Vgrékafi, _ _xzaricty of I/m2¢20z:r3’anMdjudgtfz2zé71t.r, and xvha~1;4dif-A ferem: interefts and p)0Wers% nhefe W47‘: have réufied: aj1njoAr”)g;{H1s, A and how d'iffc1‘é m;lAy %p1z;ce"d a‘nd%lod-; A 86d fiVo4m‘that:. whiéh was befdre,§ it;i%sA no wonder: ifeveryoneVcann0t Vhcive what A be thinVksb€fti in his judgement“ to "'"%be ‘dQné.5 ;bL1C;011_ght“ rather to % Content himfelf whmyhc may think ;n,exr. bt[t,toAthatJ which isjfirfi inhfs. judg¢1m.m5’w%hiCh.V : probably méfy be béfl V ‘ddu%e1d;:L rhemfwehadeonquwiaNmo:n,.andin-A Y: ¢deedn1au Itfs Br€f¢rve« ¥€¢VN&fi:0n§%- A am’- % A A disffviié A z‘mA‘of foméof ‘b‘A1%1Ati'; Ame'i€r2{frz’s;¢zI:5 \n~;fig haAv4%eAAb’eén AandA‘might {ti11j* be A u?feful1% E0 L1s—imA the A which we have‘; now in hand 5 Wwhig:-h if i*cA+&be fngca greater difficu*1tyA¢4unto Us thenthat of"Aou: I i'6}¢'rétéfld0Pefl¢Efi€W'6s (0fWh0m1"fl1&11%%fPeak%a44 non‘ ) 'icisaA greater 'troub1ejaAnd tous, %be}« AV fcziufe that;VWe"lo*z2e them fo much, and”: fmrAt1he%%d? A ~thef1f {O Alittle; *n§)t:r thzu: iheAyAare11ot. aA fo:*mic!ab1e‘ Emmy; 4fbtut*AAn[ow by the Cawjzmfiian of oL§1f]A;1t:4§xi-A b1‘ed7E;¢em'y, °‘With that oldfizéemy of’AoI.1“rA Nation and R*¢IigioVnand of God himfelflvvho is our hogq émd C hiefefi help) WAe‘fl1:1'i1 Ah:-.1ve4GodA agmmr :1‘I1d;12:lof(zi* friend u*nt0 Us,bécaufe: jc':t0r~t°:ijj()7. A with his greaiEi’tAA YA But AthofeAof A Of _A friend: who contem:? A thE1nfe§vAeS “ vfith th"e:’irj»pV:"ivz1; cy ;1ndCountryrm'r¢me2¢t4 in thefe g:'e:it: difficgiAw_ A tit-rs ofth‘eCommon-wela1th,A for the dz”#z2;'fz'oz«2.f of "R%ezzbmthe1‘e‘Va%r*e great thoughts of Aheart. W/yj a-A-A éideflflzm amo”;¢gtbe S12eep~foAla’sto%1arA4r~tbe éleating oft/¢Aeflac/35”“Astzrclyfort17‘er1i'z')ifl0H: ofReUb€n° time arzgreat ft2zr:cl1i;7g5V"of%lgc*54rt. ‘HOW fluall we A Bi?%ndé. up"the wt3zm:l.$* we VreceiveAin") “the ”li<7oL1¢{'e"A,oFA' frimd :3 A_fVV}9dt‘fl7:;‘1"[l we d~:2fo”rA arir .szyz;»r zlmi~/2.41% 1:29: 6ra4]f.yA:’ That willaffoid n40%%m1Ai}t A ¢éveawH- A ifiuxdi Hi?5hn~efs jd:ot*h acknowiedge WeVA8r€a'ti«% " ry_1ng;, »ryingon‘*of4this Wan in Ap1_wfaancc% of t:h:e~i’r4 inofi Qhriftim ‘and truly Engli/72 fpirit' andkef é1~t1'”’ci6ti A- "in‘;0wning mac ,QMrrelfaga‘in4fi 1:‘ 0I(3 Efi£*%¢j‘ E ”t*héir4 Relggimagjatld of th4eir'VNation : %Y;et ”aCqt1'aiht yoq, That the Supplies gr2itfi%tec:_1 havéf fallen jlartAo'f‘ ‘the C~ommbnweaI:hs 2zm»[[iAtie.g; .Abe:- — caufe Indeed they“ have f4/leéz flwt A ofrhe PaVrlia—<% E mem5~-ovvn %exP«eWivn»*, accofdi%ngA to %rh¢!o»w/l A I Efiimatc? that they We’re reckoned zit %:,% Efiaeciglly _ that E the new.»B;uiZdiflg:,f= xvherein Iwhat have ’ ‘ b*eeAn'A the par.ticu1a“rf'a5~44 Ar;M,a2=zm, a what: rna‘y_be the yrbfer AR%emea’ie5\,d as élib the fuA§1AiuL14d pefifééf : flare of your %Reezmme,% you wxll’ pa1'tiCulatjly‘un» derftand“ from - the Lords ~ Com~miffiorie“rs Of“ th@s%; ‘ A anfidfuch oth»e‘fperfons 2 5* His I-Iigh$ne F3 — =wi;1=1 appointto*"i'nfgrmyo.u~there1n, _‘ which cannot bee L: yotir 'rirrre:’, V%an>d% tired *ot_1t your %13atience,% Vwhich. V you’ w:11~ %have*occa‘fion'enough%‘ to make ufe of to A W , A 5 4perecI%:€artV4r’h'i*s alrea- Ab%et‘re1'%purpo{'es. This ,one1y_I‘ f1j:a’~':1 add‘be;.iore I‘ AA A<:m=2cIude;, 'I?:»ha*3:chouvgh%VIflnJl%1:%:9t,_ I‘m%u{’txzoc, d5‘~'1‘€A“*0‘ flit??? M30iflfh¢PT€1€fl¢’€‘ 05'Gé>d,‘(1i.nd his4%¢prefermAiSm01‘6_rh%efi 40rd“m:*ryim’ucJh »“sfTem b11Ves%as th{S"‘«)% YE‘fV3f0u‘3Fl“K*n,A0 t;h"L*th‘z'téej‘4 % nibns-I€now,%anaVall~:h“e%NacionVsVwund about us.-. n40w,~.jTha’1: th§: .iiié.t5 the eacefiand A \?V_e1fare~.~ :h~ere4Na:ims,V4*dom.a~c prefe-riAt5 i-n%wgreatmea¢ ’fii1'*73: .Gtztlydepéfid~%i1}W71%=High‘nef%=u Liife. And thef€f0”fé@-viimwith wHeéI“1**tsan«d Hands* 1iFt3+s: “ W910 PIeavAefi1s%»a»%féVrHrs pr%y‘f‘01*‘t"tiie connin*umire»- 'of%.‘1t, “t:hc7‘ 1nfl*fi¢m¢és*o£;*GodVs~ gfacsiotrs ispirit upezthismind atIdI%Iearr=.~f0rthe Wetland A good GovernmentAoflthefe NSUOHS. A And.(“S’irA)¢ ~wthateirer;You are, or lfl13.l1‘be, whatever You have V done, orfhall do, arid whateverAbi1itiesYou are or lfhall he endowed 'vvith“,»i are not from,‘ not for A "YourSelf;hbutifriom andfot’God,andfor the good of Merg and efl'pe::ial1y~of Golids7iP€foplei.among{’ci t f*«Men_ Toilwhich end's,,that you mavilay forth Your V ?:Se:ifandthfi’m:a" a.nidim_prove an tllleiflpporfufiitieg, zmdemploy all“ the mm» which God hathput A i itito”Y-out Hands, is the Hope; is thePmyer of all i .g0adim€fi.A;nd in [0 doing You {hall have Comfart, ~ it You (halliihttve Hanow, and»VV‘e'fl3alllhave Safety, andW¢ fhallhave appinefgll that happinofs ‘to fee A T tuthl'lan'd77 Peacé, i_Iuf’ciceV and Mercyt Kzfi em:/J 0;» i ztlm-,~ and Chriftl fetjupon his Throne in tthefe Lands; not in that zzmz andlmrrzazl way which hath lb much intoxica ted the Brains and Minds of many in thefe our days A; but in fptiriz and in tmtla, and more conformable to thatwhftch Chi‘-1{thim~ A fell‘ hgtth “pronounced, T/wait his I(ingdomehli5 natvf it/3275 W'or1d; Atod yet 1I1U{’E'?tll"th€‘ Kingdoms: oi the A \WO1‘1dibeitiitlfziévfir-vientli to that World which isto ::iome,;toAithiat Kitngdomejwhichis above..« tWhe1'e~ upon having outEyes f‘i‘xt,let as head out Courfe " macwayfiwithlouriétges thitherward, difmchargling‘ A every one his Duty in his Place diiligently aodi ”faithfi1l1y,anid fini{l1ing 5 theworlki which God hat; appointed usoodo in .thisLi"fe, thatlin t~hefLif‘et,oi come: we] may hear that fweoi: and bllefi‘ cal Voice ’diir6.5t€£ltitf‘;1:fi1ht0i 118,’ Game good azzdfAitkfI(E,%S£r’U4fit5, E:w_eritiwtaJvMrMafler5 41: