Sent frémfl V eneral I Daycdat C»ii¢flireameA Dee. 2.9. ‘I = 5 9.4 “ A d%Membm‘$u%0f Pgrliament at Lanrlqw. su PI~3. RES CRILAB ET; A Te) the ight 'hQnor.1'e Wz’llz'am: Lezztball Efquire , Speaker to th;: Right h.»- norablc: the APm*lian1enAt of WA ENGLAND, _Té* ht: Communi.cated to the ffifl of "Ft my V7 31' V‘ "‘ " '“ M '.“‘,‘.' ‘4, ,: ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , . -wt V‘ 91¢, % % = ‘Sp Q, 3» gig; .9.» _':=g- ' ""'”‘”“" ‘ \*‘~'-‘W ‘ ‘ ........"'._.....‘-“‘”" ....1"‘m.-«;°"..--«p—< “ “‘*~'"3~”~'ir "“"‘ ""‘.~"r. ‘ ~ ma.‘ + . ..n- — “’%~. *-- $ Rcadm ParI1amcnnA5FMg,6.A 1.. A '1 ‘bf? fbr§bn 2it/9%‘417ri2?ted pzmfilzflyed. % 'I‘lJ7o:x1as4 SC Clerk of the _I:'4i5.]’l£V;6Zi};fl’v7¢-13',» -.__.__ ..-nun Printed I john Sitreaier.» and _7oI;m'.Mdcock5 P‘3“‘W *0 €11¢3Ai"’a:"1iamcnt. :6 5 ,9. ‘ ,‘ at «W? = T ' 9531 5)! the Parliament that iiozis. Letter ‘\ Sen}: from General wit to the #64/er, 50:- ’ Rz:g'/atfizorfiflé ‘ V f.and defirc po return tow oiir good péeafey to OWl"ke and appear:-, foxfhis cyand deliverance. I bleifc the Lord, I never doubted of his prefencc: "and fL1cc:féV inrhis undertalmug, V bemgd {Q righteusa ¢C~aufc; [a11d% Had lang fince putlg 1.’ 0 Gods’ determinat10n% but .u pon %advertifen1cnts .%fmnifricndsii"1 .Ej1glzm cl, hat if 1’ <7-zuld A2. wcohtiv M : Recéivuedyoursof the 22.?‘ inI’fant,% Ciod heé1rty ihanks; that heehath bin P % ¢ p1ei%n%fuch:Vglorious i~=nfianccs ofm‘erl- sv.ithout, cnagi11g *fl1~¥h¢' 473 ':3;l*" an c;2.":1;1a¢;;;1.;tt a Was;1nf rced to %m:al:e~~uf@mf~fuckLa1;1 ¢m;rxt.. *”iure, to rem oVe«*%t%he‘L;C}0i*1?1111 é fsio1a.ers<~ from jL;wM’ gjwyho cam‘: at but 1an3€»%€Q;‘ ‘L W V ‘ ceamg%;fr5m £h“ei14*”I1§;+Zir1:c2;ins»?%“ 5 howpe: %:thc)? will give ‘yin a. fad»sf:aétdra5€e of WtI1ei%r%’4~%Br+0cee*ingsi * ‘Ya aa» ti it ta ayafe ft. ‘gm-;~s£ox tm%ggL§£¢r~xa”m’mt;Eiitlia, 7 .4 imo $V9»}¢d:{(2,€:;; “t'haite: LICQ aid butv; re en 1;; —Vf‘11j€ir*:c:arria¢gc, *i‘L*1fm'11gi‘e;cur¢td; neof , .;fO1‘ ctra_.y*i11g thé P;?i V»a£>€; iyflfimffl <9Ci01‘lS Q5” high »dqubt,;n0.m&but.5;rmu:%'h»afi e E la&7?a.41f ~sexf:mA;:'i%a¢ LV<3rd% ’AA:;'ans.£zeM,;;. “ .4 II 4 fc wérgl J... »Ef1;“%e:;a;:1g¢r*s‘ V.m; i11vi"té mas * %:&1?:€aty,L$.%;..A hat 1;cQuI3.not. n‘‘' , ‘ ‘I .‘ V‘ ‘ ‘s ., " “ $ ‘. 4 %11uy% I :ye?:vmr1;d_,: T"«w1tl‘mi1 :13’ :7e 110uire3'A xje ad): E drawn t0ge~t}.1t13 aI’I>d%7tl'de3y‘* I-1I?'C *x*CrYw%C1I¢€I‘Ffi”a11dt1Uam4rI:re:>us; 3wiAl1mg¢,_t;: ¢%113u:%*%e-e1t1yha1tdfhip fol‘ y’<3u»1*~SeWiCeg %'WTl1e night Cidmpérelt» “Ca me’ ? aCtl3¢irai;F3é’c’%iiOfl” to“ t1.1c*:% arliaxnent, Wandwof t4he’ ‘Ia:t€, Tfl 5 3tth(:‘fy’..,~ V AA -'7 44 V ?0m’~¢ ‘and t>th%ers,v iwithfita ‘ am by and own *y‘upV ‘ .At1t11isi*::£tam) a%%dA%a;y*g eclaratixu f$f1‘0rIi%IreéW’;g2—:Vi»ng a.£u11accwnt V Ag Ira Ii/7:Bt5gade%% in 8ngl4nd,wIaich¢ I dirpa§ch»A at» them. sir I%14rdrefle?V+¢l/er gives mfg: an accbunt, Athac all tbs Fovrées and Garrifonw in Trclandhad declared for %LThisA;is:%%fuch ;a‘mercy, t‘?haAt%4? I ho ethe %0,“~‘d%w1]] Ina kg us fefifiblé C3ré£ul‘l to i%mpr0ve.T»heyireqglircd my 0p1'%nion,a.'s m managingofthe‘ Aflfiirs % ‘of the Army, which m fuchaxz urgent necefiity 31 p rcfi1.«- to gi Ve. haVc difiaofed” of m‘Ofi'~"Qf the Valcarit Commands 111’ cozlmd to V6‘-A ry Ilomfixnen, who are1rca.:1{y-*t%odieifor‘ * yourservicegor todxsba11da1:your Conn. n1:;1x1d'..%;iAr1d'beFérc your A Lettarc“'ame:to l1and,~ I hzxddifpofedof 01. Saunders and 42;} Dr? ‘Bar; 0.0.; C oif1111aI1‘ds fiMTt‘he4 ord Ldmlrrt: Forcxsw pre“fsing% upon med.‘ % ‘IA could no; leave “va¢antPlaces¢ urxfupu plijad ,- bucI1m¢w%:1m%(:his Wo1f1; pm.« ] I-pfiring) you have 0pP0rtun1t1[e%s& C.--%% nough t°g‘§a‘5fi,€et]1¢H3 : Capt»»1~“C0dIp1a$ca is reicriredfol‘ Wm 3-¢C°rd*in$*edeY0urP1ea fi1-r'e..: 4 Ihumblythanktfhe’ee1\4embers or 4 elm Couneel fr that Great Honour that L .tI1e)rW<:’rep1ea‘f'e’cito cbnferru,pm'ne, and hope yomzeeer aH~fi;‘fae but {1e1.ci1az*1;ab..% A ’{o1u:e obediencew.frQm thee to yo::§r—C V ifiiaiids, %tI1“f‘%sé1t%I::“fl1aIl""bef more ready to r‘e?~4 , turn that then receive it; Ibelieive that ybu neve_re>—doub§ted of my“ 13eM¢1ffi?e‘f¢e¥‘i.!T!ge.ie1W19{¢:5094 Fri“ CfP1¢S1 36‘ eclaré7C]_f0r5 andjhat I fljotlld comfortably (if % the %Lo1?dVEad: Pleafed A to Fro W11 up;0:'1 HS) h‘aveI’u”fl7ered'j~%ih "thismo'f¥Rigl1te.0~us» undertaking; " V I Jhgave 11 made % ready to Miarchgbut am “u*nwi'l1ing ‘to~haz2—ardyojt.1r' whenimaay Be‘d0r?1e_.ith mc;~re‘fec¢u1",ity; er Com”n1a11d,andA% A éefiredwkordt'Ob1€ffi= Your-F?>er¢¢S ant-1% Counfels; an d;to refidre you in your Authe “him§h£‘command 0? 2. Fwoth«R::gi.:mn%“, b«;,:ch:,“ A w W ~AA~Horfi-:,;;anc1:iq mi: ry hvm:::£’c Md1Azou%zAr0€1¥&i4:%£ men: an ~V‘?a%rf2m»£VI:, ail y*<:;:» “ A is ;Major. ~u§t—r£ty;%whic1i is th thoray an ‘4;ega.~mu1~io‘¥” % 55": Céldflmme my .‘7CDe‘cemb¢¥" A V W .. fi.n&wfait1?xful1 ;S»::1‘van»t V‘ ‘ L ' ‘ ‘h I “ W I thought fix: to £a'cqua~im: yrm, Thin: ;%1:ny&% Uzfbfd Wiérrg/}wfihathes13h. dtaavourcd to flirt up t“r1;3,p::%opl*k: 055" this Nmcm A %“again-I} your In%v;:m{«"z; ¢ A%%Co1.A:iL]_fi~qg H A % J ‘aéfivs: for ch3%f3;zr1%ame%mt4in::i*ai‘s~.1:Ihc§ertdkiz¥g-;«I5e*d r4 "=t:*"y“*‘M*r I,_é'*t*éA- 'fiavi%ng Lbemv A123,, %,Vfa§§§3£uL1»,a=Iéid fl1ip$.E0 bx: mimdafull of? %himforA :1 ?Regi'a:£~*wW.' nf %m;J.;.k:5;;~s(L:;i§i;-_:v.%::%;a% ?E ‘* **la~1"WxiAe$§‘ “%%6£ A a Rcg1menrj ::%2fAI—{r7%r1”I::;‘ I %;3;%‘V%"1“:mvme% fern; ymixq Lordf}iii{n§:”i¥1&%?TT§5§§%isé'9‘ A‘ ‘iL_3i:€ %Lc:2:::;%;;:J.,°s_;, 1: ma Ofl‘i¢€?%‘$ :ha;;: :~«:,[,?”w_wn3y* A *the. (7)wffia.:c;:§z;*.s:%at 1\f.5»2awzfl!§» 3;; «;.:»~;f“‘x1McA1‘a1i’o so the Cr»znm,:{Iiona.r~:;doef PAa,r1i?- * Ons. A Major I(m"g/:t%h1s C0 % ' .. « V.,.;,.;a 4§ 3%. ‘ i%%VAencw.=.tAA:AAyom to coA;nmun%z:ate ‘ft1:xi,s«co mhg, 4 J.“ ’Memb¢r%3"“of'Par1§.€1Incnt”Wic’h’ you: ».»‘,.a‘ y 15;: ac~cg115«:ii):;c:W¢! A Mm" R‘3S%m¢n§a fifl?‘;~g§3¥‘P§a~«1?“€1“?*’