,A[tt@5fl1%%W?¢~", wwmm %gmmmmmmfiA“ A »A¢ #””T@¢ETHER”WIfHA¢W« AA * of $hepmfcj11tAAAP0W¢:-I“AA 1i.11Ag thm*icbythAvc»1t;am€ of afarfémwezyrfi, I undgr the Mask of %_V A A A A % ’ A M 7'19?» ,00d_A :Writtenby One of the Pew Efig/rflwmen chz1ta1‘c1m*tV WA HlENGLflND,“»w- % Ajzadgg, i«%9.W<)4};¢dA%%z}A mu’ fa-, tfmr‘ 4/! z/mt Afarzavi.t_flzz'd“g am % A :»=.2Aa:AMai’)’d¢aecel¢:1a%;xe'"r20r__flt#M_ffi“fWz$13;- 6&1/’i~‘1”a"'fr.;’il‘2‘}iJ43 a“/2zA1:;z'rm 1A!}a<:§ g~.;;zy;«,rg.up Mfr Tof 4/36 Lamd af I'.‘.£1Vy}:>[ mm» t/<~z'~.:-‘ day : C,Ap;zfi;:[¢r E2f1A£ ;» unannou- 4,) ‘ A m»";;_e .»r2‘:¢<.«."2'/Ew~, aw! .flT’Wt/Qwyflfir mmzoir. A % AA R 0%;%;;, f;,»g_ .%%4;_%%-_.} 'IfffI:*¢%*:;?e'fazjVe rlmza art z'::2c'.a.-c.'»:tf.:!,'v.«’%'g:, mxaké .,'WWlI7'w..f(B£‘E‘.r&,ra‘ A A1,; ;w,-;mg_%¢AWp&A'w;mg;4.44i¢g$dR.;g;efl' -,~ far wlmm tlmm _jx¢dag{£'_fl‘ézfi3aat/oar, 1]:2:z1,v¢cA¢Af*;;:,'é2.» , vle*W/fr/=%J*4%W=forr»*WI/W EMU’/34”/3dA*tbv f-WIW->z’rrgA 4 :~A’,;..%AAIA-; 7-'9?y’}v4‘A« KL”??? fltffi’ ‘a ‘£34’ A1‘?-'5 H479 }7:3“?“tAfi-A ' ‘ ;zA.w~.zr:.v% [2Am[[Ai?w.v‘;2a., Farm Amam /kw/1A1ov;s‘m:V af t/S«'£f:}" mém [;.éZw%zzgA:=,:AA.;A% «¢i;ea+g;gra»M%.% I éw/'3er.~'~; ApraidfihMafi9i:rx:'m-=*v"J~; 61 z_fi»:’7_w¥:wsnr At*\39A‘Pv3'«A1éAA7AAA'A!AA_Al'v«AAAA)z-'AA1§'A.";1. A zAm- % A thA}~};}w»1a(<*_%fMl.,ze.§2r2/9c2A!}I. “ fl*t*"'£t£1a:mI: mmmz ,«:g1f:’5?*£g:,M ,Vi\rmce:[1;é¢w,;¢]ii§»;. W/jrk “ W V.;;p¢;afé3Ar::~,igsbawtfwzaxta%fiw*ccm%dtf}7rAfi*rs ofl¢t£mf¢tl:wz*¥z2ra*A_;{ao.d. “I rm1- ‘ A ' A éé_A?*z1J‘A A794¢»zdr~V/?"':€’9+”WW1~rrd 1arwAN07i'fA A M % % ‘ !mfi;m:m’w:4t£i;m /a'z>'L*?’«§’A af % A * «%;A%FfW!7fi£;A A‘¥’Af¢*»**~*%iA4fAm€W?Wa jg? “—‘A”’*“}‘”A"i£.’ W PW" rlwvf ; iL,;‘:AAvzA3..j»‘ 8.AA{f A 1A;A5’#W;W£¥**?A?3AA*5¢ z"lv'zgg§'a wlvicir 1 Adr*&;3?a}'kw1 5 J I M AVL\4V%i;,w)«;¢;1¢i;4f[we%mz.w[g71-Fflixr. °_ ‘ i Q‘ if A *9 A % V F y-—...‘..p-w--u "* armam- (33 X hTru—e and Impartial dation of A f thy¢»VVP*fEffnfi% .Aé%i‘hgsathh,lV42‘mmfler -3 A x A hnder» the mask 0f” The Good old Cazujin .,;'1“h is not tznkfiown to my that have r:<%t.ha-*cn AwE'F*zZ~ -$1 . ‘ fuh;lly,hb_lind,wIx%hhvs;g?xT%x11:awy%.§r:~ to the: ¢‘fi1§fi.$f‘€Aff‘iflg the G£>'v¢~r.mjrwn»:j‘ %oF éflflvcfzz Natio11'Sfror:1%Trh-2%S‘%zfe;%v.m.¢’ m 7th-;~.;C2-*0 'r?2:*b*§l?IV§ it %W;€'s %conc;3iv::dL'% b y thofc ‘Wk? had proccc:d~c:d *»':l1:.a«s% ’j+_.1j.,.:11:zz: pg G.,vsr.:eml c0nW;'m:_ic>m or Pm‘- 12':z;mrz; wVif«:Iy%Tc11ofcn by‘iz}fif1enc¢i= Cou’”z%r,% wau1gi,..%¢afi3j}‘}%”i'wa#1jgw «#1113: ‘had Lb«ecn.”fo «mt!1.;..%pmp¢m:d- m fix-+:2irI15at1ds. *"Anci*imcwrciing-!y*-'iz, Vimarzwnci?Cmnm'0if1§~»\w;:a_!t;h,~ 7 M '.vas%_rcfc1vcd.bjr:h€“;7zzn:a”;,b»;Fo:3%: 11J1]cnr%i:>n%¢_;..l, I;h:;t % P4y‘£%ia2:2e'z1TftA;;i'}iou1dA be <:a1.1c~:l* :0 meet ‘tw cmyf f c~.Ve.jr,1th4 ‘of ‘f,.»z'mm~y ?]af§., ‘%';md%:. pfetemce wf r¢::fioring the ;7copl€:,;?:§) :;3.;11<:‘;‘i€\11.7Jf W‘;1yVoF Ifilcfiiomg buf 1'61:-.;lIy') that the Court xazaigixz: cam p§mnd?t}2e mg.-13*’: Vmvotc:s,th4€: Bmrrmggrfias had-Vvrirs aim Senate z*i"1c:m,“a:%heME1cuffi;3o%ns mare ~.aIzm*-‘ and "AM1_1I. Andi though.,d1cir‘CouxjzfcI‘s _wm; at ‘rfiwft %%ix1:e:?rupz::d~‘“with an Aff of %R:2cag7zétie2z ofchc P‘r42te6for,H ‘ %_pz'r:.~}m'c%d and brotzglyz in by thi':‘%Court, which tookup :he~fi1‘fH'-ortnig-Ht .4311?" x,hc,}r%:irx1».=: upmxrhc very pointof %Rrc0g72i‘t.'on,_ yet they were an: _1::~n;;:%I1?v::xz_:rE"c.:atcLi «from that d§ffi~~cu hy by ‘the £x_pc*cIie;zr$ of an benefit “Gt:nric‘m~an,3m pmffirgg thzfc Avcarcs on Mvanchy “the fourteenth ofFe£1:'tx:.2>jj,: 1653,wit:hn~:.1t%any»diviIi4on or%n»c'gativc.* ” % ‘ ~ % jficfalwd‘, % ‘ . V A That it be part of this:-BAi1'1_ to Reqo_,z7zz'fi.= and d¢c}a1'e his_H;ghm-3% Rbinml Lord Ifiroreffar an%d ;chi%cf m:e;2;Ii‘t1*are of the Camman-wcalth 1:? %%E;~2gZand,_ Scotland, axid Iré!a:z:I,“;tndthcdomfnipyns, cm-ricorigs zhzrtzuxitcn belonging. ‘ A V M W 4 % %Rr?]e’"al;wdT, % M I ‘ , ‘ ‘Thar bcforc thi'srB'11I bVc"‘«‘ctc§lr1‘1-,:7r1i:ttf3¢:l1, flic Houfe do. dccljarc- fi§c¥J1fl ditional C1fl.LIf€S‘tdbE parc,QF%%tl1§s B313, as m_ay bound 111?: ~ppwc%_rxoF Athé, ' Chit:-E M:zg;3flrajce,,%nn%dv%filmy‘%f§:%c;%‘L;i-c: the r}g;h.cs %privi1e‘dgcs%_o%£ Par-«A 1:7;s:1z¢e29z?'; and the Iibrrcics :LUd=‘fi ghf3Sfl <_:><<:'"._ the people}... find_ tha;yg1e%itl1c1-%- , t’%h§::é»,Jnz:.§r axw other p%rc-vioixsj vbrc, t1“1_.§t.is%, or fha11‘¢b§:.wpafI3:d i%n,o:,4rdcx' tog ,1‘h§s. BEN, 1112111 be of.tm'cc%or binding to the: p;:o;:1c,.unti11. Lhc jwhoIc E31 b: p‘;w;fi};ed. V Their n‘cx*: workwfit Y’ % ‘Sta app::in_t~ Cohihiittcc for Infpcflicn am?) %t»}1¢4 A#:%r:om.nts and Vrcvcnuc 0f%tI:1_c %Commo%n wcnlrkgy-whicll h.;ad~._ bc;«::n ‘iw;g%...; mcnrabw «‘<=14°41ViindAr¢d-.2nd.wafi*¢d.¢ mt fince: *r64&8~A»1(whm-A=11¢ 4malior ‘1i>Aar4t% A A of the %Par1}ainenwrg Ca$11e:;1in _, 17‘? C£1?‘tJfJi:L Y97;ts for‘c:km__b1%y'~% _“nnprEf0r1cd%%;:i)d», i'é:c’tzd:d.E2y th: Army :1nd.th<'=Us‘fé:11®w mAc:nbe;;;s) ;:mrl v:%wcI%vcMMcmb¢rs*'_ 1 v;:r‘f.:d in zrmtgrs % of Acco%ux1:',w4l1fé.L'§of Ma‘. Sca337e7zwvas% i.n..LI-zéz: Qwfrfi "‘5fr,1.:,:‘~“¢’f‘t+*f;r,%..r.§ §'c;>r, !.;_hi'.“s wmzfk and fill’; mw¢rcd %Fér‘t1icWb5rI<" £116 . _ % 9 % % I 3' fund in }1md*-,,, 5g;2~*ri;:it’?:1‘-%LVo;hc ~r<:c1'c::1cl11ng and 1efI 1:ning%tI1%¢%chargc:mt" thg Cajmm£31’1.~w§'W25V?T?‘t}y*V*7 . “ ~ ' ~ % V I 7 ;_ ~ %0s1.?{,.S'zz.tV5ge2*;:<§;:3,r%%aha nincr-ezcnzila of Fc*bmm‘yltImy *p‘ro<:eeded FIx1 £114: Adfi af.%AR¢c%ogni%:%%nz+:u:.:nd1'cio%lvcd, § ' * “ ‘ ‘ 1 ; Tlmg, 5:; 1!h;;l1%bc.1pa1ft pF':%:his%B111todeclarc £1153 Parliamcm: :0 cm};- .‘ ']7\vo~%H’oufcg,{ Vt _ v % g » % ‘ ‘ % < % A..r:d' I1;-mi -af'c%c:_”rw4ziVx:ds »~fcvc11air.d:ty’cs deijacc by ordtmbnnccrningi the 1~1«:.‘rL1‘I%'xdffi§‘*a;:~i,:;%%;a'.:;.~f.- ' L};1€'« C1’-’i£f ;‘A11gI]’?:‘zi‘teI Per‘-.N‘C:t%,% and Ihc‘: Bollfldfi 22I”1:;i Pmycrs Of3fi()&hfl.T\§jIQt-iffiiii} rcla'n:Zo:'1%to th-<:i"oa‘mc:1'* vcm3$5_.but amid cm: as 1-gm-e‘foluti«an\_s;;h-1-mtxpowng the: Cazmf pwty fiZc‘.:zrm~wealrl9 Aim;--,:_3.:* now. rL;1—i1%ggh’t%o%‘g§0 along with them ) d<:%z'xyi”ng it to bc%a~’L:zw, being M.acain::'d by {"9-rad: and cxcw-ifio11 of above 'a"'1mudfr é:dwM'c1i11a¢r%s%*3n thé: y%::a,rA x6~;6%, by Awhicllfdrcc alforphc%pxi1‘fz2%&w:gs:%;$t;1!cc:n fi*omwclm‘€3.onm1om % W by %,{c;1ing—a rcmfnue xuf »thix't‘ecn::l1u~t:xdrcd .thou{'and pounds a% year in pcrpctuity pf ch: Command QF. ‘the magic perfon, and Ttljé paling Mom‘-v bcrs 9f the Other Har.4ft, being mofl of ihflnl Officers of the Anny and ii, Comrticrs ; Awhhich lici-fig allowed for Law, :11: pcm;9!c xvcmlal hava bcm at-aiolutc flgwés to Lhcir p.owcr, :mdA pL1rfr:,“{’col¢n from the Comxnorys my .:,afor.cfa;id.« V W V _' - %.w- % V A ‘ % , Wh_%i1e_ft.:hc¢tcn1pei-,of%:l1s Houfl: wasfhnzs rx'ycd), anddwy appeared ..:fuPfi:,icnt1yro bc'%E;rAI/3I"i.9z’rucn',' d‘Lvr:r.~moF the Members" uf Sa“(}:!;z2z:i :1nd '7 Irelanl jznynlng wish thcmin that {R1116 rcfolnriuns 1, by thff join»: advicct 05 tht C0’='v'r‘! «'vm'3. AV?/IV Party ,%tl'1c qtléftifirn of T>~4z;»m’az'5f.'flg wlnhwhc p(31"« V, fansfimci-mg inthn: O‘hcr” Hum": ,‘ as m. Houfi’: of P‘a’rlim1cm: , was fat N Ahfiarcf t1'_1?:m’g .up¢)n%»pxfemndcd g::ound‘s nf Law and Ncccmy , and by _ax‘gun1cnts%of Furcc ‘and Inn'~r,s‘p.ofi:iw:1 fimmzhc ‘Axmy , and of Zxxavpazfw wfibility to'fpr,oc:cec1%in‘axmyihlng witlxout t11¢:.j%fi2‘id Oz-hcxf H’o«.:i'c. This Arrmnpc Awas ax Pcmmy ofvpcfecl for fmLxr‘tc'£:n daycss by the urmdcrarc hr»- mi} P.a:riots'.oF Lhc: 1-‘1ouf"::- as xhc: Forxm-r ;, X114: undoubrod Rig-‘rm ca? 11):’: ‘V _.a%nci£:nr;Pc‘ers ai?"cm‘;'e°l ,5 anti ail rm: §'a1Zdjgx-dxnxwds and nr'g1;zz11::11::; cQnfu-- . tC'd' ,~ e_xcctp4:.tIm: «:2? FWCC 5% which wm: not to r.m.!1x,cc: wit:<1m‘ny‘ih31rg V..lik<:_a {gee Par1ia1n<:na Q2. Evglzfh mx:n : Bm: in the Clgzwfi: off"';I%fc." ’fcm'1*tcm1« :d:1ycs,d£tbm:¢ _., Vw.hc*:IT,ei:xAxmzth fiat" 111:; §1ns“.~e:f7.‘y, l'r1_g¢nVuiryand‘%C%<>m'a,9,c$of .%a:hc-E2:g1'{b Na:Eon‘d:t1~;*wgspe.r,:I ,( (f:££iI1g?,g:z%l3. £%=.ff.:irs at Va.‘ Rand %ri1Hm’u:- ],th'in»g wem;Mre§To1v::g1.in_.:h2séAman;A) 'th_::y a::imc~ix1 n vcxzy fu.‘.1 Hcmfc:Vm« VV:!'l1,iSWcI1qt.1a1!f‘1‘£dR«CiU1Ll'Ei011 5;: % % ‘ . % ‘ % ~ = % ' In Axexazueez, A A . A % A .“Th%.1c% this I-IeuFc%~z~‘:r.'V‘"off?P:,iz*%1£%~.1%1imr1:* ,,‘%Vd:;z1'%ix%ag ‘.NI17,ive;m : {mt Mix-I§L“~;.. rmznp :;- Andwhat it: "fsmt ,§i-ta'c?::y i{l1t¢::ii;1?.‘J T9 rcx;;1:.i:ic:-fitci-1 Pc5c;~s ’:lA$‘,'h:t*\?:.3 bee}: ¥airhfu1‘m;c11cP:a1*11:1‘vLw11t4,vfrmnr3‘?¢ir}vriviiccigc Aot'€b¢.::‘mg dmzly 5fun;lmoJx1c::c_1 %coA1%bq%,M.s::nzib€§$ of l".:10L3f.:‘L I % . ., . A V A 3, A * '}.”.?u"c.;: (6) ‘A 'I‘I1e4 I-iufd 4:55 C:'om*mon{s--~( %bc%tw‘ecri uEhc Pmfli;c&afr%,' thé'~Oi:l1er'%%IfIdu%fe,;% and ,t_h¢(;¢ncm1 %Cgu%,ncc1%uE % ‘officcrs.n:ow7Tfun1mo.ncd to mean»: Wat "fm'd-«houfc: ) may wcl'1bc:.cenccivcd ac this time to have had» a%Wo1f-by the e:ars., md V (*hWViIlgr fl11ewcd%~:hcmYc%1vés Englzfbfmcrn and not fslavcs ) had-rcafon~ to entertain wary counfcls , ha.vmg;‘ fame of th¢11‘;0'W'm?. M¢mbc;5jundegmining them without: dares 5 and‘foref:}-exng a Dzflbiua fig,‘ , thgughnot knowing whcnhcr they mould dxg: azd_gm: tlamfcmd fiueohumlred andfimypomd: So thar}T19ml2mza- dred‘ tbi_rt”y two Ntlmrgfand eight bzmdred m?‘mtyozbree pound: of “debt incur-4 red ycar_1y%by‘ thC_ i1olo%1:r;anagc_n_ncnot of al;‘oub_1¢: the W Revenue that: over King offingland enjoyed: And to nmxntaxn who unjuft Conqucfi of? ‘Scotland, coft us yearly One lmml-ml fixty tbr'ee”tIao»f:;ml fix bzmdred and % 92i2ze;ee22fpa;gnds n:_1orc_t,han tho Rc.vcnu.c; inyeolds. ‘ o ‘L Mzlnyothcr Vparricularso wore: undo: rlmir gconfidexvationi, fo :1-mo Religion and Civi1R_igh;t_s' of the People ,. tooo~1ongonm{V: r?ofbe:n'3emio“~ med 3 buzpin fl10_1't.' 157159 give them‘ their duo,',;ho.y_~ did fomc good whiloflc they {are both to lick andmrcicuolars, and ifllZC!“!dCd'I much more, and-dzd no hay: gave; no"OfE:cs,;n.m: Gratuities to theonmfclvézs out otfl . n It ié’mo1‘c thancé2§‘f§"bo"faid of 'any%_Par1;aom;¢u: in our. momo=ry;_ \ y u the Publick '1‘ rcafuro , -noor:gra,nf-M any monoy from 7.-hr; People 3 WI‘;-icln oProcccding thus fucccfsfully and hopefully to the ,gcncAr21ofatisFa&iMo;1¢ of‘ rl1c;PeMop1oin_t_ho three Natioixsy who chofo thcm.*I_:, ‘the Proteftor ind- éh‘ioof:""C5ffi?_:cr§ of tho Arinymvho wlcro jealous of onoanorher befo-rc1,‘and« Compz:i:or's‘For° 'Gdx"rei:'nmcm:, grew now jealous of the Houfe of Com. mons alfo , who being; the Rcprefcntativcs of the People-.,'w<:rc% bcconrfc alfo their jvlinioozto and Eavauritcx. Ha; was therefore" now ‘though: {cafe- njggbleoota oconcénodfamongi %th~cmfo1vcs forfthc Power ,' bcfoxvo the People’ {fioL1old%'%1*é‘¢o§or it" from tlioni both: In M order no/which ,’ the o General Councolof ,0£ficc:s kc-pt théir confiam: Meccinogsat H2z‘l1z'2z_efdv~d~IioL:fé ,‘ aiid the PL'oce&ot with his Party ocoxlnterminocd them at Whitehall. Tho % Rirfult of the Officers aflbnmbling was a Rcprcfontation to the Prorcfior, which was publifhed by :he‘Ofl-‘1 :crxown ordcr ,. rho fevemh of April 3 ‘ o *a‘n“dE the.odayo.aFter;a Copy gbcreoffemt inclofcd by t.h%c%Proo:o&or in a Let-E tbroto the Speakci‘ of ihc Houfc. ‘ . o . % AA .his,RcprefL*ntati0n»was vl'kcLighming ‘boforc Thuno1e.r,% ‘both to the: Protcficor 'a11d.th¢ houfc ;,for though it I1-Ath fomrc framing‘ fair Profcf. fioonsoiontermExed,flix: iswrizpcn 3n'f"$cl1“>a-’£aEn‘;£1' mqouioabaoting language , w¥xo1'cofo:l1c Swo%nc1ys1asE1oiko to be Intoxzprctcr, that the fling was cafily? ~fi:io%1E'b«12:%‘%rhroup,l1 th{;_Iiox3oy,3;;a1;d~ their former zufizions and fuigablc ¢:Vor1‘roi;;-I z ‘ ‘ ntfifiloghongfiyoobottor Cr€dit¢d;gl1&éf1thm3r.~:W.n3‘d£.;« o = ’ '*Ié1ét‘buj5oothoPro:¢5ioI:%b§:gin¢3 olamotof think an ”fA’ocu14ir7f;:;“l'1it1~ifcIfo from being ‘fi.1%rpfiz%'¢dAxviLl1 chain oomp1cm’onésyand:*£32fm’1dsoupon h*”7s“gt1nrd‘9. V A A11d*the oComn1on"s;hou[c:,as’ bcoacmco Englt[bmmg..'wi§j'clyo ‘ainfifd «courngio-.2 fly o x3_‘ofo1vmdotoklot'%tho Officcrsoooknow ,u1aa4z::~thoyr' took them‘ 75{tio1~i“* as o be their semm:o;,oo :1:ou‘gh:h¢,y§ohao;ra;: oooi yoaz*s‘%ilrMeforv*ed rlzmir W: gas, fiohclling ‘i1f£urpi~ng_thoo ‘Gov;é1'nmonr; arwrhofirl» pdoafurc 3; ~-:ant1 ~-irit‘cn--A d”i"11"g to What thcyo-{m_¢ax;t by» flow Good?’ OM" cumfié , ’which;,. as they; I to rc%%préfdm 'i;,»fmc,1poo£o‘(§31x»npowdor‘ md. ‘ba11‘,oa»1d&wl1etho«r tho‘- A4 rjcpt nco:mcc~hc1od ~fQI',fhoi_1_1 choir foid_ KeprjefévztnrianiwcrcrcaoloV or»IMz7iot4rjI,“ V - yafifcdthcfcovoxaooo Monday Ap,m:thc;’x¢fl-._'o o oo oo * ” A o o I ‘ o % R~efoI?0ed;,. ‘Qn%wl1i;c!1jn1ornin,c; carly,Flre1wo0d the Pyqceftors brgt % 3d:YiQ¢::=% _ % % . % % d;:y..,»; Ethc .B1ajgk ;R%od%was ~_fis':na: twxcéf m %thewH%o1;1fc" (33% % ‘.5/2;\_’.-ye;I“,‘3 ‘ “ f; % - _ H . , ..'I‘;h§;J an ring? the fitting Aegfi “tlxcv Parfiamcht. t11c3r::4%f’r::.~.:I%1_ be! inn jG,;ep,g;¥Ay¢;yl% CoImE£'l or-Meeting ofrhe VOFHCEYSA Of Yb: fU'n'2:y;_w§thoutV%ldira:i&1om5 1m;«.,_v%¢,and ~Pxuth01'.it"yj off’ %laivs%Highvn‘efs4tlA1c:A L_ord‘f1?x'ote&ox 5, and z;,m hMr Hzufcs of .-I5’¢1r1i%:1rx a~;:71j1t.i ‘ ' ' . ‘ .% v ‘_ ~ Tha€+'A'“w pt:'r{'on %fl1aI1.ha‘v<;;f“0k:_ ‘contlnucf :;py%Cc*znn;::a‘nd‘ or Trufi in am: .35 Elm ‘ArmiesAdr‘N%wy‘e3otnfirzglgézcly Sczztffmdor Irelczrrzl, or any the ' . don-finionAsjmndttcrmorics thc‘rc21‘:o"bclflon'g Sr3g%%‘%, Qwhoffhall .';-¢;fgIl:_Vto% {Mb-«%' If<:r_ib_c ,% That-he will nofdifiurb }or im,;«::1‘rupt«--thr': frc?c-nwcc 1iame:,m:'-09:.my»%t1m%‘1:Mmnbcrs ‘(if citlnér Houft Of’P3l'l§aI1)é %i=medo1x1c%+V%in‘thcifdcha%rcs*md%C°un¢c1s. A ‘ _ V ‘ find ;{a:me;:tin1c to {hcw% tT1v:;i:- c_:;rc§ ’ o$f% thc_ _:o':1pr¢*5'::n;:; gmxougacs chwpaaed ;heAr2a11owsngvo~:cs. A W A 5; :R'c°fl91*z'>e.'4z'= ' J _; * % % L - A.‘ y Th-m.-1-he Hours do préfcntiy take into confidcraticvmij the waycs and Engs in Par‘-A m ,0: zh-«:36; ‘ means forfatisFa&io_n of thc;'Ar1‘cars of ’c11§: Az‘1:n’ye§,and_p1'ovi'dlng"Frag-A fcnt. Pay for thtm. 311%/?)%lrzJe:I',.‘ «' -Thaa: ”Serj:ancV JH.¢}li1.3!7'd*thl¢ A_g;‘rnwzi{y G?2z;,’ral,' f.1ri_d%%.§’() .’Zir;§tor Gem-.9-I ml dofinrthxvlitlu prepare an.A&pf ~‘I:Mempm'tyifor all fucl_1“a§; hnvc:1 &cd% 'l.111cif3!jth€ Parliamcnc and%Con1naohwe;aIth. ‘ ‘ ,.. ‘f V A % » W'h§~Icft’the houfc fpcnt tI"1V€:h.1'C‘fi of theirtimc‘311confidc1§Ing how 1:04 yrdvidc moiucy, without laying; ncw~burt1:r¢ns can {he pctdingIy‘f‘thc_ fainng: V 0f"?C\<;>‘njm($né“L W(fi‘en'1$ fir-’21V7?¢: SP¢.fik!=r%Aof ,zrhd %%0t11¢¥ 3?*911‘7¢ )%’A%Afi?’”1?%*’%th¢51;i1“%I.to;“?0m;¢ :A:AI2%%irh¢B but, ;A_‘W .::y,adm;;:t%c;iI1ina%fnor;; in;:,*' ;and*%1n‘q'fcI1?fcb1'n£cI49 % % 1s50‘<;==dVv—%%uR0.fl% h*h='"= %.%1‘*’%F1‘*¥:«*"~?-W * H0‘-“7== *5 *—',1'~7<=7Lévkr%H hifigsthcé C0“» ¢I11r<fi‘ % P:%%Wc;t:*éi’m' forcgzd to Aciqgn-I cut; gongrruiy M 12:2 r%,I1¢:Ibft:%fl:" f*f¢*3i**M>ri#5n h‘a}%wrinm:%Vcr XV 7 ‘ _ of t1fa‘.nfaV&&in_g'witb«tbcm :, %’ % j And ' therefore: un:lcrfi:1"nd1ng ghcrc; wcrc [guardsv (if H “ mhc Paflzzctyzzrd , nficerlomcz njorions madgz by Mr. __%4fg[¢;ig_,, %adndd._értI1qrs‘§; dW'1‘1£:__;‘_4'.’."i‘I;_ iifairddd Arthur :d‘~¢xccede3dj; That “rim- % ‘flioufci flxpu1dd%%d;;fir£¥; dcdcdlarc it, drrgzzfand dfaxrrdany V pcrfons whdnfocvcr “ta pm: fa1‘C<:d%.Ai1f§C§ndri1§y‘ Mfimbuts “of. thc‘HoL1fc: ; and ~*11cx,t, that‘ all Votes, A"&s,ddi.'rd1d“ Rt:fo1u_:ions, paificdby any;Mcmb£:réa of Pard!iafmem',‘ whan the rd’: were detained from, or taken cgumf. chat‘ Hdoufc 1: force , Aflaoulddbc nu11%and.void,,;%%a;1dM other, jmogioxys ;bc;:mr-1ing*.I27z_;_“;.!.7 :39; m thatendd, judgingizhcmfclvcs undtzr a fercdafmndd finding ::11~;y;wcrc vcfy unanimous, though near Afcao in the HoL1‘1é';, in tl1cthings*dpropdfcd, they xfcfolved 11b'Quc£’cion—, but adjcaurncd ti1l’Mtmd;;ymbi*ning*'thc: twenty fiféh of 'Aprzl, and attended thc'Sp£’tlIfe7' in ordcxfthorough Weflm'22fler~baIl to his%Ceach in fact of the Souldiery. » New [ht Ceurt (according to the guifc ofthc worlddin likcaccidezatsj) fhrumk out of Wbztelmll into Wall277;gjfard~H:9ufe : And F Ieetwoad, Dcxbaa i‘r’éz.{gIa,::_nd the raft d%c:F_tW%l1%:.-.4-. Qfliccrggpcatd and {mall-,took the Gavcrnnient [into their own hands , :hcd%1-Ipufc pf dC_om_mons,db¢ingd flauc‘%u‘p,~andd en... “tr::'nccdd‘enicfd’t<5d{hé: Mémlécrs when rhcyddcamc on Monday ( even co d V Sir Hmry Vmgz‘ and sir Arrlmr dH.rzfeIrig rhcmfclvcs) A according rm ad j-3urn.n1c;£u-., thc Court of rcqucfis and-all avenues bcing full of Sogla 'diders,who mld the Mcmbcrs that they muff {it no more. d V After the Officers had new m0ddc;1M?d_¢ch%cxn{t;lvg:s, cafhicringmlmigy, Ezzg{alsby,Gofi"e,a:~xd divers others of the Pmtcftors p&I?Iy5,:,j7a}f1¢1' ircfiorindg V ygmbvrt, H4:Lf¢[r;g, okay, gmd Dthcrgg difplaccfd'”f,by l+’razefiord0li ‘ ‘ “ William WL%ei2tb;;ziI:uE’fquI:rc, thtéiyr tcndcr confci~¢nm;dW Sfi£s1&£7‘,‘ t.ogé::h¢§.‘ % with -the Tagid If-0;fd%:AMt:n}_®:¢.%5 % ‘ ‘ 5 _:“I‘1r3r"zry %,Mzzfrtz'm 1 7 7% % } T P1'{’I£'rl.0£J§j. AA M17. Lzrfl¢’,. . %% V’ ‘Temperate !vi1';*€h1‘ifMer. W%ifi:%A1%d;%¢rm'an Aflg*;'72. A % w'15;ufiy?A%;]flern,an%:%I='m‘z¢£;¢ mg whow bcc1me=Excéur<;4;r deflm tort] % rd 7509‘;/, ,_cf!§‘1:c% 0F 8&1‘ ‘Fm7z .-"2zg Mfl, W110 "C‘£‘U 11;}! % , 12%,;-dauiggck Tl_mm.z;VSm,Succ~::i1'orto Lama‘ bash at L;z%mbérl.:»bamfi:"arid ‘ A-E}1‘?1'1€iw Lordgfv C%ouI'1%cm1~b0a'~+r'd;% % ; ' ' ' .% ‘ I‘ % H;‘L:xfl:;iy rid! Carflflliaxr H6‘/litfwfl I ;V_%Sing 1c l1::ar;<:*%%%d,»pmaching Sir Hmrv V?¢_:%2e,Lno*.n'r hetohic Old Sir Him‘). .%p,»,«:;{gg;gx mzomcy Génxerdl pg a11Gwv‘crn‘n1cxK1Lts.%¢ 15l'i1ili1T'fg"'53l'=7i5'7?3F3fI43?"7'i7Z‘§m3?-f ;" ; “ “ «Levclli%ng=LmfMW; ’ l?embmc%hiai1%4Oldfwnrflw 4:-whi';" hudc ‘th\£"!\E21‘I Mam-.:,rs ¢ Speéchcso A % Vain .glo 1fi.ous }»1:?aix-+1br;x§n¢c‘<1. H:rfél*r.g~,¥ with rtptnrmcc 11i1;j«;~:%;;h.:& Axmim in h is com? c2cm3¢5:Va:1fl%%the:% B7{}9"‘af)ric'1g 05- Dwlmm Vat%%h1$fb;1c¥r, 4521'Tléamwzglfddletbfisinax1”j''bz1:*.s‘.%g * % ‘ ” 7 7,7 _ ,“Dot-In‘g'If'1Mf€f0§*:rWith~Oll%t§JIlTii'y}0£“‘fn§th.‘ ‘ % .V A Coll; ;_>1-'b;v3te?z:h&' L~ordFm'?rf};x’s Sccrérf:1i~y%got%b¢Eorc'hi.§ after. R;¢1%ig3«0us4'Hm”h7 V A A; H I . % “Mr. S';:w=thc fanmns%Lawy%cr. % 7* A. % 7 Bing»-m§»ve% bem:r%kn‘mvm at'%Re:z:12‘rzgrha*n here; % W AA % % I CnI!;.;Mm:«srtz Sir IA-Iem~ylI/7;z2:e*:§V I.It»c1~e%_'fccqnd at P:c‘aching.” 4 % Mr_ $yréz1o,&'g2%r a; :py;ph€%r IRE) make thtilumbcl‘, ‘. V% ‘ A Ser,?ea2z:?I«I’ilci.e-bffl:known 1%by.¥he%%“n;flmLé hf’ “Lhr: W2<’1d(?AS‘P1jfMi?12. ' Vfabn VGood»vi2Mdlii:&s‘ % ’ " N _ Mr: Lfchmare the Ajr'toru*cy’ Gé~ncra!s% fe;con%ci at Aa1%1'oo‘vemm~cnAm:; J % %Arrg:4,’i‘.x'Iz Skinner a K’jmz.fI2 chm;/M2. , A ‘ L -7>1\4.v..«Br:~wxwanothcrcyphcr:* _ % A _ ‘ %% V" A %-film-..%~Da'z,~eV i Brewer of ;$'zzlzJx[mr'y Cami: tqh::fl%p in i:his‘1'ic#_w ~Brcw%ing,.% % M:17*’.~_}7abw zmmfl, %‘W:Wixtm- iientféizllfls qwn Stm. \ V‘ 4% ‘ I Smlumayfin fimrt >pratix”rgVA%Vpp rcx1ticcmrwly fr:t‘*up r*g:=1:°;nar;rr. ’ ca;-‘bait Thch £1nether%¥>l'L‘awya-i‘ as Mala", Md" bjfhis bwn ::o1mr. ‘ ‘M1’. M*1elt0iH:hat wi-*11‘n:cv;c'r Forgéif his ”S;>in A 9.: all AGqsmnmA&Ant5, . w;1o,‘had A AA*Col1~‘Bx’&Wm“??:*AAL A rfichcr talk fight;¢anfid'jy¢ic“wz1Iivens;uir;:a::o due». any ching;b?¢ing b:nck‘t%‘with: %:m 7A %my,?.ng:fi{1fif’%thc inked Pcopfl‘. ”CO11A.A%1Ky‘?t3%AWhofc N;:11}¢ _A % 1k ‘ Mr.SW;’tb% 3 5§.X‘ClcerEj%%tha€'¥*/iflubs he could wrfitga anal rc_ "."1rI; ; -. %Celll.IA ngolmbj "f-Hlt"°F0tx%g!ft ‘ft: wcu l:tAt.¢::1_y-” far A'th¢APrbté&br5.a7ga'f1ifi r $Fl¢§9”w”'9d %;Ftmwoqd1~£mc ho13*;}IiranA who‘ “fps rmo¢:m,yAmpp1an«zc&-:5¢APraee&o;, th 3.t"A%%hAc‘;§e rfwad€fl him 5‘;Hr¢¢'VCrowfiVs’fvvi're mint: won-thy 1 arm; Swbrd. 5tp,I*cpn the fudda‘~ir.lAehtc3 1fl1cAI-Ic“m{7 c, the Intiitiriom of tfrc: Army-A {Eat the "fitting ofthc LangPazfI*iamcI1t cztllit) being "firh{_};'pub1;.».. =A1hcd%2n We[iminfief4-b¢z1l. % “ At1pon§Vnp:;Acze:AA,A£ince hr: Yaw there was Force]: ggféin uipnn %%:hi‘g{-1auf¢._. , The di{fcou.}:f'e Mr. lmizzzz-.2 had with?w19zcs,~!=+n§1ww,h%A% W-dc ~ t?}'1?."u1;- ::h:~rA%m<2rnin4>;& «find adjourn by Aifiiafori rif his pf:;::f"ezxce,‘\}vithe:111t theS%9¢akqrs_%tak4ing4;:h¢iCl1ai:i,__yo;x may cxpcfi from anqssrher Pm. k Andhow l1c§1:tMaz11p:v{:d r.o fi:iagai%n in [ 2:134: aficérzzowa 1>sm'i:vu%r1d's’m¢ ia%T%r0,°!0f~H'>.1‘f=, 'andatWoA CompT'a;- % .m¢s% jof lied Céfiiztr Ifl5emx»@5% Anhé l:i!2Aert¢fe:; AVof Afizwglaizda ans]! fo bid rim faxp%wp11 ;. im:jm:%di%gte:Iy%%_aFr¢1j.w;hich, to p::¢v¢;npfu;'chcr imcrmpcion flair ysjprks%qf darknéfs from honcflimtn , thcgrbarrad the dare againfl: flzrcgipggcs Qf faur _of ihé_.M;:n1h:rs of the I-{bu "c the fnllowing Votc: ' dmzmz,‘ , 4 ‘W % V ~ % A. A A %_ Than fuch pcrfons hcrctofnrc Members ofd this %Parliamcm: a.-5 havc not fare in this Parliament (inc;-.Tt,‘hc‘year 1618, _:md'h:wc: rnoc, ~"fuBf€tibcd the 1«Zngageié2.crzt%“i%h’w tHt?"Rdl1 of Engggcmcm of thig % ifleaufcg {hall not fit. in this Houfi: till further ordcr cf the Parliag-A B10111‘. — V VJVhcmu:-pon , Sir George Boot}, AM1-.} AAnflé'y;‘%Mr. Knfgbtlej, Mr. Pryg;;,§,. ‘ and the ref! who bag! agreed on I Lcgtcr to b..c$ fem: .tO thcfn. ,%Mfi'r;%din ‘ ’ in their o1d*temp'cr 9‘f’%:i'.5F:i1§3;35”ling%g:hc P%ri&2iZedge:‘ of Rariiaimnt underfoot» Judging W%¥h9tttvH¢aring. rcfolvcd make lit?/£49» plicazimto xhcmg W ‘ “ q % A,* ‘ % % “ 7% ‘M ‘, ‘ M But :1 Copy of Aybe‘ Lace».-«coming; ;%to.%my I1:%ln'ds%,“ I ju‘dg%c«i'1'c%f'¥a awdrihjof that perform tI"’1"ac fiibfitribc‘ ;i:”,i:‘a.fx‘xd 6F-the p%ub1:iicE‘*%‘viéw%,‘ ’1;hat7 Ii“h#ve~hcrcH‘ini3:ré¢d“itif A ‘A A ) Yebvirzs **¢»:li=r<:a-dci? 4 Ta 4EI31 Tc» vvn. mm Lammz ETquiré:,t A .S“pe4l:_ér to the Mc1nbc1fswof‘th cf-Zfoufcf _ Aof CormjnonsinowVfit:ing at I4"£flmi{?f£€r, Vi .%>szI<, A A the perfons fubfcribing, and.‘orh*‘crs1\/i€rnbc§Vrs ?t:5iE"9 .,. ‘ i5'l"i ¢ % ‘xiht: lfioufc, Coming tc)Weflmizfler-Imll om*5.z”tm'dn] V A t;h¢a;;::;v£-;r2c%h%df% this niorzcth , undcrfiood that the Officers or the .P%.3.‘fI‘a'y had by their Dc-Lclarauon dated the: day bbfore, V ‘ invtiremf ah ~ mm‘hb»¢rs of the Pa.rliam::nt tQ r¢“t11i1‘n Vtf‘t:;7*t%hé4 cxmt<:i#f:a< ::.11d% difcmrgé %“oE.»their r”I‘ruPca»$bVy-A%virt me of éfi‘Aé’c% V 0*? i7’.;z%i‘1i;a‘x'nemApaéfiid 17°. »Cm*aZi‘ wh<:tei%n are theft: word: $2133 ha igwfieciaren ants altfnesectzh by we iking out %;s1;eta::gfl 1U?1?~Ug with the affentpf the mg1J3;anhQEaxmms311mn thtfijpzefent 1%m:hammtV aflemzalebg anti“ by; we auwnzmiof the fame, that” tlrjtfi. pgefcnt iaaitlzemmt 2-mm afmnbien mail not «beIJ‘iiI01‘DEII, unlef3:ts:gbe W 21111 at iwtliamezzt tobepamzh for ,t1;at paucpnm, rm; than be at any t%t=m20zt§m’;S During the wntixmame thmtenf man A r ugI1~n; amiamxtnzn «,_. uni:;~ffi tthe waza of 19:11:; itmmnt tD”hvh£_:1tk8m%lf8 witch fog that pxmzmfe 5. arm the ianufejof zgectfi mall nut 21%: an? time 0; tgmgsfxmring this pzeferat aaaxmnzent be “ em.-.; §o::f%aft"11%gD,4t1n1c,fs vitghe W t?;€!fli"€?i‘3:wfiAn;4 tmiif am u5gm:1:.% ?fl‘nh1A:zAIzke mannm;,;dt%!3at giyeieuure at r %A@imnman§; {hail not at any tam we ttnflfi Banting tm's.p2efez1t iaamamenwe ammuxneb ;. unlefy it Bab? fl}£mfi21’fi823,D3 "t;5:;a>itp3;iz:n%mB3*e3:. 2(Ia1Mhzat%, Q11 ‘ ?iIlD EUC'CP_ twang :3; A4 tiyamfi fimzyamfmzbcr ‘W12 0? t0h§hn11e firs; we ajfn;m1mm:%n4£» p;maguein;:g' mg, -Di£fn1uf'$:i V then: are yet living at leaf} three hundred Members, halides ii thofc that fat that" day , not being admitmd to difchargc: “ but Trufi, and to give our faithful ccaunfel forrhegood mi rhcfe deflraétcdhiand diviidédii}iN;;itions in the Hioafei, ‘arid to I afferti and vindicate our“ ‘ir;i1iC3iC駑ri“cé and ‘faithful adhering to tha gm: Old Caufe as it was hield-forth by the Parliaments Vot¢:sgDeclairatio‘ns"and Oaths, rill wgwcre: forcibly excilu- 2 ded : We havethoughr it a duty incz<1mbenr cm; its for «om: {elves and the refpcchvneCami}:1es,“pA1;1ces;%:n<:ialtthe 1330- i*P1559f ~~‘1h3¢l1VVi¢[ifWS= W i"~hi3 ‘WY: to C1jair11OiTi1ri.o»v11=i r‘he*PeopIcs r1ghco:havmgrhair R€pii'¢ftL‘nfatiV:.E:.3: fsgcd from force: -and admitted to me Homiit-. iiiinlefsi it ha"-2% iegflly idiffolvcds and unlefsin aPar1imentary way (bywia fr:1“1,ai:z<;.i~ free Hou{c.hand not by;a13y% wicihour C?oors.,) izmv Atlziiing ‘ca 11 A be iicibiigfid ~ againli’ fth§:'t15h Vtoi diifabie them wh1fiiiChiw”ch;are~. b'tit’tiI1é111f'eivcg ‘, Mild arch nioit.c‘hi:tiihg:*d‘ ’(F<11"iaTi tfiuézir fa f'¢5d.yi éisjiM¢th;ib€:rs iiniOfUr'P1.ICCS to ainfwer;a1j*diquit**our felveé 0F.‘ And having Mnmnore ac. phrefent to iiayw but go d,;:,-fire zhar this ourCl.zirn imay be ccnxnizunicatcidwcov ch:-.2 Houfc, we rc:m.:in.,i A i i W ""c'flm5Wfle7'> Md} 9.. ‘faqrhhiwwzikg Pri3>mm{r»,i « 1639., “ i_ Trhx.1s yém“ ("c»i:¢( to ’rh+c7griicF:iiit5Fxii flfisiiii fiir:l::u~”Ci3iod‘)’ the faz7x1hc',prércin~«~. ii 1mfi'.}aui§ti3'n€—ii‘.his 1i'FcT'phull’dithem’ ‘on’: 0f"it'i’1 ‘tr I‘~Id:.:fc ilinzing aigaiin i 11 pan :1. Déclaijatian of the Army” C who('c; Slaves, xiuzy fire ) go do whim; ';}3gY pieafe ._, nisx_:'1,mc will"iidi{iCt1vvimf : And 'zi9uat‘yc5u rimfy ifiécitiiuty cm trtzfi ficixv incd rcpcnr:incr:_} dcd iparliamcnt as wasfitting in 16$}; (ti11,c,_h;: P:joc:g&oi-* O:;’i'u(*'r cm: ' they are aiready rctmneclitro the Gwvrl 0i':lCzII¢fi2“ of preferring om: anm. t541cr»'and their 'Fricn~ds{te=»‘ gwodL}fliccé7and icmuxmixandsgz and .Cc5:tzAfl“::1i- i ‘ i . .i v i i iGi‘s, A h hhhC153h A Alum? 1a}c¢s as appcatsfby thcii'VV‘dt¢h_ofvh :h¢19.hof M.r%'y,wz7{. h h N‘ ‘T 1: Pa1'Iiamentydeg:h dcclarc hThat*.1l1 fuch as {hall bc im puma: ' in ggny placc qf Trufi or‘ Ppwex: in the C0mm?0n#‘WCal£h , be able For 1 flue; difchargc of fuch trufl: , and that they be: perfqns fearing God, an}; t1mc’havc given ccftimony to a‘l1thc:,p~coplc of God ,”‘:u;d of, their faith, Afulnchfs to this" C'mnmon~wca1ch , according to thC.D€CI§IatIOn faf par;..._f liamcm Off h "the 7. of _May, I 65 9. ~ V And: thcir proccedings thereupon; whcrebjr they hafvc chbfen cafgkcip a'yvn'M§:mbcrs for a Councc1hofSt%atc ,, 21. 'Ui‘l{_." 7 h ‘ Sir Artlgmf Hazfizlrig h .Fleetwy0ad % % h T Sir Henry Vang‘ 4 h Sir fimc: Harsigggfiton hh1.I4dlaw ’ , Coll.”Witazs . j‘o’..77omé.r . « h .:~Nem;ll Syderzbnm h ' h C’ 19410716? ' Scat h Dowrz-ans‘ h Salamay Wlpitlaclg, Whofc fc§rcra1Chara&¢rs you havé bcxfoi-cl’ h N "I-lab‘. Marley Squib-maker of the C ounry» OF Szgffix. h h %$inlr2ey'hh‘w_I_1o hath nothmg of Sir PIaz'l.=’p but the nuns. CQII. TIa:mz_,<-2,/‘an as wooden a head :5 leg. Coll. Dixwrlh better known in Kent then truficd. Mr. Raynasldsh ha1€B':(hop of W;t32cl2z°fL‘er , and whqlc Solicimrw rd thcé Infamz Common--wealth. h ~ % % Oliver St.j‘obm', late Solélicitor to the Iiing,‘ now Solliciror tOVtbC Comn1on;vw:aIth, to be chief jufliicc again 5 but .;_h5=yhh01d him. to flznéf/4‘: naming mm re, and tOO great: a patron of the Law. Harfvlrig rchmcmbcrs his and Callmgrwaads Cafe. Mr. rm!/op a filem: Ham;fl'93rehGenr1cn1an, ‘much in debt ; ficindccdh m be CQ1!1i'lC£_‘”0}"giF he couldhadvifc ::h'c: Commorx—-wcalth how 435 dcht. % h A ; 1 4 h 7 Of :P¢rfons withcur thc Houfc ten, vfsg. » f % A,‘ Bmdflyxw ,‘hPre.fidcnt:hat1:hchfcmn;117mui'dcrA<5f the King; . to set Lzzmlaert, a. Tomb-[Eire Gf:-nrlcsman, no1:%flborn%toF!/‘z'}72£v:’¢twz' baflfe, but tot) % h “ cm Fry for them all new old Oliver is gone. Dexborarzgfia, a C<=>untry~Clown withom: Fear or Wir.V ‘A " hf h 4 A‘ Lord Fairfax, an «may for L:zml9m‘.rhhrhirc1c mettle. Bsrry the worfl: of the Major Gcncrals, cxccprmzzlgr. fuch cmnhpa1(1y.;h _ % ‘ % ¢ , , % h h 811* Haratibji‘()3a:..=zf2nd5 1 GAcrj1:Ic~tn7a!nof aurdcd with filth a CICW; h h h % sir Rdberft Hzbmzywaod, Sir H,%V¢me-'05‘ brother hinlahw. fh ‘ ‘ -w Sir z1zztZ2a%nyiAA;{bley Caqofr, ahfiienclcmgm zoo wiféahd honefizntofit in too good h=n~EIbn:c hm-ih A A Sir Arc‘la_.’Z7:zZéi »7'oh¢z}’é:.=z, never advanccd 'bcfo1_‘e*t«hc:h Marquehfsh ef Argilg ‘j till hh%t:A.c:1hm%chfbr Erlgglzmd. V _ % A M jfqffib Bar/¢er;f fdol. of ‘the play. * A hThéi%r =*'Th¢:ii- new work muflbe m vciré” mmy ar»nfwcra¢b.lc aw V bcfiowtd t=nArh€mfii1V€s; thcy difC0!1tiAnl1t:c§A. {Mt Term %(}m; the; gm: ‘ jdgmagp a‘n%dn's to the lafi AParliamcn1g, 1M1‘. Hu.gbPeterx Letter Written to W?-1¢Y%¢3‘lA% §h0u.£h,gflA0%n€ but ptrfons wail Aafihtftcd roAAParIfiamcnArs had VOW-a&¢the pcrfons now fitting laboured hard to%Abe‘cl1ofc:?n%,v¢ry:fcw of ‘mm WC“? ¢1€'&¢dJ-“ht pcoplc generally looking upon them Masapofiarcs from thc'Gouf»dld Camfc; Wand r*h%‘r9éw!»rga::c no wonder rhcgr wouldhamt thaiwarltammmt to which only r%bvay¢17*~'fliv¢t<¢ chofcn %neverVc11i£T(;>lv_ed; { ha’V_f: new Iitr1_c: more to doc at prcifiit (honcfi and lcamed Mr. Pryflflt having f%V¢d»muc4h mylabom-) Abn1cAA-w«1ctA=AArh<: W¢:ldA.T'Ff=.A how they A30» 350“? W ‘-‘he%Acx%ampIc ofth%c Army * wh‘pfc%‘ Apes Acheyvarc: wcozcn that pcoplc of rhtir Religion, Lawx, Libertiex, Parliament! andkmoncy. with a Rama, called thc Good old Caufe, which is a vcryaxzhcat as you ‘¢ y fee by thc cnfuing pcnitcntial Lcttcr ofonc_Abcttcr skillcd in ._ch¢:i£' AAACA’b'm1.s then. I am. AA % ‘ V A AA A V 2 % L 0 ‘ «.A A A Officcr ofthcAArmy.. ‘A A A ~ H crew tfir late Atranfaé?iwn:* of Army, #:‘zua A:~:Ie?r}% A ¢;;%2a¢dAm; midwitb Hcfm“.-m, Pfal. $3. m. haw: m¢t:bling{y‘Atr~aw3led m, gjbycaufafj of lav: Nl~A five Gozmtrqy-,.% am! the cAbnCer7zmen‘t*5 wheres}; I fbangbt it ¢* my Adutfibeingundcr muck bodzly veakntfi, ta dcfire you to take giwnotice zmta others, of ring’: my »zpprebenfiomA Amfzzi72g«A A A 27anugbcaII’d to flank mVtIre Ofiiccrsg I knew 1:0? their fltrtbrr intentions. A %J”“]“2;Wbm I b'wrd ofb&z'.r Higbwncfldiflig/iing"?AtIv~eir*mAef1t4éng:,A A fiIg%§i‘3r‘ta‘f1"gbvVte gaf tint CI;-mfg am! aI»~eg’d.m for as " pennjamii 1»? 15¢} A .«\Vnoffroc:cdAiuaknjmmiug,Wwdciid tbé"fam% §‘oAA.**a%t~l9ar¥ 3:. *5 A ’ %%—«AAmc=ryw4itb all. A ~ L gm I ¢*o2wceiz§»c'VareA‘t"lv‘cj?(;., irecmzfe rhAt‘%’Pre§te&or44‘md~ mg.» ~HozJ¢s%m ism were mm, Am :lqfo12rj’za1z'c_»ff way mwe wmze world: we fettle.*tbt'fE Nl*19'35a and the %srofl?ng thereof M an 01-? ¢fc «A1 A * A? *:-mAo_fl~ 'd>m‘gerom'a V M now iAt;«i..1A7pE‘AzA}rE"' Aévtlr *iAIH1!¢Tfii¢~A zndsfmraw V A;f;;,A_,1;AA-Ar A, A A ‘ _ , A All the Armies addrcjfés to b;€:%Hix:bn:3/3 ta{ZiveAA aAnAddi: A 5vitb%‘bim, are broI{.en,* and’ Atlaeir pr}oVcZ.zinzing qf¢himAa-gg~jA- A — ;wI:creflz'g;bted. 4 A A A A ‘ A A ~ ’2.A v0?¢ rim?/901eAA 5?¥f”¢’fl ¢5,AvA:.ry A; mm: Wm" taken, by any word of mim-, who was :1: _fl1wgger ‘ta anziwiniizg, of which tkAcAA_CI:;'1d mAzbbmA zzzzd] arm Age: mix‘! A A A be fgnfib/cg, tmdtbzér I ivritefiam tbe[dai:1c3W’%‘f;5irg'tA%Aof 4 ficlg Whizeha11% Mzgy%:Ao. A $2’bza«%fm~'M¢~¢. Peters. Z A A 1, A .A 4 :ABm: A “ gT¢W LA0'AI!i?1gfri§{2:zclaA‘A “ «MI A‘kg¢~ow% but am €acj5~Aqc1it*i¢t,_ wfiiclb A5}, A T}MtA lair Hzglamfs may be‘ in the fxime A; HtA1ghA ’Petc“rs._ A; A A &z?f~}A%VA}1?1Aid'%.F»At7:r7i~Z 3A a21AAdAAAAt/:34!‘ Abe 'be%%ca{“e;]§1rc5&al%%‘tipgczgliiirt M V_1g1g;ny7 f A A % of ilfiér laAt~eAA%ParZizzAw7c77t;m*. A:1_a=‘"c*AAAk1A‘tA/.:74A7MZ%AA61AAATAA?5?7?M?’AVt;-§Q?:lqzgf:,;;;g§zg.;é A Ewénwfi» audfndcmrfiity Aid —zmfs«.~« wild L..[A'3*A1:JAr"’AAA?5'Lv’*°3?7WZ TA“ tbmgs. And for t'Z7at)99l;r‘z'Cb‘ they call AtAf06GfQ9d'.woId% ("fie ah "upon it ¢1AA5Aifl5~AAA Clomit }‘efi4i;; %~}>g;_tAAz;}bAag¢AA~:tbevArmfi) A rbin wkicgb we mjqyed,‘, if bfjpg ALz'ber¢t} AandA1’.s{.qce; ‘ A - =£6S9&M my , ii B5ut,for 1. futthet..ciil'covery or the Cheat oh trudedfmjbntthe pfcoplehyt “putting of the ttld can f 5?, Ilhalil to avoid large ‘recitals; Altifficmoin- .,li;ianee.s,Votes; ;8c_it11Declata tions%iofPar1"iamenit,fiate the ttti“1ei'Gob2l J12 Cafe in the Hqufet efcommctns owntimotdiis briefly: but ofthiéit Dééliiidtion .,of=!be I 7Itlt._Ltoj")lp1-il ; I 646; h At mic‘ and \ bf the ‘War w”het-t’th‘eyi there ifulliantlwftee "vsghiieh theyfcauffedltitotibe affiized in allthéf Churches of l ‘tEt:gjIm":ai to calltGiodta.nd~~Man to wtitnefs their fincerity therein.fAnd ' large. I'ui:(. ‘ _ e \ i ‘l _ t Dtiefuenezfis April 17. It(*4._6-T A et t Alfiecliattattion hfthe Ctmmgons or England allerinbledi in Pétliament of ._;. .‘ ‘flu-6.‘: ;w ‘ - utheit triuetintentions concerning the ‘ancient and Fundamental Go- jvemmem: of the Realm}; the Goverment of the Church; The prefem: i f peace, f‘ecutitig$ the people againlt all arbitrary Government; and ,m:tint:tiI},ing_i tttigltt _uit>derfiafIidi11gtbetwecn%tihe,Wtwo _Kingdg"m¢§5 Qf : ~l:E;nzIati¥I§~tmd :S€I°t14tid{ etifificérdtitfigto ttheifcdvétiinittigatxdrréaties. t Thee Pr"e;i21iibl:e,}Ecitcst hdw their egocici“ inteiationis had %been,iit”mil'repr§;; ifersted by divietsDeclaraticnstmd Stzggeflionsdf the King; and thereby and by other pfaéiiees the minds of many poffeffed with a‘ttb¢1ie£t-tm: there wasno.juf’t Caufe of the War, And that now they hadifueceedeci in the War they defired to“ ex ceecl or fwatvc from their fitft Aime; mcl ~14 iPtiVncipleé.3ei:t the undertjatkingithe War, and to recede ftcmjthe {olcmn t agcagllfe the titl_eltfcfat%'i$ttiis; fignificant andteomptehenfive taltethat at ‘ -Leagueandticovetniant and treaties between the two Kingdomcs, and t that they would pltolting thefe uncomfortable“ troublesand bleeding difltafiions in order to alter the fundamental eonfiitution and fume 025:} this Kingdom, To leave allGovernmcnt in the Church loofe and unfetled, and themfelv-es tq eatercife the fame arbitrary power over the perfons. t aiidwefiatesi of the fubyeéhwhieh that Patlament had thought i fit tdwaheliflih by taking away 17:: Star chamber", High Commiflion, g1td_' other arbitrury Com t5,and the cptorbiumt power eftbe COJ¢ncelT4b£c.‘ V H V Then theytdeclare in General that they wtlllettle Religion in purity, ‘ ehatceotdingnto the Covenant rhaintain the ancient and fundamental i Go- vernment of this Kingdome; preferve the rights and liberties of the l'ubije&.,,lay‘ hold on the fitfitctpportuhity of procuring a fafe and well‘ grtt‘4undc";”l%tp*e;tVt:Ve in the three tfiingdoimes and to lteepia goed _ut1der-~ » fiandiintghbfitwfifiiittlhfi tW0K5?'8d9m€§°fE"£1¢fi'd =nt¢1ii+T°i°i*l4'*133“°Fd‘it i _e:inggjt9 the Covenaqnttand treaties. ’ "i V‘ ” V’ i * it ” ~ ‘ l h Then to give fiiller fatjistattion they ‘declare partiieltilatly ctmceming ghgm-_¢};, Atgpvgmmgm, thztt they_ate 7 forth: Pres biterial Govetnmem: wighltaldfiétiegard that t’cnclerc<1nfe‘ietnees‘i h*bicb"difl’er ‘notin any fun- ;lazrgenttuI:;t”af1§£Iigion may beifol provided ‘fotas may Rand with the mm-hdtt.tefG~od tandlthe peace ofthe Ifmgdvome. ‘j i ‘ *“‘ A ” l l h.TJ.:51‘lient:he;y=dccl%t:tte;t~hatt%there wafhothing they had eattzefllyi _ i 4r¢fi,¢a5¢o;mor¢ticionttmxy Mlabtdured 1ftet,tht_n at‘ Yale and gtzcdl-‘peace A fiivith the iS'tl'-1h:¢:§l;1l’( e11ldt%off’aiUfi{‘iWat, and hcrefthey _ ” l¢'‘4~ ‘ ’ > a£I"ett- fi.1n¢damm*ta;t cb:ni“éir$x3%rin%;i eliid‘ %Gnvern¢mcnc%%of7th?s~:A Axingfiome King; ;& ;;-;;u:;iE uprxgmrxxxsg;wTi&i£;h% %*;;;*.*1'<~;V'“fg* "will; Ant‘): a*I?t:_c§*. ‘ % ‘ A ;y.;¢A;3§g»+:w;c1;udmiat ‘CHE"fr"?1‘¥;‘£1‘xx=*£f'c‘§‘1*i&*ft€*"i”731 grcmn«:is~ of Pgr13ia{- e~rm; m‘§:i%t11g 1%.xf*;;:j‘,.M7tjr.1;ci*;:. in t"f1iSv%C1él';.lfi7i:m.rb!- an 4ia.zf*EjxrrL-*2‘€yfl.G;%%_3sv<£.x;_rrirr1v<§1iVt_"“over t}1isj;N.a't’m"ari< airc1»ZP"“'zr?a$e;E?ing ’@£i?2g‘z;gr§r3;;£:p&%mi£:S qf;jqur Ke1?gion gm ri ~li;%_bg:rtics,%%by%~forcé from: he V} 3:‘ % ‘ icg: of Pa:11}a;,m/:z;1r,arLcI dc'cl‘%a'rc'% that may ‘W3:1‘_1I'1”:’J!f ifit¢rrup~t the ord-i*- nary ‘courfe bf" itxflice in A the “f€:VerzI1”f Courts judica,c‘oi'ics% Hixagdame. % , 11%.: ismbe good old £,‘;;'i¢f¢ we Pa~rliztmtnt axzmedf. , _ And th&re§fbz*<:%,!'¢ec%a1§1f ‘rhac"%feari Go=cl ‘in A the three Nations =conficlcr: whence A rhcy¢argffa‘l:l$cn4& even’ from talk G‘oa4l old‘ emf: held forth in the ’v*dtcs,F;cmon‘fiwmi1jccs,Declarazions, Prc;t¢fhitit;t1s,VUws aj1d%oaths»%0f*thc- P2r1iame;n-t*p1ib1ifi1cd“ in maintenance ef our An"::ient and‘rvall~t4r_:mpe.?rea£ fetféd‘ Ga?:;ernmem*”by King, Lord: and Commanss, ta 3 fne:/fizfiing dliguwhfical ‘1jmzn_n_x undcrV;hc¢bareH name of!‘ be Goad’ old %c,“4z;f:,wyhici1"ts as ~cha:ngc%- ‘ iblcas the a“d“d1e;headsm%thgu:.%c%on:rivc it, as opprcfl1vE’a%s ;tI‘x¢ cbrmpc % —§}3?§i¢€Ijjs,§¥§913€;Wh€;r¢Vo£d“¢ad;;ftdu‘¢¢d‘_rQ%R‘eb?l’fugdihfl an-d~ fiétragy % your nra]Fe*r:'Cw11%dVm‘ you mar: c¢l’*f’”zlfeIy9'”;itx‘c1;fi tc2%'r<5fr“1fc*%to d;isband 413 ”* ‘wills ofliccntious rm.-:n can make it, mufi be as arhifrary as the Afrmy %wi~I1 havé itg %a.‘n%d,fh“a1{I" be‘ morc:*fi1lly' d‘¢cip-hergd they pcrfifi Vwinits, V whichthey new dahefliio, if thc people who yct"fm‘:‘m- tn be-Ain aé ~1E.«t«’4-% V’ tbargy remember their firft workcs, and bcas refo1*ucc%to Aaifert their A Religion,La.we:%.ana5, Libertiesgas theft defperatc u1cn%ofW1oflfortunes%~and» reputations are bole}-Ago trample them under Foot, and make this‘ grea- 1:% ycoplc(oncc%famoustY1;*x<;£ujgh l:hE:‘J'W0I“l4d {czar v;1lou«r,wi_/‘damgand Rciigian) A afizorn am! I derifign to all “tha-rgaare: round about‘ ins; and thiemfe1ve5‘% Monfler: ofinen by~:l 1cir 1tb:ifmApo(_}Vafi"‘ and Incnn_fi‘an‘cy:.-‘ ‘ * A % V . We/inii:ffier.$ % % _ A. M _ ‘V V I. Fuitbfuladrvice to the Army; L I {hall céonciude with 1'om't:’ zdvi‘ce('n“’aw ifs fea%fonab1‘e);TAo° ti;-I€:l'A!'l1'ly’§, V A Tc: the: people ef a!L‘fo:1't§%anwgi acgrrécsg. and co_ the Amcm-bars} ficcirigat 1;cm¢7;g;nA1:3er thg ends fur wh-ich you were raiféd-g,, ’f<=;>x‘"dE-:%f;:§nceR % ind rc%c¢%iv¢ctjrhffeir waggs, and "wcrc“ci¢d by oatfcs t0 ‘ V King, '%%P“:x§t‘li3'!.‘7I.£"rz‘1*‘./,,1‘t efigjon ;lna{'“‘Li"bPrt*?£'3‘. Vrhat-you wicre ftfr*vatn£5“éo* thcrfi» ‘ 2. Rcmc%mb¢rgh Win r647‘y_c>uwcrc firffby fom¢joFyouf~%:imbiric$u‘$"%%%_ ch: Wmzwas V.ended1whcr¢by« you; are g:js‘e“¢?::,m: ‘£'£}*dd?*Féub_.bf¢‘¥i. A ¢vcr‘fih¢¢,JA;Amii»nieer% fiwizuriés. A~ A . f % § 3,, mime mbcr h~ow>in‘ D'¢c‘em‘b7er% F648" i you 1:ébtl1*bd' ‘ % 3 ypur niaflcrs and“ fo rCcxb‘1y“and*"ij :rai?r*c:x*O3afly‘Va§‘_ 43$ Vperjunifi ’ m}fly‘Br6ak E115 Parl‘iam£mt', ifIi3;%tifO£1“‘ff1%é%‘ -3 d‘T%§"i*3%%%‘AWN-‘3§1fi5fl‘T9F%T‘h*' Vfmhful %rv¢mh¢rs»~keeping; A§{b’t1 ' rebelled! % ggxinfia ”“ I M . " ‘ . xyiflfifi mf mrgxz?»isx:?;$%?g$;§F§m’““f?%;‘ and V Wrea- vcde, clwcm m%fn!2geagx¢rxen*a1£fa1xzis§a§s.%§;gWg,m.hW' A "*3 afbfolucciy dmm- E 4. R¢1ncmb¢rL%'how giddhly and “'im%,Fm;8c0P"c “L 4* Offirzcrs hahre;?la;a#d%;}cafi‘%crirougIa%‘ %h'of5r;':"»z1%%:%;1m};% ygf? amhitnous wvcltmi makes from av happy fatt1cd;;;Gd ?crnme=u: 5 mi bmwb ff mam. Firfi; m an R;idi%ct€1a1dt»Ga2iiri2o;nweg:‘¢J5 th;.na%" “#8 %““‘1 ‘iv Rrateflar, thcncscfat Ptwfz(c*iaVVd‘;3,¢,~g_bJ,m; 1-it’t,eL 3? ‘C’ 3 “'5'” "€“"‘i W: Fro~te%ftorfi%Wi1b:A% M "inflruffiéflt 97 .% ' L;,m.§,ej.t.¢ min“ M W thence 1=01Wnnf<=wlAismior Generals th*;Cfl’C\-'%. t@ng‘fiu?t "W1" ’“’“’~ Tin Pfitifion 441$ A*d*vife5 thence fa 7;“ N ai«t1'1§’.*:£'ot:».=::S'zgdr flwdcmdm Eqnmi P§rf£a'mefit.,3.>:b$rE0f%'1~‘3’A*¥’:#jI*iA€l>-born,thenbe To A5zzi%fd%‘i$1ri:; - j _,. H kg g 0 t,gg‘ ;M .. k M M ‘ V 1°.“ ”””' M T 7’ X“? "W 5°?“ fW=Ga1- { %T%hus~;ha:m.yOiI r§!’5;§tI5i6‘I1-“‘1*f0‘i<fififlv.&wom:;mmAA * L % a:maze,;% sabl1n)»rri;n.gQYwu?x?% ,uI1i?£a'biE 1rn%*go&w;-ways;5% Aami &:~.yi;i“g to «GM in fecre%c that he~;wi1> at length refiore un.to= England: 0ur:Krng:% ([9: NW3, A 4* “*9 fi’’J*~“"‘1”‘~°"”3”“‘’5”‘"“‘ “‘ ”m:b3§5"“'5"¢%s1113kiflg?itfifiuiet habiratirm “ ‘ ‘ '3 % nr¢fs?‘fu1lcbi’sbi:ra!'_s o£PT€Y%%=and%:“b¢a£cs.¢r:hac do d.r:~mur.~ ; ;_ which by ¥°m‘" “*33=°'11¥’%°0“ F965 ‘Thain been {.5-1c;ngVa howling wilder; .. ‘ 1 H‘19«V°? W°fm'°"¢% W‘ W‘ “°V-VOW Q youxmitlezzdiiigflwzérx V reconcile: fioMr%%,a&ingsyf}n?ca$126-4-6*‘ xo%che.Seriptur «< Vi- % V % fi~¥1'd~LW’Cf»"‘ 344-’ '3‘? Whwfii "3{i”h”lC1;1v’ifii?iiiiJfOuifliEtSci;1.1I:c§;..12:51-my %;§:E_: Hcachen ax“: to ‘y_7_v'2l}k, Vi'L- ' vi‘0‘I¢n(§g 1; my man, nei-tbemtccufe V any falflvy mnd*_%.bi%e co’n.{tr{fl3 W7P{}7%}°'¢Y'%'*°”‘{Ig¢?.f_;iV% tlfsc\1”::1Ear:; chem gen for‘ hand’: mm m& count me mfiakan. But 1«Eth1'-5%Dxfcom*fcsof%¢miac by God’s blcfiing be... cpm¢s%i~n{hrIW*¢fl¢1“1¢f’0I:tt;hc‘: ‘a;w§ak¢ning:»your~Drowzsc can ficiemzm w fee year Long‘?¢jow%vfc of fialnsaandt P1jiovoc1ti.ons.. a.nd_ ca rcpent, I‘hm_,1e;; = r<:U~yc>u~ your Wbrk»1s%fl1m:- na¥wke:;yVoa*;¢%;5g1g,¢sV%%md ma Kingdmm luamr» for!“ SD11=%h=We1m=130‘gQncw:~SiaX.ycars backward at one. Step, ‘ -viz,fr%om thistimc to%April?l~6’5%g%: So%;i£y.our%0fficcrsf4a.nd YouwiYLbu¢:% markc%on';EStcp mOI_‘€a11'1'{¥iI%%fP%f3T,l%!> Aivzril. 126$’-3-;%t0n of Llnflable Bloody men in fuptremwe Authority 5 who as zealous‘ as form: of thcm;~ih}f’éemcdt1at«=_:ly; in thcncw diflblvcd Patlia-V’ t mcntifot the Liberties of th€‘tP€OPl'C.,thlnkgnOWthat by their Hypoctititq and Falfhood tastwellt as Ft<2:arc_e; thcyhavc advanced .thcmfclvest'tqp¢m tI1¢.g?,B.uinC‘.Gf their tCto1mtr,t;y,tr thatthc work ii done :’ Aiad though my have cryedhdowtn I a fing1et‘tPe“rfqt1 and an9thct‘Hohufc.;’1-“’th’ink you fuch Fools orfS1‘avcs=t~hat:yowWih‘ll‘ notrake Notxcetthattaharmed Gctncét. A w _rail is a wprfc Single perfons, aridt.fuch% ahhtcohorvlinmett Sm*dre“at they tintwtritd t. t by Jx:hc¥ Ptropofalhs of» the Anmytt ..Q:6€rhichtrhnowt2»ara come tothc Hotufethy V V way owtzcition amfvthéy had notgfbttn agreed on be.-forcfl rmr!:>orfemt*I:ert f Houfe, than thetlafi whichgwasfthctwoffittfha‘ Eilgland évett faw : Amt this R._umpe of a cafhegrgd Houfcwofcommqns, L takch into fcrvicc again? V at Mercy, and'‘11s;.A ppcar»’mg’alg;Linl1atlzae m, that you know thenxscoht::6l1lcs?1M&ainwel7l3hf‘;11:;rl?té;0plE:’lz£nld%Lfsol:Ffc%w Sill? Nzxmlmr l l Parifl1¢:sl"hla‘»'lcil71T¢:7r1: limes“; rl1e:i'r‘l°\7-Iufrn?“t§e:‘;*0314? E 0 PM LE1 l , l ' ll 3. AdviceM1tbe#nember:fit.tingl‘at Wefiminfierl l A. E A. V F'irlfj remember the volumes‘ of RemohflfancesgD»:c‘laf.fyc~.u'l')c Comzce!~ l Wm’35mr«’!:mg%Ir‘imgth%IwaunflHi wk aron;il8.é3‘m%cf$;%%1'of: «half; f{h~;:f¢.: :.%€M~;?’vg;n;;; "3; 0”“ \ W 1 " « ‘ ' W ‘V I .£unwbwsa%* A s 9 M g ;rm%wf m%gmtai?s:%a» !t‘he:i%rvw%ial?lu:-cm t:!'S»% §%f7f%¢1«¢8;«%%3;x% 7‘ ;a. mfisjp;i¢:z‘¢%c% «yea % 4.; ;C;émfidcr¢hhW‘"Gé:vd hazh%.c:ikx§~§;i4ie:£ ~ at Vam1V%1Ed¢§s% ‘ Aw0fiaf*1»Aa1idA gives nmfm1tmcn§t;v%74% rarurp;sh¢t;9_f@x:;e co%A%D;ec¢®?wfi¢.*fi “W48. V .%whms: jyui A fcrgfuak‘ ;fc:ttl¢m£1&*t‘ whmix WM:-%fl'£;{cdZ} by fihmfé .;!;ii;i‘x,g;i§§;;::azad %%ac:cg:~pt~¢:d;=%%%% by% %*i:‘haT¢::1’m=l:1am£%rM",‘::trmdaim2“”dc;ifl£ war? W oIih'.s%=:fmr !{irzvg~i§L;!:nW*€i ~ 1’m*1;Fiamc;m:% ‘lafifullaand fl’-(‘.*é,2l~1m‘«‘ fr.-., ‘wG%%o%dmI§});;;§:g§Q{;w;syo;;u mndfihis ~ B.%ir:gd0mc a,s%at,r%lm” %fi.:'{’n.,mnd rm prcfirnt +P%ro£cfi%mt:but;r¢%i0jfw§ «alffcrtov»; party w4»i!EH:jh%i$% powcrAupoen;tJ1of;, ;¢.nmcs:%w1§§:cm;:both hay and i1?is:brorher the‘ A?Lm',d* .l:im5J::c riam:%%% Am %:A%IMuArrd, mufi¢1A;nm:ds%:gt%udge‘ ,z;§» have wrcfimd from ;him 4hyirVy 4m1Aaa;soAx::;.+ ; ; A < ~ »?4a%2nm.d¢a%wgm4as£omr;%A;uaaacma.n M}; m¢,ne,huAu%:ha¢¢Ar.§s% H Len rm! ..mgdAfe;¢[anabI¢ im firing: ’pl’a§§1'e} him in" thc;gra::cs,~ and Acarryfmch ‘ ;£vi'ci¢:nc¢ntg;1nd(:ni3ble truth wimh%V%:hum.and;;Eo eiczra mflimony (fmm A Martyr for‘tbe,peopIc) qgaiuft the abominable ~i.niquicy and ~ho.x',ri«d impiatics ofirhis ir“TomAg4:, that %chcifi;miling%:Rw£fk¢k4=b: ofrhe timc‘ in what rmtybalch:A mt againifihimdu but; madam mt-'I!: bark ¢ againfl% the ‘ M;a:mn?.; and dmefarg I‘ fin}!-1mm%»h=im, m 1:.h¢~;-cn;£¢%:«Pr£fcnibvdshy!AA % Ahimfifclf fat 17uch:1:¢3)n%gucs* imzhcx x no ~Pf4!.. mg mg. %%Wbam{haMJba2ggiwn$ any ‘ tiaeeh? mr wibawfbuttbc dame mum thee than «fwlfe Mngu»e:: if flmrpr arrow: of A. txb§eVmig bry:Lwit.h.§ma,lq of§’up=iper.;; mm: Adm: dermxm as I beliew Frymrm w.dmh%‘m1fq'%u \ n rhac3_uipkwra wmd,‘.wm«imi.d%uc‘ time ahamouthy