To THE‘ P A R L IA E N % ommoan--wealth of En lamd, Scotland and] Irelan .. A .LoNo~, 'Printed, and are t0 bc fold in¢Flcct-“-RIM : A 659. pl-W: :5 HT Supmmn Aum.-izy PAR L IAM E % @mm0M?€41cLbf Ewwd-* ATM: Hsrw2blc %‘PetfVz‘Yz'cm.r 47251 Pr.op@fazlr of t/1e 0flicer.w 4 uzzclef the C%a2;2;zfiz.¢z;zc;l of Me» Right I5Io¢zQ1~,:zMe the: Lord L:.u7nbe1jt, 2'72 finelafkz/4Nm't£2ém’expeditim. HI4mlv[y]k:m‘2e1'b, A —‘<1’-- " : A % ” A Wthersfg ho‘ d@@f%11"e%dt0&fear the 4 Wléord ii!thET¢“3N3t10nS<*110Ugh’ A “ by ‘”‘c'%)m:" p;fcw(>cat3o11s4 We are Y, E rxpc _o1 c_e.1t.1 mu) _.1ve .»-,§=3x{“§.;ffi * :bcc1L:fqa1n faved"byAtI1e“L0r'd,,; 9"" 11333;, p]c3:jg1*a11c§:s» 133" VA of “éfl‘d‘ * iii‘ the l§éh;0ld ingfif “ I: * \77"“*£5‘3i?"~‘L?vo%t*Fté:%ps4 “We ca*rifié)7t f‘ bL1f...,1f¢F§- A A A *2 V A j0y*逓“_.,; "4V% byc: ej5*4mfoL~%Vour “ ibuls treinbI¢»;4A%gIeafl th¢ fIuit[2ii»I3'A A T %4 Virth4jQF A all (Whichthc word 1nva‘}?ie}t’15[eg?é’C57*% and His “péop1e%V%~%lAon" e:mgefi1»yfor) bec@me~abort1ve m ow inwthe davof 0ur%deliveran¢€5 J,-.,W'e fo%11nan1£- : moufly an.d»cheerfuI1;yagreed unto," and approv-- V ed~@€ 7%: any gut 1jea%t%e(f’c;~,onfufion§', HmAayA with . 4 Jr 7 unto it 5 “’;”1“: ””E”’ei'{ng 7%C1:1pc:)h" Afurtha firid cwxeem *g_rounds) f’ci11up%0rI9‘u1* hearts asthe befi and on» . ly expcdiflfnt, f=ye::t% offered (nQtwi't:Ahf’candi“ng many vaffayes to 3:1 11a;ppyLVa11d durable fettlexnent bee- fixed“a11dfirr11»fencclgoundary C1m- % m11aa1AL~ibert:ies,"whicl1~!:hc‘Spirit«0f 4theNdtiop1s unwearied i_n travil, not onely to invade,.but ‘up- ‘ onevcryz. opportu1.1ity (as we we haw‘-soften feen _;," and "rlatély hay acleer cvidA4e1m€e of) Iiéady to attmptt1m1‘!1%ifi>?%léd{~d;€fiif!4“%’?i0n0AV¢ ., That wlmcngas God h;1Av%1flgg'iVenaSpi:*yit ‘to A ;I:eflme. _ fix*eV91~*afi.df” %ithFu1%t% rim irlterefi of %his *§edP1€:*and0urg@oo did caufe%,%When~many%w1;o iA3dbéén»fIi¢“ds 9:4 Wfiltlfi <=if11€’i‘ AP0fh:tesg.M41ig* “W5 *0? Newwrsa ioy1iin%1g”withthc.% old Hum” 1:¢WIng*t11ePa1*1iament an a&iV® »f1"i;€11..d¢~ ffi318:14Y" 120;, fcqmfiiet 4.W,ith hthfiir ‘Mg? _difict:iIties,a1?1d ‘having 11¢) Titcli” hb}§éFuIw“,,Wa like derG0d:).*gtT9r zfécuring A9fh.§11§A .C;iYi1 ;; %nd.§,pi4 % lfiiimy 311d th¢,.irF€W 57» fikc :.f*t“a:) *prev%afl“, Vmfid and fr11fl:‘rat%e V 4hat"ve fc£ long 3m‘3me.mded:*fm*Ag ? :39 bjfliv o;rk.i‘11g,d-iVi~ % in the ;Ar1:gyTa; «ea ¢:%s,.%,f4_ bAegéi:tin"g~A A fmI{und¢rfizmdrns,' ‘:.aA11dT :icl1i%o*1V1n[g i1‘:’4.I1:sA;A;[;[,~mim1: (.WAh<-.~rAe1ng un‘der.:V,Gm15A4; ;.:::t{?sAAAaf&m‘ex3Agth hes) ‘%We%.wdoA therefore: as7gtAhje 4m6?ftA_?e%iTe@cAuAal. means , fat‘: tAlaéA~ ma%1nta1nmg1of .the4I1fc1p1111e and con dut‘3: th{:1~e- ~tI1At:y ‘j ; ;o’f_;,VA‘:md.pneferviAngA;zits; I.Inionin'vi0lable_;, hu:—AnbfyM Er()V}:>fe;;;7I7Ii1éA1: h‘is%E?x’ce1¢l‘senq Lord eet2awa¢i*f mayAbfef fettIe,c1Corrim2inAdcrA *mifii?efbf Elie ‘A1*n1ies3 his ‘«Ci01nmiflimi»expi1f.i1ig it feWi1_n011t,I1s :3 V t11e:AAL~drdAV%ALa.m‘bér>t ~ 4bAeAth<:“GenemI%fficreig A V c%2hie"fA Co1nmaV:ndér*A.o4f the Army u1;4d<3r~ A "11i1:mf.:fA1f07 tfifit Géneral ;D1::br+mg26 “ Jeg; tha Chief A of thé horfe Vumdef tA11ei‘rz, j and thatVGc11e~V-w * »,;ra1 %‘Monck“be’theA% c:h1ef Ocer ofA,‘thAeVInEEmtry ,_ A Qrf ,u:r-idcr% vflmofe cond 1151?, wAc0ur+A Aage afidg L Mélity 5 weJVVAha‘“ eminWe*11t;fuccic£§,i viflcories daivemmes4 in the days’ ofg.mA:tt {h€aAit’s7,,» and: .have'beén figna1*ly blefi Laixdrowned by the Lord,. tfuwliom ,‘ and n‘0AtA:to%?%£nar'Lbti the: whonor*of”.al[‘lL,‘% : 7 ‘; A A A * A A‘ A V‘ III. 7T,hat%ha§7in M had“‘vcry fad ex]peri mces[oF V‘ agran‘d:AApk;f,PcativzAin 2‘md7 t¢na1A:SpAi1~it }won% At4l1r0ugh4,,1:hc: N%atidns_.,: aamiongfi‘ o§ft;ho 525 I W l:1b W"ercV int‘r1if¥ed%AA f0rit%hc4fafetysa.hmi'.e6£' ,' very few‘ aaing A Qrf ap,péarinAerhl x1t3ies%, £01“ Jtthe pmycnting AA3tl1‘é5 Plots and”? t.h‘e;-. Fowers (3? the em:-1rri‘y i11‘AAthc‘ir>§la.t e Alicballious fie? xgn ~:, AA andw:rmnyAAothers Imt cmeé1“yA 1fd:u1ceri.n.g, but A fallinginWithVthe:1*n,,,Wcre by t0}1ta1=A%4rL1in , Wa$ A thftat1i&d”gdnd h:w1 efieéted , had; mm the? A é “ A Lord:% 4Lord% in A mercy prevented it. We therefqre .hu‘n-pg‘ bly Propofc.-”,V tha\t%t11eremay be diligent.=i"nqu i_wry i1ml1 parAAt;sA by" faithfulm3.n5ing§ that pt: 11;. % po7fe,what intAru1‘tec1A"APcrfor:s’- ha? <3 been ,gu1—1tyqf .4 any Contrivanccé, 01* a&cdVaga1nfttheAVCo1n1non- A _W3a’*1}‘[_h3 finterbfig and tAh3t.t11Cy ml .11 gainfc A :.1ccoVrding1"y; and 1;_%1keW1fe%W1mt%p4er«+- M W for1s*AuAponAwicked purpéifcs have;b%ee.nANcw%tera1*in A fuch :.1Adifi’?r£1&eAday,-jwhéen%t.11eif.;:élfliflr2t:t1!ce zxccoree _ ding to 1: hair: ii11p140y1nent:amx1d=1: 1119:, »vou1AdwhaveA “been 110%%IeI73iL1fcf‘1i1ti1@11W::f—::é1fo11ab1Ve ,zind% ‘tlm-tA~:Aa1I fuch Imybc %i1%em0v%edAffrom their places {Luci %i*111§- ‘ »_p1oyments 3‘ Civil %z1i1:d;‘Mi1itary,A and th7£1t;\.§{',11%cI1 A who 0%n:;Ath<‘-3 v:cor14t1‘:1ry.,h'aVe.:in thiscr j1111,5’fu1*ebf 4y'0L11=».Mdifi:biiap0fed ::aIf:1i1‘s,% Id:-rcliared thei»r>A%{A owning Q ,t11is ,A?i11ter€:Pc R», I;ei;th er~ in T thei County T1*odps; V 1\/1%i1iti:;,A%Volanteers, For; 0t11erways,, Axmybwa 1uo:k+ atiH;;10fIrityin tf:I1:eiA1%fi:~ve:r;1I-ACountries; A ~ A ,4-V:‘<:i upcnas friexids, itxcduragéd , }fi*1t.isfic:Vd.r,%A%: their AA ;ArrA<::ars pr(iVt?c:fiE£:c1fifé11ni11ju1‘.ies, cou ntenanjced by A M you 5, andM4ascl:e§,rareF capaAc1tate”d ,4%1nveffevd..w_1tlL1M IV. That in the1::1t<§A‘I11fi1rret*c:."“h1g:{ to the Go» vetnment ofa Wei} coxmfiituted Cmnznozm-WeaItl1 may be invefied with the authority ofMagifi1‘acy in every Town, that ft) the fowtftcps 0fMon3r- Chymay be rafed out, A . V V. We humbly 0f’fe1',that afi petfons whatfou ever, Magifttates, Mi_niFtersfi or others, whohavc openly, or fecretly ihrrect up , or provoked the i1111abit:mi‘ts of thefe Nattons to War and com»- motion zwaixzft the Parlimnent, and particular to the lateI:fi1r1‘eé7£ions9 Whichis too Vifibly appzt- rent, many of them having not onely been abetm ters , but in their perfons appeated with in(h*u-~ ments and weagons of war (as fome of us know) may be procee ed againffg as you in your judge»- ments think fit. E7 IN I 5%.