_(.’p) m 3 fiéés =3 .533: 3 fI)Ee.‘/"V!0C7{IT‘l)S% TuRNED S TE S-TM N OR f1‘wéncyQ1erics between Ieft A and Eiamcfi, &c:{ I.) Rather it be not convenient tB1t;thI: dofirimt A of Co truism. who held that thc world turncs mun , flzbuld be: cihblifhcd by A& of Parlia- ment, which our “la: §_ changes, alzcrations, Aand A s % rcvolutions. in pan: havc Ycrificd 5 *:i‘nd[c;hac T]- * ’ % tho Bracbt, withthc Gan ‘at’ the Aeontrary ‘ogi-3 1110:: be adjudgcd Hctcrogoxnl, nnld that from lienctérrth icbc cmfied, that what: pcrfomfocvcr do p1‘of¢1Tc,“p‘ubl3[h, ’4 or ho1dAfo-mg my ochcr Tanqnt %c1ontrarythcr.¢unto,%bc acfiudgcd ‘ 41150» % A M aflmu, Mara1iatbx,~'and that Aublick thanks be given to: %V“'rutcn.nr.'ng,% % for ‘thcgrfiat pains,«h¢ cook " ch: mmépofurt of ma: cxccllcnc piety caI1cd%Harmmi£M Casltflg P ‘ V A “ 1 I; A *Wherc,as% "3 is humbly concgivlhd it by Macbi:wE!% and his4Pupi1s, that afl 125:‘ ‘Gm t¢npd1M%cmb¢rs%o£.Ath¢ b0dy Pplit%1ick§bc cut pi’, lcfipugriu ~ fa&ion*’of tho: whdlb fixduld cnfuc,‘ If is thcgcfrbrc worthy thc cfbnlidi- *%i.w;3ans%A i:bc’%?n6c&cxp§dkm §°3n§p1oy%anVAa1b:fl':io$lr7s0 TB: - I1'!I.lE% L “W1 in‘.g.I1¢M00n;3;LO pmcztre 1};.flbit%;;i0ns fig: ou;g_ncwCcur% V aficc inmlm Con1monwcah:h%%%as flzis now fcrlcd A #4: . W: ...;,n ,; ‘. mg. ,;«m w3w-<~._~-3, *w*%‘r“~i»u =wu*~;‘ 11¢ 4‘ ~#‘*~t .» n._ ‘, 2» ‘ ‘,,“,.«\_.:_\;,‘, fe::n1f%*‘kGm%v =*e mm nmm _,%r~ha thew! d«%*g«wcc*x1gft:f§ % ‘ “at 8cm9“W£Zlgins, ‘d3g c'*:;”§'n ”:£1'd;;f:Ii\%_;“ h£fTH_{"th$§fiL4gftalifiE fi iV~:;??jtr&a % aerimv, ma :11:-gt’ he %Aum1m%a1m the ignpioyiraéene m a£onii1<5#'~h*:I1?F1?-M1?‘ 5‘ ” 5 9:2“ M. 3 ‘cm V 1.7 ~ %b 4 “““fF?:&‘m fe¥~mrcAomc‘==i:V%d ~%%‘CT3Y’?“°}*‘S§3- Ae 4.m»erV~¢ V‘1 g; 1.; “ ;s~ .¢~‘-M %,&;;;z1c;cc1Ta§%y,5.g.p;hgac~pug% " Eu: ifchat dcf1'gnf:II,- W11é:t;hérV”"i,tV%be"fxot"expe&ievnt£1én1bmnce. of~’"*i*1£S‘*g0od fervIc€$5%=‘==rit". would alwaycs be called afccrllis name, ( viz. *)§%V.I%rzr'r£:2¢_gza72ia2§ 5* I Rf. , wmam» ir?'Bejnot1"cc);1v.”.§hIent¢"or r*a‘tXl~rer»‘5i1e‘!f&cITary,Ato¢a1l.J¢u Pg;-(cm re in" :7”ct;”ouxic7rha3€ have an y way”"ctSh'tx‘i!i°§1i”“t:;#z~«dWhcir aflifl;ifi‘Cc‘for thc g... - . x . .. ‘ 4.‘ _ fiabhfhmg of z1~1.¢ lat§:gi<;%%ct:a{ed v»:Ify::agnc;a§%%;:_l1%Aze*:f Magxflrate of thxs Com. monwcalth? and whether ‘any pcrfon, or p:xjfon.=, whonhavc any W," abetted him, and cndeavourcd to cémfirzn him in his Tymnny,or Aétcd % under himin anyplacesoftrui’c3VLF’owcr, or {arc -in. any Parliament, ‘m._VCon.vcntxox; fummoned by his Writ; be fit tovbc ~intrufl:cd win Em 3 §ani‘:x:g§;, made}: ~Tr.éafo’n;~fo1f any oncfiper-forx‘:='a‘E1f;:3 aim M h any be {ole « %§G%w?ex1;m_:;4q; ofEhisMVVCq§11n1pg1'y#VcaIt}-1,? tgd fuflcig. Tuch }5”e1'fon to unpu. ' zgnilisda .%ir.1; fl¢fP3g11t_0%f%,th‘¢ fat“?! 1¢~Wfs-x ‘='en€1;_Wi1¢t11¢I it be? A110: prudcAncc%m haA:r¢f;9%§;Chy;:>¢r4f§;3 b,£V9uA§:hé. to »A‘c%£5f*d'£;%n :P%unV?fi1m¢.hta tl1at.jha:h> rm M;@9¥ri»i1c:?o¥¥1c%r3~ f<>H.'~f rthc Afmzurca fox; m%Aakimgmg,1 Wheth'._:rA a:hc>{'c -A poHa’tc 0fi‘ic;'e2's of the Army, that Wan. A,9c:;ve, and !3‘fgrc£- A A35”? grzumd InF:rum.:ms% in {u!'p.cndif3g “and difturbing this Scflion of‘Par15a..,., me.¢nr:». fe$%:W}is.as,».&;f¢91u*d‘ing:¢ irI%Prif“3!1i4nga,andA%in*jufihILy d¢=r;-6c;ng¢A£cvc- N %I3§:7_.*?1’#fiW??%i3i%.%¢?f§"’ih6.,fm1¢f%P4§1134$5513!?’b?i°<%¥;¢A;»4 i1?VarVv\§%cV1t%c: c%miincmf§a‘~fi‘cr- % 8 rfim:4ti¢§; é‘£.aAinf*V TA3'¢rann;7 aw :G#p;»‘z;cf1ibna~ ‘.c:@n{cfi3:;n" ;t’«0W*-PF °P€€;8%9A¥$4P;5A¥¥3€A;} 933‘ P61: ‘ %?¥?5§"4$%3§*%*l%>“1 ifliérs gof thc;fmdamcnra1fl; 7' Vmu.-GIICFPE3 I3“! 05 :h~’3‘iIJ3nii, and V.ahan”!: Champions ofthc ('Ifruc‘0i'd%’ C;j.azf'e 5 ) And, i*yt3_;1€ir..D€.dI1aIat\'0n.0fAr:g.,“2.2.. Ame Dam. K‘6=5'3%. as a1. I9: % \ _ $57“ “=!?t>%tf‘;P_Ié\ , ma :di,p¢rpe:uatéAA fthci1*{‘ macaw. fi'¢s;.,"_: 1“°*%g’;:':_;':’f;;r.i‘c1"1w1f”:l ll mi‘ W gt: 4W1;ec1x‘exL":féWéfifixér-coélsc. #4441<11:g*%fi£11€?I:A » 2 Plfihr Wil1¢W%s %aP%¢iC¢"* ‘ Va+1,1:it:1Vp1:¢Vf$ic2An.s;;:V=xtir1n¢;39gnr¢%z: aA”%1’>+1+4tPerfif«#iV £fi.1.1; f37"‘: c A ér&fi¢7i“ng”;:E¢»;:r13¢’% 1:3fi:1g.Sun»* LaidP%r%6fid¢!wnVc#¢i?we ‘:la‘4)t¢~ man: As if ’ 11iéVHi.%fi%'€?cu%r=% of:;1njuItic%cs man rMr%ha:;1xn::z:%ds':AAI~Li1iriceVA uic1v!i‘Pi::;f A;P0fi3eF¢‘fFQm 171531: fir p.r»in9i%p1és ;»A{!=1.1+¢* VQ0061O»ld_®auI'c%‘g.;f‘as§appca:rs by~;aASpcechfhc njx%ad<:_tmI2 arm;-. A ‘ . -V A A" A IX; Whether Pritlaand arrogancy, one who A is" ‘of ycaflcrcl-hy' fund! knows A nothing: a‘C1*ar_k aw ‘0r%‘4Bax‘rifi¢r%%o5é:;1ri4o11fl»man31;:resar:;no ,..=27wn %dAe.f¢rv<:4 dmv12A:%»Aw wfliau gh;;:« .AP;ar1iamsnn lac Acmfié £9A»;t11A?§9‘iAA¢hd’)T b<: Afi§r‘%v;o”i;1=mgmgga ix1¢;zml,e:%;»%4:A4A ~ 7 .\ ‘ A a 2. n .. I ‘Whether a mbgucxiet of bath“ nag Pxgtcfiars‘ ', ah =Aoppma2r'zo€ I155" ;¢,;+ :a¢;mF:es:;s,»,t:::o,¢;f,~: ,»»;CHfzo.eiV“lar..;w¢ "~Ql—3§c$5‘?@aC§;£3-Qr¢l§§igi'95u“fly" tabbed- A N P Mz‘:~nnAnum;::~m1mm¢m=azfw ghn ne;f <<£x¢yvAw9rc£'zrzAmgqx=,, »V.bc E , (by an \cx'tif:i.Ei.rdi"néi*:EyV‘pr~o%vid*ericé )' 'f' (5) A A "E: as {him that venerable aflcmbly oféhc Common-wcalthsi 1' ma: “F'P‘i‘¥3“"* WW3? ‘1‘!?“* , r~2-“ . » ‘ - ill n “xv ~.‘~.‘- V J ‘A Whether in bhlawfull for anaigxggtrantsctibler ta vent his P4‘-Iitiih hi:-i % mu- ,~ Inilicgfl.’ 1-ndrcproachcs a%gait 1£tt‘;t1ofc rfons , who inxhc Scat % oF]’udICaturch :IVc behaved thcmfcivcs uprig ‘t_ , jufl: , %a:1dihon¢fi,vVI;:rs%, an umy:?cazci¢~d%cS”rib.lcr , a Dcmoniack , poflaflad with 3% l¢‘iofj VoF%l‘x¢1‘1i%m %£i¢nds,f;hcV Ssiric of[cont1'adi&ioni to publiih %aw.fcaHn%dx1o:;5 11.. M *fl‘ ¢ &G;0¢d 01 V‘ =;L§:11_{d-crjmcsj 5% = 5b: it tg be fiufitfiwkh e§hc com~mand of tflc'mOfi:_s'n_1p<)r.. Caflfc; *a_nd~* thc“ dcfcndc:s%thcr cdf% jn: fuck :1 ’ AA nétuxicgofitiaxicg &w1xmzn~monVspn-ass %arc%%«fa&idus%and% ¢”pé to take fircra- fie findpr at the yzafit {park Of %¢flC0.*!f‘£¢m¢n£ dtoppiggfrom. a fiery pct»; . 4 ~ vvi1g:an¢A%a¢pz;;s;m. é49.«g};r;m;¢dc;q1t¢r ¢£¢n:'%1zb§ni¢s;L Vandfm A % 3&0‘ in~%Tt~h?£%”«L1£t'%%a%flimb1y% mag in probafbility t;oVfufic1'" for A his "~i;;’1paraL. ' (7) um peace: zflcgézatsoe-;. ;nan:..n;.ame:: be aoéneeenrynza c”Srpe!‘6 :hI1n"ie fivord eflfiflicu , whuliath fa‘-Bleach abufcdflie fword of the V I n ‘Wheelie: ii: nae wiram tn leek the lite -biou.-L izand unh'o,pp3v‘warr , andfraduglly to then'nprofe£_-mien: thereof,-and the end n as wnproyo ed at the -beginning : and when thcfibntinuancc of the medium neonducing tether end was evenedn; A then to return to the place % where aI1%*smne°2*°*> paffion captivated rca£'on*, and there ii‘? build a happy Government upon the B2153 ofthe True01d Caufeg %accordg;!g 4.=I:pn;§1,_¢ gr‘nCig1es.cha; were. ow» n " . % whflgernnie be not fh¢._pnfcfi end‘nfif:§ft',k§h*d‘oF %ffeen»Sr:,u:e , to Have a- free \ pgdigmgne ele&cd annual! , % or~’twice"a ‘year as it was-before the Conqdefl, anti after main ‘ \yc.a_rs 3 , "wit "put 1‘cfh‘aint'0njtbC' wills of the “free People ofxhe H Nation; nhi nP:irli:gment may.cenfi§_cntc'and eh-.;&~a sen;.zc;nx1m:n{5ax1*a& naceordinggand fubjeéhro the Law of~x11e_,,Land,n in the interval of Parliament, and fo to be elefied from year to year % by each Parliament ; wh*ch““Parlia- ments being the free peoplefof Englends~rcprcfcnmcives, ought not to be r«:-' n . ltggined ;‘*‘:o_r ¢u:b*d,s.by any fort 0fvCour!;n Convention , or Coun el_ enjyoy... M for, that will be ', Atonbolith the-‘grand inconvenieu ce- n ofpne4 negative‘ voice fomuch braid againft n,.. and tofctnup a monfirous Hydra ~ of‘Negacivzs 5 ({for great care ought robe taken“ to tpreférve Lxnityu im 1 Kc: ; ubIiclE~5.,‘w1iich<-lictli mnItobnoxioussto‘popnlircomrnoticme, and faékions )‘ Educ Epidemical difeafe of this 's¢:h'if'maticain age 5* 3‘ And‘ further that fuel! memmay be clefted for reprefentativesin I’arli‘ament. Councils-and. Scnats as ‘ice wife, honc!t.% prudent, and religious; and not faélious fcéfiaries, or fuck as wear both Law,%Equix:y, Rcafon, arxd2Religion in nxhefrr Scabards 3, ‘ am! Fae. Iher alltthcir yrodigiqu_s1%wil-fn1V and.;exorBit;xnf: a&_mm~on _pm-vidcncc at" H " .3§-VII} % _. % % V Whether the ArmiesD.eclirnxion;.gnd Seelufiém of the I5§r%1i%am enfin 161593; nbfoluee dijielueien of that Sefiion, -and whether the pneoplenn.§'m;1;ingn % \ « new Elafiiona by virtue of O. P. his:writ,”Land a~1fo% mom of thenMcmbers_o£;l1e, V 1aid“‘ParlidIil&m:‘~owning the {did eleflzions to be, legal %by_.lthci%tn cndeéwnnrs ton 15¢ eleh£t¢d%_; fi:t%ing;hy~.vix:ue of {ugh I_?,1e&ion. Awasa c9n5§mation%t11ereof5 n t % ’_“‘gm°1'§°V§1“#h¢¥h¢ri th¢y,can he rcmu;ted_:o then: antgene fight, byggcgtjng A Fm?“ e?"1‘h°‘i§nt1)¢nc0ncutrrcnce%,of ananucnc 1;e1nedL:ble.. right, which 33. V 3b:5%°1!“¢1Y$%¢¢fiary_-I0.w0rk'~a rcmicscr.n.t ” \ ' A A A xvm; w‘“‘h°' n5‘%¢W5‘§‘ Wm‘ nP°1i¢Y Anati9M1“ Prudence to-vkeep then 2;: hwiefi“ A y on»foor,whonarc car cc} awag with a nwhirlwind~or tcmpefi 'of:,m,biticn, ; Walk! Autippdu-. 3911:; ‘V and p‘Ca€¢abicyGoYcrnment, ,and "are ready» n A . “A4 W ‘A=-~A: » “ \A ‘ 4” \ ~ A , A _ A A AA . ¥.rannx°%L%D1€¢amraAAtha:cw: 4,1 '¥}¥“§11.}A§‘Al&f{1A.:\%)r7¢ :AciAr‘aAprote&ion, andf0j'j~t11c fover»EI%gfl%%%power‘ be ca.£’c~ot1¢h§:.n, wlxzrprog.‘ 1:-.a~Atv§:¢¢A¥~3»;12t1?~AA£1£it1x¢Ar«:4:rm{9:;AAmo;,*1awA;~AA911§l%»§$ maAk::g9A9¢AAAAg1!m«£ay+ V 4 .A . A \V"~\ -"a w~;‘.;fii a‘ - Am M wt 3 {'5 *~. 53 w M” -»~.. A ' _ « ».- ..,. ““' .’ ,-.1 Av A um‘ um‘ -‘ w ‘A «u » w - “““"\J , ~¢« V A ‘U; W,,¢~;‘ W; ‘ Ihf*—‘~‘-a1‘5 .“&lrV‘§1’“C“‘-E1.&‘fiLfi;J'€'amfi' «aim: ha-d‘sb7:@5t‘35-‘:E;7"9‘?.=t:“‘;:fl;W:?1§21§?-; AA1u;sx3.¢x;*%2,:a jW1i¢rhi§a1- )§L::% bé gm: 4”a;9e:’ dricl? An1ci}:2:‘%?a‘g’ré%§éé1I$%Ié; '7 this Coznxnonx-¢ca'izh‘,$ and all <:at%hcr% 'f::e.¢j:* Sjt2§;‘te*sftgiv11e_rc' dué; cohfEE%'%6iE'-IIEWA isbfii n1'm:edAéox'recovcrcyof fights, “m"r”d¢(t'zde3.ln~;g of meumf andwum, arm ‘liberty of Subjefls favoured, whicT‘1 we‘ have WithV"gr%ca%c expense cf blond to long fought for, to .x:aii7e:~A the 7Jm‘f1i:éaA inv eAach,AACoun:y;a1;1AI1dm;AA rm; !Lcq?¢¥«‘1‘¥-K‘,|"-‘-!)a,AIA,’:."315,'iA,A,“f0.,fA€‘: '§2:;AAL1Aclcig1.AtA% and % r€1VE\gi‘Q‘i1;]’HS.VA§IfiEA:‘z1A’I‘(‘mat1'1a‘:vfi:"'if1t&r飣i@1‘:‘t'1ic'i“t C6=Wry,A ~ .wvclAfafh ftif zilw“ C£dfi 1°?.§E'f§iI1iZ;é§-7%i‘Z£1“i?ii.1¢‘i:?§m‘§* A&?I,»¥$é‘I$L7;’VA“ “ xx, va ‘AA ~,,,.~ 4-A ' x v Q: I N Aj since the Az>w#€%I4"cs"cAa«11 R¢AiAig%?n;( 0:23‘ r*=~:»iTo~s%AaE>A1%c.Afmfié¢%=0wG0dA~A): as time wsvz TyA%As:erW4>:‘:iwné %§%¢fE 9€A£;€%€?P4A4%*?4%‘»f*”§V€ A %1ifi¢‘a%io;n, Aw Masai 9:! pA9§iaz1A.:14>*= Q l39lt¥1;A m§~§9xA$*¢@;A€iAQfWi‘ % tiiAi;3gAs,%% fa in An1'1is5 d¢f¢¥Y“§I1;AI0'*2¢~47-?~§~‘§;»’W3f%54*71?*5i%%%t1i.’f1~’3«‘42;;%~11G?d3*3%‘ d¢nMcdio¢%i‘iri>.A :1xA$sAA‘A;2<:i~ri\§sAi*:¢f%=Azc"-:e:=¢%¥¥V~AAt1‘%"~?”%?§AWA“?5°1¥1i%‘$**”€:"ar?§<59$A§§%i%A:§5?A¢;§@f+¥AA A%«J-’¢4?”3?n::A%Whi%A§3hf:;;1W+V'¢%A::c F1?“?':'%Aw‘7eQrV ‘7':m‘c5..=>r“ gr‘ f; £1 flaw: belief wrA%%coAn€<:1Ii=:r.t%z:«:°f 2>Ax=s:»&¢«'33fAm¥r«ss~%% M % rim, iiafl0n‘::11¢‘~%ot1?w.1'%fisiA¢i&i71t<:!?siii~°?£?«?!§1?~;=*}»3??*"*3§¥r?~?*W?‘i$.~¢ibé??H“*?¥§‘i¢3fi5F MI: “ " 35}?13¢t11A:%%11iA‘§§¥}(.:A§H§E1716 .;n::Aanr:¢r;;qf RAFfi13f;’mm%Of;dfl§?%§%%%R%;#§$fi-~®1%wgHnaAA{fi}}% vmwy fgmc M gi—r@uyf "‘1—h_53 mher Ag AIfl1?’A3»*.‘.f‘£'€, Wxifé-T633 fl"£e“"F::.ttnuo:ci3. bnm £261‘-A-,A mm A§a,;1d«mje& %AAd;(Putat;m;,;— Wand .px:dfc£.';1:3qs'v{:r11 c.i:£°h:2-c':_%r1c.a‘;4 ; Wlxetlxalggiy when irbzz not r.c,qu,ifit‘c,,to %fe.:'i:f1§ %C1¥§1AA"g %R-1. «M Www .7‘ 35- : :~ A, % re ‘ M M MA ‘:1 v ""‘\>'v‘ A. ‘ A “‘ A " ‘ - M ‘ ‘ ‘ “‘l, “