E IGH fIfE EN N Ew H 11MB L Y ‘OFFE RED “$915.6fériouszconfidctation, andtnaturé “dc-3 A lifbcration «of all the good h’onc&~ hcattcd *pco151c—to¥ the %ThrccNaLtions«: of great tconccrnmcnt towards the f’toppi_ng,ou-t. 31‘!-‘aches, andthc making up ofthc DiVi3 fiont gmongfl us; __ / ,_h J__h [eyfral wellfxpijbeft to am; fiettlemgnt, ” tLt:Msz>o ac, it ~IPtji_t:tet1 in the ye;a‘i‘t., MD,.QL« « *c 1) agggxgg §39% $@9 EIGHTEEN fifi ‘ilk COUMR$T—QUERIES,&»c:. V ‘Hcz.hkc:r this Lard Pra':c«Ei‘a%r:.1’4ti:m":e %fn1cttingHg.o A his bold fo_§a‘lm1Yo and namely, were in [am 2:. Vmue, or not‘? fmd rt 1: were a Vcrmca Whether Ncccf/F2; didno: makc%1c1.o24 A V A f A II; ¢ %Whcthcr eight thou-Iindwvpounds perm.-nxm,Aand withall free liberty totakc thc gounuy Air,bc not vcryfufficicm: and rcxfbnabicz Ac%onfidcrmens, V and flipcnd, for thc old» Big. A geéirafi ; astvery gmcfull acknowlcdgmcnt. from our Frgg- ~ .$m:_.,of ch: good fizxvicc whichhcr husband in his li’fcV.ci7m¢% d-id fopthis Coma'§onw.c:1th 9 and whcthcr or no {he ought in conicicge to flight and %undcrvaluc this amp]: tefiinroqy? of the Officcrs good afi'¢&?ion,and charicyco ha 2 A »1 I I. Whnhcr if thc Sky fhould fall, that: would b: any wprk " Vfpnr a La:rk_-cats"/:tr1 tktbitaloull9 V‘ W- Lfléhe Old"‘B11c’L%L? ' £*%*w~n£«;bcr.:h¢ .my4¢ug,h%:A no¢:os~mg; m?%¢o:he1n§%%nm ~ WéAdC6ars»%:amd%:b&ack ” ' O 9‘ ~ ‘ . . _'m: €‘e:ig:g»fc2+é: is; a4ndmMu:1,4 and fha11bé3_:h;u':hé.Cr5ur~ ~ 't_'xcrs mmf} of[4'fi%;e¢efi3ty ‘ii: ‘!::h€IT11$§..: I%o% flhtii ré!:&1y¢%£;% ‘ liingé,and%_.réh2;biz2;«i«ans;— 6wg‘:a«fid‘i"A%’5aggwga;; ?:whcthcr if Would not b::- a grctatcrrexpcncc and burchcn to-the Sm":-m ~’ ( apppn whofghands cheygyec lyc) to frsnd “fiat Mules out of ’ Egypt Tm their Cwwy‘; than [0 allot zhemthcir nexrncighsg hours infvtmes his [Park ( themfcs) ;oper1'ormc-hac.:picc‘c' otdrudgcry ‘ V ‘ V 1-" VVh’eEb¢r'or no Peter .S’térry,* the Court‘C'onf:flZ»;b3 whgfii. h"$p:w::a«ech’d ixmhc Chapclli (hr: very IZCXE-Lard; at*1:w.r f h1_S*E{-£3/:}u£fl'{.C1&’C§5 .and Wugrcgcd in t/Mt» 14ai$Scrm‘¢aé%t1:ere,$ . wordsy cfhcr :£~.ef¢, or [O Lh1ScfiCn‘9t'y"_ {xrlx ;:.':r:_¢zi,~¢-1.){¢zr I :;/an/:1’: Ward-%' Gad¥in 7:¢}”/~"~?='W}* A 3’ 7*PxIi7dLigcn,Av\r1ri::%z‘{*:a-.~Ar4I~1fc'%A V %d0;+cs“*noc {ha-r(:foreA* % ‘\: cry Vwgi1 11dg31g:x;§"c «%to ibvlé fa fefll'oW~f:;i1~cLf‘ A 65 ]\?Zz}*!fiur”§f"$cuc¢¢uCc, A. Man 0” be as A¢Mg;L]%yf; ffgd was 7‘! u bémp.,iAn*chciPIa;¢1:_,Fé:*oW2za'r*t£?%i¢i;é é . 4‘VI1’*“% o" -vb orhb%j,- m»; ozwumna r;¢¢;g,5Mgd,,¢,M M M Wqvfigm !§Ou1dfmakc iE any 15:: u @l;<“i“‘4;>1?%“‘Afi:1‘dt”:“¢Ar%?: of €‘9‘g{c*iefiée, (av: A accept Vt =¢Wi‘nu=437 ar¢h.i'~r d¢VxPiIuofY tisk ofi iuin?d1ia%5~§; ;; (3) A gm-l;_ 2% of this lzllm Arghblfliopriclta ml Tarlg a11dC.z;;¢¢;-my}: Aiflcht; Stem: could“ ‘ think fi¥’32i?T,‘1'<:ward Izh sir emdcavgurs with ffillrichaprofar? ~ l -W M- _j'V,'Vh'.'31:-I1'€l".i£ «An-or»-~very fitlting, faud ‘necgffatvy, am” lmuclhl ten-ding tollthe glfzdcling of tlkfij’ Hfeaxrtsl "A of‘-Ina11y men, th;u;_1he Bztzzqitcttuzg /aaufrl alt Wbzt‘eI:mzll‘belfpce- dily remoov°d from I1l‘l&I1C€_, and ‘carrled crplle the way to p;r,,;g;;,gfgrd./gaz4f¢, Afolr‘¢ the noble Qfiigers of ourlinvin- cib1e,landi'ucceflefull Armxes, cg triumph ;n‘,; aifterl%al1thair encounters , and "valiant atch:1evern<:7msll? Andll lwhléchcr the .S’*rm* would not do °Well»as l'.0.tl1al:'-find pur— A lpoh{‘._-,2, wifh ailexpeditioxu pollxble, tolrnake all; llthé: Ci; ”;0_z.k" ‘V tizzens Pi?flgerx-“"~-“f‘0r‘ lth3‘l= 0m”17iWg ;0h=‘ll~'of~l rim: vGrm;r' , *7 VV ?1ia:;lr}1‘;'~:z7 th:%l’e lPr*~t7c?”57~=Al'WlOW311g4 IQ TE1atf?We~vz»zIz’ l l man‘ may ég.-3*:l.e?* 133.451 52 ‘I9-'"~***f?sl *la=m mot/Jar plmlglafezztkér ? 2; That £¥mgI;,r wit 5; 5: Thilt Olwg/z'an make: t/act/Jief? ' béall mozl; E1'L1-E: and .1ulth€1'lf1lCkd‘la11v;1‘ confirm’d by modem ex-A V- pggielxcg, ly‘ca,%orA1M1o’?_Alt \ 4 % A x." V %‘VVh&?.tl1:3lr l if" l‘.‘¢Q1lfil’£‘: f11l ‘11eU‘w‘,‘£!fld§.££.“'.'Qf ,‘f10#2au'r, l.Itl0b."L?? dab; ble; .l:h.rough‘“* g C,3<;>;u'1w'Y¥ 5: l;d'¢W llmor.-c ni11gsl{vilt¢h ”°al_mi"l§kiz1g‘ pail “on t:h~;;'1.rl A h;1%%l§1S L? éilflflfm f<:qu¢:ntly , wvheizhér it is; "noty likely to ‘Mb: % very mtlch” prejudmal T !_‘0A_ thzfzig .be:m§:1::s ,[ to gm A ( aftgtr this rate) j am‘ ‘of Q Gad’: ‘' ’ I7/cflix-lg ,' l~fll‘0 ' 2‘/ye" Wmwz‘ l xx; ‘*9 X :1; A *»VVhethier i1-iitejtate mcn;JP€j-Wftia1»Cf9V6£<513S, W6f1diy_m7in— dad’ feIf'_e.ndgd? gggedyiiof gain, having mcns perfonsgn ad... « mimiom. haughty, and, hypocritical; be competent judge; é.CCOrd—;ng_;o the Ca:-p3n;_;of IheHoIy 3X_7Vfit ) of Students f_.in iboiithn univfe rfitles of 0l1_Y Land: 501‘ tflhfi dhfchatge of the rno£"c vVfaCrfid‘M;fl1:flfier1d[ Ftm5?zon:?_ t " ” A “ X19 Vvhaither Mt, H,,géh*pa;ar;, when «he kept daify and ni.ghtIy~correfpondence with the Gent1etnan’s wife in Lz;he-Low¢Ciountr1'e5,- during thé abfencc of her husband, upon twice in tih€i~W11’f<‘—3ai did ¢pun8wa1*¥i>P?rf0rmi:that dread‘ fun threatningof his,"inthnc heat of ghts Zgtaf againfi P04 pa;-y ,' ‘That H: ¢wa#'ld AA lay the whore” Of Bfrlrylarz upon her V back? And whetthenthatmaciphrenetiquc Spz'rir Wherewith ‘ t he feems talwaiyes peg?-f;’ai, iecomes. amma-of pages, or it-{nits vvith. the 1TLCC1Sn3fl¢3 34fld;hWni1i‘5Y 9f the igiotious :C"”,/?‘”=?. i~ * V A ixm. .-V«vhe‘[hef Mr, Necdblfli the Currant)-rifidker, ii Pamiphletegr, being an impudtznt fellow, a lye 1-, and forest of forein letters; “a m'efccnaty:1nFormer,n an abnfcr,_ ando bafe vilifier Ofiwiofth. and eminent perfons ;- an infulter‘ bye: gal- lant: mens ’afi'-ii ioné, and “n1iferies 5 A murtiherctdf tnené \ fame, “edit, at reputation, to their utter and mofl inevitable, ,.,;,,¢«anddeam&ion do'es»not very wcll defcrvc to mforféit his Eates'toithe Pillory? 3 VVhethcr' all the nien of the three Nations that ktclj made flddrefl}: to his gbneflirg are (lead or alive? A 7 i A Vvhethecl mow‘, WhiteAhAflAll?:AAbafi0taAP1glCe‘ comr11odioas~Mto" make \a Plft}r—/9aflfe« o“, having Beén accullomedforthgfg mm, ygarcs to fuch eilcerationA_ o£,.A»Sc.nze;.g?' ‘and :fh;=:f penfio-l . n§;g,_;¢.g.A w.ell‘a%ccomplifhr;rc> turn Stxzsgtv-PlA)'e.r:;{ A\1:irfl;g;,_¢,.‘A cq,i.11.‘<:‘i::A1s conceiv’d tiny liavcmolwv lAl;ttAl€: Aelfe to do; S.¢¢q;qd,= A lyxbccaufe tlak Ahaveb3c11br£:dAupulponftll.xt_Srgge,Aagvd can #55 _anyp4rt; an TVhil'dly,b,jcauf1:;theynevarxv:-mrlgoodlcloa.tl1l3:; kopgerthan th€‘P2.z] canimflexi . ' A V A Axv1..l lVVh;:the:r Afhe old Pratl-£?2ar’.} C ‘W125; Pca1'1dlIA‘lgA'l1l I-7«"q[!}A:«§¢,‘;;3. A A fler,/11:12} in thelfalne place whereths: Iffgla Almr, or Cm+;A ‘rrA:imié52‘ Tzélé fornierlyllloddl, A1S”A11btA thé:“:f¢ttil1Agt1p_C £‘o;1rx:A.$;»;«;.4= A I _:rflm'on where. anoth::r”SnAper§?itian ( as °cx'