‘. _ m‘ wpw-.x , I ..4w‘.; <.« -‘V ‘ ‘ " ‘ “ J‘? >‘ V -‘-I “ W ' “ w\.G‘ ‘- ’ vw‘ .\ “ ‘J ‘I r‘ I ‘ “ ‘ta /"L W” " “ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ g " , ‘ H ‘ N V «,‘ 4vv faithful afid iufi Account of the Aims ” of all Parties nowpretendipg. A Difiinfily timing of the Dfifiéznementfif V % The Romzm Czztbolicbu, Royczlifl. The Preybywterimz. .0fThe flrmbaptiff. A " Theflrngy. % The late APr.9te67or. The Parliament. 4*With their Eflééts in r'efpe& of tbemfelvey; of mm aizotlrfier , and of yzhc Publick, 4 A ACLEERLY EVIDENCING A The unavoyciable ruine upon all from longcrVconte£t: A V A A A N m % aO1fFering an Expediem‘ for the compofm-¢ Vgftfm 4 %refpe(:3;ive Differences; to the feazarity and adwmzmgcg not% onely of every finglc imrcrc/E , but ‘:30 the bringing felid , lafiing ‘.Pmw unto ch: Natim. ...._.__..._..._.... 1»;-ma in 55 L133 lTh¢1nter€f* OFENGL/.4 N D Sta-t€d~i knowledge l of the inevitable mine, which‘ our divifions ( if mg l cothpoied) willbting upon the Publick ; as it ,isfLa matter of little 1 A _ A ditfieulty in its felf, {o of veryinconfidetahle ufe; that lwhich iwouild he mote behoveftxl, were to find out an expedient, for the allevia- O havea thorough fenfe of out prefenteSuffetirags, landia emit, . ting the ills we now feel, andthe prevention of thofe we “fear ; both of A % whiCh,havingbeen by fevetal meanslduring along ttaéi of time in vain attempted, the cafeis now by many given over as incurable; butupeon 75 Tetious Conlideration it appears, that not the Malignancy of our difeafe, hasloccalioned thole mticarttages, but the ill application of remedies has done it. In particular, that men have not either deefited to know, not to remove the AC1'1'L’t'€lCIipf?.'l."S,<_Di‘ A the Pm51x'e'h, but laboured to throw on“ their Sixagle and immediate ptefl urea, and to that end, endevouted to advance the party they adhefid to, and to beat down all others: whereby it came A f ahout,that Divifions in Road of Compofute, have liillgtown wider; and aflionate Hates mliead ofbetng allayed, have ttfen higher, and been more exafpetated, But it heingcettain, that the real good of the Na-or tion, confilisnot in theA_p§ivate benefit oi fingdle Men, but the advanAtage of the Publick and that isemade up, not by the Welfare of any one par-A, ty, but oftall ; tis: evident, that the only means to procure the general ‘ V ‘ good, muPtbe commenlhrate unto the wh ole Community ; looking upon ,allpetfoAns, not a.AsAiI-ieads oAtAPartilans of any private iafiioniot Inteteli, . butaslvlerhbers of. the Nation; and the pretentious of fingle Men ox: patties, however numerous, are only {'0 far fotth,»to,beVpurfued, as they advanced thedothetgeneral Intereli. Which being, laid down as leyidentand t Cer,taintruth,the next" confidetatton w11be,w hat are the lntetefis of allthe feveralpatties of the Nationnownon foot, and what the Puhltck is; that ii fol difcovety, trl1,ay‘he made how _C'0nl"1fi6'rlC the pt~livite stizns are both among themfelves,~~and,withthe §;elniera‘l: and alfo howpollihle it_.1S‘ to findouc‘ l ane:tpe’dil"ent,foetthleatcheivlementofiiitheibcommongood. A A If wetlakea View of the feveral ptetenttons, carriedAnhiinthelfiatfiodha , ia*part,i‘"wefhalll find the hoof’: liconlidetableato‘ the oilflomtimzfxWfflfljhlfck‘, the Barziamear thei‘1{,o)rz;l%A [h:CA‘1)T€J'é).’l;'37'1‘J373) A the Afrmfémpti/i,thela/{rm ],thei,1‘” rattffariade, A at svttr they potfetre. A ihfitréal b3“§fit«9f tt;l}etnfe13f:sp = f 11... ’Tis the tkomm Catlialiclgj aim not only to ahrogate the penal M Laws; ,.-. hand“ become Capableof a11h’emp‘1oymen“ts“ in the eCommonA«-wealth; but to» introduce histe-ligion, to tefiote the rights of the Chutch,and utterly‘ eta- dicate alfltthat he efieems I-Ierefie. j Tie the napalm: defiteitoABringinttheAKing a Conquerdut, tb’-tté‘to.~ A was thetate she tendered capaeteefe1vi1A‘em§1oy:ttem, ‘ A 'andi‘haveAtthe.formtet Govertnment of the Church. A A A v ' AA M w Mtge. N'TitS the_Pr:._tb]reriat/2: defire to fetupthisdifcip1ine,tQ_ h§Ve_th1cGovc-' fienantreintm-c’d,‘ and only fuch as take ttAA t to be employed tn, Church‘ oAAr“A State; to be ind€:rIipnified%in reference to what they have done,and4fefcut’dt ' “ t ” ‘Tie. the ~Wifih of th8tB¢Iptz'z$:dChfl7‘Cb6.v.-5‘ th at there might’ be no Be. A c1‘Ac£iaPtica1 V Government of any kindv,t not Minitfterial funtéttion , Oftpffl-3‘ A 1fiiien;f&*sr it ;ana that onely tperfens, fo minded , fltould bte_‘capable.c>£tA.‘ employment, 1ikewife;to be indempnified for what they have done. A A h t A 5,t’1‘;is the aim..o£ the firm}, to govern VEh€4N&tit0fl, to kcep.themfeI«ves .4 hf;-am~bei;ng disbanded , or engaged it war ,e‘ tttotfecntejtheit p_ay_, andto be hind'em&p_,nified‘t fcbtall pat’: afiion. . 6. ‘Tisthetd fire oi the F.a.mi7Iy of the 1ateProteEZar to efiab1»il:1~*rthe.<. andhe the Nation»; and tHeir_of his I-Ioufe 3 that they may rule him , b*Othhpteferve[hhat1d advancetthemfelves. \( fl t’1‘isAthewifh of the ptefent Pkyrlmment, V(ttas.tfa.r asthey have ‘one cotnmén defign to continue th-emfelvesin abfolute power, by the: ?1'peciot1stnam%e of ah”popu1at.hGovetnment; to new medeland divide -;'a11d" tattnl21fi,% take dome th§.:.Arm_;v g and finallly u'ndAet the pretence of» a Cotnéf» Attitt.t€:eo£t Patjliament at Councel of Stateukfet up an Olrigarchy,refem~4 V Q\,_ H V hlingthtat {of . the thirty Tyrants in Atbem. jI;afl1y- , ‘Tie hthegenetel intetefi of the.hNation ltd efiablizf-It the ancient h fnndatmenttal Laws, uponwhich every ones propriety and liberty are built; 7 to fettle Reltigiont-,. to~ptocurAeta genettalhfhlndempnity for all eétions paflyt fie rheYivchhthei~t languifhing and A a31_moL’t dead trade 5 gain; an alliance twithx, 0i3ri9n»eighh(5tirSt?ates%:; ; to put the» Government in fuch hands , t;tsAbefldes» A jatefentftbrce 3 can plead a legaltitletoit; intothethands,-of+fuLchtwith-V% Whfefe p.tivate intetefi that 0&7. the tp%ub1i*:k'?not‘ene1y confifis, but in whihchtttt his neceffatily invblved stwhieh ttlikewifeh does leafi conrtadiét-=th¢Aaims_=tA emf hpatt’ien1artparties : Lafl1‘y,th%enhandsVo.f fuch 3 thwhofe hhcohunfel is fit ta Ad1re6’c inmatters at tdfilibfifatlfln , A and A ccmtage fitsto V1-.ndiCv_a.nfei...\_thc, in-5 _ intiesof. the Natiton.A A , tttttehstiznt ’trriAa1iYAprot‘bfcd '.!_tHE.f?ve.trfi'1Aintéhcfls.‘t£h.¢E'eaCh tarm- V fi335A§9.1Ef{€1f3 t weetomemnw to confide: how. far they tare;atta1natbleA 4; at if athrlainéds how cenfiflent withthe hpubIAick.lbenefit ,1 eonfittent w ith that~of;Aa1ltothetparties“rc{'pe&iYc1.yt, A «andint how produétivetef A ’"A"A AA 7 W *7 A “ Figfi, m Flrfl, as re the Raman Cartholick pretenficms of refmring mftai-2 Mspat, A:.: \ -his ancicntA revenue and jurifdiétitmt, and the Churchpall thatwas aliea-A‘ ,mtAed:Ain Henr}»£he:éighthSAtim¢o A’tis no wayAfeizable:; the Perquifires (if: the See of Rama, and the payments tothe Popeabeigg greater than out A ConrrAibuAAtiAcms Afo much complained er, andthei aimpoflibilAity_ef reaicu. ‘tjsionnf A AACh=urch-»I.ands is plain from what was donepitl Oxueen Maria; days, Awhen the greatAel’c ‘zealots for that Apmfeffiona 5 chole Atathcr to throw their Beads into the fire, th an A refign their ConveAyancesAo£A~A Abby-land 3 then as «to his religion , ~’tis vifibly the ruine of all other,partiesA. ,QMaries rem ltformlatiem b fire and faggot, withlall the terrors of the Inq«uifitionA-,,AArbe- Airsg infepara le attendaxats on it : now thpettbullk of the Nation being: pca{l'efi‘of lthe»uf'aAge they {hould have fromt the aRoman Catholicks, if they prAevailed,befides all other Antipathieweeply radicated i1aAtheA minads « of farAtheAgreatePt part of the Nation; iris amotally impcaffible it lbould ever: 1 be i“trtrodu<:Actd without a forraign force or‘: fuch £’tteng£hA as to lmake an ab-«AA AA folute conquelt ; A which A=wouldA involvethe w;:hole.Nation, and the Papifis A themfelves in one C0mmOn.,IUifl_€,uAA--TM fiiwrd mt daffy.»- Thc AmYAw°rds A guifhimg the Cathalickfram taAl.wH:xer.A’cIg; m:dAba'ving anlya of aspanii/9 Friar, ‘ ' when dexnanded A tA/air findrrefrlfpr itrfriexrdr, to fend theme/fired}/j to Heaven, W’fW§=h¢YeV!°u1d_d0Awben the: ether were defigazad for. Hell and thistthe C;a;- A W51‘ “Ah” E”A-f5”fl’A stholickswetefenfible of in the inlvafion of 88, aflAurinw;: A Cjatholieltsln 88%..” from any of her Protefl“anttSubjeé‘c A A A the Cgeenlof A as grcatA.fid€17l£Y;.aS:£h«CY,- could expeéfi A Secondly, the "1{,aya1i'j}s pretenfiotmf having Ache K. a11.:abfoA1uterCtanquep..:AA rot,as it 'AAw0uI.dA”dBI%r0yl the intetefc of all parties that have appeared aaairlfi him or his Father , would infringe the liberties of the Eagz;;aA safijeas inpgeneral,‘ andin=AAfine,oppreAfs the CAava1eiAr hitnfelf : befides, is no way» A attaimbleby thatparty,Abeingainconfidcrable both in nurnberpand warlick preparations to Ath-8A1‘A_¢fl: yctatfartheryflibuld hetfoAptevail,l Athelooking.sA,, bpaitcjlr fort reflitution AA*O£*A. all da1navesA pair in fo many,yeats~, were utterm V ly againft his intAere[l,‘ and woul A;ferfeiAt the Intel’: abfolute viétorytanaa pawe‘r A being refrained by violence, however acquired thereby. ,And.irn A thole terms of difficulmthe ‘f€.".[til3g.lJ-Pr the primitive overnmentahof the “Church A, _atIeafiAAA1n :rt_As full height? , againll {(9 great a¢multicu;;ie ofAeaget';+y O i dj.i{fenters , accordtng to probabilit aAvvill Alland. 4. I A irdl~y;thfc. Préaéyrcrz M A A amlaims offetting uphis Difcip1ine,has theAformetA 1t1coAnvenrences,wi~th the add1tA1onA-ofg efotneothers ; tfotbefides that,‘itsr'ipl§e ymufc be theloAvpeArtht=owM A a1lAotherlptarAtie:s» jAwhAit:harAeAmore confiderable era _thelNatienA-thenthemfelvesp; that Arigi;daaGmrAet:amentl~tro ways«cdmplApiea A WiththegeniiutAo£thelNation,nertheframeefoutl:M1micipal,Lawst: which Apthe late King was Awer1AAAAawa:e t)f:A5 whenhhe cocfeded toAj;fp;9Ehell-fcttingadf A p~Alfata1pWfor lthreeAa.years;A '4b,AcAi-An\;.g\1“f‘“‘]‘A*l1YN lfaggisfiedwhow .tfl§¢?;ga1Aahar,g.umcn:at‘1ré: VA 1 experience; N t;€périenée?,o77f*tha:th flmdrt time would be tojpetftvade the Nationttocndurezt ffo galling a heavy ‘a yoak no .1tmgct; as to the pomtof Indempnity, that f"isf’e:C1'1tcdfiifficifintlytinhtthepteceedingparagraph , fqr if the (fat/¢z[ier::, -w=ho~~arehthet great fuffeters mutt thavctno ‘repattrattonst ( as I am confiden; “they expat’: none) théart-. is? no other tpartty 5:112: [0 {cat the making any co, and asthe Cafe#hh“nowhPcands In-the.-‘7ChIJ1’»Ch3tthfilat/3 d1fC0Uragcm€ntS_fO£_A ”‘le§rnihg,tthav‘e¢ left to fmalla flora of pczrfotns afit f@r‘Ecc1efidfliCalttféhtt1}- qsltgymencs, that Livings wit11_w ant Scmiatis ofwwhhtat partyfocvet, and be ftafce fi;_pp1»iéd;h and not Séholats be dciiitutesof Livitags. _ V ‘t Foutth1_y»,the pretenfions of Eh€iB.d,pt1'fl$'d Cbmnélm have.no1efsinConvet1i- r’eh.ce att:end'ing*the:m : as fi1‘9cgi1T1p0fti"1‘Ig the tuintof allethcr profcmong of religion; the adherehttstt’ E0 * which are‘ t:cvide.nt%Iyttnot- cmely the ma’: fm3"me_rous -that‘ infinitely the} f1‘40&{"1Zib{°£aD£ia1 partof tht: Natiizmh ; than “if t éthtaifntcdgt cannon ht oflibly fubfiit ,. it being ;a Maxims in olicy , that ‘1{g1’£giam}:tbetCement ofaomrumm, without a puhlick profe ton of which, “and (E13 maintenance of hLearn'1;ng and tMin'1fi:1“Yt,V Athciftne antihdifcatdctht A 1fnuPc1:é11=:t:‘dsbrcak“tin : withahthey having no tempor‘al;Govetn1net1t, either “ina finglepetfon, or commumty, to which eventthemfizlvcs wouId‘unt- ‘tammoufly fuhmttg they cannot tncorporatc Into a.,c1vt1 fociety, toftarxy ’kit1d. Lafily gvthe praflcitfcstin fGermmzy by tmheflmégptzfls there; theitt ;t:rt1e1t3“rytand‘a1~t1matmer of tfifordet; *th:::,irt zattingtamy ail propma, b Wiyhh hf» Efiatesg ‘{ft3und1ngt1tt%‘hinh‘ Grape andhSatntfh1p, wtth the-. harci_tt:;;_-c-.=:,.:u:t...%% them: the P.:tpz'_[i‘.; in Irelzzmdhave t found 3 . and the Prtexbytcriomt Scam in the . ’.Y\?drth pattbt the fame” t1{ingdor11cha"ve lately received A from that party , ‘makeatltother intfit:ite:1y&ditfatisfiedin the%ihracquiring4any power over tthem.tt A I Fif’:ht1jz,a sth t‘th<:*tAri2¢t£a: hg;ov€‘rning ttthc Nation ;~ I.fl1;a11‘notinfi£?c4_on: that hhhtinconfiderahlencfs of 7tht:it>ntumber‘t, vow;hew~vintt>1erathJ.tmCs of b.tih%ng ruled 3 7 by the {ward t?§“c. were needs nomore be faid, but ‘thhtf-3. tat-wt weeksfittcn ’*theyhfoplain1y£'atv th£impOffib‘11ity0f*'‘i't , ‘I2haE§hth§’.'y ~wet{e confittmttttiti .pttt A ‘the: ‘powert"hihto hh-‘EhC“f~handShh of them they had mott high;1ydi%foh1igadtgf A ‘all i‘hen~¥5j andwhofeainthgrefi vifibly it was and“alwMa.hy§:s% will he totptullt * th‘t:mdov»vn ; not knt5)Wti"ng¥0t‘hCrWifc how totdit17po{¢;{tith‘c; ptf,thcmft:*1§zas,* 1 or the power thhcyt had 1 taken frdm. tthté; t13tbte6tmr§j%andA; jthc Vf0§m€t_hP3f1_i-3+ tnetttfg 1:;ay,artc n1ow_; qohtcht to tum; t'h¢1_r ofrhccts E‘hrO‘W;_n_QuE aftct .a,;;:_; *hitrar4y'h‘rhhtrn¢r 7-; afld”.[h.Of€‘.tCh‘a“£ tt:t~tt:t‘1n,ttothct5=:hd tpjtgke Cqtmmttffiohg froth their new tMaPtt:rs ,wanhdthtca.1d enemies ;; which: are [to 13?: b_ht_£qthaLfewt monezhs ',v7«ahdwffi6H‘1b1y% whet taken haw ay‘ betfergt tt_1t;tnjyfd.+aycsH%%p,a{s%‘ ¢«m¥.t Athe meantt~tti"me§a»v’tdt with th_<:« Ex (*1 ttfidn ”ff.0_rnl‘.ifl\dC:[fl'P»1§1ir§y-hga‘.334-atifflhflflp ~_ A 1't3ififi‘g:VCOl1ntY,;f "mops 3,} .a;t1d~” new hhtwlititiaft WhtiCh' ; em tits” ttpra,-. T h rended)aredefignedonelv to check and truth chem,t1%»1ns; and what is‘Worl'e then that; ridiculous to the Natih‘n,t the l‘e.vetal Members of A the Fatnily, havingbeen falfe to one another, , and their belt p_ friends, andthe late Heir, having in IILS perlon betrayed fonmch folly and cowardize, l{tvvoViipngAredients w;hi~ch; veilldellroy al~n,y?Govetnment;‘)p A ’twou1d3he impertinentto lhevv that it cannot be «aiclquired, or if" pollibly A” returned, could not befetled ; and of the unattAatnlabletne£l‘e of their _cle4~ figng the old Ptotefiot himfelfwonlcl he futthcr‘cvld£:l13CC; whole lute».-' Atelles and repute in the World, gave l1t.zn”advantages far before thofe, any at hispLine can hope to have; and. yet wetfee, heecould never get that i titlehe lb much t'hitl‘ied lot; and he hadgained it (which it is crpedibly re-- ported, he deligned upon that very day he dyed ) A’t1s _vif1hleA to prudent men, vhovvlatal itwould have been, even to him = ¢Bnt lalily , how l’at*'itA A " t'eWAAWAceks after iuttetliy deferred it. A would be from the Inteteli of the Nation, toefpoufe lhch a qnarrell, has the maintenance ofthatt Family withpthejt lives andfort1Ines;A lC:i';thCtI1 be A jndgesgwho ih their iAddtefi"esl'olet11nly ptorniled to do to , and within A 7;Thc‘.l?Cl'Ima'nl;Pm'1h¢l71¢e}7Mr_y;Intercity isflof Alike nature;that ~til‘e;si'- rneetlyhy the Atmiesfafvonr, andpcanfland only on us Rhine, and the i Nations. Its plea of to right isle thin, that a loher petl'oAn would be alba- “ med toown it 5. they being (to pan: byothet failances) longAagoe,tlegally diflolvedliinthe death. of the King:paftetpappatrently1ntadeAuntree,at lealhby thefeclnfion of ”the~itMennbers. L2Ll‘tly,fl&Llally diflblved by the late Pro» teéior, A which was alcknowiledgecl by as tnang .Men}betsitagaiA11fi tltemfelves L asfatein tntetmedieatet Parliaments; efpecmlly In the Jlalip, which was » A called upon the oldnationalcacconnt, and had the authority of the Aét, A for a. triennliapl.AAP4rlia‘ment to ground their C0IjV€13t«i0n1:ti and nowto cont»;- pleat the “Tyrannyénd ouftttpetion,tl1is7captcafelof atPatl»iam:ent,i dead many A A lg/certs agos being conjured up frorntts alhes rpottennefe,byA the omnipo- i A tence ofthe Arm , continues the old l'€:Clufionfi1ll».-, and fillsnot up the vatcpnt placestnayais fo far from filling np,Athat its primary aitjnis to _over--- throw the co‘nlh-tn.t1orn.of Parlntmpents; andth ongh 1t ptetentls to popular- A tity, ldarestnpotpill»tefer itfelf to the fl.‘€6iV0t‘CS etch; “people ;: notpmlgpy they ;; hopetto not th etNation, with promifes oflnot outfitting aptptjelfixtt;titne, Aer the1t§Romtm2.r andA~Pantafl£mZ Ela6i{om,~whi1chpetre nopway A gtouncled~ on ;the_ ;. peoples;choyce,Al»andAbefidesl lay no founclatxonl of Settlement , at being A nnpraAt$iicable;pand whatis,1npore,A;vyhenpfetlgdhvariahle, hptih hyi-thfeif A pprcfcntiflonttivers, AA*and"ftho£e {mute petfons phat fhall ;be;;nho{e L g Iv» bvthe Army» without Whole 1liC€¥¥3?¢ ‘P0i‘,;hix]‘g.Zii‘s vgselidit or inrra.irs:prAetenfions arefalt TmorcdePrru&1vecA.wi the ~ V l it L op At A pp M t,Aehénged A‘; 5; and the mutual tuinejo£AeaAch other, muflfieilltcontim1e«Anet:eIfary A =+f0f"ti*1$‘=~f11PP°Ft0fithfifi , V A S V A‘ A AFtom*1wh1ch premxfes we_,mayeconc1u»det-; that =AtheA pretenfions ofhoh V A number iithjei Ofithatchy fixes. IAt.=s1fubfiflenc~e depending smeertly upont 1 A ethisfittmygwhofe fiifible Intetefc it is to Adifi"o1vAe them 5 they cannot tpofli; :3 A b:A1ybrA'ingabouttheir. eneds, for {hould A A 4 +.ue‘w Army, the A Interefi of A thatwould be the fame, hthough ther"nenA wete~ -A . A 1 1 party now onfoot in‘ the Nation are attainable : or A if attairfd, are AcAon— cAonfiPcentw1thAtehe good of other parts, A or of the Nauon ;~ or in fit-:e,AAt:heu: A own: and from hencelikewife; onewould he apt to conclude ,that the A ruin of thepubliekis inevitable; there being no dore ofhope left open .-.Ajto¥receive,t notemetthodhytfible, to umteA{od1Ptant and mctompatihleendst. Afltutnotwithflandtng a11lthIAS) t1snot1~mpoffib1e, no nothard 5110 End «an5Expedient that fha,11AevacuAateal1thefe difficultiesk; not A only A efiablifla the general Codoernment, gbut (exorbitant paflion only retrencht) fatigsfyh tithe realleAAIntAeref’c%of every party, naytfingleperfoninthe"Nat1on. h T V Now‘ to the chAeetfuAl_receptton of fuch. antovertune, I tefuppofee there ..is A A -smoneed to perfwade, not more for to admAonIifl1,tthacwordseand names ‘howeverrcnderedodious, garre not to A fright _use from out certain bC1‘_J_€:fit_, A tande dfltfflflflnvtfircflg hAl.l thatts =AAdemandhedehete,t- is, -that if upon {Aerious t »;confideration,A the~.propofalbe found reafonable, n1entwou1d)6e‘Ifoe kind to en: other r'matters§) A‘thao“wliyA maths; ee1hou1d*Abtc A themfelves asto: receive it. The *'A1TertionA»Ie‘edouht not to make moi’: plain .t and evidengaend therefore {balesp1ain1y~ptonounce~it. ’Ti§£hi$5A77Jctdl1i21g A hfrintbe K ing, is that-eartaimmid a;arlytAmAe;;nsfar the prafirvatiwz of the Kizrgdomtg MW?-'d dlfihofe the r1;§bmmdI‘Inrer=*»'fi‘sA nf all /5fl‘,§1FPeerfmsjt'n it. A e A A he ‘ A To: maketthtehis evid‘entAAinvevery_Apart,A A1~vvi11»retain the “Eortntet Methohd, A A -and ht-aAkAe*a Aju{’cAacc~o7unAt of all the -before tm‘ent1on4cd particularsfithat thexfe ,. .A may be no pofl1bi1itylAeft for‘AAF:i~llacy mj Errour. V ‘ A I begin with the common nhatio1aA‘a1tI‘nterefl5 and that 1-ethishaecordswith fit: bficvmesmanifefise £07: efhatthfiht fiffl 1’$ql.”iifitC5 theeefiahliflxixpg I] the“ fun; A kdamental Laws; »AneCeffari~1y brings in the:Kihgx;* AAAt>his likewife affords raAle--r ‘" A Awgalh way» for redreffingt of: gxeivanm ec?5f ' wAhat,.f;kind foevere5f:mdAA 3* {are "5andA fell tlnedempnity tto 7.1!*I‘*pefi‘fonsh;I;4MwAiIl t‘erem¢t=»e Religion upon; Afujchr ha‘ ‘I ~ ~*~BaAfisA,A asAAjfha*Al1A3gt'we 1}it~iAs}fa7.‘5tio1;1e—A=tto?%a11ethatA:ateeh;te for ‘GAoA\fetnmet5tAieAn;*thc A ¥tCh‘ufi:flhA gm: a1*foA;thofeethat‘di_Affent therein. *I’thAeing VifibléatAAfh3Ei]‘"3u:£”5 A:A_glifh‘meAn Ja.:f€‘ equal lg [neAer_ehtot+heimy to Whom"ethey “re1at¢»A'noAtf:.t M "9 VAL, : tfeme the AendsA of .one"Fa1mly,e ‘theme ofvjtwelve, tot th~irty ,A or Atwhat ;:ievjetAA tAheey_thteetke down this , and tnodelrl a;}A time em of Fa&i°hAA or Winien but by that we ;hcornm9vhb°n A AAti*:.A§.',§l1eA;gaxéCe ;AtA=th¢rc~be1ng no mercttreafop whyhefldould‘ A “ ‘ ' F54Aiifi&1‘AA.if$ J@i§5 e A Tkwons to‘them,=?e~ewh11e they aI‘1A-tgfrce mI.oyaA1ty“-, A eiilconxrageanotlatri (both beirzg equally oheélilzntii) upon fire-t¢x:£ci ‘bf; L ithtzir’ divers h:;,irso1' complcxions, ithoL1gh_'I‘yrancs and UFurp<:rsi have fauntl ~li;itnecx:{i;1ryl“cillito cajeal and tcaol fomcione. faéhon that they mxgh; makg: a13‘incérellwh%ichitlw;ay had not , "and by any means gain :1 colour andfup... ipoircicioizha-[gr ulurpation. This and this oncly will advance tl.'3)ClC~3 which ~{bc Sppmifb andiDm2£[Ie‘quarrels have almollr dcllroygd , wxll give; van‘ Aalli-i 1 mac with neighhmarstaites, his Familybeingialrcady.engrah‘ecl into the igznrlincipalistlenus of Bump: , andhis future marriage giving OppOrll5li‘i'1tYl A mmake ‘an aelvantagious afhnity no Pzrengthsn chef: prcfent imercP:s; this will take off the vallchargc of intelligence, and bdbes ’hich¢r:@ iczaaploycdmccrlyagainflrhc reliituticm of his Family: wii1¢1'§“upercc:¢:d tihc xscceflity cafitlmlc unreafombile wars, that; werebegun upon that illfmole accqprst, ( I szeedmoiz inllancc in pmicularé lzoiimkc my li-:1? inni- 2:‘) iclcr'floo—d.l l’Twillicm: off the ch;1rg¢ of ah: Appendagcs of this Crown 5 i ll lthiifiiilgcafijfhilancl fr£fl7N.1tiOflS; which arc now from hem:-c bu-zccame: :1 Abut- mheni; bclidies a ground“ of Everl:-ailing Jea-loxxficand danger. Ye: liu';'ther {Aha (3m*ernimem; being put intothfdlii-ngsé hands, icwill be cllablifhcd i not cmely by that power winch is C0l'I'l1"l‘liEt€:d to him ; but by ~[l1/C more {tire éxafiorfi oi’ ?obcdi~:nCcl.;afF<~:€ti0n, and duty. He being; aiiillhemditary A iPx'inlcs.~":, his paivare in-cé:rclimuli be chef.izn*1::: wirhahac olinhc Nxribn; \vhi._€h~'r::;:o willlirxot vl:ee'.ili;‘1‘iicc7*.<»ll by this preliznr age», but renal: policriltyl. 'I‘his liluszwifa; very well Corafills lvxzh ti'1(i1m'<:_l‘Cii of all pnvarc: pmics, as anor:1h.2llhe p.mic‘xralarly" madwe;z11311il”cli: moreover,thrtzlflovczxsnmcnt will ha pl‘¥£int0[i1€i1':li1‘KlS of :1 pfqrlona {av 51: lorzmploymcznl: as no one living‘ the liluzzi his‘ (’.a:a%‘~~prc:er2re%AA*A113,1: mainly kxmwn. ¢Jg¢;*g=wga;{~1f£v;,» ngrbim;gA[7.é:: carzfflfiafz _m:z£r}rmzn] ;u2r£1loe’cam-e 'E7Q;¢Ehc,rnfc:lvas‘, and for which they givs dthcmfciws fa» ; V % u ‘ wgavern ~%m:d ‘t.‘;wz£fit:.‘.‘3v .,w1ac1.m for 44 Cammm-A~wAe;zlt/9 -,.A are for flnarcb} Mat Céxfz{5~‘E'am, and cm mwr agree rzmcang r£Ae::~2f:[z(er Iv/oar the] wag1dI;m.~V Ifhall n%otfa.rtherAin1L=Lrgc mficm this héad «, but proceed tewhat rel-* __mains before me; 'cojui’ii£ic ch: Ncccffizy of_bring%ng in%:he%;I{ing{izts% rc:fe:rcncctofith'¢ piiv-;1£‘€ c?cmc=:rns of every parry inzhc Nation; and A A1, %’_"fi-3 ‘the: ‘inccrdéc 0’? the R0mm2 ;»CatlmZr's‘k_: for by_ thar.Vr1"1c:ms Athé heavy p.1Y.l‘I’1iL".fl!’S npw on chair E{:flttAcs%%A,%wv1tb ozhepr burchens-,, W111 be cakmoaa: And asto that prcffures af Pcaml Luvs’, rheycannorbuc re»- 4 mcmberhow farfrom ¢ griewous they; uvere ixi"“th£‘. lace KAiwngstim«: , the “ _Car2ho1icks‘C i%1iv:ing% I are Mnocwithifam-ling them 3 in more flourifhing cr:n- T on ditionthan nhpfcof Frames; Jmly‘, orwS;min-did, undcflr chcir I'Cf.p€&i_’v’i3AA Pnnccs; and would do inimiscly mgr: undszr than natural K:ng,fithm 1 1? any forra1gncr{hou1‘d‘_Ive«A the Ififatzon %Wars :1 A 80 liktwlfc 5, if thene‘Cé%fi7d~ryL_pma;jts%’90f chm Away: 0’: VVor-“ ihi -1b%,.:%A{ccAAur4:d, If which no »“a%r: A %;wwId%Acm?*AA‘A%%rhem,V;"fbfiitwiria1=ri'a33mcr]A P , AF '3’ " %.z: % fiafily Fet1¢‘d afair and amicabl<:tr€itAAy.A.AA VA A V 3-. It :3 he r2«b;:amm:inrax¢1%A: his; as;b%eiVmgth_ "A only waj;y.f?n9 prefe;1I6A gmifitd “much th::1if:.Ives),othe*r..;% circ4u;nfl=aniia1 wings wcm 1d"bs*:=.M A ‘ vmm: cf, mm of tne:lPartAy in the State. ThelpcctalatlivéClllflCei‘ehCcs f11llEl‘:COIl£'€i’ltlSv” A with the Epifcopal Divinesl are in the opinion of ttttodttratta tmh «Til either. juAdgc:ment, eafily attdilfidt And thjscetnplyancc, asthtelmolt nfictllllw-i $373, lo willbe the n'lt>llhonot‘ablle a.c9cA EQ them imaginable; liltzncingall tlmfe V€hC_E1‘len[l!.1'fp.1Cl®nS, and hard cetzzfutes, that now pals A“unccmttc»ll~cl I F a;11dlj~ul’lllf}’i1'Jg tlmlfc ptctenhcms of Loyalty to! the; King; ‘ Vvhltilll-\_NA*:‘_:'lTe'. Wrotff; in theirBann£ts,'”lahdfolemhly c«:wcnantcclAfotAint_he beginning of the War: Beftdcsg 15 ttpcm the matter Wha._t was czlcfircd at Zztxbridge , and atgfeed upon a't"tAl1€:'.l‘ll€ of i¢~~z:ghr; But if any of (hi: 'pgtrAty be tmla.tiAsficdA% l1<:t*<:in>. hit him Ccmitstlt the late: Very t1”l6«fl’lGl“'al)l€ \~"Vtit'1ngs of Mr. Plr}/mach,’ which l1"lavny:hfiVCIhOLlghC fit to clarlczlc ,,. bttl: nokbody fctioully to camfute , A ahcl hr: [hall fitlcl what will abtmdnly cohvlhce him. A 4.%As to the Intetell ofthc. _Eazp:z'.z,m:l Clozmbes, thcirpretetzzfions of t1hAx*oh*.3ngdtbwnallotherptrties, bring not feizable 5 ’tis thtzirconcetta A to acqttief e in thc molt moclcrzttic ‘C. hutcl:-tgovctAtamt::Ant, which is certain- A ly%the:[Epil'cop.ta.l~, 'Confcllto ht: fttch, “even as cxcztcifcd hcrctoforc‘, by aAl'l patties in that: dl{put€S, a11l(l ditferctmccs with each ‘other; and yet is fairly cj.tApabl<~":of‘ l't1chfat'thcrallays, as lhallappczuto bat for the peace of the Church t.1ncl,Nati0n.A lélmficlcs, it btzing .2». ltmdamcntal with them of AAtht=:: IHndt~Apemd;:ntway1,A to admit libtrty of Cohl"cit;ncet; they lmvc no reafon» A to“ be angry ,l if ptztfons of diEctcn.t ]tlClg€'2l.1’1€nES proceed according C0 thtzir lpriticlplcsz And this hcingitndtllgcd t'?Jtl1t3_l‘I'a wAAAithAAthetafI"uta:nce ol cnjrsytng then‘ t(2mpOfalpO{fElT10n$u[hA€£‘C is nothmg tzmgimblel which A wilzh rcafoln thay Ac..m tlelitt: motc. Their aery Satisshétion of taltitag down Tytlhcsl being Afo wfittllfrom yielding them any real advantage, that ‘his molt vihblt: , all it will do mull ht: tl1ts", A to ttanflzttc their paymcntsftom t°h¢:”'ClcrgyAAAAto State fatmcts. A And by that timc they have tallcd the c3if‘t'«'2tchcc‘betwecn the pt'cc.triou+slcollle&ions;;” and alllmoll” haggirxg of a. Minillct, and the Acmel cxaétiont andtgripcs, of aAPubl'ican$ iron hands,-, I dare ptotttilti for them; they will heartily tmwilh, all their unreal"onablc,At “and illgtoit:mclcd\del7iAx‘csitlthat behalf; Ml W A A ~ A ‘ It is the. Inttzrcfl oAfthcAtxt1y tcs call in theA‘I13gt‘Al'lf3ITl; gwhb is hot fenlibtlc of it: andfif {O5 chm evidently, it is batter ‘robe under hlilfllthfin any 0tl'1€£‘;lf for. thereby tlilfityccllt off chic? ngct-_+~P{3Aty of“per;-get ml“ lVVAaI“s,l_’Aalnd fo that th+a*zzarcliAn g bf’ all l« their acqAuifittioTnls; M thereby tlteyaflute the"rnl'élves, from 7AtAhc>Al”t: :clAtiug¢:rs of bttiilg tlaltmgl dawn, A aoptmpaygl a%t;tltdieft:2ttt:cfl’ofc', Arrears Heb tbeitng the ohly pe:tl'o'nA th:ctAAcz/m (ilwithallftclc PlarliamAeh7t)t3il’e“cAC0AntrAiblutAicitas‘:£ntlTaxes it: at ltgalmanfler, A ancl to the fatiisfaiticm of ltAh¢;Nm:ion.AtldA tlhelonly’ona_rlhat cantrult them. as altfiindincglbotdytg wAhAichAul’ut,‘t5c,rs nAe“vtflr”lttt1llt do, A is manifell bytllial t A _U"_C§ltm€£lt;_lth¢l"Al1‘lmllY has‘Ahithcrlto%ltaclltmtlet«lthctit lfeylfétaltMaficrs;A fmltd A B 2 A A WE tlfieiflprclfentliifa gel ' before lciecylphefd by me ; The old A Prote£lor.A maée”theAmlStates‘ and propertiesmoc onlyfzo afli-.:l'his Tyranny 5 emplAAoy«VA inglthjcm upon‘theiEneomies of his p1rti.culAar, and not the Nations Inceg. Ar¢f’t.=Af A‘Blat died in 3.1.‘{.C)‘E,0AC3%;1l‘Cl‘1ilT1f€lf- of {ucli of them; as had more honelflyl, Wu; or conragclall then he ahouglut fit For hxse purpofes. Hence they were e+aAl?c upon thel.l1ri;'?_a%, ‘ scmgzv, Plamlrm Frwcbla ljawmecuzl Service, turnedf lonshipbloard in Ll1elFleeA:s,Ag.i:bls;,5 difcarded, or removed lrom pl*.=.Ce[j toplicé» feldome trolled long ujnderlrhe“ fame AOAfficers -, nor l'u£¥erec;l to! coxnmunicate Colmcels, ormeec at a general ellendezvouzg A A hen one. the othexj fidel, 21 Prince that has ajllfi title tofupporchim, has n ground: ‘ of {och lfulipiciolnslbuc reopofmg himle1"lontheAloyalcy of his pe 'ple, will honorably, and wi~:l=lafl"e::?c1oo, treat, ”allAth.1ltA 1:: any empllloylnlent lervel AAhir1'1;;" And as to the perlon of theliinga he has a ngtural and parricolar \1‘€fpc€3‘l70rEhiS ‘ArAmy_; however they h1velAdel"erved of llim: adrlniriogl” their valour and difcipline, evelnl when employed .ag.».i;:1l'l him 5 I will give but one infiamce, which-, :ho:3ghit1'na';~feem fllghc;-,: 13 not lo as to the point in‘hand..a A ’ Fisthis, In I.l1€l.3.E€ I-”[:;zml.er.%rlerviCe, upon Eh-C occafiog A ml mention of tlavfisrmies beh avioor, in the engagements wlthche .Sl'ja,-aj-so A l21:}1v floz'c:es nee: €Z3m«zk3'r/Q» rhcr. taking of the%Towos~,l and form: otheArAAServiL.= l A «see of lelfes momenu he was obl'ervedi°:ill to give loch anAalfl?eél:ionacel telliilnony to the 8ug!i}32Afi3allg:1m:ryA, as was no way pleafihg so the lelle ‘no—- bl"ejAhearers, wlio"lik’d to have nozluiog; belkles cl-1eml’elvAes com,menld;.:d;, A Thus did hefrlequelmly contend lorrhelrAlhonou:, that fomghlt lagainl‘: his l honor, la-rad like to boon; ‘and was thew Champlon, who were ms Ene- mies.Y And lnldeedlitlwoulld be infinitely llrangea that they, Awhofo pro- digealllylpehtAtheirhloodllby Seal and Land, l to ellablillu an ungra:eful.lM¢m-. flex‘ ; . whAofeAreComApenCc fortluegreatell merits, A was only the“ objAe&inlgA% unto newlland greater danlgersl;A4 whole cerzalmell pay was l'u»fpicion,affifo1gt, and inyury; then afterwards fubmmzed to hls S'on,a perlon of‘ no Worth lorf cfredimof whom this comparagive commendation canonlybeg”wen,thzr he, l 13 noxzlo vesy :1 Bruce is his Erotiher 5 - and A (to clole all) afifumedfclae long 7? forgorteri dregs of allcallAAParliameo:ll, fldould envy to I-h€mf3ClVtS5l_'lth;‘: ;ho:-* nor and a-dvmtage of being; commandedby a_ Pr;ix:»xce,A Aof lAlk.tlow.n I_fm;egr.ity and Virxtue 3 2; Prince that lloves thenm, even lo derpighcAof all Ath3eI‘i*lt‘ Ainju--1A l I~1"€.S ; Aland (whicl1is.thelhighell ondearment zgmolng So%ld1ers)_ a%Princfe of cmine‘jx)xperl"ooal V:f:,lf}L1l'-_», W hich tfevera1Aof %Vthemfel.v.es are witneffe of A Aw-' Lfpecizllly at%'«i9rcafierAa.ndMard2:k:: amdif lcheypleafctds might b¢lAii3f'i'fl<3f€' ‘ and f;2irerl{inlhnces;. ll I.a.{’cly la, P—rAiraC¢a lfihlo is the only vifiblfiéxpedienit upon earth, lt_‘o;r'e.ocler”at once-l gthlcm and t‘l1‘<%:'if~fJ‘l.l’f%’3l‘ if? A ,> aildl F-Ah3‘:lel Whole‘ »N§u;ionAh;1ppy. 7Wet.e this direfied no theAPr:’nc*lo or Spnni]7oAI~nfanrry., Athofe * 1'etaé;lASools,‘ thatunderfiaodnothilng, befide:payandllplunderglthefe are %eV“gAuznen;lsfro“z”n rezA=.fonL, ormonal Infcerella,pdhonlo£;=AWould»poflibly b¢i1éEl’At=‘ A ~ A A A l Au};- [I3] 4 A B ut to the €22glijl2At’my;thaltlfllllthos “omsod a“l‘p&l)l'1ql1€'VSplfiC‘, vyhére everylcomznon‘man, knowsnto dlireéfas well as to obey, andjudgg 1-mp lellethen execute; to have Apropofed the Truth, mull be tnough~:“pl‘x;@g will they fail to fix their thoughts upon it,or~Pceet:them{elyes as prudencel flaxllinlltudfi, t -‘ ’ l A l l l A A J A Lallly, ppastothepplntetcftof the lPtote<9eotsllp1rr_yl Q A and‘ the mtllznlent , they are cponcerened tocall Ainthe King ; for“ it boning-l lirnpolfiblle AfonrAl:>1m.m ‘, to lnnke good theit aims, Ait mull :A-be Axvlldoxhe to .ie-core them{e‘1vcsAl«aAAn pi“ £h€ll"iCll;1ElCSj and takepa-rt 111-. than Ohlmon and amnellyp, Awhich he.» 13, _tcady to give, as alfo thofe rewarcls, which 3 whoevctfervei hi-main’ any n lcplnd-,. (efpecrally1:nbelng~1nllrnme_ntalto hmtelhtution) §VlllbE:“fuL_‘L‘.«'tOA' lnave, that the feveralforelnenttionzd parties‘, can not he fecured , nth-at the ad- 'In'i[fi‘@n of thenlliingxvlill nothe infidious, and enfn-arlng tothems and- tlwztwhaceverteng»a.g,emcnts heAnow makes, when he comes to power he Now tolall th51.s,wI can lojtefee but one mat~eri“al lohjeéfion :9 whischiéy on will in lilt¢f?¢’1*» it vifiblvicemrris him» Aw the pnfiaal in hlislengagctpents; ; AF1ri’c, to o£¥er pardon to alllflchatllllandAA‘=in mwfid of in anclthcn moilffiithf 811)’ I0 mikcliil £004: We ¢%¢hA Particulgs W geclradlc, zmuabxy bre.aki§g;7:hé V» ’ " lérclinintllandfirlvateélealér5 but l1§*:xls.;$E:;z»a=g»;1*1o:Ae;AA ingeparbably nhe: p12blAick national oncl; when ‘ on the ozheztl ; fir.:.lteI,;:grcAc1lfc §iAX3é;tPfiIl0f5p;aflC3'3 il1‘angeIy fupparrs both one and the ozlxsr. ~95_;h¢bgmgfiAfg‘berc0£, MI flmlllgivc zmAA emin-en: inllancc of late memory ” in lhis_®w”nll:"amily, and thCrCl0f€‘Of which we cannot fuppofl: him igAno--.~ Alriglhils‘GmmdtxtlietHmr]‘thfill0urtl1"of Fnzsm: who after long §,nVAAr;;A;AglA.ggml§ngl"t~o»hisA ;righr, lbefidcs: hrs relief from CQE’lz'zuz~[7ét/05 byflno” I (}:l1¢lrl la umzme. falcl , ‘lbw: we Iclentillflg a"n;dA1are vv”i{‘dorm-3 of his awn pea» : ..pl;e;_ja11d being forcA"d”’to maliclé. llkacealbly lngmy particular Treutxes ; liillwas cxaél inllkecplilngrhcm ;%andlrcCc1vedl1mo h1seutlilrefavo11r»l anglfl fplid; {pi-gndlflxi p,al&llfthA_C>ltil who had folugh: againl’; him; 8c govermd ~hi:s :11o-fill-7% Al .im portant allairsg bath Civil and Military ,A by AthAc—: counial clr)nd11§?t‘o£l¥ liisl,fomc;%im¢sll*En¢mllies5 fuch asll were ‘notl onalyi utuhszz A Duke" of ’I\Qqzvm~ , W‘ Viilerays a1adWPrefidcAn:ll]emifi¢» bt:u:;:vc:nAt-heh~e:a‘d of‘r»heLeaguc, the: Dllzkell . of A (jlfaine hilmfelf; co‘ lwhombe coxmnitted the conduél df all the forcclv ”-QfAF?"fiI¢6’¢’;'_(EhOlléjl1£.lTl€nAp€l‘l'OD3llY prefem ) wlaen’A:helP;;inceAoF pmmv q;Lz):1e to" réllcvrg zi’~r1z.:'e'mA.:;T and after, to*jmak:e:¥ good his liolwlnl "pmmi1‘e of I Iggcilzmprgicy . prqzgéitcd himgbelixag quellimaed folr the MlJ£“t3l‘lAEI‘ loll ‘Elam tlm _ third , by intezfipol-irgg hisown {upx'c:met A I}merefl~ and llRe.li- lgiion, ‘injthat AI@ng,Cilvill war "Vcoulcl make bearing 1”‘afl“ invaterarc llmortal higxtiifidlleacli to other, and almoll allof “ themlioll the King 5‘ :yc=:n l"ecingl*tl1¢”l ruigae. appmachimg34b:orh fmm‘tlhc*mfalvles.ll1a:la?d llramgers, the wlaolc pram lNacidnlldM.fub1i:ictothac Prince againflgl whofiethroa tftheirl {word Held 2%? A L (alters poimcdal and wludtxirhey had for (‘at many years mdevorcd to__;llh’el*ll as A lW;jCl;l_j_aSCl€a~l§haTtLl;fl{l€1‘l~tl1l6 ricleof; Heritickllalndl Apo{l1a»te;~ andifolldioilng bmamcfuddwanly pha mollllflolgriflaing and cltlell potent peolplltof ‘Bx-} A rajihi, bcfildtzs alI1"'AthisA,9lT[:h%i;C King l:IraslyAcA’t.a farthleér molslivel b%fF¢r;Gfacc to all tlmwillaccfipt it, gtndreljgioulflym make it good, lh?atisp¢gu1iga:ll ” Aflltva hLmfel£;;Alan"d: of .pmpar§13.14c1§L2{%;z:;;a3¢, 1-mamgtzqgsmmu: at T133“ tom’ down mggx%;;& c~ai“a:of% she N‘a’tioi2,%bo:h4i"m rtfpmfi of §rs4dii”e:x.fe‘ Awam%(3Acn~m;: ~*W,,%1VA1%1%bg“fupgg{1uou_st%oacfCsAperfwaz1ves ;_for men do mOCHf&{1‘.9« ‘ ‘ M ‘ *b¢impom1‘nedto%1e:a:m:h::ir4%tormé_nt or d.i_{ea{c,%&or»w:i1iz rhemrfical AEn-4 ;“d7,u'c;§me;g5f§5 i am:rfi“t%h<=:;‘p1ead1x1,gs of lnzzezrefic and Profic~.%*Iforbcar s:here:%'<:az'e %7m gAd¢1‘;+g;fl'emy%£.+:i£ unwafi':&ie-an-, axgdrobcig I_h&E,[hi1"3§a which vi%i;b;%3! it ‘""ciomcems th¢_mft hat are cmmradf, to rcnder % their in1pormn.u:e requcfiand %;fim A‘ Nm§;[w:i1f1 1: gnfliayrge upon the‘M‘:emves“%y«zt umoucht., dr*awn {mm ,171.,a« [;gmi~;;«-3: a1‘;1e:g§.an<:eyorV7Ji1zat is in;finiccI‘y' canfiderabhe; Motive-.3 taken from th¢fiat€‘%&§fp1§m'1C11:xWinvc:*11:t1:m5 tAh;u;;rht~:y ar”e%£‘ng1zf,:72 meng; and fommfidaf the good of’ that “xfiagzion gand th¢11thatth¢yareMc11, a%pdf0Wp%i:.v%w"r1'i1’§ t}:1ei%r omm. in vs¢o"rwr