PH IG H N E S s E, ThL1rfdWV%ay%tl1e §7“‘~ of January , I 6 5 7” V 4e€Publifl2edly_e79is17:5gbneflé’sComma22al. Thespeech Vt V ”SEALE OF ENGL A N D, Made before his Andeboth HO us E s of» P Rm A M E T : A A Béiflgthefirfhdayof clmeirfitzting; mm ” .~»«-awn-1 L ONWD 0 N, I Printed forfierzry Twyflvrdg in VineCourt,% A ~_Midc1le Ten3P1C,‘Ay 1559. 1 é OF 1'—HEzf1Io~Hr HONOURABLE: W ’ ((3116 of the Lord Keepers of the Great V015 -rm R athimiel Lc)rdFiennes, Lord Keepers 7of”théVGreat"Seal NGLAAND. A Lord: andfientlemeri, A t 9' 5*! ‘* * wmg $9’ I-Ier anirwergd 4-‘ id: A bat}? been ziiiéudj % A find tb the ~..;;«;;.~m»;.;:a Wififmen having ___ \Ap11”)pp{'ed thxs (fl1_eifl1-- I" _ V_,€4,«\,._, N V‘ % % % H w I A I1‘:‘W3'":\M*w;i7;ii ¥1imI%lF thus; Euzeyztlgqg . .. ' q--.-.1-B ‘ "' . A 2, AA like €43 A Aha); "chatfpeaketh%_ha Ftfirhis I-I.ighne' \ , 4 Tim like Anfie1f7erVmay not be 11hx1fitIyh—returhned, «A Everi that which hash bécna1rea3y1{'po+-M, hAkeri.. Lcchme ::hhcre“Forc_ ~crave:hh*j’your p_.a.-- % thien*ce,h Awhile: I']l e”Cf_Ch,9 I:$ackag:;in mo *you»thé Fame things 4, whhicflh haven new y;.ou have heard from his Highnelsg things,’ which cannot-* fotxndhh goo ohfcen h in your ea1*s5 hhb*eC*a.f;1hfé’h"‘hthey c:znhnothh’I:1;1k A too ccplinto your Heartsynor Wbhe coo much u pom y‘0l17t' Thouhghus; Yong fee, howht11e@.Vmo[tgWifE God, the,fS11'— mam ‘MMQ’dcrfé,:tt)FV..,‘ dhGh9Vcrnhnrh £hings,«h prélénf Dihfpéhhfiion of 1115 Providence , lwhihch. We hbeho1d‘bc;- forc our cyeS1d0t.Ah;,.‘*‘,a7S'.i.t“3'v¢r¢‘".chcCqu;cr out hi Work ~unt0 Us , h hifiremeth tok pav¢.h.his Wayamongfl us”in"h%Bl:'1c:kan4cI;€‘h ‘X/hiAteM,h .T’hafi,_F‘,. u%x%:¢a4r Thatw wha: God I-Iighncfs his Deaeh, was a word? Af§a_1<;;¢ urito Vth§:Am in thiac”:Di fi3¢ufation,..aE -fiich tiirnc as'AAfthcir* Hearts were ful~%1¥AA4of doub 1:”, fear, %%and V taro uble, .;upon~ , his ila.tAe flroken ,;Alikei4ppLl¢s C_’fiA‘,.GN.0[‘.ly in 0 Silver. And now; that A L his ~brIi'gl1n%;:£f$ %hatheaA~1ledj this Parliament oi; fec V Natibns, he Pcandcth 4at,: th¢Hd4fV"Ac>F;Tr11m}s gt€atA.3nd&m01’¢A% hQn9rab1cEAIT§m.»b1}a;;m*hIe Repref7:nta4tivcAA‘A of A A the thr¢ef°”rNa;tions , ‘\ and held forchk tax the AW/'AWmldAA Va ndblc c1m o:m,xvi%:hmoamh%and (1§)% J1, dS;:t¢ot1e*s‘ , twhgéréby dxfinuch of %pric_e , at”: muCh%o_fluPa9c is added to A It is not A m )’7%ufit1ef9 to _Vpra»~ife I;hL€.&:sdcad vmurch la‘ to ‘flatter fithe Iiiirin: 1 —’Butt’f1¢-things which A"I {hall %,rcpre1fE:¢nt‘[' unto you , H1 relation % co this Alteracin Aof tlatc r the A A I-‘trov4i«dmc%c God hath A wrkoughc amovng%H:fl'%i1As ihall é¥Abt’: fuch~ ~Confidcrétions as have‘ fet*n:44A rei- mem bcred unto you .14 by - a ndfuch as %fnay Aminifléx fit matter jyour» thC6ughtsV% to be cxcrciféd & abommi if: ordcér to?_ the greacw Confixlratihns « for +whichat%this timc%Ayouare called togce £h£¥hA fl~ A ‘/y ‘\w@!’ ;;.A_ , V flint: Highnwfl}, .yQu7s»%l-f« ,4 the and pufc Worfbip «*of;‘,God A A anal uf’ci4cc4 21.113 ud gmem: A mqn ongfi Incxi fl ««T~his:makesVthe 0utWaw»1‘d,% That the in- x3vardCK9t1rto.f' Gods. Houfes %2ii1‘c1toa141- ‘ thefehis late I-Iighncife hath Amadevcry cDnfiderab’le Preparatins. As firfi , 12*fi'avid;% that Tfweét Singer 4?/734-9154 ‘WAS I‘i0C31I1V1Q1‘¢‘» A fikvilfillli W3-"Q :w~n%f9rt;:%5;*If‘ g~Dif79otd§ $[.3‘n,.d mug fcw_':~¢=41: aa41‘1 Mid ;c1,ii£’r'¢I‘€.n.t%‘% fhringis »mE~*“:,hisaHa;rp¢J cm:a%gmc1¢di4o1xs%I4arrrw- .4 ‘V35 : in keeping. Love b€pW£?¢;n%’*¢di%fT6n%§i%I!S Brethren , andprefcrvixag at CAhr1iJfii- B an A 5 @g«§) p;«epa;%r%au+o:n%% ‘téxvaerds V jithie bm1d»ingf o%L1fe, T;71Vh-Eiffimf. We ”$s:pji z:«i§ua¥‘1 ‘ _ J 1mth§‘i¥V[lf §1T‘¥€é2t%"iP~r:e%pa1jat~i‘~v&;%; '31,.’ *~~-il=1 <:a?re’ ”ihe“.cc$nPcia ‘m~c)?1"<4,M4« Lthmc A ?a&I‘e tii+ «flew «fhfllfild Ii£;:rI1‘t;‘ FEI1 so 1.a;Mf“;prim%c;t~c2fiL1 B£¢:Ii¢11;c%$Vi7i§11%% abk I:~am*z1€d }udg€S,WC‘Aa[11 11 f ¢ ¢ mre, did1é*1is ;1m=%~k.¢ “f01“:¢Vth‘éVA§ A ‘ fa.>1‘€:¢ 5 %fi:£*E€d ; ¢ 3.113 fq L¥£11‘€d bé4fQr§%%314%a*gg§;5M % ms htlmbléz ‘4I’-mc:i0¥i ' a03%.A%dV;i% o.r~h.e;fr goéd W35 ma:dA¢ by M ¥h¢1—1;‘2%E@ flarliamenvt. t’1a’r,by th<*= 11%¢1P"0fM A there4§viIl ‘bra ;‘f,nTt:=cd o.fUf.111y_w11r{:w {dam}, mm tba; *t’?:1r:7rc fl1Q121d~b¢%i»17.%ard; mfiringy W fitvyrc of any Ha1m1n¢r, or A36, B *2 >:7zfm<..n 1.,-1'3 *5 pear, or. Swofdra‘ or “any- mm: dpne *%rhe% Buifdiénig of this Houfe4;¢ S*uch¢%%in4dée¢d*4 that ~1o%ok:1pn~% ih¢‘P6%t4iA4% neon AA ant} }¥%dVic:cA W1th::~%a~,parg:ia1% and} p"r%ej“udicatc eye, 0}‘, as it II1aybVe 74c1if’:Ort~V fed”%on t}*1c%V~0 n”€3 {Me or 9 they oth cr the exeétxtion théreofi may ” think thére hath not beén d%a-r%ight 4Ame”2.¢fure taken o»f”'m3- my ¢%tV}1ings , “ atid that jifhcre is great: need “of rundxgxing them aver again; 4 But wh 0- foever f~hz;1l' well weigh the Afamc “, ~~ and \ 4V1ook% into itvvith A%afi«ng1c eyc,4Wi1"lfin«;1c~, A A both our: 5 'p“i’r%itL1i.é;1 and VCivi1 Li- -berties have beeri Vfqua1‘cd , I flared , 4 and %defin¢cd thcrcixa witha great: deal ofcard and exa%<5iin-c:I7s,4 and th at according to the A tru¢:nat‘L1ve of 3 Definition 5 V Thati%t%is%_. V nc1~:hicr'tooNarrow5,nVQ;too Broa<:l_., nci-U thcr too VLo‘ng,%»%Anor». too» Short: - 'I"hac‘~ it A 1 11 th %n0t t:a_ kcn In:myth“in,g thavtfbould A haVc.b‘t*cn1¢ft’Out,nor 1cftOut+ anything 4‘£nitial.»~,"%% fay this as I the I3) emafn%;e ‘. That ho truly‘ Godly 111 en'necd to f;ca1:’ l 3VerI'ec1%;etion no r A A 2myeAA~ew_ilful1A,.e S;-~in=n;erse;e, any fort ,: either :Fai:h:g o1'"Praé7|:1'Ce~«, ehopfiwe for Impunity: Y That : % noeee‘l>rec~1necr1 need fear -to made. ~$]>»a|':!V.'."CS;-ii nor, eTha.tanye rfxense Iaexv1eI§e«i% L‘i§—»e imdere pretence of makingJa1le~ f;ree~ J ; fhuld » indeed emeakee ’¥ all men-ee S;laV es.e A » n. But WCIIC eeLegi1’-Mtivee V a nd: eeExecutiVeV; Pxowers are foe Pcated therein, in relation to; one A anoth er , A ‘and toe]. etheire ow 11? paLrts~~ within AA themfelvese ,, that n_ei... t‘l;1eremay h»in’der,~ but each partehelp, t;heeeotI’1er;ee and that Anonea in ;ei- ther Aemigiat have name or lefée power er‘ rheneis “necefl"a'ry,for the: good. f¢t%hC\_V1101€.. A YCE‘ A ethC1‘C I flill b.ehi.nde eagreat and’ 21 gleriiofzxsw Work; in theeeloceitioneeémd compo--:~ fi.1re of thefe parts , though neeverigfo .‘ well fitted; 4Thee. VExec;ution of the; La.wee*is the Life, the C50mp1€7mflI1t,ee theflpe %%&imgs~% Aa perfans meming o;f% toiglw 13, 70fdUfi ¢f7y‘vV~ 9- 1% 2 Z? ‘< 3 if '5; 3» 9 § 1'!‘ 1"‘ 3 g - , I . ' ‘ . « ~ .. . F " D X ‘ I 2 i £’ Pm'ibm%; tax, a; perfw ’} an&@’a%bcm1iti%fu41l hm»: amgg I*‘abric wki gmongfl: us 5 to which be 1366 * ary;%% ®hanéx"em*d%ins:,b %that« *1?i§1*in€~{1‘€%a~nd1bothIwI*nu£’crs of:m~1ia;. I13”€4I51t A , AA fmbmsachi $4 1¥xAob‘}@e#~ we pk; ~ti~11?t111e~y% ve: %bx~oughcW re) peVr£ea-ion isaaafiefh in §you5r*.»m%em¢wnies5 Tam}: P~37y0fU Wfifl 1‘!-OW hcéard fmm than. 1-ev¢%.;. ‘ V re+nd%;Pe~“rI‘on wh<3 2 [1‘1€ 'j V W Mmy and firmm A~n1%3’etsLt[qgeth en, v zm~Pea;ce,%.- 3n£:R;?jgfi£¢§Z;’ f A 0¢ufiV1efl€ em othér 5 "lib ;@rfef@.rvcd% ,3, Wg,;1,‘Gu;t H _é:§*;Vs*i£3ti%%¢2i*§ 1ic€£fifii.Q?t1fn€fl'fl ...,% ag113:£3Cy, ma;fi%bema1.n?tanned Qlyn.-&w,r»€; fined fiWce&s,m«pugh *M.1emgt»h.f* % .‘ A‘ M x 4! A miwg»4 ma ' smhd is ghcrcof To ordcrcd, that 4«th¢y %m%_wéy'%mj- alfld ~%VM.%9.1a%R‘$nEri«6S :@memiagVme;5% *.a}r., ifiipwly me a,rn:c4J; - ‘am:im‘; $53) as , %i;€f1f¢¥1 r4Ié”:1rai?we%.sA% F 126:6 A34 mid Ld;1mm" {'53 A *0%;rV of A and A~:«C$4i3%t~c«r1~aioai~I45V%;*A' i:;ha:t »i~<@d%1="i.n cifé be A fé t:.4i. téhfl A hmng —1:1:n g%h‘:i1* 5 1h at ”A aim A}1vL1&.ic‘e may neitilh MC? raift (3«1fy;c1¢-mm a.y::taak;c- *"ad>vaAncagc» rligoir @;~E>«:Apl2:é 4.fLaw,L, 50"? .lna*n~3S%r ~V<=7‘f “‘*¥@%L0d A ca)“ auégw ?in?ent~«imo *"IWorm«w~od5*anAd .:im;.M E6 ”A5Gi'11131%tf _ I136! "11d4gme»Mt 9c‘ir;éc értiay; %4ru~maow a Clem >m1d€A d%"aff%~am’ ;Reu‘?i'“?. Mi~%:1d;%“flr ac- ‘ _ ‘ bAe% ~‘éaI:;e? iL11~»?ih‘3h53 ,. iéva-s éi*4n¢vfco a§vi‘tigm:h*¢ if Vwn wh WEN glnumdms an»; W? "imbitramy A iflowmg i»;fZ. awii:1:*1..V mjkze £11 ged mdc~ adj % . 1 U C%§‘“:%% 'di5ii0;n,~. all b%¢%A1et upon the %'%N2;~% %‘ A A ; ‘I11 thfif A WhiCh“I ~ HT.C1j% sf %*;vy1OV11Trs»vC%Oflfi dieratio A R A this G&0vefnment, when icfirfl: fp1'ar1Ag1 j 119 W «is, Thmif 3 jthfe.h:andsQf his late#4HighfiefI‘e, out 3,0 Fthofia A Vdreadfi111@;Confufions which had cc§>.vered‘~- the faccaof the}.;"é A~ th1*¢e4 "Natigms, iW9:$ régdilyimbfacfid4by-thtrn aS%%%afXchOi"CC ,:md hopefull PlVant'A,% thou~ghA as Ayefisbut-a % snder %0m and4 yfflchfis had AbAuCfl.¢W1y caken;tot11¢SA0y1=_dwithmu.§hAmor;¢k rc”afon may W6 IHOKV 6XP ¢'?&f,% " that it fhould be ambled ("to , encouncerw the :ib<%Atef’c;$to.rmes an d Teh;1pc.fl:s ay 4 .ari;fé; i?:~A4 ~“bCi11g ? f P;}?.O1:tAea1¢,rméitly; by» 37 ips A own . p%ro?perAA Fi‘rIfi1n“;¢ {T6, T.h:I:U'.:h. thfi wi11e%an4d;1ikinig of £116 _;‘.I"'I?cf~0~P1‘e'Vy7‘_i“~.jol.u1.tlfif thc;I5¢xp%c;ri e%nc6”§§V;1‘;l%€:y 1 11 a¥£4;h7gs ,%&¢o::fi ,ncfif:~th<=;yf 4%11"av;¢i.rcci.eve}:14fl:111 4 the V Peaceand*’If13amqi1i1Ei;y;thédy,§hayw ¥%i93?:¢wd Vundcr thé %.111adoxvv tg-\1,'er.»4e\¢..f':,.L4 ;»;:.,3.‘I.‘T.] Ayarxly vhcaccdfion fPa§1Iamentary wAuth¢¥1ty, % A both xvifdomc A and g ( I7) tboth paflymmd tocomea which itcatnnot but much éxybcéth, and fclye tzpqng time to time,’ and at all tin1esi;4ccmfihd’€;? rxng the.%gr:;th’fa'r and Ane%a¢r:“* B71317 fpeak 1 IVJ0f ’thewhOhdf L0Fm4€m Wfhc-zn as the hos- nor of OELA :mdA thfi f3ff3tan‘d ' prof ri ty: of his% C}:izrches ’ anc1»4jpe0pl§;i ' here[g~?-"and "*'tEféug1:o'h 1: all ‘chrifimt doméydoéhfc me}; as end u on the peace ‘and ‘confiflency of 1Zh€f.i’11at%10f1S :».tt41iis”ci'mwAe,, asi%*f‘i;A11§V4‘4tra;:ththey do, as 3 if n0.t‘m%Q}fa_;fl,t§j:¢1i =_0n afl the N A ojwin the w%0r]V‘d*bEfi£i"e§A%i3% % 4A h V This is great Wbrd ,Which Ihave i%faid,.% bu t iqis famze :03 e,f’and if the ‘pre- ¢~renrv”flate,andLp¢&ureosa&"a2rsthmuigh- ‘oTy1t¢‘th%e whole ’:Ch“ri‘;Pi3:anw world A M be vv'eI.l% C w ) well weighed, Aand cor1fidered, it rviriljl be foundthat this is no1fweil1ng=«vaunt, bit at Wéllmeafured truth‘. Arfcl‘becaufe iAt1sf0,Vm3c{oubt Elie grand%En.emy A AourPcéa¢e, becaufe heis the ggahd En =e- my Ao£G“od,a%ndms*c“1iin:ch; iii7i1>1.«b;e very bufie at A ‘::his “time, iwith aln1*l3i.%s A d¢inflruments,.d and will cafi many‘ mifls before om-A~eyes. Has a «fpirit Aoe darknvefs , ofT4 efrorg "”~a“t1d +rnWif’ca‘}litf*s, ” tfh at he may bécome .*2_rfpi;1+715f: ‘ ’L- «md-und4Veté A V ar41d%’ diyifiona arid “-ht: isra fpjl nt of div1fion,?A%becau1e:~«he Vdelxghtsw in “Waf amd~bloo1fl-‘fl1ed%,*? *3 ¢4fnd".:adtux*a1~ con» <:fewqucficie§%there>of; .Vfo1=%‘4he was rnur-— §1%:hcrer%’V from 7the'begfit’u1ing: But; we ?areAnot ignorant ofhis arts, and wiles, anlzlhi lbeétutiful fiiaepés “he?a*ppeatis in ‘at thefirfl, yét if We . ‘cxamxne him to %‘the‘4botrmmeM,A fi'<3Am A" mp ‘ t me, %wenm11% at"d%4I7é:ngg;thdi{co*~ »'W:.i' by ‘Iii? A *’édyv%%%"aéxd :d;.v1;n g «Mt I; and th!&mce_t~M€:§?‘wJarn‘imgA to? A C 2 void mo) void 1 Aw hav.e% alfo a~who1fem¢e:. and” .Divine .C0t1ncil to preférve 4' 13.15% ‘fromkAVfaIling,,Vié1tohis {we :4 That is,’ % ‘to holdfhfl unity of theafpirit, ¢ in Ithfi be ad of peace. ‘Wh'2t: is that bond of 4 pmce ? I1’: 3 1‘4OYaI%f€nf€,Ai”s»th%at tfivé} pie ,kn0—t¢of 4true IQVE %and% good‘ under: F Handing between His%AHighn%efs& and‘ Vthctvvo Houfcs~Of;Parl,i»a.IIi€I‘3t.4 In a %.po~V- 4 A M ~1AitiiqiU€‘.&C0flfid%€ Y.3ti0fl'g it thfi conflii tutionofour vGovVernI:11€nt ,% Whet'eb~y‘ have: another triple Cord, Abefides % “ that:A :0? the thrice} Nations united into fine. COtnm~onW€al§h,%¢7Dz52;. the .CQnfii-~ Mturion ofi-their %Svu+preme VLegif1ati~ve power: eonfiifing Of aVfir1~g1<¢ %PAm-Ion, and twoHoufesTof% Parlia~ment; ;%wbich “.CoI?d~, While it %isk€_pt: W611 tw"iFted v:Vg€“ther,.Vbe%”‘a great flrengthto V Mir: Afelf toflthe Nationssg and V ;to the» . ‘ vpe p1a€«Godinthefe, and all our g% s round %ab9u»t If 0n0€fT?7_i~t Lbcégxn-. t0»u11ra4vcl~, and: cm) A aim thetvVoAendsefa1lA one from »a"no- ether , andfrom we middle, all Wiil J run A to ruine.e A j Therefore be very care; fix! [to hoilde faflthe -bond_;, and beware Of" all fuch gas A {ball . be picking A at the .kAn0t 1,? Auncler what A colour A, Q,-:5 "pre-.,-V ~ tenceV Io-ever, A yea tboughtheye promifi: e never fo much, and under~ték_e to binde it up as fail, and in a better‘ A fafhioen. then ” it was before. This_etyA- ping and untying of the bond} anti ecmntinual feeAkingA after new faflxioened %kn0tAs,el3a~th put thefe Nationsetomuch troubA1'ee,:Le and'i'nt0* more danger. ; It ;A is good to eho1d»e4Vvhat“we Ahavtfa Atifl we are fure to meet with thatwhich A ‘:isvbet_terA4; And of a11 fafhioan kno*t$,, «the Nations Willebe vvorfi fapisfied vv4itI’1 .a Bovve ‘knot,’ at Hiding, aee fli¢p.e1mo1:,. A‘ flwhieh will be ‘aIWAayes Elf’; A and l,AooAfe,e ,which every touch at . eeit}§ere 'endv_vii‘1 difl"o.1ve,andA leave theNatioVn»sa_al4Ways’at A uncertainty alwaysmx utjfett1€ment.e AA «But: (22) But the Aknot which takes in A Aboth A endfi, the top..% A and} 4 the bottbmey , A and joyns t}v‘emvfa:I’t togetlaer, an<:l A t':oV the mid.dE%s%with 3, tmbie knot, andwhereé-A £322 each part ‘ 1‘1<:a§ gas A Qtc) fafiefl the othér.-34 ;,;ndth€«‘(;§3.‘;1Vving :e?:it}€1::r ebnckdfaws afl neaxw .22m%c"E.0£aE1: tagxtxher ; thxs W111 1_1*23.E~:c* 3. fzxafi §:;z"2o‘i'_-, Ema‘: I: by Gods blei; fing1i§aa: t0f £L:0ld,~; and tocqntinue. And fu%re‘§.yfwVt3re theirs‘ no ofther confi- deraticm but this { g§.v€meleave4-toA re;-3» pea,tit,though4%IAhave ¥aidV£t once befor¢e) this aione sW¢1f€%.ffUEfiCiffltA%t0w. make; us Ezcep %,_c:1ofe %tc»g;etherat this ti::x'x4L:~; beg-A saufe We "Acsmzzotfall in pif‘C*.‘35g 313 Ehi::‘2fg}"5 now Hand ab;road,4 bug the whole Pmreé ‘Rant interefl, «throughout the V \K«"E‘.1()lii‘ world, f is like ,~~to fall afuncL::r% a~Ifo% A4.we% W1! baziflder banfthe Ifwaérey, W”Zf and rate: in Ge-rmany , A 490:5? the Llpper, ;V6£72&l} We 5 Lgwery and’ V%Na:rt{0err2 ;'J2zir3tJ% “of Eaxropafi éggzaz to flare ~t%/aeirwzfntercff A ozber-* % at/aé9v'1vzfi*«,~ and A~ ta 4 difiErént‘ 772eafin’é 6? C 23-) A tbe?z'7'% gCa;7f,>démci6J3 1mm'iaZ!z}17zz(eI, A than flw-' é§2¢€r2_'y tbiy:?9;z've dame 5 W7e / }7“m’1fi‘7zAe;Ie z¢pan1'l3a A 1 matter 5%: 0226 mgg/_e émf—rIo,:ztLVz.rA cg}?/{dem£2—Ze,4 : to~ chéc/<1 2/06 g:r"01:a7iAng gyaljzw” {f Zbé Auflrizm fmi%{y £72 tbq}/25" party, w.«5{:*7e;¢rz{a it ’c;mz7pt 4 %longmake /oecml‘ ,&1a22tboz2zt M fu;2]Jo7“t m2z1A hdp fraVr;z%pt/izem anal; flay}? wheme ozzefiu, any rim: V 13’ cozg/Edexaé/e can; 17¢ exfyefied, 1'3 mat bmd .%tAaA" jggdge. A Iflrml/not maid in 722574616 ym 0f A that more 72€u7”[)I caricei”-Herb you it;/3 Q nearbbérzcerny you ,A that you’ cmzzrzot éiutée fezcfilz/egjf it mew 2‘/J6‘ przfem‘ co22a’itz'o7zA' af .‘a7‘fi2zirx;, "iv 7c/arianto the“ Sound amli B31‘?- Fti::‘§£5i:fa,, vpzfirl the gm’ztF arm 50215’ by Sea A 417dL‘m'2¢Z,7I/ogrzt /an/2_t}J;tt 13%;." A1725] V/om? V %2»2z4§13~% /J3 upbelcl 5 I A ym A V fir, mCrz:J.’;"*3a‘127fc207¢Ibz'5'272¢2yAA é'2‘i72g A t0& rbe Stake all ~tb«.2 ]i”1¢af€fI“rlr[S, 2vhe'r'e2a7i:zfJ§ Zaur 1!/Va!/I’ iesi Wa[/f,; ' mad Z“/oz? w%—[£Ai:zz§Je %w07f‘/1:1,» though I"/Vbadden ; % ~ioA7/e;r ) = A /eimae M yaw? ca27fl}1e7'a;fio2z%4: xfml /Jaw 4 A ’Ac§'z'%t~z'ga[ AA t}.)i,r;"ve7:))ASp7'ii§:gwm‘;3y“1;)Ar‘oj;9p ta 2kg” _ 4.... A. mug or /afing qf'yom' »:»s‘W; om/1,, W1; ,4; V fig,’ (24) V % your , T/T/2.72%: be o nce_ /5:92; A that kim?e;%J zvbmyw J 211.3 getjup Agata w“”tI9é piIcbwIaere~22ow%_yaz£ are, none éur /Jeazze/J’, who o%72e[y( Md; that too in azssfz e_xm}zardzn4;y n_m_y) can lag/P: flu up ag.£zi;2,%” be ”0J2e1y4%cm2A telZ.Ld j On tbeatberfide; far the at/oéruliraiac/J ofthe Houfe‘a;3-C Aupcfia, wf9ic.’ofl7me4time:V hath been, azzdi mnyfizan ée .a,g:zz:-241/ae terrour % mad jmlazfie the W19-ole) W5-2:/dj yo;;lgza;v; wimp B,zV[/;zn:e.z£ 02262’): hath, aizd zgpon: what ticklz terizuztrzaw flmirdgy mad lvbgtflzendx j he hath maole %,‘ and what he fizftber; :.bo17e.r to make of old, Ewienzierg V and wb;tt%a§{17.2nta¢% gas. be M124, a72:d fiill flafther ‘bope:%%ta%' m;.z](_Q Avqf-them; 72010728!) to your prejz4dz'ce,, and 4theenda72g;ering afyour mine, [mt of tbafl’ t[9emfi*1've.r.alfl9%in’vthe end, A W116:/:5’ be/[)...V zngbands, )1 A?i7zlz cements? ofipreflsnr ao1‘va7it;z§ 1 ";l:ef~,;~ ~~!’J6 Aeyédemzaurs _t.a Talmw to bi: a/fz'fl"m¢ce,'4 ?}ir%is pulling down of Vt1'oair%awn our-» wo7‘k.r,* and A ‘ upfarts. t 2': triiejae hathfizfléredw flme ;.I3reci_cbeJ‘ , %azJzd¢ receweol flmze Wounds ia1te,.:'. but ‘haw _/;*0fl,b}.'tbe./9811) qfjthqt V" A M wffi cm _ vafi A Treafizre, which he almwes Carztzlquafly .quieffji“bame) hzemay repair ‘thlcfe Brczrtcbeyg and heal up tbofle woundr czgaliz, lwfho doth not fee 3lS‘ame Azhing: aT¢’fit£6Ai‘fflfyvlzifftlhflughlifd 4 *7! mm the Indie-s ‘ be mayl llbrirzlg A %‘fl0€?2 yam? eazrx; tbererll are tbzk I ljlmll 0723]): fly A in l general, liltlmt 1:535” appartmziiiexl which _y0u.lM_ve Iazwlmndyct in part /94%, A *2‘aput_yaur{ A ‘Int"e}‘efl,Aaznd tbatA“z:f your befllFrz'e7zd.r, m fame mgaflcfm in zjlzfézm m:zyA_~[5azzll ée: /afiw, (27% they benat already upon the Wing) land ithwit may never be your power to recover I tl5emAagazn.l A Therefore His Highnefs 4 n?1akcthA nd quc:l’:ion,l but tlmt. you will talw thefc things into your fpecdy and fenious llconfilderation, an thatyou will think timely of thci means; of lDefenE:e and Offence inorder ‘thereunto. I l %Tl1e lateParliamem having engaged «in this Warwcryhonumly madefome cnficlerable V provifions to carryAnl%tl1Ae A *lae*me,l I fay c»n.lic:le’rale Witl1A*llrefpAeé1lto D A ‘WV '§uf_Iit£]€ world, gum;-' whichthéy W€ife*7t0#;b"é%r aiied A 11o4t A proper-~ V tionable to-thatgmatWorld;%4aud: thofe val? Territories aindDominioi1s Where: 0? 0urEm‘-my 1s~P°iT€fT€d a.ndWh¢¥€% nLPbnV~A“the,y7V viaunt Ai:hcmfe1%v*es,4% -thgatt the 25525 §§asa§d:%£a§4.é9 Eh? E§:§§Na§§9ns S1in%dothncver A fat... But our A cbvfifert alfoyon theothcr fidé is, that he that is our Sun: doth nevcfi fer,: Aand e that "eur:%fh:ieldV%vvI1§ nev;c3r~fa4ilVus.* A A Yo‘-uW11=l" rec~:¢1v*‘eA a dpart1c:ul ar% Akcl % ‘é£ompt_:_.,.V from thofcu Vund%cr;& Wh0Vf€** vcy and ca1:eAAithofc things atte; jfthe‘ flate of the p1=nb“l1iq;ue Revenue, and‘ @E: the Forces both by Sea 1 and Land%;. yeur inward and outward [Walls under-G5,, .and‘as; go odas any inthe ~wox.:ld._. But 7as;all* things which are are N 'a:ofily,1'o%can It not “B: Vexpeéifledxbut that-~ Charge of them fl1ould«b¢gr:at.;V - V I-I1i*s H2ig1ine£s1iatBA affuréwycovs that fiwa A1’~m)Vv(fp¢aK of» theforcés?b4oth~« W ( 2,74 ) A A V i%~sadVMgb’bd %é1'it1dMfaithfulV:Army5;; Tan1d% be réaciy to engage in every good thing and aétxon wjhereaf %%no¢manTe14ther wrought; 6: neéd to make que"flyion.‘“ is A hath furthcrv m1dy«;yu,,% tliat :they% are a~patientArmy,-and when%y<;:»u4%% A gfeetheAc:compt of their Arrears‘, tha- " willbe out of qtléflion ;andjWitb0ut all V %iqueIIionsGod hath ufcd themas fingulax: inflmmentsof his honor, and of «theA ho-A-44 nor of thefe$Nations :: And ‘as Eng/mzd by =Gods mercy is “now enlightned in the knowledge the truth, % it wou1_d.4Well ncarvenfturca H'~arving, {thou}? God be praifcd that is not its cafe) then 1t would flarvefuch an Army, in fuck a Caufc-3, ‘wherein the honor of God ‘and of the Nation {hall be concerned.A This I ‘thinkl may advemtfire to fay in genei ral, that out preparations Aarc not grea-3? : ter, than ’ our Ne7ighbors4,Vth9ugh our Concern is*e%\‘reryV way asmuch, ormore A ghcn theirs; nci.tl1der are qur deb%tsg%re"aa: A D 24 ter (28) wt 7thc;n thcirs,though wéhavchad V more» Vomafinn ofexpencc; or~»ful1*»as much e- very way =' And ifouir" in4c4eme*had an- fwered%th e fomof Accomps , which the; Bcf0r¢AI..¢cenc-lu I‘:*=muPc" again r¢i;& la£’cPar1iamcnt¢went upon in their in. tended fupplics, VV~C?‘,’h1d‘nGtiflC1'€3.f€'d‘: much -ifatall ) the ‘debt%%% ofthe Com. menwca1:h%. , ndthcr had we. exceeded}; our boundsg, or not [0 muCh~GMMgd5 blfizfling Aon A*%em‘ defigns ) as W: hive A inlarged its boundé and*Tcrritdories%;‘andAE that. a1%f‘o5_ foaidvantagionfly, "asnot ncly the danger W of I-Ifiilc i%nvafion, and Trade-*d%cPcr0yingM Py racie is.,;fccat: a further diPcancc4 from us, but ~ alfo much Honor abroad, %I:0gcI:hc1:»4~with fafctyanfl“ advanmge 3“ hflmb, is thereby. accmed» i1ntoV-thefc.Nacions. A A mace tfiat which runs», 150 §I11uah in r m ‘, 'm‘inc1e; becau i7cit;.%1i,cfs fo much ,1; PW-my ;,.;, 'I7hac% uonaL the xifue “otw your » A 5” gnd«,§hAc.P«cacc,andh ?ca*_n[jfl¢ncy A <29 > of thcfeblationsat thistthne; doth A very] tmuch, ifnot wholly depcud,tht life, and breath of all the hopes, of all‘ the cxpcv A A élatifiyns of tha Churches of C-hrifl, thrughom the World. Sinc€tthe~nthere is fan {teat a. taut’: repafed in you, f()g1'Cat aaPrice put into your hands ,4 lay your hands upon yam hearts; and lift your hearts up :0 AI-Icavcn, where your help, Where our: hope lies. A His A Highnefs hath A the Thrce.Natiotns,5y€3,t11at all the pew fulIy4 cxprcffcd His highcftcem of Far... dliamcntgand His judgcmcllkqaf them, that thcyarc the moft adccpaatmnd com» mcrzfurate Councils, to matters of {Tot great and fo high impeartancc", and He doth as firmly tefolve, that they fh»a1~lt in. A joy allethofet great‘ Freedoms and Privi. ledges which°h';Lvc been gtznmed unto them, inorder to theft grcatcndsg and JHis hope amdt.pra,yer t:oAlmighty God,‘ is, that they may be made ufe of. byyou zothgfc greatand bleflhd ends, that all Pk (30 $1; ofA‘(3 canary where, may rifc-%ual‘I mgm;hcr and blcfsdyou , and that you ymaybc Av'b1efl'ed, and your ,na‘tncs be a ‘xnct%ati.onAs. A ~”b1efl ]-«ng to this and all fuccecdirig Ge: ‘ his g3 3,Ir1,ltAhatI have in c~ha1~"ge {mun ‘ his Irfiighncfi W féy untayoui fa... ving ‘what pax‘t§m,;1arIy A mla-fies I Mthe" Mcmbms oiAthé* Houfc% of 'C<:»m”mm1s :' That they flmuld re... gait to their HaoL1fc to cihufé the EI.7\(IS..