Remonfimce fbhis ¢ i.the.Lord Fleet'D70ad%%a‘Vnd C omtcel A m icem.» A A Ecingéche SefiFe*-a%11d earncfl Defires of many thoufaxids lmmefl weilze A A A 4 : ; ;;f-':£z‘m’ Perfons cai:";;h¢ Army a1aVidA%‘I”::oplc in this f1\{gztiaév.% A Withfcveral Expfllient: humbly offered Exylaénedflevivgda 11fl‘°medé vheImzgg-;if’czrIiazme:etVin ’xcellency_ ,«’Pa§~»£be_;0:trJiug andfiawrzhg 0f our Civil and S;igfritua1% V aV11d«~Frctedo1éns,A.::gmé.’ t}9£'"pu!¢liqfla Paace afthe Nation. % V A C2,, aftbe f}':eé6{}'1ra1ij31¢g=of'./ldaneyi to pay tiaef Arrears aftke " mgal Nayy,wVgmi fmu’r“a: f £41212!) cf %‘mrb,¢z* -«P ubliquc Lugagcmcznvss, V gm“ £126? left to aibcamjglz’/?:[#’t/aefMae%; Amdflféfirwe tz1.r fré‘mAtbn%tA mam; Wtnélgflcpnfufioxa mzd*Defim f’:iaih‘Lwh;z‘cfb /firing: awmmd Wag -~_ remtbé*‘N:f?eeANatiofi$. a’ ‘ ‘ " Con fifl:ed% pxfixmcipallyf of tlnzfc: ~part:icuIars%: zwaaj?pr0é/té;/6 Mal *Utfi51e~~..,?i?’Ja+r{ai3gd cam 72h.)'Jv* ‘;5}7dcT God He conjndcd fqrwith th;e'”1ate I{£:2§,%ini'thc%1:1teW2z:'r,'(whc1%e3u% * %thcx¢w%as« g1‘¢&E‘%“€ff'u{io11 of,1CkrE[2£an%b[mcl; . and vafic: Tjfiazafiirg f_p;-ntgfj ' Pc7fa‘;;5VandV Elma: .%n1ig,I1r% not be ‘difpnfé/cl of at 1:115‘ A2'birr:1ry%'bu§Z£ 49:4 filegzfuve of the King ar1d%his_e'vill Cajlmfelloimg and dther his 1001}: dalkefeialkg 1‘ AA ‘ ‘ 3,3: f¢CLII:Ef{V'"a£)djPijQ1i§:fl:Cd~aCCQ1'di1‘!g‘ IId%;AM4g21flM :CI9m'£%a,% thcVPetitiézz éfRigI2;r.‘, andA ‘ % whi:1l%éI'on1n:;.%%L a3gjggs%%*made for‘thc Dj¢:;fcm.¢‘ and‘ Safety _oF thé.P(:0p1.c,‘~.AazC§aJiflQZ‘ ‘ x M vu- ‘ jigrpgg-gf5i'g,;¢;%‘.'%%:;x; d grbétrarifltfig‘.;which} ix1? thc:>f¢ *’dz.1yes%; were too often‘ +’éi=§¢tC11ed;~~~ ~ 43 ” 43*?-i~ A %._.;,:j?‘.c-MY:..1C*§1::l§.5;zriv3t.:¢gzfifligblifggzd Frecdaim fe¢fii::e%ci £i£it_<;§ u%s~.§ tqbnmeim ;a,,;%Vpga;;t“e»15=;g%;;£e:vézd.4f:o;;:i;:he%;wg:age mud‘ Fra2*jfl;. A£¥§”€¢”5§¥,'Bij}7;§fps A _ a2l‘¥5'ri_*)*£?if§§ %*’W‘Ii0V,%g§i€V?5Wfl3%AAP£?*f%¢fl‘%¢d 311753"? 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AAifr1g},;;jgA;¢;if*-‘oxxce theipcoplésAAAVSpAiritz3ia.{7'fi;id Ci*aV%;[Af_.2f{Aigl.§%£A&, ’1_;l:{2e'rrie& mid Pr0p}'icti.eAs', ‘“—¢,;e;efiE&Lig11yA%f¢1;c1e;dAand'efi;‘b13fl1cg.A A so tha1“c“th§S¥ Gm! 501:! “Carafe is oft, Afar % “longer fiandingg, and-htatlx its—efi;:nce;’~andV'begin1j1ing%before the ten‘_-y'1_tfz;'s times refixed in Aafllatc printed‘paper_«A,A: andlozggbcfdjse121161-’£ut%_1op% or :'}11s.§:_r,;11~@atA Grand» {A And in ord ' A Ems; fiG 0;§d‘%OZA2Z'C7¢rIl:fl?_5 E116 %PgAr_lEamg;Aug See their M :%D%ac1a”rcd t3h*c G1'b“§oE ~th€:ir' lzflzc procécdinvs‘ 5 "And of~f<‘:ttAlingz; the_‘Ga~.:gm'2m’2e22t 1'Jcclara.-M V “ im;he' way AcA_>f :1 AF T AT E;-:.: Wfiich lb-zinc? ff€—fi0u”f1y\ coxxfidfircd, istign of Wufficiént t0*”.Tf€ttisfi3 every‘hiinémconfciéntlous _"wfé11lé1§eL‘i:e‘d «xfxiair tcitiching thi1t.1f7 Mm«5;;A,A_”j gaffizir. % A 11c'%AO_1FE_s;¢ ofyr fiirzgly‘ Poweryor uncier-rany 7-.ot‘11¢L'»% N amc yin :; figgle Pew. 1.55:8 _ A;’;*_fi3‘;g,A bging wgi1,7%»vA¢ig11¢Ad, vA;I1Ac%I»f';zfi'%e Cl_2V;z:'ge to {_'t1ppV0r§AAit§andtl1cmanner and A cxercife %jti1_c:cc§f%“inVtIicfe% Nations duly conixtlercd ," will a_ppAcar2AtAoA AhavcA"cn-vet: xnoftly to fiLtisfijf:;‘ 11h¢i1‘= OW-11 bofu1_1d1A¢f$ ”Am!2Ait§0}z,A A'%APriH$e5a1}ci‘A'C 7"2l6CTllfyg grhirzziiizg thé: ~facefs*oE the pAQople,-And~pz:0clzgzz»!tjz- fpe1_1d1qg_CIji'ifli47LB/0I»}d,:mc1 rim Tmfim of the: Ngzziom upon pmzfizlizaes of fiflwzom, % pc1‘fGn:A11? T‘irZe§,% and Apm:ticLjilar 7'37/eézge anal[%.;z'fias,% aAr1dothcr‘finifie1'% ends, mder p;;etcAr_1ccA of{}P0lécy 3 Afl'u1_nf.n§3; Atn AA tfxcm1f<;_hrc:$ft3'fat Sz4jJ7‘ei?2zzz3y in akl711*ri£tcer's5.?;-mhitfxm1*1<5;'1d\ii1ay€;- upon, ‘mid * op, A p¢rA¢fl}ng thc%jGer1try;;1nd po‘0r~C0Vmzz2azml:_y x.yi.t1_1”r11eir new invented %Ratcs",< Tgzxmf and Mahapow/z‘cs of all forts; and%oth<:r C6z4r£~Invem£an:5 Cnmprivilegi-o.%~%$VAm1- Vtheir ~CQu1ffS ham bizcn frcque;gt1yAobfegvec1 t@ be the Patterns,-g~ Nzérfizriey, and A ‘protcfitrrs of ;%;a%w;qufizéhea %*‘4z1?i.i‘12izia;z%,4 and laofe2"z‘cfl'£*.w The:’fl‘c of the «i»%C%'"<5f;;;11itj,A,,'*%%%1;I'£«~.~'1x:%ArgflatlensVax.1d-%at§§2;?dams, %p1‘oAvA‘jing» an into-1é1'a1)le Charge and *b1;1,rch=<:uT:% vein thePfcbp[e.?7_ __ _ A .A % A \ «J -A " A A % A The mzdsvamd Anzfigns for 4%wAI1ich%tI:¢ ;LongAz>maz;;z;;«c:zc did arms A»cI1angc cm. %%%Ga*z:-jer72znezz‘z«fro%n1 tI1§s,Ty2'a:22gy, into a '%17rcaeSmte,j%:% z}ppca1*s in their {aid .*pri11ttA:1d ‘~ 1.2ccl%£z%2‘2:z%ia7z5 ‘_t0fb\?y A A _ % ‘[ A A AA A AA I, ~: To p3«yA«;’:5gn;Wmcmdfmwer expense ¢md jiarmft/sic 7“m- f A friifeyzaaqi %V5£2vd ‘@fng1&1‘id;"§ I %~'w?é{l;I'4 ;; A .3 Nafirrz kzzfizcfii rzjfe pgm zsmd an icWi2}io§¢Mbf»efl %R;;4%r%~.¢Am5" 141;; 53 M7.-Wi'1A! 'bcm;mm'al 5} tAIjeAlzcte t:flo:¢[7z’Ae: : /96’ efirzélzyhing we G’M%%‘A ‘&€£??«'m(»f‘tf‘?2‘t ;i:;fJ%;;:irl¢?)I %a*»§?eLfF?erfa:e%’b}7‘ P am‘: 1}, t”md?rV wbamme a?r‘qi{Aéz%- i A 1&fi:d:tfa§z;fjEWiw to ifizm j .lé*;:i >:;aW am» 2453 imyai pg§%ar£;£e:,%;"j ,"tQ__:97?§5?1£A7"ft‘31.3"’«1P‘7§7f0'25’»ve;fign L0,2»+Aa}f€imtiQv}:10f£hc fame AA‘5£;nDAfbt?ilI nec1at§tbefam2%by mt ope:-1 M A etax%;rs2mcbofl°eu:smalt h2Aaviuvssen TRE.assAoN.4 V “$h:;t‘.4‘ f¢”~tl79f3‘?1;”Ng“i7¢??3 Aj”./l"' oéf;-rfing af’7A°re4t?e:44‘ Iz%zmAs%l% %’f,Zl4ftI1¢4*2’«fAzEz‘I4ra.r,fo&.L fkeinaragfls andfioflrffkixg af A7-,»»zd¢:: V;zt% bamgggg-.4» % % _ _% A ,r§dmfi2§z'/?’raz fg}§*,;f V qgzejxaflfibe, ‘ t19;;fl£A'V}3€;¢‘vtfl rm)’ 5% pV%%é2z]?9&fd and 113: % ti)at.W O V , \» % A A “ bat AAifAA4an4*?~P£rfou‘fi1fii*l-“%mafitfaVnfly -y Hublifiaw by» imtAtifl5=~&. v‘®intm~~i» oz» OPEN?«n&91arifl;rs,4%Arbattbe» _ mi-::11mciic%,of the P¢opIeA.~,« ‘byitfinoitilt‘Reprcf¢fim;i§{es; 3 ggjggaa J A tim_’n%a;ll méfifingfififfi C5131!-nltel, (£3 Tyr;mniCEt1LI4 ufurpedAloriunlaixvfuf :AA ”t:bfI_tAM t1;e.Corn_rnen1jc5nFcITddand»d¢C1€3J{';C{’thc ffa % 5: Meg; 2; fheir otha:'?bai:kflz%di;¢gs and "‘fdHi2g§; AV “ gffronz thifgnd?Lold‘caiZfe~§* . _ t A ByAAre%ar¢nAAcs which ir;té;g7'zzp1§'an{g‘thca.1?;§7*li:z2¢ze}ftwere’.Wpé[%}';¢&;§cl and gzfmz. £Ztd‘V.fx-bm accompiifhi-ng the gaad \zbing_,53, h(:»ped--f6;vr.+- and byMxb5.j;n1 pror;j;ifcd%a%nd;in— Ascntied :0 have ,_bC4C11_juVrOv11ghtAfQf4,J;}1E P£é7fil£'..M‘,; _W.‘ V 4% _; % ¢ 4% V V % V A'fiL1‘”fi5ncc ‘chm f}if§i‘c‘,W%hat%fV%gt_gé%;§.1EfL‘Iaa%zgé3~Hb;vt% :h%1p_m:d.:bot?1- 22';-; ;f§he%wG;z:'1,r:Nr?7_mé?2£ % Vagd Gg»:;gr;¢o;ga:s%‘p wag: daub;i%ngs “with‘jzanrgempemljmov.¢xcr5%%“arid fiagregizzgV’2;g;>'Zi%c;zzi+_ % AA .9715‘ ‘ hfiiie. beéi1:%1nadc‘, ::’nd‘%% ap‘pMa.1:e1it %+z;ioi;z¢£id>2s cf%}a11%forinwéxf <0:ubs, ‘ Cavezzzéfizix, % P5‘T0”33R5: D¢%¢1¢VdIi6i1$%%% éynd-¢Izigggc*men:;§, dcfcz-ti11g;of ,V t%11§l:i%: g_Eaorl%%%o%l;l B2'of¢~:=f:£%a;2s % gm! Prim ip,’e;,cven by111{1ny‘wl1d%%bcf@%:<‘c we;;e..£mi,n;nt=;1x1d precious 1:ue2:1_,,for t:11c3.rfl 1';,_§~w% ¢;;9{j_;,’gnz(_gz§1y"‘ _A%nd 2il1_to patch :i”Glb 2,-e$d72%%7z"ze7z%t cliflafifrfl? andm£av‘;7zi;:;g%b!e to A‘ G g 61 na"n&“jfi~“g§‘\‘M£‘ rgz/e‘éz\”; and? fr; ; '1-‘¢.paxgfia11t”_po‘the} _7‘}1;Ig_j¢'meg2t§~,% ” Cmfcieiz cc: :11iz‘l?kzf+ uzzbikiedfigeaplé Qf=-%%tIi¢"N;’2t'2.:@22s. and r.§1%I;s gand ‘ % %_f€E'i'ib‘:£s”%V:1of % th¢, ' honefc; mzz fled, ’ I2! % Cqzzfg ,2 chi‘: fthéir % fjairifs vvere~gjrzmrd‘%~ a"x1e‘i"to‘r772erzz‘cZrIA 3,‘ r¥«'1'&:ii1:* ~11em~s !_w571bl£d, _rheir% bowcls _dicl"yezzm within t}1€1nfc“>r t'h€Té great _ab0m2naziom,'%and Vhiggh L'rcm:I.»z ‘ Vof fl'zit,I2 aiid tmfi cmuxmitted ip the facp of thé Nazziofi :1 who by the a772bi(ie!zz:;1:1d %* ‘ xwetofug Adefigyzs of;c];gr;2;3%[zV%%‘g141%cn;,difp1c;1fing to Goa]; ar¢,%brbu%%gI1t lovh thf: ;r';~;zdp,; T%fe%af:12'c,‘ja1nt1‘ H0ri0"12fofthc’Nd12an1béifigif%dcE}1y¢,d5 A109: 8'Ilt?%«,€1%'C‘1~i%.’.1;"z..2.'s.1"’s:*<:c%I‘;.% and: c x4- -j ‘ % ~cHcfl‘1vc debts‘ contia&_é'd 61: théfn. 7: ‘ f % But to addeinZqz¢ity%t‘o {_i'i1,i1nda_ggrzV17J;i:té‘4tIié$f¢Vtheif tW2:;*);@:;i*,§_{Si0i2S§ H§dvv%n1:ny gm} , };o%;¢_gfil;;nd -pm-{1;g_fi‘etf@d pcoplq, ha‘v‘c.: 1‘-ccr;1"»fi£fca' pcrictplitecl , imprifonfd, ¢2xe%cm._*c¢dl, bani/hed,v%%and %opp'ref]'ed for :1 gm Canfcience 3% their Goo;d§ and Egg % “ fiatés taktn f1;Q1_j“1v-fheln, j c_;;:nt1*arytq[ ‘tI1c%_kn-ow11% Limes.~£J~E%%Ath¢%?£Nazio7z»',: zmd¥l.il7a%r~% ’zies~of tb.e%Ai"‘P pje 5; ;iChthe-;4§Z‘QY$"thC1'€0f""fO ofue-i1,suawcd,% pfom2fcc£:£:-1c1 511::-A dnreai %tr:>_% mainta-in.» “fwlm Inqmifizzm‘~ wcre'fct*«1pfti> blockttp%anfl «01,>£’cr;t:1£t ti1{':‘“Wfl‘}Z¢&£+()f" thé 'rEyare~' .ou:5 I-IAow,n1:xny'* n1en.of.1oofc« pviziaiiflég gzmi ?c%r1‘i“2is'I‘il:%£33i:¢d.9]a Wt:-r;=:«¢-:2ppr§;vvr:'d %mdv: ine %n;u..i’c¢d%w»i:I1$thcfkworkof ‘ théi % M i;«.;1Z[i'ry]; _ % % % V ‘n1outh¢S*Pcopped > And%fiow niaxwg wa5*es;iwcre%ufcd4to; fuptzmrfs :%h¢Gmid nldczmfe, ;»;_;1c4!‘~:%1_fI1e; r£V:;ll_’ px0§'eflb”rs_?a11c;1; % _;a;1ttcm‘s% vIi€_1i§§iO1}L%fi11§1 P%iét§j17; ": lezfitczi it an A the-.L*Ag¢qd1‘p;cp1e of* :he~%.%N,:fi%ic?11%A”to* ~j;zd,4:,e>of. T116]L0”r?1i.s1wihg*”cni%incm;1y»horn A % witnéfs%,=‘jA.~an&;.%‘7 ftcfiified%}%11is,h‘1wgI1% diipleaftixe‘%aga"1x1£tV«.tf1‘cfc irziéyzzélim Miti a*b%a7J1Z%-at ;z,,«2%zim;s~;~% g - ‘ , A.ng1xhatgwh1cE1 isf wo22dwfz41 in .t1-‘Ki: Cy_€f$'0f all x1acn5;»::=W£a11;{ xv»’1%a»t_v2aZcr2caW and A iavanfid¢r;:%ze;:efs: Cam * ?‘Y* ;L;1d * cums: dzf¢1}Ff;m¢z. -¢wmbzAzza:4sMAAA ;2ea»fmA % I ,.im%..t11c%;lLa;?e%Pcé?l' flzmz ,7 didc:1r1‘y%.Q11thc D:;fi§;n?"Qf,_Iz{i22g{I9ijq:~;:«g A1‘xd~l t;I- ::%1~e_::Pm... % ~~%b1i£}?iL;ingr‘,L‘:cif?i»KiJ1ga% %La%'rl9~rrrId*Bifl?o;23a Ewing 3:07 fZ€“*1¢<=%i:::¢:-i,;firc.ftf1n§:,%% a,c%:.m's $I;n«7:f2ft,V_g ~ and %~%his parry; ; I-It<:xwar‘caL)dy tI~1:¢yA«~w«¢Vr+i; figs} §Z:',.1;’s’f‘-7-’¢~‘5*“'“t'a:?I7th.‘3 ;4Mél’aiia3»+S;re2z;g%§l:‘ .cz2]*2al: A Tm“- f A “ifum afzE2.,mNa£ip;i, .-i;1g:o%%,t11_e%;h;znd‘s fiflgl6f:;R8Yf_.h??:$%%V &C%€9cf%1_tIL:9«fY%.¥*.0' C116 =ifj‘3} To repair; a1=ic1%?b1%e,al;oz£2f% j§2'2',eacbg.”: H; Tc 1-Vega... 4 “lam ‘ha L‘m%?¢$ ’#11dW€0T*iiétS °fA:fi¥fi§§r.s” And bY’God%s«.AaI11fiar;.ce,”ro1ayaAfurcfam:; , 4tlatio;jz;. fog ‘the future za‘2t;zzl§;gz_g;ag1§fflcz£xiggg'_dE‘xtiqti ;jag;¢¢:sf;%;.;:;;gg~;V4i_g;g;,;_g . 129 agxd -"dtirg;-P%a ziergzy *5 j.p‘rs1y" F3: “you” :5 “’ afid W God 1my%b1efi*¢%an<1 1v:r°f:2~=LrAwas¢ir¢v:4evt;aIaé*22z:.%M“ cw.-*ip::%; fen:Ac:«:1;1:aordin;zryzzivzf3*irzgz2l?s. "Arid "t:h:1t*“mdIt‘ tati“o;:;‘zi1“';’1fi?‘::ri‘5. % ackndwlédgé thé V 7 Lrg;Eflaz‘iz:e;x.9nna%I :;_n‘d, L1:-,1.74z;x«':.<.:c ;4c1-j.{;z1‘x‘t:igesg:t1*f$;1 . prcm‘;cationsj’,ig1'%‘tba§1p¢t%i£'idfi% thare. M “~‘wit!1~, d1:ghtm”bé izifydi1.£i'iisi‘5‘5:.irik1“*wl1<51Iyvp11t_%Q:.;t‘“of 'r7eme"mbrafi'&e‘A!,' Ami‘ evegyinu ¢ 'd1vidu.2fJ phftfgxa %E‘r"1‘¢ }a.hd_ dQ7é2fi;m§;%f£% of th‘e§f ' ranbolyg Gm: us Ic;vc,t}1<;11’\x1av%a11 msefitncfs any!‘ 11”umi1it‘y_,, of &Spirit;, to L1y”thcf:‘: z}1iz“3gs before you: as fQ‘*:n z._ny *%mc77m2taLes of fomm" ;zc%£0‘j22,,s,jM th;;;: yorij"1j:1t1y"",¥:‘2n:3;-c.. ‘V fbyg zwrqid the 1i;ke e~uz'![,tfanyc1 31-_;:vcx;r‘% thufc i;/gjgp%;¢@;2:zi¢nV%ce$iwlgiiéglu; ¢§ar:f¢qucn£;g ‘X mztend =%11.z*%7'z'¢~m3%=m¢.rfin;fie2' ?*«7f1w46?s»4d1~éx3ug9:nr;:d¢ th¢A;p.w_btzq:ha'0u1'4&vnAtAP.<5'rz?y-i BL’1"$“1“t‘-1,16‘ Aiad;4¢¢nfid¢??§é=%1%°i1‘%09"%f2z21:i:~%%rr+s; imd taml W faZ7zzz_.g;;‘_aujay T of « 1‘na.‘1‘1y [pious and ‘7iv0rzby"_lpe'r‘fQfis_$ ::h_a€"wcnt”»béf0r‘é[— you,” ~.vl1c~,fe‘»»<:ng;s x.jver¢“1‘:l'r2gge¢}%%_‘,% and t1mnfe1v<:s‘i2zfn2z're%cl ‘~wifdm1 thc xvorIj&1y‘“tb1np;;% ,:~mt.lo11 of Satan t0_0L11‘ S:.wiour%, wha 1'v%avc‘_pr c:fcL-.rjcd» and_er;_1%b%r?aced,..a;‘1-1 };,+n%~c%I3]y 1'1-gj,..~ £g“e-,~;zg;Izf,% b::fo__r6 the Ere?/fitl ‘I{_in_z,gdo%m of %5%Ifi{,:::av_en“5%$‘ wehcwci bct:ter“f1opf:s% ofx,-ou.f,j .‘ find our piayjcrs {lmll not Aceafc %t*cA">";}x: A%;¢r,1;f ,th:it,ydut {cal ;ajf'a6£2‘a7z’ Iiojhgg ; .;pcop}»c;.%*1my]nct‘bt"r£bata¢M‘dr ~terrc*l£¥fgei“fil?V‘CVonqcxn,1r1j§;3t§; = _ Pfapofkillia?f4fié§,mr}j>eac¢ and fi::Vt!em%i?t the‘ b 1- “Thai: the;,:t¢mg~;P;zr£i2tm£nt,fo5 was "aforefai.i:}, V imzcr11§r~ptcdr':*irLithcin,Api-u:§:eding5,%~ » -Whé férlcd.Vtl§cv¢%Geyqinm:mn*imTt:he%:wz£yr:%of.Aa=.:F%re.eJ$'rzm-mg . %1:my:be.£¢m:1ms:h:cem2e.; med and rfc-m?ftab1%iflz¢;d%.%1A;1d‘foj.V;1xat pnlrpofq,‘ T»h§%%%A;rn1y;%%and:%othr.-§:.;gbod:$pbop1c‘%. of the Natidng wn1r1cf.deé1a:d';«to .flE‘a%n<:1“byg, and‘ p:‘ote&>%“V'thc1fi*% ix'iVo1:dt:fi? rib a:nA%~ee. . fc3c11a1r‘f‘£::t1.'cme1it?;of'%tI1c‘gcach%things‘ ‘by: thexxmgpx-oriii>fed'. jm1%AA1i;¢1a1 ?’ fi3r:h7tb*:1%1c\%A%‘ People in thcirfiiif-¢¢.1?3;c<;1arém:i§3n fof"L~h: :;.7th% c>f M;a7‘ch, ii64‘$‘;»J And £‘c:$§-A furtlmer” % provifion to bc?madc; asmayn c°cl>nd%uc¢’%«.to Wthc‘ p3im:c\andwc1fax-<3 of the Nations, ?.bein';r_§ the nndfl: V{iI5:b1c;r”e%1i*1:ti7nii1§;Qwtlaibritygiqnd nxofi probablc 'pca;fons‘%?°:gs“'1f:*é%tc: , " % own their-fund tI1e:w,Pyrrfiiés%15rVcrc¢cEiing,s~«a§_.,§ainRthe lzité 71Iicjl‘§7-iii?%p:tifty5 {b€ f,z‘_£€‘- ~~tcrwards% a-dmitteds and % " _, 1.« %3M 'Th:it‘ah:er ;1futh:rc:c1emcn‘c¢5 an:A8:i may be miAéqxil11~REp1*‘éT§fil3;‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . _. .mtiv~e'ai'1d idifiributipn of*‘E1e&ions%%%_ for th€ffut:;1rc5; W%w%i'tl‘1“fictiii§r'?qu:L13fié£u;iongs.%andj * prqvifiasns for the:f1;it%urc~fcCu1'i1'1g\_Of1:%015-FM‘ peace » xrights*s Ii §rri€sAv~’and% Prifif A ?79VE}j1lafl'"3:*Z ..‘..:—A»%%‘4 ‘theNfitibn_., th¢I1i;e1‘f:f’cf%”o?£?a’ Fi’Ce!:;SE1tCQ'[;:‘\". % A a W4 - .'17h'*r ' T'+fiI"itifl "0—f %tfh’¢’Vi Na?:*io‘:1ffi;a;yg be‘ v1ntr7u{¥ed»:1n% tI_1£:; h:t11cy1VS%“ 95: }>1_€%1'f<_>I’%1;%-.“v ‘M * : , V3,‘ » , A «; Tjh;t1f zxMa1ignan'ts and‘;-7 pe1«£dnsA%<111a&e&ad A :o4*:his* rmuiémeén::I:érA%AHm me: % t1%inro% ‘1accs;.m%i1iro%.s:% J%«%1or~lc.ii?iI, %cm«w7éyy,“‘J““ :4 ‘ _; , ‘V , A’ s»o1a1d1€1As=4flth-ma A~%§f€?i;»..=*A*%:**5f%‘4‘.VF?>’€¥“?’.'?‘3?T‘?‘.‘%$y ;°W»‘4#f¢~e «D4 W a.wg<>°M¢ C°z.1fcAx2+%%;A "‘€@.&e“mhfi-VE‘”beEI1+P\1.rt$:“<1»1-rtjkijmaytabs fp@€d1Ly41*€—fi<5;:cd; A * ‘At ‘A % A" » A A AIA AA A -4--«Ag"#ThgAfA1t}§"E’ Lawés Afmd cxhofbitanceé '6€'ACv39iir1:As‘AA hf In A Aace officesg my bc 1?¢c,§,tfI‘f1téAt‘(5ai1€1 1 7 “P6091? Céférl Afrmn A fhéz {>1?I’cnu€ti‘<>1is,~:Achgurg-,andAd¢1ayésA in Law fA?c§.-fcjédin‘ A A 7"Tm;ti1eV"ArrcarEs‘”o‘f the ArL}1yi_:i.nd I~fIayy,,m%ay__:b¢‘ Paydnf avndifm. thcmtultc ’\ {mu-¢d_ Ami [bait nolpggrfon be dzfplaccd 13.1 an arbnzrarjz 1f11’%i1‘xrIe‘r -"as; foi*11:écr1y‘5$«—.. 1 1 _ according; _t%b{~tI1e%.%Law?é§,5‘M§L1'tiéE find Ciy_il;. I n11mr;s5%.c§I;aL111x11at.Zc;;‘1s,%;111do:I1e:%lcga1l~A pgoccedizags againit them, « % 3»That provifion bc made. for tends: Cbnfciexmccs , and others differing in nmttc;-sA%of form, and they freed from the formex; pcn7fec.L1tipns. .. 1" 7-{9} A;[*;h,é,‘c an A6}; df.A1ndc %I{§n1uy~.wai12:1*;P:irddi:1,'..In::.E;y% be made fo‘r‘the-Aofiiceré ind: % smuldie'1r.5i}Aof-fthea;AI1r£y,3: and 40th-61785.. t1' 1mv‘€*. *iega1’1y»,aé1iA¢c1V in ~BL1blique-Aplaccs, I°i1it:1b1;cA£:cx3%A;‘thc;natpim;;a1id»:§:inige1{cy%%A20f the re ;1fi'aire»s.A ~ HE. fi'1:*11g,;fjcfYé‘éi;u2i1.%% nxterzincs iihc. ‘;L1£7ed,1. to *beAgctA d%A.'c%ontim-1A6 A<-przateg .:m‘d a, :right:?-, ~A¢;51fg;m1e;;‘ft;i1j.diAn§;‘ bcztwiz-;t.L1Ls%:1ni<:1;’?<>t'1»r N'c1ghbouraNa3:ions5;«hart-by ?T»L‘:1d:: and Com- mexcc n1A:1yA beacncour‘agc%d and ma1nca1x1cd._,A bung; alxmfl lnfi anddcrc:tyc:_d,‘ to the . A:-g1in;%bfA111any Merchantsvand;E$i.tx1a1lics,..%VA A % A A A A 1m1vafaii1£{3€a;~ m«ifi7‘2‘gA ;ofiaAAman‘ie:: Ji i-T1"l1aitfa¢grandAC0fl1i71ifit¢t"bc;zppAoi%ntcd,%«and-Ad‘fub..Cmnt11i’Erec zzuthox-izacd in A- wery[C:oux1ty,£ninc:;md take the :1Acdo"m«ptfs* of all Commiuztccs, A-Cor1m1ifi"i- "Cmers, Exg:ifc:rm_:n, Treafu;~crs, Rcceiv¢;7s,FAar11m5:s and..C3ol1_c£to1*s of the }::,1't§liqu<: monigsrgmd :Revem;uc§f;1m;l<;gngxng to%.the“ St;;tAc3,,s_*1*nAany fobcr1<:nQ>.v~i.ng113m, b::ix1gwoE% %o.p_ir,;ibx15.tIiz1tAArhttrc rénmxns %a:bove~xmao£=s ~l}; :;:A1‘iac‘com1ptc»c1Ai“m-5 .:AcmAc at -t$1r.~:« Tithczsi :1:§aAAdACiaurclagliyipgiig4.Ivz~;3z£¢q,“3x«y'};i;,}}s>7y:g:£;§,M3.:1\grstnglmafxxrc§1i'co*VE:mi5 and xuzA1d<:r ¢s§a?m%i’nat&au»1~:in»t;h¢:A’m;4»'»Pearlm1n.ent4:A< A M ~‘A M A A A A A “A A .. .>«TAAh2u: Tcichen thc?F}e§s:%%%a1%1d» Sa1Aa1: '$ As ‘of thc..gAi"and%OfiEte1'5 bcA1on>g,Eng to the me-A fpeétivc: Courys of the Nzuzxonwmay be rct1'cncl1ed and 1'egu.1atcd. Or 'ra;l1er , A an. yearly Mulét in1pofedA on xhern‘, fi.1imble to Eh€Jpr0fit& of that p1aAc;es,_;%toxcont1nuc¢‘ . ~. 'A:j~L§mf;11%me.«p¢ibLiqLgc»Adcbrs¢.%o£th:iNaA;ionAberpayd; M V ; %. M A ‘ 3% That the Pegs Gf the o‘randVOfl3c3cr_s 0fthC5A1‘?fl1y»gfiIld»‘Of oth*.:fr~pLib1i<:§uc:Aix11A—-g fikeyfiiéhfifiginiay Tbéclikcwi,;Ae‘%»rct:1Ec~:«zv&:‘}ic§‘c1,Lixiizzi1! ‘aha «pub1%iq%uc_adL'bcs a11c1?ai";'ear%s ofxthc - Ar1’ny‘Aghdwfi-IAavy’Abe,‘A‘payt3. .AA3‘1‘d tflat-ACV&>mpanics midT1i¥dops“ {1ua1l%con{1"fi of full‘ A iE1£:4%A11i¢*ny;géd« } iii =13iAE§1ic.j‘uc¢ ir1'1yfloymA&x1tAs. .~ . zmxaaxbcrsgv-i—7Az_x:_acl1% ‘(3:én1pan~y rm: 1:$<:fidcAs A%0ffic%é:~§; 3: every Trad? .zwo.And that V fupcxfluoug Officergmay ‘flue fparcd, tr": t:afc%tl1r3bLirth£:11 of ‘the ‘0<'min1oxa—wVca1th, % v(Fhiii3I1-'feiif§1111‘éS_1*:§It 3:c¢LTon%a}_31c.fii1AA ¥tAS.‘mc »«0fAAA§;pcac§:“A;,_ ai1::1.‘.”«i:>t11A1:3r£1J%iféAfpgovidcélfi i7br,:1x1d I AW4 AA$*l1::§t~-24fi1chV;l%1fihiiA1icAi1tAarixiW‘C:;11thy?15ciIf<;ns”A;‘ -who'.wAc%re the’ chicfi find ;n1a§n In'~ V %, in _;:§;teA1:,1';11g,1:Ij£¢A;fi;t5**y*£~:1'I1x’11EjAif1i2“ fmm :x%’F%”rc:Ac Stam _.,A % and\‘fi1%pporLing the A AA 1 i%h115 ;Ac§i¢irewat¢I‘s xrxcpsiy Age ch:-A A .~. =I1i;¢1A‘déFr!aying 0*‘ '¢»tLh*=r”* .12ub1i¢1*1¢ AV¢ha1‘g¢s the Nation; Ana k Aaxzy1&@i.A..¥iVfi%1?ard0nAA and Ind%mPnitY ’ the‘;r'e£t,j which A is ’b0rh?favourab1é‘anil"F * 1{1j;od7¢i**E'iit7c‘*"5' Afincc it; is humbly Conc£=:iVcc1“,‘ flthbyf haVe"fd}§f¢ii;éd their flvcsan-Vd A‘ {":a‘tr:é,,‘ {by the ft"1*355};r;efs'%~of thofc:* A313 Q? the 14th and :9th%M¢§¢cb,41g4;3_‘A L nxapy of tI1c_A‘q£B;,§;dQrs%% have AAga%insf;cl x;1fiVE£h_1_tcsx byghc 1g;e~~Awm;.¢g‘ ;,1d'%Gth¢L_{ - p"ub°1iquc I1np*i<5y11’1cnr5‘. 'Befgre we‘ zamym Sagzrm dam; M, We %dafi;~éaz Are A bonfdcr, IA. % ‘Ha mPAcz$2¢i1CyM’a11§1 Iv1L11~£iU-14¢¢f;:fth¢« dEfflV£IW5_es ;at-Athbmc a13c1:A.\A abrdati, -in} ‘ % , ftexjefi-{of A;:;h;:*‘ FAar11i1y of._iT-he-’S£h'-itrts ;%‘.Tl:i¢:,,?1‘2*e;z "ties5; 1?tacg,_;A_;C0jgfigdgr,5a5£w¥ and Alliaades Qf“Forreign I"2'im."_;<:s%a;1d' Astute:-%who111AA*you have difobliged by jy-*oL1;r'%D5-v.ifi07.__){€31A1A A11®t_giV e your 1drc%%%RAgpyg;. _f¢2:zt;zz2m%nn_z1A ..4ddre/fie :3. dtniall ? Havc ybu done .well“ to breakth€:1afiAA;Pdrl£n¢- mcnz: to affex-%tA%thc Goad QM caztfe, and‘i_n~x?111§diat§1y_$;gg;g- trample it ut:dE§%%%%y;c§m_- f<:<:tA 3 zzxuj whnllypo ‘defer: your’fi-icxids' add will, Icavb ~ 3,i%eL1;*3;fi;rz,gle7I72tarcfl‘and._Famigs tofperifla in year ofwn‘%j~%7fcXf~%feck§rig‘waycs :,>’%~?k "Mail: youm: _then.cal1 anothez: Parliament 2 at1d_wi11Ath;<:y=%aAnf»ver your cxp¢.é3;a§;ions%ag§»%% % o;1f*m::her$ Clmfiife you forxglifiblving th¢1waI¥, anc11yvbol1yi%$Ac11%%sba‘nd you.‘ gig W A Gzan%th¢AInt<-mefiof a fi22gl¢~1?4m%ilJ!in_oppo£i;ipn coA.thcjstmzm~, 1Lo:xg%Af:;b;% 1% ‘uAsA..VinjPt*aVa;ca a:itiAAAanfvV£hitlafi; M m1d’;%i £39‘:-“PA A Wi11'}11o§:thC% Ilfttv-’:r<=£Mf.Aa.1?ree~S:a:a mom;,pr9§3§}?1y%Afilppqgp% and_ M fifi Ikopleg‘ whofe general good and Inrerefl W11; be :i1W01Y¢d %th%er'e$in, V and ‘eve;:y;; {*3 m;1n b%o_Lmd:,to“.yc:ntui?e; v‘%1ifl:;-and,.forrunc;A:o maihtainA%i:.'; even the Chav;11i_e1‘,~whofl in Iaarxzimxr-:111d laafizeflyk cannot: be either. co111p<:1lcd or perfivaded to jfet up and fupporcf onq,F;1n1i1ye-I;7n:€rcfc aga infi??the other, who may have more o‘f~Law, Righg-,a1;_d‘a Rwaafon ‘on'hi.s.Afide,"Aand man" ’ . W . j % M _ 2 _A 4. Do yoLi;AAj%_;;_fi$?t-tzfindithea~.]’udgmcnts,A&c€ti<2ns,andDefiresAof~tha1ge£1¢ra1it§r ‘es the gocpl Pcop1e_?:*A”’for :1 Free-_-fsrateg V‘ And the‘? »,Nni9i%lity, Gfmt_ry,~ja.nd jCammanalzy.; % againfc ajigzgle Perfo2:%z:%.;;m4d:%;th;:Other Hoz¢fi,= wh.ighfi§ fo,.,,i:zb;1pxigSyA1§%g::o Amcgh; biazlgg, its ConftitL}_twVi;t3n”a11d Q§&1ification.A '»,"‘ ‘ V 4:. mm aAc1wzcériturc.:o-fa: t1pAVaAACo»t2e:eIg ASé%ia:e;5oAr ;P4?3Z.~E-flwem of A yourAown7 .. .n, y Oaths to 'C),b1ig¢ zzhem€rCt0§5AfW1;gif;}i w.i_11‘ nag mamimtion whichyo u may as eafily Apull down, new -111od~c;1l, :a_n_c1% ch:;_x=xgc BA flfld‘A‘C3I‘]§; % ‘ y 'c:mad ‘byfdlfi‘[0153’P0'y“g'.t:S;~ ’OE a Confufizd unfei:tled'A1'myi%%? ‘ A % % _,c‘¢7For.you1° own and the N at:icr11sw yeti il‘I1:1gri11%fCf7t113iS%'f\?':z£ia§& will fL1b11'1i‘t,; to ‘filth;whizm73{‘_kp13@§I¢¢_ding$, and }?b; € mdxr: Convention of the % Lang; -I?a‘_‘rli;z721£?;4zt;,A as me‘one1y\:cfugq%«Icfttfo;:V you”Aa:3d% C cnnrnon P1"‘-‘f¢fV%tl“fis §?;iVfi*%1:§fé‘Am€:1A:i:ot%ion&f AL§z'1;"?,c1' God, €tI'1d th(: folc: ‘CIéirH7‘Agi0n;'%th -‘La CaI1;»‘7§l3~A1'T¢ v 712611;; .Qb1kTV°*dif¢a‘f¢5’:3 " 13¢!-ruycsv-;1:c d‘angc‘L'o:1s.~-M ‘ %