. __,i;¢‘-;.s=1-=2 j: %DECLA % Rdex-ed‘ by the General Cmzncii of the (}fl3m:rs. nfrhc ‘?‘ _ , ~Vw &dWéll1ngiin Aldzrrfgatz: Stre€%t"'next:d(9V0i? OFTHE GENERAL CO%uNc1LV % A01: ‘THE A \~O:~§*F:1 ‘ .. J» . ‘ A ‘ ‘ ” 4.‘ W. 1%‘, , I g “‘ ',‘ ‘_‘ .‘ , ‘ * " ‘L’ * * ~\ ‘W ‘L\ ‘-4» "‘ V‘ ‘ * \ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ “‘ " * an ' ‘ ‘ :-~ ~ . , ‘ in v V» , ‘ , ‘.2. H " ' E V M “ " " ' V ”' wt ‘ me ‘ w . 1-,,‘ . w . 9? 9- ve ‘ ‘ ' .“ '1' ) " ‘ ," g V n W ? ‘ ‘. w *5, 9 3 ‘ "',1 . ,1 .‘ ' ' 3,. ' ~ ‘ 34' we‘ “ ,.h‘ ‘s ‘W ‘ ' M‘ ‘ V, ~ “ I * .; . ; H L’ ~,::...m .2 aw”? ;;...\ sr ‘cu, - ~ ‘ ,3 V , V «'2. ‘ ' ‘ d '1 N r ‘W M V! ‘ . , ‘ ‘ “ l’ 7,; "“‘ " ‘ ‘ 3‘ 1 “ ,. H _, "75 n:";,: I '9 ‘lb ~ x 1" ‘.4 ‘m . *' W‘ *3‘ “ ‘ ;I_ \\ 7§~ W «.z_.;4_.‘ M k . ‘ ‘ .': M at’ “W . .__‘~; F...‘-. ‘ V V . , ‘ . . it ‘ ‘ p ,3, M, ‘ _ :» .:i9773'*~ gwsfid F%V¢i1”E€,C1’i1+1&1x3{v4,“;E’¥ r:-fin \ .£§::tb'd;x9;§w%o?ur% mums: rggbwflfwamm E1:§§‘gaece£I’api;1yA..:m... ‘*‘fifi?‘”Wd§th3»3f:"‘w?1£~f:: ta? ’ . , «.4» ‘a’ me "43,! 1 ~~ ; -\‘__‘,,‘ (K . \ u "#5 ‘E. ‘V aim ‘ I M W 1“ ‘M ‘V ’r 3‘ ‘ 5hW§»%Aw ~=~:%% ¢ :: .:~:9P¢$?&.10«1?1;5;e*3;¥*EA“ : V %I¢dM 9“ » 935 A%@Lei9gm~9:;haf% sir V’ ,. YGC; ¢”trf«£>édA4in‘Eha"£“‘4‘Pd‘ (2 9 7fi{'e4t feeinwig sic hath pieafed Gpd by the hard A %‘5:f EMS Wife arid§,»a‘1A1*<5i%‘fP0fiIi’5d‘¢d‘AP“5Yi4d“¢“§¢4:39 ~ ;Lb%3‘ifl§‘§'V%.th4€ %AF£%3i.?5%M%A0%f4955*K3§°yf5€ Stare andcoirrditinwvheteiner:o$v;A‘ti;i¢3%*‘ bola feivcif ofiligéti ii) give in \£;:ca5§aptV‘tO we Peaple thereof, and ofbur Proccedings chereirfie Mdcv 11.: %u~n%rsegeflfary t;;(~?%g«~l.hC»)"C'"E*%l'{baQ:C1‘{'fiv\;u,»\Wu ‘Er 55 /Ipkillaft, and biifitée fiorth the lace 1;«gfi:;rr€£?i~ omit) Che/Fyirc, 2n.§W9ther4:5parts of thiSN3~t"iOn5 0&1il»l...4F;t§eV:??M%;i&,a¢éé&«.;$V A % ~ \ weal:/a, andof” wh2.tfC>€Ver is“. «z.!alua&/3 and ‘dear unto them, ‘Wehope it wifl b‘E“fufl5ci‘enz aft this time t<§%d.§?:;:lé;.e aysilfollpggrethx. ‘ ,‘ J wa5“L&z Thit Be‘foi*e tbié rive mm‘, wchad: diws r%0n*fuVIrati®ma€%Ax1d of heart .in4_ Vvhzgp _;wi;1j,{%.gnci;,n);1;nner' We ~might molt effehfiualiiy pi'ovide for the“ “‘Pe2tm: and ~ gem! Gavcrn:2;e;at% ®£» zthis qoygzrrzbzzazzegzlt/a‘V; ”anc£{f at "é-"cw, 4wr;xehThaay *¢a‘¢aed%%=£or¢;wA Na:;oxas«;, t~daein;*; me “‘sitt*ing%;4%$f¢f‘%v% ' M ‘Jmc2}t?; A ”?A;I*1‘%:lI*b%_e[i rig likétvi F e A ;d 2‘¢iq3;;é2zlzVl2 4i¥it5I*":5iit {=1jf:‘i‘sog1 zgfucbi:?:sW:»azpfa;f7;% =~as% 1'V*aS.fj: tfiéh ‘a4gVi‘E4e,’E:I M:i%ppn% by? ‘i1§.j,; ;: ho that aétretfC w»c:1*¢,j$car}- “ ;2+M2;;g%%V“o£%j~.%hé%‘M‘1¢a&c~e“m»t;a4» throw th”‘eir= fiexipéflcpcé :1 ‘AfAfi7ai1fs‘ :Amf+;.Gy_m;xn» 2723771, (av) m«mt,xn'e;,1nighAt moit jkzfkly tfelikzexf thé. Fbwvr and» % Tz'z:fl (if ‘thef'c=:.Nationsmtoitheir /azmds, havingV 1 likewife mafia further em:'auragcmamt:,That they, h*aving~1:1.iVn%for fiyme yciars under that Reéuke, "Which‘*GOd had given V thern for ‘thei-rfbrmer c;zr;:z'zz_qgeI:—, woulq che1"‘eby , h:,1jm befen infifuéied :or’c:12ow him n1oV1'e4%c1’{”<:*,A ;~.i,.v:.c¢a<1th:zt 7‘r-ufl¥xw5t1ich% they,.* %~§%jzd%f2::;;merI’y?.%f‘g;ivc~:1Mrmsw; % Andi 1:0 ttfwis ‘A*pL11rpoi'"e~ A 1%. us z‘ey"e;2 t 511 v.wpr¢’/f.?‘o2¢*&%t;i~’ an e%111'inenc p@riAcm,~,‘ : ~;s"i:mA§1:m a$V:1~ ;gv1rm&z%z~% in %bmhT the.1a1eeAP4:rZzm.Ai ?:»W'}‘3£ ,5‘. ., <41 V‘ A 4. ... "v. V ; L‘ _‘ ‘ I :‘K V 4: _ v%f’«r«\“‘*%‘:1,\s{ W W] \ *9 A 5?: 1i'keV‘d2ifW**’?*’§§'A m7€fl;**=(~Wh9«are tardy a?riP“C¥n$;[evei‘y%TWig)? %=o wy /vv1d~*c>farw thing ~ tha4§A’j_had{_1:fie;:1eafl;A ap;iéaram:~a~=a0f czq;2~zs~.;;;»¢A1a_pzg:y,3 . tfiér‘¢bj§r:h()“pi4n g, — nm o‘n«e.iy%+:o~ ke&p1.th¢f§‘%;;NMa§§m 03% ffonw/e¥r1;“g*[“int0 Cfififwfivfiznwfirc PH)’ f"fl‘W7flR’ 5 3 ‘W5 <3?fVQVi’¢%’~”T5‘3f1‘£:i‘P%..¥ifa§9?:3:’: J didTV.:134§§i1% fit. bwin‘ VA % H’ ’ttwjé4%E1>:~Varc~i£"&ev=rmdé: o“£%V;:"»h;i4:”%mJz';+ ;“f<:§i*m"er3 .;«ep"t»hem~%s A béifigiz 1 N am: A ne~r,?y@4.p:¢.§%f£A4ntmt %R€tiIW‘3:~nw46*’W “ .. I ‘ ,.~ ,_ 1 1, 5 9 ‘ ‘ V ‘ U ’ ‘ MW‘) defitég ‘igngii p;r14nc¢Lp}e:s ;%~af‘ote feud: "NI ~ cat?’ the fami?bagA%7;and n. « ' A v $9‘ ‘ Things bemg broughzartas we VAth6AV a9 good by¢%gp¢m‘¥acc% %rd*ng1wy+Vac:c»epzedw»4fomzf A -5 A) 4 a good pefluregtending tomrds Eem'emefit& .94- .~.s;‘;f;;¢7z}a:a,wze did expeffcthe fpeedy fr‘mt:4thcre0f, when mncrary to our%expeé?c:1t1ons, :zmfl:eadV ofan Aeiffec’3cual*a4nd fui1A€t of 0?blr£rijia7¢,:é:(d efirgp{f4!-;,~ %V*:¥;»a%s% the smeazlmm ot%W,;g; a%n%CLc*c;:x‘i;**;;- ¢y;tm3u~n ileivesgg and gather the wclA1~aff‘é&e4d;:4 %p;e@.. pie at" the Commmwiealz/g who h:zciferved%:und_}er V Atheflxxvmer aavigxwmwrs, .‘ fifld%7=»0f %emaauAragémez: to ug5a%)%&V£1d1A t:;h:eImWa;gain%;with %¥c9i*e;gzrfuZ;2¢%].gLin:e4;: A them, «to difvkargc A duties A inf but élfi-&:_‘:i:{‘h§Eif refpéétive ‘ plat: es and fiamons) we found 1w [mg Atmg ,z¢;;Ah;mg%,&,in fu{pencc,~and} at lziflt (after d iverg A and ~@é1%~r:tz*Aefi* impart-Wiitirs to nja§2y; A%MembeAm of P.ar1§‘amm1:).. *ankA-flaf Im1emp'(2zty¢211ne4fiorth fa inzfverfewiia-nd znsfiafiuafi fax: c11eA%&:ndA~sAA%expe6tedA, as chacA\m:3‘t Aonely,+-out?fi'l+ws,4A,V‘»Abut4 divers‘AV~aAtl:m A W¢1::§e!éfé4’ liable: my in-»ina :2 1:4 dtheix, pleqfzyfeg » and fub.}’eé‘t toe?»”tz‘a%u12Zte:..4an.d:,wvZeflatiAa2?MaI:Lglmfoi‘ ;.4c'?.»~ dorm for flu aqpubli%Mck.4S€1?vi.ce‘ MAXI? ammg the cimwf fihgirfmmarfi-itztinggA Kiwi}? fl.nd€;‘LQt$h§13°fiI)C« c§e«8iA7I*gAAA@”&mrcr:am€m£i« ‘ A M A ~ A ~ A AA ‘A Arr! ~f ‘ 1;“, am ‘ W « I “_ H‘ M‘) j N.» ‘1‘- " " ‘ um \-“-M. M .1,”'~_r5«‘ 23 I , K’ ; ‘1*£1g%A&1%ammam1§fmy. x«'M%.‘£% “ « W “ w ‘w V w 4', ., v‘ hm , ‘ I . V - < ‘ ‘ ‘H w~,,.': », ,» ‘ .. ‘ »..4~‘5': é‘ .fi°‘.;,A ,2.’ +. N 1 , ‘U M ... A..‘V,.. , v, a :,w_ ‘.‘. y “*0 "'~ ' -M .~“~'r%‘«t !","§‘ #3-"* I: ‘ .. *4! ‘*1! 1 u ~ V % ‘Q ‘9M5M~;9M?9fi31M§3“530135 M%MVh?Hd>%MM"MMTMdWzt‘h we Cakéxmamdem €’M‘=~A V: aimeane145m4m:a.&m;z,«{%k;m,—Am%%, CM£:3M‘IiCerrIed4 I « i“,‘i.M~ ‘*3 XV, ‘~ " M\:.‘ in . . -91%‘ ‘3 ‘ ; W s. u, if .;;;:~. ‘=75 ‘LA.’ in M ~dm1A?#V¢51?f@fmfl:%VI A ;c§g:oQd;m%W,;¢*5g7ap;a%M I M “:vs“\~m" . 3 ‘Ix 9‘riM w ?2*o1v¢:Wriwyex mm:-s, A A % V ob%¢re1~va Bykyséwhfifiig M ' M M ' MM M‘ M‘ 2.. §£m.’M‘~.u"l <~.H‘« ‘amt:-VJ‘, ' A, /‘ “- K" "' ‘V6 :. H‘; .. (J Lu‘ » ma my flfl ‘V _, . u -'5‘ ” ."'\'iV‘;\ ‘4 1 ~1Vn4 I .‘ -¢;"'x»w VA,“ ,3 " 3:‘ x M M-’ 5:’ ‘ ‘ 3-, ‘.d(‘‘: YI£f¥‘R‘§»{Kikfi:7"Vfi‘U: «TH Cfl<_4¢m.w . Hrthmemfimmmgemmti,f°preamd:—;.%. ‘ , V . ; w 359 §¢V§ry.pa-rt %9.f a,¢m..:,;. %»¢azzd% «'3-,.,«_, 7" «, Hun 1:‘. M W ‘”=~"‘ 3' M ;‘“x..‘‘‘‘',, i ffl" .’ VL 4‘ M‘, kfifv’ " i. f A "1 ";"\‘*7 “ :'u‘*~"’ i:f".:[,,, ‘ “ fii§‘W‘”¢'' %.0%‘W : 1P ; (thy; A 3'7 é » 1 d H II , V ; &\ $§ }~?:7a:wHww« wtwwu fi"V«V‘5“}’g3$fl£s;=”t!?“fl «~~?§~*1;-4 w?” r *#§T; ‘ “.“3‘ v 71 7% - ' 5”, ’ I I a‘, : ‘j ‘: . ‘VLIE-m‘3xY f :7‘); :n3¢' --To ff‘ ~¢!“‘.hrN'“u a'm'1r’ M” " a V ‘ % 1 Vi "rt ‘ 47;; 2 M ‘ w_ I U * ' m k v.1: * ’.‘ V ‘= "" hexzéa st» '7' *, r “v ‘ , ‘V '9 £0 44 . ‘NH Annw flit “im%* ‘ aw. v m u * ,‘... .{‘ -3‘ 1 ,1 'H"‘ ‘ ,:‘,‘,,,I*;.,“_:‘§ ,‘ ...u7 M : 1“ ‘ W ‘ ‘ . I ‘V “an, wt M »..\> .4“ + w E .35‘ '4: W % % % : gJ%f*1I1i‘%er4%t4:¢%MV% om«man§;d.:V% fivwwdvek fuP%Pc.:f£ia V _ ap W A A4 % M % 4% 4 And the“ ;.W;h4o1e < f"54'W’a%V “ ‘ .1 ‘ ‘ _ ‘ . ‘ :1‘~n‘ , N‘mWm?“u”fl‘fm”*fifl5,f‘fWM1gqkfiwVjq (A gwmu . I ‘ .3? ' ‘ ‘W ” %@‘¢if“Far%%é'?¢¢ V 7 V 4 1 A V A “ ~ ‘L J ‘K 251 '3 wmwmp H “ /A 4. E V £§.*"€1‘57:—:»%%. ,(~ .. g. 1 mm gr‘ NE ‘W. .5 5. \ ....3<» A Wi*.ii {W Mfiéécéflméy~.4%£;”ae‘fii~ingfto:; cfi4{7fl*1°ze with %:Sx.r Miflrtlaw Heg,;;lrg'g, theV:jefiRon4,V%A; I3 2 an& ‘ ‘s; z ..w ‘h'- \_ 2‘ "Hm .‘ 3"" ‘W :?Fm,_ai‘{ s.".5“,‘;. 1f,'~ '; ‘ S " ‘M ‘Tar; % m a ’ ' ‘ h.‘ 2 H‘? H ‘* at. “V V _?,WA3~:_A V 4 ‘\ 4 t T-1 W fu:.dfi,t,VAmfiiAz;g :9 A .f’§v1§i€§3_j,‘1}1»»fQ:‘a;1fih§;ugi71+ e2thei‘%‘;:he'"4LI?a;p le:‘if itVA*i’£A=»I:?‘ .7 £3. S§;a%n1im?dw¥"At© PM Af‘0i1‘ 0 3:iiW% _m@iw%i£»ér*~*4i?*~ =.3.§§*..§3 Q‘by"*iWsr. L ‘ 1 4I:'t:.'i M ; ‘ 4 % -. - ‘mg ‘W ‘gm ‘ ‘H “ ‘ V w V9“ L 1 ;%{?:11y;,a:I1" ;==r;,t,1ng Vt}3€V132:WtyA W5 1%’g’W»v~%1Gn*~ ‘ fl . A % % g1 t1;ris‘»~ as amves;otjprefm;i}agV—%ixi%pe;iceab&1fe:;s:m A :;z/Mai; %:heir"“ d;fires%AAA to“ cm wrlmmenr;; c3V§§:prVéfTé%d in om“ 1?epr‘ef‘m,'¢:zt%tiu%;¢Vzz wi- a»Pae:tiItVi:r?%%» l1*‘fl7b1Y A A P1'¢'f¢““?’d 50 [Wm 355 AW, ¢A£?m:s iii){£e.n:%0é7-Mr. The :*z9c€pti*97§:e%~w;he1*5€:$- ‘V M % 3;gco4VfnNparjied: with the T}JM.€'5i %,%fijri‘e si?¢%£fi=§¢W;i%»$«4b£t;§fi'¢m the ¢ P4r1’Wmi“‘t{h€ ‘t A mgen%hAer J30?th;V::§r4i1,iAci1A+R%?Pr¢’fi%*?f¥*W*i ¥’¢iW%"~°?» ‘fih '£“.f' T;?£n7"‘.j".‘~‘.f“ '1 ‘*4.’ 7" “*”* ‘ '” “av, ‘ ‘I l ‘ V” ‘“~;~ ' “ ., " . w L. “ B T '3‘ W‘ t4“3fiAAP“*fP’5f¢~ % A 3 V 7? W V I » %f .. 4 *»;"; ‘. xv‘ \,_' «H H r.‘ ‘ ‘r ~ ‘ um‘?-‘* il ‘l’ \§~ym" 4. ‘ ‘ ‘R Jangr‘ mm 5,‘ " M5 93 "“‘§W «.M’~;. 1”’ .’ r,s.:$s'_&3. “'7” In‘ —« ,»~- 35-’ n .1 ‘ LV J my‘ ‘I Q‘; ‘ ‘fr “ . . W.‘ in a wk‘, A o x'€3Lf§0%»34$b; Ag,» .,. V5 4 5 V I9.‘ es:e&z@LmgAs.t * ~ “ M M ‘ 4‘ 1 N 757;‘ ":ji“'“\¢"s”"‘f‘§.‘gV§.:*§n‘°*, ‘=;“’f.’m‘§;.3L.“,“,“'\;-; ‘ ~ W" ‘*3 Am ‘v. ~ ». V‘ ""'"*2*.~“-’ mp3 . ‘am ‘*3; E. .. ;;[V," a N ~ the ~ that this be~&rhe a rrf K4 4% P:z;~li4¢§72Ar2ii:; ‘MLA ‘4infh}‘me ' #9:: % fif A 2 of my thing which 2'2; wi~ba’ir~=V"‘flappreférzfxfiqyg4% y};g, 1;y;g,:q;g-«-' cann*ot‘cho~gfg4 4 rm; Kt V: nmiéeg i“;;£;h:it b‘Ei¥ngV“fO , 1fg&f5'£9falg;t1i;_ raiTertsA‘i%t&'2;zy["; 4 andfat[a,%>». wmch~ their‘ % %ona;‘&,mmx22th*B W % 14% :iivtgm’;:m1gh:::. 0&7 £be~ ~Parl%:am4en*t‘ fiaf‘fi2;c2pcjVaAnd V gm; [ AA ‘ o§ V ' g %am%ywVzhw2n‘kf fi:5 mh¢Arz;i;«a~V%**a:;¢ddefi¢:;3;7m"V W‘. ‘W1”w%fi;1?e: ififvfmfld gfmimagm Cafe truifz flgztcl before them.“ ‘ N xt%~da3%%af‘ter;.¢ W Abug.m¢ig:’:+«tbe fi:4J£:;%‘:%*d£rs %*»¢of¥ P21r1i§z‘};1z7ét,": 7“ thxirie A afid:;vAL;:thm».fém7e ‘A”<%fim§{iA$A pitflédf itiw" thVé1?cby mnmin‘:;%»'J:I‘1m€5.z1!4 I 0f?£??i>f3 5 7.” ~WW‘$wW%»év%nwy fiflgfv V“ci:(§g; hit/1% ar 44 ‘eiMer‘”pf them, qr’ at/zcrwzffigfif A angel;/_!flm‘£1yg,%% W +Cc>n»22zmtiajn % prcte22c2'£2¢_g*'A%~_?1b;4w" ‘bmpé3 M .i?3f4v1£z:;7imr)¢t,;fro77:wand aft gr Vt“/aje ({4}; 4 afi ;u..r3$’%I3?;:«4&&3vdi¥%bcj%m:1l:e 7, %ofM.ay 4AI59¢.‘LI1i2(Z;' g wbicfibiwve 2m~f£aeen,4Mar /7221]! mm [96 ezzafivd; xii/l0fl«‘**' % *2‘lir3: preflmt A 1’arlz’a %22gc2itA¢,.<[fie,w»mA fl1jou1ad;* »tamf:Vwe%eV2lwi«eéy~~dez:lmd;. germ, m—e4.¢4 kem;.A,;;&7' A ;*gi%% AA 7ffflged:%4m.be%vff;.i§¥&force.~:fl%d;féfiefi, _f wmfier %tWd 14 May, r6%59~whic1wwas = a=ltogethet* cVom5rary mo? xvhaz was humbly defi. ‘~1!'er;i iz.1V 4~tAhAeAM%th§rd ;?fwp9.fa~[?»’A‘AA.of thfi Pe‘Atitz_'or:=44a%;%1d AA.z;d— A Tdiéefifofi thei 1 IA:rGuE:}14;iy5 '1 65 arid tea! atjtihe.y aveuws {A’:Agi:mmds: to azzppgast, 7‘Afi:iving comzfim zed»t.h;u:VPmpofi114tVoA::LQ Qmmittee {their o;vv;_z_13 m bri in ; fpch A3i2’!*.o*Tr L321; ?~‘Eor..;f Wthézt Apurpofifegfim t}:»1°a%3z4 cmfgh t1éée2Tm‘»y. % 3 u n the fimfxé .£BfI! dc Mgvimss‘ é_l‘fi~‘:fxe5xvvi'%fE’.Ac<:}Ant.ai%t1- ‘ (-5511, ‘A iijflm no A‘P£rfow. or H‘ Pzffvfix flimla’ g..;zflcr91be % I 1; 0fO&ober. (being-th€A vAery%day that me f1id§Ac9c \va's'hafli1y.parfl‘ed ) mife Mmey: mzz't /met‘ , 'ca;2fls*n*t afV7tl;:e, feople z'}¢” I’ z¥71i¢z772€?¢t,‘ .the r¢byA in ~ an infiannl A putting : a ‘don&t‘a’nd dzfcampofui'e.% up- * on a1.1%m~ens.1mn;des% tchatare concerned em Amwa- tars ‘‘Of‘‘ that nature, , fo 4th;ai:~%if any Lhwingg; flmiild ,;4 cm rs fuch their ‘ %/zrmge A.proceed ingsé jthe“ Army mightjbe ~neceIfi‘ta,tedi :0 ;!:b’a‘1: ..O£:5iOI"1S% ¢Refa&ye4r.§ A pafi, will then be rewellalted -, tl1elAd'z)enmrm apd Sagldier; Lands in Ireland left at a lolé. and A in confufion 5 A tllfik .R6§€l5 that were mm/pzm; ¢:¢:llrl1e1'e,.‘ be at I:hefix:A liberty to return 2,‘ the tmim made Mbetween ; England, and Scpilwd 2'en7drecl Mizzwalidlg All the Compzfitiam r afidl .A[fltram:e.s ' thereupon giw3fl1nd'mal‘ C _.t0"£l1€ Prafcjlants in V _ and Lfléthfl s {actions and "Delim- qwnts inlslwtlafid and Ireland made in/ignifiauztg, V ldiversl}, Sauldiers, wnol have for a( long umel in, our former times of Défficuftj, and lhavc lincel lelithrzrl -vallm{lVt4ri(;t% flP,0I1 rcdtlcemmts, or other-3.4 wife left tl=.1efArlmwy, Aacjd hetallkm themfelves to lfeveral gacmpations and Calling: M wighin feveral T dafimwlto Wf¢F'=*¥!d aft the Townsiat1d.0ccup4tiamlfor 4 Livelihood to them afidltheirlllfiamilifilsy are not only fortl1elfu;tulrc. la W93 but like: wife ‘leaf: lieableltjol the .fe~vm"t1 Of the law: and: Cuflamag. for all things clone contrary therclmto‘, fitcel the 7. of May 1&6 S9 All l1~:/late: conferred Gnlany ptxfavorlrcrflw by form G°’W’””’Wfa tblougyhlupcm néverl fo ‘valuable and Ara/>1?‘/6 c0n- fideralciarmleft in a dangerous and uncertain con-5 dition, to;+the%,ianravel1in‘g and we Imam: difcom-A mfurcyorffevcralalmens tfidtci and Wcreflfia‘ the :4 tglic;,f4;l.%je{1l”Weg5tSl0*f” A multiplying [wits and llvemtian o A faqamcks whemcof Wiilll inllhort time applmrllbyl ofimmmtper£on§,lfthECaicl‘Ac‘¥ clouldlbedcem. \ ed , (14) A T ed as *«z).'zlz‘.;z’%.f 5° ‘Co‘n*ce’mi tag which W*eMfl1;a1I adzle no inure butgfhat had nV@‘:f}r4,a::geV&}f;recipicanny and kg'cj’i‘§'i2‘d1‘iV"eni"t on,“ V ic"]_cou1d7% it1;2rdl%y ‘be ;?be1?iéved, thstfi‘, :.my* S%k4pr”m2e z; t)9ority iW'0flu1d'V%%evf€,E ‘ %h3;Vé ex-5 f3o2‘{%<:-da gé?:)p7.E_tOfi1c;bir7aaJ44"U$’27_i.erz:fe.f;%;’ L Things’bLei%n§; xzhus px‘ie;m1:‘cd 711:! jj’01‘i'd 61: to fur:-: wther Efiifisb V t‘nfr2A f3€i“X31 (i%b€i6fl¢g»,4 ) the “ I”.21%‘1iz;11’34ez1t_4 b0pi_n~gV4they, psi gfgfag‘ massac- .tip.<3n pmof V the Amz‘y,a;1'd conceivingAth4ey*Lh3d% gby their lace A52": ‘A &futficieVnc1y’ peg‘-placed thofé %whom they dbubr;ed§m'i>ghc oppofér %them/, and gh “the €s~'ovemme72t*~%, of ~ the Fe! Nations= was {o9 {are in » their “own hands,» .35‘ in_;ali~’ pro'b”abi1"ity’ %thiVngs 1n?fi9_htV'come to ca7ifujz'”im~,4;$;4 %exc¢ptImana- grad; By” zbemfélwss ; Vppocccd ‘: 4vvi(gev;&o'ig/ljr {to "put; their defigns in Vprafiicez In the mo4rn'ing4 "?the1 Doqr: of theLa£»£3g, by their appointment being‘ and gu4rd;d5thac* none’ might any‘ m;-fins come ,w‘r1ear% £0 thc%Hamfle5A "or uVrmx‘dexg{ta'hd%‘ their; %procce2z"z'r\zg:': Ocqafiojs is Wadminiflt'écifL% frWom4 one of A the Eetrer: which‘ wasflg;z2'cd“" byfi-%févéralA offi'c'er:, %accqrd‘in g to a«ppoi4n:me4nt% of «the Gé;n2’~' rzzl C.féuncil;"a:'r“1d{cnt toga R'af§im¢ht_ or. chdA}‘))u)v;%‘ and prod u&¢éd°4 by 13; Mémber¢ of thé4»H0’ufeV.A 5(*it? t.§eing4o°f ‘no o't,her’pt1rport't'heri" the fejsding aw i‘?1'idReprtfl:’)2t4tioiz 4n';d‘;VPetiri0n zo"oniéC5F~’théR?:+ g3im4encs% of 7 th,€ )1.rm} aéw is .beForc<-«fhcncidded ‘)7’ Ye:f their Liktéreflamt &’aZcme1 Ag, iatid‘ thatf 2<égb‘~?‘A{}%en;3Ve3t;*k3z‘s” might4beWzn_ting, “01'd€l‘S_XVET€ fe:it% té?Co1¢cne1HW%5 Régitnema qwtérizzg in ?L%e2c«yzerflm~e»and other i¥1~.erh?€k? i%h©]C0u»nrry.. £0 ‘WA all {peed -5 the t:2szz1?rn}cyj5I whereof ’2ead ‘to zhe%%engagz;;g the City; Arms in arm. V V %1"’f’he Ofi‘icerS0f We W4 M2335, ~:;.na being A ‘r§a;;¢geV and [z;cr1d%::¢V'%2Mi mu%tat‘ion,¢’ and ,th~:2t% the ~ '$f;/%f§f;,%f:.éA %0ff.w4Ca2';z%eA2?m?2c{eé?'i?:éV 5/2£%cj’,fl1Ou41d%‘Mbe¢:V:/ff: mimic‘ ?5y:‘th@¢»hM%*+ti%y~I»Gf”€i%F1‘?€f*?;re xjé the drmizg Mofffififie g%ea%£d9ub: +zMha:fucb4 mdfV= "théy i.udgwiz1~ ¢tfi5ei‘r&?:2z;*; V5f(31‘p%refi2?-:é;':3zfié}2V ‘of %bém{éZa;vck5 ‘** ti§}Veir fr:mIs,an%ii in t,heNmvm‘and Am» id nogethea~ 3~W4r£A~A'yWVat“W#flv?%*??¢/M‘% 0156 P343~ 0*: %:h¢§: for chain: A feé2~4£€;:;mfi'kgs”) go“?%a:1di¢;-‘fim,% my/ékxx and gnmmryds of thei f, f0MgfT§mb3ing_% ffilves %0§ether = Amibfiiflg #%r*%5W4 %i“%hAer¢»‘ J ‘A M M A m-E’) I (A 177 V dc! Ma‘rley’s*Regimem were placéd £11: Hall; Gztiteboufeg V (31:26/eirara fe, 1-and Exc£:q‘:;er Cfzzzméer and’?t?!éI”¢3W1F;3s?§*‘%’9?fl 53¢ ???%~*Wé?'sA% *%a114¢kdcévék:é&[ A were ufsd t?t:§4‘i;vfoi+7:1z‘thcam‘0f“thAe%%tr%uejjlmMaf- fzzir:,a nd a”r2zw th L6‘ {nthgAr;qmpZia;?bé3.&fit4h‘w there*Pc¥’56F*th‘ei1**é7;é%f)r?e)2 of the ;Ar7#gy,as Vtijightw-'1:';,. vbidé ;:;%f¥‘%>d but A fi%n‘din%gf"t’t;4eiri1;;; the ;perfuLi;’t;a%z%0%f 4VtAlic:ir4lea?d’er;¢V, p 6flz'n2:‘t¢ly‘ b?e”n ” oppbfifi cffdtzndjj U 1lI"T Vfe1v¢esjV ‘;2.ecef5itdt:d the mar: inm‘?Va pbfi are 'df%A?dq;’e;g;e 4;, A an dfiir grmwzds and reafam afor‘éme ’n, tionéd ,‘(a"sV?éj.A1‘Tc$,ffi§i[t they “n*£igh_c*4tidAt~*“&be 'futher‘14A ma-aamged%a4naj;m%a%e. mzmeéf E11‘; fizch iivdangéfazésbfipofivtidn; “go pa‘renc"ba%;mrd~ot thejpubiic pe4¢e)dt9% . W; rim andmermmtzawzmVme P:’£rli%1ffiencs;$ ifig%t%0gAetber as” W? "f®hin§X§:A AW fé1vves¢3#€T¢ fiwftfm Wrizédz F01‘iPr6*Wfi>%’;§*"A<fif4the%%%rI1anif¢1dyr‘r?€l:an€i1 iF77c'zim2é7éie;a?ce&.D 4Whi<:h‘* mm“ I1»‘3(;ef1T3f1‘i1§7‘f;1ij1%Y upan the ochergoodpevple of the% Na%ti0n5 %asWe,M1g§¥out WW»? reamcff¢v%ré1%1“‘ tcfidcd Mrs o%Aorher~4D:cIMtfkwrz; 0f%“a[1?YAt;F th”em%;A[ e7¢aé?2éé1,2‘m:a’é;, :na%an:o»cmer, and on iamemg ‘th¢n¢ néfit following, %t%§%4&e¢1éretb¢fi1 €i%r*d;?¢Vt€*¥ o*FtIwm,2m1Zand ]*Uoia’%tt) all i‘ments *a‘nd gfllrpq .1 47.“. We and and every rlzmfi, and; fem‘em:e thereirg" imrvA.{t!*zd:,% WI! an‘d”A%jWai;£, to a1Hnten~ts pm‘ Vo{eV';; 11kexvifeAa1L%Aé?k, oigdqrs, and‘ procee ixzgyw tfxeree ‘ugon ”A¥dM'¢’0#r}? t‘i~‘-‘=13 duV'-=%1i:= My be 2-mired mall rhehfree;f~orn zwpfeof ;h¢fe«ANatzan:,% bothas Mmand C/aw’ A 2' 3; 5- gm; .?brWv Refvrfizdiimofz/veL4%w may be ¢fF:¢%eV4° vthar amt/vf»/3 Lfvégwl-rlw0‘/W£%v;wMWflW~% my be f”‘9#?4£€4 M sa4ndPr%vrzi?t’¢a’fér= byfome %¢ma1n way thatmar b¢1¢/I mwéwmt to them, and lvf-¢«¢»ex4tiv#4 to .t:qAfet» “up a.M1‘litarj or 11/Eizrdiry fGQWVéxn.{fié(1t {fiver Athismdoraaimpntwgzlth -,4,bi1t have already p}a?viz1edt;hat"4tVh€% Civil and*Excmti-ue .p:gr; ofGovemmen: may be. be lodged in Na Comf- r2:i:te:; “ of A fafety, and ~ they % obliged id :3. floor; .timc[', tr) preparVe1'uch’ farm of Gafm;rnmen;,;%A as ~’maybt;f* 1?u,.rcan“~“ Cowper: with afm Srw and M ’CommTonmealtb,w1chout a%si2aglePcrfirm;.1‘<*i:«zgwj7iIp 1 L01‘ HM’ OFPWI ~' %And tbv~¢wW¢fh3114t0wrh~'==vr- _of_ cut A cndeaizzourx; ¢V1J;1[;;_orV}toM Qbtaln thofe ‘A "defirable 3*’€¥13sA and»;-we-, (m) tf-ef%m7»;;t1ethings ft: oft-m "d-eclmfled fox‘; and to h ”I}‘}£ii1‘tt’;fit§§1il£¥.I1t’3. pt'e;G:':t'vc=: the Pm.c:"«3 cw? theih Nationste in our i§}t2:;t£«::)t15;1tnd P1at«s:s,and fl1L:13h hope» that Goti ‘~f<.‘21'h§$ ownhtclory, zmd the goodh of his own People.) win give :52. bieffird and of thefc tr o:;-- Mes, by a hzzppy £etzl.ez:*»2e;2z% upon the prmciplerst fotmesrly deciarcici for; and which h.~:v»;: been, and (‘till are {'0 earhefléyf breathed after, dbjfaltl thofe whotrhufy hear his Name, V _ _ A Who,we dotuht t3.0t,bBiKlg‘ truly fezaflfilé ofthgé many temytatiam hefetcing us on everyha‘nd,, f the great difficulties we labortundehr, (an’td*khwoW not what fartherjlrairs a day may brinhgforthi Willfay‘ pntdttoutr behalfs, w/rat are fufficimt f or 2796/? things? Andtout of tformer experience: , being tzmg/at, that the Lord 12:4 prefmt help in time of‘ trouéle, WiH::ryhT412md fortus beforethe Throne of’ »GMc'e, tThatttheLord himfelf may appear, and hearty on his own wofkin our hands. And if it {hall r pleafe him by%his%Spz'w;'t, to {fir up theft: that fear his Jxfgmc to be iii/Zaémt. on out We.t A {hall nottcar what cw‘! men can do nnto”ush.. h£1N1&