cmagnuea aiming¢t;:me2.otho£,1,m/_., H‘ W E C E ..,ARA I I 0? 411:2; E ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - - V: . , . , . ‘ ‘ M -,9. ‘ ; ‘ ‘Q: \ v"‘ ‘ “ . v I?‘ ‘ ‘, 31 . '5 u. _ i .~.: 4 ‘ . ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ .,' , v,_,. #.,I_.,_ 3 ‘ us. '- ‘ ‘ ~‘ ‘r ‘J 3. '5.‘ ‘ ‘r- H "‘=; ‘ ‘, V-2‘ .3-V. . ‘ . , “ t - I m % ,, #AI1‘Witing Athe Ni. Mi; E Ii 3 A _OF THE LONG % AR L I AME T; W H o % 1.63 3, %ta32’e:Lz.:'r1%,_4_t»:.>Eh€Exez'cife zmci Dili- cixazgra of then: Ru 5' A ......—...,,. M Fria.’£}' 6 _,/fpArz'”l.‘, 1 g i A .O;3de1'€3. by that Lard ¥3LEE"%j'{'\~“v"ODD, and the General % Coimciio-f‘ the 0;i’fi<:f::5 the Am'1y, T!m this D.-:claraniw11bc AA . forthwith Frxntéd am. Pumlzflxed. % % % A A V ‘ J Tbomw «9»tn£?Afml,Secrcrary..;% ; ..,.,......._. E fifltedby AH‘”7'”7A HM“ for hi:;}11‘z9tI1C1 7‘/7*”-4171'/:".:.zr~.’;z %% % W A fl«Iz9tmtf;wt»,, I 6 5 9, L g :1 s«%}3)"° es p§3?% ,ua _j 4 ~%3w v>?:’3 fim fli’3ec/Matianfi,/ft/we 0/Jftiéferf‘ Aef t/aeflrmmj/_, invitingflve Mem~ 66“ 0]‘ t/we illcmg 7’m‘1idm6m~% 3:12/90 éonzzmzed fitting till 1356 2.05“ cfAp.1*il' i6:;5t0 return to tbe A exerczfz and dzfc'~/mrge of tlmr. % kH p*ub1iqL1e c*o1°1%ce1*11-Q A‘ _ A We«alth baingg t.hr0ug1'1 Ma Vicigitttac “of ‘ d2m.ge1“s, deliveé-— V1fanc<3;s. anti "b**ac:l<.fl1d1:ws ofinemy, brdughtiIf:t0tl"1at£’tate and po - A 2. Rum ‘fi%U1*¢ *~vh*c1fei1f1 élm’ 110VV~4fi&11CE r1ze:~eua::oA, %by:%wm1d%1~»;:*:g ciiv Pat1(1:§;é1id‘3.}t1&dLi * Tnd« 1‘:,f:.L‘}~‘V7;%;..e‘.f‘/'((‘S"‘fi.‘n1‘{\0 C621: %L1»#:Vz:*s Ways, fi*01‘n 1"‘1gh-tcEO‘L1;S am} equal W {$11 ~th§f:§§7§:3 11 at been¢ tn a‘~n4§,7% 61-f&iL€S~ fto Ub"V5im-e t¥hc C11ai1gc:_1~"s9‘ 2'§.i3_C1§t0f@t”t:1€7« thj,.efe Na- % tion 3 in PE a"ce»a1'1d r0fp:e1“ifty‘,~jref wall ~h:.#1ve~p1f0ved in efle c°mal ;3~’h»e. eijb e1yywifeGQ+ 11 the cm*I_c:‘=% of his ?p1"0vide11c:e d.ifappQi1~1«ti1»1g« iiafl ..__W cndé;w0L11*s t;he1"é1n. ¢ And »aif0 qbfcxtving to 4 greacg1»:%ef;thatr1we S®dSpirit wl1ich,V forxncriy f ~appe;—n~ed Aa»-4 in0%11gfir1As, %i.a1thec3rrYing0fl of this g1~e.3;t work.,fl d.i.<:1 &%a%iiy~%d4Ae I( 31:.w1.11*CiVZ,’,M [(5 the 5Cr0oc1oi7dCaL1fe It ‘ ,~"~ ‘M: > ~1ig‘;{c1f in , . ., \ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘V ‘g, ‘ W ‘s\ ‘.1 1meL¢been 1e;d§fro bad fzai 8 gfllé :C3U£’i. fh¢fL%01”T_dS" ~:?1&ir“11C11"a51& r pie ¢()?f1}€U;,171"1‘T1}g 4 with ours A V J11 gs: it dui1~_&u:~y tirwfteth e aforefaid IN/Iembers zmret am to the exeltife an cl cfifé g;' of than:-2. trufi, W ~~as% f b-e~foi~e t.‘1'‘}2. 0‘? OF fl_jm'=?l,16»5 3.. k A “j? 1erefz"é we do hereby €a1“11*€flZ1Y efi%1**e%~%444d:_11e V arlim m4emA Comfifiixag Qft*I1~ofc Nleln-H- % crs ¢Wh©> £0 ntinfled %t0~. fit fince yheyear 15433“ Lilitfl the:2. o“‘ $21,155; .A t+%oAretur11%tosthe e x-- e::r~cif:f- am.d‘”4 C1?1Tc11a1?g%ee<% F ’theif' Tm, mav%»ve aw! be :~eadyi1~r _om:p1aces ,;~to A Q us, u tmfi Em iitiwnfafét ; th cixnprovixn %gr€fa11t,% 0p pQrt.uL1ity+f©r [ fading; VA;emt1aem,as %a1'1C€; % iand. and fe¢_uringt°h 5% > E: PE acé‘ fa:-§ c11*e 65 dome-5: of thisy C0r111nAonVve:flth .3 praying M far the . prefence an& b1eHiJt1gofG€5d m§5nfcheir mi d@3.VOL11"S.. «Sigrzeo1«§y~tlim$‘iian ¢ the [M Fl‘Ef€”!3WGADd A meal the ~C'omecz'£ af QWce»r:qf tlaefkrmy. 6 3 I‘5‘5’.9* V The. .Safld*fLo-rd Seem?!‘ A LVVki..r::/2 :Th;¢ oic:@iAAlLa2v}beAi4r.Vw:V LmdBmm‘ Lord C 0019699. A "5irAv*tl9u‘} 2*ig.‘ MajQtfG,éxi5:iT.;a»1‘_§‘§i I éwjzzet... ‘ Q01won¢1 Afl*fi€’%4a A Sir ffiom Séhkeji. MajOrG¢nera1 Colonel A A Ca ptain Blackzrpell }fla4jwx“Geher3l4 H.a_y22ey...4 _ *I»i;é.ute%i:am;C7b1one§ A1Z:7z.‘,, Magormczaer. Lieutenant ml‘. Pieffzm E N ‘I S; ’g3V'j:Ca’,r%t7"cztio:/I my zigis