j:‘.N. BBB NS %7—Wr,;,b ALE T T13 R «waded so have mg fcntfromthc Mdxtia 9f Landorg to c;cncra1M°N K. andthc0f5CersUnd¢f hisCumm.andinscotéwri, London,Prinrcdinth¢Y‘9-HI659» . _ b . _ k To theraidi~ETm»‘ om: acsd»m»oaes.=7.1659. L»g;Tm fio;m4,rQm¢ 1 sqagzamgcg Akficfcotflmuxlicfaficdftgitheffiéérs of thcArmy"“thereg »G,E’?i~t '1} M E N»; % % % prefcrvingific Peace‘ of this Comn1onwea%%1th,w::._s‘well as to give you fatisfaéfion in an extraorc1Ena::-y'p::f- -Lfigc of P.rovidcw:e that 1a«:¢1y% hath befallcn us ,% V * hwhficfi no;h*iri.g. bu‘t fi.€CBfl‘1ty~-aA1_1t1TfcnCe of duty could %havé%;fpm %v.é1?3leti$1*Vi“t%1'L:s"%to I1aveVLzn;1éirtair;‘<én.~4 % % V ;'fO’f IsLte‘,"7 rhe~o1e11fiu5u-it oFM_aIig:r1tLricy in all Qfithe N ;1€'{pn appeared .V%:sLé‘f*V"vv'«<§;!lVir17tl;?e.oI%d pro’fe‘Hed"Adverfarmsg as Neuters “a1‘:d%prc:tende‘d friends, \ %who,l1”9.ving$fworq a confedcmcy and fec1*efie;a11d fitted and prepared th‘en*1-%~ :felves»to“ hav£;Tfw’a1lov¢ed LIP t]1¢3fIn".‘C1“'efi of the good people <;fthEs_C0n1- % ‘ *Y‘1€>1cIfit‘a chit-y*‘ini:uznbent%upon us,“ i‘n *”<:>rde.rt<5 rife‘ mQnvg1@"a«1§fh'5’. M ghrg W11 c>‘f:'1 God %we1'e% Mprc2v{;n_I:ed=i1=1~‘~«v£f*:r3? % Imam, . 3 gisaa-g%s5*.V;on1y%%1‘n;,¢:$I;¢fl;;r¢% they got ‘ggggxfklxéggm as‘ Wei ‘p1*e*fu111%¢%y~;L_1= hiavelong . w¢é =.he*;1rd; % '~;A-aa *%1Iff‘wI1‘m:.h for ca; th;~ ?LorEL:z;.7;wc'r't was H en: ivvifla % :1 «Bri- fiwfjx-°°@ ”£&¥i!§!'iV'v:h%é.‘h:ii9£rd bf’ au; tljifitfi/'a:;i d‘*:a1*% to iheriuj with %chmfuj1- = m f‘gVFu%n'd"c:::‘1;ook*_t!1at*f:;x:vii:.t) % 'y;1'mt‘ C5 tlxcm _vmgh1ng th€11f,.dL§_ty*ini1Tl}>IO‘Vi1‘1gthat ‘ M A % ;;«1?«i§1§Y4‘i2.§irf:?y;;;§';';*i5;;rx& f“c:*~'Wt:;l1.;i.~.tjH%<:;«'1'c:’¢1:<‘> t*he?4 fxdverfary %‘ fiwzezzccs afld-éfvjgggcflicxus, ‘% s?‘¢'ci3‘f77A’§;?.1£:*‘ gzhié? "3 %dVi‘féafe fi‘l'0r(’.’ ge--' '¥i1£‘{'£i~§§‘fe€,'ifi“‘7fl"*.‘£i‘aS {:t’.‘:_“E?_Ct\fi?.§3§£{;f€§IA,tO bc~‘LzmL+:i‘;;£3;..«;1:,:.d;.f..L.z r_t¥§c%Pszt1'§Va111c11t, dEd;1‘— , 5 ' % >:L1§:?3‘<«s%;".«_;i :1112%_?f1%2%z1,2r;+"s:E>g1é'% ~:3‘f.té;;§g,ii¥w1i §g3%1c1% s:«::: them’: ~ xvigh ‘a vmty fobér ~:m¢i=€it2*§gfE’:ivan ,i'»:t:!:~‘r;\m,'_-;% 1 1" en<"!:1:ga; rm i;::r<.1, W: sag on and I°rqpd.{a‘I*s in r;‘m: faid: V ~I§é:§tfe’f4JEo3 izhp .l¥§e,z*i”;i.“:(3 L_, f Wic"‘} t?’iga7§V ‘ §‘1c;3%'%hiG‘;~i%gE1x, it-' ‘ _% it % m;;¢:;ht-315,3; ~“éf(§%,31%‘;§i-m1«3A3“§»j§~%f”é:2,{*:‘?c5-’£g.77C}m‘$c'£fi1‘?f3¢;<‘Lific‘iYl ~33?-:"*m**!FE’i5;r€%;'s%%f~:5i' tfieéijf za,_p"p_1’~d.. :31?iWj_f3”{:Qa7E§:i‘M§f¥i‘VN %éo*;%;‘ix“£*i£i,ia}5c;i4$f*éti*iEh<;~?x‘:3.3d 3f;cmr:'-;~1- .".;'H 3’§1}§§5f A r-if; .‘*$‘g”~g:**i?f_1_;:#!7?.‘3¢%i::‘ '4*+;rl>%’:W:E*:L-"’2;«" ;:1a%;?£‘1‘£‘g éhm: l1'i1n9Fr:.*%’,5%§$i'”Hwz?;y f I5"‘I:j;';i=3.r{, % ;1‘:i1‘d ‘;it:21‘"TH.’;fi.oi{Mvf=f*-_~%}»*%;, hi Lg§:.*‘rfl1V}x%113»%“3“'i‘ri3“:"ét'i 7to%ccmfi <.*'1:‘:‘L *.—-phat W21-$251: mt %j%tE7F1¢t*:j1‘3;é'i'i~1‘,:% 'x*x»7§5§3 7§$r0i’hif€ilL‘tb %j.':1%'%n’f:w‘».*‘::1:A IJ5i5’§?cl flfxipz; %vic1<:£7E'fV:'<": 2- AA ”BLl"L‘ A fa.a,rLzas“%;M:aaI«z;xg;si&n*:&e*mas c‘i~:*>;mbf5 'thc‘: "1*zT{::& c%;§fé;%£¥*ké f::iit4- 5531+ 1-;/z'v'!‘lr1.W azcqam v ‘ H, av‘?-v ms .t_ [tr . 7.f! T‘ W *1 , ~ W w ‘ '« '‘‘‘:'7.,I(‘‘ '2 “ H ~ - I ‘-‘ - -wk fl . M “ vr ;‘tI;i%“Iv¥euria; ~~fl('f~7c:r swhagraafvm we Z;1iow*n{>g:} ' the IZ‘n? ,(;%:A:i;;h‘i§h' ms'as.£i;£2%=mf7t1l.y'% «:<:r~1m;14ry to 3116 fc*;7;pc w 5fa'§£:1%,P::pE:‘i‘_)7'%5% -“$‘.7i/E1'%;l%:.‘:;:2;1Az§:§é:gnt‘Ij,t::' HGLXft.f:'-~:):?»zi‘{3r!3:§:}..;‘a‘£5i3 %Ad:1:<:>i‘:a2;:$3:z»"'* .<'%;‘;:;:»‘ 3: ,’,;;.. K’&i%ric;1$;:<3:z::i1fL1l*fp;e¢chc§7v%"cz§c: ~x‘y~ gutntfy éafi up ¢nd‘ddNn oiffendingmc Lord’ Ldmfiert to ‘ch 1*’ % “ th_b;tflfo""x11cV of Atht chief O‘fl'1cc,x:§ inthé faid.Brigg.dc Adafervgd :0 15: % w'qua.rtic:r¢d?.% J ‘\Byf_aU% wh'.i"“ch‘» _we;,c1e;:1:1y p¥:;fcVc‘ved' * ;h % wwa9V;;i‘tl1»cpt’1<_nMA&‘ dgvidg b,_;:w<;cn;‘;I_;1c Pafliamcnt a_ngi.--»thc ,0: % "the: Axmynand ‘I:hc“"go"o’d Pcoplegcf ~=thc‘% I\TJ‘<1tio‘n,*foI"' tihd 'Army'v¢iI:F1in its % f¢1f'.. A‘ 'Blpof1. which fiche QfEecr_:_ h}:r¢% mct,%,; a-n <,f1V.1agreVed ;up on}f a%n~.hu'mblc*7‘ % ' R%ep%refént:urion.*‘and: P'"£"ti‘tIOn,VWhiCh they d%e1ii_un'-ed -to they Houfc,%'%:ind¥‘” V i_ had t;h<:ir_'Ehan’s'c_$p_ ,.wiNth-a pmmife 'cha~tthe.j'r,Propofa1s%in théfaid ]?cci;i.; fen fhouljd be taken pinto co_nf§dera%tie1i’”"‘:. Atwhich General‘ Céuficfi (W .- % % the";reaFons and ggounds thercofMAf:r1t:unto you; thcend ma: mOt:h}rx mightflbé dojxsby us, but what ' 11 V}, ‘ lTrn0Ww1c.5§€«0F) dircgfiofls we2'6?gi%ven%for fend? % you mtg t avefuu Afi n(§_Ch€.f“ f3mE§' —;og¢;hg¢f 3” 3,31. % % A V % H H 4 % ne%o€whi¢hLv:ctc:4sb%‘ci Ma? AA fcz1_t£o_.CHo1.M 0.€.*.-ysf R;:gIm~éht,, wvzw‘ Brought intoxhé Houfc by%a.n"1e1{nb%“; % .rhem<§f..‘% wTheHoufc thergupondéclarecf the Lord Flee%1:2mnd’s Comrfiifis ” V % fi.on_._void, to9:::r.hei=. with .th.¢: Cbxnjliiffions of 1':%he% Lprd ‘L&mbert,$‘M3jc-g. % %G::g__1r,a1 %Disbi'&7{av§ a_ 1:1;1 fc‘vc:‘n"11'1ore ._Fic1d%.O'Hiccrs.1 ‘ And 4113533 was » done i . “ Awithouc-fo V%.-arzaxéh asI1%earin’g*.r¥i¢m fpcak,o;1'e.w"a;rd.for thémfelvcs, or fax... M a111,i;xing; vvhgphekrrhs na'mes,%fub{'cribcci to ‘th£: {aid Lezcérgwcrc the hind; ‘writing ‘of the faiicl O.EficcrWs and‘ all’ a.ri"fi‘nf.; uponmhc: F . fl a % % Whicrh, b%c:fore Ljhcy had giveg. Th:u1ks% to th£fi%AA1'my (an, ~ _ %theirVunm:aricd?painss.for the fervicc of»c11is7Co1nmonwca1th)‘ And fame. 1 who feemc:d.m:>rc eager to infliff;punif}1mcntV upbn%thofc,O%fficcfs th:1t.fub_.: A “ %diu,-:d.the oomr;1onEn'::my thcnupfo.n.thcA common En . , b *h ‘ F ,, % % fitted, itad.%fo"£iontri'wed$% if:t1iat_.:_Sh¢ Lfgfigimcnc conumixtzxiid )1:yt‘ (c3n:fl£l111bcI$ Motley (w%I1O,with fix others, were appoim:-éd to com_1nandjfl,¢% ‘ Anny} W“ % A % brought on for %t:he Guard (Sf the}-Iouvfé, Afixvor fe1ien- .Barrcls (if Powder ” ; laidjn, together with ptovifidiis, in order to%':;I1c efI’cs.&'ua1‘profc.cucion of ~ thc'I'aidDcfign. V ~ % , u _ % A _ % ,__S-afoon as the O.fl'1cc1's.I.i:1el; the knowlcdg of thefcwrocccdingg, and . finding all once more Iaitljax: Rake: 1'Cf01V€d...tO craft the Lord. with-the 1111,, 3 and took Armcs for the ,prefi1rvat%ion~oE the cod Pc . I ' V d - % theft N ations, ind havue putia§' fliop to thb fittigxg of ‘ th:I;?::*Ii:.1l‘IléxE:cf':fi'cfI$£ 5 pfcfcnr, concluding jta betraying 95 that C:.1ufc* ancllnrcrcfi, mare pm, “ «nous thensur lives, and Po: wh‘ich.%wc havc %o£'ten‘jcoptrdcd..us all; to {,.;;.A % fer this Army., that God hathmadc the Bulwark of % the Peace of chc N,_,%_% tion, tofbe dividcd=and brokcn, to anfwcr..t:hc, ends and d , - -* mindcdmen. And *thcréfore up<5i1 the whole’, Our hunfifinfezifigg A you is}: That youwogld not ‘lmaflily, judg this. A:&i@n45% It~bcing‘oirr dc» % 0 fire.and%defign to apprqvc our heaxtsute God, that our cndis the G10 " f‘ ‘GM: the Péaccfiof tltefe Nations, and.thc%fctt1em‘cm: thxcrcof Lin thcryo ‘V of :1; Common-wca1%th,, without a fingljc Pcrfon, or Houfc of)Pec:§% X“; therefore whatever rcpdrrs or? fuggeflions the‘ Enemy. ma)n"*1*aife%:totI;c:.aA%1 an"-“-V *rar7»sA.' V W defirc yw would give nc%pIac»cAor"7c;4cd1cA»:he:3eun:o;*% i3§E?hAA % Kata feygral places firivc to profcrvc:t1m P&cac%c ’ and% mi-uPPrd3 any.mr - lent: ydr‘ difcontcnted Spirin, or cgncrivance of the Enemy, M undcrwh A: mine or appearance focvcr irfhall {how it fclf In ‘Order to which ;;h¢~Q:;- . fi¢&crs'hcrc:,H ara. *Gcncra1 Council 3 have with an unanimoustonfcnrac. 1 ‘ lIjQwJgd£§,'s1;:and% wmcd ;l1.c%;4I._s>;a1.‘1=_{c:g2ja‘zooil,L%.cammandq:§;;4,chic£‘55:1g¢A _1i”an»: yo H 3?? A Md‘ c1‘¢;c1arc¢IAr1icirr§fo1utio;n _;to obcy: no other , but v_vh.a“c % o fha11be‘"given%or ocognmunxcated byrhis Lordfhipfg pond to look on thofi-,* .o,m§tW_,ar§:fco'nt;ar.o adindcds as difiurbcrs of thc_MPc‘ac¢% of ‘gzhc Armygf and" fuftlier have 11:: ‘or confiderafion wh;1t:m:1y_1:>e _11E:ccfl'a1'~ o:u71d~%fi'r*,,%i*1q‘A;.(%)rd£:'i' to % the. {P‘¢:dy ;mdv¢flr'¢&ua1%f:tclcm%ent of theAr%m%1eea;.:' ts s_w3,t_r_1:,1:S 5 yet.» that we may not be wanting in our duty to God, our C 'JL\_:;1Lt._ y and\'5'?c:fi<+ritl€s in a day of {o great Itryal asfs come upon us‘,\; ‘we are cc-nflramed to beat our Tefiimony againft your late vrolent proceedmgs upon thL’Pi1‘:.‘l1:1I1?€nt ofE;2g— land 5 foi"‘wh1icH‘-proceedings we confefs our felves altogether xgnorant of a warm ntable ground ( notwithftandmg the account you have given us’) either from Scriptures _R€3f0I}: 01‘ NCF€{fitY For 3 _f”PP°fe thfi 3_CC°unl5 you have given us_9£fsthat‘Aftro11~‘\;‘<} be nnvgartral _(_whr,ch yet we thlnk we have fome grouhd‘fo'h1fpe‘ 6%.’) ‘ e would glad'ly‘know "what ground there couldbe of fending ahogpyput late‘ PCNTZ-071 and Rcpreflgtattog , to create Greatnefs and Powe1*{1i‘M’efi €35"-thing of dangeroflfitdnfeqfigncc ) after you had received the Parliaments Anfwer thereunto >_ y _ If you avow the Tzha'nl<'s'.o§ the Houfe .> We anfw.et-,jI.l_1ol'e‘had no rela- tion to the matter of the Petztzon 3 for that they gave therr fence ofthat before, vévv That’ it was Daizgcrém, Chat/gcablxf,‘4:ad.v1Ifi3Zefl‘~t0_;¢2aét’ more General Oflicm tbmz they baa.’ : Their Thanks were"onely for your good expreflious in the Petztzoa, whereof they could not but have the-fe efpe cially in E‘£1.@’.'1l'5.t<}0f\_:_'Gd-.Cl.‘._2llZ-.i,0I_1a 7J1;{-, your acknowledging them ;};e'$u- preatn Authority of, hefe Nations, and your felves their faithful} and obe- _ dient Servants : Now ‘by ap;_>oint'ing _a Cornmittee‘ to Recommend that v Pg;-j;,§,0?Z to all Regiments for‘ 5't:bfcti‘ptlons; ‘after To‘ great a progrefs made .in it bya few, and the ‘fiarllaments Negative fence " declared of it, What could there be in defign, but a Ptirring up the Army againfi the‘Parlia—r ment ? This we cannot but take notice of, as a confiderable circumftance in the managemenl of that affair. To the matter it felfof the Petition, we mean onely, that of appointing General Officers, we think we have juft 6':-tuft to declare our difl;l<:e: And we cannot but wonder, how fuch as have To .';n.-;.:‘.y efeaped out ofthe Tyranny ofan abfolute Monarch; where- unto by thefat own too C:€du_lOuS inclinations they unhappily fell,‘ fhould again carry fo many materials for the bullding up of that they have lo lately delttoyed: Tllebeft of men, ‘we lznow, are fubjeft to many fail- ings 5 and how this Army and thefe 1:-oor Nations have already been chea- ted with fpeciousopr-etences, the {ad l{eV'olL:tions thefe five years lafi paft do luffioiently evidence. No doubt many paious men V. ere made to believe, after the former; Intetruttgoxt of this Parliarraentg That the Yoke fhould be n$35§ig”§9 thEOgp(r:if;¥i§ mm? 331:: “F;1§.‘si§t:%'::§’i %A‘a1«t§‘1‘::}Zfi§73 mi ,fimd:y O»:’?%1i+:cJ;;::s:9o:11;f$s*0? 12:1;-a i§‘:13:3@;’t;A ‘M-S %§il€%W0.w'k dgn 35 b..1i: 52,119.13? Gmiiy in the I}‘::.:r..§ ‘v“¢’:3‘:.‘€ anim 1.. ‘¥“€CiA°Ti1}]t§1e2r d§fi7:rs_:§Cs:S;fiilzxy faithfqli ones in‘S1-'; P:~w::1y fi51%&;f0”%3 imd 41:i‘0f§<:3r of the Amiy as :.:Qnx:cm‘g:§b‘i&’: az1dl&d_i0::s in ‘>131: ayes of zthe §:Z.a;¢5]% P;Z?‘ty fig; ,E;gg1,;,;g,') ggfl‘, 3. jr.':?;3:(‘«.1?f_yA at c0,:;i§‘1;‘zg5§,gw 3?.-d £"i:;1;¢c::§y i“:fl3;v;1 C); \d[WI;§{:g1§f_}1‘ : ;1nyVo=;E1:t’$;j:1e“: I';1e:e3,;u31j{:;1]\w ~A~I'efi3.mon23s amongyo11rfc'1*én:s5 x«f!%1%::?_i',i” :6 fiicit fad experienca, can P13; %t:1i1‘ae%iL:s§S:=:Ja1 to thefe tzjuthsg, Wxmafs Lo::d§L.smbmf3 Co1.0»zz_:*:r’;*;,airz.%, C01, S Co1%.j4,¢é1.M2‘8d; W 310:1 ?C€£fS:; 31:12‘ %H5§¢?‘}' 5’7z?§'?s GJ:n1H;z'm1fl:.::a, Ms. Crmw, Qgmstzirnzzafier ?4%C5?:é?‘€??€J’ Wifh £r:h.ers:*~wh ~;vaf‘o‘»11Vd‘*~ bwo niz, ixfe flflclgyié S’-zzzrvitude a.;n;10pgpre[fion alreacfy ‘o ::coine fa defirable :1 tfiigg, that f?‘£1:1ii’fi :5: c0;frtcd'ancl p"e:%tit2on:-:ci‘fo*r P Wu: can” Yo rea.di1y.‘c‘re;1z:e€ Sérviw Wéd’¢: as the C0ntra<‘:fing;t11$ -P@.w..¢r%o€ the N.;1tion_ in fo rijzzrfiw a fpikce as 3ing1ePa~«rfon, or :2 few of any one Faétion ? W111 not this b: to Rule ; 12hiiI:efi: ofithe N ation vviih 3 Rod of Iron 9* For; can a11%yLithi~ngb;z’:Fc$:;c*e i %‘fb§&i1“ia§ o*w:3c;§%:;1?.I!§se*;m3:i>?%"%33r;::; .:fw:.?h;«a éragé‘ ms 1B::.ib eggé E;§0:g;£’L{e ‘y.£“’l)EFS) men so then‘ skifiS?%..% ‘thLE’:1Lgé%A L;po%:;jfo1;: heaztsg; and l%€t.a}nC‘ia:nr Ftfl*;i1i‘d"£1t’iéa*7r1 ofoucf I.:iber§;§:s'LL §3ve"iI1;:an the Au*c‘n;”:i:ityMqf ‘PaicIi‘a"m;:_nts’) ha T” iisoyéda bi: xii%c@;é5§é9a~€:e%n~p*éib§e :* A‘ca‘nn<)E-bizgt.a.c?.'»p*;1‘:§1Aic§r:: ;e,gxs:9j;iiz%:s;%§ §vszhi.1?’z ,w;: A §99d;b~y»«th€¥¥aa: 4 assgm 3‘i;?5f3§;ki'¥ ?fi‘駀f1§35fQ131l~i¥£$>Awhéflfi Wgf c91d§by.»yMo,;1rs;,of; late, t};%§;t;Lths: "Z1/I.z$lig;«z;:21t‘ I£§;ii1giE®‘“ffi1£¥icé, <~5;nE{‘V7é:f’£é.‘i3ii3¥}iin§;% th’x€~MC€fvf0vM§:‘i*rIxitx3jg1t in aw~Com:n'o13‘Nea1t§i, : °m:L1;‘g%}e§c1*,a:;t ‘f£:ir:.,_efl:»;:{1&i’<§:n~, ‘findjslilcxe ‘~h?$¢$‘§’~9§€§d%5?%¢§th*3jR1?eE@ »01f‘-7. % 57%: 159 @kiflfl%¥£93MiyFim@z¢yi0L§::@.r«v£1 3I*::ase:f:.y.s:a1id ‘oE"i.;fT“§i‘c;:;E:i”'aZ§.§‘,A ‘H5 hger T1 xi ¢t{”§,fpii}i?3. ~2]{f%fii?.r§- J 3 4, ” '* ‘ -» «_ g’ V «"4*JV’,",’.sr I N” v V or. —«~ ‘ \fi.é‘1:1;%:V‘:9t?r1:%r xfiéfif 1:9? 3r¢hb;:":i j1’i1$feir?e:f\‘.>,, WE flxifik “the vvifit V fi‘3§v~eé :e1?srjrif@31* Ja i%z&i,43%r;=:ééfE'c5Em1% nxeé.-?n,' én t‘t1?e‘}”I?t1%5éa:‘"rL$i§-‘F ghflcf‘ gag, AA3&gj}3,§1*:{§1nV .C , yoi1‘r‘4% o“:v4:i co nfieifioh *) ygu §1.1V’Jz3 «§. \.> 4Auzh9riuy%» iei sh»: ait?if§Ii;’ £?+..I1:d~%C0%I1T;f€,C1L¥‘3f143‘Y ‘ha t‘ F‘, -._ Lfib-:it%%2}33_~€:i‘.s;;lfii5»éd bj~5z fie *1‘igh€”fii11¢c§1fiEy: %W 6 $ % fifiagfisgzi we,“ 1fb2u:aS;.yrrn. w?1-:3‘:n>.Fh‘*=“3r} A '&51'*~ ah‘: :2,:¢Ef”e7€ the O;pm£;da' . AuJ:?1‘3rZtj73 and ,fLmd.::y O:?1;:c;:;ro:n;,f:s’0f 1272:: i:}.1,)z}§‘E ;" azyéi {i"z:i?i:;-;?;'<;*¢;iia:z::.s ”:‘:‘1ta.t we '1; don:-3 b.-1i:a11:‘;1: Gaiiy in the L‘::.n.§ wém an§m1- L$ed'in" the}: dj&“;:r::;c::s,w,zi11:1y faithfult ones inzh Pa~‘s.11}" :zz1.3M*~1'wy9 and inflfiivii ’}:uiic:a,':o:ieVs» fl11n1:13u1"ly% removsai; mmy pgeciraizxg on:-3 fizimte {iezgchfoa i;2Gm1.:;a;11:}ie&1vier t!1:*nvvh:».t our Fathers N.:€:‘.::s h\ad besn ac~ C.1fjt"€3meflTt€>“; -and ari0§fic3r of this Anny as ::oni:c:a1‘g:Vib‘l1: and l>dio::s En ‘th: eyes of 2:316 E27./ms]? Pizwy ‘Ezzglgzarl, aa :2. f.*z9;i»:§a;y at C0,‘£,’§;1}}.§.§2za1f)Za*, and fczzmtziy }:“IflT):VI1 o."‘dii‘t3ng13f11: my otixzrtitle": Tamera’: 3.r«:1i{7;11g %Te£%1moz1i;s a:11ongyozz;:fe‘1*én:s; ufhétsiig td rficit hd experisnczz, can put 'th<:ir.‘S:~;a.1 to thefe tzjuthsg Wmncfs Lord L.zmfm*5a Col. Oz2.f::«*;*:2f/A Col. 1ii§§?; jJ;Co1:F%0k::1':.MCOL Co1.;A,..4.£.=&.?'8d; .. -C9\— anfl hfis O , -C6553 Sir Hemy V':l?;3'?5 Maj. G:niHLzm'=fi;.:z, Ms. C::w-‘Cw, (l;.w:t::rri1V:mc:r V Cb’z¢:»"§;3‘€J’; u/‘Jifh -a3:jI11£1n’3? ‘fishers 1‘~v:V§?x}f:C’:”1 ’f;WD“’1ld% bewg 153:?» To 59%? And Vijsi fiervitudc and Oppreffion adrezuiy b;2co‘.ne fo defirablc :1 t§1:§;g, that if -mufi be co:z‘rt<::d and DE:‘tit2on:::d%’fo’-‘r 2* W;1‘1t ca‘nVfo rea.di}yf C;'C;1ti‘f Ssrviw ?tudc, as the cont:a€ci:fg;t11s: Pegwsér of the N.;1tion. in fonarraw a fpgce as 7 Ta SingiePc}rfon, or 3; few of any one Faéhon 2' Will not thxs be to Rule % the. refi: ofxhe Nation with 3 Rod of Iron 9 V For, can any thing but Force fwéi1”‘:ii ;“GoYe;n:.mem}:i;? gysig ._"Vfu:2h« 3 635 drag‘ £13‘ fil 1£§;b‘€gg$ £V%!0z}jr $13; ., K /;g_ AV¢3;{°.‘» .T.fgw ‘ E;-,1.;:s, :31]-cifl t0 thfilf SklI1S*?‘ Ch .;x»K4i;;R9 ,, .5? -5’; z V .~ V :2 y9;l}LL%1a%y theft: th:;ngsm f1_Ii§C€;‘§31‘y“L},pO£1["YOl}.fhfii?-{ts}: and 1€E.I.1-’3't"‘«h3%3D51¢flV Fbt;i‘n‘d”atidn of oat I.7il3‘er:1:§:%s%‘ {xve’in:aTn the Auth"b‘:i:y_owE P;1cXx‘at3g§;1tsV) hp §§.*${?é:ro»y?ed, far til‘éa&é5?é9fl€£e£np*éib1eL:A' YQ‘1“C€1'I3‘I1<5’& bikéia-9!‘~ ;W‘¥¢‘fi $5111?-Ecil. chime W»: t91d«bYA¥°5~*fL3:°f 11”? f‘J‘§e?»7*"““.*’~*,%““‘~" ‘fW;l‘g"3%*‘*?’ ”‘ fweré gf§'.«V‘n' Tb High,‘ 7that.'fii€h. as ’w.Er7e”§nI‘g:aL1i1}A31:1§i3gLi‘f}_ bfiflgiflg “H .' ’V,.'N‘,A— M Q‘ .‘,,k‘.,.:" .60 ».‘.— ‘iv, k- “_-_.»§w ..x.: ‘h H M E " v ‘. L. I‘é-xvngéto‘-jufixce, sand -efiabixfilxng t’hfi“$.€)VT_§f“i‘I'IB]i"§\‘£ m it Common N€,‘:3.1Lh: none Em: F;1E.:é“t:iE1:’si :s.::i<:¥Gb.,1I‘:'?g.z W:¢mj~§m1L‘ke.i1’,o:;t ‘for‘Me{’c.:s{1&i”o.L:1, ‘fihd ;1i1¢~£'L:,f"Fé “1bc;\e>§po§efdfV5é?t31‘3L-RQEQ "35’ Ehgc %;r§§Egz;§~gi1§i§§i§ yw: £9 @kinfl%r;9r:w;iyi;1!::@s'w){10Ls,“%:%:»2>A:,;r;€1 i~::;u1:$a{ ..z'.:%1iiT.d sh:,a‘g;L1 r'1'1.S.‘~ Io;,)z‘nxvh,Q eh: ?®22?~»£9e¢?¥ii°QY¢é1 W; wfi-¢%%£h9t?!9r é“qfi?=:?m’:” 6%” 3sri’%‘u3*f:;‘ thif Ihésilémrxé fpi¥%¥S% %95Eh;¢ ;?r; A W6 H1 fink T113 W“: “3s§‘ftrn:“t2;1 z2Q;1id§;i’:§§ ?i°a§ve_é£1?3Yiéi7@83 «a mé9re%5}§¢L&1‘3-* fl1‘59~f“>’ éhén Qthe” h"”i‘5¢*-“7‘“‘;F;" L ‘mg: mi <:i1?«:a:%1%,a2rnA%r::1a, }x~;1m§e%¢1nV‘—< fay vo{«1r%<2“%v1*%~C°n%fl‘0n > W Ma rafi tLv;‘%*£h%%$u9rea%1 %~:~Iwi=;’r:1..%~r:%‘=~«>'< Qi W: Naitfifi ‘*“d‘°°“{€‘*“*“‘t1’ W29‘? A W: G335?,i1P¥wt933_$,}A%Q115£Ld:5'? “h»3l11%h€&»““§1fiEY* ‘Ewe “‘i“*‘@" 1?? rm? U \r. §" .. mi" o r@"§o°E?3@&f?éaEi*iP‘e1駥é3i%th«§ 3PieaeéanT& Liberty of tr_1€f€ Nations, 9-136‘ W: cf §"gg{;;§°Q;g.nfcA1en"¢as , whsn yo:1Tfh1i.1"’ba drawing 1r_1lc;1v: to-:h§ €1o.’[:'€h on L€j[‘,;§m;_ Wm T§WQu1d%.£p3:cd g 1Y imjute the Manners of £I){1fh:a.‘D:13;H.L‘t0 Ehéédifahargs ;<2f~t?2va:i: ¥D,~“?1’35? 1%! F3“-1‘? Fifi‘-35194111‘ “*"%‘~ .Lf’b“?‘?Y“? ‘3*;§Ea.1;n”,As4e:w:;y Vo(5Tc?1:é.fe'I§I3~’E% ;thc% ;c.£’cabI1jfl%1ingV"tI-1¢7K3ngdoffic of Chrifi In {,5 if d‘ ‘ ' mongfi Us W: will l1a%_ndi1'"%1 hahdxyitlg y9L§- %M¢a;§ %V V$;$A1£c§u:f§:';§.;:ff_?o God_Ihai1bCAfTor‘thc gmdancc of has Spiriq b.o_th tr ‘“you~ and as ;. To which good Syirit wt: rc—¢oLmI;1c;1d;you, and rcn1ai;;’,AA ‘ A , ‘N 1, ,EéZir.z.bmg!9;.O’&Qb.-27M. % . , 1Ar"%"”7f’(..‘}’A‘5.£5§’7“A‘t"‘7A1“7b'*’_‘.7l_‘*!M*f For Athé R3g11:%Honourab1éS I11? I§9rdAVF1‘”f’37”“‘Z’A in T To'b<:,Communlcatedta chi: of-fi'C¢f5$°f‘%Fh¢. % M £’xrz11y“a:;v;;'ai§:4I97;»zll. % A’ % ‘ % ‘ we s~z»/um-ear; Azemr Wazo I:««»eéée%«rw«»»~ ‘ tbs Mzlitizl afL0ndon,V to‘General M on}; and lib: Q «A-«rs am his Comma“ 5” 5°°AF1?“d 4 :3-,GENTLEA2ENa. A ~% V E undé:Ar&an&,%% Thai you‘am,pr¢pari1§gt§o m:1‘rchA Vifithm .~ A A! Army imo.E'ngIand,; Vhaving 'di£p1acéd ahdinipxjifoned A %"‘;s:i7eraI*‘AjV Qffic:ers;o£ th€Army F of known _Ir_1tcg15ity, to ?th_e ~Ccm-3 monwealth, and appointed ré)th;ersAintheir[gCQmtna11ds%%; AndfAthac A A you are rnaking grcat ind warlikePréparations.Ah¢reunto“; »as%tIz1ings%no‘V‘vM'{%’cand<, Wk-2" cannot‘ but judg ’ my t_hr¢atg1ing’to~%’*4 thg " Pact A of thisNati¢n.'. A-We obferve £311” <5 zhcgenerax jcxficéfatiohg‘ 40f efldcommohEmmygroWing%big%hereu1aoni” Nét»v1:hi%éWA ' ;ding,: w}eAA£ha11not%tak¢ upon.us_to cenfurcf the Integritywofyomz“ M Intentions but_A=hj2wiflg% rcgcsifveti Autherity I’ar~Fia£nent::t€_q bfK>“r§¢V4C¢?“11‘rYss9*i¢1Vbeingfcflfiblfi 97f#15fad«éff?&S#¢A:"‘9f7fu¢h%PMV .ceedit1gs%%;A ’W~67th1nkA A fitto fprcfent untcgf-y<>uM.our1A c2;*1711e{_’cdef‘ufes;,< [ yas=%ye:>u”tenc:1erH_th‘eVGléry_of»God,thePcace of Native »Cozm4- “trim” tmiuifI1it¢r¢€r%;;a11dALibéfm of this Peéxélcziwe ““*B1<>odA1i1:e fab! pxlgra and 4fadAfCefifcq:ue%:qes:¢fA’an¢th§r:32V=amA44 prifo11m4ents,.rcfi40fing them to their