~1w ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ ‘ , yr-«N ‘W 7:‘ ‘tam . , Ms,-;*“V“‘§““**~* :"‘.W‘« 9 lu w . ‘T126 3}‘?‘ee%cb @‘Hi5fJzgbme/}%t/éeflar cf Wrote 5l0r",% madeiar éot/5 Houfw Tarfiamenmtt/a%ez'r' meeti:2g,V an Thurfday the 27"‘ of jaw.» 1 . 3i1‘Y, I * a A A %% A A AM)! Lordsahd Gentlemen, A 4 W A .=.-...% W Bélieveytherc are fcarce <; ~'f“a».-%~“i~*~ any of yw hm, who , R , cxpeacd f'omc Monctha V fines to have {em %th.1,s_ :1; ‘T’: great JAG"-cmbly at this A A A m 4 tim.c,inthisp1aAce,inp¢:acc; con&fidcri;1gAx:hc ‘great and uncxyeéited which "it hath p1caf€dVwth¢ ~a.1AlV-~ difpofing%%hand of God to ma,~kc4%%in the imidflzwof us ‘Ican afl11r.cyou,'A.thatif things hadmhsm qaccording to cur own hgbcen thus wigh us And thc;mu1+%*%“»+% icwi11b@comcb°thg0*‘ 1% . " W;g;‘ ~% 5 c 2 9 I‘€VC1‘€nC€' anal .A‘2:.,‘'‘ :‘ Mi%= » w ‘ ‘ ta %a*n&i.zI4:em-ms&4%a£%i—1is}ha,g1dV3L.L% C A Efiinti DF4Ai7v if’1A‘0r1A‘WhiA Ch 11.fi.~1£LU§_7 %fiafi"or_dga I by; ~.Gm mm. 3.. §,3€€Q§p_i€:inf0 grmt 9.Ai“‘x§*1e’3§f‘i11'e. A A l 1% V%?;“t10f%£Ij*3‘;' ~ As tzohimfelf, E136 die. 'fi1;11%%f fidkysffii f‘pem:Ain great arm fore Trgvail ;-yfit; his. @3765 were not Waxed dAim,.,4 neither was his natural? Pcrenguhabated, asit was Raid. of N53/95%, He was Iérvieeable even toxdxe-: lafir. . A A " As to thcfé %N'ati%ns, HEl‘e*ftrfiem%X%in: % grca.t.HoAr10 r abroad, and in full Pea’ice%ant:{V.: & home: all Ehglamd, Scatland and Ir-clam dweB%ingA Fafely 1 every man under his» Vine,» §9,ndML1nd"er his FAig:~tree, M fijome Dan?- Wpn tL0-Bemfl9e5a.. » ‘ _ A Heis gamete Ref}, and We are entrecfi A dinto.h»isLabo;1*s;A and if the Lord hath.» A Pcill a BV1cfli.nAgfor thefe Lands (a.sI1:rufl:: he1mthy)as ~m.1r‘P£ace"hath been lcngthnxflfi: but cmthisday, fo~fha11 we gcmntmapi%#“V‘%A’4 A th e FVruic,and gaxzhcr the I-Iarviaflz ofxrw-1ac;:;f his late }’ii.ghncfs~; hath {own 1 and Alaimfi theféundacion¢.¢f. A M A % \ Fm my owni party, being tIie:Pm~»~V A Q vidcnce M God;% W .anc{* the m;Iit;im; A €25 th6 Law5 Fatlxers Succef_fm4r,«%an ] Qingdmm-%P1acAe imhe. Gmrcm.m£:'nt %%%% H W 4 do, %“I‘thdLxghc it fr-%the ?Pu'b1iqt1¢*geod '10 C9-11:2 Parliahmerit if the Three:VNAacTi“a 0 ns , now united, asfid-conj‘oyn»€d” tog 6t11¢ri% into 9116 Cbm¢monWwevalth,undcr o.n;cG%_-«é vemment; V " A % _ It*%isag%ite%ca191c not onély to ,; b~'LVff’fti4-20% P1‘inc :ip1e;s*, %toVA»%"”g0V,€1;n; tI1_§:T@4 Na,E1'~011s by the Advice ofmy‘ two Hotxfes of Pa;i*1iament ;4 I A*fi11de it afl'ertcd;*i,11;thc Humble "Petition &11dATdViC¢‘f Whi¢h?is the Corner~I’c0n€ Aof thi&s4 Bui‘ld4i11g, and thatwhith I {hall adlicré to)‘Z'/mz"#*Pazrw laments arw/J6 grmcouncelo C.6ief Awl4gi/Zrate, ' in nag/90/é%% /Moire“ éotlaf bearfid tbefi ..7\@_zti0r75 may you I have 1:'ha1:V’ cf%cemV of x thCm:%%%T:%%%4 as * I havcmadeic the firft AAcS’cf 4fn$yAG 0-: vernmentVt(jcall you together‘, folfhall‘ fix rthef%A{%M16twA4A )"'ou;— fed the V3.1'L?t56< 1‘ ha.vc}%v 0‘ )z0u, A ' by“ the AVnfW.€r“sA%4thé.t‘%IV %fI1éL11 4r5cturr1 toithé" AdV;?iicé"%thatAJfl1al1be yam,‘ fbfithc gobdofrhefeNarions¢A N You afe /mppy» I an %¢afl"ur¢ (5 > % A You are eomeL1 Home yoxxrl fmferal A Cotlxitrevsa as the Heads “ofyour lTr.iebes,e _gand irl h 2.rt::~z Ipe1ffiVade.lmy‘ {elf ) .. " ‘V ‘ V to confiilt ‘together their good ‘I 2 f A I [can A ‘A fayl meet youwilth the fame defires, ha-. ving nothing in my clefign, but the mainteném cc of the Peace, lLaWs, Lieber-- ties _.,i both Civilland Ch riPciax1,e of thefe Nétioris 5 lwh-ichl man always make A the Meafi.11'eznd Rule of myGovem.- menu; , and be e ready to fpenlcl my life for. Welhave Summoned you at this ti*m*€t0l6ty0ulmmend unfoyoutfiq: Pmtefiant’ can I}: abrad ,, which feemsat; and th2LtRighcc- this&timc% to bemfome danger, having gréatanci p0Werf5ulEnem1cs, 2md vcr% fcw F::icn&s 5 and I “hope and beiicve that 1 o1dVEngNiViIh zeal to that caufc isflzfii .3.m0flg 115» ’ . V___ LaQ;1 Y; and conferve%»Lovcand Unityamong' My Lordsyand you Gentle-3 mct1%"Lof th¢ Houfe of Comtnons,%JTha.1: yo*u};wi1A1Ain allyour Debates maintain ¢ your A fcivcs, thmithcrein you may be the p9.c¢rno f:hcNg.tion, who have fC1‘1t.‘yoLi 4 upin Peace, and with their Prayers, that the SiPi1*itof Wifdom and Peace may he * among A‘ you, V: “ A and “this Vfhafl alfo bémy M L grayejrfebr yt3u;%;A;%Va1;Ad«¢;to this let usValIadd- ourAutmoH:, cndeavcfis for 1:hcmak%in.gA A this an happy%P3.r1iamcnt.% FIN 13.;