THE % Humhle Petition 0 BMAN Y INHAB IT A N TS K V Inand about the City of VPrefented to the Pa‘r1iamentA by Zkfr. S flfll; MOTEK and others, My 12.; 1659. 1 A Téngether with the Anfwer oftgé V l’a1*liam‘ent thereunto. Loi~mTozv, ”Printedfor:1‘bo,Bfewfléraczgfrvéwcllc/:g;>22:4:2,x6s92 o}z=: E N" 9 L A Thchumblcpem many Inhabitants-in and about thc‘C§tyq*f%%Lo_ndan. 0 _H«méb Marla» \ m t Hat whereas it Mth Pleafed thémifi Wife ' V tionsfomie years fiz1ce4:::‘"ufl"c::;~ed you E0 be: interruptecfi asga xxghteous check eme:::.c:%haf;tifeme&zx: to you and us, for 0111‘ ilnthankfixlnefsug for the Great «Sali- W A %% ~ V OrdeferandDZ%1pOf6rVofall%~things,toAputLV ‘ .. ‘youoncemore ;1mm the éx:erc1fe»of that * ‘ SupreamTrui’c,vvlrx¢1V‘*e1nthe King c'>fNa«’- vations Wrought for~us,v and 12:nfai%thfu1n ersma vigaw “A j 2 »ro‘a§. 5 A rous improvement of the opporcunoities therebygiveh; to bring tomatumy and perfeéhon tt1e‘fl1l‘€‘oof0l1Il‘3§_'¥ tion ofa Common-owe~a1 fin ma’t fers relxglous and c1- vil, then happily lxaflid" and dedlairied foro,anoc_1fi_g'na1lly=, owned bychgc Lord O,f?HOfiS in the"“dayS;0f Apea1sooinA me high .p1o8o¢éS of thé Field Whiéh fifok¢‘ofrmoothe A Lord; v‘vithi-ts} fadficorifequcnciés S 4fdoefire may be never~forgo§§e.%Vx;_%o 3gWo11Mor us. % 7 duty_.,as to admxre th"e ,¢ mpower, an ofVGod- t.he_orein , and A heartily oblefs his.Name Afokr hear- mg, 2‘1nAd~ in hisoohwni» EimE~omiraou1ufly anfwering our fig-hs,otears andprayers‘: So alfo toprefentunto you our cordial owning and ’£‘ej:6LycingWinothisfpecial Provi- dence towgogdsoooy agld 11$ 2;_Whe&€iflfi you are recailed A by God, Ffieh“dT‘sof~ «Comm“ongwealth,ando < capacitaaed to ré-afl”erc the main Subffance of the“ 1(;ppd§)~1dooCauofe$ an~dM==fie&oua11¥:f §9~S1Jpar(t:u;5t there- upon, till :hEV‘ifo}j{‘({oLhe cjif”11I1‘iv‘erfa1“Liboerty, "F‘rée- odom , Common Jui’cice7a-nd?Righiéoufxio-fsbLéo«4’vi~fibIy»o tooflge Gloryof God ,orhe Satisfaéfion V of your; Friends, and me CooviéH6h.ofA”aI1 Einemieso%oand fayers. V A A A “ V " iAV«V‘e prefqmp youg heafts and cdioéir§”}x}i1I‘“1$铧f€x'ays. oop‘oen*,, 4 co ’t;hq ofob’enoooVW“a“d2§r:¢£feéoof fiendsg. 13:5»; 9 A» _ -7ofi’§r ‘A ,f mhorajfiore {ball A it» w “ 3‘ in fi‘¢5?cj?t1r4=!4 oil’ ”t#irn“of% pt xipwxrz 3gou,n: gbty‘ afifairsoooo ‘ ,o 31. * % ‘FEQ6118‘Mi1*i*2i*a:%i.:of3*fl?i?e4,f5everalA t; fitios amcum: (‘figs Winhin this Ci0I*11imoneowe_a1;hb.§fP.€o¢kii1y {W Aledo, €43) red rherhands of ruchwnohawerin times» efrryel rad‘ dfoecdo~ themfe1rves.rrfaidthfu1to the Intere£r’tthcreof.r .£ormer§~ ‘ orbrtr who havee(With0:“F dec1er;nfionr)e mranirf<=1’icd their .gJoodafi”e&iefl~‘t0 £116 Cornmorn-wealth. 4 A j 3 .Thatedcaremay,rbre tawlren thee the perfons imrufted .‘with the Legiflacive power; may not be‘perpeeuated,dd there all pgcrfonrs wi,r:hin't;hi_s ‘Com morr~w.wealth_tIiady :rao%%e.or cubgeeioo. as ’i.:W§,1lo we; end in ordrerrthexe er-, ; 2“. hat fuchfaithful!Wperfons,who~have been. ejeéied A ounof places f Tr¥ufi:Mi1itafYrr0”d% C:iVi1:5 0-1? have for Cmjfciengef gekcefsritatedi ro quit; their or com; p1oymen_ts,tnay be ‘fpecdily ifiVite?d“andd.r¢Iirored to their A ” d $fl ‘y:¢i‘§(’ies‘V,’5"‘ and that none fosthe futuremaybe my place,’ from the higheft to chervlovrefi, runtio , that in: ¢;onve_x1i;enrrWrimwerprggovifionjtmaybe made ""for7an.equa11:rdi{tribl1t§onof Eleériorrrsrerin thee Reprefefiwr tafci.xzesr~drfd this oCd0rI%~mQflrW°:;§11£11arWit1%fi1Ch-wdlie <1l1‘3~1ifi- carioosdofo rh:erE1eétr§sraed: E1 ‘ehe~Inre1£Ei’fi;th$:?:ré