lath»ormddvti:t!m"¢’I='nto« ‘ A Jar. %23.,4= ;m.<_ 1Et?CIlI!ft$- ofispzmrzng Atbv Laml; fi1¢Mffl¢tbfi jfbg\7 P[m.,.A,~.«» ‘kw-é é 9% CA .7\[Cj0 ‘R7011? ‘D*15' C S :§j:DISSONAN’g §IAP\l\/1N °%€'Sacrcéi Pu~mA:.1quE%OA'r»HE.s, PR0T«1f.sATATIONS;3A LEAGuEAS , COVENANTS, INca.AegMgm~s%, % latcly tailfccrn many AT1;ME-SERVING SAINT-S fipgg ~ Officcrs,withoi:tfcr.up1cof Confcienccgmakinga ve» A ry mplefcnr Confer: in the Ea-m* of our mofi i:'aithfi1Il% .0azl2A~per arming, C:{‘TU€fiflfi?~k€'€PI.fig'G0d ,, andvall ‘Loyal A AA oonfiicnciaus ‘S¢i6j~e¢'z?.c 5 fuflicient to create a dalefall A :2 1.1., and tormenting Horror in thcanmkzzezl Cwqfiienm of aII4thc)fe ._, wheat have%takm, andviola-if " Ated them too, fucccflively, without any¢jAGo.~:!,t4‘ AMm,DWils,vr Hell. u% is % $29 1'5 £‘-=:. {J ‘ ‘J “ ’»-.3 ‘ ‘H mmwnnuw-a-«-u~mmI¢|WIH'hw»uupn\ ', ;.,.-r Cgfigy‘ WI_L£Id’A:«Mfig M Mr 3 Eflg-.54 Bcméer afLincoins..Inné. i‘ Numb. go. .2. If}: mm yaw as Vow mzto th¢*?Lo7‘r1,orfwezz2*}m A Oath to lzmcl 1925 Soul ‘wztba; Bo}zd,i.m_{Imll 2zorbre;zkVbi%sward,i ; %__ Jb.:=- flmllA gala. xzcwro-rd*i1z.,rzAto all Atlmt pracmzsléwtla az4tAa_~Fk.£sMz»%zrtb. A 'S"«%"«Gal%; Brethren. I fl>ezzl{:qfmr tlw mrmzer ofnzm, t}aaz4_;;l2it%¢ be'%L:A:f A1271: .m;ms ~CoiIvmant, _y¢'t it be cw1,fim__zec1%,V%zaro mzn alijlmnnl i A fzmt f7l:m>s the 2:mId£'mej} Atzrc%dV_y¢:dup , tbeii" cmwrfr%x2rVez;iI % AA mzgl tlwirforce is not right. % % A A % . #.g.%AAu%gr.:flin dc: vmbia Am0fl:<.)'i .5?crmo%ga. Falfa hzracio eAxi%ci¢;fa%j%¢fi5ygm%% \ jurari0%Apc:riculnTa tiff, nulla%i%urario,fc:cu-gaff.‘ATam:‘;_mg%ma15mhA¢g%%% ~ jprurim, urqui Lapid:-.~As ccjlunc tinrman: fan!fu%m,%A;.%inr%am ipmf « Iapadm ,-_ 1+ %%Anun;ri*mcs%Dcwg1 prwf¢r1rq_m, D¢%u m %_ y;ivc%n1§ery1‘. mum 4r ¢;mmm§_ Ammm mmrcnmm, Drum an aancerxxprmm%v1ndmanvcm%%§%%m§% ¢W5J ¢;:%V~%AAIpngé eflh a ptrriwiio_?‘_]urarmVn__p1i.V ¢ _ M A _ if -€»‘:»._; %C}njAyf,1§§gm.%x min Mm:,5__«Nxfi Aguramcntuinccrdi.g;:atur,nOnA pnAffun%r%A amputm pe‘r)u:Aia,Nam0mcn:%m qpnnfraqumccr%iurat,8Uwn aliqxzandopgyjmfgg I ¢@é% Landon, :%Prixl%1ced for Edward‘ Tbamm in the Adm a.ndEzIr: we L ”‘A"'~ A V ~ in Lit-tlaBr£=mi‘n,A%IA6r;9,.%A ; A A % ‘ ” 4£2‘W~ $31.1‘ %»e difl?»mnt Harmony 0 fared publi «ind Stat11tesA ¢;)fWt:I1e Land have" formerly %&tamkex1%1;o%.thair ”;S‘mZsA,, Confciezglces bear; conftaxut FaitIxA,~ Alla-~ A Vgiance, obgdienge, and duE1£i11%l__1"u[k_;;;e§cS?g1o11t:cm:h\mm5 m_d to L,mb,¢d;, wdefgnd thcir Pm.[o11$,Crown%s,zmd Jtxfifloyal ‘P1"eI‘%Qg;1t1Ver¢, Archaiap, ' A with their «Lima , 1;/Iembew.-. Fq1~trm¢s», A a(g;aVVx4x:1I1 all Av Edward! W ,:;«temp~t;s,% Qcmf .;.imcicS» M and~AInn%0Ya¢t1*ons%a L%W11at4%A§ om; orgiatiomg 1L eagueI»C0?¢M"ts.E"gamats, H W: Mktm ,(9‘C'. . A ”Any~are thg publick 0a.J1;I1Vs,4' P1'otcflationsg , sLagu¢g,QQvenants,whi«;h a}al,%Engslifh Swab-~4 A A jgas (efpecially Judgea, Jufiiwccs, Shae1*ifiTe',%%A ‘Maiors*, Mi:1i{tc1*s5LaWyc1*s, ”Gra;duates , Membcrs of 1:116 Commons Hotxfe, and all ‘;pu%bl%ick Oflicers whatfoaver) by the Laws‘; aflmflon, Trafi. 2.. (z. micron, 0.1 an...‘,11¢i fgmdgmy} Kings, t~bc?ir~Hei‘rs and Sugcemrsg Im bind cmvem which fcflbris Lax, 3 5. Spelmammg A flquite fo Ago*’t:tcuwbyAt‘l1ofe who have fomA1‘¢rl&y Giommmj mi ~~{%tak¢n*;= a%nd.a3%%fi~gq11e1}tly vialfptcdthclll over, amgl oycrmgn M53“ A 9111 the highef} dcg1‘ec, ;fI10I¥8¢1>].1l1‘¢L1*tl.14‘3mbY COIIVIMY fate flmivk 7 MP3 \ *~04tbssAani1 5§;4“I"J£h»;l'!'1fiflW?$)-fg:¢£:.emt ‘3h¢m.J,«n to G**‘”'*"..‘‘' “*5”: AA 4tI1;eWirown~anflwothc»~sA’%icW,5 *thatA:ti1ey ma%y cc>z2f‘ciem:ic2z:11y; I*;fl**6~f« 5* %“review,¢Q11’fid%ei*tIi%6i11¢a;fi~¢fh;,z1x1::.1;:lt:«gw“v’?«yle¢'cI1ci17}ve¥; ja.{xz~im11%s 5*” 7’ 3" l:"arI1eLifii;ml Vio1ati0»h$;9€tl'5¢I31p:WA1?I"€~V¢u!: »!:11w"e,4mmw>Ara1 Charm. f. us , ~an.d Aetexvijali‘ ,;tdgn1@i;t7§:1W}3i¢11fl§3h$3W’*’if3I11%m.a1!i1i‘Yi“TI‘1W(’t Kim: et 45, 1 ;;cmai;,rIyfa lj 1‘133r;113 1:11:11: ‘, 1cvc1‘¥%P¢r[o2¢ab¢V¢, W.y¢W4é1dm'1%e21%¢*V’¢1?y:iZ;3tI->immIrmw:a»s d 34¢‘, A __ VOb1”ig7=‘:dA {$0 :13%k§’=. :1:?‘i"°l5-‘3¥‘*15.€. EC; ~F11$;Q¢3111'F y LW ~W iM2£hl%lTl‘YV1'1i‘flI1 mm “aim 11V¢A%.5\aI1£1 5{7r“:.?%S.._?~‘¥tWk‘m%L‘Z@kW1t11fif¢{h¢W’+'Y Y¢~’W«:~bJ’ 7i‘~“P«I 9:1», 191% jji, V " A A ‘A A % m ” ‘I"nrx:;lcs Mag 8: A ot;z*%Nat1¢;»;w1g[I;,p¢)V fmjit:Ij.a¢, {$111,116. &:«;;«:ac€%: Ccallawsaéi I:4ém%ii1Wit;htf1e7 h:n:ia:nr4WtAlv 0];Fe«w1m T‘Wh i(.?§.1‘;t§;:n‘§éI3:fi .;%A ~ 1 [V3-W8-L _ _ A A .A(~fi%)v » . . _ &YAf1;% ( A‘;£#ie»a1;-t§1;c~P¢ople*ofyour B%ilyWiCk,A anddo right to AA "F axvcry cue; %as,;w e1.Lto Str-angers as to ’P1'ivés 5 A%Awé1‘I to F vhe*~P<>oAr thfifffiich aAf iI14t113‘i~V?;hi¢f¥?1PP¢*?§ainéAt0~ wAAd0 ‘W?»t*i=%t*:n¢%fheArt fmy H?;230".AI‘fli0f*T01‘Baii-= ‘fig-l1«eS,'&x "fem ‘ ‘1€r1fi:.5: “*'_I10’1**fCir ’”PFOII1I.fe,'I;'IQi' for favqfrin % “for-:hatrcd, y%o1.1AFna1%1nQ%t do.Wron‘g%to z11y%%one__%:%t1j1atyo1a I A ¢ 5 [hall rb no %%II1?1f1S%i Right , norfhall Tort takV¢fa11y thifzg ‘by ‘Whicl1‘*.th~e KIN Gjn1ay fi1fl?i'1‘%IQfff:f, ‘o1*'any" “ {hall be*dif’curbcd_~5” j% Alld tha»t i11 aH*‘1fhifl§$ WhiC hraB~‘~ *7 pe1*taifi,wtoA%thc_ Maior of1. th c% fa id.‘City fo Atodofg yqgx ~¢~fha1lL we11*a11d!awfi1lIy” demean ‘y~OI1V1‘f€1f-j°_ %%Sc»G,o”d you v A <:T'o”ttLés ' “‘ whélp, »8cc. * %T%h%é%like caxztlas %i11’-fizbfiancé wve1‘eVtiI pom‘ {elf , ogby ntbextr ‘mzdtIéazt)!e;‘45' '4 flmll *db“e%z»m l}zz1v%%4;¢z,£:%\4Ea&eéuti0;z ofs*_R z'*%bt¢ra%f»g[[;§lziy¥Sz1l2j“eé?;; 4 lRic%Vb ' zmd7Foofr “nritb%o2{t»*$%VIén%*§%z;;* regatrj; fb hzizj .fl7z‘k,jl ¢ Atlmt you takg not by yarn’ fcrlf or b_yot}3:r, wp1fiz_Ji7lié‘01f‘”c1}17eTf[‘}F§, » or 1-iewzzrd of Goldor Siléxef, %nor7ofa.3z}“arké1éf%tb“i7igw:jp%bicb mzzytzwrn to ‘yox4r*12rofif‘,.% :zm_Z«_‘[]Er¢f%itfb:%%%,mc:ztw or drink, and of A fmflll‘ «ml of Aafzj %%3f mIm7z¥jj¢%% bwue *—m4J%v% " Wqgdj: ' ,%bdg1gi.'-mg l2efo1*§r% %you% , fl‘f “’_Z97'Z:g'‘' ~a&tbe fzznzeVI”1>*oc£f$flifaU5e]?9ba7¢g~§” _., now" After tI:2e“ izme cz1~z¢fe‘. Aiz8i%tl9atwye:'tgigflnoffif§irIsM_ % flmg {ts VA;/?5a2‘l’ 50 AA fii*Cc*‘g,'T Kobewf {in} «man g-;”rezz%t‘ Viar . , ‘ %bflut’?i"’Df..litb A ilii"r1g‘bin~1~f“nl£::—,,~ we tljat-pau%:"g7mzV{mni12 an; ~W5:é‘fig-gttnnwkn[emu‘ 3110-?m%a’n’g_rsat o3Qfmgu¢:*4“i‘it”nh tats: inbm-2‘ 6 w2:»4 amng isparw. —Amz 22¢ cafe}'fbdt“%d1gy*5. o_f~vvbur{MAAe;1%Aate A «mm *eoml2' tMz’m they _ be , scmief<”9beforc% fizz: in ;_yo2i*r AASEJ as - 2. % -, . g , % . A 1 “ " % % av VI.‘ M VA f‘£1—»-*.’ .” A gugagn %fb*a*~ forme?.af a Iae,ru% tflwtwv 1a*7'mraafi5mRdé¢,~aIo»*tlr§?mTéé . - um ‘ nflqutmn “tlae Cfimmonelgzw or to~’1’m3wéfe%$the%%peo1>le ,3 that may mt %pu%rfueA tine Lam , Atbdt y%eVdo{%%ib}%éir bo‘;:lies'* t%o7lze arrefigd % mz’%¢ z2rz‘m~+ "Ami ‘c[areArbmeM1, time »myL»w gzrrgfi. 2:-i:I£171:.,tI3aa1 f y:c.eT.tifietbeKz'z}g aftlogair nnzmeas, and of ti.§e~ir fi12?j}'27‘z§{io}z brzfl‘z'ly. ‘_., O ft IMt VAI’/aefeo % 7be my ordzzimz qomwiitafzlc t/2ac1§V_ye;bVy1_&yoik2*fa.AZ_f,%.:7tor by3otl3erprivily”%nofzzperru Hly, jmxzzhtain my plea: or ”qqz1;z‘3f2*elA hazzging in the mags finurf, j arV e~lfew}bm*e i1ztlaeACm¢2:ry.“ ,AndAtl2V;ztM%;ye deny to‘AnoT;1mzn% com- %%.m0n"n'gbt by tLbe.1Bit14g6 V3-iaztterfi W none Lvotber mans», am. for flfan:zA at'lm' ¢;m- .: .¢ndf_ ;,.... ~¢,z_{e my «letters cm: ‘_yoy: %%c“o;zt2‘zz}1 ‘j ‘i5o%%1* ;a‘L$LtZxr_;, tbiztuve‘ d0‘flotb"ingAbyAfu¢b‘A Letterg ‘bm%V c ‘er%rifieA Itbe ji3in"gA t{}m.=zof,% and gofarrlm do the ,Lczw ,.n0tWitbfidnding the: fame‘ %,%1Lettér$; _‘ tI)8fi’yB»flJalI% %% Annwarm p:mcntz‘%t'bz"%pg9nFt nfitgw; mug smm at tI;z d{:rn1n¢g1, rtmtb all tbfinga infinite ye may reafiggnablz’ A?ihn%t1;¢Afame. .44mi 23; ca~fa¢y¢§~%be frqm”‘be2zcefortI;z%fB»uml ia¢%'zlef”azz?lt~i¢¢y?z~3¢,_ywof the .P0intsaforef.m£ , gaAfba_~I:i bz[%at we 3iiingsA7Wil1A%, of Wang, fl-anus Aanfi 659635, Atberent to%b:aVIJm1za5, fijailplfiafz bin!» A :z14€»Gocl you help and all Szzinfs, Anno 18 Stat»?-4.. A. . A A Thencxt ~:0.«.ztb is that %of;S‘upre,mac_y,111adc and prefc1*il5éd A to be taken by all‘ judges, jy{%ices,Sl1-c1'ifl§, Maiors, Pu=:cord- -crs,,CiviI and Ecclefiafli-calOfEcers,Barreftcrsfificnchcrsg,Gm~€~ A 1ac1uaecs¢% Millifiersgfittrt1ieS”vxf!fifl’bcVer',and al1MMémb¢rs%of vAthc%7Comn1ons Houfe , bcfré they oughtgto fit or%¥}votwc%r ~tI1erein5 A bythc Stattites%of"1 Eliza. czz1>.»1. 5 Elizecapg it.-117 ._.,C¢z%r‘.;;Czzp;. 7. A A A A— 3- dmrcerrycefiifieanddeclareinAmywcow‘cience, *.That fl;2AA imam: igigbnefs A iatI;zV.n%n1:>%np;ea:n own: nm: of this ‘ifiealm, am: of an o‘tyer “bals iatgbnafs £Daminl: % am: wz'a¢g his Majefiy tb~zzt:' it migfitbe emzxaied , ttyattbe fame flat!) may be abmfi ytnwall %T*§'t1bfE1fl£. "~TI1é ywordsy ¢~wherco'f; arcs” t»he.fe.. I A :13. dd trwlywm abfmcrzrelyry acknowledge, 121”0ff_fl3*,:.f*dfi-7y.‘ fimjy ifrazzl declafie in my Aconfcience be_fore_ God‘ and the tvorlagfis fzilagizzratj ve‘,mi.;.y t}J£1fi':Of'bin1feZ_f'3 mr by may of we C1914-‘rah o*r~Seeybf1%R0rne, or; f y N }y mzy »o¢t£2er ymcuyytns imitb 4amg"ht1)2r,batt) yang). yp:Bw2t,iJ.3a'ut§)a-j-A flit? flimsy matnivfifvnyfaynfaflvwqtfiwwiew }‘ W‘ fl,i2£%i»ugnm1niw gi;®nmfmnx'i's; up tnant!3ngia:z»” =*7ffizwifiyyy’r ifigtlncz ytn””i%nhancyi»vbt. ~anrmp bitnm gis¢nuntr1u;55* oz to 33'ifv~ mbixrgay yang bf ylgisy $9ay’cItir‘s fiubjzrw ufftbeitVflllyegéfanscéi »a221nr¢£Dyyb:2n‘yi:t:yn:ca tn his i%fl«iJ2?if.’1};,‘o{l tn:gi§i:-2 ylizxzttywag rem 7 ‘ ‘K’; H g fl up mannanwmtyytoyptsmmmes‘ A _ W V ‘VW3-*yffi~»nfierm«;=y‘y ’ ‘i99'i7'fo%‘nyyg ,f‘§f8’tf‘e A V nzfiytfimherhnimnt, or ta may of -his ymajefiies 1‘ Asubjéezifs, witbin A Majffiirs ‘;Dam'z'm‘vm.y sdlfon, do jfnfaeavfrom«vymyyb:aft,.ytbxzry : natwitbfiaxdiagy ?:'Zl3_1_y. ,.DEcyZawrtiow: c'rf~‘Ex€timmu?zz'c2zti....A. »m;.a1(’;» cteprizaatibrz A‘ A mgzdg er g?rd‘rt"t:d Ttbflope ,1 ér;b;3:~::1,$:rcc:‘ “At? A [am by ; Agygy Azttbo1”€it_y deriverg or Ajgretengied, to; 12:, deArived' from W, gr ms see. agatnatbe rain mug tats ilaetxzsn; hum A Atpflflzfi ; 03 any abra1un‘AAnnnftbztatnA ®,uAbjm:ts .fmmVA4tbzic‘? nbznienckz »Ia%tl14bzacA3faitb annttue 24ilIzgiancaAAta his A . §§a,§4v§1Ps;bi9 1.13BI'Aw8nfi.9.uccefl‘ogs»amabimann tbeminill ‘. 1apfzunVAgto tbaA*u"tt.mfmu1tAA‘nf Amppbmzc, A anainft «ailmen- A A’%fPit8tiBA5tmnzflttemptsinbatfnsiazr: ; hibitb than be mans agaiAn1t_nAiAsAe; tbe‘i1:‘1Bs1:%fons,L their azmxmranu mignitp; , by xgatmfmg colour of any racy Sggntenccngi Eeclaration; . A 9; ottgievmifq, arm hJillAna mgrbeflfznneabnur tnnttclofz am A A F M13; knninnAunta% his A93-ajeflty, his {§z[iF5 annfiucteiruzs, 2 ia1l;pl£tcafon§L;znnAtfaitgrcus cflinjanfpiraciea, »1nbicb 31 R331! .‘ iiu‘em;%~fi;4bear of to bzAagaini33 him, Aanp nfA:tbABm; Amt , I do ’AfI¥”i‘.t1a8r:j'1;?ezzr, fl.’ ya: Blbnfrom my Ewart ahbag, netzif, A janh Y abjure ,_ as. impinus any V flammable Em A xztrirw az1hA1B*a£itiozx§, 4m;a1;A gagsnm 1nb£cbbc:arcnntmu=r 4 gjtigatzh bptbzA%Pnpe.magbcmzporen ngmutfiwma by them A Subway, fa; >mp4V own: mbatfneber; flan 3 bn1neIt‘ebe,% AAa11nA%fAtfti fitnnfciencz am rzfaliazn , AtI)at% nzitbertbe @apz, W13aflvfiperffinivbatfoeber, bath power to abtuibe me of A ~,x~,1)is;@atb , An; any part” tperznf, A inbictb 31 Aacknmnleugs :. _i11?*’4~£a£§flD f!,l:1lAA;A . ~ VA lg amI‘x*t*x“1Aift;mn am A ago ‘nu, r2itnum:z.A%al1 '3-fiaronnsfanuwtrpentatiotts 4 A In the contrary. Aflnn all there things 31 so platnzgama“ A fincerzlp aclsnutnlsngz am: imam: , accogning to the 21:4 A ptmlfeinogns Aby%:me~Afpn’1wnA4, 31%: am :ac:ming In tbzplain nun] tommnn fenfe'annunn2t1tanning oftL12%l'a1n%e"iiin2~D‘s, A.Ainitbput; any Azquitzncation, 0; mental ebafian, 0; (met A "4§mWt'gtjJat%ipn%A mi;tatrnebm:.% Elna 3] no make this A.1Kecngniti:F : 4 pm anfiifinhnnmmngemant heartily, miuimlg, aanAt:u1y, 4 ..flpfln%tDeV%frt1£A3'f&ftb%jOffifflbgifiifln. 4-80 help me,God.* AA 9 A A *__¢A gm Ema ; A6.V To t1icfi3‘~O-1th%S AI [hall fubjoy~n%t‘he% c Protqffation, ; fcollcaion, takezl in: p%jLAu°fif1a1'1%c¢7¢of I:he{'c.-Oatlas) by1aIIAthb 2731296,: 37s.%W"c11-:3 €€95¢4§1Me111be1~s, of the.%;‘.;L;aérds, and Acommnins Houfa-A 34°’34?-93‘ 1!. A 8 lni‘-7‘:£’0zZgf1f¢IT,lit{777¢.é'9£t,zz1zj:clvoluxmzrib: takgn byall 1t%%/.942? 161:]? afiiu % fi:’4§I;:§:a:_%¢fi¢(g Pegplez:b1§o11g1iEm4tt1a:%4R:;il7ig, all,Or_$ n10ff%0ffiCbfs A ,.,.;,,’3,§;gA,9:.jv=I1dASm11d1erSvfthc Army; by th€1I‘AutI}0I‘1tY- 4 A Di“ % \\ Di€M"“’”iia%3M”ii> 1541- A M A M ‘We the Knights, ACitAize11s,* and Burgeffes in *th'eAC‘c)m~—r « ;m*onsT Hoiifc of Pa1'li2tmeAm:, finding I:/jo"tl11e “rent g1'i¢Eof.. A *-%111orc%k$4oI+dVly 2nd?frc%que~ntI Aput in pr: étife than former- our %hearts,%tI1at thedefigus%ofthe'PricPts‘and ¢fi%Jites,%and other *Adherents tO_tI1‘c,See of.1{ame, have of late been A M A “ ‘ 4‘ And have y ~ not bar: A , ly‘? ~tov the undermining, and angetof the ruineof the t111e%‘;“m0r¢% 1-we reformed Proreifanc=Re1igionA Ainhis Majéf’cies‘Don1i11i$ons and ,,¢w,, ;hm efta%blifhedA .4 And finding alfo AAtha.At there have bee11,.and have ever before 2% V%‘\¥5x11g¢jtIf’c Acaufc to fi1Tp¢&=th"at tI'1.vC1'€'.flfiI‘I3I‘C: %6V€"T1d111’-€113 % %< J this fitfiing in Pa1'11ame11t,*e11d' fi.1bve11tsth%e*Fu n- ft Asfime ant: damental Laws; OfE~v2‘¢glxzrzcl%a11d”%Irelz£i2d, and toi11troAduce n0§?%_bY%d°“* bled xlicgal % A’ %the‘Aexci*cifc of an A;'AAbitrary and Tyraxmical G%ove1'r1n1ez1t,Tam’ Afifici; by n“1ofi~.A perxaicious‘ a11d wi%ck€d CoAunfe1,s 5 Praétifcs, Plots {C5, mg“. K. W a11dQo11fpiracies ‘:A”./;\11dth"at tI1:€_I_O_I1g ixlccrnxifliozgl, ;u1dH1I11~ courts of I132 happy breach of Parlxanmlts, hztth occ:afio’11A<-zfd n1a;1y 1llc'-A- fiice, Arbitm gal ‘Taxations, wh~er'eupon Atfhe Subjefft hath been p‘1~'ofe,;%:n-v *’YJU“&°5$=% ‘% ted —a;1d%gricvedA:v And that divcxfs Innovatiozus and S1} p%ez'~v;f“‘ c‘g::~i’”‘“' %M%AAfl1ti%bns‘%%haAVe bcc;u~brc>‘ught:; i1<1 t~ot:L1é”(”.3£f11?1dx”AcI1A%_;*, n1u1'P1tude3 ‘*9? A 5 M ~MajcI~’cies %Donwii11‘iot1%s; jeaIO1‘1fiesrai.~fed%%A~ f a”fid&J%‘fon1cntc4d%A 'betw-ixt «the Ki;t:1jg»andAAhisApeAopIe 5A aAP01:3ifl1 A Army 1e7vyec1«in ~’Ireld§ml. ,,"§ afnd twd Armiés %bro11M§I’1t iIit”7<:¥tlic bawels of this Kingdom , to the I1a7.a%1~dAoEl1is Majéf’riesA% % Royal «Perfon, M rhea? coixfilmpfionof theAi’Reven1xcs%~qfithg-Now~ qua: (Dr“Qw1aAa11d%% T1"ma“fit‘1‘e ofth~is~*Ki11gdomA :“f'A11%d Iafilygfinding ~t'oldA and CW V mgmeaccaure» ofjealoufie, that endealvours have‘ been, and f‘»"“"d‘ A I are ufed to A_b:~ing the Englifll Army into a Mif-1-m1~derfi21t1d~ I f ing of tI1iAsA Pa rIian1eA11t,thereby Ato ,i=1:n:Iim- that A1~n1y,w1ch%f Hav; they free to t%OaApa%I1'ev%th?ofe Cdunfe“1*s,: E0‘ fig‘-‘C "2 fore tI?1ougI*xt good to joy_‘n~ our{‘eIves%in“a"D¢clax>atio11%ofi:;:M:5: g-EMA our united Atfefiiqxxs and_B.efolm;ions,andzto~rm}ke%t€hisRaga % e11fi1i11g%Pro.tef£a”tiAon. --11 A A A"; A A A A _ A A IA: B« do in rm-.1>reAen¢?AofA1migb»yGa%d,pramifc,waw;¢mfi:§ ?%r¢:éfi,3io mdin-={ A 4 W V Adfifféfiflm 45% 11*“/4Wf~l1yIAmay» Wit/IAAr¢MIfl-':%APo1aver.andeflam “J65 A true’ ant Religidn, éxprefléd iii fl)? Dvlirine ofthe A EflgImd,dgafnfi all Poperylnd PapbiflJ“Innov%zztion: within this R:4lrn,A;;c6i:frdj}~» ‘ ‘ Ax‘ ; ff $';;‘J“w V ' “‘\.‘.;-é’ :/V “"71 "“ ‘ to the firms Dofirine, and according -to thci¥W3r'y ofmy AJV1e“gg"iT??i"i1ce¥;1+:EIis‘* V Maicfiiesfigoyal Parfona‘ Honour and Emma; alfothfc power and*AVparie%;A VZ1¢geA°fPar1iam€nr5LThe1aWfii11 Rights andlibcrriss. efrbc snwisii and every perfim tbht malwb this’ Frotefldtian. in wbatfl{wer%bq,fl24l1doin pm‘-1 fl fxancajoftbeAj&me. And go my power, dndga: fir rt: law all} I may, I"will_ oppbfe_',M aind by all goo_d ‘ways: and mans; _ejndcd*‘vaurAta briizgwtq candigné‘pjq;ifh;yyent,‘all* [W1 45 "/W” W/Jet bjfitge. pra2'Iife,%counfi.-[5, plot:xconf}iracie£,_ at ofiberigpijbg. do. 41!_)’IM'_f1£tItDvt‘_l7E contrary 1:: this prefimt Protqffatian Acantdnéd; And further: rim 1f’??f£€AiQA€Z1L"£5V4?4Wurdblew4ivI5~deavourrorref:werI:eVI?‘nivn and I*meA . :m 5.”, A 'E:tfi3waart?1e3t7:rréKingcfam: of gu%gA1;njg:,$gnd Ir%¢Ian%d%. ydnél nefrfia*r% fier ’?9P¢sf¢4fs"°f””’¢’ re1§re£z"~fl2a1zrezii«qzéi{Ia my vminifea Vorw Pm¢IWm- 7- The 4;next,;inJtdimq5 VS:b1¢2mz%L,eaguAe a‘nLd AC%bWi‘afi*,ta~ LA l'1¥*s the ‘W? ".I;6,4~2o,‘ to = '- ~ v = ” V %, T %‘2.28.4$8}‘4" 9. 11% Solemn League and.Covenanrf‘or Réform arm A andfiflfifgncc of Religion , the Honour and Hap-M ‘93‘_k3m_’:g03 %1?1n€f8 of I;heVI%{1n.g%,% and the 1?eace4and Safety of 06,807, 898, % the three K: gdomvsc of%Er2glm2d, .Scatlzmd,.,- ‘7~\3:..87.9§;39V9¢& A ‘ » , andIrela.ndV.,Q % :%;“r ~ A . A A E Nablemen, Bstrarus Knights, Gentlemen», C»i'ii.2;‘e72s,VBt¥r-s4 A £5535: Minifier: aftbe Gafpel, and Gammon: of allfaru, in A 1739 ifiiflflbfllflfiaf England, "WSctlVand,j;md Ireland,‘ 12)’ NJEAP Y0 - zzidcnce of God living under $118 iLiing',. {and ‘being of one Re farmed A 1’Lcligion,baving befare,azz.reye; the g1or_y*ofGé d, and the adv.»mce- mam of tbe Kingdom ”afau%r. Lbrd and Saviour fefm Cbriff, tbe hair mm am %bappin2£6;.nftbaaainga%waiem2»ann bisimrifzrié A A and the true Publiquefifibérty5V&“2$Y’afé?fy,::m~nd‘Peace oftbe iB%'iflg:-_:; A filflmfiywbcreirz merj one; private co2zd£t.io7zi».r included; and cal/irigf _1W11*i71“(1€ tb€%it¢acb%€rn‘u; and blaudyplots; Canfpiracirr , z11tempI:, And pra£Zife:.,‘of*tbe AEn ;:m%é.e3A ofG9d -, ag;;infi%:%:;tbe%%AtrueAV rcligim 422$; % p‘rofizfl'ar: tbereofin qllfvlacexyfptciazl/y‘%in % the tbree.kjngdom1 warm % Afirecetbe reform:m'an.o %Re1ig'ian,A mid bow Lmucb” tbeir rage, pm:r_.~; A " and prefnmpt-fen are¢ofl.ate,4nd%at tbia time incrcafizd and exercffl'd3.* = % wbc;eofQt¢be:depLorab1e_ eflzzranf tbg Cburcb and l(_ingd%om of’ Ire*]a:,nd, Ibt-d'i§7TEfl'ed;‘€fl'd}f£=$_f‘1be{(:bI£TH1‘dHdM,Kijflgd0!1i af9Evngla*—nd.,,? d72Id ** ‘ A we %dangerou:Ae§?a1_e of we Cbnrcb c‘m d Kingdum of*Sc‘otIand_.; ‘are: A Wéfent afid publike ‘Tefiimmzicr; %We bdvenomat lafi, (after other V mean; 0_fS1¢PPliCdtf972: Remamfimnce, PrAoAtej?.azti*an:Varzdfufireringg‘ far the prefewatian nfour jélvaand our %relz‘gia72% fr1mg2*utter%%i*uine%%% _ and de§Zru6iion,dccbrdi2zg_to?tbé%£bmmcnddljIe~-prdéfice of tbcfe kirzg 4-~ dom:%in3f0r1?1%er% timeArg..%:qnd% the Eammple%afT%God:peop1é i7zotb€\r‘~ %Natiam55 after m%am?r£% deliberazfan, refolved mid dmfermined‘ to 9m- ‘4 1er.inta%a%mutuq;l412d Solemn League and Covmazzz,’ wbercin we aflf [‘ fitbfcribe, and eat]: arzejafmf for»biz:&felf,.wi;"b bu-nd: liftedflp mftbe-7 VmafiJbig§fGvd,;da%fWr4a ' I _~ A 4 . A A Hat we flwllAfincerely,~rcaIIy*anacan fiwantlymorigfk A the rGrace% offiod, Aendcavoub in our fi:IveAr;tl‘:ApI?a9ceAs ’¢i3M7&l1iAr1‘g«I%,*th4e prcAferV€£tion of°thcAA Reformid Rc1ig'!'Ao[nAi°n A-*:th~e Church offlcatland, in %Do&%rinc, A Worfhip, Difmilifih “ Aanjd Government, accordingto the Ward 0.fGod, angithe 771-Ei:amp1er:ofI:hAcbePtA Ri:eforme«d7A?‘C hurchcs 5" mam endga- _ vauhto bcing%the.Ghurch‘eAs of God intake three«I£in~gdomA£;. Eco AA jnzhe nezmefl ccmjunfiiom A811 d 7un:ifc>‘rmity A in Ex€]igiGnA , Aflonfcflion of Faith; Form;ofJQh~ur¢h4-G6ver$nment% , "Di- A reétaryfor Worfhip; and Cacejchifing; That w*cé.ndour%poA- A A fierity aftér%%AusA,AmaAy3%a3F;¢n,%Iim in Faith :indL§2ve, and the«V%.Lox?d‘Amay:délight‘ to; dAwe:1i1 in the midfir, (Jfus. » . w A II; ThacAwe%%fliaI11i~~lik 7AAn1am1er,;without%refpeét offer- A fons,indeav4our t_he'cxtirpa%tAion ofP§opéry,“Prelacy% , A(ehjaAtz A AA A. is; jQhur¢h~%Governme4ntV by 7A rch-Bi_{}:1%ops, .Bi{ho%p%syAA4 AI:>hei_r ‘ Ghancellors and Comm§ffaries,De2an‘s;‘Deans ahd C«‘hAapteArs, AnAchdeacons,_an:'i rm rmzmr Ecclcfiafiical Oflicers depending _on*thac Hierawsphy) Swpe%ri’:ition,Hcrefie, Schifme, Profane- A AA A {hall be_fouAndA tobeicontrary :9 found ” .?A%2DOi&*rine,I%« ind tih*aAA pzriwer of AA%V%God1inA€fi:5w AA=-leflfwe partake; in " oAt"h4er mans fins,~AA.anc§%th%ere§byAAbe in%A%danger*Atoreoeiv¢AOfthAeir plagues, and that? théL01‘d may Abc onc, and his Name one; A A iijrltAhc.thI’E¢KiI1gdbmS- A Av ‘V A I _ A MIA; “We tha ‘fameA finc¢Ari%c}*A:’.;&reaf“itA3?; A?AAan:d? Acogns ,Qm¢si?" W5!‘ than this be, __Aflan:c:y5'.imot;i’rw£Evc.ralA"Vocations, mflbnafintxt iliitb nut“-M-A not iolmmi AAA7I¥fiiIa€8$ ann l1YJ95a»mu!;~uallyto prefervc the Rights and fPri«%- in Xe”, . ‘ ' ' ‘ AV 7 A» A .4,‘ v “‘V ‘ I-‘at A A M A . » AA 2 A «r Irv‘ w» A .\ u A A ,.-‘ vilcgea ofthe Parliaments, and the%LiMberti%es of tI,1.E-A3I$i‘!1§'A;é brauczch in tfm A ‘\ nyntfiz-A3Kiu5:<;£A=wa§gieshighcfi ‘bf-‘*'::A » patron am: A i1utbngit12,A in *t!jzA?pg“2feriaatin#nAaA”?11iAnJ mfntitia Aififfimz‘ A A tbz+ttu2:~1Kc1tginu ,am1n3Lib2rAti2£~nftbéfflaingnnms ; tjba1t ¢A A “ Atbetnozln may bear tnitmzrs mttb nurA~=mmtctenc2sAqtnut V’-flnyaltp, arm that haz:%‘a“bn no tbo%ugbtgV&:tntei1:tnns to 3 AAWm*“Wb1:5 :§@3I3“iAl’~‘-‘ ififififlififif AAA3W:£WHffief§. AA ~ A 1v.AwemV 4 lalfo’ inn a1IA£aim£u11ne&Aendeavourthe dif-A“ A:r;fi.¥;z2dz‘ji1,;-aflgic ~and..e?d}2gerJ,a the ;fm%z"t.;% 1(»of iwe pro A Akzzzdflieclare befi2re%G'od%dnd tbe I:TZ'orld,. ourmzfeizzed define to ézebtrm-k Myer-1 f»0r%o%i+r~w.mfi22Ar. a”4Afor'1befim of ‘Me; Kiflgdomla %.nant4 me‘ make‘ in the Ap29AfmteAA of almighty ,®’pjn Atbc‘ A 192arcb2t‘% nfAAAalI’bzatt5,=!:nitAb a?tArus:F Aint2VnttVonV Alto; pet7fogm1% , ;tbg%ft1me; asAAtiwA’ flJaAIl anfiner at that great Anag, trben tb2AA ‘f2;tmvnfA4 aIlb¢8r§§A1ba1l be bi_[c1n£eIaA_M¢[t bu77ib!_ybcfe£€l3i72g jtbe Lord %tafflrengthen u; by hi: Hal} Spirz'tAfoi':bi$: end, and to A C*I?u~ Lard? "y11a}?%%!?l“rz§‘A?%av0a’)A*4bir wrath and indignation; agzd ejlablifb wA_%I2'lefr‘ Vouridefirerkxnlproceedingx with fucbfuctefl“, M mgay be dezm-1» ranvce and fizfet} to 5:‘; péoplg, and enécozgragement two other C brifi flidv Chu%rcbc.r”graaAning under» er in danger of the yakcof Am.- cbrijlfan‘ yrauzgig to joy: in tb; frtma, or lz'}{e/1fl' aviation and Cove: * A A ' .5 2m:.t§A 10: 155‘ 35’ T}; A yfG0d, tbe enlargemem of 1be'%A'1{‘irigdom " 0f"7'7i.'f12! CbfIf"iIh“a:°Ib%2$méAi%anaA£ranqui1itgnfuS“Englflhmm I*¢—Fc>1ve.% ‘ ,,T:A“i‘..‘-'1-m ("Z0‘AA‘A dgclmre , promife, 4A%Tm%"a4 mm be “ true ant: ”fa{‘t|by. fulito age cfilammomuealfb of Clfinglana, a$iAt.i5z1em£Itaé 13l't'IIJB1I:.{”mittjnztffiiliingnz‘=l9oufsAuAfAiLngw1 _ 2 M ‘ V All tbé.~»0fiZLfE1’5 ,% %SouZdic2*.s, jqfv the ,% a114d%MAGarri‘rong .t;I‘1-rougll gthe fi;fliA:;1enAwhbAfi1bs:a fcribed alid returned Ttheir%Sx.1bfi:z*‘iptions in Parchnieixt-pa ij “Rolls tot11qir;?,A}ozzmey—mén and %Crmtz;re.s at,W'q{fmi;¢fier;who M tI1;i1;cupqfi thought ,!:hI1?en1fe1ve‘s‘ and « thgir ‘ Government, tif A(btlic3_i1gh% %%:+f(3r111_ded% ‘upon A Blot/ii reacZ2er}§,L;%erfmy? as lafiing Aa11 d pve1*pct11aI‘, afsVifi"‘*t had" been Mfounj 1 A Izaak», arid the fifl9A¢1‘efi_% §Pri1,~1ciples ofPi€1‘y, jrtefficcgliigbteoyfie »~.:5??fia:~w]3adHrgmemiPV5l5¢KN¢tiqzztIl %CoI¢j3’21t:¥B?§1tftl1Ofc%. V¢1‘Y fltfi .E?¢é??ge%§Iif;q:§h¢I111» %V®I1.¢hffi:@‘ffi&fld9h¢%th¢irV33WtdVm am: ; ;pppr¢‘fTed‘f véiclijdogibledéizid TtrebI‘ed“F %’axes”%tQA A _thei1iA.AbI4C>oVd%‘y wzgufé Land A1-I1dA“S£aA.flg3iI1fi thcijk ¢ ‘;':'i(?rP’té‘5“‘fii1t"’K¢il;g3and’ Brcithx~.c;7i;: "of Scbtlflfld 8c4tI1eATNeWrlands; :.« ‘i T“°*”“° on Vt”fiAe%:6tEii;bfA?1Pril»%~-x6513+¢~fédéz"iIs@:A::m~nec1themVoutof “flare ‘ofthe ‘ wmr w A r - ’iAA»».:eu~ % V . ~ r p A W, own, .901 saAaa1dApoW¢1aWJth fox *<'-*3. 41:91:11!gh¢flE.cont¢n1PtMer~ common- i iwk‘obI%pervérti%%giVtwendé6Fra:rr.Ii4m¢ntaoppr«mvgtWoz2Iea ~weaIrh,Jv« 5», m‘aé.%gA‘AAGii2z~ tb‘eA W4?”fi;0f #561’? B%tfii¢é- i¢d vtterbi imrvfliéle im 1 Aux; A A A:tb2zt4c%orr22p”tq%atefiszi7:ejzrdgemgnt:bftkemofijmoderdte meéztb‘ A A AA Jecomé Q ‘ AA.g;,meA ftl2»;= A' ‘z'nfi1fz£mAE*1¢f~s z%mg“AdafiVe£lwE]?‘a5i:§[Bment. ~ ;And;. :13 %?t;hAen% fcmingm1?rm€f0r%‘%oVer‘thueifir‘Ifizftz11t%%@ammd;¢-Jwealrb % mm, :gggminfiA;AAtheiv%wAills54 the “Moqk;-Pwliment ?”11,;¢1¢,~% him A ( AWh§1%¢g: a:b¢5v¢m1;.5:o uMémb er;s%‘ dulAy“elie&ed, moi’: “ b7e7Avs “of Pa?r1ian1ent..~A A fin byche utry We1*e~rforcibIy: fecIfidcd)b theif %Add5i- A t;i o11aI APeHtitio‘n and”Addr%e1Te%,,> the 26th. of me @647. im- ‘pofed Athisnew 03th on a¢IlVC1c)1111fello1‘S of” State, mud‘ ¢ A4 I A.A3.da in tbeprefence 0fG0dAAlm%gmproméf¢ Wears to the zmermoff of my IWET A2395‘!!! ’,1=’_.PIl~70Zd_AVZ'Z11d n2.».zz'7zt;zz';¢ the "true ‘reformed Pgotcflant Rvel1g1o11,z'7z tbepurity tbereofi, as it 1;; .cog¢mi;zeAd Via jtffew Scriptzires of the Oldflnd New , efiamentA,,.,nmd mcburage Arise Prof€flm% N and Prof}_[]T9rs oftbé fame. ‘ And that mtltbc tmealib faAt'tyfu1itoAbisi§_%igb:: %Ane11‘a4A:tb&JiA3bhgnAA4 AiB_2ot2angA.of tba cuzommantiiealtb of §1e%fir9’«=» or my ofblovcf.6*i1raAordSwor«sL4 J A “ , drawn‘ V AAL:w+ 2 _ % .. “ drawn —hisqquart¢15 afgerfo Nmuchg.::Chr1fiianib1oud (1-1,.3&i¢_4% 6 roAAmanyAM%iI1ima of’TfcafuI_'cfpcnc‘, and%+imany‘§,ye‘aAr,g~¢1-g,,gg1,, i care,byAh‘is-FAatber%.n.O1izIer5toéflablilh hisPaflerigr.[inf¢fi‘1, new; % ¢rc&edASupr¢m'a_cy,~ Pf0A€i'&0?T%{hiF5flDd that by him Owhjdrr A my-Offickmfg andfnaarcif,%mofi}enclearéd Rglationg evcnffih rm? _ mo“?m¢n‘c5 bey"o?zid:t1I‘proAbability cit; poflibiiity; in hunJAanZe: ' apprchenfion» V A A ‘A ‘ A A" A " AA A j ,0;j'icer': caIl’edin1t_hc bIdfi'Z1nparliamentm4T) Imzfia naming fince .}the_ year I 6.48. Atiil Apnilrfz 0. ‘I 653;".A ,they..formerIy diiflr rfolvcdgmd Au!-1 parliamentcd, fcclfudingall i;hAAeA ‘refi t3fAthe*‘foId: 1Pa1*1f%iatn”érit~“.fittingAtill December»-6. $648 by~forccA“am§ , To accomplifh thisIhéngai‘uriexp&ét;:dVWc$Vx41{",~g;hAcAflrm_y£A A A ed guard-Q, ‘With thevvhole Houfi: of Lords, ‘rw"crA¢a:ting them~%%% aflonefor a P:grAliamAent whO"ufur‘piAng {to ‘¢thcri;{‘e%1-srcsfltjhe} A name and power of”a¢Parliamen t,% againfl both 'LaW.., Equi~g ty, Reafong difmprmtedhis Son ARz'cbAardVfrcmAhi£l I?imftV:é?ér~! _fb‘ ~ g ‘mum t 11:: V IO VGEB. 2 o 243 Cf 24-0 IO. 37. 626- 2+ 3 i» «=9 47- 31» 950- 3» 6- Levic— I9: 12- folh. 2.0 am mucua: 8:: IAU<13-.I5e .12: .1 3- Dqut; 8.19. ‘Jo_fl1.Nz”1..4;;444..w=raciraris% 4 3 «V3.7: 9,3 9. z.,, Ezr«H_r_o.5.CUpiu5 I_,mfi§, -N¢h- .13-25-AJcry:4a 2- 5. M3f+§§. 3;. 1' Kings ‘:5 3,, itorum T. 3. . ch50“! 7-10 ‘5a,W5»7~90,n1par.ed With~HtbI‘ 6. 16;l711§5. um,-M {ides An 0atbf0T~€°”fiU"14T5°"??3fW7?9I1;A4I1,_£I2d0f%aE§¥rife.'wberfara Gad imer homir as xpiflirzg ma)re* al2und¢mrb( tofbew unto:2be%beir:‘afp‘:*amifi::.tyg 1m‘,;rumGIwcos, : u mutability pf his cnznnmfl, cnnfirmeb it initb an mm, , tum Barbarm.‘ that by this 3Immutab12tbing5{his 03:11 and Ccsvenanoin 3E?$;?:l::5 ;‘ % which §tt5‘mP°1Itb.[3.§°3 ‘E93 Wfifiawe "7751,-57%! brweflrong c7or2fo- éftca‘ quam A . laxiyflg 353,4, IAbfl?.5 £?1awq!ea%flWI1flnt$witb»my%c};%gfi:;;,“% japcrjurarm A . have finngnuma David my Servant. ‘flap “dlinimnaut 1ni1l4'g;Pa&¢ Tponfcfi 110$ 1322813. 110? 338$ £118 thing that is: Eons nut nfznpltpps.§§3S%§’;Ztnyf; 07106 have I 11003" 5.17”) balififif-‘V that 3 mm not Its; unto E>aawA%g,11;c,,’§mg_A - A ; 2-.-11.“Tbehgrd/Mtbfiuogznintrutbanti: ®abin,I3gn.nziqu. Rom; 1Ut11.fl9§;tm=u tram It he 33- 20,21, Arm fmme Lord N"”'~’""-'* Vin“ i _yo%u4can4 breakm} <1En‘bm13U3ofibc]d¢},wand my dfiofienfant In % fb5T9fl”\u[’d.,U0l’ ‘Q€ flight 72; % _% T/aer2'&* may czlfis my ¢ofi211a.tit bz4VAb3oB%en1%initb manggfimyresmrorrtnrg ¢S_grz}4nf,% tbdt befbauldzzotwbazze )4 @5322 to reign up"a12 bid‘ tbronjra lfrflmcnto ar&i*§ Gbds %0atb: aqd Covenant: to morMtaIfinfu1mcn bi: thus truc,A‘?§:Er°CY°1:}¢*E ‘ * V ‘ ‘ % % -M . Ice-o § €072fl’W§*%%fiflcere, me, ¥m;4lte f451e,imm‘uiabls;’thc1i bylike Offic I I reafon % 4 omncs u1t-i- 4 A V : (F16 _ Emiafwdn %Vflmu1r0te:i‘§tAatio»n, Ccmenanr, ks‘ AA“?-’fiiA"’ be, not a km/2 deteflabIe,cr_yz'ng,fL'andnlam,damningfin,emeeding- Gfijntiana 13‘ 16,0”-lusj, 1151, l_y;dif!J»wzarable:«wA Gaél;ii21juriam;;ta Rcligioxn; efidxawing dmnf¢d.% @§jlJ' . Czeliusprivate,perfimalxmdNa1ia%naljudgement:,ontbofiwba are notori;-» hogkgixgusf aufi} guilty tbcreaf, as is mofiMappAarentby“Ez’ech. 16159; c.;17. { jI_5fl A Brow. 24,. 21.122. Jar. 5.%2;c.17._ 9A.%to“17%. c._g4. 8. to 22. ca 1 mo my. Zcch. A8.?17.«.- c. y.3_,4A.Hmfi;1e.;4; I;é“v.%6.3 ,4.Ac;19.%12..‘f 52. 3,4. ‘Dent. 3 1.20. c. 29. 20. to ‘2a9.P£278. 10. 37.5 75» to 65. zChron.3%6;.13.]ofh. 9;. 20. 2 Sam. M. 1. to 11. «Jan. 2.3.10. Rom. i. 3..1,32%. 1Tim. 1:.~Io.worthyfad and jfi:.W rioua perufal. A AndAwhetWher thofe who are deeply guilty: ofthefe fins, can ever%ex1pe&*to~enter into heavrcn,ifinc¢this isamade the {pedal char-a&er of a Citizen of Zion; Wbbfbafi Admzfl in-Gad: baly%~«bilI,,WFfal.~ %15. 1, 2, 4. He that m1I§etb&up- rightly and worlwb rigbteaufnefs , and fpeakgtb the Vtmtb fiwam Alba, mart, 1%-tbat,flueat2tb »mbts.~%4n1nni£3;urt uni! . 7% nn@,%4A.% %%mu+ch A’momNe; th¢n% Whén F01‘ AA*.‘heIpubliCk Agodd; A 31y. Wfnther thofc who havcmadc, taken”, and equally» >5 violated allmor moi’: ofruhcfe com:nadi&AoryA Qatbu, prmjmi. fainh, confcicncc, honefly, religion, ifthe sprcmif:dAScrip- A :=%Cnmn;am:, Ing gemm_t.r_alike1, Benet perjflre pqrflmr, and V Govenant-breakers in folio, void.’~Aofa1lA+Area1%fear?®f d,t~ru%eh; % auras, or EccIe{}9.2;;A&s—~'5:3-,4,'3o.. may be credited 2 %Ai‘nd« %*wh¢th;er thofe who Vhavc;~A%been%thus pcrfidious, Aperjurious ,. fidcfi agus, %%treac11emusto_all others, can in pt>int5}Wii’i * ; %mnfciance, %prude‘ncc, pelicy, impofé an»%0rat*bA,t1pon-all on V any *o;the%rs,_ to be trumfaizbfull and canf iant,in their %0a‘tbv:,Cweé V Arzanu, .trufis:»an.d;obcdience unto lb_eAzn?'\( ?‘.fP%eéialIy before fihézfii “ fclvcl have takgn any, fuch Oath, to bc twzue, faitbfull, eonflazzz to Athcir‘ own principlxex, or AanyA.fixedfl:tled Gw[érnm%enI:) hate: A ~Va:bay,have lzaught th be Atrcacberam,.1rerfidibut, diflo_y{al,~ by: .~ chair Aowii pmcidcm: examples 5 and: God himiclf ~h,athfAAAde'-» A 'moAuAn§¢.d this‘Wa{,~ and xma1Viati:o»nagainfl Wéfuch, lfiy7 33». H/0.P«'?7’”b¢’3Ibatdflalcfl-t1¢¢cb£roflfI3'o“ and tbe_y@e4ltm1=%mwebe~A V row: W'fiufly"WiiB ltbee ; wben tbaufbélt/mikgl4nl‘c2id"!aWc}:i“f%'e‘aEI§£’?5:?&7J§lA tbejflialldeall macberoujly with tbee. _ Which wcllfilhavc {Em va. . rifigd .95 Law in“ ;fundrtb em@, (’ after fiymany mutinics , and ?%viOIations%A*of 5 their truflsyto the late ‘Kin’g,%Parliazi1er_1t,;iand other new“ WG0V€1‘I10U1’SaMGoircrnments of't:heir o”_WflfilVfire&iVng, tvotheir A total Afubvcrfion ) Vto elmtruc, fair}:-full,é abedient, and conflamtia ifice vég‘cti- ? s dc R ' sari, I; 2. % Slcxander ab [exam-d&r=£_>. sf: r - Cafvini % W kcxicon ]§1_;fi- : ‘fit? ggauramenrum gmxigare, Fr, jhnnanus 75 ‘j 1. C‘. 3. Gm ti; ifxs dc-]1;u‘e *“§».~r1i«,-V1 % ment,wit;hin_the Statutcof M; e M}... ' them; V’ contrary to ch‘e.»%D%ifcipZine% bf all for231er— Age; amongfi tbe‘ Remarm, AGMr4ecz‘cz‘n:, as-zd mofl arberiNatim:,‘ who a1waies—*im4 pofeddbfi{i!ar_y0atb-mz «Ii t%beijt%V1Arm} Offitery, SouIdiers,4(War+;- l'3I1'-?CdV bYY’Z,*TI‘m; 2*, 3,4.. )A~nd inxth-e meafn% time to inforcé“ fucha 0:4-Atbupon all thcirjjwdges, }'uffice:,andCai§i‘iI%4(%){'E=-A cars, againfi thAe irV]udgcments, Confcicnces, ’ whofare arm doxinifleligiozz, %zippro ve ofj~%lawf'uH% @atbr'1‘s( impafed by legal j Afitborityof Parliament) Magi§71trzc_y, “arfzd %Mim‘flry, which .45» nabaptiffs, Quakerx, and mzhexf Seéfizrie: pr0‘fefl~cdJy.0ppugn, and now vVioIenLIy« endeavour Ttofupprefli: ;? ] And%whcthen Ehofenow fitting, or any other; who have takén%,5%cEr ¢%foVre’¢:i2§~%% ted V0atb:"tovthe.‘?late Kixag an?dahis_ Héirs »or;theVPr‘mflatian44, League,+mI%AAcavenant,% ~cat1 without apparent perjury;>;anddire& " A V‘ violations of them,,rcpute thofe fctiz R‘eliqucs%of the 016 AA ' "’°:?sPa%r]%iamenr,%nowwiittingf forcibly fecluding the Lords and .%Majority% of thciir" %‘Fe1Iow.Members )‘to be 2 lawfull Parlia- ‘- 447 c-7?<5I' Tubm4it«'M»t0§ya?nyA athe,~Taxes,'-j EdiAI %%f’3‘tili€“ir3*““?:is:*1’i3.rIifimentarice‘ or Iegalih ** n ‘ 6. Whecherthew forecited Oaths offirpremdcy ,. Allegi- gizmce, Maiarrg Sberiflfr‘, fiudgéx, Kecord¢r:,_¢Baylifi'r, Parlia- ; ment%~Membqr:5 and others, ~in —dire& wondis:%ext:end%ing4%no15 A only to the late Kings perfongbutbigfiififtfi annéndceifazsg do not ~inviolabI“y bind both chem,.&tl1eir Pofieritics ant!“ %% jpurAwholethree~Nations,Kingdoms in p'erpet%uitys1in point: A Ii‘ raf Law and rGonfc‘icncc,‘ fo long %as~%thereis%—,% any; Heir aft-hc% brown” and Royal line in being ? :1nd% xh3tnpont—hefc$una11 -- A {Womble Scriptural préfidtnts and Iegalttqn fidc1.*atfions.. ” »A 3* ..B%t:,caufe Gods /Oath %aAndrCoven;int V ineide torfizzey Aéré-'4' Imam,“ Néivlfg*—;tb«eir; SeedT and Pa]¥erVi1_y5‘an%d‘to:the 1fi*aeIite::‘zmd%% fibeir children; Aandftbefir Covendm made to*God,'by Goduwzz refaiun: A jiciqjri, dfzf qblige Gui bizfifilf and them in perf2emi:_y “Gmeratim % 739 Ge;z¢r4tz'rm_.,$ Gen. 3%; 153- 8.2 I._;[ 92,; 09. 1:", to 750.1 3 ;. 1 6,_c.; "II %'$+A 3f8’- 9? ,17‘ 92.359 23' 3‘ ?“ I 3* C‘! 34"! M74; *7"; 33* ,4! ‘34‘v.1~4-” A EX°d+29~43s¢- 3+ 7» LfeV¥t732' 3» 4~ Nllmba , 4AA (W91, W , W ;*39.." I2, 13?. D¢11t'._IA.‘3;.Ac, %4..3«!"3y. é, g%j;~¢,17;V%%9, % '1 13. _¢:.. 8.; 18. ‘C; 711. 9;. C... 23. >46. 19,'iI3 45%‘t0,2.0;%C;. 30»: % % 311. 21:-ci% .34.. 4. +]ofh%.7 .:1 I,f1s*5. c. 24. 3, go 29. (3hr;Qn,~ A go, 7,, 8. Nehg 5.%c%. 9.8, 32;. Pf. 2f5.”I3; Ifay 34. 5.‘ c.+44;% 3.; , :c+59; 21. c. 6-148, 9- 1:62. 22.Mal. 2.45:0 15. c; 4..H6o'._A&_S 2.;; V ;.c. 3.25. c.7.&-3 45.. c.% 13;. 23, Rom. 4. 13 ;1_6. Ic.9;;7= 8.. 3911.1, 2,V27.%G'a‘lt3%. 16.t:o thecn‘d. Heb. 8-éé, to ‘II; c.a1I.. 18,c.w1;. 2o.Lu‘.,72,~4473;.d% Rev. :1z._I7.eLevit. 26.«9,.,1&5V¢.%. 4 V % 25, «+2.» 44«%@Kwi"gsM I7-:15: t0+!+:1.- Pfal. 44-.4417, r8;Pf- 78"xI‘;.°.‘.~' A 38- Pf- 39- 31:45 59-34» 35- P9103: 7172* 134-95 I<—T"5'~.r 3s?1*°~VPF A 411% 1. 5, 9. Ifay 24. 5.%c,4_2. 6. c. 49., 8. c. 54.13,]er+. 1;. 2,150 1’I233.22g9.C%.3%%I,3,I,32,33.C;29.1C),t0 2o.c.33. 20, 214:. _5Q.:3.% Ezcch. 16. 60 62.6.3748, 29.c§44._..4..Ho£ 8,. 1.1-Ieb.6A. 16,17, A Q. J .wThercfgg;:h%me11s M Oaths, Cove11a11tsmto KingsVa11c£%th¢irAPc)-y 'fic14i;y:;% miiI{IAik¢wifeLbi11diti fi.1cce:iTiona_nd pe;+p¢tt;w_i)ty.,4, ~ % A 21y-" B¢0auf‘,é Guids I Oath *and%%ACAovcMi1anu=%madeta:D4;¢Jds ’ R % dud (0 his 94:": Rqyal Feed #7221 Paflerity,,.toucbiI1g their ]'u»§z in the: Ii’a_yal;:; A to carry; up Yfifipbk dead borfies ‘on’: in c§i:witAhfi4andeV~< AAAce;:xrcim£:ioa;fty:"hb1agedAgBy~Itm iflg.-‘7?all~ ¥¥O4b§¢&ion£ ' '61?’ %haItA’~anc?ii% danger firém ‘Plmradb 115116 it A V thjeii‘ :y’§:ars:w7afidrh§g irfmfie wiifidcgfhefllégfyhcir W3.!'8*‘C Cdzfizaéz ; %tnd'%A'**mm5m‘ITé of &tl¥::e matter Ain*rc1;iy,tiun to A e:t*he-it»-%pgbEiéI§ {a§E%ty3nm%1w4yes Acot1c¢raéd‘i1fit;% f V , ~ 99 magnar -mm‘: %An%eei1o4rs; find émr own partiaular rtiterakféd Oaths in preciféyzerms tgczs og1rKin:§zs; ifhrsir Heimnd S_w;‘cc£7B, %f‘<3rs;W»hich fo mucti ¢an« pubIi¢kA(i0wrnm#*nt,7E*¢me, - S‘«ettLIemt:nt, Séifé;ty5' Pm I'pci*’i@y ; em~V%.A;ifiar;;A4merA:A A A 1ig¢;Ar¢a{on$ Ath m;i_gh&tb¢ ;atj0atfb 8cGoveti ahAc'%obIige‘ A A A Mthctnfiélvcs and their poficrit:ieAs for fiver to their _h¢reditarieA Kings, their heirs and pqflcrities for me: :% And ('0, Amaywig A ,AA VI av A, ed A fofeciQ¢dV"~OAatAh emu“: AisAA“ A ‘:*,w7t!**¢saz*:Iar¢d,A%%=§eAz«av1AA4» “ [397 A A ghc ASrAatute3Aof 2+; c. T2 2;; A26 r.. 23; A,a8AAA::AH; A AA35§.;%H,A8.%c.A1. :-A1 Eliz.A.c_. 1.; A3. ,.5sEliz. c. na§.}ac.;§:.;1. AA 5, 4.; 7 ]ac.AAc.~6A. % 7' A M A I A 6Iy...AAA.A§ccaufc~A th}:prefidentoftheiRefilalnim,%{§vAhg1ij;:am«.. AA I:,hcAAcpmmAanAAdA A AAA%Aof1:AhciArA FathAerAwA%Ionad4bAAtwz¢ {can {of Re_mbab,A-% ' trim: ueitbzr; tbsp run their guns fnwzbet fiJnAnIu‘nrfztk‘a~~ Wine, nor build baufe, nor flm feed, nor plant, "mar bavemyvineu yard, but%dwwel%!%i2zAtemsralltbeir days: 57 bald tbemfelrmbaund A Adm}, canfcz'ence {1o* *0bé7 Ai!.A~t Aw6i.cbfA C‘a‘~od,AbimfeAlf4 Acin2zz:1:e2zd£:,wArecAaArd:.«§A. A ;ArAcwarMd:,, for other: imitation, jcr. 35,!.AAcQAi.I?5.a who A migAbl““:.§?¥m‘ A big: fort oA5ligeA,Agb:VmA by bj.r*:0aftb andAAC*ovemAgztg)A [3 a convigmfiug A A A A A Ax=gt1me.nA¢,:- A 5.-,;Becaufc'Iif‘t*hei‘ 9- 2A7,Aa33«3AI- AT.b%e%7'A.‘7Ienv: ordaiziediv and‘ 5V°°"L°Vm ‘ -nan}; ;l£A;:;*W1§“:;f2-kggument tb’atAAlasl*Ttl1ué * Wélrrantiex, Covefiazm, lAABéncl:;fCanI‘ra£?f; Am Tihwm Fenfmgiw, Gmm, Ref§:rvatiamV'A9fRmt: ,“«$’ervic'ax,f1’:n;4lrc:?A2n fmi .-angy, co Va... by thc Laws-lllb£AAEngland ,;-a,ndlm:hcrlNat1ons, Aifirmlylobligc 3 ‘°”>Tcn“lS»“ Govenaats, Procefiationts, tdtheir. here dicaricé Kingagchc in I-{airs and ;Su%c<:cfl'ors, obligcf them equally to thcmlin §?:AtpcAA~ :ui«Ly”and"{fluccc{'si0n.~ A ‘An A ’7lyA.l% Becaufi: ii: ‘is moi’: evidem‘ lbyhGm.l 3A.l~A=Il’4,A_IA5“.c. 4;-5;AExbAdu3‘lll 17, 2:9. 43.8%-A7. 1 .Ki72g:‘2.A z King: “g“.: %27j.Ajer; 2 3'6; 31.‘ ~TAhatAA Parents by their ini-A-Av quitics Aand Atranfgrgtélions may drawldown and Entaylthfi curf:?8,thAc ~j“ud.gemc11ts*ofAGod on them, andL:theirPpficrlty¢3 _ ” Ohé i gal}-4, mans; lHéir:,A{ ~PafiemAyx ,"§Av)§fil"g~r71E£{.6‘7,. Afxecufart, v"Admizz'i_[ir4“1ar;,l AA-»tI0n,Condiri- on1Ab;a;;b flde: in fuccejiiqn 4lndApAerpef;uitAy5%% SQ likewlfe thei;-AOlaths, — aftér cm-:m J t:Aollclh%eAi~r “Jpre.j»udicx: ::A Therefore‘ they, Amayi Amuch . more abligc chemlbyl their Oathsg, Covenants, ’;oQl3V€di¢flC€A'l. Leyzal-ty”*”,= ubjeétion vtolll hcr::edit:_ilry:§AaKingAg%AAAand 'ythAeiA1—' Am p§0v_ z4A_ Hem; forI7=c”heAir oswn“particular;Aand:lthemf.P4AblicI{§bfid,:y@f6%Al 420.21. Rom. as ~wé‘ll as_ya{:ier;. A A A ‘ ' lye T0? Y A AA A (793) 1: g A AA %% .A'g“iy.rTo put Liizs out 0? further queflion, Iflmil O’£‘fiy‘. 1pm'”~§ % A mm Sc_1~4ipm_m-eprcfident and tcfiimonie?Tmora:,*Vwhercwith % i;h.al1 _bm1cIu_deAithis'pmint:, «mid thac+ia*.th& H;ifl:orie *ofTt5h~§e AG'£- A b’emzife_I,recorded_fo_[l;r+j9.4 €9%“”j‘v-W4. 2,~4~Sa;m.? mt1.;iAAA1§.’?fi..tcr§A>:I g;,$A 7 A ATheGibeoni1eA.s'(AaArc1imant%OftVh¢u4morite.s‘, withwhdmthéj‘ % Ifi2zelite:}by Gcpdscxprefa command were to mal;.‘c.:za peace not *¢azre:z—anr, norfbew any mercy“ ta, but [mite with the edge of tI:e?fward' and ubgteriydc[iro_y,ADcur;7.j45a2g '»3«c; 1m 1 %6:,.*'A.m;#5* :. tirczme; %%Vg;¢amiA§1gj%o“1§;ua»gfzd the «cZ:z';er_.ri;Mafi»ira&‘:1.~3}aj}fir%a'tag¢m, ,a.’d,A_£2ot»n _‘ £13535 fl.2o aesj, b.;'e},z;J,% clazlm, mzd 3 ¢l_;;{,€r;g%Ari;2zfar1mIioAr2A ,A :~tTJ zzr '~A1bé‘)'°1f'{¢l??J%1é?i afarr, camztry ta analegr peace; mgd a iseague win’: mm; 7%} A veafzzfiz :11}: glariazu m'E?orie:wGo%dVbmi%give:2 A,% and the mimclest be laazif A awaugiaz for i'?.9fB73’Z‘5 tiJerez¢pan, tiwiibaut Mking am”-advice of God or ; take Co22gregAaAtiw_2, Am‘ gxmining tbemtrutb of Ltbeir T£r:foArm4v;ion:,T }u-A»: fi*2%2.m a22dtba%EldeAr;.m“ft1:w: aCo22grqga:tia2:i%mtredivzrm;»IéagAu;2 *mi‘rI9A % £f.;:41m gm M fi}$3‘i1 WWa Eitm [mam mm. mm mAtb$"r!am£ of £?3A7;;‘E£%%%A,.§1»AAfik2fB. I£4"'izb2';2 ¢’%tf37‘¢"-° *dc:{3;wi" fl“"#__f£‘;‘T”:;"“:v£?“,‘@];;:‘%vgw ’f3.mrd 25¢}: A21':ez'r*: V é2eigV}2b2%z%y‘5.camddweitAm1éo_g2gf£; zmm &*»’?Z,£WJLj}«‘ came z4nto;i'}mir Ci rim ; ? :?)eA.t~,bi%r£i~~d.w1J»‘+] ’~"A1>’z.«.: the cbiidrazz ofA1fme1fmata war.-27 ma: ,, ’&1Ee¢ 5"“ EMS wcc ;c.~:z&a,€a,&£r*§,?m A iflzinrcs 11? WA C:mmgai&Am»A;1A«imm!A Aflmgzm %A~untm*q”‘”“ %‘M‘”“&’ rt:vc:?€:;2mr2v.xx‘1 A 4 Aigfmi ;?;:jA»7:.~:3";*:’;?A;W¢*u" c{g¢:'2:;’é' tbs}: P,ri;z;ca::*. Af;E?2:z.z: 4,¢*L“AA;;’3£'~ .’..W;ia‘2mA5 .A‘zm"w quEz:A firi*i“iatfl % ' A§l‘»fl%2jDj, ®;fiD9H§‘i‘éw£f?0$zAAal1'IbV3A‘C‘o?§gfc:gza+-n.maw:.<.=:ixfui:.-,' V _ 1:5?iT€7°§>mg;;~e;;:Aztfar; Wltaahahszfmagzuur$m%ii;£m;%hmmz;-»%L03nW§§3é1’4?,'~. A &iMM%f"§If1:¢a:2l%, tLbsr2fm2.B1be4+1nay”nmt%Entwtbmnl’A $1’/:i:%~bpa“‘°“‘ “ 'g‘°"‘ ms, m: dam % dojmra them,’ we 'w£l1”!e:“ !ber:2~Za“va!f lflfé mzazw fi¢t3%§3:a".;m W’;-V, g1;m.,W,w_.rfiAA.9 m*.csm€::*.Mt§,m Blfzatb mat im mam m'z£t»uA£AAb2an4 iAnd‘:?bcdiaz1iar;, .Ej"r£;v:w£ §?:;s'Ad mztp I}3.:*rm lat ‘%zb£*:n;li.v£ m‘; the“ Priflm13*z2d%?}7ra11iifedT“=’¢TY* fidvrm _ '9' _ . ,9: ‘ A AA Wm, ~«* fi“*?A_ ‘N ‘.(’k .. “ A A ‘ 3 . ‘- H‘A “A V” I A‘ ““ €A*~*&m,;~ V534#i}¢’t;$fi1€fi3 19%;? AAA§1A;AA¢fiwq‘ad%%Aand4%;draw;:Aar%: C‘?fij'WtI:I“’€75i%.!~;l7"%”M!t?b£~‘}?£::§:g§mS cthzzgfegatiorzl .A¥:id_.I;::¥IT1u?Wl!:'d fm~rbe~mand AMe~wn:a .‘t,.,bE77T |©fli¢fisJ W A A fiay§2zg§WIJe%refoArAe f2a'U¢y&£;cg;¢iled m:,:faying T,T ’¥VeA are Aznéwfant. no. f‘a:?M_}‘ai{, fmiaen you giwefl; ezmmgg my“ New fbaréforwe .:zAreA¥fcurj§d,j A M and tbcrrvffmll 7m2f2eMvf»,va#j?%!M‘5r¢¢dfia'm beizzg bannim€’az,A‘fmnd bewer: éfM‘wbad azrdjqyawrg jofwqrqrfiar Ibé1‘[l3461l‘[;€f afmy, Gad, ‘ A%V..4rzdA they A A ¢znf:vere_d A ]%‘§'3(-lhl-143 find ‘fi¥«i_£i:«&; ?.5€‘€4%Wfd3’ A iTtA%m;s ‘cevttainiy mild A [are ~ ’ 'mm5, haw the Lard tbx GM cammamded b&f3?'@flWI'M@f£$%?’0 give] .3’0“¢WlAb€‘: Lands ¢«r%.ciA%rt2 déflroy WiLt.h¢r;~lfili.a&i!antx %»fwe~LaudA 5e~ A farejibté fberésfore we werejfare» afia£dAafou%rV4Iive1:=,becaufi:7%bAfyai4 5" A W if f%=*?=€t’v;:gé¢dMd%rigb£%W**¢ *1’? ’W’”’119 M: d¢»A‘V Amid «::9?i?1%/’411’%¢ daAiié=1Bi: tbiflg-?f find naW:«5¢'l2Aaldm:x1re.%[inA;1°bi2z¢”fmnfiQA dz; _AA,AchB3fl1O§A A Aycars afterAAiAca% viola!-.ion,and43 0 years after .its%fi1§Pc~ making) A ;hAA,,,,-_5, gma1,GoA%dfent 4 fammem tbelmzzd far zbr§eA~_year;,%y.e%ar afxe%ry%f£4rA:y:$m.~,; Afwc.¢V Tcfla, mymi, A nnoq 2513. z57,8A3.A 9..?'3fia~ ~ my avid snqm:ngar;»A~baA V J A ‘ wrwqa;%_ » A M afidlie‘ un#a=tY7€5m,‘?»ancI delivered tbcmeumt A of 159 band c-‘sf. the Lcbildrm‘ : ’0fMrael,%1bat_tlJey: /law 1be.m* 22at.A»*v Andjofhlw made them that A ; day A¢bem%r.r 0ffw_aod;.,% and drawer! wAdJ£”r% for Ilfiflcangregatian, . and far we ..Altar.VA‘o§ rbe L.a_rd% B13211 %tu;%t1)f‘aA BE??»V j imb‘e pinto which be A fbazgld cbufr... _ AA Afzw this: :Oath and ;LeaguAc” ‘ the PrinAces4 and Con4gregationA were ft)faprfromflayingorfuffering them a A mA%b¢ flainbyatb€ir'Aencmiés"COntFaric: hereuncogtfi'&t when as fixing: frion ¢;Aft:§r Acameup withca‘Il% ibe7irAAbofi: and e7:campedAagAainfi*.%%A~ ‘ Gilmh, ta%dejmy iznhecaute may ban mane peacei1attb31'raal-3 1bAeGi£»eo22ite%jmding tbix meflage tafofhua G’ the cmpa:Gi1gaI;«A to mwquickly @"Af4'cA;e Jlacknot %tb_y Aba7zd tb_y;A fi[r72aI1t:;.,to¢came up 314?, fax alltbe King: of the Amar%iAte5..1batdtvelIinthe Mam2mim'A dre gatf2ered7agair.fim.5 thereupon lcxfliua a72d4llItbe%Vm‘m.”of Wizrr withbim went up fi-aAm Gilgal all Mzzig/Jr, and A came upwz their Em-¢ mic: fi:d£:2z{y_.,and fmate,é5“dcfir;ays*dtb£m ..;wir%bA a greatxlmzgbter, dc}. ; livering thA€m_fi'0*mAthat~AV danger. A %A;7bou;t395;year%s4&1ftcr’this FS:;)Icm% Auth 8: League; King%,SaL1Iiw out of btIr\2:ea-l to the children % ofIfrac1£ndIudahA,faugIfit ta a'eflro_y all, and Jlew»fl2meof,tboje G1? ) * AbeoniteaApAafieri’{y,contany tar tbi: Oatbgmd %LezzgueV,for whiqhfg 5 al‘ A ax :>,!'»,‘ of the Ifrac-litazs ,*?bu:; Ofthit Armxrmrilz m‘ téw Amorices _-.. and tbezbi,1a;enMnfA31frael banA uutntbrzm; A W-hemtlpon MDM/id called tbe Gibeonites, and /‘laid uma Wm : What fhallal doe for you» and inA!;.m1n.ttI) the flttnncment, ‘that. ye; mar!}5le_[]'e1FJe Inheritance of the Lord 3 And may {aid M }L1nt»o{the1K?ing~,”Tbe..mazz tbatconfumed 11:; anddezgifed agaimflm-A .. A Afbtfijf we fliauldbe de¥firAAa_yedAfroAm remaining in any of tbecoaffr If»-V: ’ ra;eI,let fizwmzf bi: fan‘: be delizmed mzta Am,andFwe« willbzmg the-m& sq! iizflibcvah of Safuflfl which the Lard did cbujég which being“ % accordingly deg after that: God A ww» inIrea1edjfar%Atbe L;;md;I. ant!Aremovcd’*1&heMmAin'a, 2 SiaAm«.;.2 14.: ;%.%co:45; 3* A A V %Here%Wevh ave an A0;hth-Aand $:C«ovena»ntA bii1ding7tbcIfi“délite‘:~, their Gpvxzrnours, Heirs and7‘:poflAAerityA"ixgA1pcrpetuixi¢Ato Atjhei-’ Gjbeom5te:%%and téhcirw pofleritibg wich {hall parallel with our” fqrémcntioncd‘ Oath 95,; ProtAefl‘ati“on caveman: to our Ahefree-r A A A A A " V ditarie? A A A A A. tfue*éiuj'cA there. Aiofl?-’ The Lord.cmfwered‘bim,A IAc‘=was* few Sam], and forhis bloug V dy houté, b2catife~tbepfleIn*tbe ®ibsznzAtt'ms, who wax.-e“noAa:¢ res) ditafia Kings*;their4heirs and fud¢e1ToArs,Ato pi"bvé ’theni"mb‘i*e % obligingico us:and%‘cmr pofiericiws, n%hamhi;s ‘Oatlx-& League A ,of(hefraelite; cd theGibeaniter,inr¢g ard cif%the£i:%¢vob1;'cryable : circumflancc s 8: par%ti<_;uI.tu:s, nan hitherto‘ iAnfii’ced%% onfbyr any; 3 wh~ich‘I bcficch ‘Godin mc%rcic%w%%{et home ef:fi;(€’cu¢alIy %upo:tM1 Mgll¢our hqarts, fpirits, confciences, ibotzhfour uur informati-A :09:-Efif0fm3tiC'3‘Da Afecclcament, and" avfliaiiitzg Gods‘aw:nging“ Qiufcice on us ;a]nd0ur §p0flerit:ies,%for Qua“ tmn£7é:end%cnt%pmu— ,_x:7ics5~~ 1“?bl“C.~'1ChV0f Q_Z£l‘.hx=::~3 and C0fivexzanc%sA~to our Soveraigne. *1. This Oaeh zancl Cmrenanb with thve‘Gibaoni1;es %EmbaflZz-A-% ‘ V dots, % was p1jo.cure%d] by meerfmi1Ad, circumventiommifinfor:-‘ % macion,Vand“appar,entfiailhmod, ariéfing maéerly from tho{?: to“ A 4 whom it was rmdre and fwom: Wt;it; obI;iged\thc Ifraelités and 4chciVr»pofieritie, :t;iQ %ii:«he~VGilaeoniv¢:% and t%heir4%prug;:enieA "in jperpaetumie zfl *Br1t%c%m.mmmentimn¢d Oazfivex, *togm;;her;;wi:h *“*th::é Pr«.‘;tm%%;atix_;v%z1,, m:a»;.i§ Aficalxxmnl;eagam<~a1na:§ £LT;,o»va‘I1;.ax;t,¢%%Were ~ made wi%;hm1t any :3?m%:m%a%11v¢3zf;tEom mifinfmmmzion ,. or Falfa m§;z;a:»x1;.gg:" and mm ail duaifulf a1I\ by thfe?Laws of QT-ad ’, Cm-‘A H11’; —‘ Nature» a:N&»ti0fl5 5 ; Therefore %muchA,V more obligingf to AT and nieofi religioufly to in Kept by~:.zs andV:)i‘1rAA*poFrerities ~~a‘f7€rr'u8§ AA A = A % 93y. ( Which is nmfi;=confi%dm*abEé 3% this their O:~;1tE‘:*?A, Leaguef, was made with finch an idyolgwfoxis .rcmnam: ‘of that ‘Ammanitesg, A at! %:h%%imfeIf7byAitxprclk ,préCépts Ahad A . A commanded“ Qtbe Ifrae1ite.c~%% to W125 :20 League _.,Aa2or {iovemnit A witb_;.mpanA any mm;,_ but utterly to demo} with tbe edge of we fword witham r21Werc‘ie , wirbom [wing any of them alive’, "E~K0§~ :;:6*?iwre[‘“1WF’~ A”"T5A&,€J-AC-%j2A O1 A my glrfia "aA3§;f1To6.<<34’ 4; not With’{’tandingA having % ;d nce% entred. into a League wizb, andfwom to Azbem in the‘ name of me Lord, U142 they fbcmld live , (Achough by thfeiri A %%;;m'n%‘Afr%au4d ,A Acimum~ventio%n, [find mi%finformatifli:m God ;»*I§%uIa~;*é:.,AI‘;5fMA;ea?lous of hzlxwwzz name ,m bozzaur,g1ar_y,»foA gnwila M L M d1a*t hits awn‘: peopk ??"{hA0uIdAA perjurioufly , trcacAhég.A‘‘ “@574 M55» ,mufly;_., pmffidioufly break’ A:heirAé0arh%, Covenant morn 17’ ‘B’ Gm‘ M . . in his namd, fr being; we-bigl2ef£,_1be mofl fizéred 'im:i9l4blé V0bIi-'g:fig¢'J"'° % ~gatia22.¢;A, iificurities 1114241 =c;4m% be;e:ze ¢%God**andA mm, mm) mad M14211; %4VNgtim and Ngzzimg ghgaghe would rather have’ hit Pafitiw ;-.{G,o,;u; d¢V*‘pofiti\?e ju'dicia1'I.aW,“( Aw;.hich f M fame cancewe «tofiowemizcig Jurcbellixlm. condition in z't)violated and dif'pen%Fed;Within% this ca5'¢aL(%ig% 3 x3.#§-fl4-7- being ng>t fimplicevilinitsownI1at%ur¢4tO1part: the Giiaea; : ‘A mm upon their fubm‘Aifsi“on, buts onlie aprebibited ew‘f1;by particular Prcccpt,s)Athan%his N at_11_e prophancd ,, di{hozmVur- ed, yflgeligious %%Oatl-13% wiminglie infringed. and p_erjur’ie A w4mmiW~’d%’bY hiiowfl 9wI>1s=-9 againfi Vhis*mora1LaW~;.Pr¢~ cept, being yltanfulm», %fc%and¥alous in; their own nature, axy1dV of 7 dangerous cont22quence.Tto%.a1I P‘o(ie;it,_ie, Aii‘.*a;dmitt::d,-aVp- proved_§,to% encourage them to commit pcr}prie,a»nd,violateall , Iawfull Oaths, Covenants,;in fuccecding: A*g»:=~s,% to the fizan-é A deal o{‘Re1igion,»an5i prejudice ofMa;z3k$iz;¢j. A VVherc:’for¢ this ‘Oath,Leaguc,though a,s,';a5in[¥:__%g:%h$e{Ee iuzféicial Precaptsmot on- . firmly bound [the APrihces who maaie Mthrstn , WaindAaI1%the Congregation~in that Age,” but King Saul _=mrn£"éIf; anci,all ¢:he..Ifr4elite.: in fucctéflion fcur lwumdmfed yieasfs after. Uf%w!1’ich we have another Prdlfidanlic of jfisafbuaeix and thelw [m.=?1ixe:A% cam VA «to perform their Spies %()at:hs‘made m Rabab, anti f;‘im'.I3tt unm ;; 11811 by the fihtlztl, ta_fam{ber, bar Psamm,” K'i.vzdred,‘ and 17 gmm alive (though Cgznaqnire: dcvoncd 33;: God to ciefizrzlflixsn ) Iojb. A 2- 1,“ to_24.’compar'ed with. c. 64 21,, 22;, :23. I-;I_cb, ;;§,, ,3 1. _B5ut:% our Qa£h$,%%Protcfla;io13V,Le;;;,a,ue , _%C0vma,;nt were A an rihadefl not to,:or with % Anmite: or G‘an4a7zi!e.r parltivcularly denoted by God to the Sword, Slaughter M and utter; extir- _ pagion ‘withoutany Truce orALea;guc 0* Peace; but to and with 0113:‘ own ~%herengyyN ;1awfu1l,"aChri'11im14 Kings, chc—:in .~He%irs,% Poflerities .;_f afid Suhceflfms , «whfe «P#Vr£0n~s,%VLiveAs, . Crowns, Rights, and Royal Authmitie Weare allexprefly‘ obliged, commandedby God himfe.'11‘i; to defend, pro"eé‘z’ wijb M . par cmulives, fortz2rzeJ;%efiam :‘otbe%uttern:ofi ofaur5Power:, a- % gainfi all" Artemm 3) Tfeafgm, .»Conf piracie 1", %'Tra_m r“.r, and; I21- % mfionl flvbatfinever .: yca paccifcly Vpmhibii’¢ec1*to rfier41,heIe4fE fuiolemg injury to1beirPt1;[an:,Li:zw_., m2d.«1°£;eg4l%Auborizy,i&n 1bgugbt‘,word§”.Qr deed, Prov. 24.. j2,~o_., 21 .Ecc§£-1'. 8=~‘2 c.,?1VC7J. % :10. 1 .S'am‘L24.f3 ,.to_ 20.0; 26.8, 1:01 9 2~S»am.k1.I2&c.c.4.& IO, % 1v«%1,‘A2:'s?an~é.18. 3. c: 21 17 Em:h_..2.. 2&;I%.,1~%2 23i c.6.2;si,‘ ~29 3.. %1Pec. 2% .12, 13,417. Ilia. ,1 Tim” 2 2.; 3.%_}ohn - .18. 3 Therefbrgpun. O:aths: Lcague , _Covénant, are gxgch, more obhg1ng,and confcienciouflic%to be obfcrvgd A 733* ‘us,A%~and our vPofieriAcies for(ever,? thafni theirs to the‘ GiI)ta‘— A nit::,~aAsthe only ntadygway toA%o‘m« P¢aceandAfettlement. A I " I ~ % 1o‘ly.V,This%Leaguebf theirs co the %Gz'beonitAe: was%ratified» with one fingle Oaitb, % yet; it bound both them andtheir %%PofiAerity’5w but Otlrs to*«our‘Kiug:, tbeir'Heir.r azzdSuccefl?9r:,A . l is ratified with {Even .fucceflive Omatbg Prorefi2zt%ia7z:.,% CaverzzmtI,j AA here rcci-ted , biéfidea fundfiy otherspf ‘likcrnature taken by v our » eflzzceflor-:; informer Ages, which Ipretcrmit. Therefore . much§morcA firong,indifl‘oIub1e, obligin%g to 'us%~and o%urPo%- 'fl‘er_icies thantheirs. If a Atbreefvld card be not edfibI%%bro@*An, Ec, glef. 4. 1 2; much Am"oArc*the%n dfez1enfald*0atb Fuccefi"w.veIy‘rc1iuet*“A‘ Cd 2 0101116? V1 10t' ‘€351? 01‘ quick1i%e’bc Abroken_‘., bptkremain in- A violabldtov all pofcerit-ie.L= H ‘ A 11; 1The’=~violation A mi; Oath,,I".eague~to tbe‘Gz'bea:2z'1e:“ by Saul ,~ and‘rthe Ifr.aelite:~ near 400 years after its firflmaa king , when perchance;;A_quicc forg0tten%by“thcm, or ‘conceit! V "veal to be unbindixjg to them as gottenby flxr;prife, as not 4 ‘made or taken by*tbemfe1vcs,~perfonaIi to the Gi£1e"bnite:‘aind I T Ifwxelite:Lthcn.l=iving~whenAfirfi madé, or7ac‘*IcaA{’c e$:piAred%‘and ‘ A grown quite dutaofd’ateAby_fo l%dng~aAtra8c‘oftim‘e ;was re- pudtea by Godhinafelf a grea~cjImte, perjitryin Arm, and'ex=einV- A pl_arie%%puAA11ifl1ed by God with three years fizmine on*thé~ AAAvAvh»oIe‘La%nd, Wthough Saulvand _t:h¢ Iraelzimr %th“en l;iving‘never Amok this *O&th, n%or'd1ade that - Leagu e~“ zhe%m%felw”£3$”bu :1 onV1‘iek their*A%nceflors*, {'0 long time before their births. a Therea- % with pha~nAds‘ liVff¢€1 H fore our viol«ati‘ons' of theforecited Oaths,APr9tefiation5V$ Leagm, Covenant, fo frefhlic made, taken-1,fW»orPx, fubfcribcd A A A»i%IV>en»,;A‘fuAcécA =_e‘I“ie:0n»a‘aft§n;anAoA~% ther,A‘by:A‘"wh‘4oIc *Parlia%mefi%ts;¢L%‘%VA%‘thé’ ”"ge?nt?raIicieA of our N a‘tion;» and not onlie "by our dgceaféd Anceftorsgbut by *our felvfes in-pAerfon,and~fo. oft,‘yet infringed by us'~wtim:Ac"aFccr time in thc highefi d¢gAr¢c,4 muflnecdarbe a?mc¥§reAdefefiaVble V ¢;1amnai:$le=%%P';§r’jurie,:Acnimméin the %~‘eyes?~m‘AfiV‘wGodAthan them, anddraw a‘ tii%ora»“loi1g-eIa{£ing%famine; andbther forer iudgc- ” manta of GodA‘upon our"particsular Perwfons '*FamilAily. That Oath; , vlseague, “aéCFfi‘nt»inued~;i*n ‘Force itozbmdwi“9d°'U5:1lb¢I#I3 At}-1e% Ifm;-li1::~, . bm:h» tdoisigfervsetion and_puni.fl1menc, W; i N “ A A J “ V A A violated &?§:0‘YA”a tefi A by KAin‘g*VSa*s‘=:l and :he.m %,% '3fE€r'fl}fi,€' Whtfle fraaziw G15 their Government wa3$~quiwe c?1aI1ge&Af'ro.maAMnc.ipaIAAiAt5¢A::mI‘ A. A':*Comm*on- wcéalth as mm’: of A_cim';;Aprefent7GVrandc:”q:$wquld -have it imo “a; King;bipgrzdwKiz2gdam, thej evarmiV§cfETAunfi1a§:=-‘% ,RmusAdefire,s cohfcm ofafl the Elders Aqflfiwei, ti the .Agcncmm’ 33125! of the people, A anti,-by %Godfs%ownAappi*obazi0n,; as iwAsAAw »s*0*”:) A AvidencbyAt'heA1%Sqrn. +c.”SA,to c.1;.4. ]ofl1.A9.2S4m;2m::ompaM— " rad togethfirg %Therefotfe% our Oath, iPra:mefiati0%n,% Lcagugg f(3osf¢:::ant fr.:»rejci,m dg, mm’: by’; . monai ob§‘Eg{e§azm* s.r;:{1{’oIe ~Nat§on %inJ}prefc:itJ ,an ci% futu}:e_ 1:04 011:: % r~4Ki:1gs,,”‘ d 1?e%ir%M Hairs % Aj and * ‘Succ%e{Tors , ~ A AAAMEE vfiule11WcA-f01;c},bIe%iIIegaI ‘Alteraflons, Revolutions A,of.our Iik¢ft*eadF-any Acarai%qi1wnc@,.mmch G%ovemmef1ts’:' and Governoum ,}agai,r;fl.% the Vo;teaiof%%bot%h v§A~§auf2m 0F”P'ar1iament‘, ,tAI1e“‘deAfiresA efche generaiiiy afom: A aizyme Nations, flame our-A Laws, admit rm Iiztewfegzmm g10rAA‘D_i€%- :3 £€e‘ }:?EIfi?1a >E:Aa.a1¢, Afln, A A Title §l’1tIl.‘:fi- .Qk3,¢uPm *"3§ae'W"' tivcz. >,V inmre perjuriou"a, finfullyamd exemflarily Vg.,vv.mi%fl1abE=.:+., ” thktzps,‘ A - M A A 5 . , A , 1.3. This Gash, VL;-mgu-e with ts§1eA;AGiEAaoA¢2ize;$"‘v:w§atcfl % VA[c;§2i%in *0? the %Crmr:.; I€ing[bip,Ki.=zgdam, (a§%nhe~%S€a£u‘t£§;.Of Prwrvmva Regr:.AxA” I aco£u';cb- 4 :.ACao1<:7IW« W» A=mdiw1!a:v' ILaw£1o0l{:\%%ArefoIve) A And (0 m0u%r -vy"Vi:‘0la“Ei:0‘mt$ ¢ th8§n»n1uAiib%e% than A :bjlT IiAin%gAAS;ml,3Aofl1y+ou%m%0fmeal%?«1o«x1%b¢Wdraasa %fxIAfi*a3lgEUt¥d;;ib;g * detefiabIe crime A,1 and b§e4.avengec§ with a ..%circumfl:arxc:es7AwhAiph might axtenzme itmras mofl (5irfi%iErcV1fi3$$ ) %ToIi%citadj him chereunw for Atheéir, AA A A «;a“x“f2ds- or advantsage :_ye_c this was no; fu ficiem: excuVi?sn.or.,§11ww. «flifica3:ionA Atheraof inAGods c£’:e¢m% 3 being psmiflwd withex—- A .emp1arie iuflicc on ; hfisv pfifficrity, and ,a Achme A on a11 the,Land.” Therefore the vi0IatiQ¥1:0f%aII ourlprccciden-t =ye.a rs {mains upv; AOaths9 Protefiaétions, AC%0venams,% by the A rmy-Oificcrsg C0114»- federace ~Members,' and «their Adherents ( A a{gaimf%i the Vote; A A .;QfbOth'H0u{C£, the dehot:ta;t‘ions «ofour%%Miui&ers,a%nd% defirgé of Your tzhree Awfiola ‘Kingdcams )Mmu{’: ncegla bx: %AaAfarmorc mom heavy punifh-;A ;nem:Aboth_on them and us, ~r; chearim Wa3%here%t0fom.% . .. A. ‘ 1I4;MA%Th%i;s= r_each offflach, %C0v€fl%wt, 2notwizh£?:»anddingaI‘IJ V‘ 1‘ AfX€mP13fY4 pmzilhgd,TAthoAughA_:;1ot on S;zz4lth$e chief %Ofl"endor% in King David: R.eign,g3 5% yeamafter qhis Ofiencc commicw A thc Awhole N ation by a threeAyca‘rs;fm12inVe;;,» I tbfiaaggbg Anottvifl-1fiandi4ng an A dwinghifih A-fife ,A %y¢AE upon fawn bf his.S9n3, and Family after Ahifideath ;,A AA C*?:’l1?J* mlmuglx in ms jncver i'nfi*lnged but only by lox‘1‘eA fi-I‘lg'Ie_'A&; flayirag fame ofthe. Gibeozzitexlpofierity, and not re-violated by any,mher«fu:b(eqlucnt flaughtex: ofthem. A Therforerchoughf M‘ mmy of the grandgfl lnfringgrs ofthewprecedent »OaEh35-lAPfotg.. V fianioAz.;,Covenan;t,nmy ‘perchance flzape tfcotefrce far a‘i1:iAméAin A chair gwn pg.-rfons,and.die without exemplary juflicelAinfli&ed l 4‘ (jf£'thAém_forA»it‘;:, ...ye1: 4 let them fromthisAmemorab1ePrcfidenn .ccencludYeA1°0X1G%ercain,‘ that God willfooncror later ave*z3ge:AliA-ts gpon ?(3'b‘ildren 4ndAPa§7¢ri:ytoAtl1eir~ueter‘extirpation,‘ A (and on the wlmle Nation too, as -he hathtdoz-1X;a in a great meafixre &llj’6El.__‘€ly itmzylbg 35jr?earsAaft%;artl1c‘Perjuries, CIR-albnla,,lilcommitfedimzhis ld,ll:go; 5, lcj3*4, .7. Gen:.~3»14, I 5“. I AKi.ngs 2,.» 33. 2A éiizags 5. :2\7.jer. 22; 3'0; c.gl6.3 1..lfay A14 2021. MicI‘]I2Q:-’-t‘33j.4"SU jer.6.I5 .c.8.1z., may V gfl'u”rc*AAa1Il%%oulr_ Alacéand prefent Delinquents in this Kind and th:¢ilrA Pofiserieyl, %fWl*‘hicl1 tezxts tlmy may do Well molt fer-ioufly A Aizolperulfiel, Vélitihr*bl€€dlflg;~aI1d'l‘fl1¢l1lZiI’1gl§;€3tllI5.a‘_ A A A AA A. 15. _ This their AviolszagionAAcA»fAzbcirLea3,;ueA,, Oatl1‘At0A‘“’lltli€‘ 1 A Gibewmita; A was never openly jllllilfi€?Cl,pl&'aCl‘€d.,WI‘it€¢n;pzjgaQ_h5 A H e“;d,prin;t.ed far, nr c%arpicd wiltlrfalcmn17*‘ail‘slAan:d‘lHumi-e _ l.iatie;:1sl,lA(,mofil‘*%dAete{lable unto God when thusabufed) l I lg‘: 1' ~ A Af;;v£2rclly‘4punl§illaed bylAGodA~h1mfeslFon Sazllalpoflerity and zicmyac falemnly abiured by new contrary Oaths m'AEngage-""‘ WY '53-am nmems forcibly izrtzpofedl on all the Ifrcxclitely by=Scml Aand-his75* 8”’ ““* "Mi :3,co 16,;;.(56a ;3.l’1'0§f-2I‘,'3«7= W like Ifraelizex. A 0 than what foarer overflowiug,A~defolating A judgements, may om‘ pcrjurious, Fidilragus Grandml.ASaim:,l V Aflgfioflf, mofljufilie-fear and‘e:r~ipe& will A undou_bmllybcf‘all M themll thezrpofieximes andoulrl dams, (Ar:2oWald!‘ pbnadl»§»f®F;_d¢fl1*‘l’l&iOfl inAwi1EA-lmana apprchenlrbns) whohavé not only inlfriugeda all our Oaths,Covenar4:m;,Pbo:l tgllations, to our lawfull Kings, their llHeir«s,‘Slucaaflors,A and j PA,oflerit:ie" aver ojverTlin,chcl higheflsdegrce, A lbut mofrimpu-_ dflitly iuflificd, pleaded, hpl:CxlChed3. written, f'orltAh~elaWfi1“l mfs thereof; kcptmagieflypocrifical, Aeheillical A A . £32) , A F[¢§f35and*"HflmiZi£1ia72:5 j to ?pfo1n%0cc% 011 I‘ moi} detc’fi_'abIa~ 12'?’ A 1:ies,.'l"%reat:heri,es, Ab%,V0min%ations5% and publicklie abjn1Ared*&H4 E‘ forme;*J1%c)yaxl»Oat%h%s, 5 Procefiations, ? CVdovenants,% by] new Treafivnablé :e«Ii"fo%r_c¢d; %O%aths%an d; Engagements, d%iamecricaI¢- 7“ ly 1jc’:?p.ugn;a;nt ta them. A Ceraain1{ie%if this “ breach of Oath by % Saul in flaAying%-thei C~}%ib“ea7rsit.{:: co%uJ:d»n0t %ba%eix?piated”9,-nor‘V ighé years; -amine: infliE?c'ed1on%:the‘%whoIe Landfrit,;remo- ‘ wed byall D;aw'~d;¢ and: c?he;%*Ifr:zq‘ltm;Fafisg Prayers,'Ti=:ars5 % Saérificesqagcillf this fin» ofthcirsWas~par£icuIarly bewailecg I repenvted,~rem0vcd,% and full facisfaétion m;1d‘e*cd th¢_mur- eh:-red ;Gi£=eanite:% b%y“D%a'm'd pecvple, by.»Ade1ive4,fi ng (‘even of S.{m.l.r Sonnesfiiid%P0{ieritie%tobe hangedup before A t.jhVf: Lord in Gibeab Q5330!-1% ,* far this pe::iu‘rie ar1”d blvbodfhéd "A chommitztcd falongbcrbre by Sam! thbir Ance{’cor%, we prin- ” cipal MaIe{'a&or. % We may jufliie fear and conclude, that afl our Aprayc-rs," .%t:e:aI:s,jV ”fa{7cs,,%- "humiliatiozas, will * »nc~ver%4%¢5x;:iiate ‘ thé M manifold Mopez; %1 riAol’ationjs.1:%of‘thcfe our 0dtb.r_., %Prvftefldti-‘ "ans, AlLeague:_.; AA'Cawen;dnr:4, “by the mL1rd¢;rs_“of ,ourX1ate'King,.» and mania that-uTands% ofour Proteflant Brethren o§“”a%I1 *éZ:;rts%, for adhering to%him_.,.his chairs and po{’rcritie$ 5 the violacions ofthe rig'hts,..priviléges of Parliament, beyond %allPrcfiden,tsA of ii former A gas 5 fWaud% f¢¢curin,g.g flaclimg ’ l%~ersA~: Houfe, and wMa}oz*itie of’th%e Cmmmons heretofore and ‘now again, and trampling our fi.1n'damentaI L"aws,Liberties,Pro- A- perties, *Remon!%rancea, ecl. aVrations,,;A%as well as Oaths qz.1ice;- wu.nat?¢r%%foot,% by new%A".gfbitrAa.rie, %%T%y~ra%nicaI Atih, Impofitigxns, pr9ccedings,%of%al1Ak‘inds, exceeding she wow: of our former. Kings 5 % unlem.» all threfe pgrjuries, tr::acheri:**s,4 bmzches A05? *0a,tht, A Protr:fla_ti<:ms , ('3ov4éz1amts inxhfis kind be particu- H- O R 5'3 23 7-? :> 25 HQ 1''! tr‘ 3? *5‘ 3 :2. A4, A , appeafé Gods wrath, and pre:fcrve%ourAwhoIe% -19$s2~96-Gijxnerfally ixl;fa~moua%thr0ugh%0u£the AwomId.%that%%%FIE%‘-3‘ ANG-5 Mus ~mm‘fl LIACA3‘ is b%::c5me%. as Hprcwerbial AS jcFIDES‘P[;INICA,¢, 1'4"! ‘ % form % Zlaxrly ‘at-ldpublickly confcfiEd,?Vb::wayled,~ rcfbrmcd, vrcpencedqf A4 A A !_ If no texpiated%wi:3h theliltcjuflice and Execur;ip1rzAa upon the: :i§’v““;‘;‘;fi’:‘)*:‘ pnffonsg or Sons offoma %ofthe mofiit capital Delin*Vque”nts in ,,,_.iqui,,_ Ltfhrce K%ingado\m_es*from utter ruin;Vou1np¢riuries and braaohcs cal, 'B1'imn;. Ufa}! Oachs,Fa1th,,Trufis, being nowfo %gencmaM,‘ “mad A ‘BM 112$!’ 3, u as to his Liege Lords, falvvafide ‘Damir2i‘1{egi: pa? ml: fuio Annoér17=;.Yca<»bafore‘thi$;’ the-~d Hovcdcu : A Wacoimmand 0f'King Henry f1:l‘me I;7 the~Ar<:bbifl1ops,B‘i{hopg,A""3l- Para 1 David King ofScot.r, with Magi YthHEarIs ‘and ~ABaron*”'s gggcgfgggj offingland, {wore homage %and%%fe,.z1t1¥%e‘;nMazgd his d“aught’?eE‘ Durzelmcnfisg and hem urfilhefuae Imyeratrici jFt‘B$.<;l'£fl3ata: Vre;;nuntA~JM12gIi.g Hifi. ml. 254. ilaaeranitattn jute pafldie: fuss fibi Ethakztfibihufi tum '12g‘ttt'r Redwphus dc brgv. Chronrl cc!: ;ea4. Chmnicon ]O,hah. Bromt¢m,col.%1oq6.=H¢nry dc Knyghmndc W VfVVcfimin~t?te§;H4alinfl1¢d5EaX4t%:n,~Efibiimy Speed",-in-the lives; of WI. Efv-"én%tjib1JS% Anglia: 1. 2; 9.9. Gui; LI C\§..Mg,,.a. 3p_§,3~?§,4a;.‘pa;;s, Mam ICPHCIK E? me Wflolinflyecyf, v~o1;- 3- p- é Aw:;‘o%%»~eae%n Animal. pars“ fwf.*¢‘i¢r»AAAv ' Edmrd%the 1 4'5- “ , K 34 A % WE pgocrcatia ffitfiatfiflf mfi f2l2o’[)em viiilzk fexzli z';fifeR?.min L figyu;n_}a, gcmret . The pcrfidious violatidn ofwh3ehOath by mam. mar‘ King Heizrieq dxeaxzh in crowning Sfepbm, *excmpIary%jud7geme=ms on A tbé mf1~fuZ/ 'z2z'%o1arer;r therofi, and a biw- » ‘ab’, .Along? lafliflg civil wdrrg wizbin tbe bowel: oftba Realm between A cflfaud, hcrfon Haénry, and the II«£i%i1rper~’Stepben, to the Agreat %opprefi§on , deva_&ation,- d ibfation ~ot?%xhc*pub1iquiq, 3; peopiegas Aoaw Hi%florians ;7Db1'e1*vega»1l%£11e%gyo0dA fqr Aby ,di£i nbcrii:ing A <.W!aud 3, ahd “ cmwninfg“: Stepbezz ~ capo-:1 their ‘own ;tcrms_.,’%;againfiE his oAwg;«Aa°rsA:dAw ehveiVrA(9ewbe:A.AAAA,% %bc%com' «- wing void andAVnul1bY*33AAAis perfidiauj-}2efl:,throu—gh divix1c_]'uftim,,A whirl) wi%ll%neve;r permit any gaod,%tbz'zz‘g: rofpring am affétc‘b.enozr»4 znom evil: as‘ perjury and treacbezyg which jud%gements%%%and %C}ivi%I wars, ¢ne_w-,r ceafing ,hE.'i1'_.‘I3M;f reflaredfta the Crown by :2 probable, {pcedy way now wand our pr:e1Ten.t*wars, Aoppreil .fi.0I]F3'diI&FaL:ii0E$_-3‘ Military G%overn%m¢n c, and reflore pi:a'be, and pfofperitia in our Nationsvé ‘After thi's,V.:An.;fI»AI 91- upon theldejeflion ofmhc injfolcnr; Bifhop of El} ’ A geréntihip» under King Ricbard;,=the fi;rPc, e.A:;alI thfi AEngl.=md affemhling together, fwore Faulty still I-Ierzry the rigjlm: friezzdiy agttemerzls the: only A;7EngIazzd,. and to all The %Ci:ci:a‘eh$‘ ~'% A Laxzdpbe {wore thcAlikeA Oath; %aVfié2£Ei».tI§ati ' if”King %Riclmrd% jbazéld die witbom z'flE4e,Ae they would receive Ea rl john bi: Ember for t‘.b¢e:ir_ iliing am: 3iM3D%_.,% efijueraverunt :1’ _=lfin%a%1itatem»%co:2:ra aw = gm: .hpmin e.r, flu-Ivad8»1¢iIat8% RiChm:difrat%ri: fiti-: as Homes In % ilaluf. A . fonand heir apparent t:oK'ingHmry the third, I and this mcmorable Writ; _ ‘ mud, to fummon all WIFOM above 12.1 yeam oi A Fealty to him, as igem tn‘ tb£:3kifl‘g , A i:é_Ives —fai’chful1%y~A:o him as to-,thcirA Hdeathk V‘ A A A; AA A A I A j’ RexVic.Eéaarum<:;faIutem 5 'Pr2e¢i'pimus tibi AAAquodA%inVfi- dequa obis tcncrjs, -ct ficm; tf¢‘ipfum? A A wezzircfagcias ad 1oca ccrt%a 8: adA‘di'c,s~c{2 fic:ri?pOtcvit, £D1nne£.,Iil;n§:ro3hQn1incs'débaIIivaV tTuaL gratis IA%V«w¢A**99§um fupcaeefifiwaéflmnfifi £92;fl31'f*§sUAt¥?¥‘;&!92fiA4A+¥ifiAIi Liegé..ALordA after his % bra ught H ezheyqhciped ’ produccd fqxadfy A :"ro¥m his Vice» %% A NONE! of f (O ¢RI'Cbd7’d K"Z'12g_o‘f ' iflhed to«aI 1£Ahe sAsm-itfisof aVnd> to” fubmit; thenw vet omrii~a€:uai;A d%Iig~i*s4 A rtoaq ficémcammjodius A % _ “I:*ta~qu%t§d hm. fiat formaiurgmxfinizi{i1i,~*fi5iIic*:@l: .-~ Quéd z’-pfi jab“ V%wv4Hamggio e1fid61i'74f9n0flra, fqua Nolazév mzwztur, A @ mi in win: we wnoftra 22;¢!ZaA modaffenIW‘iare..vv1urg1zu, A jfimlea nritm ‘Ell! Aiwfififlflfiififl M~TtWP3i1?‘0§ 9flifns‘ in quadfi dz NaI1$k%bum:$12itflS .can:igafriAr5A 2inA2m tanquam bx1:A2ai.nalfitm%2tEnminn fun If? gin stunt fiaxalitm: mt2nn2ntes:;% at sum pan £Dnmmn fun ,}li§i9~b&b2ute=s‘:, EzAAA:a1em~cim bar: exbi5msdi12gen:i4m,u: ins? jde merim debeatin‘;c0mmezzdczri~.A A. Tefle mAeipFoapudVWeflm;A 124. V ‘- » dAieii%%E‘ebm;%A Am r4.n~.».iL2 44' Eod¢méIn.o%d0_::Af?:rimtu4g ‘0mniblf1$ . %W:c'e‘c7(:1t1t?itiiI:aq,us%.ra%-andsit appe2;rs~‘by'4’Dar "1 itihVey'vv’erfa7f'u%%xji1~% . 4m'om-d andfworn acconzlinglyar »iIn~£h”c~~P%arIiam¢«ncVofg at A“. % 'i'bt. "Paris 11;: P1 7; 1 The Lardr ;S7pi’rz‘t:,ml a nd‘ A Temporal f E“ * -=*a,md;Ccimmo7z:,4 ‘were {worn = to %laeazr;f;zz?4‘b and} z%ruaa/Zegiance 10 ghg pgemrds PW-GA ifiiflfirm fb81@3iflW: 333 to his‘ time, am: to? wary in the Tower; ‘gum nf4%t)w*‘ finmwg Im2zra11y~A ftzccming tn ryamamu nip. gm; -sV2_7=-' ifinglatw sand tbat? of “their” exam accord. } A%%A.Th-alike 5 ‘Oath was §.?§1é-53' ; -1!:akmrt0 the King51é’2tj_ee7z;«APrince Edwmrdj, A and‘V?che 19eit1££AA‘hfA* "3 1,; the ihfttgfi may in the Parli.a%ment~of 38 mt: Par]; :1. “ ~ A .267» AAFH1 ‘$0.8 PT1'm‘e%EdWrzfA Son andheiir:’appareri$tt'o'K"i1ing Th; 3;‘ J .,.Ed'm’rd’the ;4~th%£fa%l!bAbf5 igztta, in the Pdrliamfizt of 1:7! E;4.§fm§;a:;4giP11a:2E % g£'n'l:r&d.insthe;C1a1ufé Rdllof E4. mg 4;, flarfo‘ %Yet;Vi~n cf Par1iam%en—% point; ¢oi’I;.aw, C«R’onf"r:ie%nce, thefirfi mm %Of”%Fealt_y andfdli’-A’ WY lagz‘49nceta each pf chefe % IC;i72g:_ gb'zie %beir:%ézrzd?Aft{cc4e_-[]'arr, Qkobii-;.,{_,z% 1i_‘;9‘°8A ged %MaIl tha: .took Mchvemkaa fi:sm%11=y!‘i% ms t1-?i*éAiit*%3i%bei«15*r’m;1«fiméf-e,_ §1g"HA7 3-; fir: , as their Hvmdge.rmAade by Jth*erriAto% thAefeKi‘AnWgs brother A A “ A’ 1'7 Lardr5%j%_%(wh%ich Extend equallyw their heiéés, and »fl£m11not“AA A4 , bebfeiterazed’, um‘ réneflifid to them upon this “ficggum; , un1¢f8A ~mk:A‘V"the:ms??bu‘r% t¥1@ih»eir%sé&rrAd4”€§d’{T?arit’i«é7 1*i1mvi%fé,»€[aIthVo4‘m’gh% ‘ 3‘ 3” 5 Fl‘ they zicv.%6rVt%oVoke‘thci?_c 0a¢&f;:mtlaémiElves;"Aat:*{f4~c«o a':'~eligz"~orm mAE[n{{ft_‘f,';;om3:,. ;q2‘2fi:ientiamAobfi:rwz'tian, xh?Wgh.not%>~totbe afiual legal p%En'¢2vltie:% x'o’4.5’A‘ u " A fafAPc2:;#rJ 5A"as AngeimrAA:AdeA»GAlaWfi0A i‘n“Ir'»2s Siumma xA§ngetic'a,%ti:c; J * §';#namaz2fggm4:5A;- fc&,: 40» and mh cwV%@fiIHvAomifls difiinguifla; AV ~ di%a1AW’Ab€ifigA ~mAWde:— t§¢fPu§1i§k;§Agqd,7MA fieéccg an%dw;che%famitveel §S,<.Inipttar"es %in’fa1bibI Advém¢;nfi1~“aA1;¢ 3 Am weKxngdmnamwarrfhfiredbyxt;¢,;;afic:¢, ~fDF€fialié’1.§fIfSV‘Qffi1IV¥ a1as,5s,I2rie.fc:4b¢;dfiywr Law¢s, Pamliamencm £Om‘h¢;-ffafflifla @9L,{4r&1;;I¢5 .£'emleinen:g as ;well" ‘of ear, ,Ki_, Ml 5 bridgcmenmf A ,~i 36¢‘ Augl i?§§'2;Z3'r5fi, ms‘ f°n°~w '95"?W€?“‘9*’1A§b’°%ghf€4rg Vmenmv» barerofworzdgv q L24 5. sum. gmran‘»preferm%em*,Végozcdxfpcnfed wuzh-byany srapal oW;,e:»,. my Angelica, b;um4n%P#aw:rww§4tfi9vva.r %:;;mbc2%,ti %b‘majc‘.hz ,1‘; * ,*L¢;agu¢;,_%cg; T‘ '7' 3'“’T‘""7"}e “ - Vt%f1;3!%§7B;€;8:" ‘3S%E%:A 'd22d9,bi;gb;pm. ‘“*’“‘ “"“’“* pAbwz1a»m»e _af%:be 4 mum, 1* VL1LrsLEssEV¢r, .NA:w%: L3 9. E“ V M ”‘ « “ M . ~ : ~ \ 9 u*'/ . V -- ' V ' ‘ .;. M - «dams: Cfifomernmcnt, ‘A as ‘A of our K1~ngs»-and their;po‘fleri:i4e§ §f.‘3‘“;5££’§3;°“ AANDcoNsr’mQ7r OF e-onH1MsEw ,, W114; Ecclef. ;G%%a11i_,** trarzfgrafiian of ‘bis, LLam mzd Gbfpel,“ d»¢j:Ierving4 the hwighcft tcms; ‘,7I§£?¢«1!b-%‘3- POMI and?~jE¢~cl¢fi»aij:1caIwcemurcs‘ In, t;h1s;WQrld, as Well a3 *3» De dctema1% ;comd¢mng+£1on 1:; x;he% world%rno: £0m¢,Eaecb,~%17_. ‘5» to 22.@-7er- 3+ Neb_s-- 12.13. » Achy-yrofiom% f 7-Whet her the »1EiA:f4“% illegal. 0aths,Ingagie§;xLe%n%ts vtdfhflé cw‘ %H0mi1. 17‘ in Q: T\8publica:z.rvafld% \:1’JO;re€?or54, enforcedonthe people againlf 1;4:t3&%%%Hom.9 ’(.3«onfcicr}_"<:es_, without‘ any lawful}, Pafliamtnaary A A3: _ AA % “Aughur1ty5(%u{h1c}'x;saw cm: ilggaléy.m§~kc,prar:fcx"1be, 1m pofi: new Bm,~d3.,'Theaj; OWJIA upmn the Na‘c1z>n,iafithe x—mrg:;nal K x$tazute:,re{c;:IveV,pa:fi the of Gods ’?.3I1~-).d~i%~fpute~ -‘having ; ycoht-vad51E§0r§c’A. Wmwtheir farmer‘ ]l}dgcmen‘:s, l«&«WfUn' ~O[at;hs %%tmfoAmA[{1ngs, !:h£ix';Ha:ir5 :21{id‘iS.§:IC?c§{fifiQ;x"35%1j5*be %- M‘«'- 1:3. not abfwI%uteIy%v0id in czonflfzenjce %.,%y:e:ea. mere prop3=xaning’s+, A %m‘;:’k:4f“ ,abuf7ss,%Vof%%Godafgc;:cd;%Nam:,g5 yam! ;M1fcais:c;\n om: of Afearw %% A V‘ .‘_ AA _ » Na)bA1A%«‘wiz41ml1b* F max?! %;rSam=2; we k%Ma. ,.,C.h¢ rcfi'.l“’L0nt°fla-y%V "‘ ~ mg 54; rad: ¢;b; W0; Hcroéézw 5 Wwitch marmc/£1;v:AAr»%zala:ed than Stanczif “the” obflerwd, in[£1ekeadI7zg%~30hfl The Balptlfi, 174. ‘£013. E-f¢h¢9“é'1‘§5 I or chaff: few! Vow , who ‘mJw£d%‘jt’b£y would nei%t/Jar rm! mzr drink, 1 we¢:1Q2ef{E,%%na%%ma_ye5%$t;o lve%o=lafemed, rm m%ore.thar1‘3DdvidIf0atb, % HA-3-0-*4-3 E kw-k.‘”M'1tbE§“b‘)‘fl& @lléd1?muI,,:A&;a re. 1.819-.Which firzfm3*0atb.r Vow; W K "6' ""4°" 6E‘ we be A nb wayesm gbw 055f6M/¢*5}[bedding-winna;c'entA;b:£Md:.,, A 1. ur a ’ .. % . % % % .3¢::,?¢;E_5.4“5”;' the Falbéfri, Couficilia Cflfiofiiflia Cfifflifffafifld -5'caalmen_rcfo]vc‘, a%4;jVE’.~f3,-j&:;A;§.“%* gsyoumay.rt:ad,aa1:largVeImVGrutmn Cauf.*22.que/t. 4,, 3umm4 13;!‘-I3 +%_5}?3t-.§'~ Angeliam, Tit. 2 juramentum, 1&6?-4%3%m4.s%:.%Pet¢r %Lombard, Sent; 3° E-3-¢°-":3: l,3.;diflin£i 29. gmofi ScboolmenAoAn 3h*ia%Text, j whofi: definitive 1530 3110‘ -I w " * ‘ "_ ‘m""‘ "" ' %, ‘ .. M E_ g_ pa‘-.2'I)&rln.'3. 1; this A Sit quw Jurzwem comrafidm, cbarztm R. 2»-c-5.4 H-4%-A c -10%;;.; 72 4%!» c.T:._4. ,-_._ %H.L6.Ac. m. 18 131.6 A ~ 4% 4-:1°- 30 H4 *5; ¢;-W-%.§~.%-3-%«% 3?3%7‘=<5-A; ;~6»'* 3-», 4 Sr 93- 4s.c;;:;;g. M %B;-,_%4- «Be In.‘ . _8 }:«:.4. (2.2. 172. C; 2,” 3. %x%7%j_I£-A an R; ;3T.Mc;;. 6.;,1%9. La 4. 1.;‘I-I;.I»»c. 8. 3 H- 8. c; 1.. 1 8: ’!I”5i 3. :1 ‘H28; ¢.w?‘:r:w 5,5, 3: fw“ 1;, 3! M“, 3; c.3g. “ 2 g H. 8. c; 2o.,.a 26 H.8-c;;zJ4;V%:%t%.*&7.;%%H- ‘L H.8;fi; 3% %:q.[*@%2H;%. <2. 46%. 35 8.c.‘ 1r; 5 32.6. c. 9. V I%E1~i.z;#Im frgi A5 ;c.‘6%s;“fm?El i*h.i%~c:;§‘1%2%%.‘,y 4*; Elia... c. I 2. ,_1?]ac.c.’;%I?. gjarc. c. 14, I5, ; 2.%6.,z1]ac. c.7.:io,2I. 'rhr:,P*ctirion of Right 3 C1517 came.‘ 72 I C11’-.'C..l.' hr. c. 1. V um afficiumqxzad obferwlfi pe}are1mA zzergat zn4Aexi!um,n1a££?:w‘%hewreceivcdnofhis Te-Acmk, ha,-ta, mints iriACarr2rvall, IN CONTEM%PTU:%M4% DOMINIR-EAGIS, f. 64 ‘ 65. spa. @“ admanzfe-jl:zn1},,qu%%o ad PR!AV:wlLEGI[Il\’.I WSILISVDOMINI '!W1ni~G301T1~ HEGIS EXHE-REDATIONEM, DAMNUM (%1P»»F*"msP-g55»~ SIUS DOMIN1'B;EG1S A4dAvalemiam,%%DEGEM MIAIA.LErLIA~% 3:g:)g'l:S % » BPuA:Rl1M”,«~heAhad%$judgemmc gi‘V_¢n..agaiflfl““hiI§'fl‘F01’.iE"Up*I‘nfii;g,%f,55a:R, A on an Information , andwas put: to aggxieat fine and ranfgme fm Athishis"tmn<{‘cendVcI:1tloffence. A Upcm “this very ac;:0AuI1t A A Hafifiore Bonbor Prior of Salon, an cmincm;ADAo&0r of 1:!-vze%C«a.~ non %Ia:w%,%% in his» Lmrbre; *dAe;:fT Bntta:' fl’m5,,%% %5A%q4,V §ViI. %%r¢{o1§m~AA, . g)uftAof'oth;::rf oc9‘o%i*s%, That if tbe Kizzg move: war againfl my Earonfif M4 Regime , bi: ‘femntsmzd HAom4ger:¢Aaranot b«om1d to 4,95]? Imn in mars againfi the Ifirzgby tI.mi,rHoma%gAe. or‘I*7edlVt_y; Y 121%? ‘m”at}§:er, AA %?aga1i1z%s‘;f: F KéIN(”Ii'-4ISAASAOVAEAPMIGNA‘ ;oRADToTnamaoraaeinu thasr Bfirmraae iefler power and ixiferiour Dwom:iniAo_p5,i: fwallowaA ed up ar{'14‘;”%w7zcIe:1l9_y* the prefmce of %tI1e;&AI{ing; the greater zmdfiqae-A A rior Igord-3%%«md1)n*caufi:1b;~Baron;%,%cammit: barb‘ Treaifcmaml. Peyrju-% rye: againfi _ fiber King A‘, wiblatfiwg¢V.bix Ham4’g°9,A%'%V;xin%% taking up Arm: ’againji;;s ayjiwiaercupon A Abixq Temwkts are not baundgflta agml» bim in%bAi:‘Periury -and Trmfan dgainfi b%i:A:S'azreraz'g9z%.?‘A ; And oh; zomg; tor, Iflw~.h,€.df.¢tcrmin¢*s,:°‘—T]3d1if‘dAm¢172.58~:dSllbjflfi V Am: tug; King: 3 A Srm-:A,1arci:ie:, which afrermrd:4wnga~ war :21’, Eaifigti each; other 1194» 13: lzwnd ta fame Atlmxing , Svwfi; %CiA{ .15’-M»AAA4i¢~ . A A fl1£?I1!,by.aII(Z§l_lr_}:m:_(':é:VV_l1 Laws rietofutlon. Afisce Cdoks _3‘Infiit. capM.I.% A 474. Cantcrbug % __ " A 3:¢i::tbAav~19aam :;a~ wfaich FI‘P{}ST'ASWOTrN% Offlffifi, _.,Aj be%caufe his,%‘la’ttFen%Oaft%hAanti%Homage toL‘hi*‘3%Ia4PcjSa~V M e weraign memo»: iréwallid ~‘f n'0r‘»‘” dijfibarget f.~;r;r4fi‘r_§‘z¥% Oath med Al/egizmcel 10“bi.r A 013' ‘one.5,M;ieH£41dffeA g;h?en cam share»; IaiEer';A§Z’radj?2z:’;ablé0q;h;§;, A AEngagq_m‘em:%Ato1aANéw A;Pmte£ior or” Republjclg‘, difp-I211 Ce wiuh A ths:xfe;ant;eced.en I: A»lVeg.aI-»%Oa,Aths% , * Pm teflati*0n5 v ¢3oVaenarm .A:m 4.¢;0urAlamfuZ!V ICz'2-zg azzd bi:H;eir:,J1Vi;oroblige;u; imhg1c3fi 45.. A ‘ agrese v;ofight »~ag;=:in£’c -01’ ,0ppOfe.A'their'~.P8rflmJ5 %Tz’Ilé.r, 1§igfIm%A, ;»;~zoA ~ApAAerpwuate:r%Gun? w»a’r&'h»L miiérigs, "tflaxey Opprcfli on 55,” mag Vfufiomg, and prevAe§,xfouArAfutu1*e:fctt1¢4r:16Iit-3 J A % £76‘ 1132 %%t;~hi;-:%refo;(*e\aVH..nc1w,feriomfly% ,emembe_rA, 6 _?n‘fifler“i'n wzhe fear of Gad;,iThat as all who have been }'ua’geA:, ffm, A ‘ flficfifb kM:zim A, Bzgyliffl Tewn.;_., V?VBarrefigns; Bezzcbcn, %Mim".-.. fljem‘ %Gra%dua‘tm; in ve:v*fiAn'e;r,: ~x5fttar!72e%y:,: C1'Am‘Al;ar ;ECcIéfiafif§- pal C)¢flicerAs“*in%:% -a‘nyx.A;k:i11“d~A,;"‘ Mambers A rb: Common:‘*Honfe, on Tenantts t6?‘th¢Ki?x1g;befm?e ‘t.hcfy}eaVr I»A64§.h?ave;'mf£%%ucapkeA11.t%he .;prem%i£¥:dOaths% ofM¢2é;m,.»Ia,rtsce:,1¥:ea1gv,Vor aft: iefi“dfSup4remacy 211 Zegwizce A Small.4ldermm5Gaz:Ver72am5¢.A]}aij1472!:,Liz/mi -mm, Cammozz-Comzfirlemewz _., and—m.F7'ce5me:z% whati?gcvc*r wfcvchy c3’ir_y.,4% A C£o:.rpom‘im _., S%ac2‘er_;g;A Campazm ;_E'mremz'r_y, .thmugh;-L- .A;vmA‘1n tin: «B.E aI%mc”,, A whavc ‘%1ik.cwifa~% %t,ak¢eI1 anc.v;.be:u 04!}: Abe».- ainnin;;Achus~ , ~Taufim1l fwmr: iiamgonna\nn:Atrmmm:ttw¢ 3Lieg :2.maAn ta nm;7»9~I¢ ‘A '¢hia(emamb1*6 er[eafQn1abIe'“'w!mtrenw ~ AGann pepemi:,%qui4peringbcdimxiam caelcaehabicay '.i°%‘.€t11um perdidemnft unde;8z,per Efaiam dick: -.% \I72ebri.eztm‘» A :“,‘glv4diu5ymeg; mcaela : ?qwufm;b%'%mag%is nos nof’:r2 faiutiia ‘~“in.tVeritum timere debernus%,n‘e per infidélitaltcm eodcm4?f;z*?51»:;: cc *- A »_ w .% ~ A A v1entevDEI glac}1o~~~pereamus.? @od,fid1vmam41racundI--% ":‘ amvitare;szolun1us, e‘2:.f:veri=tatet11 Ejcxs. ad clcmemiam pros» _ “ voc:a%r¢%‘cugxgnusg,,iErv¢wmm:;¢rga%“D%um .re%1igjon:sé--%»cuhum, Jeirque timorem 3 cuifnaiamus m:g"a.~3@3inet'pes j fli'4 jiTt‘I3:‘5 4"L*?1Ji’?l1icitan1%finsm“atqmz§rpnnfinnmn..ANan ht innobisz W3 ‘l‘~~fi:bd0%12eA¢ perfidiagA %%""ilv1 quibufdana }ge‘ncibu:,i%nfideIita{:is *f'u?btil1itaa irnpia: aim % ‘ » ¢ .iIII3'E'f13f,Ell'5fi ‘ltafafis at swim .; ‘ . V» ‘ ‘ M» 4 Izationnm,uq£anna.me1tmtna.4» Ngua1~us~ apuavnos pr2e~ % A 5‘%fumptio'ne.regnum am" piat,pnu1Ius earcitet mutuas gfefiitioa ~‘%‘ mes civiMi1fl1:°%l1£ m%O ms»nitetua:~inmttu$ regums fed, &c- ?“'fun&o in pace»Princ:ip.e,_Primatcsgentiscum facerc§0t.ibus% . ~ '~§$I,Chli,flm ¢jus)« OC?CeH~€J£em[R7egni ,fi..W Hw-_i0 cnmmunitnmz *? A ““iIfma§lf$ . 111: aum .univ;atis co?m:oi:1*diaA ’a..,nobis V1-c_l;ine:ur 5 A 5"“ nuflgxm patrix gentifqur: diffidiumA, per vim atque ambih A ,c”uVm;z;oIia§"tur. I % Qrgbd;fiVhxcadmonivti0« memes nofiras A%‘F‘,=i1on ;cgr£igi%%t5A%A%;¢tsa¢§i %c;on1:munem~~A:‘cAor4 nofimm; Ana» ;,_“;"' qmquimperducis, a»u%di~fe%ntant;iam nofiramgu %ic.t.m- W-‘qua ergé .ex.nobis, vel mtiua I-I%i§'pani$«popu’lis, qualibea _“‘; coniurationc vclvfiudio fiacramentum fiibzifux: quad Vwprc) patriae gen%t§’{q:.z..c% Giwtthtixrum 5fi*.atxr,%%f3;£1%_50m'E:tYJafifli18 “ " “ ifiegige.falghimpallicitusea, te1n~2ta‘.o#m:itA.Vau%t ~a:iagent% 1113*‘ A‘‘? :2. atftectaimritAN aut%;a‘nifefia:::e imzgni ertmit 3 Aaut pgaaa ~ A ‘4femt_p;ionz my annficai rsgrii faiti‘giumufnrpab2rit .- fma-5 . ffthériia1fitin%c;ompe€tLx D.~:¢i% Patris, £55Angei¢a~run1%[5_4V C.h*ri;- “ 'Pci,eE Apoflalmrumejus, Spirims Sa‘An&iAA er M»arcyrL1m¢Chr1~ %‘:~‘%fl%i%,* V acgueab EccIcfia Gach01iC%?1Ai, filiuam petjmzia P39’ :'~“% 1fl)flfi&§JB.tifi,{'cfliwziatupextraneusg 8:vA;;s;Ab<3‘nf2Vmi cmta;evCi1rij‘- ;%Af;€%*fiian.tirums alienizsa cm?hiE?usM¢~ieII1sii~¢:ati& {rm Vfflciwa A ‘fiquia opm:I;c%t, utuna poem: mxcafi obnoxios ,"€q110sA%%{'fln"i-:==;»}. F‘1is,errarA4ir£vcneric4 impIica1m;.r fQgod}iter'um , fegun. ‘%f,.g1a,etcéraio, rcplicamus ct acclamamus. contra ham % ¢‘Fngfiram dcafihitioncm px-ae£uxnp¢fl:ri.m:, Ai1athema,Marana~- _% ¢FJ};ha;.;, hocefc, perditidifl xédwem{1Domini4fint,~A'¢t%cum A it Jud; %Soarioth~ parccm habean: 31311 8: -focii fui; ct cum Die-‘ A A Amen: 1 ‘ffaboloct An eliq$e‘ ‘sA aetciaénis fuppliaiis con.demnax;mz'§ » g xu , % ¢ ‘K % :61 N I s: A $»Any«m~4 mm». ""Pr::fident§rfi_ at cm; rem -pérAfona1;§‘nd ~NationalV Judgements %infli&ed upon%pe1*fideous perfi " A ‘F; J jurious Infriugers of then‘ Oath: and%ACovemszm5 to tI=1e1r law+ a Sec Hlimtillg [full ~Sa'&r:raign.r and their Heirs, b0th*'«1CABf1‘Ci;II1’==53Y1d{&bF0ad¢3‘;?’;£if;E§§ Form domefiiqucg I hau‘epref¢nmd Him-,eden B Aug: youjwich fume fi nal anew?» 1mbe%S'eca7zd Part of my Leg4%l andm1pa;5‘mP;1gg% V Hifh;ricaI%VindicatzanoftbeFunddmeiztal.Lib?2rtic:,Vifigbtrg and y.%_ 44 9%. A ezc:> I to: 2:39 234. 23,6 258~. 2605 ‘%26 6,Vj£2679 3??’-‘V5 t0;pcriVaIHfrflory V 3757; 333: “;_370oi3€f0r; thgflonquefi. Thrta Mm [f.mffdcnas»in the~l1fc.%,of V fincc, ‘ymu may pe:;i1(2:&1n Henrzcz Huntznaozw fix, Hlfi. I. 8. giu Bwds \/Thea; Law: of England, Lo7zdon.1655%.%%p. 29 12037, 44, M4554«7,b *a m A 5:; 6°» W "‘;:5_s~%7x9m39:;g¢ 8‘? 9??‘ 9* 23* 3; '53’ améificuns I 02;! V _ %Rc>3»u!ph; ADI: m9I$;19:a,,29 . Rage-ride I-Iaveden Armaliumpar: priar, p. 483. m %% Holinfbedy §a4.. p. 446. audiDo&ar,Bear4s '1’bmgv¢~fGvdr §2§2em3§?s,§ Judgement: , Book ch. ::8;;I fhall7ini%anC»fl0tJ7 :mWiDfe* 1» ;*»4c-,¥§;r- #7? mm*kablc%foreip%E$:.ample*s ofihiil‘ A A ‘L \ ~- '1‘ ,AIéf“““3 ‘MW! %,% The Lfirfi is in A the ufurping climfyerour Kodufpbvgy Dukfi ofG;§§{;",§;{;;“ 1% Sw_etbldnd.f Page: Hildabrimd,“ A antichg: ifianly Bxqummuuiv ,5_ ;_ L 4’ “ ‘ A A F; “ “ A catgixjzg '4 Tfltfhg4Ei5;fi4A‘S0”VBPffi§An&AA -the Emperotxr {~1'mrycheAfourtb5 aAnd?AA Mng«Ahis;Smb;e&s»fizommhmA1A1%xa,nce to him,pmfwed «~:h¢gEmApi;aeAAm9.%t%his aka ‘1tod1;Ip£2A':Awh%0fVrenwmbri ?g¢AhVia Oath “ awfr A1:1%Aegmc¢ «tmth’ia¢. pczrar, and howvile a V. in? to: oVbey:““ . ii A A défendgvk.atA3~%;En£’p:refuf»bd .t:A;‘:1eAi iapcs f..yActAAafccr*- A beA«AfcarAAA*hfi mm Afia:m_;y4~ urjupnplzmt h;imAbe bddfivofm by. %;AthAajL:.yfop1%:yfl*ry:A Vamd%=*pmvfm:fin mfg AfamAeV4dBifl1'ops;A he accepted and took %upVonA him :h«t,TitIe of Emperour_s,oppo- ~ fing his Liege Lord Hem)! in four feveral A»:»Batt%e1sfoughebe-A A tween t;hem~ for the Emirta §n.»cAhe Iaffwhcreof being van-«AA quifhed _., he _was~~f0r e wouxlded , arid 101’: his righthanda VWhen he wasAr¢~adie«to die of his wounds, one brought his ;~i;gh;i: Hand Lquc~of£~inAtheB‘a_m:el umohim, AwhichAAhe behold?-~ ing with much rcgAret,iAf_;, iFfpV1A*eAad%andAhe1d~up before‘ A “thmx by the‘difinheri;ted—~King and Lords}. No AdAOl§lbl:'Ail:.wiH g in ‘Gods due timegifnA%ot fp¢:%ediiy,reaIly anc1AdeepIy‘bewaiAI¢d A vrepcnted of,‘by a plcxaarie ffitisfaxftidn and re{~tm::ion : Ant! caufe Gad to am ez/eiy man (and biz: %Pofieritj top from .. a:’Titus Liviusbzzr Hzmfe, % and ‘fram bi: labour, and empty him and bi: ofsall_pre- Rhodiginus .% 3HiAT’t- M; 35 fem: lwimura and enjoymentg (as VN::£1em?abA fbalggd and 3”’ Camus empt:'cc{¢ his Alap, that perfarmetb not Ihefi: Oaths, Pratafhztian“, » Afimqun Lc&‘Leagz¢e, Com-mnt, t(A1~wbz'%cb%lJe44md%aI/the Congregation Abazxe A1. :aIA.c.{ z5A.AA~ faid 21mm, NAch;A “=34 Am ,*r;«. ‘%‘ASince- Ache7eve,ryA Pagan Gm» 1A€Xa“d3‘-'l‘»- ab “ ciam, and Rammzei iflfinuated as mush in the‘“‘*Cére*monies V é‘:f1“‘;;‘;fr?1:n F’? of their T&credOath8,whercin fzhey p:ayed_.,T!mt ifthéy did A A " “not faichfullyobferve them wxthout guile , that gjove and .15 5. a 0:‘ “ ‘ A ‘A _M csrociwde “= tlwotber Godawould {mite and fl%aythem% as thcyymd the jam Bgiii. A W lamb they then TacArifi¢€d” to A, A A la" me. x 3«- ‘'‘[b'%: cafl cut: and perifh‘ like the.fl0neft:hey‘threw% ou1:<:gf thcir A “hands WIA-mm:Ahcyfwore ; the B.Ac]igion of an Oacb,bcing "A‘ for great among?! thevvexfy;Hea,thens, AAthAat they thought all % “: human A Society aboIifl1edAt:Awit¥h fizs %vioIaciOn% A ilndA thofé V “perform imworthy to live orAAb"rea1-;Ah aniongfi men , who A Vfldurfi prefume to infringe is: ,_ thoughpo theirloflc and A A A A “pre'judicc. And fhaAll% they not .c0m;lemm uaqflhriflians, ‘f Mfifiifldflf and thofe mafi refined ,S’ai12t: ofA:t;hisAAgve_, A who1i=ke~thcA~AApere ?b'MA:°“‘“d'°fidi@us Atheificcal f ['artb4genian:,‘_['be1Ialonia22:,and4Pdrtbiam, A ‘A '7' “A ' 1°’ A regard neither Gad, nor%Altm,~,nor ‘Covenants, Il01"0I5tb5.a 720* V A fm"tbAerAtbaAn‘tbeyferve theirmrnes to then: and circumvent men; to whom profit in ~moAr_c facrcd than Faitb or am»? A No doubt.-A. ilréy will. A Ezech. :7; A 181,419, go; mzggbe.aefp;m»eoa4:a by J A ~ Abreairéng A rjw % V V vfimkging the CovemtLa»( bddgivgn bi: band )‘:m2¥ 5415’ W34” “We ‘?’5”$’3 b‘fl"’“”%”“ F~9f5'4P€%«‘ = AA Tikrefofre” tbui fizitb zbe%%%AL%ard GOD, A:-1 live, furely mine ‘flatb that be bub de[pifi,=da, % W4 T W .,tCW”W“w V5557’ 5” 5”” 5’°1i”7*:% €097? it%..wil1I recamyence‘ f%'upan bi:%emn laced.“ % And 1 wilifpreadmy mt upoéz bim, :md bejbalz "\ Mk?“ 3” mJ’+5'7W*v’ arr :@4?7d 1%Wi11 firingbimraABabi1on,avzdwil1~ V plgqd‘ with ¢bim%tf5ere ,‘f‘or, bi: Trefpafi: that be Abatb trefpwfed g-. M .1 zairrfi me» Arid bi: Fflgifiwi, with aII%bi:Bmzd:;Im11f4zz:AA 531« 1196 ]wiord{; and they tbtztrenzgzin {M11be%]2'atIeJr;edtewardmzlls»% Winder; and 33»: f¥24lllQzo:v{,:t5;ztg.lVtb¢%LQRQ ];,.wg..[1~;gi;. V‘ wrzr N’Iis1 . , -A -f‘-‘cl!’ "<“%3'.*“&-‘*"<~§w2‘n«~ ‘ ;a~4_~c{g;«::~ ~we-.Z.-*=y - V~ 29.52% Rm‘%«f- %x*647~ 15.1. 6&;unm¢a¢:on,r: W.» J % %%%mric,;:ian.Vff+p.*18;l.:z.~Mec:ings, 2-. Algtinie:.A%4A. AA A A Mfargin; P. 23,1» 7, r.%S::anmzc;2zi. M #3 ’?’’;‘-'»*‘~”'v;;5g_-_~.:.~'ac*»~az-f*&=r)r:.' an ; 3 ' v§’h'fiI‘€§%?T§.g€73‘~9€:4é"c:. "~ 9%'%€§f@ : : :- f A<=«m¢%-«aw-~¢*2* «am» «*3» we Awzw ' - 2 . <-6”‘ ‘?6§‘§ ‘H ‘*2 5% a ‘T E