-£~’-IuMBL=YPROPOSEB '4',‘ ‘ ‘4. . ' ,"‘ ‘J M . M r.-, 3. xx J_ I ‘ 1- v 1" 1%‘, » .‘ 3'- -' cf‘: 1 ’*’ " r -. , 1 ‘ _.:d§—-0~uI - - e®H@HBT' 1 , we M f. ‘.3, ‘ ‘ . J“ ., . _ . ‘V .‘ N , . ,.‘ . . , , . V A ‘ ~ ‘ ' " ~ ~ -'-' x ‘ 2‘ ‘. W. . ‘.. - V ; » " ' 0 :h ‘ " “ r’ v ~ : . ‘ 3, ,..~ * 3 .u ‘ ‘ ~ - , -i ‘ ; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W ‘ '“ ' “‘ M -w ‘ ! '_- “ » - I _ ‘ _. .-.... X : M N, I . -c ' v.,_ $«or thc‘:bcttei: Semrityof, and adag- W «firm ?V€fi'*d»fiW5f”L6*fi»nI%3 ;vantage~ to the Trafent ‘éivern--j :~tnent'; and ‘Tubliqus Tsatisf Eiiw % of 31‘? J“ 09_d %“%e@19l6 ;°1f 1” .-........____ . ‘V Vvriflted % % A‘ «A C IX ‘ ‘N ‘,1’ '5’ <,‘_ 5.. ’ I “a A , ..~ . 1~ “A ‘ " X ‘J. _‘ » ‘J ‘ ‘ “ " .‘ J! ‘ av “ .v V .IL ( . V ' ‘ ‘u\.“ ' c ‘ . "~ K-_.u..L:; A ‘ v,—.wr- -—-w Vv yr 1 I1 v-r--v , W I . ~~ ~—-v—---up. —-. A wpo ea T lidmezzt and dm!_y,8cc. A A mp as a~s'am.1azi~ar;~Vne‘xc3mccmm. Thé Caltlmfi-Ifofifé SEW KingaLords: and Bilbepss For an& jméhi“iig‘lf£1bf¢frvic :6 his 1’rid:,.xlz}§5z%'tia}}faM{n;dE‘b*vm:JT- 4x ‘w--17¢.-*+¢,“% saegmto§be.::uasd~gwieh% &;:%e:cu:na;ay%-f the Iéfiwidfiwedlrhififéhtl wt ad'mimific$rA Jtié-, 3‘ ' ‘ 4:. fciéméf " t?rb:*éaa£ «2fAM’»=I«~’f:-&'ors ,2»é#v21¥v;ane% fgvgdmadcr :1 Eye gftatg} . % % A % ‘ v on mz:a:%s2a;zwaf:r;g 213.4»-V A ‘ mon-ur-with, as arrijvy Camml!our_~5 Mo:ttbo1%aAProtc&ar,‘ ft?!‘ 5.14“ Si}2glc‘1’grfaI¢ and Chg A iiidi&fé&r%cxf:1y, .a:cc~cardiihg'tcsx1a*qaifi*a;;aAaadfozfis. “ 'V A A ‘ $h§34h3d‘~§3‘(‘Vli§’2‘”‘ $itiont¢;%oted in*his%J'1;re;‘Aarts% . The ; ‘tIv‘e**1F1<>««fe’iI‘LhTi.s T?!’ W164 fl Kiiv§4i§“hi9%%H€4:d C~10unLI¢n£*m:c1:A%‘*0f % ». M ‘ Whci % .a;_1f_'r7ee State 3 H 5"’! ' ha? “ya ‘W W‘. ' Wheziaer a Fart’ VLwtm: Mm; ~Pa;»li2zme‘nt.~3rva; ‘rumantgmakerg aProte&arzdn~,%Gab‘;m¢; « 3.“ ;,v;_»-« “'* W * ~~ g¢r3;*>«*ar «W M .U1’J % % ‘Zn’ "my ‘ i 3“? .l% Q ,» 5?; ‘$2 3”‘ 9-9;» 4 Whether a Pifoteilorfiiza Trdpgnner; a Ifingjbip nrig; 1%? 5 the ABi*‘e“t%h“f“c“‘fi’§ 4.A:wfej_r, 0flrrL"LAdv2y;.§z"i"dV Fffédfiifiég; grand Infringqg-,a Cammamrealthflflatcrg . even He: who czéufelefly; malitieufly and iarbitrari1y%:.im1yr;3%g¢gd, m...._ zniflml, A and ffarfaed fa many Efiglifia men, to jean-y 0;. this E‘.v.i1Defi~gn ofléivgflvipa be am. pm*:£mrt:£a bw:a.....,..A Acrgtary pf ou«I,};n£fflvIy, féfiergd srmcv I V1". II» x . ‘ ‘ .wh=:1;cz agsgmégagaxm, Ath'fi' 3¢;?zgeg:c9,,,,,,,;,;;. om the%P€?*W§yam:Iflfas¥r¢rsAvWwI:k ‘Yit1]°Aut“(WitJ‘Wérd§ %Vwiz1-mu: W; 1fia:zéév?*:‘L¢vi:hczuA;Hamfiy, P:%vt:&amu&; V 1 fzgmfiszatc 9 _.;. 1| pqrfan to be ;";4j€t,0rfi~f}~*(s3't22era1 M; .EngI,»mag_;ufl§‘g:;fg " ':~ u ""1. ' é 5% . 3 aAVc‘a“né;%:3*:Lia;s&r[jof gr/2: fiat th é*P%a;zif79g2;er;3zf; pc!:»i7«mye:q- % fg ,1at<: ‘1°4rlz'Mn%eJét, 3 P4r(i4}¢2:.v?{‘aIb;3¢:{, A fdirkfflt~rhei«r1mrt(*:,bc¢fi:ic;éf££‘it4ci.&z: [V t VVheVrh%er¢%L,4m witI1®,ut ;1wz'fig:i9z¢~:w;' 1 1mM9AM and*ym~ %1€0'zMtam,th§, Armic;«A1;)Vzl:éaa4tfer, the Lawyer$“‘M.ifZeM£er,~ andVth%¢-;-%Gran4d ,4Advomte“for a Simgle.Pg}~fa;; , 4nd the Aflmf Haufe, again{3‘t.a_11V Re4:2fan,, land his own? Config- £WV%6s% ;bc:; a fit+~p¢rfomo.be ch&w%Gammamr:ahbsVAseéraqazatA .533? Lama .. ‘ A A A I L: Whceherl a Ringling-ga Wa»rldl£>a‘g,ea§cha?2gcl£::%g fun-A 4 wfpride and words, lcfle‘ (sf Lzzm,F.,wi1l bcfijbefimam» ' Awwrncy pf thfi Dutch} T If ‘:6’ ‘ '\!’ . ' -'X%%av';;. a zc¢g4W m mmz%mhJm¢a Wm%; And wihcr-hex orh c§¢n4Vtrcd inoine, Abarnto M 5 1. par qdnézum, (brcdVVé.ccordiwVngly en-%- the -Welj1a%~‘%A4awtains) W';‘z>nejZ:_tlaa‘ ;wbWi:ch in I aymra h¢e;¢ha4*§1*%nm’1ripl%y;cd cov s@A%001~»v%%Per “”°°“- W‘ A : AH :4£*PPV6/M 0f.hi3~ C0rmWa:v"%a A PW'»¢me'?*%-, flreaiégr, ;a«Garmp%t%gr and% D;é;é»auc}aer4~®t Memlzcrs in that: ,laa£’¢'ParI;'Arncnt 3-Atthc vat} ~Charg¢:..ef the Puz€l:'q‘u_g 5 A4 A Apneséytcriaaa, an I2m’ependent,w&a 6-'awzlz‘é‘;¢,% aVD¢frzma'¢’r" 40fi%th¢ Pu5liq#¢A‘~1?evezwe&V:4 ; mhorou %1~p&fY¢6*IW¢$0~r% rian; V5-,%.For aAnd againft t~hc»,Go5ly A m: 9, « Sing(e4 Z’c§rfiJ-I¢~:- 6'bW”t5¢. » amdiwevrbvrfflaure Far Lamzv%d~siM~is%=Fo= A " t1f1v¢*‘€av»nriiewv; Easw um jciws 5, AA Po‘: any .rhing4,[y=a11d— fax: %;hCV€.1’§p': A "wbtiwdwy aggwill Q3; fire ’;"m:~;4 %V;V-béthcr this r; “#9.?” W10 ha Jfiflfi c2f~fi;e PCWCS ReP*’&~r M " flat, PO1‘tll"_ ‘ g¢11A4’6!'v-'-_» % % *tmv§rf'ies : 39: all are I‘16t:'*V’fi*V%’I‘iK:;Ac g 5 X! L A ’W'*ht-the: fuch 'OfiA'1c]ers and%‘S4%du’1d‘icr§4;‘4 a{n&‘aIAi“ ether: inithe,prcfcnt4-Par;lian=ieti£fa.nd»Army,and _othc: v Auéhmricies, wm have geflificé their dif-A>a¢ffi3&:iot1 ta zhe» P1-c'fcntA Governmwaz fer up, and adhered zmhc N Single Vifenéfyn, *an»c!~thc* A other Haafe, ‘ Ccmtrary * to A phi: A Afis af Parliamentin 1648 85164.9,“ ought a»@t~7to”bt fpccdily ammr-ed; Andfeve1;alMu1s impofedon them at the Difcrgction of thePARL1AMENT,whe in vftrianeflé: of ‘Law may be fajc} pg _l3ageA%fg;fqi§Vc'e1 :L'if¢,3.'3d"”‘E~Pt1“I€P . A A W A A ” 1 A A H That honefi w‘c1I—-afieficd Pcrfoui may be pufi in their Reads. And in your prgceeéimgs herein, i}WVhether‘it be fcir your I=me71'c7*fi tLc:5‘pr'eféfo13%I‘y Afuch as art guifrcd or A Cengregatianal-mwcnzs Or raflther faith asarc firand cjtialifiediccoréiiig m the %nau}%1re af thfcir -~Imp1oymcr1.;ts, and A of the heft Imetcft in ;.Athei;r Caurgtries, to fire"ngthen ycfiuthslmds §"“”:.'.m“d‘t1aaLt~I*"a& ia-f cans maybe aveidm, lcfl yau Ai-nficiiangfmr ear Pea6é, ‘afid Afme the one parry so mm4p1y with the~Com‘mana Enemy’; But ‘AA\’W1§:‘;tA€ Reiigiaus men~g'~na;y be found ‘“q;:1a1V‘i%fiAeé fer pia;:esA5 it’ i_§*“’Aconcei§iéd**‘fimiicy be A ptga AA1”;m+ea. .Fcln*V%Lg:.-ad and*C Vaa‘dz:zfLcSt *I‘§