‘ K 5 ~ I ‘ 4 . I ‘ “ ‘ “ V ‘ h A ‘ ‘_ A‘ __ v fin; - ‘ ' ' ' ‘ . av‘ ‘ ‘ ‘:'u'fi" - . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W , “'-an ‘. W From His EXCELLENC1 THE % Lord G erml ‘L .% Andche FF 1 B. 5 Vunder his C~orn1na711d,% V TO THE ’ 1 MENT , v.n4;h¢NamVe”ofThe1nfeIvcs,and thc Souldicrs under Them. A C2) L8 4T‘T5i'R9‘:/9ia.'.“iExcelle3zcy zznme oxficers»scc 4M%r+»v—SPe4?Kérs _ % r‘ % EV ‘ not ~b;ut rwith%»tbanI<»% _ W ¥ Vfulnefsw atk11owledg¢_.the, “ h “W0r1de=rFul“ I kGood11efs%¥ OF Gch:‘youV%,%iny_ou1:RetL1rn tot’heD_if-AA charge of your femaini11g,Tru{’c; a_ h4d4 to our {elves . and yaur; :%For%cés-utlderé our Cilfllflatlidsb Cafier {Om eJ% di»ffi:dia1lt»i¢s)A in" bri11g1ng%Ofus,~ by t,cC117ic‘>Z.u.s%$V Ma~ri3h,~ J in fuC1 1;fafe;yto¢t~h1splace, to waxt upon you iraiaifertmgthe,Fmcdpms c>f9ur? E191‘ )7 3 5 ;<’=1fl in;ghe1"e, §65j'Wéh3rVG to Q.:urv;utm;oPc% H%a;za;rd%% gand» l’ower%*b€€11 mfcrumental you,~r.:»R:eturn %,;{) W3 L m.a?nds~f0* fat%%ask%poFsi15l)r: . To €;Y1d§1f1C€Wh1Ch,;W§a have oEerved*and flex-4-» ersainr rc1ation%‘to» the; 2< A chm Chains.» »%I’oI?cs.; a..ndf»Ciares«oFthe City; to the Officers and the _S 6'1ZiTC1ié1“§ ”un~CIer ourV_ glnmélnds and tha,t%bc-acaulé ‘wve V doitéat“ rcmiembexany% chingwasv ag. Wars; artid ”wefear~‘that manyfber people are much grievedét it ai1d apprehe11Ad %£m~» that forc4cT4 flow be‘ o1¥ercd% to them , r whiic they fceglj 1‘_iricip'a1l“y1tod€4fire t}1efpeed'y%% « filiiiug M Whit}: you h we 6.. A in Fe :d::1a¢%»w1& % _¢11;i“£¥Jéa'r;a”§w”11*;;:s 1aa‘”veAexprers’d*m1‘ % % ju. ;”dgfi1‘»e$"of5 art are , AA _1efi.,A anf{ve%ii¢Vr¥g»i2fl1Téexlpééte'ehd,as*chatf irmay ' % by the t1'e‘é€1iT&I7’Y"O gflfié“; MFG ¥ % % A ~ *2. ‘ ‘an 47‘ ~:m_;:-~ ,3: _ ' fir ’ "". W W?" 1. ‘ ,2-‘ "F 2%» . ‘ "5" " A 2 ,3 ‘my .m.,." ‘ ,‘ "v-:27,‘ « ' ( . ' ‘ “ I “ ‘N “ M‘ V. W" ‘ ’ "' . 3| ‘ ' ' W 1:‘ ‘ ’ ‘ >« “ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,\ ‘ ‘ _~ M 5 Mr ‘ W, i 3» s V ‘ ‘ 1 '. ~"~~ '7.» v. y A. ~ ‘ A- w “VmI3Y:3’AA0u« \w@1sma1té rat A 4 M V » ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . 4 5, w ‘ sf: 2 ‘ V *%?Then défrtaking Lmh‘ orzeluow” remwz t%Vo_your €Z‘rw]% ,buca1Afo, t/:e%l?i’na@?ic»zzzioV»é 0“ %V we L2?- em:orm*73eopzWz/oe€z>>mq;;on of rise ‘Rzgbtsofourco»mzry,z/ae7’rotezz2» 0”4”d A‘?;i?‘0“?7”g‘3”7¢”7‘A Of 5/?9gg0dl3’%d7?d«A Fair/9 Wwrein‘, 4»: t/9%ee/Zaéli//amerzt of the Tea cc of t/aefla .7%\Qzti0m. VV%hichd De; claj;atio11s nnade bkeforc4the«%Lo1*d, Arlgels %Men[ A,"i11tih e dayof flour Ext»remity, wev(a‘sWe expe%6tthe%bIefsi11g ofthe4L“ ord V upon our fu%t11hre U-11dcrtaii11>1ed thatAf<>m€as Yét fiefit*i11fieaflbuléx~vh0.ar€ impeaéh-r e&@£fnearon WeAca,:motbutobfepvc my ciiw;sMembers yvu%1~%v3*Ho*ure, (wvxm cotutraryfto t11eir%%Tr"L.1f‘c Laae 1:11 thmigl 116394 a11dVT§’m;U1Cal¢. Cominittec o€Safct«Y)" are nr ac"tu%a11‘y d:£'abl¢;dfr<2m fitting the§‘:3 7:?4ilzjtwi;11&a11hc1i11g~ “.CVc31one1V L%arWw"i%«h3x11 <>~11e1>* t11e%#V0tef1ndmn< p1~jitY.tOffic-Hr?e~11!il1f¥O111~be%d1exatt%oyour..Ord%ers, % yet: 11¢”fé€11%i€th to %bV€Wiri1<€<1'%'“3¢a W6 un—d¢r- ga:a_11at%11acsirHe;n;y V4}i"euPo11b3fC%=Pf5r calm” t:tjé11ce'1:sép‘er‘m:n:ce& tO“ifl:ayT abom%4A:Im: CW1 AA 11:? V % AA 3% M 1‘ '1*ie11&s 5 %t§1;fitA tllfiiffia ti‘ &;;m :.¥1~+{ %Lm,,1,; I1?m;;dWM_%%t11atA,o%E V:t:'n¢<3J;'§..w%.“2;0 h23.d};z.~ »'1£h%5.:<.i‘ ffifi isléy Q7ursLitc:4 zitlfpiio 11,? ~:t*h%e i=1%#%‘5.&2:r:.=bii*~di1t:g 1;{\.%)»,:;/§".“ L1::<2.xV%éIa:z§ -étr-3,[1:"y% tk:r ..0u1.' M;Ex’i3C&ati011; V x V VJ: :;c0*tithin*ub%d**%:i;11?eg11e elange1*=us- Principles, riny;%% fm.11c:Pm*f0i1s .f A ‘mid fnidlwv 11 etc A .+a'i:9c1Ve%~e110L}g‘h 'i11c=the A=la%t<-3 A cf€}f?:io11.% 7Iil10iu;gl13Vve :%A,Vare:fa1“ fromwv he itfe*of V an1y.A,%%~yc§twé: cbiildf film: I‘-«fignalln du1gc.n¢e'to1at"e :N%o£0r1ous% ~— V cepiié ffoirl ”:tl§1em:A“?:V;'%‘as$*tQ%;be*?fé*i1§11i1;<.%'l1*tHe Wit; 1f1t,‘Dh€iTr%% :m0I*ei‘t1¢ge11t1us‘i11thein Pir°fE%d BWAW6 5 VW? £311 M C . »w . ‘ V -‘m. ‘ 7 9’ did&1, III‘ e3thé1nfeiV®S;,u:ami%dziafiwllt A gmts‘i1<1% Winffib {Maw “m1m11‘;w's M “:%a:mge17i' . <6) . of r§_n1r11ingintothe% late diL’cempV.erS4fhat Yéju add thMeNatiQr1*areMbut11ewly.%de1i... AVVVered%fi_O[n‘ AA ‘ 4| thgfé who” $1at¢%1}r 1 Pcru ck at A the Root of UE'ngli//J“1°4rlia3n1%ei2t5 in P raétifevand De» Iiign0ra%ntA,:¢the1‘s , thew: arcT‘fom%eMVVi10"aréif‘orVVard4 téj 1§1’atc.th[eifaid 4‘¢defiorn ,; w‘l:1o1“1:we made-tm tlaé?" A D ~“gagen1e”n:s already také11.V H ere we mizflz 31101:“ filence our cgep r::~fent?me11*t of a bold ,' Pcbit i0n,% €£ 11Ad Vda1Jge1‘oL1s con fcquencé, lcéfi: (if any) Confcience %in L: c epingfl 11?» *?v§l1ic11%Vvas latkfly preféxu t ed to; Y 0u’_, % (Inc bfequcxicét Wl;Ie1‘eV0f" u fll O-u1~dan.... fVVjer4Atl1cirdefir es‘ “w’0u!¢‘d be ta *exql4ude *'i11:am%jr~of'Htl1e’m0ft ¢1i*fci‘entious and lb 4- " 5rf1*t :Ao*F ¢n1e‘i1 fi‘<:>1f11 fE:rvit1guI*1dcr% Yjou W ivif anéi 1\/iiiita~ry Impl;oy1*n ezjts; who *h aVc 3:416“ VV*®"4t§1§.d4 pravé“ th«1mifelveAs Ifioff ifaiélbifui %1ma’d%é§. fl%<1)At§1‘NAiév&“"%jn“‘1:}W\‘ “ {he me % P9 3 ‘:11>wec1car!vfee%th % 1W~’&m~b¥~ Fsiinificrs. wfwld PFOV0 ~ by e famespirit, whiielii A §~thIn<39:Iig¢?r%th6_ f%<>3t¢i%ng“ 3-My 0? ifiéxiy 05 an modacodly fr0 m'air1teIfiém€€- Illurgilig oilr fears¢*%frm; % ts1.,m*1?r¢113if¢$~ that 11¢c’rrrs %<:1iffe%-, /P1fii‘1?CiPle‘S from yufi % :2% 4We"M W0 uglitto as Wewdro not ) défign ¢3;11y* thiidg§t11atmaY*%iI7cu«r% Cellfwef j1i£’s%rigidity. freely” profefégty [firémhattenderAn¢Afs<>5% 0nfei6nCemaY“~ 53-V3 its’ fun i*1{’¢»]1i1>%¢rtY, A Jwtéwe 53~“F140t" A 511 iludémen accampt that tcnd¢i‘nfcfs4A which. win fcruple t¢=¢ia?°11¢rYitrfelfa or,¢anY‘Unright€‘%fi1efs~, ” Vcornupcefigxws. T nma ,1,‘ am. 4 5.1 ?Refo1n:io2a;# %.Th3t;5}-’ “nu helpércid fhallftand by fiiirfuanceofwlnatwchavedecla- reA Ffior ; "Vhd 1 ch érefijre A db, main-“:A' th humbleR¢que{’c:to You Wccou1dde»» 1&1-éy%"That%whi1fiYou fit, Yourutmofi em?eavjoursAmaybcw”%fo lnanircayour af—- feéiiungte ‘defircsfor the'I’V1ib1iqu¢ 4% Good A that 9 % o" “a"ti<>nS% urfurthcr dcfire is; 'I?~%“%atf~tho%fe’¢éginie1itsr1nur comfi» " dam: (WW6 Officérs are not)11aav% fece1iW%Pa1%’d- Andfi rega%rd% caureor the p_re'fént é-I»-~Ik3ats‘a;1*1d'19%Di£-fatisfaétionsinythc Nari.» V x .~”%';;~%%‘atii0:r1’*”in A zma=,* that you Wuld ‘ “ prcaceed V ‘ ?%caufe%theyare not fully fant¢d~in Pariiamemr, andmg h VAW afimbdf fig“ %there"foi“vic 4 I1 79 'pfo:<:ee& iolffué ’f;I " th cijL1‘fl:' 111a%’i9zit€11%Qmcefof ¢thoritYa11"d%=11€ tVisf‘a€ti01* of af1A:1*u*¢.Ei1~ giifli - % ¢ai*ncfiiyt0é cJieT1i—rc%.A,:%i %,; t1f1’&;f: ” "W A b é<5i;f1ii «'Ki3i+*U @111 %%%%C0‘®n~ a11yi:éA1*1I1sagainfWi€%“Pé1I‘1%iaAiiifii1t~r1Ii&aa;r~% be excluded, bur awe f;:c1nwIaJo”i‘xa tbs: Wars Abwmc _ Kxia 4%aI3 6311:»: hve % e c1aiie@d"h%¢%ir A.difi‘a~tfiéi°éi€>Ai5 j § Par1iamAenc_%:a;~ fim dbe¢au{e«:1}e idiamaed next‘; tu1*nab1eat« théufua1«¢:nd.;1rég%a%1A FUIWVS ‘%%¢1?i€;:!# A%r«m1c—« ¢ <11:!9«iI?%t°Y0L1 >“f1IéitA»t0LPa9if*¢ iihc M Gf¢a*t*@"i%tY»~ Pfefccutioflaffi 3:ko%Ur1éteCv011ima~x M n ‘W~*: fmiV,ai§pé:t?%€1flédr%DiA*T1u£i9.%;;% W11 ifih $9 P.¢93¢% Enid. {$1335 % 1 Q - ~ “ And we m mot~fr cmo »J‘fim€fi§lb:éf’ ‘ 5‘ ‘ W1 ,. " —:z_ um ‘- , ¢t17i%C”‘t {A1 6;‘. C, HS Vh-C;I'V€fI?I3 V :1 ggarpgtpatlo %ta~'m1 11%3;~~F13¢“¢%~P~¢0 «lem W 11 *1ifhV%¢ firm livaxf -$5 u3éEcfsi;1« A6 éiij<)‘z14.: g:u%:¢l1ave«~.i?pro.mife%d~ and ru%1:;m¢¢ ch at -«thcfl, dé€1é'%»r¢§11 i:1*0$;1?f3?3%.%%%~i BOW the %P¢9?P1~¢}ai1d ...,. ‘ M’ ‘ ,¢ . »1 4.... ‘ .. . out jAx»m1¢sA - A 2 4 ms 3: ,4; «A w ‘= M -~.Mn- « r My‘ x I‘ EIK 0.11.: T 11%‘ 1‘ We nieiyi the hem u1:wfuIl#aznd%free a hon» ' W W-~~*««~~ -*9-‘ v-4* ~~ M W‘ W m 3 ‘hf ~’~‘,~f«' K ‘ at; W “ W’, W W . J ‘N. ‘f ‘” ;’ _ ‘ ~ W’ ‘ -‘ .w1*1 V..;9%t)aefg.» }s:1f§ t.c:f1g1:$es%:1:r,thc» Na»: % W0 4crs§§:;o;ix1;,, ma cf“ havé%~_thOL;ght our du1:y%a,s to %%%co‘n+%d we be ufuall Gxxmk ferthcfafetv of 2 A sor[:he%_ vanaer% mom» }5pQrti1‘tiii}5f%5€>yC5II3I50 fpirirs anLd%be»V’ A «a. go~dunderi1'afid'ii1g" th-sit; gf1iie"at ty; “fo§mérlj9',fi~QWi1;Lé‘d’“‘ sheir taro, lfita §,a}d9heri“15&g td %I?aVrH;é'jfifi1entafy* ~% utlioi-,% rity,andwehepc*thar~t11cfameAfp1rit% Willi Pcill to L ainbngflj'f% V jbefl: mofc confiderableg “a;Ifl* ‘rate-re "e perfofis‘; it VviiI4re¢€ivé5y«b Ta3§oi1f3bIe ir1#t;é%rpre-N? :t1acb1ersingo£~ %t:1tjion M, % f W e $j‘Ic”:e.A\?%é:,;’i‘t:"f\r§vi}‘}5‘A fi*o#1:1g h 9d) 13% g§&é’so;dufe.f~O1tAi . a“fmS- ¢?éa“i‘e‘°‘i4 th0ugfitS’m ¢ Namés 4. 1.» ~ Namesof ourfflv W5 are 2* A F65-II-1659Aa ‘K V I5) CS‘, thfl §Of&fiCCI‘S*’ a 6 Souldiw under our C0mmand$%%; %m”A Hcmora‘ mafi W /mt/M1 % /au%2n£le%Ser«a:zzats,M Cjeorge onckg Tbo.~Sa72derJ.‘T/2a.Kedd; y Leog2;Litcot; R4.Km:g/at. CoI0m.eIs.—. }cv.Clol74ery.Daz72;15’.eclr)z%c*zI2% ‘ A A 30 H ubletborm. Etbelbert Mor‘g%£zn,%Lievt. ‘ @0111. A Nathaniel Bmo-n,M“ajQ;. 4 4Tlaa.j‘oImfian, Pb.Pryme. % 4 Mgjv; FT4”~Ni€]90lf.§ ¢ A 1?eterB4nijyerv.