A ‘V A A F [R OVM H I S u A EXC ELLENCIE TH E‘ ‘GCI1"€»I°2.A11‘ 1\’10I1Ckg. Andphc OFJFICEAR Sfl ’unc§cr his Gummandg P AR L 1 A M EN T; 4' 1 in the; Name oPthemIe.lv’:5 and the . Sc§u1«:Iiers' unzykr fl _ themdar;cd xV1of'-Fr&.p.z.6§9,_ varzm t/2e_ pgrzsammm gznrme} tfierctmta. 7752; Letter my “dam Hamfe :15: fimte dgg. \........-4-—-—» AL 0 N130 N, .9:-imttxfi ’»::»;s A ff. 52;’: £2"2_.~:w¥r.wzy;¢ in Lgwe./l;%Cam~~r in £’m“c'r- .~’X3'af;’¢:r*~ ‘”_;j';a:.-.%% maemmmaagg & %%%wW%%%%%%%% »% V. Vfl/fr. Speaker 3 % '% % .1‘ “ “"1 “ r‘ E cannot But with thankFu1«nefl'e ackfmwkdge the W.011dCffi111GocdflfmfipfGod%toj'ybu_*,‘ in %vo.1%:rmr€-\~ \ rum to %the%d%ifcha1-age of your remainiz‘zg%T1'u("t; and % xi % ‘ % % [0 Om‘ f€1Y€8;,“ and. jmur ;Foz:fc r:s';§undr:r ‘our f Cc-mm < mantis (%aFccr%f”ome difficultxcs ) In brmgmg ofus-,. bv a: %rcdsous%I\/iarch in fi1chi"aFcry\tothis place, to wait ‘upon: you in afl'e"rting ‘the Prev dorms of our native Countrcy : and being here; ( as we ‘r1ave%t-pour u%cx*1'1s;:«£"t. Hazardm1dAPowcr« been i1iflrumenta1% in ::yc>ur ;rccurn-L) [0 wt: ‘.iha.}1‘be H il m1dy co_pu¢r{uc~you%4xi: VComma%nds%~*r %7ib%1fa1:;.:a é. pofiibly WC} mam, To evidtzszcc whzch , we havcjobihvcd and exectaced your late: O:'dcr*s in re§a*cion.to%che ,.ChiiiflS§ Poiis, and %G-ms ofcbc City. : which was %’or11echis,m g;rcyim2s to” its; and “CO chc40fficersr:ind%%é%hc ’Sou%1dicrs undcr our (TZomu1*1a;r1ds%;% and that bcfcaufc we do.noc remembcx an y fuch A A thing was aéFted$ upon this Cicy;iua%1l;hc~fc;VVars%; and we fmrrthaf£%..Ina- my 1c;.,I;;A:=~g~: 2pz:+:;*s;:,«%1.:—.~ are x~nuc11-gmvcd *a_tU mg, and apprehend M further forsc ‘robe <.:~fFc:me.E :0 them‘, Aw1Va.1eV:heey 1ccwn1%%%»%prizzc;ipal1yMtb‘define the fpecdy filling up :heHouI}:,‘ which ~50!)h%%a%Vc.“%’*d€c1a1‘€dfor 3% as well as may have cxprcwd m1ry.xi:’:%defims «of : fwd am afpt 1:0 doubt, lefi what wt: have d%pnc%z;1ay‘a.mg"gfar fix;-m an1'wcri1V‘xg_:1_1e.f:xpt:=&ed cxzgd :. astharit may‘emcrcaf%::thed1i%cx:g11:pv::><{:.aaVja:”:,%pfmans fpmrsum thcuN=.~'u:1on,, llpon ;!hj§Qccafiov1;1,jc_4.70rjm':.Sfrcflg into %omf%minds-4, :hat: %Wh%€n t1€‘aChC1'ff of fame Offiwrs 0t the Army you w::w1x2;t:2rrup%cc%d: wfldfiféf V c”]a,rcdco them?mx*=ld% 9 "T/95:3? £136 grmnd %?of;omé rmderta&img%wAs%2:o; .m[}yaw retazivz toy%o%z¢rA%‘I7;3rt([2%%br¢t zzzfi t1w V:i;adicpz:5an 0f the Li» gture uxzdcrtakizugs % cannon but(’ci1l%0wma%nd H»a.r;sdby..| A[;ggn%:.iex%%oftlae §Ptf0p[€,"¢_:z}zpZ t-la4z?})refe7'*¢m:zt.7a;z vii“ £1.75 %T@§éJt;: afaztr tfI‘o u;a;g~ % ._ ;y,gjz,:%%tloe pr0tc¢S2‘%ia;zAazm m¢‘aumgememrfo['_} %rb.e:‘gadz;w mad fmwbfttll ‘ ‘therein 4 “#5 tbs’ éjhzélg/7a*m¢*mr:%afr}3£ Auflerwc of t/fi£fé".J‘Jrwi9m,_ Whicli % I D%ec1a mtA1ons madic A%beforcf:hcA Lmd;-;A:¢:ge1s,% awmdWznen,%A1n rhci%dayAof aur%cxtrcmrtv .*we(asAwc expect me blreflmg mf nbc%LcaxdWupon%eu1" fu- A * %We find that the a{fex':i';3g of (hit; ,ju_{*r Liberties o~t'1;hrt* pe@p1c,f'*S.th§.t’ M which cbc gexmxality Lof rhfl Nat:o_f1 15? mumin V ex;.L~_c&;w;np; of 5 A and Av r Atha;t;.maLn*y .fobcr»mop1c_ %(cOgez‘hcr%vv1nh mu r. fgzlivcs) arm u11d€.:t€‘a:1*S A; " 1<:t’r % rfi;$%Agr¢a@.:%rice~chat:G¢4i4A§,‘ win (A231 % 2~9ur%€f=2C£*$A¢Ur:A*hafid§ aA %(as ’*“~ . V ; W »€ .9‘! % ' M Ipara11e11’d':de1ivcrzmcc% , isno: 17;: puAblick1$;’ ant! foiemnly a.ck.mwicd- Adivtrs :M"€mbers of ycmr “Hmfe , (whOWi{i:onr;ra,ry co. thc-rir _ 1‘up§jion5. and the hazaffiiffg bf;hcA'whc:1e%N;:tionAs‘« pe<9:a.tion. We findtconcxnudd in the Aflrmy-fame; “Thbugh% we aVz:efarVfror;'1A wifl1ingA=th: mine ofzin gcd asicmigght be? char: the Lord (wha xmrctrglgg Yo i%up"ét1€iiat:Lfl:;s%) may A % i 5YLWté¢*;fi»r€¥7¢fl*tA‘Tji§€f@%?;€ » b:1ve.the:%.g101'y of aA1l7.-+"‘ AWé'" afia ft:rou‘3I‘ed ‘thétfixomc‘L%a§'y£t;d114311; x;1;.¢W Houhg who are :iAmpAe‘ached‘ofrcfifariliifvwe 'c3£'mo1;e bumobffi inchat Illegal and Txranniical Commictceof Safety) are I'1A.3,’;€'.tlLl§€1,.I. 5 953 have: barn Comrr1i::c:d4in this Naiions aAndA: is mat obedient to your Orders '~y¢; hel{:en1%e;:h%t@ bc wizikcdjgm ~W'€undwerP::1%r1d‘;'tha:: Sir; — g;z.,-,7 ;2;,m, upon4%ba1fe pmtencci AiS‘"’.p€rr11”'t;:€d 7:0 Gay %.abc9nc*~}:hc C€'z:y., to%«i:h¢%:.gg-¢4ag«»_ j‘3difi‘atisAfa8tion 0fJy7"our'I§Acfi Friends ; Athat%%.%th‘Aer§e aré dAangevofi%s Cong. fu1ta%tions%;%%ai1d that ofthbfé whohad a chief ;h:m"d in your lace %Izmr,. p¢rrf7oi¢I1s~c5f?daéi1;~gg;;,ou,V I;A'l:hcL2’igIhTi A that your figna1’I:nduIgeAn‘cc AA:oA1aze Qtoriénus Offenders ,.~ ;j;d ;m¢e"t %with”c}}a;tCar;did AR‘eccp:iori Afra:An=thcm,asAco*AAAb:P {:27 much the humus mg zhe1r.prof7.fltd V Repentance .- but we ’obf:rvc$ th ‘-iaprggt go p}1l£iat; their *AEnormiAtiAais’ ; V‘ A ’»p~¢A&x:hat wcax;csx1Am5 fome*Ad:m:ger of r6t_Wutfn}fig?1t1AE0“ ch&c;J—a “thAacAyou:anAdA;hc N:mon% a.11eA‘A’but%.new1AAy~%dél1vcr€dfrom.. 4 A» moArcAinge~ V . . V 4 " 3=A‘”AAm3UV”bAF ichrzm ds feel: to jufhhcrhcmfcivcs 5 and*A*?’Aarc'n%oc“%AwithAout% Ch€i1"IAgi1s,, ;"¢4§ ;,‘dVmgg1¢:‘%¢hgu§r¢1V3&;‘ é~%"’fo%%%黧5Mrcn:h %‘obn’bx%ous. r A *».=rM0l1¢DV¢f;“QWAhA§C.h:v!s:f;§dtCAb€.A_1;C§1fi‘AAi5%§tAf, ofEhé’VA‘s¥ei1cxn:*=a-ft ‘l°»e4tiri‘oz1" ) pr£{?r .od;I3gA_"f¢;Vgm t1a<:1_::7 munmfn atf;cc.% ;jjI_nj L;rg1n~g”0ur%‘;fei%rs ‘f}°omi‘rhc*‘Tprc- c%14¢ar1>%%;A f:¢A ;m;cA;ra rpir1ewhi%gh.o£A1a;e” vVAou‘1_d have puH’iA‘3 awsay phg % j,i‘2{f?AmaJintc$na,Vi§%ceA V §A'5mA:_NIiI3?iAfi€_I;"S 3 “fwou1d~ Zntiw . f:Ao¢nAdAaAWnger$theA forgf;11Vg$éiway oFmany*of the v . 1:» _<;o,r1;cemTsfA fpmé of %d:fl"crencprirff;i;51éS Afib1'13A u§§“m_re woflhiflot nu I’-»'bAcflLE: ;h:QA[AA1gh; W f(V%43“_g,yed%O‘ 53¢; ‘) dcfig aaw :fi*f;1gA ‘fhafi *’fii°ay.;%»i11%tt:tr'c the A‘ ;;ccA%nfi.1rc, of“t1%I,11}Ufl r1g1dic%y. ; f17¢C.I$i ;?r:=ofcf{_‘"e_%5111‘r%d:fi’rts,‘?théttendc;-~ Aslxezmi may}1iav¢ AII__ts all ju£*A‘%11b=rvy%A ii‘ W V W <=m"1n0tA1n _ éfiauntthmewndtrfi. , % , ‘ (3:31: at treachery It feifi dr a.An§~ u;j‘r1ghte*ou'1fi1c{Tefto Ac;zr%ry% o~fi~cbr~rupt*de~ 1;%::I!¢3~,;. ' A A A ” “ A , A §4Aa.Aving gmf¢nce;a you rhm:.i»4Fea;s we fl~.a11 ;me*4ouVr Refaluuz. A§%»]:o?1w:hat by ch: help of (3éd"wc“Af1ia1li’r:;md’ by you 1n 1Ehe;~vpu:.fi:Aa;nc%e af A Zféfihf éfcjohf¢iek‘A1céA3which *w:i%=I>i?< E10: ibru» A Wgwhat WC havc dé:;1a%r%edA;for:; fA;1d’fthAcrcFore dwméke ‘%Athi?§‘humblVc re--» %.1g;1».1q_%(;’t ;to;yo§,1 : %Wé%A€cA¢:iflAd deflzjlza ‘that w'hil{1AAAyou fit? YAo’uAr (:tAmol} cndme ~ V§qq1=§~-may bp to 1n:1g"x::Ai;‘Af:H%AY0l14!‘A;%fi‘€*<§’tics%nat¢ dtfires for the }5..tb1ick -good . ,.gEf;h§{§;NaA:ions4V ‘% Our,fux’:hfé;‘V»dc1"ir4A¢"is , “that chef: Rég&ri1encs%%un.dcr youm; ;*;a5a1T1 ;:fex*ati%onv1(% A 'Ahc)AA{Ac Omé€A1‘$AA‘AfiAI'c‘hgtfg mfa""y Abc’"”4fp¢edily ,pa;{ E 1)’. 3 Ami ;a1%1_‘¢g;1r.d wefiucg that the grand c_aufc of cheyprgfcnz heats andldxf-H. fmsfa ba“bl?:A A E$AA:pc=~”ciie1=:t% whereby :0 V kcep cht:N31210::'§:,1A”Eae%g§é,;rh€§x”bv fi_1l¢in_g up your Number; we mufi V_;;»1“:xs‘:r:eFore*Amama ‘cHj,§p&H‘z;%3aia‘“f’d4:Ii;1~z+AA me y%ou%¢wo‘A2dVysroeeqcwb 4aAn1u.é%Lf<5rft% cm: better c fh’:rE’cin”§ ‘"2vhé"i'%:qf_yvc Ae_ntfrca:,, than you would conclude upon pcfinwfgich we cannot but in fifh Wrxftts m order to Elc&1ons: for A du.ev;«,,:3dA%A%fuA1lQ5ga‘1ifi‘gj;aqio-fig;tha;t‘n‘ot only thofe who havebecn %aé’cu-A L aliy in A..:zx*1s3e,;gNa;%i;fz{i t};i¢AP#’=}_r ilqmciit % m:y%bcA cxcludecfl , _l:ur: %a1fofuch -A who u1,t}w“1;utc%wa.rs ~I:;V¢:twij;7t%Kiz1g and Parliament , ha’ve%dec1ared their di{7—A:: ff;i’u’§f?C.>I'1li0AL'1‘AA1AAAAf.5 §P;‘£§1%ia‘1he.nt: ‘And becaufe the AdiPrra“cS¥ed gem.» V c:s;ianAAof:h1s %,I*~Tta;a%io11%AAAis«aA”:’At %Ai“sA;;1»1ourAA ib avid em: and P}fC_HiI§lg:WC&1"'C C(“»I1*-»»- A A A - W: %‘A*%.3 A " flrain;-N. % ' (4 7. 'f’crainc7’d%for the ju{’c4maintcnance of ymourlauthoritya and the farisFa&i- .,(m ofa1l cruc E ngdifh men, carnefily to dcifire, that allthc Wricts may A ~heViH‘ucd forthby Fziday next, returnable a;:rhe%ufuWa11 andlcga11 time; For we think it%convcn’ic m:t@ acquamt you, that to pacific theMir'n”inds A “o:fthis%grcvat_ ‘icy-,‘in the prbfecucion of your lace Commands, the chief offus¢did give an aflixranccchércbfi A V A % , A % Andwc mufl not forget to remember you, thatche time haflerm %whct-ein you ha.ve;declaredVyour% intended Dxffolution g which the A wpr:onp_1<;%a;ndA%our%”{'e1vé:s dcfircyouxqrould bepun&ua%1 in,% «Hc'::eby the % % Sufpxcmfn of your. BerpetuVa.t1on%wx11 bctakcn away; and the ptople ~ Amiil havc a{l'um;’ncc;ha;t they (hall have _a.» SuCCf?{fiOI'lf of Parliaments of chair own Elcftion ; which isl«ch*c undoubted Righcofche A Erzglifla \ ANacion,% You have prarniffid and dficlared no "Refs .~ bothrhc people arid A =-yo%qr%Ar%miesdo'%1iv&V in<'”tb€ hope. apd ex§%f&a:i”on of it. That we may ° the bitter“ wait forA'you%1'f'uU and he %Concu1*re:f1c:*: cothefe jufl éiefires on that Nat.iens%bcha1f'c: upon Mature de1ibc’r:2rionwr:~ E;;v:%chough: ; «it our duty as to continue the ufual Guardfi-— ah-c %i7t.fi':tv%% of your fic- ‘ tzin, {'ojfor»che prcfcnt: to draw the rel’: of the Forces m1derour4 Com- A marred into the City ,x:ha.c we may havet%hc_‘be:tt:r op;5o1fw::4~:i:y to com--- 1 pofltfpirits and began a ,~=_'v,oo“c~:Y%ur1de:'{’:ar;d%1ngir1thangffiiit City, for- *m<~é1-ly renowned for theirArcloIu:cja.dhcr_1ng to Parliamentary AAutho- . ~ rity ,f[:Ia.nd we hope thatch: famt fpiric ‘wxll be fouildfitiil to brezgth%a~ mongfifihe ;bei’t , mot’: confiderable and inzcréfléd performs there, This %A»é’cion of ours, as we hope it wi‘llrec‘c-:i've your f'avoura.blc incerprcraé “ tionafo we do believe it wi1l%%(%tht‘0ugi_1 ChC b 1Cffii1% 0f‘jG0i1}_be ofgood’ mi".-.,-ffor the prefint peace, andfuturc iecclemcm ofthefé Nzzt:1ons.Thefe V Am-gout t11c;vugh:s whifgh we mmmqnicate to you ,* in the; Names of our = 1e1%%v:s,andthe;Offi:;:e1~%sVand Souldgcrs uL1dC3-'°UYC0mImI1dSs*%we are _ A . % , _ AA J%‘%Toz4rHo:=:2aMr:ma_[f' .rVbit:»Iml{ M H A ’ A A‘ ~ V iww5feS:rvamr%,‘ ‘Feb.?_%%j1‘I.£16§ 9g% %% M , 7 A ‘W A” % V_%HGEORGEMONCK AA T}3¢‘2.S2zJ}¢d£r3‘g} %Ioa.~I§e.aJA 4" “ , Lem. Azrg:-ax. m“ r. A % '1o.C[a&er].‘?‘ " .a%"."Re%m::¢zs2.; Cohncls. ‘ E«’»:£i!.¢t19briic. = % M AAE:/yeléart MD7gflfl3L1CL1CaCQ1I ' % %1\.7 atIM1:£el Bgrtam Mfiory ..‘f'bg_1abn age.’ F if 1 {e:é."Sim-"it . * A * T!3o.??‘7?9¢e‘,:‘:,‘ % Fm» Make/3. €2%r.%Bpm{ffc%r. (6) Saturday, '11 Feb. Pon§tI2eV.4reMizég%af tbe4Lcttcrt}':e I-Ionfi Reflalvaed”, ? 7% 13/IC»!7.§11