Vered in%he' % y %Xi:"1 eh I-v-..-u....m. mfiuwturnlanuqm .. W -«ovum:-«pa-...--‘.,.._»vn1 -~w ...,+.... CU lae Lmzgenm%z M C K 1% 5‘ TEECH» Mémgfi the muéamy mercies of4Goc§ to --~tl1§<~;*é"e pom“ Nafi-o%12s ywur pa: aycfaibie A Ra: Pr‘ zmiraiisoxl is not A the leaf}: it is his Workalonefi a.t:.».d to him belam the Icky of it” 2. and E A<:%f‘ree-mit asza teas: efl"?e_f% of hisgmodnefs‘V‘to4 rntzgflmthe waspIcafe&“tdmal<;e1ne mnongfc many Wortl1ie3r.i(11 yur fervicc , f0me% way i%1m{‘rrumenml in it; I did notllingbm dm_Ey,a1n;1do not deferve to ieceive fogrezw A honour and refpeé7c Aa"s you: are p1m{7ed to give me at? this. tAix‘k*"r»e52cz1%d~ placcawhich Ifhall ever a«cknoWIedJgé44 $3 am hi” marlg of your 4favo»~u:rco“me- Sir,Ifhall nocngw !:rm;1b*I*e y0u%wi¢h¢Ame Narratives» w‘*¢1"ygiW mm A I¢?aVAE ‘:}t?f:5V4»as€q :;:*ai"r1 t *you,tha I: as % .1: “mar t* fro Sc0f4iati:é"rl~¢V4?§11A"¥fher,[Ifobfcrvcdfi tIaAepi«é'op1e in m:0;{%{C«,w.§2%‘l1;r_§;;t,ie:s% i r1 %gr7¢a1; Aasmd €53 arm: ft EX pew &acim~:siay5%‘ & M they tum; yea‘ ail A? Q] im:iodm%’ to M764 5 with n-u5mv;&i*a M? A 2. A %fu,1b~V U2) i5i%:1>fm;,iPt%i°‘*S=;t1i€C*‘i€féf’t Hfads 0*? £1263 r66- ¢fi~?¢8,W¢r.¢aFr*a F“' n~:nay be Pr0Fe[wtfidA 71? aALI1V%t1m%4Ar ’Ta‘xe.:s= ma dc ro gwrtmzaafiI»§§4%m,4:%V1;»o fa law, far W91%i¢hI3“?‘ fin ga9:@37bypr0Aini9: Sir; mw ask 1€[W€w% €1%“%E;F¢9**:5 3%“ e afyieedie grvifin¢fo;j%%t«h€cAi:r Civiv1 Gvé;m— men E., mien: of whic%h theyhave A béezid d6fiimte%* A nefir a year, toth-e .rufineV%of n1a%ny‘iFa1 fiiAi1iés.%-:‘d and except ComVmi¢flici;ners‘for mana%ger_nenc- of theGo»vernm%ent,' ¢and'Judgc{s to *fit4in% AA Courtsof Judicature ,befpeedily appoifig).-AVé ted,that Country will.4be very miferabley I direéhad Mix, G umble lately to pm"entA to you %% fame Names, both of C%omn‘fifl7Eo4ners and judgcs :[ but by re-afon of gr€ai:Af- A 'i?‘ai‘]Ars,»nAoVt required to defiii them in writing fo you 3% but I now himmbly prefent themto yourConfide1*atim2;;; & V F IN 1