~.‘*~. -“xx *- ' . Hi ¥‘~xr" .>‘-.5-r\__ "~‘<""T}:-W, =?' <21?» —;‘‘_7'.‘‘'!’’ «by «to T and i _ < e {I F » NA R R A11 E Of the manner how divers7 Members of the as :%§H0usEor C0MM0eNse,;;;gtgt ‘ 3 That were illegaily and unjuffly i-m rifonedf L ’ 09‘ )9? . . .. -n * 1 Q A . orfeclnuded by the P i .4- ‘.1 y ; ~ A w J "‘ 8 we A RM 1 E s F O R L E, 5,; «:53 % in December,‘ 1648. and May 7; 1659: $39 §.5“‘ c OMI N G T 9‘ A Hpon Tuefdzz} the 27th of December 1639;. (‘upon theproa gr; ‘ e53: .a vidential reducing of moii of the~Army to obedience-,« $53 by the immediate hand of God) to difc-[large their fig“ .3 Trtlfis for the fcveral Counties and places for 1.'~ " ‘ which they ferve,werea;vai11 forcibl fhutoutv by (pretended) 0rder5b0fthe’MemZer5 now ‘ fitting at K»/c]fmin§?'2=r,u.r.ho had formerly; Q charged‘ the Aim} Wl'Dil-:t»i1C“g1»tilt of Veg‘ the faidforce, and profefed ardefire‘ J e t-O‘~I'C1‘l1OV{’€ it, that all the Mem-v . i Q93; T ‘bets mzgbt. ‘fitwztb fieedom 0 ‘E5, y y 1 fafety. ‘ . t.-Q‘) fit V: ; e , - ’ i T t >L°_ Pi[lb1i'fl”1€dd'bY_ famed ofthefi1idYM§m5ers , in d'ifChaI‘g€’0F tliei-or Truii, yandto preventrthe Peoples being deceived $3 of their Ez'berties.aI1d‘Birflvrig/at, for want of Right’ Ii1- cg formation. from thofe who were-:~ele&cd»«.tovreprefent 3; them, but are forcibly excluded publick Councils by ‘Egg? fome‘of7their EeIJo'm“Member:s,epartictilarly em‘-1'me1‘ated. 9:’ " ‘ qt... . . . L Habakkuk I. 354; J ‘ 9} , Spozlzng and zolence are before me, @"c. "1'bereforetbe IMW 14. %§r§*5‘: dot}: eonzpafs abmt the Righteous, therefore wrongjndgemenr “Di .19‘ L! *‘ in:Little Britain, 1dy6-6eo.» ‘ ° 35- flackgd, and judgement doth never gofortb; fortbe wiclqd‘ U proceedetb; ' 5;“ Liandon Piinted for E’dfIard Thomas, at the Adam and Eve 933* “P9 01'»: ca’-‘<9 tips: via ‘ -u....... ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ V“! “ .. - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ..»r ~'---«H ~_»— .4-——--q.. — a ua.~,§A¢1'~‘£.'£ %‘*-‘IE :§:£; 1.; % I : :31. - ammeo%£t11%e%1a:afim%. "M34 Seclu zm %f0~fdf1¢j¢1M°enzié¢er5 of tjlhe Ai[ammam flottgé ofkP4r[Mm4ént.% Ud7who flcver A%t1'2Wibl»$- tbJings~in. 'iRi‘qE... A W teoufnejgta m;tke,_%.his -P(iVV€f‘it1ii21. WiFdoine- A A A % - know11»to%:._g~l1a fi11fi1lfa4i1d9T1% rebellious "wzfmridg. 7 havi1i'g«in» :ez~-.wo11dferful md Vl'!11@XP€fi"#?‘*"¥ ‘way; witrhoul: ‘Imnds, or vifible A vi’ ‘mu°ch; A broken and w e—mk1md%» b~zm* ti 3;. .,1?omer, whichfor eleven yaars in1pofed?~u;:#:::1a. A Gomurifsgf a F a;br1ck%i11ten:ded‘. :;-og1%~m I;aw3 % domueg, iilfieadiof I?:zrZz'zz¢m=w-ts,, the iz1iéz~z;1m¢ent%+.'A ‘d.’ V own di{Tt>1ution a‘11d:§cc311f%1fioz1.; the Ofiizws W;iti;a 2;: A w:i:t»~l1.t>1¢1t% af Slaéphewrlfi" 1*ea;dyVfor any IWW Mai‘§.6z*&§ %ti§,Vi'q1i§§'V when‘ none ]mrfm~d,.1eavi%ng% their Con1ma1ads', m3 }iTl.‘.' Ml§; cojmmoxz fo1di:e%rsrWAa11d%1'»1ng"%%% é1b@ut%thc Af’ci.*eet54»%~%‘I1ke ; flr1«:~;*«;~:.*11:> = ‘M want of'pay5 a11d~Athé%AMbVnd%bV=e1fs o%@1tIi~«e%F+£c4>L1f:7eAoE'1 Camiimcfihfi fit«timgva&c W2:-fim~.7 %be~ing~ byfii1t.iofd.th_¢1fs rgc151‘cfcnti.11g'afi:e7.PxzrIizzAment (though ‘ the only aprobabl-c mains f (mr rVc§overy% and Vfe_t-tlcmemz, » and .th¢1:g:fore zicfervedly ‘ in; all .. t‘-,1mes the darI%1ngiof _chg . ; % Englvfli ’N»ztion)‘ to be a mcgnflcr that would dcvpL1A1~A1xs and « flour Liberties 5 In clarzdefiinc meetings of [OH1€jG,fthC‘Meme . hers with il1i4m’Lent}:ml Efqé, (Who by Cdntifliliiig Speflle :1‘ longer than evmzany did in England, l1atI1%%i’fi1f=ficiently difi:over.cglfito us the ,d.-nlger and mifchiefs offgch a prefi-» dent) A it was"rcfol?ved , ( to prevent as; free afi’cmblin-gm of an the Members") togive fcscrct fummons ‘to as many ofkan in-~ grzged partyas *m‘~igh_tVmakc 1 Houfe, to nnzet in the ufual plant.at,II/2=fi'minjfer,‘on Mgnddy the 26. of Decémb. 1%A65.9=.$ « about fevén‘ of thc clock at night (it being for the ,nj1or»,eA clafe wdifgyife publi»{h:d~ia1tl;c licénfed Diurnal the fame mca”rhn-ing ,%tbat ftIq«gy%%A%inte2¢ded not to fit,‘ till Tuefday the 277th. And A ?aagcot~ding1y .129)! A jfarcbg -and Cqndlggligbr, M ( in the fhmefmfre titiom manner aswas don’: onthe 77th. A ofMxzj Iafl, upon t _C Armic*si11Viratiou) late in the nigh"; upon phc {aid 25th. 0fDfC€’721be7“,:thcVSp€ak§r, with about ¢ forty Mémben morc went from I/V/oite%b4II%,{vvh»cre*thcy.met)T the_ Wily tI1or0ugh%%Cbam"zel- Row to the Hqzzfe, % Where .tb.cy%. fate am good While 5 ind fetleditbe temporar} come; aftbe Embrio Army (for it is ‘yet to form A) ifl‘_€0l-1 ilozzel 01¢}, Callzmel !,AIured, a11d %fOm§co;:hac1*s,ord£¢rm’ ma» iziesfir them, and adjonméd till next morning:?xvhcn;«to%%av% ;y,oidA gepgjtition, you fhall have the nan1es%ofthofe"wI1o ap- peared to Afit,,and may bs: gtrcffed, but could notbe ro ca.» A "Lily difpovergd to: have fire the night. ‘ u .\ hafie c1rly;cd,;th;¢Houfc3 Whc1*eb1:; and of tl1efi91tmer__uigbts;_ , 1>ra,6iice.,_v Vfome,fait;bfuZl,Mc%m&ers Aofthel-Ioufc, nowg c;1eAvc11+ years fec1ud‘c,dby.f‘orc%e, having no-rice, %as%mamyA o;fgthAem, as ‘- .£9u1,¢1 filddeuly gecatoget11¢A1‘ 5 iI1dgedV their duty Q & that In: day.n1oxfning the»27th<. Of';Deceml3er,. they.n1ad¢ ‘ % ' A Ab fircibleficluflonoftbbblzzfibcri,é*'é'. A ‘ «that the A Houfcfcémcdb an‘ b¢ldnéif2zl7lebj>r0’{Ji§'1€j!1€b'0fG0a:5 A A to be clVe‘b1ijvbbe,:.*cd fF0n1Q'Eh:1\t{f0TCEf2fFid*‘3-50%*d'dgé Tthzeyb. had A been b»1rndvcr"{'o n1anyy¢a1~bs“) to attm1dbb?tl1e-difkbarge nfrbeirfirbgfi b for tloeirrcozmtryb, and contribute tbeir befif Ai}3'z:rhznce am£?_4d- mice filling oftloe HOIb'F?,'tE1%.3t by 'fl1IfiI_*a11dj3*eeb Cqzmcils the: «fad breaches of t!1efe\'N=»m'ans bmégIv£*be7—.m¢zdEbup5 andbonr Faundatiions feti-ed; A In purfi1ance»_o??~thLis »t~heir¥B.efoli1ti0a‘b fl1;11_c «wentb to th‘eH'9u1i'. -the ;Per£b1$Sb fol~1ojfw‘-ing, vizsub. A A » ‘Sir Gilbertfierard; . V ;”*Sir }abn‘I'cm]>[c_'. % William Waller‘ . b bMr.I/Vz'lliamPr}1me.C fiobn Crew Efquire. "bb~'Mr;1’ovey. " V V V I " Aftbm‘ Anncfley Efq; % " Hen1fyHImgerforc¥. 7 ’ V "Serjeant Mqynardb. A ~bSi1*I_{abert P)/6.”. =1\i1'.=NdtlmnielStepbm;. b_ Jvir, 0fi'*fi€[c£.' Mr, Ricbmjd Knightly.” %M1*L*“Clr2zrle5 Pym. 4 ‘Sir. Antbonj: Irby. A’ -*CAoll;o‘nebl” Llcyb7d,~and”' 1 «Sirjobn Evelin of;SuNy, ;_l’ec§__gb bk ” A A b Se1~Eeant~Wbll£r.b A fMr; *Fr:zncis»:I3acon, coma Cd lontl ¢Lbcigbb. ‘ Ab bbm‘iis§lg7bi.»“albr1e to demand b'Mr-}obn‘bN€l#br0p. u * Right, w;sTcxc1udé‘di“ ; A ‘ A» V __l>‘cf0ré:‘tl1ey canxé. I ‘V ‘ Béing cobrnc to the Lobby dobt*r;!ib1f}5ugh _:'1 Gum: of Souls .diers'that were upon the fiairs, we‘ lQ«z.oé:'jkedfar Acimitthmceg but the bbDoar-kgeper hawngbopglacri the Dodr ,2 andfceing \ us there jbutb it agbin, yteliimbgus, flmt be bad 0z:%rs to kgep zzllbtbbe feoludéd‘ Members am; We dcnxandedflrbmdmbom? . hefaid, from .tIo¢~ boa]? 5 byct ‘two ofus -that weire neirefl: the: Door ovércameb him with 'reafo11-to let usii1to%thc’Lobbj; WitI1"whicI1 thofe that guarded thtr I-Iotufc door, %bcing‘(it: fcems) al:u:um*"d ,% #( forby stfie whole bcajrri’a.g-c ofthcbufi~ A nrfi, 11: was appariem: .5 tbs} ~ expeéicd we wozzldfib"bberefbf‘orc continue, our claim in the peoplwbelmlf) bcryed out alog;,d'5 ‘Coo-i . pen, '( which was the name ofthe 0L1tWardDcor~k*ct}per5) Ab "ke'c1Jb Lclafie the 7 door ,A the bflmfe. barb ordered tbkzffnane 0 tbebm b M jhoulai.befufiércjdbf to come%in,b amid will be veryaizgry ifym admit .gzny_If~ téemg whereupon he lgapt ‘Out all thercfig clofirag thc__ V Narrative gfzzralm» ' me; d59;%~@fccm%% lipflfl 1:h:.¢1?U.tf flriviiag fZe% took fI+fl?¢ienf natiaeAoft1ze.f¢2rC¢:zwAA%€’9‘ a,fl‘f0nt,V,.am(lA%%naAozroughc “to “ us ,, M4 ,3efi3v¢‘1’ f.0rrxc§¢%ve;;2ofia;Z4z.té072s54 vmne fca far c;Q;;?v,;n4gc;%45’ ?_Qf7"Q'fizF;41%§Md6;“e7za*WeTtalflyfientg-fliha-£ ‘ G&11:~1}T:d the pfpr tg hgfiomlgggangsggwlgfi-Vtllc-..refi 0f.L1$~.1;nEt<:m like Our aft;t¢e!'%¥1=i3Q*‘W:i1IS;,%:t%?J%%g0e i~flI“0% tb€%;fi1i§n*wid2¢ga;%2M;4ewaanria efiwdmémmae sand; acqor@i1:1g;1v we '12rq£‘qw1»y%A rim AT 1;nocki;1g3i,Mr;h¢4»~S’=°&*’j1'ea1‘x1bIe,tm_tt he Md 520 élireéiion to come an~dhhteU.m aifljh tbffig, be "to1d.htm “of hhlaiigr ~hoWihci:*1i[ity}t7azzttlae Houfe bddhftfiped aim- in am ‘lnfizieflg which ejfia was, the appointing V be of W j':mu’zz13§, ta tzzvkg ‘it infohhictyfljideratian :_ Wl:icb~wehh1odk¢d upbn‘ h as” tr-mar ca*;¢fimingV , fifid owning tbisforciblehhexclufianhaf W, And becaufe we:~h22i4,e §"Wella£IL11*ed§htI1a”t wilhlh bE§h§a- ‘ken with the Mercenary pms_.,h to difgui_fe'an4d Cogmeztl A-this hf?» A fa_i;f_; as much as theyjcan from t-hcNations,fi11ceinthe .Y1¢£“Y;.f0%Tnal hBookb., all mentxon of our dddffflalld claim in 4 V A" A M 1 ihe «——u-an 5 A A A W.-AAAbra.fefNarrati¢J: offtgagzm A “ » A plug peopl"e,s,m‘zd am am ~Rigk¢:s,;:bar~h -been iudufiriouflyavdikledg % tghat ymmay difcharg€'ou‘r Trufi, as far as -we can, to the *Kz'ngdom, we have given A this account thcrc'6f3a11d ihall’ _ nmv »inAi"e1t.~ th8»OrdCt‘ itA{'el{-1, witfytllellamcs Of.«thc~.Z${Icm..4 Ems gxrcféxztar the p;af{i§'1Ag;AtheA1'c0£A, A A A ; R 11.-6 59;.;. A A_wSAOtfiey__fii_Ie '-Réefolvedby‘th€A'3?P¢?1iflf?1€£4t.V~. f andumake H %. Fm A “V themfclvcs A at 911. the fifth day O_fi’WaU 118Xt?.t,43fAl_'. :‘_f°Ho2zfZ=: W111» a1mdy, .A Atakelnto’ c0nf1de1‘at1oI1,I/9£CafE*s of ;z1f;A?i< :A_zbfeAm1s4;»m..;A 2+ Ifbur 3,, J l7er5,wand alAfoAAI1owA to fin-pplyAthc% vacant; plafrrcss inojgdcr to Houfe, and the fillingup Qf‘_t_l_7£ *Houfe,;and thaA1:Am thefrn%can4, time it. “*5” WCFY A ¢be1ie£3:1fir¢d,t04a Committee to confidcr ofallprocecdinga thin onc, than AA;1;°y:;f,1am€n«t n1akethe1;~re13ort at th; fame t1AIneA, Mdvxz. A. - A~""VVVcWcrc all" ' «*‘ Why Iht“ _ C%01~*F6’ifdm%. '1+mr!iamcnt,i'n ~ "K0bi}1j?m... A_ _ A1d—ermaA11.AtJ<_i}is..~w 4th¢:?PfA910?,U€5 ' Majo1'vSalAm:y. A A %Mr.%P¢try,.~ ‘ L ¢ 33539‘ ‘hiss? * ,A ;S::. j‘pn¢1é’5V‘Hdrringta2z.. A ‘ A1\/I1*.%‘G/Jgzllomr. % twice in the A «““d"“*“°““"~ A ...co1.%L;:1ex._%%A Mr.G:zrAm=' B.a[egb;} ~y,_Q,;Ag.«A Sr. frba. WA‘2ddrzngton..* A A .001. ‘Dave... %L,Ord%.chiefEo%n=e~ Baron Hill; A ,at,1:.wo% ofmhé clock, in “If :1 Com V Earl %ofS«zzls6ury,,,A% }x:hAi,c Sp{ea.Ak«ers slumber‘ 3 TMOIWE nod; 1‘._Gm'IAami.; V Afo J6 in diam, and ‘Ihuh» *rMf*'AF¢§£a~»‘{“ A A A g1a_cc:. Mr. Solicitor Rejnoldxz. Col. Harvq; 7 V 150 3di0111‘fl] fromgplacc ta ' ¢«<¢u*+atioaz "1l5e‘fd*1*i:5_ill éhéfimarcwrs i*ndg1”p~t”to‘5bcd¢‘fcrr¢d fbrciélefeclufim zg€"tbam/1§fe7fz£er:,&'0.~ A H 1 A %' 7 Bgfidcs tl1o&fc%‘nan1cd E>;ftl1¢A Com1ifiA?;ttec,—.tlic1*c w'c‘x*§pg~¢. % feat in the, floufc, AA‘a$w.%theAbcf2AAInfiarmatimrtcllsus, che1?c~ - following,-fuzzg. ¢ A % ‘Sir 'Henfj:‘Vme.. A A ;7zzn1‘ek'~Tm1f>i¢°-.4 CoLHenr_y Mufti». \ Mr. Cm-ley..~ ‘=‘Lo1*d'Momij%fl.[% 7 M A ‘*Cb‘I.‘:*Wbi“te.‘ AV ‘-Ifit2z¢+Penni¢tgtan. A A * >001-;ASjdenb”wm.% A ?eCol% Jngolsby.“ A 1 A Mr. Iiolicrt-‘Cic‘z'l-A/; john-:Corbett.v A A ‘Mr. Strickland; £}o1.~=Donmr;s. . 1 » Scri¢a1at"A Nz‘cbola»t.% ~ = ‘.50 ‘that it A {gems *'tI1c7w'*h‘0I€ Vnim-1b'c~rofth'eHouf'c W110 have‘ mad¢.Aitl1i$% A higlabmzcb oft?-the privilegepfrarliamt-74: were A 42. Which agxms 1 with «the entry *Qfa%vd%ivifidr1 tIia % %{E1mc“mr.»1-ningyin the Joui'r1‘nlv book %, ?upot1 wl1ic[1”tI1érc were 41. and I7; bcfides thcATellcrs, n1a;king%in,tl1cWhdle :91‘ 42.. As for A the dilktdry order icfelf; (whc1*cih 4 they Ifiaké A 4themfcl&veslc cxc~’lufion*: which by:»th’e?co1i11'fék>%f §E;,‘;§:°‘€:;:§,’,‘;,;% ‘F Pa;'1ian1entzrAy Ap1‘QccA% co11fide?-A £c'}:”f§’f,3n‘;;f ‘ _ é I % be: was EH! )5’. A ”‘"?~‘ét‘aé miliérfidmyg%1fx1@§é~l1A1laE§4t‘F6r7 f**cnV3fh ‘F “‘°“’fc“"“ f° “1“Bct‘sAJcTxd%l=uéiéd f‘t$‘*i*f(f:e%i”tt*endeg:v1 A%4i"‘11‘V&c1§‘é:>Wd‘§5at tl1e%doO1 $ no Hon ‘ W for; gwxxisvatl af+thef¢rcc£A4But ta-4fay‘gao4nmxc, we Alofok A “upon as! fi.1%bc¢illy agitfi¥cms’~¢‘c’i:i;I:5e"cai*1‘ic‘ci zishf %‘f¢”é%vc1~y "ev%i_:dent« enough te "i*1*it‘rs3€i*>@;atii?‘ixiTtenti-AA 6:: 16b7d=cprriirc‘d0l;ble ache xmjorw p*ai‘t;“»:<‘o4~ we H6iufé’oftH“é'fi~ AA1ibercy m 1-1Ac,V( :z1otw.ichfiaridin»g«»th“ci£~ wmaonbred4righ& at benng V m...m 'VI‘ ...4.. , ; 3 A érizfmarfatiwttbélate beitag M~é»mbcr5,A~’ Aia41dACQ1:niTcl1oa~:s of the Kingdoms ) mcf §1‘O,‘C0nmt:Ifa&,011;l‘_ fT&f;a§11dA fz1liAAP2zr1iammt,s, in whofc mifcdvni and fzzitbfzgllnrfi we ha~ve%becn~fafe and I.-mpg}! for Wmany ge..." nerationsg,‘ to a.:fc:zut,.imfafe ligarc£},tI1ougl1 this m_ufi not be known 4 pill t11¢yo¢z%%k; i:finted for our n£c,}Q9,. and, a-Afuficicenft ‘force fetlcd on them, A A - , V_ “ :AA A , . B‘-it fiflC€%WV%¢‘= 4‘17¢A Ae~x;c1:1dedA‘:by thclflif ta.’ aizr Fellow-~‘ Members, we dip e‘*xpAeé’£A(a11d ~dot1btAA%i1qc;~Ab1;vt:chc»Na.tion Will» ‘ do the fan1c)—fom¢ac‘-COAt1An.t‘ofthe"gmzmds mud r¢iaf01'lSL( if there be anyI,_% oghcr t:.han%-%~?b4a-=re'pW»er and A wzA'l1.)W1‘1yf near three pa;-ts__ pf fAAM A A r ’ aw; ~g§!3%WaY»m9a%,9A3AfiA@aI?:sc@»A¥sezru mA$a§ AchA1@s.4§’m6rA thisy Aym V A though bY_r11¢A¢?iH§&'é¢u;A¢;<:Aq£mwy:1r¢m§m~iamaelx~xmrmvmsL¢sad«- am 2°I;'%’f€:,*¥‘fW%i<’?1*:=Wl4@lid?*3’?€€’F [age 5 lwlicx-cas above. 200‘. of us lilvimg, f’cfmd A wears now now fit¢ing.in~. A % V A : V A infirunxcntal,A111-tl1cAIace ‘1ntemf11pt1=z3u,~i11 0é7aberlafi,llandl.l= V A bly fcelxgdcgil. t.he111,.tl1Ip11gl1callcdg by tlxc-‘Eeoplc tg iic. W1; _fcclt:fz}§m qfz/is Memberig 63% téllolgglhlwc will fl-€VCTA5€t#l‘tg£1_ lnorjiéldlttp .»colla:11yl,‘y¢tl-)l we I;1old.ourh _ ‘fc'1V"¢S‘.V loblfilged» also let them nlotgat prcfent abl¥eA t*‘oA defend. « . [We rnu{’c'nloLlco11clludcl, tillwei ha.zyeintrl1fl€d- us, '1?l1atlian]z:l)I164‘7. whe11r:botl1lHo11fés Aknow, We alone am. were sundcr but ae fixddcmweak and tranfiltlory;FozA*cc,l:hérc was '-I jud_ge_mcm: paLfli11l;Pa;1'liAam%cnt in ’fi~' Augufi foll~ow‘in ' decla.ri11g [the gidforfiellto; be :t1”.*,f1zzf'0?7¢‘:,*?t2§l€idl.‘VfiAa‘?A”y Vo$e5,0vrldérs“ zzmi’ Refalutirms paged wbilfi = that forced comti;medl,f~to» llbelnwlllnmi A void,«fo1*lt—his only lreafoxx, lbecamfe the I?arZim¢+ze22t ;WJcf zmcfer“ a force, mid nmfiae. A » A A lminclthlélpcople wllo» x Ordi- M nance oE.*.ug,. 20, .’l16#7V. \ WAndt~.o look. furthcrlback, bccaufW'eAtl=1cir oi‘dl.e1‘p1*=ov%i~-?- l dcntially rcmignds 11s,.it.rnaybc remembrcd tluat the fame-* A §,lldlayl9f_74n—uary i11:-lthcylcalr I64,1.«upo11~la fmall breach of “ Privilege, in comparifon to tl1is,made by t11c1atcKigg, in: dcmandingonly -3 Members oftl1eHou{'c of Commons,afte1* :a.~particular in1pealcI1me11tl ofl1igl1Trezzfm_., Without fcclu-...» A ding any. A It is declared» by the IFlo11fe*“fIlmt the fzzme :3: a A bitglabreacb oftbe Rights and Plrivileges ofP.jarZiammt,:andAi7z~-A c'o’7¢fi§¥€nt with the Liberg m1d%Ereedom t./:erwf:.l and therefore flax": Houfe doth C0ncc“f'U€', they clinnot with the faifety of“tl:‘eirloWf7zlA Perfim:,:. or the iyzdenzpnizjy oftbe Vfiigkrts and P'rivz'lz=ges%of Pm"-~ lizzmems , fit tbm» any longer, xzglitlaovzr czfull Vizgdicagiorz offal * Elxafi Co1l::&x'- ll °“»P- 36.3r»38»= ficc. , high a br,€tzcb« and tr fu «éiéntgzmrd. And t:hc1*eupon they A‘ adjoL11'11rfd into Lander: made ahigh Declazmtion, toLA1ching tvlmefgzid breach 0fPrz'zri-i Without Elli: lcafl Offer of an~imp:acAbmmt. % A lAnd;wl1ic:h is a (ad.rr;, fa ~by~thcfa1ué power, pfixch qualifi canons gud tcfis may be mxpofcd upon xhe (rad; we people, ,as may by being fi1bm%ittJcdr*to;‘, dc:-A Aprivc us offiéea; ,PzzrIiamcn~tsfo1: ever, and contra€tV~::hc‘fuf-:~; fiagcs %0fthe peopIc,ir1tQ the...d1fpofim.':_ 0fa%v_Mc1'y fewgfco the} [mart L* and ruing V o£?.ezII wlxxch jGodsm his mercy avert. For our pa»x*tSa:W€ fh.all%havc t£13S¢C°flif_01*t in t11c‘€vild4}'-‘i’ if Godfor thcx:ry«ing%ab0n1inations of ~th«c‘3. Kifigdflfilsg’ it !1P~’(Jm V1lS,”th‘2*t WC h2.‘VC_ faitbfulnsflézgiivem w:u*ni,ng ofthe Méiiwmiation, Awl1en%tl1c Clo%z:zl"% wasbut czsfthe bi«$;n‘¢:£fe{ of % 3. %%;mm$ E banal, and dongwI1:£t.Wcc<)§11d,to4_prc+~> v,;cjm: it; % A