DACHAZWER, ()l1 IHe dayth4e12‘h “ of Séptem—- ' ..bVer.‘Yl 6 A ms. M.%ore.smage 1*¥1¢»°41~»m’£4*e~h311-%1654-A -ct LORI) w ; é . ~ .. nu‘; »f ;: ‘ . ‘ v ~ ‘ E: W ' . ‘ 4 m \ ‘ .,.« ,. ‘ ,..~ . . _‘. > I ‘ I/.\\w _e<7w» % 2 _ -av’ ' ' ' ‘ I » HIS : H T1-15 # 15 not lug fince I 1net you in thig place,VV upn an 0CC;a¢7aon“ which A %gaVe me xnueh11fior~e~»c0nte11t%‘,¢ and 4 Cmfortthezlthisdoxh. ‘* A A « » 4'1."hat 4wh%ic7h have mray 1:0 yOunovv,4w*ill A A neecx. c ‘ " . ‘ A_ my . A ‘ __ ‘ ‘ "“»«%"y Paifltedbwbéra on Tua 12"‘ I " F as: "'Hv- r , ‘ T x ‘ %%Tthc°%& ~ \ exaoughA%@I~¢ou1d.have%~:med% M" ‘,.r,m.v»v-. WW mm ‘ :‘ A :v:e€tang,’“1% cquahjt % ?what the ’firfi:R§fe of t11isA <3ov¢¢m:nent which_ hath calfd %y.ou hi.§:he1: ;, the: Authorifir oAf%w—hichyoucame A 9‘ ‘ Among other tllingsj that I {Old Wyou1<§fj"‘; {aid ment; Autho*s%i“%I:y t hat A caIl‘d*.;iyo_u.;hither.* A For%%certai:nly that Word y€:da AK’ec§pr0ca«V»« tion, at alh ‘ . 3 as . , w. Rgeéiprocatibfi ifiilpl and ‘ex§re%fTed% I ~ think 3&iox1s,* Iittlfito%magnifié:my *W I ;havenot#F‘4% been aptVA¢ Vllave been of A (39 “hit%h~éi¢oIforborn)+I5aam‘]in‘fm1ie mea;I1re%nbw ineceflitatcd thcfeuntog And *thcrefoFethat will be the «P~r”oIogueLto my Dif?:0u~t{‘E. , - * A call’d net“ my felfw this «~p1aCéfl};;%”iA %I 7; again T, Iv call*'d snot myif-eI‘f'e'to this A place}; ‘ %ofthat God is %WitneITe. yAnd I have“ many7:A Witncfi"e?—~s-;~ who I‘d*o_ beleeve 9cou1d»readi-~> 1l:y~4l-ay down f their lives to beare ’VV,it_nefIe‘w to ~the%truth*« of that: ‘vthati is %tof§1y.,~~ "Than :1. Aea11’dnot my felf c‘orhisvc‘¢11 V11“1Ae:,$%?an all ~ lie A in this matter. T,ThatVI lie not&in1na:§q§_;§ :1 I tell ‘aiie 53:1 n1yhe3%rt, as.}a‘bou%ri%z1‘gmAr§prea,_4L % tab1men%th*at%%~% meaf"urc»*otVAhex;s tAh«edmvteIves3%¢ ‘ «*5-,1; 12-J" 24;‘ K 3 M . ‘ ,.-»~, J, . Av — *3 5* >,‘ w, ‘ 21 ,4 ‘ “ . .. « ., ‘ avg. "'3 for. %{_th pla n%¢tr 1th is, _Id[id5af~ % my , ,, . “ to» 116 in awe biefore,uPonghetrutho£ 1.-ha aH?).*_ 1:1 Lcou§1d%VVVn:o I 5.. ‘ 3 , ._$ \ V I ‘ , up I ‘ l .,.\ ‘ . A h Ilfpre?ll‘<:‘cll3*lMth<:§ lParlial1nent, {walla Member, m period“‘eh¢111l'€%li/esyg. ‘once, and againi, and 3;. aI1d*lf€.fl ,ol3“,d Twmty ‘5111‘W5l:0V¢1‘~ll A1 A ltoldlzhem %(for 1 kzuzw it llbette“c thgn ,ax:_y~ CiI1'€f.IlI]2l.lh]‘l1‘]l_tm'l_1Ci‘A l’arlia‘ment could know ’iE?"<. llbe¢3,1;ll"c m‘y5ln1@ancr;of lifqwhich was V to run up and down‘ the Nalltioni, and lb Lnigln; iée andlmolw t.h’ete111per andlpirrts of all men, befilofmen)that the Natifinloarhed ' ‘Vthc1r;lfittitiga.; I knew. it. And f lb lfarrc as I “colu1d‘lwdi{ce:ne,l whex1 they 7 were difiblized, rhérc was a8 rim ba1‘king’ 0% l9~l?1?d Vlfilble Ieifillilng 3“ llit;lYoluf1lare not a few herelFm~r5le{‘ehltlltl1lat can all s {ert thisl*aswell 21s.Arnyl'elf‘.l I, A§1d»lthatll;it~hcrewas high%lcaufe:~fOrltlhleir‘ ifi’1ving» is mofi levidenta hot garrdlthleaiealiufl fearlof lthePar1iam€nts heelfis A :en1ltj‘rodr%lupoxg1 5"“ ,'l.impfo1:t'unities a-=%% broad‘, even to threatsg believe tlneré wduld l‘lll:Df‘*lRiTmlgls of H l°“‘?l" Bzl ’1xmyre1re w‘asro’unaed%;A’ an%?by pcrfons te1nptéd ;an¢a*adare{res weré%made;~ A to V me to that ” very did5%%’that% it5might havi: ‘been A thusp%erpetu,at¢d,ATha£the v‘3.cant%&.pIa-9 T ccs might be fi1pp1i€d&7byneW[ Ele&ions;and%;y % " ~ ‘ ‘ 55% i “N '9 j ‘ . ‘S «lg »» * ~ “ ‘;;;_\ ‘av W «. 2,: \ H “ ,’ ‘”~““?§* gr }:1“\'Q ‘ W ~ ~ , ‘ .6- v ‘. < ms; ,, “ ,‘,.. , -mu, »» .~ > u ‘ ‘ «-; 9 ‘ ‘ K ya» 7 — vx‘ , ‘ ? “ ma es am A con“ ' Aentwfi V ave 1 4 a , ‘.;>n V “ ‘ _ J V 3 ‘ ‘ I, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ u ‘ “- ' ,. ‘ ‘ W '“faticn1o %}~ ‘ g fo contifiue from Generation”? to Gcne~ M ; 1hav¢dec1inea,I have decl”inec1.veryi 4;much,dt’o“o_pen thefe things to you .- yen; having%%P*°ceed€d tbusfifrfio I muflfell Y°%“>«4 A _tha c i pjobfrmén uildér 5 “”4it[rary owcr, V"WAere drivenlike flocksof fheep”, ~byfourcy% fig 21 invcirning, to the Cohfifitation ? ofGoods, A .andEfiates, without any n1anbeing;a*'bIevVatb : ,ar¢af¢>nA that ‘W0 °fth¢fi1¢hiAd:f¢T¢TV*€d gtb »¢%‘férfeidc~a “‘*fl1i%Hing. Itéll Vyo“u4?%V%%the”%*tx;uth, A .»q~,, ¢ Km ii "“ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ -'" ' “ ‘ .,A_ 13*" “ z?-~-‘kg ‘: ”""“ \ u, 3" ‘ ‘ ».‘, AuI:5Wta{<‘t~,e'**”T‘ “ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ vu L ‘ V « N\\ ufl \ .wmW/wfimm;~u.«m+««wmmw¢fl » 3 ‘r ‘ ' ‘n—~~*v-wg ‘ r‘ v‘ » ‘ax “ .22 w , x-am av ‘ ‘I’! .~‘ « r u w _ .“. ‘ .2 .‘ 1% - Va 4 wen our - " ‘:P'~~ ‘ ‘ \ A " ‘ -_»~ "V ‘ ‘ v. ' ‘ V‘ aw.‘ . . ‘ - I ‘vs “V *1’ m ‘, w r‘ 2 ‘ -Km‘ -\. ~mg*1y%grieve+aw% :‘T‘”afl“} % ,Wg%W5\ ¢ “ w{xPh ’ ~A2ortunitics to h.ea§~much ; - Vw'\M' v l;1;otlii::g;?isllxi1d1:i:< oVi1¢1sl;.* :I*512?é lthisllwill’ .§'l.b€l"faid.:;.l);.~.fTh3~tlth€1'C';IW£1S;u-§‘l§?.~*-:4T-€_F17l€dyll7tO put-A, j W ;end to Jltlthi"é%ll;perpe»;ltu2il V Parl.i.=1meant* endea— A .‘l3iol111:e(l , t’ha«ving: fiJ£ur€LliReipréféntaétrivel. ; ~gHlo4W it w'alslfgo.tté1:1l, land What: ilnlplor-U A % I].n '- A A :; willingly V yi£:lded'um:t),:"‘ well 3 l lWhat:~ was this remedy ?q Wasl akfeem.» IlIin;gn¢fi'e= A _ to V fulcgzefii”v”‘f¢4lLl":{l _I?:£i rlia... I‘ iwas, thatléwhenl one Parliament A had l leftltheixt llséatgarllother ~walslA to fit clown ilmmediattely l ’lllllmome thereof,w.ithoutl’L.any «Can ti on 5 «to -avloidl, that whichlWas-.t’helda'nger 9;, (mi A l'Per;p”et»uatling«ofthe famlel‘Parliamenl:s which la.fm=. now that will em .l)C running, fo 1 is‘. ménl a«réllambi%ltious;;agdlhaublammgj , dug; , gfeinedyl ;l5é"1idtl §foII;rd:;;l.l:u;% V , A been, pcnpie1t1jiél1ll‘; ll stblalf; Igegifla ve“lPowe‘r % ‘Inter efis. a%1dLive”é imaged by any T llbutby%an[ llll;lAiit~raf lwlflcidflgnt. lan<1ln‘e- A l j W ‘N, ' -...........-- er .- Hay‘, tomake 1nenscffates__Iwn'%t0e*xercifé*I‘uchajudicétuifa This 1 fi1ppoI“e:Wa»s % the care :, and in my A opiflioxi the 1‘e1nedAy'Vwas fitted-to thc%%d2iiEa Ife ‘A 'eipeci;11ly‘fl’cqhiing~j~n% the“ Rea re of a ,%Pa;-I1a«¢A £m.¢ 1nem=,%4 fo exercifing. the LPo:wcrj and1%.u.: %thq_rity as tl1ishadVd<>ne;but*n11mediatcIy be-» A V TruIy,:I%CAonf’e.£Te upon €igf0xuAndWgi1_d withthe ,iéttisfa€iion oNf‘dixrers4‘~;Aoth.er71P€1ffOnS, 1 {Wing¥i%°‘h.ingC01I‘%d~b€¥haAd°*hé1‘Wi17§5.é‘*h?¢~ “ 7Pa»r1ia1nA¢nt’\va.s”difi“olVV3d. fWe¢d¢fiA::.'mg t”<1&1Ee%if Aafew Amighiti 4AhaVe *bé:€n ;ca]'14—’d togethél‘ for W A A A ‘ =9 41- -‘--,y\‘ ‘ V H V ' F ‘ “ " "W--‘ ‘,v‘ ‘«> "Nu," f ' ‘X, " -4,4 ‘. , Q ‘ 3 “ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ gs W A‘ “ ‘ ' H ,1 ‘ “ v in ‘ * mj “fa ‘ "w 3 UV‘ 1;‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ % 1'53. V ’% M % HOW " an 0 V4? *« 1:0 ‘ 5* 45 A‘; w ‘ -‘ ‘ ’.‘ w ‘ 5.1-. ‘ ‘1..;‘ ‘ ‘T ‘ 3' '1‘ ‘ , I ‘ ( “ Ag, V m , ‘ ‘w . ~» M ¢;vem1_# if A p “f" ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ xg: ‘ W $~ . 7.; «pm. . u . r ‘ a :;1.}m3Y ?i“-5)» A Hi : % (1f1“)~* % rmugia» Wide=rth:%1*g W makeA3P9¢a% to God; yél: fuchr 4e~2;igeI1ci<.‘sA A as (luck, I tru17r§it Mvflfl 1:10t ~o£.:r:1;d11is Maiéfi$', 13* :“oL%1n~a1i;¢ thém%;f17%¢1‘I’7*>I?éi17t%?iaif% kfi V God, and lmmv wlizat Coxlidencejis,jn;md¢ % A Whapitig to Iie.1:Lef0x'e tl1VeL(¥n ‘d.V _ C:3},§Vtii1é.t aswf pri:1¢i;?;%¥ c~é13§fig7¢; §‘_4':tM1]%-ivtgi‘ A iTém%’615i,;. 1 W;'35, _the. _ fliM‘ét§I%‘é11V1e.n t 4;4o1° f11c %Nati0_n;[. fi5 ;”a-A ifiy jfialfe 1% m”ighr% vhafi7e*% A i 9PPQ1"tfiU“3 ’ *4; I§':‘}r; h r was myh W8 ftp ¥9fiaé&311;inf v A % 4 wkh mc%¢# gadv W1 that: tom Afélf «%gre:at % y d- A _ ; '~ 3:?» . _\ ...~ \ M ~ ' - 37; ‘éz;,m,;r- _ ._‘ M d_€fir€perhaPS,4V (and“Iam afi‘a-#3) Gzlfili‘ nougilxstobe quitoftI1éPOW¢r V??r9v.identi;a11y Ptiit ‘iLI1t0”§4{1§*%% . * ibr it 5 ]~aJ“dW t Of”0ur’,‘f‘ w M ‘ ‘M dz I ‘ K ‘ . ‘. R 3 “V ‘ fay, boundleircas 3: ‘wagib¢}ng%Lby4;4&&v%¢£" A Pgmliarnent1.%.@e11<;ra1[.of all V4Mghc~%N4fo,rc'esvA iii 9 » did%~%Md€firé7 I0! Na¥3s)*d‘idaf » V 1 4 ‘ ** ~ ‘ Irel ] % W11%i£11Ai§7n1imi£Ated ,condi£iomf¢IM %;c&1atmeeti;1g£or the ends bero.re[e%g;5g%¢g~ea What theleventandv ifI”u»e of thatmegging %%was5 mayfadly remember It harhmuca « »teachinig'~in it5%Mand -ThMo13_eV W111 .ak~4e¢Vi1s;‘7 iwiferfor the fjuturc. A A 1 A -"this §n¢etingfucceedi;ng;aslliave for...’ =mer4”I“y A‘f;1%idt‘€J‘%4v‘yV‘¥b1i,4f ’a;nd*‘ g=iving fiach a; :difap~ ?p“ointm¢11t"to. our hbpes, I (hall not now“ make ally Ar€”pe?titi<»m$ Wtmhderedfg on®Iy the iéfié A was,» jthwta”?=eand* brouhtte giarch-mént figncd by very much7T Vthe ” "A 15air4tAoftihém%;% Cxpteflhlg dfeirrefigtlingz an % ~_£:4dqI'iv6ryof the Pow 1;;andAuthority¥ thaw‘ to‘ th, V M ;of d.i%vers% perfons here, »t%hat’“doA %kno~Vv°”;whe4.. A kc r 2; H u "\ "' “ , I ,, ;;,,\ ,A % rclenw then: 1 iiie »I did V ~ itittlcof A §ha—£»re :1gxi:iti'oh, u1i.tiI they %a11came A hands a ‘ a f ‘ H’ ‘ V ‘RE A ‘ g "«%t_()u6'~"" ‘ 3," ‘ . ‘,. r,. .» *‘ ‘ '11,“ kg.‘ ‘ /2 . ‘ .‘ ‘V ‘ 3”‘ v .u ‘mi? ‘ ‘......‘ an " ‘ I 3. ‘ ‘ ‘ “ “ ' ’ ‘ ‘ "“ Mn‘! vim “ ‘. “ V -3‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' .. I ' ‘ 5‘ ‘ “ ‘~ ‘-v » ‘J-. ‘ . ‘ p"""‘ ‘ ‘ , 4. \ ‘ ‘ n “ c v v _* a ‘ ‘I '% l‘m " ;*¢»1 *‘ , _>.‘ _. W ‘ u I A V» m ‘w ‘n ‘ ,m‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ,. ‘b " ‘ ‘ ._“ v u o~‘ 7'“ ‘ . ‘W ‘ ag 1' ‘fw “‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , V ‘ ' \ nu ‘ . . T ‘ ‘_ ‘, ‘ ‘ W» wf “ '. , 2,’ R g " " WV’)! ., 93$.’ wish 7”‘ ‘/31-2‘.;t‘}:i ‘,7; V 3 ep "“the:1‘n ”to"- * er A giV¢%*.%ViC€6 % ‘to thém,N:h2U3y follnight %%withthemfo1* union :2 But it: ha4d%t‘.he yduzand. I h9A.Ad 1fi1y¢ djfl .. When Ajthis \’\’a_.S {O 5 A _ A AA ceedingly to fecvl<. how to ,fi‘1tE1A€;%f¢AhViflg-,5 bci%ng!'iJbi Aftrations 2.ta an end 5 effeét A thatsl Atold 3PpoiAntn1ent.% V wycxvvme epo- for%:hefL1t11re. My poWcr 21gain4A:d15V {his :R efiAgnatiAon , N4wa.s4:% as H b0i1nd1»eH%é 9. nd A u n1Vimi : as VAV:b@f0Are,,,- %,ricrariTr1A§: , a perlon having? gomwwer 5 qvétr fiche :.tHVrec Nationfi A boVund1€Hfc1y%%% J iimd * xniv mm %%%di£T1ved, a.11V;ci~:; i1%Aduam 1 be made ‘appc.:‘.r.4 l‘ prevail A,tI1i%11gs A Jited 3 V Andilpony Atha 1*;%4%22;;3:tc%r &L1,%¢G¢c>~ A asA'w“i11A prcfe11t.Iy A ‘_ ,ThcéA Gent1cm€n% that Am1dc:1*tool<4V;t<) \ framesGovc}‘i11ne11t,did co§1fi.11t;%§ii~ 1 7vers»« AAd:1ye"s%%%together - wthey €:irngR%A:0f rknovVAn ,IAnthegr-i"ty, : and ability )%h0i§ZV bro A fra’mefomewhaAt_4thaVt$ mightizgivicus fez:- ;lement5an4d they did 1?): and dmt~I:Ax7vas Vhcn theyhiad fi:1iV% I C * no»tjprivy t nhe«irCo11nc¢1s,thg »xkn4o%'w it. A;.Ch‘Ci1:' H10” _ '4and-afitcrthe1etting.ofme: know that . I didnotgreéeiye*anyt11ing that put A into a my théh I Wasin befor,c,buI:t1iatit li;1n¢Vitcdrric., * % _ y 4a#ndb0und_myhandS.%m.;aé13not11ing 4‘ % mam:§§:A%xprcfféth9[ddidacclfipt _'1A-—.t,..&% M . '1 4mihtrcpcatth1AS ageu %t0%,)z;o..u,Lf M L A . ¢J%Wcrcnccfu11,b11t1%th.in1< 1 .%I1cV€d%'nor« wasar~bi;rar)zVinPovvmyAhAaving the 3el1.ii1‘I‘ome ‘mcafure, or n1adcAAa;.Ax?eryv. gooél PrtparVat%ion oFit,it bc¢amcCQm— M" muniCativc.They told me; that except; I I Wbu1c‘1‘undcrta1§a11y U ,becaufl=: ‘vof7the A u[n¢xpicéted%V~ M mafia A J ' . ‘ »‘. » '2 , V ‘ . .; .4 .__. >91: ‘ >> ‘E j V‘ ,. ‘ ‘ ‘.. . , «K ‘ ': ‘,1 1. 2”» f ‘V ‘ W; 1: . K ‘ ax; " m l‘ W 9‘ ‘V?’ «r ~ .. £5“ A ,_ .« _ 1 -‘y: .u.-. v ~x~ ' V‘F.“4; - M V ca-5) ‘:§’:.” '3 ‘ ‘. I’. _3,. _ . . .. : K ‘ ’ ‘. V ‘,"';lk fawn’ V “R .‘ rm‘-l’u " H’ ‘w ‘ {A . V’ £ d“ an 0 2 W .__m k j ' 4%,. ‘k.,. ‘ A ‘ fl‘ ‘M; W. my ‘ ‘ Vi“ . ‘< Nfiw ». , , . «F 3 '4 " - 1 % ;m€M0%% thxs Flow” M.’ » as,» , W ~ c1*r5‘Li:gH1“M‘i W“ 22.‘; B’ -2 mg. 3‘ £3 1 _ V, W ll 1‘ y%:_~.;‘k ,1, , 7; ‘H ‘V I ‘ ; ., .‘ ., _n. \P?fi.e_.‘U'. ‘.5 ‘ “.‘ EV‘ ‘- .‘ « ,. .“.‘_‘.,.. W W ‘ :_ 3: ".,.,“‘M.- % ‘ ‘ Ev . > ‘FV M‘ ‘W ‘, iyxw J‘ >' ‘V: aw Vg, J >J ‘ “‘ O.§L.“I"@dA"‘ an um,‘ n V‘ W La {'4 ages & A m " . :4» -‘ V‘ I‘ ‘ “ 1‘ . ments,and their: fhall ‘have it; -~~lct A A God do wha.t&he~pleafeth.). The o:her— A % thi%ng,sI f£t)’:.t1’l3.t "IAa1ntJofp€:a'kAtoy0u 45?, r1m¢I have nognor dz) fiotbear A witneffetoxny 531?. V lam farfromzal-_ A luding tohifnt11:1tf‘aid1”o#5 yet trruph cbnce-tming m6msAr of his, he: vvill %\V11,thoug'h 1;3¢e11Eio%A;11Aot. A A A A % ,ButIthi1ik ('5Imifiiakenot)1héVe fiaA‘c1ou“d%%.ofwitxiéffes. think fa; 161:7 A ;%;mé"n,bQe as "frAov§T%ard ;aS%théy7Wii11%. A I M " M . have wirneffe wit«hin5 Awikthotltg, and fii1+1y AA fore ’ ~oE the 2Witne1Tc%: Above , A .9.“nc‘i Vthc Witnefs inmy own @on{E:ience, ” upon thcother Account 5 bcc%’auf: that fubjeéfhad mots ~<5§b;£§3u~1:itAy in it e, and in fo1n¢.:‘Afo4;:r,:%h ¢m:}¢c:1_V a;pAeI3.lVes A A V %V%V%%%'%here%V nlrlangs Q % V;v*\.7srMe12€~.13§4t, fQ%ap4t I A {ha11enmmrate%%%my x,?u1::n.e11es%i[%a¢s we-11 A \“Va$;f;;:‘I\ can H W an ‘R 05) the Governmetytw, there was fome lb. t 1cm;-my to beperformeds arid thatwas& accompanied with o fome perfons oi: eeeconfiderablenefle in all 1*ei"‘pe4&s;w\vtho 5 W31-c" the Perfons before expreitedi who accompanied me at the time eof my entring ugton this ‘Government, e to VVeH:mine ct‘ I- Ha.1l to take%.1W}?e oath. There wastan~eX_p1'iciteeconfE:I1t 0? “ I_nte-reflficd perfnss an i.11I«lPll.«L“.iIaC$» ‘ A to confent of many,fh[eWing{ theirzggddt 1i’king,and approbation thereof. An_d" (Gentlemen) I gdo ’ not} think that » you arettakogetihett Pcran erso~5‘ft;oof'%j;_»;, " t 4 yot1rCou*ntry : forms 4 id V noteenggp {Cam i‘5V°i"Y m3“Y 3PP1‘QV¢ M I had thteapprobatin ‘\‘[f‘I’v\0‘-:F#'y;y"“-AEw(fiVi}\‘e~1;«.»y.frflU eficerst 0fthcArmy in thethree Na.-9 e tionsof ,E71Vhich'a1V..j \‘ jbIA%%1ayL&4bc*fioreV ou:;.A, " “Cr y m'111g you to think Kvlmt *‘i ‘ $5. ‘ ax ‘ ‘ Em ‘ —' J 4:: ‘ , n U5 rm N’ . ‘ ’ 3“: » for an¢ /fcfiof Gcneral1_ »P2.£d0h‘,“ Who have amid ; ~ und“§r , ajn.d* tcfl':ified’A,to& " ‘t:hi"s Go; Jvémnucnr if 1*: bx clifbvvnczt «trail the‘{E%Ped1'ibns b&eu% *’arc the filmc Per¢F0ns~%A % ~ nL;acyoL»4yT’*:v%ere 4thc‘ Lbiin-, A A ,F"~s “ I‘ M531 . t%o%,%this the A~fi>r &thiSA be the iflhc of my I have er . thrcc wi;¢ % % A n.c{Tcs are then all ’Vv ” «*he.vewi&.ac ciuntcd, and rcckoficd ht» m T mjft 7a.I’1 that ‘calils E %%d.C1erk%of thcCroW~n,not;i thinito be % 1b10WIi%aWay xvith %3.brcat;h ‘ 6 R6‘ 3 rcI.é!r v¢% to A fpcait % tbs: c% fig L b¢halffl;oM,f the %%%;%bation%%toVLzhc*<;oVndi:io . %~fiandiP13¢¢%%AI A % ¢~w"._.,_» mt . ‘, ’’x,§,- '‘ . ‘.' ’ . ‘ “ ' N" '. .» ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ i ‘ > ‘ . wfifie ‘bets of C opi~¢§ ¢wcr§ fen: c1f>W§ A ‘i , ., ‘'1 D: . A Mr M .‘ ‘. 5! u _WM‘_ If m \ , V ‘ 1 ‘; ‘Wet MM ‘I ‘ M I -‘ ‘ , aw. i.;aA1fo um M the 4 In.den3:%uré, A; :wh;3‘g.%%.V.;wchh¢; : :f't “ 4» A ;= = ‘P";‘ 1*i4@£i“n@ ‘(:2,4_) A "% ,, fin. «:31» r? Q V fwer“aé%1%1‘Shefri%%iiV 2 ma fa“ to mherv: Oflicerjs ih “€itics,% zind Ijibéfftifffls to: 4 whinh tlm eV0P3c gafl .§7B”@’*flic i fo:w»§hm th,egA&; bf Ge“:Vefn%"%:%":Vem %mi1ni¢at&d4%%tD A 3 to f p‘mK'1~i.e$v; A ‘ta 1 [IS 3 W T’ , {as 3 .u_ g 4 €1j1Tlig1‘f‘€3t'€: Num... A fogs 5 you" you Free Par1iament,;. A A =Was Llndtrfioéd, ’ that» AAwa.sw the AA@Q°roAteofiericy as V ‘ 1" “ ‘ I V ‘ ‘ ‘ 1.../,1“? W W I ‘ “ ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ " ‘ "‘ V W ‘ ‘ j f_ft7LIiES :£~aom Tm-%% A D- » ‘ M ‘ “ V It is true , there %are” fomeA V J ,:bout which ,} ¢«wi:h: you, “ % ~; :ia~.3r§»Z" 3%; ‘ ]_-j T It is CO }A1Td:?fg}_r‘;fia* ‘ m,% thAwgh 1;fi?‘%ee.:»m mytreaf - Achi;s{ Speech b:eA«%tx?Lt:e*%, Ea1Wl1i<.ra ati-+ A A . hav@ L} my ms for f%(£:Ifi~ A .1 %d$q,j qthewifq them iwwshich f1V%Awau1d} "not feérs ,.andth«c Commot1E%nemy ,fan&§ A t the iifqeafifiilk h¢;%mJ%;wp before % A Gad ;L¢:Eb§m Q J ‘k 1 ‘ . X m} 3 -.. 7!“ I .y - ‘ r ‘v ’ 3 - «. _ > ; 2 s g ~ Jv ms» 4;. M?‘ 5% L» Wfim h¢gPI&¢@ m. 4 4 A % flmr GQvc:tnmentthmremiui?e:h*a,.;L”a% V! f .20 ‘A AA V « 5’ 3966996: 33 A %Retu%m% éughttowibe: elfe what dome vi!’ . L If W go)“ i Tearms.afore-fluid undertaken this great i ili'1’ruPc,i A and Exercifcdvital and by”i~t— called you, furely.it«o11ghtfto'be med; , V % E 'I'l1"atlPariliaments fhould notmakc~them- felvlcse Perpctual, isa~Fundamental1. l7 Of lwhayiflfluraxuiige is ‘at Law to prevent: fo great anl>cYill;,iif Iitlicin one or the”famc Lee O giflato; tounlawi 1t again ? l s this likeixo i be lafiing ? It will be Iikerfal Rope of sand; in will Agivqd no A Security. A For the fame men may unbuild, what they have Is not Liberty of‘Con feiencc in A Religion at Fundatnemalll %’ fo. long ”laS*h¢re Li-A i berry ofConfci[ence for the Suprvcme Ma-V gi£¥rate",tolex?crcife his Confciencc “in llerc— (Sting what» Ernfnoff Church-Government he» is fatisfied, he fh0uld'“fi‘:t up; why [h@uld;. nonhc lgivei ‘iclto iothersl 8 iLibcrtyl i l6£Co,~i,/Alciicme is a Natural! Rightzlajnd he '1 ; that;vvoul-élMhay¢ iclought togive its ha-i gwj.-ibertyt0ifCtt1c1wha,theiilkC5;5f0r?t'he' * 4 Indc¢d‘ithathafhilbc¢fl~llénc~ofi the~Vani- 1 « A , _ ‘ ..l;:;;m ' ‘ « l » \ cieskofdur Cantcfisg am % ’becnas£harp, an Bod clrc. Where Ingenuity 1 Tmczly 4thjat‘sa »thing - ought td be Very .Re- ’ c§procal.jThe Magiflrate hath his supra. K % mac)’: hcmay fwlet yoaaxcan fayF*Ait;*a}I?t11eA Money bf. ¢hiS>Natian, wouxanoc have ccmpzcd men —> % to fight , upo%nfuclianAAdcoymtas theyhavé ¢ engég¢d,V%.% if A they hadnot % pacy; or then %%would have been M aifmzd. cdchem, from .a‘Scottifl1 Prssbytcryg oran E%ng1ifhcither; if ithad m%ade%%fuch Rigid,i as A £7 «— ive me[4%Libcrty.‘ A But it,‘ A ant} . V tohis;LPower he wilflnor ygeld. it %any X % andamencan. Itoughc % to bcfo andthe%”Gc;n*erations% ‘ tocorne. AiAnd"if%thci‘c%be anabfoiurc» in » j W M Q" tn 5:» E- .s" H ca Pt an W , V é * “mu Mid % « 1 A-andeq“ in mw1ing% A 3? 1.. 2 §;»;;ws ~ % fly‘ " ‘ Hi‘? It» '— "“‘r V “A ‘V ‘ v I ma» fan .‘ 4 . 4 W ,_ 5. um . wn "‘ ‘V’; " ‘ ‘ the ‘Avbfelme A imb V newithout a Check, what &oz:h 4 it 9? & what* dosh % ;:%C%hcVck ,;pu:A upon A Of this A ‘ It is as qually Prlacs d V>ata4 V % . «have it A %‘inI A:f%«f4m ‘e % an ParIia9m@n%t, the fPa%r» % finif~ic%s%a% V \ a of %H»ihae%i'%é W fu1LI';.‘ E rK}?®M.yI1?1emt A A _ _ % . ~ ww A _% 4 E M % M %_b¢ I9. % {hon A ml‘! a11y p1m:”*d, is new %A%{}7ary. P=rPctu§tingA k 'EFé[n,”‘¢'~@ffi1i{Li «» £n“:c+, A } i2@xmogcr%gfm, gm Axmdrchy,» tn" any T hing, if mfg . et1 ts,% J§if: A " w;imut :hECkthC % 41" am en_t* % h:av@ Li¥bfet&%y%% t;A %ja“‘!%erthe f mic , 1 J haul; V 4%”fhou1dbe difp0R?d;a5 it is lat 1: V :'iétWfl1wl}1 ~ % emf rd@fiI1§~i¥. V - 1 ’ ‘ air % this oneThinbc placed in 0:16,- t}1aé*%1?9ift:ji,%. % ur, figaml, may%e b$e%%%d*ej1i =vera~ éév%~%ver to Pofi>cr1*ty;‘~tfu<:ly , %1A%thini< it is prcatnO1*°fic‘cr ih the{aidIntcrvaI'l3,,:as the? A Parliament ha»:hw whim: it is %t3:cing. %1c can-4% notbc made ufe4%of%:A A a manfiflcannfim be raiii V eds People 3,; 4 nothingdone~witl1oucConfcnt of LParIia%~ Vmcnt: aJ“i1dint}~1cIntervaIs»of PatIiarhent,with%~ ~ out Conj{ent%o:fthcCouncil,%it“is nm be V ercifcdg“ AV A Give me leave to fay, Théztthcre is very‘ A little ~PoW¢I:, but % T in the Suptcam OPficer% % him that haththechief Govfcrnment, intbat particuIat,hc‘isboundVi%nV+~f’rri&ncfl'c thé? cell, asA the Parliament , the“?atliam¢ptmis~_ For that of Money 3 tolcl; youfgme things are Circumflanria1s.To have two i fi¢ers, ropaythe Judges and other the C1iarges0f% Councell» i Embameswa keeping 5 . ‘ "Hi ‘.‘,_ir"l:{ ‘ ‘«;.ig""x»\h‘.»é§¥ W‘ ‘Y; “ a V <39 . androrfuponing the com-n¢ur,inchief: i All this is by the lnfirlument” fuppofed and ii A intended :. Butit is not of the Bf]? fo and fo limited, as [0 many Soul.diets, goooo, twenty thoufand Foot , and ten thoufand A I-1orfe.i If the Spirits eff men compofed fiye Athoufand Horfe and ten thoufand Foot, may l"‘er‘ve;,l Thefe things. are be»- uyecn the Chief A Geacela, Tand the Par-A liament, to be moderated, as occafion {hall ii i f Sol“ there aredmfariyldotherv Circumllantiall ' A things ,i which are not Alike ithlel Laiwes.ll"“ef the Made: and‘7Perficms M: B utthe things; which 4 V flaallbe necellary to deliver over to Pofie-ld« rity; thcfe lhould be unalterablell,’ clfei @eV”ei'y V“ fucceeding Parliament, will fo Change, ‘and alter the Govcrlndmcnt,.alnd We on, aswe have Parliaments, and fo ma” e‘ V ouraemegyour; Dif’eafe.. Th?”aLorl‘ pro-- [ ap aringeevils,appéa%ing G~boa: andfietterl" 4 foe thlede"eerder1ng%% of ‘tlnngs; lfoy*the’lbié re ‘V ‘$6 all be as often brought into ll C’onfu‘fig« 1 " _ ‘ 2 W5‘ _, than mxd u the Erfividsnce of Gad 5 j A 3 % 4’ eccaaries 4.». fhofuld it not i1e4ed‘fu1%1% f0%1:% tQ thefethings vwzirh you: ‘ am in fucih % rerefi the Peogle. :%hiu%gs are the M”a€t”¢rof yQ’uMa‘ii:a'. W . my "a§&this is 2 Nece{EtjV'$h.at%h %i1o% % ~23‘ ‘ .;».'f};a: nd a NW A ‘ A re, %fii%ouId:hin:Ined3 and that in Relation to the Good of thefe Nations, and Poffcrityg AA Aldcan foonet be willing to be Rollgedw ~ca%n»give myConfentunto- .‘ You have been xcalled hither%togcthcrtoVd fave aNation;~--w-N‘ations. You had the A :o1myGrave, and Buriedwith In£amjr,w §hen#I. A beLu>eap1eindc¢din%¢he c1x;iaiagJ%wg£1dinA V. yourTwG:,%AAwhcn—youcame% hither. You had‘L ] Affaires,:;andA thefc Nétions de1ivcredv%%ofy§r4 to you in Peace and ‘Cgictneffe :“ You végreg and we allwereput into an unint€rruPt¢dA A. W5 Ody ma«kinAgTifl¢M $02,: V Through th6.13‘Ieffingof God ourEnetpie%$»‘ ML were hopelcfll: and fcattered. We ba“d%4P?¢a4c*e" g.t~home: Peace, almofl; }with all Neighbours A ‘$.- €3:od%4didadmini&cr them» our qthojre ween day,rhusihakvc-m9dV . *““d°§' fuck afionfnfiors and r¢;!3d:=% (a1mofl°) t+11e5€0mfi%%and Corr" rtmi abeut =A 54: to take AdJvantag%W;¢?¢ $ of %St;a,ngers% thatare %am9ng€¥ ‘ ." 5+ -fa . ’ To give them Qpportunn as; O Nakcdneffe , as they doc , a People Lthar: A A . "W ‘ 7 45:. W H @ me ‘ 93 ,4 and “all Mbecauifiqwae ‘ i_fVh6flw%*we* mightA% ; when put it“ int? . , ".' _ > I 2 I fa/$7» Wu 5: W ‘ 1 é?f”:t‘£~ ‘X. 1?“ ‘ ' 1 ‘ .4 ‘j""'—‘» .7 ‘ ‘E V 1' F. p 1 EN d 6‘ 1'? ¥Vh %€1‘€ . “FY . _ ‘gs .‘¢fv.:...¢A:i ' f ‘ V,.. . MponLu~s, . _ ‘ , ‘ ‘ we. ‘ V‘ V _ .5“-J; I 6 rgilv , ‘ ‘ ‘ . _,,.‘.“ f ‘ ‘ - 5”" 3, " “‘ , nay: “ 1‘ y::?’:; ‘W Va‘ ;»§,‘lt**r;, V7 «.5, V. 1“~ gr “ as W; 3 . v V ._ . E: ;_~ ‘gm: .- ‘ (Sgt .1 ‘M E, ‘ V . . ‘ . ‘ . Q y... .... ‘ Y. ‘ \~ ..~vI mm .- M.‘ __ _ ,._ > _ N : r _. ' .. I V % A H % ‘ — img e, Divifion, and 4%ConAfufiA@nA fhuld % aponus %%¢\%(~V?aé%Li?fit ware . defircd Vwhich % % ‘W ’tot fee %% “ upori A V%N%atiOns far A fin me : *_‘ N be~%loLath tofay, they ‘are atterfsi bf :eEight :‘«A :1‘: %nor, Why. ¢Matite§r:% .3: , ’ utmrmofi L%Endeavours mv avoid 9 byifuch Aeciongas thefc A A ’ atws"4¢ ‘ K‘, , xy v- M 7’ ” <) ""' *4‘ W ""2: rm ‘K A - , " ’ ~ *9. J ‘.. ' W"-* ‘~ “ 3‘ % ‘ V r 1~~ s L4. A wt AT ms aw ‘ . . V ‘ N ‘ 1». . . ‘ ‘ V L 1'§v‘i~' ’ ‘ ml ‘.2 M) ‘,+ A A ‘ . : ‘V-1: .. ‘F 4‘ u ‘ ‘ ' v‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,1‘ “ ‘ K 1; ~. 7 7 ~ ’ ' \§’K «s. ’~ . ‘_., . N . ‘ ,. .> ‘x ., W «wv ‘ g vi» M» ‘ ‘. ‘J ‘ V ‘ ‘ 3.‘: 3 , Vr . " - 33:’ ‘Q1 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ \ .., HA” I ‘ ‘ ‘ - fix HY‘ V’ ""* If ’ - ‘*D~ . gm ;, ‘W, . mi 3 1 ’. m 9 A n you :Whovfi1a11 ahfwfl for [wthefe thiné to God ? Whor can %anfwer for thefe things . «God, or to Men“? To tlie Fcple that Tfentyw Vhithcr 3 AW110 look: for AtVef%refla- ziicm: from Wh0~10oktA for 4 nothing ‘ " j .. V :»d or Cdnditiohn of men can hideefrom Tthe V LprdV:iHc_can,handwi1l malieallmahifefi, . 4’ if Aheefee iceforr his Gleryfi And when thefe {hall by“ the Providence of God eebce ‘ A V hmanifcflded, and thcePeop1e fhdalld comflfinde A fay‘, Gentlemen , What Conditiofih are “we in ?” We hoped 4 for Light , eehdldfe arknefl”e,c>’b{cure Darknefle"e!W/e ’ho"ped=for d Rel}, after ten Years Civi1eWars :eWe‘are " plunged into deep Cexifufion. aegain‘.AA; I; we d me4wayf~' " tézrpreventeethemp A d y Ihallnot finde ouecro I ‘ V — , :5; V - -‘ . ‘ ad .‘ L LifeGodA1migh: »I"hadthist‘hought within my felf-7.dThatd it h}ad~«nOt beenDi£honePc, not D‘i{hono’u-A L rah1e,nor aiaienfl true Liberty, he not of Parliaments; whena Parliament wasfo Chofen , in Purfuanece of, Ccnfoermity V W to 1, and with edfach an ~ApprobationA, A ‘ and Canfent to the Government, fo that;4e A d dheethat rttnncsmight read: j W ewvhhate thority you came hither That! ata~‘own'.' | diflg~hed-Of«dyourCall~, and ofthe Authoritye d bringinge .l?.i“h§F.: might ehavc bccndee . um, requilrcdbcfore your Entérafléelll intof the f‘But this wasclc'clincd5 and bath ab: becjn done, bccaufe I {arlnlperfwaded {calrcél any man could rcafonablyldoubt you came with contrdryMind*'es. And Ihavc Area: {on to belecvc‘, fhc People that lcm: You, leall doubted thereof at 2:11.: lAt1d there-3 tore I mull: deal plainly with You.ll\Y/hat I forbare upon a Ajuf’c*llConfi‘denlc¢ua“tlfirfl, » A y l You neceilitatc me unto now.o-—+~.Thatfec-W A ing thcAutl1ority callmg You oils [0 little va1ued,and Io much llcightcd, Till fome fuch' V Alfluralncc be given;, and made lmowna _That; A the Fundamemall lntcfofiof t'hWelGovcrn-l mcnt, be Settled 5 and Approved, accord—-V A ing to the Provifoc contained inthe Return; “ l and finch a Confcnt tefiified‘, as willmaklcit‘ appear, that thcfémcislacccptcd, havecau- A fed a flop to be put to your Entrance into the Parliament.-Houfc. I am forty, I am forty, and Icould be A ferry to the Death, that there is Cau{efo1§* thiusg; But glgorc lg lCanfc. Aod _ if thingsl J vvxz M the4réfbrVc fomewhatto bgdffen. C+i”)’« Satifififida that am rfiaénablybe- "manded, .I%formy pair fhaI1§dothat that eewmés W: R‘-ekmg M my Cwum-€31 ‘from W 5 ,:has; 1 hope will (being minder... 0f =4 P§¢f°rmin8Mcirturfifiéfltiélsa anflgre¢1n~1nthe Subfiance andw~Funda~ memals (whrchlsg 1:116 G0vcr11men;A%SetI;ed, I aT%ie3=c3; "The “WHO? yourmindes % By giVin%Y0lIr Aflhm and ubY9ri~ A Vfion stoiflt 5 ' is thAa:,% tlxit a- Pér1iamcnr,i fe;ih%:%go°d =h°Pe0pIe~And mm * méwedw479u»and Signedaasafcrwzidgdmhh wue% . ‘ Is» 3,"): _ 1 .19‘ r . % Signa%?+$I.w¥ aSGod ‘J % 3; A’ ‘ ’ “ ‘ W V “ ’=’ ;fi*i .«‘%~‘u«.w, ! _ 4. wk . ‘ ,W]H .. gm 0 4* "j 5.: -;,.“:5 ’x%é“;g -_’ V ‘iv’ 2 W‘; 7‘? x ; v, _ y . ‘Lmm.~ 5% h%wfi&%$.§Mm: ‘ -*ffi%‘ ‘ 'Ihc, Govemmentdoth .dAec1a:je;thatyou ‘ haV¢aL'egifla4tive Power withAouta Negative - ;from me. Asthe Government doth exp:-e{§,% A you may%makeVany Laws 3 and if I givenotmy Confentwichingwenty dayes, to the Pafling % yggurmwes, Mthey are%i]*>fo_,w%?o Lawg, whether I cement, or no, if not contrary tothe Go, vemrnenn.\ You havean AbfoIuteLegifla~ . tivé-,Powerinallthings thatcanpoflibiy con- ccrn%the4Go<'3é5 andlnterezfi of the Publikei AndIthinkyouinaynxakethefcNat»icnshap~= ’ py byA;hisSctlcmentAndlfor my part {hall % i,bew%ilIingtzobeboundmorc then‘! ajxminany % A thing thatlmay be convinced of, may be for A the Good of the PeopIes%%4 In Prefirvationof V phg Caufcand Inycirefl: fa long cpntendcdVf9§_&... # % “ P Q 5 8;; ‘