Amm%TH® R; I A E NT ¢ 1 0fSeptember- 1 65 4-» ‘ V ; . MM‘ fl 0*~%4%.are dn1e‘t here on the §rea*tef’: » ’J ficéafion ~tI1at~, Ibeleeve, Englanél TECT 0PcS s E E CH %V4% IN THE MW y% A aintccl Crlmmber, on Mundzyr, ::th c1 4}“ A% A evqfaw :4 having upoxayom: ffholill-P M A A * derg tlie %]I*n terc-P: 7 of Athreé; great i the4T7erri tries“ eldownging ta ‘ ‘~ 1 ‘ I . ‘-w; . ‘ at ~ «M, ; M , M A. M H M, ‘ ‘:5. 1‘m_3<.‘,‘_ ,4; ? qt -1 ,,.-‘ yam” Afiéxxsbling together this time; 1 It ljxath,bc,c1,1 verywellhinted tom yoi1“t‘hiAs% day, Ti'1at% you co1ne:hi.ther% to A fqttle the In - A tehrefis J A befbrc. %111§tnti%C;i“cH,~::& V , for it willw be » ~ A mad? of fov“}arg%:¢~4A?ext;e1i~E%on% i7“r1»~the* A me ‘and 3 A Confeq uence dfiqt; A . 1 E0 t{11V€f€_Conccrnxnéiits. “ f3l{1:ei' Io many chéaiuges‘ ,*%»a%*r1d**tei‘?11ifi#g( gh¢m,M. ? An d%4>tmIyI'" _ A A wit%houtfa‘nV Ycmhaveupon A fl1o mld4€Ar:s the.’i<;:itver¢&’PCJ Ofafl %?1’I€%W~C¥hf3Ft ia§f1 % % ?€OP1%€% iI1the the W unis, th.-mi fi1:3m1d let you know as: fa%rreas¢% A ‘I have mgnizance of it the occ.afi0n of In the 4waya11§:}§1nan11er%of niy {peaking mym ¢ A A « to“ 5 .and¥?*wh3cisti heart%;* a nd".\zxrl1at williin £om¢ m§:"a”fL1”m:’1?%cacIa%12 ‘ and to gpeaxi :H0P¢:”%0P€;ne¢d * < x ‘ ' 33‘: firis { A*EeredM “thatdwvhich was thé 'Rif'e;,M at-1d~ » 4‘ ; gavethefirfi beginnin to.aIIthofe Tum» i.ngs5 “and%T0—{Tngs% t 7at»?‘:t:h%€rA why— I ;;1wt‘A ”‘A¢trLIbIé:. 1itécapituIatiQ11 = " A , V: Thcimg thc;g:areAV "W. O w~ %*t{hat1&A%l1ope~ A nevei‘ be%%A*forgo:cex1 ;Abe- ’ Axsaufe Vwritten in wfiettejr Mocks thc'I1V th.ofeof‘ T A :Pa.P€l';5..,:iI am fiperf in %Atbe%h€A&ft‘ A A # ii ‘t%h;ird%‘ReAa%f@nWa§:this,!That"Q 4‘ Vi1c3e+;:nc1¥c, ~ $},:¢%‘ A w3“¢% A§@i_fi 3t*«h"imrdaj?I j-.’L§$'fiY,’ ing, 4 onsfl too ‘ particu lgxfl V§1;weVrhap%s : i*11{}»&cad":* of A.. aon A'%VHVwb¢ic§ Ithink“ ‘i1i?%wi1l be 111QreA124hcfi A A A;A=%f 13$ §m7I.1; kmow (at: Haze “lea; 2% j aajtlfeg 4 hd%ea%v*otIrsVaiTt¢-r§ctt1cn2¢nrg% O A ‘ ''''' ,, ' . .¢A_ % lj§§%Lé j£t§¥(i§%5‘w§gjz(§$j,$fg%%fi§f (}@y i£§%fifiTit§¥%t§¥ ;§#%W i . ’ '5, . v ; ‘ f $ A T A . k’ T) A 1 * % tich%ti£1ria%1Aei'v%I3::iate; 1t;h@:A “i ‘fqt a%nd-:«%1’o1:;:1o3!1§?*-%@f%file %Ja ‘ _ ‘H_~!% M. 4,4,‘-am ‘ « y.,..‘~s« 1.‘, Mr _s;_..:.Wa‘~ 43 :1; ,,,M~.:‘ L, ,,_,;,‘*M ‘ ‘ ‘Q 3; .,. by ,, _. hi<2h%$hs ‘ n. E9... h--i C!) W"? :3‘ ic£L in’ Q‘ 3"’ Z % I-.-id ‘ ’ > , V ‘ _ v «(o .. 1» ¢ ‘ W ~ahs5 Afay‘<§s 5 #98, A lcafl d@'e5A Pf3fi'l0?f‘i‘.;" % §%%“[ban-1dL«c0I72egA Cw???’ f79’W¢1A#%19€«$[0%‘Z"€%V1 ‘Ir ” MA? ‘0*"*’;’1*fl';1iZ%"‘7~‘rA » «W=’*01“% W¢NvPr;0“fl1a~U~sA comeVin,%,>I%b6"eivf1Jer3j?94l15€ departirzg» » fiom4h%:he: fairla. , and gifififlzgfl /Jeedfi to {?='d:z~.~¢ aivg Wt!» ‘e'I?2vir135?rir2r=$~v ofDW>i1Ia flea i.-5 V in I I2}p0crz'fie{,A@~c. "V V‘ 'wh %icl1~ ~;dc- ~f¢:i;Ptio.11.[whc 111ak‘Cs%Vt'he.;fiat¢¢ ()fht.he laPc , VA Vtixhesfiworfe Mthe_I41% thg%t.%¢ u11der4A11ti,cI1-ri&.%» % "A'nd“fL1réI it &may Agxvell 4 feared tzhefé“ are J-(3 g_1,r t%i111.cs%:-P orl, 's.v'h<:fn4 men foi‘g€ t.'~ all-_ Rtxles ipf; a ure , A and A break. A aI:l th;e- A «%B% 1. % ms mrure ,.+A%whichhe ..caxanoz%;bIoc%%u ou,c,; Cm iv.“ ; ‘ was and ma.1repdeavou~n o "bl *t¢.m % mug fmmc Godlmeffew, ¢ ?¢*?’a¥%{1theLf¢ t¢1£—*€1iS+ th64lafir¢. l-— and ‘ _- ‘,__ 4 M “ ‘g,_ ‘ immes; A A ‘ ‘ WI}? V/1‘ A; wt‘ » aw 1 “ ‘ ‘ $.49" ‘ , B ; » . " ,4 . .‘ V 31 Amd;ed%A% thcé 1%a1'aé3c«e1=%,%fi @:1i€=- ‘. .. “ _~.."1“.,,.~. »_*: ‘ 3"". ‘fl ~ : ., ‘ ,;.,, W “ ~ » *" ‘ u _ A M * j ,4 /, , 3" 732 .»“«;:v I. 4‘§iI‘;,!2£ ‘ ~ e4cnéi%rzdiéri0£the 1mag¢Afi,0f. * A .; _. , * l I ’ r_ '_;vc> ,,: ' A4’, " > . ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ ’ l _ , “ W ‘ n ‘ \ u " ‘ “J ‘ ‘ ' ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ “ ' ‘ > ‘ . V . V’ " _ 9 /I‘ »~ “A V ‘ _ >’ awdprin A 4 % V A fanvi11axay%%5% and par-ibusr*:ipprchefifi"¥ V % ens. A‘a*I?‘vtAhoAu*gh the5fr-:}°thihgsfiV will irmt ‘mg fifiabflrinébléa andodious) A p:nincip1e ; exten ds%»53it, > e%If‘.,;A rand; ~ ax» ' L'AC9r*1f¢i€‘f1Ci€ 3 LP3H*i0.2i¢a.A the)? Magi; 2p€n_S;»,A% % {thouh :*th§§: T e ‘ '*»....’:' e ”mitht~thefe thixmgs am Acaerrseaonee, « V, ~«4«:.5\\ aw — ‘i M; bi‘ t-he M g'1?fi,ra‘:Ee ‘meddle w}ithéf1em,.§ “ eizflififilemc: AA 73 A = feCvo.rific§”er)2itione1; and ePtec¢zic,mnse L }eL»i:b'er=ty of CQ;Tfeien~cc , andfi‘ Igeierty of ”Si;1¥~b}eee‘&es’, two»-as g¥e::i;o mgbe‘ ‘cb,fi£eetiAde‘d»'f‘or‘eee,Aaé any —JGod hath gia 1 Aven us~.; .y:e;t bath theife a1f’of;~-abu fed for the M A partn“izi-mfgi*of7;villanies;¢i%n fa much agthaice ié=ee11a7t.h{.. ubeen an ordinary ‘t'hingeito“ iy‘ay‘,e andwein ifpueeet«oeafli11"£1n , Th-ateeit wasenoet inethee e.e«:;agi“" ratesié =:poweere‘e=5 he 4ha&fl:1" ‘nothing « __ ed deo with it 5 f'oM much..e;*asA the print~ «ing a Bible em Natin foerfii the uf; of I the people , lefiicf be impofed: ueP‘-‘I1 k eflonftieenaces “ofemeenge efdree they tnufla receive M VE1gth;Iii.the.rt0ikept V the: eoflénam V ~thf:: faeme*;Traditioml4Iy% , “an”d: emei1npIieitly,Aé.e,, “ ‘ ‘ emu, time fifths. Magiamgae , if‘, t 1‘ X.’ ‘ ‘V .‘ ‘ eeewe : ‘._ 3 A . e ' 1..- 'id» ‘thus fwelle ‘to...; this he.i.ght»~e ambngfi" ‘. MHz‘, 4 H ‘ ‘ In ‘ , \ . H 3. I r v~ ‘ fv~«m‘M . ‘ R ; _ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ I , ‘ . x ‘ V K 6 H . ,, \ “ ‘ “ \ ‘ V ‘ “ “u ‘ \ 2 mil; v ‘ mi‘ ‘ ‘ . ~ ‘ . 3 ~ ‘M. x 5 , 1 ‘V » ’ ' ‘ ' - ‘ ‘ ‘ -‘ ‘ 7 ‘ ‘1 -I M W: 9 _ .‘ j . ‘ o. I ' ‘ ‘ < ‘ "7" h N ' I‘ ‘ M I V. . ‘ ‘ _ ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘ . ‘ I I H V ‘ A’ ‘ - *4 V of A A Ari Conmencei»; 17piri ;< (cheA%NIi»nifi%eVry.3 Itwas 1m'%ch1*i%A '7” f %&‘c:ed&u% % is V >I A % i A J? r»c=afc:11 5‘ if no Sb kn%o”w,% fight who % M ' ‘a« xi +‘‘‘ w», M ‘ ' . ‘ ME» ’ ‘ Calling; fdt-hat : Olightnwt $9 grfach; who havé earned it ,wi:hk their%vb1o%o<15who& Ime gained Cim Liberty 5% and re1igVious. pen A *Afi9t1Aia”;‘l%r- Aéjzi1s«,’ ” trha%’fiAr3Al{atla‘+m®&t:e fwzrefii 7' @- * %A%n~e7fTe7i:1V i%t;afid *Am#oi‘é c0&l§6urAfdr%»i'tV;4anAdi;; 0r¢A?é1*¢%A©fifi*¢gTit35 & % ~ ei ¢éf“o*§ij«?fe4;%v3fa33F\i4WL1>e;::as: gauch- ‘ed with the former xniflakes , but Vsf%Lw_;hA%s ; iiév eA»V~*b‘eAérai"i1A4%%i;, V ”1e»fi: Atfo »fi1c“An~y f iBa.1c: nflhave‘: from w1a%e&3A4w lml <§::oFé1"~ fa ch} as;AAb&irr?g‘«.«¢orr~ug§:% s’fi1iLt:11e§4s:1§éC0n~ iéehére are :é)t%1eArs <'111@i*;ef A , A h€ro:iAi‘%A»éSF‘ ‘iii’ fixwmra; f *m‘3“Y% Of thfim "?I°T"”“g AW’ ’ md V 9 A AEli1AeA «:1»i£ka;i<4en% Noti onof then M : an M1 '1’, w“ _ s A A otimn Ag H that Wvi1Miave* M "Jt“}fp ‘ ‘N a~N‘A-‘ ., ‘w ‘ ‘ ‘ A g ‘T av ‘*2? ?; AA.tAam4eA they A “ A 'n¢fH‘C”.01f "d1€“* S.PI«1"lf[“ f A? V_ '”VVA”''‘‘'3AW3 ‘“ V“"A‘»“‘A“‘ A M A ‘imwnty :5 ~i"~a 1. .% 5 ' "“ "-"5 v ‘ , ‘ (V -\»; \ ‘ , ‘ V, ‘ gm ‘ ‘ »E‘;:‘ ‘ ‘ I '6: Av? ‘Of , flicifi I ..;,HOp‘é1fi'Vé5ifie 4‘ ' “W’,' W“. “$1. "LIE ‘ ‘$ gci Mfiwfi _wfi7., ,; M‘ ‘ ‘ V '9 M“ , ‘a A 1 A}s"""“ v H ‘ ., 2 .11 . Q A “W fww3%T<fl“ 3Wrg' Vmr§ :%& # 5 Q m.»«_ M wag” § }}g M” “ A ‘“”'fi1s“°Rq1g11c‘“ITh é,t1r~3hé;1n.*tA%”, A A... V W-c*v1ls~AAA~tha*t:%ane «A€Ahcr;*W111&1 rei M .A ‘A x , - ‘ ‘ A h V» % at Le . 5 “ w':x L; v .. !‘_ ,,~. , 1, 1|w“z.a»A. A ~ , , ‘ “<9: ; x”: ‘ a A V4 ~»: 3’; 1 an 9 ‘ MM «v~--»~ ». ‘ V /-3 W ‘ m w w__ Kw 4* «A Mi‘ Wm “Oilfi- A %z~ha?:A”¢&Glory%+Ab¢§*V: The % VVjCwon:tcr.1 tiQ&t'.1$*%iidA“ %%<41%1,iIf:«i1;AtiaI3;§ A Y H A 5....A'\;9" ‘A "‘r “ ‘ . :j_ ‘ 1 ‘ 3/“*~A.' «mmr; v$Qtf%*§hf6:~@§@1 M ‘ M $1. ‘é M ‘ A uaogns Mgiye 4-LawesJ4 t0%p¢OP1€‘V 5 F0 :~em;ini¢+;%:of an%d%IIhbeflrty , and % Aithis :‘iS;§A%%’«'-a”V ulry 5 Athey had 11664, gAiVé d¢3‘r iiAé%:f’cati<>;n§ * 405; 7 P1‘ ¢fi?nAC€ A AAWA1th; 4‘ . _ ‘ ,. 1:1" \ Hg‘ ‘ , ‘ . _ » ~ “ A "‘ ‘ ;‘z‘A 3- -»- " my 1 .‘-. :3 rm I W" GEE ma J“ ‘sy " “ V ,~ . —"v' ‘A ,< ‘ . M, g :1‘ w-mzw a nu] ~ f ~ v *“"" . M ~ *. A V A A ‘ M wv Home fié [M a» EA?-.« ..lAA‘ " ‘mi? all f%k; 1owi_ng , %Md;AeXvp¢fl€11¢§§1*:CAdhF1fi?1*- { o ‘ A ‘M ‘i%, _m_ M .. 7.. ., 9? W 1 W. .. .. ‘;“ -.w‘.m. ‘MW - M .‘ A WP b9“ ~ and £‘aAPAAI3i;IAX?£°Am§3 ufA- :%4f0Ws hiaws‘ hes ‘ , r ‘ ‘ AA ‘ --it ' 4* 0% 4 A “ ‘ 5:‘ ‘ “aw M ‘ 131% ‘ ~ . U ._ >‘ ~ » W7’; ‘r % % .~ r.” H: ¥ VA ,~ ‘ " -‘" ‘V W ' M W . y ,1‘: A». 44!? ..s. fin “ '5!!!‘ W -M» «W ;‘_\h ‘- . ‘fit’ ‘ " ‘ V‘ ,4 ' ‘ x‘ A ‘ my ‘ AAAAAAA A A.AAA°& A ‘ ,, H ' ' ‘ H M IN. Iv" L.‘ ' ”u§7itI;I~fé;4r» j:mlliIA1%!'g%% Atbe ‘ J.» ‘ V 0,‘. ». _..V . ‘ ‘ - ‘ x 3 : ‘ ,;I ' " l .".' :” I Y‘ '; ‘ r. . f0ir“th€ir%gObd— r A ” dxhcin do but.p1¥ettendV‘VJfdr ]uPcic‘.e,-an% rits%%;Azmdgwifl%+f«.manifefic7 let Ethflexn thefu:j«e&§%of the Magi%firatesV Acnc4ourage»~4%* , «.3 V ing vifible Inifisarriagcs, {Ewe% them ‘Va . A havmg ocda;ine%A A ' A t;h—at A:enA%,%;?A A ’ are " ‘ ‘ 1%. -;.,mA ‘V “ I . ' ' . ,3 A ~ ~ :m 3 via“ ‘ " : ~:*“"-,' ' ' ' - k ‘A V, _‘u_;_‘ V ,, . -».«n..\s§’ wt» ' 5* A Vj 4t%hVis%_&5 ’?h%Aat;¢ which T mafia . fiairit % 1' A % AA 4 V 4 4t§b11sr%%.A§? ‘ . _ . , y ,3 ’ . ‘ H AL“ ‘ ,,Y, ,, . W 1,4. 3 ‘ » * *' C 2 . am,» aft/ae¥ 2~a.~7(I* Tm A kthey »giv~€V‘¢ 0pi3oftunitytoo»%% ofteV11[ for ' this ?Exercii3é,) Vand =1‘ hope the i{‘am~e will be ‘ ‘A will ® ther[,% C nrindes of men hm , ‘ ‘ $4 ‘ _ icy W1» “ \ “ H ‘ e~vfify¢»: fi:r:ma.€~¢ issut um it ':‘h Confufitim A A A " V. A A tyhinga? “1=;I.1e.; T E‘ “ Ti1I%s!»b€%%W0it%thyr ‘W 1 tx A 4 W ,6 4 r se, 5 1 after A this ‘ -A n 11$ $f1(i:>’I'"'"fr'&**;_ xii!» “mi Orfiim 9 ‘ ‘ . “( 19 ‘M: V‘ «\w‘ w - “ um‘ »’ 5 3 Q 4 . A~i{E§;.V%%"by4a1i1:? ‘” n§. «. " % “ a ~ mrc“ana mamer;%A % = N M M ° fihé f 0 ‘o V 'U,‘Y\{§, ‘j y.‘ « ‘ ‘ .. .‘,. =_; 1‘ “ ‘ “. ‘ my ‘ L A %r<-;~f efismw “ _ ' 1 . I I H ~ 3*“ . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ _ V .. ‘ 71;; . j, ..m 1%.} ‘, H H ‘ ‘(I zmfi Chvifiz %emT4 «,s¢H#"t1~;%; tf1a2n~:” “ in Vem} if”€g:;i1*atiI1‘gt Lawes, LavK7?eis are « bejaé4b€r0g;a¥cd,~4 %iréde¢d% ”an.d‘%p¢ ilapswcifld bring 59 the‘ J Law,.:%% ' *;ff‘?§£V ‘mm1m::o£w:;14%A%%I;.éwees% ::t2=:t1e a».-. A 4 {V -¢~5idf’ 7té1ie%ad%V€mit*3g¢ swatwereD;vaao:zs§%%an #i<fira&.ions %.,; c1iV£§%%p,raV 8cif€: A aAC£04r=%3i,i3»Ty.% t ~5w;2 .1 ‘ . in @he{Z:* V £‘%m;r1n€es:, % %y A "Cém 9 7 W21 ft1€flf€”‘~ ithse A }Ame«: ,5" :that, theyI%1:1%vée hadLa%%C%o~x1;{if’toty* *‘ " 2;: Sztnl rs»of t’hings*:z A A ,%%LW»iAt‘h*% .4o%~;~ & % A 4~%th"cwrep-€h5;an.ts ~Li;po11,%hMin'1A. And t hey ha1ii."#LE d A _ % A % V A A V A ‘ A in, (OfwAhichVv¢ are ab1e%to;«e A cl.the%partitzvétlar.Infimincms in w%mo{h;% thfiC3 thedA1:§a?‘s,);,=mEpi.f : gleswcrcgufled&:Vm:.%;hindemhe.waork;Ain§‘re» *la?i2~d3 and P*i9Srefi‘e§f' thewrlcfi,‘ gain Scotlmdg by cantinual Intc1ligen~% M ,Jflan1d corr€Fp°11d€ncies;%bothVatA4home .ar1d aAbroad%5A ,fi'o1nhence into Ire”la72e:l%, *%g{.om Vheum: am Scotland, Ferrous were 1 fiirredA L1_p,AVV a~nd4 e%nco%ur2g»e.d"/%from%%%%%thefc [Divifion-s , and di{co%mpofm'e“ +of%".aH‘airs ’ A AA To adde at 7to *Wereix14aHdWY C0nfid¢rab1€~ % % ”?’* ” { And nocmly 9’ * Hazmd 7&WWm§ do all they c ou1dw to encou“rag e, the “ '; $.':‘ ‘ he rafiQn:ing A-V§?a~1frc thaTt: *cof’c# thisé € i 5 ~which% w%ou1d makeasfixrgme.*chm; A $1133ANa~tio11} abweonwe ‘Ahundr>ed” th0u;fauA % «.3 eth,“;beVfi§d§s:% the»*:I;C A en-— % V A % armdid engage; um};15o%gveae.aci1:i*rge;% At Iéhc famfi time alfo we .%Wej;e_i11 a; mu: ~.W€ :a%1 ' g gréatéfi &omis% N % V " ‘*1 . ‘ % V‘ ., - . » A AAT*raAde5 and we at.thisvafit*eXpe11c¢;;;“thus_ ‘ *-ments abroad. A A, A A V ~ThefeA“ qthingsf‘béingafthus {as I ‘ifwaded it. is not hardto pconvin cefisevcr pey- A :.-f011;;4 Ixere they Ware thus',%%~) «A What ‘ a %heap AofCo11fufio13s vver~:es%*4upot1V%Qthefipoor Na-- ;..ti0n3';£' ~ A [¢iAther things :1nuG:Ahav}c;,~€én A flfift tQ‘»A2lJ1ave funk into the %1niIAEéri(és+tjl1A€f€ A »~p"remi4 fes‘w~o%u1dLfuppQfe, ofka remACdy4mufi -ad-iflE%tIed at %11onA1e§5 and..h:énV/ing thefeAenAgagz:5 A —re1jnedy V‘ hath A béen applfired hAat .A :rh‘aAfhV becfrnmhis G»ovAerx1ment: A %thing% that “ The can, and Avifi*bIeA,'to‘bAe‘4 Ibex: andArea A Aa41T11?1er;1j;% A % %~;and t:h€;refQre431«et it%~VVfpeakVfQr 1; fiea;catC1~fe¢ mm 4%;f§eaI:% it ”comfm: V$ 4 ‘%ef’ér1e% %Vgre-ate: %~~th;:~y aid V the A A A in 1'he11' j.u}agL¢1T avs«~L ti» ; ;'.:iSf.T 393; A , A AAIa*tedV Vthg Intgrgfi of the peOplew44;:g.d:4£o;r AA =~ ‘rB*‘% .1!t”e\i“Ew ~ or ‘ _ W ‘ _ u ‘" A ~l " ‘ ‘ V A A g % {heir A . I A". ‘ ‘ P .|- ' '. . ’ , ‘ Ln . V .:“' ‘ Y _ . iv V ) «L théi1'g°Qd . m;rpet&:% .-any?» A ether Intetd}; M if thé‘t;ft mbE".“ ¢ bol fpeak £m%% @ “} 'IJA4»may J(;I hope huxnblybeforc 1 what. on thebeha1f~ofAG~ov.emmenr.; - 1ar%h¢¢ads it,)A ;éicquaint AAy~ou"4:ai% r1ittI¢e4 ‘ with theLefE=:&s of it:& arid Mthat;n 01:; forbflienfs V fikfi but to ‘tlmei end ‘that I may . dcale at ~t,his timé faithfully;%withyou,; ‘bykA gggpgginring %you:wi;thVthe fiiate of'things~5* %daAnd;4%what procgecdings; have V been .AMupom; this GoV¢V%¥I1n1enti; ~e11c.e‘ ‘?4‘£0§§* Aoftlhe‘; _ ‘ Nation, and*tho{‘AethiJngsA ”ar)€~in predpéwat-« A , cioh, aha Bills _7 *p vepé;red ‘ which in duc- I ‘ time’ I nlake \1_.1oe« tTc=:n¥<%eid*-4A A ed rd you.‘ 13‘ Th€ré.%%i%hAé;th V&er§~I€ar~E?’takcn . t 1:3ut the Ad:znin‘i'firafiom‘ A gfhe. Laaweé g A " -‘ ® xv’ W1 ‘ fl VA ; fthat wayv (m;;’eheiA ; ¢iniflce*x7z? Aandia P1éeachAerg A ¢ ‘ Thef Cbmcerie. h3*?XhA?be n’ _*-re armed; % ‘V I“ to A the A jufi fzitisfiifioll A 1 j; the *things A depenaing _ _ th*€¥l‘E'f,M A .mae?tAhéi bllrfhfin ' of Aonurabile 1)e"1'f7ori~s i?n.t%rVufied%Ain ~ ‘V i t”hoAfeMI%ferAv&i6Cs:,f abeyomdi % »th.e«ir abi14i~£yA;AA%IJt 4 V A hath reffierriw Vmainy ?pI~a-~ : dies Wm: En~gmiA day.” 4 everyAman~ v1i12ikin#g¥ A Aéim 7 A we: fire ~‘Hafve- A their right; the Ouxrs‘ ¢ ‘ ‘ ' H ‘ ‘ "Ww ‘~ , ‘, , . ‘ I 3 ‘ ‘V r ‘ ‘ «a. ‘ ‘I ‘ 4 ‘ M \ J i ‘ .‘ "a, \ ,. V ‘ , ‘ ,1 ‘3, ‘ vomirea 1-.6 féetle wiay feat‘ we a%:ppéoba~*~ .; V t”'Id1;l:YTf’0f‘ mango? ‘5/4-bilwfty thedxrcharéA%of ‘thaexéwofik. And think I‘ may ,* *»~IE~hatF1*cé1nmi"ttEd Athfit %~Woi"k Ato the dtrufitof “pcrfons, V both qfj th e AP.re4v{7-é A%I%::d3ep4en defm: judlgemems 9 1’*f§é15 ’40“f..3§ A’ bmt‘7Y‘§L P'i€*;Y sfand TIIA-‘[‘ 3” cegyawy, Aifiy ¢Nac?;onMAhaeh%.t Ark? I»%béle¢v”¢A”A :3al%fo,iTtE1a*fi 1n4€11Aa?tVfaare they A hweté'z1&éi1,%"£EiM¢j§éhéive5lab91’ire8[téb a'p,proye {thlfi Nation ,% and V »s A I th«e:4rA=~vVowrreAAC0n4*§C1e And md eed IV thiti”k A if the7r?é be an %¢?thin of -uafrel "3--» A * * * »:-~ A’ “ -1 *1 «- q -» ,. _g;}.fii1i;‘t ‘theini; if‘ '1:s;,"~¢~ tfiofighl ,% 3111 not; h;e‘ne A to,}’u%~i«Ee 4the‘%ptoéEc§dings% of any)’ I fay Ad : it is, ‘tlfiatwthey go upon finch a Charaéfér V A A AAVS¢ti§jtur#e45’?V*§fa*Fran§s,%%« tjo pt*1t“*n.1eI1‘&‘ in-w ana; AA men Afiér 7 ’wa4reMVinegivA'»tBa’é$ A gifts areom hirn %¢hae afEen7d"e u*p L 4 ‘_;}11iB ,w%*,.2tfid%%g:av€é giftfi for the of % l:§ath~takei1AAcar:e,_; we hopc-:., for,th«cx 44 , *am5d7 far the; c__dif'yi1ng4%Aof thé ‘A , ‘ma, . A _ D 2. 4expL1I-% e3<1;«**t1m0I1A ‘0£:?§A11» $110 ‘ ,v’“ , (MM *e% wieidge, * cada11yJW~ay%%.m3fit; 4;t11is vvho ' iZ:aa1s*:dAVa1I0,t1s any; ~Ayvfm ‘garegtha ,cGém.m;on£ ' \ ” ~ “~ *' W” ‘*2 é " "_é ' é .. M"“ “'5' MW Wm: é "W \“~ ~J~“V,2,;\.: .' fw»1?ne;a11d w4;nof:?:thwAd1n;I1;fi1*a# f L rm thing % % a;1fr€e Par1ia§rr2%[er1;t;wwhich,AbI*e£Ied%béwG4 » ‘.h€E§“HhiS? %3'¢%fF¢¢% :4 ./ ‘A fin ‘. d ‘A A "'9' we :4: A 3 Ewe Vii:¢;fh9:%%1ea1;ts :=:11:d““’£fpirit (:)‘£j‘. A._:,e\.Ve‘rl.’Y,,’§° % gfifld WM i4fl.4Eflg145zd~% five filch difconm % ' x tir~9HC§r * It is .'.Wh&C»h‘y“ as 1~haV¢ { F I defirc, tp k%eVc:P; I V A f‘o,:gb;()ve myllife. V % m * A ;€r50nS wh4av¢%form€r1Y mm» Lied aboflxizev , 1I1yA%1ife¢, I& ;{_hal ;>< I‘ m ... .. “,4 ‘ ‘ ., ‘ . % 51 Abefime mentioh 5fat€S«s by%the[WarrcwithPvrtug41;Fr4mai% H g “ ‘( ”V$1e%3fl”uran¢¢ W‘-ihad from anmf: M-igbbuoA11%rs round abeut- I. pmhaps % 49;“.¢ J..,.and71I. défirc t%hat_itJ1§ngi5ghfi L 1gQt4%it.;but indeed it was a C21;utio1m11p-s ges Ware in, in r¢fPe&%f“”Eorreig9é ' A " #77 »in fta1nce‘fA“ini~4%the Wars VWhi<;*h[ A .e$ A Y011vha~x7eA rh7e Sozijzd Ope11«5_;W7iCh ' A A % nAow tbs fuppiyedfV»thAen<:‘-¢aL;AAAA nd Q1?fii‘u€?€d-AA “That; Whi~c"h»?vvasA%, as cAh¢ 1\ 5* ‘ } KW ‘ 1' V N,‘ ‘wférfi glad 7" t<>AhaAv¢"Vi%any%% r;hinA A % 14in 3%; v «Q» d 53¢? dAQfiT¢ %3‘3 tllfix *3 fCbAA4 AAAt>1A1cm*£éA£A;€?‘l:w§,AA7 A f3m§: R..3teA$5.« ‘N Q11 ;W~§ A A - A A 33333? A b)§37€f3A£:~é‘ 4 A ‘ A 5 * A” A A A A I10t. W u-no-. haV€ A%%€acc I5: ,6 7 % % A % « And thfimk it as “ A a%S4~vaccévpfta~b1ey . tllej {'pirit% fi that¢1aybcw%%~ = %at§:%b&desV;‘“fo,‘%I my Afelf nothing»; a. » A ~ moire terrOur’fim'V*tsr ouble V %‘P €a*ce A Prfote~¢ an: ta fesi % V % fo it fife vflf «Aafl?‘ura.nce'to* they, T A TrQ;t€fién t; Int?réPcAabrdadi‘3Vyvithdfit 4 % % 5 ca:i be gixfien v*4Atherc»unto.‘ II : A may % be2e.a1011's ’f0r~}¥hat%InterePc:[= for MA ~er'mgic *drive them rtheiy W;% A {ceffitated «to t1mn”e4$ to Proté{’cantSta»té:s i % to fcck‘"their br<:*a(3.. fAnd by this¢Vcoknj;un- V ‘&i'on4AV.vofIm5e1‘efi$ y‘Qu Winbe more fie ca12:icit3'to’h¢I4[$ théID- f A beg'ets§fo[me reviving -of théiri -.fgirits% that; f'erve;.%34 You have a Peace 1ike‘Wif e the Crown of «%1’ormgal, w-hich»Peace_r ° choughiit hung long in hand; yet laat;élyl“T concluded-<4’ %Peaceth3c%your¢M=r¥7 . cllantsf gnakelus beleeve is of goodvcmn-; cetnment to their "Trade 3” their affuratice A ‘ being grgéater, and £0; 1thVei»r profit in T;?ad&E_%% A A ~t11:!th‘€r2,4 *t%het1Vto‘ AA’0théVrA places.%.%'And ‘t:his* W A i hath ‘ bAeen?.obt'ained4 in» .t:hatfT,reaty A ?(whichnevcr%4was fince the Inquifitidnwias A Vfctup there,) T.l1atV%30ur-V4P'e;>p1e#w‘hifih% A’ 0.‘ Trade » 4tJ%l.1§th ‘have ~%?libT€f‘)’ QFT Cbiafbi-2 ‘ ‘.3 A Indeed vPeaceis y»a%_9 you” hwc4rc%wETIA coId* to day3d+¢firab1e withal1‘rrien,Ja~S *3irf%e4Va«saii « A ~ it:mfiy~bc had with "‘Cot1fcienc¢ and 1” 4’ % A f we arc" xupon 7a*T rgatyg Fmcé.* and We*may%%*‘”a¢yA ?h IF v M , « . ‘ “ ' ‘ 4 4 i ‘ ‘I M , ‘” I85,» T:.acVi%£Gfodgi«vc as 599°“ W: Niatidils 8-59 .uft%% ) V A1!%"«¢Afi: $143 Wit» A % andlo ttmwn it. A=»d L davé Ibytfiat: there H R is-mt aN‘aL§’ionih4&VEnrd(pe, but they am A yegy ~w';l ling gpqd undcrflanding V with you. , 1am~rmy~:am5 ‘but 1 di*djg1dg.e that-jt was fo%mewha1: neceflhry‘ to acquaint A yam with thcfe things. And 4% athingybeingtbus, I hope youvfill ‘be wil-i 5 A Aaral,it‘dci4 again of the-fliarp, as} .W§!lasthc‘fWce;§ Andi mould n7of'be uI_t.o rou, ' not to the Inte-refl of thefé: .Na¢tibnsA~w§w4 ioh younand fcrve, A if I {hould , not let‘ y;ou ’knb W a II. ,‘ X‘ “ ‘ H . “ . .., ,, ; ‘ 9 mid Offlwfé-Ds ~, 12£J,T9f% 3 f1‘i¢ 5€I3hf¢V”'s us 5 :15 V W3 ~»ChaVf¢g~cs =31 ndf I?V0i1i%i?Ids ¢;“¢¢*mo&4%;Penny vof ydiir "Bl~ITeITe~“ V A .men;t3,%3 ml {aid berm-e "imam tfhié % me-n%t was % an deratakczhi gwcwgre in A ‘ V I “J I’ Jilfly‘ \ I, My WQE ‘' _‘ ‘ . yam TJ‘Jefic-14ai%i1k % : ’1T”_ax,e5?‘£‘ cl fy4e“t 1‘f1e fo ‘fii cihé*‘tfi*s “ K T M fa1rcs%fP*%ntsP~€9¢Sa F‘?€'5a?m.‘=‘5a V‘%mfig3 :2» AVP‘r‘i-'nCés,< A‘ LB‘~1fl1o*4fi$ , ‘Deane Vafindv g‘. ‘ I; ‘ 4' ' ‘ 5;! m A Tr"mW"u%é“ ,‘W‘o* 5 very %ofi4umed. That CH3? ipijms, §;»é“nts ’Dam*dé H T Jrww t0‘*1€t3T°u*kAnWM%* f I’ ab%a‘;V;i¢5.;AV rusty y~~ 3 oT‘5:H{1rA~§e\f t:11Vat: H%ro%‘Vugh C0 C1 fi“er3int:o‘ ,*a 9.5:. 4'’ tr tray; % V W _ vb ,... r ~ .. ;.~ k -L»-* L. ux.“V“‘,,}£‘ \- ml M x thwr \- £1 . I do therefbre p‘erfwa3H¢'* y~oAu“A to;%* 15 V M . % and %wf3ce¢n_efl"e em ‘ ,5 fiw I I ‘_ i’ 4 v _ 7 .fPcop1cof5thEfc Nations. I fl1‘alfll