........, ., A A ‘lone fiazef ~ W Th6~Lord Pmte<5’cO1".’s Swami A % A OR; A .... ‘L ‘ AAVINDICATEOWV , OFTH~E~ P Ifth In refcrenceto a1.1AAccL1fa:ion of ctvii charged upqnthem in his Speech to the A Pmifilnenc inthe Paénmd {'3ha.mbcz~:,, the 4fcaf Srptemfier? W:3A§4. Q ----In-may Publifhfid byjfalm Kfpittlebaufi, A onarchy-m€n§ T423 the End 331 mm zmyfiee the (‘hang cndcavmigrs mm: h3Av{3"b.=f$A_“:3;1_; AV 111A%d.co <:"s~bf.A1‘tz‘L‘~2& t%haAKingEy in:em:"% of” ?A£.s£2a~'z';,g;f35w r;hrA:A L::;~d~ CL‘AAh:“eAi¥JA in ‘sch; v.:c::»:'i::.ti .. by blmvimg the beilmsvsmf a Pez'iAE:tmt§Aor§ &.A«e:;~f;~;;;'%: thmfa that flde':‘Fz'e he flrxouici rafgw ov<2r»ail the Nxitions <:A%‘c}‘zc Q&Yfi7a ’ A A cm;-«:%i~¢r.:;’iAi:%:a tc?V:v;?~i:~;;.71*ci~<:l ‘ft§;;j:*i;9%:L1s‘»:*5::oz:}'1.‘a::v’;3s."y a°:m.§ :.m«:ii px.:rp>w§?a. __,‘__,,_,...,......,,ud maafliwlmumn mummmm -nu ._. A A A , Luke 19.27, V V A A But tl.wfls'A mine ememzl-as‘ that would mrA 2-Imt I_{79Aa!»Az!al reign om-r them érivgq‘ t7]0W7fi loitiwrg M2d_fl:;z} tlaem éefar-re me. A ‘A A “ Dan.6.s.% % Tlaenffiid i‘l9c?ft}'%??26”?¢g W347»?/1 mat finale pm} acmffom‘ againfl tkzlx Dm- me], exqept wcfimlc it agazz'?2fl' him omceymdg tloemw éflm Gad. -——-auvowauu-u Inna-nun-u-nu-n-uumqpmp‘-u-nu-«um-cu.q..-no ""'“'--“---- .§_ ‘ A APrin:,pd atALmdM , Afbr Limwel €’4«’:rapaA£A;am,‘at the-Crown in POPfi‘S+head.aNcy. 16 54.. A A my his ]Aza'jé", mid pezjfir 53* flaw: .mmzf O‘ra=M:a22&2t:*s.*3 rs» A ‘Z796 Epifi/e to Me Qacler. ” A Nafmuchas Satano ,l {mowing his time is but fhort, Rev. 12.12. doth now more thenlcvcr mu. 4 farmfiliimfélf lintoin Angel of l light, to the end he may the l .: : tnoro cunniongly and fmooxhly J "- deceivetheollmryelcléflroiof icwerc wifelflir up his Inftruments to perfecucc“th_e c..>mm« M cbildc, ( in his Members) who ti now aéaurta rule afl-* A nation: with A rodof mm, Rev. 12,5”. 1: therefore neqrly concerneth the people of God to fraud upon A V Kno win”g,l;ha: the righteous, ir{fucLl17cafesl,~ oug M their guard , by contending earncflly for the faith,_ in bearing tcflimony to thofe Prophecies that tend poflible, M4ttla.24.:24. or othcr- ' to choexalration of the Lord Jefus woxkma /9:3 Kinglyfl office! and immfl in t/.1: world in t/Jcfe lajl days. Upon , which.veorymccou_z1:, I, have, in the firenghcho of J , #fal1Q~l mgg ‘lAn*£vicr to his A It barge of z«uu‘a“gain“£t t“he~”Fi?,“ ll‘-M:énafcb};mcn. A" " lg htv t~.o»« d#nb‘"é»%tvo‘ffmfu4Ch p%z%‘fd:¢c£4Ir“u’amoie pupa-in»V% ; A \ % » % &VA‘teg%irw Aw-=5-At/vs W Farfm hem [ ¢ V fcrntéqrclscdwfiths thieformtr 'wm:fla£>3-J. ’$t{t% i r ‘At »g4u<%b4¢vc%V.dgiofiatiz-aqifrom“ tfaeire b?ob'%prbfiflib»r; fu%al:“ gglzcixg .gfo1fr#pt'%~»ifi r bti r zaan]cien%£':J,sM ham §b.z'm‘i fiwfizlqg.-n% E) A God, «and “left mfm:/3 myfama Opinicmir. Bsm I fit]; theft“ We at ‘gbgy, ;;;'a,rg.y:fi$l¢d » f/Jamfz’“pwple;, iwhnflw Vbc4rt%:%?ar:%fibb:r:; A manyafltlmn%5elowgiug~:.a:Gvd‘":Aafzdft/wit**Ik‘tbg$MIS4TAI€E1\f ‘NOTIONof¢h: m:=m. M.NAacmr. ' jnafinuch ‘ as°;thc FIRTH MNARCHY-MENa“£é R4,.» , ‘ here involved “ammng‘ pthcx: Pcrfans .:md cpinixfms; as the Lrzu: tlm, q A whoa; grineiplfz (hg; To magkca the: Tc1uznt;~.of‘fas liberal~ 1 M fiaxtume ‘figs the.”“.£aairllard.;;v 6 l‘;cmn4cc1ve:%4A% 1: smear» mfpeak» Afomcthing G théieunto way‘**ob ;fPr:f.4‘ce.r .A°nd' albcitw "we ‘ abomiflnatc ‘A any wicked géiidn *und:er*gthe_notion of Izcveling; dry; yetpwc could tell :he%%»AAccu“i’ér%‘As what there is aLcvc1ingj%princip1cv wofv an higher in‘at‘ure, 'whj¢h;i;%{¢ems :11: ha"dMfbrgot,";wiz.. fuchéfilcvcling as hath ‘notoncly ’ «minke nptiongbuc even in.n&ia)a%red%1:1cei;¥*:~$thé7.jZ”n:ant%4into the com- d~;tim":..vmF' thé 'L;mdIard5 andxhe.Ixgtnd1»nd:m€ogtheécondfition 7qf71:_hc ’“7?Wag1t‘_;;‘“='i:—h& flarvvaun in:oaLthE?7cd%i‘1dicidn’of“:VEFi’eJlaflef, and the % «Mfifl%n%:1nto¢%uheM comdicwion am? the»Sarwnw”&!%;mh~ich""will%clea r~ly%a~p- pcargby tomparikng the rAnkI&,;;7afiaté:;M%: find! cqinaitionx‘ c.j>f~ 3d‘ivc-rs” at; the prq/lent. with what they were 6c'foru§*MIt‘= 1 ; sand; tha»t==not % A impflflfi‘ but 33zzi_/ibla ~m*and%,mm [:24 1 to his cha‘rg“?a o € dxfi~@f}>a£1‘i:%:'7the»AIs}wt$horiry of :h¢Nation,““ as «tqgthegee Mmgéflratfcséi :0 thtf: . r«48k;«Mmi ‘ordtm °.af4mnf*j,i{ whereby Ewgl¢nd‘h%atla %ku?0xKm.fnnhundrcd%s of fyccrsg %as,1A%:%Noé!:4 ~ %% mu a:Gwtl:m:M“£M‘4x%Vhua;mV(:‘:‘i1a;*§being a guod intcrcffcfif :he A A N:a;%tian,apfd%%‘a %g%~re§l*t 0n3é*‘z)J~1umi:y3;cheo1d‘i,P3:%<3vér,b=is, here vc;;fied,wau, . Tb: Priefl»Ta;qtb%forgwth3£;‘¢§tI?*f’Ia»:?=#4c Clark fbrs was“n“ot' ch: I * * 4 Ema! frat‘: 4afi:;K£ug{b£p£“”5’%~2§oo¢vaad gma: aArs%Aim,ercfi%%*as any 0f]thC ’ M ‘ Hz ‘ I H \ why ‘ ‘I ‘ ‘ E V‘ ‘ ‘I . m:her2' A ca) *4: A9dW:t%4P« . - “ , A 4‘«$%?¥1%§‘°%V A?-*~¢i%1¥*?13 3€W4?f%$~~~3nVfhi'5AN%¥;iA9fi ~*"j‘o”&t«% mild k§Vfi3%!él%f a's *eg1i2:i~<“,V"w tdpla nt himiiélf? their Read; Bur: th%i%$%rgL:{%%no;4vbe ccungmgny d:fiefp:Ef%t0% Magifiragic ;;%no,%_th4e of Vmultipifing Ni%ne~.pence to .aCra2am ,% (asM£&>m%e ha ve d1oi;2e)Mchcy A<:4rgr¢;-gm: N<*«?-nd~;Ayg:~m:h@%haA%th.b@¢r1 :3~‘r<3rc~an£’crum:rz-: M :}?La0r’.l3é.¢&£l&r3§lmTT¢E Ebfioizégfii ak.sZ!fi7aé£a&.?a»3z¥:¢;a-i}9'a?g2:aa..,i?i*§ Héfi‘& » E * now%b¢a~rvthe‘?bl;§ far all (‘uch-like afiions; _ EWIS; it { \ he-ah i%mféif,»~h4awe7i‘n%o$: {aid .thVat~?2be; 1i4t;tnfi*'mawld?nwa2ji in? mi A .Aq;5§tb:/5 Arimkwsmm-~:A§x % mm: ~a:;Lh¢rd% tfiijziaaglmgi, _ ,5 1 37?» fihaxgach %~1:-ix zyflézy V M A things fQr_{*:gqld4fiy;%A.Ecm!%,~ fiycdiéa 3:n;d%#fiEfl$¢fi=.l9BPQfi1€: ?A~».R£ml_%{% fix ref]! »am 3 “that z1m3%cicudfi54~f7god’1y.~a}3I§0plc»iaItfiis¢%N:ttiGfi’ are verily .p§1ifm cigdg; c,%I;mt1;hr;: ;:%*£hf’a rgmah ~tJni1,e:ms::A:;wit4j% smanywxhingsf wh,i'i::h«;»gi1igl§t 3$«%proi>ér1y:; be fixmco :e~——» uAnAd, :her¢fi>reA if am piz,t’%;b¢ ‘ldflytafi 4 ’ , r€>r.!‘fi~fg{r,firvw*tbém or fuobvm/Mwrpg=§fla*flpcd;£$lg¢p9£14y1£¥a»V:fif A #;r.vz:!&Z :bxaag&:&m;i.z:¢gaA; 3:¥ma‘nd‘i¢ra mam Vagaim cntavgltd in t7iéi¢i%%I“ find '-'%0‘,’*zra4v‘¢:‘§rI77"‘;r %‘;’?vbr«’ii1ch4:a%Vaizév £’¢§'J:rIr?*aff ?bM?r»'f9Z€U’m=" 0,1: r;1iM:At}2Lr£:’.% A on promif, “or 60;;/hf:-fzf~6!..1;QI1::%5lgf,gfi@mé7'!;‘ ©r%cav§gu:p;~ér:akm:; C)1ff4lfl!V4ac#[ét'1,4‘:or*fifi!T6‘¢s Qr,:dafp;fem ,,.‘ fin’ gkq/‘e%f;m:%gaod4,L«or traytm:-.r;,or Vbeizdy, or*bigb~:;»'1ibd€d+ :;:tr,s;;;:w;I'§i~}z/q.¢fw.:1:?s{mamtlm-:n;lav.:r.r EM, wnrijfitd/,¢fr& af5!)'¢;.'irg* bjpdcftfic; 0;‘ Item: N 1a§:‘tl:rf*t,/1%, dog;maL"tbé“w0;mf!%»5%9%£3§fl&«£I5# “:5”? WM rmfh.-,=d tatjae «w4fl'am'v:gaga§n‘ im~fl7¢'< r73V*'?f¢' bc%Jth¢ pcrfbhs ‘ ,ih"t£1qd£t11{/5:3: ti?}.I.mrgt%*a‘gain_/fgwe-Ial*1:,dctfir¢f?a>meiw%0uldéegin % W 1.091: at ham: ; VforV%vnh;e:Vu&:poflAl¢Baz;:.1 doph judgc: pm-fons ?w.ornhyfof xtproqf, vmaf at:hiEx9fg*.tk:xc_m1'elvcatmrhbguidamavf: élindtr. ~ . 1rgbr%.t’¢.zJm2; :b%4mz.:~;i2e;dar*kamgs:an:j¢u;9msz=w«mf%.zA&e~fwi[h, ##4##}-‘fir vf 5a5'I;c‘:t_ 1 ;flu.;_iFt*%;I'u:h%<flexw {Each or~rcpro;vi¢ at'l:er*.rs:;% and: A AWri;¥3'HmI rm: mm; Mwzwfk/wtm%sL;wifirZchéy ‘fhalh Lprhnch <9} %% V #0t.Afi¢»?!a :i"=?.nd ybmJthcy%: ta. fl¢al%~tb:_wfi1w1,w&c.’k as ghcfiayingm. »V;ge Mg, 4;. Wherea%s he chargeth omier~pcrfons.jwith J4}i¢gvg¢Vt'h::dx'¥;"t*pj156% pfbzbrfflfiefii _Wr, afjriaie-_, inijwi‘ iflntic/Jififlign dfidaéj/dnif7a;%; .1 dbfirc AJUIY 4-? % EQ.;kna&w himfelf swould I1avc‘;p*rgm?€¢!l Qflfllfi-h::a'.* Jim: «my .5? 3 1653. h TAMI what" Pfificipleg J_1_a’d:_thE3(__nQt“-l¢a.'m€d to cry%up%01iwrVAin%fleéAld ofA%Cl1x:7:l¢J?:.* M \ gm gm ‘},;.£,,. “‘Cimc:;Wa%;$f§ ,h¢7';It‘*%7?44*%nétj7 in b‘4rt.t0_ffie_V.4k. at; fimzz: Clrrgie 4dari¢éir%gi”§t.féYfi;.t;btaiagb:V4tha %Ragm'§a,5 and of rkéc 224» Mia trim: mhicb zk:‘fl7*%TJz#¢IJ1%i»fijftd$xpa:z atfact-gfliqng .; “==,»;:~ 7- - ‘ 1?21I'!- :»w z,s»:z1f;o~4 ghoughn. an fghac ~:i%ue&; :i;«1~fit‘Q_ujcriVc4by2h%pqato% uHc7olcI.. ' A P~a%r1ia1I7i%€*ra: , ,Wl7et-bar the :ge.a.*t Paarlummwtt.%eymt‘rml.e;d, .2vera;Z]’9:1;%€f§1§e-c;*gf mt WI;/Q2 to c'm_/f._fi‘Aof .211“I_’xc.r&;ter.r ? .p:r wtiqetiaar t12ajf:gx¢¢:Irfiaa- L % P 7 A215»; (then xnakxng by thc:m)A: wauldhindcr them or wZ»Vcwtm-5 .3 »N,,;e pwt. 3¢.A they l:a*v;'nggdefIertadA Arlbzlc mmfie mm! vintcreflfmpan the king: byters gznd. H abbbwxr, az¢d*upom%th,».zt klofigfc nfltbtbem and %t%bcV%#aAig*I:bmr~na~ Iz£’;l'5':5 I M tio%n.?iAAnd chermpan pr0fE{TedV. phat they had :wgaad’A‘Aimwede!iw- f“ .% 93“ A red up tbqir‘ Crmfa imo tbhbandr cf any, agA?z:;to% tine bawdwf '96?’ i,nt:r:fi¢Jflhd " éjafid wm.:-=faAr it 12: ‘me thing to !¢'z.vcfi'ie'1&*dt'j', ’* It jeems "mad érogbarly taémr wit£w,A:..4fid law: aper/'.m qf amutbar jna’g}- #963’ W W A ~ went in Kalt'g;an»;a1n0£/573%? tlmg to bamé anyfafarferin t/9a'jd4i~~ [9 “W” _ ¢1g,;pg;,;A;1a;;z aoca;¢nt,m_n?1atirfba;x41d 5: in ‘tn/9¢.’m'.«[L9’!/3fl7:'c?A-53115/3£”* raft‘ of tlzeirérct/arena: * many. But this by me Way» A4 A ._ V “‘ I tbinlg A 71% {ball nqvv apply my Ralf wfmlly to the peculiar Charge agaxnfi l'AW v’W”*'= M the flfoflarc/J}I«.men._ Alnwhich HA'ha1l c:rke nwce%%, L Wéatgéiie 33!‘? A Vtr1oN bf :/uVF1m"H VMONARCHY C9 zfgg wrcwot, 2. What tIaa}Aare.4 Their norm». 7 A A V )1; He faith A, The} are not fxcAh 43 have (mm batched with;/ac: farmér%%mi§?4ke.r, ztiz...cho{E: Ab%cf'ore~ mentioned by him in his 8 peach. A W2-% As tdwlmt t/:A.Z"¢r:, hcalfo ihich, I . that they we people of integrity. A 2.Suc:h as 42/; not apafldtimed fromtlggir /mi] pfofafi J/io.1&.*A ;:Nj0t {itch as lf1VaVe%%bCc5n’~&forru}2t in If/geir can]%*iw;e:*,hai{ing been fopfakcn by”God~ , %ar3.dv!efi: tonoyfbme Opinions. AA 4. I:Iauejz‘* people.‘ 65. Suchwhofi': hurts arefiwcrc. 6. ‘Such :13 501933 rmtq‘ '6ad..A “And isthcrc any evil in thc1&,parcicu»lars, but what he himfeif m—ightns"foAr fdfayiApjg.4 A. A 4 A _ A tl2jzgg.j5}jeA£AAnnii?zg Atq *“n.'ore%?f}5 z2'iIAImlé/}~%$%%%r};rc':*¢ tizfatg fie] : ix . s:a‘£E’d7¢‘‘'IA%I;0,€°‘s we ‘?”,_171.0?x’0z’€, '~£A’z3117”,V{z2M“AHOl?E'fb?‘«A . TMI 'j‘éj}w Clmiffwi7£ beam :1 time M f é€1z‘;‘A zipjazk 7 'c z'gf2' in our btm~‘tj,r ,* fay /’z4b;1z¢i2¢g tl'r2Qfi3\V£?0i‘A7'Ztp1?i0?3S% mzcl lufh, ml ewifs that ¢_.ztreAtlwe;wlvicb% reign now rzéorfé l.jN1;?£’ ':?.r’¢i'/16":»téaq:vz%%1 pop; in dz.-m%ri;swb:ygfl:ai1vc1a:o;&%[ Spzzechy vA72d.%-zawlmz}¢zor‘ifi/31I72ef3‘%vf ‘they Sum’/itzlf p.'.iI¢rc¢lfo%1'lI:i, fuédue iniquity; c::?.?.x1£M'i?£,g Aé-n1 ,ever’lz7fliizgrigl7t:;12u/izefi,Him-2 wi/£A~tl1t::,i}2pra;%c}2 af‘ tlgmtf gla.-y be. M " % Rfifiidfm. in (£Ah1:;~ expizc £fi§:n~n”,4tAh%:>uf“ rnayfi Acbl"7civeith%e1£2%»>paafc%iCu}a;s;A A A And ifl'.thi$ particular, wé‘thimk“h1e;is mm vcry‘AVmm:h ;§~;;fl;;1;”%e;3 ._.‘._ A,-.,rg_!.,-..Ai%A AA _ A 70655 wt.Daz~l:«rmon,;(v~=hacb %A.54y;a.ARiabardfiwx,onc 0? ch: AEZi»;m"s‘"‘VjA&.: 3.3.. A A. A M ' (B 3’ A Of’ A V .1 ,%%.T’haAt%oi;%r natzmwfirc'iends:%t0 z22arafi2ir%ii;;ali?jV%t b£$z ab} Int§5.ér;VV R71?’ A M‘ A A omzhis Cizsmmcm Wé?£iBh,Vh3A’»Lh fcandaIizt%d% ~ja“s~ a:;La 5 ml, jnotwi:h{’tat‘1w % V % d img"i:hof?*: 1*né:%ns{ names prefixed‘ to it 3 with VahouTaz1ds:%% thatapprove %_ £h€r*§(${:1_)mW.hCi‘€;fW¢_4£e19¢A9M/E4?'#ta.% ta%a[1_ the Mm»-Ia! Aogfr dcfilres Mat‘ % W { GLWKIVtiixéfutI:rfr%%:ofbvt=rL%a%rd;t¢ar%%C'/JH wmld cg}¥dam $3 tibvfe" ~ a raft karma! ;1¢%5a!:?l,« A and paliaimi ajbméinmrianx bf} am-n%of 445+ ‘ M %%%fom¢,%Arb.-sfi 3mt¢M%u#at hm: 1a:m»Jra4 rezgmeeier I14. &h‘t~fl¢'t sip LtIJ:%m=--% ? “ AA f:l'!-mt and tbeir éérumpt z':2tarefl.rintbe_ mom of t/mt féwrptér :9)’ V rtgbrcgufwfi wbtab be _[5;¢£19'gi‘lll#’*»i}:t6» ml9e%/2.¢¢2alrA%¢f‘T??I9ia d&2t*i'r"‘ % ; flan, amt ht 'Wm!L1d give us Magifirntcm ms at %"arn‘&"‘ ‘ gm:3;~ auzmrat tI2:¢£:g£nn%i»_g§:vi.c.;M ir:(&b%ca‘};1cd) and? “ aha}: uvgon the account of the kj1:gZ)!Aim-’:r:fl of }:fmCbm:fl ,,M,,‘¢ “m§w';2 5. as in the DxécIargti%onof the Army to Scotland 2% pa; 61537, A 3333 9.4wherethevia:fl9fm PM W’? flimd up éytgfig Laid to r fifl W P4*1i?'mmragai~fl W King for.zbL4ErA&nd. to éwingLa£am "ym"l:at”-:v%c:«'e the ci¢_/;‘t1d ff:'b)z of Aixtic/afiflfl, and tin: deliwtrmtkf fif btfl’5I:~ :1‘-m.[ W 3”" C}-’P3 *"5“”5i P50?/we '44?-4 1174* WM 1515! fimpltzmaaunt :3; Ana.’ igjzgif W_tb¢}q;ggaga€iV {:1 :12;-m»:¢f:Ia:¢;bre¢ 'n.«:mi::= agmimfl. .5~fl;g;',’..V.;”"“ ,{;m,, 9 % % foferfiof tfirgwarlgaf jafm C/art:/M}; batting’ tbefenrbimgmfiuggr M tl7H?‘“8}¢'a Avxz. tb¢Vd:flrnL:'ita# of Anricériff, and 1/9: ad«y;zn¢g.4 % wick?‘ Qaftfwkingdam of fefm C brifl,amdd:1:'¢rcr.wca and rcfiwr-W % _ % m4tian of%/912$ Chard). and t’J#‘ $'_fl‘4&li[bI_?1t'I¢t"0f % % DINANCES ACCORDING 'TOHIS W0RDV%,@«c.A11wha.ch.% they d€c1arc}vvi’th% the $10153; ofmany precious Saiz3ts.p. 3%3..as, alfcfigtimr» ~ A .}1s“wéli' zz- I/M} engaged agmfw/I‘ .t/Jed‘ 143:1/eivzg: and H15 ‘M0NAARCH?§w% ' 7’ g.di7$fl' 111,13 I ozzcfzf t/ac tttflnarnx aftbe,B:¢fl,Tgm'lt} oftimélaad of tim Sz;i:it.r; 4 M07W"J’ which acct thcyvfhy thcyarl danfid£nt‘Gad~%wifl:%m:;, ¢g,,;,,fi_4.g»« ‘M kiflgdfimtflfldfu1t'I0ZJ.f'_fbdfiW£”0pp0fi‘Vtb€fl( . md»rb.4t= ml! mm fifir ;"‘fgfi9'§-Mrjtfw C'};Jrzfl% to 5.9 aIIb;£'£"4£ 25¢,“ flgrd Egzdfigmfa them inflrumesazzzl M mm xii in /axkflare dz/}5'lé.f%[§xre that take ¢é#fi{¢'[‘4gazi?2/?CbVt:/9, tfrw Lard imt/y a9:za2'¢2rcd_N:z1m' .;i‘%_:r*«-v creed him-g:and‘t11at% £1357:-3557: not ma¢rizfr4t/aiefirmzyztk af mm.» ‘ and “thtu: M547 ‘£77325! teat ?a:;a[} PROCLMI/MED ?efr{J Chi}? kgng of Saiixtsvtafiée OUR ‘ICING, 515:! that tI?c’]fi9a.%!dfi#é~*' V ‘max tayéiim (alanerspanbt3'% OWN TERMS; zmd ézdmit .£n£m (a;»e1}r):ta I/5:‘ exerci _{‘e% of ‘£12: R02".4L ‘ AUTHORITT. A” A-3 ‘glgb, §n«pc;4o. ‘whertthey éefiafcb the Shot: to A‘ BOUT THEM, far t}.m"t am Lard fafm zm caminga % % If this 1x+as“m‘ in “pg-“réafl,, whmgroundz ‘ - M ~ ‘ ‘an 1‘ ‘ J ‘I '. - “ ."‘}1adth€y1t0 “fight againPtMONARCHY IT ’S‘ELF,g‘v‘"0rA_td rem A A "~venge t/MBFLODDOF THE 541N723 upénffle KINGS 40F THE EAR TH;tei%tht-‘t fi‘dm'%'Scriptmr;; oryriuitmv: pm- . tfiict ttaf *S4£’n‘r:7? "whofe ufual cilfl-$>m was; in£1tcht<:a,f%es%t”%,t:Ata:;4t fflg¢r¢’,.4mt ppm’ , toflcc or Fufiet; étndt _,nc}t %to.¢ptp‘tb£I:.;3éa£;ke.dt" f Pri¢:c mt1poni‘i:ch an account knowingthat thtcttLotdth:id par. 7 mittt.-d’ ’ them fol: a time to cxcrtilé fuch wickedncfs “,t R:{.v2:l.%4I 7. A 2 I‘i*,t._I,_‘j3 ; But contratiwife, that cheytmw aanmm-ed ofzhc truth ttheréofi (or at It-gfi, plaid the[p;z_rt of itthé greatteflthypocritestt that met werc‘tu*p'on the face of the starch) witneffimg theitfiiling thE.‘l§I-' A filvts Tb: Arm) ‘of fin Lamhas alfo tbtjir aforéfaid exgrcflioxfs: “witncfs alt}; their notorious Appeal at tDm:l~ar, where they owned A. no kingétzt ft-fm , and thé Scots at Ptrffirxal zfntcre/faf mang- ashlfo, the glorious detifiont taf thatcontrqverfie tc,>m:betf1.\Za A ]ufu.ir“b:£r fida,;ind‘t%t%hat-to tbt;at‘!mi1ja,tion of an men: t¢vvit+ tnefs alfo his. own tcxptéflioti“ it: hié"Speech~:i1a%de% to. the(fl1ort-:}iv’d) “Pat-1ia.tr”nent, fag 4.1 6 5 p.24,2 5.whc;e her faith , is Wg ‘F tkrgow vt*ho“theytWa%r¢ that fhalli War witbthc Lamb agatinfl his 4 t “Enemies ‘; they fliallt be a”pcdpIc%ml1ad t bbafiju, and faiméfug, A t*F’a;nd~ “hath %ir1‘“th_:’ flrlilimrj way, ate; t {believe you know‘ it: t ‘*‘%‘»"li<;: I'”xath:fa‘&c(:1‘_i,$.*Jith them ,j ‘fdt them; A ‘A I.nd¢ed % ,, 1 Wm? M,‘ “ tthete isfomething attttbt door *, we arcnt the tIwre]_77ald MAn_d toxld oycg_"‘t t7hCTCfOf'C it becomes us to»1iF: up our heads , and ttjcncouragte t fee it with- " o1?1_ft%?fci-ves Lih thc'I.Otd , 6'6-A‘ And we have fame ofus t’hough%t ?73'“-'°9"- ‘*3: our duty to ¢ndea'vdur this war}, not vainly look.ingonthat "A 1‘ Aptophecic tofD.¢m':1,‘ Chap. 1.44. andtttHfitttSct3ptu:§:¢ may b: A A “ fulfilled” new to am; t But to floop a Alittlte totbis fsnfie bf the natia#,;ish¢ t A is%nowtp1eai?:d tOte1'm'1}I,.(by,Wa'y of derifion;nowt=hchath com. % Mpaflfed hisnfwn ends it. Didt¥1iS%NatAz’o:g1en‘~dt himfcgrth to . defircy iW_~:i%ngs% for theittmfts anti corrtzptionwi nd the{13i“i1e’Iu{’t5;anti Coftuptiflnsttyct xtetfigning in thewvorld, {a nd pattitu%1art1y V Certainly we~tare little bcttc-rcdv by the expense csffo much Wand * and cmfm thathathtbceh {bed and iiaentfintce ti5cW’at$ began. % ' p « t,Tbc‘jLotdtb}¢ mm-ciful to Winch petfonsw , and, give thcmj%%%gtaAcct‘to tee t V‘ pent, ‘ it be ; his will or othcrwiietasi111I1t,_tm0{¥qt§ndt1ccttfot”~hit g1ory.’andthe goO'd%tof‘hi5ttp€0pl€~%% M ] % A ° ‘ V ” t A ‘ Speech. t ‘ Butflr mm to int ’fi:t.tl7:m_fel'v::, V % upazé t;.1.;I’!:$’)‘i1);"V£.$%'&'A!.‘D‘[£;;A§.l;I.e1t!o‘§£' A they are, :5: a;;:fl}'1y:n ta 2f§Z¢.tKiagdoni:sgatIern ‘Nations: and W t t g1'*;r_£ C7)‘ ggagggl pn‘,y_§'.. ta‘ pygapicj to determin l I : ”Eljm”‘tim‘cl was; lthatfdme, ééc. wave as lintlg thought upon gobe fotxerciled as ‘we. Befides, l'.l’11S charge agamfi us; is ‘at tlm very bell a:rra:2go;¢a,V fl(we_miglu:fay -----L-) For our prmcipledoth 8 pf propléfiy mad liberty, ands: _ ‘ ever} t_/:'«;£'mg_elfc',1z'paigfit0£7o2p.rete12¢'c 44 t/ask ; trgggy , 1”] bad ,im;a{ tg gm; ;l:§§r- mazmzfeflatzaw; af%C{adx prefixes wit/7 tb¢;;g, A 5gf,,;},l~mf;A,,;-e,gll %w;zz"}«m:—u%: pr fm_&mx‘t to their aamclzafiafir. 2%.. not leadljusl Afo%r:hA.lml imizlg our llelvesw to fuch Offiécs N; in being :l~.e~:3l Wdxrcl Gcld _tAl?1a;:; wright: ax; tberczam 9,; aAdonaciox1ffi‘o1=;3 Gad A lad’; l__.;;fi%:r flzzrakxritcx, far ca mal encls‘v‘3%x;dinA.- AA:érc§I”Es; Add rlwzgzt;-lW¢ l,A§t_1jelli'0; wide one of hisllDol&orsAopinionsgjt wig, M:‘L7'ba;,Gabz2!1a$i)z%; in his Sermon preached in C raal{cd-lazm. l‘La“w:dan.%‘upQijl~~Ra*u. 539 ,1 0. toucliilng the vtry fubjcét “we conccfi. verli billy}/pa/f made .9 am G‘od~ king; ‘41ad%‘pri¢}I'A:§ +'+—'l;4'_9€-Al.j?fg llflalzil ;€E.[GA'.A0ZV'm;EA&7lH; hc_fai1;hA,~ ‘‘.That: the -*4“ lam;-fll”linrarpremtm than-. can Abe g1m(o£ thalzglwoxds @512 Al (or, éaiza, TbeAFz7ftbA Manlflrclfij §-'. AAlAvvhericj (in p.45) treatingl u_pop “‘be‘this : W'¢.'f [hall 12422: "4 band 11 N G UIDING AATHE MAE-‘Ll’ ‘5F3A1KS OF THE E‘\.flRTH-_, " Again, p.I5'..f “ Ifay, ThcrcA “ is an j'¢"W;”'t‘n£ V . A ‘ A fi**£4é??’l:fWTAl« W ~W*"+'- 1“ §”4'"A:‘«' .0» lW~ HEART “Thus *”m£1ch,l Way". fl1oul»d Abaev%iclcnt% to; j A “ emr} man: andcr/handing. A P. I 8. llSoAAltl‘1a;: tht;A.plain ‘ff’ élrinc lor%Obl"crvation is but this ": Thatl-th7e%rlciS4i;g tilegnd a. « Wkingdcfhto come here Forthé%l'Sainfts : Thacafrcréallthc king-' V ;<«d<’3mSl of ché world! /mam bad Atlaezr time and their data? ,A by ‘*wLlfich*tHé Slélincsll have, beenl all along lbpprcljg andliojur¢d,%Acl1e"m'l1' ‘l‘"ifs’*.; Le£*¢éiOAT l’E?/18TH’. la lcingdom7toA bclgivcxn unto thgzm V- ”?W*hén alIN:itionlsA% {hall be clonvelrted unto God ,A and the Saints, ~ “'"lf1ll:l)£?Ar11” tolbe the‘pr;*zIatlz'ng party in 1%: world. ' The $cri--? “ pcurefetmsro run much this way. P;26. And tl1¢reisAlalI.t;6a. “7i~:;.2fia;;l £1? rlae war-Id f2;b?Ait;laAe{idc'§'wl1acI have Amcncioned out Q5 ~ “chr3SCx’1ptl1re‘:' For, ‘l(‘lltl‘1"3.t_tl'l€ Saints have bech ayprcfi,hcrc*ia ‘?*tI:'z7A world; “'1t]ils la. riglljrcous thing with Goclto give tllmt :::c« A fillpkyaltiam refi‘A and that they flioulcllhavc theirltum afar all wirzg-5; "red to‘lthém'la=ga’in}lt$‘'c; ; Ahd tlaatproAxnAil'¢,if you ldcilil lri fit. 4;; 5 ];:am*fu%mW yoLi‘}J_&l'lll:‘l ;fiwl1dAcrltollbélmadg M M'EN A ‘f'fEA’KTHl;l‘ isi“: not thc..n\ pcrju ?ed9 Apex”; Befides, as ;not:;, :5: V.;4nd~oubzea nudge, c:*%ch;; 'M;m bf and mar .;25¢fdiIir*¢h' 5?? éwifidiffia in *1 33 0% ’?"’,".‘5 A "!‘.é= - A A A A “ Aa”n~c!”-tli£r:eforc ~is’£fa1dcoiappofé and exalt bimfilf A 45911? all ~t‘b.:t 2?: hair lt«dfG"qd ,Aowmz:rjb"i}>ped, ~!sbz1t;'?wfi:.r in :1» Templwf Gm , ‘;bg—w-mg% V r’W:vA%% §z‘o4«:%,:?¢‘1‘“*3éVfV+é-%+:~”5 fin-d¢ if W???“ am they C>“&he3x* thiafi’ hifi ‘ AGpl~駑t%hatA%Aaizd~1’erva12r§r ,~ we ‘ ?béAbQTIHVi:0%?dO‘?Vint¥hcipi*¢*fi2m:§: Of'AGo"d%, ”An~gf€l3; éi1:§.'dA“n?3"er§; ‘férr By {o*do*izA§*g.» ’i2veA{1)a1lAa€’tvaSfi:rv2172t.:, %i*1a%t%éi1sjLt}riI5!%,4$a§‘fé¢m“c 4“ «¢o:che_rec¢”pczVou or¢n:ore’bary,j;¢;a:,4A %a;z%:1+peAr;;52z2;w mg am; ‘Tm: ‘Ame r>w>;1%‘me%;¢A, ;’ez%}»;imrefiea this . Comznonwcialzh, will be ve%y aver/e tAbe”'mm2‘1‘s , H I{n1owih;lg, chfic isfié i1~aA;Ez1‘r;a«1 A; ] réctivtth ndi: tfie “thVingsTc:‘f 1, bz:;c:aVufc . ffinfimaaefle A%uy:i2:ohi»&m ‘A, %neiahVc»r~*age,; H A _ _ A 3»éi2:i¥fbe:p;ecpAA?e ?m§:gf;£e“~t>ain."rB*3iigé,:; if t"h%eIC¢z':zg: aftb"ée.*a‘f’fb hp; A % Th” 1“ +ar;:!;'§A_[:‘e *“Rule7'*3 1‘.*qkeM"€qunfi*I:a.getiJ£*r, agaxxfi tbe..La‘¥'dg and again)?‘ by rmzch iike H2’!-. . A. , d bmm&c 3% ‘W3 “ dint§'filA,faji:2g.?"Eei;fireambzéir éarzdfr anmaer, %d2m%-afl *axz‘2.a_ytb;~ir A Aim”, fié,3b,.,,,zd. t"é‘f‘3:7 Ab‘: t‘I:ar”Efi‘tmb in /feezvmfi %Iaz4gf}3£V_lb, A p._9 .w'§~1c1'e and !';btI_1'w ' ('Ie1fAf§:fiQ'n ,”' fpeakta: tbEm”t'f2:bI}r they am: in-- ;~‘-”A;2z:E2?él*"~c{2xM“t1I5emA inV4A{2‘n'-e%Vdi{pI:zzjur‘e5 tfifit’ rre°wi‘I1‘%‘tre4z{ ’”'*‘”"“"“‘ “*5 “”Mibr:§zrwi%rb*aVga*d= yoflf iron ~, and da,{b tb4em€V*inA¢Ap2ere3 2‘2’1.;f_e‘ '.d:PbffEr_‘:3' jiz,-z=[e?g,d % pneng Bzizf-% Pbe'.-»22¢’2‘s For dc- A‘r%dx7*mh¢¢c1Id%%uho:iA h2f’t“ h4e:*e tfi?e»amyc-%p~:w{70~n, tthfi;:4.* VA NM W: C lmra Beers A‘m‘if*al<¢'r¢ Ca)4VsisehJa~a% am mu »"*»a]¥;ma»%aA%faam~= :f1’2*é?z*1~*i> m:zy% %m» given as by am AA " Sixth as We mt‘ t'dW:ep"t in tfbeir cemjE”ie7?c;fe.f»; ' ’ F ‘ %%$‘u‘¢h °”‘ A"¢“f"1'-, ‘as gr: 7105; arfqgerz Gmg;z:d._V.%(6) % Vv S‘L11s:~!hI'awl‘S} dfa*"7_ m l%£“ftIi ta?? ~P‘z~*4- _”S1:gcfiA”a.3‘%V Erza tm*r‘é r%e%)‘:’s»2e~c“z‘tffr’2z;:zct,‘IaV‘.%f.ar;-kw S4u4cf1;a% are Arrfavm‘ M as ~ me.m;ng:; A ézaaafi awe Nman birfiféif V1so*%2a‘Me%: 53,. my ba1pet‘bfw (at 1%¢a*i¥;fTi%n;4%precemss) (tr) ¢‘S*u::h % »y&ore»A%aaarr: «2:r“é ‘/izzcgrer. (;I“2;}“‘ Such’ as” belcmg :t?z*ia4~4G‘ir'cI;n N‘o&w~>mr%mb'ring%a T anmn»g$?‘th%e% %“bbr'ri£‘lé"trézn/gri2fl?9r1:“'Vcf“4rbe* tiihgifi - a:m:£u4¢h {SE (33% ‘V f rc€:‘I”y ¢b1ow:cfiAe‘ EV?:4l1"C5v\1rs‘of‘a”4r"{>;:*x~‘i'«e eu:&ionag:m<:%, at'17djVt«h1ait V v p-"ieteizt’féd”;~z.»e;;4Z“ Ga%~&;Tg*tag». V * WQII‘; 8!.é7fféA“”be°tfié*Em4d*; foJt‘;we4atfc°h‘"éveb‘3i*~ t*H1:*£;’i$d%re¥a ¢1‘cT?=irfx 1’¢"¢‘At €ha*t‘vve"a‘tc‘ the {érv~m:s¢<%5f 7“7ov;:*r ’gbrofcffed° lTmd»+a“n“d‘? Ma-flat, A~w1-la V§i‘a$“id"e ahgw it Mi tfifc‘ Y*cryf Téz*:1c' t11'!‘t7tn“e*r},*I 5 3*; i 2'. Hhd e* féffh. nar¢&Agr¢4gf:x7;.Arb:zn% “m;;r:w, qattgtm.w:*A;nd*tti*ere~Fore~ we “may A 1:WI’1‘ e’3Ep‘éiS’t‘tci Bi‘: *fb=f “f.fl{1€d%§, bu~e*%4y E13 h-twwivié fWndi§ngA‘* M: A fhifiifl defirefonxepatticulamrAinfianccs, ofthofg: Horri6{e1:rav7£gW£fl75!¥$A§ ' we age Alphrus‘ <:junn‘i n im“<3lWd’** 4%Ai:%x’tt:> Qth‘i)3*“Iis“~fiQ%t es ind1av‘§m[;‘Am f"o [gg6d3»Pebph’:.); + “ '23:, ~ ‘V1 WA ~_% AA , A f39¢~é%chA—% 1f*'W db 52:: zW¢fld‘f~f”3‘¢fffte and Iiightwufrtérfiu am! Be %bf4‘péac”é3£6!efirifl*1r fdfid wfflmaniflfl t*bi3**;4iét iFbZ*m; fbw f1¢Ab§"e&”? of rbemfq ifirate: imuragemem. grind if tbg: Magi}!/Mré%5j%;pwni/liing4viéwi (E57? nu”%z?“af3ri}:ge:A, [§:ja£e%1'IJ’em“Bii the; Y§ifi5ipIi'ri’e4%' * bdffl o~rJi¢i7¢:d"* or t5dIjendb‘bp‘¢i it rpi%fl¢”v$ide21ft‘B Mae‘ , bcitfitdg gta ; wbifl‘ ” 85?“ 5#§€4"I3- 2 V “ A A j A W i’ntgirdgE2‘;%‘ :1'1cI3*if? his awuszx ¢dLe;iio1rreAusi%int’6‘flm§f*‘ fi§edicfifiéfif4a‘*‘Hefs*m4Iv1I?5 FM WWI?‘ 4 ; ff¢.j>‘:*ml£“g§'e:;.V and %‘uo%fi:ciomp%reA:éncrr to be<:no%c“‘ finely fn9ing5‘V doi"i1g“"ibe war aur'”Maffer.‘ I‘tjisA‘4the Hypocrite that f&ji’”c%h“.: anddoth not, Th; Scriée: zgxd Pbarijm of phefg gimcs , $1353 A " ’llI;l%?$?iiZi?%llze4vJJwbwiysll luhdgvieiielwnm“ ldfidlldfl ‘l’\€m'bnl mm A filigwzlldelrsgylgut;ltbgj':glble§n[blit€:l_will lzzat taulcb ttbem :17-iltblbgze sof ‘tbéir fizz- _. %,Lge“r:,,lMa::t:h,zg.z,3,4. %Thg Accufeét would therefore do well - gofcornpare this his exprcffion wi:bbi.rl,fbrmer afiiontfiand then Jices whether %of=usA*’%t%wo% ldeferva the AA A . Hathfllhlis A ptemzce V farjuffiae and Rigbteoufnefalbeen pwanifefledlby ‘al peaccablelfpirin? V _;h;Lat1l1.iltn0nlled~hi¢m‘»tht0?ugl§l thelbloodpf K§ng:,4nd1Patentm-:, co. llaymthc houfe of“Peers-afide ..* andto winnoivand fife the Re- l prefentative lofthje people of England, and to bring %them,to an lhandful? vid.Speec?b I4.-:lU1Ygé7?C'..' l V‘ l V A Ye; the fa¢m.el.]ufi’ce and Rig?htcon_fncH'ctl1afilwc now define may» be cxahgd A-ndl islghat. w%o.xj:hVyl clf,j#flificatian in him 5 and ;candemn4tian in my P _Andllif', ch: Mlalgilflrates will faithfully punilh wiflble ,mgfmyri4ge:,weknow who would not» golong unpunilhcd, v and charm fame purpo{'e,and yet but mcte to them in the fame n_1eafui'e that they would have llmeafurerd In tbleguiltlcflii, which Wcltalie %to%bc, agveryl1§ig,bf¢o1fij»udge22a:m, Métth.7;.2-. Which if V the Magillratel will dofire11:3}:-fitwilfailideézceIooe,and14otlv2ztrea',to punifli Wber¢:£b£rez1¢lcauf€%l: let: the perfon B8 i1=:v¢r To great; far 504 batetb allworkers of iniquity, Plal.5l,5,l accepted: net tbelper- [an laf’ Prime: nor .f'l4"glt1T£:l“8IlJ‘fl7E rich man ‘t'b‘fl1"‘n‘tb-Ve paar, Job 34.19. Rzfszmutian, bad better lzqgin , 4tlll?l)l5?,M4}‘9titi¢lStbailtbel Mino- "'*i93$lAn d that by hi3 airncvzifi/fi;9?1#l Vid~;15i‘3~»vR°m°"+ Albmfil Spfeccbg Izzdéedltbimirtbatlmbicb dub mafldecldré ltjbeAAd4&zger pf ibat fpirir, fariifzlacfe were lmtNatz‘om, I mean the inflancefl bum: ' A giver: you lvatb of aim‘! canfiderqtidmf And lSpiri!84l 5 ‘If; I [ayg the} A ll.xverl¢£ut,,Z‘-Zleltians; »1_I9€y?j5W€f_Q to lie: lg! lalam’; _Noltiq;:;l iaiurljzazze "lbw % Iljem lb‘a§rbap:gbgm.l‘l1; . ‘ l I W ' W J l l " l R a Rlefmd-»Readm:;—fiitél:vl l""‘lli6lrtll§ll§nbW lchlal meaningpl chislhudlcdlDyifcén~1%E{e_,. M feaf, Mtjhere is_ fiametbigg of {elf Iyctb at the bdttame, if we coxildl‘oh ck;-. ‘co meta it '5 but at ‘pr;-9 fin: 1431531‘-1.’? —perccive he; co;n:¢nlc*~m lhoul1d»wi£h Dllwidgl keel» mm: mzb atlW¢lni=y .be:dumb /ilmcel, l.and.,h9ld 9!#hmig#c:l¢v?¢fl fwmgeodlrverdr; A . t,§°“g.bii? razvzffa3d.lg?i¢fl#»io’hkiaWall “39”T-‘tga; Ttihs. far l xfilacéthso 91!?§lll.5!?T¥l:ll19l~1l€:fl9l1 Plcéfi-'d-tv*%iLtl*l {dmT§l.;fa:tllhe . % -».(13) . A » % ggrgitent» §§*¢.fi1*-A2916 be thcftifijfifi Of the Mdgifirdtetincauragemem, *Bizi:"v6hat~fGl10WS? ‘ ‘ V A; I A ~ Spce,ch. Bu?! when ;t_ ey,came to%fucb.a prarfhgeg ~ I I(e{pan.; Whatprafiicé? ¢ Speech... Ana tel/AU S..L % x¢;ma.A 1; cold you we a:¢'u1d find romeafig .f:;,,‘;,r;,,.;,, bommé; he waa.con;ent that we Lhould imitate Davida: afore. 'faid_.%,% bmzif we once come to "at? bin: \ inch: “third val-(3 af that A 'P“falm; w'z..That our beam Eegzn onceito wax bot mitbin ,3, wbgzjf me am mu/frag. 0 ~ thew Apoflate afiianr cf the /1T??1)'iI21bc[e timer; And Ehattbefiieof -t«::al%to Gad: glory», and the atiam good Eve findled fa in at, at tbat we are Aoanflraimzd to fpeakwiw our tongue , (What A,“ in V tefl US.) This a%mou%nteth%t:o aCiw‘_1 Tranfgrcfi-Eon to form: pur- pofe‘, and worchyco be punifhed as a wfi‘b1emifcarriage.. Bu-e _ wha; is it that we are {dbold c3tell 2 A ” Libeffy Pf0P8fI}V, did 710? the bgzdgg; 1 Kingdomeaf Cbrzffl‘. Refpanda This we fayfiisfcafzdaloflx; for‘ as as the Rgyal Lan>;ofj‘eiI:oiIa1b dothjncither dcfiroyL:'&my nqrProp.ergv;and than A V being the Law wefhmd far, it mufl therefore u%navoidablyfoAl-.-A low, that we have no fuch ‘pri_nn;cipIe,% and confequencly ;g;[m'We_ A have ufednofucb mpreflians. Nay,AwcVare%fo farfrom faying [0, as ‘that; we have declared ‘our dctcflation thercof mall the world; %Il:Ais likely indeed we might {ay,that proud , tyrgmzigal, aPP*,»¢»fl,',,g,- and perfeculing Magiflratex , neither Lard! , ca'aetaur,%orA 7Apafl4:2~V V‘f.A*!’W1¢fl¢¢A1¢ WISAfizheVApgfl1§.F4;!!{~9flegi¢t%Ah;, A Prie/I1, "neither griping ‘ fqueazing; or deep ‘ L. ,5, j badgrsof 4 that Kingdorée. W And fo indecd 3$’2‘”.§zg§?’Z2’m.‘§§ touchAthe‘frec-h%o'Id offom V V ~ M A . “‘\ ASpeccb- 71: ten U s, T124: in}ie4dofi»reguIaLing~ Lam Lam. ~§"‘¢V155?¢5*0g¢19daAinde¢dfubzrerted.,; A % 1, _ V _ % %Refl7ov‘¢-A our bltfffid Saviour ~t¢11,¢th: the Scrirxbcs and Pb.-uiifcw (HYP9°“i“5£ ]u“"5'A‘5'3=4-:45:9e ©‘.h3‘MA§h9Y bad"tr:nfgr€lTed~ A % ‘h‘§‘1;‘fF’Y“1, .“%’V°f% AA§,nd:A,A%;1113€1,¢ mu: e;fi$:é2~byAAAAé%A%itheh§ W A _ ‘X bf ‘Md "‘."."*?'?4.f"’? AA"‘F”"-c;% have not done) isfiill ti) be efleemed‘ as’EabylanVVi[b,and‘,21nz£- Afid the like may élfo »bc .{aid in pa-iVr;t of‘ L-QNI.S?Hr.f K?CH¥2f‘e«re&ed’¥ zvzmraAd,%Gen~.;0.953%, r.;zzE,1izch;.-tVlmrsneglftt:hae %Magi%fira»tc=% fl§r®uVld refine may fly nmcb,” yce fit: is“ but . A “OE ? TB rfI‘BEL. :j; fox‘ whim there is any*Athi?‘§ in the m: ma; may hm terms-d+=~%HU E} 5;.’ ei‘ther;i**ri Civil or Ecs ylaziézg A rim: or..‘kEAZ$,'T- %c£:fmfkicaL4La2M.%,;~ th*w&:_ may [be%fé1id'l%3‘o* bk an"i!%eaf*fQr%Vdétrzzfiedfijom» ~ my fa dmng-bpi4ng ghemfgrlves under«die““ Curfi» ‘of God, 1+9smm.m.2& ;aGali3AL‘.mo. ] ) A _ , M _ Tlhancfmq W~e:;'m&y~* ~F&féIy9 afwf ; ‘$53’? B31 how Chg , %prcfcnt Magiflrates of; this %Comm‘QnW€3Tth¢ a {a;.>¥i.:£2-g%fr<:xnn, A A "9hisI’re%decéflA}>rsA, A No Bi/Mp, no King , Tupp0finAg ahvis ‘€T’1\L’z"1§31tE.S'Ttc) lye in holding up “UP1“e;E§'L‘;g|‘C4Tn a ‘7m€‘f.e‘ CROd~C;#CHMENT “zU§pOfl %thL=e~ H.Ez§’.NL‘E ‘‘ HRI3:T.ig gCl1:i;Pc_co11iinVg £0 cak-ebé%0WN,,% i“%»»{b.¢a};:e:%~z1i;2exe»tfiraer in _‘fA’gain(faich hem) yhofe who wou‘1dh~av[e ‘beam mxrflgprtflaw W??? 310:4 ‘."{ W infScatland,but um and bath crufhed me ¢co;1;m£ceA4m:h:them, t*1°*~=*"*1<= ‘s and fined the pit with thcirdeVadAA‘b@%di,ning of ‘ljvkanny ifs Lajitglgi , and all according A “:oyCaz:e:4‘ar2t: As if7m-an had fworngto begoodA;o;%bem[21vér.AL A‘ A “ and to be true tocheir oWAn”irziere[i all their daye‘s,whicbfA{ure1y “ nonc need to be {Worn :0. Thus mans minds and judgements ‘C are diffemperedhy their luff: and imerefii , which makes them “frameaway farG'edr:¢2proc:edi2z. “ A O V M A A AA A _ :; A.w “And phisislzhexeafon (faith hepagg2§‘.ofhis%Sermon‘?He6g :?:h°ffi.“n:‘ ““‘ 12.27.) . cbac ‘gm,-Lord Jafus by his (fl/IIGAH T1 ‘POWER, Aat ,ha§§§,n; ° “ his bringing in or his vNq4omBLE KINGDOM; 1 will A AA AA .“ fluakey the HEAVENS and %_£h»sE¢4RTH of ckm-:‘1\7ATIONS’, A A “evenAbecaufeincheir *% P1{E.$ENTAC0NS7AIfTfUT10;N they age DIRECTLY PR eAMED to the ”=INT'EAAREST 05" “AAA.Z\TT~f.lCHARIST, “Which by Izatable.-A ad?.umtAage at yl:hA¢i‘t.‘AN I “MFIRSTAOMOAULDING, and CONTRIVED 1NszNvAe— A V T I ON AS ever ‘fin-rA:e4,. hath {o*riz2eted‘A"it~ felf into che#Averyi - “F’UNDc/5fMENTeATAAL:S’ of themAsA that no digging or Mi- ”m‘ng, without an ALEAR‘IH,QUA“§K'E will cafi‘ AupA:he, *W§Aat,c;1you “ FOUNDATION 5" [toner rbmaf%, becaule as is their itztereff :*h.=:m foun‘dJ.- “ for is their aifing , the prefem power: of tbe ANatim: fiaindsw in @055 Wfléfi? DIRECT OPPOSITION to the bringing in ofthc A A DOME OF CHRIST: A A O A A A A A A A Again, Page 27. of that Sermon. ‘Are not moi’: Potentatcs AA “ tycdby OATH5‘ orOTAAl-iER. COMPACT, to mAa.intainA either. A EidA.Art-35'- “ the WHOLE, or fame par; ofltbe OLD TOWER, undérAAthe;A *”"""‘3m‘m“""A mmeaf RIGHT OF HOLYCHURCH , Prélat: , rmdtbe lz/<9‘: Reader cf: m~ are thcfe fir “ And cAanfarA1y expc& that fuel)‘ «:5 rbefe fhould cake up the A §mg;3,,S Wm, “" PISED QUARRELOF THE SAIN TS, againfi that FLOU3 Aghclate cranf" “ RISHING QL}‘EEN?~Duu5II£flE’ NO SUCH FRUIT "‘VVILL* A _ _%“A O W T"”PLA E ESAA,» before‘ théy: AAAsAsrc A A «Tp1RoUGHLY“ SH AKEN. Alicarnal Intere&swiI;1dAcAubt-A A %A“leffebefl1aAken v{(icf&1chat%Aof&Ba6ylm. Many.Oo£A“G0dsA,peopl¢e) AA " m » A A‘F'areAnoAt weAAai2edAfron1 zthc Athings that are few. N [0 focA)ner is on: “ACARNAL*A F0RMA4AA5HAfA¥¥AE1$?AOUT; b&1¢th€yOar¢ rfiady I0} ‘Yea ‘tvjftzvarm thémfeI“ves'in Atha K us it no, .2, a, ‘FFEATIHERED NE’SA5FS‘:A*F‘ 3‘U1N_‘CL'E‘é;Ai-T.A* mus; «A ‘AHA 3<_a,i_.s day. V A,‘%‘ffleD&mOOinian within dam _., and all C152/fl "Damizzio‘rz that oppoy A f‘[et{;4Lnr£.rl2a;:tdoor:, fha_1’lbq{hVak<*nO_.. % A A IA A A A4 A NOW A A . A 17» « _ ‘A V ‘1 No~,mi~.efe:1::ings rmzfcx glued alfo to xncfzs cart/:l}vvpofl}flEam;*44A I 34 {=h,3% {$10135 of the g,',»d_, * of prey having‘firmIyvfeizcd 052 thcmgtha: j"‘WIao are % %% ’Reader.confic}cr che{&:%exLpr<:!T1or:s of Mr.OwmJ' fériovflysangi than thofi ’bz':«'dr ;¢%2“»‘1qEfI”,,z{/3:‘ ms:-.'fl' 4% ;’?'§J.«z.~*é w wits’?! diam. ‘ afpreyjmd Arcii me: vvhetlzer he had not a good ghe{§ of what: we have flzcn fince dier, przeffa thepréaching of theft Sc:,rmo’n3,comc~co pafs. I%pr’eflIme% MLTIJ-9. and Im- Agggdfiin and Himfclfl am, Iitcic: thought then, that t'be£r'awm “word; 19? fhould nowhave been brought in“tejf£manj4gain.f}t%la:n2. A ‘But, ‘ ~ ab:/amr: of mm :25 deceitful 44500: .217 thingx. A Now that this jkaking here fpokcn‘ of,‘ is not to be taken in x 0z£s:e"n’s féizfi, p.14. of that sermon, (whcrq he Fai~cha’It%is not a ale- ,flrza&z'oze, or tam! .szmotz'an{of thfixgrtat tbmg: of:h‘e~N;r.c1§:9ns,but V a &,m,g‘, tnmflgtian, or new ma-[ding of them, ;ha: is Where incimze ted ; they fhail (faichhe) be fl1ui°Hedrogether, "' ahnofl into their pri-rf "210; also»? rr1_icive_c%onf*Ltfion; and come out mm molded For the imzercfi of the gethcra if * Lord Icfixs. Again, all the p1'cfenrSca.t:cs of the, world are cemented f7?"W~ E tagetlaer byflzstitrlarsflima lime, 585C; that urflcfs they bcfla fhakcn, as mhave every cranny‘fimrclard '1ndém[]9mf,chcy will be 2m quiet: Nate the ljé;bi“tar«io%n for the %L:oz.d Chi-ifi and his People) I~»~«~r:hus anfinicr: A ‘1imfl7~ ¢ if «I .4 1:1: cm’: the holy Ghofi Afpcikitzg of tbf:!‘.'1mC'W‘h€1‘Cin thcfi: thifigs flmll be a¢comp1ifl1cd."(as%in Ifmé 5.1 7.)fa'1th , Behold: 1 mm A W A c’;s’aer:.r, and as 22:» mrtla ; (Mark) and tliefarmcr {ball mm‘ 5: 4rum£em1zred,mr cam¢;=“im€a~ mizd. And Rm. 2'! .. I . Ifcmr at new Iamwmmwl 2:2 ntwmrzb ; fartbafirfl hm vm (me?! the mrth A were pafllrd away. A If thcxz they ate flu to pafé away . as not to 5: = ‘ remembred, mm? come into not his ‘peoplcs mindes _, how %are% may ?%'.flC1F leg]? to be: refrained P }s it the intent of¢C”5od i;;a that t4:xc{ think you, cmely to pulldovwn the Titltzs bf %ICimg: , mask to fen lip aw ids: of Protcffor in Read them‘ F; or to pull downflfhaptaancl {E3}: g”f’ff“:SMi“' up afiaorola .5‘)*zaod%,% or Egmrt af Trjar:,in%Head% Athcreof ? 1s”that‘ W n «ymr £:m/I9; ‘wiacrcA;;»,»;m:- xmaz-;m;@~;;«z;» Alim-’ ism b¢takcna‘way P ml mm 1 am fi.1 re , the hoIy;C'3h%o%fl {idea }<&ing"of %t%hx:%dtRxu&ion of B5216/vlaa2,~e;2:*zin.% 1 fm',L1 _.},-*; I 9 %&»::. faitmthmr it (11211 bc M1556” God o*vc‘?t/arkw Sm ' Ham and Cu?'a7izer%7I:;»w.ha: it flmn EVER éeimiméited mar dwelt in, fVa%w%g%en¢ra?im'%M¢gt1¢£r:;zidm"8C6. as a"lI'og t_ba :l:e w.i!lmt ‘ malqg ii]: of mflawa ;A A give chcd}: Cf=:a- A V rafifirs Arc‘; the £1:2é$zvn4LAw%: affinglwda (38 he is :p1w<‘:aAfidA.€0 ttrmx th€:AA_Lr£, ‘thflilgh AI’:himkQ*.hey was never ye; defined A)% AA,as;.+ §D.zz;id A hath A AA ‘ A A A Adam: A a;9.neAcAotha Laws of God. And 1? not, than IdefireAtA0 know, AA A-Wlgetbei” of the we ought to be écjflknowxéz mzram, and pm‘ in ‘PV[{EZ‘jc5’ A»): m ; or why the Law of‘1\[,oz¢-we Aougbt not to be the Rnclc and Sqmzme of mztuml ¢zuS'fz‘om: .~ whzch that the fidzkial Law is, is Clearly proved from Kam.2.I4. F07“ Auflezz the Gentilw A ‘ -that lqzgzv mt z‘.1:reL¢zAw , Adid 5] mitmre the thing; cmmined in t.b3* Egan, the/7: having met the Law, are at Lam: mate Atlaémfélws, wlaich” Afbew the war/egg of the‘ L,/zwAfwr£tz'*eé2 in ‘their hem'Ats,f their coAAw_{2'ie%ncM 1% m{foA émring them wz'Atmj3, mdb their tbopiglats in fine memz time mam» fimg orAe.x‘c»v»_/faxgg one ¢mat.A’0er.A b And What Aonhesr Law W as this be fpeaketh of", then the Law of God 5’ ' ‘ Agamgwhat: otberALaw' was the and execazted by the rigktéowrjwjge of z«zll~t19€ warr'ld,(Gen.I I ;2 5’ wizilsom a Law _:,-= and is it; to be conceived that he would judge by any other Lam? then 1115 mm .? and was that Law (as [Q the Ci?/2'1 Apart thereof) A ever yenrepealed by God or Chrifl? A Nay, Adoth not the Lord Cbrifi tell us bimi"e1fA, At/Mt he came not to de... ‘.fl7’Q}'tbEAL.~’z3Wb-3° MatthA.A.S .1 7,1 8«,I 9.} Yea, {'0 fax: was be from {Q »bbdoi1:g‘,AAm;rhat“conAtrxrAiwAi{’eA beaffirmech «, A that who/bcverjkauld {¢7“e.vt1Qi’.52e Jéuagftl of AAAHIBW, 2a’2é:i\tmc‘/ameia fir , [hall called 1.”m_/fbzifitnbe lwzgdom cf 136%?”-»A A A A ‘ A A A . A " ' A I would gI.adA1yAknoAw then , by what authority fram G"od,A any that.accom:A1At tzhemfialves C‘/oriffimés do m::z@ Lmw for t1oeirfIel- ianz—'erw:;gts and fuéieffs .- yea; is it not dearly evi‘dent,tbat by A A A A A A 01;! wafldjudgad by,:hen thfi A A Aafore-faidA!azwAAaf Nfltwre? Dombtleis they were not condemned A few» doi11g;At11eby zafuarép the AmlJarz‘€)'Aa11d~Pmaaer of Chriébthc nlozw AAL:m7-gi*zva?' 3’ And: ‘but ‘am’, then not two or more; Yea~,d0.thA¢y ~17mAt3by ib delng, afierlarwze and«Adegruwlc the Lord §ef13s of his Le- F fffflystorfliiyr 211'!d']Mdf¢5‘.oZf#r€3 which the Z‘Xszrl;vcr ba:11Agi‘.~en unmfi A bi“zim?»A_7ola,3.Am. = /Z2z.9.6.D:m.7.13,;;4’A 1 1A_:;,IA,,15.A * 53521.1 1.1 5'A.A:-mud 17.I4.a11AciI9.11,A1(i. A A A A A A/+*Indbed,vv ere I at CQ7:ffl.6£.%*ti?70p/631 fhould not xni2CbA w?cmAderAi‘€ Arbe: Great 3? m~l,»_a11dA his Mahomega1g~C1ergie flxouldquefiion me A A fmwbat Ibave fzxicziin mfcre11ce to the lm-%.sq]9*(='9:oalA: hilt to heat A :1 (‘Ari/Ems?;7l4»zgJiAmz::‘9*$€c.%b conxmain-m ~tl1eZawx qf~Ga:1‘,A. and“ A AAmag111fiebth;e blzzwx of’ Heatkem and A;¢z~ic1:2rifl‘£.rm3~ above them, A Av is to adwirwtzarz. But I hopcibt wbi11A1-mt be {Q for tbeAfm;uArc. " AA A And hence it was,thargodly Dmwd complaimzzh 0f ‘fi:1cb “per-~ £0135, faying, Haw 10ngA1w'lZ ye judge .wz_i:/zfl1}*,az;2:i flcccpttlmperfcm A D2 A A abf (2o> FL of the wz'c:Q,°.-JZ.” 531%’. _ oP1"a1.82. 1?-F‘, 85¢. '% Again , fiiith hé T59; ](_i¢0‘W'i20Z‘g nezriacro datbeyzmderfizzml ; t/rvey via!/{tn alpzrkvzefi, M A- 7% ~ga'i~n, .Sal0mo_1zfp€aking 1:0 the wI;m{.é pack of thoie L7!/[.»:zg;fz‘r¢zte: A _ xx:ha.zconta1n1no_te the Laws of God, 111 chap. 6. of ms book \ I%1:1ed.W}fdow, Aiaith , H-M7"; 0 I(z'mg;r, and zmde;g/hznci 5 lmm,}e%o ~~:lmt are judge: of Ike em‘!/9 : give e.¢zr,]e l‘/M1.‘ ride the peapzg, and £107); 2'22 t/as %¢m[z".‘tm2’e of .~mtzfa}2: for power :2; given ymfiom the «Lord, and fiverpzzgntyfiom r/Je Hzgbefi‘ , who flmll ff} ja;z¢r\wor@', 'a742z.rJ?.'o~f€r»:r4"[9 A]/-am“ camzfle/5. -% 4B€¥’.3émf[é, é'7a1'92g minflilefi of @;¢g.- damfle Imzw 19o¢f]Mdgc’wl m'ig»’9t , 1201' lzfpt the law, nor uwzlked atfier rim: cozwj2=[ of Gad 3 /Jorriiily gzmiflieedily will /:6 some wpozz yaw :* _ for ;i flmr}2 jmdgemezt [hall _6aKt0h t/oém in plm'e.i'.$~ Fair mars} jlm/lo. pmhrslme the MEANEST, £7142.‘ MIGHTY MEN flmll .6: .%TORMENTEDo.. For he tiiéztis Lord over’ a[l,[kg[1 fiaroo no maxi porfiw, neitkerofkpzll I95 fland"m'g1veo of-mm] mmgGr¢41»~o 4 :=2efi.- for /ac maria made tlaefiaw/I and ‘g7’1£¢%t,~¢t:¢2’}v£p1?‘étb-f0?‘~All2sz[i@'. o BUT A SORE‘ TRYAL SHALL % "COME UPON 7 THE. AMIGHTY-r Z5-W0 J0” ¢k¢’7’4?'f0?"€g 0 Ifingx (faith he) do I /jiawzé, tiwztje may lama wzfdavm-,o and rzot~_fall mm}. For t-1:16)! 2:194: Qep Iaalwincf-3ba[i{7,fh$.4zllo éajfldged /10! yo; and time")! tr’mt% /oat?/e Zmrzveul {ac}; tbingx, f/7.41;/ll%mrzz%$ ‘I51i’Il-Wt‘ to z}22fwer.o Wérwqfb-rejétjagor dfiéfljon; M V upon words; defire them, and yeflmllée inflruiled. AA 7% V ‘ ‘ Anddoubtleféo, the refuial of fifizch Iwzfiirrztéfiaazs will be the caufevof that HORRIBLE DAT upon E.h€.Kz?¢gT5 of the earth, «and the G7"£?i7Zt ..flJ£?2;, and the Rich .2!/./m,%ando the CM-,=fo‘ C‘,;,;...o .;3tm';z;¢,‘a1ud the Mgbzy _Mm, oRes_x. 6.. where th€y7a1'E’: V Ihido E0 o/aide t/aemfélv/ex Minfihefw da:¢3_£ilndj?ac.@‘oaf the mw¢nta.:'n:, 1 audio fay to the Rocks andMoun{;ains , Fall on m, and hide m «M A flaw tiiefdcus of /aim:/mt fitter/9 upon the t/flme , and flaw oriveofawc of t/M Lmw£v .:. fir‘ tha gram? 61:2)? of 12;‘: wmtlo zéicamég am! w£2o]79}u’i' A éakzé/e%raflazmd?% V > ‘ 7. o % s A . oA11drxgechinks therE:.%is«-very much % mtfm for {och a judgment M V 3:0-fall upon them.“ A,For;, arothey anyAmorc’the11 she fl/2'i22zfle2".s‘ A agfGa.c1,§asaforefaiod _? as a1fooi%nRom.13.4. And is in pofiiblc ‘th€_yfl3c:»1Mfld obs Gaafswizzfflerx , (as they prete11d)_%w=hi1i’c: shay wzazég and‘%e.wc;zre t};zm? om»: 'U4’in77k.4ditiamx%%mgd In:vmtz'amV§’" oS1'1£e... \ 137 130; ~93 - And therefore :"ee:n,g, tho gym; Law is that Wm they “;m'—: tiound ia¢oFXd2:ry'a11d].%rv:'ce to ;zdmoz‘nz'fz‘.crV, as they account; ‘(F13 mw .(21jh. _ I thet1i{'eh?es* Gad: mimjfz any , in reference“ ta Cm‘! aflizirs , why A ought not a1"lICz'ng:4 and‘; Lmar: (P1a}.7.1 o. Zep,’a.2.t I .) héowttoh 1t,tas tine onagykzzle of rzgkrjmdgemgnr .? For5~ast Mr. Aflfiinvml A 11p0nD.»m.7t.We11obferveth», '“1he1.2tw~’s bf."n1e‘nd‘o‘ hinde i137 to be fubje& to Authority fo1*ctt3nTcie11cei'-Ltkeg xzithht-.*rAa.’.}i=;:e:la', ;.ir_1 doing what they command according to Cthrith or elfein t 7. iufiermg. A And then: Law ts fat1sf‘ic:d,1f wc:i'uff'erthe penalty, A t_ U3 preierm 011: co;¢fc2}mce: zmdefiledv: ‘But It is not fO'W1th the comparifon of the forefaici Rfayal /szwof felzamla thehdrd Chriflfi. Law of God. ‘If God c0mmt'a13d,We may not fay-$117+? 2225//fat]??? tine p:m{;'7J7m_;~2:far Caflfcieficefltkg .- for there‘ can ‘be no caywfciezécjtg, % or pretence af canfiiwzce, agaitait an}? Law of Gad. ~And’th€r€fb_re all /azmzmzg [mm ought to beflig/zvteoi and ca:m”e’m72aal,‘aS fazm':'e.r,i;1 T/Jomgfa mm» éyfbme" 7m']1a:pp1.ied.t h . ' SP*‘-T65» t ~ To this claufé let Mt. Owm {peak Fortus, in his Sermonupon 5%,, ‘ Ez,.«.—@1 7.24. page 2_o,&'.C. Where {peaking of mi,"-app[};'zgg of Ailrlsc «ref? thmos b the I’atw¢mte;r 01133 world hciiaithh “Then: from the W681’ B43!“ V« *3’ y~ ’ ~ ’ lamflo .4 d A _ “ tCC)I'I‘UPt10n of the hearts of men, fquarmg the war/;»_5 of God ~ 7‘ J 46110 their ymfig;«,g¢f2(g;, mrmpr z‘nterqfi‘:‘a11d prz'm:'z'p[es , they £72‘ Ai2L.*”rl0':'z%{3i-3 “ arefbld withthe wiidom of God , and conclude, Thus: and #3; thus things oxaght rt: ée ; orderirigythetir thoughts for the molt ‘ ‘ part according to their _ca7”rz¢pt ahd c¢zr:mZmizIm2tzz(ge:‘,8CC. And V “ this7(fai:.th hc)hmake,s% them {ramw :2 :wggfor Gm! rat framed in ; _ “ which when he alotlo mar , how aré they fmprzfid .1 Menttakc ht“ up Prirtctiples thehywill adhere unto , wife primip/ex, farféarlv, “M yea, and war] mjg/oteam we all 1:hi1]gS‘WhatfC)Cv€1‘ multbe A “""fq‘uL1rCd‘£lCCOrdi11gtotheir tprincipie ; and ifany thing be “ 2a:rM,.¢z/cm c.o;mwzry , even by GM }:émfi<»lf,howV d”i1}1ppoiht€d J“ are they 2 ~ t ""*Th'<2 moPc 2‘7'cme2¢dom_7'z¢a:qeme;2t of God i‘nt%hi.;W0r1d,i is 1wEfl»'9_,/am ?“tI1e12»zr::{2;i;¢‘g tfl9£’lJ£’a17't.*b' of men :1 this;_fmZ;r tlaemnrp, For the moi‘: _02xe ‘bit. 71'” W: F“ part, For aigflméiim, 8:-.2‘. As: for iniiantct : look on Pimrmnb, j'j“"“*’~""'P”“' A ‘.‘ of Wham it is mot} fl 91.411)! [;?70l-zgizg thait God l5;.«wl:»2.ml 1:225 !mzrt.t«t _:a.rz}.2.s'zhm .,. . , . . ‘ Camiiziwz. 1: “ How “did\I:h€T..OI‘-C1“é1CtCOm‘phsh thus ? %P;’:2,¢molatit:tsh1m:’~e;~1f up- V A = ‘ A . A “ Cm rggkretayag Pr.im;‘i'pIw'»A,fT as et<:;r‘a1“2yh of ~t}.’lc‘fi firms-zof men V “could do :°T01‘1eis,7 -Tim: it éelékgr to the chief Ruler ~apzfl2k¢.- ‘ CW lc?30Wi “ OZ::l<‘éomzd: mtifi not be lyra/giz up 3 %On:z’er mat’: 11 on be * di W» ‘A Laws mzziffvéeil 3 let. God appear mrverflo emzhmrl] , {O mightily, they not be 1,720-_-M_ M lam agczmfi, “ keeprup their Pfimiplw : What is this, but jflilifiifi//Oilfdflefi? get zbm be S‘ And*-this, I flay, 15 one réiafon why the a6’cings of God in fuch ‘ ?z:w:r' fan *1‘ Eli" flay as this, are ibunfmed wit/a 2‘/0:: expeflzstiom of mwzg they r %‘*W~’7"*”"'J’ 7” “1’quare}a.£¢ worktQ;t/oeir imerefl: and principle: 5 which it will flm Lanawp CC ., ‘ dfldof ?20i.££7¢fi?.76’7'. ghflfi. , %.V _ _ H% E _ ‘ With the preffmtflazte of tt_fi%z'r.c m 1'}.}IaS'fl]\fZiti0Z¢, arid than judge whether-the": I-" /2 /.ia’a22.m"c“/a]—7¢2e;¢,%or% then‘ eflccufér, ,5; [he 7»,-»,-if. ;zppZic‘7"5 heipeakezh of : W11eci1crVthe kgrzowrz law: of ehovah New Reader compare the p;?efe2:zt wmvkof‘ Chrifi in the world A « thellord Chrifl, O_I"~th€ ~@¢aa.vm law: of Ezzglnmi, he fitte§? far%tke_ fif;/9 Mflfligréhy, or Gawmmmt of the algixggdam of C/arzfi‘ , ‘which he himfelf hath foe long cameffedfar, ‘or at 1631’: pretended for, *% as hiaDec:1ar-ations and Remon{’cranVcc:s do c'lm'rl}' evidence. I 5} 9604311. Ef]2eciz»z?l} wl:'m"¢ eweiryflanc 1:55 tmvmd to firing in Caxzfzfirm 3V ms [1 1/73 mrrtk even“ y M¢ggf4fl7‘flt?! 6“0%P:?_/7‘6i{e7x.¢ztiaz¢. % A Rafi. It. were good it. were known by wlaomor how every i‘c‘ome is w’ ‘ fa mrm,=d. IF by the Fzft/9 ]L{am1r};‘}7y—me¢¢, let” either /9z'm]E[f, or any for Iaim-,fl1eW in wlmr, that we may make our defmce thAe;'e.% “ unto ;% and let us; not be accwféal, and maLmma;4A up011jeva'[vz¢fiex and fmvwzij%.c,or we lqaaw mt wémt,’ through fi‘e5tAz'lry afid cmniyg A fzg(qc§5‘z'a;z:9 which the Lord will one day gall to an account. ‘ Thm Reader hai} thou feenthe wlaole éady of hi»; Charge 21- §§a.i»ni’t %tl“1<.=: "Fifth ZMomzrc'/9}f~me;2 , vanifll into 22oz'/3.’:~rg : which doubtlcfs will !:h€Me’z.w¢t Op e"z2a’7f}'2»12.ez:z;rc27;2 that is formed @- A A gaisgfl jefixs Chris}, or r.ho{i;:_1;h2u: are fizz:/ofzéil £0 hisAAincerc:fl. ¢ Spemiin % %. T/31%, Ilfl-¢z}r,“1a7z'If [°.v5' worth)’ 0f the Mazgf/}rat¢.rcoz¢fide7'oz1"z'ox*.. Raj}. Q A It willbctio indeed , and the%re‘fm:eic was worthyof adaw-~ A 7’6’7?26’IW57”.>?F’26‘6’. F01.’ it 5.3 C€I'EZ?iI'!, Hth2‘Lt%dl]l' the preflznf fewer; : :12: .mr2~!a%arc: ncgw at rbeflalq: ;; andj therefore fuch wf them as ‘ F3-I¢fl:’{2‘7%emded~men%,e-awzam,proml,~ 8c?c, had need [0 1001:;/téofit % zliemg Fo‘r%.d0ub%tI%&:i‘S the SWTONE cm: am witlsrom /iémdx, grawv ing into fwio vs ./I«:[a.m2taz';2 as will fill the? whole cart]: ; and that W CVCH (23 even to théléreméjyzg pzwex atlcl mfmmg all their E*+Ii13gtl0m.sf,', ». whether they he Iran, Clay? 2'§7‘zt{.7,,f“Si!'U;€r, or Gala! : yea , fir to break them tn piecex, as to make them like unto t}5etc.!.mfi" of {£53 [mmmer tiorcfhmg-floor .- yea, tht: windt: of the wrath of the lAln1ig,;hty (hall 170, catty thczn rttvxzay, as that t/;ve~;tea:¢fnefi’, nota P/a.¢zrzj'pzz'c7:[,4 y-ig;d~,j,qpg«.g% ¢ ‘7xf1E1Vc of :h2;we1famcie.f, mightbe fqund upcgn your fpirirs>~; than “awe Mmay beathoughcmeet to rejoyce %wu;h fhglo u e— Pféflal 07.4-3 ;. 74_?79ofb wz%»/E’, :.¥1'./paizder the]? t/91);; ‘V fl:azll.;¢mz'm:/kzszd I/oe lawivzagfindneflaf dag Lard, 1 5 exprefi3011s iup.gj_9A. “ ;heWi]1A of ‘ /Jjfpacririckzl V been among) Hg pretended by Q“ 3f and fiompartmemtg the % rd 2'22 % %:?&H w 5 WW1?’