1-11 s MALES TIES Graclous Letter E c L A R Ar: Sent tp the HOUR of PEERS by SIAAI‘ 7 oH.7\£; 9 R 6 ~‘/\CI/'I”L,K*=. From C - i "W w» ‘ .., “ -‘ 4- " ‘AA ‘ « A A ‘ AA #17» Me, . AA _ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .,A1 _ ‘ ~. . ‘ » x ' . . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ AA .«v % H 3; a. . V ‘ ‘ ‘ y ' ,. «And read ir1AAc1pi¢Af_“10ufe the M of M235 1660. % ‘Dée Maflis, 1' Mfiii, 1660. £5eA fa-*rIl:wit5% I’%r“r72W1/tzr*:i Pizéliflgpd, far we ,m-mg 9]‘ 1/96 flare:/Z’, and S;:ti:fi:é?fa2H f 421:0 Kmgdam: Amltlzmt 2¢o’I‘er-~. {Em dyprcfiyme M166-f’ri77tm‘/:’Mr~afI/flew, A b » A A‘ A “ A 30: -BROW N B C/£‘ri7€-4. “ AP»~srl2m2~2»mzorzma. < .. ——.-nu sL5=naW,4 Prinzcd Iv}! «$525122 M;¢z¢.om§,AAa:::d Fr,:mcz'%.r tfjzmz, Nimzjztrrssm H¢.mf:~ 0?; Loam, xV66o.% h ‘Rd-Ac1‘s:Ae3 by At1f;C.L’0rdfiAin Par1iari1entAfl”cn‘sbIcd, A _ ’ *« ‘TIMI Ma Mzzjrflz';s*:»Gr:zcfom wlcmr wt.’ Dc:/amtim A CWTHE A H0u{C 0f Ce”; ‘And to the Tl1ere'A{1'embled. cHflRLESR- .' \’.«“ ‘ 7. andwcll-belwvcd4+C°fins, a" ' Trufly and Righs Wc1l-B=- loved; Ighc Tmfiy and R_igI1t‘We%1l-F beloved Cofins,and Rig[htTruP:y nd Awaiss Eaves? 3‘ we ; , Gmsét you %‘3Ml “We cam ‘-flat xmvma ’Ab¢t:¢rV*4Lrm~f0n%4, mg prm~mt’*e Qmff an ¢'f3d 04v C*%%“rm0nSu?fer%a ~—‘i.213gs%”:‘nd Ca12m’iaAi€s V,A :mdL§;ha:;*; ()t%1r¢ :2 jufi m%~«.m A a:Ezd£MA1:hri:y_ mil wifis (Ends % Bief; A rcfi-magi Cf) US*, V ‘ma are 2Ag;;inA‘ ‘T ask mwlcdgcdm awe Vchar; txutfimnjijty33234,d"1j;a>:riS11'iafl:iQ2‘:,‘which hath 31.. :, fiatA“$u-ndamcnf§1"”Laws of the Land :A And di Y3; by Birth Md We have ::zou;,;&»»:4 ax vc1~y{g:ana rm rm~us,‘ to call t0%youv%fhry0urheipin this compofing A A t%it:_A cwF0Lx*ridi~!r1 Dif‘tem%p:rsAand Dii7’c5i*e%}aé&i~‘ wnskwfibt Kiz2g;fimv,‘n which y0m*Sufl7crings are ms in ghmc }%.\W_§ Aluaxffiiétfieétrgone VOur S31? ; And t§‘aéi'fif(irc%4y0u7V' ;c:‘a?xz'a t _4 Em be‘: t'§A‘xcAVw m of’cpt"ppc%r ¢(3.<:aL1n{c§1*o1;s far removing thofe Mifchicgfsg and for £3:§qycg?:i ng4theA.likc for the ~fu*mrc:% Haw grmt a T rufl We rc.?pof7c in yicm % ~f0r4£~?1c;P§'£2ci;1rwi4z§g;a%n%d‘E{’ta3:;li«(hiz2gV~ aBlcflE=:d A W ca» 3.‘tid% S ccutifiy "fiat ch¢:,Kin gdome, ?WAilAl xappfiag _m~§*u Out Ei’%§1Qr53d A?%£da?a- 3 ”vT‘".w mzifi jfiuvfi, Wa mm“ m~m% gun v~.%:%11 d’ifc1mrg£ %&"w'ith ‘what juV{?cim ‘ A M mad A cm and WiI'do m‘c*.,” that becomes you, and mwuff alwaiesbc"cxpc6ted F:*c:;«m% you; and thaw yupon VyourVF.xyaexicAncep%Pmzzrw y A in; each och@cr-: And asthc wholVc:4I*§ingdomc Wi1l‘Ab1cMI§[Gdd¢fbr' yoggally fo _\Y/ct 4Afl1.a1E*- % Aho1cl..Q.m.’ SHF obliged“ in anAcf“p€ciaI man-r rm: to thank ym1»in [ p;u'ticu1..a'r,, accmrding « to the Affefiion ymu {hall exprcféf towards VH5 We need theA,v1::fiAcn1ar_gR defi1fe %A IIQA U~°;/ no purpofé H‘oxvCV;€A%£.5%« after thiglolfig 33;. A % Te~11ce,.VVjéhavethought it Our Duty to Dex. % €1%&i‘€‘* Haw +1nuc:Ii.¢ VVe d”c-:fii‘e% Vto‘; c01]t%1.§bm_;e "t%hereun=to~»}; and,?*7th2it as Vile czm néver giévie o%._ % v§e1‘*thev_I1op& it: go od timeto obtairn the%p0f_¢fi% T0fAtA‘h3tL B-ii8hf% GOCI and5Nature~ *1i3t5¥“?~d€0flAr dim‘ = 30% W€”d0{n1akeic ur dai”IySi 1iAttzo~the:DiVine‘Providentm. fhéit 'wia1incampamo;a tolls, andoursl-M6538, a5t€1‘f0~1?‘hg Y a“d,;$U"H?_é'rih‘g§”, A remmt 3’i“dvP'11t US 21 Qidifit fiafid Peac {’~:Vb%I¢‘;‘_*PQf.. % ft-Eflion ofrw tha:.>%@om:+ Ifiightf, as we B‘10ocTand‘fV"DaA1nmag¢ to ~OL1.rPeoP%1¢;3g is, ¢ pflffiblfii €10: W6 %d§ffi1'e1nore~to#cnjoy~ I th'<3n.«tl“1at Aa‘l&i*§_ *Qm~ 3ub;}é&S A fiwliait is. "Ours k,. ;na,y’¢A enjoy‘ what by (#1-gfi-’AW'*.:Ai:S Tfieirsg 7’ n ‘ 1% zifid“ ’e11tik‘c A Adi11iniflf‘:~i*ciQn,i 7‘of flfce U‘ 59, " AP i=iiro4ugh%ofi:., %~gu:d~ by extending ’§1_if Méréyfi Whclté M is: ‘;‘v;3fIt€_d: and dV"“e~fier;. 1 u M W . Anoplem their jufig, :A.i=gti<2;r1;t and Fun--P %d;tmenc»a1Rights~: _We%%doby=ch¢feP:eVfen:s ‘ Aeclare, Tna:gwe%do¥gr~anc a+Fme’%ana%t3e%» n¢ra1Pa%rdo;aT;%wiv~;&ch We are re‘adyuponde~ smand to‘Lpa~1‘s‘under Om G-r£€ar’SealoVfE2z_g~ Lmgz, go all _ S~Aubje8cs; bf w*hardeLgric%“¢ oi.-4 ua”1ityA‘ ver, who wi4thi n fo:1rtyL days after thepqaming hereof {hall lay hold upcn this 0‘ r Grace and Fav0u%r, émd fllajl by Apubiic‘ Aa ~dec*1ar¢¢ *t‘he"ir doix1‘gfo;An.d “A”tha7“t‘:th§y rqturn to th‘e'LoyaltyA and 0be,_d¢i.A- M wem~.‘é ofgpod Subjefis, {exec}: ring only {ugh A P<¢rfons task (hill hcr¢a:ft€r be;exg;eptc*d4by “ Pa”rliamé:nt.) TlioAf¢0n1y3e§§cep4ted,%% let“ all V Our 1diring‘SubjcV8cs,how f‘au1l:yibevc_r,reIie ..u;on7~ th‘e Word fof 1 King, Solemn1’ygivem bythis prefen'cDecIarati§m, Thaj: no Crime V what{7oever Committed "agai‘nPc'Us or Om‘: M A%i=1T¢yal%Fathér brefo‘rc thMePublication§>f this; % mxii ever we in judgement, on be b%roug.'..1t: Awuefiion againFt a*ny oft%her115c45thei£:aj%17c A cnTdamagem"Cnt bf , eithc_:r*in ‘tiient B % LiV€5a , 1 x li¢s+%inO4urA P0W€r)f9% to the$f%prej£. ndiceofthAei~rR€Putationss.by any R¢P1‘0ach (1a§i M 0i‘ Efiavtes, or»:(asAfwforch 01’ €’ri0nifiofi1%Vthc:refi: Our thflhenceforward an N%0t¢sAofDifcord,%Se- ‘AAparation; and %ifi"e renceV of PAa:n:i‘es b%ew ut cier -% AndV%becafi%fe cIje%pa{Iio%hAVandunéharicéblew A 15; Abolifhed among a'1lOur Subje&s5,whom e*41i‘Wi*€ and%C6n5ure%to aprrf«% A%Union V amcng themfélves u?ndc:r at *Prd%é&ion, for the RV€~fefi1¢m€nt OI" 00* JwPtARi%ghts,% andtheirs,ina%Fme Parlmment ‘:X By whgdyj 1:; pa mi the.VV0%rdAof a ixxg, W%e% will $be#ad-%% nefs of times have prddnrccd ‘{¢veraIA ions i11LR¢1igi0nf, Men are engag: geaa%zw $Pames%and Animoficiesagaimeceach other Whi£hWhenAr11€y H1111h€rcaft€run.iI€ in V a Fr%éedom& of C011"7€fTaAti0Ii»Wil1%bemm; a Lib€%*=y% teliflflr andrhax M%anA*fl1a114Vb¢ di‘%¥1ie§€»d%or (r.Ii'_~3-i)i A rfiilgnfarlDi&lepen«cesleeo'f Opinioniin matter R;e1;ig{*ion%,,r which do not diliur rheleiPe%il gf gheliingdom And that We fimll be ed Vgorcohfent to f u ch an A El of Par1ia1ne‘n:,as uP"o1i,Nla_1stur€_; Del iberation {hall be Izflfered to Us for the lu1l:gi'anting that Iridqlgence. And _ becanfe inathe continued Dilr’cra8ri- ions for rhény years, and fo many and great lilRevolu,ti0ns,” rnalny ii.C?rarms~2 nicl Pu rchafes of ?Efi~atesii” llativifi beegemlg rn‘ade:,tds, lainrby, many Pficersgl SQ11‘ldier§ and. .01: h are Wahoare "no w p6lfl'e’{Ted of the fame, ahd who may be ly- aebleitr) Aéiions at Law upon fevcral Titles A: We% areilikcwifel willing, Thatlall fuch Dif- ferences, and all Things relating to fuch Cirants, Saltfean Purchafcsyfliell be deter--» mined in Parliament; whichican bell pro-~ AA vide for the juflSatisfa<‘?cion Qf all Men who i Andiweldo further Declare , TbatWe will be ready to confeim: to any A8: Gr Aélsl of Parliament to the Purpofes aforelaid,a‘”nd: for (I4) forthe&fu*II Suisfaaion of a1lWArrea'rs dueto the Officers and Souldiers of the‘A-rmy un; derthe Command qf’V‘G_eneraIVA1V{onr'I»;‘; and _:hac%:hey fl1aIl%V,bereWCeiv€Jd into 0l1f3’€'F.Vi¢¢ upon A as good Pay and CQn;iicions¢ as;they‘ now enJ0y- "given unde2?uO*m* S zgn M4hfl4g,'i4nd A% Triézzy Szgnet , at Om: _Court.at; B_reda, Vt/9123 fiday of Aprii 166a. 4 22% the twclft/J‘Yedr of Our P IN I As. L O N ‘.17 ‘N : rintedby fa/an acockalad Fmn-r~ ‘I3't0’n,‘Printcrs to the Honk» of Lords, 16605..