...-oe-_ _ . . - J. ‘ ‘ “v 2, -ml . 3 --4 I GRAGIHS ‘. ,1. ~40? V v 1.. . ‘ ‘I m 4 - . I l : i L 15 -,.; k V as; .. .44 .;., ...«* .*3g,,~___ * m §m=.H. 0;I>’Le.l;aI;P’!0’.¢*¥’.»‘..1%x.r2~s1{§339?a?9§!§§¥"e”3F?§>A;’ aje ies an I ‘ u : ,w- “ ‘ . “ .. ‘ ‘ J ‘ ‘ 5 . ‘ ‘ A - 9; w ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' 2' 1'0 ‘ $ ‘ :3 . ‘ 3 -v .4‘, A v. w J‘ u. . .5‘ ‘ W. . A L‘ F. ‘ ‘K’ ‘ It . on the zgih, Bay of 4:;g:s[} I_6§o. At the Raging pf A OF FREE .B+4RDON INEEMPNJH’ ‘ I. 1 » at>ri;nc.ea»~+by giolm M and .€"?JI:i/Wim I -vi A V’ 4 ._ ‘ ‘ ‘ 0 fun u-av’ " .. *'~‘,,~‘ Q -l . as v 1“ ‘ 3 ,: “sh ‘ '- ‘ 4' "u?" '4 V, ‘o ‘-an «*3 _ W. arflxr, Prim .the'K1ng,s 1;n,o,[t VE_x;_cellcnt ;M.gc§fly,, 11,45 6% I -.....-..__._.......,___ _ v «_ ...u;. nn’lAI .p. In a .nLs..4|.un-' waxw- u h<’|A.Mr‘V*-lwhlh wk! on -4 MO» .u..A.n md~nn¢..4o‘.‘.' ..\nn4.u|n...Q.. an ,. ,.nI-In u. . #_A__ __.._hn_J .. .... .....,g--,: L» 2 P1t.&lrflw1;4t W é1€["’fi;0f’.17¢!a9”,‘15 ff? .a5’.éf£i递?££’f; gaafl i’ ~ .45? ..3Wf5f7..i€§ .a,t1flc>~za'a42zvq. ‘ ‘@f%’>=.;E9 A 4 % ‘J P. ‘I "‘ ""“'¢-‘ax... ah v u now... K .1 ‘ I)‘ “ 1"‘_“,‘.‘. J.‘ g‘;-‘_ ‘.‘ H “I I, ‘ A u _ , 3 .¢ I ‘ U‘. ' ‘n W * , L. {*.r"?%.:;;+;‘,'.§L;:~’.\:-.TrT.:... , Q! ~ GK! ...\~-.~ -2* —.:c~gw ' . 4m’ ' __ my)‘ ,. Flaw,-,_.' . 1;“ » - uA.',m,!7 §‘§v_n‘ amv F‘ .3.’ :« \.-_‘‘::‘.,fl ~, , . ll“, 3‘ ‘ If‘ 5 J." I rm‘ " -»-v ‘- “ ow . .. ‘fly _ . v ‘ .,N!.. v~ xv t‘3‘:.r‘ H - “ “,. ‘ ‘ « f“'w 1' ,.~« Q n..~ L. van ”' 4' % A A V T ::»«-.=:«~ ~ rt” In in '-.43) ‘K . “ (V on‘ * $ . H13’ 1‘4fl"«’/Zief 9"Wi0wr51?evcb to W HM es of T47‘/idment on the 29. day ofAuguPc 160. at the oftbg of Free ‘1’mlon;I demni§y;tndT V 0%5:lt*Ui0n,4nc/[c’*UeArdl0tber 4 My Lord.-r," and Gentlemen oftbcééwmfi ,.f¢,;,,,:,,,,,,~ I Withyohu, but never vvi-th more Have b'eeV11here;fometimes before 4 wilIi1‘1gnefs, than I am at this time : And there be few men in theKingdom, Wh0 havfl longed Jrfiore impatiently to hairethefc Bills paired, tha.nAI havedonc. ‘¢‘A°P3-fsthem; $131611hopc~theyWillbe4tI1e A2 Fm. . W \ ‘ v 31: e , \ 1‘ .- 1:“ '34 . WV,‘ ._‘ M‘. Z». ‘1 ¢,‘'«.\«« s"<_. m-“ g, m -y ' , ‘ ‘,‘ . ‘ A“ ~ 2 ‘ su ‘. 3, . _ My ‘.»‘» I 'L ) ‘ -' . .39., x.. . .4. . ;; - -V ‘ ‘ I . c . , ‘ 4» u . .' ‘ ‘j r ’ M - ’ “ ,. ‘ .1 ‘ " » 1% ,“ "' ‘*1 ' ~ _ --\ ‘ “ ‘ , M’ ‘ .\ ‘ __ ‘ , ...w ,\ /_ A W “ _‘ 10... “.‘ _ I , ‘ _ L-I ‘ I M 4 W’ n 0 " «:3 3;‘ V r - ;A ‘ ; ‘«;~w- ' 1‘ NW , ‘-\:m,,‘ . ' ‘ W ‘, 4,‘ g .‘ ¢ »' ' ~ .., . 9"" ;" ':\ ‘ ‘. . Vv‘ f; ., », ‘ r e ‘i '_ - '~ ‘ '1, ( ‘ ‘II at ' “ ‘r I'.V'-' . "“ :5 , " As: an n., -. _ ' ‘ ‘ Q I W w - _ H ‘ ‘I ' ’ 4. '9 ,\ 1 4 ‘ ‘ . . ‘ . . ., my “ I - ‘ - .‘ 1 ' ..-xv ' _ ‘ 1 V . H -‘A ,_ , \- .¢ , J *1“ ‘ ‘ . -. ‘ ‘ ~ ,, “ A ,‘ -~ \) ...‘.... y -_ .» - v ‘ ‘ J ,-‘ ~ V . 3,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘M .5, _ ‘_ " 5.‘-g ' ¥,‘ - “W 1 ‘ « :5 ‘,..;;j , V .- »¢u_ ;.,.,% 1 . .3 , .< 1‘ . ‘ I _ . . - z'am]a ‘ 3 ‘ wt. ‘ % ED Q ” ; % . QQSX14; ‘@f@da« W513?» 5% rm ' » *mt§rz% hflmvr * A éfififiiike; ef" % % :4 ‘ ‘ ‘ o_ ‘ v ‘ '. ‘ M El ~ mt m1=*rmmm%r « ax! v 3‘ , . ‘ .‘ _\ ‘ M K ‘ ‘ - J}: ‘ ; , .,, ;, .. w H ‘-3,, V t ‘ ' *7 ' ' at . - ‘ -, ‘;‘~« “ an ‘_ V; 'ff,"7,»,, _ It'll hi. .1 ' E. “ ,1 ‘I ‘ .. I 0‘ ,,,,.'__‘'n. gt‘ "‘»..v-q.‘»',.‘.3“ ¢ 2'»: ‘..u ‘- ~ ‘-.. an I. --.;€w -t , u in ‘ L t@>£:¢:»im:c,f'%;1m:’~ I "’ ‘ .V V , \ N" A vs‘: ‘ “ 3;,‘ ‘V n .17’. 3 ‘ ‘ ‘O ‘ "j "‘ ‘ M“ I ‘ .‘ ‘« “ f" X ‘ ‘ . ‘ <‘“ ‘. D. , . ', , Iv ' :“ ,. ‘ x 3 ' "’ Tr .. 2 ’, ‘ ‘ . 5‘ -A1 “I _ ‘. J‘ * . '7 w d ‘ ‘ . ,. A. \ ‘ v «, .- ., <~ 1? go It ‘ ,. “ W: .‘ . ‘ V .‘ _‘ “ _ 3 u Y ‘ ,;- I t “ 2 .. . -. “' . > ‘-1’. . ‘ ' , ‘ .-<. '-«-30* . ,,,_m ‘_ * ’ ‘ . ,4 ‘ ‘ ,~"\9‘ 1.'.~~ 4 ‘ '« r ' "I ‘ ‘ uh‘ «C ‘ ‘ A , I ‘ _. _ ‘ V 1“ 1 . , , - ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ \ ' ‘ “' ‘ ‘ I. ,‘ V ‘ I J ‘r ‘ v R WM 11,‘ - .7. '9 ' s 4 . 5* . . 3‘ ‘, f v . ‘ “ J 3; 3 11. H H “ -»- .. ~ o'**' ‘ 1. 2 ’ " '.'f« "H __ ‘J . ‘ . ‘ *_ ' . ‘ N‘ ‘- " '~~- 4- -n . .... “ ‘ J, , ~ *1)»; . ' .- A‘ %W’§1~ 1’—~.©wf feverm { gm; ”Se:%&gam.% a with this: jguift. awnc1?~nece$%‘" my 5; ’a:11d.;*IfIm~t;:% ‘mill in your Pam ‘ of p2mt1%c 94:: “%-mar 5,, t§1ia.*t.% “ W; M ‘C:§4:e.<11¢:,}g,:j1ary: Ce} ¢ _fQdi€ibus%, Speéc;h¢;:s.or" Vi t. ., be@1¢ne:»~:1;po~11; e.»w1ml. am-;~ Iri7ay¥o fl % i%,V%1“1t*!:5m.3s;..%§‘ %, 2&3 as¢~J§h®Mfe;* Wrh@~.. *3brea;I<;.' mtrr; gm 5i?£t§0K1’$¢Vs;%; ©a;.i11s::; “*3 tllaztyug wi1"iE"BVéh;eV€f%k£If;e:. ’W:h©g‘deh;g;ht. in. 1*egmacIini11g; amdi @7£i}4'ig11:'1§;r{%f‘e;'t*§7Or1n«;,,%A not ta he A ‘iing; almrfitfi I‘:aLT1En*m£%l’1t?%rx%1:a1'c~~1rpmmekthe* oEH£s,. Pfflflp-E6? than: E7ciu;; % +4 “ V H m:*w=%-V tc»:n:rm2af;c‘ Avmgwifefifi?” I I " hm‘ _ J: =: “ ‘ 3 K M I '3‘; ur . . -'¢ - ‘ 1 _,, - _ ‘Q - + , . ~~, .. .. r R ! " V " guwJ" ‘ ' 4»: A -C t ‘ I | . ‘ ! ,1 u ‘ g‘ 5 % % P ~t VB» 4w-* Mr’, Rh. " E '1: ‘ya , V 7t1'""”V;1l‘.1’fiU£-r»fi‘v . ~ "»&“ ':‘ an ' .. - . . . - , ‘ "' WES)“ ‘ %@17©}f“mm“@,i wt mi . ‘. '1 ‘.4 » ' r ‘ 0 y . 9 mto OW“ Co0§*€I’S? and Wifll Witllo aumy , it may to greata fi1ma”s‘ oyu .rCCkonoup,oO1¥‘1. A V tho wor1{b“e% well a,11do1*defly done,to which it isdefignfid: 19-In fure 1 fi1a11bet11*é richer by it inthe end 5 anduponxny ‘Vword, if I had owhéréwithalg, I would” my Self help you, o fo n1uC11 I defire_t»he, boufinefsdom I Pray’ Vm‘Y€ar11ef*1Y.% as=f'afl:asL Money comoesil‘-1, difchargew that great burthenof the N.’aoVy,; and disband the Army as faff as you ca11:; aj1d.’till you can disband thereft, makg 3, P1“0V1.fi0l‘lf‘O1_‘thCi1‘f11Pp0'1‘t. 4 I do conjure You.as you 10Ve1\/16, let me not hcar the noifeoofF1*ee—-quarter, V which will be imputed to hzly owant of Care anC1’Govcrnment, how innocent A foever I ‘argn 5 and tl~1ereforc: be furc you pr~e3zcntit, 4 1 amoroconadem of your among, that Dinner. (7.) that I will not any thing thait~im1n¢dW€1Yrelafesto my Self: vetlmufmllevou» 1amn0t1*Icher; that wave enot *0 much money my‘ ‘}3;1J!r{e as whenll _cam“etloy%ou the truth e1 we 1ivedp:~incipaI1y up» enwhat I brougln; w1th“l\/Ie,.;l“ VV11i‘cl1‘was indeed your 1noney5 foryou lfent it to Me, and I thank you. for 1t. The week;-V ly expenceef the Navy , eats up all youhavegiven ‘Me by tl1eBill of T011» age and Poundage. lNorhaveI Been able to give I my Brothers. one fhillixag fince I cameellmto Englmicl, nor to-keep any Table iii MyHouf e lbutl what I eat: j;1nySell7.“ And that which ~ltroul?3le5me~ Inofi, isl to fee many eFyoulco1neWto- l]Me to”/fliteiiall, and to. think that you. IIl1uf’c go. fame wliere ' elfe to, feel: I do notlmention this to you, as any ‘h‘ng* (A3) mg ‘t11attr¢ub1¢~srii¢» Wtiralsiés ofthe “:‘1lbhCka “ éaned .AwW%h§-£N.1S»~~1}€€§‘ airy A A PéAfiiC*i11é~?; %*3’11i%C111%“m! Hm IA%m%11,:d¢fix£. ‘’?F3 3*»